Michael chow
59 posts
people always change! person thoughts internal feelings.
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 9 years ago
Old messages
Reading the old messages you wrote for me made me think of all the good old times. 
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 9 years ago
I remember the time we hung out and I totally forgotten that I had a hockey game, so you ended up watching my game. hehe that was fun and you didn't even get mad at me. 
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
I GUESS ITS ALL OVER NOW :D!!! Sa5m AND him are Gunna be together soon ANd i have Lost BOk cHoy For Doing what i DId! WHAt A END RESULt thsi was!! FROm goign everything perfect to aBSOLutekly NOTHign LOL !! WELL i guess this IS LIFE and there no time AMCHIENS to go BACK!!! I Wil SIng this sONg alone And walk this path i chose!!! I HOping to CATch two fish AT once and in return i caught none!! if i leave this bait in the ocean water and you dont take the bait then i guess ill jsut have to fish somewhere ELSE LOL ! GUNAN BE TESTIng them WATERs NOW!!! LIKe everyone says THere PLENTy of fishes sWIMMing arouND!! but you two were the ones i Hunted for! I THINK IM HEALEEDD!! i saw the pic and the description below and … i smiled :D I just want to be your friend and be ahppy for you!!THe both OF you BEame My two BEst LADy friends and i am so lucky to be where i am today! THERe nothing int he world that can replace you two!! adter tomorows another dayY!! You always miss 100 % of the shot of those that you dont take :D “PEOPLE ALWAYS CHANGE”
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
AKA sa5m DOT DOT dot dot … ….. MY best memeries of YA - THE DAy we first initally met AT RODEo burgure!!! Your NAturaly FRiendlyness PUlled me IN!! RMR ya always looking great too! HAd to STep IN thIS TRAP LOl was irrisitablE! THX FOR THE EASTER EGG GIFt!! -GLAD WE TALKEd oN FB!! THEM MSSGES!! TONS OF THEM!! - GOTAHC number (april 19 ) LOL RMR FOOLIn you taht i was somebody else!! LOL - RMR the times WE thiNKIng OF GIft IDEAs for a friedn!! IT WAS A PILLOW LOL -THE SCREAMing of HALLo at school was alSOME!! felt so aknowlege!! HEHEhehe - I LIKe HOw We TExted Each otehr and the way We would TTALK liKE THSI. HAHA Sorry BUT i wa PRetty HARd tO UNDErstand sometIMEs~! ALSO the NICK NAMEs WE had for each TOHEr! - THE TIME You stopped BY AT my WORk with jonathan and chelsey LOL THAT made my DAY!!!FElt so CLsoeEEOR the TIME i visit You at ZELLAs OR SPRING!! ehhe So HAppy to see you WORkig! MAN YOU WORked SO MUch makign ALl thE $$$ -SEEINg YOu at GRAD and TAKing PICS togetrh! What GOOD pictures they were!! rmr u lOoked so pale LOL hehe but so brigh with that red DressS. AND LATER hOW WE EXCHAnged GRAD PICS!! always had it in my wallet so i can alwats glimpse at it! now its behind me - ALSO tHE TIME WE SING oR REFER TO SONG LYRICS!! HAHA best line was ” IMA AT A PAYPHOne trying to CALL ” or WISTLE or “DIDNT HAEV TO CUT ME APPP” by somebody i use to know!! LOL you sang taht the best! not ITs REALITY - OUR WORKOUT SESSIONS! OMg AHAH SWIMMIng SWIMMINg ADNS SWImmmING!! PUMPIN IRON iNTO our BOnes! that was such a GOOD WorkOUT! - IN ym CAR rmR U noT STEERING FOR ME LOL HAHAH SEEING ya PICs oN FB TUMBLA OR INSTAGRAM!! themOOD LOOKs PRETTYC ute ANd awlasy looked so great! -THE ALL TIME BEST mmemory was probally at Jonathans BDay we went to SHIShu and i rmr u grabbing the peices of shishi for me!! omg I couLD of Died right there So FULL and soo HAppy. -OH AND ALso on my bday Showing UP AND MAKINg that SUPER SICK FB Cup FOR ME!!i SITll use it whenever i can!!! - OUR FRIDay ADventures WHERE WE BIKE all AROUND!! GETTIng exersivee EVERywhere!! TALKigna nd biking and texting was DANGROUS! - seEING YOU AT THE UNVI!!! WOW was kinda happy to see you but at that time it was Tough!! WHEN U SCARED mE while iw as coming out from the library WAS SUCH A SHOCK!! HEAHeh
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
Memmories of Elizabeth cHoy
Memmories of Elizabeth cHoy
