#but she says it made her think of him. the real him. gold and sparkling and beautiful
hooved · 1 year
lwaxodo but yuri
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its-avalon-08 · 5 months
Hello! Can I req ln4 x reader where they are secretly married, but the entire world just know they're bestfriend. One day an interviewer ask if they are a thing and they say they're married but sarcastically (like Chris Evans and Elizabeth Olsen on Ellen show) and in the end they decided to just reveal it. Thank you!!
🗣️avaspeaks: i love this request so much!!! and i thoroughly enjoyed writing this one, and i hope i did it justice!
we decided to break the internet (ln4)
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'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡
introduction - lando and y/n were practically inseparable since childhood. building sandcastle empires on the beach, trading pokémon cards at recess, navigating the awkwardness of middle school together - they'd seen it all. what neither quite admitted, not even to themselves, was the secret crush simmering beneath the surface of their friendship. every time lando tried to impress a girl with his skateboard tricks, y/n would "accidentally" trip him mid-grind. and whenever y/n had a date, lando would "forget" to return her favorite dress, the one that made her feel invincible. their sabotage was childish, sure, but it stemmed from a fear of losing the other entirely. one summer night, sprawled on the hood of lando's beat-up car, gazing at a sky exploding with stars, something shifted. maybe it was the whispered secrets shared, or the way their laughter mingled with the chirping crickets. in that moment, childhood friendship flickered, ignited by a spark of something deeper, a love waiting to prosper.
the air crackled with anticipation as lando norris and a stunning y/n settled into the interview chairs. formula one fans adored their playful dynamic, convinced they were just best friends. little did anyone know, they'd been secretly married for over a year and a half.
"so," the interviewer began, a sly smile on his face, "the fans are curious. is there anything going on between you two, romantically?"
lando shot y/n a mock glare. "absolutely! infact we're married!!!," he deadpanned, throwing his head back in exaggerated shock.
the room froze. cameras flashed. y/n, stifling a laugh, gasped dramatically. "married and absolutely smitten with eachother! lando, haven't you told them about movie night and all the crying over sappy rom-coms?"
the audience erupted in gasps and whispers. even the other drivers, strategically placed in the back row, looked bewildered. carlos, oscar,max,charles,daniel,alex and george laughed silently into their hands.
lando, playing along, clutched his chest. "oh no, you can't tell them about that! what will the neighbors think of all the late-night screaming about popcorn refills?"
y/n doubled over, tears welling up (from laughter, not the fake movie marathons). "and the screaming matches over who gets the last slice of pizza? lando, you monster!"
the room buzzed with confusion. were they…? weren't they…?
the interviewer, clearly flustered, stammered, "wait, so… you're saying you have movie nights and… screaming matches?"
lando winked at the camera. "the usual newlywed stuff, you know?"
y/n, wiping a fake tear, added, "don't even get me started on the scooter races in the paddock."
the room descended into chaos. reporters scribbled furiously, phones buzzed, and drivers peeked over their chairs, jaws slack.
lando, barely able to hold back a real laugh, reached for y/n's hand. "alright, alright," he conceded, "we might be exaggerating a tad. movie nights are definitely a thing, though. y/n's a terror with the remote."
y/n swatted him playfully. "hey! at least i let you pick the action movies sometimes."
suddenly, y/n did something unexpected. with a flourish, she turned her hand, revealing a simple gold band with a sparkling diamond. the room fell silent.
"oh by the way we've actually married for about two years now," y/n raised an eyebrow at lando, a wide, mischievous grin spreading across her face. "forgot to mention that detail, did you?"
lando, speechless for once, could only stare at the ring, then back at the stunned faces around him. the dam broke. laughter, loud and genuine, erupted from them both. the tension in the room evaporated, replaced by a mixture of shock, amusement, and a touch of awe.
as the interview wrapped up, the secret was out. lando and y/n, f1's favorite "best friends," were husband and wife. the post-interview scrum was a whirlwind. questions flew, cameras flashed in their faces, and congratulations poured in. through it all, lando and y/n stuck together, their laughter echoing through the room, a testament to their love and their ability to surprise everyone, even the f1 world.
well i hope you liked it! thank you for sending in your request and do send more! thanks for reading!
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xlatiwritesx · 4 months
Mbappe angst where his family thinks you might be using him but then they see the real you and they feel bad
There for Him | KM9
Genre: fluffy angst (🤨?)
Words: 1.9 K
Synopsis: after his best friend’s funeral, you spend the night at Kylian’s family home to be there for him. Unintentionally, you prove to his family that everything they though of you was false.
A/N: took me a million years, but here you go, anon!! Hope you enjoy it 🥰.
The rain was hard. As if the sky understood the hurt that was caused by the event you were standing in and was crying with you.
Your eyes never left him. You didn't get too close, though. You knew him too well to get too close too soon.
Someone else you tried to avoid at all costs was his family. Specifically his mother. She never was fond of you. Accusing you of all sorts of things ever since you started dating her son. Calling you a gold digger, someone who only pretended to he in love with her son because of all his fame and money.
But even his mother didn't know Kylian like you did. She didn't know that he loved cooking. She had no idea that dancing under the stars made his eyes sparkle, or that driving was the best way to relieve his stress.
Just like everybody else, she saw him as a guy passionate and extremely talented with football. The brightest star in everyone's world, but no one saw how you were the brightest in his world.
You, Kylian, his brother Eathan, and their parents got in the car to go home. Kylian rode in the passenger seat while his father drove. You, Ethan, and his mother rode in the back. You still kept your eyes on Kylian, not baring to see him this broken.
He was just telling you how important his best friend was to him, just to lose him in a car crash a few weeks later. He wasn't crying, though. He never did. You hated that. You always told him to cry. That it's bad to keep emotions unprocessed. He never listened, though.
Not able to look at his stone face any longer, you looked out the wet car window to the French streets on your way to his family home. Your mind drifted to all the unnecessary drama his mother would stir because of your stay with them for the coming days. You didn't want Kylian to worry about that. You sighed quietly, already earning a glare from her that you managed to ignore.
When his father parked in the drive way, everyone got out of the car and dragged themselves to the front door. The atmosphere was suffocating. You held everything in as much as you could. It was Kylian who lost his best friend after all. You had to be there for him.
While his family walked in, he waited for you, looking back at you from the top of the porch steps with a slightly outstretched hand. You got to him, took his hand, and squeezed it. You glanced in his direction, but he had already looked ahead, guiding you upstairs to his bedroom.
You feel his family's eyes on the two of you as you passed them to the stairs. You didn't care. This wasn't about your relationship or about you. This was about Kylian and his well being. So you just followed him, holding his hand more tightly.
You get to his bedroom and he pushes the door behind the two of you. You stood by it, watching your boyfriend's every move. He sat on his bed, hands intertwined between his spread legs. You watched him closely as you slowly made your way to him. He didn't look at you once and you took it as a sign to keep going.
You finally sat next to him. You didn't say a single thing. You weren't sure if you were even breathing at that point.
"He's gone, y/n" Kylian finally said softly. Your heart shattered into pieces and his eyes flooded.
You uncontrollably pulled him into you, wrapping your arms around his head that he buried into your chest. His sobs slowly got louder and deeper, tearing you into shreds. You quietly held him tight, letting him cry it all out.
Behind the not fully shut door of Kylian's room, his mother stood, watching you hold on to him as he cried into your chest. She never saw his guard this down. She's never seen her own son be this vulnerable with anyone ever. She's never seen anyone hold him the way you did either. Something about the scene softened a part of her cold heart towards you. She started questioning who you really were to him and how you felt towards her son.
A few hours pass and you had managed to convince Kylian to lie down. He rested his head on your lap as you stroked his head to sleep. You allowed yourself to shed a few tears, unable to keep it together anymore.
His mother still watched, checking on the both of you through the slit in the door. Seeing this new scene only made the warmth spread through her heart. However, she quickly walked away when she saw you get up, slowly lifting Kylian's head off your lap to not disturb his sleep. 
You realized that Kylian hadn't eaten anything all day. You headed to the kitchen to make him something for when he wakes up. The bottom floor felt empty, having no one there. You wondered where everybody went, but you didn't give it much thought.
You opened the fridge, assessing the contents to get ideas of what you could make. You quickly looked behind you, though, having heard footsteps. You realize it's Kylian's mother. She had walked into the kitchen and sat on one of the kitchen island stools.
For a second, you stood there, watching her as you waited for her to attack you like she always did. She never wasted a chance to remind you of how she felt towards you. To falsely accuse you of all sorts of things. But when she didn't say anything, you turned back around to open the fridge.
You pulled out some turkey slices to make him a sandwich. You placed the ingredients on the kitchen island, Kylian's mother still watching you from across it. You focused on your task, careful not to trigger your boyfriend's mother who was scrutinizing your every move.
"Making food?" She finally spoke as you spread mayonnaise on one side of the white bread.
"For Kylian. He didn't eat anything since last night" you answered quietly, not looking at her. She still looked at you, though. Your heart picked up its pace, but you still avoided her gaze. You walked to the glasses cabinet, pulled out a glass and filled it with water.
After putting everything on a tray, you walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. You got to Kylian's room and placed the tray on his bedside table. You sat on the edge of his bed, looking at his sleeping face.
"Y/n?" He stirred. You stroked his face.
"Yes, my love?" You whispered. He opened his eyes, and pulled you closer to him. You lied down next to him and he wrapped his arms tightly around you, kissing the top of your head.
You lied there. You let him hold you for as long as he wanted. You spent the night like that. None of you said anything. It was enough for him that he got to hold you. And it was enough for you that he did.
His mother watched all of it. How calm he was with you around. How he cried in your chest. The food you made for him because he hadn't eaten since the night before. She couldn't deny it anymore. You loved her son. More than she ever thought you could. And not for all the materialistic things that came with dating someone with a career like his.
She was sure of her son's feelings for you, how much you meant to him, because he never cried. She always thought he hated turkey sandwiches, but there he was eating it because you insisted, which also surprised her because ever since he was little, he never ate when he got sad or upset.
She watched you through the slightly opened door. She looked at the way you were looking at him. She wasn't sure if she, herself, ever looked at him like that.
"What are you smiling at?" She heard her husband whisper behind her. He looked at his son laughing for the first time in a week as you brushed bread crumbs from around his mouth.
Later that night, you walked down to the kitchen to fill a jug of water for the night you were spending. You weren't going to leave Kylian on a night like that.
His mother walked into the kitchen and sat on an island stool like she did earlier. You still ignored her presence and were on your way out of the kitchen when she called your name. You shut your eyes for a second before turning around to face her.
"Yes?" You replied cautiously. Even with the way she treated you, she was still Kylian's mother whom he loved and cherished more than anything. It killed you, but you had to respect her through everything she said and done to you. And it was about time she realized that.
You were taken aback by how soft her eyes were as she patted the seat next to her, inviting you to sit next to her at the kitchen island. You hesitated for a second before slowly making your way to the stool, setting the water jug in front of you.
You watched her closely, anticipating her next move. She just stared at her hands, though, sighing deeply before she turned to look at you.
