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gedankenmoon · 4 months ago
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I’m here to spread my WandaSimon propaganda
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cherryberry-sugarandspice · 3 months ago
Wanda holds the porcelain tea cup in her hand, sitting across from Agatha as she soaks her tea leaves in the hot water. The two women are enjoying their afternoon tea in the castle gardens beneath the marbled gazebo, right beside the glistening water. Lily pads rest on the cool waters, koi fish swimming around, the occasional frog swimming through.
The air itself is crisp, wafting it's way through, causing their hairs to flow and dance. Fluffy white clouds scatter across the blue sky, but unable to hide the glowing sun.
Twice a week, Wanda and Agatha, her father's wife, have tea. Not only is Agatha his wife, but her mentor. She's helped Wanda learn how to master her powers when they first manifested when she was ten. It's hard to have a moment like this with Agatha, as Wanda's responsibilities have grown.
Agatha is talking, possibly about how Ebony, her cat, knocked over her potion bottles, but Wanda is struggling to pay attention. Her glimmering green eyes continue to trail over to her knight in shining armor, her heart skipping a beat.
Simon stands on the out skirts of the gazebo, still close by, his back facing the two women. He's on guard, as he's trained to be, ready to defend the princess at a moment's notice. His firm eyes scan the area, probably studying his surroundings. A knight is supposed to be calculating and plan any possible escape route.
Wanda places her cheek in the palm of her hand, sipping her tea slowly. He's extremely handsome, yet quiet. She's tried to get him to talk multiple times, but he takes his job seriously. She wants to hear about his days at the academy. To learn about his family. His likes and dislikes.
It's ridiculous, isn't it, for Wanda wanting to get close to Simon?
She knows it's impossible. A dumb crush. Something that will go no where. But still, a girl can dream, right?
Agatha calls for her name, but Wanda doesn't hear it. She sits back, thin brow raised. "As I was saying, Wanda, tonight your father has invited Doom so he could ask for your hand in marriage. And your father wants you to say yes."
Wanda nods along to whatever she said, clearly not paying attention.
Agatha snaps her fingers right beside her ear. "Where are your manners? Did your father raise you poorly? We hardly have time to catch up and you want to daze off?"
The princess snaps back to reality, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "My apologies, Agatha. I was just distracted."
"Distracted?" Agatha looked over at Simon. "Oh, that's right, Knight Williams." She remembered how Wanda vented to her how upset she was that her father assigned her a knight. Agatha leans back in her seat, eyeing Simon up and down. "He's quite tall, and burly."
Wanda sighs dreamily. "Isn't he?"
Agatha raises a brow. "Hm."
"Well, I'm surprised, to say the least. All you did was complain about your father treating you like a child and giving you a knight, and now all that complaining has ceased. Any particular reason?"
Wanda shrugs nonchalantly. "I judged the situation too harshly. Father only has my best interests in mind."
Agatha sits up straighter, concern etched in her expression. "The Wanda I know would never say that." She winces, knowing that's true and cursing herself silently for saying that. "Wanda, what's going on with you? And I want the truth."
"Nothing," Wanda says, finding she's being honest. "I might not like it, but father does have my best interests in mind. You know how he is, Agatha. He's over-protective." She doesn't meet Agatha's eyes, however, as she slowly sips her tea.
The older woman narrows her eyes for a moment, holding her tea cup in her hand before slowly sipping. She decides she'll drop it for now. "How is Knight Williams?"
Wanda perks up. "He's great!" She tells herself to curb her enthusiasm. "Knight Williams proves himself a worthy protector. He's a quiet man, and sometimes I forget he's there."
Agatha hums. "Knight Williams!" she calls to Simon, waving her hand. "Come here a moment, please."
Wanda leans forward, panicked. "What are you doing?" she whispered.
Simon walks over, bowing to Agatha. "Lady Harkness, you called?"
Agatha's purple lips curl into a cool smile. "You've been working for a couple of weeks now. How are you enjoying the job?"
"The job of being Princess Wanda's knight is gracious opportunity that was handed to me. I pride myself on watching over the princess and ensuring her protection."
"She can be quite annoying, can she?" she asks, winking at Wanda who gives her a look.
"Not at all, my lady," Simon said, his expression remaining monotone, but his voice kind. "In the academy, I've spent time with a handful of annoying people. I promise you, my lady, Princess Wanda is far from it. Princess Wanda is wonderful company." He turns to Wanda now, giving her a nod. "I assure you, my princess, I find your company to be welcoming."