ALSO known AS AKA BOK choYY!! MY best memmories of ya: - SEEINg u at FEstival of trees, and i barely could reconize you but tbh you caught my eye and in coincident u walk right over to my station. So glad i said hElllo eventhought i wasnt sure was it even u!! - SEEING u AGAIn Ont he BUS!!! OMg LOL wasnt Sure it was acutally YOU!! but i kept looking and starrring @ you on the bus JSut so i dont get the wrong persoN!! i was off to work and THIs is where it all started again!! :D - AFTER this IT ALL STARTED the INCLINE Of OUr CAHt!! we talked ON FACEBOOK and had DAIly Messages! That Escalted and eventaully turned into CONTINOUs conversation! - GOT you number on april 19 :D started having text messages! LOved THe CHit chat and IT was alaso so fun to talk to ya!! Always Joking arounda nd wondering about each other’s story! - SAW U AT @ WEM AND KINGSways a couple times!! omg seemed like a STALKER!! LOL HAHAH BUT It WAS LIKE fate HAHAHAH. - faSHION SHOW!! WE BARELY SAW each otehr as we onyl talked through the phone!!! IT was KINDA weird BUT GALD to BE THERE!!! - WORK!!! working at SUMMEr camp WITH you WAS the BEst PART!! saw ya everyday and you gave so much EFfort TO volunteer your time there! truely amazing!! THe FEIld trips we been togetherabd the stories we share! the activities we do and the places we go! WAs PRETTY happy you introduced me to this job!!! WE worked together liek a TEAm and we were so good at it! IT was ALways FUNN! I LIke how the kids would always try to pull us together! - OUR ADVENTOUs TO the OUTSIDe worlD!! the TRips to WEM, KInsway SHOPPING, EMilies BDAY, MY BDAY, CAR RIDES WEre awlays a bonding momment for me! _ car ACCident LOL SO SORRY to give you taht HORRIBle seatbelt RASH!! - THE CLOssest CONTACT was when we were on our way back home! and you rest you head on the left side of my shoulder! at that momment i felt very clsoe to u! THE FINAL CHOICE- was the i hardest deecision ever made, and this jsut ruined everything! i wanted to think about it more and diddnt want to make any hastly desicions! but you eventualyl found out and i had to share my side before anyhting goes on! i guess this just ended it here! so SOrry :( we could of HAd somehting but its all down the drain now cause of this..:(
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
POISon GOT meeee!!
POISon GOT meeee!!
AAAHHHH! IM INfected with this DISEAsee!! its LIek POIson! ITS Slowly KIlling ME from the INsidee!! ITs unoTicable but Yet Very LethaL!! THE pOISon of feelings FOr someone IS imPlanted IN MEE! SOMEone find me a cureee! THIs POISon grows on you and it becomes worse and worse as time go by! ITS SPREDIG! ITS always there on your mind tooo and it never leaves. IT CAsue so Muchh painnn.. oww.. buT IT hurts from the INSide! I CAN FEeeL IT EVERY SEcond right now!!I MOre i think about it the MOre damage it INFLicts!! IT paralizes me all day everydaY!! THE effects deprives you and takes all your Happy thoughs away! THe DEtrimental EFFEct is TRAMAtizing and IM DEpriving myelfff! SLOWLy DYING out!! IT FLows in MY blood and all over. THIS DISEASe MUst STOPPP or else IMMA SUFFEr so Mach!!NEED to get it OUTAA my SYSTEM BUt its so CONTAGOIS
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
THIS WHoole SItuatioN is A DRUG!! SO ADDICting YEt so bad for you!!! I Ant even suppose to be acting all up like this or used it to begin with! but I guess i DRAgged myself into this! THIS influence MAkes U ALL HAPPy AND high UNTILL its RElieved form ya bodY!! then YOU feeel LIKe LEft OVer ASHES! WHen You decide to Quit for what ever reason you just simply cant! ITS in your SYStem AND NOw the drug runs you! Without it you go crazy. ITS almsot to the piont where your so addicted you cant escape. ITS part of your life now and you need mroe and more to stay High with it! The ANdrenaline Jsut dont do no more and ALL these Illusions i saw were jsut fooling me! i was just being lead on and i coudnt see it! maybe i was too hiGh and OUT to Notice it. I got LEAd on by the incluence of This Lvoe DRugg! tHE SMokes GEts into you aND tTHE Smelel GETS EVERYWHEre!! its so Noticable and SO HARd to HIDE it!
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
NOt your fault!
NOt your fault!
