#and rise I mean so much of the crew of rise worked on past versions and even though it stands out a lot from different versions if you
hauntedshells · 1 year
it would be so so so RAD if we managed to get rottmnt unpaused while mutant mayhem is going, I mean, out of the 5 tmnt shows we’ve had 3 of them have their wanted seasons canceled, the bayverse sequel flopped, and the most hyped tmnt show as far as I’ve seen is 2012 which isn’t an amazing look considering some of the concerning writing decisions in that show. a new wave of turtle mania over 30 years after the first wave? a new wave that doesn’t rely on the shredder coming back more than william afton and focuses more on mutants and their communities? with the turtles looking distinct from each other and the shows themselves being stylized and fun? with a black april and a crew that genuinely shows a lot of love for the franchise it’s building on while creating their own world and lore and really having fun? two versions that bring the fun and silliness of the 87 cartoon and the 90’s movies while also having the dark, gritty, emotional, and horror inspired elements that have been baked into the franchise for years? to have rise and mutant mayhem exist at the same time would be INCREDIBLE my autistic self would EXPLODE to see this rejuvenation. all the people complaining about the new versions who are claiming to be fans are ridiculous because mutant mayhem and rise are love letters to the teenage mutant ninja turtles legacy and I am so excited for the direction this franchise is going
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shoepolishpolice · 2 years
Part 1
I have thought this through and you know what..I think we can all get what we want. I’m going to breakdown how they can work with the storyline they’ve made and give justice to the crows.
(This is my jumbled non stop thoughts btw I’m not referring to the books really so I expect I’ll miss a few things)
To start here’s some basics:
• We won’t be seeing Per Haskell again, the Dregs and Crow club belong to Kaz and in the new season I expect we will see a much younger crew including Kesh and Anika compared to the random old dudes Kaz beat up in s2. Also the Crow and the Cup tattoos.
• There will be a much bigger focus on family and particularly parents - every single crow has major shit w parents. I think something that is never given much thought even in the books is how young children are taken from the family’s to train as grisha and they don’t return- this happened to nina and it really wasn’t discussed much and should be.
• The eight episodes have actually already been written and we know there is an Inej centric episode and a Wylan one too. I expect Inej’s episode will be a standout as we’ve seen pretty much nothing about her past- definitely the hardest to watch but one that very much deserves telling and Amita is an incredible actress and I completely trust her w Inej
• We’ve already had an article saying sab3 is king of scars based plus the new Alina and mal!sturmhond story but the soc story would happen simultaneously. There’s a chance the last scene we see is s2 actually happens after the crows have already been to the ice court and they call for Nikolai around this time- meaning it can be dealt w before having Alina exposed to Parem which I don’t care for and they said they waited for the story as they didn’t want the darkling to use it
• also people seem to think inej is not coming back- obviously she is. Pretty sure they r sending her away to get a taste of what she could do and will return w a sense of purpose and revenge - I’ll explain why later. Also the writers have said she only goes for a few weeks so it’s cool
• we will see a lot of flashbacks for each crow- we’ve seen about two mins worth of Kaz’s and I want them to explore his rise through the barrel as a kid and show his life in lij to prove truly how cruel the world was to him. Obviously Wylan’s past is a major focus of this story but I expect we will get that in a Crooked Kingdom based series two which is also thr first time we got a wylan pov chapter. Hopefully we will get to see more of Jespers childhood but again probably a bigger focus for later when colm arrives. As for Matthias I hope we see how he was raised in a militant, angry cultish way after the death of his family. I don’t expect we will get much on nina but I hope we do as i always felt we missed out slightly on the effects of her past. And ofcourse Inej who I hope they take the most care with in their retelling.
Now getting the plot back on track is actual quite simple and people r freaking out for no reason.. so here it is
I expect the show will start w Kaz agreeing to Van Ecks offer w all that came along in his first book chapter and a longer version of the crows last scenes w just saw in s2
Next inej will return - kaz will call for her but I think what will also bring her back is the return of Tante Heleen. We didn’t see a body and we know pekka ‘killed’ her to frame kaz so who’s to say he bothered killing her and just paid her off but now serves as his way out of hellgate
With Tante Heleen alive, pekka is no longer guilty of murder and will be released from Hellgate. This is potentially how pekka and Van Eck connect- pekka will want retribution for wrongly being imprisoned and will receive a lot of money from the merchant council as compensation
This will set off kaz and inej and THIS will now be the CK ending where we get full closure with their pasts. The books kept Heleen and pekka alive so I think the show will see it through to the end. People felt we got Kaz’s revenge too soon so I expect them to find an even bigger, badder and more horrific way to fuck them over
The kanej reunion upon Inej’s return from sea is going to set the tone. Either kaz has begun to make progress in her absence or he’s closed himself off tenfold
Now helnik is pretty much unchanged, their scenes were basically word for word in s1 and I think it can carry on for soc. They’re most likely to be the most book accurate ship now and i hope there will be a lot more emotional depth and background to Matthias who I think is completely underrated and overlooked. He has an incredibly big character arc and I think we will see a lot more of what is costs him
So they break Matthias out of Hellgate most likely in a very similar way to the books.
Now we get the Wylan identity reveal. Wesper is already established so it’s going to be an even bigger shock. However I think jespers gambling addiction will have gotten a lot worse in a very short space of time and this has already been causing a problem + I think they gleamed over him coming to terms w being grisha too fast so they will back track a bit when Colm gets involved which reminds Jesper why he hid for so long
Now I think we could get the ck last chapter here w inej threatening pekka and Alby before they depart. However it will backfire a bit. He will actually get spurred on to take down kaz and he’ll realise there’s something between kaz and inej. He can team up w heleen and use it against them
Now the next part can actually carry on faithfully to the books - if Jesper is back in debt his slip up will get back to pekka and result in the harbour ambush and Kaz’s distrust of Jesper. Also perhaps they use the hummingbird rather than the ferolind
Notorious kaz boyfriend of ripping eyes out will ensue
Now here’s something new. Kaz won’t stay away from inej now, it would completely eradicate everything that just happened in s2. So I expect we will get another bandage scene here or simply see kaz watching over inej as she heals
Now this is where I think the inej episode will fit (within the first 4 eps) it will delve into her past in ravka, her abduction, time at the menagerie and meeting kaz/being trained by him (that last one may happen throughout the series tho and perhaps more from Kaz’s perspective like in the books). And here’s where we see what inej has been doing whilst away briefly and how she felt bringing down slavers and her new purpose to track down those who hurt her and take down heleen
Now pretty much everything from this point onwards to the end of the Six of Crows books can remain the same. The differences are: established wesper, most likely pekka isn’t hired for this job, a more open kanej and a slightly more powerful kaz as a baby barrel boss
I’m not going to re explain the story here as they have used very little SOC plot so far
They have done a version of the prison wagon scene but I think they will do the book one too as inej will be there, kaz faints this time and ultimately it’s worse then the s2 one (which made me feel physically sick for kaz all within the first 15 mins of the show)
That’s the end of part 1! I’m feeling very positive thinking of all this. You stay for the characters in soc they are so wonderfully different and clever, a story of these kids who are expected of nothing but achieve everything. I expect the series will have a rather different tone compared to Sab and will truly show the significance of these six characters finding each other.
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I watched Rise of red and have some complaints/thoughts:
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Some of the songs were good, but the soundtrack wasn't as good as the others in my opinion.
LOVE the outfits, hints and the heart card skirt is fucking adorable!
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Chloe and Red and fucking enemies to friends to lover lesbians I HOPE cause I will scream if Disney doesn't do that
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I feel like the setting of the time travel is weird. Like, they go back in time when the adults are teens, but they're all in high school??? In a world I thought we at most confirmed to be mostly canon in animated movie timelines????? I mean, the villains who died in their movies are brought back to be banished with no magic on the Isle, so like...why???
Also, it adds a bit more levels of fucked up with the idea Belle and Beast are SOMEWHERE in the past and maybe grew up with everyone and then somewhere along the way when a new country/era was made with them being the rulers but basically shoved a lot of their old classmates onto a literal island with no magic cause "living with no magic is a fate worst than death".
All in all, it's a good movie. Did it have to been promoted in trailers and ads with Uma, implying she's a main focus, when they could've done either just the film as a fun in universe movie with the same plot of maybe a lil' book series that plays with the lore? I'm more upset with the fact we didn't get the original casts much and when we did it was very slim even though their faces were all over this project.
If I had to do a rating system of all the movies counting the Royal Wedding with ten being the highest and bestest film ever, I'll say:
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Descendants - 8/10. Great story idea, soundtrack always slaps even if you were like me at the time and heard it like a million times if you live/work with children, and all the characters have changed a bit throughout the movie!
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Descendants 2 - 9/10 Same for the first one, great plot. It's a good sequel. It gave me one of my favorite plot tropes of identity crisis and being comfortable in your own skin in Mal, the songs are so good to the point I still add What's My Name in my playlist, the costumes (minus Mal's wig but it gets a pass) are amazing as fuck, Uma and her crew are just *chef's kiss* Also this movie was just a lot of bi/pan energy and you can't convince me other wise! China was one of my earliest girl crushes and of course she's an amazing character, Harry Hook made me physically stop at my tracks when I first watched the movie, the kind of funny tension between any guy with Harry or any girl with Mal and of course THIS THING-
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Descendants 3 - 6/10 It's not bad but it's just not as good as the others, ya know? Some of the costumes were weird, what was Doug's hair????, Jane and Carlos are just the fucking CUTESTS ever, while I was upset the songs didn't stick as hard, I do love Queen of Mean and Do What You Had To Do, the plot was sadly not a good one to follow even though there were so many things that were a good idea. Alas, so many good ideas yet so little time. But I think it has a higher ranking in my heart simply because this one was the main one that started my Disney Villain Recruiters Descendants AU that I still love so much
Speaking of which, I think since I wrote the one with Dalmatia not that long ago I'll try and see what I can do with the AU with all the movies, not just Rise of Red. I already have an idea of Jack Heart in this world since watching it, I still have drafts of certain events such as Apple seeing Snow again, I also think I need to cause I found out Harry and Audrey, a ship I grew to love over time since first watching it (Literally I was very into Harry and Uma and was at first annoyed when they baited and switched me in the end but I LOVE these two more!!!), are apparently not together in this! Now this is rumors I think but like I think someone confirmed she's engaged or married to a prince and Harry is sailing with his own crew.
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I'll see what I'll be doing! I'm a little curious what they'll do from here is they do anything even if I personally didn't like it. Maybe we'll see the bad choices of the time traveling? I would like an idea of what if Red's mum wasn't evil then her and her dad may or not met, since in the original Disney Alice In Wonderland our lil king LOVES his wife even when she's scary! I personally think that would be a fun idea. And I seriously can't be the ONLY ONE who thought we were gonna have some big reveal that Cinderella was mean or ghosted to Bridget (love the pun name btw, good job Disney) in the past. Cause like her rage was a lot more than just they were friends when a prank happened and suddenly she's evil now. Like I was expecting a reveal like Cinderella went to the party and either knowingly knew but didn't stop the prank or unknowingly helped. Or maybe even had them be friends but she left Bridget alone/didn't stop the bullying in a kind of early Amity and Willow situation from Owl House with maybe Tremaine doing something to cause that to happen like a rumor Bridget is a bad influence, that could give her a edge as an adult of "you want mad, I'll give you mad" kind of scene.
Also the timeline of the film is a little weird minus the whole high school thing. They did a throwaway line of Chad being in collage which made me pump the breaks a bit. I assumed first Descendants they're all 14-16 years old, Descendants 2 takes place a year or so later, and Descendants 3 taking place another year or two depending on how I viewed the timeline of the Wicked World show with everyone being graduated and doing their parts in society and helping the school cause more kids from the Isle are added in, ending the series with the cast being mostly 18-19 years old at least with maybe Carlos and Jane being 17 since they may be younger in the cast. Yet with this line implies to me Mal and Ben got married right after graduating from school, and while we don't know what was happening during the moment of the wedding and the other movies, Uma being in charge would be rushed and sudden for everyone even herself since she should be the same age as the two who got married not that long ago. Also adds a interesting question of when did Carlos die within the timeline? Cause now I'm scared we got that cute moment with him and Jane having their ship name necklace and just all that sappy sappy cuteness and just afterwards Carlos died off screen before Royal Wedding which I'm guessing takes places the same year at least since everyone's designs imply so with hair and wardrobe.
I literally just wrote a fic of Dalmatia grieving Carlos on the same night of the wedding and I wasn't thinking much on timeline until NOW!
Ideas I have before I leave:
Instead of going back in time in the time your parent(s) are in highschool, I would've liked if it was before the Isle was locked away, like starting off. We could have an excuse to see younger casts of the Villain Kids and maybe even get more hints of who the other parents are, maybe even reveal some kids from the books even if it's a cameo in the back.
Have Red be more conflicted of how she rules. Her being scared to be like her mum is great, and her being a rebel is amazing, maybe show her be a great ruler in the rebellion and have a scene afterwards of her complaining about being a ruler. I would write her with that fear with maybe her seeing throughout the story that maybe there's a reason her mum was a little mad.
Have Chloe's struggle of what to do and break out her shell a bit more and not rushed??
Maybe do a reveal of Bridget being the Queen of Hearts later if you want to do that. Like, have a character fans assume is her and then like a saying happens and we get that plot twist.
That's all for now, I'd like to hear other's thoughts and ideas tho!
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cosmic-cd · 1 year
i'm going through my OC playlists for my DIMENSION/CROSS guys so far as i'm thinking about what to add! they're unfinished, so i'm not making 'em public- (but if we're mutuals or i've ever spoken to you directly about RGB & Co., feel free to ask me for a link if you wanna give 'em a listen! i'd love to ask a few people for song suggestions!)
the consensus is:
RGB's is the most coherent (because it's all songs I like and not all of them are necessarily tied to her as a character- because she's me and she shares my taste in music) and i've got it organized in a way where it's listenable, even if it's got a lotta genres in it so far! (A couple of example tracks in the playlist so far: Cosmic Girl by Jamiroquai, Galactic Whisper by Snail's House, Levitating by Dua Lipa)
Gear's sure.. something, so far. I mean, Gear's kind of a sum of a lot of characters I like- he's primarily some mix of Barney Calhoun and Sonic the Hedgehog, with a bit of Tails and TF2 Engineer thrown in. he's kind of just a Lot, but his playlist isn't very well organized right now, so it's a little mood whiplash-y while I figure out his taste. while I can't put in Mike Shapiro's (the VA for Barney and G-Man) version on a spotify playlist, i've got House of the Rising Sun by The Animals in there... as well as Escape from the City (cover by Skye Rocket!) and also Space Boy from Initial D. (also Cry For You by September because of that one Barney meme that i need to go find and reblog again) i do like how it's coming so far otherwise, it's just. ough. how to make this one work...
Source... they're kind of meant to be dimension cross's comic relief???????? but his playlist is coming out DEPRESSING. it's the shortest by far so far, but so far we range from Donut Hole by Hachi, and phony (english cover by Will Stetson), to Love Foolosophy by Jamiroquai.... yeah this poor mushroom in a fursuit's kinda Goin Through It. i was gonna put like, funny music in his but i think that'd be too much mood whiplash 😭
i don't have playlists for the other two members of DIMENSION/CROSS yet, but i'm rotating them in my mind a little. i gotta hammer out DC's personality a little better and the new fella has some tracks dedicated to them in RGB's playlist, but i'm gonna do DC's first, prolly!
additionally, every playlist for DIMENSION/CROSS's crew includes Phoenix by Netrum & Halvorsen because i consider it pretty much their theme song LOL (but it also slaps)
but yeah!!! i've given making OC playlists a try a couple times in the past but this is a more concerted effort to make COHERENT OC playlists that tell a story. so far, it's fun!! i'll also probably sit down and transcribe these over to youtube playlists as well, since i can't put every song i want on these through spotify... i wish there was a better way of making shareable playlists........ (if anyone DOES know of a way lmk)
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thedawningofthehour · 2 years
1) Where is mayhem in this fic? In the show he just disappears after season 1, there is a theory that he just stayed with April to keep an eye on the turtles and Draxxum and once he was defeated he went back to the council.
