#and ough they're so cute together (:
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terrified-spider · 6 months ago
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I just finished a commission for @starry-eyed-kiddo, of his OC Beatrice Stillwater, dancing with Rudolph van Richten! (:
My commissions are still open, feel free to shoot me a message if you're interested in some art! (:
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hooved · 2 years ago
lwaxodo but yuri
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snuggles-and-struggles · 3 months ago
I love stories where the two characters were childhood friends, but one concept I've especially been fond of for a long time with spicyhoney is them meeting their younger selves (bc of similar multiverse chicanery that usually winds up with them meeting each other and the others) but when they still didn't get along.
Edge being surprised by how kind and energetic Stretch had been, Stretch being surprised by how quiet and passive Edge was, and of course their younger selves getting along like peas in a pod.
Usually those ideas happen alongside all of their younger selves being stuck in the future, and the adults trying to figure out how to send them back, so it's also usually a bit of a time crunch and everyone's stressed and coming and going frequently, especially because they're usually all stuck in one 'verse while this is all happening, which is understandably not fun for most of them!
Seeing their older selves not get along would probably confuse Stretch terribly, sure, they're different (and Edge has LV...) but he doesn't understand why his older self is so...mean to him.
Little Edge, on the other hand, wouldn't really...acknowledge or think about it. When he’s still young enough, he's very...observant? But he doesn't really analyze things in the way most others would. He'd see them not getting along and just sort of. Understand that as a fact. And then move on to thinking about something else.
Though actually seeing something harsher between them, like an argument or something, might make him seek out younger Stretch for comfort, or any of the others he'd come to trust, like Rus (older or younger) or Blue (older).
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pearlescentparade · 15 days ago
Hi!! here for a request for Noob X killer! reader (forsaken) fluff headcanons
yung kai - blue lyrics.
OMG NOOB..... let's hope i can get them right
🔰noob x killer! reader fluff headcanons 💝💞
noob walks right up to you when the round starts, blissfully unaware of your status as a killer. they believe you're just another friendly face that they can stick with in this scary new environment
you consider making a bloodbath of them, until they offer to share their snacks with you. automatically, you assume it's a peace offering or a plead for mercy. though you can't eat, you enjoy the sacrificial offerings regardless
they like to set up picnics with you during the round. they'll put out all of their food, sit down, and just chat about whatever comes to mind. you usually only listen and rarely chime in, but noob appreciates the company anyway. it helps them regain a sense of normalcy, and feel like they're living their old life before they were taken here. and while you've never known a life outside of this world (or at least, the spectre makes sure you don't remember it), you think you would've liked it to be something like this too
adding on, noob likes to play a game with you where they describe things in the 'real world' that they think you would have liked. even if you've never seen or heard of these concepts, you trust their judgement
it's always nighttime in the realm. so on your picnic dates, noob likes to stargaze with you. they don't know any constellations, so they make up their own
"that small star is me, and that big one next to it is you!"
"..how will we be able to tell them apart from the other stars?"
"they're really close together. like us!"
they trail you through every round, clinging onto your back like a lost puppy. when you encounter another survivor, you instruct noob to hide and close their eyes so they don't see you completely mutilating their friends. they are always the sole survivor
they are very jumpy. any sudden spooky noises in the ambience will make them latch onto you and cower. they've jumped into your arms before, and the embarrassment helped them forget all about their fear
the spectre blocks you from reciprocating any actions of love. even so, that doesn't deter noob from displaying his affection. they will hug, kiss, and compliment you like it's nobody's deal! they assure you that even if you physically can't do anything back, your presence is more than enough
often, you'll sneak up on survivors while they're doing a generator. all of them run in fear, except noob, of course. they sit there, still attempting to solve the puzzle on the generator. you'll hover over them, instructing them where to put what wire and what not. the accomplished smile that explodes on their face when they finish it invokes a feeling in you that even the spectre struggles to suppress
if anyone tries to give noob a hard time for lacking knowledge on how to do things, you target them heavily. and when you catch them, you ensure their death is gory and painful
sometimes, you bring their head to noob as a trophy and symbol of your love (since it's the closest thing you can do to show it). you even make sure to clean it and cauterize the wound where you severed their head from their neck so there's no blood at all, just for them!
"look, little fledgling. i've damned your enemy. now they won't bother you."
"AGH- that's- oh my goodness- uh.. i appreciate it, really-! i.. i just... i think i'm gonna throw up-"
"...apologies. i thought you would've liked to see it. it felt more romantic in my head."
"it's- it's okay, i'm- ough...- i'm fine with what you usually do.. it's the thought that counts..!"
they like to attempt to scare you by reappearing after eating their ghostburger. it never works, but you think it's cute. you'll even pretend your roles are switched, and you'll run from them as they act like the big bad killer chasing you
since noob had opened up to you about their drinking addiction, you've put a limit on how much bloxy cola they drink per round. if they've already reached it and try to go for another, you'll snatch it away and crush it in your hands. they protest about the waste of food, but can you really call the highly sugary processed drink 'food'?
