#and one day her promotion will no longer be temporary...
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 months ago
Listen, there are things that I wish had been done differently these past couple of episodes... but one of the absolute highlights for me has been the relationship between Lucy and Grey. There were glimpses of this already last season. Like when he chose to ride with her to check up on her and see how she was doing after all she went through... or when he appointed her as acting TO for a day... Technically, this was just him doing his job. But it's the way he did it - with empathy. He was not doubting her. It's the way he had no problem letting Tim know that if it came down to it, he would choose Lucy over him... In a season where it sometimes felt like she was alone, Grey had her back.
And so it is nice to see the continuation of this. To know that one of the first decision he took as Lieutenant was to pull strings and temporarily promote her to P3 so she could be a TO. But my favorite part is how he presented this to her. He made sure to emphasize how she was doing him a favor, how he would owe her one... And what makes this even better is this part of their dialogue : "I won't let you down" / "I know you won't".
This is such a contrast to his previous answers, to Tim when he became a Sergeant ("I won't let you down" / "Sure you will")... or to Nolan when he became a TO ("I just didn't want to mess anything up" / "Oh, but you will"). This is exactly what Lucy needed to hear after the detective exam. And Grey proved that he meant what he said in that last episode. After he was done reprimanding Seth for his mistakes, you could see Lucy bracing herself for the worst, how she was afraid she had disappointed him (we know this is one of her biggest fear). Instead, he asked her for her honest opinion. Showing her that he trusts her judgment. And again, I think it's important that she knows that... and I can't wait to see more of this mentorship.
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arcane-vagabond · 5 months ago
Fool's Fare: Chapter Twelve
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Fool's Fare: Chapter Twelve
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Captain Jake "Hangman" Seresin had come close to swinging from the gallows more times than he would care to admit. He's stolen, cheated, even killed. The worst thing he's ever done? Broken the heart of a woman. Having broken the heart of the woman whom Davy Jones himself had fallen for six years ago, Jake is now cursed to live as something not dead, but not alive. He's doomed to live a half-life for the rest of his existence unless he manages to obtain the treasure Davy Jones deems most valuable. The problem? He has no idea what it is, and he only had seven years to obtain it.
Content Warning: Talks of death, Lots of anxiety, Reader has a mental breakdown kind of, Abandonment issues surface hardcore, Talk of curses, Talk of magic, Major angst, Sea shanty, Feelings of hopelessness, Davy Jones reveal! I think that's everything, but please let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 4.2k
Series Masterlist || Moodboards || Playlist
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The port of St. Augustine was much like any other port you had found yourself in. The marketplace bustled with activity, the sellers promoting their wears as others scurried about to and fro on the streets. The sun beat down, casting a fog of humidity that threatened to choke the air from your lungs.
It had been two weeks since the serpent’s attack, and the crew of the Hangman had been stranded in the large port, sequestering themselves to one of the local pubs until repairs to the broken mast were finished.
Jake had been in a foul mood since the encounter, the looming deadline heavy on his mind, and on more than one occasion you had woken up to the sound of his distressed murmurs as he slept beside you. He had flat out refused to leave your side for longer than a few minutes since the attack, anxiety and distress coloring his features every time you looked at him. You knew he feared losing you, you could feel it in the way he held you these days, the end drawing nearer with each passing of the sun across the horizon. But wasn’t it you who should be afraid of losing him? You weren’t the one in danger of falling victim to a curse.
A bothersome fly pulled you from your thoughts, the whining of its movement sparking irritation in your chest. It was too damn hot for the pesky thing to be bothering you. You pulled your hand out from under your chin, swatting at the insect as it flew just out of your reach. It zoomed back towards you, wings fluttering in your face as if to taunt you. An exasperated exhale escaped your lips as you glared daggers at the offending beast.
“You look miserable.”
You turned to see Nat approaching you slowly, a wry smile on her lips as you gave her a tight-lipped smile—an attempt you were sure came out as more of a grimace than an actual smile. You wiped the sweat drenched strand of hair out of your face, offering her a shrug as you turned your attention back to the street outside. She sighed, coming up to sit at the sill beside you. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, watching the different groups of people as they flitted about the street. The silence grew more tense as the time dragged on, and you could tell that Natasha wanted to say something to you. Glancing at her from the corner of your eye, you saw her chewing on her bottom lip, deep in thought.
“How’s Mickey today?” You asked her. His screams of agony were still fresh in your mind, the scarlet on his clothes vivid in your mind as he writhed on the decks of the ship. Javy had been the one to stop the blood flow, securing the bandage around Mickey’s thigh tight enough to put a temporary fix to the problem without causing more damage. You watched as Javy and Reuben picked Mickey up on either end, carrying him towards the cabins. Mickey had already passed out, a layer of sweat coating his pallid skin. Nausea roiled in your stomach, your breathing coming out in quick spurts.
You jumped as Jake came up behind you, brushing your hand with his fingertips. Your eyes darted towards him, unease settled deep in your bones.
“Is he going to be okay?” You whispered, looking at the captain for any kind of answer. Jake sucked in a breath, and it occurred to you that you had never seen him look so at a loss.
“I don’t know,” he answered, hanging his head. His hands flexed at his side before balling them into tight fists. You looked from him back towards the sea. The serpent and the British ship were already out of sight as the Hangman limped towards shore. You were sure the men on the other ship were all dead, the serpent’s hunger sated until the next unsuspecting ship made its way into the waters.
“Those men,” you continued, brow furrowing in thought. “The one’s the serpent-”
You stopped yourself from finishing the sentence, pressing your lips into a thin line as Jake glanced at you, waiting.
“Are they dead?” You asked, looking back at him. You didn’t know how the curse worked in cases like this. Yes, they could be hurt. You knew that much. But would something like what had just occurred be enough to kill them?
Jake sucked in a sharp breath, eyes widening as he dared to look back towards the water.
“I hope so.”
You had reached the port of St. Augustine early the next morning, the cold light of dawn at your backs as each crew member heaved a weary sigh. Reuben had departed the ship as soon as the gangway was in place, running to find a doctor to see after Mickey. The rest of the crew waited around anxiously, some busying themselves with tasks around the ship as everyone waited for news on Mickey’s condition.
“He’s doing a lot better today,” Nat told you, a tired grunt leaving her lips as she settled further back against the wall. You nodded, closing your eyes in a bid to ignore the heat that threatened to swallow you whole.
“Doesn’t change the fact that you still look miserable,” she prodded, earning a less than enthused grunt from you. You sighed, leaning up and stretching out your shoulders.
“I suppose I could be doing better,” you admitted, finally turning your full attention to her. She pressed her lips together, humming in agreement.
“The deadline is only a few days away,” she said, and your heart jumped at the reminder before curling in on itself. Her words were the exact reason you had been keeping to yourself the past week, dread filling you down to your very soul as the days loomed and the dreaded deadline approached faster and faster. The anxiety kept you awake well into the night, clawing at your mind until it was all you could think about. You hadn’t known sleep in days.
“Jake’s been awfully tense,” she pressed. “Rightfully so, I guess. Javy won’t show it, but I know he’s worried too. I can see it in the way he holds his shoulders. He fidgets more than usual too when he’s nervous. I do my best to soothe his worries, and I think he forgets for a little while, but…”
Her voice drifts off to silence, an air of uncertainty surrounding her. You understood what she was feeling. The moments of sleep Jake could get were spent in fitful movements as even his unconscious mind was unable to find peace amongst the chaos. You would curl up closer to him in those moments, resting your head against his chest and listening to his heartbeat. Fingers would glide up and down his arm, and your presence seemed to calm him enough that he would still, if only for a little while. You asked him early on what he dreamed of in those moments, but his eyes would glaze over as his lips pressed firm, a faraway look in his eyes before he would shake his head and walk away, shoulders hunched as if in defeat.
Bradley didn’t fare much better when you tried talking to him. The usually playful, happy-go-lucky man you knew and loved had all but disappeared. All that was left was a shell of a man who looked and sounded like your brother, but seemed to be a complete stranger to you now in these past days. You had tried talking to him, to get a sense of where his head was at, but much like your captain, no words would leave his lips. He would only stare at you, almost looking through you before turning and walking away.
You felt like you would lose your mind, like the concern and anxiety was building up so completely within you. It reminded you of how your mother once was when your father would leave for his voyages.
She’d pace around the house, busying herself with as many tasks as she could—sometimes repeating them two or three times in a bid to keep her hands busy and mind from drifting towards thoughts of the unimaginable. On more than one occasion, you’d come home to find her staring out towards the water, a faraway look in her eye. You always wondered what she was thinking about in those moments, but now you were sure you knew.
“I don’t think it’s possible to forget the ocean’s secrets,” you replied, focusing once more on the busy street outside. “The ocean will always remind you why it’s not to be crossed.”
Natasha didn’t respond, only looked at you. You didn’t acknowledge her, letting your mind wander to thoughts of what would happen if you all were to fail. Would the curse turn them into mindless monsters? Would the change be immediate? Or would you lose those you hold most dear slowly as their unslaked desire coursed through their veins for eternity?
Your friend heaved a heavy sigh before standing. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but must have thought better of it before turning on her heels and walking away. You wished you could provide her with some kind of comfort, some certainty that things would be okay. But, you could hardly convince yourself of it, let alone another.
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The afternoon passed slowly, your vigil by the window continuing on even as the pub filled with sailors and your own crew. Mickey had managed to heal enough to walk, though his usually golden skin still seemed somewhat dull after his experience. The crew drank as if there were no tomorrow, and you supposed there might not be. Locals took up space by the piano, different jigs and tunes ringing out amongst the crowd as several people joined in with lyrics. You wished you could join in the merriment, bring yourself to forget for just one moment that a mere guess wouldn’t decide your fate.
Jake, Bradley, and the rest of your friends sat hunched around one of the tables across from where you sat, none of them able to meet your gaze, and a mixture of anger and loneliness filled you. Is this what your days would look like? Would they go off and leave you behind to face a life of solitude? Would they expect you to forget them?
For another moment, you were reminded once again of your mother, only this time you remembered her as she waited for that last voyage. You could tell that something was different that time, the air more tense as she paced around your home. The song she would hum under her breath the only sound she would make for days. You thought of that song, how lonely and full of despair the words sounded. You thought of how sad your mother always sounded every time she would sing it, and before you even realized, the words were leaving your lips quietly, slowly building to be heard above the hum of conversation filling the room.
“I thought I heard the Old Man say: ‘Leave her, Johnny, leave her.’ Tomorrow you will get your pay, and it's time for us to leave her.”
Several heads turned towards you as you sang, your voice clear as you felt the emotion you had worked so hard to keep tamped down swirl within you.
“Leave her, Johnny, leave her! Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her! For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow And it's time for us to leave her.”
The conversation died down now, and you supposed you would feel self conscious under normal circumstances, but something within you longed to break free and be heard. You had long stayed quiet in fear of upsetting those around you with your own feelings. Of course, you had had your few moments where you couldn’t keep the worries and feelings within you, your fears bursting forth and out of you over the past few months on sea.
“Oh, the wind was foul and the sea ran high. ‘Leave her, Johnny, leave her!’ She shipped it green and none went by. And it's time for us to leave her.”
The conversation had stopped completely at this point, but you were only vaguely aware of your audience. The words themselves haunted you, and you knew how your mother had felt all those years ago. You wondered if she felt the exact moment she had lost your father to the sea.
“Leave her, Johnny, leave her! Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her! For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow And it's time for us to leave her.”
Had your father been scared in his final moments? Did the waves tower over him life in the song you now sang? Had he faced the towering waves head on in the way he faced everything in life? Or had looking death in the face been too much for him? Did he think of you? Your mother? Bradley? Or did he lament the things he hadn’t done, the things he had failed to do?
“I hate to sail on this rotten tub. ‘Leave her, Johnny, leave her!’ No grog allowed and rotten grub. And it's time for us to leave her.”
Several people within the pub now joined in your singing, voices ringing out in unison. For the first time since you started, you dared a look over at the table where the others sat. Remorse colored both Jake and Bradley’s faces, the whisper of tears in their eyes as they watched you. Your heart squeezed so tight, you wondered for a moment if it would burst. You hadn’t meant for the tears to flow, and you were shocked when a cool, night breeze blew in from outside, cooling the trickle that streamed down your cheeks.
“Leave her, Johnny, leave her! Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her! For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow And it's time for us to leave her.”
You choked on the words, unable to continue as those around you continued on. Your world would change in a few days, and there was nothing you could do about it. For the first time, hope seemed too far out of reach, slipping through your grasp as the realization that you would truly be alone for the first time gripped you tightly, refusing to let go.
“We swear by rote for want of more. ‘Leave her, Johnny, leave her!’ But now we're through so we'll go on shore. And it's time for us to leave her.
Leave her, Johnny, leave her! Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her! For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow And it's time for us to leave her.”
You let out a quiet sob as you pushed off from your seat, practically running out of the pub. The door banged against the wall with a loud crack, the echo of laughter and conversation chasing after you into the dark street. Another tune started up, a jollier shanty than the one you had led everyone in, but the joy and merriment found in the pub did not reach you in that moment, despair digging its claws into you as you stalked down the street with no mind to where you were heading.
The world swam around you, blurred by your tears. Your chest and head hurt from how hard you sobbed, your arms wrapped around your middle in an attempt keep yourself together, to keep yourself whole.
You staggered, coming to a stop next to building, leaning your weight against the sturdy structure as you fought to gain back your composure. A hand landed on your shoulder, ripping you out of your breakdown. You looked up with wet, wide eyes to meet a sea of concerned green.
Jake didn’t hesitate to try and pull you close, moving to wrap his arms around you in a soothing gesture, but you shook your head, pressing a hand to his chest to keep him away. His brow furrowed in confusion, thumb reaching up absentmindedly to wipe away your tears. You jerked away from him, shaking your head more vigorously.
“No,” you croaked, another sob wracking through you.
“Guppy,” he started, taking a step closer to you, but you shoved at him this time.
“No,” you stated more firmly, shooting him an angry, wild look that had him balking. “I don’t want your pity, or your comfort, or anything else you’re trying to bestow upon me. Not when it’ll all be for nothing.”
“What are you talking about?” He sighed out, an edge to his tone. You sniffled, wiping your cheeks with the back of your hand as you attempted to stand tall.
“I can’t keep relying on you,” you uttered. “Not when this time in only four days, I won’t have you anymore. I’ll be alone. I’ll have no one except maybe Nat, but even that’s not a guarantee. In a few days' time, you’ll face Davy Jones, and not knowing how that will end, terrifies me.”
Jake didn’t say anything for a moment, just stood there and watched you with an indiscernible expression. Finally, he set his jaw and stepped close, pulling you into his arms. A large hand cradled your face, pulling your face up towards his.
“I’m not leaving you, sweet girl,” he said, thumb stroking across your cheek. You squeezed your eyes shut as a new wave of tears threatened to spill over.
“You don’t know that,” you whispered in return.
“I do though,” he retorted. “I know everything will work out the way it’s supposed to. Even if I’m doomed to live a cursed life, a life where I will never know peace or satisfaction again, it would be a far worse fate to not have you by my side.”
You couldn’t stop the sob that shook you, choosing instead to hide your face against his chest. Jake let out a low hum, smoothing his hand over the back of your head as he rocked you gently until the sobs died down once more.
“Trust me, Guppy,” he murmured, moving his hand to dig something out of his coat. “This will buy us our freedom.”
You turned your head to see him holding up the Soul of Polaris, the gem seeming to glow in the moonlight. You swallowed thickly, watching as it rotated slowly in his hold.
“What does it show you?” You asked quietly, gripping his shirt a little harder in your hands.
“What?” Jake asked, sounding perplexed.
“When I first saw it,” you explained, “the man who had it said that it guided a person to what it was they needed most.”
You turned your head to gaze up at him. “So, what is it that it shows you?”
Jake looked at you for a moment, eyes wide in surprise before he shifted his focus towards the gem. His brow furrowed once more as he pressed his lips together, pondering what he should say.
“We should head back,” he said finally, pocketing the gem once more as he guided you back down the street.
Four days later, the newly repaired Hangman rocked in the ocean waves as it headed up the coast towards North Carolina. The air aboard the ship had grown thick with mounting tension and anxiety, the air so thick you swore you could cut it with one of Bob’s kitchen knives.
The fog that surrounded the waters didn’t help matters, setting a decidedly somber mood as the crew waited for their fates to be decided. Sunset was approaching, something you could tell despite the blanket of fog that hid the sun from view. Jake hadn’t stopped pacing the length of the deck for two hours, and just watching him had you on edge. He had already snapped at three crew members for, admittedly, small infractions, and you were starting to wonder if he’d keep his sanity long enough to see Davy Jones at this point.
