#and rescue Marcy right away
Meaningless Suffering ≠ Consequences: An SPOP Rant Analysis
so one huge argument i've seen from SPOP fans, when it comes to Catra's redemption is that “she got tortured and mind controlled by Horde Prime. she almost died at his hands. therefore, she faced the consequences of her actions.”
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now.. could this be considered a consequence of her actions? the important question here is: why did Catra get punished by Prime? for going against his rules and freeing Glimmer. she got punished for doing one good thing. this was the consequence of her doing something right. if anything, she would be more discouraged to do good in the future, because the first time she does something good, she almost gets murdered for it.
but i digress. i've seen this trope be used with quite a few characters in media. the other example of this i want to talk about is Marcy from Amphibia. (spoilers for Amphibia below)
in the s2 finale, Marcy is revealed to have stranded her friends Anne and Sasha on Amphibia on purpose, because she didn't want to be alone. while this wasn't as bad as any of the shit that Catra pulled, it was still a fucked up thing to do. Marcy deliberately took Anne and Sasha away from their home and their parents, for her own selfish reasons.
like Catra, Marcy also has abandonment issues. her parents had informed her that they had to move and Marcy was terrified at the idea of having to leave Anne and Sasha behind. but that was still not an excuse for what she did.
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not long after her secret was exposed, Marcy gets stabbed by King Andrias while trying to escape Amphibia. she doesn't die, of course, it's still a kid's show.
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but to make things worse, she gets possessed by the Core later on, which is shown to be an extremely painful and traumatizing process (which they barely touch upon later). and then they show in a flashback that Anne and Sasha used to ignore Marcy and make her feel lonely, when this was not touched upon earlier in the series. in fact, Anne was shown to be very caring and attentive to Marcy up until this episode.
at this point, it's clear that the writers are trying to make the viewers feel sorry for Marcy. if they keep adding reasons why she's so miserable and traumatized, maybe the viewers would forget what she did to Anne and Sasha. right?
there is a small scene in s3 where Sasha questions why she should forgive Marcy, but it is quickly fixed by Anne telling Sasha that she should forgive Marcy. there's also a moment of realization for Marcy but even that is done in such a cliché and lighthearted manner, where the severity of her actions aren't addressed. and that's it. Marcy is rescued, she apologizes, and is immediately forgiven.
but then again, like SPOP, the last season of Amphibia was trashfire. i refuse to believe that people genuinely liked that season, it was so badly written and ruined everything that was set up prior to it.
anyway, let's come back to SPOP. it's clear that the writers of SPOP were also trying to do the same thing. put poor catgirl through the wringer, have her almost die and come back to life and voila! she is absolved of all her crimes.
for those of you who are still not convinced, let me try to make a real world comparison. let's just say i'm someone who bullies or abuses people. one day while getting home from school/work, i get hit by a car. i get grievously injured and go through a lot of pain. heck, maybe it even leaves some kind of permanent disability or injury.
is that a punishment for my actions? you can call it karma, but let's be real, karma doesn't exist. it's just a coincidence. and you bet i'm not going to wake up in the hospital thinking “this must be my punishment for abusing people”. if i really am an abuser who has no remorse for my actions, a random accident isn't going to change my mind.
and that's what happened with Catra too. she didn't consider Horde Prime's torture as a consequence of her actions. if anything, she used that as an excuse to mistreat Adora and the others even more. it's clear that she pitied herself for what happened. and everyone else pitied her, including the audience.
imagine if the good redemption arcs were written this way. imagine if, instead of working through his issues and facing actual consequences of his actions, Zuko was just tortured and traumatized even more by Ozai, and the Gaang just forgave him because they felt bad for him. yeah, people wouldn't be praising his arc anymore. or they would, who knows. i know i wouldn't be praising his arc.
because this is not the way to redeem a villain. the only way to redeem a villain is to have them face consequences of their actions and work for forgiveness. to show them consistently trying to make up for what they did and trying to be a better person, not because they want to be forgiven or accepted by the heroes, but because it's the right thing to do.
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rmd-writes · 10 months
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'tis the season
@stereopticons tagged me to share my winter/holiday fics because 'tis the damn season! I love a winter/holiday fic despite the fact that I live in the southern hemisphere and today is 1 December and the temperature hit 35C today 😰
Schitt's Creek
and then one day, everything changed | T | 9.1k | canon divergence
All David wants to do is sign Marcy Brewer on to sell her amazing fudge at Rose Apothecary. Unfortunately for him, her very snippy, business consultant son gets involved. In an effort to win both Marcy and Patrick over, David invites Patrick to spend some time in the store and on a vendor trip. There’s snow forecast for the day of the vendor trip, but it’s Schitt’s Creek and it never snows. Right?
it's just for snow | E | 18.1k | coffee shop / fake dating AU
When David gets a last minute wedding invitation and Stevie refuses to go with him, he needs to find another date - he needs to show his so-called 'friends' (and Sebastien Raine) that he's thriving now. Enter: David's new favourite barista... — aka the coffee shop / fake dating / road trip / snowed in / there was only one bed fic no one asked for
since we've got no place to go | E | 6k | canon compliant
Patrick books a winter weekend away so that he and David can connect.
Red, White & Royal Blue
you're all that i need | M | 3.9k | coffee shop/book store AU
“Alex.” Henry leans against the wall behind the counter with his arms folded, wearing a pale blue cable knit sweater with the sleeves pushed up and navy chinos. Alex wishes he wouldn’t because it only emphasises his forearms.
He crosses his own arms in response. “Henry.”
“Are you actually looking for a book?” Henry asks with a sigh. “Or are you just wasting my staff’s time?”
“That staff member is my sister.”
“I’m well aware,” Henry says drily. “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re probably wasting her time. Which book are you looking for?”
“Oh.” Alex grimaces slightly. “I’m not actually–” He exhales. “Hunter is in the coffee shop, so I got the fuck out.”
yours for the afternoon | T | 4.6k | coffee shop / fake dating AU
Henry is quietly minding his own business in his favourite coffee shop, when he’s rudely interrupted by an insufferable man attempting to flirt with him. He’s rescued by none other than Alex – a fellow cafe regular who he’s long admired from a distance – posing as his date.
Snowed In? Snow Problem | E | 7.3k | college AU
Henry and Alex get snowed in at their dorm for the holidays, whatever will they do?
911 Lone Star
Make the Yuletide Gay | M | 19.6k | college / fake dating AU
"I'll be your boyfriend for Christmas."
Carlos stares at him like his brain is struggling to comprehend what TK is offering. It's a shared feeling, given that sometimes TK's brain engages before his filter does, and this is definitely one of those times. There’s no room for regrets, though, and he’s not really sure he regrets making the suggestion.
“TK,” Carlos starts softly. "What you're suggesting is— Well, it's a little crazy but also very generous. I can’t ask you to do that for me. It’s really too much to ask of anyone."
TK gets up off his bed and crouches in front of Carlos, his hands on Carlos’s knees. “Firstly, you're not asking, I’m offering. Secondly, consider it a social experiment, like the ones you learn about in class. Except this one directly involves you and me...as your fake boyfriend. You know, for science." --
Fake boyfriends. For science.
Your Place or Mine? | E | 4.5k | college AU
(the sequel to Make the Yuletide Gay)
From best friends to fake boyfriends to real boyfriends, it’s been an eventful few days for TK and Carlos, but now they’re finally back home and alone.
Whatever will they do?
Tagging @welcometololaland @liminalmemories21 @strandnreyes @three-drink-amy @everwitch-magiks @indomitable-love @cha-melodius @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @inexplicablymine @lemonlyman-dotcom @carlos-in-glasses @alrightbuckaroo @iboatedhere @reyesstrand @lightningboltreader @indestructibleheart @lilythesilly @maxbegone @mostlyinthemorning and anyone else who wants to play to share their own winter/holiday fics!
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redrobin-detective · 11 months
the things we lost to the ice
It didn't quite sink in until Gunter put on the crown and became an Ice... something that it was all over. He was back as himself, with his body and brain and awkward personality, permanently. It didn't feel like last time, like each breath was bringing him closer to his last. Simon was also somehow back in his old favorite suit, with its worn elbows and his glasses clean and unbroken. He even couldn't feel the crown whispering in the back of his mind anymore. It was as GOLB had taken him back to just moments before he'd worn the crown for the first time, intending to tease Betty.
Oh Betty.
"Hey so uh, who are you?" Simon looked up from the rock Marcy had set him on to see Flame Princess staring at him curiously. Right she was... literally made of fire. He knew that, Simon blinked. Wait he did actually, his brain retained lots of facts about Ooo and it's people. It was his or, well, Ice King's personal experiences that felt fuzzy. "Because you came out of the GOLB thing together with Finn but I've never seen you before. Marceline seemed to know you though." She tilted her head and frowned, "Finn told me he was the last human, was that another lie?"
"Get away from him!" He heard Marcy screech as she rocketed over from where she'd been talking to Bubblegum and some other candy people. Her arm wrapped protectively around him, her sharp nails digging into his clothes and her batlike face pressed against his own. Her skin was cold like death. He hated how he tensed with instinctual fear at having a predator so close. This was his Marcy, his precious little girl. She was different than he remembered but she loved him, she wouldn't hurt him. He clenched his fists so they didn't shake.
"Hey Marcy! Don't worry, F.P. is cool!" Finn shouted, galloping over with a big grin on his face. "Oh man, so much just happened but Simon are you back-back, like for realsies? That is so math!" Finn hug tackled him and Marcy.
"Still waiting on an explanation," Flame Princess grumbled.
"So she actually got you free, how joyous," Magic Man -no, Normal Man- said with a small smile but his eyes were sharp. "I suppose the power of GOLB is the only thing strong enough to undo elemental wish magic. Congratulations, Ice King, welcome back to reality."
"Wait Ice King?" Flame Princess gaped and Simon realized that -with the major world ending threat neutralized - they were now the center of attention. It's only just occurring to him that his window to divorce himself completely from Ice King and pretend he was someone else was about to close forever. Just like the chance to hold Betty in his arms again.
"Yea!" Finn explained, wrenching around to address Flame Princess and gagging Simon by putting him in a headlock. "It's a long story -seriously long, he's like over a thousand years old or something- but Simon put on the crown only he didn't know it was hecka cursed. It possessed him and piloted his body like a meat puppet, turning him into Ice King and made him act all Banaynay."
"It took him a while for him to become Ice King though," Marcy said, shifting Simon slightly out of Finn's grip so she was hugging him from behind with her chin propped on his head. "He rescued me when I little before I was bit by the Vampire King. Simon took care of me after the world ended, he even showed me the basics of playing guitar." She nuzzled him and gave him a gentle squeeze, "I missed you so much, you have no idea."
