#and obviously 8 yo 12 yo 14 yo 17 yo 18 yo me would get terrified and go no sorry and just not look into anything further
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eggsistential-basket · 5 months ago
thinking about the person i could have been if i tried a little harder to find my own way
#probably the thing i am resenting my parents for right now is how good they were at convincing me#not to pursue any career paths other than the ones they laid out#every time i was like hey this seems interesting should i check it out? they would be so quick with the#do you care enough about it to stake your livelihood on it? to do it for your whole working life?#and obviously 8 yo 12 yo 14 yo 17 yo 18 yo me would get terrified and go no sorry and just not look into anything further#supposedly this is the safe option but everything i do feels meaningless#all of the jobs in this field seem meaningless#the job market in this field right now is dog shit and I'm fighting like hell for positions that just make me sad to think about#but every time i think hey what if i tried another thing#now my brain shuts me down with the do you care enough about it to stake your livelihood on it#your whole life on it#and the answer is no and it's gonna be no for a long time i bet#don't know if I'll ever find my way out of it#told my roommate's boyfriend about my general dispassion for pretty much everything in life#he asked me if I'm even a person#which feels very true#i feel like this path I've followed if i keep following it#I'm not going to be a person i can be proud of#i know it's really early in my life to say but#idk if it's nature or nurture or my own damn fault but all the ambition has been weaned out of me and I've been getting just surviving#i just wish i got told more you can be whatever you want to be :)#instead of whatever you'll do you'll be good at so do what makes money and push your hobbies to the side you can do them after you retire#your mom likes this and you're good at it so you'll like it too it'll make you money this is the best thing#the other thing is harder and doesn't make as much money don't do that you won't like it that much i bet#when i was younger#maybe I'd be struggling more but I'd be really happy and fulfilled#or maybe this is genuinely the best timeline and eggs who tried to pursue art hates it now#maybe I'd be really stupid at all the other things i gave a passing glance at#eggsistential speaks#tag rant
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thewinter-eden · 4 months ago
psycho | han jisung
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Pairings: Han x OC, Minho x OC
Summary: Anna finds herself trapped in the captivity of a psychopath with numerous other prisoners. The other girls who have been there for a while have been starved and abused, and Anna is obviously headed for the same fate.
Han Jisung, one of the prisoners, a sweet and handsome boy, serves as caretaker for the girls after sessions of abuse. As he and Anna grow closer, struggling to find their way home, the truth about her captor and his plans unfold in the worst ways possible.
cross posted on AO3 under the_winter_eden and Wattpad under alone-at-last.
Genre: horror, thriller
Rating: mature, explicit
Status: ALL CHAPTERS POSTED (20 chapters)
Content warnings: explicit descriptions of violence/torture, mentions of sa, mentions of rape, hurt/comfort, heavy angst, lots of sadness, death, murder, mentions of suicide, starvation, fear, insecurities, hopelessness.
1 : hannie 2 : blood soaked cloth 3 : virtues and vices 4 : missing persons 5 : the first one 6 : the knife 7 : the new girl 8 : stay with me 9 : punished 10 : moments in the dark 11 : the pink door 12 : he already knew 13 : the society 14 : I already did 15 : i've got you 16 : here's looking at you 17 : master of levity 18 : never again 19 : all over soon 20 : nothing you can do
note :
I suck at summaries - they're my kryptonite.
characters :
disclaimer : age manipulation and ambiguity for sake of story.
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[the man I'm a little bit afraid of] Bang Chan
??yo, captain of police
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[the man I would work out with but never spot on bench press] Seo Changbin
??yo, police lieutenant
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[this freaking muse of a man] Hwang Hyunjin
??yo, shop owner
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[the other man I'm slightly afraid of] Kim Seungmin
22yo, police officer
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[the guy who tricked me into SKZ cult] Lee Felix
??yo, shop owner
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[this mini mafioso of a man] Yang Jeongin
??yo, prisoner of Cain (Han's little brother)
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[the man who literally haunts my dreams] Han Jisung
22yo, prisoner of Cain
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[the man who hurts my feelings regularly] Lee Minho
24yo, police officer
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[fill in your own mental image, guys, idk] Anna Park
18yo, prisoner of Cain
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[fill in a second mental image ig] Cass Young
20yo, prisoner of Cain
a/n :
don't come for me. I know this is dark but I had to motivate myself to write this story as a backstory for one of my other projects, so I had to transpose SKZ over it or I would never get it done. In ten years, if any of you see this plot in a sucky indie book on a random Goodwill bookshelf, no you didn't.
a/n 2 :
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Or something like that.
so...I don't actually know SKZ? [If I personally knew Han and Lee Know well enough to accurately represent them in a story like this I would—] so, yeah, anyways those guys are real people who do great things in the entertainment industry and the characters named after them in this story are fake people. Hope that clears things up.
tag list: (Comment a request to be added or removed)
@kayleefriedchicken @eastjonowhere @mysterysold @velvetmoonlght
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misfitmonarchy · 4 months ago
This!! And if I may add:
12. Stay up to date with them/text them! Obviously don’t go overboard but even sending the odd selfie when you think of them will make them smile
13. Offer sleepovers at your place if you can! Especially if they have younger or older niblings, this one is super important for building rapport with them because they get that one on one time!
14. One on one time any chance you get! If you can’t have sleepovers or can’t afford going out once in a while it’s totally fine to just color with them, play the game they like, (yes even Fortnite) it’s even better when you don’t know anything about it because they can teach you!
15. Be curious, ask them about things you listened to them talk about like a month ago. Show that you have listened. My aunt was my safe space as a kid and I’d just unload all my rants on her and honestly felt that she was really listening to me made such a difference! I never felt like I was complaining because she didn’t make it a negative experience
16. Surprise them with something you saw that made you think of them (if money allows) or show them a Pinterest board you made of their interests (this is probably more successful with girl/femme kids) but they love just seeing stuff like that trust me
17. If their mom/dad/parent has the chance to send you to take them school shopping DO IT not only do the parents get the day off for a bit— you can bond with them and shopping really opens your eyes yo to what they like, their sense of fashion and if they see themselves as “too old” for something or not— a great way to get ideas for Christmas without directly asking what they want!
18. Christmas! (And other holidays!) You’d be shocked probably but mostly kids from about 7+ (in my experience) want gift cards to do stuff on their games! Sure they will love whatever you get them, but money that they get to use at their own agency is a particular treat if you’re like me and can’t afford to do it often!
19. Do activities over the phone together if you live far, make it like an appointment that you will call at 5pm to eat dinner with them or bake with them on the weekend or something! That will make them feel very special, because they know you are dedicating that time to them even if you’re far apart!
20. MAIL— even if you live down the street, sending a kid a letter in the mail, a postcard, a small treat or gift— it goes a long way and I bet they will tell everyone about it tbh. We did this one year for a niece of mine because she lived a town away and we couldn’t make it to her house— she was so excited to get something addressed to HER that she talked about it for like 5 months and she was about 8-9 at the time
21. Even if you cannot stand the parent’s partner you have to play nice. Because the moment you don’t respect them the kid will pick up on that and use it as a weapon. I had issues with my sisters partner, and was unaware that this would cause my niece (10) to then lash out at him because she knew I didn’t like him. I felt terrible because I knew that despite our differences, he was doing his best and was really trying to be a good guardian to the kids. You have to really pay attention to yourself when around kids because once you ARE the cool aunt or whatever, there’s the responsibility of being a role model!
I know that a lot of you are banking on having little to do with your nephews/neices as children and then becoming their "cool aunt" once they become teenagers, but I think that you will find, upon analysis, that a random middle-aged woman stepping into a whole-ass teenager's life and arbitrarily declaring herself to be a "cool aunt" is, in fact, the least cool thing it's possible to do.
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lunaxriax · 2 years ago
Every question for Jinneh~ ;)
distract me pls
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?
Yes, you!
2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
4: What’s something you really want right now?
Ice cream!
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?
6: Do you like the beach?
I do, it's nice there.
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Yes, I have.
8: What’s the background on your cell?
Just some pretty flowers.
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?
Mine, yours, a friend's and that's it.
10: Do you like your phone?
Yes, I'm addicted to it to be honest.
11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
I don't really plan things and just see how things go? Because I hate planning things and they don't go the way they should.
12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
Someone from work.
13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
Neither? I'm not really a dog person.
14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
Emotional pain. Definitely.
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
16: Are you tired?
A little.
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
My first phone contact is my brother, so very long.
18: Are they a relative?
Yep my brother.
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
I think I'd rather be set on fire.
20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
Last night.
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
I don't know. I don't really have too many good thoughts and memories about marriage.
22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
Right now, none.
24: Is there a certain quote you live by?
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover."
25: What’s on your mind?
I want to go swimming!
26: Do you have any tattoos?
The numbers ‘473’ on my right wrist, a feather with a clock on the side of my left forearm, a cross on my right ankle, and a phoenix with flowers along my right outer thigh.
27: What is your favorite color?
Any pastel color.
28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Right now, come give me a kiss.
29: Who are you texting?
Right now, no one.
30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
Oh yeah, definitely.
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
Plenty of times.
32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
You but you're not just a friend obviously.
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
You better.
34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
I'm sure they have.
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
I'd feel a little hurt about it.
36: Were you single on Valentines Day?
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
Friends and more than friends.
38: What do your friends call you?
Ji, JiJi, Bambi.
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?
I don't think so.
40: Have you ever cried over a text?
Nope. I rarely every cry.
41: Where’s your last bruise located?
On my knee.
42: What is it from?
From work.
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
I have those thoughts occasionally. Only because I'm used to moving around and never staying in a place for too long.
44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
All of my shoes are favourites!
46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
Nope, I just tie it up and that's that.
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Oh gosh, that would be a funny look, don't you think?
48: Do you make supper for your family?
What family- I can barely cook for myself, let alone for anyone else.
49: Does your bedroom have a door?
50: Top 3 web-pages?
Instagram, Facebook, Youtube
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
A couple of my friends do, I don't know why. Shopping is fun!
52: Does anything on your body hurt?
I don't think so, no
53: Are goodbyes hard for you?
Not really. I'm used to people leaving, so I learned to live with it.
54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
I think it was orange juice. I wasn't really that awake yet and dropped my glass.
55: How is your hair?
In desperate need of a trim and maybe some deep conditioning
56: What do you usually do first in the morning?
57: Do you think two people can last forever?
When I was younger I was convinced of that but as I got older, I started hoping for it more rather than believing it.
58: Think back to January 2007, were you single?
Pretty sure, yes.
59: Green or purple grapes?
60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
You, when I see you.
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
I wish I was at a nice beach with a cocktail.
62: When will be the next time you text someone?
In a couple minutes
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?
I have no idea.
64: What were you doing at 8 this morning.
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Yes.. unfortunately
66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
You can
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I was bummed that I had to get up early.
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
A lot of times, yes.
70: How many windows are open on your computer?
71: How many fingers do you have?
72: What is your ringtone?
Just a random one. My phone is mostly on silent, so it doesn't really matter.
73: How old will you be in 5 months?
Still 26
74: Where is your Mum right now?
I have no idea.
75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
They tried to kill me, so that was dealbreaker!
76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
A few.
78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
Yes, I have.
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?
82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
You and the people at work.
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Most likely, yes
84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
I'm guessing it would be either with you or with some co-workers
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
Yes, I would care. Because I can understand it.
86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
Free snacks!
87: Who was your last received call from?
88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
What the hell, no.
89: What is something you wish you had more of?
Self respect.
90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?
Yes, that's why I have very big trust issues.
91: Do you sleep with your window open?
Yes. It's nice.
92: Do you get along with girls?
Yeah I do, though I prefer hanging out with guys. Less drama.
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
94: Does sex mean love?
No, it doesn't. You can have sex with anyone but loving them is a different thing.
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Nope, no problem at all.
96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
I did, one time.
97: Did you sleep alone this week?
98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
You and my friends do.
99: Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, I don't.
100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
I honestly can't remember. I don't really make promises
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mobiuslakes · 4 years ago
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’98 declaration of rehabilitation
presented by yoshihiro togashi & naoko takeuchi
raws can be found here
transcript under the cut
[image: Sailor Moon holding a chibi head of Prince Baka from Level E. A chibi head of Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Haskusho sits above her shoulder.]
Latest Data 43
[image: a drawing of Prince Baka sitting in front alien looking computer]
[Questions will be bolded, Takeuchi’s commentary will be italicized]
I took the prince’s pen to write this down!
The prince answered, the princess took notes 🤍
1. Birthday
April 27th, 1966
2. Blood type
A Type
This explains his long deep thoughts (laughs)
3. Occupation
Manga artist
4. What do you and the princess call your son together?
Yo-chan or baby boy
5. Do you like “shounen jump”?
NNNNNNNNN~~~~~~Yes I like it.
6. What are your favorite characters you’ve created?
The prince is a Doguraian in his fantasies. 🤍
7. Favorite things about your job
When I have to think of names. Or when I finally find a good way to continue with the story. Or when I can listen to music while I mindlessly draw something.
He glazes over by the typewriter too!!
8. Do you write with pen or ink?
I use a Kabura pen. Or a G pen. I guess the answer is pen.
And paper?
KMK grade paper.
10. Name your latest project?
I drew a 19 page story in an hour for my latest project.
And, afterward he had me look over those 19 pages for errors. 
It was an awful experience, his handwriting is terrible!
11. How long to complete a usual chapter?
Normally it takes 9 hours to do 19 pages, but lately I’m getting better.
My princess takes 3 days to do 45 pages. 💧💧
12. Do you have any goals?
Help the princess get faster (and do more work)
Spend more time with Osabu outside of work (cry)
I have a lot, but I never seem to have to time. Anymore
But I want to visit the Washington Hotel
After that you should bring me flowers, take me out shopping and we can tour around (laughs)
13. Favorite manga
My favorite is “Ansatsu Kyoshitsu”
The princess likes one called “Level E”
I watched it all in an afternoon (and he made me made my own dinner)
14. Do you have any major fears?
One time a snake snuck into my house. And I’m scared of finding them in the water. I think I would die if I came across one when swimming or mountain climbing, they freak me out.
