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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
POISon GOT meeee!!
POISon GOT meeee!!
AAAHHHH! IM INfected with this DISEAsee!! its LIek POIson! ITS Slowly KIlling ME from the INsidee!! ITs unoTicable but Yet Very LethaL!! THE pOISon of feelings FOr someone IS imPlanted IN MEE! SOMEone find me a cureee! THIs POISon grows on you and it becomes worse and worse as time go by! ITS SPREDIG! ITS always there on your mind tooo and it never leaves. IT CAsue so Muchh painnn.. oww.. buT IT hurts from the INSide! I CAN FEeeL IT EVERY SEcond right now!!I MOre i think about it the MOre damage it INFLicts!! IT paralizes me all day everydaY!! THE effects deprives you and takes all your Happy thoughs away! THe DEtrimental EFFEct is TRAMAtizing and IM DEpriving myelfff! SLOWLy DYING out!! IT FLows in MY blood and all over. THIS DISEASe MUst STOPPP or else IMMA SUFFEr so Mach!!NEED to get it OUTAA my SYSTEM BUt its so CONTAGOIS
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chow-man · 12 years ago
WOOT WOOT! so relieved that theres no lab or sem or homeowrk yet!!! omgodd this last semester going to be even HARDER!! hard like ROCK! this 4 month journey gunna be a long one. SO much to DO so much to learn! DANGG university is KILLA.GOT an extra hour of sleep YAY! WOOT WOOT!! everybody getting off at the same time or What !! AHHA EVERYBODY WAS THERE!! EVEYRONE on the TRAIN!!! gunna just throw some name out cause so many people were there!  There WAS me kalan austin calvins jenny eric brandon kenny darren darrly kalvin an melvin alan myron vivain  AND IHope i didnt forget anyone!! to many to rmr!! HAHA IT was a ASIAN INVASION!!!
PHONE being lame and lsot some MESSAGES!! OH YA got a NEW phone !! dont know did i mention it yet! waiting for that screen protector to come in. CMON CHINA people send them FASTER!!! omg gunna take forever! using a temporary zip lock bag -_-  
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
TODAY is OFFIcanlyly i talked and confeesed to sa5m!! AHAH I kidna wanted to hold it off as it was pretty juicy juice and i like talkign together! EVEnthought i KNEW the truith about everything , I still didnt was to admit it. Btu AFEtr this I AM ALL SHOrted out!! NO More Mystery wonder No MOre Overthinking!! TIMe to MOve on !! BROOom BROOom gottad drive away! i dont really balme you as maybe i didnt spend much time or im not the right guy or anyhting like that. Mosty me jsut getting decieveddd!! but thats your frieldnty socialble nature i guess! END of Story ONE!!! i think i have decided i will still talk, maybe even going back to how thigns were but thist times its going to be different!1 . for sure not gunnabe any feellings in it!
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chow-man · 12 years ago
HOALY LOL I SUCK AT PEOPLe SKILLS LOLMAO!!! SO SCAREd to EVEN phone somE DUDE on KIJJIII !! evENTAULYL EMT HIM UP And BOUGHT SOME TIRES!! HAOLY smokes THIS GUYS BACK YARD WAS ALL TIRES LMAO!! LIke a TIRE FUNLAND or SOMEHTING!!! THEy were in pretty good conditon BUt had some little broken parts STILL GOOD SO CHEApppp...  TOOK so LONG jsut to get them done AND CHANGED FINALLYT!!!  PROABlyl gunna GET my INsurance takeN AWAY maybe cause i dont even DRIVe no MOR!!! but sure WOULD BE NICE TO dRIVE!!! FINISHED MY HW YAY!! had to CELEBRATE !! BIG PARTY but NOW got LIek 3 MATH ASSISNGMENTS due this WEEK THEN im FREEE FREE LIKE A BIRD FREE LIKE free SMAPLES FEREE as in 3  yes yes  CANT WAIT ! 1 more WEEK YOLO. OMG SEM 1 ALLMOST OVER.  MATh math MATHH MATHHhh  HALPPPP. OMG GIMME THE juice LMAO made me SO THRUISTY !! LVOE jiuceee IT kEEPs mE GOIng and KEEp me STRONG!!! JUICE BOX here LMAOOO
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chow-man · 12 years ago
WHOA!!!! CAME home EARLY AND WHile i was at clairview HOT AZAIN GIRl SITS beside me LOL OMG !!!! DREAM come TRUE? TOO BAD i dididnt LOOk but i can feel her AURA and smeLLL her Perfume LOL!!! TIRed using my phone to check out the reflection BUT WAS TOOW EIRD LOL coundt DO IT!! AAA then my bus came HOW lamE!!!  ATE A WHOLE bowl OF CONJIEE!! omg Not even that Sick NO more BUT AIGht it was pretty GOOd but i guess i was jsut hunguring for SOME MEAT!! FLESHY MEAT!!!   WAS on GOOGLE + SO SICKk LOL SPent HOURs on it OMG what a WASTE of tIME!!! IM just Throwing away GOOD timE!!! LOL SICK JUICE TRIO TALK!!! OH ANd my friend fell and scraped her knee and went to the HOSPItalLL!! OMg THE wound WAS HORRIBLEE THE bloood thE RED AYAIII. hope its all better soooN!!! DOing this RESearch ON reSEARch LOL SICKKK!! the info not even REllavant to the research!!