"I missed you too, Sweet Girl," he murmured back. He'd been here the whole time but at the same time, been very far away. There's hazy memories of this older Marceline, her songs echoing somewhere in his head. Mostly he remembers her frowning over whatever crazy thing Ice King had been doing at the time.
"Whoa, you taught Marcy! I had no idea you were so musical," Finn shouted before looking thoughtful. "Well I guess IK used to play on his drums or his keyboard a lot now that I think about it." He smiled, a goofy teenage smile despite the missing teeth and scars from numerous adventures. "I guess you weren't totally gone."
"It doesn't justify the constant harassment and kidnapping of innocent Princesses," Bubblegum said primly.
"Bonnibel," Marcy growled.
"But I'm willing to forgive past grievances so long as it doesn't happen again. You are, after all, practically a new man." Bubblegum noted. "I presume it was born out of subconscious desire to find Betty again, the crown fixating on that desperation for love. Of course, Betty is gone now so it's all rather a moot point, isn't it?"
"Bonnie, seriously, now is not the time," Marcy warned. The fresh reminder of Betty's sacrifice, the permanence of it hit him again. Insanity had overwhelmed his depression and loneliness and loss of identity, redirected it. Now nothing could distract him from that sucking chest wound of loss threatening to consume him.
"Uhhh hey Simon!" Finn interrupted with a manic smile. "Can't wait to learn all about human stuff from you! I bet you can even teach the Islanders a thing or two, pretty sure they've forgotten what it's like to be human. But you know all sorts of humany stuff I bet. It's gonna be awesome learning where I come from." Good lord, was someone going to love and support this beautiful child or was it up to him again?
Finn reached out with his remaining hand and grabbed one of Simon's own, lacing them together. Simon jolted and looked at their conjoined hands before spreading their palms and fingers together. His pinky finger only met empty air.
"Oh my god Finn, have you only ever had four fingers?" He balked. Ice King's memories weren't that reliable, he couldn't actually recall.
"Don't you mean glob and uh yeah, that's the normal amount I think," Finn shrugged, squinting at Simon's pinky. "What do you need that extra one for anyhow? Does it have special powers or something?"
"Yeah, I always thought that was weird," Jake said from somewhere behind Finn. "Marcy has an extra one too, figured it was just how things were before the Mushroom War."
"It was actually a nuclear holocaust that wiped out pretty much all life on earth and mutated the rest beyond recognition but sure," Simon said with a hysterical edge in his voice as the weight of his situation pressed down on him.
He was a thousand years removed from the world he knew, a world that now only existed as ruins or twisted, funhouse mirror replicas. Simon was totally alone, the only person who remembered the way things were before. Marcy was here but she'd made the journey through time naturally, she'd adapted and likely forgotten. He no longer had magic and, without it, he wouldn't be allowed into Wizard City. The Ice Kingdom was now Gunter's and the humans of the future have changed in ways he could hardly recognize.
Sometimes the past is a different country, sometimes it's a black hole taking everything down with it.
"Hey dude, you've probably gotta use the bathroom like super bad," Jake said as he broke through the crowd. He gently manhandled Simon away from the well meaning arms of people who were both dear loved ones and strangers all at once. "You haven't whizzed as yourself in like a million years, we better find a place to get your man biz done."
"Wait but-" Marcy said reaching out but Bubblegum grabbed her hand and pulled her away. The rest of the onlookers slowly backed off, going back to the post fight cleanup. As Jake led him away, he made brief eye contact with Normal Man who'd once been a magical god and was now just a man. Simon would probably have out and out collapsed if Jake wasn't steadying him.
"Look, we're just gonna walk away and when we round this corner where no one can see, I'll leave you alone to do whatever you need to do." Jake soothed. "I can hold off Marcy and Finn for maybe 10 minutes, 12 tops. You focus on your breathing and if you gotta hurl, just do it, holding it in jacks you all up." He lowered Simon to the ground once they were out of sight. Simon immediately went into the fetal position.
"You're good at this," Simon noted even as the stress and panic and misery washed over him. He pushed his glasses up into his hair and buried his face in his knees. Jake rubbed his shoulders, it felt good, grounding.
"I've talked Finn through a lot of these episodes before, the kid's been through a lot. You have that in common. You and Finn might have some different physical traits but you're both human. You just had a lot of junk thrown at you so you don't need to figure it all out now. That's what the rest of your life is for. I'll keep the worry squad off your back as long as I can. Take it easy, Simon but, either way, you gotta take it."
Jake went back to the crowd leaving only his wisdom. He was right, no matter how miserable or overjoyed he was over the circumstances, this is the way the dice fell. He had no choice but to take it, to use Betty's sacrifice on his behalf to do whatever he wanted with his remaining time. And he was mortal now, time affected him once more so he had to learn quick.
He had no idea what he would do or even who this new Simon Petrikov, PhD student and aspiring antiquarian was. Just being able to think coherently and regulate his words and actions was a strange miracle he hadn't fully digested yet. Things would be okay, he would be happy once more but, for now, he thought it was okay to sit here in the dirt and cry for everything he'd lost to the ice.
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smallumbrella369 · 2 months
Fic Master List
Music Moves Him 
Rated: M 
Posted: 2020-01-07
Story: Set right after grad night. David is overly cautious. Patrick wants more. Featuring a very sexy song by Two Feet 
The truest thing he knows 
Rated: E 
Posted: 2020-01-12
Story:Canon, missing scene, takes place the night before 6:1 Patrick dances for David.
Quick and Dirty 
Rated: E 
Posted: 2020-02-12
Story:Whiskey or whatever with Jake.
Rated: T 
Posted: 2020-02-15
Story:Alternate meeting/pining
You Are Gold 
Rated: E 
Posted: 2020-04-12
Story: David and Patrick meet in a canon adjacent timeline.
A One Time Thing 
Rated: E 
Posted: 2020-05-07
Story:What happens after Jake says, “Let’s all be with us.” 
My Heart is like Paper (yours is like a flame) 
Rated: E 
Posted: 2020-08-24
Story:Alternate Universe. Painter!David/Musician!Patrick 
Painter David Rose owns a warehouse in Schitt's Creek. He's trying very hard not to connect with people right now.
Business major Patrick Brewer is newly out and wants nothing more than to connect as his true self.
Rated: T 
Posted: 2020-10-26
Story: Two idiots secretly crushing on one another go on a vendor run a week before their store opens. It's going to take a paranormal experience to get them to see the light. My contribution to Schitt’s Creek Trick or Treat. 
The Poem You Make Of Me 
Rated: G/E
Posted: 1-16-21  Updated in April w/ 2nd chapter called Day off/At last Rated E
Story:A soft comfort fic.
Freckles (Podfic read by Smallumbrella) 
Rated: M 
Posted: 2021-03-06
Story: Smallumbrella reads missgeevious ‘s Freckles, a sleepy, sexy short. 
Ocean and Sky 
Rated: G.
Posted: 3-23-21 
Story:A few days after David hurts Patrick’s feelings, he’s called to rescue him from the Wobbly Elm. Drunk Patrick. Set the night before Grad Night.
 BDE (Big Dick Energy) 
Rated: M 
Story: Patrick wears gray sweatpants. David is flustered. 
My contribution to the very fun series My eyes are up here. 
Fever Dream 
Rated: M 
Posted: 10-23-21 
Story: David has a fever and his brain takes him to a dark place. 
He Shines 
Rated: G 
Posted: 2022-05-07 
Story: Marcy Brewer's experience of watching her son break apart, break away, and break free.
Rated: E
Posted: 2022-09-14 
Story: David discovers Patrick's lower back dimples on their first night together. 
The hours between 
Rated: T 
Posted: 2022-09-29 
Story: What does Patrick do before he goes to the Cafe Tropical for his surprise party? A missing scene from Meet the Parents.
Rated: G 
Posted: 2022-11-06 
Story: Patrick’s body is sending him signals. First with panic attacks and then with sensations that are practically audible. So he listens for it. He follows it. Just to see where it leads him.
David Rose: Style Consultant 
Rated: T 
Posted: 2023-11-07 
Story: Patrick Brewer is new. New to Schitt's creek, new to being single, new to being gay. He's trying new things. So when a certain someone’s business card catches his eye, he decides to make a call.
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maeve-of-winter · 1 year
Cissie King-Jones fic ideas (because @tzigone requested them!):
Cissie gets invited to either the Kents' house or the Garricks' house by either Kon or Bart and gets to experience a family with lots of people interested in her life and talking to her and being nice to her, and she doesn't quite know what to do. Also, she gets a cozy homemade sweater.
While at her boarding school and not legally allowed to contact her mom, Cissie discovers that Oliver Queen is her biological dad. Cissie doesn't quite know what to do, so she stops by Sherwood Florist one day to try to meet him, but can't work up the nerve to explain who she is. But she notices a position open for a shop assistant, so she decides it wouldn't hurt to apply, right? Except she gets the job and ends working for her dad and would-be stepmom without them knowing who she is. It only gets more complicated when she accidentally discovers their secret identities.
AU where Cissie's therapist was murdered before Cissie ever joined Young Justice, and Cissie has run away from boarding school and her one goal now is to find Marcie's murderer. Nothing matters to her besides that. Except for when she runs into the Young Justice crew and ends up swept into their adventures, and she realizes she loves this bunch and is now torn between wanting to forge a new life for herself and her team and her burning desire for revenge.
AU where Cissie starts out a for-hire villain who's solely in it for the paycheck, but quickly discovers that she can't bear to hurt the earnest dorks that consist of the Young Justice team and ends up rescuing them more than fighting them.
AU where after Cissie is removed from her mother's custody, she ends up as an emergency placement with social worker Guy Gardner and ends up working at his bar and hanging out with the Green Lantern/Warrior's crew.
"Five superheroes who called CPS on Bonnie King and the one superhero who adopted Cissie afterward."
AU where Cissie is Ollie's daughter but neither of them know it, and she's raised by Merlyn (who does know it and started off raising Cissie solely to fuck Ollie over, but unintentionally began to care about Cissie along the way).
Cisse decides that now that she's officially on a superhero team, she has to be supportive of her fellow female teammate Cassie. So she begins complimenting Cassie all the time, checking up on her after battles, and praising her in every interview. Cissie might have been raised by her mom to see all other girls as competition, but Cissie refuses to do that! Except . . . now Cassie thinks Cissie was flirting with her? And Cissie thinks that maybe she actually was?