The prince always thinks he hears a snake in the house. 💧
15. How would you describe yourself?
The prince is kind and shy - sensitive 🤍
Outgoing. Out of being a sadist or a masochist, I’m a masochist. I’m socially awkward. Bad at traveling. Love to eat out. Love gadgets (I’m always a sucker for buying the lastest electronics).
I have a difficult time being myself in public.
16. Favorite saying
I’m feeling blue (I’m sad)
But when I’m alone, I don’t feel that way
17. Others
Boring. Reader. Wastes all their money.
This is my ball, these are my shoes, this is my locker - I’m not sharing!
18. Favorite foods
Curry rice
The princess likes to eat everything 🤍
19. Foods you hate
I hate natto, and anything really sticky
The prince writes about this
20. Things you’ve eaten
I love western food. Anything that is foreign and exotic I’ll try.
The prince loves Japanese food 🤍of course, too. It makes me smile when I eat it 🤍
21. Are you good at cooking?
I can make anything that is refrigerated. But it has to have instructions.
Like curry. I like to cook my own curry 🤍
22. Favorite body part
The prince has lovely hair! I wish I had been born with hair like his!
I like my hair. It’s really manageable. Other than that, I can’t think of anything.
23. Place you most want to visit
The ocean. Especially during winter.
What about Disney Land? (laughs) I like to visit aquariums
24. Do you have a passport?
Well obviously, I’m a master of English...actually, I can’t even think in English for 30 seconds
25. Something you want
A deserted island. Please buy me one, they’re only like 5 million dollars
The prince can’t be allowed on a deserted island, he’d never return again 💧
26. Something you want right now
Okay, so this is an impossible dream, but I’ve always wanted a pet ox
If I could I would buy you the finest one in the world, prince
27. Favorite place
My room. I’m sure other people prefer their homes as well.
The prince spends a lot of time in his room. I do too actually - I love my room! 🤍
28. What do you collect?
LD’s. I have about 60-70 discs. And I love collecting party goods I can’t use
Like cake stands
That’s really funny (laughs) ~~~~
The princess loves to collect useless junk too~~~~~!!
29. Something that’s made you nervous
Having to deal with publications. I had to go to the doctor’s for two days in a row too, that made my heart pound with frustration
30. Something that made you happy
1) This year I met someone special
Ohh, but you met so many people
When he met Kanno Miho, he said “Whoah, you’re the voice of bastard?” He was so happy (laughs)
2) I answered a bunch of questions from foreign fans, they were shockingly well-informed
31. Something from the past
I loved getting little gifts. Really, that’s it.
The prince acts like this was something that only happened in the past 💦
32. Something that made you sad
I forgot, too much made me happy
Things that made you sad: Judy and Marie went straight to video and the prince had done all the design work! When he found out, he cried, whyyyyy 💦
33. What makes you feel good?
Getting to watch my favorite variety shows on video
He always gets really pumped when watching these 🤍
34. What do you do right before you tell a girl “I really love you”?
I fall in love...and I want to tell her so but...
But then I think “Oh god, she’ll think you’re weird” or that I’m not doing it in the right setting, I freak out and afterwards I hyperventilate from shyness.
He’s not kidding
35. Marriage wishes
I always wanted to find the right woman to be my wife, to have some kids with, where I wouldn’t have to work much. But then part of me never wanted to have kids or get serious. I didn’t want a wedding. The life of a manga artist isn’t suited to married life, after all. But lately I’m thinking of ways to make the two work together. They’re both works in progress.
No kidding (laughs)
36. Your favorite music to listen to in private
“The past,” “Cruelty” (I think that’s it) and other really old songs by Matsuri Bayashi. I can’t help but like her, I’m a weak man.
But I love her
Yeah, check her out!
Other than that I like Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Black Sabbath, etc.
He made a character recently based off of one of their songs
37. Something you did for yourself
I rode a beautiful new bike.
That’s one way of talking about a new motorcycle
38. Have you watched Sailor Moon?
...I’m apologize. I know the story, but I haven’t. But I did read the manga.
I make fun of him when he wears ponytails and call him “Chibiusa!” all day long ~~~~ 💦💢
39. Goals for 1998
I need to keep in touch with my loved ones more, and I need to become more socially involved, and study at my craft harder. If I can accomplish all that, I think I’ll be a satisfied man.
Maybe the prince will give his editor a passport to correct his errors without getting upset? Come on, prince.
It’ll be fun for your editor.
40. Professional goals for this
That’s unclear, I’ve spent a lot of time calling out sick from home.
Whaaat. I’m sure it wasn’t that much.
He did have to go to the doctor’s a lot, and I had to go to lady doctors as well. We had a bad health year. (I hope next year will be better)
41. What did you think of the movie Men in Black?
They spent about three years making the backdrops and characters, and I think it came out great. I was really shocked at how good it turned out.
Right! Totally! I’ll read your manga of it!!
42. What about the Pokemon movie that cames out December 16th?
If I go see it, I’m sure it’ll be good. But so far I don’t know.
When I was little I used to carry a camera to photograph all the things I saw - Pokemon’s kind of like that, right? (laughs)
43. Thing you wish you had more of? Time. I never feel like I have enough. 
The princess feels the same way.
Thank you for purchasing this booklet!!
[image: a bar graph labeled “travel days”]
(Come on, you can’t just buy those)
Watch us every night at 10:00
Yomiuri TV (Asahi TV also selling)
[image: a TV advertisement]
[next page is bordered in snowflakes]
This is the prince and princess’s Christmas present 🤍to you
Merry Christmas 🤍
To all the prince’’s fans 🤍
[image: a kiss mark]
To all the princess’s fans 🤍
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louloubabys1992 · 4 years ago
Ask for writers
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Tagged by @theisolatedlily​ thank u babe xoxo
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted: 
I got so into the 1D fandom that I opened a tumblr account and found loads of fics about Harry and Louis. I got hooked. I go way back as a fan. am one of those who started reading fics from tumblr accounts and livejournals. I know a lot still read from those until now, even me, until ao3 became the basis of fics. I read so many fics that i wanted to write my own as well. my first ever fic, officially, was an apocalypse/zombie au called Nothing Can Come Between You and I. I say officially because I posted a couple of fics before this one but they were edited fics from a writer who took down his/her fics for reasons I don’t wanna get into. I asked permission to post them and edit them. That’s when I started joining up as a beta as well :D
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?
I typically write in Louis’ narrative but I don’t usually base it on any perceptions I have of him, even if it’s canon. most of my fics are inspired by circumstances I see around me in my day to day life or by events that one can relate to because they do happen.
3. where do you often find inspiration?
I read a lot of fics as I’ve mentioned before and each and every one of them has left an impact on me that made me the fic writer I am today. Whenever I lack inspiration, I just open my bookmarks on ao3 and read. And then, a bulb lights up and voila, inspiration hits
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?
helped a lot! i wrote more during quarantine than I do now even though am somewhat working from home. but when corona was at its peak back in March, everything was on hold and I turned to writing.
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence? 
silence. Am sadly not one of those people who could write in a corner in a cafe even though I wish I could do something like that.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?
word vomit. not into that.
7. describe your ideal writing setup: 
after midnight, laptop on a cushion on my lap, neck pillow for my neck, my bed, and a quiet house where everyone is already sleeping and my mind is brimming, racing faster than my fingers could type hahahaah
8. favorite time of day to write?: 
after midnight. it mostly has to do with the fact that I am not available during the day but even before when I wasn’t working, i would find myself procrastinating all day or totally lacking inspiration and then come night time, and my mind comes alive hahahaha
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?
Canon fics
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? 
I mean, who doesn’t, right?
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult? 
easiest is after I’ve day-dreamed the scene because when I day dream, its detailed to the tee, down to the words and the dialogue but the most difficult is when I postpone an idea I had in my head. If I don’t write it down instantly, it never turns out the same and that’s quite frustrating
12. how do you come up with original characters? (
I do insert a lot of original characters in my fics and they are sometimes inspired my real people but only in terms of appearance not by character or name. so, if am describing an original character in any of my fics, know that he exists but his character is not the same in real life hahahaha
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word? f
wow, this is random. um. fav would be scars and least would be veggies
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?
I don’t think it was something I was proud of at first but a lot of people who comment on my fics say that they like my pacing and the dialogues. so maybe that? I would say I think I need to work more on my originality. sometimes, i find myself drifting to a fic I’ve just read, especially if its the same trope and am like, wow, that’s not mine at all.
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?
definitely my first abo fic Hang there like fruit, my soul/Till the tree die. I love that au and I’ve always wanted to put my own tiny twist in it. am really proud of how it came about and am massively humbled by the comments and support it received :D
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?
arial, font 18 and sometimes bigger because I don’t have good eyesight
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?:
names, because sometimes the names I choose are apprarently just not cool with microsoft word for some reason....sighs
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?
yes, but its not intentional, it just happens
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?Angst because that’s just me hahahaaha. the most difficult? hmm, emotional love confessions maybe or the transition from friends to lovers. yeah.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?
the passion behind it maybe?
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
best advice is to sleep on it because I do come up with scenes for my fics when I am about to sleep ahahahah. the worse one I got came from someone who obviously doesn’t know a thing about writing. he said, ‘’just don’t write it and do something else.’’ I mean, really?
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?
nope, not happening.
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?: 
most of the time in order.
24. how do you handle criticism?
quite well I think. 
 25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?
Go for it. Writing is not a silly hobby. if it’s really something you wanna do, even if its just for fun or to pass the time or to make new friends. go for it, There are so many fics in this fandom that until this day, are still ingrained in my mind because they were so touching and moving to me. you never know what your words could do for someone or how much your words could make a person’s day a better day 
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?
the comments posted on my fics in ao3 always make me happy. I feel like its the best to find out if my work is worth someone’s time, you know? even though I do write for myself most of the time, the validation is nice sometimes :D
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend? 
wow, all of them? 
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?
hmm, I mean people could ask what they want so am cool with anything. am not picky. I get asked about plot lines or what would happen next when it comes to cliffhangers and I do my best to answer them without revealing too much :D
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?
I definitely made new friends through it and it’s been great :D
30. why do you write?
it’s my favourite thing in my entire life. It’s the one thing that no one in my life knows about, as in the people that I work with, my friends, even my family, none of them have ever read anything I’ve ever written and am fine with it. I feel like writing is purely for me and it’s something I’d like to keep as a part of me you know?
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote:
Harry smiles despite himself. Three years together, since he was nineteen, and it shouldn’t be a surprise that Louis knows him so well, can tell by the sound of his voice if he’s okay or not, nervous or not, happy or not.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about:
the one am writing for the harry/men fic fest
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of: 
‘’You’re being really quiet and I don’t like it,’’ Louis points out.
‘’Just a bit tired,’’
‘’Stay here then,’’ Louis pats the bed. ‘’Sleep next to me,’’
‘’Are you sure? I don’t want to mess with anything by accident or…’’
‘’I won’t get a wink’s worth of sleep if you’re even an inch away from me,’’ he says firmly. ‘’And I’ll go on a limb here and say neither will you.’’
‘’No buts, I’m serious.’’ Louis cups his cheek, his blue eyes big and beautiful, like an entire fucking galaxy. ‘’I missed you something terrible these past few days,’’
‘’Be here with me, Haz. Please?’’
Harry hums before he pushes himself forward. He cannot stop it, cannot keep himself from gravitating towards Louis, taking what he wants, what he needs to make it through the night. He cups Louis’ face and kisses him but even then it’s not enough and he skates one arm around Louis’ small shoulders and tugs him closer, careful not to jostle Louis too much and kisses him like Louis’ a mermaid and he needs his air or else he’ll drown.
It eases an ache in him he didn’t know was trying to get his attention the moment he entered the room, something deep and visceral, calming down with the way Louis’ molds his lips against his, with the shape of his mouth fitting with his own, with the way his body is trying to align with his, like a constellation, each star coming together to mean something greater than they can ever grasp, something more infinite and vast.
‘’I love you,’’ Louis whispers into his lips.
‘’I’m never letting you go,’’ Harry says before he reaches for another kiss. ‘’Love of my life, fucking best thing to ever happen to me, you know that?’’
‘’My rock,’’ Louis kisses him back. ‘’My fortress,’’ and kisses him again, ‘’my strength,’’ and again and again. ‘’I love you so much. Would be dead without you,’’
‘’Don’t say that,’’
‘’It’s true,’’ Louis gasps as Harry devours his mouth, trying to stop him from saying another word. ‘’I would’ve crawled out that room right to your feet, Haz. I would’ve…’’
‘’Shh, just me kiss, babe. Just kiss me,’’ Harry pleads.
And so they do.
4a; line from my fics that I am most proud of:
hard to choose really
5a. link the last fic you read: 
bang bang (my baby shot me down) by thepolourryexpress
6a. link the last work you published: 
Ellen's haunted house by louloubaby92
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable): 
8a. someone that inspires you 
Louis Tomlinson
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year: 
bruise you like a peach by falsegoodnight
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag! 
@falsegoodnight​ @twopoppies​ @mediawhorefics​
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peterstanslizzie · 5 years ago
Reacting To: The Hollow (Season 2 Episode 6)
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Episode Title: Dead End
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve watched the episode already or don’t care about spoilers.
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1. The episode begins on a somber note; Adam, Mira, Kai PLUS Reeve and Vanessa are standing next to Skeet’s burial. They’re obviously distressed by the sudden passing of their friend. Regardless of what we’ve just seen, I still think that the show is going to find a way to bring him back. 
2. As they make their way to the Jazz Club, Reeve tells Vanessa he still doesn’t trust the trio and the same goes for Adam. Reeve also believes that they’re still playing the game. 