2) I just remembered that the movie basically confirmed that E.P.F and Bishop exist in Rise and when I think of the implications of that I get so excited and so terrified at the same time, I mean, in 2003's the guy was basically immortal thanks to alien intervention and he was never really defeated, but rebels that he reformed himself in the future. In 2012's the guy was an utrom, not much to say there. BUT IN IDW! I'll just say that I now have PTDS towards the character thanks to what he did to my baby Slash. Now, considering Draxxum plans to eradicate humanity, I don't think Bishop will be too happy AND considering his association to aliens and immortality in various iterations, I can only imagine a "he is more than he apears" situation for his version in Rise. For example: imagine if he was the firts human to enter in contact with the empyreum but insteat of giving him an extreme chage look his mutation where more hidden to the eye.
3) I'm sure one of the Capitan Piel crew members was a mermaid and they certainly don't look as human as the disney version.
Mayhem is wherever he went to during season 2. It does totally make sense that he was just watching the turtles in case Draxum pulled some shit-that being said, it makes zero sense for him to leave now, as Draxum is still active and is more dangerous than ever, but I didn't want to be constantly shoehorning him into chapters. And to be perfectly fair, Draxum wasn't completely neutralized in the show. The council put a warrant out for his arrest but he was still running around doing shit and the council just decided "well, no need to be concerned about the turtles anymore." Ironic considering how Mikey immediately started helping Draxum after that.
I'm still working on it, but I do have plans for Bishop. A lot of past TMNT characters are going to appear in some capacity or another-some of them are just gonna be little references, like Bebop and Rocksteady up at Todd's and Ice Cream Kitty being their unofficial mascot, but some are going to be important to the plot.
Bishop will absolutely not be Utrom though-I'm pretty sure the Utrom in Rise are implied to be the Council of Heads? Like, we all agree that they're Kraang, right? (you know, when I first watched this show I noticed that Draxum's face was a mask and I swore that he was a Kraang like 2003 Shredder. I like what we got but goddamn I thought I was so clever) I'm playing with how much to take from 2012 and 2003.
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ooc-miqojak · 2 years
multiples of five for character of ur choosing
(this is the netherwing-dragonflight/legendary-renegade-stance main lmao)
Hey there! (I'll admit it took me a minute for the ask to click, lol - but multiples of 5 it is! This might get long...)
I do have a ton of alts, but I'll really just be looking at Lily, and the AU-pally-version of her I brought in from the Shadowlands.
Character Development “Hard Mode” Meme
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
A battered, silver filigreed cigarette case with an inscription on the inside that reads 'Once crew, always crew' - it also holds several black-papered cigarettes, though there's likely always a few missing, depending on the time of day and how many she's had already...
A lighter, naturally.
A flask
potentially drugs of various sorts
(Pally!Lily...IDK. Nothing, really. She only needs the Light, and herself. No idea what she'd carry otherwise.)
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
I feel like these days, less is more in Lily's mind - but it depends on the kind of image you're trying to project, really. She may dress up nice in clothes that cover her almost entirely, when she's trying to project the idea of a proper noblewoman/hide her weird fel-tattoos, or wear very little when she's out partying and just being her half-demon self - there's lots of tight leather in her wardrobe now. But she's not the demure woman she used to be. Alternate Lil, the one that's still a pally...she prefers to remain clothed. Eyes off. She doesn't have the time or patience for roving eyes.
(More below the cut, because this is a lot of questions! Long post!)
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Hm. Yes and no? After the fall of Quel'thalas, most people lost everything. Many noble houses fell, never to rise from the ashes - and hers was almost one of those. It hung on by a thread, a mere shadow of its former self, and she caught a lot of shit for not being a proper noblewoman and prioritizing the care of those who depend upon their nobility - so these days most of her crime results in her funneling those funds back into the people who rely on the Whitedawn estate. She also likes any archaeological studies to do with ancient Elven culture, and hoards little trinkets she finds from those digs, but in the end she's not really that fixated on gold...it's just a means to an end. It just so happens to make the world go round - in the end, it's about power, not money, for a woman who lacked agency in so much of her past. It's her turn to have power, now.
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Ah, a long-standing issue for her! For Fel!Lily, anyways. She was abused in a lot of ways, early on, and ended up as a people-pleaser. Always trying to be what others wanted out of her - always comparing, and trying to be 'better'. These days, that isn't the reason she might compare herself - she's tainted by fel, and it's pretty obvious, and it's almost impossible not to look at normal elves and then look at yourself with these obvious marking and protrusions and whatnot, and compare yourself. She's tried to make this less about self-criticism (she's struggled with dysphoria since long before she had horns, and those didn't help) - and more about self-validation, however. If she's stuck like this? May as well embrace it. Love who you are, and find what's strong, and beautiful about it. It's a work in progress. (Pally!Lily has a different backstory, a bit, that culminated in a much more confident young woman who really doesn't care to compare herself to others. What's the point? She's good at what she does, and she is true to herself, and that's what matters.)
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
Fel!Lily is paranoid, anymore - and frankly, that paranoia probably spikes if she is close with that person, because all the betrayal in her life has come from people who claimed to care. All the hurt in her life is from being told one thing, while the people closest to her did another; always being the one on the outside, looking in. She doesn't trust anyone, really - people are in it for themselves, and so she will be, too. Pally!Lily... well, if you're sus, you're sus. She's not paranoid, but she's a pretty staunch Paladin in the Light, so... if you give her reason to suspect you, she will.
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Uh...anything most normal people find disgusting? Also orcs. Her racism has toned down a lot over the years, and with getting to know some trolls and whatnot, but... orcs burned her home, and she will never forget that. Plus, Durotar is hotter than hell, and I imagine a city that's as hot as it must be in Orgrimmar, and is full of half-clothed, sweaty orcs/goblins/trolls, doesn't smell the best (mmm, the smell of fresh mojo in the morning). Other than that...pretty much anything any typical person IRL would find gross - gross smells, disgusting surroundings, etc. No one wants to be around filth, really.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
No idea, frankly! I haven't RPd her in many years, and she's not at all like who she used to be. Until I have someone she likes to hang out with...IDK. What little I played her off and on in recent years...she was just a supportive friend. Who then got blown off. Again. By another friend who claimed to care, but the instant someone she was romantically interested in showed up, she'd disappear on Lily again (nor did she like accountability, and Lily is all about that now - no more push-over Lily). So... she may well be distant for quite a while, given that it feels like, to her, that people just get close so they can see how much it hurts when they fuck her over. I imagine she's just as loyal as she's ever been, though, if you are patient enough to make that connection. Pally!Lily hasn't been RPd yet! I dunno about her, really. She seems a bit dry, and like she might take time to connect emotionally, and open up.
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
With respect!
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Well, the Shadowlands exists and tells people exactly what will happen to them when they die - and the whole premise of Pally!Lily is that Fel!Lily found her in Bastion and was like...yo, you deserve a second chance - the one I never got. But as for Fel!Lily? She's A) Not sure she can die, given that she's as much demon as elf, so who's to say she wouldn't just come back? That stuff is up in the air anymore. And B) If she does die, and it doesn't send her to the Nether to re-coalesce, she'll probably end up in Revendreth, she figures. (I love a little Indy film called 'Devil's Carnival', and she used to be the epitome of the girl in that film who was sent to hell for... what seems to be 'willful naivete'; always making the wrong choice, and willfully trusting people she knows will hurt her. In a way, this is like her own personal hell - she became what she hated most, by virtue of putting her faith in people she knew wouldn't, ultimately, care about her more than they cared about themselves.) Does it scare her? Well...I think the not-knowing is what worries her. She's not afraid, so much as...just concerned? She's a freak. Who knows what happens to her, when a freak dies? Pally!Lily already died and went to Bastion, so she has a good idea of what death means for her... though she was one of those who struggled to want to let go of who she used to be, so she was glad to get to slip away from death, during all the commotion. Maybe it'll be different next time! Or maybe she'll be more at peace with death, after getting a second chance, and be ready for Bastion, by then.
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 15
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 4,006 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, Ikkaku, Jean Bart, Clione, Monkey D. Luffy Notes: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he's 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law finds a strange connection to Monkey D. Luffy, which offers a glimpse of something he's repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Bepo started when the door at the top of the dungeon stairs banged open and was followed by an ugly thumping sound that made his ears twitch. After a moment, he placed the sound as that of a body being dragged down the stairs. His eyes widened in alarm. Had one of the others been caught?
“What—” Penguin started from the cell next to Bepo, but he fell silent just as Bepo’s stomach dropped.
A familiar pair of spotted jeans was dragged past Bepo’s cell door and into the cell across from his and next to Shachi’s. The dungeon was dimly lit by torches, and even Bepo’s mink vision couldn’t make out much as Trebol and Diamante dragged a limp form into the cell. There was a rattling of shackles before the two executives exited the cell with some choice words for the prisoner before slamming the door shut. They thumped up the stairs, and, a few moments later, the door banged shut. The dungeon was quiet once again.
Bepo could hear a light rustling coming from the newly occupied cell, so he called hesitantly, “Captain?”
“Bepo,” Law’s familiar voice rasped out after a painfully long moment.
Bepo swallowed, relief at war with worry in his chest. The last he’d heard from Law was two days earlier when he’d called in from his mission with a warning that Vergo had followed him. The crew had gone into high alert, but there had been no further news from their captain. They’d all heard he’d returned to Dressrosa earlier today—and Bepo had been admittedly disappointed Law hadn’t immediately come to see them, though he had been relieved to find the note Law had left on his desk—but all the Hearts had known was that Law was in some kind of trouble, which, by extension, put them in danger. They’d expected to find out what was going on when Law came to see them after dinner, but that was before…
Bepo swallowed, cutting off his own thought and turning his attention back to Law.
“Are you okay, Captain?” he asked. If Law was being forcibly dragged into the dungeon, he must have been overcome by Trebol and Diamante—and was now undoubtedly shackled with Seastone, considering the danger his Fruit posed.
“I’m…” Law started but trailed off as though he didn’t quite know how to respond. After a moment, Bepo heard him clear his throat before asking, “What happened?”
“Shouldn’t we be asking you that, Captain?”
“Penguin,” Law breathed worriedly. “Who else is in here?”
“Shachi. Anyone else?”
“We were the only ones captured,” Bepo said.
A brief hesitation then, “Where is everyone else?”
“Escaped,” Shachi said.
Law let out a relieved breath as Bepo belatedly realized Law had probably taken his words to mean the others had been killed. He tamped down on the urge to apologize, instead rubbing his face through his paws in embarrassment, glad none of his lesser mink friends could see him in the dimness.
“What’s going on, Law?” Penguin pressed. “We haven’t heard from you since you called Bepo, and then we’re being thrown in the dungeon.”
Law’s cell was silent for several moments, and Bepo wished he could make out more than the outline of Law’s shape across from him. Finally, Law said, “I’ll tell you everything. Just… First, I need to know. What happened here?”
He sounded more tired than Bepo had heard him in a long time, and it was that, more than anything, that caused Bepo to take pity on his best friend. “After reading your note, I got word to the others to meet up after dinner,” he explained. “We were gathering in the common area when…” Bepo swallowed.
“Pica and Machvise showed up,” Penguin picked up as Bepo faltered. Law cursed quietly. “They said Doflamingo wanted to see us.”
“After your call, we knew something was up,” Shachi added. “Other executives don’t just come to our wing of the palace.”
“So, we told them his royal featherness could come to us,” Penguin said, the smirk evident in his voice.
“They didn’t like that,” Shachi added.
“Idiots,” Law said, fond despite himself.
“They attacked then,” Bepo said, remembering the uncanny feeling of the world shaking as Pica had merged with the walls. It had reminded him of Zunesha’s daily showers for the briefest of moments before it had turned into a horror show. “Penguin, Shachi, and I tried to hold them off while the others got away.”
“Jean Bart wanted to stay behind,” Shachi said. “But we told him to take the others and get out.”
“We fought them off as long as we could,” Bepo said quietly, grimacing as he shifted. Even with his fortified mink body, he was still sporting bruises and probably some cracked ribs. Shachi and Penguin weren’t any better, fragile humans that they were.
They’d fought with everything they had—which was quite a bit, since, as the crew of Doflamingo’s second, there were high expectations of their capabilities—but none of them were Devil Fruit users, so they’d been taken down eventually. Neither Pica nor Machvise had been particularly gentle with their capture and imprisonment.
Bepo still hoped they’d done their captain proud.
“They must have all gotten out because we haven’t seen anyone but you,” Penguin said. “Hopefully, they’ve gone to ground.”
Doflamingo had eyes all over the city, but the Hearts had been in Dressrosa long enough to know it like the back of their own hands—or paws—in their own right; they’d made connections and were owed favors they could now call in.
“So, are you going to tell us what happened out there?” Shachi asked when it was clear Law wasn’t going to say anything else.
“Okay,” Law said at length. His shackles clanked as he shifted, and he let out a breath. “Doflamingo sent me to Punk Hazard to take out some intruders. It should have been a quick in and out.”
Bepo remembered meeting Law at the palace gates before he’d left, Law deflecting their attempts at joining him by claiming the mission was easy—the type he’d done countless times before with no complication. Briefly, Bepo felt a wave of frustration flow under his skin; if Law had taken them with him on this mission, maybe whatever had happened with Vergo wouldn’t have. They could have helped.
But that surge was as gone as quickly as it had arrived. What good did it do to worry about the past now? Plus, Law was opening up to them again, something he hadn’t done in two years.
“What went wrong?” Shachi asked quietly.
Law snorted, a hollow sound that made Bepo’s hackles raise. “Everything.”
“Captain?” Bepo prompted when Law fell silent once more. Law got like this sometimes, stuck in his own head as he turned his thoughts over endlessly, creating a spiral it sometimes took days to pull him from.
“There were two groups of intruders,” Law finally said. “Smoker was leading a group of hapless Marines from G-5.”
“And the other group?” Penguin asked. They all knew a group of Marines, even led by a vice admiral like Smoker, shouldn’t pose much of a threat to Law.
“Straw Hat-ya and his merry band of misfits.”
Bepo’s eyes widened. The Straw Hats were active again? And Law had been sent to kill the very person he’d risked everything to save two years earlier?
Of course he had. That was absolutely something Doflamingo would revel in. Law had taken a major risk by defying Doflamingo when he’d saved Straw Hat Luffy, and Shachi had lost his arm in the aftermath, causing Law to shut down completely in his guilt. Doflamingo would love pushing Law to see how he’d react to such an order after everything he and the Hearts had sacrificed in the wake of Marineford. The idea of rendering those sacrifices moot would amuse the bastard to no end. And to erase the living reminder of Law’s rebellion would only further cement his hold over his second.
If Law had gone through with it, Bepo could only wonder at what version of his friend would have returned from Punk Hazard.
“Captain,” Bepo said, nearly whining in a show of sympathy. He wished he could see his friend’s face, could offer more than just words of comfort.
With a heavy exhale, Law told them about fighting but losing when Smoker and the Straw Hats joined forces and being taken captive by the Straw Hats. Something warmed in Bepo’s chest as Law haltingly, disbelievingly, described Luffy’s unwavering determination that Law was a good person for no other reason than he felt it.
Something Law hadn’t understood had pushed him to save the boy that day—something Bepo, as a mink, considered a sign from the Earth herself, though he knew Law, man of science that he was, didn’t agree—and perhaps Luffy was similarly driven toward their captain. Bepo knew what it felt like to be drawn to Law, so nothing about the situation surprised him.
There were things even science couldn’t explain, after all.
That warmth in Bepo’s chest turned cold as Law described Vergo’s arrival on the Straw Hats’ ship with a fake accusation of Law’s treachery. So, that was what Law had meant by Vergo turning on him.