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discet · 2 years
“it really feels like the writers room went, ‘Wouldn’t it be fucked up if Marcy got possessed?’ and just really have much else for them to do until the finale.”
Ironically you’re kind of right. Matt wanted a three way fight between the girls, but realized that Marcy would never intentionally hurt Anne and Sasha. So that’s where the possession idea came from.
Yeah that sounds about right. Man how cool would a Darcy vs. Anne and Sasha fight could have been.
This is just tangentially related, but I really think a lot of my beef with season 3b could have been solved if instead of Sprivy the episode after commander Anne would have just been Anne making an incredibly rash run at rescuing Marcy. Just take Jo in the middle of the night and b-line it for Andrias' headquarters. Sasha catches her at it and tries to get her to stop, that it was suicidal, but Anne won't listen insisting her super powers would be enough to carry her through. Instead Sasha insists on coming with her saying while she still doesn't think it will work, they have been scouting out the best way to approach the castle.
They manage to get to the castle stealthily somehow and after each get a chance to show their new skills separately they are led into an ambush with Darcy eating up the screen. They get restrained again but Anne uses her powers to release them and we get a badass fight scene with Anne and Sasha kind of interfering with each other and clearly not on the same wavelength yet. Mid way through the fight Darcy is just toying with them, knocking them around and generally being a little shit. Anne tries to make an appeal to Marcy inside but Darcy just laughs and taunts them.
They ultimately manage to get away, (though Jo gets injured to give some stakes to the lose) and resolve to build up their resources before saving Marcy for real.
This would fix a lot of my gripes without too much screen time since
Establishes Darcy as a threat early enough to make their eventual defeat feel cathartic along with cluing Anne and Sasha in to whats happened to their friend.
Imply that Anne was thinking of Marcy during 3a and was just pushing it down until she had a chance to do something about it
Imply that Sasha has been thinking about ways to save Marcy, even if she wasn't confident they could pull it off yet.
Establishes a narrative precedent for gather forces for a proper face off as Anne is not able to solo an army by herself and narrowly gets away.
Like it wouldn't fix everything but Man it would have gone a long way to making those middle episodes feel better.
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burnt2ashleys · 7 months
Amphibia AU
I'm gonna write about some of the ideas I thought up for this, and what generally happens plot-wise so I have somewhere to point to in case anypony asks what the deal is with these drawings I've been making. It'll be a big text wall, so, be warned:
The divergence point happens in season 3 (with maybe the exception of True Colors and Marcy not being stabbed, instead she's incapacitated in some other way), with Anne spending more time working with the resistance against Andrias. She meets with Mother Olm and gets guidance/training on better harnessing her calamity powers (the mossmen are hiding with the Olms and they help Anne out on this).
Some time after, there's a full battle between the resistance and Andrias + Frobos. This is it, a final push to save Amphibia, Anne's throwing hands with Andrias, everyone's giving it their all. But, in the thick of battle, Darcy shows up; she says that Andrias is a failure, and that from here on out, she'll be assuming direct control. The red moon opens its eyes. The Core's cambrian robots swarm the landscape, forcing the resistance to retreat. Andrias chases after Darcy.
Meanwhile, Marcy, partially amnesiac, is exploring the mental palace of the Core, interacting with its various personalities. She picks up on the situation outside from what she can gleam of far-away discussions. She finds out that several members of ancient newtopian royalty are leaving the Core to inhabit drone bodies of their own, claiming things like "an alien infant's body is a disgraceful host for someone as noble as me!" Those very same drones are summarily destroyed by the resistance.
Marcy realizes that she could use the same process to transfer herself into a small scouting drone to aid her friends on defeating the Core; though not without notice from the Core itself, which allows her to do so in order to get a fix on the resistance's location.
On the resistance's side, they stumble into Andrias and what remains of the Frobo army, still under his direct command. He's battered and injured, but after an initial scuffle he joins their ranks. A while later, Drone!Marcy finds them. The Core has them captured soon after that.
A great fight breaks out, but the girls are captured while the resistance scatters. Taken to the castle, they manage to break free, and rescue Marcy as well! But as they escape, Marcy catches a glimpse of herself in a tank. Unsure if she's the real Marcy or some kind of clone decoy, she joins the resistance, now regrouped on the remains of Toad Tower.
Now with (a still injured from True Colors) Marcy, the trio decides to pay a second visit to Mother Olm, to treat Marcy's injuries, and to confirm if she really is the real Marcy (she is, obviously). Now, all 3 girls can tap into their calamity powers! And right on time, because they'll need it.
The Core really starts to feel the heat around this point. Many former newtopian nobles went and blew themselves up thinking they were so much better than the resistance, those that remain understand that they're going to lose if this keeps up. Hell, they lost Marcy, and with all 3 girls under the Olms' guidance, they're starting to siphon away power from the music box! At this rate, they'll win without having to lift a finger!
In this desperation, the Core decides to let go of everything it once stood for, and for the sake of survival it merges all its personalities into one terrifyingly powerful intelligence. With the clone of Marcy primed and ready, this "Darcy Prime" recalls all the cambrian drones. The castle rises higher and higher into the sky. In this silence, the resistance finds out Darcy's final gambit: To use the Calamity Box to phase the Core moon out of Amphibia's universe and into Earth's.
Thanks to the girls siphoning power out of the box, the process is slowed, but not halted. They make their way to the castle while most of the resistance helps the population deal with the natural disasters that the moon's phasing is causing. There, the trio (+ Andrias & Frobots, for dealing with the drones) makes its final stand against Darcy.
The girls manage to overwhelm and defeat Darcy with a combined attack, and in stopping the teleportation sequence in the middle, the moon is in neither universe, and phases out of existence completely.
The girls safely retrieve the magic box, now sworn to be protected and never used for evil. The girls leave Amphibia, with a chance to return if they ever choose to, and hailed as heroes.
In broad strokes, that's it! That's the general outline for this AU that I made up, prone to change of course.
Told you it was a text wall...
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soulslayer2020 · 9 months
Some of my current D&D Characters!
Hanyuu - Soft on the Outside, Ice Cold on the Inside
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Name: Hai'Ryuun 'Hanyuu' Kori Race: Levistus Tiefling Class: Fiend Warlock (4) Campaign: Icewind Dale
Don't let the baby face and soft voice fool you. This seemingly innocent little tiefling is actually a warlock and cultist of Levistus. A street urchin who fell into an icy lake and was rescued in exchange for her soul, Hanyuu uses her innocent appearance to her advantage to infiltrate adventuring parties to find the one mentioned in a cult prophecy as the ones to bring back the sun. Is she truly the puppeteer controlling the party from the shadows, or is even she being kept in the dark about the cult's intentions...?
Sagitta - Rebel Pirate of the Stars
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(Commission by @pauloz_art on twitter) Name: Sagitta Luminis Race: Half-Astral Elf, Half-Eladrin Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer (9) Campaign: Spelljammer Academy/Light of Xaryxis (Non-RAW)
Part of a union of space rebels knows as the Auriga Alliance, Sagitta was once Spelljammer to her adoptive father - Captain Perseus of the Auriga Alliance's Carina fleet - but was taken to Toril by fellow fleet leader Captain Gideon of the Vera fleet when her ship was attacked by Neogi. Now a Spelljamming Academy graduate who has suddenly found herself go from first mate to captain of her fellow graduate due to the sudden loss of their captain and close friend, Sagitta is tasked with gathering allies on the Rock of Bral, finding her old crew, and leading her friends to victory against the Xaryxian Empire.
Drifter - From Royal to Renegade
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Name: Princess Xochitl 'Drifter' Xaryx Race: Astral Elf Class: Swords Bard (11) Campaign: Post-Light of Xaryxis Homebrew
The youngest of the Xaryxian royal siblings, Xochitl left her old name and life behind to become Drifter - a renegade astral elf who sought to end the Xaryxian Empire's conquest, which she succeeded with after meeting a ragtag crew of Spelljamming graduates on Toril. With the empire now in shambles and her siblings fighting to rule what little remains it, Drifter and co. have set out to find a way to stop her siblings once and for all. But deep down, Drifter wants nothing more than to end things peacefully; the last thing she wants is to lose what's left of her family.
Lynn - Broken Past
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(Her look throughout the campaign so far, from left to right: Starting/Cultist, Caravan Disguise, Restored Memories)
Name: Lynn Historia Race: Moon Elf Class: Assassin Rogue (8), Fighter (1) Campaign: Tyranny of Dragons
Awoken on a riverbank with no memories aside from her name, Lynn found herself travelling with a caravan towards Greenest where she found herself not only confronting dragon cultists but her past. Once chamberlain to Prince Neronvain, Lynn ran away with him to join the Cult of Dragons and worked her way up through the ranks alongside him, even leading a secret coup against the former Wyrmspeaker to allow Neronvain to take over. But after being ambushed by Harpers during a scouting mission, Lynn was knocked into a river and fell unconscious, losing her memories. Determined to convince Neronvain to leave the cult, Lynn managed to organise a meeting between them in Daggerford. But when Zhentarim began to storm their once-thought-to-be-secret meeting spot, Neronvain offered to teleport her away with him to escape. Not wanting to drag her party into trouble, she agreed. After pleading Neronvain to let her go find her party as well as a way to convince him to leave the cult, he agreed - albeit a tad somberly - to let her go, even giving her a teleportation tablet to bring her where he guessed they'd most likely be infiltrating. Now reunited with her party and her memories fully restored thanks to Neronvain's aid, Lynn is determined to save her crush dearest friend from the cult and prevent Tiamat's return.
Marcy - Caring Clutz
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Name: Marcillia 'Marcy' Caligo Race: Wood Elf Class: Drakewarden Ranger (9) Campaign: Tyranny of Dragons (Temp Character)
Name a more iconic duo! Marcy and her adorable silver drake companion, Zephyr are the right-hand (hands? hand and claw?) of Prince Alagarthas. Sent to keep a distant eye on Lynn's meeting with Neronvain after learning of them both still being alive after 15 years of being missing, Marcy saw the Zhentarim try to storm Lynn's meeting and the two teleporting away. Unsure of what to do, Marcy offered to join Lynn's companions in continuing to track the cult until Lynn was able to find her way back. Clumsy and socially awkward, Marcy is a lovable doof with an equally lovable drake that acts more like a hyper puppy at times. But cross them on the battlefield and you'll see exactly why Alagarthas chose them as his trusted protectors. What? No, Marcy's not crushing on Alagarthas! Shut up!!