"I owe you an apology" she broke the deafening silence. She shocked you so hard you almost fell out of your stool. You tried controlling you expressions, but you clearly failed because she quickly elaborated.
"I, I don't know how to start, honestly" she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. You just sat there in utter shock.
"Let's just say you've been absolutely supportive and I can tell that you've been an intangible source of comfort to Kylian ever since his best friend's passing" she went on. You pierced your lips and nodded once, looking at your hands in your lap. Silence took over for a few seconds before she kept going.
"I can tell he loves you a lot and..." she trailed off and you looked back at her.
"I'm actually really grateful to have someone like you in his life, given his career and all that comes with it, and especially during a hard time like this" she confessed and you couldn't help but tear up a little.
You smiled slightly at her and she did the same. You both stayed like that for a little while before she opened her arms. You laughed lightly and jumped off your stool to wrap your arms around her. She hugged you back tighter and you took it all in.
When you pulled away, you looked to your right and saw Kylian at the bottom of the stairs, smiling a little at the scene.
"You can't love her more than I already do, mom" he frowned, walking to you and pulling you to him. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head.
"You don't have to say it. The way you look at her says it all, Kylian" his mother replied, smiling at the both of you.
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pinkerthings · 2 months
how did will communicate through the lights in season 1?
In season one we see him make the lights flicker in the living room for Joyce, spelling out “run” and such, and we don’t really see the other side of this until, well, The Other Side comic—which I’m not 100% sure how much of this comic is supposed to be taken canonically.
Will is hiding in the cupboard, trying to communicate with his mom, when he hears her beg him to communicate with her, asking where he is. He looks up and suddenly sees the alphabet wall, saying, “Mom…you’re a genius,” and touches the letters on the wall, spelling out, R-I-G-H-T-H-E-R-E.
In the show, we just see the lightbulbs light up in the real world, but in the comic, we see Will in the Upside Down just simply touch the letters on the wall, creating this sort of blue electricity.
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(I know it’s in Portuguese, just bear with me i couldn’t find the English version for u all)
season 4 shows otherwise:
In s4 we finally get a glimpse of how things work in the Upside Down. When Nancy, Steve, Robin, and Eddie are in the Wheeler’s house on the other side looking for Nancy’s guns in episode 7, they hear Dustin talking to Erica. The group tries to get his attention, but he can’t hear them. Nancy then remembers how Will found a way to speak to Joyce; through the lights. They try the light switches and lamps but nothing works, until Steve shines the flashlight on the ceiling chandelier, which begins to sparkle with magical fairy looking dust. They discover that touching this gold dust around the light produces light on the other side, and the viewers conclude that’s how Will must have communicated in season one.
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but there are some things i just don’t get:
- How did the letters magically appear on the wall in the Upside Down?
- If the Byers’ house really is stuck on November 6th, 1983, how did Will speak to Joyce through the lights (that she bought at Melvald’s) when they weren’t even there on the day that he disappeared?
Season 4 clearly shows that you can only communicate through touching the dust around the already existing lights in the Upside Down to communicate with the other plane of existence, so how did Will manipulate the lights WITH HIS MIND in The Other Side comic?
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Will: Mom! I’m here! I’m somewhere, I don’t—”
Joyce: Good, good, good. Blink once for yes…twice for no… Can you do that for me, sweetie?
Will: You…can’t hear me? What does blink mean? How will you—”
Joyce: Oh, good boy. Good boy.
Will: Is that light? Is that…her somehow?”
Joyce: Baby, I need to know. Are you alive?
Will: I…I don’t know for sure. But I think I am.
Will wanted the lights to flicker, so he MADE THEM FLICKER ! hello? I’m not a big Will-powers truther but if that’s not the case then I don’t understand how this makes sense in the comic & the show.
but how does it actually work?
Now, they kind of try to get out of this confusing plothole/mixup by showcasing this:
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the idea that if something is moved on the normal plane where someone could theoretically access its ghost---or where it's supposed to be---in the Upside Down, then they could essentially still manipulate the light source.
(This is also the case when Will touches the alphabet wall. There are technically no lights on his plane, but the lights are still sensed from the regular Hawkins plane of existence.)
The group has Dustin move the Lite-Brite toy in Stranger things so they could draw IN THE AIR where the toy is in actual Hawkins, which does not add up to me because their light source (which I’m assuming the gold dust is coming from) is from the regular plane & not the Upside Down, but I guess makes sense as to how Joyce was able to move lamps & lights around their home/Will's room in season 1 and still have Will able to communicate, even though the house would not have looked the same in the Upside Down because of it being stuck on November 6th.
which brings me to the question,
how did Will know about all the lights & lamps in his bedroom and around the home (besides the alphabet wall, which he could somehow see) in season 1?
This is proven in The Other Side comic when Joyce tells him to "blink."
"What does blink mean?" he asks, and then my precious boy LITERALLY BLINKS (he closes his eyes) and somehow the lights flicker.
After season 4 came out, I saw so many people say things like, "Why are we just now finding out how Will communicated in the Upside Down? Why didn't Will tell everyone sooner?"
He wasn't touching magical fairy dust with his hands or playing with Lite-Brite's. He was literally closing his eyes and just making it happen.
The alphabet appearing on the wall in the Upside Down still makes no sense in the story, as we’re shown that everything should be the same as it was the day Will disappeared. While things in Hawkins CAN be moved around & “sensed” in the Upside Down (lights, lamps, sound, etc), the actual core can’t be physically changed because it’s stuck in time.
“But what if things that are changed in Hawkins are also changed in the Upside Down Hawkins?”
This is obviously impossible, shown in season 4 episode 7, right before the group discovers the light phenomenon, when Nancy looks for her guns and realizes they’re not there because it is stuck in time. Therefore, Will somehow seeing the alphabet wall in the Upside Down makes no sense. Him making it light up DOES makes sense, however, according to season 4 logic, but him seeing it doesn’t seem to fit with the narrative the Duffers have created surrounding light sources within the Stranger Things universe.
so, does will have powers?
I am personally not super big on the Will Byers powers theories, but honestly there aren’t many explanations as to how exactly he manipulated flickering the lights in season 1 and The Other Side comic. In the s5 teaser released yesterday, we see behind-the-scenes of young Will falling out of a tree in the Upside Down.
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That, paired with the older BTS photo of young Will laying in Castle Byers,
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means that we’re finally getting Will’s side of the story way back from s1, so we’ll be able to see how much of The Other Side is actually canon !
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lovelyllamasblog · 4 months
More HSR X TWST Yuus!
I am still on the idea of HSR characters at NRC thanks to @enatopiaa, so I made more with picrew!
First, Misha!Yuu, from @lazy0bear
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The little bellhop from the Reverie Hotel. He wears shorts with his uniform. He feels quite at home in Ramshackle and manages to clean it up pretty well.
He's clumsy AF! He can trip over nothing and everything all at once.
He's really good at cleaning (because he was a bellhop).
He also has a hard time saying no to people so he gets taken advantage of a lot by the other students, especially the bigger ones, and Azul and the Tweels.
Luckily, he has his friends who are trying to teach him how to say no.
Leona and Malleus both see him as a little squirrel or mouse.
Vil gave him the hair clips to keep his hair out of his face.
Next, for @sunrisei Natasha!Yuu
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The new school nurse. She changes up her look in order fit in more and look more professional.
Half of the students and staff have a crush on her. Students will skip class or clubs to see her, even faking injuries to get close to her. She sees right through them and sends them off with a pat on the head.
Vargas repeatedly flirts with her while she works. She doesn't know what to think about that.
During Book 2, she nearly loses her mind over all the injuries. She nearly shots Leona's head off with her gun during the Overblot fight. After that, no one messes with her.
She does care for the students and is fastened by their Unique Magics. She studies them and asks the students questions about them when they visit.
@sunlightocean, you read my mind about Sparkle!Yuu
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This girl, is a menace to NRC. Everyone is fooled by her innocent appearance at first, but quickly learns real fast not to mess with someone who plans Russian Roulette.
She still wears her hair ribbons and red sandals from her base outfit.
Some boys try to flirt with her and get hurt. Some make of her for her childish nature and get hurt.
She may or may not be the reason for some of the boys OB.
She likes to disguise herself as other students to fool or trick them. This leads to headaches (and heartaches) everywhere.
Mind games, all day everyday.
And finally, Asta!Yuu
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Rich girl with a heart of gold and brains to match. Despite her rich upbringing, she doesn't like to flaunt her wealth and is tired of the rich lifestyle.
She can relate to Kalim the most because they both grew up privileged. She helps him understand that Jamil has his own problems and worries outside of his own. And she teaches him to not spend so much money.
Her intelligence makes her one of NRC's most promising students. She starts/joins the Astrology Club.
She building her own telescope to see the stars better. The Shroud brothers are helping her and they get along well.
And finally, for me, Boothill!Yuu!
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Menace to NRC Part 2 Electric Boogaloo! He's not as much as a menace as Sparkle though.
Space Cyborg Cowboy? Your are the Shrouds new best friend! They are also the only ones who can help Boothill keep up his maintenance.
Ortho is begging his brother to make him a gear like Mr. Boothill's. Please big brother? 🥺
Everyone is surprised that Boothill doesn't swear. There's a bit of a contest between NRC students to see who can get him to swear.
He and Rook have shooting matches from time to time. Guns vs Bows.
He's also part of the Equestrian Club, and he's surprisingly really good at it.
why yes i am pushing my robinxboothillxargenti agenda, why do you ask? these three are a trio do not separate
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miss-celestia13 · 1 year
Everything Has Changed
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Jake x MC First Kiss One Shot
Words: 1.4K
I had a sudden burst of inspiration to write a super fluffy kiss for Jake and MC today. I needed something warm and comforting before I dive back into winter and war. I haven't named MC this time, nor have I described her too deeply. Jake has discovered he wants more than he ever thought possible, and now he is free; he won't allow it to slip through his fingers.
Sickeningly sweet, fluffy, and hopeful. I hope you enjoy it. It’s from Jakes POV.
All he could do was stare at her. Sitting on that park bench, unblinking, hands trembling, breath tight, and his heart was lodged somewhere in his throat, feeling the rapid beats in his neck and ears. Still, he wanted to be here, with her. This woman who dragged him kicking and screaming out of exile, and made him want, made him need more than solitude and the soft glow of a laptop screen. For the first time in years, Jake wanted more, more, more. He gazed into her welcoming eyes, fractured with gold and amber light, sparkling under the late afternoon sun as she studied his face. She said all of two words, and he was dumbstruck.
"Hello, Jake."
A yearning to hear her say his name every day made thinking hard. And the lilting, musical quality of her voice would forever be inked into his soul. He hoped it would haunt him until his last days, he knew somehow that he'd follow it anywhere, and after all they'd gone through to be here, he wouldn't take a second for granted. She was smiling at him, dimples flashing in her cheeks as they bloomed wild with pink roses, and he wondered how they managed to get here. He still hadn't replied, but he didn't need to.