because of your increased speed as a killer, noob likes to ride on your shoulders and pretend they're in a cart ride. you'll even go up and down slopes in the map and move in zigzag patterns to simulate the winding track, like how noob describes them
the other survivors use noob as bait, sending them out to find you first before you get to anyone else so that they can minimize the casualties. it's not in a mean-spirited way, it's a practical strategy because noob is able to distract you for the entire round and prevent you from killing anyone as long as long as the others stay out of your sight. noob doesn't mind, they'll happily assist their friends in anyway they can, considering they don't have any team-support abilities
(parade postscript: i tried to incorporate some of the song lyrics into the hcs, especially with the stargazing one! though i didnt know if i did it well LOL the song's meaning and lyrics kind of made me feel sad bc it felt very angsty with the themes of yearning and unrequited love, but i tried to focus on the sweet parts of it for the hcs :'])
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lestink · 3 months ago
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tagging @freedjustinemywife and @selfawarecobalt (also if youre reading this come join us on the thunder legion community)
Before I get to the goods I wanted to point out something that made me laugh:
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Wendy has often said in the game how much she admires Laxus’ kinder side (not her calling him the gay uncle of the guild) but whenever she does so MIRA almost always reminds her and the player that ‘nah i remember when u did this shit back in 2009’ ITS SO FUNNY
OK NOW HERES A CUTE EXCHANGE OF ELFMAN GIVING LAXUS GIFTS (i don’t understand the occasion tho, xmas during the war?? idkk) FROM THE THUNDER LEGION
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my freakout thoughts:
bixlow making a mini doll???? im gonna cry thats so fucking CUTE,,, imagining bixlow sitting down to carve one out for laxus with a silly face,,ough,,bixlow is so sweet i NEED TO SEE HIM
freed knitting a sweater.....ok so the entire thunder legion are all arts and crafts oriented ok i will explode. AND A PROTECTION ENCHANTMENT TOO?? the bodyguarding never stops even if he's offscreen he's still got it FUCKK i miss my wife. and youre so right elfman WEAR IT LAXUS U DICK. also,,,,laxus recognized the sweater from the pattern itself so freed has knitted things with that similar pattern before...AUGHHHHH freed knitting the thunder legion and laxus outfits what if i suddenly combusted
EVERGREEN MAKING A STEWWWW and the elfever crumbs with chef evergreen and taste tester elfman,,,man if elfman doesnt marry her I WILL. this is quite possibly the softest and coziest little side event ever, where the hell is the thunder legion when i'm freezing in my apartment....
ALL 3 OF THEM GIVING LAXUS CASH JUST IN CASE ok this reminds me of the talks i had with @yellow-guiding-lantern about the thunder legion being the keepers/the only ones who could reign in rabid dog laxus, this just affirms whats TRUE theyre taking care of his dumb ass
moving on:
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youre so right lucy the thunder legion DOES love him im so sick of them /aff (if i dont see them soon i will make it on international news)
i always did wanna learn how they got to be together and though i know the gaiden had its own interpretation i wondered how else it could have happened, and this is a very interesting and different approach the way FREED is the one who wants to fight laxus first (angry freed????? CAN I SEE????)
i have so many questions like?? why did he get so angry??? did laxus break a rule that enraged him?? like maybe threatening the safety of others??? did freed give laxus a good fight?? were bixlow and evergreen involved at this point??? and what does that mean freed only wanted laxus for his strength???? elaborate??????
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mira is so funny the way she can quickly uncover laxus' facade of trying to stay tough and hard, in the source material + game she's always been the anchor of staying true to one's feelings. in other words, she's all "aaaaaaahhh i caught you caring"
elfman catching laxus blushing too HAHAHA his whiteness will work against him. (also- manhood????? was there no other word they could have used???)
NOT TOO MUCH ON THE THUNDER LEGION LUCY??? to be fair i also love gift giving, i love to give my friends lots of little things i know they'll love so i don't see the "obsessiveness" of this.
Mirajane Strauss will forever be Laxus' greatest opp (undefeated streak)
the Thunder Legion are the best gift givers in the guild, they're the equivalent of the rich aunties who want to spoil you rotten
I want to see no more Freed characterization calling him a pushover or cheerleader for Laxus, he's literally the one consistently defying his arrogance ON AND OFF SCREEN🗣️
Laxus and the Thunder Legion are private people, but everyone can see their love and devotion to each other and I think that's so beautiful
If I don't see new Thunder Legion content soon WHERE I CAN ACTUALLY SEE THEM another CEO will pay for it
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cyrdling · 6 months ago
hii can you do more aizawa relationship hcs:) hes so cute i love him :3
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yeah!! here you go :]
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a/n: hes still absolutely smokin
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i'm gonna say something absolutely insane here, but... i don't think aizawa is a cat person. i think he likes dogs. i see the people he CHOOSES to spend his time with, and most of them are pretty reminiscent of dogs. sure, he could have a cat- they're pretty independent when he's working and they don't slobber everywhere- but he likes dogs because they are loyal to him. if he were to get a dog, something like a guard dog would be like him, extra points if they're playful. belgian malinois, doberman, or even a cane corso.
his hair has a pretty wide range in how it feels. sometimes, it's coarse, other times, it's incredibly soft. usually it depends on how much time he can use take care of it- however, to him, being clean comes above all else. you won't see him sticky with sweat, or with grease in his hair, ever. he just doesn't wanna bring that home to you.
he has ONE stuffed animal in his bed. it's a big cloud with a smiley face on it (WAAAAAAAHHHHH) and he cuddles it every night. he's had it since forever and it's pretty squished and it's been sewn together many times, but it's his.
if he were to travel anywhere in the world, he'd go to new york city. idk to me he just feels like a new yorker. he'd punch straight through someones window if they didn't stop at a red light. he'd go to the lego factory and stare at everything in awe. absolutely insane man
falls asleep while you talk to him. he just feels so safe and doesn't usually get to sleep other times.