3. Kai notices Adam wearing the skull key he had stolen from Jules’s chateau in episode 5 and points it out for everyone to hear, including Reeve and Vanessa. Reeve is suspicious of Adam collecting random objects without keeping them in the loop. Umm, they just got together as a group; Why would he think that Adam is withholding information from him especially after everything they’ve been through last episode? Reeve is always so hot-tempered; It’s really annoying. 
4. Adam and Kai get to arguing with each other and thank goodness for Mira because she pulls them by their ear, which causes them to stop. She must have done that plenty of times when the three of them were a team back in the day. But they go back to bickering when they couldn’t decide on a path to take. This time, Kai is the one to stop them. We also find out some tidbits about Kai’s parents; Apparently they don’t seem to have a good relationship with one another. I wonder if they’re separated or divorced...
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5. Reeve asks Vanessa (who seems out of it) to fly out to scout for locations but there’s no need for that because Mira discovers a random underground metro station behind the bushes. As they descend, Kai reminds Vanessa that he’s still mad at her for manipulating him last season. 
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6. I’m glad Mira is around to keep the peace between Adam and Reeve. Their constant arguing is getting old real fast. They board a train and it immediately starts moving. But they’re not the only ones on this train because there is also a group of ghosts seated on the train as well and just like Jules, they’re French too lol. PS, I didn’t catch the ‘ghosted’ pun Kai made at first when he was talking to one of the ghosts. 
7. They look at the map of the metro and are unsure if the train will take them to the jazz club. Vanessa points to a headline of a newspaper one of the ghosts is reading that mentions about a train that had crashed at the end of a train line. By the way, can Mira read French? There are also photos of the victims and it turns out that the ghosts of the victims are in the same carriage as them. Creepy!
8. They then realize that these ghosts are there to relive the crash again, which means that the very train that they’re on will crash too. They run over to the driver (also a ghost) and pleads for him to stop the train but he isn’t able to do anything; I guess it’s because he’s a ghost lol.
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9. Yet again, Adam and Reeve are arguing about which buttons to press to stop the train. Kai, who is extra sensitive to listening to people argue because of his parents’ history isn’t coping well during this time. Poor Kai! He must have been so traumatized. Adam, go get yo’ man, even if y’all are about to die. 
10. Vanessa tells Kai to fix the predicament they’re in but Kai is still hurt by the bad stuff she’s done to him. I’m glad Kai is calling her out and not sweeping those things under the rug. What she did was absolutely terrible. Anyways. with his powers of ‘engineering’ (I guess), he asks Adam to pull the lever to set off the braking system but Reeve starts to butt in. OMG REEVE! Kai asked Adam! UGHHHH! It’s not a competition. They accidentally break the lever and I am so mad. Mira does the best thing in the episode so far and that is locking them out of the train conductor’s room. Thank you Mira!
11. Kai breaks open the control panel, exposing the wires underneath but he’s not sure which ones to disconnect. Luckily, Vanessa realizes that the metro map isn’t a location map, it’s actually a map of the circuitry. With the basic knowledge of French she has, she tells Kai to disconnect the blue and green wire and the train manages to stop just before it could crash.
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12. The doors open and the ghosts are free to leave the train at Montmartre station. But they’re ghosts?! They should be able to phase through objects, no?
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13. I’m loving Mira in this episode! She is not taking any of Reeve or Adam’s BS! I agree, their constant fighting is so dumb and it’s not accomplishing anything. To be honest, the main problem here lies with Reeve. He is so stubborn but I  wonder what really happened that caused him to leave Adam and Mira in the first place.
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14. They exit the station and immediately, they see the jazz club just opposite of them. The door opens and from the looks of it, another team is leaving the club. They explain to our protagonists that they don’t have their memories and they have their own set of powers. These people are probably in the same positions Adam. Kai, Mira and Vanessa, Reeve, Skeet were last season. 
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15. However, the long hair girl (we find out later that her name is Nisha) quickly assumes that our main characters are the bad guys and she threatens to attack. Reeve, who is the most annoying person on this show so far makes the first move on the only guy on their team, Tyler. But he’s not down for the count because he strikes Reeve with a lightning bolt. So, we get this episode’s first fight scene.
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16. Nisha also has fire powers like Kai and she proceeds to attack Kai and we get a fire on fire battle between the two. We also find out here that players can’t have the same powers within ‘The Hollow’, which is definitely not the case at this moment. Interesting! I didn’t know that. Hence, the digital world that they’re in now is very different to what the game was last season. 
17. The shaved-head girl, whose name is Iris I believe (from me checking the end credits) has the power to grow bigger. She tries to attack Mira but Reeve uses his telekinetic powers to stop her. Oh and on top of Tyler having lightning powers, he has the ability to summon hail too. So, he has weather powers a la Storm from the X-men, I’m assuming. He distracts Reeve with the hail, allowing Iris to break free from Reeve’s grip. 
18. She then confronts Adam and wants to fight him but Adam, with his chivalry, doesn’t believe in hitting girls. Well, Adam is gonna have to face the consequences because she grows into a giant and picks Adam up and she snatches the skull key from him. He really should’ve left that thing in his pocket. We see that this opposing team has stolen a gun-like weapon from Jules’s chateau and thinks that the key will activate the weapon. But Iris is shrinking and they decide to make their escape instead. 
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19. Okay, so it seems to me that Vanessa had something to do with the game restarting and all of them being back in ‘The Hollow’ once again. With tears filling her eyes, she tries to tell them but the rest of the group were too busy focusing on getting to the club. Ughh, I want to know what she did! Maybe her eventual revelation will explain the glitch she had in her eye at the end of Season 1 after the game was over. And no wonder she acted weirdly when Reeve mentions about the glitch to her earlier in this episode. So, is Vanessa a glitch herself? Hmm....
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20.  ‘Death’ is back! And he’s working as a bartender/mixologist behind the counter lol. However, Death doesn’t recognize them, just like how Akuma didn’t seem to remember them in episode 4 either . I guess resetting the game had something to do with it. They ask him about Weirdy and he tells them that Weirdy is going to be performing later tonight.
21. Benjamini, the short-stature bodybuilder-like Italian man from the carnival last season is also working at the club. The five of them sit around a table, waiting for the show to start and Vanessa tries to confess to them something about the weapon the other team has but she gets interrupted again! It would be best if these people actually listen to her! So, is her secret about the weapon and not about the glitch? Or is it both? I’m confused. After interrupting her, the others talk about the other team they just fought and what would happen to them if they were to win the game. 
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22. Anyways, the show starts and Plague (from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) is on stage and he introduces Weirdy to everyone. Our heroes try to go over to him but they are blocked by Benjamin, Benjamini’s partner/brother?, also from season 1. Weirdy proceeds to play the piano and he starts to sing the song, ‘Creep’ by Radiohead. How appropriate, given his name. I’m actually digging this cover. It starts out similar to the actual song and then it turns a corner and we get a Jazz rendition of it. It’s pretty cool!
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23. They do their best to capture Weirdy’s attention but the Benjamins are making sure his act doesn’t get interrupted. Reeve uses his powers to disable them and they manage to get to the front. Weirdy is really into his own performance but eventually, he notices the group and is really surprised to see them. He actually flat out tells them they don’t belong here and he thinks that they’re coding errors, despite telling their truth to him. He ends his song with a snap of his fingers, which opens a portal under them and they fall into it. 
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24. They all teleport to the tip of a mountain, where the only thing supporting them is a weird looking platform. What’s with ‘The Hollow’ and it’s love of high altitudes? LOL. Anyways, they are all balancing the platform at different points and if anybody were to make even just a slight step, it would cause the entire platform to tip over. Why can’t Reeve use his powers to levitate everyone? Adam reminds everyone not to move, which is sound advice but guess who doesn’t like being told what to do? F*ckin’ Reeve. LIKE WILL HE EVER SHUT UP?!
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25. For the 4th or 5th time this episode, these two argue on the platform. Kai calls out for Mira to stop them. And ironically, she’s in the centre of all of this...lol. I feel for Mira in the picture above; She’s either going to yell at them again or break down crying from all of the stress of them two arguing. And the episode stops here. Well, this was certainly an episode filled with argument after argument, wasn’t it? It annoyed me to no end. Check back with me tomorrow for when I upload my review of episode 7. Till then, have a great day everyone! Bye!
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thebluesideofmyworld · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @celeste-soy-yo​ . Thank you for thinking of me when you did this :D
Rules: Look at the most recent 20 (or however many) fanwork titles on your ao3 account and answer the questions below.
My account on AO3: myblueworld
My 20 most recent works:
Nico di Angelo was a Hufflepuff, and Will Solace was a Ravenclaw (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse) - still a WIP, on Chapter 3 out of 5
Emotions (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
Can't Find the Word   (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
Our Songs (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
House Key (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
Will You, or Will You Not   (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
See You Again (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
"Who are you?"  (Percy Jackson/Jason Grace, riordanverse)
How Nico Learned to Love from Five Days that Used to be Meaningless For Him (+ One Special Day) (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
The Good Side (Keith/Lance, Voltron the Legendary Defender)
Dear to Me (Percy Jackson/Carter Kane, riordanverse)
"We've Got Your Back” (Football RPF)
First Time He Kissed a Boy (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
Kiss Me (Keith/Lance, Voltron the Legendary Defender)
A Place for Us (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
Strangers (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
I Like Me Better (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, riordanverse)
Breakfast in Bed (Football RPF)
A Christmas Visit (Football RPF)
Have Some Oreos! (Football RPF) 
How many are you happy with? Probably only 4, #1; #2, #7 and #12
How many are…not great? I think the one that I am kind of still unhappy with is #9? Becuase like, it’s TOO long!
How many did you scramble for at the last minute? Not actually scrambled at the last minutes, but I didn’t have three of those titles before I was about to post them on AO3: #6, #15 and #16
How many did you know before you started writing/creating, or near the beginning? Only one, #1. I had that sentence in my head before I even had a clear concept of what I want to write.
How many are quotes from songs or poems?  SO MANY OF THEM. Titles of #5, #7, #8, #10, #11, #13, #17 were all song titles, the title of #14 comes from the song BITE by Troye Sivan. Well, not exactly but it had the vibe from that song, I guess.
How many are other quotes? None, I guess? But the title of #12 was something that Kevin said at the very last line of the fic.
Which best reflects the plot of the story/content of the fanwork? Obviously #1, hahahaha... But maybe also #2, #3, #18 and #19
Which best reflects the theme of the story? Hmmm... I would say #15 and #16
Which best reflects the character voice of the story/pov of the fanwork? I would say #6, as I feel it reflected how Will questioning whether Nico was in the same page as him when it came to getting married. Also #12 as it showed how the City boys were supporting each other.
Which is your favourite title? At the moment, I really like #1, and #12.
That was fun :D
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shadowsong26fic · 5 years ago
Soooooo yeah. I know I’ve been kinda least-in-sight lately and have a very overdue Precipice chapter in the wings, etc., etc. Uh, basically, my BB got behind and then a little bit away from me. Deadline is not an issue in terms of completeness, but it’s gonna be quite a bit messier than I like at this stage in an event like this. Well, I’m planning to Power Through over the weekend and hopefully I’ll get more tweaking done than I expect? We shall see.
ANYWAY. I don’t know how March will look--more on that in Monday’s Coming Attractions post, of course, but work will get SUPER BUSY, along with other ongoing challenge commitments--but I’m still hoping to start posting my regular fics again? Lol. At least finishing Arc Seven so I can move on to Promises and Preludes because I’m super excited for some of the stuff happening there.
But for now, since I know I haven’t posted much lately, and because I’ve been rereading the Valdemar series so it’s been on my mind, I’ve decided to share some more from my Jedi of Valdemar AU! Specifically, this is the Ginormous Timeline of Doom that covers everything from, like, two years before Anakin gets to Haven to Leia’s kids’ generation getting Chosen, etc. (working in a Blended Canon because that’s how I roll) Obviously, this includes many spoilers for the AU in question--and also, because I like to keep certain plot points/character beats consistent, a few things for other fics. Also, this is an admittedly niche-appeal crossover with a fair amount of self-indulgent stuff in here JSYK.
Let’s see, what else...oh! Those of you who read the Family of Spies AU will recognize some OCs from there. One of them actually technically originated in the Valdemar AU, even. Nikolai and his brothers, who get mentioned here, are OCs of mine who in the regular timeline/galaxy are Kallus’s sister’s sons.
Also, Much Much Credit to Roommate TK for serving as a sounding board/helping with brainstorming/letting me use some of her OCs in this XD
I think that’s all the disclaimers I need so...here we go! Feel free to comment, question, etc., on anything in this post or whatever else you’re curious about!
Valdemar AU Rough Timeline (covering 64 goddamn years; including ages and broken into three arcs because easier to count, etc.):
-3 – Obi-Wan is Chosen (by Hondo) - Obi-Wan is 13; Padme is 11; Anakin is approx. 6; Bail is 15; Breha is 14; Palpatine is 40
-2 – Padme is Chosen (by Sabe) - Obi-Wan is 14; Padme is 12; Anakin is approx. 7; Bail is 16; Breha is 15; Palpatine is 41
-.5 – Padme’s parents and Mace are killed; Bail is Chosen as Queen’s Own; Palps becomes Lord Regent/Lord Protector (I haven't decided which title I like better yet) - Obi-Wan is 15/16; Padme is 13/14; Anakin is approx. 8; Bail is 18; Breha is 17; Palpatine is 42/43
0 – Anakin arrives in Haven after being Chosen by Ahsoka - Obi-Wan is 16; Padme is 14; Anakin is approx. 9; Bail is 18; Breha is 17; Palpatine is 43
2 – Obi-Wan is put into full Whites - Obi-Wan is 18; Padme is 16; Anakin is approx. 11; Bail is 20; Breha is 19; Palpatine is 45
3 – Padme is put into full Whites and Palpatine’s regency ends with a deceptively smooth transition of power - Obi-Wan is 19; Padme is 17; Anakin is approx. 12; Bail is 21; Breha is 20; Palpatine is 46
5 – Bail and Breha marry - Obi-Wan is 21; Padme is 10; Anakin is approx. 14; Bail is 23; Breha is 22; Palpatine is 48
6 or 7 – By now, the OT3 and a select few in their inner circle know that this is a Lifebond situation (not that they’re doing anything about it until Anakin, at minimum, has his Whites/finished his internship/etc., but they’re Aware and planning their futures with that in mind) - Obi-Wan is 22/23; Padme is 20/21; Anakin is approx. 15/16; Bail is 24/25; Breha is 23/24; Palps is 49/50 ((Note - I am going with an OT3 lifebond here for several reasons, including the fact that I don’t think Obi-Wan would be a very good Companion for Anakin (i.e., it would go like canon/Gala and Tylendel and No One Wants That), and this still showcases their extremely tight connection and also I like the OT3.))
