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HERE WE gooo
WEW!! 2 LABSS!!! LAMEEE OMg our TA IS HILAROUS AHha from china and mumbles aLOT ALOT!! cant even hear him at ATT. the class is like dead silence and HE GIVES OUT OUR workload in the last 15 mins!! nICE. HAHA LAMEE!! ALSo his writting IS MEGA MESSY AHHA!! not SURE if he trolling us! OMG BARely hanging in there!!! AGAIN said it a miLLION times bUT THX FOR EVERYBODy help HAHAH!! WE ALL TRAIned HOME today! was PRETTTY sickKK!! AYAI my rooms covered in pAPErs!!! TOOK THE MOST NOTES IN HISTORY!! our proff DONT STOP once they start and man They go at the speed of LIGHT!! so fast i think my hand was about to give UP!!! AAAAAAA all im writting down is equations or 1 01 101 10101010 . O_o PHONE CASE HURRY UP AND COME BACK TO PAPA!!!!HAOOLY COW TALKED to the bankersto ACTIVATE MY OWN VISA!!! or actaully my 3rd ONE HAHAH cause the 1sta dn 2 nd one kinda under my parents name TOOO BUT ALL MINES HAHAH! yes call me MR CHOW. AWSOMEEE FIVE ALSO MADE A NEW BLOG TO reblog SICK pics and GIF's HAHAH cause thye too fuNNY and AWSOMEEE http://chow-fun-mein.tumblr.com/
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THIS WHole situation about me is all a gamble!! SUCh a risky game yet i played it and lost everything.As the chances are low and the return are not always favourable, i still went and gabled it all away. I OONCe had everything i could ask for, but i had to play this horrible game. getting addicted to two different plays at once! one called Samantah and the other Elizabeth ! BOth WAs a JACKpot!! a win , WIN situation here!! IT would bbe Lucky FOr anyone To win them over! The RIsk were high and i played it. I GAMBLed MY two CHAnces …
ITs LIKE a card game where u have to only choose one and you may uncover it see if you have won!! Out of the two cards I chose one over the other and took my chances! IT FELT lucky at that momment and It was sure exciting. Very fun and acciliterating. EVErytihing seemed like it was going well and sure to win a jackpot ! IN return I picked samantha and placed all ym bet on it! everything i had was on this one bet! …. IN the ENd, I MAde a DEcision and took a bet and now i lsot everything! i guess greeddy never gets! WHy did i play such a game like this!
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TODAY is OFFIcanlyly i talked and confeesed to sa5m!! AHAH I kidna wanted to hold it off as it was pretty juicy juice and i like talkign together! EVEnthought i KNEW the truith about everything , I still didnt was to admit it. Btu AFEtr this I AM ALL SHOrted out!! NO More Mystery wonder No MOre Overthinking!! TIMe to MOve on !! BROOom BROOom gottad drive away! i dont really balme you as maybe i didnt spend much time or im not the right guy or anyhting like that. Mosty me jsut getting decieveddd!! but thats your frieldnty socialble nature i guess! END of Story ONE!!! i think i have decided i will still talk, maybe even going back to how thigns were but thist times its going to be different!1 . for sure not gunnabe any feellings in it!
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ITs a PUzzle
ITs a PUzzle
AFTEr PUTTING Allt he peices of puzzle together i finally see the big picture!! OMG i should of saw this coming but i was TOO giulable and was fooled by the MAny Wonderful peices that there was! This wasNOt something i wanted to biuld and end up with. —People said they might of saw you guys holding hands (Heart shattered into peices) —Peoples said you guys cuddles and watched movies together :C (destroyed the insides of me) —I saw your blog ( got DEcieved) —I saw those pics ( tears flew down) —knew you guys hung out (felt all alone and cold) —saw how yous guys act among each other (fking want to STab myself) FAK!! ITS HIm NOT ME!! AFTEr aLL THIS PUZZZLE work ANd I did it for allt he wrong cause!! now Im stuck here with the
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OH MY my BRAins GUNNA EXPLIODEEE!! SO muchS TUFF to REVIEW!!! COUld STUDy FOREVER!! AAAaaa KINDA Scared FOR TMR!!! MAN ONLy if i cna stop time then I CAN TAKE IT SLOwww ANd LOOK OVer eveyTHING!!! TMRS THE DAYY BIGG DAYyy , THIS week ALL exams !! GUNNA deteremine WHATs gunna happEN in THE FUFUTRE!! oh MY!! ATE SO MUCH FOOD TODAYY!! kept ONE ATING and EATING!! didnt even STOP!! MAN gunna get fat OFF Chip DIp> SO CREAMMMY!!! OMG AND PORK SHALONBUN SOO GUUD!! MA I can EAT IT FORVERE!! gunna COOk it WHEn I CAN . ATe it TWO TIMES Today GAHAHAH!! MAN my ROOM ALL sKATTERED with papaer!! oH MY LOOKS sO MESSSY!! I Think IMM THrow away ALL my OLD OLD stuff soon!! casue i still got ALL my SCHOOL work form grade 7 or so to NOw AAUAIII JUNK KEEPEr here!! HORDER ALERT LMAO!! takes so much DAM rooom!!! SLEEEP CCYLE MESSED UOP!!! OH MY dont even know where my exams gunna BE LOL!! gunna have to skavenge for it!!
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BEHind the mAsk
BEHind the mAsk
EVEr wondered whats behind the mask of the beholder? Most likely its not was its shown on the mask as it covers whats underneath! IT sometimes said that the most happy people are the ones who are most hurt deep inside! To me these people are the ones who wears the invsible mask to hide their deep feelings! SOMeitmes i see myself wearing the invisible mask myself as i am usualy prescribed as happy and moderate guy that BArely ever seems sad or angry at almost anyhtign! BUT in times like this, i DO wear the mask to HIDe what i do not want to show! these few days when i think about Sa5m and her social life it just turns a smile upside down! I try to not talk about it but i jsut always see ur face popping up everywhere i look! THe stuff you do and what i see just makes me hurt inside so mcuH! its like im BLEEDINg from this internal wound! TBH i am to be blame too thought as lately i abrely been around in your eyes nor anywhere! I geuss this is what i get and now its demorilizing desensitizing, destrucking myself! YOU SPONTAnous walk with him, YOUR pic on HIs instgram! WHEN DOES THIS STOP!! maybe this is why im trying to walk awau and save myself from what ever i have left in me. again i know i should worry or i said i woudnt mind BUt as far as i know u are not mine and i should not hold u back or restrict you form doing what you please but WHILE You are not mines and i am not yours , we have nothing going on
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OMG LOL FIRST COLD SHOWERR!! SOMEONE FIXX THE HOT WATTER TANK LOL! I didnt know it was that bad untill i jumped in there and tried to take a shawer! HOALY SMOKEING ITS LIKE FREEZING RAIN hITTING on U With U HAVING No CLOTHS ON! OME the WATER WAS ICE COLD and MAN IT MAde ME SHIVVER like cRAZY! i was gunan die of hypotherma! LOL I WAS SCREAMING "COLD SHAWER" LOL on the top of LUNGS AND WINGLINg and SHAKING LOL tryING TO EVADE THE COLDNESS! HAHA TOOK liek 10 seconds for me to FInish showering!! HAHA COLD COLD CODL!!!
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