“What?!” Penguin demanded as Law continued speaking about the Straw Hats, clearly unable to believe what he’d just heard.
Law sighed and repeated himself. “We agreed to work together.”
“Like an alliance?” Shachi asked, tone rising slightly in disbelief. Bepo couldn’t blame him; Law didn’t typically play well with others, especially in his position as Corazon.
“I suppose,” Law allowed. Bepo knew by the tone of his voice that, had his hands been free, Law would have scrubbed a hand over his face—a frustrated gesture Bepo had seen countless times over the years. “I didn’t have much choice in the moment but to accept the help.”
“But Captain,” Bepo interrupted, “that’s great!”
After Law had saved Straw Hat Luffy for no other reason than a feeling, Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin had done some digging into the Straw Hat pirates and been astonished by the string of miracles they’d left in their wake, from Alabasta to Enies Lobby. If there was anyone the Hearts could want on their side in a confrontation with Doflamingo, it was a crew like that.
“Great?” Penguin echoed.
“It means we aren’t alone,” Bepo said, hope rising in his chest.
After Law had called with his warning about Vergo, Bepo couldn’t help but run the worst-case scenarios over and over in his mind, with Law not returning from his mission at the forefront. But when his captain had returned, those scenarios had turned into the crew facing Doflamingo’s wrath alone, perhaps even being forced to hurt and kill one another. Those scenarios had not seemed far-fetched once Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin had been locked in irons and thrown into separate cells in the dungeon. And when Law himself had arrived as a captive…
Well, having allies seemed a lot better than the alternative.
“What happened with Vergo?” Shachi asked, interrupting Bepo’s reverie.
“He’s dead,” Law said flatly.
“Good,” Bepo said without thinking.
Bepo pulled at his snout, a little embarrassed. “I’m sorry.”
Penguin snorted. “No, you’re not.”
Bepo blushed. “No, I’m not. It’s good that he’s dead,” he said firmly.
“He was a bastard,” Shachi agreed.
“Fuck that guy,” Penguin added.
Law huffed tiredly. It was small, but Bepo had heard enough of Law’s laughs over the years to know it was genuine. “Right. But he was always Doffy’s favorite.”
“Ah hell,” Shachi muttered.
“Exactly. And Doffy has more spies than just Vergo in the Marines, so at some point today he heard that Vergo was dead and Caesar-ya and Monet were arrested.”
“And that’s when…” Penguin said, trailing off as if he lacked an adequate way to refer to everything happening now.
Law grunted in response.
“Where are the Straw Hats now?” Bepo asked after a moment. Would it be possible for their free crewmates to find their allies and get their help?
“They should be on the Tang,” Law said, his tone implying that where the Straw Hats should be was not necessarily the same as where they actually were. “Waiting for me to check in.” (The irony, of course, was that Law currently wasn’t where he was supposed to be, though Bepo doubted his friend would appreciate him mentioning it, so he just suppressed a laugh.)
“Which you obviously can’t do from the dungeon,” Shachi noted.
Ikkaku glanced at Jean Bart and raised a questioning eyebrow.
Jean Bart peered out of the window into the quiet night, clearly looking for any sign of pursuit, before turning back to Ikkaku and Clione. He nodded but put a finger to his lips. The streets might appear quiet, but that did not mean Doflamingo’s spies weren’t still looking for them. Ikkaku and Clione nodded.
Ikkaku turned back toward the storage room, where their hosts were watching them. Mateo, the shopkeeper, and his wife, Isabella, stood in the doorway. She approached them.
“We’ll be leaving now,” Ikkaku whispered, voice only loud enough to carry to them. “Thank you for hiding us.”
“Gladly, Miss Ikkaku. We are forever in your debt,” Mateo replied, voice equally quiet. The citizens of Dressrosa knew full well some walls had ears, after all.
After they’d fled the palace—Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin stupidly (bravely) staying behind to give them a chance—the Hearts had split into smaller groups before going to ground. When considering where to take cover, Ikkaku had decided to call in a favor owed to her by Mateo and Isabella, the owners of a textile shop.
Three years earlier, Ikkaku, who had been on a routine patrol around the city with Iruka, had found their toddler son, Alexander, wandering around the streets, lost and crying. Apparently, there had been a break-in at their shop, and his parents had been seriously injured. The boy had run off during the attack in fear. Ikkaku and Iruka had managed to make enough sense of the boy’s sob-stricken words to wind their way back to the shop, where they found his parents. Using medical care they’d learned from Law, they were able to stabilize them before summoning proper medics, who took them to the hospital.
Meanwhile, they’d gathered the Hearts to investigate, asking questions around the city until they found out who had attacked the shop and bringing them to justice—or Dressrosa’s version of justice, anyway; all three attackers would face the colosseum. Ikkaku had visited Mateo and Isabella in the hospital to tell them the news, and they had claimed they were in Ikkaku and her crew’s debt. Though Ikkaku had waved the debt off then, she took advantage of it now.
She, Jean Bart, and Clione had hid in their storeroom until night had fallen. Once the store closed, they gladly accepted food from Isabella and waited, plotting their next move. They’d decided that in the early hours of the morning, they would head for the Polar Tang when the watch was likely to be paying the least amount of attention. On the Tang, they could wait for the others and figure out what to do now that they were apparently wanted by the king.
That was something else they needed to figure out—what had happened with Law’s mission to cause this? Why were the Hearts—and presumably their captain—public enemy number one?
One problem at a time, Ikkaku reminded herself.
“Stay safe,” she told the shopkeepers.
“We have no worries,” Isabella replied. “After all, we haven’t seen any criminals tonight.” She turned back to the storeroom and grabbed some dark cloth. “Cloaks,” she said, offering them to Ikkaku.
Ikkaku gratefully accepted the proffered items—they’d been wearing light-colored clothing when they’d fled—and saluted before turning back to her crewmates. “Let’s go.”
The trio donned the cloaks then carefully exited the shop and, staying in the shadows, made for the harbor. Jean Bart took point, leaving Ikkaku and Clione in his shadow. As they moved through the quiet streets, the city’s clock rang out two o’clock. The bars would be closing, so they would need to keep an eye out for late-night patrons who might recognize them. There would also be parties going on for hours more in some areas of the city, but they avoided the more populous parts of the city.
As they approached the harbor entrance, Jean Bart paused, raising a hand in warning. Ikkaku and Clione came to a halt just behind him. The larger man nodded toward the watchtower. There was a single light in the small room at the top, meaning there was at least one guard watching over the harbor, as expected.
Ikkaku pointed to herself. She was the smallest so would be the quietest. Clione raised an eyebrow—Are you sure?—and Ikkaku nodded. Jean Bart and Clione stepped aside, and Ikkaku slid past them. She hadn’t been a fighter when she joined Law’s crew, but she was a quick study, and in the intervening years, she liked to think she’d picked up enough to hold her own against any of the others—except her captain, not that she’d admit it to his face. They hadn’t had a chance to grab any weapons when they’d fled from Pica and Machvise back at the palace, but Ikkaku didn’t need her staff to take on some low-level harbor guards.
Light on her feet, she soundlessly climbed the stairs that rounded the watchtower before coming to a stop just outside the door. It was cracked open, and inside, she could see two figures sitting at a table. They seemed to be playing cards. Assessing the situation quickly, Ikkaku knocked on the door then pressed her back against the wall and melted back into the shadows. A moment later, the door opened all the way and a head stuck out of the doorway.
“Hello?” the guard asked, looking around in confusion.
Ikkaku inched further back into the darkness, and the guard stepped out into the night. Ikkaku knocked lightly against the wall behind her, drawing the guard’s attention in her direction, though he couldn’t see her.
“Who’s there?”
The guard stepped toward the noise, and once he was out of sight of the doorway, Ikkaku struck—an elbow to the solar plexus had the man doubled over before he knew what hit him. She swept a foot at his ankles, knocking him off balance, then struck him in the back of the head twice more, once with her elbow and once with her balled hands. He went down in a heap, never making a sound other than a surprised gasp at the first strike.
Ikkaku then turned and rounded the tower, coming to a stop on the other side of the doorway, fading back into the darkness as she waited for the other guard to appear.
“Jax?” the other guard called, stepping out of the doorway after several moments. “What the hell?” he yelped when he saw his fallen friend. He hurried over to the other guard’s side and knelt next to him.
Ikkaku crept up behind him and took him out with two quick blows as he checked his companion’s vitals. She then pulled the limp forms into the watchtower (fine, she could have used Jean Bart or Clione for this part) and shoved them in the small closet, blocking the door handle with a chair.
Satisfied, Ikkaku headed back down the stairs to her crewmates.
“Well?” Clione asked quietly as she sauntered up.
Ikkaku put a hand to her breast. “I’m wounded you’d even ask me that.”
Clione snorted, and Jean Bart shook his head fondly before leading them toward the Polar Tang. Jean Bart kept an eye out as Ikkaku and Clione boarded the Tang before following them up the ladder and across the deck.
“Wait,” Jean Bart said as Clione reached for the door handle.
“What?” Clione asked.
“It sounds like someone is inside.”
“Doflamingo’s?” Clione asked, tensing.
“Or nakama?” Ikkaku suggested. Though there hadn’t been time to set a rendezvous point when they’d run, it would make sense for the crew to meet at the ship.
But the Family would know that as well.
“Only one way to find out,” Jean Bart said, sliding past Clione to take point once more. He opened the door lightly and moved inside with a quietness that belied his size. Clione nodded for Ikkaku to go next, and he followed her inside, lightly shutting the door behind them.
Now that they were inside, Ikkaku could hear the unfamiliar sounds—footsteps, metal clanking, voices she didn’t recognize. Definitely not nakama then. Ikkaku swallowed. Dressrosans, even criminals, would know better than to mess with Corazon’s ship, so it had to be the Family.
“Should we get out?” Clione asked quietly, clearly thinking the same thing.
Ikkaku shook her head. “The Tang is ours,” she said fiercely, a rush of anger flooding through her at the thought. The Tang had brought her from her old, shitty life to the Hearts. It wasn’t a perfect life, but it was hers—the people in it were hers—and that was what mattered. “We can’t let them have her too.”
Jean Bart and Clione nodded in response; they understood exactly how she felt.
“So, what do we do?” Clione whispered.
“The noises seem to be coming from the mess,” Jean Bart replied, considering.
The mess had two doors, plus access to the kitchen, and the kitchen had a separate door of its own. That was three doors for three pirates.
“Split up?” she asked. “One of us for each door?”
“Is that a good idea?” Clione replied, looking between her and Jean Bart. Depending on which Family members were in there, spreading their fighting power out might be a big mistake. But at the same time…
“If we leave any doors uncovered, someone could get out and report our location back to the palace,” Jean Bart said. “Ikkaku’s right. We need to block all the exits.”
Clione chewed on his lip for a moment before nodding. “We can’t go in unarmed, though.”
Ikkaku nodded. Taking out two harbor guards barehanded one thing; fighting Donquixote Pirates was another. “Training room?”
Clione nodded. “I’ll go.”’
He disappeared back into the hallways toward the small training room that should have some weapons in storage. The Hearts usually took their favored weapons with them when they returned from missions, but they had additional arms on the ship. Ikkaku and Jean Bart waited, keeping an ear on the voices they didn’t recognize coming from the heart of their ship. The longer she waited, the angrier Ikkaku got at the invasion of her home—of her namaka’s home.
Clione eventually returned, a blade in hand. He handed a set of brass knuckles to Jean Bart and a bo staff to Ikkaku. Ikkaku immediately felt better, more able to defend the Tang, with the familiar weight of the staff in her hands.
“I’ll take the kitchen,” Clione murmured.
“I’ll take the back mess door,” Ikkaku said.
Jean Bart nodded. That left the front mess door for him. “I’ll give you five minutes to get into place. Then we go in together.”
Clione and Ikkaku nodded and turned in opposite directions, heading for their respective doors. Ikkaku found her place by the back door within three minutes, leaving two minutes to wait for Jean Bart’s signal. She could feel her heartrate speeding up as she thought about the impending fight. She took a few calming breaths. This was her home. This was her nakama’s home. She would fight for her home and her nakama.
She was in the middle of a steady exhale when the door in front of her slammed open. She yelped in surprise.
“Sanji, more mea— Huh?”
Ikkaku gaped as she came face to face with Straw Hat Luffy.
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spnirwin · 4 years
Could you do an angsty Eddie x reader story? Maybe she gets in a car accident and Bobby has to keep him back while Buck, Chim, and Hen help her. And maybe a little fluff sprinkled in the end...
Love You Forever
A/N: This turned out way longer than I expected, but I had so much fun with it! I also couldn’t resist the best friend Buck angle, I hope you don’t mind. I’m posting this on mobile so I apologize if the formatting is wonky. Thanks for the request!
Word Count: 1430
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Eddie smiled down at his phone as your text came through.
Y/n (6:03 pm): I’m heading out now. I’ll call you when I get home from dinner. Love you!
He sent back a quick “love you too” before pocketing his phone and refocusing his attention on his own dinner and the crew sitting around him.
Eddie counted his blessings on a daily basis that he had landed in the 118. The bond that the team shared was unparalleled, and anyone that witnessed their interactions instantly understood that they were a family. And as grateful as Eddie was for all of them, he was the most grateful for Buck. The day he decided to introduce Eddie to his best friend was a day Eddie would never forget, because it was the day he met you.
The first time you met you learned about Eddie’s son and immediately offered to help out when he was on shift. He cautiously accepted, and hearing about you and your adventures through Christopher only helped Eddie fall for you even faster. Seven months later you had moved in and the three of you had begun forming your own version of a family together.
You had stepped into the role of a main caretaker for Christopher beautifully, almost as if you were always meant to be a part of their lives. You rarely took time for yourself, which is why Eddie was so happy that you had decided to take your friends up on their offer of dinner downtown. It had taken a push from him and Carla showing up at the front door, but you were finally out enjoying a much deserved night off.
Everyone at the table groaned as the bell went off in the station, signaling them to their posts.
“Just once can we have an uninterrupted meal?” Buck moaned as he shoved himself backwards away from the table.
“So sorry accidents don’t plan themselves around your mealtimes,” Eddie chucked, shaking his head as he put on his gear and climbed into the truck.
The two of them bickered and joked the entire high speed ride to the accident scene, Bobby shaking his head at them from the front seat. They pulled up and hopped out of the truck, looking to Bobby for further instruction.
“Okay, dispatch said this is a multiple vehicle incident, multiple injuries reported. One vehicle overturned, two others blocking the intersection,” Bobby informed the crew.
They stepped out from behind the truck to begin assessing the scene, and Eddie froze. The overturned car steaming in the middle of the intersection was one he recognized immediately. It was yours.
“Y/n,” he whispered, eyes locked on your car.
“What?” asked Buck, turning in confusion to follow his eyeline. He understood at once, and turned back to Eddie as he tried to make a break for you. “Whoa whoa,” he shouted, shoving Eddie backwards.
“Y/n!” Eddie screamed, fighting against Buck to try and get to you.
“Eddie, Eddie!” Bobby yelled as he continued to try and get past Buck. “You need to let them take care of her.”
“Cap, I need to go, I need to help her,” Eddie’s voice was strained, desperate. Tears started to slip down his cheeks as Bobby took over holding Eddie back.
“I’ve got her!” Buck shouted as he turned and started running towards your car, where Chimney and Hen were already crouched.
Eddie watched as Buck reached the car, wishing desperately that it was him.
“Bucky?” you whispered as Buck’s face appeared before you.
“Yeah it’s me, I’m here,” Buck replied, eyes scanning you for injuries. “Can you tell me what hurts?” Hen had made quick work of getting you in a C collar, and now it was time to figure out how to get you out of the car.
“Where’s Eddie?” you asked, frantically looking around you, unable to locate who you were searching for. “Evan, I can't feel my legs.” You were beginning to panic, unaware of the extent of your injuries and the jagged piece of metal jammed into your stomach.