“Captain,” Javy called from the helm, face tight with his own anxiety, though his tells were less obvious compared to everyone else’s. Jake’s head snapped up to look at him, back rigid as he paused mid-step.
“We’re here,” Javy announced, dipping his head at his best friend. Jake sucked in a breath, teeth gnawing at the inside of his cheek. After a moment, he blew out, nodding his head as he swallowed thickly.
“Yeah,” he muttered, nodding more determinedly. “Yeah, alright. Bradshaw, Guppy. You’re with me. Everyone else, stay put until I get back.”
You were shocked that he picked you and Bradley, certain he would have chosen Javy or Natasha. You didn’t say anything as you followed him and Bradley towards one of the lifeboats. Natasha already stood by the railing, waiting for the captain to approach.
“You’re leaving me behind?” She challenged as you all approached, Javy descending the stairs at the same time. Jake raised his chin at her, a grimace pulling on his lips.
“I trust you and Javy to look after the ship while I’m away,” he explained. “But, I still need people I can trust with me—people I can depend on if this goes south. Bradshaw will act as my muscle, and we’ve seen how things react around Guppy.”
Natasha mulled over his words for a moment before nodding in agreement.
“Be careful out there,” she implored. “We’ve already had one crew member mangled by something magical.”
Jake shot her a grateful look before turning his attention to Javy who had saddled up behind her. The two shared a silent exchange before clasping their forearms and pulling each other in for a one-armed hug. The two pulled away at the same time, and Javy offered the captain a nod.
“Good luck,” he said. Jake nodded back at him before turning back towards the lifeboat. He let out a long, weary sigh before stepping forward with you and Bradley not far behind.
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The fog clung to your skin, giving you the feeling of walking through water as the sand shifted beneath your feet. Jake and Bradley had hauled the boat up out of the water and further onto the beach before the three of you set out to find the spot where Davy Jones would be waiting.
The wind whipped around you, ruffling your clothes and sending a chill down your spine. You ignored it, knowing what lay ahead of you already had a frigid feeling coursing through your veins as the sky began to grow darker. Jake’s pace began to increase as the clock counted down, his hands clenching and unclenching as the three of you continued on.
“Do you know where we’re going?” Bradley asked, peering at the captain from the corner of his eye. Jake’s frown deepened as he shot the brunette a sharp look.
“Yes,” he snapped, stopping suddenly. “This is the place.”
You looked around, noting the cliffs that hung just above your head, the grass swaying in the wind as the waves crashed against the rocky shore. Bradley looked around as Jake stared down at his feet. You perched atop one of the rocks, bringing your knees up to your chin as your attention flickered between the two men.
“Did we miss him?” Bradley prodded, hands in his pockets as he walked around in a circle. “Shouldn’t he be here already?”
“I don’t know Bradshaw,” Jake snapped once more, an irritated glint in his eye. “We didn’t exactly exchange letters on what time to meet.”
A familiar hum prickled at the back of your neck, your back straightening as a knowing feeling overcame you. You twisted your neck to the right, looking down the beach towards the opposite way you came. In the growing shadows and through the fog, a tall figure began to emerge, their coat billowing behind them.
“Look!” You exclaimed, scrambling to your feet as you pointed a finger at the figure. Jake and Bradley turned to where you gestured, postures alert and on guard as they spotted the figure too. The humming grew in intensity as the figure drew closer, but there was no sense of danger that accompanied it like there had been with Thetis, the sirens, and the serpent. No, in place of danger, there was only the sense of familiarity, and confusion tickled at the back of your mind.
The fog and shadows obscured the figure as it stopped by some rocks a few yards away. You squinted, trying to make out any discernable features, but you couldn’t help but feel you knew the person who stood in front of you. A soft scratch sounded as the figure struck a match, the small flame illuminating his face as he lit the pipe that hung at his lips. Shock coursed through you as you recognized the blue eyes and weathered face that stared back at your group, the embers of tobacco letting out a puff of smoke as he exhaled.
You blinked, not quite believing what you were seeing, and you knew Bradley’s expression must have mirrored your own in that moment.
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A/N: Wooooooooow! I can't believe it's finally here, y'all! What do we think? How are we feeling? What on earth is going to happen next???
It feels so good to finally get this one off my chest, I've been sitting on it for sooooooo long! Like...the amount of times I almost slipped up and told y'all everything is embarrassing, quite frankly.
As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. I no longer do taglists, so if you would like to be notified on when I post, please follow my sideblog ( @arcanevagabond-library ) and turn on post notifications! You can find me and my works on AO3 under the username arcane_vagabond. Until next time!
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lcdrarry · 9 months ago
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LCDrarry 2024 Round-Up Post | Week 6
This is the final Round-Up Post for LCDrarry 2024. Reveals are later today, on June 15, 2024! Wheeee!
Happy reading, commenting and sharing! ;)
~Your LCDrarry Mods
PS: Please have a look at the author notes and tags on AO3 for additional information. Thank you!
PPS: Please share far and wide! Thank you!!
Go the Whole Wide World
Prompt: "Stranger than Fiction", 2006, Marc Forster Prompted by: @stavromulabetaaa Artists: Anonymous Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None
Summary: When government employee Draco Crick was assigned to audit baker Harry Pascal, neither anticipated falling in love, but sometimes the person right next to you is the most welcome surprise.
View it now on AO3.
Eternalism is a Never Ending Day
Prompt: "Russian Doll", 2019 Prompted by: 5u9as (ao3) Author: Anonymous Word Count: 25,970 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Temporary Suicide, Temporary MCD, implied/referenced Depression
Summary: Malfoy has been reliving the same day for longer than he can keep track of now, and has just assumed that he was dead in the real world, which was fine to him. It isn't until the time loop stops doing what he expects that it occurs to him that maybe there's something else going on.
Read it now on AO3.
Prompt: "Love is Blind", 2020 Prompted by: @DrarryMyHeart Author: Anonymous Word Count: 35,227 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: Draco is grieving. His conversation partner is here against his will. It's a shameless rip-off of an insipid Muggle reality dating show. Hardly the occasion for true love, if you ask Draco. feat. a cat named Marmalade, a bird named Mumble, Lee Jordan's answer to Love is Blind, and two best friends who only want their dads to be happy.
Read it now on AO3.
First Impressions
Prompt: "Pride and Prejudice", 2005, Joe Wright Prompted by: MoonyEmilie3017 (ao3) Author: Anonymous Word Count: 87,934 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Period-typical racism and colourism (only present in one chapter), A/B/O dynamics, Dubious Consent, Classism, Smut, Mpreg
Summary: At the Shacklebolts' ball, Ginny found herself irrevocably smitten at first sight with Ms Pansy Parkinson. Meanwhile, her brother, Harry Potter, became the unfortunate target of biting remarks from Parkinson's haughty and aloof best friend, Mr Draco Malfoy. Harry's disdain for Mr Malfoy grew, fuelled by the latter's evident arrogance. Amidst this burgeoning animosity, Ms Romilda Vane began to spread malicious rumours regarding Malfoy, further tarnishing his reputation. Yet, the true nature of his character was far from what these tales suggested. Could Draco overcome his pride and Harry his prejudice, allowing love to blossom between them despite the odds?
Read it now on AO3.
Please help promote the fest by sharing your favourite submissions, so more people can enjoy all the amazing new Drarry works of LCDrarry. Thank you!
Creator reveals are on 15 June 2024.
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enkisstories · 2 months ago
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Having agreed to temporarily ally with their enemy, the prisoners are let out of their cell. Getting Rose into a bacta tank has priority over everything else now and so, as the tallest, General Hux picks her up from the cot.
Hux: "I have my crew! Eleven, these are Tico, FN-2187 and Dameron. Community service squad, this here is Captain FN-0011. Consider him your temporary parole officer."
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FN-11... Finn vaguely remembers the man from a guest lecture he had given to the recruit batch he has grown up in. Under that helmet "Eleven" has tan skin and long black hair with blue strands dyed in. The young man had been alert, but nothing else about him has stuck to memory.
Finn: "Congrats to your promotion, Captain. I'm Finn. What's your name?"
FN-11: "Maybe a quick dunk into Commander Trach's fish tank would help your hearing along, rebel-scum."
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Poe: "Gosh, didn't you see that he gave you an opportunity to pick your own name?"
FN-11: "For the last time! It's FN-0011."
Poe: "Last time we'll have to hear you spout this nonsense? Good, works for me. Okay, Levin it'll be from now on."
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The stormtrooper captain chooses to ignore the duo and instead approaches his General.
Pointing at Rose, he offers: "Give me that, Sir."
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A quick, wordless eye contact with the captive later, Hux shakes his head. He may not be an elite soldier, but he can carry the slight weight just fine.
Blood seeps from Rose' bandages on the man's uniform. It's off-putting, but also feels like poetic justice after this very insurgent has drawn his blood with a bite only a few hours ago - but already yesterday according to the supremacy's shipboard time. It is early in the morning now. So much has happened in that single day...
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Meanwhile Rose fights down nausea over her choice. The power of familiarity is so damn strong! Choosing to get carried by the killer of Hosnia over a perfectly random trooper, just because she knows the General for something like ten minutes longer...
Or is she avoiding "Levin" because he is so distant? Hux at least never made a secret of his disdain for the "vermin". But then again, if Levin is a machine, then only because Hux made him one on the first place.
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arugula2048 · 2 years ago
ik you prob wrote abt this ages ago but I wanted to say I appreciate your additions abt the 'almond mom' discussion. I saw it came from a child model almost fainting and the mother advising her to eat a couple of almonds chewed very slowly. So literally from eating disoreded mom harming and abusing child by purposefully malnourishing them. Ofc over time ppl posted more ambiguous things but what if the er mom was asked to comfort the child and 'did her steps' imstead? Or the mom eating salad (1/2
2/2 and the family eating heavier meals. Oftentimes the mom is visibly upset with the children so maybe they are 'breaking the cycle' by eating satisfying food after being told not to for many years? Like I agree we must not forget ppl acting 'strange' w food incl moms are victims of society which promotes disordered eating. But to actively push that on your child is cruel. And many ppl are not mentioning how strange their mom is but rather how it results in treating them, shamimg, policing them
I feel you, I could understand if the 'pacing bc she's worried and not ED' interpretation if it was one of many used in the analyses, but it irked me when so many bloggers just ran with that alone. Not very empathetic to the child, gyns, who in the post example was in the fucking ER, implying she wanted comfort but her mother prioritized her own body image instead... It's so funny (not funny) how they breezed past that part and was like "this bitter ungrateful child!! of course she's definitely lying about her mom to mock her"
It's an interesting analysis to focus fully and only on the 'almond mothers' in that post. But then to say that's the only way to see it and say that children are responsible for their mothers' healing is repulsive. I can't tell if that conclusion came from temporary tunnel vision, or if they never had a bad relationship with their mother, or if they no longer see themselves in the child now that they're adults, or if they're partly speaking from unresolved issues and believe that fixing their mothers will fix them too. They would've betrayed their younger selves just like their mothers did lol.
Not to mention, like you said, mothers are grown women and had decades to reflect on their experiences and illnesses to decide how they'd raise their daughters. As an adult and as a parent, they had that responsibility to step up for their children lol. The audacity of the ~approach your mother with a feminist mindset to break entire generational cycles of misogyny and EDs~ statement is unbelievable. To put that work on children? So the mothers shouldn't need to do anything? Why don't we start smaller with something kids can do?
I think that post got like that because of the whole "mother discourse" that had people acting as if someone said 'mothers should be officially recognized as a subhuman class' instead of 'I prioritize girls because they're the common denominator demographic of all women'. Cue the overcompensation and almost victim-blaming kids who were coached to get EDs. They seriously looked at a kid in the ER and blame her for her mom being fucked up, no one in that post contested that first reply. Yikes, but that's the internet, I guess.
Thank you for the message, I'm glad we felt seen by each other. Have a good day, anon!
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dreamsummerfyre · 26 days ago
More reflexology
Reflexology stimulates the body to produce those feel-good chemicals known as endorphins.[…]
It also ranks right up there as one of the best romantic gifts you can give your partner, especially in a pinch. Pin this thought under your cap: “Of course I didn't forget our anniversary darling. Now lay back and kick off your shoes…”
Reflexology is a natural way to stimulate healing in the body, and a healthy body is a body that feels good. Many folks have been amazed at the instant relief they have had from just a few minutes of deep pressure on the feet and/or hands. Since the hands are usually accessible, you can work on yourself almost any time—in meetings, riding in a car (not if you're driving, please), watching a movie, getting your teeth cleaned—or virtually anywhere you have both hands free.
The ears also have reflex points, and most of us have our ears accessible all the time. The point is that reflexology can be used almost anywhere and anytime to promote balance and give you an instant lift or quick pain relief.
A reflexologist friend of mine was on a plane recently and was fortunate enough to be sitting next to a charming young lady about seven years old. As the plane was descending, the girl began to experience excruciating pain in her ears because of sinus congestion. My friend, being the patient, healing woman that she is, instead of complaining about the little girl's cries, asked her mother for permission to work on her. The mother agreed, and my friend began to work on the girl's palms. Within minutes, the girl was drying her tears and feeling no more pain.
Homeostasis is the medical term used for the body’s internal balancing act. It means that our unconscious body functions such as body temperatura and glandular secretions are working fo rus to keep u salive and functioning. Life truly is a balancing act.
By using the reflex points on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands, we can stimulate those glands that are not keeping up and help the body become balanced again. For instance, symptoms of a sluggish thyroid gland could include unexplainable weight gain, lethargy, dry skin, and erratic sleeping patterns. These symptoms are signs that the body is out of balance.
More than likely, when your thyroid is out of balance and you rub your thyroid reflex point on the bottom of your foot, it will yell back at you—“ouch!” Keep on rubbing—that's just the thyroid telling you that it doesn't like getting caught sleeping on the job! (We'll get to how you can tell which areas or glands are sluggish in later chapters.)
The body has four main eliminative channels that serve as exit routes for waste products. These include:
• The bowel • The urinary system (kidneys and bladder) • The respiratory system (lungs and sinuses) • The skin When the body, or a particular organ, is sluggish due to a buildup of waste products and then we stimulate that organ to “get back to work,” it will probably eliminate some toxins right away. This is called detoxification. When a body system is stimulated and stronger, it has the energy and ability to kick out toxins settling in it. You will know when your body is detoxifying because of the symptoms you experience.
Although cleansing of the bowel is a Good sign, you should not experience diarrea after reflexology treatment. A temporary cleansing due to a loosening of the bowel differs from diarrhea. Diarrhea can be caused by a parasitic or bacterial infestation that can dehydrate the body over a fairly short period of time and needs to be addressed.
One of the most common symptoms of detoxifying the body will be a loosening of the bowels. Many necessary, quick trips to the bathroom will prove to you that you needed cleansing. This form of detoxifying after a reflexology treatment usually lasts no longer than a day. It is also a positive sign. You should not try to stop this cleansing process by taking any medications that would constipate you—let the cleansing begin!
The urinary system will carry out waste products in the form of urine. The urine may be stronger smelling, and you may have to visit the bathroom more often for a day. This should also be encouraged. Drink plenty of pure water to help flush out the toxins.
Sometimes when I work on someone with lung congestion, they will experience a cleansing through the lungs. This is usually in the form of a phlegmy cough. I believe the reflexology treatment loosens up old, hardened mucus, giving the lungs the opportunity to get rid of it! So, if you get copious amounts of mucus coming from your sinus passages or from your lungs in the form of a cough after reflexology, you can count on this being a cleansing process.
Do not thwart the process by taking cough medications to inhibit your lungs from expelling the mucus. This will only stop the cleansing process, which the reflexology treatment was designed to do in the first place! Instead, drink lots of water to speed up the process. Foul breath is another strange symptom that may be experienced after a deep reflexology treatment. Again, this is due to toxins in the system, usually in the lungs, that have broken free and are leaving the body.
The skin is our largest eliminative organ and we typically eliminate two pounds of waste materials (perspiration) every day, mostly through the feet.
Detoxifying through the pores of the skin can show up as any type of skin eruption, including pimples, boils, rashes, or cold sores. Sweating during a deep treatment is sometimes experienced. This is the natural way your body rids itself of waste through the skin. When a treatment is effective in detoxifying, you should not be surprised if your body odor changes for a day. In fact, after my first treatment, I smelled like maple syrup! Just before I panicked about being nicknamed Aunt Jemima, the smell subsided.
Endorphins are substances released by the pituitary gland that affect the central nervous system by reducing pain. Their effect on the body is similar to the effects of using pain-killing medications such as morphine.
Reflexology is safe and effective and only helps the body do what it was designed to do anyway. So unless you are grossly negligent (or using instruments improperly) you really can't hurt anyone with reflexology.