8 – Anakin is put into full Whites; Dooku leaves Court and begins stirring up Trouble; discussion of when/who Padme should marry picks up/starts in real earnest. - Obi-Wan is 24; Padme is 22; Anakin is approx. 17; Bail is 26; Breha is 25; Palps is 51
9 – The civil war officially erupts - Obi-Wan is 25; Padme is 23; Anakin is approx. 18; Bail is 27; Breha is 26; Palps is 52
10 – Anakin loses his arm - Obi-Wan is 26; Padme is 24; Anakin is approx. 19; Bail is 28; Breha is 27; Palps is 53
11 – Dooku lays siege to Haven; Anakin and Ahsoka sneak out of the city and kill him - Obi-Wan is 27; Padme is 25; Anakin is approx. 20; Bail is 29; Breha is 28; Palps is 54
11 or 12 – Padme and Anakin marry (and make a similar private vow/commitment to Obi-Wan; Anakin gets the legal title because Obi-Wan emphatically does not want to be King, but doesn’t think he could refuse the responsibility if he was Padme’s legal spouse even if the Council/etc. would let him. Also Anakin becomes Weaponsmaster’s Second somewhere in here, but not 100% sure on exact timing, but almost certainly before the wedding.) - Obi-Wan is 27/28; Padme is 25/26; Anakin is approx. 20/21; Bail is 29/30; Breha is 28/29; Palps is 54/55
14 – Leia is born; her parents are not 100% sure who her biodad is but don’t particularly care. - Obi-Wan is 30; Padme is 28; Anakin is approx. 23; Bail is 32; Breha is 31; Palps is 57 ((Note: Luke is Leia’s Companion, as I’ve posted before, which is why he’s not here :D))
16 – Lavinia is born 2 years after Leia; her mother dies in an accident shortly thereafter - Obi-Wan is 32; Padme is 30; Anakin is approx. 25; Bail is 34; Breha is 33; Palps is 59
[ARC 2]
-4 – Leia is Chosen (by Luke); Lando and Amilyn arrive in Haven as Bardic students - Obi-Wan is 43; Padme is 41; Anakin is approx. 36; Bail is 45; Breha is 44; Palps is 70; Leia is 13; Lavinia is 11; Ezra is 12; Lando is 15; Amilyn is 12; Kanan and Hera are 25ish
-2 – Ezra is Chosen (by Ventress because the Kingdom clearly needed a little Pure Chaos) and joins Leia’s inner circle - Obi-Wan is 45; Padme is 43; Anakin is approx. 38; Bail is 47; Breha is 46; Palps is 72; Leia is 15; Lavinia is 13; Ezra is 14; Lando is 17; Amilyn is 14; Kanan and Hera are 27ish
0 – Kallus defects and comes to Haven with Zeb; Lando goes off on his Journeyman period - Obi-Wan is 47; Padme is 45; Anakin is approx. 40; Bail is 49; Breha is 48; Palps is 74; Leia is 17; Lavinia is 15; Ezra is 16; Lando is 19; Amilyn is 16; Kanan and Hera are 29ish; Zeb and Kallus are 35ish
1 – Pellaeon becomes Lord Marshall; Lavinia is Chosen (by Thrawn) and exposes her father’s crimes; Palpatine flees Valdemar (going West, discovering he has a latent Mage-Gift, and meeting Mother Talzin); Kanan is blinded as Palpatine has his minions try to kill the three people responsible for his downfall (Kanan, Lavinia, and Pellaeon) - Obi-Wan is 48; Padme is 46; Anakin is approx. 41; Bail is 50; Breha is 49; Palps is 75; Leia is 18; Lavinia is 16; Ezra is 17; Lando is 20; Amilyn is 17; Kanan and Hera are 30ish; Zeb and Kallus are 36ish; Pellaeon is 50
2 – Zeb and Kallus get their first kids; Ezra is put into full Whites; Amilyn goes on her Journeyman period - Obi-Wan is 49; Padme is 47; Anakin is approx. 42; Bail is 51; Breha is 50; Palps is 76; Leia is 19; Lavinia is 17; Ezra is 18; Lando is 21; Amilyn is 18; Kanan and Hera are 31ish; Zeb and Kallus are 37ish; Pellaeon is 51; Orryn and Mirah, are approx. 5
3 – Han meets Lando and is Chosen (by Chewie); I’m guessing Jacen is born around now, too? - Obi-Wan is 50; Padme is 48; Anakin is approx. 43; Bail is 52; Breha is 51; Palps is 77; Leia is 20; Lavinia is 18; Ezra is 19; Lando is 22; Amilyn is 19; Kanan and Hera are 32ish; Zeb and Kallus are 38ish; Pellaeon is 52; Han is 22
4 – Zeb and Kallus by now have all five kids probably? - Obi-Wan is 51; Padme is 49; Anakin is approx. 44; Bail is 53; Breha is 52; Palps is 78; Leia is 21; Lavinia is 19; Ezra is 20; Lando is 23; Amilyn is 20; Kanan and Hera are 33ish; Zeb and Kallus are 39ish; Pellaeon is 53; Han is 23; Nikolai is 14/15; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 9ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 7
5 – To the delight of their friends, Han and Leia finally start sleeping together and there is substantially less UST floating around - Obi-Wan is 52; Padme is 50; Anakin is approx. 45; Bail is 54; Breha is 53; Palps is 79; Leia is 22; Lavinia is 20; Ezra is 21; Lando is 24; Amilyn is 21; Kanan and Hera are 34ish; Zeb and Kallus are 40ish; Pellaeon is 54; Han is 24; Nikolai is 15/16; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 10ish; Mirah and Orryn approx. 8
6 – Lando and Lavinia start sleeping together regularly, but it’s Just Casual Let’s Not Make It Weird - Obi-Wan is 53; Padme is 51; Anakin is approx. 46; Bail is 55; Breha is 54; Palps is 80; Leia is 23; Lavinia is 21; Ezra is 22; Lando is 25; Amilyn is 22; Kanan and Hera are 35ish; Zeb and Kallus are 41ish; Pellaeon is 55; Han is 25; Nikolai is 16/17; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 11ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 9
9 – Shamie tells their dads they want to be a Sunpriest, studying with Chirrut in the Haven Temple; if he hasn’t already, Palpatine decides he no longer needs Mother Talzin and kills her; he starts building his power base/collection of client states in earnest - Obi-Wan is 56; Padme is 54; Anakin is approx. 49; Bail is 58; Breha is 57; Palps is 83 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 26; Lavinia is 24; Ezra is 25; Lando is 28; Amilyn is 25; Kanan and Hera are 38ish; Zeb and Kallus are 44ish; Pellaeon is 58; Han is 28; Nikolai is 19/20; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 14ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 12
10 – Leia and Han get married; Lavinia and Lando finally admit that Okay It’s Probably Not Casual - Obi-Wan is 57; Padme is 55; Anakin is approx. 50; Bail is 59; Breha is 58; Palps is 84 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 27; Lavinia is 25; Ezra is 26; Lando is 29; Amilyn is 26; Kanan and Hera are 39ish; Zeb and Kallus are 45ish; Pellaeon is 59; Han is 29; Nikolai is 20/21; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 15ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 13
12 – Jaina is born; Lavinia and Lando probably Officially Get Married or something - Obi-Wan is 59; Padme is 57; Anakin is approx. 52; Bail is 61; Breha is 60; Palps is 86 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 29; Lavinia is 27; Ezra is 28; Lando is 31; Amilyn is 28; Kanan and Hera are 41ish; Zeb and Kallus are 47ish; Pellaeon is 61; Han is 31; Nikolai is 22/23; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 17ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 15
[ARC 3]
-2 – Anakin dies. - Obi-Wan is 62; Padme is 60; Anakin was approx. 55; Bail is 64; Breha is 63; Palps is 89 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 32; Lavinia is 30; Ezra is 31; Lando is 34; Amilyn is 31; Kanan and Hera are 44ish; Zeb and Kallus are 50ish; Pellaeon is 64; Han is 34; Nikolai is 25/26; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 20ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 18; Jaina is 3
-1 – Obi-Wan dies, then Padme; Leia becomes Queen (Han is also technically King at this point, crowned and everything, but this is generally considered Leia’s reign rather than Leia and Han’s reign as Co-Consorts) - Obi-Wan was 63; Padme was 61; Bail is 65; Breha is 64; Palps is 90 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 33; Lavinia is 31; Ezra is 32; Lando is 35; Amilyn is 32; Kanan and Hera are 45ish; Zeb and Kallus are 51ish; Pellaeon is 65; Han is 35; Nikolai is 26/27; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 21ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 19; Jaina is 4
0 – Bail dies; Lavinia becomes Queen’s Own; Thrawn Chooses Pellaeon (who is a little bit What about the whole thing) - Bail was 66; Breha is 65; Palps is 91 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 34; Lavinia is 32; Ezra is 33; Lando is 36; Amilyn is 33; Kanan and Hera are 46ish; Zeb and Kallus are 52ish; Pellaeon is 66; Han is 36; Nikolai is 27/28; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 22ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 20; Jaina is 5
1 – Elena and Alysia are born - Breha is 66; Palps is 92 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 35; Lavinia is 33; Ezra is 34; Lando is 37; Amilyn is 34; Kanan and Hera are 47ish; Zeb and Kallus are 53ish; Pellaeon is 67; Han is 37; Nikolai is 28/29; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 23ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 21; Jaina is 6
2 – Baby Anakin is born - Breha is 67; Palps is 93 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 36; Lavinia is 34; Ezra is 35; Lando is 38; Amilyn is 35; Kanan and Hera are 48ish; Zeb and Kallus are 54ish; Pellaeon is 68; Han is 38; Nikolai is 29/30; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 24ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 22; Jaina is 7; Elena and Alysia are 1
4 – Palpatine starts his real push at the Border and so there is War; Lavinia and Rolan go to work building a network through his client-states; Kallus has probably taken Cassian on has his Second by now - Breha is 69; Palps is 95 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 38; Lavinia is 36; Ezra is 37; Lando is 40; Amilyn is 37; Kanan and Hera are 50ish; Zeb and Kallus are 56ish; Pellaeon is 70; Han is 40; Nikolai is 31/32; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 26ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 24; Jaina is 9; Elena and Alysia are 3; bb!Anakin is 2; Cassian is 35ish (maybe a bit older?)
6 – Jaina is Chosen (by Winter) - Breha is 71; Palps is 97 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 40; Lavinia is 38; Ezra is 39; Lando is 42; Amilyn is 39; Kanan and Hera are 52ish; Zeb and Kallus are 58ish; Pellaeon is 72; Han is 42; Nikolai is 33/34; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 28ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 26; Jaina is 11; Elena and Alysia are 5; bb!Anakin is 4; Cassian is 37ish
6/7 – Final battle with Palpatine; Lavinia’s diplomacy fragments his army; Ezra and Ventress and their Semi-Controlled Chaos carve a path; Leia slays him on the field - Breha is 71/72; Palps was 97/98 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 40/41; Lavinia is 38/39; Ezra is 39/40; Lando is 42/43; Amilyn is 39/40; Kanan and Hera are 52/53ish; Zeb and Kallus are 58/59ish; Pellaeon is 72/72; Han is 42/43; Nikolai is 33-35; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 28/29ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 26/27; Jaina is 11/12; Elena and Alysia are 5/6; bb!Anakin is 4/5; Cassian is 37/38ish
8 – Poe is Chosen (by Baby/BB-8) and comes to Haven; Breha has probably passed away by now but I’m not sure exactly when - Leia is 42; Lavinia is 40; Ezra is 41; Lando is 44; Amilyn is 41; Kanan and Hera are 54ish; Zeb and Kallus are 60ish; Pellaeon is 74; Han is 44; Nikolai is 35/36; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 30ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 28; Jaina is 13; Elena and Alysia are 7; bb!Anakin is 6; Cassian is 39ish; Poe is 14
13 – Lavinia dies; Finn and Rey are Chosen (by Shaak-Ti and Rolan, respectively) and come to Haven; Rose comes to Haven and she and bb!Anakin enter Healer’s Collegium at the same time - Leia is 47; Lavinia was 45; Ezra is 46; Lando is 49; Amilyn is 46; Kanan and Hera are 59ish; Zeb and Kallus are 65ish; Pellaeon is 79 (and has Retired by now); Han is 49; Nikolai is 40/41; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 35ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 33; Jaina is 18; Elena and Alysia are 12; bb!Anakin is 11; Cassian is 44ish; Poe is 19; Finn and Rey are 13; Rose is 11
Not in the timeline because Space (and also too many additional characters/ages to add): - Anatole and Ziya probably get married somewhere around when Leia and Han do (year 10 of part 2); he’s 22/23 and she’s about Nikolai’s age. Pavel goes into the Guard at roughly the same time, at 18/19; serves with distinction during Palpatine’s invasion; transitions to spying/covert ops type stuff somehow, working as an agent for whoever the Herald Spymaster is at this point (maybe Cassian? Doubling as Weaponsmaster (when said position is filled by a Herald) makes a lot more sense than doubling as Monarch’s Own, and those are the two we’ve seen…plus it would make sense with Cassian’s canon backstory.)