commits to the most insane bits in public. yes darling you have to call him boss baby
loves reading to you, even if hes got an awkward reading voice. he'd read you fantasy, science fiction, even textbooks. he doesn't really mind what he reads- but he does do silly voices for characters if there are any.
the BEST guy to snuggle. he rubs your back even while he sleeps (even though he sleeptalks lol). pulls you close to him and cradles you in his big warm arms. ough.
prettiest laugh. when you get him to actually really laugh, it's reminiscent of like. a great and joyous king. when he's that happy, it's like everyone else in the room will become happy like him. it's so very cute.
when you're doing a bit and finally break him, he laughs so hard he has to sit down on the floor. makes his tummy hurt :(
he is not good at names for pets. he gets a dog and names it baby. he gets a cat and names it baby. he just doesn't know what else to call them
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thank you for reading!! please reblog if you enjoyed this one :]
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ziekkfreak2-0 · 27 days ago
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From the moment Eva mentioned "Bastilles and Basilisks" in her FTE, I knew she was truly a failgirl nerd.
Anyhow, I just finished Chapter 1 of Project: Eden's Garden. I figure I should just leaves my thoughts on it here since I'm prolly not drawing the rest of the cast, lmao.
Spoilers below the cut!!
So. Pretty ballsy to kill off the two most loved and probably most plot important characters. I'm not mad about it though, it makes sense. Their talents were far too useful to be left alive that long.
I LOVED Eva though. Even if she was probably being fake friendly during her FTEs and during the actual game, I still loved her. From the little "bweh" she does and how her voice gives "Erm, akshually ☝️🤓" vibes, to her hatred of her Ultimate title and desperation to be recognized and loved.
In that desperation, though, she failed to see the people who WERE trying to understand and get closer to her. She dug her own grave by lying about her title, inciting people to distrust her. The explanation she gave Damon (why she lied about such a thing) being a farce is up for debate, but I like to believe she was telling the truth. Eva is a lot of things, but she is first and foremost a scared, lonely child.
Of course, she's not entirely innocent. Her ego is off the charts. If it weren't for her title as the Ultimate Mathlete, I think she'd probably become the Byakuya of the game lol.
Originally I didn't like her execution, but then I realized the whole fire thing is because of the phrase "Liar, liar, pants on fire". Very devious. Plus the whole "desperately running away from fated death" using an escalator and a fire pit is a very fitting punishment for someone who wants to run from their Ultimate title. Throwing math equipment at her was just salt in the wound lmao.
Overall, I'm satisfied with how Eva's story played out. She could've lived a better life, but that's what fanfics are for babyyy.
Uhhh okay less on Eva. Wolfgang and Grace?? Never saw that coming. They're pretty cute though! I saw their room and jokingly said "Oooo getting freaky, are we?", so I was shocked to find that they were indeed, getting freaky. Still adorable!
SPRAKING OF ADORABLE!! Kai and Damon. Kaimon. They were literally roommates. I didn't get it at first when it was only the prologue, but I have seen the light. RIP to all the Wolfgang x Damon and Eva x Damon shippers though, lmao.
I feel like we have a new opportunity for a tragic yuri ship with Diana and Eva, though. They weren't together a lot, but I feel like in a different universe, Diana could've been the one to reach out to Eva and give her a friend. *points at Eva* Lesbianism could save her.
Ough okay that's all the thoughts I have rn. Maybe I'll come up with more later, when I'm more awake to verbalize stuff. For now I crawl back into my hole and read ao3.
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masters-of-void · 2 months ago
just anyu/eleanor things while i'm thinking about them
early into the spiral, he met "the scholar" who gave him a flask of alcohol that he became dependent on for years worth of loops (until thrax found where he stashed it). so when eleanor mentions the heavy drugs she takes to make her sleep, he can't help worrying about her
eventually when she trusts him enough, she lets him use transference on her to just sit in her head, methodically calming all the unwanted thoughts so she can rest without the drugs. it's bonding for them lol and sometimes they fall asleep together like that
the first time he gets injured in the field (because whump is always necessary), it's after the big new years rescue and he's on a mission with arthur. he spends a minute too long outside his frame, taking a bad glancing shot to the head. it causes a duviri trauma response and he void slings away when arthur tries to help, so eleanor has to psychically track him down to the alley he sequesters himself in and tell him that trust is a two-way street. that he's always gone to insane lengths to save other people's lives, and it's time now that he can feel safe in trusting them with his. picturing her ending it like, "besides, you're much more valuable to us alive," in a cheeky loving way uwahh
i think a side effect of using a warframe long term is that the operator goes somewhat nonverbal from the strain of dual focusing in a machine not designed to speak (so that'd be why even drifter doesn't have in mission dialogue like even during quests). he's so chatty otherwise that it unsettles the team that's used to noisy banter and status reports, so eleanor takes to making the important callouts for him when she's not on duty and keeping tabs on him anyway
gods all the hair braiding
cute dinner dates include taking her to the future to try the ~exotic~ foods there. it's not perfect cause he has to stay in transference but they're together and das what counts
ough i need more unlocked conversations
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Ough I already miss them so bad. I think I crossed into acceptance for a sec and now we're back into the feeling stage of the greiving process.
I miss Stede's facial expressions and his bouncy hair and his bitchy little hand gestures. I'm sad he'll never get his cunty little heels back. I miss his kindness and his love and the way he supports and uplifts the people around him even though he's a huge bitch sometimes. I wanted to see more of his calm commitment to starting a life together with Ed. I wanted to see him get to be happy and be himself and be loud and petty and unapologetically himself with his boyfriend by his side.