[…] Every therapy has its own set of contraindications, and reflexology is no exception. Contraindication means that sometimes a therapy is not recommended for someone with specific problems. We will go over a more detailed list in later chapters, but for now, here are some general things to keep in mind when using reflexology:
• People who are very tender to the touch can include people with degenerative conditions such as diabetes or urinary system problems, and the elderly. Do not overwork these people. • When working on babies, it is important to not overwork them. Use a very gentle pressure and work no longer than 10 to 15 minutes for the entire treatment. • Do not work directly on any injuries or foot conditions, and do not work an area that is painful to the touch. • Do not overdo pregnant women, especially if they are prone to miscarriages. The one serious contraindication for reflexology that I always abide by is someone who is pregnant and who has had trouble carrying a pregnancy to term in the past. This could indicate that she lacks muscle tone in the uterus, and we would not want to stimulate a cleansing, or stir up the circulation process. Personally, I will not work on anyone who has had this problem before, so as to avoid being blamed if something does go wrong.
[…] Another good thing to remember in all natural therapies is Hering's Law of Cure. Hering's Law states: “All healing starts from the head down, from the inside out, and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared.” In other words, in true healing, your insides will begin healing first. The outward manifestations of healing will come last—so you may not even notice you're healing right away. Also, the symptoms that you experienced most recently will be the last ones to go away.
The body always takes care of the more chronic ailments or imbalances first. You may not be aware that your pancreas or spleen is healing, but continued effort will eventually bring the outward signs of true health. Therefore, although reflexology may work instantly to alleviate symptoms of imbalance, it will take time and continued use of reflexology to experience true healing—so be patient and enjoy the ride!
--Frankie Avalon Wolfe ibid
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tailwindpets · 5 months ago
The Hidden Benefits of Dog Knee Braces: More Than Just Joint Support
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Meet Daisy, a lively golden retriever who loves to chase tennis balls and race through the park. At just seven years old, her energy seemed boundless, until one day, her play came to a sudden halt. After jumping for a ball, Daisy started limping, favoring her hind leg. Her vet diagnosed her with a common injury among active dogs: a torn cranial cruciate ligament (CCL), which is similar to an ACL tear in humans. Surgery was recommended, but there was also a non-invasive option—a dog knee brace. After months of bracing, Daisy was back to her playful self, without the trauma of surgery.
For many dogs like Daisy, knee braces aren’t just about stabilizing joints; they offer an array of benefits that often go unnoticed. Beyond injury recovery, knee braces for dogs can prevent further damage, support mobility, and help dogs avoid surgery altogether. Let’s dive into some lesser-known facts about dog knee braces that every dog owner should consider.
Why Are Dog Knee Braces Gaining Popularity?
In the U.S., approximately 85% of dogs over the age of four will experience some form of joint pain or injury, particularly in their knees, hips, or elbows . Among these cases, torn ligaments, arthritis, and luxating patella are common culprits. While surgery is a common solution, it comes with its own risks—anesthesia complications, lengthy recovery times, and high costs.
Enter dog knee braces, which are designed to stabilize the joint, reduce pain, and promote healing without the need for invasive procedures. Braces are gaining popularity, with more veterinarians recommending them as a cost-effective and low-risk alternative to surgery. The brace works by redistributing weight away from the injured knee, allowing the dog to move freely while the joint heals naturally.
Beyond Healing: The Unexpected Benefits
Most people understand that a knee brace helps after an injury, but what often gets overlooked are the preventative and quality of life improvements that a brace can offer:
Preventing Future Injuries Dogs with a torn ligament in one knee have a 50% chance of injuring their other knee . A knee brace helps prevent this by stabilizing the leg and reducing undue stress on the opposite limb. This can be especially important for senior dogs who are more prone to joint issues as they age.
Supporting Senior Dogs Speaking of seniors, knee braces can be a game-changer for older dogs with arthritis or degenerative joint conditions. By providing extra support to their weakened joints, a knee brace can extend their mobility and reduce their reliance on pain medications. Imagine your dog enjoying their daily walks for years longer, thanks to the stability a brace offers.
Reducing Recovery Time For dogs recovering from surgery, a knee brace can cut recovery time by up to 40% compared to using no brace at all . It keeps the joint steady during healing, preventing overuse and re-injury, allowing your dog to get back to their favorite activities more quickly.
Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf Braces: Which Is Right for Your Dog?
When considering a dog knee brace, one important choice you'll face is between custom-made braces and off-the-shelf options.
Custom braces are tailored to your dog’s specific measurements and needs, ensuring a perfect fit and maximum comfort. These are ideal for dogs with complex injuries or unique body shapes. They’re typically more expensive, but the precision fit can make a big difference in the long run.
Off-the-shelf braces, while more affordable, offer flexibility and ease of access. Many come with adjustable straps to fit a range of sizes, making them a good option for dogs with minor injuries or as a preventive measure. However, they may not provide the same level of support as a custom brace.
Are Knee Braces a Long-Term Solution?
For many dogs, a knee brace may be a temporary solution while the injury heals. However, in cases of chronic conditions like arthritis, a brace might become a long-term part of your dog’s care. But rest assured, today’s dog knee braces are lightweight, durable, and designed with your dog’s comfort in mind. Many dogs adjust quickly and are able to run, jump, and play even with a brace on.
Conclusion: A New Lease on Life for Your Dog
Just like Daisy, many dogs find a second chance at mobility with the help of a dog knee brace. Whether your pup is recovering from an injury, dealing with arthritis, or simply aging, a brace can offer them support, relief, and the chance to live pain-free. While surgery might seem like the only option, a knee brace is often an affordable, effective alternative—one that lets your dog keep enjoying the things they love.
When considering a dog knee brace, don’t just think of it as a temporary fix. Think of it as an investment in your dog’s long-term health, mobility, and happiness. And who knows—just like Daisy, your dog might be back to chasing tennis balls before you know it.
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detectivestucks · 1 year ago
A Jealous Hokage XI
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18+ Content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader x Obito
Summery: You officially submit your request to rejoin the field and face Kakashi's reaction as he comes to grips with the extent to which you have been deceiving him.
Warnings: Combat Violence, CNC Role Play, Oral, Tit Slapping, Sex Toy Usage, Unprotected Penetration.
Word Count: 5.9k
Part 10 New here? Check out Part 1
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Your training continued for the next three weeks with Obito before work and Ino-Shika-Cho in the afternoons. Thanks to them you made remarkable progress. Just this past Tuesday Ino admitted that she was going full force and you were able to take her while fending off Shikamaru and Choji.
“I think it might be time to promote you to Jonin, Y/N”
These words filled you with pride. Finally a sense of accomplishment. 
The delicate dance around Kakashi was emotionally draining but now the deceit was at an end. You hated keeping him in the dark about something that was so important to you and you hated not being able to share with him your excitement about your training and your progress. But all it took was a glare from one of his many admirers or a crass joke from a colleague and the ability to keep you yap shut was reinforced with ease.
The day finally came. You typed up your request on Wednesday with a plan to formally submit the request on Thursday and give him Friday to assign you. That way on Monday you could start fresh with your new team. 
You must have written fifteen drafts. Between the excitement of the upcoming change and the nerves of facing Kakashi, you found yourself struggling to string the words together to properly express how this change is beneficial to you and the Leaf. You, a world renowned linguist, unable to come up with the right words. You plant your face into your hands while sitting at your desk. 
Why is this so hard? Who cares if Kakashi breaks up with me over this? Doesn’t that just help?
You weren’t cut out to date a celebrity. It was too hard. Maybe the two of you weren’t meant to be and this would help you cut the cord. But the thought of looking upon his gorgeous face while you do it…
You take a long deep breath outside of Kakashi’s door. You try to calm your shaking hands. The paper rattling in front of your chest would not be a convincing sight if the Hokage is considering sending you out into battle. 
Calm down, you got this. 
You knock on his door.
“Come in!”
You step inside and open your mouth to speak but seeing the look on his face silenced you. It was as if your vocal cords disappeared. You closed your mouth much to his curiosity and stride forwards towards his desk.
“Angel, what brings you by?” 
The initial excitement of seeing his favorite person come to his office was quickly stolen away by your strange demeanor. In complete silence you handed in your request. 
“What is this?” He asked. His eyes panned down. You watched as his gaze scanned across the paper. His expression became severe as he read its contents. 
“No.” He looked up at you. “No, I’m not accepting this request.”
“No? What do you mean no?!”
“You’re not going back out in the field; you’re not leaving headquarters!” He started to raise his voice. It was an insult to him. Surely you would have at least run it by him first. How could you be so impulsive and reckless? You were more intelligent than this. 
You stared back at him in stunned silence.
“You’re not giving up on your career cause of me. All this is just a temporary set back.” his voice continues to rise, “You’re not a quitter! I know you!”
Finding your voice you shout back at him, “I’m no longer effective at my job, Kahsi!”
“And I’m saying NO! You’re the best linguist we’ve got. We need you HERE!” He boomed, desperation thick in his voice, “I need you here!”
“Right now this is the best way I can serve my village!” You stand your ground but you feel on the brink of tears. The two of you had never raised your voices at each other before. Yet here you were engaged in a shouting match in his office. 
“You and I both know you’re no longer in shape to be out in the field.”
“You really think I’d be so ill prepared?! I’ve been training!” you say defiantly. Sure you had been hiding your intentions but he should know you better than that after being together for nearly a year.
“You’ve been training? When did you make this decision?!” You could not match the deep thunder of his voice but your words could unleash an equal amount of rage.
“I made it the week I lost my promotion cause of you!”
The sentence cut through him like a knife. Sobriety laced through his next question,
“And why did you wait to tell me till now?” 
“Cause you’re not talking me out of it.”
You see his mind start to put together all your strange behavior from the past 6 weeks. His rage seeping back to the surface, he rounds the desk to grab your wrist. He lifts your arm and pulls up your sleeve to reveal bruises in various states of healing. Hand still grasping your wrist, he shouts once more.
“So this is what you’ve been doing! Is this what you’ve been hiding from me?!”
He throws down your wrist before bringing his hand up to his mouth. His facial expression is one of a broken man. Hurt at the realization that you depended on fellow shinobi instead of coming to him. Anguish that you relied on others to deceive him. Brokenness at the lengths you went to to get away from him.
“And what if something happens to you?” his vocal cords cracked.
You drop your head and mutter to the floor, “Then something happens to me…” 
“no…” he whispers. “Not while I’m Hokage.” 
Not wanting to hear another word, you turn to leave. He creates a shadow clone to block your exit. 
Furious with him, you turn around and attack the clone. With precision taijutsu skills, refined by Obito’s hands, you block every attack the clone makes with ease. You surprised even yourself but you were too angry to care much. His clone was about to weave hands signs when you reached in and slipped your fingers between the clone’s to weave your own. A trick you learned from Obito. You threw mind confusion jutsu at the clone who staggered backwards gripping his head leaving him open. You channeled all your chakra into your fist and punched into the clone’s heart with your entire might causing it to poof out of existence. Kakashi was taken aback.
“THERE! Did I pass your little test?!”
“This changes nothing.” he spat with an energy reminiscent of his Anbu days. 
“If that’s the case then I’m leaving. Expect my resignation in the morning!”
You turn around and storm out of his office. Your face, a wall of red. Kakashi slams his office door and punches a hole in the wall, feeling tears well in his eyes. 
He knows he messed up. He knows he cost you your dream job. He also knows if he had just kept quiet you would have gone public about your relationship last week. If he kept his hands to himself he would’ve taken you out on your first real date tomorrow. Instead of that wonderful reality, you ambush him with a request to get yourself killed. It broke him. This entire situation completely destroyed him and he only had himself to blame. 
He sinks to the ground clutching his chest, mind a swirling mess of emotion.
“So I take it didn’t go well with Kakashi yesterday.”
You punch into Obito’s substitution log with so much force it splinters into mulch. “Nope!”
He smiles at you with pride. You were so strong now. If he were a normal shinobi, he might even be afraid of you. 
“I’ll talk to him. See where his mind is at.”
“I can tell you where it’s at. He wants to keep me here forever, suffering the consequences of being the girl who fucked the Hokage.”
You threw all your emotion into your strikes as you pushed the chakra towards your feet and hands, alternating which limbs you sent towards Obito’s bulking form.
Obito grabs a hold of the very wrist that Kakashi grabbed the day before and twists it behind your back while holding a kunai up to your neck. He grumbles in your ear.
“One, check your attitude. Two, stop acting like you’ve been defeated. He could always change his mind.”
You catch yourself as your breathing falters from the sensation of his breath against your ear.
“Trust me, he’s not gonna change his mind.”
Obito tightens his hold on your wrist causing you to struggle.
“I said check your attitude.”
You almost swoon and lay your head back to rest against his chest. Between your anger, the lack of sex, and the constant endorphins from working out, your endocrine system had you reeling from any small stimulation. 
You pull yourself together and swallow hard. “Yes, sensei.”
“Good. Now go shower. I’ll head to our Hokage’s office.”
Obito strides into Kakashi’s office without so much as a knock on the door. It was one of his more annoying habits. Always acting like he belonged in every room.
Kakashi’s head was buried in his hands and he didn’t feel he had the patience to deal with whatever nonsense his friend was up to. 
“Good Morning Lord Sixth.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Ah, I was going to ask how you were doing but I see you’re already in a testy mood.”
Kakashi breathes deep. “What do you want?”
“I was curious about the mission load.”
“Oh.” Kakashi was a little caught off guard at the normalcy of his request. “It’s okay. We’re slowing down right now. It’ll probably pick back up next month. There’s always more trouble the warmer the weather gets.”
“You doing okay? You seem on edge.”
“Y/N wants to be on active duty again.”
Obito feigns surprise. “How come?”
Kakashi can barely relay the answer. “Cause of me.”
“With all due respect. If she’s rejoining the field, I’d like to request her for my team.”
Kakashi quirks an angry brow at him.
“What? She’s extremely smart, she’s gotten strong, and I’ll keep her safe. You know out of every captain you have, I would protect her with my life. You can trust that I would make sure she comes home after every mission.”
“And how do you know she’s gotten strong?” Kakashi grew with suspicion.
Trying to cover his blunder he says easily “Have you noticed how she’s been filling out her pants recently? You don’t get legs like that from sitting at a desk all day.”
Kakashi’s vision went red with rage. How dare he be brazen enough to talk about you like that in front of him. “Watch your mouth.” he seethed 
Obito knew Kakashi figured it out. “I’m sorry Lord Sixth” he said genuinely. 
But he was not sorry for what he said, he was sorry for helping you deceive him. Obito left the room without further remark to go about his day. He had to check on his team and run training drills with them even though he was pretty worn out from his morning with you already.
Normally you would be training with your cousin and her friends on a Saturday morning but since they had other responsibilities to attend to and the plan was for you to be training with your new team by now, Obito joined you at the training grounds insisting that you don’t give up on your goal yet. 
Seeing your determination wane, Obito fights you with more vigor than usual. 
“I see you’ve been holding back.”
“Of course I’ve been holdin back. If I didn’t I’d kill you.”
“And how am I supposed to be prepared for battle if you’ve been holding back?”
“Cause there are only three other shinobi on my level.”
“So frickin conceded.”
He smirked at you, making you channel extra chakra into your fist. He knew he was in too close of range to dodge you so he let you fall through him. 
“Hmm, knew you couldn’t dodge me huh?”
“Don’t go getting cocky now. That’s how you get injured.”
“Oh, it is, is it?”
You engage in a series of strong hand to hand blows aiming for his face and chest to distract him from the sweep of your leg as you bring him to the ground, hands catching his wrists on your decent so that he was pinned below you. You huff inches from his face tired from your efforts.
He had a look of shock and pride on his face before a vicious grin replaced it. 
“Not so fast, Princess.”
He rolled you onto your back, so now he straddled you with your wrists pinned above your head. Your breathing was labored beneath him as you stared into his powerful eyes.
“I knew it.”
The both of you turned your heads towards the voice just in time to see Kakashi lunge at Obito who had you pinned in such a compromising position. 
Obito quickly let you go to catch Kakashi’s fists in his hands. Kakashi back flipped over Obito landing behind him.
“How dare you!”
“How dare I? How dare I, what? Make her strong? Ensure she can handle herself? Keep her safe?”
Obito flew towards Kakashi, swinging blows towards each other that sliced through the air so quickly a whistle followed each movement. They blocked each other with heavy thuds. It was almost as if you could hear them pelt each other with boulders.
“Stop!” you scream but they ignore you.
“You have no right!”
“I have every right to keep her safe!”
“Keeping her safe is my job!”
Kakashi’s chidori sings once more in his hand. You leap in front of Obito. “STOP!”