Nadirah - Guardian of the Veil
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Name: Nadirah Strigoi Race: Dhampir (Formerly Dusk Elf) Class: Grave Cleric (7) Campaign: Curse of Strahd (Non-RAW)
Once a proud cleric of Mother Night and protector of the Dusk Elves, Nadirah fought hard against her older brother Rahadin to prevent his genocide at Strahd's orders. However, her strength wasn't enough as her closest friend Kasimir had his ears cleaved off, his sister Patrina was murdered in front of them, and she was dragged off to Castle Ravenloft to be turned into a thrall as punishment. However, something intervened and prevented her full transformation, causing her to become a dhampir instead. Sealed away in the catacombs, Nadirah remained there for over a thousand years. Her only company was one of Strahd's consorts named Escher, who would bring her food. The two became friends over time and even started to fall for each other. One day, Escher 'accidentally' left her cell unlocked which allowed Nadirah to escape and flee the castle. Finally free, Nadirah swears to avenge her fallen kin, find a cure for her dhampirism and maybe even Escher's vampirism so he can be free of Strahd, and most of all: kill Strahd and free Barovia for good.
Crow - Holy Liar
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(Art by u/LuciusG_Dean on Reddit)
Name: Crow (Real Name: Mycareth Baenre) Race: Drow Class: Vengeance Paladin (1) Campaign: Out of the Abyss
Kidnapped from House Baenre and raised as a slave in Faen Tlabbar, Crow spent most of their life never knowing their past, not having a name of their own, and yearning for freedom, which they managed to achieve at 150. Fleeing to the surface, Crow chose their own name and joined Bregan D'aerthe, where they (unbeknownst to both parties) worked under their uncle, Jarlaxle Baenre. But freedom wasn't enough. Crow wanted to make those who enslaved them suffer. Shortly after becoming a paladin of Cyric - lord of lies - Jarlaxle sent Crow down to the Underdark to investigate rumours of a demon threat and deal with it if they think it could effect dealings with the towns below the surface.
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chocochipbiscuit · 2 months
10, and potentially 3 for A Most Edible Thistle if you like 😊
10) What is something you really want to write but haven't written yet?
I always have more ideas than time!!! The current longfic idea that has been sitting in outline form for a while (and which I'm continually plinking away at) is a FONV/FO4 crossover where the Legion's destroyed Jacobstown, leaving Keene to flee across the wasteland with the rest of the nightkin and mutants. He's the last survivor, holed up by raiders...and then Preston Garvey and the Minutemen come blazing in for a rescue.
Basically: a prickly and traumatized asshole slowly learns to deal with survivor's guilt, grief, and learning to trust again. He ends up BFFs with Marcy Long (another survivor of a massacre) and falling in love with Preston. There's some specific scenes I have in mind for it (like accidental sex pollen while exploring a vault, because I desperately want to write them fucking WHILE pining!) and eventually culminating with Preston getting kidnapped and Keene rescuing him at the end. Something something. Raiders. Guilt. Grief. Recognition that we can always change for the better. Red Tourette blaming the Minutemen for her sister Lily's death. Keene blaming himself for grandma Lily's death.
...basically it's a big emotional stew right now and I need more time to figure out the narrative chain that links to the final scene. I'm confident I'll write it eventually, but it's still in the planning stages. Gotta get my writers' mise en place...well, en place.
3) What is something you learned/researched while writing a fic?
For A Most Edible Thistle, most of the lore was stuff I already knew! I listen to a lot of podcasts about food and love reading stuff, so I was already thinking about food as a way of showing culture, trade, and political influence, so most of the 'research' was just refreshing things I had already aware of.
I was trying to lean into Thedas food cultures, and that Antiva was inspired by Spain, while Rivain was inspired by Morocco, which was my thought process in having halva and preserved lemons as part of Rivaini cuisine, and the shift from the broad cultural feast at the beginning of the book to something more specific to what would be Josephine and Vivienne's home cuisines. (Even if Vivienne doesn't necessarily remember this as a child herself, it's more about her being willing to eat this in front of other people rather than making herself as Orlesian as possible.)
And while this wasn't research for this fic in particular, I was also listening/reading a lot about Chinese-American food traditions and the way 'American Chinese' food is as much as distinct cuisine based on historical immigration trends as well as more 'traditional' Chinese foods, and how inheritors of 'tradition' still end up adjusting to locally available ingredients and tastes. (Ex: my mother made chow mein with spaghetti while growing up. I still do it sometimes even when I have access to 'real' chow mein noodles because it's a taste of childhood. Just the other night I made a cacio e pepe variation using Korean chili flakes and gochujang instead of black pepper because it was what I had in my pantry and I liked the flavors, never mind that I'm not Korean or Italian.) Except I decided that having Chef Robin explain all this over cooking lessons or discussing recipes would be far too anvilicious and distract from the actual romance arc or food crime plots!
And not 'research' as in reading a how-to per se, but I did read a lot of romance novels, and was thinking in terms of commonalities and beats I wanted to hit in this fic. So in that sense, reading romance novels was research for writing my own romance novella!
Thank you for asking, I had a lot of fun answering! :D
(Self-indulgent asks from this ask game!)
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multifanlol · 2 years
Hello! I have another request if you don’t mind think you could do a Yandere Calamity trio headcanons kidnaps the reader but the reader either escapes or they’re friends come to rescue them? You can do them separately if you want
Hey! And yess I’ll do them together as it sounds interesting-
Tw: Kidnapping, yk the usual yandere stuff
Calamity trio kidnapping there s/o together but the reader escapes
After Amphibia
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You hated this
You hated everything you hated them
You knew you didn’t even mean hate at that point you didn’t know what you thought of the three girls…..Anne, Sasha and Marcy
Your childhood friends
You met the friend group a little later (2nd grade) but you were still welcomed in with open arms
You couldn’t separate us when we were kids even as we aged
When we became teens though you began to notice some…..slight change of habits
You honestly felt stupid for not noticing especially since the red flags were there when we were only little kids now thinking about it they were always a little…..possessive
You noticed how they were your only friends that sticked around long enough, all your other friends suspiciously started ghosting you or just full on said they didn’t wanna be your friend…..
That’s another red flag you should of saw but you can’t blame you right? I mean there was no obvious signs they had anything to do with it…..
You almost didn’t notice there sly smiles when your friends walked away from you
As it went on they became worser but you didn’t bother leaving them as they were your only friends at the time…..
And when you did realise there wasn’t anything you could do they practically had control over you….
Sasha was like the ring leader at the time, lead whatever messed up thing they were gonna do to someone looking at you the wrong or “right” way aka showed some form of “interest in you, Marcy was like the brains forming the plan on how it’d work and stuff and Anne just…..followed along i guess you could say she talked to the person first but…..she didn’t really do much at the time
Although little did they know you actually did make a few friends only a few you met them before Amphibia how did they not find out? You weren’t even sure they usually knew your schedule but this time instead of going to school you ditched it and went to the park instead, call it dumb but with how unbelievably creepy your only friends have been getting you wanted to be away from them…..till they somehow found you at least
You ended up meeting two people there, bonded and over time you trusted them enough and became friends with them
You made sure to never and i mean NEVER make sure the girls found out that’s probably the only smart thing you did….
You remember noticing how weird they’d act whenever you’d mention a slight nice thing about someone that wasn’t them and if you told them you gained a friend? Yeah you weren’t gonna deal with that
Honestly you thank them as there probably the reason you realised how unormal the stuff the girls would do were I mean you grew up with them so you….kinda normalised it
During Amphibia you missed them although it did open your eyes a load of how they were…..too bad now there even worser I mean, they know combat now-
After Amphibia you thought Marcy would of moved that you honestly…..didn’t know how to feel sad or happy? You had no idea-
Although for some reason she didn’t move?
Like did she convince her parents or something? Maybe you should have been looking into how closely the other girls were getting to you…..
Next time you woke up it felt normal…..till you heard something on the news
It was a photo of…..you
And they were talking about you…..dying? Dying during the frog things attempting to take over the world what-
“Just putting this in here-oh your awake! Guys she’s awake!!”
“What is it Mar mar-oh your awake!”
“What is it guys-oh your awake….finally-“
You still remember the absolute shock and panic of your childhood friends turned into all being insanely in-love with you now kidnapping you and leaving you……you don’t even know
Like none of there parents even suspected anything, they still went to there house while one looked after you or something.
You didn’t even understand it and didn’t want to
You didn’t know how to react them telling you that they faked your death so nobody can “hurt you” or something like that and it’s for your own good
Instead things were different glancing at them first there just three teenagers, after knowing them for like a day you’ll learn these girls stopped a whole frog war i mean including you but it’s like they don’t even realise it
This time Sasha was still sorta the ring leader but she was still open to Marcy and Anne’s ideas as even though she was still an insanely obsessive person she still changed with not being controlling and manipulative anymore
She still has major anger issues though
And well the usual Marcy was the brains, and Anne was the heart this time it was all towards you
Deciding what needs to be locked up after every attempt of you escaping and failing, as an example Sasha thinks of ways to stop you from getting out, Marcy helps with that and Anne “lectures” you
You tried to escape, multiple times it just got harder and worser with every attempt you didn’t forget the time they nearly lost it with you after them giving you “everything” let’s just say you stopped trying afterwards
At least that’s what they thought
You didn’t even message your friends they just knew knowing your death had to be false in some way so they were ready to rescue you they just had to wait
Believe it or not you did actually consider just giving up and giving into them but one night Marcy was watching you but fell asleep after assuming you were asleep as you were actually a good faker after always having to do it so the girls would leave you alone you ended up getting a suspicious knock through the window, because believe it or not you still had windows, you needed air after all as they wouldn’t let you out but they were heavily boarded up
You just assumed it was some animal or something and tried to ignore it but it kept on knocking so you checked it out and nearly screamed then and there….
“OH MY-“
You stopped quickly turning your head and seeing Marcy still in a deep slumber and then grabbing a plushie assuming it was you i guess
They showed you a note which read
“We’re gonna get you out of here y/n, just wait a little longer and don’t make them suspect anything we promise we’ll help you get out of here”
And just like that it begun
And here you are now it’s been months and all you’ve been doing is playing pretend with them and letting them treat you like how a little girl is with there dolls
You honestly felt like months was a little too long
You knew they were trying but you were becoming impatient so until you got a response from them you were observing different ways to escape
You ended up figuring out a way to beat them at there little “game”
You needed to defeat the three keys, brains, strength and heart
Whenever you’d usually escape they’d always be three steps ahead of you, literally
Marcy would have observed the place and see what was tampered with to show that your trying to escape, and would make it look more easy to get out of so that you’d find it believable
Sasha would be the one that stops you from escaping like easily holding you down, doesn’t matter how strong you are she IS meant to represent the strength word itself in the show
Anne would be the one to walk in the room acting like she didn’t know your little plan maybe getting you to tell her something pretending she’s gonna let you go…..she’s not manipulative she swears-
So you had it all figured out….