I miss Ed's sweet face and his big wet princess eyes. I miss the way he purses his lips when he's mad and how he wiggles his shoulders when he's happy and how sometimes he does a cute little hip tilt or a foot pop. I wanted to see him get to really, truly let his guard down for the first time in his life and stop living in crisis mode and get to enjoy a life full of fun and play and so so much love. I wanted to see him heal and learn to look at himself with compassion. I wanted to see Stede scritch his fingers through Ed's beard and I wanted Ed to lean into it practically purring and they'd both be so happy.
I wanted more kisses and hugs and I wanted to see them get married like they deserve. I want to see them both know they're marrying for love and they deserve the beautiful life they have.
We'll always have them. They're not going anywhere. They're happy and safe and starting their life together, and they'll be there forever. But I wanted more of them.
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localcanadiancreature62 · 2 months ago
Hey so this episode right. so sinsmas right?. It was. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. OUGH. The montage with Blitzo helping Stolas adjust to his new simplistic life,him agreeing to get rats for him,Stolas' funny as fuck whining about being poor,his privileged attitude,the gang not agreeing to kill that family because they're so happy together and because Blitzo thinks of them as himself and Stolas together with their daughters. Ohhh that sassy Karen who got thrown out for not liking Stolas' porn. Stolas fucking losing it and going insane,beating the fuck out of Andy. Via not understanding the full situation and thinking that Stolas lied,she has cosmic powers too 🥺. STOLAS FUCKIN TOOK ANTI DEPRESSANTS TO SURVIVE HIS MISERABLE LIFE WITH STELLA 😭😭😭. BLITZO WAS STOLAS' PRINCE. OUGH THEY'RE FINALLY TOGETHER AFTER SO MUCH PINING AND ISSUES 😭😭😭😭😭😭. The badass dragon fight,Loona's demon form. Stolas sobbing and Blitzo doing everything to make him feel better after. Their little DANCEEE,they're so fucking cute,OUGH the full song is so sweet and fitting too. Millie was being weird the whole time because she was PREGNANT. Also not Stolas being concerned and weirded out by M&M's Sinsmas celebration pfftt. LOONA HAS FRIENDS,SHE'S OPENING UP MORE OUGH. VIA SAVING STOLAS EVEN WHEN SHE'S BITTER. BLITZO TRYING TO HELP STOLAS WITH THE ESTRANGEMENT THING. GODDDD. This ep was a work of art like usual,keep pulling them out Viv. Also it's funny that Andy is the snow themed demon and it's Christmas pfft. ALSO HELP- THE GANG DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SNOW WAS.
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sixerstanley · 3 months ago
NEEEED TO KNOW WHERE THE STANCEST COMES IN the image of Stanley and Stanford laughing and practicing dancing for prom in their bedroom next to Ford dancing in an empty living room with his hands open so Stanley can fit his hands there and pretend they're touching for just a moment. Im sick.
I might be too obsessed with Garnet from su and ekurei from mp100 but I think body sharing should be a love language. Ford and Stanley just cohabiting the same form while they make themselves coffee and sit outside watching the clouds, or playing with their grand niblings. "Where we go we go together" but so literal
(what if ford gives Stanley a temporary human body with a golem he made of stone and no I'm not just saying that because I need gargoyle Stan carnally--)
okay, so i dont know where for SURE the stancest comes in??? but i know i want stan to have died/become a ghost in his 20's, and ford only finds out that stan is a ghost because of mabel, so he's in his 60's (canon age basically)
BUT all those things are really cute. to be completely honest i was inspired by Julie and the Phantom's song, Perfect Harmony where to protagonist julie dances with a ghost named Luke
i DO enjoy the idea of maybe stan possessing some kind of body in the mean time?? but at the same time, the YEARNING from ford not being able to physically touch stan...ough
im imagining like, once ford finds out about stan and once he kinda gets over himself and figures out a way to see him, they have a longggggggggg talk. The first thing Ford notices is how young he looks compared to him and it absolutely guts him.
i think it would be juicy if they start to kinda catch up and bond more as time moves on, so much so that ford has to remind himself that 1) he's his brother, 2) he's a GHOST
but yes i loved all of this--very juicy and cute. thank u anon!
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ruumirmir · 10 months ago
𝘈 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘗𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘛𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 Part I Part II
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ੈ♡˳ Author's◇ note - ladies and gentlemen i fear that im just yapping atp. Ough this is literally my own character how hard can it be to not make his dialogues ooc (quite a lot). aNYWAYS lo and behold part 2 of the voicelines. They're all subject to change as far as lorecrafting goes. But for now!!! loverboy has a lot to say:
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] A big hulking figure followed by the sound of rattling metal chains as he walks...It would make anyone tremble with fear. Celestia knows what lies under that helmet, but you can rest assured that The Captain is fairly merciful to all. It's just a simple matter of being courteous and following orders. Dare I even say it... one thing that I've heard and observed from the grapevine- is that he's one of the more popular Harbingers... if the bold statements from my comrades are anything to go by.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] Contrary to belief, the Prime Doctore is a completely sane man. His younger segments, not so much. His experiments have killed hundreds, and I'm sure he would continue if it wouldn't threaten Regrator's profits. He works a little too closely with Lord Regrator, which is bad enough for me. I can't stand it when he asks me to keep their struck deals and the Doctor's activities under wraps... but I do it anyway. I'd be happier if they were never in the same room together, but apparently, those two make 'quite the pair' if I had to quote some rumors.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦��𝘵𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] Her reputation as dangerous, even among the Harbingers, should suggest you steer clear of her. I once made the mistake of catching her closed gaze while I was at the palace- and a nasty feeling of paranoia plagued me for days on end. However, if you end up under her radar and she deems you 'interesting'... well- I'll send you my condolences.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘒𝘯𝘢𝘷𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
The Knave, Arlecchino... she's quite the enigma. While she and Lord Regrator are both Harbingers, their demeanors, methods, and goals cannot be more distinct. Her methods, to say the least, are a touch... extreme. There's no denying her skills as a master manipulator and ruthless 'Father' of the House of the Hearth. It's certainly an improvement from the late Crucabena, or so I've heard from the older orphans. But then again, I haven't noticed any changes in the mortality rate of her... "children".