She edged closer, reaching out to ghost her fingers tentatively over the back of his hand as he fidgeted as if making sure he was real, and it settled him enough to breathe her name. A prayer or a plea? He wasn't entirely sure, and he acted without thinking as she made to withdraw, blowing out a breath as he caught hold of her small hand in his and squeezed gently. Her eyes widened a fraction, but soon, she beamed at him, and they were leaning into each other, neither realizing they were doing it. 
"What do we do now?" She whispered.
He chuckled slightly at her, relieved she was as uncertain as he, and he took strength from it.
"Whatever we want, I suppose." He replied, the words strange on his rusty tongue.
She thought about it; his pulse flickered rampantly in his neck as a gentle breeze ruffled her hair and carried her scent to him. Inhaling deeply, his raging heart calmed as her sweet, sensual perfume tickled his nose. It was as beautiful as she, though he admired her bravery and sharp mind, her ability to adapt and survive more than her appearance. Jake didn’t know where to begin with sorting through his emotions. There were so many he refused to acknowledge during his time on the run. Now they demanded release and he no longer wanted to feel nothing.
Usually, he dealt with facts and data. He had no time or room for the softer, often terrible emotions that came with allowing someone inside the steel fortress he erected around himself to ensure his survival. It was an empty life, a half-life, and he no longer wanted it, hadn't since she dropped into his life. Unexpected and unwanted at first, but now, he hoped she never left and could see similar thoughts ripple through her bottomless eyes as she came even closer.
"What do you want to do then, Jake?" She asked, a laugh in her tone as warmth washed over him. Embarrassed at being so inept at simple conversation.
How long had it been since someone asked him that question? He wasn't sure but was so surprised he blurted what he wanted from the moment they'd locked eyes, "Would it be alright if I wanted to kiss you?" 
If his heart beat any harder, it would burst out of his chest, and he smothered an urge to hit himself for being so forward. It wasn't like him, but everything he did after meeting her had been abnormal. Why change things now when he so enjoyed her company and the way she gazed at him, like she couldn't believe he was real and was trying to memorize him. He was doing the same, determined to never forget even one of the freckles scattered like a constellation over the bridge of her nose. The world around them blurred in his periphery, all he saw was her, glowing delicately as she nodded, and he couldn't quite believe he wasn’t dreaming. Lifting his free hand, ignoring the quiver in his fingers as he tucked her loose hair behind her ear, cupping her face reverently as her eyes fluttered closed.
He couldn't recall the last time he kissed someone, a sudden worry that he'd forgotten how was quickly pushed aside as he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers and marveled at how soft they were. She held her breath as he did it again, delicately mapping their feel and shape as she tightened her hold on his hand, a thread of sweet anticipation between them going taught. He wanted to know if she tasted as honeyed as she looked. He wasn't prepared for the burst of magnificent heat and light in his chest as she pushed in and silently encouraged him, her hand coming up to wrap around his nape and tangle in his hair.
Lips tingling, a shiver dripped down his spine, and the voice in his head went blessedly quiet as she opened her mouth with a sigh and let him inside. Instinctively, he tilted his head to deepen it as he tasted her on his tongue, tangling with hers as her fingers buried in his hair. His thumb stroked her cheekbone, she trembled, and he savored the feel of her, braver now. His stomach dipped and fluttered as they smiled into the kiss, each tender caress of their tongues bolder than the last as they taught one another the silent secret code of new love. Blood raced through his veins so fast he was dizzy, cheeks burning as he upped the pressure, and she responded eagerly when he slid his hand into her hair and pulled her impossibly closer.
A strange buzzing in his ears drowned out the birds and the shuddering tree leaves as the warm breeze swirled through the forest around them. Blind to it all, neither wanted it to end, and he was warm to his marrow for the first time in years, the ice shell encasing his heart melting away so quickly it was like it had never been there at all. Months ago, he couldn't have dreamt of this, wouldn't allow himself to out of fear he'd slip and end up in prison, taking her down with him. But all of that was passed, and they had been gifted the chance at a future together if they so wished. Choice. They could choose. He couldn't remember what choices were, but he was ready and willing to relearn with her for as long as they were given. He didn't plan to waste a second of it. There was already so much he had to catch up on.
Imprinting the feel and taste of her into his mind and heart, he reluctantly pulled back. Kissing the corners of her sweet mouth, swallowing her breathless laugh as he couldn't resist stealing one last lingering kiss. Face flushed, eyes aglow with golden light, she was a vision of loveliness and hope. Home. He no longer felt adrift in a cold, furious sea. She was warmth and comfort, steel and silk, all wrapped up in a deceivingly fragile body. He silently promised to never run from her, never hide, or let go.
They had time to learn and grow with each other. Time to settle down and make new lives together. His future always looked bleak, dark, and impossible before she waltzed inside his head and refused to leave. Now, all he saw was sunshine, and though he was aware they would face many storms throughout their lives, they would weather them together, and that was the difference. He wouldn't face them alone anymore. And neither would she.
No longer a victim of circumstance and misfortune, he still couldn't believe the hands of fate had finally woven something extraordinary for him. After all he suffered, it was difficult to trust it, but he knew that distrust would dissipate in time. He recognized similar disbelief in her glorious eyes, and it eased him enough to speak his mind.
"Where do we go from here?" He murmured, tone rough with searing emotion as her eyes lined with silver and her grin turned watery.
"Wherever we want. But first, let's go home." She all but whispered.
Home. He would have to get used to that but found he was very much looking forward to discovering where they would be ten years from now. As they rose on weak legs, and their hummingbird hearts took flight, he let go of who he thought he should be and realized he was excited to find out who he could be. Hand in hand, they left their park bench oasis behind, and began the short walk home.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for any comments, likes, and reblogs if you feel so inclined.
Part two: Sweeter Than Fiction
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annabelle-creart · 2 months
The Council has decided (Gelu and Inept), Now, I, as creator and Judge, will give my Verdict:
Lightwave on the Waves!Multiverse, before know as the Triplet Waves!Au's
Based on my own old post
Basic Data:
Age in Human Years: between 30 and 40, like her siblings
Pronouns: She/her
Profession: Usually some kind of Priestess
Alt Mode: Triple changer, Renault Logan and a Pachycephalosaurus, third mode depends on Au
Life of Rescue Bots Au Lightwave was created the same day her siblings, Heatwave, Soundwave and Shockwave were made, but compared to them, she was already requested before her creation to be a City Speaker (or an assistant on the temples if she wasn't enough good for it) so, she never really knew her siblings except for a feeling about them and their names, searching for them by it and recognizing them as their twin-sparks, the difference is that they had the chance to talk and met with the other while she, as an apprentice of such duty, was confined on the walls of the temples and the prophecies of the dormant cities, until she finally became one, the problem: she didn´t like the job, and when the war started and she found Heatwave was missing, she decided to go on his search, and you will ask, why she never found him? Because she was going on the totally opposite direction, so, yes, she probably traveled more than the dormant Sigma-17 :v She finally managed to get to a planet named Earth, where she sensed some Cybertronian activity, it was like 2024 or 2025 on the calendar of such place, and not thinking twice, she crashed her ship on the middle of the ocean, near an island where she felt Cybertronian activity was higher and familiar, that´s how she finally, after lots of eons, she met her siblings, two with sparklings and one disabled but here we are. Know as Borealis before, Lightwave is kind-sparked but is also a pain in the chasis, she is indiscipline, crazy, never think twice, and her connection to "magic" makes her a danger, she´s hedonist and can be egotistical, but is also smiley, lovely with her nieces and nephews and trustful... well, kind of, because for some reason, Boulder sometimes feel she has a third eye on her back watching for them and Heatwave´s team each time...
Her third mode is a excavator claw
Outlier!Waves Like her siblings, Lightwave is an outlier, but compared to them, she´s actually really powerful and has a lot of influence as City Speaker, maybe more than Shockwave could have as senator. She considers herself a Psychic, but justifies her power with her role as priestess and not her outlier abilities, she is more serious and kind on her outside, but on the inside, she likes to prank her siblings with weird visions and talk with them about their day, they never met her face in reality except on news, but she always manage to got time for them, and sometimes sends gifts in secret to Soundwave for their sparklings because Heatwave don´t like her like Shockwave or Soundwave do, saying she just help them, so, she wouldn´t feel bad with herself for letting them out, justifying with it the reason why she never cared to show in front of them, and for her reputation, she can´t, imagine a Priestess having a private time with a gladiator of such fame and recognition as "Sol Prime", and unfortunately, for her power, the senate and the high ranges of Cybertron have her on a gold cage. Lightwave is capable of move and control objects, getting into the minds of others without a cervical connection, or even control them, changing their memories, and if wanted, make a short circuit on their processor, she also can control other things like metal and electricity, helping Shockwave to control his ability, and also helped Heatwave to understand his visions and separate them from the real world, sharing them with her by defect, all that Heatwave sees is also watched by Lightwave, being one of the reasons why Heatwave hates her so much. She also tried to help Soundwave reading minds but it was to overwhelming for them
She doesn't have a third mode
Torture bots (SG)
As a City Speaker and as a great maniac and bloodthirsty autobot, Borealis never met or has any interest on her siblings except by her mission on putting them on their knees with all the decepticons and fugitive autobots. She's strong and agile as much as analitic and mischevious, one of the most dearest and valuable members of Optimus Prime's best hunters, commanded to go to Earth to search for the decepticon residence there, but her true purpose was to search for Unicron, the god of chaos. She, as city speaker, was also called by the god, and she, as powerful and mischevious, used all her opportunities to reach for this power...
Her third mode is a seaplane
Dungeons and Dragons
On the middle of an age where magic and vapor machines emerge from both space and the ground, Lightwave, know as both Borealis and Lili, she is a treasure hunter and a solitary adventurer, she's smart and knows a lot of magic but she also uses different kind of tech weapons. She was educated on an abbey but when she was old enough she decided to go on a search for her siblings, becoming an adventurer on the process and both a mage and swordsbot.
She only has a dinomode
Rescue Prime
When Heatwave got the Matrix of Leadership, the Primes made absolutely sure all the problems he would get like Megatron's rising and the council, making him scared of all of it and making like nothing happened, guarding the Matrix and hiding it, until the city itself told Lightwave about him. The Allspark called the city and the city called a trustfull City Speaker to talk to her brother, they needed a Prime and he was their best option, and thanks to her dedication, he decided to do something, unfortunatelly, it was too late, Megatron had already taken control over part of Cybertron, to the point Shockwave and Soundwave decided to leave him when they discovered Heatwave became Prime.
Lightwave left the temple to became member of Heatwave's team, helping him understand his own spark and new power and knowledge, but also becoming his anchor on the overwhelming process of accepting the Matrix as a part of himself, now that he was "Sol Prime", but he really needed a lot of help, and having three sparks to share all the funny feelings were one of the best things Optimus would never have until a lot of time later but Heatwave got as a gift of life itself
Swap Team
Lightwave changes with Windblade, like Soundwave and Shockwave changed with Starscream and Megatron.