- Sergey, Alexsi, and Sofya are probably born in reasonable intervals over the next 10 years; Sergey will eventually be Chosen. Spellings on the boys’ names are still subject to change.
- Irene is still a Healer; though she’s a few years younger than bb!Anakin and Rose, probably 4 or 5 when they enter the Collegium.
- Bodhi and Jyn are still a big ol’ question mark (though I'm leaning towards her being the Companion and him the Herald?).
- Baze and Chirrut are around Kallus and Zeb’s age, maybe 5-10 years older. Chirrut is the Priest in the Haven Temple; Baze is retired Guard and currently a blacksmith.
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mothercetrion · 6 years ago
*bustin' through like Hannibal* Yo can I get uh... subscorp for that OTP meme :eyes:
LMAFKSGNH hell yeah thank you nev ily
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? Kuai Liang. He probably hasn’t ever been on one and rocks it by accident. He rocks it a few more times before Hanzo, nervous as fuck, begs him to stop
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time? Neither of them. They have average sex drives and when they are horny, they know how to contain themselves to just not fuck wherever. Though when it comes to varying locations, Kuai Liang is more willing to try somewhere new.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? Hanzo. He prefers baths because he’s surrounded by hot water and they ease his aching muscles. He dragged Kuai Liang in there one time, and he begrudgingly admitted that it was nice. They use baths as a time to relax with one another and ease aches and pains, so it’s rarely sexy, but Kuai Liang has tried a handful of times to make it sexy.
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? If he could, Kuai Liang would never wear clothes at home KJSGNSG he gets hot very easily and if he spends a lot of time at Hanzo’s temple, the clothes are fucking gone. In addition, he’s comfortable with his looks and isn’t nervous about being naked. Bare minimum, Hanzo will beg that he puts on some pants. He’s always willing to let him show off his chest though…
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? They have very good communication skills, but if it ever got to that point, Hanzo would. He prefers the time to himself to cool off and not get angrier at Kuai Liang. After a while, he goes back to the bedroom to apologize for being angry.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep? Both of them. Kuai Liang doesn’t trust technology often, but he does love that he can take pictures of Hanzo’s face and look at it whenever he desires. Hanzo sees the pictures and is initially upset that he is photographed while sleeping, but he eventually took a photo of Kuai Liang while he was asleep and found it endearing. So now he does it too.
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? Hanzo said it first. He actually said it first in an argument because he didn’t want Kuai Liang going off somewhere dangerous because he feared for his life. “Why do you not want me to go so badly?” “Because I love you and do not wish to lose you!” It’s a very big thing for him to have said it first, and it was honestly a very emotional moment for them both.
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts? Hanzo wears Kuai Liang’s sweatshirts a lot. They smell just like him and make him feel safe.
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? They both understand the importance of sleep, so they don’t purposefully wake the other up; if they happen to be awake, they’ll both discuss their dreams if they find them intriguing enough. They both have nightmares, but Hanzo’s are usually worse. Kuai Liang holds him close and usually just hums him back to sleep because he doesn’t think his singing voice is soothing. Hanzo actually does sing Kuai Liang back to sleep.
10) Who is more likely to cheat at games (cards, board games, etc.)? The original question is awful so I’m not doing it fuck y’all. Hanzo. He doesn’t like losing, so if the odds are out of his favor, he’s gonna cheat. Kuai Liang always catches him and teases him about it. 
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship? Kuai Liang does all of the teasing. “You used to think I was so handsome… How could you ever hide your crush on me?” “I still do think that… and it is no secret because we are married.”
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen? Kuai Liang. He can’t cook as well as Hanzo can so he usually just messes around if he’s watching Hanzo cook. He always gets his ass handed to him. 
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer? Neither of them really initiate duets often because they aren’t confident enough to, but if it’s late and they’re in the mood to sing… Hanzo will, actually. Hanzo is actually the better singer; Kuai Liang adores his voice a lot.
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? Kuai Liang initiates hand holding because he loves touching Hanzo. In private, he also touches Hanzo’s butt, but it’s more often him sliding his hand down his back all the way to his butt. He also wraps an arm around his waist. If he’s wearing the right clothes, Hanzo puts his fingers in Kuai Liang’s belt loops to pull him closer to him, like when they’re kissing.
15) Who likes writes the others name on their wrist? Hanzo. He loves writing Kuai Liang’s name in Chinese on him because it feels very personal.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed? Hanzo is a seductive drunk. He’s more confident, but his gushy love talk is usually slurred and ridiculous-sounding. Neither of them is too loud, but Kuai Liang makes more noise, if that makes sense.
17) Who is more protective? Hanzo. He already lost his family once; he will do anything to keep the same from happening a second time.
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? Kuai Liang. He says his deepest desires, most kept secrets, biggest love confessions. Sometimes he just lists what he loves about him. Hanzo hears it often because he wakes up but he’s learned to pretend to be asleep and then wake up right when he’s done to make him blush.
19) Who drives and who has the window seat? Can they even drive? I feel like Hanzo would prefer to look out the window and look at the sights they drive by… plus he has little patience for other drivers. Kuai Liang takes the driver’s seat.
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed? Hanzo falls asleep in Kuai Liang’s lap a lot. He works till he drops, that poor man, and he just crashes on him when he’s tired. Kuai Liang refuses to move to allow him to rest, and then he carefully carries him to their bed and tells him goodnight with a kiss on the forehead.
21) Who cuts the others hair? Neither of them. Hanzo rarely cuts his hair, and when he does, he does it himself. Kuai Liang has learned to trim his own hair as well. They love to watch one another do the task though.
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day? Kuai Liang is godawful at sexting. Hanzo is too, but Kuai Liang gives Hanzo secondhand embarrassment with some of the things he says. Kuai Liang is also the sender of encouraging texts. He always assures Hanzo that he can do anything and that he loves him. 
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry? Hanzo fears that he will lose Kuai Liang because he could not keep his loved ones safe before. Deep down, he feels that it’s his fault, and he wonders how Kuai Liang can ever love someone like him, especially considering their pasts. Hanzo is more afraid of losing Kuai Liang obviously. Kuai Liang has never been in a serious relationship and worries that he says the wrong thing or fails to pick up on romantic cues and is a poor husband; Hanzo always assures him that he’s amazing. 
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them? Kuai Liang begins slow dances if he’s in a good mood. He loves holding Hanzo close and just swaying, taking in his scent and his touch and him. Hanzo loves holding Kuai Liang above him or sitting him on counters and kissing him.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? Kuai Liang. Spoonfed to him by Johnny. He loves seeing Hanzo get flustered.
26) Who kissed first? Hanzo. I wrote a whole fic about this, but he was failing to express how he truly felt about Kuai Liang and kissed him to show it to him. 
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark? Neither of them orders takeout, but Hanzo is more likely to go to the kitchen for a snack if he’s awake. They aren’t one to ask the other to go with them, but if he’s aware that Hanzo is going, Kuai Liang goes with him to be good company.
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them? They both write poems but are too embarrassed of them to share. They’ve not sung their songs yet, but they will… one day.
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires? Hanzo is more protective, so if Kuai Liang does anything he finds remotely dangerous, he loses his mind. If Kuai Liang gets hurt, Hanzo will fix him up, but he will scold him for being silly while doing so… but he can’t stay upset long. 
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute? Hanzo wears reading glasses and hates them, but Kuai Liang finds them endearing.
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sunflowercandie · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @atreefullofstars and @feral-anarchy ! Thank you guys!
1. Do you make your bed? Usually no, only after I clean my room or when I have company coming over. Other than that, to me, there really is no point I know I’m just going to mess is up again.
2. Favorite number? Number 10! 10 has been my favorite number since I was three, I think. Don’t ask me why it’s my favorite, I don’t really know I just like it a lot.
3. What’s your job? I’m a cashier at the local grocery store.
4. If I could would I go back to school? Absolutely not xD. Doing school work and having to sit for too long and tests and studying honestly freaks me out and gives me anxiety, despite the fact that I am in college. I would if I could relive the fun moments of middle school and high school, but the stress and depression and ptsd that comes with it is just not worth it.
5. Can you parallel park? Nope, i avoid it like the plague. I probably could be really good at it if I tried, but I know that if I do everyone is going to be watching me attempt to get into this tiny space and asdfghjhgfds and honestly its just better to find another spot, even if it’s two blocks away.
6. A job people would be surprised I had? I worked at a day care center for a summer in 2015.
7. Do you think aliens are real? Of course! What, do you really think that in our universe, with billions of different galaxies that are home to trillions of different planets, out of all of those our earth is the only one that has life on it’s surface? Yeah, right, sure xD
8. Can you drive a standard car? I’m not really sure what this means by ‘standard’ but if you mean automatic then yes, I can. But if you mean a stick-shift no I absolutely can not. My cousin gave me my first car, which was a Honda CR-V, but I couldn’t drive it because it had a stick-shift. I tried really hard to learn and get it down but I could just never figure it out. I was so sad when we had to sell the car for an automatic, mainly because it was a really nice car. It had a table! In the trunk! How many car’s do you know of that comes with a freaking table?
9. What’s your guilty pleasure? Sleeping 12+ hours. It’s a love hate relationship, really. Cause I can sleep for a really long time and it’s nice and I have crazy dreams and I catch up on some missed out sleep but suddenly it’s 3 pm and I’ve missed half the day and didn’t even wake up once. I could probably miss a whole day by sleeping if I tried hard enough. It’s both a blessing and a curse, and I secretly love and hate it.
10. Tattoos? I don’t have any tattoos yet, but I have a plan to have tattoos of outlines of tiny stars and constellations on my shoulders with invisible ink inside the stars that only show up in black light. I think that would be really cool, like “I hold the weight of the universe on my shoulders, but I can still find ways to shine bright despite dark circumstances.” I think a tattoo like that would describe me and my life perfectly. On the other hand, I also want to get a tattoo of like something really dumb hidden on my body and then to show a bestie one day and be like ‘look at this ehehehehe’ and then burst into laughter or smthn.
11. Favorite color? I remember fighting with my brother about this when I was like 3 or 4, that my favorite color was yellow, and he said it couldn’t be because that was his favorite color and we couldn’t have the same favorite color. So I caved and gave it to him and since then I could never figure it out. well guess what turns out he lied and blue has been his favorite color for like ever now SO GUESS WHAT YELLOW IS MY FAVORITE COLOR NO ONE CAN TAKE IT FROM ME LMAO
12. Things people do that drive you crazy? I ABSOLUTELY HATE PEOPLE WHO ARE NEGATIVE ALL THE TIME. I knew this one bitch in high school. I won’t get super into it, but basically the only thing that ever came out of that ugly moth of hers was shit about herself and how great she was (she was homophobic and racist and looked down on everyone may I add) or just straight up negativity. I don’t think I have ever heard her say something nice about someone or anything in the 7 years I went to school with her. She was such a negative person that it made me realize that I hate people who are negative all the time like??? I really don’t get how people can be so negative all the time??? I really can’t get through the day without making someone laugh it’ll physically hurt me if I don’t make someone’s day better and I can’t understand that some people don’t think that way.
13. Any phobias? I don’t get scared of pretty much anything. You can’t scare me, try your hardest, but you can’t xD. I love watching horror movies and going to the theater to see peoples reactions. I think the only thing that actually freaks me out is Greg Yates from the Law and Order SVU and Chicago Fire crossover. Dude fuckin freaks me out I literally can’t look at Dallas Robert’s face without cringing and i just asdfghjklsa i tried to fix it yo, I watched him in the walking dead (Milton Mamet) and Insatiable (Bob) but honestly it only made it worse. I just can’t do it. I see him and I recoil i just have to get far away. Other than that I don’t get scared of anything else.
14. Favorite childhood sport? Psshh, sports??? What are those??? Lmao
15. Do you talk to yourself? All the time, and they’re nothing wrong with that. 
16. What movie do you adore? I have lot’s of favorite movies that I love so Imma just list em. Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium (This movie is just straight up my personality), Rise of the Guardians (my first ever fandom), Kung Fu Panda 2 (IT’S A GOOD MOVIE FIGHT ME ON IT), Kubo and the Two Strings, the IT movies.
17. Do you like doing puzzles? Not really? I am really good at solitaire and Mancala tho
18. Favorite type of music? I don’t really have a type of music I like best. If I listen to it and it makes me go ‘holy shit this is great I love this’ then that’s pretty much it... I did go through a huge dubstep phase in freshman year of high school but let’s not talk about that.
19. Tea or coffee? Neither xD yeah yeah I know how terrible but honestly both are just gross. I tried liking them but I just don’t. oops.
20. What’s the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? If I am correct, I wanted to be either a veterinarian or an ‘orphanage manager lady’ when I grew up. Obviously neither of those happened, now I’m aiming at something film related. 
Thank you guys for tagging me! This was really fun! I guess it’s my turn now so I’m tagging:
@lizard-15 @moonshadow-memes @readingisthenewcool @ezio-demonI don’t know who else to tag xD so partake if any of u wanna
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rivetgoth · 5 years ago
Answer 21 questions then tag 21 people you would like to get to know a little better.