“He’s over by the truck with Bobby,” Buck replied, beginning to pull on the car door. “Let’s get you out of here and then he’ll be with you.”
A few agonizing minutes later they were pulling you out of the car, placing you on the stretcher, and quickly wheeling you towards the ambulance. The last thing you saw before you passed out was Eddie’s face appearing over you, shouting something that looked vaguely like “please hold on for me.”
Eddie sat beside you as you laid in the hospital bed, head in his hands. You had come out of surgery an hour ago, and still hadn’t regained consciousness. The ambulance ride was the longest seven minutes of Eddie’s life. He had watched Hen fight you for control of your life, restarting your heart twice before reaching the front doors of the hospital.
He couldn’t help but blame himself for your accident. If he hadn’t pushed you to get out of the house, take a night off, you would never have been in that car. You wouldn’t have ended up in the path of a drunk driver, and you wouldn’t have ended up flipped over in the middle of the Sepulveda and Sherman intersection.
Tears were rapidly falling down his cheeks, hitting the sheets gently. If you didn’t recover, he would never forgive himself.
“Eddie Diaz, are you crying over me?” Your voice came out cracked and hoarse, your fingers twitching, trying to reach him.
Eddie’s head shot up, eyes searching your face frantically, double checking that you were really conscious and speaking to him.
“Come here,” you demanded softly. “Hold my hand, please.” He obliged your request and you let out a soft sigh at the feel of his skin against yours. You closed your eyes before you spoke again. “I think I almost died today.”
Eddie let out a strangled laugh. “You did die,” he said. “Twice, actually.”
“Does that mean I’m a superhero now?” you asked, eyes opening back up and locking on his.
“You’ve always been a superhero,” he replied, gently reaching up and brushing your hair from your forehead. “You’re Christopher’s superhero, and you're my superhero.”
“I love you,” you sighed, letting your eyes slip shut again. “And you can call the nurse now, I know you’ve been dying to since the second I woke up.”
Eddie smiled as he reached forward and pressed the call button on the wall. It beeped as he replied, “I love you too.”
It had been a week and a half since the accident, and Eddie was gently depositing you on the couch in your shared apartment.
“If you continue to treat me like an invalid, Diaz, we’re going to have a problem,” you grunted, glaring at him as he put his hands up in surrender.
“Until you can pee by yourself, you’re stuck with me,” he joked, sitting down next to you. “Seriously, how are you feeling?”
“I’m fine Eddie, honestly. I’m recovering at an acceptable rate. You need to stop worrying so much.”
“You know me, I’m a worrier. Especially when it comes to you,” he replied, shrugging.
“You’re right, I do know you,” you said, quirking an eyebrow at him. “And I know that you blame yourself for all of this. You’re sitting there right now blaming yourself for the accident, despite the fact that it had absolutely nothing to do with you.”
He started at you slack-jawed, shocked at the fact that you had him pegged so well. “You need to stop,” you continued on, voice rising with conviction. “This was not your fault. This was the fault of that idiot kid that decided to get in a car drunk and plow through a red light. So stop sitting there and being angry at yourself for no reason.”
He huffed out a short laugh as he took in the stubborn look on your face. This was a battle he was not going to win, and you both knew it. Instead of speaking, he leaned over and gently pressed his lips to yours.
“You know, you aren’t going to break me,” you said, pulling him closer as the front door opened. You broke apart as the sound of Christopher and Buck’s voices echoed through the apartment.
“Love you forever,” Eddie whispered against your cheek before fully pulling away from you.
“I love you too,” you replied, rolling your eyes playfully at him as Christopher entered the room with a shout of your name.
247 notes · View notes
weirdochick56 · 4 years
Trapped- Campbell Eliot Imagine
Campbell Eliot x Reader
Warnings: Explicit language. Dark!Campbell (obviously)
Disclaimers: This isn’t a light character and this isn’t a light relationship or situation. This is dark and violent so please read with care if abusive situations aren’t your jam!
Word Count: 3,914 words
Summary: Campbell Eliot is your bestfriend’s, Sam, brother. He’s a disturbed individual who doesn’t feel emotions like the rest of you do. His gaze and heart are dark and sadistic and yet- you’re drawn to him. So when he comes looking for Elle and no one gives her up, he offers another aleternative; he’ll take you instead. But he’ll only keep you for a limited amount of time. If by the end of that time you still want to leave him, he’ll let you and Elle go-- definitively. If not, you’re his. Should be easy right?
(Gif is not mine!)
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You lick your lips, flipping through another page of the book, eyes intensely seeking out every word, soaking every syllable in your head.
This was you third time reading Jane Eyre, but each time it just got better.
You’re so immersed in the fictional world of the young woman, in fact, that you don’t notice when someone comes in until he speaks- voice gruff and bemused.
“Good book?”
You jolt off the couch, heart instantly clenching in shock as your gaze flickers to person which has spoken.
“Campbell,” his names leaves your mouth in a barely-registered, unintentionally breathless mumble.
He grins at you. “Did I scare you, doll?”
You swallow, avoiding eye contact. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Shrugging, he steps closer to you. “As happy as I am to see you, I’m here for Allie and Will. They’ve got something that belongs to me.” He motions loosely around you. “You wouldn’t happen to know where they are would you?”
You shake your head. “And even if I did why the hell do you think I’d tell you?”
He pauses suddenly, face falling and the move is so startling, your heart does too.
He stares you down as he steps closer. You refuse to move or maybe you just can’t- his gaze paralyzing you entirely.
It isn’t until he’s a mere foot away from you, scanning you from head to toe pensively, that he finally speaks.
“You’re too fuckin pretty and smart to be aiming this low, Y/n. Always were.”
You scoff at him. “And according to you what the hell is so low that I’m aiming at?”
“This. This house, these people. You don’t belong here.”
You laugh wryly, shaking your head. “And what the hell would you know about belonging Campbell? All your life, all you’ve done is not fit in. You try- you hang out with the cool kids but even you can’t make yourself believe that you actually feel good with them. That you actually fit in.”
He clenches his jaw, clearly on the verge of snapping, before a small ominous smirk grows on his face. “Yeah. You’re right, dollface. But at least I’m actually going for the people that matter. Allie and her pathetic little crew won’t stay in power of this town for much longer and then you’ll be on the losing side.”
You smirk. “We’ll see about that.”
At the smugness in your face, something suddenly snaps in him and he laughs.
“You’re so fucking lost. I’m willing to show you the way though, Y/n.” He tilts his head mocking, eyes scanning you from head to toe with a malicious glint in those mysterious eyes.
You swallow your fear. “Yeah? And how’s that?”
“If you open those long legs of yours for me, I’d be more than willing, dollface.” He licks his lip mockingly.
You’re sure he doesn’t actually mean it; Campbell is always playing games and this is another one of his sick manipulations to get you riled up.
And it’s working.
You first your hand, raising your arm in a flash, ready to punch the living daylights out of him, but he catches his arm just before your fist connects with his annoyingly sharp jaw.
He yanks your closer to him, clicking his tongue with pretend disapproval. “Now, Y/n, that’s not a very nice thing to do to a guest, is it?”
“Listen, I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but I’m not your fucking toy, Campbell,” you hiss at him, despretely trying to tug your arm from his painfully tight grasp, fighting the panic rising in you at your vital mistake.
No one else was at home and they wouldn’t be for a while. It was just you and him— no one was here to save you if he decided to do something.
Truth be told, he terrified you. But that didn’t mean you’d let him know that. You knew the sick motherfucker got off on that shit, and you weren’t going to become just another helpless victim trapped beneath his sharp claws.
Not you.
At your venomous response, Campbell simply raises a dark brow at you, scanning you from head to toe with decisive carelessness and a cold indifference that made you feel like a minuscule bug beneath his shoe.
That was one of the things with Campbell- he had a way of making people feel like worthless little things. Especially in comparison to him. It was this effect that made you detest him even more than usual. He wasn’t just a jerk, he was manipulative in the worst way possible because he didn’t only manipulate you for his own benefit, but against your own. He made you hate yourself so much you’d have no choice but to comply with him.
And you weren’t immune to it, no matter how much you tried to deny it.
And yeah, sure- physically speaking, Campbell Eliot could more than easily overpower you. No doubt.
He was taller, towering over you like a damn mountain. And he was clearly stronger- the lean muscles that flexed beneath his shirt anytime he took a menacing step toward you were enough evidence.
But somehow you knew it was stripping your mind of its power that he really enjoyed. Being able to trap you in your own fucking body- that’s the real power trip he craved.
He raises his hand, fingertips softly brushing a few strands of hair away from your face as you stubbornly stare him down.
The touch is shocking in its contrast to the death grip he has on your arm and it nearly makes you whimper.
He curls his hand over your jaw, placing his thumb under your chin, fingertips softly brushing against your neck.
You watch him so closely that your heart nearly drops when he suddenly twitches- it’s very small, but seeing as you’re quite literally holding your breath for his next move, you catch it- and it’s as his hand sweeps lightly over your neck...over your throat.
You watch his face closely. His lips part, his breath hitches and his eyes darken even more beneath the dim light of your living room.
He catches himself quickly, though. So quickly in fact, you’re sure if it weren’t for the fact that he were so close and you were so fucking scared of him, you wouldn’t have even noticed.
But you did. And a chill runs up your spine when you think about what he must’ve been thinking in that messed up head of his.
This fear grows when he uses his thumb to force you to look up at him, leaving your jugular totally exposed and vulnerable to those big hands.
“Oh, dollface, but you are,” he responds with sardonic sympathy. “You all are. Now, tell me where they are.”
Your breath hitches when he abruptly digs his fingers into the skin of your arm, sinking his claws into you.
Tears prickle your eyes at the sudden and sharp pain. You try to blink them away and hold back the tiny sobs threatening to exit your slightly dry lips, but a few of both escape anyway and you hate yourself for being so damn weak in front of him.
That is why, to reserve your dignity (or what’s left of it anyway), you don’t dare back down, looking at him dead in the eye and gritting your teeth as you lean in.
You wait for him to expect something of you and then you talk.
“Fuck. You,” you grit out with biting anger.
He smiles in a sickengly smug way, dark eyes practically drinking in the sight of you twisting in pain beneath his touch, of the humiliation embedded deep beneath that fake bravado of yours.
And as much as you hated admitting it, despite it all, there was such beauty in that gaze, such intriguing depth.
God, if it weren’t for the fact that you could see the sadistic joy -far darker than you had initially thought- clearly swimming in them as well, you could’ve confused him for handsome. If for a mere second.
If for a mere second, you could make out a striking resemblance between him and Dorian Gray in the infamous painting- the version before he turned into a monster that is.
His face was structured in that same classical beauty kind of way- high cheekbones, sharp jaw, bold brows, delicate pink lips, and a thick set of long lashes encasing a pair of piercing blue eyes.
But seconds go by and that mere second sure as hell did.
And all it gives way to is the pain you’re currently feeling and the perpetrator behind it. His beauty is dangerous. It’s deceiving to what truly hides beneath it. The ugliness simmering beneath, just waiting for something to snap from within to explode and take with it everything in its path.
He leans into you all of a sudden, making your heart jump all the way to you throat at the abruptness of the movement.
Not go mention; you’re fucking trapped between him and the wall now.
You catch a whiff of his cologne- a subtle but manly scent and the musk of his sweat and it makes your head spin. That along with the bitterness of the situation you’re in, nearly makes you faint with fucking desperation.
A trapped animal. That’s what he was minimizing you to. A fucking animal.
You swallow past the lump in your throat, hard. Licking your dry lips, you anticipate with almost overwhelming anxiety his next move.
His gaze flickers down to your lips as he laughs softly.
The warmth of his breath as it brushes against your face sends another chill down your spine and you can’t quite decipher if it’s because you’re shitting your pants or because he’s abandoned his indifference and is now looking at you like you’re his next prey and he can’t wait to chase you down and devour you.
His thumb softly caresses your chin, fingers moving into your hair. Your lips part at the delicious sensation and despite yourself, you lean into his touch.
“Careful what you go wishing for there, Y/n. Might just come true,” he warns mockingly, his whispers hoarse. His gaze sweeps over you- shameless as ever.
He made you feel invaded in your own body, the way he looked at you. His gaze and the liberties he took with them as he roamed your body and face made you feel like you were mistaken and actually his to look at. Like you were his to undress with his eyes.
It was a strange feeling to have him close after watching him from afar for years. Even as Sam’s best friend, you’d only ever talked to him twice before in the past.
Both were calling him out on treating Sam like trash.
To which he’d only laughed and walked away as if you were but a pesky little thing. After that, you had made it a point to stay away from Campbell. He was intimidating even in his nonchalant disregard.
But now, after what has happened, after almost everyone in your town had disappeared- he was making you question everything you believe in. And he seemed to be targeting you rather than just shake you off.
The fucker.
You suddenly can’t breathe, your heart beating so fast, you feel feel fucking dizzy with all the adrenaline it’s pumping through your veins.
You inhale shakily, trying to keep your fitting in this slippery slope of a situation you’d gotten yourself into.
“Let me fucking go, Campbell. I already told you I don’t know where they are,” you say- tone far too soft to be anything even remotely close to imposing.
He clicks his tongue at you mockingly and when you feel him tangle his fingers into your hair, wrapping the strands around his hand, you know something bad was going to happen.
Suddenly, he yanks your head back. The searing, burning pain coming from your scalp was unexpected and lethal and you cant help but let a loud yelp escape your lips.
“I’ll let you go when I fucking feel like it, you got me? I still don’t think any of you fucking understand, so let me make it crystal clear,” he snarls, forcing you to look him in the eye.
They’re stone cold, emotionless, the only emotion he had -sadistic joy- is gone and in its place there’s only searing, voidful, palpable anger.
“Everyone in this fucking town is scared of me.” He briskly releases you, knocking you back into the wall as he takes a few steps away from you. “And it’s for good reason.”
With a tiny grunt, you glare up at him. “Asshole,” you mutter.
He ignores your petty little insult, scoffing down at you like you’re a worthless piece of shit.
“Even you.”
You scowl. “Well I don’t know about everyone else but I, for one, am not afraid of you, Campbell.”
His lips curl upwards as he stares at you with a bemused look on his infuriatingly attractive face. “Sure you fucking aren’t. You know,” he clicks his tongue. “I always found it strange that even when you and Sam were attached at the hip, you never tried to get even remotely close to me. I mean aside to give me shit about the way I chose to treat Sam.”
He suddenly grows serious, a predatory look instantly growing on his face. Then he clenches his fists so tight, his knuckles turn paper white.
“Oh, the things I could do to you,” he mumbles, eyes zeroing in on your chest and then your neck. He drags his tongue over his thin upper lip, eyes flickering back up to you.
If that asshole knew how bothered his eyes on you made you feel, he ignored it. Or perhaps he enjoyed watching you squirm. Probably the latter.
They’re so dark now, that under this lighting- they almost look black. Far from his natural pools of blue and strikingly menacing.
His silver earring glimmers dangerously under the light and then you catch a glimpse of something else in his hand as he holds it up to the light.
Your blood runs cold when you realize it’s a blade.
He casually plays around with it, twirling around his hand with ease.
“You wouldn’t just be afraid...” he closes his eyes for a second, as if imagining it in his mind. A sick, perverted smirk instantly curls his lips and his cold gaze pins yours down once more when he releases a tiny hum.
“You’d be begging me to hurt you some more. Hell you’d get on your fucking knees and ask me to like the nice little girl you make everyone think you are.”
Your chest rises but doesn’t fall as you hold your breath. You’re trembling at this point, but you hope to god he doesn’t fucking notice.
“You’re sick,” you whisper roughly, eyeing him cautiously.
He shrugs nonchalantly, fingers running the knife some fucking idiot had left lying around.
“Maybe. But at least I’m not weak.” He looks at you pointedly. “At least I know how to take care of the things that belong to me.”