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
The old Rooster's influence can be found throughout Snezhnaya, and his connections are vast. He seems to be on good terms with Regrator, but that's the only thing I'm sure of. He serves as an advisor to the Fatui Harbingers, and his assistance goes beyond the scope of his political power. I suspect there's something important that he may be working on, but I have no idea where to start… They say he's a master strategist, but his only plans involve making a show that impresses a crowd. I only hope the next time he assembles the Harbingers together, it will be over his casket.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
Sandrone is the head of a team of engineers who build mechanical lifeforms. Some are small and cute, others gigantic and powerful... but all are emotionless and unfeeling. When I hear the word "creation" I think of beauty and passion, but Sandrone seems to only care about destruction. Just like the mech that carries her around. You'd never see her alone; it's as if the puppet is her true identity.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
Tartaglia, or Childe as some people call him, He definitely has the strength of a Harbinger, that much is undeniable. But he can be impulsive, even downright suicidal at times. It's as if he has no fear of dying. I guess that's what happens when you live for the thrill of the battle. I can't deny that... Even though he's a loudmouth, his skills back up his words. I've seen him cut through enemies as if they were made of butter. That being said, he's still young at heart. Occasionally disruptive for the duties carried out. He's developed an interest in dueling with me ever since Pantalone granted me this title. Lucky for me, I can always request for Regrator's presence whenever I want him to turn tail and disappear.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘓𝘢𝘥𝘺 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
The first time I saw Signora, I was struck by her beauty and gracefulness. Unfortunately, my admiration was short-lived as she turned to glare at me the moment she noticed. Arrogance. Ego. Self-conceit- now those are mere words when it comes to the Fair Lady. She was as cold as the snow that covers Snezhnaya and as temperamental as the flames she wielded. She had no tolerance for the weak and would just as easily snuff out a life without a second thought. Although I hold no love for her, I almost felt disrespected on her behalf when the Rooster thought to grant only half a day of mourning at her funeral.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐
The Northland Bank is a place of opportunity, a place where you can put your destiny into your own hands... and a place where you can see it stripped from you without warning. I have seen many people come and go in my time here. People from all walks of life, eager to make a name for themselves. Some have found the money and fortune they sought after, while others have fallen flat on their faces.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐𝘐 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 3]
I've seen countless conflicts waged with blood and steel, and they pale in comparison to the lives destroyed by the pen. They're both weapons in their own ways. The sword is more direct, no question about it. Yet the pen... it can cut in a more subtle manner, but it slices deep. Both are capable of ruining someone's life. The former requires power while the latter requires intelligence. Really brings out the irony in calling this feathered quill my 'signature' weapon.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐𝘐𝘐 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
To the untrained eye, it may seem like some sort of cruel joke. A title like ‘Venator Dux’ is usually given to one who would strike fear in their enemies and inspire confidence in their allies. Lord Regrator, however, has a different plan in mind. Pantalone sees me not as a ruthless warrior, but as the keeper of his secrets. Someone who can wield knowledge as a weapon and turn his enemies’ greed against them. To him, the title of ‘Venator Dux’ is a reminder of my duty. In his words, I was a useful piece that could shift the entire board on his whim. And isn't that something to take pride in? Knowing you're the most favored player in a man's game?
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐𝘝 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 5]
My father died a proud soldier under the tsaritsa's name. He fought and bled on behalf of the nation she created and dedicated his life to protecting. *Sigh* My father would be ashamed if he could see me now, kneeling before a man. Especially after cursing his grave out for dying under another. The irony is not lost on me. Yet, I would rather serve a man who I respect, who I can reason with, than one who demands endless devotion from her subjects. In a strange way, I feel as though I am honouring my father's memory by following my own path.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘝 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 6]
Hilarious to think back to my first year of duty. I was no more than a simple receptionist at the Northland Bank back then. Just another faceless pawn, doing my duty to the tsaritsa without questioning her intentions. All I knew was that I was serving the Fatui's goals. I did not kill anyone directly, yet I still had blood on my hands. Every transaction carried the potential for loss and pain, yet I pushed on regardless. I may have been just a receptionist, but I was already well aware of the cost of ambition. Pantalone then, was different from everyone else I'd met in the Fatui. He didn't use force of arms like the other Harbingers; instead, he used his words and intellect to manipulate the political landscape.
In addition, he held a unique perspective on the tsaritsa's ideals. Not once did he preach about blind devotion. He simply told me that if I wanted to make my mark on this world, I would have to be willing to play by his rules. It took me three years to realize what he insinuated... and I found myself gravitating back to him despite leaving the organization of my own accord.