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
SELF destruct!!!
 SELF destruct!!!
I GUESS i had it in my all along!! i should of knew this was coming!! too soon to be sure but i can almost tell whats going to happen!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA wWHYY Am i so NOOB! thinking back i know i wasnt doing enought but i duidnt do anyhting about it!!! Only if life didnt have so much bumps along the way maybe i could jsut makes thigns straight! signn…. loossing hope . Pretty sad but cant blame anyone but me, I FELL INTO A TRAP! DANGmit stupid me. gottot press the refresh button inside me ! if i am right then i only have half of what i started!! sadly to say i feel tears biulding up behind my eeylids! waiting and waiting for the truith till it all splashes outtt!! Ill Lay low for now and see whats up!! if its true then ill give you ur room. imma slowly drift awayyyyy..
I GUESS i had it in my all along!! i should of knew this was coming!! too soon to be sure but i can almost tell whats going to happen!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA wWHYY Am i so NOOB! thinking back i know i wasnt doing enought but i duidnt do anyhting about it!!! Only if life didnt have so much bumps along the way maybe i could jsut makes thigns straight! signn…. loossing hope . Pretty sad but cant blame anyone but me, I FELL INTO A TRAP! DANGmit stupid me. gottot press the refresh button inside me ! if i am right then i only have half of what i started!! sadly to say i feel tears biulding up behind my eeylids! waiting and waiting for the truith till it all splashes outtt!! Ill Lay low for now and see whats up!! if its true then ill give you ur room. imma slowly drift awayyyyy..
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chow-man · 12 years ago
OH MEE GOOOD!!! CAnt stop COUghing !! i dont liek this coughing disease!! I cough and COUGh till i loose my breathe! Soemtimes It FEel like imma barf!!! AYAYII1 eating medicine does help but ONLy for a little WhiLE!!  OMG TOOK A Long NAP and hoaly felt so COLD !! even With ym DOuble BLANKet is not ENought!!! OMGGGG how DO i STOPPP THISS!! when WILL It bE OVER!! HOALY !! MA COMPUTA LICK BALLZ!! ALWAYS craASHes AND dies on me!! LAGGS AND takes Forever to do anyhting!! ALWAYs have tons OF PRObLems TOO!! OMG ALWays get BLUe SCReeen of DEath too!!  HAHA HAD to CLEAN the FRIGDE!! omg THEre was  THis BRown stain on the bototme and I DO NOT know how IT got there and it lOOked liek POO!! ALSO there was  BLOODstains in the drawers!! SO DIScuSTIngg!!! AND MY dad GOT the SNOwblOWEr UP AND RUNNING omg made shovel snow SO EZ!!! HAD DINNER WITH MY UNCLE @ good BUDDY! AND drank alcohol SO Much these past days LOL!! ANd ate TONS of MEDS  oh man my lIVVer GUnna SHRINK into a PEANUT! GOT SOME of my UNcles KICk BOXIng OUTFIT!! SO SIck 
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chow-man · 12 years ago
YAYA!!! GOTTA CLEAN GOTTA CLEANN!! CLEAN eveYRHTING BEOFRE My pARENTS ARRIVES HOME!! WASHED LIke 3 LOADS OF CLOTHS omg AND HANG them AND FOLD THEM!!! omg SO much WORK!! then gotta put them all away TOO!!   NEXT WE SHOVELED THE Snow cause we were lazzy allw eek so HAD tO CHISEL at it to make it eeven wALKABLE!! OMG me and My brother HARD at WORK LOL!!!  THEN DISHES Hoaly COW!! hot POT TAKES SO MUCH WORK!!!  1000 DISHES TO WASH!!  HAD TO VACUMm HE HOSUE TOO AND WAter THE PLANTS OLOL drying out... OMg DID eveyrhitng last MInute HAhas we such PROCRASTINATers!!! Dangg my ROom still looks liek it got hit by a TOrNADO!! WELCOME BACK MOM AND DAD!! YIPPPY!!! NO MORE WAHSing FISHES no MORe washING CLOTHS no MORE CHORES !!! No MORE COOKING!! YAYA TY!! BACK HOME TO TAKE care OF MEE!!!  MAAH MUAHHAH SO HAPPPY!! SEEM like they DIDnt EVEN LEAve at aLL!!! AWW YEAHHH!   CANT wait tilL They UNpACKK!! THIS MEANS NO more YELLing !!   