You huff, swallowing down your fear and letting your mouth run. “See, that’s the fucking problem with you Campbell. You think you’re entitled to owning people. But I’m not going to let you manipulate me.”
He raises a brow. “Oh, trust me, Y/n. Right now, with you- this is as real as I get. If I was manipulating you, you wouldn’t know it.”
Despite how much his words chill you to the bone, and your strangely strong urge to ask a whole bunch of questions, you merely chuckle sarcastically at him, putting on a brave face.
“Fortunately, that’s never going to happen.” You smile before quickly letting it drop. “Now if you’re done, get the fuck out.”
He sighs with fake defeat, putting the knife down casually.
“Fine. I’ll go.” You don’t budge, refusing to drop your guard at his words.
He smiles and even though you know that it’s not real- for a split-second you forget who he is because of how damn charming it is.
“Tell your friends I was here, will you doll?”
You almost let out a sigh of relief when he spins on his heels and begins to walk away but that gets trapped in your windpipe when suddenly pauses near the doorway, glancing at you over his shoulder.
“You know, it’s a shame.”
“What is?” You snap.
“That we hadn’t talked like this earlier.” He grins darkly. “I actually kinda enjoyed this little convo of ours.”
And with that he walks out, slamming the door shut.
Once you’re sure he’s gone, you release a huge breath, falling against the wall.
Your arm was throbbing aggressively and so was your scalp, your chest aches with pent-up anxiety.
And yet....
And yet all you can really think about is those eyes. That smirk.
The darkness inside of him wasn’t entirely empty, you conclude the more you thought about the genuine joy he had as he saw you in pain.
It was fucked up for obvious reasons, but you couldn’t help but think that what he held in that gaze was far more than that emotionless exterior he showed everyone. It was darkness nonetheless, but it wasn’t entirely devoid of all emotion.
Everyone said he didn’t feel like the rest of you did. But he felt something didn’t he?
There was something almost mesmerizing about figuring out what he was thinking. What he was feeling. About what made him tick.
It was crazy, but he’d always seemed like a sad person to you. Even underneath all that hard skin he’d built over the years, underneath that emotionless existence he’d been living, he seemed sad.
He scared you so much, it was practically impossible for you to comprehend why he also intrigued you just as much- if not more.
His darkness was as terrifying and unpredictable as it was alluring to you.
You sigh a little, glancing the already-forming bruises marring the skin of your arm. They were dark imprints of where he’d sunk his fingers into you.
You shiver just thinking about his hands on your skin.
You can never forget how dangerous he is.
Because if you do, you could find yourself trapped under his claws.
You tug on your long-sleeve subconciously, looking at Allie with furrowed brows.
“He said he was looking for you guys.”
Will shares a look with the blonde girl before looking back at you. “Did he specify why?”
You shrug. “No. Just said he needed to talk with you because you had something that belonged to him.”
Pursing her lips, Allie sighs. “We’re sorry for leaving you alone, Y/n. We should’ve had someone from the guard here. But he didn’t like-” she hesitates, watching you closely. “He didn’t hurt you or anything, did he?”
You look down, tugging even more at the sleeves and shake your head. “No.”
Allie had enough on her plate as is, you didn’t want to add another thing to it and be a bother.
She nods and sends you a look, fairly enough not looking convinced at all by your meek firmness.
“Well-” just as she begins to speak, a loud knock at the door abruptly cuts her off.
All three of you share a look this time, and you swallow harshly, heart racing. “Campbell?” you mumble with dread.
Allie motions to Grizz to check who it is. He nods, prying the front door open only slightly.
“What do you want Campbell?” He spits.
The small, indifferent, mocking, cold laugh he gives as a response floats in from the other side of the door and sends a shiver down your spine.  
“I need to talk to Allie,” he says simply.
Grizz goes to protest coldly, but Allie shakes her head at him, motioning for Campbell to come in. Grizz clenches his jaw, but complies, stepping aside for him to step in.
Campbell smirks sumgly, leering down at Grizz -who looks just about ready to explode- as he passes by him.
Then his gaze shifts to you as you stare at him and he grins brightly. You instantly look away, scrutinizing your hands.
Your spine goes rod straight as his footsteps near the kitchen, where you currently sat on a stool by the counter.
“What the hell do you want Campbell?” Allie raises a brow at him.
He slightly glances at you before smirking up at her.
“Elle. Where is she?”
Allie shakes her head. “She’s not your property Campbell. And you can’t just barge in here like that.”
His smirk drops and he glowers at her. “Give her to me or I swear to God-”
“Or what?” Will interrupts. “What will you do?”
Campbell refuses to back down. “Or I will come over to your house every fucking night and make your life miserable until you do.”
Allie heaves a heavy sigh. “Campbell-”
“Unless...” he softly sing-songs.
Everyone pauses, staring at him.
And when his gaze gently glides over to you, you know what he wants before he even says it.
“Unless?” Will murmurs.
Campbell bites his lip delightfully, gaze never leaving you. “Unless you give me her instead.”
All at once, everyone around you protests.
“What are you crazy?!”
Campbell shrugs, mumbling beneath his breath . “A little.”
The outrage continues. “No fucking way we’re doing that.”
“Listen,” Campbell shushes them. “The way I see it is; this town is fucking sick and tired of you Allie. So I really doubt they’ll have a problem helping me make all your lives a living hell. Now, I can take Elle and keep her because she’s mine. Or I can take sweet little Y/n here and return her after I’m done with her. That is; if she even wants to come back after I’m done with her.”
None of them even consider his offer. They start protesting again against him.
You just sit there, staring off blankly. And when you finally speak up. moments later, everyone falls silent.
“I’ll go with you,” you whisper.
“W-what?” Allies sputters. “Y/n, no.”
You look at her. “Allie, this is my choice, okay?”
She purses her lips in a silent reprimand.
Campbell snorts at your words as you look up at him. “But you have to give me back after a month.”
“One and a half.”
“Deal.” He smirks with satisfaction.
He looks at Allie pointedly. “Deal?”
The blonde glances at Will, Grizz and finally you. It’s clear she hates this; they all do.
You take a deep breath, getting off the stool. You walk towards her, taking her hands in yours.
“Allie please,” you murmur. “Elle has been beaten down enough by him. He’s broken her.”
“And that’s exactly why I won’t let him take you too,” she insists freverently, squeezing your palms tightly.  
You deadpan, lowering your voice to a whisper only you two can hear. “Allie, Elle is a badass, but I’m stronger than her, we both know it. I’ve known Campbell my whole life, I know his startegies. I know I can hold out for a month and half. I know that I’ll come back to you and he won’t be running a damn campaign agaisnt you then. It’s a win-win.”  
“This town needs you, Allie. Even if they don’t see it now. Don’t let us down.” You smile reassuringly for her sake more than yours. “I need you to trust me on this.”
She blinks back tears, nodding lightly.
You nod at her, fighting back your own tears and you step away. You turn to Campbell; your fucking nightmare incarnate.
“Let’s go,” you say softly.
What the hell have you gotten yourself into?
Why is there such a shortage of fics on Campbell? He’s such an interesting character and let’s be honest; fine as hell. 
(with that earing bruh?)
I definitely have a thing for hot psychos and it concerns me a lil bit.
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A special thanks to:
My forevers
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something from home : d.m
surprising dacre on set during the filming of season three  (835 words) - requested by @depressedlittlevegemite​ 
* stranger things writing *
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Closing your eyes, you lean back in the seat wanting nothing more than to be there already.
You’ve been working on this, wanting it to be the perfect moment ever since he flew back out. The thought of seeing him in person and not a pixelated version on a screen made the butterflies in your stomach return from hibernation.
“Attention everybody we’re about twenty minutes from landing, please prepare for departure.” A voice announces as you open your eyes, rubbing them tiredly.
Sitting upright, you stretch out as you peer through the window seeing the city you’ve heard so much about, but have never had the chance to see in person.
All of this is thanks to Joe and Finn.
For the past month, they’ve been dropping hints and giving you information. They send videos of Dacre curling up to a pillow in the morning muttering your name and how you give him the best cuddles. You’ve been begged to go just to keep him at ease and stop his constant whining. I mean, how could you resist?
As you arrive at the Arrivals lounge, your eyes wander in search of your name being scribbled on a piece of paper. You smile as a man stands with your name as he shifts his weight from one foot to another.
“Hi, I’m Y/n.” You speak up and the guy takes a hold of your luggage as you follow behind him toward a Jeep.
“Please Miss, they’re waiting for you.” He instructs as you both stand outside of the Jeep whilst your eyes remain wide.
Before you can question it, the window rolls down and Joe sticks his head out. “You should’ve seen the fear on your face,” he shakes his head, a smile growing. “priceless.”
You roll your eyes before opening the door and sliding into the seat beside him. “You’re such an ass, Keery.” You mutter as the Jeep begins to drive off.
“An ass who is giving your boyfriend a surprise of the year.”
Walking into the set you pull at the bathing suit as you take your position. You were instructed to just lie back in the sun keeping your eyes shielded with the sunglasses and fluff your hair back.
Around you, others are getting into their places as the crew finish setting up. “He’s not gonna know what hit him.” Cara walks by, her lips bright red as she smiles to you before taking her place right by the pool.
“Okay and cue Dacre,” The director sounds and suddenly your heart is resting in your throat.
The moment you’ve been waiting for, longing for is about to happen and suddenly all your preparation doesn’t feel right. What if you ruin the scene for him, or that you mess up his hair and makeup and waste everyone’s time?
Your eyes wander beneath the sunglasses as worry rises through your body, but you don’t have time to react. The doors are forcefully pushed open and cameras pan around your boyfriend.
He strolls out and you don’t have to pretend to be in awe of him, hell half the women here aren’t pretending safe to say.
Children and adults continue to play in the pool. You can see him out of the corner of your eye, how he is slowly walking and nearing Cara along with the other ladies.
And then it’s the cue you know could ruin it all. The sound of feet pattering toward you as a child runs followed by the abrupt sound of a whistle. You were told to wait for the whistle before sitting upright and removing your sunglasses, feigning shock as Dacre yells at the poor kid.
“Hey! No running on my watch, if I have to warn you again you’re banned for life.” He yells and you feel a shiver course through your body.
Dacre continues his walk, but you can see him pause before looking back over to the spot he had just focused on to scream at a child.
You keep your sunglasses removed as you lie back, not wanting it to be too obvious. But then you hear the sound of that infamous chuckle before your sunlight is being blocked.
“Excuse me, sir. I’m trying to soak up some sun.” You state, your eyes closed before you glance up seeing him looking at you in a state of disbelief.
“Honey, you’re in the wrong country for some real sunshine.” He says, unable to wipe the smile from his lips as you sit upright, focusing on him. “How, I mean, what?” He chuckles, looking around as everyone smiles. “Wait, everyone knew?”
You nod as you stand up, moving a stray curl from his eyes. “Gotta thank the team, they did a real deal on you.” You tell him as you kiss him softly, but you pull away before he wanted. “Have to save something for later, baby.” You whisper before taking your position back on the sun lounger, waiting for the scene to begin again.
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unstoppableforcce · 5 years
waves crash, ships don’t ( 5 )
the Mandalorian x reader
previous part | next part
so this hurt me to write, but I can promise I’ve already written the next chapter and while it still hurts, the child is in it so, maybe that will mend the broken heart. also, the feedback ! I love you all so much, enjoy !
It was easy to be distracted by you.
Every motion was methodical and efficient, lulling him into a gentle rhythm as he watched you work.
As the sun began to rise to begin the next short day, you followed it into the house, stripping the machete at the door and heaving a bag of something heavy over your shoulder. Cara had jumped up to offer a hand, but you denied it, throwing it into the kitchen, remaining almost entirely silent.
In his own defense, the last thing he wanted was to curse you with his sole presence for the rest of the day, but he had to send Cara and Karga into town if he ever wanted the Razor Crest fixed. The first time you spoke that whole morning was to correct his directions into town. While he had the basics, you filled in that during the rainy season, there was a better path.
Armed with the directions, they left, taking the child with since the rain had moderately let up. And again, he was alone with you.
No matter how much it hurt him to see he was hurting you, he couldn’t help but watch you as you worked. It was easy to be distracted by you.
The heavy bag had been full of fish, several of the larger variety which lived in the ocean your house sat next to.  He hadn’t spent enough time here to know them well, but he knew enough to recognize them.
You knew each and every aspect to them, or at least, from what he could see, it appeared you did.
Sat on the floor of the kitchen, you took a few bowls and baskets and began free-hand slicing down the spines, scraping away the scales and eventually ending up with perfect cuts of fish, each varying only in shape. He imagined if he were to weigh them on a scale, they’d measure the same.
It was a skill, your most marketable, you had an eye for precision.
It was just hard for him to watch you squander it in preparing a fish instead of the likes he knew you were capable of.
Since he landed the Razor Crest there, he had been hit with an overwhelming wave of memories, memories of you, playing by, one right after the other. But they were faint in the back of his head once you materialized in front of him. Real and threatening with a blaster at your side and no hesitations about using it.
Sitting here now, silence encapsulating the entirety of the house, even the rain slowing to a light pattering along the roof and window, with nothing but you to focus on, it all came back. Louder. Impossible to ignore.
The first time he saw you. The first time he spoke to you. The first time he realized how important you were going to be to him. The first time he realized how out of his depths he was around you. The first time you smiled and his heart melted.
The first time you smiled.
He hadn’t seen you smile since he arrived. He thought at first, that it was because he was there, and he whole-heartedly believed he deserved that. But now he was catching you in small moments alone, and nothing varied across your face. Even the child had barely phased you.
Even in his briefest daydream on the verge of consciousness, you showed some emotion, and he knew he wasn’t making that up out of nowhere. This stoic and stone-cold presentation of yourself… it wasn’t what you had always been. And he couldn’t even take credit for the entirety of it. He imagined it happened slowly over the years.
The first time he saw you, you had been smiling.
Not so much that this current version of you would be unrecognizable in comparison, you had by no means ever been particularly expressive, but you had smiled. A gentle upturn of the corners of your mouth, even flashing some of your teeth as laughter bubbled through you.
He had caught a glimpse of you out of the crowd in the booming marketplace that surrounded, modern and populous, a starch contrast to the planet where you currently resided. The second he caught sight of you, he was enraptured.
It had only been six or so years ago. You didn’t even look much younger in his memory than you currently did, you just wore it differently. The youth was radiant on you, as was the smile, the general brightness to you impossible to turn away from.
It was something he hadn’t seen in a long time, longer than the two years it had been since he last saw you.
The first time he saw you, he didn’t know who you were, and you didn’t know who he was. You remained two strangers passing in a marketplace and he convinced himself he was okay with that. He was in the middle of a job, he had no time to stop, he didn’t even know what he would say if he did.
That wasn’t what he did, getting caught up in a person, that wasn’t him. He had a job to complete, that was what he did.
He just didn’t know that you would be a part of the job.
He knew he wouldn’t be the only mercenary hired, not for a job like this. In the middle of the war, work was scarce if you didn’t pick a side, so if you wanted quiet work, it tended to have a criminal element to it. It bothered him, but not enough to turn down the paycheck. Clearly, you felt the same.
You sat off to the side, cleaning the intricate machinery to your rifle while the boss spoke, outlining the plan and everyone’s role in it.
He didn’t know what it was that drew him to you, he imagined that it was because you were the only one there who didn’t seem into the job for the criminal aspects of it. But he also couldn’t deny the way his heart had fluttered the first time he spotted you in the market, how warm your laugh had made him, even in viewing it from afar.
He nearly feared growing addicted to it if he experienced it first hand.
“Something I can help you with?”
Your accent was much stronger than it was now. Now, if he didn’t think about it, he would barely notice it, but back then, it had been more than noticeable, almost a hindrance to your basic. And he had no clue where it originated from.
Even now, that element of your past remained as much a mystery to him as his past remained to you. While you had been together, it was about the present and the occasional discussion of the future. Not the past.