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𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘏𝘰𝘣𝘣𝘪𝘦𝘴 Playing the piano, perhaps? I'm no good at it yet... but I've been getting better with some help guiding my hand around the keys. It is... nice to unwind after a long day and let the instrument carry me away.
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𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] *Sigh*... I have to be diplomatic with people I despise and feign politeness with those who can’t hold a conversation to save their lives. Sometimes- when I’m in the middle of running an important operation, few of my juniors just keep making mistakes. It makes me wonder how Lord Regrator manages to do the same for days on end with a smile on his face... I'm not like him at all.
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𝘍𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘰𝘥 I've got a soft spot for a well-seasoned dish of meat. Any kind really— A hearty serving does wonders. Leaves you delightfully stuffed full, satisfied, and warm. I'm not too worried about the specifics of the dish as long as I can savor a mouthful of rich flavor.
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𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘰𝘥 Desserts that are too sweet are an affront to my tastebuds and moral values. Sugar is supposed to be an element, not the whole personality. The only thing that does it well is dark chocolate.
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𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘎𝘪𝘧𝘵: 𝘐 Oh! A thoughtful choice, traveller. The aroma alone is tantalizing. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you.
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𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘎𝘪𝘧𝘵: 𝘐𝘐 Hmm... a pragmatic choice. It may not be an extravagant feast, but it serves its purpose. Your gesture is noted.
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𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘎𝘪𝘧𝘵: 𝘐𝘐𝘐 An... interesting choice. I suppose variety is the spice of life, but I find my satisfaction elsewhere. Nonetheless, your intention is recognized. I won't let this go to waste.
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𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 Why is there a celebration? A date marking the day of your own birth... It's simply illogical, but the Fatui celebrate birthdays like everything else, so I'll play along. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! There, I said it. You're now a year older, and one year closer to old age and inevitable death. Oh- haha, don't sulk like that, I'm just pulling your leg. Relax. I wouldn't ignore such an occasion. Here, my gift to you... A box of my favorite chocolates. Freshly imported from Fontaine... straight from a bakery approved by Lady Furina herself. They're a bit expensive; but only the best for people I respect.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 1] There are depths to my abilities yet untapped. I'm flattered that you thought to lend me a hand.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘉𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘜𝘱 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 2] Oh... careful now, I might want to test it out against you.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘹 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 4]
Oh, I've unlocked something new... Fascinating. That burst of light was unexpected but now... I can feel the power. Everything feels lighter and sharper at the same time. I'd be a formidable force indeed in the coming weeks... Well, back to work. My Lord expects a report on current fiscal state by the end of the week.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 6]
Aha, I can do a lot more now. More power, better focus, and more options. This is truly remarkable... I'd love to see how my coworkers react to this. Lord Pantalone will be especially pleased, I'd wager. He'd never pass up the opportunity to see his prized jewels shine brighter.
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𝘖𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵
Why not try your luck at gambling if you're running low on mora?
You could con a pretty penny out of someone with a couple of these trinkets. Hmm... no?
This is a pretty fun hobby.
𝘑𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺
What? No other companion to recruit?
I'll be charging you a fee of 5000 mora per hour for my services... Ha- I'm just messing with you.
I'm a busy man, so let's keep today's adventure short.
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spextkrr · 4 months ago
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david radford(saw 0.5)/gavin ellis (the mule) back at it again with more leighcest ough. no tw's
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× tbh. they're cute.
× they're giving childhood friends to lovers so that's what im going with. david moved with his family *cough* to the us when he was in middle school/junior high/idfk how the aussie education system works. ANYWAYS they would only see each other once maybe twice a year whenever david would go to visit his family back in australia
× david moved back to australia to be with gavin after 2 years of long distance and things have been great ever since!
× lots of clothes stealing. gavin loooves wearing david's leather jacket whenever he gets the chance, and david steals the one pair of black skinny jeans he has.
× date nights consist of microwaved meals and half finished movies <3
× they were definitely together around the time of david's trap. gavin likes to kiss the scar and tell him it's "really fucking hot, actually" whenever david gets upset over it
× ohmygod gavin 100% calls david "davey" btw
× they light each other's cigarettes
× david can get really insecure which leads to a lot of stupid fights
× gavin was probs unfaithful until,,, maybe like a year and a half into their relationship cuz he didn't think it was anything serious until david moved continents for him and he was like "okay yeah i should Stop." david doesn't know a thing
× t4t <3
× also acespec!david?? which kinda bothers gavin but he'll take what he can get from him
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theamityelf · 8 months ago
What's your take on polytagonist/naehinahara? I just feel like they'd be really cute 'cause they're unconfident boys who would definitely support and be there for each other <3
Also just the thought of them tag teaming in each class trial is really appealing to me............ but how would that even work? maybe in an au where Monokuma gathers all the past killing game survivors for one last killing game? but ough that's just so tragic............ but at the same time can you imagine them taking turns in pairing up together?? investigating together?? 🥹
First of all, of course I love them as a ship! I already like Hinaegi and Naehara separately, and Hinahara would also be a fun combination, with Hajime's steady abrasiveness and Shuichi's more precise, infrequent abrasiveness in-between bouts of malleability.
As for that specific scenario:
Oh my gosh, first of all, I'm going to say for this AU that despite the 77th class all having been brought back after SDR2, only the survivors of that game are in this new killing game. For V3 I'm going to say that was also a simulation, specifically so Kaito and Kokichi can get pulled in on some technicality about their case being inconclusive.
Now, you may look at this as me very specifically targeting the trauma of the THH cast, since they're the only ones whose entire friend group is in the killing game.