Kakashi comes to a halt but Obito steps through you. Standing in front of you before leaning down ready to re engage in battle. 
“NO! Both of you stop!”
You pull at Obito’s arm who swats at you like you’re no more than a mosquito. You run towards Kakashi, eyes pleading for him to calm down. 
“Y/N, this is between me and him.” he growls
“No it’s not! It’s between us!” 
You throw your arms around him in a sedating embrace. The hatred in his eyes vanishes as he lowers his hands and wraps them around you. 
“Please stop.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N”
Obito walks away unable to stomach the scene before him. It hurt to see the effect you had on Kakashi. To know how losing you would hurt his friend but also to see exactly what he was missing out on.
“I understand why you didn’t come to me, as much as it hurts me, but why him?” He was shaking with hurt.
“Cause he offered his help. Cause he’s more talented than my cousin. Cause I’d be a moron to turn down the chance to be taught by a legendary shinobi. It was the logical thing to do.”
“And those are the only reasons?”
“Kashi, you want to dissect my relationship with Obito but you can’t take a moment to recognize my relationship with the rest of the village?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“How many girls have you seen glare daggers into me when we are together?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Exactly! I told you I was afraid of becoming nothing more than your girlfriend and for the past six weeks that is exactly what has happened. All your fangirls hunting me down, all the men who have stopped respecting me. My thoughts and opinions mean nothing anymore. I am no longer my own person, I’m just your girlfriend and it’s suffocating.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
“Cause I shouldn’t have had to! You should’ve noticed!”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too. I didn’t like sneaking behind your back. I really didn’t, but I also didn’t want to fight with you about doing this.”
Kakashi buried his face into the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply. Only you could drive him so wild but only you could calm him down so easily. He tightened the grip of his hug. For the first time in weeks he felt he finally understood you. 
He inhales one more time before lifting his head to kiss your forehead. “I’ll let you go wash up. May I see you tonight?”
You pull your head back to see his face better, “Of course. My place?”
“It’s a date.”
Kakashi was going to make sure you forgot all about Obito tonight. Seeing you panting under him haunted his mind. You were his and after all the time you had spent avoiding him, he would make sure you remembered exactly who you were supposed to be panting for.
You go your separate ways for the bulk of the day, running errands and doing chores well into the evening. Around supper time you hear a knock at your door and open it to find a tall Anbu soldier outside your home. He wore a sword strapped to his back, and had a red and white mask with cat ears and two red stripes on each cheek centered on his face.
Your jaw dropped as Kakashi rushed in and restrained your arms behind your back. He spun you around and held you hostage in his arms as you struggled in his firm grasp. 
“Now Angel, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Which is it gonna be?”
You wrangle under his grip and a gratified hum rings in your ear, “The hard way it is.”
Kakashi drags you over to your bedroom playing the role of a cold Anbu agent and you can’t help but soak your underwear in excitement. He shoves your front up against your bedroom wall and pulls rope out of his tactical pouch. Pinning you in place with the wall, he ties your hands behind your back. He was so skilled in his transition that you wondered how many enemies he had restrained. Your mind whirls with admiration at his skill that is oh-so handy in this moment. 
When the knot is secure, he slips a hand around your throat and with the other he fists your hair. He whispers dangerously into your ear, 
“I know you stole one of the sacred scrolls from the Leaf. You are going to tell me where it is and exactly how you took it.”
“Never” you play along. 
“Wrong Answer”
He tosses his mask on the bed and spins you around, shoving your back into the same spot your face just was. He kisses you feverishly, bullying his tongue into your mouth, swirling it around with your mixed spit. You moan into him fully submitting to him and his role play. He presses his face into you so forcefully that the back of your head is firmly planted against the wall. You wouldn’t be able to pull away from the kiss even if you wanted to. 
He slipped his hands under your shirt and slid up so that both of his hands were cupping your breasts. You rubbed your legs together in response, along with a little whine that made him pull back, leaving a thick trail of spittle dangling between your lips. 
“Now, will you cooperate?”
You lock eyes with him and shake your head ‘no’ and his fingers move to pinch your nipples. Your mouth opens in pain and he goes back to attacking your lips. Pushing himself against you, grinding his pelvis on your leg.
He pulls back again and plants a kiss on your jaw, “Then I will have to find other means of extracting the information from you.”
Oh gods yes.
Your eyes sparked with excitement and he smiled smugly. He pulled down your sweats and discarded them near your closet. He swatted at your inner thighs signaling for you to spread your legs. Kneeling down before you, he brought his tongue up to your folds making you whimper. He gave you a few light licks while you looked down on him with anticipation.
“I can either treat you kindly or I can be mean. It all depends on the intel you give me.”
He goes back in, pointing his tongue so that it slipped between your lips and up into your heat. He licked forwards towards your clit and pulled away to bark at you before diving back in. “Talk.”
Your eyes close as you pant, “No.”
He latches onto your clit sucking hard. 
Your eyes scrunch up, “Ngh, I’d never betray my village.”
He pulls back to land a blow on your sex causing you to flinch, before he goes back in. Your hips tilt up and your knees bend making it easier for him to reach all the places you want him. He slurps up your arousal as it drips down onto his face and dribbles down his chin.
“It’s pointless, I won’t talk.” you say breathlessly. 
It took so much effort to stay standing as his mouth did heavenly things to you. The more you squirmed over his mouth the more he teethed on your precious clitorus. When he did, it elicited high pitched squeals from your throat that slipped away in the lustful night air.
With another slap to your sex Kakashi stood back up to his full height looming over you. Silently he lifted your shirt over your head and let it gather behind your neck exposing your perky chest to the passions of the night. 
With one hand he supported the bottom of your breast before slapping his palm down on it with the other. A yelp echoed around the room. 
“Hmm, it seems you have no objection to making noise, just to talking. Is that right?”
You spit in his face.
“Now that wasn’t very nice. Was it?” He wipes your spit off with his hand and brings it down on your chest with twice the force immediately leaving your skin red. 
“Wanna try that again?” 
He slaps each tit several times leaving you a screaming mess as you wiggle against the wall trying to avoid the beating. 
“Let’s kick things up a notch.”
He digs his hand inside of his tactical pouch and pulls out a black mini vibrating wand. He turns it on to its lowest speed and pushes it up against your clit. You close your eyes and exhale at the welcome stimulation. Kakashi gets close to you and whispers in your ear,
“See how nice I can be?”
He rubs the wand in soft circles, massaging it into your labia, pulling content groans out of you as you reach for Kakashi’s lips. 
He complies with a kiss, allowing his fingers to run across your shoulder and up your neck into your hair while his other hand continues to manipulate the wand.
When he separates his lips from yours, your eyes gaze up at him through your lashes, giving him that look he craves day and night.
“But I can also be not so nice.”
He switches the wand to its second highest speed making you knock your knees. Your entire core tightened and your shoulders hunched as your body braced for the stimulation. Kakashi could see your newly built abs through your skin. He pushes up into you before ripping the wand away. You pant trying to catch your breath after holding it during the wand's assault on your sensitive nerve bundle. 
“So now do you want to cooperate?”
He pushes the wand against you. “Haaaaahhh! I didn’t steal it!”
He rubs the wand up and down on your clit quickly causing you to unravel. 
“Nooo, m’not lying!” you scream through clenched teeth. You’re so close to cumming but he pulls the wand back before you can release. 
“Hidden Mist scum, you really think you can fool me?”
He keeps a firm grip in your hair as he begins to lightly tap the wand over your bud. Breathy moans slip through your lips with each tap leaving you flinching and full of anticipation. He leaves your nerves on edge with his cruel pleasure.
“It wasn’t me!”
He bares down on you with the wand making your legs shake violently. You’re hardly able to remain standing when he switches to the highest setting. Your body pulls against the hair he’s kept captive in his fist as your weight succumbs to gravity.
He resumes the up and down strokes of the wand till your knees buckle and you fall to the ground with a scream as you squirt all over the floor.
The rush of power he feels as he sees you reduced to a heap on the floor, laying in a puddle of your own spray brings your silver wolf to his most primal. He manhandles you. Grabbing you like a sack of rice, he flings you on the bed. He lays you on your back with your head hanging off the mattress and returns your earlier spit with his own. Right on your face before he speaks. 
“I’ve lost my patience. You’re going to tell me where the scroll is.”
He unties his pants and allows them to fall to the floor, kicking them to the side. 
The weight of his cock slaps up against his gray vest. He stands in front of your face admiring how your tits sit atop your chest, pushed up by your arms restrained under you.
He grabs himself and strokes along his girth, drooling at the sight before him. He leans down and beats against your face with the weight of his member. 
“Where’s the scroll, Angel?”
“Torture me all you want, I’m never telling.”
“Hmm, maybe I need to put this mouth to better use.”
He pushes his tip up against your lips. “Open.”
You shake your head. He gives your face a slap. You open up and he immediately slips between your lips feeling your warmth envelop him. He stokes slowly allowing your throat to adjust to him.
“Now this must be what your mouth was made to do.”
You gag around him as you try to say ‘fuck off’
He slapped you tit and went still in your mouth. “What was that?”
You didn’t reply. “That’s what I thought.”
“Now…let’s try this again. Where is the scroll?”
He pulls out waiting for your response. You remain silent, staring daggers up at his gorgeous face.
“Hmm, curious.” he says as he slides back into you. He shoves himself deeper making you choke. You can easily deep throat him at this angle. He slips down your esophagus with ease and enjoys how your body goes rigid from the way it steals oxygen from your lungs.
“How about, you answer my questions and in turn, I will let you breathe. 
Does that seem fair? 
Of course it is. 
Where is the scroll you stole?”
He pulls out and you gasp for air. 
“It’s back at our hideout.” you say between gulps of air. Your teary eyes looking up at him before they are hidden by him sliding back down your windpipe.
“And exactly where is your hideout? Hmm?” 
He makes you wait to answer him, keeping himself buried deep in your trachea until he sees your chest flush from lack of oxygen. He pulls out, allowing you  to choke down fresh air. 
“It’s behind the waterfall.” you gasp. He shoves himself back in.
“That’s too generic of an answer.” He says casually stroking in and out of your mouth. “I want to know which waterfall precisely.”
You choke and cough around him. The vibrations tickled him euphorically but he pulled out with an amused hum. “What was that?”
He was good. 
“It’s behind the waterfall on the south edge of the woods. One hundred paces from sparrow’s rock.” you choke out, cheeks and brow covered in your spit. Your face was an absolute mess and he loved it. He gives you a few light slaps on the cheek.
“Good girl. Since you were so generous with me, let me be generous with you.” 
He fishes under your shoulders, grabbing a hold of your elbow to pull you up to your knees. He stands directly behind you. Reaching one hand around to play with your tit while the other reaches down between your legs to circle around your bud.
You fall back against his chest breathing heavily at the pleasure. You turn your face towards his with closed eyes, feeling complete bliss. 
Your bound hands find his shaft and grip around it. His chest rumbles. You stroke up and down along his length while his fingers quicken their pace between your legs. You tighten your grip in thanks, pulling up and down to the best of your ability with your limited range of motion. He breaks character and kisses your temple and cheek, cherishing you. He bunts his head against yours, completely enamored with you and mind numbingly in love with you. 
You circle your hips around in his hand with a moan that snaps him back into play. He licks a stripe up your face before berating you.
“Such a filthy slut. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you enjoyed this.” He pushes your head down into the mattress and lines his tip up with your slit. “Am I right? Do you enjoy this?”
Before you can answer he pushes into your warm heat forcing a guttural groan to escape as you appreciate the stretch that only he gives you. He drags himself in and out of you at a languid pace, making sure to fully bottom out each time. You moan in grateful satisfaction.
“Tsk, tsk. I bet you let yourself get captured purposefully so I could defile you. Am I right?”
“No”  you squeak out, unconvincingly.
“But you do enjoying this, don’t you”
“Mhm” your noise come out high pitched and needy
He strengthened his grip on your hips, making sure to pull you to the edge of the bed so that he could reach all the way inside of you from where he stood. He started to pick up his pace, pulling you into his hips as he rammed himself up into yours. Each time, bottoming out and leaving you breathless. He could hear your desperate pants as he pushed more air out that you could recover. 
He felt how you constricted around him, swallowing him whole like the greedy slut you were. 
“You know you should really thank me for fucking you so good.”
“Yes, thank you.” you say as if spellbound by his cock
He chuckles. “That’s the most cooperative you’ve been all night. Maybe I should have gone straight to fucking the information out of you.”
Your musical pants begin to fill the room. 
“Yes, fucking you would’ve been much more productive.”
He watches as your hands behind your back begin clutching at the air. You wanted to stabilize yourself but you had nothing to grab on to. 
Kakashi smirked again as he picked up speed allowing his sack to freely swing into your bud as he slammed into the back of your thighs. It was driving you wild. You were on the edge of cumming again and he knew it from how tight you were getting. He purposefully slowed down earning a desperate whine from you.
“Oh I’m sorry. Did you want to cum?”
“Pathetic. You don’t get to cum when you want. I’m in charge of this interrogation, or did you forget?”
You begin to move your hips back and forth trying to increase the speed of his strokes. He slaps your cheek, “Slut.” he spits before returning his hand to your hip and resuming his earlier pace. 
He brings you to the edge once again before slowing down. Your walls spasm in retaliation to his edging. 
“You’re not here for your own pleasure. You’re here for mine. It would serve you well to remember that.” he snarls as he picks up speed again. His balls pounding into your clit, your face burried into the mattress as he fucks you deeper into it. He used you like a toy and you loved it. You wanted him to continue to stuff you full of himself.
He grabbed you by the neck as his strokes escalated. Lifting your face off of the bed. Your legs shook. You could feel yourself toppling over as he chased his orgasm.
The two of you groaned together, filling the room with your filthy sounds, ensuring your neighbors heard how he used you. He spilled his spend inside of you, casually stroking it deeper eliciting soft whimpers as you felt yourself about to collapse. 
Keeping himself buried in you, he untied your wrists. You brought them back behind your head to grip around Kakashi’s neck. You moaned into him loving the way his warmth filled you with happiness. 
You pulled yourself off of him and turned around on your knees to face him. One hand clutching his neck, the other exploring under his uniform.  Your fingers enjoying the feeling of his chiseled abs and defined pecs. Humming happily into his mouth as you passionately kiss him. 
You bring your make out session to a close with several pecks on his lips and jaw and whisper into his cheek,
“So what brought this on?”
“Seeing you in your old uniform made me want to put on mine.”
You hum into his neck. 
“I’m almost upset with you for not wearing it for me sooner.”
He kisses your forehead before he walks away to wash your drying cum off of his cock and comes back with a washcloth for you. He wipes your face off and then your inner thighs before tossing it into the hamper and walking over to his pants.
“Sorry Angel, I didn’t think of it till all this business about you wanting to go on missions.”
You pull your shirt over your head and lay back on the bed, staring at him seductively. Rubbing your legs together, you simper,
“So does that mean I have your blessing?”
The air in the room suddenly becomes cold. He turns his gaze up at you with a frigid expression.
“Not even a little.”
The affection you had been flooded with washes away. He takes note of your expression and continues.
“I’m not letting you frolic around the woods searching for ways to get hurt.”
“Excuse me? I don’t frolic!”
“Fine then, I’m not letting you run around in the forest looking for ways to die. You wanna serve your village? Then sit at your desk and interpret the intel brought to you.”
He finishes putting on his pants as you seeth.
“I worked really hard to get ready for the field! Just ask Ino and her friends!”
“I don’t care. You’re going back to Class S projects effective Monday. I’m done letting you mope around.”
“I’m not moping! I’m trying to find happiness and you don’t seem to care!”
“I care!” he roars, “But you’re not going on missions! You’re not getting yourself killed. You are not to leave the village, that’s an order!”
He turns to leave, furious with you. He couldn’t even stand to look at you when you said such foolish things. 
Your breathing was ragged with rage as he snapped your front door shut. You run after him to lock the deadbolt so he couldn’t turn around and come back. He was treating you like a child. You are strong now. You excel at everything you set your mind to. He knows that. He’s being selfish. Letting his fear get in your way. 
You stand there panting and feel his cum slip out of you and run down your leg. A painful reminder of the happiness you just felt moments ago. You turn around and go to the bathroom to wipe it off and take a piss before showering. You needed to wash this whole night off of you.
Under the warm water you scrub at your skin. Willing the suds that slip down your body towards the drain to take your anger and disappointment with them. You lay your head and your forearm against the shower wall. What am I going to do?
Part 12
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Lost Mine & Abyss Session 14 - Wave Echo Awaits
-Seeing the party's weakened state and the still-unconscious dwarf, the druid suggests they take a small detour to Phandalin to rest and gather supplies before the Cave.