Lightwave, better know as Borealis to keep her identity in secret is also a city speaker and the most trusted autobot and a spy of Sol Prime, her younger brother, more serious but also more kind, she is respectful and loves a good battle, but will always think first on her team and family. She is also smart, analitic and a dear friend and companion of Blades, the scout
Humanformers: Kingdom of Light
Before Hector, Shelwin and Santiago were adopted by the king, Lily was adopted and renamed as Aurora by a religious group (nothing bad or out of mind), she was educated to behave like a lady and a nun, dedicated to their goddess, unfortunately and fortunately, the group met the king and the teen princes, taking Aurora with them as one of their best apprentices, going incredible wrong because the nuns can't discover their faces, and that was the first thing she did when she recognized her siblings
After the horrible problem and being saved by Shelwin's authoritarian gaze, she grew up normally and became the religion minister of the kingdom's council, as part of their family and as a powerful mage and devoted nun
The 13 Primes
The glory became obsolete when the Primes emerged again from their ashes and decided to take their paths, for what's usuful the revenge when they don't feel the true meaning of pain and suffering? Now the time has come, they must rise against even the mischevious of the Primes and take the control they were meant to have, it was time to leave the hate behind and use the glorious purpose as new and best fuel, she resurged from death to fulfill her meaning of existence.
The dark is her assistant, the evil is her groom, her spirit is made of the black of the Allspark, her mission is to bring her father from his dormant state with the sons and daughters she made from the stardust and dirt the Primes didn't wanted and made All Primus' descendants her slaves...
She is the Empress of the Void and the true herald of chaos...
The song that mades me think of her is Photo ID by Remi Wolf, mostly because I think its about drugs, and what better drug than Unicron's blood :v
And no, not because the triplet wave are her siblings she will stop her mission
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shady-swan-jones · 1 year
A Good Wife No More - a captain swan Modern AU
Ao3, Wattpad
Summary: Killian hasn't seen Emma since law school, when she broke his heart and left to marry another man. Now she's asking for a chance in practising law, when all her wants is to know why she left then.
a Good Wife inspired modern AU
The soft morning light from his office window dances against her hair, tenderly casting her profile in a warm glow, as the rays finally settle on her hand.
Correction, his haunted mind unhelpfully supplies. Her ringed hand.
When asked about his biggest regret by prying colleagues at happy hour, usually trying to fish sex-stories-gone-wrong from him, Killian always says Tink. An affair with a perky paralegal inadvertently resulting in his firing makes for a convincing tale of failure.
Yet no amount of work-related downfalls, as savage as they may be, can compare to the real thing. In a surprising turn of events, his biggest regret is a captivating mix of nerves and fearlessness.
And she’s sitting right in front of him. Emma
“Killian, stop! I’m going. It’s my decision and it’s final.” 
Emma is shivering under her worn out red leather jacket. He doesn’t have a mind to appreciate the sight though, not with her casually mentioning she’s abandoning her career. Abandoning it before it even has a chance to start and following her prick of a boyfriend to Chicago right after graduation. 
She’s leaving.
“Love, deny it all you want, but you’re an open book to me. Neal’s forcing you to follow him in his ridiculous quest to be the Wolf of Wall Street. You love the law. You’ve had a taste of it here. I have seen your eyes sparkle when you’re facing me in mock trials. You’re passionate. You’re bloody brilliant!”
He paused his desperate, last-chance speech to look her in the eye. His voice caught in his throat. 
“Don’t abandon this, Swan.”
Don’t abandon me.
The next time he saw her was through a screen. She was standing tall, offering her support to people who didn’t deserve it. Robert Gold’s half-assed apology to his voters, essentially for having no soul and dignity,  captured everyone’s attention in the office.
Emma captured his.
She was behind her father-in-law, as beautiful as he’d often dreamed, even though no amount of makeup could hide the pair of shining, red-rimmed eyes.
“I knew you’d find me, Swan.”
“Shut up, Jones.” 
The roll of her eyes is another thing he missed about her.
“That’s Jones Esq to you, darling,” he supplies playfully, and fixes a smile on his face. 
She doesn’t need to know how fast his heart is beating. How the gold tresses framing her face, make his fingers itch to tuck a lock behind her ear or how the sight of her, after all these years, is an image that will be permanently stitched on his brain. 
But, she’s in his law firm after all. Which brings up the obvious question.
“What are you doing in my conference room? Not that I’m complaining to see an old friend,” the word friend bitter on his tongue as he forces it out, “but-”
“I’m here for the job, Jones.” 
He goes to protest but she cuts him off expertly, “not for the pleasure of your company.” 
Killian pouts and prays to an invisible god it affects her just a tad. 
“Let’s get this over with so we can go to the part where you hire me, and I get an office. With a view.” 
She won’t get an office, of course. First-year associates get a legal pad and a box of pens with the firm’s initials. His initials among them.
He selfishly thinks of her tracing his name with her fingers while she works.
Killian Jones doesn’t hire people on the spot. So he makes a great show of listening to all her reasons why she will be a valuable asset to his team. As though he hadn’t made up his mind the moment he saw her sitting nervously on the chair, touching the stem of her wrist tattoo.
He doesn’t need to hear why he should give her the job. Every scandal in the world couldn’t tarnish the image he has of her from their earlier days in college. “You bested me, Swan,” was his graceful admit of defeat when the professor paired them opposing each other for the mock trial. He’d lost the case to her, but it hadn’t felt like a loss at all. 
He knows she has fought for everything she has in life -from the orphanage to Columbia Law School-, and this will be no different. Opposing counsel doesn’t stand a chance. Yet, he lets her speak, passionately and -dare he hope- a little flustered.
They avoid, masterfully, any heavy topics that could lead this reunion to rocky paths. They don’t talk about Gold or Neal but there is  a brief mention of Henry, where he enjoys Emma’s genuine smile. Her first one this morning.  
He tells himself he has all the time in the world now to learn her again. She’s here. 
As Emma stands to leave, never one for pleasantries despite the political chaos she lives in, he braces himself and stops her. The flicker of hope in his heart matches the one in her eyes.
“Emma,” he breathes. “You should know, not a day went by that I didn’t think of you.”
She pauses. Her hand settles the loose strand of hair he had itched to touch, as her diamond ring catches the light painfully.  
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faegoddessog · 1 year
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 23/41
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Chapter  23: So Hot I Can't Stop
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, cunnilingus, fingering, anal fingering (f. receiving), masturbating, squirting, unprotected PiV (play safe ya'll!)
Series Masterlist
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter  23: So Hot I Can't Stop
Rita stopped by a few days ago. She Ooo’d and Ahh’d over the finished bathroom. She had called all the references you gave her, they had nothing but glowing things to say about you. She really wants you to do their house in Greece. You explained to her the timeline you are working with right now and that especially if you get the Antarctica job, it will probably be a year before you can do it. She’s cool with that.
She had asked a few questions about Austin, with a glint in her eye. You answered honestly, that you'd not seen him in a few days, even though he is graciously letting you use his kitchen. She just nodded knowingly, uh huh. She commented that Tom is totally impressed with him and that this will be his big breakthrough role. You had agreed, he is impressive, your own glint sparkling.
It’s been about 5 days since you’ve seen Austin. A couple times, you think he came in late at night and slept curled around you for a few hours. The dent in the pillow next to you in the morning was a tell-tale sign.
Since you are using his kitchen, you made a dinner plate for him and left it in his fridge with a note each night. It’s gone every morning, so you know he’s been home. You passed a few texts between you each day, but you have both been busy.
Today is painting day.
You are decked out in your preferred outfit for painting: a white tank top and panties, plus mask and goggles and noise canceling earbuds. You finish spraying the last wall and stop to dance and sing to the song playing in your ears.
“It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me”
You look up and see Austin is leaning on the front door, arms crossed, watching you with a grin on his face, key dangling on his finger.
“And I’m feeling good!” you sing the last line at him and laugh.
He looks delicious in a white t-shirt and tan slacks. He is barefoot.
“How long have you been there?” you ask in a mask-muffled voice, taking out your earbuds.
“Long enough.” he laughs, looking you up and down, “Not that I’m complaining, but why are you mostly naked, you are covered in little specks of paint!”
You take off your goggles and mask and shrug, “It’s hot and paint is easier to get off of skin than clothes if you moisturize correctly.”
You motion for him to follow you to the bathroom, where you begin to clean your paint sprayer.
“You continually amaze me with how sexy you make construction,” he says in that deep, low rumble that causes you to involuntarily moan a bit in the back of your throat.
“Thanks babe, want to help me wash it off?” you offer, looking over your shoulder coyly and tilting your head to the shower. You know you are a mess, dried paint smudges all over and hair in a bespeckled bun.
“Not yet, I don’t think you are dirty enough yet,” he comes up behind you, looking at you in the mirror and snaking his hands around your ribs and cupping your breasts through the thin fabric. Your nipples start to harden in his palms.
“Oh, well let me finish cleaning this real quick,’” you start rinsing as quickly as you can. “Take your time, I’ll be right here,” his thumbs graze your nipples.
You consider abandoning the sprayer, but you know you have to clean it before it gets clogged.
His hands are roaming all around your body, stoking the fire in your core as you twist off the paint cup and start rinsing. His hands sliding on your ass cheeks and around to the front, over your belly and down. The pads of his long fingers running along the crease between your leg and pussy, teasing.
You are frantically scrubbing out the nozzle with an old toothbrush.
His thumbs hook onto your panties and slide them down and off. Your hands are full of watery paint and there is nothing you can do to stop him, as if you’d want to. He traces a line up your thigh and over your hips. You can feel little callouses from his guitar playing on his left hand. His dexterous fingers gently glide over your now naked labia, pressing them together just a bit at the root.
You moan in the back of your throat. You love the feel of his hands on you, how he knows all your little tantalizing spots. You have stopped trying to clean your damn paint sprayer and rinse the paint off your hands.
He continues up your ribs, catching your tank top and pulling it over your head.
You go to turn around to kiss him. He stops you and places your hands on the counter, staring at your eyes in the mirror.
“You keep those hands right there,” he says in your ear, “don't move them.”
Shivers course down your spine.
You are standing, completely naked, hands on the counter as he reaches around to cup and rub your breasts, pinching your nipples and pushing his fully clothed hips against your back side.
You feel his rigid length through his loose slacks. You start to reach back to rub him.
He grabs your wrists and presses your hands back to the counter.
“Now, now, I told you to keep them there. If you move them again I’ll stop. Understand?” He growls, hot breath on your neck. His eyes are serious, his brows slightly furrowed.
You nod.
“Now be a good dirty girl and spread your legs," oh god his voice is fucking amazing in your ear.
You step to each side and wetness starts to seep between your lower lips.
His right hand traces down your back, over the crack of your ass to those lips. His hands are magic. You can’t help but press your hips back towards him.
“Oh my, so wet. Do you like being all naked and exposed to me?” he dips a gentle finger barely into you and spreads that wetness around.
“Yes, I do,” you say a little breathlessly as he nears your clit.
“Mmmm, I like it too. What to do with such a dirty girl,” he spreads the wetness back toward your asshole. He is watching your reactions reflected back at him.