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chow-mein-recipe-blog · 12 years ago
MY ideal 2!!!
SO apparently my phone wasnt recieving any messages so LOL i thougth everybody just ignoring me!! but later when ir restarted my phone I got them MESsages COMING IN FAST!! only from two people thought LOL !! YOU know Who LOL!!! both of them at it LOL!! dong dong dong dong. as each of thier meessages grew!! BTOh jsut spahMMING!! 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 !!!! As i did express my self taht these two ladies are PerfecT!!! their flaws are just what makles them special!!! They are so dam similar LOL. the stuff they do , how they talk , and EVRRythign LOl Ex - tumblre Addicts , both used panda eyes to express their tired ness, both studies very hard and both very smart, both dresses very beautifully, calls each other nick names, sends mass mssges to sphamm !! …… and there was LOts more but i cant think of them on the top of my head!! but when i see them it just surprises me how they are so ALIKE!! i lIKE!
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chow-man · 12 years ago
DAM THESE ONIONSSS> LOL had to use a white ONION for my MEAL TODAy cause therewas no green ONIons at the MOmment!! CHOP CHOP CHOP oMG livivng byurself takes so MUch worKKK!!! TODAYs MEAl was CHOW FANN!! LOL honestly i neevr cooked anyhting like taht but LOOKing at my dad do it SEEMED SIMPLE!! LOL HAHAH I was just YOLOIng IT. Cooking the egg was bad LOL im too scared to use oil SO my eggs never turn out goOD!! BIg MEAL TODAY!! omg stuff tastte so much better if u cooked it YOUrself!!! ALSO THANKSYOU TO my UNCLE and AUTNT TO tReat ME and MY FReidns TO DIM SUMM!!!WAS SO DELISOUS!! OMG i barely eat it now! HAD MAJOR JUICE TALK!! AHHAHA IT WAS SUCH a good talk!! SO MUCH DRAMA!! DRAMMA ITS EVERYWHEREE!!! who needs to watch them when U LIVe IN DRAMA!! OMG SO HAPPYS SEEEIng So amny LIEKS!! i guess I LOVE ATTENTION!!! :D LOL BUT i Love to GIve thanks to one and everyone WHO tooKt hte time and appreciation TO like it!!!RELLY make me feel likeIM ON the TOP OF THE WORLDD!!! THANKS you everybody!!! when i looked at it i simply smiled :D  
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chow-man · 12 years ago
It Is everywhere! PAin flows from one person to another! it is undestructive yet very affective! IT spawns from the very bottom of each individulas self conscious mind! the physiological birth place of pain! Every one feels it, but the amount differs in the individuals themselves, or by others.   INFLIcting  or receivning PAin is hurtfull to all, especially the ones who take it in the most.   It is something that can't be awlays seen with our sensitive eyes~! but in other cases it can be felt and when it does pain goes deep deep down and penetrates down to every single part and layer it acheives.  I Dont want to hurt anyone in ANy way but sometimes it slips through me and if happens unwantly! EVEnthough i caused pain to some people , i myself hold alot inside me. i store it and hide it from the outside wolrd! MOstly caused by my internal thoughs and assumption .All these thoughts and flashbacks, and foreshadows are overwhelming in my head! the pain i caused to others hurts just as much to me as i neevr wanted it to end this way! there is no cure in pain except simply replacing it or covering with with other more greatfull emotion or feelins. The best Way to fill up the big empty gap is for you to make the best of things! only The individual themself  can easily compensate for Pain!