He was a Mandalorian, he had been a foundling. That was all that had ever come up.
You were also orphaned young. That was the extent of what made it into discussion between the two of you even as the years passed.
So when the accent faded, he barely noticed.
But back then. The first time he heard it, it was all he noticed.
He spent so long focusing on it, he didn’t even realize you had been speaking to him.
He slowly shook his head when you looked back up at him from your rifle.
And then you chuckled. Not a scoff, there was no heat behind it. You seemed genuinely amused.
It was nearly infectious. He let the corners of his mouth turn up in a small smile, he couldn’t help it, thankfully he had the helmet to mask it. Otherwise he would’ve been lost in it.
Only now in remembering this was he realizing how young he had been. Or not young, but warm. He had been just as warm as you were and now, he imagined if he asked Cara or Karga, they would regard the current versions of the two of you much the same way. Quiet. Cold. Distant.
It was jarring to remember a time when it wasn’t like that, at least not to this extent.
“You do a lot of work with this crew?” You asked next, looking back up and noticing he was still staring.
He shook his head again and again you laughed. “You?”
You shrugged, closing the mechanisms within your rifle and turning your attention almost fully to him. “More than you, by the looks of it.”
“What do you mean?”
You stole a glance around as everyone prepared for the incursion, snapping on weaponry and armor, jesting with everyone else around, a criminal’s playground.
“They shoot people they catch staring.” You minded, “first the market, now here…”
He dropped his stare down and away. The lengthy tale of tallies kept along the butt of your rifle was enough of a testament to your skill and the last thing he wanted was to be out of line. He wanted to finish the job and get paid. So, he kept his stare away and stepped back, heeding your warning.
But you only let out another chuckle.
“I said ‘they’.” You smiled, it was small, but it was all he needed to catch with his stare to let him know it was okay to look. “I encourage it.”
He let his own chuckle fall from his lips and he nodded. “Noted.”
It was playful. You had been playful. He had been playful. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment it all changed, but he knew it was gone now.
With your rifle strapped over your back, you went to move past him but stopped, lingering in his personal space for a second as you turned back to him, taking a full languid scan of him from helmet to boot. You offered your name and he sighed.
“Mando is fine.”
You nodded and gave him one last pat on the shoulder before passing.
And it was only then that he remembered his heart returning to a normal rhythm.
The job went fine. He got paid. But a second before leaving, he ran back into you. Or maybe he had been looking, he didn’t think he could be faulted for that.
You were packing away your rifle and bag, each move of your wrist to fold a piece of fabric or to stack something within your sack, all of it, efficient and precise. As precise and methodical as you had been with the rifle.
He had a line of scorching through the paint on his shoulder plate to prove it. The shot had hit the target directly through the heart, but it came close enough to shake him. You did it twice more, perfect shots each and every time. He learned even within the span of minutes not to fear your shot when it got close, you were effortlessly perfect with your placement.
“Where are you headed now?” You asked, not even looking to him to know he was there, to know he was staring.
He stopped being spooked by it and just accepted that it was how you were. “Another job.”
“Not coming with us to Caamas?” You prompted over your shoulder, finally throwing him a glance.
He shook his head, taking a final step closer and holding your ground until you finished packing and turned all the way back to him.
“Shame, you’re pretty good.”
If he was good, you were incredible. The tallies suddenly made sense. You didn’t miss.
“Maybe I’ll see you around, it’s a pretty small galaxy out here for mercs.” You suggested, shrugging your bag up onto your shoulder, taking your rifle in the other hand.
When you pat him on the shoulder this time as you passed, you stopped briefly to get a better look at the scorch you inflicted with your close cutting blast. And when you stuck your thumb into your mouth and reached back to smear out some of the charring, he swore he nearly melted on the spot.
He couldn’t help but let his stare linger at your lips, at every single curve and scar along your face, which, back then, wasn’t that many.
Your lips. Perfect. Smooth and devilishly inviting. The memory now felt like a pang in his heart.
“Maybe.” You repeated. And like that, you were gone.
And he spent the four months until he saw you again replaying every interaction in his head whenever he could.
Just as he was now.
You finished with the fish and came back to the fire pit he sat next to and propped up two new spires of wood, a precise geometric configuration over the still crumbling wood that remained. And he watched every second of it.
His stare lingered at your lips. He couldn’t help it. The scar straight through the middle of your bottom lip contrasted so violently with the memory, it was all he could focus on as reality faded back to the forefront of his brain.
He knew you knew he was staring. You always knew.
He had applied bacta to many wounds of yours over the course of the years you knew and worked together following that first meeting, but not that one. He didn’t know when you got it, he didn’t know how you got it, you always refused to talk about it.
Now it just felt like another thing dangling between the two of you.
And he couldn’t pull his eyes off of it.
“Stop staring.” You remarked quietly, almost as if you had been speaking to yourself, barely loud enough for him to hear despite it being the only sound in the whole of the house.
I encourage it.
He knew the moment you began to hate him, another memory he couldn’t do away with. But he couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment you lost your playfulness.
There was a war. There were the tallies on your rifle. There was everything you two experienced together.
It happened somewhere along the way, gradually, as the two of you slowly grew into who you were now. He never really thought about it as it related to himself, but watching you, watching you use your remarkable skills of exactness and efficiency to do menial household labor, all he could do was wonder where the two of you would be had you never met one another.
If he had turned down that job or if he had accepted it and ignored you the way he ignored everyone else.
Would you still be so cold, or would you still allow a smile to grace your lips every so often? Would they still be without flaw, or was the scar inevitable?
Would you live here, a life condemned to solitude in an unforgiving jungle with nothing to occupy your skilled hands besides food preparation and domestic management? Or would you be back in a busy marketplace, enraptured in laughter, surrounded by mercenaries who appreciated you for what you were capable of?
If you never met him, you would never have been ruined by him. It was that simple. He just didn’t know how much of who you had become was his fault.
“You’re still staring…”
“Do you regret it?” It was strange, the tone his voice took. Foreign to both your ears and his own.
“Do I regret what?” You couldn’t stay still, even in conversation, you moved to organize whatever you could to take your mind off of him.
“Meeting me?”
A huff was all that came out.
“I’m serious.”
“You always are.” You finally broke back out with, brushing your hair from your face and turning back to him where he sat.
You watched him carefully, placing your hands on your hips and chewing at your bottom lip, scar and all.
He waited. He had nothing better to do.
“I don’t regret meeting you.” You finally sighed out, allowing your stare to meet his, trailing up the length of his form to get there, “I regret trusting you.”
You didn’t wait for a response, you only moved back to the kitchen and got back to work doing whatever you could, it didn’t matter what.
His stare didn’t follow. Not this time.
@im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @bva14 @steve-thotgers @bonkybaaarnes @persephonehemingway @scintilla-morningstar @sarcasm-n-insomnia @jellyfishpoptart @tedpicklez @morgannope @vaultingphilosophy @fan-g0rl @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial (again, I think this is all of them, if I missed you or you want to be added, please let me know, either in the replies or send an ask)
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dakotafinely · 4 years
Sunday: Straight Up Just Rise Appreciation
[Sorry, I meant to keep this short but it got pretty long so, yeah]
I love this series, if you’ve been following me for the past few months you could guess that. If you scroll through my posts you’ll definitely see it.
The animation, the stories, the character dynamics. How could you not at least respect it? Even if it isn’t your cup of tea.
I don’t have anything like I’ve seen some people. Who’s said Rise pulled them out of a deep depression that was caused by Quarantine. Or that they made many wonderful online friends because of the Rise connection. Or something very impactful like that.
I’ve never been anyone important.
But Rise means something to me because of family. When I was younger, I saw 2012’s dynamic’s as a reflection of my own family dynamics. And back then, to a degree I still do, see how 2012 was a reflection of my life at that time of my life.
Rise, surprisingly, is the same. I see a lot of my brothers, my mom, and myself in the brothers and even a bit of Splinter’s dynamic and interactions. Both hilariously and realistically. To me, it feels like TMNT in general, for the Rise and 2012 iterations anyway, has been a reflection on my life. And my growth and the change, good change, between my relationships with my brothers and mom.
I always saw myself as 2012 Raph, even had a stupid and dorky crush on him. And looking back, I do see actions and moments where I was Raph. I wanted to be just like him.
I hope now, I am Rise Raph. I want to be protective, supportive, unafraid of my emotions. I want to be good for my family. I want to be someone they can lean on, not having to be uncertain if I’ll catch them.
I don’t hate my younger self for resonating with 2012 Raph. I know what had lead to me following him and what my mindset at that time was. It’s nothing I can change now, but it’s something I hope I will always recognize and work on.
I still resonate with Raph, even if it’s only the Rise version now. He’s not perfect, who is really, but he’s good and pure. And I hope I can be more like him with each passing day.
Anyways, I can never say I’ve been a big geek for TMNT. But I do love Rise, and it’s got a really cozy place in my heart. And I know that compared to a lot of this year, it’s a bit insignificant. But, it really means a lot to me.
Also, a special thank you to the Rise crew. You guys put so much effort and care into every bit of animation and story and character creation. I hope you know people see the injustice that went to you guys. It’s not just that the show was thrown under the bus. It also you who’ve been mistreated by Nick and not given a real chance for your show to bloom.
@nickelodeon @nickanimation @netflix
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aion-rsa · 4 years
How Zack Snyder’s Justice League Leaves the Door Open to Restore the Snyder Verse
This article contains Zack Snyder’s Justice League spoilers.
Let it be said that to the very end, Zack Snyder did it his way. In an era where superhero entertainment, and all other branded media, is shaped by what conference rooms think fans want, Snyder somehow pushed through a transgressive view of DC icons like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman that was brooding, unsettling… and memorable. Fans certainly haven’t forgotten Snyder’s self-described “deconstructionist” Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice or that it was meant to carry onward into Justice League.
It’s that diehard loyalty among true believers which did the seeming impossible: It made a media conglomerate walk back its decision to lighten and truncate a director’s vision. Almost four years after Joss Whedon dramatically changed the tone and tenor of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, the Snyder Cut has debuted on HBO Max. And whatever you might think of it as a whole, it remains a pensive and superior work to what came before… and a seeming course correction from the direction the DC Extended Universe took after Snyder’s departure.
The marked improvement in Zack Snyder’s Justice League has left some fans demanding WarnerMedia “#RestoreTheSnyderVerse.” It’s certainly a loaded idea. But then folks said the same thing about releasing a Snyder Cut once upon a time. And the damndest thing about the four hour version of Justice League we now have is that it leaves breadcrumbs for everything Snyder originally had planned as a five-film saga—from Man of Steel through his original vision for a Justice League trilogy. Could it yet all come to pass?
Darkseid and an Anti-Life Superman
If you’ve watched the Snyder Cut, you got plenty of glimpses of the masterplan. It’s there when Cyborg has a vision of a world in ruins, with Wonder Woman dead on an Amazonian funeral pyre and DC’s ultimate space baddie, Darkseid, now on Earth, slaughtering Aquaman. Perhaps more chilling though is Snyder’s epilogue, created by reshoots, in which he returns to the Knightmare iconography from Batman v Superman. Ben Affleck’s Dark Knight is again in road warrior attire, and no less than Amber Heard’s Mera, Ray Fisher’s Cyborg, and Jared Leto’s Joker are his traveling companions. Meanwhile Henry Cavill’s Superman looms large as a force of evil coming to annihilate them all.
If you are unfamiliar with the backstory of Snyder’s original plan for the DCEU, this might be head-scratching. However, these are just fragments of the road not taken from Snyder’s original Justice League trilogy outline, as well as a possible backdoor in how to restore it. Snyder recently confirmed as much to The New York Times.
“It’s the fall of Earth,” Snyder said, “when Superman succumbs to anti-life… When Darkseid comes to Earth, in the movie that you’ll never see, the armies of Earth all unite again, as they did before. This time there would be aircraft carriers and Special Forces guys, all the armies of the world would come together, as well as Atlanteans rising out of the ocean and the Themyscirans coming off their island. That was our big finale.”
This vision for the future restored by the Snyder Cut is entirely in keeping with what we’ve previously learned about the arc of the DC cinematic universe under Snyder’s stewardship. As originally conceived, the climax of a Justice League trilogy was always intended to involve several things: Darkseid killing Lois Lane; Superman’s free will being destroyed by the Anti-Life Equation; and Batman and Flash using time travel to reverse this Mad Max apocalypse.
Now in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, we see hints of this with Superman cradling a dead, scorched body, crying in a way that implies it can only be Lois Lane. It’s part of Cyborg’s vision. That waking nightmare also shows Darkseid come and place his hand on Superman’s shoulder. Think Emperor Palpatine claiming ownership of Anakin Skywalker’s soul after the young Jedi helped kill Mace Windu in Star Wars.
It’s why Superman is evil in the final “Knightmare” sequence of the Snyder Cut’s epilogue. This sequence is also almost entirely added by reshoots filmed in 2020, with Affleck, Leto, Fisher, Heard, and Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke coming back for additional photography with Snyder.
Joker even lays out the endgame of Snyder’s Justice League trilogy when he asks how many universes exist where billions die because Batman doesn’t have the backbone to die himself? That’s because Snyder’s whole five film arc is supposed to lead up to the Dark Knight sacrificing himself for Lois Lane (and thereby Superman) thanks to the miracle of time travel.
For context, Snyder has personally revealed the “Knightmare” sequence in Batman v Superman—where Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen wakes Bruce from a nightmare to say, “It’s Lois Lane, she’s the key!”—was never a nightmare at all, but a vision the Flash implanted in Batman’s head.
“Flash travels from the [Batcave] in the future to the Cave in the past,” Snyder wrote on social media in 2018, “but he is ‘too soon,’ meaning he went too far back, also meaning he will have to step off the ‘cosmic treadmill’ one more time.”
The cosmic treadmill is a DC Comics device which allows the Flash to travel through time and to even commandeer another character’s consciousness. Bruce Wayne’s visions in both Batman v Superman and the Snyder Cut are not dream sequences, but actual events which will happen in Batman and the Flash’s future. Interestingly, the full breadth of this plot point was so radical that it likely played a role in Warner Bros. losing faith in Snyder’s vision.
“The original Justice League that Chris [Terrio] and I wrote, we didn’t even shoot,” Snyder said during a Q&A last year. “There’s a lot of it that we shot [but] the actual idea, the hard, hard idea, the scary idea, we never filmed because the studio was like, ‘That’s crazy.’ And we were so insecure at the time… we were just like, ‘I guess it is crazy. We’re fuckin’ nuts. There’s gonna be mass hysteria in the streets if we film this.’”
Batman, Lois Lane, and a Pregnancy Test
Zack Snyder’s Justice League leaves hints of how to restore that “hard idea.” The broad strokes are that the second Justice League movie would’ve been about the League versus the Legion of Doom (hence the scene of Lex Luthor revealing Bruce Wayne’s secret identity to Deathstroke in the Snyder Cut), and the third would be Lois Lane dying and Superman going evil. Batman and his crew of allies would then warn his past self through time travel, leading Batman to throw himself in front of the Omega Beams used to kill Lois… and there would be a radical added incentive to do so:
In the third film, Bruce Wayne and Barry were also meant to learn that Lois was pregnant with Batman’s child. Yes, Snyder’s original vision was for there to be a secret love triangle between Batman, Superman, and Lois Lane, and for the saga to end with Superman raising Batman’s son.
Snyder partially confirmed this as well in a new interview with Vanity Fair when he said about the first Justice League movie, “The intention was that Bruce fell in love with Lois and then realized that the only way to save the world was to bring Superman back to life. So he had this insane conflict, because Lois, of course, was still in love with Superman.”
That appears to be the hard idea jettisoned before the Snyder Cut was even filmed. But was it entirely thrown away? For eagle eyed fans watching Zack Snyder’s Justice League, there is a new scene where Amy Adams’ Lois Lane is making the decision to let go of her grief over the then-dead Superman and she rummages through her nightstand. If you look closely, there’s a pregnancy test sitting in her drawer.