It was definitely more easier now as you had more privileges it still wasn’t totally easy as Sasha felt that she’s not sure if you totally gave in yet as she feels like it’s “too easy” or something like that
And just like that you got a response from your friends
It was all ready now….
And just like that you were about to jump out the window, it felt a little too easy….
“What are you waiting for, jump y/n!”
“I don’t know it just-nevermind”
“S/o, stop!”
Oh no…
“You don’t have to do this….just don’t jump out the window and we can just talk….”
“There just strangers s/o there clearly just manipulating you”
You had enough of this
“There not strangers…..there better friends then you at least…”
You noticed they had something behind them and you honestly weren’t just gonna stand there
“Goodbye….old “friends”
And just like that you were gone
You couldn’t return back to your parents for now as you knew it wasn’t a very believable story and it was too risky as that’s where they would assume you’d go first
They never got over you escaping, they looked searched and even told everyone you were alive if they had to
I don’t think they’d ever stop looking
Anne would be heartbroken that you escaped after them being nothing but nice to you….
Marcy would feel stupid but be sad, stupid you outsmarted her sad that well….your gone
Sasha would be angry, would probably punch a wall at least twice a day when you escape, she would also cry while being angry
I guess it’s obvious they’d never stop looking…..not till they found you and if they did well……
Yeah 🙃
And well that’s it tell me more stuff like this you wanna see!! And hope you have a good day/night!
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nyotasaimiri · 1 year
Arc Two 110
“Mind your head,” Eldie told her guests as they stepped through the hatch. She offered a hand to steady them, just in case. Marcy could hear something snoring nearby as she accepted the assistance.
Arjun snorted and set his coffee down on the work table. More accurately, on one of the dozen books covering the table. “You’re the only one who needs to duck.”
“Oh.” Eldie looked back, and then down, as if only just realizing the height difference. Even Mihre only came up to her shoulder. “I suppose you are right on that. Did you raid the library, Arjun? This is quite the collection. I hope you didn’t try moving them all by yourself.”
“Looking out for my old bones, huh?” It sounded like a familiar topic. “Grabbed some muscle this time. Don’t worry about it.”
Anticipating the question, he reached behind the largest book stack and thumped something. The little raspy snores broke off with a sharp snort and Namina sat up, glowering blearily.
“Why ssmack?”
“Look sharp, our guests are here.”
“Floran is alwayss sharp,” Namina grumbled, but he smiled at the sight of Eldie, and got immediately headlocked by Mihre.
The older floran chuckled wickedly as Namina squirmed. “Ssso, used to hugging floran? Sprout owes me some stories, yes? Whoa!”
Marcy laughed as Namina stood up, Mihre dangling from his neck like a very surprised scarf. “Nyota pulled that trick with me once. Rule one of headlocking: don’t try it if they are bigger than you.”
“The more I hear about thisss Nyota, the less I like,” Mihre complained, still hanging on tight, “because it always Floran looking sssilly.”
“Shall we let the two of them catch up, then?” Eldie asked, her expression very neatly blank as only an apex could manage. The offer was perfectly polite, but her green eyes glittered with surprising mischief. “Do try not to damage the furniture.”
Mihre scrambled up onto Namina’s shoulders in an impressive display of agility, hooking their toes into the niches in Namina’s carapace for balance as he tried to shake them off. “Ah, so you have knowledge of Floran greetings.”
“Much knowledge. Sh— ” Arjun dove forward to rescue his coffee. “Hey, mind the books!”
“I did see you shoot him with a paint ball. This is mostly normal?” Eldie gently shepherded Marcy toward the ladder and away from the wrestling florans, adding helpfully, “The sparring room is upstairs. You are welcome to join us later.”
Mihre managed a thumbs-up before having to reassert their grip as Namina accepted that offer for them.
Marcy laughed as Eldie guided her down the ladder. “Does that happen often around here?”
“Well, usually it is Namina and Hadley, or sometimes Nyota,” Eldie admitted. “We don’t often have guests, you see. We do not usually stay in one place long enough for that.”
Marcy went quiet, thinking. “Is it because of the Miniknog?”
Eldie paused, considering that. The weight of the question settled on her cheeks through the careful polite mask. “Yes and no. Not directly,” she said at last, though Marcy could tell that the thought sat heavily on her as she slid the door to the medbay open. “We have managed to stay off their radar and out of space that they control. But Nyota does not want to stay still, in case we attract their attention too well and bring danger to the people we visit.”
“Fairly correct,” Nyota said. She was sitting up in bed, a comfortable shawl wrapped around her shoulders, and smiled in welcome as Marcy entered the room. “We have also found ourselves quite busy lately. Hello, Marcy. Oh—” Her smile warmed and softened as Marcy abandoned ceremony to wrap her arms around her friend. “I suppose I should open with ‘it’s not as bad as it looks’.”
“I know. You’re tough.” Marcy’s voice was muffled again, and the so-familiar, so-missed feeling of Nyota’s strong arms around her brought hot tears to her eyes. “Just humor me. I needed this.”
Nyota pulled her close. “I did too.” The gentle purr rumbled through them both and made everything feel soft, warm, right. She rubbed Marcy’s back a little, then reached up to bounce a curl that had escaped Marcy’s hair-tie despite Mihre’s best efforts. “You dressed up for me. That’s new.”
“A girl’s got to have fun sometimes, right?” Marcy quipped to cover her vague embarrassment. Mihre was probably right after all, she shouldn’t have bothered looking fancy for this. She felt silly now.
Nyota let go and sat back to get a better look at her. “You look nice.”
Marcy felt a lot less silly now. Or a lot more, it was hard to tell. She swatted Nyota’s arm lightly. “Why are you like this? You’re teasing me.”
Nyota laughed. “Perhaps. But I do mean it. Have fun, and don’t forget to stretch your legs every now and then.”
“If only that would make me taller,” Marcy said, earning another laugh. One of their oldest shared jokes, and it felt so perfect now, just sitting and trading words with her old friend. But it wasn’t quite perfect; Nyota’s hands were cold. Marcy pulled a chair over and sat beside her, pressing the apex’s huge hand between her small hands in an effort to warm it.
Nyota hummed softly and curled her fingers.
Marcy paused. “Am I being rough?”
“No.” Her hand stayed curled, but Marcy could feel her relax slowly, all of the tension fading out of her. “That feels nice.”
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jvstheworld · 1 year
The Buffy Re-watch: S1E11 (part 2)
Out of Mind, Out of Sight
A near death experience by suffocation, that's actually terrifying.
For once Cordelia is right, it is about her. Because she is Queen Bee of Sunnydale High. Everything revolves around her.
Cordelia has a point. Popularity comes with a price. You might be surrounded by people but they can be there, not because they like you, but for the fact that it brings attention to them. As long as they get something out of being around you they don't have to like you, they just want to share in the fame. That can mean they end up as followers and yes people, just going along with things to stay in your good graces, because if they don't then they can lose out on being popular too. But yeah, being popular is better than being alone because then at least people acknowledge you exist and aren't relegated to taking up the least amount of space possible. There are times where going unnoticed is great, but being a teenager in high school, it's like life or death. Buffy understands this after her time at Hemery and moving to Sunnydale.
Giles, Willow and Xander are being led into a trap, where they are going to be suffocated.
Did someone forget to alter the sign for the Bronze it still has 'Closed for fumigation' on it that was present in 'Angel' five episodes ago. Weeks have passed since then, or are they having to do it again?
Constant, imposed, involuntary exile can make someone go mad.
Buffy and Xander do remember Marcie in the season 6 episode 'Gone' when Buffy turns invisible.
Marcie has been living in the school for months. Does that mean she has overheard a lot of Giles and Buffy's conversations about being a slayer?
Angel to the rescue. Vampires can be handy where oxygen isn't necessary, not so much when it is needed like when someone drowns.
Sketchy agents doing sketchy hit. Marcie isn't going to rehab.
Giles doesn't tell Buffy about Angel because of their earlier conversation, how he can't be around Buffy because it causes him pain. It was nice of Giles to do that for him.
Cordelia says thank you. It's one step to them being friends, but she will, for the moment fall back into her popularity instead of creating meaningful connections. That is until she goes to the spin-off.
Of course the government would want invisible people. Why wouldn't they? Think of all the horrible shit they could get away with. This does not connect to the Initiative however.
One episode to go of season 1.
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peace-coast-island · 26 days
Diary of a Junebug
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Up the clouds by the Windmontley Castle looking down at the world below
A castle in the clouds is a fun place to visit and explore, as well as see the world in another perspective. Would I like to live in the clouds? Um…I think I’ll pass on that. According to the siblings who inherited this place, while it is nice to look at and show off, actually living in it and having to take care of it is a huge hassle. Also, it’s kinda in the middle of nowhere since it’s outside of Lakewell Island, making it an inconvenient location because it’s far away from pretty much everything. Not bad if you’re a hermit, but for those who like to be out and about like the Meurig siblings, it’s a bit troublesome.
As for how the Meurig siblings inherited such a place, it was basically by accident, to put it simply. Taran and Siana are adventurers who Sara crossed paths with during her travels. Taran had been hopping around doing odd jobs to support himself and his sister, who was away at school. Then they began taking on dungeons when Siana dropped out, making a name for themselves as an adventuring duo.
With Taran being an expert on monsters and various hazardous environments while Siana’s a skilled mage whose specialty is healing, they make a formidable team. Eventually, they formed an adventuring party if their own, taking on more perilous dungeons until their travels led them to Lakewell Island, home of the infamous Eternal Nocturne Dungeon. An ill-fated expedition resulted in a head on battle with Eilro, also known as the Warrior Dragon, the dungeon master’s familiar.
Siana sacrificed herself to ensure that the party escaped unscathed, only for her brother to rush back in to rescue her. Thankfully, the rest of the group managed to knock some sense into him or else he would’ve headed straight to the dragon without a plan. The Eternal Nocturne’s a massive place that’s always changing depending on the time of year, so it’s foolish to run right in without being adequately prepared. Of course, a seasoned adventurer like Taran would know that all too well, but when it comes to a highly stressful situation where a loved one is in danger, it’s understandable why rationality gets thrown out the window.