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chow-man · 12 years ago
ToDAy was ANNas BDAY party and SAw lots of people that i didnt see for a long time! ITs was VARY fun!! had LOts of talk , Played MA JOhn  LOL and So did many foOLIsh stuff togther! MAN re BONDing with everyone was JUst what i needed! i cant beleieve i missed out on so many stuff! ALSO was talking about JUICE and OUR UNI LIFE LOL AND About SEXY LADIES!! SO FANNY! Seeing EVERybody Driking jack daniel was funny!! goD that stuff is so gross!!HAPPY BDAY ANNA! HAD to Drive there too ANd OMG ! first got scared by my own phones Gps navigation Sounds LOL and ALso Thought the guy in the crosswalk sign was  a predestrain! LOL OVER ALL was pretty good drive!! but was kinda scared cause there was people on board toO LOOL had to watch for their safety too!
ON TOP OF THIS ! GOT INVITEd to JENNY THAIs HOUSe to HOT POT!! HOt hot HOT!!! 2nd PARTY OF the day LOL ROUND TWO!! felt LIKE KEWl PEOPLE!  BUT by the time we got there everybody was all done eating and playing some cards gaem!! HAHA EVentually WE all Relit the HOT POt and STARTED EAting again! MAN did SHE buy SOME GOOD FOOD! too bad i coundt eat mORE! SO HApppy u invited me to this JENNY! WE REkINDDle with out MEmeories AND About LIFE!  TBH IT WAS  SUPER FUN LOL! everything forom nams story TO our JUICE TALK! ( GOSSIP) EVENThought IT peoples tarted leaving at2 WE STAYED till 5 30 LOLHAHAHH! omg what have we done! IDK whats going on here but everytime i try to say stuff it just comes out completely WRONG!!! HAHAH VARY FuNNY! SO THE JUICE TALK LOL OMG WE STAYED SO LATE! TALKED ABOUt the SITUATION! HAOLY Sokes this was JUICY! i swear all my poTENtial Juice that was in me was all SQUEEZED OUT!! LOL BUT its wwas okay it was fuN HAHA BUT ... still got tons load of more HAHAH! IT WAS SO HIYPED Up! END ED UP GOING FOO TOPICE SO MANY TIMES LOL and telling about my PASt life!! THUG Life i mean LOL JKAY! talked about DRAMA but unfortunatly I LIVVE IT!! MAN DID they get alot outta me! at the same time i got alot out of her too! O SWEet oh JUICy talk! 
CANT BELEVE i told them about my 2nd  private blog and BOOM jacob FINDS it IMMEDIATLY!! THANKS For them not reading it yet as i will PERSONALly give it to them whens it dies down! BUt right now things just going all in the wrong places! i dont even know whats happening but all i know it is that im dying inside! 
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chow-man · 12 years ago
LOL Someone recently LIked  a post from BOTH of my TWO DIfferent BLOGS LOL !! Thought i was SEEING STUFF! HAoly there like some kind of Connection here or somehitnG!!!  ALso they were both about the same stuff TOO!!!!  
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chow-man · 12 years ago
LAST day of work toady!!! YIPPPY11 gunna miss working theere after a good 3 years!! i love the peoples and working there was fun. eventhough it was like slave labour LOL cause it was just always so busy!!! Imma sure mISs working with everybody!!! ant gunna see them in a long time till i come back maybe! WHat a great day to work!! all the elevators in the mallw as broken and everything had to brought up by hand!! and man did the garbage area smell liek SH1t!!! LOL. ALSo some reason THERe was like WAVES AND WAVES of people just coming non stop to a and w!! man our food must be really good or somethign!! no time to slack off!!  MY LAST Meal : LOL i usually eat there for lunch when i work !! since i woundt be working there  until a long long time means ill sure miss the delicous food i get!! I Decided for my last meal I would eat the NEW SPICy chipotle chubby chicken with extra chipotle sauce and a ltitle bit of chubby mayo and BBq sauce on one quarter of the burgure!! also with EXTRA EXTra bacon and 2 slice of spicy cheese ANd extra leetuce!!  OLOL WIth onion rings inside!! ALMOst coundt even finish HALf!! but man IT WAS GOOD. btw it was aLL FRESH!! sure gunna miss thos burgures!
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