I was tagged by @brokenfoetus​ and @silenthillmannequin (THANK YOU)!! I have homework I gotta do but I’m putting it off so here’s a chance for y’all to get 2 kno me better. I’ve gained a lot of followers recently (thanks?!?!?!?!) so here’s your chanceeeeee
1. Nickname: Char, like from Ella Enchanted. Or CD, like... musick.
2. Real name?: Charles
3. Zodiac: Me and Ogre got the same Western AND Eastern zodiac ;D
4. Height:  5'3″ .. Wish I was taller hehe
5. What time is it? 9:09 PM and I’m not doing my WORK YET!
6. Favourite musician/group: Skinny Puppy (yo shout out to brokenfoetus for this sexy answer; I didn’t even have to edit it lmaoooo)
7. Favourite sports team: Team Lost Desert in the Altador Cup on Neopets dot com
8. Other blogs: A few, my activity is sporadic on ‘em @notapersonalitytrait​ - music screaming/shitposting/bullshit blog @charliedepalma​ - OC blog (I RB things that make me think of my OCs) @f0x-w0x​ - aes blog for my oldest OC! @ixiraider​ - Neopets @harperalexander​ - harper alexander
9. Do I get asks?: Not often anymore. I had anon turned off for a long time. Nothing happened, I just sorta got to a point where I felt weird about anonymous contact. I’m trying to be more approachable on the world wide web so I turned it back on recently!
10. How many blogs do I follow: 359 right now. I’m so busy I almost never follow new people anymore. :( I should check out my followers soon......
11. Any Tumblr crushes?: hmmmmmmmm
12. Lucky number: Most repeating numbers in sets of 3.
13. What am I wearing right now: Oh don’t even ask that rn, I’m just chilling at home so I’m in some black and white sweatpants with elephants on ‘em and a fucking Death Note shirt I’ve owned since middle school 😔
14. Dream vacation: I never even think about traveling anymore LOL I just have so many other things to save up for right now, but I think I’d probably wanna go to Italy if I could pick anywhere in the world. Or back to Japan.
15. Dream car: Uh I don’t drive and idk what cars are. Maybe a little pink bug with eyelashes and a pig nose.
16. Favourite food: UM I like a lot of food but I think my favorite thing is probably mushrooms. In terms of cuisine I like Japanese and Thai and Mexican a lot.
17. Drink of choice: Non-alcoholic I love kombucha, white mocha lattes, chai tea, Coke, or just plain whole milk. I like teas and coffees with mint in them too. Alcoholic I’m especially partial to drinks mixed with vodka (or just plain vodka if I’m feeling like an animal) or Malibu and Coke. And red wines.
18. Languages: Just proficient in English but I studied Japanese in high school and ASL in college. I still remember some of both but not a lot :(
19. Instruments: I can ““play”” guitar.
20. Celebrity crushes?: Go ahead and guess.
21. Random fact: I collect pigs! I just counted 62 pigs in my room. I’m probably missing a few, because they’re literally everywhere. I didn’t have enough shelf space for all of them so I have them scattered (intentionally) around my floor, like next to the bedside table, around my mirror, etc. I’m always on the lookout for more.........
I’m not gonna even try to tag 21 people especially cuz now that this is in the industrial scene everyone’s tagging everyone and I can’t even keep track of who has or hasn’t been tagged/done this yet LOL. People I THINK haven’t done it yet (????) @lysistra @maldoror-est-mort @black-b0ned-angel @glass-blown-eyes @grav3r0bb3r @notwithoutonions @givemeflowersofblood @taxidermyclown @brighterthanathousandsuns @bleedyfleece obviously you do not have to + anyone else who wants to do it feel free LOL
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windup-dragoon · 5 years ago
Get to know me OOC
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1. Dogs or Cats?
I have a much higher preference to cats than dogs. Though I love any animal. 
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
Definitely youtube celebrities. There really isn’t a normal celebrity that I like exclusively.
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
A n y w h e r e. 
4. Disney or DreamWorks?  
They’re equals in my world but if I had to lean toward one, it would be Disney. I grew up with Disney and can name far more Disney related movies than Dreamworks. ;;;; 
5. Favourite childhood TV show?
Angry Beavers / Invader Zim 
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020
...I don’t really follow movies? Like, I haven’t a clue what has even been announced for 2020 yet. Lmao. 
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. Haven’t really had much time to read anything new, so I went back to an old favorite aaaaaa. 
8. Marvel or DC?
Marvel. DC just doesn’t connect the same. 
9. If you choose Marvel favourite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member?
10. Night or Day?
Night. With my job I tend to be more active during the day now but I will forever be a night owl. 
11. Favourite Pokemon?  
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12. Top 5 bands:
Not all bands but just the top 5 I listen to:  Mystery Skulls, Beartooth, MIKA, Marina, Set It Off
13. Top 10 books.
Yo I used to work at a bookstore and a library. I can’t really answer this ;;;; Far too many to pick from. 
14. Top 4 movies
Howl’s Moving Castle, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Spider-man: Far From Home, Ever After.  
15. America or Europe?
E u r o p e 
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Tumblr. Twitter just kind of bores me
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
18. Favorite YouTuber?
This will be corny but Markiplier. Or Cryaotic but he’s been on Twitch more. They’re both just comfort picks and when I have a hard day or even just need white noise to sleep to, I’ll slap one of their old playthroughs on to watch.  Also NintendoCaprisun gets a shout out. 
19. Favorite author ?
Idk man. 
20. Tea or Coffee?
It used to be tea but now I find myself drinking coffee more often. Mostly bc work always has a pot of coffee on. 
21. OTP?
Like obviously I’m going to insert KirixAymeric / KirixHien here but idk I really like 2B x 9S. Or Bayonetta x Dante / Bayonetta x Luka. 
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  no. 
Tagged by: @whitherliliesbloom​ and @ofthesilverlining​
Tagging: Anyone who wants to participate! 
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imagineredwood · 5 years ago
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Part 1  Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5    Part 6   Part 7    Part 8   Part 9       Part 10    Part 11  Part 12  Part 13   Part 14  Part 15  Part 16   Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21   Part 22  Part 23 Part 24   Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28 
Pairing: EZ Reyes x Camila (OC)
Warnings: Sexual content, breast play, breeding kink if you squint, oral sex, the works lmao blame the captain morgan 
Word count: 5k
Gif credit to @angels-reyes​ as always, some of the best gif content out there 
Translation: “Eres mi vida. Eres mi todo.” – You are my life. You are my everything.
“Yo, ask your Old Lady if she can make some more coffee cake.”
EZ’s eyes widened while Gilly slapped at Coco’s shoulder.
“Why don’t you go over and help her make some more?”
The two continued to tease each other while EZ sat at the table silently. He hadn’t asked Cam to be his Old Lady yet. It had just come to that. He thought of her as his Old Lady and apparently do did everyone else. He figured he would ask her tonight. He was confident that she wouldn’t say no, and he felt that considering how things had been last week, it might help reaffirm her importance to him. He had grovelled all week practically, doing everything that he could think of to make it up to her. He had started by deleting Emily’s number from his phone. He had tried to make love to her the day after, but she had rejected it, still feeling a little shafted by his actions and he understood. He hadn’t tried since then, figuring it would be best to let her initiate. He did miss feeling her though, getting to have her skin on his lips. To hold her breasts in his hands, feel her hands gripping his biceps, hear her breathing when she-
“You listening, boy scout?”
EZ’s thoughts were forced to the present as he heard Coco’s voice. Looking back at him he found Coco staring at him, as well as Gilly and Angel.
“Sorry, what?”
“I said, does she still have you sleeping in the doghouse or what?”
The guys laughed and so did EZ.
“Not anymore. We talked it out, got everything out there and we’re good now. I’m still making her breakfast every morning though.”
“You should be eating her for breakfast, if you’re really sorry.”
They all laughed again over their coffee and shook their heads. They were in on the Adelita situation, so they knew what had been going on. EZ had been open with them. They understood EZ telling her the truth, them trusting that she would never throw them under the bus or let the rest of the club know what had been going on. As far as Bishop and the rest knew, EZ had just been neglectful and that was what the fight had been about. He was more than ok with letting them think that, it not being entirely wrong after all. The only person that needed to know that truth about everything was his girl, and she did now. Taking another sip from his mug, he looked back at Coco and brought the conversation back to Camila’s coffee cake.
They relaxed and drank their coffee in peace until Chucky came inside, Camila following in behind him. EZ stood when he saw her, as did the rest of the boys. Creeper was by the door and was the first to greet her, giving her a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. Everyone else followed suit until the only ones left were Taza and Bishop who were in Templo by themselves, doors closed.  Making her way to EZ, he looked over her as she made her way to him. Hair loose, flowing over her shoulders. It was getting hotter now and while dresses weren’t a common thing for her, she had on a yellow one today. A bright sundress that accentuated her shape in a way that had EZ swallowing a few times. The shape of her flared hips was obvious in the material and EZ’s hands itched at his sides as they waited for her to get close enough. When she finally did, his hands went to her body like a magnet, as did his lips. Low whistles rang out and she pulled away, blushing and waving them off with her right hand.
“Keep that shit up and we’re gonna have a little mini EZ running around here, lifting weights and showing out.”
The group laughed at Creeper's comment and so did Cam and EZ, though they shared a quick knowing glance at the comment. Everyone sat back down and so did EZ, hands on Camila’s waist as he pulled her to sit down across his lap. She allowed him and he was thankful for it, his hand immediately starting to trace patterns on the small of her back. Tranq leaned forward and spoke to Camila quietly.
“Hey, Cam. Bishop’s birthday is coming up so we’re going to be throwing a party for him. Obviously, we want you here. Everyone can bring something, Felipe’s gonna be doing the meat, so we figured we’d give you first pick on what you want to make if you want to.”
Camila’s eyes lit up and she smiled brightly. EZ could already see the wheels turning and Tranq smiled himself.
“I guess that’s a yes. Take a couple days and let me know, I’ll make sure no one tries to bring the same thing.”
Angel scoffed and leaned back in his chair, his hand waving.
“Even if someone did, it wouldn’t compare to what my hermanita can do.”
There were agreements across the table and Camila gave a light laugh, hiding her face behind her hair. EZ smiled up at her and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close. Looking back up, she nodded at Tranq.
“I’ll start thinking today, see what I’ll bring. I’ll let you know.”
The group continued making small talk and finishing off their coffee, the door opening and Bishop walking out. Cam went to stand, and he held his hand up, stopping her and simply walking over, leaving a kiss to the top of her head.
“Morning, querida.”
“Good morning, Bish.”
Camila smiled at him and he returned it, but she could feel that it was tight, bordering on forced. He wasn’t as warm as he usually was, and she noticed immediately. He walked away and went to the counter to pour himself some more coffee while Cam looked around the table. They all shrugged, and she settled a bit. At least it wasn’t that he was mad at her. There was tension in the air and then Bishop was back, a full mug and calling over his shoulder as he made his way back into his haven.
“Templo, now.”
Camila could see the confusion on the boy’s faces, except for Tranq. They all exchanged glances and stood, making their way to follow behind him. Looking back at EZ, Camila found that he didn’t look as concerned as some of the others. She wasn’t sure if that was because he didn’t care, or because he wasn’t focused.
“Everything ok?”
EZ nodded and he leaned forward, leaving a kiss to her exposed shoulder.  
“I’m sure it is. If it isn’t, they’ll let me know.”
Camila nodded herself and settled into his embrace.
“I wanted to go by the carniceria, apologize to your dad.”
Shaking his head, EZ laid his head against her shoulder.
“No need. I mean you can go by, he’ll always be happy to see you, but you don’t need to apologize. He actually asked me if you would mind him coming by your house so he could apologize.”
At that, Cam chuckled and shook her head. Slowly the smile slipped from her face and she spoke quietly.
“I just felt betrayed, you know? I felt like he was allowing you to use a place I always felt safe to go behind my back. He’s a grown man and that’s his business, I would never try and tell him who he can and can’t have in his shop. I just felt,”
She shook her head repeatedly as she tried to find the words. Coming up empty, she just sighed and EZ winced, kissing her arm once more.
“Don’t. He feels the same way. It’s not his fault though. I asked him to let us use the shop. I figured it was somewhere more neutral, I guess. He didn’t want me to bring her there, he was against it. He worried that if you found out, you would feel exactly how you had felt. He had made me promise that I would cut off Emily completely after that. That was his one condition. I promised him that I would and that’s the only reason why. He never wanted to hurt you. Ever.”
That eased the hurt her feelings had felt and she nodded, leaning over to look at EZ. He kept his gaze on her and waited for her to say something. When she didn’t, he did.
“I’m gonna make it up to you. If I have to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, then that’s what I’m going to do. I love you.”
His words brought a small smile to Camila’s face and she leaned down to press her lips against his.
“I love you too.”
He kissed her once more and then again, and again until they had stopped pulling away and were now sharing one long kiss. She turned her body in his lap slightly, facing him a bit more, her arms coming up to wrap around his neck. When she did finally pull away, she was out of breath and EZ’s head subconsciously followed her some, his mouth still seeking hers out. They hadn’t kissed like that in nearly three weeks now, and just that little taste had EZ’s hips squirming under her, his jeans feeling much tighter than before. She didn’t say anything, but her eyes spoke as she looked at him, as warm and brown as hot chocolate. Even when her mouth didn’t speak, her eyes always did and EZ could read her easily. She longed for him, for the intimacy that she had been neglected while he was busy running off and fighting battles that weren’t his. She had been hurt, her feelings shafted, her kindness taken advantage of, and she was upset. Being intimate with EZ in the days following the incident at the carniceria had been the last thing on her mind. She had wanted space. EZ had respected that. Now that they had talked things out though, had come to agreements and had set boundaries, he could tell that she wanted that intimacy back. She had caught her breath by now, but her mouth stayed open slightly, her lips pink and plush, her pout on full display, wrecking EZ’s focus and she didn’t even realize. Reaching forward, she placed the tip of her pointer finger on his chin, tapping it ever so softly one time.
“I miss you.”
EZ’s eyes were heavy as he looked up at her, his blood pumping below the waist and he nodded, his voice husky with want.
“I know, preciosa. I miss you too.”
They were there, together, with her in his lap, but that wasn’t what they meant. They missed being one. EZ reluctantly pulled his eyes away from her and looked at the clock on the wall. He wouldn’t have time for a quickie. Templo would probably finish as soon as he got her to the trailer, and he didn’t want their first time in weeks to be on his couch anyway. He sighed and leaned forward, kissing up along the side of her neck, right behind her ear. Dragging his lips against the shell, he closed his eyes.