Wanda's heart skips a beat, a flush threatening to creep up her neck. So after all her constant talking, of trying to get him to talk to her, he never found her annoying? He...actually enjoys her company?
Agatha brings her porcelain cup back to her lips, biting back her smile from growing too big as she looks between Wanda and Simon.
"Glad to hear it," she said, purple eyes twinkling in knowing.
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hoc-wandasimon · 2 months ago
"Eyes the delicate hue of an emerald, sparked with everlasting life. Those eyes stare at me, bringing me back to reality. Oh, but it is your smile- your smile is what shows me what life is about.
-Simon Williams writing poetry, longing for Wanda
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teatitty · 5 months ago
Okay I've had dinner, I finally finished reading Frankenstein, time to binge #2-9 of Avengers: The Children's Crusade! Last time we saw Wanda in the main story was 2005 at the end of House of M and this story was written in 2011! There's a lot of Magnet family stuff you won't be seeing bc Wanda Focus so I absolutely recommend reading the whole comic for yourself [unfortunately we will be getting some WandaSimon stuff in it augh]
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colombinna · 19 days ago
REITERATING THIS AGAIN because wandasimon stans (lol, lmao even) are now using tom king white vision panels to cry because their flop out of character ship isn't coming back while real romance is
dont like it when people try to play that vision left his wife and kids or that he left his wife because he lost their kids when that hellish arc literally starts with him DYING. And he stayed dead until 1995 that is LITERALLY all his first solo comic was about. John Byrne can't write but at the very least y'all gotta read and acknowledge the multiple times White Vision, Wanda, and everyone else says "The Vision is dead, this guy ain't him"
and that's WITHOUT recognizing the many times before (and after) where they established that brainwaves are what make a synthozoid. Jonas isn't Vision for the same reason the walking corpse isn't Vision - Simon's brainwaves aren't there, fully active and working.
Again, John Byrne can't write but at least he followed through with (most of) the established lore
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wandaswitch · 5 years ago
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Wanda Maximoff and Simon Williams headers
For others Give credit if you use on any social platform. Give credit to BarbieMaximoff on Twitter or Instagram. Give credit to JeansHexes on Twitter.
And like or reblog if you save.
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embracethedits · 6 years ago
oi mo faz headers collage de wandasimon pfv
postadas mo
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lorkhran · 8 years ago
so like post SE, wanda and simon are going ot be on a team again. wonder if they will break out the ol wandasimon
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brw · 3 years ago
"wanda's best relationship in comics" seems a bit of stretch. throughout their history they've been defined by simon not really acknowledging wanda's wishes or privacy and wanda not really seeing simon romantically. i don't think simon really sees wanda romantically either, he just thinks he SHOULD do because of vision.
like even wanda said she doesn't make simon happy and went on to say she didn't know him very well in wonder man V2 #5
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simon also uh once tried to murder wanda when his ionic form was going crazy, while around his friend he reacted quite differently. this to me also shows simon doesn't care about wanda, not in the same way he does his friend (wonder man V2 .. Issue 15 or something? around the teens. and avengers v4 annual)
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in avengers v3 41, when simon is going away wanda finds that she doesn't actually care, because beyond the physical of their relationship there isn't... much there.
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in avengers v3 51, they both mutually decide they aren't interested in one another romantically and remain friends
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even in uncanny avengers under rick remender, who other than busiek wrote most of their relationship, still had wanda saying she cared about simon like he was a sibling, not a romantic partner.
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and under byrne and subsequent writers in west coast avengers, simon was always very overprotective and often really fucking rude to wanda, with wanda telling him many times to let her do her thing, that she was capable of looking after herself.
there's not a single time in their relationship other than what if? #5 that hasn't been in some way defined by their joint relation to vision. both of them seem to feel that because vision cared for wanda romantically, Simon should too, and that again and again has been proven to not be the case. i don't believe for a single second that if vision & simon hadnt had the same brainwaves, no writer would bother putting them together because that's what makes the idea of wandasimon interesting. their relationship is defined by simon's twin sibling.