-On the cart ride, Dakwert carefully inspects the orc's gem, it glowing in his hand and seeming to faintly call to him. He hands it to the cleric to examine, its energy immediately stopping at his touch. Weird. He hands it back off to the gnome.
-The gnome warlock meditates as the cart ride calms, sand swirling around him as the necklace reappears in his hands- as Dakwert then vanishes from sight, reappearing inside the necklace to his patron. The dao is very disappointed to have his necklace given away- but says he can't stay mad at all this treasure brought here for him! Dakwert convinces him that this all belongs to his friends, only stored temporarily. The patron asks him to put in a good word for him so that the gold -can- be his, and peaces out.
-Dakwert reawakens, tired and surrounded by sand. The furious roar of the bugbear king sounds in the distance. Dakwert quickly takes everyone's gear OUT of the necklace, except for Sen's banshee hoard. Sand is mixed in with everything, and Vierna's magical sword no longer glows.
-The Wood opens up to Phandalin, the druid dropping them off and taking his temporary leave back to Thundertree to continue his ritual. Sid suggests they take Gundren to the Shrine of Luck, and that he needs to head to the blacksmith's forge after.
-They are excitedly greeted by Sheara at the shrine asking them how their days have been, projecting in from Waterdeep after her promotion to the temple there. Gundren is laid on a stone slab for Sister Garaele to heal, the dwarf awaking relieved to finally be free.
-Gundren pleads for them to go to the nearest inn, claiming that's what will heal him, that he will tell them the plan over drinks. They enter the Stonehill Inn to Sid and Dakwert being welcomed as heroes- and one woman waving them over to sit with her.
-The woman tells them they've heard so much about them, asking them about their skills as she brings drinks for them. She introduces herself as Halia Thornton, pushing a coin with the winged snake symbol of the Zhentarim towards them, and asks them if they would be interested in working for her. Sid goes quiet in recognition, and wakes their employer from his drink, saying they have a job- who promptly passes out again. Halia continues to pressure them on what they are doing, then asks all their names- seeming to recognize Sid. She thanks them, and leaves them to their drinks.
-Sid, knowing of the Zhentarim from his father who was in it, pressures them all to wrap up and get out of here, leading them to the blacksmith's shop. The dragonborn asks him if they could use his forge, to which he happily welcomes in the heroes of Phandalin.
-The smith asks Vierna about her mechanical arm, admiring the craftsmanship. She tells him it was forged by duergar and perfected by a Waterdeep blacksmith, the smith telling her he'd always looked up to the smith there. Vierna tells him that he's great but he... doesn't work in Waterdeep anymore (wonder why that could be). He is disappointed, but dreams of moving in and taking that spot himself.
-The party walks over to the side to talk, Gundren unfurling the blank map by the light of the forge. He tells them he and his two brothers enchanted this map together, so three need to all touch the map. He tells two other dwarvish-speakers to touch the map with them, and for them all to repeat the dwarvish phrase "Let Dumathoin guide us to glory." As they speak it, ink flows across the map as the location of the cave and it's layout are revealed- and disappears again as he takes his hand off. He promises them again that they will receive riches after leading him to it. Sid warns Gundren that the Zhentarim may be following them there, that they should go quickly.
-"So, we have the drow after us, goblins after us, now the ZHENTARIM after us, what else have we got chasing us?" *everyone slowly looks to Sen*.
-Gundren tells them the cave ahead is dangerous, that they will want to gather any supplies they need now. Dakwert and Creak are sent out shopping to the now-upgraded Barthen's Provisions, returning with three Potions of Healing. Vierna and Sen attempt to purchase weapons, but find nothing special. Sid starts to work at the forge, crafting daggers out of grick talons, adding jewels to Sen's bow, and finally finishing his new dragonscale-studded plate armor.
-Sen questions Creak on her motivations, as the goblin seems increasingly suspicious. She says that all she needs to do is get the Black Spider- and then she'll have everything she wants. Sen asks who she's working for, the goblin answering that she works for her family. She tells them they don't have to worry- she's not here for their treasure, just for the Black Spider.
-The party takes their long rest and carefully leaves the blacksmith, warning him on their way out that he may want to leave town, telling him about Halia. He says he just might follow that dream of setting up shop in Waterdeep. The party carefully makes their way to the edge of town, rejoining Reidoth on the cart as he begins to speed them away towards the Sword Mountains.
-Talking to Creak, the party begins to notice things that don't add up. She claims an age impossible for goblins, then seems to not know much about goblins or herself- and in suspicion, Sid casts Zone of Truth upon the cart as the party questions her more. Sen asks her what she is, her answering that she's just Creak, that they just see a little goblin girl. She tells them she can't reveal her mission, but that she is not a danger to them.
-Sen asks her what it was that he felt in the castle. She says it was simply her being herself. Frustrated, she drops the high pitched voice and tells the party she doesn't need to keep this up much longer anyway- and suddenly the form of the goblin disappears- and in her place instead is a dark elf woman, introducing herself as Virith Mizzrym. Dakwert laments the loss of a fellow kickable creature. She tells him she has gained a new perspective with her time, and will think twice about kicking gnomes in the future. She tells them they have all been an entertaining experience, but she has business to get to- in Wave Echo Cave. Additionally, "Valark is my brother, he is a twink ass bitch" so while he is gone she suggests they take care of business.
-Sen asks her how she handled being small for that long, the drow responding that it was horrendous, to the gnome's sadness.
-With this revelation as the cart continues forward (to the confusion but ultimately uncaring of the druid), the session concludes!
0 notes
reasoningdaily · 2 years ago
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The brand Tupperware has become so synonymous with food storage that many people use its name when referring to any old plastic container.
But the 77-year-old US company is seeing cracks form in the once revolutionary air-tight sealing business that made it famous, with rising debts and falling sales prompting a warning it could go bust without investment.
Despite attempts to freshen up its products in recent years and reposition itself to a younger audience, it has failed to stop a slide in its sales.
The firm's 'Tupperware parties' made it an icon during the 1950s and 1960s consumer revolution, and its air-tight and water-tight containers took the market by storm.
But its core business model of using self-employed salespeople who sell primarily from their own homes has been going out of fashion for a while, and was retired altogether in the UK in 2003.
Now company bosses have admitted that, without new funding, a brand name which has passed into common parlance could vanish from the market.
"We use it (Tupperware) as a noun, which is quite unusual for a brand," said Catherine Shuttleworth, founder of retail analysis firm Savvy Marketing.
"I think a lot of younger people will be surprised it is a brand in itself."
While Tupperware was a "miracle product" when first sold decades ago, Ms Shuttleworth added, the market has been flooded by companies offering cheaper alternatives in recent years.
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A resurgence during the Covid-19 pandemic, buoyed by people taking up baking and cooking more at home, reversed sharp falls in Tupperware's share price.
But the rise turned out to be temporary.
Sales have slid again since then, largely because the firm has not been "innovative enough" over the past 10 to 20 years to keep up with its rivals, according to Ms Shuttleworth.
A lack of innovation is a far-cry from its early days.
The company was founded in 1946 by a man, the inventor Earl Tupper, but its public face was a woman: Brownie Wise.
Tupper's product was a big deal - it utilised new plastics to keep food fresh for longer - invaluable when refrigerators were still too expensive for many - but until Wise came along, it was not selling.
She had already started organising events to sell the containers, meeting directly with the housewives and mothers the company wanted to reach, at gatherings which were as much about socialising as they were about business.
Her innovative style - and her sales figures - caught the eye of Tupper, and she was promoted to executive level at a time when women were largely excluded from the boardroom.
Wise's and Tupperware's impact is still debated by academics, but many say it played an important role in bringing women into the workforce in post-war America, and provided a source of income to other women around the world.
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Tupperware has been trying to change its image from house parties in years gone by to younger shoppers
One of them is Alison Clarke, professor of design history and theory at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna, and author of Tupperware: The Promise of Plastic in 1950s America.
"I think its legacy is the way in which it has provided a source of employment to women who don't always have access to flexible labour," she told the BBC.
"At the time it was first being sold at parties in the US, lots of women were isolated in new post-war suburban towns away from their families.
"The Tupperware parties glamourised dull housework, and you could only buy it if you knew someone who sold it, so it was exclusive, and social, and about relationships with other women.
"I started off thinking it was an exploitative capitalist conspiracy against women, and then I met all of these women who had a fantastic life because of it and saw how it was empowering for them."
'Failed to change'
While the company has always been woman-led on the ground, that has not necessarily been the case in the boardroom - and Prof Clarke says it has struggled to tell its own positive story, or keep up with the times.
"It was a brilliantly designed product that was made magical by the way it was sold," she added, "but in this digital world, that face-to-face model is no longer as relevant".
That is an analysis shared by Neil Saunders, managing director of retail at the consultancy GlobalData,
He said Tupperware had "failed to change with the times" in terms of its products and distribution, highlighting that the method of selling direct through its parties "was not connecting" with either young or older customers.
Younger consumers have also embraced more environmentally-friendly products such as beeswax paper to keep food fresh, he added.
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Richard Hyman, another retail analyst, said the basic principles of Tupperware's products were "not difficult to copy" by other firms. Given that fierce competition, he said the company had "had a good run".
The company has made some efforts to diversify its strategy, including by selling in US retail chain Target and others around the world, and expanding its range to include other cooking products.
Had Tupperware made bigger changes 10 years ago, Mr Saunders added, the firm might be in a different position now.
But now there is no time for Tupperware bosses to wonder what might have been. The company could go bust without a rapid cash injection - and with such a well-known brand name, the prospect of a retail giant like Walmart or even Amazon swooping in cannot be ruled out, Mr Saunders says.
Shares in Tupperware plummeted on Monday and, despite a small recovery on Tuesday, fears are growing that without significant fresh financial backing, the lights on Tupperware's party could go out for good.
0 notes
ponypuffle · 3 years ago
I saw that you were taking requests so I wanted to ask for a Rainbow dash x fem! reader that's fluffy. Just anything cute like that
Thanks <3
A/N: hopefully i did the fluff prompt some justice :D
Pairing: Rainbow Dash x Reader
Summary: Rainbow Dash finally comes home to you after a long tour with the Wonderbolts.
Warning(s): mentions of a temporary long distance relationship
Word Count: 800+
Ever since Rainbow Dash had officially joined the Wonderbolts, she's had to go out on trips for days, sometimes weeks. This only increased when she had earned her spot as one of the best fliers, and a must-have pony at almost every single Wonderbolts show.
Of course, she wasn't one to leave you at home for months at a time. She couldn't dare do that to you. She couldn't even think of doing it to herself. Sure, the two of you tend to deliver letters to one another for longer periods, but it wasn't the same. She missed getting to stare into those pretty, round eyes and feeling the warmth of your silky pelt on hers.
Yet, despite both of your disdain for long trips, Rainbow Dash was assigned to a tour lasting two months. The two of you cared about her career, so you both had agreed upon her taking the opportunity. Though, the only thing that swayed her towards the trip was the prospect of earning enough of a pay to treat you.
The two of you bid your goodbyes, and she was off on her tour. She kept her mind focused on the task at hand, excelling more than ever during practices and performances. It was all she could do to keep her mind off of how much she missed you. Besides, she figured if she got practice over with faster, the sooner she'd get to sit down and write a letter back to you. It was much more reasonable than the times she considered flying to you and back just before a scheduled event. As much as she had confidence in her speed, she knew she'd be too tired out to truly commit herself to her work.
As her tour neared to an end, you had received the final letter. Rainbow was coming back soon.
The two of you were anxious messes. Rainbow's feathers were on the fritz as she constantly looked out the window in hopes of seeing Ponyville drastically closer than it was 30 seconds ago. A few of the Wonderbolts who had remained on the train with her had teased her at how she couldn't stay still with her hooves shuffling nearly every second of the ride.
You, on the other hoof, were pacing around just outside of your front door. You remember distinctly how Rainbow had told you in her letter, "I don't want you waiting for me at the train stop. It's gonna be chilly, and I don't need you catching a cold." You wished you didn't listen to her.
You had cleaned the house, put out lots of pillows and blankets to promote cuddles, and even baked her some treats as a snack. Yet, here you were having run out of busywork. You almost considered running off to the train station now, but you feared that if you had left, you might have just missed Rainbow who was just on her way back to the house. Then you'd be away from each other even longer than you'd have to! You simply conceded that it'd just be better if you stayed in one place.
A jingling of keys and the click of a lock made your ears perk up in the direction of the door. Your entire body followed your ears, and that’s when you caught sight of Rainbow Dash standing just outside the door. When her gaze met yours, a grin spread across her face as she dashed over to you, pulling you into a hug as she lifted you up off the ground in flight.
She twirled the two of you around, eliciting a bout of giggles from you until she let her wings stretch out for a slow descent back to the floor. "I missed ya, cutie." Rainbow sighed with content as she rested her head on top of yours. You stayed there for a moment until Rainbow backed away. “I have some gifts for you.” She walked towards the door.
You rushed over to help her with her bags, but Rainbow was quick to shoo you off. “It’s fine, cupcake. I can’t have you straining yourself.” She told you as she lifted her luggage with ease, kicking the door closed behind her with her hind leg. She set down the bags and opened up a bulging gym bag, the zipper taut as if it was just barely keeping itself together. You’ve never seen the bag before, so Rainbow must have bought a new one on the trip.
When the bag was unzipped, you gasped. Inside was a big pile of stuffed animals, some with different shirts that splayed the logos of the cities Rainbow had bought them from. She dumped the stuffed animals on the couch and beckoned you over with her wing. “Now, how about you and I get some well deserved cuddles in?”
You nodded eagerly, giving Rainbow the sign to playfully tackle you into the cushions, blankets, and stuffed animals. The two of you laughed together, happy to be in each other’s embrace all while being enveloped in what felt like heavenly clouds.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years ago
Pros & Cons
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Sonny Carisi x fem!reader Warnings: Language. Feelings. Fills the “The Truth” by India Arie square on thatesqcrush​ Vday Bingo
This entire situation sucked. Absolutely and completely terribly sucked. New York had been everything that you could have ever dreamed it would be, you’d moved there to take a job that was a stepping stone towards your ultimate goal and ended up loving that level even more than you would have thought. The company instantly knew that you were a promising employee and kept you in their minds for other opportunities for advancement over the next couple of years. You figured it was temporary, though the company had other offices within the city, there was a chance you’d get to stay in the same place if a promotion came your way. Since you were more career focussed, most, if not all of your friends were work ones. You busied yourself with them and making sure you were doing your best at your job, leaving no box unturned.
Then you had a one off, very high chance meeting with a tall silver haired, sapphire eyed detective and everything started to change.
Sonny was the greatest sweetheart you’d ever met, every single thing he did was so throughout and full of adoration and appreciation it made you absolutely weak in the knees. Early on, you’d discussed that you might only be in the city for a short period of time, and he was okay with that, he just wanted a chance to spend time with you. Thing being, you both fell, hard and fast for each other. You’d tried to avoid the inevitable, not defining your relationship right away, saying it was casual, but you both knew the truth, you were head over heels in love. Even Bella knew by the way Sonny talked about you that there was no doubt you were the one for him.
Which is why you were currrently sitting at your kitchen table, half empty bottle of wine in front of you alongside a pros and cons list. You felt ridiculous, like the stupid episode of Friends when Rachel finds Ross’ pros & cons list of her. Not that your list was about Sonny…only slightly related, and at least he knew it existed, even if he didn’t know what was on it.
The company you were working for finally had an opening for a promotion, and it wasn’t just any job, it wasn’t the next rung on the ladder, it was the top of the ladder. The job you’d been dreaming of since you graduated, the career you’d spent your life working for, offered to you up on a silver platter, all you had to say was yes. Problem was…it was in L.A.
You’d shown up at Sonny’s door in tears that first evening, they were half happy when you’d knocked, but the moment you saw his smiling face you broke into sorrow at the realization of what was actually happening. He let you get it all out, listening to you as you explained everything, listing out all the details, laying all the cards out on the table. You couldn’t help but cringe at the way his face fell when you mentioned California, and honestly you felt like your heart was shattering into a million pieces. You’d both been holding back knowing that a day like this might pop up, but neither of you thought it would be so soon, if it even would.
Sonny had just transferred into the D.A’s office, and you both knew he would never get such an incredible boost up in L.A. No one out there would care if he’d worked Special Victims for years as a cop, he was at the true bottom of the totem pole like the rest of the junior prosecutors. It wouldn’t be fair to him you said. He retaliated that it wouldn’t be fair to you to stay in a menial job while you waited for a promotion closer to home. Problem being that behind the words you both said, were the unspoken ones, the ones you didn’t need to say out loud, the ones that danced between your eyes, skating along the brimming tears in those baby blues.