You stare back at his eyes, lifting an eyebrow. “Anything you want,” you boldly declare licking and biting your bottom lip. You spread your legs a little wider, arching and offering yourself to his whim.
He steps back, you make a little sound of disappointment. He rubs his chin between his forefinger and thumb, pinching his full bottom lip, considering his options. He looks your back side up and down, then at your naked reflection in the mirror, all the while absentmindedly rubbing his cock through his pants with his other hand. Then he sits down between your legs with his back to the cabinet. His face is perfectly positioned at your dripping cunt.
“This is what I want," he says, looking up, capturing you with those stunning eyes of his, “keep your hands there.”
His tongue tastes the slickness between your legs and he emits a low throaty growl of pleasure. His fingers open your folds to reveal your nub. He gently licks around your clit as he slowly slides his long fingers inside of you, curving them just a little.
You moan, eyes closed, head back.
He starts to use a flat tongue to lap and suck your clit as he glides in and out of you slowly. You look down, his eyes are closed. His head is gently moving and rolling as he doles out pleasure with his tongue, receiving as much as he is giving. Just watching him indulge in your snatch, is almost as arousing as what he is doing. Add in the quietly depraved noises he is making, and you are in heaven.
He stops licking, pulls his fingers out and presses the thumb on his other hand into your wet slit. Then slides it back to your asshole and looks up at you inquiringly. He is ever the gentleman.
Your eyes widen with excitement, the only response you can muster is nodding frantically.
Grinning at you, he rubs the pad of this thumb on your asshole. The nerve endings there are bringing new zinging sensations to your pelvic floor. Gently he pushes his wet thumb into you.
Your hips are yearning towards his face, silently begging for his tongue. He complies, face buried in your pussy, extraordinary tongue dancing on your folds and clit. You relax to let his thumb in. His other fingers slide back into your pussy and you feel him get to his first knuckle or so in your ass.
“Oh. My. Gods. That is so fucking good," you say in a desperate whisper as he moves both hands in and out alternatively, slowly at first. You start twitching your hips into his lashing tongue.
“Harder, please harder,” you moan.
“There’s my dirty girl,” he says huskily against your folds.
He captures your swollen clit in his mouth and starts sucking as his fingers pound into you. You feel a tell tale fullness inside you.
Gripping the counter to keep from collapsing, you start to go over the edge. A wail rips through your throat as your juices flood his face and hands, squirting down onto his still clothed body. He slows down his pace, but is lapping the sweet liquid from your lips, making you twitch in aftershocks. He pulls back, his face and shirt so wet.
He stands up in front of you, forcing you to take a step back, hands still on the counter. Turning around, he quickly washes his hands in the paint covered sink, Your forehead pressed against his back, you shake and shiver. Wiping his chin, he steps to the side, breaking your grip on the counter, pulling you directly in front of him.
His wet fingers are unzipping his fly and he takes out his hard-as-rock cock. He has an animalistic look on his face of deep need and desire. He can’t even be bothered to take off the clothes you soaked.
He pushes you back with a growl, kissing you fiercely and picking you up onto the counter between the double vanity sinks. He slides his cock into your pussy and groans. He grips your hips and begins to thrust into you.
You thought you were done, but as he fills you over and over again you feel that exquisite fullness. You reach down and rub your clit side to side.
“Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod” you are whispering. With a high pitched whine you push, he pulls out and your deluge stains the front of his pants dark and wet.
“Don’t stop,” You reach down and slide him into you again, “I need you more.”
“So. fucking. hot.” he says, each word punctuated with a thrust.
His pace quickens, slamming into you over and over.
His eyes close and a deep rough grunting moan escapes him as he plunges into you and shakes. The hands on your hips gripping hard as he cums inside you.
Seeing him come makes you grind your hips up and down on his cock, You have hit insatiable mode. He is shivering as you ride his still hard cock.
“No, no, no,” you beg as he pulls his cock out, your hips are shaking.
One eyebrow goes up and he smiles, panting. He pets your pussy teasingly, “Did you miss me, do you want these in you Kitten?”
Your jaw is tight, nostrils flared, that demon in you is about to eat him alive. You grab his fingers and push them into your pussy, sopping wet with his cum and your squirting.
“Fuck that pussy hard,” you demand, locking eyes with him. He leans over the counter, grabbing you by the back of the neck, his long fingers squeezing the sides. Putting his forehead to yours, he slams his fingers into you.
“Come on, dirty girl. Cum again for me. No, don't close your eyes, look right at me,” his voice is raspy and demanding.
You are rubbing your clit, hard, clenching your pussy onto his fingers. Lying back onto the marble, legs spread wide with the hottest man on the planet begging you to cum and forcing you to stare into his soul.
“Oh, fuck fuck FUUUUUHH”, you scream as you squirt a fountain over his hand, the counter, his stomach, as you come completely undone. Your whole body shivers and shakes and all you can see are his blue ocean eyes.
You aren’t sure where he ends and you begin as he slides his still hard cock into you again. Nirvana, Euphoria.
“God damn Kitten, you got me so fucking hot I can’t stop,” he pummels your drenched pussy. He goes, and goes, and goes almost savagely. Sweat is dripping off his face and onto your belly. You aren’t sure if you ever stopped cumming. All you can do is ride the wave and moan.
He finally pulls out and strokes his cock standing over you, his voice a strangled roar. Your hips are writhing as you rub yourself, you don’t have any more to gush, but the feeling of his cum surging onto your naked lips and belly sends you over a different precipice as you explode into pieces.
Neither of you have any words, heaving, shuddering. He holds you to earth, bent over you with his forehead back on yours. After a minute or two, he pulls you off the counter and to your feet, gathering you in his arms.
As your breathing slows, you notice he is still dressed in sopping clothes.
“Sorry about your clothes, I guess you are just as dirty as I am now,” you lazily giggle.
“Oh no, that was worth it,” he smiles at you, letting his pants drop and stripping his shirt off, “now we can shower.”
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fourseasonsfigs · 11 months
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Black and Gold Han Ye (Handcrafted)
To celebrate the start of airing for Gong Jun's new Rising with the Wind series, I've decided to kick of a week of figs from his last show - The Legend of Anle. That's right, we have a whole week of Han Ye figs ahead of us, so buckle in and get ready to admire our noble prince!
First up is this beauty of a fig, from my favorite light clay artist. She made two Han Ye figs in this medium size that she put up for sale - a black gold one and a white gold one. They're both wonderful - you'll see the white gold one next.
The inspiration for this costume is one of Han Ye's many gorgeous outfits:
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I really love the long train on this one.
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A better view of it! We rarely see Han Ye in dark colors like this, so it's very distinctive. I love the smile we can barely see here too.
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He arrived in a plastic box, stuffed full of my old nemesis, pearl cotton.
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Pearl cotton is great, don't get me wrong. I appreciate how well it cushions all the figs that travel a very long and very bumpy way to get to me. I just wish the teeny tiny threads didn't get everywhere.
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As you can see. Although I have to say, he looks immensely regal here, the pearl cotton almost looks like a fur stole! I just end up doing a lot of dusting to get it all off (and I still miss some).
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But just look at him. Gorgeous! I love everything about this fig.
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He looks calm and serious here - clearly thinking a LOT of thoughts about how to execute his plans to perfection.
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The details on his robe here is just amazing - all the little tiny gold details. This artist must have the steadiest of hands!
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I really like how she stamped the print on - it really carries across the look of the brocade robes.
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A nice view of the train and his beautiful long hair. She always does such a nice job on her fig's hair - they have such great movement and style.
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The entire figure is 11 cm tall, with 1.5cm of that being the base. For us Americans, that's 4.3 inches, with a little over half an inch for the base. Most of my figs are around 8cm, so this is larger but not too large, if that makes sense. The larger size is nice because there's more real estate for detail like this.
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I really love that he's holding a fan here - I was so pleased when Han Ye had fan(s) in the show. Gong Jun should always have fans!
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Here we have his beautiful waist ornament, and more detail on his fan. Can I just say how cute his little hand is? Adorable.
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I love his face and his pose here. Such a great expression.
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This figure is so beautiful I need to get some closeups for you to see! Please note that his gold details on his robe sparkle. That's right! I didn't know they made sparkly ultra-light clay but I LOVE it. My inner 8-year old was in complete delight over this!
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A close up of his perfect face.
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A close up of his golden guan too.
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Alright, back to our regularly-scheduled bottoms-up picture...
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..and top down.
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Just beautiful! The white and gold figure is just as gorgeous - you'll appreciate seeing him next. I'll also include a pic of both of them together too.
Material: Ultra-light clay
Fig Count: 471
Scene Count: 31
Rating: Prince of our hearts!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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Fandom: American Actor, RPF, Elvis Movie, American Musician
Pairing: Austin Butler x Female Reader, Elvis Presley x Priscilla Presley
Characters: Austin Butler, Female Reader, Priscilla Presley, Elvis Presley,
Word Count: 1531 // Rating: Teen & Up
Summary: It's a difficult thing being Queen to the King and I feel ya, Priscilla
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, Halloween Challenge, Writing Challenge, Songfics, Established Relationship, Elvis Movie, Elvis 2022, Film Premiere, Kissing, Angst, Anxiety, Love, Fame, Celebrity, Paparazzi, Songfic, Priscilla // Miranda Lambert, Reader's Dress Inspo, Reader's Hair Inspo, Austin's Outfit, Priscilla's Outfit, Song Lyrics
Notes:  This is part of my writing Challenge for Halloween 2022. All fics are based off of songs I love. The aim is to write one fic a day for 15 days straight. I’m doing a similar thing for Christmas but they will all be headcanons [requests welcome for that] Enjoy x
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We look we got it made, don't we? Permanent accessory, On their arms and always on their minds, Rings, we gotta wear the real big rings, Big smiles like figurines, Big hair for the real big kind
As I smoothed out my dress I looked in the mirror in front of me. I looked pretty. My satin gown rivalled that of Cinderella’s and my hair was high enough that I was sure to be the closest to god tonight. Of course, it had taken a team of artists to get the ‘naturally glam’ look I was sporting and the dress I was wearing damn near cut off my air supply but even I had to admit the end result was worth it. Though, as I looked at myself I couldn't suppress the nerves that bubbled away in my stomach thinking about the night. 
I had been to countless events like this and I was used to the sidelines of fame but as my boyfriend’s (Austin) star shone ever brighter my nerves got more intense. We’d been together for a while and whilst he was quite the heartthrob before now his new movie, Elvis, had catapulted him into the hearts of many. And though most of them were nice the scrutiny was intense, to say the least. He tried his best. He was a very private person so our day-to-day life was kept between us for the most part. But news outlets and social media sites wanted their pound of flesh which meant our peaceful bliss was becoming more and more impacted. 
When they turn it on and slick back their hair, We turn around and the world's right there, Woman to woman, I'm starting to see, What happened to you is happening to me
Before I could sink into my thoughts I was pulled out of them as two familiar arms wrapped around my torso and a chin rested neatly in the crook of my neck. Austin. 