Anyway, I'm also going to say everyone's memory is erased except the protags, because whoever set this up is doing it as a specific torture of them. This means we have pre-character development Maki, Fuyuhiko, Byakuya, etc. in play, and if the protagonists try to impress upon them that they're already friends, they just get extremely suspicious and defensive.
Naturally, this means the protagonists all huddle up together right away.
"Alright, who's doing this one?" Makoto wonders.
"I don't know," Hajime says.
"You don't know?" Shuichi repeats in dismay. "You're from the Future Foundation and you're from Ultimate Despair. I thought one of you would have some idea."
"Whoever it is, we're not in a simulation right now," Hajime says.
"You're sure?" Makoto says.
"That's...worse, but...we know our friends. Whoever let us keep our memories did it to hurt us, but we know our friends."
(Hajime levels a sympathetic look on Makoto.)
"Knowing someone doesn't help you stop them from killing, if they feel they have a reason," Shuichi says quietly, thinking of Maki. "And the mastermind is in charge of giving people reasons."
"I probably could have re-befriended my friends the slow way, if I'd caught on faster that they didn't remember me," Makoto sighs. "Now, I weirded them out, and it'll be a lot harder."
"That's okay. You can actually branch out," Hajime suggests. "You should talk to Fuyuhiko and...Yumeno. Those are good matches for you. Once you've gotten to know them, I think Hagakure is also still an option; he's more interested in your seemingly supernatural insights than anything, though aligning yourself with him might not legitimize you in the eyes of Kirigiri, Togami, or Fukawa. I can reason with those three. Shuichi should spend time with Akane and Asahina."
"Then, what about Sonia, Kaito, Maki, Kazuichi, and Kokichi?" Makoto asks.
"Focus on your two for now, okay?"
It is a good idea, and they do mesh well with those groupings, but of course things don't go entirely to plan.
And of course, whenever something terrible happens, they retreat to each other's arms. They're all protective of each other, and they're all protective of their own friends, and the potential for hurt/comfort is matched only by the potential for messiness when some of them have to prioritize who they most want to protect.
Hajime's many talents are, of course, an asset, but if he knows multiple people are in danger at once and he can't save all of them, he's prioritizing his friends (which include Makoto and Shuichi) over their friends and might even have to do a trolley-problem-style switcheroo where Toko dies in Sonia's stead or something of the sort. He wasn't the one to kill her, but he decided who he was more willing to lose.
Shuichi would be willing to lie in the trials, and Kokichi would notice, and Kyoko would probably also notice. Hajime would back up Shuichi's lies when he knows he can get away with it and contradict them when he knows he can't. Makoto would not lie because he finds it really important that everyone is able to trust each other.
Kaito might punch Fuyuhiko in the face at some point. That would go really poorly. Or maybe he tries to punch Fuyuhiko in the face but Makoto's in the way and gets punched instead, solidifying Fuyuhiko's bond with Makoto because now he's got to teach this guy a lesson for effing with both of them! (Kaito is sorry, but like...not sorry enough?)
And Makoto (who passes out on impact, btw; his character development didn't involve not passing out when he gets punched in the face) is just like "No, you don't have to do anything to Kaito!" while Fuyuhiko is all "Sit down and let me handle this."
Makoto realizes, over the course of calming his friend down, that Hajime set both him and Shuichi up with people who could and would protect them from physical threats. He always thought of it as Hajime trusting him to keep Fuyuhiko out of trouble and trusting Shuichi to keep Akane out of trouble, but in a way, he's also trusting his friends to keep Makoto and Shuichi safe.
The day Maki dies or gets executed (I'm sorry, there's no way she sruvives this one.), Shuichi sleeps in Makoto's bed, crying into his chest. Hajime intuits where they both are and brings them food. He wants to curl up on Makoto's other side, but he has to keep watch over the school. There are too many people they can't afford to lose.
(A version of this same AU where it is a simulation is also on the table. In that case, Hajime wouldn't have any Kamukura Project stuff in his head and also motives like Despair Disease could happen.)
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rius-cave · 11 months ago
About the meeting more
Ahh that makes sense, the 40 days thing! I was of course taking liberties when it came to Adam showing up XD I was using the only instance I knew of Lucifer fully being on Earth.
And by Neil Gaiman's Netflix Lucifer (like some comments have pointed out), I meant the series called "Lucifer" where he's a police consultant. I mentioned it was Neil Gaiman because there's so many modern iterations of Lucifer I thought it would make it clearer XD. But yeah it's based on Neil Gaiman's Lucifer character that appears in the Sandman comics.
About the circus, I truly like when humanity is given more credit, both in the positive and in the negative. Like in GO, Crowley acknowledges that humans were the ones to create all sorts of wars, but Aziraphale relishes in the positives that humans have created over the years.
So I'm imagining this does something for Lucifer's guilt of dooming humanity (if you want to see him as guilty for putting evil into the world) or hatred of it (if we go with him basically saying that humans make their own fate with their decisions)
Lucifer, seeing humans kill each other: this is horrible. They're truly beyond saving. Vile creatures only capable of hurt.
Lucifer, seeing a circus for the first time: ... Well I mean. Maybe they're not so bad. Some... One things are good.
Which also reminds me about Blitzø and Fizzaroli being ex circus imps (and current clown depending on when). Which makes me think about Lucifer meeting Ozzie's boyfriend and freaking the fuck out because he's a huge fan.