also, simon has had moments of being coded as being mlm / gay. during his initial moments with carol danvers, he is shown as feeling emasculated by her and her strength and powers & independence. during wonder man V2, he constantly makes up excuses as to why he can't date Wanda or the other two love interests he'd been given. as i pointed out, he is explicitly said to be happier around his guy friend™ than his actual love interest. the relationship he seemed most secure in was with tigra, who like his close friend is animalistic and furry, and when she started dating their mutual friend simon put up zero resistance to that. simon is probably not heterosexual and he certainly is not truly in love with wanda.
finally, anything pertaining to wanda in the mcu is doomed to fail from the getgo, because she is whitewashed. i wrote a thread of different articles talking about the issues of marvel hiring a white actress to play a romani woman, i recommend checking them out!
tldr; simon & wanda has always been a relationship mutually unrequited, aside from the physical aspect theres not a real romantic thing there, and vision & jericho drumm would be much better examples of good wanda romantic relationships.
If Simon Williams isn't Wanda Maximoff's love interest in the mcu I'm going to k-word myself!! It's simply Wanda's best relationship in comics and I've been looking forward to it for years.
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gedankenmoon · 3 months ago
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cherryberry-sugarandspice · 4 months ago
Ough speaking about WandaSimon fluff, what about them as parents? Cutesy family fluff with them and their cute lil babies??
WandaSimon as Parents
Wanda and Simon's first pregnancy were twins. Two healthy baby boys named Tommy and Billy. Wanda held her newborns in her arms, crying with a big smile on her face, and Simon has one arm wrapped around her shoulders and his other cradling the babies as well. He's kissing her all over her face, praising her.
Simon ensures to take good care of his wife and children. He tends to the house chores, the cooking, all while his wife rests and tends to the twins.
Raising twins proved to be a bit difficult, considering they're first time parents and they weren't expecting twins at all. But hey, they loved the fact they got an additional baby.
When the babies napped Wanda held them in her arms, staring down at her sons with love and adoration. She couldn't believe they were finally here, and she loves them so much. She'd do anything to keep them safe. And Simon is so helpful. He keeps up with the laundry and cooking, and he still works.
She felt guilty at first, but Simon had no issues. He told her she did most of the work with the pregnancy and pushing out the babies and now taking care of them. So of course taking care of the house is something he'll do without complaint. And at night, when the babies cry, he tells her to go back to bed and he'll tend to them. He understands how much work it is to take care of the babies and he wants his wife well rested.
On his days off, Simon spends as much time with his family as possible. He'll take naps with the twins or bottle feed them. When they get a bit older and are crawling around, he baby proofed the entire place.
Wanda and Simon made baby food and fed them, laughing at their expressions.
They're now sleeping more through the night, allowing their parents much more sleep.
When they're toddlers, they're following their mother around, talking in the limited words they know or babbling in baby talk. Simon and Wanda do the thing of where if Simon says he's going bye bye, they don't care, but if Wanda says she's going bye bye, they're running up to her crying, arms out stretched so they can be held.
The boys are well loved and taken care of. Simon will chase them around the house and they're squealing in laughter. Wanda watches as her husband plays with their children, sipping a cup of tea and smiling warmly.
The twins will end up knocking Simon to the ground and punching him, laughing as they do.
Wanda will scoop them up as it's time for bed and Simon is pretending to be dead on the ground, which she lightly kicks him and tells him to help her with the bed time routine.
During this time, Wanda and Simon had run away from the castle so they could be together.
Wanda holds the twins while Simon reads them a story, and he does silly voices and sound effects, which causes them to laugh their heads off. She rocks them and gives them a bottle, which they've been trying to wean them off for awhile now.
Once asleep, she lays them in their beds and kisses their foreheads, whispering, "I love you my babies. Have sweet dreams, my little ones."
Simon leaves early in the morning for work, but before he goes he goes into the twins' room to kiss their foreheads, whispering, "I'll see you boys later. Be good for your mama and have lots of fun."
It pains Simon being away from his family. All he wants to do is be at home with them. But they have a roof over their heads and his sons can sleep in warm beds and his wife is happy. He feels guilty he can't give his wife the life of luxury she grew up with. She used to be a princess and now they live off in the country side, sometimes struggling. But she assures him being away from the castle is something she always wanted, and as long as she can be with him, that's all that matters.
Wanda ends up pregnant again and they have a daughter, Amaranth.
Simon's little baby girl.
Wanda could tell she has him wrapped around her little finger.
"How could anyone say no to this face?" Simon asked her one day while cradling Amaranth in his arms. He's rubbing his nose against her face. "My little princess. Papa is going to spoil you so much with pretty dresses and all the dolls you want."