‘Hey,’ he mumbled, his breath was warm against my skin though it was enough to send a shiver down my spine. 
‘Hey yourself,’ I said smiling back at him in the mirror. 
‘You almost ready?’ he said, ‘cars gonna be here any minute.’
‘Yeah, I’m good to go,’ I said pulling out of his grasp and turning around to look at him. He looked stunning. Dressed in all black with his shirt unbuttoned unreasonably low and a gold chain sparkling in the light. His tan practically glowed against the ensemble. 
‘You look beautiful by the way,’ he said as his hand traced along my jawline. 
‘You don’t look so bad yourself,’ I said leaning in to meet him as he went to kiss me. Before our lips could meet I heard a shout to our right.
‘Austin Butler!’ Sarah, his stylist, chastised coming toward us, ‘I swear to god if you ruin the masterpiece we have just created on your lovely girlfriend's face I will kick your ass.’ 
Austin pulled back and held his hands up with a smirk, ‘okay okay you got me. I’ll leave the pretty girl alone.’ 
‘You better had,’ she said pointing at him though her face was plastered in a grin. Austin nodded but as she turned around he leaned in quickly and gave me a peck on the cheek before scampering ahead of me with a cheeky smirk on his face.
After that, we headed down to the car which took us to the venue. We climbed out onto the red carpet to a cacophony of screams and camera shutters which I had to admit I was still getting used to. We were shepherded in front of the cameras and allowed to pose for a few snaps before Austin was whisked down to the line of reporters and fans and I was taken to the end of the line to wait. We were at yet another premiere and though I had seen Elvis countless times by now every watch was still as exciting as the last. Austin was electrifying to watch. It was truly a masterpiece. The other side of these events was still taking some getting used to. Seeing girls fawning at the barriers or crying as he merely spoke to them filled me with an uneasy feeling. I knew I was lucky to find someone as good as Austin but, if I was being honest, I was also a little jealous. 
Being the last ones to arrive meant that the foyer I was now standing in was already packed with people. Fellow cast members, celebs and friends milled around. I waved to a couple of people I knew and had brief conversations with others before I shrank back towards the wall feeling a little out of place. I was standing by myself, my hand tightly gripping the free glass of champagne, watching as people laughed and joked the night away. 
‘It’s a lot isn’t it,’ a sweet voice said to the side of me. I looked to the side and found none other than Priscilla Presley standing beside me. She looked gorgeous, dressed in a tight-clad black satin gown her red hair falling neatly around her face down to her shoulders. 
‘I’m sorry,’ I said, stuttering a little. We had met before. I knew she was a lovely person but that didn’t stop me from tripping over myself in awe the minute she spoke. 
‘All this,’ she said gesturing to the people, ‘it can be a little much.’
‘Yeah,’ I said looking away from her for a second, ‘sometimes I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.’
‘I used to think that too,’ she said, ‘I mean in some ways I still haven’t.’
We fell quiet for a moment, both of us looking out over the crowd. I felt nervous but at ease at the same time. I guess the more I thought about it there was no one better to ask. After all, she had been in my shoes for a lot longer. 
Priscilla, Priscilla How'd you get him to yourself? Between the whistle calls and Southern dolls, It's enough to put a home through Hell
‘Does it ever get any better?’ I asked quietly, ‘I mean, do you get used to it?’ 
‘The girls? Or the cameras?’ she asked with a quirked eyebrow. I smiled bashfully. 
‘Both,’ I said honestly, ‘I guess it just all feels so…alien.’
‘Eventually you learn to tune out the camera flashes,’ she said, ‘everyone these days can be filmed at any time so I suppose in a way it's better.’
‘And the girls?’ I asked meekly quickly sipping my champagne to quell the churn my stomach was making.
‘They get easier to deal with too. I mean it doesn’t go away,’ she countered, ‘there’ll always be girls, fans, lurking around the corner. But they mean well. Well, most of them do. And without ‘em our boys wouldn’t be anything y’know?’
‘If you’re not in demand you ain’t working right?’ I asked. She nodded her head with a sad smile and for a moment I wondered where her mind had gone but she turned it back to me as soon as it left, ‘that’s what you get when you marry men who are married to attention sweetie.’
I sighed. I figured that might be the answer. 
‘How do you cope? I mean how do you make it last?’ I said earnestly though I watched as her face fell, sadness behind her eyes, which immediately made me want the ground to swallow me up, ‘I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it like that I just-’
‘Don’t worry about it,’ she said holding a hand up to silence me, ‘and I wouldn’t worry so much.’
‘How come?’  I asked. 
‘Because as much as they are alike, our boys are different too. I don’t think the factors that came to play in my marriage will affect you as much,’ she said, ‘but if I had to give you advice…I’d say try not to worry. And try and enjoy the circus while you’re in it.’
I nodded though my mind was whirring every single word she had spoken to me whizzing through my brain over and over. Before I could reply the crowd broke through and Austin appeared looking at me with a beaming smile. 
‘There you are,’ he said coming towards me, ‘oh Priscilla hi.’
‘Hey darlin,’ she said with a smile. Austin looked between us curiously and I could see his mind was going as fast as mine trying to figure out what we had been up to. 
‘What are you two doing over here on your own?’ he asked. 
‘Just chatting,’ I said smiling at the other woman. She reached out and touch my arm with a smile before saying, ‘it was nice. Think about what I said won’t ya?’ 
‘I will,’ I said and then she made her way into the crowd and out of sight. 
Austin placed his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. Then he asked, ‘what was that all about?’ 
‘Nothing,’ I said, ‘you done with all your interviews?’ 
‘Yeah,’ he said, ‘not a moment too soon. It’s a shame I don’t have much time before we go into the screening.’
‘Why?’ I asked as he looked down at me with a devilish grin. His spare hand ran through his touselled hair slicking it back a little. 
‘Well, I was hoping I’d have a lil more time to do this,’ Austin said grabbing me by the face as he kissed me deeply. 
As we broke apart I was sure that there were people watching us but I didn’t care. It was a difficult thing being the queen of the king but boy was it worth it. 
Priscilla, Priscilla He's always in high demand How do you or don't you get the love you want when everybody wants your man?
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 24 - Wonder woman 1984
Maxwell Lord x Reader
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Everyone was convinced that Maxwell Lord loved Halloween.
After all, Halloween was the most American holiday, one of the most capitalist, which was very much like his job.
Some people who were pretending to be what they were not, who were going through the streets one by one, knocking on all the doors asking for goods to prevent something bad from happening.
Of course, Maxwell didn't like his job that much. He was not always proud to lie, but he did his best to satisfy his customers, his employees and his investors.
Every year he made the joke of showing up at work in exactly the same outfit as usual, stating that he was dressed up as a corrupt salesman who had a gold watch, two houses and a yacht.
He had none of that. He was barely able to pay his bills at the end of the month. But nobody knew that.
Except Y/N.
Even if he had done his best to hide his disastrous financial situation from her when they had met, wanting to impress and seduce her, the young woman was not stupid. It hadn't taken her long to notice that he always wore the same clothes, that he missed certain meals and that he panicked as soon as she asked him if she could come to his place.
           "Max, you know I don't give a damn about your salary."
           "You say that, and you're lovely, and I'm sure you really don't think it's important, but in a few months when I can't buy you flowers on every date or take you to the restaurant, or..."
           "Max." she repeated, taking his face in her hands. "I don't need flowers or restaurants. I don't like you for your money."
           "... It's true that I'm not bad. I'm even good. But I could be better !"
           "Yes, you could be less materialistic." he said, kissing him on the nose.
It was remembering that exchange that Y/N decorated Maxwell's office, expecting him to arrive with pockets full of candy. Even though she kept telling him that he shouldn't waste his money on trivial things, he insisted on giving lots of things to people he met. In return, he was sure to receive their love and admiration.
He really didn't seem to believe this was possible if he was just being himself. It couldn't be enough for people to like him, for Y/N to like him, or for Alistair to like him.
This was the other reason why Maxwell loved Halloween. It was the perfect time to spend time with his son, making him laugh, his eyes sparkling with happiness. Those of the father too, who had remained a big child on the inside, despite his need to be seen as a successful businessman by his peers.
It was a real surprise to see him arrive like every day, displaying his forced smile which barely hid his discomfort, greeting her with a quick kiss before sitting down behind his desk.
           "Oh, you put up the Halloween decorations. I forgot it was soon, it's beautiful sweetie."
           "You can't have forgotten, you love this party."
           "Ah, yes, it's true, it's a great party, I really like this party."
Y/N gave him a long look, but he didn't turn to her, avoiding her eyes and continuing to pretend to work, giggling nervously, using way too many happy expressions to sound sincere.
           "Max. What's going on ?"
           "... I don't have enough money to throw a Halloween party this year."
           "It's not a problem."
           "I... I'm not going to have Alistair this year." he added, biting his lip to keep from crying.
           "What ?! But I thought you were okay with him going to his mom's house for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and you had him for Halloween and New Years."
           "It was what was planned, but in the end his mom changed her mind. She says she's never gone candy hunting with him, so it's her turn, and I'll have Christmas. This isn't so bad, it's good, Christmas, I'm going to save up to buy him all the presents he wants."
           "He just wants to spend time with you."
           "Of course. In two months. He will have grown a lot, it may not be a good idea to buy him a bike, it will be too small for him when he comes."
           "Video games, maybe ? Kids like it, I think. Comics. A horse ! Some..."
           "... I miss him." he muttered, starting to sob. "I would like to see him more often. And... Halloween was our thing."
Y/N immediately hugged him, knowing that wouldn't be enough to comfort him. Maxwell may not have been the perfect father, but he loved his son more than anything. He knew he couldn't see him all the time, he also had to be with his mother a bit, and he couldn't suggest that they do things together, because they were bound to end up arguing, in front of the boy, which was not a good idea.
If he liked Halloween a little, it was only because he could see his son, and that wasn't possible this year.
           "I can remove the decorations if you want."
           "No, no. I don't want to prevent the others from having fun. We can even dress up and go out if you want. Or stay at home watching bad horror movies. We... We do this with Alistair, normally, after the candy hunt."
To not sadden him further, Y/N replied that they had time to think about it, before going to get him a coffee.
As soon as his back was turned, she gradually removed the decorations, to prevent him from getting depressed every time he saw them, while getting ready for the big night.
When it came, being very quiet, Maxwell agreed to put on a ridiculous turtle disguise, while Y/N was dressed as a silly rabbit, and to remain quietly in the chocolate dining room in front of Coraline, after the children had finished ringing their doorbell.
           "It's not a bad movie." he commented as he quickly ate the chocolates. "Alistair likes it."
           "I know." Y/N said mischievously, putting the dvd on stop after looking at the time. "I have a surprise for you."
Then there was a noise in the hall, someone running and a little lion jumping on the couch between them.
           "Daddy !"
           "Alistair ?!"
As he hugged his son, surprised to see him, Y/N quickly went to collect the kid's things and thank his mother, who had agreed to drop him off after the candy hunt. Even though she didn't love Max anymore, she admitted that he wasn't a bad parent, so they could both have a Halloween party with him. She had had the first part, he could watch a movie with him, and reassure him all night if he was scared.