The implication is Lois might be pregnant with Superman’s child. However, there is more than enough ambiguity for fans to see that the larger story threads for Snyder and Terrio’s original Justice League trilogy could still come to pass. Thanks to leaked outlines for Snyder’s trilogy making the rounds on the internet, we know Bruce Wayne was only meant to learn Lois was pregnant with his child in the third Justice League movie. It could still be so.
Read more
Zack Snyder’s Justice League vs. the Whedon Cut: What are the Differences?
By David Crow
Zack Snyder’s Justice League – What is the Anti-Life Equation?
By Jim Dandy
While we never see Affleck or Adams share a single scene together in the Snyder Cut’s four hours, it doesn’t mean a future sequel could not have added this detail, revealing in a moment of grief and loneliness between films, a mistake might’ve been made. It might be a queasy idea for fans of how the characters are typically depicted in the comics, but then that was originally Snyder’s intent before BvS disappointed. Who’s to say it didn’t happen off-screen… just like Superman’s Anti-Life corruption that we don’t see in the Snyder Cut, but which is heavily implied happens thanks to the Knightmare sequences.
In all honesty, it seems each of Snyder’s original key points for a five-film arc live on in the Snyder Cut. So could these elements be fully explored down the road like the “Restore the Snyder Verse” hashtag demands? In theory, yes. Technically Snyder’s version of Justice League isn’t canon; Whedon’s is. And there are already elements that indicate they’d be impossible to seriously reconcile. For instance, the Atlanteans in Zack Snyder’s Justice League can only speak in air bubbles (not underwater), and they all have proper English accents, including Mera.
In 2018’s Aquaman, by contrast, the Atlanteans have American accents and a decidedly less dour underwater kingdom. Still, there is no hard narrative reason why there couldn’t be two timelines. After all, Heard returned for 2020 reshoots with Snyder, reprising Mera’s posh Londoner accent, which was abandoned by Whedon and James Wan.
And honestly, continuity is overrated. There’s no narrative reason Snyder could paint his own proverbial universe away from other movies, just as Todd Phillips did with Joker.
Of course the larger issue is DC Films’ current leadership has rejected the Snyderverse as a future for their characters they’d like to invest in. Batman v Superman failed to gross $1 billion as the studio expected, but the more colorful Aquaman reached that number handily. Affleck, meanwhile, walked away from Batman. Walter Hamada, head of DC Films, even called the Snyder Cut a cul-de-sac just last December. And in his own recent NY Times profile, Snyder said, “This was going to be the last movie I make for the DCU.”
So actually discovering what happens when evil Superman descends from the heavens to threaten Batman, Joker, Cyborg, and the rest—and learning if Lois might be pregnant with Clark or Bruce’s child—will likely forever remain the province of fans’ headcanon. But hey, Snyder fans have a precedent now of making their headcanon a reality.
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboard #1s 1987
Under the cut.
"Shake You Down" -- Gregory Abbot -- January 17, 1987
The only reason I've heard this song before is because of Todd in the Shadows' worst hit songs of 1987 video. I do not entirely agree with his list, but this one definitely belongs on it. I don't think the song's writer knew what "shake down" actually means. This is supposed to be a love song about how the narrator is missing the woman he's staring at (um) and wants her back so he can "shake you down." It sounds creepy, and yet the music is so painfully bland it can't even rise to that. It's no surprise it hasn't gotten radio play since it was a hit. That it was a hit in the first place is mystifying.
"At This Moment" -- Billy Vera and the Beaters -- January 24, 1987
A rather good blue-eyed soul song. The narrator is singing to a woman who just told him she's in love with someone else. It sounds like she's acting scared, and he's upset by that as well as by her leaving him, because "I'd never, never hurt you." And he'd give up twenty years of his life if she'd stay. There are some massive blues horns, Billy Vera sings it well, and it's cathartically sad. The song became a hit years after it was first released because it was on Family Ties. Billy Vera keeps on chugging, and he's also a music historian. He won a Grammy for "best album notes" in 2013 for a Ray Charles boxed set. I had no idea that was an award category.
"Open Your Heart" -- Madonna -- February 7, 1987
Watch out. When Madonna says "I've had to work much harder than this/ For something I want, don't try to resist me," it's absolutely believable. She worked incredibly hard to get where she was. I guess the song is stalkery when looked at from a certain angle, but that is not the angle I choose. I hear it as I did as a teenager -- as something aspirational, because I got huge and powerful crushes on guys (mostly friends) and then did absolutely nothing about it, both because I had no idea what to do and because I didn't actually want a boyfriend yet. (That changed in college.) Musically and lyrically, the song is Motown mixed with disco and updated, as most of the True Blue album is. It's a lot of fun.
"Livin on a Prayer" -- Bon Jovi -- February 14, 1987
I wonder what I'd feel about this song if it hadn't been overplayed for years and years. I don't think it was/is played more than "You Give Love a Bad Name," but I have never been sick of "You Give Love a Bad Name." This one... meh. I don't want to run screaming from it, even after hearing it a zillion times, so that's something. It's about a working class couple who's having serious money troubles. It's just a snapshot of this difficult time in their life, and how they're holding on to each other. I'd be happier with it if the story were rounded out, and especially if they got a happy ending. The music is fine, acceptable rock, but nothing special.
"Jacob's Ladder" -- Huey Lewis and the News -- March 14, 1987
This song is a "fuck off" to televangelists, though if you only listen to the chorus you might not know that. I always appreciate anyone telling televangelists to fuck off. I could use it being nastier, but you can't expect real nastiness from Huey Lewis and the News. Genesis would go there a few years later, and I like that song much better. "Jesus He Knows Me" is also more interesting musically. This one's fine, but not memorable.
"Lean on Me" -- Club Nouveau -- March 21, 1987
The original "Lean on Me" is one of the great songs. This version is annoying. A go-go beat and a faux-reggae break. The original of this song is deeply emotional and touching. This one is not even a good dance song. I liked it when I was a kid, but that makes sense, because it's a very kiddie song.
"Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" -- Starship -- April 4, 1987
This song is actually not bad. It's pretty good, even. It's a very slick synth-heavy drum machine love song, but I really like the way Grace Slick sings on it. Mickey Thomas, well, he hits the notes. Could be worse. If they'd gotten a male vocalist who could match Grace Slick on his part of the duet, this might be a great song. They didn't, so it's just pretty good.
"I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)" -- Aretha Franklin and George Michael -- April 18, 1987
George Michael is an excellent singer, but he's no Aretha Franklin. But who is? He holds his own pretty well here. As both Franklin and Michael know how to push emotion in a song, they end up with good chemistry on this one. Unfortunately, though the vocal performances are great, the music itself is dull. The melody slips out of my head while I'm listening to it.
"(I Just) Died in Your Arms" -- Cutting Crew -- May 2, 1987
*silent scream of anguish* I wish this song would slip out of my head permanently. It is my personal most overplayed song in existence. My hate for it could end worlds. I have no idea about what qualities it might or might not have. I just want it to shut the fuck up.
"With or Without You" -- U2 -- May 16, 1987
I don't think U2 actually counts as "alternative," but the alternative stations were the only ones who played them where I lived. The song is extremely structured and carefully designed, but it feels somehow raw at the same time. It doesn't have the layers upon layers of synth that most of the songs on the charts did. It has a beautiful melody. The lyrics are thoughtful, heartrending poetry. I'm not sure what I thought of the song at the time -- I associate it more with a couple years later, when my family moved to a town near a huge state college and I started listening to the college station. It hasn't aged a bit. An amazing song.
Also Bono’s personality is somewhat insufferable if one is silly enough to look into it. But his voice is incredibly hot, and I very much appreciate that.
"You Keep Me Hangin' On" -- Kim Wilde -- June 6, 1987
Back to the layers of synth. This is the Supremes song updated as a 1987 dance song, and it sounds exactly like you'd think it would. It's okay.
"Always" -- Atlantic Starr -- June 13, 1987
This is the kind of song I made gagging noises about at age 10, when it came out. I'm tempted to now too. It's like corn syrup, both lyrically and musically. It sounds like it was written for weddings.
"Head to Toe" -- Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam -- June 20, 1987
I liked this song a lot when I was a kid. I had a lot of fun dancing to it. Now I hear Lisa Lisa's vocals in the opening and chorus, which are kind of like a police siren, and want to cover my ears. I can't listen to it without getting a headache nowadays.
"I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)" -- Whitney Houston -- June 27, 1987
This is a Whitney Houston song I like. She doesn't oversing as much as usual -- she mostly, though not entirely, saves it for the chorus. She wants to dance with "a man who'll take a chance/ On a love that burns hot enough to last." It's a simple dance song that speaks to real emotion.
"Alone" -- Heart -- July 11, 1987
In the 80s, Heart did hair metal ballads. All the men who did the same were copying them. Including the hair itself. Heart did it first, and Heart did it best. So lyrically, why can't she get this person alone? Not even on the phone? Whatever, it doesn't matter. What matters is the emotion, the music, and that this is a great song to sing along with.
"Shakedown" -- Bob Seger -- August 1, 1987
Unlike Gregory Abbott, Bob Seger knew what "shakedown" meant. The song was written for Beverly Hills Cop II, and that's exactly what it sounds like. It's a good movie song, but doesn't transcend that box. Still fun though.
"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" -- U2 -- August 8, 1987
This is a spiritual pop song. But it's very far from the sanitized happy clappy Christian-brand pop that's so foul. It's about a search for transcendence that's ongoing -- eternal, really. And while this song is explicitly Christian, it speaks to a universality that doesn't require religion of any kind. Also it's beautiful musically.
"Who's That Girl" -- Madonna -- August 22, 1987
I'm surprised this was a number one. Or even charted in the top 20. I'd have predicted #46 or something. The movie it was written for was terrible, and Madonna was particularly terrible in it. Like, aggressively terrible, when in most movies she was just kinda blah. I've never liked the song. I don't hate it either; I don't feel much of anything about it. That is very strange for a Madonna song -- "American Life" is awful, but it makes me feel things. (Mostly embarrassment.) But "Who's That Girl" is bland, which a Madonna song should never be.
"La Bamba" -- Los Lobos -- August 29, 1987
This is a nearly faithful rendition of Richie Valens' original hit, which was based on a Veracruz folk song. But where are the castanets? The original is better, a true classic, but this one isn't bad. It's simply... unnecessary. It was done for a movie about Valens, so I guess it was sort of "necessary" in that way. Skip this one and go for Valens' version.
"I Just Can't Stop Loving You" -- Michael Jackson with Siedah Garrett -- September 19, 1987
This is from the Bad album, which I did not like in 1987 and continue to not like now. I find this song extraordinarily dull. Whitney Houston and Barbra Streisand both turned it down, and I'm not surprised. This song weirdly makes me think of The Love Boat. Like it belongs in a television series. It's legitimately bad. When do we get to Janet again?
"Didn't We Almost Have It All" -- Whitney Houston -- September 26, 1987
I think the narrator in this song is trying to get an old flame back. It's a pretty melody, and the lyrics are wildly repetitive but not bad, but I can't get past Houston's oversinging. Anyone who doesn't mind that will probably enjoy this song.
"Here I Go Again" -- Whitesnake -- October 10, 1987
I wonder what makes one feel a song is "horribly overplayed" vs. just "played probably too much but I'm fine with it." This song is the latter for me. It's a really good song, so obviously that's part of it. The beginning is thoughtful and searching, with an organ and everything (or probably a synth on the organ setting), and has that same spiritual feel as "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For." Then in come the guitars, which are awesome. It absolutely rocks, and the emotion is of "like a drifter I was born to walk alone" is amplified by the rock, rather than buried under it.
"Lost in Emotion" -- Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam -- October 17, 1987
Lisa Lisa does not sound like a police siren in this, thankfully. And I got frozen on this song because I listened to it over and over and managed to feel absolutely nothing about it. I guess she's falling in love with a friend and worried she's telling him too much, and I should identify with this because it's happened to me more than once. But I don't. I like the bass line, and it's updated Motown, so I should like that. But again, I feel nothing. Maybe it's the way Lisa Lisa sings it. I don't know, and I've wasted far too much time on something I cannot make myself care about in any way.
"Bad" -- Michael Jackson -- October 24, 1987
I think the Bad album is bad. Actually bad, as in not good. I was 11 when this hit #1, so everything in the universe embarrassed me, but this stood out. I no longer knew anyone who liked Michael Jackson. I certainly didn't. In my opinion, Jackson had exactly one good album in him, and that album was Thriller. Thriller is one of the greats. Bad is blah.
"I Think We're Alone Now" -- Tiffany -- November 7, 1987
I wonder what makes stations decide to play #1 hits and what makes them decide not to. I don't remember hearing this much at the time, and never after. It's a cover of a 1960s song that was never that great, and it's worse here. In 1967, the "ooh we're alone gonna do something naughty" idea was still edgy. In 1987 -- are you kidding? Madonna's tearing up the charts in 1987; what on earth is this thing doing on it? It's an annoying song, annoyingly sung.
"Mony Mony" -- Billy Idol -- November 21, 1987
I had to do aerobics to this in middle school. Next!
"(I've Had) The Time of My Life" -- Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes -- November 28, 1987
This is one of those songs I can't really evaluate because it feels like background music to my life. Not that it was ever particularly important to me -- it's not. But it's sort of like "Eye of the Tiger", movie song and all. Medley and Warnes are well-matched on the song, and they do a great job. I wish the music were more interesting, but well, movie ballad. It's a good one for what it is. By the way, Dirty Dancing is another movie I've managed to never see. For no reason -- I might even like it. But somehow, it's never come up.
"Heaven Is a Place on Earth" -- Belinda Carlisle -- December 5, 1987
Ooh baby, do you know what that's worth? Yes. I love everything about this song. It's a big and unashamed dance power ballad about how great love is, and the lyrics are simple but powerful. But I have  a question: What the heck is up with the video? It looks like she's being inducted into a cult, not like she's in ecstasy over great romantic love. Well, it was the 80s, the videos usually didn't have anything to do with the songs. Still, weird.
"Faith" -- George Michael -- December 12, 1987
I've known the lyrics to this song since it came out, but I never registered them before. Only "I gotta have faith, faith, faith." I remember the video, though, with its prominent focus on George Michael's butt. I'm watching the video now, and huh, there's a basically naked woman in it too. That, I didn't remember, because it wasn't relevant to my interests. Anyway, the lyrics are about how the narrator needs a break from relationships so is not gonna have sex with this hot woman. Sure, George, that's why. Ahem. Sorry, we didn't know then, and it doesn't matter one bit anyway, because the singer is playing a role. It's a fun song for which the lyrics don't matter at all.
BEST OF 1987 -- "With or Without You" by U2  WORST OF 1987 -- "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" by Michael Jackson with Siedah Garrett
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let-fans-be-fans · 4 years
STAR WARS Episode 8 - The Last Jedi
Only read after watching The Mandalorian s2 e8
Imagine a Lucasfilm Story Group that has actually worked as a group since 2015.  Chuck Wendig’s draft of the first Aftermath novel has been roundly mocked and pulped before ever being committed to print.  This isn’t about that, though.  This is the germination of the story seed that is planted in The Mandalorian, so join me as we explore one of the possibilities that could have happened within the Star Wars universe: What If Grogu (the Child/Baby Yoda) first appeared in TLJ?