Sara happened to be passing by Lakewell when she heard about the situation with Siana and the dragon. Although she doesn’t have a lot of experience in exploring dungeons, the Eternal Nocturne had piqued her interest. Had, as in she reconsidered after finding out what happened to Siana and seeing Taran scramble around using what little funds he had to walk straight into the lion’s den again. She offered to accompany him, but because she wasn’t familiar with the dungeon - or dungeons in general - they all agreed that it was far too risky.
So she agreed to stick around the area for a couple months in case of an emergency - and good thing she did because a lot shit went down after the second confrontation with Eilro. Basically, Siana’s spirit had latched on to Eilro in an attempt to sort of possess him to prevent him from going on another rampage. Apparently, the source of his anger was due to a falling out with the dungeon master, and so he stormed out of his lair, attacking anyone who came his way. Taran later found out that the island’s elders had been aware that Eilro was acting out after a handful of adventurers reported being assaulted by him, but they failed to take action, probably because that would mean shutting down the dungeon, which means they lose money.
And then the worst case scenario happens - Eilro goes too far, someone ends up dead. Now it’s not just Eilro and the elders who are in trouble, the dungeon master’s implicated too because technically speaking, none of this would’ve happened if it wasn’t for him. According to Marcie, Siana’s fiancee and a long time Meurig party member, the dungeon master, also known as the Illustrious Mage, is notoriously difficult to reason with. Eilro had a complicated relationship with him - the kind where they’re both so fucked up that them being able to tolerate each other is a better option than letting them roam freely and subject other people to their madness. That was the main reason why the elders ignored the reports - they simply didn’t want to deal with the Illustrious Mage.
Because Siana’s spirit still held a strong presence despite her body being destroyed, Marcie did the unthinkable by performing forbidden magic - specifically, a resurrection spell. It was a last resort sort of thing because Eilro was beyond reasoning, seeming to get a kick out of hurting everyone in a sadistic sort of way, according to Marcie and Taran. Yikes, there’s no doubt it’ll be a losing battle fighting against someone like that. Besides, Siana already crossed the line of forbidden magic by attempting possession of a living creature, so they might as well go all out. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Fighting Eilro was not easy, even when Siana was forcibly holding him back. If it weren’t for the fact that Marcie and Taran can also heal - the former being trained while the latter picked up some basics - they wouldn’t be taking as much of a risk confronting the dragon. They said describing it as brutal would be an understatement. Like, Siana fought head to head with him alone and she was pretty much obliterated. Had she not used forbidden magic, that would just be the end for her, making Taran and Marcie’s journey futile.
And so they took down the dragon, using his body as a vessel to resurrect Siana since they were already somewhat fused. The resurrection spell resulted in a huge explosion that caught the Mage’s attention, which meant that the gang was fucked. Siana was successfully revived and seemed like herself - at first. Except her body wasn’t really hers - it was mostly Eilro’s since her original body was literally in smithereens - and that brought on a lot of complications.
The Illustrious Mage clearly wasn’t happy about that and proceeded to make life a living hell for them. However, it was not so he could avenge his familiar, it was more that he too seemed to get a kick out of hurting others, except instead of beating the shit out of others, his weapon of choice was psychological torture.
His first move was to awaken the remnants of the dragon’s spirit in Siana to separate her from the others. He knew that the others would have no choice but to venture deeper into the dungeon as they were determined not to leave without her. He also knew that another adventurer party would run into them because their leader used to travel with the siblings. Marcie suspected that the Mage likely knew that Taran would confess out of guilt about the forbidden magic to their former party member and he would flip out and be saddled with the responsibility of having to inform the elders.
Then while everyone’s fighting, the Mage let loose a humanoid dragon beast who were once known as Eilro and Siana, now an angry and confused monster lashing out at the squabbling humans. So it’s like, “Oh no it’s a monster!” to “Oh shit it’s Siana!” Except she doesn’t seem like herself anymore and no one knows what to do. That thing is going around fighting their claws and tossing them around and they’re frozen in place because that’s their friend and they don’t want to hurt her, especially if it’s something completely out of her control.
But on the other hand, how would they know if it’s really her? Like, that thing has her face, but is it really her anymore? Possession’s not something to take lightly as there’s far too many risks involved, including losing yourself completely. That’s why it’s under the forbidden category. In this case, there was also the issue of creating a new abomination that was violent and unpredictable, so that brought on another set of problems. Not to mention that the elders would have no choice but to intervene, which will also complicate the situation with even more problems. In short, it was a mess and the Mage took pleasure in watching everyone lose their minds once it sank in that the catastrophe they got themselves in was only gonna get worse from then on.
They all survived - barely - and being able to fend off the monster gave Taran some home that maybe they can save Siana somehow. Since the resurrection spell is irreversible, the only option was to basically kill and resurrect Siana again, and maybe place a curse on her as a safety measure - an even riskier move, but again, they didn’t have any other options. Taran and Marcie felt responsible for what happened, so they were determined to fix things, even if it means dragging themselves through the mud and angering the elders - all to save Siana, whether it’s to bring her back to her old self, or freeing her spirit so she can rest easy if resurrection was out of the question.
Of course, I wouldn’t be here at the castle listening to their story if they hadn’t succeeded, would I? While the other group went back up to inform the elders about the situation, Taran and his party ventured further down to confront the Mage. Against the elders, the other group eventually returned to the dungeon to assist the others. Sara was caught up on what was happening through them and knew that she would have to jump in soon as the further you go into a dungeon, the more dangerous it gets, especially if you’re walking straight into uncharted territory. As soon as she got the signal, she swooped right in and bailed everyone out before the Mage had a chance to wreak havoc again.
She said she didn’t actually do that much, but she did buy the gang some valuable time, allowing them to escape with their lives. It was one of those dangerous situations where every little thing mattered. Sara, with help from the other group set off a series of explosions to throw off the Mage and the beast, essentially trapping them in a corner. If they hadn’t intervened in such a timely manner, Taran and his party would have no chance of surviving the Mage’s ambush. Not only they finally got the Mage and the beast cornered, they were also injured and weakened by the counterattack. And that provided Taran the perfect opportunity to strike.
Right now, things are still chaotic, which is why he can’t say too much about the Mage. The elders are dealing with that, though no one fully trusts them considering that it was kinda their fault of this happened in the first place. To be honest, they’re not interested in him, not after all the shit he put them through, so they’re glad it’s out of their hands. They do kinda feel bad for the Mage because he had a rough upbringing and all, but he also’s a dick who likes watching people suffer and exploiting them for it because he thinks it’s fun. At least he’s finally getting a taste of his own medicine, though Marcie thinks it won’t really affect him as he’ll find some way to paint himself as the victim for sympathy points.
Damn, if it weren’t for the fact that he’s a powerful mage, people wouldn’t have hesitated to knock him down a peg or two. I find that those who are selfish with absolutely no compassion towards others are some of the most dangerous types of people because they won’t hesitate to stab you in the back and bleed you dry.
So because they defeated the master of the dungeon, that means they conquered it, and that’s how they inherited Windmontley. There’s still a bunch of boring legal stuff Taran has to look over, but for the most part, the castle’s his. Siana’s mostly back to her old self, except she still retains some of Eilro’s and the beast’s features, which she’s learning to live with. Dealing with Eilro and the Mage, as well as long her mind when she was that abomination, really took a toll on her - like, it’s remarkable that she still managed to retain her sanity and sense of self after all that. There’s still a lot that she has to adjust to, but it’s one of those things where you can only take on one day at a time.
As for the dungeon, it’s closed down for repairs - at least, that’s what the public knows. Half truths are usually enough to keep everyone satisfied, especially when it’s stuff that everyone already kinda knows or suspected. Along with the damaged caused by Taran’s party and the Mage, there will be thorough investigations conducted, and that will play a role in determining what kind of punishment the Mage will receive. Since it has nothing to do with the gang, they’re staying out of it and just focus on getting their lives back together.
Windmontley is a nice place to settle down in, though it needs a lot of fixing up. It was owned by the Mage’s grandfather, who intended to pass it down to his daughter, except they had a falling-out and she left. Years later, the Mage reached out to him when his health started declining and took over his affairs, selling everything in his grandfather’s name except the castle after he died. Aside from paying for a service to maintain the upkeep, it seemed like he didn’t have that much interest in the place. The others speculate that the main reason why he only kept that property was because it wasn’t worth much compared to the two mansions he sold for a pretty hefty price.
And that’s why I’m here with some campers, because Sara recommended us to Taran and Siana. Moving’s expensive, and it’s just a difficult process in general. The castle’s a huge upgrade from the inn the siblings were living in before, so they don’t have a lot of stuff. Also, Marcie’s with them now, and she doesn’t have that much either since she lived in a small apartment. The castle looks kinda funny with barely any furnishings, so we’re hoping to change that.
It’s funny, even though we’re a camp, crafting furniture is our specialty. Obviously, we’re focusing on the essentials first, like appliances, bathroom stuff, kitchen stuff, beds - it’s best to get the big stuff out of the way first. At least by building them right here, we don’t have to worry about lugging all that stuff to the castle.
Like I said, a castle in the sky sounds nice in theory, but it really is an inconvenient location. Basically, no one would deliver to their doorstep, so they would have to pick up their mail and packages at the post office, which sounds annoying. They can’t even get takeout delivered to their door, which is just as inconvenient. I mean, sky architecture is totally a thing in many places in the world, and they have no problem with bringing mail to them - why can’t Lakewell? Unless it’s because the elders are stingy and lazy, which is likely the case.
Like, why do they have to make a 15 minute trip to the post office just to get their damn mail? Well, they’re fighting with the elders about that, so hopefully they’ll realize how absurd the whole thing is and do something about it. I mean, it’s not that hard to resolve - like, it shouldn’t have been an issue in the first place.
Aside from that, the castle’s slowly growing on them. The view outside the windows is spectacular, especially on cloudy days when the sky becomes all kinds of colors. That’s not a view you get to see every day! There’s something about watching the world from above that makes me feel small in a way that really puts into perspective how vast and huge our world is.
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mbb-project-entity · 2 years
Chapter 47
Marcy sat in the Dean’s office, already bored. It had only been five minutes, and she already couldn’t stand it. The Dean had been saying something about the importance of education and responsibility and blah, blah, she didn’t care. She let out a huff, and dug out a joint from her pocket. The Dean stopped talking as he noticed.
“…is that a joint?? Are you smoking marijuana in my office?!” The Dean was enraged stood up, coming around the front of her desk to confront her.
Marcy took a drag from the joint, and coughed out a little. She wasn’t sure how to deal with this school problem, but she figured guys like favors, right? Maybe if she did him one, she’d do one for her as well.
Setting the joint on the floor, she looked up at the Dean, still huffing with anger. Calmly, she placed a hand on his pants, caressing his crotch.