           "Oh, honey, thank you, thank you, thank you !" Maxwell repeated when she came back into the living room.
           "You are the best, Y/N !"
This made her laugh, as they both hugged her before watching the movie. Alistair asserted that he would never go into the world of buttons, with the other parents, because his dad and his second mum were already great. His mum wasn't bad either.
Max tried not to cry with joy.
However, he still didn't understand the message and decided that his son should really have as many toys as possible for Christmas, despite all the patience and gentleness of Y/N to make him understand that it was absolutely not necessary.
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mightymizora · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Nobody has tagged but I'm going to post two bits anyway, because I need to finish the first at least and maybe this will get me to bloody do it.
Breath and Rosewater, extract from Chapter 5 with Glim and Astarion:
The night has a heavy heat, a pressing humidity rising from the water, but it is to be a party, and she has made that clear to all of them. They will have one last night with the Tieflings before they leave the grove and venture out alone. 
She has even dressed for it, as silly as that is, but she wants to feel different, lighter. She has shrugged off her heavy jacket, her well-stitched shirt, and is instead in her simple, well-tailored trousers and a light soft undershirt that covers her enough not to be too indecent. She has pushed back her hair with a splash of clean water, and placed a new pair of gems in her ears. The Zhent had seen her coming, muttering something about her kind not being able to resist something that sparkled, but she wanted them and the fizz of joy she feels as she places them in her ears at Astarion’s mirror is simple and uncomplicated. Cabochon rubies deep as blood, hanging from drops of finely turned gold.
“Tarting yourself up for a good night, darling? Oh, but you look adorable. Like a puppy in a ribbon.”
“You’re in a fine mood tonight, I see.”
“I just feel like the goblins would have thrown a better party. It’s a shame, you seemed such good friends with them.”
“I seem to recall you thinking they were quite expendable at the time. Some light snacks, some target practice.”
“Well, set me to it, and I’ll find my fun.”
“That’s why I keep you around, Astarion. Keep you on a leash, point you at whatever needs savaging like a good little attack dog.”
She smiles at him, but he doesn’t smile back. There is an absence, a shade of something over his face, and she feels a deep discomfort in her stomach.
“Listen,” she says, “let’s not be at each other tonight. Let us have a truce.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m always a delight.”
“Well, maybe I’m not. And I’m sorry.”
His nostrils flare. “You always have to do that, don’t you? You shouldn’t. Stand in your stupid little boots and don’t apologise. You’re much more interesting when you don’t.”
“Two dogs together.”
“Well, quite.”
To her left she spies Zevlor, looking out over his people with a distance in his flame-touched eyes. It feels right to speak to him first.
“Time to be host. Have fun, Astarion. But if you’re going to go for one of our guests, try and make sure you don’t kill them. Go for one with a bit more meat.”
“I promise nothing.”
And secondly, from The Portrait, which is new:
Her eyes are on him and they fill him with a dread bile, the sense of water at the back of his teeth flooding his mouth. Her eyes, a rose-brown that he has mixed and mixed and mixed again and cannot quite seem to get right. Her eyes are on him, the rabbit in the eyes of the fox.
The request came to the guild house with gold already attached. Wanted, portrait artist. Female subject, single sitting. Pay upfront. He did not recognise the seal, but Darcus told him it was from the newly minted Lord Gortash, also known as Enver Flymm, also known in certain parts of the back cities as Flymm the Bloody, where they still dared to say such things. The purse held more gold than Guy had ever seen, and Litton laughed at his face when he opened it.
“Oh, dear boy!” he had chided, drawing the string again and placing it in the middle of the table. “You are too swayed by money. What of passion? What of love of the craft!”
It was easy, thought Guy, to care only of craft, of passion or love or whatever else you might want when you were the third son of a Patriar, and mummy dearest paid for your garret upfront for the year so you could slum it a little, just for fun. When you had a real life, a real wife, a real child, love started to mean something very different.
“Give it here,” he said. “I’ll take it. If it’s Kerrie Lovelace again, I still have the sketches from the Ravengard commission.”
Lovelace was popular with the Patriars. A half-elf with the wettest eyes he’d ever seen and a permanently quivering, full lip. She was the lover of some, and the favoured subject of far more since Litton had painted her as a beautiful mermaid to mark The Breaking a few years before.
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chronicparagon · 6 months
✊ from Hal
SEND ✊ for your muse to punch out someone that was harassing my muse 
"Come on! Give me a chance, lady!"
"For the last time! I said no!" Harmony answers coldly. Dark brows arch closer together as she glares at the man who followed her down the sidewalk. He hasn't left her alone since he first saw her working at the clinic. She was polite with him at first. She was soft spoken and kind the first few days, but with his persistence and even demands for a date, her patient wore thin.
"I also told you that I'm married! Happily married! You see this?!"
The ruby embraced by two black diamonds on a white gold band sparkle in the sunlight when she holds her hand out. "I didn't think it could get more obvious than that."
"Pfft, really?" The man asks and he shakes his head. "You're sure you weren't made to do that? You work in the clinic with your hubby. I saw him many times and he's freaky as fuck!" He tilts his head back and his hand brushes the raven locks from his face as he continues to speak. "He looks like he's straight from a slasher flick. He's a real monster! Don't know how the hell he got someone like you unless he threatened you."
"Why, you little-" Harmony lunges at the one who is trying (and failing) to woo her. "My husband is not a monster! He's a human being, a doctor, a wonderful father, and an all-star life partner! He's a far better man than a cocky, entitled prick like you! You have a lot of nerve saying that to my face!"
"Heh! Chill out, girly! I'm just speaking the truth. I had my eye on you for some time and I think I'm the charming prince that you are waiting for! I can whisk you away from the beast and make you have the time of your life. Just give me a chance!" Lips curve into a smile and while it is attractive to others, it just made Harmony want to punch him.
However, that is not necessary.
Her one true love has seen it all and he is not happy. No, he is not happy at all!
That becomes apparent when Halsten looms over the egotistical bachelor. Harmony sighs in relief and smiles. "Hello, my dear. I was just waiting for you. This...erm, gentleman doesn't take no for an answer." Normally, Harmony is against violence but in this case, she is not going to stop Halsten from teaching the other male a lesson.
With that, the unfortunate soul was greeted with a punch in the face. His features marred by the syringes revealed from Halsten's prosthetic hand. "Aah! The fuck?! You fucked up my face! MY FACE! My FAAACE!" He shrieks in pure horror with tears streaming down his face.
But he will quickly find that punch will be the very least of worries. Halsten is far from finished in showing that Harmony is not only uninterested, but she is with him alone.
And his wife is not going to stop him this time.
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innytoes · 2 years
AU headcanon thingy: Reggie, the king of playground weddings for Reggie/Everyone
-His first playground wedding wasn't even on a playground, but on the docks of the lake at Camp Palmyrawolf, a co-ed summer camp his parents send him to. The pretty girl has sparkling eyes and a loud laugh and he thinks she's the coolest thing since Star Wars. He gives her a ring-pop and she gives him a ring made out of braided dandelions.
-By the time he gets back from camp his parents are divorced and his mom tells him she's taking him to LA. All his stuff is already packed.
-Luckily, he's not the only new kid to start school that year. He and Luke become fast friends, and they get married by the slide. Their other best friend, Alex, is the priest, since he's the only one who's ever been to a real wedding before.
-Only Luke's already married to Bobby and Alex says you're not allowed to be married to two people and his parents say divorce is a sin. And Luke sees the way that makes Reggie's lip wobble so he says that Alex' parents are stupid and he kind of pauses and thinks about it and says: Yeah probably.
-Luke and Bobby get a playground divorce by the big tree. It's much nicer than Reggie's parents' divorce, and they have a divorce party instead. Except now Bobby is a little sad, so Reggie says he'll marry him and not divorce Luke. It's okay, he's seen it on TV. It's called sister wives.
-Alex points out that none of them are wives and Luke says he can be a wife if he wants to be and Bobby falls over giggling and chokes out BROTHERHUSBANDS and they all laugh so hard they have to wait until next recess to marry Bobby and Reggie, since Alex keeps choking up laughing before he can pronounce them brotherhusbands.
-Reggie marries Alex two weeks later. He had to wait until he could make an appropriate ring, because Alex thinks doing things Properly is important. It's made out of paper and it took forever to make gold with the old gel pen he found.
-They meet Julie in music class a few years later. Julie is like the best person ever ("for a girl" Bobby says and Luke punches his arm). They're all allowed over to her house for a play date, which turns into a music date, because Julie's mom has a big piano and all sorts of instruments. She teaches Luke some chords on the guitar while he and Julie play a duet on the piano, and Alex and Bobby waltz.
-That year, Luke gets a guitar for his birthday, and Alex gets a drum set for Christmas , and Reggie gives all his saved up pocket money and birthday money and Christmas money from MeeMaw and Pops to his Mom and asks if that's enough for the shiny red bass guitar he's seen at the thrift store. (It's not, but she gives him an advance on his allowance and haggles with the guy behind the counter until he can buy it anyway.)
-They hang out at the Molina house a lot after that, pretending to be a band, and then deciding they are a band, because they say so. Reggie gets to stay over for dinner when his mom works late, and it's just the best thing ever.
-One day he sighs and says he wishes he could be a Molina too. He loves his mom and all, but she's almost never around and when she is, she's tired and often cranky.
-Bobby is the one who rolls his eyes and is like: why don't you just marry her then? Bobby's always been the jealous one.
-They're too old for playground wedding at twelve, really, but the way Bobby says it, he turns up his nose and says: "Okay, I will". And he grabs an empty doritos bag and cuts and folds until he has a shiny ring, and dramatically proposes to Julie, who laughs and says yes just to annoy Bobby.
-Carlos is their priest of course.
-"Finally," Luke sighs. "We have a sister wife."
Julie is very confused and then very amused when they explain. She presses a kiss to Reggie's cheek and says she's okay with sharing him, as long as he does his spousal duties.
-He's not sure what spousal duties are, so he asks Alex, whispering a little too loud.
"I think she means taking out the trash," Alex whispers back. "That's what my dad does."
"And do the dishes," Julie said curtly. "My papi always does the dishes. And you have to say 'Honey I'm home!' when you get home."
"I can do that," Reggie agrees.
-Things are great, and their band gets better the better they actually get at playing music, and playing together. They still don't have a name, but there's no rush. Julie and her mom write a song for them, and Luke is so fascinated by it he asks if he can try. They kind of lose Luke and Julie for like two weeks that summer because they're so busy writing together, until Reggie tearfully reminds them that spousal duties also means sharing, and he misses them.
-Nobody is really surprised when he and Luke and Julie start dating for real. Nobody who matters has a problem with it, except Bobby, but that is quickly rectified when Reggie kisses Bobby on the lips and says a Brotherhusband is a brotherhusband.