“I want you so fucking bad.”
She gave the quietest of moans at his words, just hearing his voice and feeling the rumble against her ear making her grow warm and she nodded, biting the fullness of her bottom lip as she tried to melt into him.
“I need you, Ezekiel.”
His name rolled off her tongue with the smoothness of honey, the accentuation of his name in their language making both his heart and cock swell. Her voice was light, a slight whine to it and it was doing him in. His mind rolled with images of her bare in his lap, bouncing and taking all of him.
“Fuck, babe.”
She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the sharp sounds of the chairs in Templo being scooted back. She jumped and pulled away from him on instinct. His face held frustration, knowing that they were about to be interrupted and he whispered into her ear.
“Wait for me to get home. I’ll be there. Wait for me. I’ll take care of you.”
Camila nodded just as the door slid open, the members filing out. She stood from his lap then, smoothing down her dress. EZ gave her a once over, making sure she was covered and then stood with her. His hand was warm on her lower back and she could still feel his touch there, even when he pulled away. Bishop looked much more relaxed now and he smiled at Cam first this time.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Gotta steal the prospect away from you for the day.”
Camila gave a smile of her own.
“It’s fine, I understand. Just be careful out there.”
Bishop nodded as did the others and she grabbed her keys from the table as they all started to head out. She leaned over and placed her hands on EZ’s chest, reaching up to kiss him.
“I’ll see you at home.”
Camila smiled to herself as she heard EZ’s bike coming down the road. She stood from the bed and walked out of the bedroom, making her way to the front door. It was a little late, way past dinner time. He had called her and warned her than he wouldn’t be home in time. That he would pick up a burger or something to eat with the boys and for her to eat whatever she felt like eating. She had agreed, just wanting to have him home. Now she did and she could barely wait. Even with as upset as she had been because of the Emily situation, she loved EZ and missed being wrapped up in his love. She opened the door and stood against the doorway, a soft smile on her lips as she watched him jog up to her. His arms were out, his cutoff leaving his muscles exposed and she shamelessly looked him over as he closed in. He didn’t hesitate to take her in his arms when he got to her, lifting her off the ground slightly as he hugged her. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, taking in her scent. He chuckled to himself, finding humor in how he had lasted 8 years without any women, and now when it came to Camila, he could barely hold off for a couple days.
Pulling away, he shook his head as he looked at her.
“Just thinking about how desperate you make me.”
Camila smiled at that and kissed his chest.
“I’d be lying if I said you didn’t do the same.”
Their interaction this morning hadn’t helped EZ’s lust for her and he had been aching all day. There was some comfort in knowing that she had needed him just as bad.
Walking into the house, EZ kicked off his shoes and pointed to the room.
“I’m gonna go shower real quick.”
Camila needed him bad, but she nodded, appreciating his sense of cleanliness. While he was showering, she tidied up the kitchen, put some dishes away in the cabinets, filled up her water bottle and was now closing all the curtains and blinds.
“Thanks for closing those.”
She turned around to find EZ swaggering out of the bedroom, naked as the day he was born. He stalked toward her a few steps more before stopping and looking her over. Her lounge outfit was baby pink and white today, the shorts a soft and shiny satin while the tank top was lace just intricate enough to hide her body underneath. She didn’t have an ounce of makeup on, EZ’s preferred way of seeing her and her hair was in a high pony. As much as he may have loved the heels and dresses, makeup and well thought out outfits, this was his favorite Cam and now after a long day, she was finally his.
“Come here.”
His voice was soft, and Camila was a sucker for it, her body already in front of his. He took her face in his hands and left one single kiss to her lips before pulling away and bringing his hands down. He slid one around her to rest on her lower back and guided her back into the bedroom. EZ followed and sat on the bed, watching as she removed her own clothes. Her movements were normal, EZ sure she wasn’t even trying to be sexy, but she still was, and his hand gripped himself as he watched her, stroking himself up and down as she stripped. Soon enough she was naked, and he motioned for her to come to him with one finger. She did, though she wore a bashful smile. Once in front of him, he reached up and slipped his fingers into the elastic band holding her hair up. Pulling it down, he watched as the soft and shiny tresses tumbled down and made her look like a goddess. The cascaded down her back, shoulders, and chest, the dark waves concealing her nipples. Pushing the hair away and back over her shoulder, he brought his hand up, thumb tracing lightly over the light brown skin.
Grabbing her by the waist, he brought her to straddle his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed. She squealed and he grinned, his arms wrapped tightly around her.
“I won’t let you fall. I promise. I got you.”
With a nod, she grabbed his face gently and brought it down to her breasts. His mouth didn’t waste any time kissing around the soft skin, the scent of her vanilla soap still lingering on her skin. He kissed around the swells of her breasts before taking her right nipple into his mouth. His tongue was slow and calculated, swirling around the hardened nub before pressing into it firmly. He alternated the pressure and motions, going from gentle kisses to open-mouthed suction that had Cam throwing her head back. Her hold on his face tightened ever so slightly as he nibbled and worked the bud with his tongue. It didn’t take long for her hips to start swiveling and the feel of her against his cock sent a jolt through him. He wanted to hurry up and get inside of her, but he knew she deserved more than that. He was going to put himself on the back burner tonight and make sure that she was the focus.
Her hips swirled subconsciously, and she brushed against him, warm and soft and he groaned against her chest. She didn’t wait for him to say anything, just scooted back until she was off his lap and standing once again.  EZ stood with her and she silently crawled onto the bed. EZ crawled behind her, stalking her like prey until she was laying back flat on the bed, him hovering above her. He kneeled between her spread legs and leaned forward, his arms supporting him as he kissed from just under her breasts to her sides and tummy. He bit her gently right where her waist cut in. The soft gasp was like music to his ears and he made his way down further until he was kissing at the flesh on the inside of her thighs. He could hear her breathing, quick and shallow already and he knew he wasn’t going to tease her anymore.
Sitting back up slightly, he took her knees in his hands and brought her legs up and back. He pushed them toward her, her body folded and her pussy on full display. EZ swore he felt his mouth water at the sight. Cam giggled nervously and his eyes shot up to her, an unsure look on her face though she was still smiling. He had gone down on her before, but never this obscenely and he could tell it was something new for her. That fact only made his smile grow, and he leaned his head to the side to rest on her thigh slightly.
“You trust me?”
She nodded immediately and EZ did too.
“It’s ok. Let me. Relax.”
He felt the tension in her body melt away and he pulled his eyes away from hers, looking down at where she was splayed and spread in front of him. He leaned down and kissed along her mound, his lips soft and passionate. He let his tongue snake out and lick a long stripe along her lips, before using the strength of it to push past her lips. He buried his tongue in her and she whined, hands coming down to cradle the back of his head. Using his forearm, he kept her left leg back while he brought his own hand down and began to rub at her clit gently with his thumb. He made small circles, groaning as her hips started to move on their own accord once again. His tongue and thumb worked in unison, earning moans and shuddering breaths from her until she was clutching at him, her walls starting to flutter. He let her bring her legs down, only to grab her by the hips and keep her body locked under him, holding her in place as he buried his face. Her breaths were coming faster and faster and EZ forced his eyes up to look at her. Her head was thrown back, spine arched as her breasts heaved. The only things that left her mouth were moans and repetition of his name, her hands coming to clutch at his forearms. He spoke against her, urging her to come for him, begging her for it. She couldn’t actually hear what he was saying but the vibrations of his voice against her clit did the trick just as well and she was crying out, her eyes shut tight as her mouth fell open. He lapped at her gently, helping her get through the waves and aftershocks until she placed her hand on his forehead, pushing him away slightly.
“Ok, ok.”
She gave a breathless laugh at the overstimulation and so did he as he crawled back up her body. Holding himself up with one arm, he reached down and brushed her hair out of her face. He left kiss after kiss to her cheek and jaw as she came down. Opening her eyes, she looked at him with adoration.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, mami.”
Another make out ensued and before long she was bucking her hips up at him, EZ grinding her hips into hers. Pulling away, he looked down at her.
“You still on the pill?”
Camila gave a single nod and he nodded as well. He figured she would be and that was a talk they would be having in the future. For now, he just wanted to make love to his girl.
“How do you want it?”
Cam thought for a moment before turning over onto her tummy. She laid her head sideways on the bed and looked up at him, a gleam in her eye. EZ had been referring to the pace when he had asked her. He had meant if she wanted him to go slow, or if she wanted him rougher, but her deciding this position answered his question within itself. She had missed him and wanted all of him. He wasn’t about to deny her. Reaching over, he grabbed his pillow and pulled her hips up, stuffing the pillow under them. He softly tapped the back of her thighs as he leaned forward.
“Open up for me.”
She followed instructions immediately and spread her legs, leaving a gap for EZ to get between. He sidled up quickly and gripped himself, running his head through her lips.  He placed on hand on her back and run in up and down her spine soothingly as he gripped himself tighter and pushed into her. She sucked in a breath at the intrusion, while EZ held his. He didn’t let it out until he was fully buried within her. He pushed out a long breath while she whined, both staying still and giving her time to adjust. EZ leaned forward and pressed kisses to her shoulder blades while he waited. It wasn’t long before she was moving her own hips and he knew she was ready. Sitting back on his knees, he took her hips into his hands and started to move, his pace slow as she got used to it. He didn’t know if it was because they hadn’t been together in a while or if he just needed her that bad, but her tight warmth pushed a shudder through his body. Resting her face flat against the pillow, she arched her back even further and looked back at him over her shoulder once more. That sight was enough to break his restraint and he started thrusting much faster now, his grip on her hips tight. He kept her in place as he buried himself into her over and over again. He kept his thrusts more on the shallow end, watching her reaction as he randomly pushed into her all the way until his hips were flush against her.
“Jesus, EZ. You always feel so fucking good.”
EZ nodded, agreeing. He would never tire of feeling her around him and it felt good knowing that she felt the same.
“So do you, baby. So fucking beautiful.”
She giggled bashfully and lifted her hips some more, letting EZ get in a bit deeper as she started to push back on him. EZ let his hands fall from her hips and stayed still, just watching her.
“There you go, fuck yourself. Good girl.”
His praise lit a fire under her, and she did just as he asked. Lifting her front half up off the bed and holding herself up on all fours, she stayed looking back at him over her shoulder as she started to bounce her ass. EZ didn’t know where to look more, at her face so sexy and lustful, or her ass round and full, his cock disappearing within her every time she bounced. He could feel his orgasm approaching quickly now and he was trying to hold out for her, but this new side of her that he had unlocked was making that more than difficult. Knowing that he wasn’t going to last much longer, he placed his hands back on her hips and pounded into her, one hand snaking down the front of her body until he was rubbing at her clit firmly. It didn’t take long for her walls to start fluttering and he leaned forward, his body curved over hers. He placed his hand on the headboard and used it as leverage, his chest pressed against her back as he held her to him. Reaching behind her, she held onto his head and he looked at her, both locking eyes. Hers were heavy and drowning with lust as she peered up at him.
“Keep fucking me, EZ. Please don’t stop. Please.”
She pleaded with him, voice high and desperate. Her words were something new, and while it wasn’t especially vulgar, it definitely qualified as dirty talk at least for them. He decided to try his hand at it.
“You want to come? Huh, princesa?”
She nodded her head feverishly, her hand clutching at the back of his head even more.
“Please make me come.”
He didn’t take any more encouragement, all his fingers rubbing at her clit now. Her hips started to sputter. He knew she was probably still sensitive, but she didn’t want it to stop either, so he wouldn’t. The fluttering became more and more pronounced until she started to clench, her body tightening up and her breathing coming in short breaths. The increased tightness had EZ hissing himself.
“I’m gonna come, Cam.”
All she did was nod and connect her lips to his. When she did finally pull away for air, she spoke words that had him unraveling right then and there.
“Fill me up, Ezekiel.”
They weren’t especially dirty. They weren’t vulgar or even censorable. It wasn’t the words themselves that tossed him over the edge, more what they implied. Full and complete devotion to him. The look they shared held a thousand silent conversations but they didn’t say anything else as he pushed into her all the way, spilling himself into her as she gave a final clench, her walls gripping him like a vice and milking him. They both stayed still, mouths hanging open, bodies impossibly close, morphed into one. Cam’s thighs finally gave out and she collapsed, EZ coming down on top of her. He quickly scrambled to get off her, not wanting to crush her, but her tired voice halted him.
“Stay. Stay.”
He hesitated, worrying that he would be too heavy for her, but relented anyway. He leaned a little off to the side so that not all of his weight was on her, but most of his. He wrapped his arms around her and laid there with her, both trying to catch their breath as he felt her pussy still quivering around him, random pulses and spasms still stimulating him. He knew he had to get up, to help her get clean and probably take another shower, but the moment was perfect, and he wasn’t about to ruin it. Settling there atop her, he closed his eyes and listened to her breathing, his brain unable to drift away from the thought that she was full to the brim with his seed. He could see her in his mind then, hair and skin glowing, tummy round with his baby. It was something that he longed for more and more as the days passed and now more than ever before, it was attainable. Opening his eyes and lifting his head, he looked down at her to find her with her eyes closed. His voice was near a whisper as he spoke to her.
“Eres mi vida. Eres mi todo.”
She didn’t respond, but the look of joy that spread on her tired face was response enough and EZ knew then that he wasn’t ever going to let her go.
  Taglist:  @caramara3   @lostgirl219 @mrsjaxtellerfan   @actuallyazriel   @vannabanana1995   @unnecessarypineapplesstuff  @thegreat-annamaria @negansdirtygirl22 @svintsandghosts @piccasoe @tobesurroundedbysplendidthings @jadert15  @lovejn29 @may114   @meltingicequeen
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lysieblu · 5 years ago
When the Camellia Blooms
So I decided to do commentary this time. I usually have a lot to say when wacthing dramas but forget it all quickly.