Ahch-To, the steps.  Luke Skywalker regards his guest Rey with a quizzical expression, telling her simply but firmly “I can’t take that, but there is a place for it somewhere...” and the two move inside Luke’s little hut.  Passing by a large levitating pod, Rey (and the audience) experiences mental flashes of meeting Finn.  Smash-cut to Finn himself waking up in the recovery suit in the med-bay.  Finn/Rose/whatever sub-plot (this post isn’t about fixing THAT car-crash, let it marinate) ensues, does what it does.  This timeline’s Rian Johnson, however, is co-existing with LFL’s Story Group and especially Dave Filoni.  They’ve cooked up one hell of an A-plot, and it continues thusly:
Rey never sees what is in the pod, and begins to wonder if Luke is messing with her or starting to go a little peculiar from isolation, on account of how he talks to it.  In fact, something is starting to make her feel slightly more at ease.  Maybe even a little guilty when Luke’s mood turns sombre and he says, “I know.  About Han, and Ben...”  We maybe even get a little nostalgia-boost by Luke opting to use the training remote and blast-shield helmet to start training Rey.  It’s like poetry, it rhymes.
All through this time, Luke has not withdrawn himself from the Force out of shame.  He has always kept himself open to it, learning from the spirits of his teachers.  The night that Rey decides to leave and try to aid the Resistance (or to confront Kylo Ren for her own reasons) is the night that Luke receives a visitation from two very unexpected spirits.
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That’s right, y’all.  The first Force ghost appearance of a non-Force-sensitive character in the Saga.  Padmé and Anakin show up to give Luke the news that some strange, dark figure has attempted to kill Leia by shooting at her private chamber on the Resistance flagship, only for Luke to not understand why they don’t know the attacker’s name.   “You don’t need to hide it, to protect him.  You know, as well as I do, that it was Ben!”  Anakin shares a concerned look with the spirit of his wife, and the next thing he says would absolutely blow the cinema audience out of every single seat in the house.  “Luke?  Son, listen to me.  Who is this Ben?”
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That’s right.  Anakin Skywalker, the former Sith Lord Darth Vader, has absolutely no idea that our sequel trilogy’s Vader-like antagonist (his own grandson) even exists.  Even as the Force ghosts watching over Luke and Leia and their families for all this time, both Padmé and Anakin explain that from their perspective, something is bending the Force itself around Ben Solo, pulling him away from not only the Light side, but also from its Dark side.  “The boy, Ben Solo, is living his entire life surrounded by a wound in the Force.  This wound, it’s very subtly, slowly eating him!”
Luke is still in shock from hearing the ghosts of his parents telling him what is happening to Kylo Ren.  Rey is trying to keep him out but the villain is urged by his twisted Master, the Supreme Leader of the First Order.  Their telepathic communication is picked up on by Luke, who all at once sees what has truly become of his nephew.  Ben Solo appears to his uncle, surrounded by tendrils that look like animated cracks in a pane of window glass.  This is the wound in the Force, and its presence is felt most strongly by the eldest living Force-sensitive on the island of Ahch-To.  A short cry splits the cracked and bleeding image of Kylo Ren and Rey wakes with a sudden start.  Luke is frowning as he looks toward the floating cradle, then he makes his decision.  We (and Rey) are about to meet the 100 % physical in-camera puppet.  Cast and crew are made to sign an infinite supply of Non-Disclosure Agreements, Rian Johnson is talked into only letting Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley and the puppeteers onto the sets while everybody else is shooting their things.
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The cradle pod swings back its protective lid slowly, and there he is making his debut before an audience that paid full movie theater (remember those?) ticket prices.  Exuding full fucking “Gizmo in the box on the coffee table” energy, the Child glances sleepily between Rey and Luke.  This is why the legendary Jedi Master left the civilized New Republic, he tells Rey.  The massacre of his first generation of Jedi students, the betrayal by his nephew, all of it would have been for nothing if he couldn’t save one very important life.  Rey is sworn to protect the Child, who is old enough now to speak his own name.   “Grogu?  Is that what he said?”  “One of his protectors told me it’s his name, right before telling me how I looked just like my father.  We had a pretty good laugh about that...”
Before the Holdo manoeuvre, the Hyperspace Karen or whatever you want to call it, Rey acts out the plan that she and Luke have concocted in secret so that Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon can safely evacuate both Luke and Grogu.  Rey hasn’t been told about the wound in the Force that swirls around Kylo Ren, but for some reason she can now see the same churning mass of tiny cracks in reality, and they spread out behind the Supreme Leader Snoke in much the same manner that Palpatine’s throne sat before the spiderweb-looking window of his tower on the Death Star.   This is it, we think.  Snoke is the wound in the Force drawing Ben away from his true self.  Even as the lightsabre that Rey brought with her ignites and strikes Snoke dead, the audience is thinking along with Rey that the wound is going to close up.
So no.  Rey sees it happen, but Kylo remains completely oblivious as he takes up leadership of the First Order.  Something about the way he accuses Rey of the murder makes us think he really believes it too.  As Rey narrowly escapes, haunted by the sight of the living animalistic wrongness that ate Supreme Leader Snoke, General Hux is rather confused.  “Forgive me, ah, Supreme Leader.  But you are the first Supreme Leader of the First Order.  There was never a previous holder of that position, my Lord.”  I know!  Right!?
The Resistance’s last ships have limped along the supply line to the long-abandoned old Rebel holdout on the silicate world of Crait.  The wreckage of Snoke’s flagship the Supremacy, hangs in space, permanently suspended in the wake of the Holdo manoeuvre.  From the epicentre, a single pinprick of darkness begins to expand hungrily to devour the light from the hyperspace explosion.  The great wound left in the Force crawls across the destroyed vessel, the thinnest tendril of its immense darker-than-space form now separated from Kylo Ren.  Or, so it would seem, anyway...  Reunited with Rey, Luke gives her an understanding nod when she informs him of how the lightsabre of his father was literally ripped in half by the destruction of Snoke’s flagship.  Some of the elder members of the Resistance don’t have the slightest clue what Rey’s mysterious words mean.  As far as they know, Kylo Ren has been the brutal enforcer of the First Order, only recently declaring himself the first Supreme Leader of the faction.  Finn and Rose both speak up in defense of Rey, both of them surprised to hear that Leia also knew of Snoke’s death and the destruction of the flagship by her erstwhile friend, Amilyn Holdo.
Nobody can agree what happened, because a large subset of Resistance personnel share vague, half-formed memories of things as Luke, Rey or Leia tells them.  No droids, or Chewbacca, share their recollections, and uneasy looks pass between members of the post-war generation and the Skywalker twins.   It’s a quirk of the Force!  Every sentient born after the death of Emperor Palpatine, the unfortunately waylaid Maz Kanata informs them via hologram, possesses a significantly higher potential for Force abilities than the generation who grew up on the fringes of the rise of the Empire, the clamp-down on Jedi and suspected Jedi.
It would seem that this Force baby boom did not extend to First Order space (being mostly disaffected ex-Imperials, their families would be more careful to weed out any aberrations in the bloodline and try not to be of interest to the Emperor) as only Kylo Ren, their rightful Supreme Leader and master of the Knights of Ren demonstrates any ability to touch the Force.  That voice that only he can hear in the presence of Darth Vader’s ruined helmet tells him, its tone and pitch and cadence shifting (starting as the booming bass rumble of Vader’s synthesized voice before being joined by the harsh rasp of Snoke.  The low, menacing tone of Maul and the cackling, wheezing Palpatine.)  Power is the only thing worth holding onto.  Let the past die, kill it if you have to.   Cut out the weakness that keeps you bound to things like family...
“This is not going to go the way you think.”
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Driven on by the maddening chorus of voices, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has now managed to track his hated Resistance opposition to the deserted world of Crait.  Ships entering the vicinity of the mysterious hyperspace blackout are slowly consumed, vanishing into the great wound and becoming officially non-existent.  Alone against his crazed nephew, the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker steps out onto the crystalline plain before the bulkhead doors of the former Rebel base.  He cannot be hit by the guns of the lumbering walkers that his errant nephew orders to fire on him.  Kylo’s attempts to telekinetically barrage Luke with the salted earth of Crait simply do not phase the man.  As he calmly reminds Kylo: “The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi.” Kylo Ren’s dangerously unstable lightsabre blade harmlessly passes over Luke as he ducks out of its reach.  Finally, the angry young man seizes his moment and lashes out at Luke’s midsection.  Nothing?
The Jedi Master nods his head slowly, the camera pulling back to reveal him sat in a meditative posture atop a flat-headed rock just off the shore of his home island on Ahch-To.  Focusing his will through the Force, Luke appears not only in front of Kylo Ren, but also between Leia and Rey inside the base.  The two of them in turn are surrounded by a loose semi-circle of the younger, more Force-sensitive recruits of the Resistance including Finn and Rose Tico.  All of them, opening their conscious selves to the Force, are helping to shoulder the burden that Luke has taken on.  Proudly, Luke slowly rises from his seat and sends a mocking salute to Kylo.  “See ya ‘round, kid...”
The last supplies are loaded onto what few Resistance carriers and short-range fighters they have left, as well as the famous Millennium Falcon. Rey and Grogu both agree that their first priority is to properly re-establish contact with Luke Skywalker.  Furious, Kylo retreats to his ship-board meditation chamber, pounding his gloved fists into the ashes surrounding the remnants of Vader’s helmet.  Cursing the scavenger girl seems to spark some interest in the bizarre otherworldly whispers, the flash-image of Rey in the dark young man’s thoughts prompting the inner voice to remark, “We shall be re-united soon enough.  Yes, you will see what new powers I possess in time, sister...”
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dashoftime · 4 years
Star Trek Disco Prologue
CBS will air Season 1 of Star Trek: Discovery starting this Thursday at 10/9c.
Before the season begins, a Tribble Triple Feature! Each of these episodes are available on Netflix, Hulu, or CBS All Access. Probably Amazon too, but I didn’t check ‘cause truly is there anything less utopian than Amazon?
TOS 2x15 “The Trouble with Tribbles” TAS 1x05 “More Tribbles, More Troubles” DS9 5x06 “Trials and Tribble-ations”
Star Trek launched in September 1966. Writer Gene Roddenberry had pitched the series as a western set in outer space. But he also wanted to comment upon current events, like war and sex and religion, without attracting the ire of network censors. Season 2′s “The Trouble with Tribbles” lays out a lot of the core ideals of Star Trek that carry over the decades.
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The characters hail from different backgrounds, collaborating to solve big problems — in this case, an ecological crisis. Despite their varied perspectives, they share camaraderie, respect, and a surprising amount of snark. They’re also very competent, but that doesn’t prevent disasters from happening, or the crew from simply making mistakes. This isn’t a show about space. This is a show about people who work in space.
And the people out there aren’t all friendly. We meet some adversarial aliens, namely the Klingons. We’re told they’re ferocious, brutal warriors — but Koloth actually seems quite cordial and crafty, less like a warrior and more like a spy. Rather than wage open war, they genetically modify one of their own to appear human. Which is pretty silly, ‘cause the budget constraints of the ’60s mean that Klingons already look human! These aliens seem remarkably familiar and accessible. The far more frustrating adversaries are self-important administrators like Nils Barris, or destructive capitalists like Cyrano Jones.
Star Trek features flawed heroes, frustrating villains... and a lot of moralizing. Uhura advocates on behalf of the tribbles, saying they’re “the only love money can buy.” Kirk retorts, “Too much of anything, even love, isn’t necessarily a good thing.” The bold colors and witty quips can make the morals feel reductive, even cartoonish. But for me, that’s kind of the point. Star Trek presents ethics and philosophy in a simple, accessible way. I won’t claim they’re right 100% of the time, and some of its attitudes shift over the decades — but even this early on, Star Trek stands for harmony, cooperation, and inclusion. And those are perspectives that should be cartoonishly simple.
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Speaking of cartoons, I took a swing with “More Tribbles, More Troubles.” I’m curious how people feel about the pacing and the primitive animation. This is one of the funnier and more action-packed episodes of The Animated Series. If folks tell me they struggled with it, I’ll cut the remaining handful of cartoons from the schedule.
I’m tickled that they bring Cyrano Jones and Koloth back; and that writer David Gerrold returns, building upon the tribbles’ previous ecological threat by introducing an ineffective predator, the glommer. I also just really enjoy the gag of Kirk repeatedly shoving an ever-growing tribble out of his chair.
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Once again, the Klingons are up to crafty business, slowing down the Enterprise with an immobilizing ray and targeting some drone ships. We see more space combat than we did in live action, but it’s still more strategic than open warfare. And again, I suspect it’s a budget issue — the recycled shots of photon torpedoes suggest more action would’ve been too expensive. The result is that the Klingons just don’t seem that ferocious yet. Ultimately Koloth doesn’t even want to punish Cyrano Jones, he just wants his useless science experiment back.
So let’s see how the Klingons change over the decades! Thirty years after the original series, Deep Space Nine uses time travel to explore Star Trek’s history. “Trials and Tribble-ations” was a 30th anniversary celebration for Star Trek, utilizing the same technology that inserted Tom Hanks into historical footage for Forrest Gump.
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Integrating two versions of Star Trek across time poses some aesthetic and continuity challenges.
The Klingons of ’90s Star Trek have a much more elaborate make-up design — forehead ridges, wigs, sharpened teeth, etc. They also act more ferocious than the old Klingons. So when 24th-century Klingon Worf shares the screen with the budget-constrained 23rd-century Klingons, fan culture almost demands an explanation. This anniversary episode obliges with a throwaway joke: “It is a long story, and we do not discuss it with outsiders.”
Not every aspect of style needs an onscreen explanation. “Trials and Tribble-ations” was lucky that its visual style adapted so well to the classic series. TOS (The Original Series) and DS9 both used a square 1:33:1 aspect ratio, ’cause that was the shape of everyone’s TV. The DS9 production crew built retro sets, mimicked the same lighting, and were able to insert their actors into the original shots.
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This technique is no longer possible, because the technology we use to make TV has changed so much. Even the shape of the frame is different -- we’ve all got widescreen TVs now. If 21st century Trek wants to revisit its past, it must fundamentally re-conceive how those spaces are constructed, lit, and framed.
In 1996, Star Trek was free to engage with nostalgia, caressing its old tricorders and uniforms, admiring it old performances and sets, even reliving the same story points. There’s a certain degree of pleasure and comfort to this, but it makes me a little nervous.
Roddenberry intended for Star Trek to comment upon the world we live in. While “The Trouble with Tribbles” is a comedy about ecological dangers, “Trials and Tribble-ations” is simply a comedy about old Star Trek. It’s a much more limited perspective. And it’s a limited perspective that’s broadly affected pop culture for the past twenty years.
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Since 2000, we’ve seen a huge rise in reboots and origin stories. (eg. Batman Begins, Casino Royale, Battlestar Galactica, Man of Steel, etc.) We usually hear that studios only trust audiences to pay for something familiar. I’d like to frame it more charitably and say, in the wake of 9/11, we’re collectively reviewing the stories that defined our culture and deciding which values and lessons are still relevant to us. Star Trek did this too.
In 2001, we got the prequel series Enterprise. 100 years before Kirk and Spock, it follows a pioneer crew on an experimental ship called Enterprise. Season 2 invokes 9/11 when an alien attack destroys Florida, and the grieving crew embark on a mission of vengeance. It was a way to comment on the invasion of Afghanistan. By season 4, the current events commentary was replaced by stories to revisit Star Trek’s lore, including a two-parter to explain Worf’s throwaway joke in “Trials and Tribble-ations” about Klingon appearances.
After Enterprise ended, we got the J.J. Abrams reboot movies, which tell an alternate origin story for Kirk and his classic crew. In the 2009 movie, an alien attack destroys the planet Vulcan, and a grieving Spock seeks vengeance.  He’s still grieving in Into Darkness, but gets distracted by a character from Star Trek’s past...
If all Star Trek can do is comment upon itself, it’s no longer serving its purpose. Star Trek must be aware of the cultural, economic, and political challenges we face, and it needs to offer a vision for how we could overcome them.
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We’re about to begin Star Trek: Discovery, a show drenched with contemporary awareness and semiotic significance. It takes place 90 years after Enterprise, 10 years before Kirk, and therefore has a peculiar relationship with time — both within its story, and within our world beyond the show. Discovery is Star Trek finally breaking free of its origins and serving the purpose Trek should: envisioning a way forward into a utopian future where there’s space and freedom for us all.
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