-Three weeks later Alex shyly asks if that includes him too, and that's how he comes out. It's a little messy after that, because Alex does not want to date Julie, and Julie decides that's okay, and Luke and Alex try but they really really hate it, and Bobby's only ever been interested in dating Reggie even though he and Luke practice making out a LOT for two people who refuse to admit they're dating.
Everything gets really complicated until Julie's best friend Flynn makes a little chart with colour-coded lines. Reggie kind of wants to kiss her. So he asks. And she adds her name to the chart and draws a line between them in the colour for Dating.
-Flynn is like: I don't get playgroundmarried until at least the seventh date.
-Their seventh date is very romantic and then after dinner they take a walk and SURPRISE THERE'S ALL THEIR FRIENDS AT A LOCAL PLAYGROUND and Reggie gets down on one knee with a sour gummy worm ring like WILL YOU PLAYGROUND MARRY ME and they do.
-They're all happy together, and then Flynn brings over her new friend from the GSA club. And Willie is really cool but something about him is so familiar.
-And then one day Bobby says something dry and sarcastic and he laughs so loud and something in Reggie's head goes ping.
-He's smooth about it though and waits until he can talk to Willie one-on-one. And carefully asks him if he ever went to Camp Palmyrawolf.
-And Willie goes very still and it looks very wrong for someone who is usually so wriggly and Reggie is like: it's cool, I just... I think I gave you a ringpop once?
-And Willie asks him to please not tell anyone, and Reggie asks all hurt: "About our marriage?"
-And Willie just stares at him for a good long while until Reggie goes "OOOOOH wait no I won't tell anyone about that, you come out on your own time, but... it's you right? You taught me how to do a cartwheel and draw that weird S thing."
-And Willie nods and smiles and Reggie grabs his hand and pulls him back to the group and proudly announces he found his first, long-lost husband.
-And Willie is a little confused when everyone starts chanting 'brotherhusband' but also it's like really gender-confirming so he'll go with it.
-Reggie also whispers to Flynn that the way Alex and Willie keep looking at each other, she's gonna have to update the chart soon.
-Alex and Willie's playground wedding is at the same time as his and Willie's playground vow renewal (and promise to try this dating thing) and he couldn't be happier.
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wareagleofthemountain · 7 months
Long Story…
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Summary: Orophin and Caladwen have a little adventure.
Caladwen leapt from tree branch to tree branch, sharp green eyes fixed on the ellon beneath her who was currently plodding along the muddy path pulling a cart behind him. The chilly air nipped at her fingers and the earth was left dampened by the recent rainfall. The rivers of Lorien were at their most productive, flowing fast and running deep. It had been Orophin’s idea to set off towards the creek bed and try to pan for gold as all the recent activity would have no doubt stirred up the sediment which lay below the water.
“Could use a little help here.” Her brother in law grumbled, the wheels of the cart having gotten caught in the mud for what must have been the fiftieth time that day.
Caladwen grinned, swinging upside down on a Mallorn limb by her ankles. “What’s wrong? The big, strong Marchwarden Orophin having a hard time?”
“I’ll show you a hard time, you elfling!” He smirked, muttering a hushed command to the tree she was hanging from, a vine promptly slithering out to fling her off.
“Oof!” She sat up from the bush she’d landed in, scowling at the smug face staring back at her. “Real mature.”
“You had it coming.” His eyes sparkled with mirth and he extended a hand to help her up. “Alright, let’s get the shovels. Again.”
Caladwen chuckled. “I love how you bought these with the intention of digging up rocks in the creek, but all we’ve done with them so far is excavate our cart from the mud.” She reached out and retrieved the two items in question, both Warden-grade shovels struggling not to bend under the thickness of the mud and already caked in grime.
“I’m just glad Rumil reminded me to grab them when I was headed out the door this morning. Nearly forgot.” Orophin panted, chucking away his third scoop of debris into the tree line.
“Eru forbid ‘tis one of us who should get caught in this stuff. It’s like quicksand.” It was now Caladwen’s turn to take up pulling the cart loaded with mining supplies, the elleth noticing the fatigue in Orophin’s arms.
“If the bounty in that river is half as plentiful as the dwarves say, the mud will be worth it.” Orophin was known to frequent bars run by dwarves, as he claimed they lead to more interesting stories to tell at the end of the night. Though his brothers certainly stopped finding this habit of his amusing after the time Orophin had come scrambling home in the early hours of the morning, hurrying to lock the door and constantly looking over his shoulder. As it turns out, the young fool had been so caught up in his cups that he’d spent all of his gambling money at the bar. And dwarves, especially the very greedy miner Orophin had played cards with that night, do not take kindly to not receiving their winnings. The dwarf spent two hours banging on their Tallen door and shouting curses at the ellon inside about what he was going to do if Orophin didn’t pay up. Haldir ended up having to foot the bill that night, and in turn Orophin earned a very long lecture about responsibility the next day as well as being put on paperwork filing duty for the following week to teach him a lesson.
But did that experience deter the willful ellon from returning to such establishments? Of course not!
“Haldir thinks we’re mad carrying on out here in the cold like this.” Caladwen’s heart clenched, already missing her husband. She thought back to Haldir’s soft blue eyes gazing up at her as he knelt to tie her boots this morning, draping his rainproof cloak over her shoulders as she walked out of the door. Even now she could feel his warm breath ghosting over her pointed ear, and hear his voice making her promise to stay safe in its usual gruffness. It made her long to be in his embrace once more, Caladwen focusing her attention on her fea to connect with the ever present reassurance of their soul bond. It was like having her skin kissed by the thin reys of the sun on a warm summer day; not overpowering, but just enough to feel its comforting presence.
“I’m sure he’ll warm up to the idea when we bring home the gold!” Orophin puffed his chest out confidently, and Caladwen could see that he had no intention of leaving the creek without his treasure.
Both elves stopped and turned to each other when they saw the steep slope that lay before them, terrain dotted with boulders and trees. It was the only way to get down to the water they realized with a shared sigh. Now, had it only been the two of them, this hike would have been no trouble. But unfortunately, there was no way they could make it down while pulling the cart.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Orophin gave her a sly wink.
“No. Come on. No! Orophin!” Caladwen was now seated in the cart, Orophin standing behind it with his feet ready to give him a running start.
“It’ll be fine.” He assured her.
“Famous last words!” The elleth protested. “How are we even going to get it back up here when we’re done?”
“Meh, that’s our future selves’ problem.” Was the last phrase Caladwen heard before her world became a blur of colors zipping by as they rolled down the cliff, Orophin having pushed off and now sitting behind her. “Lean left!” He commanded between gritted teeth, struggling to throw his weight around enough to guide the direction of the cart.
“Look out!” Caladwen’s eyes went wide, seeing a huge tree only a few feet in front of them. “Need a plan here pilot!” Her voice was panicked, but also agitated by his lack of response.
They held their breaths and leaned in the opposite direction, just barely grazing the tree. Orophin was the first to burst out laughing when the shock wore off, Caladwen joining in with shaken hands.
“Woooo! Take that! We rule this mountain!” Orophin threw his head back, howling their victory.
“Uh… Orophin?” Caladwen’s shaking again.
“Oh no…” His eyes fall on the ledge in their path, approaching too fast to react. “Brace for impact!”
Instinctively, Orophin moved to cover Caladwen’s body with his own, wrapping around her to break her fall as the two were ejected from the cart. The wood splintered as it hit the ground below.
Orophin landed on his feet, carefully lowering her to the soil. “You okay Cali?”
“Yeah, I think so…” She panted.
“Haha! See? Told you we’d make it.” He patted her shoulder as he walked off to scavenge for their mining supplies which were now strewn about all over the bank. Eventually, everything was retrieved, and the wide array of tools Orophin managed to procure for their trip was truly impressive; old kitchen pans with holes poked into the bottom of them to act as sifters, a pick to scrape mud and moss off of potentially valuable rocks, and the aforementioned shovels. Lastly, each elf brought a pack filled with food, fresh water, and plenty of space to take home any treasures they might find. They eagerly leapt into the cold water, standing about waist deep as they began digging for handfuls of rock to sift through.
Caladwen stifled her laughter as Orophin nearly face planted trying to walk in the stream, his boots so close to getting sucked off of his feet by the mud. “You good?”
He immediately picked up on the sarcasm in her tone, gathering a clump of slimy moss from the end of his shovel and holding it in front of his face with a wrinkled nose. “Ewww… think fast!”
The elleth yelped as it landed in her already messed hair, overbalancing and landing in the stream. Sputtering, she scrambled to her feet.
“You look like the creature from the Black Lagoon.” Orophin chuckled.
“Who eats troublesome lads like you!” She couldn’t help but splash him to even the score.
Not having any luck in their current position, Caladwen decided to branch off and sift in a shallower section of the creak by the bank, perching atop a rock outcropping. Her eyes lit up when they caught sight of something interesting in the bottom of her pan.
“What is it?” Orophin’s ears pirked up.
“Not gold, but look at this beautiful wild clay!” She exclaimed, holding the chunk of clay, a marbled combination of orange and purple, up to him. “This would be perfect for making jewelry beads!” She set about collecting as much as she could, even happening upon a few patches of yellow clay, and wrapping the material in damp cloth before placing it in her bag. Orophin, for his part, was not able to locate any gold but collected a few unique small fossils embedded in rocks.
He was the first to notice the darkening skies, having learned through all his years as a warden that it would be unwise to travel given how intense the rainstorms have been in case of mudslides. “Let’s tuck in for the evening. I saw a cave about half a mile upstream.”
Caladwen and Orophin were eager to put their supplies down once they reached the mouth of the cave. The cart had been broken in the crash, leaving them to carry their tools along with the heavy packs. Caladwen built a fire and they left their cloaks and boots to dry by it, nibbling on lembas and relaxing in a soft patch of moss by the warmth.
“I’m bored.” Orophin groaned, apparently unable to withstand the lack of activity in the last five minutes.
“Hmm…” Caladwen tapped her chin thoughtfully, eyes wandering over the stalactites on the roof of the cave. “Want to play a game?”
“I’m listening.” He rolled over to face her.
She picked up two sticks from the surrounding area, dipping them into the charcoal and water mixture that had collected in puddles in the darker regions of the cave, creating a quill of sorts. “It’s called three line. You draw three arbitrary lines and the other person has to create a picture out of them.” She demonstrated by scribbling three lines on the cave wall, Orophin quick to follow. They switched places and proceeded to begin to craft an image using the abstract lines they were given.
“There. A masterpiece!” Orophin said ostentatiously as he unveiled his work.
Caladwen squinted. “What is it?”
He swats her playfully, his face a mask of mock offense. “A slice of cake!” As if it was obvious.
“Did it get run over by a horse?” She quipped.
He laughed. “Don’t blame me, they were your lines.” He leans over, looking at her drawing. “A sun?”
“You got it!”
Their night was filled with laughter, paining the walls with round after round of three line until they drifted off to sleep.
They must have been quite the sight, coming over the hill caked in mud and carrying supplies that were even dirtier.
“What… happened to you two?” Was all Haldir could muster as he leapt down from his watch tower to meet them.
“Long story…”
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