IT is true I Had somehting for you! i thought we had somehting for each other! eventhought it wasnt like this, i dont blame you for what happened . THEre was alot of stuff i could’ve done taht i didnt put all mY effort into. - I shouLd of told you how i felt -i shoudl of followed up on most of the stuff. like the time you invited me to eat pho i never gave u a answer, or the time you offered me a veitmansese bun HOMEMADE and i nver got, THE cake POp that was saved i never took, - could of spent more time but it was so busy with school. I stopped goignt o worktou no more and on fridays we didnt do much. I declined many activites too, so i gues i didnt put enought time into it - your kind nature and scocialbilty skills gets the attention of almost anybody
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
unObvious of the Obvious
unObvious of the Obvious
LOOKING back FRom everything we did together MAde me thoguht it cleary that i had soemthing for u! EVenthought u might have not seen my feeligns i though you could at least felt it. :”( . I ASSume it wasnt the same in your heart but i thought it was ObVios there was feelinfs from me for you.
EVerythign we did…from the times we texted each other! day MOrning and night we would be still hard at it. I slept slept late and woke up early to be the first and last each day. The MAny chitchats we had and the way we talked in our own languaAGE. from They way We had made nick names for each other and had many inside jokes shared between us… the Exchnages of our grad photos and the lovely cup i received, To tHE TIMe HE hung OUT and adventures EXPlored. The SOngs we sang and shared and reffered back to … from THE language i learn to get closer to you, to Time SAcrifise to see you TO EVERYThing we did so far made it seem so obvous for me that i had somehting 4 u. Now IT seemed like it was all so oBvios but yet you coundt see it.
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
THE PLAn didn’t go as expected AND the Mission came crashing to a end piont! Out of the two possible mission i chose one over the other. Hits Mission was BeyONd what I cuold of handles but I still went in full Force!!! THere w as lots of Bumps and problems here and there , and eeventually the mission was Declared as incomplete! With No escape and NO going back the worlds has turned upside down! with no reset button in life, the aftermath was unbearable!!! AFTER letting samsantha know my side of the story, I got the truth that i was eagarerly waiting for!! THE only problem was that it was a different anser then the one iw as hopping for! AFTer choosing this i lost everything form picking to go on this MIssiion! THE objective of it was not reached and evetually the mission had to be dispanded! THE Failure was not to blame on you! i geuss i should of foreseen it coming! iw as proablyl getting the wrong message casue of your naturally friendlyness and kindness!Waht Took me away was proablly your ADVentours and SPontanoes inside of ya! I gues im not the type of a guy u looking for. I was Just a Friends for u! EVEnthought it was obvous for me that i had somehting i guess it jsut wasnt the same for you ;(. MY whole life crumbles after all this and destroyed me.
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
AFTER A goood LONg weeek i finally get a GOOD night sleeeP!!! THis WEEk was extremly tough for me and everything came crashing down!! it all ened with A BANG!!! I thought after now it was all better, eventhough it was such a short time from the event. I think im desensitized or emotionless LOL haha. HAD a DREAm today and it wasnt a good one. I trY To Forget about it and move on, but i guess when im in my unconcoius state it just come all back! MAybe i jsut lock everything inside of mee and hide it deep down inside. In thiS horribale Nightmare I saw you and him together and i dont know how u guys ended up in my head but i jsut wanted to wake up and stop thinking about it :C
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
THIS WHole situation about me is all a gamble!! SUCh a risky game yet i played it and lost everything.As the chances are low and the return are not always favourable, i still went and gabled it all away. I OONCe had everything i could ask for, but i had to play this horrible game. getting addicted to two different plays at once! one called Samantah and the other Elizabeth ! BOth WAs a JACKpot!! a win , WIN situation here!! IT would bbe Lucky FOr anyone To win them over! The RIsk were high and i played it. I GAMBLed MY two CHAnces …
ITs LIKE a card game where u have to only choose one and you may uncover it see if you have won!! Out of the two cards I chose one over the other and took my chances! IT FELT lucky at that momment and It was sure exciting. Very fun and acciliterating. EVErytihing seemed like it was going well and sure to win a jackpot ! IN return I picked samantha and placed all ym bet on it! everything i had was on this one bet! …. IN the ENd, I MAde a DEcision and took a bet and now i lsot everything! i guess greeddy never gets! WHy did i play such a game like this!
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
A STep BEhind!!!
A STep BEhind!!!
IM WAS JUST A FREIND!!! someone jSUt there who was great to be with and simply nothing else!! I guess we SAw each other differently and had different results! AT that time i was Really REALly sure that everything was gunna turn out like how i expeceted!BUT i guess i TOo FOol to see what was reality! I was Just a friend! I FElt like the left over potatoes crumbs in a bag of chip!! A paper BAG DRIFting thorugh the AIR! THE UNwanted Goods LEft behind!! The left behind garabeg being throw away! Felt so hopeless , decieved and LOst!! LOst in a MAZe with NO escapE!!! FElt like i Lost everyhitng in one bet! ;( EVEN thought ALL this is the past now! it STill gets me thinking about it alot reacently. IT doesnt really bother me too much now, and i tell myself its all better now!! I see it as a ”step behind” BUt a STep going Foward!!! THings just so different now!!