This... Got away from me. Turned away from Adamsapple and more just geber Lucifer HCs lol
OOOHHH okay! I did see the comment about there being another show with a Lucifer, I honestly had no idea lol. I've been debating on watching the SHOW called Lucifer since I've heard some good things about it.
But I agree! I definitely feel like Lucifer is disillusioned with humanity even when he wants to believe/knows that there's good in them too. Ough,,,, there's a really good comic somewhere about how Lucifer made LuLu World and was still hopeful about humanity, that maybe sinners could have a good thing there, but then sinners burned it down and that's the final straw that made him lose hope in them...... OOOUGHHHHHGHG IT PAINS MY SOUL BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH
But hey! I love that headcanon about him being a fan of Fizzarolli! Omg that is actually so cute and now I really feel like I need to see them together cjdjdogkskgjsd
Luci: Ozzie, I... I kinda have a big favor to ask
Ozzie: oh, Lu, what is it? Is something wrong? Is Charlie alright? I've been so busy lately but- please go ahead you know I'd do anything for-
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cherryberry-sugarandspice · 3 months ago
Ough speaking about WandaSimon fluff, what about them as parents? Cutesy family fluff with them and their cute lil babies??
WandaSimon as Parents
Wanda and Simon's first pregnancy were twins. Two healthy baby boys named Tommy and Billy. Wanda held her newborns in her arms, crying with a big smile on her face, and Simon has one arm wrapped around her shoulders and his other cradling the babies as well. He's kissing her all over her face, praising her.
Simon ensures to take good care of his wife and children. He tends to the house chores, the cooking, all while his wife rests and tends to the twins.
Raising twins proved to be a bit difficult, considering they're first time parents and they weren't expecting twins at all. But hey, they loved the fact they got an additional baby.
When the babies napped Wanda held them in her arms, staring down at her sons with love and adoration. She couldn't believe they were finally here, and she loves them so much. She'd do anything to keep them safe. And Simon is so helpful. He keeps up with the laundry and cooking, and he still works.
She felt guilty at first, but Simon had no issues. He told her she did most of the work with the pregnancy and pushing out the babies and now taking care of them. So of course taking care of the house is something he'll do without complaint. And at night, when the babies cry, he tells her to go back to bed and he'll tend to them. He understands how much work it is to take care of the babies and he wants his wife well rested.
On his days off, Simon spends as much time with his family as possible. He'll take naps with the twins or bottle feed them. When they get a bit older and are crawling around, he baby proofed the entire place.
Wanda and Simon made baby food and fed them, laughing at their expressions.
They're now sleeping more through the night, allowing their parents much more sleep.
When they're toddlers, they're following their mother around, talking in the limited words they know or babbling in baby talk. Simon and Wanda do the thing of where if Simon says he's going bye bye, they don't care, but if Wanda says she's going bye bye, they're running up to her crying, arms out stretched so they can be held.
The boys are well loved and taken care of. Simon will chase them around the house and they're squealing in laughter. Wanda watches as her husband plays with their children, sipping a cup of tea and smiling warmly.
The twins will end up knocking Simon to the ground and punching him, laughing as they do.
Wanda will scoop them up as it's time for bed and Simon is pretending to be dead on the ground, which she lightly kicks him and tells him to help her with the bed time routine.
During this time, Wanda and Simon had run away from the castle so they could be together.
Wanda holds the twins while Simon reads them a story, and he does silly voices and sound effects, which causes them to laugh their heads off. She rocks them and gives them a bottle, which they've been trying to wean them off for awhile now.
Once asleep, she lays them in their beds and kisses their foreheads, whispering, "I love you my babies. Have sweet dreams, my little ones."
Simon leaves early in the morning for work, but before he goes he goes into the twins' room to kiss their foreheads, whispering, "I'll see you boys later. Be good for your mama and have lots of fun."
It pains Simon being away from his family. All he wants to do is be at home with them. But they have a roof over their heads and his sons can sleep in warm beds and his wife is happy. He feels guilty he can't give his wife the life of luxury she grew up with. She used to be a princess and now they live off in the country side, sometimes struggling. But she assures him being away from the castle is something she always wanted, and as long as she can be with him, that's all that matters.
Wanda ends up pregnant again and they have a daughter, Amaranth.
Simon's little baby girl.
Wanda could tell she has him wrapped around her little finger.
"How could anyone say no to this face?" Simon asked her one day while cradling Amaranth in his arms. He's rubbing his nose against her face. "My little princess. Papa is going to spoil you so much with pretty dresses and all the dolls you want."
The boys are around 3 when Amaranth is born and they're so curious about the new baby. They end up pushing each other to try to get closer to see the baby and Tommy pushed Billy off the bed and he cried, which woke up the baby and she cried, and when Wanda scolded Tommy for pushing Billy off the bed, he cried. Everyone was crying and Wanda and Simon could only shake their heads.
They're wonderful parents. They're patient, kind, and when their kids have tantrums, they do their best to help them work through their feelings and figure out what's wrong.
Wanda notices Simon doesn't really like to scold the boys when they act naughty. No, they don't yell at their children or spank them. They will speak firmly, but never yell in their faces. She knows Simon is hesitant because he's afraid of being like his father, but he's broken the cycle of abuse. His children are well loved and run to him when they need his help or want to be held.
She reminds him how he's a great father and he's nothing like his own. She promises he's a wonderful husband and father. His children love him and feel safe with him. Simon would do anything to protect his children. His babies.
He's always telling Wanda how grateful he is for her because she gave him three beautiful children. He's grateful that she's his and he's hers.
The Williams family are a happy family.
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