The boys are around 3 when Amaranth is born and they're so curious about the new baby. They end up pushing each other to try to get closer to see the baby and Tommy pushed Billy off the bed and he cried, which woke up the baby and she cried, and when Wanda scolded Tommy for pushing Billy off the bed, he cried. Everyone was crying and Wanda and Simon could only shake their heads.
They're wonderful parents. They're patient, kind, and when their kids have tantrums, they do their best to help them work through their feelings and figure out what's wrong.
Wanda notices Simon doesn't really like to scold the boys when they act naughty. No, they don't yell at their children or spank them. They will speak firmly, but never yell in their faces. She knows Simon is hesitant because he's afraid of being like his father, but he's broken the cycle of abuse. His children are well loved and run to him when they need his help or want to be held.
She reminds him how he's a great father and he's nothing like his own. She promises he's a wonderful husband and father. His children love him and feel safe with him. Simon would do anything to protect his children. His babies.
He's always telling Wanda how grateful he is for her because she gave him three beautiful children. He's grateful that she's his and he's hers.
The Williams family are a happy family.
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hoc-wandasimon · 2 months ago
"My heart is full of greed, as it wants you to myself. To combine our souls & connect our minds. I want all of you, just as you want all of me."
-Simon Williams writing poetry, longing for Wanda
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livia-ash · 5 years ago
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Give you a Wandasimon health love❤
Maybe you fav love SM?
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Look at wanda with Simon vs how she looks with Vision. Can we please stop supporting Wandavison or Scarletvison. And actually support a healthy couple.
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hoc-wandasimon · 3 months ago
"I fear I am in trouble; my heart yearns for you when it shouldn't."
-House of Cherry, Simon Williams
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hoc-wandasimon · 3 months ago
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Wanda Lehnsherr. Princess Wanda. Future Queen of Genosha.
Wanda is kind. Empathetic. She yearns. She's talented and she has chaos magic. She's unsure to be herself or the perfect princess. A big, loving heart.
Wanda has the weight of the world on her shoulders. Carried tons of responsibility and she's tired. She's stressed. Ever since she was little, she recalls her father telling her she will be queen one day. The kingdom of Genosha rests in her hands and she mustn't mess it. She needs to be perfect. To play a role made for her to morph into.
Yet she longs for a different life.
To be herself.
She has a twin brother, Pietro, and a younger sister, Lorna. Pietro was sent down to Atlantis under the guise of trade negotiations and keep peace with the kings, but in reality, their father sent him away because he was annoyed with him. The two constantly butt heads. Lorna is basically forgotten by their father, and she's free to do what she wants. She's not taken seriously.
Wanda? All eyes are on her. Someone is constantly breathing down her neck and she's never alone. She needs the room to breath and she gets that from her private cottage in the gardens. At least there, she can be herself. Her real self.
Simon enters her life and she can't help but fall in love. At first, it's a fickle feeling. She didn't know if she loved him or not. But they shared dozen of moments and she ended up falling in love. Her love grew bigger than her heart. For once in her life, she knew what she wanted.
She wanted him.
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hoc-wandasimon · 3 months ago
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Simon Williams. Knight Williams. The Knight with a Heart of Gold.
Simon Williams is a humble, honest man. He's insecure and unsure of himself. He's self-loathing. Had a brother named Eric. He joined the academy and became a knight in honor of his brother. Their father was an alcoholic and abusive, and Simon cut contact with him when he joined the academy.
He sees himself as a monster, because he accidentally killed his brother when he tried killing their father. He didn't want him to go to jail. That's his baby brother. Eric had a sword and he was trying to wrestle it out of his hands, but the fight ended up with his throat slit and Simon holding him in his arms, sobbing.
Though he didn't mean to, because of this, he sees the worst in himself. His brother's blood is on his hands and he can't scrub them off. Eric wanted to join the academy to become a knight, so in his honor, he joined and became a knight. He graduated top of his class. Handpicked by King Magnus to be Wanda's knight.
Simon ends up falling in love with Wanda, but he's scared of pursuing her. Because she's this ethereal being and he sees himself as nothing. Plus, he's a knight and she's a princess. He grew up in poverty and she grew up wealthy.
He didn't believe they could be together, but against all odds, they do. And Wanda helps him see he isn't a monster.
He's just a man.
A kind, loving man who should learn to forgive himself.
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