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
NEW START! NEW BEGIGNIN! NEWPERSON!!!IM BACk TO sQUAre ONE!! bACk to Groubd ZERO! ITS like im playing monoply and Retunring to GO And COLLECt 200 dALLORS!. FEELz LIKE a REMAtch OF a LSOt game!!! REDOing a old assignment!! REFRESHINg the page ONt he INTERENET! REATSARTing and REBOoting THE COMPUTER!!! RETUNRIng to EQUILIBRIUM SINCE i guess i lsot everything im deciding to go back on what i heve… and tTHATS FACEBOOOK….!!!TODAy i decided to BRING FB Bo$$ BACk cause MAN there was NOThign good on enws feed for SO DAM lOGN!! got to STEP up tHE GAME!!!! ALSo GEtting lIKes its proablyl the happyest feelin i can get! I PARTY hard when I SEE them NOTTIficatiON!!! WOOhooo!!!
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
TODAY is OFFIcanlyly i talked and confeesed to sa5m!! AHAH I kidna wanted to hold it off as it was pretty juicy juice and i like talkign together! EVEnthought i KNEW the truith about everything , I still didnt was to admit it. Btu AFEtr this I AM ALL SHOrted out!! NO More Mystery wonder No MOre Overthinking!! TIMe to MOve on !! BROOom BROOom gottad drive away! i dont really balme you as maybe i didnt spend much time or im not the right guy or anyhting like that. Mosty me jsut getting decieveddd!! but thats your frieldnty socialble nature i guess! END of Story ONE!!! i think i have decided i will still talk, maybe even going back to how thigns were but thist times its going to be different!1 . for sure not gunnabe any feellings in it!
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
WHY WHY WHY!! I DONt get ittt AaAAAAAAAAAA. U TReated mE like this. TO think now I SUre have BEEN LEAD ON! I MUST OF BEEN BLIND!! how did I Not see it coming!!! WE talked so Much, hung out so much, and did SO much stuff togtehr. JSUt recently you sent me 25 TEXT! WHAT DAAA1 TO KNOw that your hididng THIS SERCRET!! OMG KILLS ME! AAAAAAAAA. RAGE QUIT . THE LOOKs oN EAhc other faces. THE LAUgh we LAuguh together!! BUt….. it all leads to nothing. WAS THIs ALL just UR KINDNESs and frIEndlyNESS ?? MADE me feel so special sometimes and everything went so WELL when we were together! NOw there nothign. HOW WILL IT end Up? WEll IDK. SOMETIMEs IT HURT when i find oUt the truth behind this . ON the OTHEr hand I Do enjoy the daily chit chat and ur friendship. HA i mean i guess thats all i had anyways.. IMMA JUST IGNOre everything and take some times to thinK!! eventhoughTBH its pretty hard to nOt respond and commmunitcate. BUt I have To do IT. MOSt LIkey We might go back to how thigns were but things WILL DEFINitly BE different.
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
MY BIGGESt mistake was to CHAse after two delightful girls at the same time! AS I was JSUt getting to know them i eventually grew on them. MY feelings started biulding up, and i eventualyl fell for you two. I WAS ONCE SO greatfuLL and HAPpy FOR eevry seconds i get to hang out with either one of you!! nOW I END up WITH NOthign NOTHign to spare! I AM SO SORRY!! SOOOO SORYY , NOW that i get a sense how you mgiht have feeled after hearing my confessions and my situation. I WAS BLINDED and FOOLED ! and ONLy if i HAd a TIMe MACHIEns!11i coulD Jsut go BAck and fix the problem EARly ahead of time! EVENthought i still have feelings for you. i woundnt be surprised IF you differed from mines!! WHAT i did will always BE enGRAVEd into Bot OUr MINDs!! :C I DESERVE tHIS CAsue I did the exactly same thing to you!! ALL in all I AM so HAppy you decided to still be friends with me!! Ing u always MAKe thigns bETter! THE LOST of HOPE, LOst of faith. LOst of confidence, LOST of EVERYTHING!! ITS ALL GONE! WITH All rumours i heard i kept t rying and trying to NOT BELEIve them and LIVe in MY fanTAsy WOrld! BUT AFTer toDAY i saw with my own eyes that YOu, SAmanthan oham, had FEelings for Myron ng I NOw SEEE this is reality! AFETr tseeing it come out form you , i lost coMPLETEYl evrything. SLOWling jsut getting teared apart now! I dont even know how i want to deal with this now! Whats gunna happen to our FRIEND ship(only) noww.. THInking and thinking HOw i willd ela with this!
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