Neither of you wanted a life without the other.
Which was exactly how you ended up spending your Friday night staring at a pros and cons list. The longer it went on, you started to look back over it, realizing that only the first couple of points actually had to do with work. The further down you went, everything had to do with Sonny.
‘I love the way he makes me feel’
‘His light, it shines to bright I wouldn’t lie’
Sighing heavily you gulped back some more Pinot, pulling the unsigned work contract toward you, flipping through it. Like any smart human, Sonny had read through it for you, highlighting and noting points that were important that a non legal eye might miss. The salary honestly wasn’t much more than what you were making, there was no moving expenses covered, no help finding housing or transport once you’d moved. But most importantly…there was no Sonny. Despite having not actually said the words to each other, you both knew that long distance was out of the question, it wasn’t like either of your careers was a temporary bump in the road. They were the end game. Which was exactly the way you saw each other.
You instantly didn’t care about the California waves, the beaches, the warmth of the days, it wouldn’t matter, everything would feel absolutely bleak and empty without your own personal sonshine around. Shoving the contract into your bag you grabbed your phone and coat, tumbling out of the apartment, you’d made up your mind and you needed to say it now before risking everything blowing up in your face.
Sonny had just given up on concentrating any longer, the rest of Hogan Place was basically deserted, everyone having left earlier for the long weekend. He could hear some scuffling of feet in the hallway, figuring it was a few paralegals scrambling for extra hours until there was a knock on his door jam.
“Doll?” He was slightly taken aback, having not expected to see you until the next night, “what’ya doin’ here.”
“Uhm…” you stepped into the office, pulling something from your bag, “I was kinda wondering if you happened to have a paper shredder?”
“Yeah..why?” His brows furrowed, that adorable little 11 forming between them and you couldn’t help but giggled, extending the contract out in your hand.
“I have zero need for this. Didn’t just want to chuck it in the garbage just in case.” He took the papers from you, flipping the first few, confirming what it was before looking up at you, a softened expression on his face.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Dominick, I love you, more than I ever thought was even possible. And I always will, there isn’t a substitute for the truth.”
“Ya serious?”
“Fuck California. All I need is you. I’d be happy being a hot dog vendor as long as I got to spend my life with you.” He chuckled.
“Well I don’t think we need to go quite that far.” He dropped the papers onto his desk, “but sweetheart I don’t want you to do this just because of me, this is your dream.”
“It was my dream.” You smiled, stepping toward him, taking his hands in yours, “and what is it that Rapunzel said? You’re my new dream.”
Sonny felt like he absolutely melted in that moment, knowing that you were one hundred percent certain, there was no doubt in either of your hearts that this was exactly where you were meant to be, and who you were meant to be with. He pulled you to him in a deep kiss that only broke when you were both smiling and laughing too wide to be able to continue.
Two weeks later you moved in together, finding a cozy two bedroom apartment to make into your future home. A beautiful starting point for what was sure to be a beautiful family. A month later and Carisi stumbled his way through a proposal that he barely managed to finish before you knocked him over in your excitement. You ended up getting married on Valentine’s Day, the ceremony as small as possible at his church followed by a reception with the closest friends and family. Every day from that night in his office you both knew you’d made the right choice, nothing mattered as long as you had each other by your side.
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ironwoman359 · 3 years ago
an instant of great white gravity
Summary: William J. Barnum has been promoted to Colonel, and he's finally ready to ask Celine out on a date. But before he asks her, he goes to Damien to get his blessing.
Ships: Actor Mark/Celine, one-sided (for now) William/Celine
Content Warnings: This starts out fluffy but do not be deceived, it ends in some Bitter bittersweet feelings, and the longer you think about it the angstier it gets.
A/N: Surprise! I wrote a Markiplier fic! in the year of our lord 2022! I was surprised too, tbh, but as I’m sure you guys have noticed, I’ve gone off the hyperfixation deep end over here. Currently while waiting for iswm part 2, I'm especially fascinated by the period of time Before the friendship between Actor Mark, Celine, Damien, and William fell apart, and I want to write more fics like this set within 'the before times' as it were. So if you have an idea for another scene you'd like to see in that time frame, let me know, maybe I'll write it! As always, thank you to the amazing @theinvisiblespoon​ for beta reading this for me, you’re an absolute gem and I love you! If you guys like the fic, please comment or reblog it, it would make my day!
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Damien scrawled his signature across the bottom of a page, then set it on top of the other completed papers on his desk. The pile of finished work was still significantly shorter than the stack that still needed attention, and Damien rubbed his eyes. He glanced at the clock, wincing when he saw it was already half past four. 
Part of him wanted to ring for his secretary and ask for another cup of coffee, but the temporary boost in energy may not be worth being unable to get to sleep that night. The last thing he needed right now was another day spent running on too much caffeine and not enough sleep.
A knock at his office door jolted him out of his musing, and he sat up straighter, quickly smoothing back his hair and schooling his expression into an attentive smile. 
“Damien? Have you got a minute, old chap?” a familiar voice called through the door, and Damien’s smile turned more genuine. 
“Of course, William, come right in.” 
The door opened, and Damien got to his feet as a tall man in a military coat entered the room. 
“How’s the new uniform feeling, Colonel?” Damien asked. “I have to say, I think it suits you.” 
“Oh, don’t flatter me, Mr. Mayor,” William chortled. “Everyone knows you’re the handsome one.” 
“Don’t let Mark hear you say that,” Damien said, and smirked when William rolled his eyes. 
“Just because Mark managed to make it big in Hollywood doesn’t mean he’s automatically the prettiest. No need to give the ol’ scoundrel a bigger head than he already has.” 
“Perhaps not,” Damien chuckled. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Will?” 
“I, er…I was wondering if I could…ask you something,” William said slowly, shuffling his feet and glancing to the side.
Damien frowned slightly. It was rare for William to be nervous, and rarer still for him to show it. 
“Of course, whatever you need.” 
Damien sat down in one of the chairs he kept in front of his desk for meetings, and gestured for William to do the same. He plopped down unceremoniously, still avoiding Damien’s gaze, and Damien swallowed.
“Are you in some kind of trouble?” he asked carefully, and bit back a sigh of relief when Will shook his head. 
“No, no, nothing like that old boy, don’t worry.”
“Then what-” 
“It’s about Celine.” 
“Celine?” Damien repeated, and Will nodded. “What about her?”
“You’re my oldest friend, you know,” William said abruptly. “I can barely even remember a time we didn’t know each other. And the same goes for Mark and Celine.”
Damien nodded slowly. He could scarcely think of a time before he knew Mark and William either; he and Celine had been visiting the manor where the boys had grown up for as long as he could remember. 
“And you and Mark, you’re like brothers to me,” William continued. “But Celine…” he smiled nervously. “I’ve been crazy about her for ages.” 
Damien’s eyes widened. 
“You don’t mean as in-”
“I’ve wanted to ask to court her for years now, but I wanted…I wanted to be the sort of man who was good enough for her. And now with this promotion…” he fingered the new bars on his uniform. “If I don’t have a shot now, then I never will.” 
“You…are you asking my permission?” Damien asked. “You know I don’t control her life, right?”
“Oh, of course,” William said with a laugh. “We both know you couldn’t if you even tried, she’s her own woman through and through. I just…it’s been the four of us against the world for so long, you know? But I know before that, it was just the two of you. If you don’t approve of me as a match for her, or if you think it’d be too weird for our friendship? I won’t ask, you have my word.” 
“William…” Damien got to his feet, and William quickly stood to join him.  “You’re one of the best men that I know. As far as I’m concerned…you didn’t need a promotion to be good enough for Celine.”  
William’s eyes widened slightly, then his face bloomed into a smile and he reached over to sock Damien on the arm. 
“Aw, bully, now you’re getting all sentimental on me, you rapscallion!”
“You started it,” Damien chuckled, rubbing his arm. “But really…I mean it. I think the two of you would be a fine match; if that’s what she wants, of course. I can’t guarantee that she’ll say yes, she’s never looked very favorably on suitors in the past.” 
“I know, I know,” William acknowledged. “And it’s very possible that she’ll be incapable of viewing me as anything more than a friend. But I need to at least let her know how I feel. Whatever happens next is her choice.”
“Life is ours to choose, after all,” Damien said. “I’m afraid I can’t give you any insight into how she might feel, she doesn’t exactly discuss such matters with me. But I’ll say it again, Will, you’re one of the best men that I know. And regardless of whatever else she may feel, I’m sure that Celine would agree with me there.” 
“Well, I certainly hope you’re right, old chap. I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.” 
“Will you be asking her soon?”
“I thought I’d broach the subject with her after our scheduled dinner tomorrow night.”
“Wait, is that tomorrow already?” Damien exclaimed. He turned to his desk, sifting through the papers for his appointment book, where sure enough, the dinner date with his friends was scrawled in red ink for the next evening.
“You didn’t forget, did you?”
“I didn’t forget,” Damien insisted. “I just…lost track of time, that’s all.” 
“Seriously? You lost track of time? You’ve been working too hard, Damien,” William said. “I know you’re the Bigshot Mr. Mayor now, but you still need to cut loose every now and then. For your own sanity.” 
“Perhaps you’re right,” Damien sighed. “But for now, I do need to get back to work. I’ll see you at dinner tomorrow?” 
“You better! If you’re late, the others and I will show up here and physically drag you out of the office.”
William tossed a cheerful wave over his shoulder as he exited the office, and Damien smiled to himself. He hadn’t been lying when he said he couldn’t guarantee how his twin would respond to Will’s affections, but he knew that she had always enjoyed his company. And of all the people his sister could court, she could certainly do a lot worse than William J. Barnum.  
--- --- ---
The following day, Damien did not forget about his dinner plans, and he showed up to the restaurant where he was supposed to meet his friends at six thirty on the dot. Mark and Celine were already at the restaurant waiting for him, and a few minutes later, William joined them.
“I thought we were going to have to send a search party out for you,” Damien joked, and William rolled his eyes. 
“Sure, let’s all pretend you would have remembered about tonight if I hadn’t reminded you.” 
“I didn’t forget!” Damien insisted, and William opened his mouth to reply, but Celine cut in first. 
“Are we going to go inside, or are we going to listen to the two of you bicker until they give our table away?” 
“Give away a table meant for the Hollywood celebrity Mark Fischbach and none other than the Mayor of our great city? They wouldn’t dare,” William said with a laugh. 
“Alright, alright, let’s go in,” Damien said. 
They were quickly seated, and while Damien did notice a few glances thrown their way, nobody approached them directly, which he was relieved about. Mark liked the attention, he knew, and he’d be lying if he said there weren’t times he enjoyed it himself, but sometimes he just wanted to be able to have a nice evening with his friends without worrying about the public’s eyes on him. 
“A toast,” Mark said once the waiter brought them their drinks. “To moving up in the world. May our newly elected Mayor have a long and happy reign, may the newly instated Colonel William J. Barnum lead his brigade with honor, and may the new movie I just signed a contract for not end up bombing at the box office. Who knew the three of us would come this far?” 
“I did,” Celine said, raising her glass. “I always knew you’d all do great things.” 
“While your faith in us is commendable, I do think it’s fair to say that there were times when you were our only supporter,” Damien pointed out. “Still, now’s not the time to be morose, we’re celebrating!” 
“Indeed we are,” Mark said. “As a matter of fact…” he looked across the table at Celine, who nodded at him, and Damien’s stomach dropped. “I have one more happy announcement.” 
Mark stood, holding out a hand to Celine, who took it, standing beside him. Damien stole a glance in William’s direction, wincing when he saw his friend’s face frozen in shock. 
“Celine and I would like to announce our courtship to you both. I know we’ve all been friends for a very long time, and that this may take a moment to wrap your heads around, but I hope we’ll have your support.” 
Damien swallowed, forcing himself not to think about the look on William’s face as he stood as well.
“Of course you do, Mark. Congratulations to the both of you!” He reached over to pull Celine into a quick hug, then shook Mark’s hand. “You know, I am the Mayor now,” he said, giving him a pointed look. “So I can make things very difficult for you if you break her heart.” 
“I can take care of myself, little brother,” Celine said while Mark laughed.
“Yes, yes, I know,” Damien said. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t take care of you too. Besides, you’re only older by ten minutes.” 
“Yes, yes, all the congratulations to the happy couple,” William said. “Now can we please all have a seat so I can order? I’m dying to cut into a good steak.” 
“Of course, of course, can’t keep the carnivore from his meal,” Mark said with a chuckle. 
“You’re hardly any better,” Damien pointed out, taking his seat. 
The rest of the evening dragged on in what Damien could only describe as the most obliviously awkward dinner in his life. Mark and Celine seemed blissfully unaware of the tension in the air, too focused on each other to notice Damien‘s discomfort or William's uncharacteristic silence. Damien did his best to engage all three of them in conversation, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t seem to improve the atmosphere. 
Finally, the bill arrived, which Mark paid, and the four of them got up to leave. 
“Congratulations again,” Damien said as they stood outside, waiting for the valets to bring them their cars. “I wish the two of you every happiness.”
“Thank you, old friend,” Mark said, shaking his hand warmly. “Your support means a lot to me.”
Mark‘s Cadillac pulled up beside them, and after tipping the valet, Mark opened the passenger door for Celine. The two of them waved goodbye as they drove away, and Damien returned their wave, his grip like iron on the head of his cane.
“I think perhaps you missed your true calling, old chap,” William said dully when the car was out of sight. “It seems Mark is not the only great actor among our party.”
“I didn’t know,“ Damien said immediately. “I swear, Will, I had no idea-” 
“Yes, yes, obviously,” William said, waving his hand. “But the role of the happy, supportive brother and friend? You certainly pulled that off without a hitch.” 
“Will,” Damien winced. “I…I am happy for them. The timing couldn’t be more terrible, and I’m so sorry for you, I truly am, but they do seem to be happy together. I wish more than anything that their happiness didn’t come at the cost of your pain, but… I still want to support my sister. And both of my friends.” 
William sighed, then gave a weak smile. 
“This is why you became the politician, old boy. Always finding a way to keep the peace.”
“I just want-”
“No, no, you’re right, of course,” William said. “I can’t blame either of them, really, it’s my own fault for not working up the nerve to ask her sooner.” He laughed, but there was no humor in the sound. “Now I’ll probably never know what she would have said.” 
“William, I-”
“It’s alright, Damien. You don’t have to explain anything to me. It’s like you said, Celine is her own woman. She’s made her choice, and I won’t stand in the way of that.” 
“Mr. Mayor?” A valet interrupted them, holding out a set of keys. “Your car, sir.”
“Thank you,” Damien said, taking the keys and handing the valet a few bills. “Can I give you a ride home?” he asked, turning back to William, but he shook his head.  
“I’ll take a cab, old chap, don’t worry about me. You run along and enjoy the rest of your evening. Or do more boring mayor stuff, whatever it is you like.” 
“I- if you’re sure, then,” said Damien. He opened the driver’s side door of his car, then looked back at William. “You know, I meant what I said earlier. You’re still one of the best men that I know, Will. And even if it isn’t in…that way, I know that Celine cares for you too. We are both still your friends…and that won’t ever change. I promise.” 
William smiled, and Damien thanked whatever might be listening that it appeared genuine. 
“I know, Damien. I won’t forget, don’t worry about me.” 
“Somebody has to,” Damien said, and William snorted. 
 “Go home, old boy, a mayor should get his rest.” 
He turned on his heel and strode away down the sidewalk, leaving Damien alone next to his car. 
“Mr. Mayor?” the valet piped up. “I’m terribly sorry, but we need the driveway clear in order to tend to our other guests.” 
“Oh, yes, of course. My apologies,” Damien said, nodding to the valet before climbing into his car and pulling out of the driveway. 
He drove home in a haze, playing the events of the evening over and over again in his mind. Could he have done something different? Said something that could have prevented this? But no matter how much he turned the problem over in his head, he could see no solution. 
At the end of the day, both Celine and Mark were adults, who had every right to choose each other. And they had seemed happy, smiling and laughing and holding hands all through the night. And Mark was a good man, he knew that he’d treat Celine well, and provide her with anything she could possibly need. 
But no matter how happy the two of them had looked, it couldn’t erase the startled, pained look on William’s face from his mind. 
“This doesn’t have to change anything,” Damien said aloud to himself as he made his way into his apartment. “It won’t change anything. The four of us have been through so much, we can make it through this. Everything will be fine. It will be.” 
And maybe, in another time, in another life, he would have even been telling the truth.