The Dean gasped, “Wh-wh-what are you doing?? Stop that right now!”
“Fuck off…well, I’ll fuck you, at least. You wanna fuck me, right? I can feel it,” she said, caressing the Dean’s hard cock as she used her free hand to undo his belt. “If I suck your dick, will you help me with my little school problem?”
The Dean froze for a second, still in shock at finding himself in a situation like this. For a moment he almost considered taking her up on the offer, but then he slapped her hand away.
“Youu- you whore! Get out of my office!” He quickly did his belt back and stepped away from her. “I’m going to expel you immediately!”
Marcy was in shock. “Wait! Shit, what’s wrong??” She was confused; sexual favors always made things better. In fact, she wasn’t sure how to solve problems any other way. Why didn’t he like it? To her, it was if someone was refusing an apology.
“What’s wrong?? If you don’t know, then you have no right to be here! Get out now before I call campus police!”
“But I—”
“Fuck! Fine you fucking fag—I don’t need this shit!” She picked her joint off the floor and walked off in a huff. The Dean slumped in his chair, trying to calm down from the intensity of what just happened.
Walking out of the building, she bumped into the Dean’s car. She cursed it out, but then she had an idea.
The car alarm went off as she hopped into the Dean’s BMW, speeding off with it. Of course, everyone saw her do it, so her little joyride didn’t last long. It was only for a night, but it was the longest night Marcy had spent in jail. Thankfully, Donna had come to her rescue, and she had never been happier to see her.
As she got up at her usual time of 5am, she was still a little drunk from the previous night. Walking slowly to the bathroom in her heels, she took stock of her naked body in the mirror, liking what she saw. Even though she was used to it by now, she always enjoyed looking at her HH cup breasts (or boobies as she now called them), her pert nose, and her cute lips, which she had filled as much as possible while still allowing her to talk more or less properly (her large tongue ring made her lisp though, but she was already used to it). She especially loved her eyes, which now were slanted in an asian manner after she had that done as well, so she’d always have a sultry look that she wanted. Only then did she notice she left her dildo in again last night, I really need to stop doing that, she thought, and as she pulled it out she appreciated her waxed engorged pussy (which she also now called it), which stayed splayed open and still leaking from the stimulation. Walking away from the mirror, she was happy to see that her extremely dark tan was still holding up well (along with her full body waxing), and made her enhanced ass (she had to buy all new pants and skirts some time back) look really sexy. Even her bleached asshole looked sexy to her, even though she had that done regularly.
After getting ready, it was 9am and she was running late as usual (though half of that time was spent getting herself off in the shower a few times like she had to). Making sure her day-to-day use 4 inch dildo stayed in place inside her, she sauntered into the car, still drunk after downing two more shots of vodka, hair of the dog! she thought, and went down her checklist:
platinum blonde hair with red streaks and black tips, the top of her head with the “bumped” look , falling down into perfect curls behind her head, and both sides of her hair pinned up with numerous clips and ties, the hair coming from it streaming down her face, all of it perfectly hairsprayed into not moving heavy, extreme makeup, expertly applied for over an hour, consisting of layers of concealer, foundation, and powder, topped off with plenty of blush. lips deep red, with dark visible lipliner and lipgloss to give her enormous lips that wet look she loved. silver, light blue and white eyeshadow, heavily applied over her entire eyelid area, liquid eyeliner applied over her already permanent eyeliner (highlighting her now asian eyes), and her beautiful false eyelashes, blended in with liberal amounts of mascara. Her tattooed on eyebrows, drawn in black, high above her face in perfect arches completed her face red satin tubetop, consisting of two pieces of cloth attached down the middle of her front with large gold hoops, and in the back with a couple of loosely tied strings, barely holding onto her breasts black sequin skirt, just above the crack of her ass, just the way she liked it, and just low enough to show off the straps of her bright red thong 6 inch open toed white platform heels, with her red toenails a quarter inch past her toes red 2 inch long nails, decorated with black designs and a few gems, which she got touched up every week ears with 5 earrings apiece, with various dangling and large hoop earings, her normal eyebrow, nose, and tongue rings. innumerable arm and neck jewelry and rings. her tribal angel wing design on her lower back looked crisp, as did the large rose on the inside of her thigh “Ohmygod Donna! Thank you so much! I don’t know w-w-wwhat I was thin-thin-thinking!” She said, stuttering her way terribly through a rare clean sentence.
“It’s alright; we’re out of that place now. You’re fine.”
Marcy started tearing up, “What am I g-g-g-going to do?? I got k-k-k-k-kicked out offff fucking school!”
“We can always party for now, and worry later,” Donna suggested, thinking that she’s finally turned her.
“I- I need to get a fucking job…”
0 notes
iwantescapism13 · 3 years
Terri : Okay! I've done it! Anne and co, this is your only chance. I'll do my absolute best to let this open for 5 minutes. But ONLY 5 minutes. So if you need to say your goodbyes or whatever, now's the time!
Hop-Pop : Oh thank frog, we're gonna be home soon!
Sprig and Polly : Hooray for Terri!
Anne : Good! Activate it, Terri!
Terri : Are you sure about that?
Anne : I'm sure!
Terri : But don't you need to say goodbye to your parents?
Anne : I-I...
- Mr. X and a bunch of FBI shows up -
Mr. X : See?! I told you they were aliens! Why do you ever doubt the great Mr. X?
FBI Agent : Yeah, yeah. Seize that scientist!
- Terri assumes a battle stance. Anne and Mrs. Boonchuy steps in front to protect them. -
Mrs. Boonchuy : Go now while you still can! The rest of us can handle this!
- The Plantars nod their heads. Anne also nods and is about to turn back, but Mrs. Boonchuy stops her. -
Mrs. Boonchuy : Anne? Where are you doing?
Anne : Mom, I-I...
Mrs. Boonchuy : Oh, right. You wanna say goodbye to them. But please hurry. We can't do this alone.
Anne : I...
Mrs. Boonchuy : Anne...?
Anne : I'm... I'm going back to Amphibia!
Mrs. Boonchuy : W-What did you say...?
Mr. Boonchuy : Anne...? Did I just hear that right? You're going back to Amphibiland?
Mrs. Boonchuy : Anne, what are you doing?! Why are you going back?!
Anne : Mom, Dad... there's... something else... I haven't told you yet...
- Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy are silent. -
Anne : Sasha... and... Marcy... are still stuck there.
Mrs. Boonchuy : *gasps*
Mr. Boonchuy : What?! But I thought you said--
Anne : --that they're back with their families? No, dad. I... I lied. I... I came back... alone...
Mrs. Boonchuy : Oh no...
Mr. Boonchuy : Oh no indeed. Why didn't you tell us, Anne?
Anne : I--
Mrs. Boonchuy : No, no, no! I am NOT letting my daughter get stuck in that frog world again! YOU are staying here, young lady!
- Anne swats her mom's hand away. -
Anne : MOM!
- Tears fall on Mrs. Boonchuy's face. Anne's as well. -
Anne : I'm... really sorry for all the hurt I've caused you. And to you too, dad. But I need to do this!
Mr. Boonchuy : Anne...
Anne : I'll never forget the kindness and acceptance that you gave to the Plantars. And I'm glad that you're able to trust me to take care of them all on my own. I... I just need... to do this. I want them back, mom, dad. I... I promised their families that I'll bring them back and I fully intend on not breaking that.
Mrs. Boonchuy : But--!
- Mr. Boonchuy puts a hand on Mrs. Boonchuy's shoulder. He shakes his head. -
Mr. Boonchuy : Let her go, dear.
Mrs. Boonchuy : But she'll be gone again! I... I don't know if I can take it anymore! Am I... being too selfish?
Mr. Boonchuy : You're not. But... all I know is that I trust our daughter. She has shown so much growth during her stay here. And I'm confident that the frogs will take care of her. Just like they've always been. She'll be alright.
Mrs. Boonchuy : I... I don't know. W-When... are you coming back, Anne?
Anne : I will try... to be back as soon as I can.
Mrs. Boonchuy : And when is that? Another 5 months?!
Anne : Mom... I'm so, so sorry to do this to you again. I vaguely had an idea of what you've been through during the past few months I was gone but please believe me. I'm the only one that can save them. You saw it too. I've got powers! I don't know what all of this means, exactly. But... But I need to do this, mom! Please...
Sprig : Anne! We gotta go!
Polly : The portal is getting smaller!
- Anne looks at the portal, then turns to look at her parents. They are crying, and she is too. She runs to them and hugs them tight. -
Anne : I'll be back, mom, dad. I promise.
Mrs. Boonchuy : Anne Savisa Boonchuy, you're grounded for a month once you come back, you hear me? I'm not gonna let you off so easily.
- Anne smiles. -
Anne : Of course, mom.
Mr. Boonchuy : You take care of yourself, Anne.
- Mr. Boonchuy looks at the Plantars. -
Mr. Boonchuy : And you better take care of our daughter, okay?! Any scratch on her, I swear I'll turn all of you into frog legs!
Anne : Dad!
Hop-Pop : We will, Mr. Boonchuy!
Sprig : You can count on us!
- Anne and her parents hug tightly once more. Then, Mrs. Boonchuy pushes her away and immediately turns back to face Mr. X and the FBI. Mr. Boonchuy does the same. -
Mrs. Boonchuy : Now... go! Before I change my mind!
Mr. Boonchuy : Kick that Andrias' butt!
- After a few more tears, Anne smiles and nods. She turns to run towards the portal. -
Mr. X : She's escaping! Don't let her get away!
- Once Anne is in the portal, it shrinks and flashes bright. -
Mr. X : NO!
- The portal disappears, along with Anne and the Plantars. Mrs. Boonchuy kneels down and covers her face that's filled with tears. Mr. Boonchuy collapses next to her and hugs her. Mr. X yells expletives and throws a tantrum. -
-- Meanwhile, back in Amphibia - specifically, in Newtopia Castle --
- Sasha is chained to a wall, her arms spread out. She's looking down at the floor. Soon, King Andrias steps in. -
King Andrias : Hello, Sasha. I've come bearing good news for you. Anne is finally back.
- Sasha immediately looks up. -
Sasha : A-Anne's... in Amphibia...?!
Dark Marcy : She is.
- Sasha looks to the right of King Andrias. -
Sasha : Heh... you see, Marcy? I told you Anne would find a way back here.
King Andrias : How long has it been... 4 weeks? Honestly, I was expecting that it'd take her longer, since she's back on Earth after all.
Sasha : She'll never abandon us, Marcy. Despite everything, we're still important to her. She'll be here to save us. Save... you...