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A/N: Once again, if you enjoyed, please consider commenting or reblogging! (remember, like do nothing on this hellsite). If this hyperfixation train keeps going, then I may have to start a markiplier fic taglist again, so if you’d like to be on that, let me know! Love y’all <3
Everything Taglist: @poison-lyra​, @spacevirgil​, @mirror2thespirit, @stormcrawler75​, @backatthebein​, @bubblycricket​, @callboxkat, @theinvisiblespoon​, @fandomsofrandom​, @hold-our-destiny​, @broadwaytheanimatedseries, @grey-lysander​, @leaves-and-bounds @storytellerofuntoldlegends, @funsizedgremlin​, @iaminmultiplefandoms​, @slightlyobssesive, @today-only-happens-once​, @fluidityandgiggles​, @faithfreedom-art, @theymaynotbedenied​, @redone0-0dreamer​, @lamp-calm-sanders, @heythereprincey​, @evetheodd, @thedundundunnnsong​, @fandomloverangel, @i-read-by-lamp​ @msu82​, @thilb0burrit0,@michealawithana, @gatlily, @just-another-starfish​, @gattonero17, @cyberpunkjinx​, @lucifer-in-my-head​
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bitchesgetriches · 3 years ago
Hi bitches!! 
I have a workplace question for you. I am very happy at low-paying entry-level job but recently was recommended for a slightly promoted position at a much better-paying company. I applied, telling only my direct supervisor and another senior member of my department (for a reference), who were both supportive. My direct supervisor is interested in pulling together some incentives to get me to stay and, because the reason I’m applying for other jobs is primarily financial, I gave her permission to talk to our division’s VP about options. 
There is a woman in our department, S.,  who is a senior staff person only a few years older than me. I’ve noticed since she started that she has a bit of an issue with boundaries. She’s befriended me and we frequently go to lunch or take a walk around the neighborhood. Initially, I thought this would be a good mentoring/networking opportunity to get so much face time with a senior staff person and we became fast friends.
Recently, a new person started in the department who turns out is a long-time friend of S. and since then, the three of us have been going to lunch or taking a coffee break/walk. Since S’s friend started, I’ve noticed increasing red flags—the walks are getting longer and more frequent, and one day, while out for lunch, the friend asked me to name who I didn’t like in the office which I declined to do. Additionally, S told me while walking that she thought a major project we are working on would be a failure and that she would “know it was me” if the rumor that she wasn’t happy with the project got out. While I don’t mind cultivating friendships in the workplace, I feel singled out for attention among the junior staff. Neither of them seems to realize how insistent S has been in getting me to join them and that because of her higher position, it’s been awkward to turn her down. I’ve been trying to  trying to subtly distance myself from them the last few weeks because I don’t want the wider office perception to be that I’m in a clique. 
So this all ties together when S.‘s friend asked me if I was leaving for a job that paid $20,000 more a year. I asked her where she had heard that from and she said that S had told her and that S was offended that I hadn’t told them and that I was considering leaving. It was sort of a joke but also…in S.’s position feels sort of not? I went to the senior official that I had asked for a reference and asked if she had told S that I had applied for another job and she said no. Between us, we figured that after my direct supervisor talked to our VP, he must have talked to S about package options and she has now has told her friend all the details of this potential job and started sharing that I’m thinking of leaving. This senior manager offered to talk to my direct supervisor on my behalf but I told her not to worry, saying that it wasn’t a big deal. 
But the more I think about it, the more offended I am—it was a breaking of my privacy around potential salary negotiations and sharing a conversation the VP assumed was confidential. But I’m not sure what to do—I don’t want to get her in trouble or cause more workplace drama but I also want my supervisors to know that Im not gossiping and to recognize that the preferential way she’s been treating me hasn’t been necessarily my choice. Bitches, what should I do? 
Holy toxic workplace, Batman.
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Even if you don't get this other job... you need to leave. Promise us you'll keep applying to other jobs!
Few things are more toxic and destructive than workplace cliques, especially when they play on power dynamics like this. I kept getting a fucking HORROR MOVIE sense off foreboding reading this! I'm so worried for you!
In the meantime, the right thing is to lessen your walks with the workplace mean girls. Tell them you're too busy, or you rolled your ankle or some shit. And again, apply to more jobs. Even if your current job offers you more... consider it a temporary raise. The real problem is this fucking drama, not your compensation. You're best off getting out of there as soon as possible.
Are You Working on the Next Fyre Festival?: Identifying a Toxic Workplace 
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dollslayer · 4 years ago
Fight or Flight
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve comes clean, in the aftermath and shock you turn to the one person who you know you can trust.
W/C: 2,369
Warnings: Implied cheating, angst, swearing
A/N: Hello! I wrote this for @sweetlyscared 's 1k celebration (congrats, it's well deserved!), prompt is in bold. I'm still pretty new to writing and this is my first true Angst fic so any and all reblogs/comments are super appreciated! Please check out my other stuff if you liked this fic!! Cheers!
PART TWO I Masterlist
The feeling of everything crashing around you was slow. Like your world was moving in slow motion as you processed the words. Everything else he was saying became distorted, going to waste as he tried desperately to explain himself to you. All you could hear clearly was your own breathing while you tried to will yourself to do something, anything.
Fight or flight is a funny thing, you were always so feisty and eager to fight back, A Bulldog, Steve had affectionately called you. But when he told you he was in love with someone else, that he has been in love with someone else for months, your body couldn’t find anything in it but to walk away.
Your breathing picked up and your eyes searched the ground, refusing to meet his. You felt your legs raise you up to stand and start walking away, unsure of your destination. When you pivoted to leave the room your eyes met his briefly, staring emotionlessly as his desperately searched for anything at all in yours.
“Where are you going? Doll, please, can we talk about this? I’m, I’m so sorry I-”
Whatever else he was saying wasn’t heard over the noise of opening the door and shutting it behind you. You didn’t know where you were going or what you were feeling other than the obvious. You were in a state of shock, it’s one thing to hear awful news and another to understand that it’s true but you were fastly approaching that truth head-on.
You paused for a moment in the hall and heard no movement come after you. You almost let yourself be surprised but he’d admitted he gave up on you a long time ago, so it only makes sense he wouldn’t fight your exit. You kept walking and tried to hold the floodgates of your heart closed for a bit longer.
Flashes of what was said come back to you slowly as reality sets in. “I can’t put this off any longer. I want you to know that I will always love you, but there’s someone else.”
Your head hurt like it would as if you were already crying, the blood pumping in your ears and pressure building in your temples that would no doubt evoke a long-standing headache. Your face felt hot as you stepped into the elevator, maybe you’d go for a walk in an attempt to fend off your tears. Or maybe you’d walk to a safer place to have an emotional breakdown. Whichever is easier.
Brisk gusts of air greet you as you exit the building, making you realize you left your jacket on the arm of the couch. You took a second to evaluate yourself and noticed you’d also walked out in your house slippers and a thin pair of leggings. Trying to evade the cold you tucked yourself in the doorway of a bodega down the street and dialed Bucky.
Two rings and he picked up.
“Did you know?”
The silence on the line only reminds you of the blood pumping in your ears. The silence tells you everything you needed to know.
You hang up.
You’re breathing even harder now. Who else knew? For how long? How long was I the joke? You need to find somewhere else to be soon or all these strangers are going to get an eyeful of a grown woman sobbing. You dial the last number you’d expect to at a time like this.
“What’s happening, shortstack?”
You can hear Tony’s grin through the phone and his easy greeting gives you momentary comfort.
“Can I come over? Something happened.”
“I’ll let Jarvis know to let you in” Tony’s tone is understanding, not needing you to explain further, just letting you know you can come to him.
Tony’s only seven blocks from yours and Steve’s shared apartment, a fact you’re grateful for when you feel your feet aching every time they hit the pavement. The conversation replays in your head, you try to word what happened in your head and your anger starts overtaking the heartbreak. It’s almost a welcome reprieve from the settling heartbreak but you’re not sure if you’d rather be numb to it completely.
When the elevator doors open Tony’s waiting for you with two tumblers of scotch in hand. You shake your head and move past him to the couch. He joins you on the opposite armchair and sets both his elbows down on his spread knees, resting his face in his hands.
“Would you like to talk about it or not talk about it?” He asks with a sigh.
You don’t make eye contact with him so you don’t cry, choosing to focus on the Iron Man coffee table book you’d gotten as a gag gift for Tony all those Christmases ago. It almost distracts you enough to laugh, the fact that he just has it out. But you need to tell someone what happened and get it all out before you can let yourself feel it all.
“Steveisinlovewithsomeoneelse,” You rushed it all out in one breath afraid if you didn’t get it out fast enough that you’d break. “He has been for months. He said he doesn’t know when it all changed but when he was with her things just clicked,” you paused to collect yourself, “But don’t worry, I’ll always hold a special place in his heart and he hopes this won’t affect the future of the team or our friendship.”
“Oh, and he’s really sorry.” you added.
You laughed bitterly and shook your head in disbelief. His delivery had been so cold but so sincere, very to the point but pained in its delivery. “I just, whatever we had, it’s just gone. Things are just different now, with her, this kills me though, please believe me. You’re still really special to me.” Bullshit. Special enough to act as a placeholder until someone better comes, special enough to cast aside.
You’re broken momentarily from your spiral into anger by the sound of a glass hitting a coaster a little too hard. Looking up, you find Tony quietly seething. He and Steve aren’t close by any means so you figured that he wouldn’t have known, it’s why you called him over anyone else.
He moves slowly to your side on the couch and pulls you into his side. You can smell his aftershave and what you think might be burned grease from one of the many things he’s been tinkering with in the lab, it smells like him, like comfort.
“That fucking asshole. Unbelievable, I don’t even…” He leaves the thought unfinished.
His hands move up and down your arms in a soothing motion and you finally let yourself have it. You don’t even realize you’re crying until you feel the tears wet his shirt when you bury your face in. You sniffle up tears and snot when your face heats up.
There’s no way to know how long Tony lets you sob into him, no doubt ruining his vintage Depeche Mode shirt. Somewhere in the back of your mind you make a mental note to buy him a new one later. But for now you’ll just allow yourself to cry and you can deal with the world in the morning.
Tony lets you fall asleep on his chest, feeling somewhere between furious and heartbroken by proxy. He thinks about letting you sleep and giving Steve a piece of his mind but figures that’s not what you need right now. Your phone sits on the table and he touches the screen to check the time. No notifications on your homescreen except for a missed call from Bucky and an old photo of Steve making a funny face as your background.
Had Steve not even tried to call you? Had he not even tried to go after you? Why was Bucky of all people the only one to be trying to get a hold of you? Prick.
Selfishly Tony is glad that he has a good reason to be rude to Steve now, he has to admit. You two had always been close but when you and Steve started dating he saw less and less of you. He couldn’t fault you for it though, you were so in love with Steve and you knew that the relationship between the two of them was strained so you kept your distance a bit.
He thought of all the sacrifices you’d made for Steve. You gave up your childhood home in the Bronx that your parents had willed to you to move in with him because he wanted you to be closer to the tower. You gave up a promotion and transfer to DC when you were still just an agent, granted you were an avenger now but it doesn’t matter, he’d made a very big deal out of you turning it down. You gave up the friendship the two of you had.
It was incredible, really. How much you had done for him only for him to turn around and love someone else behind your back. Brave enough to fight aliens and terrorists but too cowardly to break up with you and leave you with some dignity. Did anyone else know about this?
Tony had to stop himself from getting too angry, afraid he’d wake you up. So instead he went back to plotting up schematics for the half-finished suit mod he’d been in the middle of when you called.
It’s been a week and you still haven’t properly talked to Steve. After two days on Tony’s couch you need to look at things from a logical stance. Where am I going to stay? It’s not like you had your parent’s place anymore and you didn’t want to sign a new lease on an apartment. You could always move into the tower but that meant a higher chance of running into Steve.
You were thinking about all of this out loud to Tony when he offered you the guest bedroom in his penthouse. You were shocked, he’s always been a generous man but after you drifted apart from him you were surprised he even let you stay these past few days. Maybe now was a good time to rebuild your friendship with him and have some space from work.
What’s work going to be like? You agree and go on a temporary leave from the team, just a month to collect yourself. If you really wanted to you could go back but the thought of seeing everyone that knew about Steve’s affair was humiliating and enraging in one go.
It turns out Sam had been playing therapist to Steve in all of this, Nat figured it out through some sleuthing, and Wanda had inadvertently heard his thoughts about her. And none of them thought to tell you? To save you from the anguish but to let it fester? Steve wasn’t the only one that betrayed you. They all had.
What will I say to him? Should I say anything to him? Turns out the answer was ‘nothing’. You texted him to let him know you were moving out and you’d be by to get your things as a courtesy. You walked into an empty apartment and you were almost relieved.
He’d chosen to not be here but he’d left you a letter on the kitchen counter next to a framed photo of the two of you on vacation last year. You scoff but don’t touch the letter. Every ounce of restraint you have is being used as you leave it untouched. But you don’t need to know what excuses or apologies he has on deck, nothing he could say would exonerate him of his wrong-doings. You had no intentions of speaking to him but secretly you hoped he suffered as he stewed in his guilt and inner-turmoil. He deserves to.
When you pack you leave every gift he ever gave you, taking only what you’d brought with you in the first place. You take one look at the unmade bed and almost go to make it out of habit but then you think of the two of them there together. All the long missions you went on without him, all the times you stayed late at work or went out with your friends. How many times had he been here with her while you were there?
You end up only leaving with two suitcases and a backpack full of things. Tony waits for you in the lobby, understanding you wanted your space when you went to get your things in case Steve was there.
The elevator doors open to him taking a selfie with a couple of fans and shaking hands. He’s all too happy to be recognized but when he sees you his eyes soften. Not out of pity, but fondness, like he’s proud of you for getting out.
He sends you a questioning look with a silent question. Are you okay?
You smile at him and for the first time in days it’s a genuine, non-placating, happy-to-see-you smile. It’s okay, I’ll be okay.
He takes one of your suitcases from you and helps you load them into the back of the car before opening the door for you. The drive back to Tony’s is silent but comfortable. The trust you have in each other is strong and unspoken. Something you’ve always been grateful for between the two of you.
He doesn’t ask you about Steve or what happened, always letting you come to him first, which you appreciate. And when you talk he just listens. No bullshit unsolicited advice about moving on or how everything happens for a reason or getting back out there, just listens.
You know the road ahead is long and it will be difficult, but you have someone in your corner and the knowledge that what happened isn’t your fault and that you’re a badass and fuck Steve Rogers and fuck anyone else that did you wrong in all of this. Maybe you’ll forgive them someday but for now you’re gonna focus on you and work on building yourself back up. You’re ready for the ups and downs, you’re ready to fight.
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elen-aranel · 3 years ago
Chanced Chapter 4: Starbase 90
Pairing: Christopher Pike x F!Reader (no Y/N) Warnings: the gravity generators fail. a kiss. these two things are not related WC: 4k Taglist: @fzziiee​  (if you'd like to be tagged, please let me know <3) Notes: There comes a time in every Starfleet Officer’s life where they have to help prevent a crime even though they’re not on duty. This is one of those times. Rating: Mature for moments in later chapters Summary: “We have got to stop meeting like this.” You turn, and there’s Chris, with the corner of his mouth lifted in that expression that’s so familiar, so him, even though you haven’t seen it in a long while. Your smile turns into a grin.
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Starbase 90, 2247
Starbase 90 is good for art. There’s a large gallery and museum, over a few decks: about half given over to a permanent exhibition, and half for temporary installations.
Starbase 90 is also good for sheltering from ion storms.
You’re on your way back to the Cooper from Casperia Prime, where your parents celebrated a big wedding anniversary. Penny and Cameron were there too, with Penny’s parents and other family friends. You had a lovely time playing beach games, swimming, hiking, and occasionally getting to sunbathe with a book. You even got to stop by Starbase 58 on your way back, and had fun catching up with some of your old colleagues, congratulating Garcia on her promotion to base commander.
You had a little too much fun, actually; you had the storm forecast, but you missed the window between storms that you were hoping to hit. But you don’t mind; an ion storm is a great reason to extend your holiday a day longer.
You’ve been to the permanent part of the gallery a few times before, so today you’re in an exhibit called Living Gothic, which bills itself as an ‘exploration of Terran Romanesque and Gothic architecture through the lens of the natural world’. You skipped the rest of the artist’s note when you got to the word synergy, but you’re surprised how much you like the feel of walking through the evenly spaced trees which draw your eye up into a holographic vaulted canopy. Nature and design are juxtaposed, with branches fanning out, splitting, and crossing with perfect evenness, but still retaining their natural look somehow. Some of the trees are carved in spiral and criss-crossing patterns, and the lower branches between them meet in pointed arches. Even the arches are carved into detailed patterns: zigzags, tiny loops and swirls, even stylised versions of natural shapes like leaves and petals.