King Andrias : 'Save her'? Why would she need to 'save' her? Does Marcy look like a damsel in distress?
Sasha : Shut up, you--
Dark Marcy : Enough!
- Dark Marcy steps forward and removes Sasha's chains. -
Dark Marcy : You are free, Sasha. Reunite with Anne.
Sasha : M-Marcy...?
Dark Marcy : Go on.
Sasha : But... But what about you?
Dark Marcy : Oh, you don't need to worry about me.
The Core : Don't you think it's time to say goodbye to those childhood friends of yours?
- Dark Marcy smiles. -
Dark Marcy : I'll be fine. I'll catch up.
King Andrias : *whispers* What are you trying to do, My Lord?! You're just gonna let her run away?
Dark Marcy : Who said I'm gonna let her run?
- Dark Marcy smirks. -
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cutetanuki-chan · 2 years
want to make a post with all stuff that I have on Sasha Wolf AU
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Marcy meet Sasha in her human form for the first time
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Marcy came up with the name ‘Sasha’ cause of her favorite children’s book with princess with same name
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complicated relationships between Sasha and Domino
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here’s the story:
Marcy used to go several time into the forest that people usually avoid cause it’s dangerous and there are many rumors about the magical creatures living there but Marcy can’t hold her exploratory spirit and that’s where she meets Sasha for the first time
With ups and downs they’re start bonding, and with time they grow really close to each other, since Marcy not much content with life in her hometown, so she spends most of the time in the woods with Sasha, Sasha occasionally visits city in her human form to see Marcy, once after seeing other kids pick on Marcy, she jumps in front of them and starts growl, but since she looks like human she only gets laughed at as an outcome
When Marcy is 14 she decides leave/runaway from home and go explore the world, and of course she asks Sasha to go with her, so they start their adventure, in the process Marcy researching plenty of plants and creatures that helps with her studies with magic and potions, and parallel with the exploration of the world, they are trying to find any leads about any werewolves whereabouts cause not so long ago after Sasha’s birth, all other ones are disappeared (thanks to our beloved king but no one knows about it)
And that goes several years, until they helped to catch bursted into the city creature when they were visiting the fair in the capital and were noticed by the King. The King has a proposition - work for him, help him collect some magical creatures that ‘bother’ people around, Marcy’s thrilled to accept the job, but Sasha says she doesn’t trust him, to which Marcy brushes off like ‘you don’t trust ANY human’, but the King’s proposition goes with room in the castle and after years of wanderings they decides it might be nice to have a permanent place where they can return to, and free meals further strengthen this decision, so they take it
But after a few months, the true colors starts appear, and after unfortunate attempt to sneak in the King’s private room to grab one book, Marcy accidentally falls into a secret passage under it, and overhears crucial conversation between the King and someone else (Idk for now what exactly she hears and what exact King’s plans but after overhearing it she decides to steal very important for King’s plan thing and and she don't go unnoticed)
Marcy bursts into her room, telling Sasha they need to flee castle right now, and she has no time to explain, they're partly succeed in it but royal guards already on their tail, turned into a wolf with Marcy on her back, Sasha runs through the forest in the great storm (for the more effect) but she gets shot with an arrow what caused her to fall and knock off Marcy. With ground slippery from the rain, Marcy ends up holding on the cliff above the river, but her grip breaks and she falls into the water. Sasha dashes to the river, but all trying to find Marcy is in vain
Only a couple of days later, in a small village away from the capital, a girl with curvy hair during her routine finds unconscious Marcy on the river bank
Anne finds unconscious Marcy on the river bank during her morning work routine with Plantars. With Sprig and Polly's help, she drags her back to her house. Marcy sufferers from head injury and broken leg, so it takes time before she able to come to her senses, during that she probably couple times mistook Domino or Anne's hair for Sasha and tried to pat it. Once Marcy in her right mind, she is very grateful to Anne for rescuing her, to which Anne replies that she can stay here until she gets better. But soon Marcy has some explaining to do after Anne's parents spoted a wanted poster of her on village streets, so Marcy reveals all about about the King and why she's a fugitive criminal now. Anne is full head-on on believing Marcy, but mama and papa Boonchuy still skeptical about it, and not very much thrilled with the idea of one more kid living under their roof, who's also a bit shady. But their attitude changes after Marcy helps to fix and innovate some stuff at their house, and they grow to like her with time anyway (how can you not, it's Marcy), so later they're like 'would you like to stay forever?'
To avoid being noticed, Marcy stays on the territory of the Boonchuy's house for all time, and she is physically unable to go much further with her leg. In between helping around the house, she's inspecting the thing she stole from the King, it appears to be some kind of puzzle and she remember seeing King open it, but due to her head injury, she can't quite recall how exactly he did it (she did crack the puzzle but she's missing the key element to make it work)  
Meanwhile, Sasha trying to find any signs of Marcy but water washed everything and it's impossible to catch even a glimpse of her presence. After a failed attempt of using her smelling senses, she thinks that maybe guards could already have found Marcy or know where she might be, so she knocks out one of them and steals their clothes, then cuts her hair for better disguise. Talking to the other guards hasn't made much progress in her search for Marcy, but at least she knows they haven't found her either, and it's easier to question those around you when you're in uniform. After weeks of searching, she thinks she has finally caught a familiar scent, but upon reaching her destination she sees not Marcy, but another girl, bewildered, she follows her home. And only then, taking off the upper part of the uniform and with the picture torn off from the wanted poster, she goes to confront the girl and asks about Marcy, to which girl baffled at first, but noticing the bit of clothing in Sasha's hand, she brushes her off telling 'she never seen this person before'. With further pressuring, Sasha gets only more lies and eventually a door slam into her face, understatement to say, she's not happy with such outcome cause she knows for sure Marcy's there and what if Marcy’s in trouble
Waking up at night, Anne noticed her cat meowing anxiously next to the door. She only manages to say 'hey, what's wrong buddy?' how monstrous beast, twice her size, bursts through the door and knocks her on the floor with hit of a claws, scratching her arm. Anne is scared as hell, and when an enormous jaw a meter away from her, Marcy breaks in between them with outstretched hands and shouts 'STOP', all commotion makes Anne's parents worryingly to come down too And here's Marcy, on one hand with uncontrollable Sasha, who without any chances will be able to turn into human in the near time, and one the other - wounded Anne and her parents, who are ready to make a new carpet for a living room, so the only reasonable solution that comes to her mind, - shout 'GO AWAY' to Sasha
And at this moment Sasha's heart breaks, cause the person who has been with her all her life, the person who she genuinely liked, the person whom she has been crazy looking for all the last weeks, not knowing if she is even still alive, the person whom she finally finds again after all this time and thinks she's in danger, yells at her to go away. Sadness gives way to anger when she hears Marcy screaming 'GO' again, filled with rage she runs off, breaking some stuff in the process. After Anne's wound taken care of and atmosphere is calm down a bit, Marcy apologized for what happened and tries to explain everything. Once sun starts to show, took one of her smell tracking potions and a bit of fur that stayed on the stuff, Sasha crushed into, Marcy goes to the forest to find her. Their reunion is not pretty, Sasha's still furious, keeps growl, and whatever other sounds wolf can do, at Marcy and crushing everything around. Only after a several tearful apologies and explanations that this family took care of her and she could not allow them, nor Sasha, get hurt, Sasha let Marcy to help her calm down. Once Sasha is able to turn into a human again, she doesn't speak, to defuse the situation Marcy tries to ruffle her hair saying 'I see you a got a new haircut' but Sasha only brushes her hand away. She agrees to go back with Marcy but she's still very much hurt
stuff from twitter:
When Marcy and Sasha first met, Sasha didn't talk, she intuitively understood some of the stuff Marcy's saying but most of the time she had no idea what she was babbling about but she didn't mind listening, Marcy didn't sound threatening
Marcy was to first one to braid Sasha's hair, she's also went through a bunch of different hairstyles but Sasha stooped at braid
Marcy build a little swings in the forest for her and Sasha
After Sasha and Marcy bonded a bit, Sasha saw a small scar on Marcy's hand that was left after her bite in one of their first meetings and she felt guilty, so Sasha tried to pressure Marcy to bite hers hand in return
In first winter Marcy was so afraid Sasha will get cold no matter the fact that she went by fine last winters, so Marcy brought her several blankets and some old clothes
In Sasha's first visit to the city she was overwhelmed with all new and unfamiliar smells
Sasha is more comfortable in her wolf form and more often sleeps in it
Sasha can’t turn into a human when she’s in the state of rage
Marcy nailing the potions stuff very well (she made potion for Sasha from fleas)
they almost always sleep next to each other, Marcy often just buries herself into Sasha’s fur
Sasha wasn't feeling very intimidating in her human form so Marcy got her a dagger
Sasha loves cutting stuff from the wood using this dagger
They had to switch bed to just a mattress on the floor in the castle room, cause the previous one crashed under Sasha's weight
Sasha on the daily basis has to brush Marcy's glasses from her forehead back to her nose bridge, cause Marcy will squint at the book, forgetting that she's not wearing them
One time Marcy with the words 'watch and learn how to make some money' jumped on a table in a pub with her violin and in the next second fell off it along with the table
Sasha afraid of thunder, Marcy hugs and holds her close during storms
When they wander in the woods separately, like Marcy goes exploring stuff or Sasha goes hunting, and something goes wrong, Sasha can just howl and Marcy will hear her, but Marcy doesn't have such a powerful voice range, so she always carries with her a small vial of spearmint essential oil, and if there's a danger of some sort she will open the vial or simple crash it, depends on situation, so if Sasha will sense a sudden familiar sense means something's up. But Marcy also accidentally crashes it or pours it out couple times, Sasha would huff at her in annoyance when she realizes nothing is wrong, after sprinting half of the woods, but she's glad Marcy is okay
After Sasha and Marcy got separated, all Sasha had left was Marcy's half thorn cape she found in the river
Marcy faked amnesia when she woke up at Boonchuy's so she won't have to tell them she's most likely considered as a kingdom's traitor at present moments, until wanted posters appears
Marcy mentions Sasha a lot of time while talking with Anne but she forgot to mention she's a werewolf so Anne has very ambiguous image of Marcy's friend until she meets her
Anne afraid Sasha will eat her cat
For a while Sasha keeps trolling Anne a bit about various stupid ways she can become werewolf too
Sasha grown to like Mama Boonchuy, she taught her how to do some of the house work
When Sasha and Marcy more or less reconciled, Sasha in her wolf form decided to go in the room where Marcy was sleeping to curl up next to her but she got stuck in a doorway
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