You’ve never been to a real Gothic building, but you think, as you walk, enjoying the feeling of simulated sunlight filtering through the trees, that perhaps next time you’re on Earth you might transport to Europe and see one of the few that are left.
You’re alone in the exhibit; the gallery is large, and this is by a young artist you’ve never heard of before. In the main hall, a deck above, there’s a retrospective of the famous Andorian artist Thurev which is attracting most of the visitors, and that’s fine by you. The quiet is peaceful.
Holographic blossom is falling around you along with a few green leaves, and you find yourself smiling dreamily as you watch it. The temperature has warmed since you got into the room, you can hear birdsong and see movement in the canopy, and you think the exhibit must be getting toward spring.
“We have got to stop meeting like this.” You turn, and there’s Chris, with the corner of his mouth lifted in that expression that’s so familiar, so him, even though you haven’t seen it in a long while. Your smile turns into a grin.
“Randomly on starbases? I’ll promise never to visit another if you won’t.” You step up and give him a hug, relishing the closeness, the feel of his strong arms around you, however briefly.
“Deal,” he says, as you step back and examine each other. You notice the pips on his badge; he is a full commander now. He looks good – he always looks good – but he looks settled. Happy. Not like the last time you met. “I like the blue on you,” he says, touching your hair briefly. “So, you’re avoiding the ion storm too?”
“Thanks. It was darker, but the sun on Casperia – it faded. And yeah, missed the window… I’m not risking Lizzie in it. How about you? How’s being a commander?”
“Rewarding. The Enterprise is halfway through a five-year mission. Being out there, on the edge of known space… there’s nothing like it. But she’s undergoing maintenance at Deep Space 4, and Captain April insisted I take leave. I’m en route to Earth to visit my horses.” He winks. “And parents.”
You chuckle. “I’d ask you to give them my best, but—”
“My mom knew, you know.” He offers you his arm and you take it, walking together through the trees. “You aren’t a science officer. My ex was.”
“Damn. I hope you didn’t get in trouble.”
“No, she understood. She liked you.”
“In that case, do pass on my good wishes. Shall we?” You gesture along a path leading to another room.
“That one’s called Arachnophilia. No thank you.” Chris shudders theatrically.
“Ugh. Yeah, I’m not a fan of spiders either. I should really check what the exhibits are ahead of time, but I quite like just finding things.”
“You saw the Thurev, though? Stunning work. I was there until it closed for environmental re-normalisation.” Chris guides you along a different path, between two rows of trees, just wide enough for you to walk abreast, joining in semicircular arches over your head. The falling blossom is gone, but in its place holographic flowers are blooming on the path and at the base of the trees, and fresh green leaves are unfurling on the branches.
“Not today, but the Cooper actually delivered the exhibit to the base a couple of months ago. We got to see it after it was all set up. The environmental requirements… my quarters are two decks above the cargo bay, but I was freezing the entire time we were carrying it. I think that might have coloured my perception but it’s not my favourite work. I do get it, though. The open landscapes? I understand why they’re so highly regarded.”
“I always forget that you’re an officer. I don’t—that’s not an insult, by the way. I’m sure you’re good; I just struggle to picture it.”
The corner of your mouth lifts. “I had you pegged as Starfleet from the moment I first saw you. You were in civvies but… the bearing. You had Starfleet written all over you. That’s not an insult, either.”
You turn out of the narrow aisle you’re in into a larger one, with what looks like an ornate stained-glass window at the end, branches forming different sections. But when you look closer you realise it’s actually a viewport out onto the ion storm, which is sparkling in blue and purple filaments, with the occasional orange flash when the storm hits the station’s shields. There are smaller holographic windows on the wall, but around them trees appear to stretch out indefinitely.
“Why are you—”
You both freeze. There, outside, silhouetted against the storm, is someone in an EV suit, climbing past the edge of the viewport. And before you can properly react there’s a bright flash, the lights go out, the holos switch off, and emergency lighting switches on. You hear the bang of the doors shutting, and you lose gravity.
When you were a child, you secretly loved when the gravity generators went out. You loved floating around the ship, like you were flying. That love became less secret the day you got caught messing with them, though, and it was the last time you did because being on cleaning duties for a month after that was no fun at all.
You still feel that exhilaration now though, as you take a slow breath in, then blow out sharply, sending you and Chris floating back toward a tree.
“Computer, status? What happened to the gravity?” Chris says, sounding very much the commander.
“Starbase 90 is experiencing technical difficulties as a result of the ion storm. Some artificial gravity generators are offline. Please make your way to a safe area and wait for gravity to be restored. A safe area is one—”
“Computer, cancel. Did you recognise that EV suit? It didn’t look like a Starfleet design to me.”
“I only caught a glimpse, but it might have been one from a civilian ship? It was a similar colour to the ones Lizzie came with, but it looked newer.”
You grab hold of the tree now you’re close enough, breaking a few twigs free which float away into the shadows. The gallery has well and truly lost its magic without the holo effects, bare trees looking stark in the dim light.
Chris lets go of you, grabbing a different tree. “Either way, I don’t think losing grav was a coincidence. Commander Pike to ops.”
“Communications are offline.”
“That figures. Computer, reroute through the backup data network and retry.”
“You are not authorised to make that request.”
“Computer, try communication through the backup ODN. Authorisation Pike rho delta phi.”
“You are not authorised to make that request.”
“It’s not going to let you, Chris. Museum systems won’t accept anyone’s authorisations now, apart from commanders and above assigned to the facility.”
“Why the hell not?” You don’t think you’ve heard him annoyed before, and you’re glad it isn’t aimed at you.
“There was that heist at the Museum of Lunar Exploration in New Berlin… about three years ago? The identical twin of a fleet officer got her command codes, and the computer couldn’t tell that it wasn’t the officer herself using them, even though she was on the other side of the quadrant at the time. After that they updated the computer in places like this so it’s on read only mode for everyone. It’s in case something like that happens again, or if an officer gets disgruntled with the fleet…” You pull out your communicator, to see if there’s anything you can do with it.
“And now we can’t inform ops that there are intruders on the station.”
“Yeah… that was an oversight. None of the channels I can use on my comm are working, either, but I can’t tell if that’s the ion storm.” You sigh. “I just hate to think whoever’s out there could get away with important artworks on our watch, especially after I protected them on the Cooper. Station sensors wouldn’t have the resolution to detect someone out there. Not with the storm, and not if they didn’t even know to look.” You shove your communicator back in your pocket, nearly missing and losing it in the zero-G. Station security on the base is good, you’re sure, but they’ll be blindsided with the main gallery closed already.
“We might be able to send a message if we could get to one of the ODN nodes directly. Tip off station command.” He frowns. “I hate zero-G. Makes me feel ill after a while.”
“That’s a good idea. And I’ll handle it – I’ve always enjoyed when the grav was out, ever since I was a kid. Morse code should work.”
“Will you be able to open the panel? I’ll wait on the ground.”
“Yeah. It shouldn’t be a problem.” You push off, and you can’t resist showing off a little: you execute a slow somersault through the air. The freedom feels good though, and you judge your angle almost perfectly, easily grasping the panel you need. It’s a quick job to pop it off but you sigh a little regretfully as you have to let it float away; you hope it won’t damage anything when gravity is restored. It’s harder to work with the components of the ODN sub-processor in with no gravity to hold you down or push against, but you access the backup signal processor and send your message.
You push off from the wall above the closed door, and it’s like flying as you arc toward where you can just make out Chris at the base of a tree overlooking the viewport. He’s chosen somewhere sensible for when the gravity comes back on, you think, as you manoeuvre yourself to join him.
Now there’s nothing left to do but wait.
“All done?”
“Yeah. They should have received the message… I’m sure station security will be all over it.”
“I thought if we wait here we might be able to see something but… it’s a long shot. At least we’ve tried.”
“Yeah.” You try to adjust your position, to get comfortable. It’s hard, just having to hold on, but you need to maintain a position near the floor. Chris seems to be doing a bit better.
“Mind if I ask you a question?” Chris’ eyes are curious, his face highlighted blue by the ion storm outside.
“Sure. What is it?”
“I’ve never seen you in uniform. Even though whenever we meet it’s on a Federation starbase. Why is that?”
You tilt your head, feeling your brow furrow as you try to articulate your reply. “I chose Starfleet,” you say, after a few moments. “I believe in Starfleet. And…” you shrug. “I’m in security. It’s not impossible that I will give my life for it before I’m done, and that’s fine. But I think it started because… it was them and us, when I was a child. The fleet, versus merchants, civilians. On bases especially. So when I was on leave, meeting with civilian family and friends, I wanted to be on their side. Part of their us.”
You smile, softly. “I used to have to make a conscious effort to drop my Starfleet demeanour, you know? That first summer, at the end of my first year of the academy, I still thought I was all that, but I really wasn’t, and my friends let me know it.” You remember how special you’d felt, being a cadet, and then how badly you’d been ribbed for it.
“But now… it’s a reminder, as much as anything else, that Starfleet is not all of who I am. If I get injured, if all of this goes away… There’s still a me under the uniform, and it would be hard, but I would be fine. When I’m on leave I want to reconnect with that part of me. Does that make sense?”
Chris looks thoughtful. “Yes, it does,” he says eventually. “Nearly everyone I know off Earth is in the fleet or thinks of me as an officer first. But on Earth… Well. Even a lot of people on Earth. But in a bar in Mojave… yeah. I’d be in civvies there.”
You nod. “You get it. So, your leave: bar in Mojave? Or will you spend your entire time riding and eating chicken tuna sandwiches?”
“You remembered,” he says, surprised, blue eyes locking with yours in the dim light. The moment stretches, and you find yourself wanting to reach out to him. Then he grins, breaking the spell. “But why do I get the feeling you think the idea’s disgusting?”
“I haven’t tried them… but also, I’m not going to. I’m particular.”
“Oh now that’s fighting talk…”
“Fighting is literally my job, you know. I can take you.”
“Can you,” he says, and it doesn’t sound like a question, but before you can think you’re slipping the short distance down to the ground.
“Oof. Gravity is a good sign, I guess,” you say, dusting bits of tree bark off your hands.
“Yes, I think so.” Chris is looking very Starfleet as he walks over to the viewport to take a look out. “Commander Pike to ops.”
“Commander Sevik here, Commander.” Something relaxes inside you as you hear the reply.
“Did you get our message? Did you detect intruders in the gallery?”
“Yes, we did. We have apprehended a team of four would-be thieves, and they are secure in our brig. We have disabled the device they used to disrupt gravity and communications, and expect to have main power back online within the next three minutes. Thank you for your assistance, Commander.”
“That’s very good to hear. Pike out.” He turns to you. “I don’t know about you, but I need a drink.”
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The station is busy like it always is during a storm, but you detect an extra frisson in the crowd today. An extra excitement, with the gravity having failed. As you wend your way along the promenade, following Chris’ lead, you pick up scraps of conversation. People speculating about what might have happened. No one saying anything about an attempted heist yet though.
He turns off into a bar full of Starfleet officers, mostly in uniform. You think some of the crew of the Cooper were talking about this place when you were here with the Thurev paintings, but you’d stayed on duty on the ship because you knew you had a longer leave coming. It’s busy, but there’s breathing room.
“The storm special,” Chris says, carefully placing two glasses of a clear liquid on the small table and sitting on the stool opposite to you. “You have to come here during a storm to get it, and they don’t even advertise it at other times. I think you’ll like it.”
“What’s special about it?”
“Try it,” he says, raising his glass and watching as you mirror him. Flavour bursts across your tongue: bright notes of lemon-lime citrus and mint.
“Nice,” you say, putting your glass back down as he does. “Refreshing.”
“Now here’s the special part.” He flicks a nail against his glass, and the liquid changes, purple and blue tendrils spiralling out through the whole drink.
“It’s just like the storm,” you grin, pleased.
“Your turn,” he says, raising his glass to his lips, taking a sip. You tear your eyes away from his mouth – how did you get so distracted? – and you flick your glass. The effect is just as pretty for you, but your eyes widen as you taste it. Now it’s warm and fruity, blueberries and burnt sugar. A completely different drink.
“That’s—wow. You’re right. I do like it,” you watch as your drink goes clear again. “Thank you.”
It’s all too easy to drink, too. You get a couple of refills as you talk about space weather and the worst storms you’ve seen. You tell Chris about the time your parents were carrying perishable medical supplies when you were ten and you braved a level seven ion storm in the Pemberley. He tells you about a storm rolling in over the Mojave Desert, striking a tree and spooking Mary Lou enough that she bolted.
“We were lucky she wasn’t injured. I had to go to school the next day, but dad had her checked out by the vet. She was fine. Mom was mad that she was able to get out in the first place. We hadn’t had her all that long.” Chris smiles at the memory.
“Speaking of your mom I meant to ask, how’s your cousin? Still happily married?”
Chris grimaces a little. “I don’t know about happily… that’s not really Charlotte’s style. But I—she’s satisfied. She feels important, and I think that’s enough for her. And Matthew… well. He loves her, and you know what it’s like in the fleet. He knows he’s lucky to have a partner.”
“Yeah,” you nod. “So… has there been a partner for you? Since Alice?”
Chris swirls his drink, turning it purple. “No. I… I’m not going to try long distance again. And I outrank nearly everyone on the ship; not that there is anyone there, but even if there were it wouldn’t feel right. My captain makes it work, but Sarah is the chief medical officer. She can relieve him of duty if she needs to. There is this gorgeous girl that I’ve met a few times, now, but…” he tilts his head. Is he talking about you? But he continues. “Is there someone for you? On the Cooper?”
 “I’m pretty much a nun these days.” You list off on your fingers. “It’s either you say you’re going to make it work but distance and career choices kill it;”—Chris nods, he knows that one—“or you’re in each other’s pockets the whole time, things move too quickly and next thing you know he’s planning to ship you off to Earth or somewhere to have his babies while he stays in space having fun; or it ends badly and you’re trapped together in a metal bubble in the unforgiving vacuum of space and you can’t get away from each other. I’ve seen friends with benefits work for other people, but I’ve given up. Almost.”
The alcohol makes you brave, but there are some things it’s worth being brave about. “Well, it could also be a really hot guy that you like and respect and think you could have a bit of fun with, but you only see him once every few years and the timing hasn’t worked out…” you tip your drink to him, making eye contact as you drink a mouthful, relishing the caramel fruit flavour.
“Fun, eh?” Chris raises a questioning eyebrow, but before you can reply—
“Pike? Is that you? How’ve you been?” You turn, and there’s an officer there, same rank as Chris, with dark receding hair cropped short, smiling widely. Something about him strikes you, though you’re not sure quite what. Something about how he stands, how he looks in his uniform… is different, perhaps.
“Leland! What are you up to? What was it, Cassia II last time?”
“We were finding those drill bugs for weeks afterward. Did a number on our plasma conduits. But who’s your friend? Let me buy you a drink. What are you—”
Chris makes introductions, darting you an apologetic glance as Leland shakes your hand then launches right back into a reminiscence from a previous meeting. Your communicator makes a noise.
“Ops to the pilot of the Lizzie Bennet,” a harassed voice says – it wasn’t your job but you’ve had to do this in a pinch on Starbase 58 before; you know the tone that says there isn’t time to look up names. “The ion storm has cleared, and your assigned departure window is in half an hour. It is important you leave within this window; other ships docked in your section are waiting for you to clear in line with ion storm protocol. If you need to stay longer, please enter a new request for a docking assignment.”
“Acknowledged. Thank you, ops.” You cut the connection and turn to Chris. “Did you catch that? I’ve got to go… I was one of the last in before the storm hit so I have to be one of the first out.”
“I’ll walk you to your ship. I’ll be back for that drink, Leland, I—”
“Sure. Neat scotch, right? I’ll have it waiting. Nice to meet you,” Leland nods.
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“Wrong time again,” Chris says, corner of his mouth lifting, as you reach Lizzie’s dock. Your walk back was quiet, but once you were out the bar he reached out and tucked your arm into his. There’s no one around; the ship before yours has just gone but you’re not on the clock quite yet.
“Yeah. I’m sorry about that. Maybe I shouldn’t have said… I didn’t think I’d be leaving so soon.”
“No, I’m glad you did.” He turns, facing you, and you stare up into his eyes as he reaches out, brushing your cheek with his finger. And then he’s leaning in and so are you and his kiss is soft, almost questioning, but it lights you up. You reach up and run your hand along that perfect jawline, memorising the feel of his body gently pressing into yours, his skin under your fingers, his lips sliding across yours. Memorising the feel of him.
All too soon though your communicator chirps, and he pulls away with a small smile. “So I’ll see you at Starbase… 114 next time? I don’t even know where that is.”
“It’s a date.” You both laugh. You know it’s not going to happen. But you’re glad this did.
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