Mild Spoilers Ahead
I’ve renamed the characters because auto-correct sucks if your first language isn’t Korean.
Oh Dong-Baek - Dongbaek
Hwang Yong-sik - Smiley
Choi Hyang-mi / Choi Go-eun - Clepto Waitress
No Gyu-tae - Tae or Gyu-tae
Hong Ja-young  - Baseball, baseball dude
Jo Jung-sook, Dongbaek’s mom - Mama bear
Deok-soon, Yong-sik’s mom - Ma dukes
Why is it that society can take anything and make it a reason to put others down. Humans ain't shit. Episode 6 “Girls like me are like the Emperor's New Clothes... Good guys cants see me.” Best quote of the whole drama so far. Clepto waitress, I love her. She was weird and I wasn't sure if she was playing old dude, Tae. But she was and kinda genius at it. Men help create the traps they get caught in. Is Dongbaek really going to die in the end because it really sucks as this sad girl narrative goes. Being an orphan and or single mom does not doom you. The society in which she lived did. She was a fighter and would always win. The fact that she made it so far in life despite believing the bs others were telling her and the shit she was telling herself is worthy of praise. Episode 7 Smart girl to keep a tab of bad behavior. I just wish she had a bit more confidence, petty, and bad bitch in her delivery. This self deprecating behavior is getting old now. But this kind of behavior can't be unlearned in a night. It's so frustrating. This is why I can't be a therapist. Get a grip bitch. (kidding I know how healing works) all you can really do is pour in the positive and hope it flushes out the negative. That's why smiley is good for her but God he's annoying. He may be good and all but he had def benefited from her lack of boundaries. The dead girl at the end is the Clepto waitress. She stole the bracelet from Dongbaek and thus why the dead body is wearing it. Go Gye-tae has something to do with the murders. He is too punk to do them himself. But he knows and is close to the murderer. The timing of the alarm at the aesticians office. Tae saved her  I think it's the handy man. Episode 8 Chief is looking really suspect. Clepto waitress has crossed the line to disrespectful. Is she really risking hurting Dongbaek to get baseball dude? I think extortion always been her MO. Mom was referring to her when she said watch who you trust. I don't think she's the killer but bitch is not innocent. Episode 9 I hate bitches. It's true that for some people who never grew the fuck up... Hate is their love language. Cliques need a common enemy to thrive and they are weak as fuck. It doesn’t help that Dongbaek never puts them in their place. Me and Dongbaek are the same age and had our kid about the same time. I don't think the killer is female. Unless that bitch is Ronda Rousey I would like to believe I can fight off a bitch with chicken wire. Chief is looking suspect as hell. Why is he always throwing Smiley off the track or avoiding the case. He knows something. I am by no means taking baseball guys side, however I do feel that both parents should be given the opportunity to be parents to their kid. It's unfair to not tell him about his child when he clearly wants to be a father. The scar can go both ways. You son can resent you for keeping this from his father. Pil clearly knows what's up. Dongbaek is growing up. In a way, this is a death flag. But I still don't believe it's her. Episode 10 There isn't a cloud in the sky. They are walking around without coats. And you expect me to believe that it's cold enough for snow. I still feel like Joker isn't a female but her mom is looking hella suspect. What if the connection between all the victims is Dongbaek. Maybe they somehow did her wrong and crazy momma bear was protecting her. But I really can't see her climbing out of a window. Plus the fire alarm.   Trust no one. A lot of people have said the "don't be a joke" line. I called it. That ending was more of a death red flag. So the dead lady is Clepto waitress. She probably died because she obviously owes debts. Dude in hair salon was creepy. But that is separate from joker. I know this goofy mug. I've seen it somewhere (Googling it) ah.. yes... Mr Smiley was in Midnight Runners, playing a cop there too if I remember correctly. Episode 11 A bunch of elementary school kids fighting over baseball. Me yelling at my TV: GET EM!!! Let me tell y'all. I would have been on that field lighting shit up, whipping everyone's ass. Little boy go get yo momma so she can get your ass beating. 😡 Chief is acting wonky. He knows something. What's with the mom? She seems so protective... Now? What about her dad? What if Dongbaek's parents are some crazy con artists who are protecting their daughter by killing off people who conned her? They are basically trying to tell her to "get a grip bitch!" Or "don't be a joke." And did you see her grab the belt and wrap around her fist? She knows what the fuck she's doing. (I want her on my team in a fight) Why is Dongbaek not questioning her lucidity? 🤔 Clepto waitress is the childhood friend.?!. 🤨 IT WAS THE FUCKING HANDYMAN!!! I CALLED IT!!! 🥳🙌🏾👏🏾 Yass bitches. I'm fucking brilliant. Hold on... let's not get ahead of ourselves. Episode 12 This shit just became an episode of 24 “Why try to live so hard?” Because if I live up to the narrative people create for me based on some societal BS explanation, they win. They can say, "see I told you all _______ are _______." Fuck your prejudices and stereotypes. The last thing I want to do is prove some asshole right. So many people want her dead they are trying to confuse me. Who the fuck is the joker?? Handy man's dad? Is he even alive? And this lack of boundaries is killing me. Dongbaek needs to put both those men in their place. Baseball needs to know he has no legal rights, period, if his name is not on the birth certificate. It would be the kids decision as to what his relationship with his dad is. She also needs to tell Smiley to get a fucking grip and that dealing with Baseball is part of being with her. These situations can coexist and it's frustrating to think otherwise. Mom dukes needs to chill. Her son has to make his own decisions and fuck-ups and she cannot fault Dongbaek for that. Life is hard, regardless. If it ain't this, it would be something else. Who lives an easy life?? Challenges build character. And I get it some things you can avoid. But they are grown in their 30s, who at this point does not come with baggage? And fuck you for trying to make me cry. I'm at work Episode 13 Is momma bear on drugs? Her behavior isn't totally out of the ordinary but maybe she goes away to trip and comes back. Lawd we all gon die together😮 They are teasing this story line so hard.  IDK who the joker is. I'ma stick to the handy man but everyone in this story is guilty of something and really it's like matching the crime to the person or the person to the crime. Who killed Clepto? Was it her enemies or the joker? What momma bear is up to? Who's the joker? Is the joker and cleptos killer the same person? What's handy mans deal? Out of all of clepto's enemies, I believe the only ones capable of killing her are Mr. Pimp, Jessica because she's desperate, or Momma bear because she's protecting Dongbaek. In which case, her death is separate from the Joker's killings. Episode 14 You think Smiley's mom may be jealous because no one took an interest in her with three kids? Hold... The ... Fucking.... Phone... It's handy man's dad??? Behind  every weak man is a mother (parental figure) who never held him accountable. I'm tired of grown people not acting like they are grown, kiss and have sex already... Damn. Oh so now they were meant to be? And did Momma bear really come for a kidney? Episode 15 There is a such thing as too much motherly love. This lady is fucking delusional. Her son has always been the type to run towards trouble. Does she really think his life would be easier without Dongbaek? Really? Go-tae is cleared. He was guilty but his crime is gambling. Jessica hit clepto with her car but someone delivered the final blow. Was it Momma bear? Or joker? I think Chief is cleared too. He was just operating out of fear. So hold up. Momma bear has been watching over Dongbaek her whole life. If Momma bear is lurking in the shadows of course she would run into someone else lurking in the shadows. Bitch. Episode 16 Laugh cry? Jesus Christ Dongbaek is stupid. A abandoned mall. Really? She's like a white chick in a horror movie. No don't go in there. Run bitch. 😔 Always take the fucking stairs. I can't. If she falls, I quit. Episode 17 They look like the fucking Power Rangers and I AM LIVING for this movement. Ordering me a track suit on payday. He gets it. He fucking gets it. "I know I made you be a mother when you wanted to just be a woman" 🥳 "We'll not only feed him, we'll wipe his ass if we have to" My bitch. 😂😂😂 If this shit ends with Pil going with his father, I quit. People and situations can peacefully coexist. What's with this all or nothing attitude? And this discarding of a previous family or kids. I see it a lot in these dramas and it's disturbing. Episode 18 Pil's in for a rude awakening but it's a lesson that his mom can't protect him from. His dad may have nice things, but he ain't shit. He'll be back. Damn even your kid thinks your weak. Or is he being mean? He did it for his mom. Funny.. he's assuming what she wants. Did she ever say that she couldn't marry Smiley because of him? Did Smiley say it? That Ma Dukes said it and it's unfortunate. He's too young to realize which opinions matter  Society sucks for making a kid feel this way. Fuck that shit. It just hit me. One of the underlying themes of this drama is parenthood,  more so motherhood. Dongbaek lacked boundaries, even with her son. Smiley's mom is delusional about her son and life in general. She relied on him too much, babied him too much. I don't think any woman would not have been good enough in the long run. The guilt of his father dying, she blames herself, a burden she should have never had to bare, and never fully healed. She projecting that onto Dongbaek. Dongbaek's mom is seeking redemption. She did what she thought was best for her kid. Jessica's mom put up with an asshole for the sake of everyone else and probably to maintain her life. She's learning that she doesn't want that for Jessica. That her own insecuries have transferred to her. Taeks mom is selfish as fuck and babied her son, never holding him accountable. Mother's think they know what's right for their kid, but a nice life from the outside doesn't guarantee a nice life from the inside. That nice lawyer could have treated your daughter like a slave. But it all looks nice to the neighbors. People have got to let "perceptions" go. Most of the time people with the "worst" past have the best character. The issue with it all is.. most mother's define themselves by their kids or husbands. Korea does it very literally. Then, when it all goes away; your kid grows up, your husband may die or leave, what's left of you? Who are you? Women are incouraged to be everything for everyone else but nothing for themselves. When we do, we are made to feel guilty or less than for it. Dongbaek needs to be away from him for while. How this is happening sucks but both of them have lessons to learn. If they don't live happily ever after I have wasted my 20 hours of my life. This is utter bullshit. I hope they're fucking with me. Episode 19 This would have played out differently if she had a daughter. This is literally why fuck boys are running amuck these days. Moms who use their sons (sometimes daughters) as substitutes for men and adult relationships. Boundaries. To love your dad so much even though he is a killer is unhealthy. Sik needs psyhological help. It sends the wrong message that you need to or have to take you parents (family members) bs just because they are parents (or family.) In hindsight, a red flag. I don't want Dongbaek to be a match. I don't want her to give her kidney. I don't like the idea of someone younger giving someone older an organ. Once you've passed 50 you have lived your life. The donor should be the same age or older and preferably on their death beds. Especially in Dongbaek's case. What if something goes wrong and Pil looses his mother and grandmother? You going to let that man-child raise him? I would never be okay with taking any organ from my kid. Episode 20 So it was the handy man? I was right bitches. And his dad is covering for him. Wow let it be known that Episode 7 I called it! He was framing his dad and playing everybody. Why didn't he kill Ma tho? Loving people and being kind-hearted is so fucking easy. Why do humans make it so hard?? I know these dramas are fiction but someone somewhere has lived a similar life. Where the fuck would I be if I didn't have an awesome mom and a loving family? Ongson feels like Stars Hollow. Them pants are rather high-waisted. That ended well. It had important lessons that I hoped someone learned from. Good story. Why I suspected the handy man? It's usually the character that can easily go unnoticed. He has access to the whole town, knew everyone and smart enough to cover his tracks. Everyone else was too obvious but the story did a great job of making me doubt my initial suspicion. Bravo. Low key miss clepto waitress. When she wasn't being a extortionist, she was a fun character.
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timeisacephalopod · 6 years ago
Ive seen endgame! Spoilers under the cut and I’m not tagging this as spoilers because I’m literally telling you now its spoilers.
1- what the fuck was the point of Tony’s kid? We had more than 10 years with this character, he doesn’t need a kid for emotional impact when he died and now I’m kind of pissed they threw this fucking random kid in there only to orphan the poor thing and make Pepper a single mother. What fucking bullshit. Never should have been a storyline.
2- Pepper in the suit yaaaaaas.
3- Wanda. Fucking loved her moments. And Thanos’ “I don’t even know who you are” was fucking iconic lmao. I mean her “you will” was okay but holy fucking damn that was the funniest shit from Thanos.
4- they killed viz permanently lmao yeah I didn’t give 2 tits and a snare drum about him anyway so I don’t care.
5- Steve. What the fucking fuck did they do to him? Don’t get me wrong, I like Peggy, and I liked him and Peggy in FA. They were cute. But it was a 4 month fling in the middle of of a war. Not that it can’t be important, but after 15+ years you are telling me a 4 month fling from Steve’s youth is more important to him than everything else? And what of Bucky? He leaves him to HYDRA and after all the shit he went through in WS and CW you’re seriously telling me he’d just LEAVE him there like that? I don’t mean to be a dick to Peggy because I do like her, but narratively speaking Bucky has always played more importance to her except when they want to make Steve feel nostalgic. I’m sorry, I’m fucking over that plot line.
More than that though she moved on in her show, she had a life after Steve and he went back and took that from her. And I don’t see why aside from no one let him grow as a character while also having him grow as a character. He went through a huge character shift in WS and then we saw nothing of it. Aside from his motivations in CW, which make sense given the context of WS however much I disagree, we see none of that development and I’m fucking tired of watching him lament over a relationship that lasted for a shorter time than a high school semester. To any normal person, and even to Steve given his non normal stance, he would have moved the fuck on. Also he made out with her niece that one time!! How is he living with this!
Also Sam says they never had a Captain America but Steve was still big when he danced with Peggy, which means he got the serum, which means he still can’t age right, which begs the question of how the tits long did he live? And again, what does this mean for everything else considering getting the serum implies he was, at some point, Cap even if he was never the Cap they knew. What the fuck! I’m actually the most mad about this because Steve, post WS, probably would have been one of my favorite characters given his extreme narrative shift and just how interesting that could have been if anyone ever fucking let him move on with his fucking self but no. Instead we end with him in the same spot he started in! I watched ten years of this shit for him to do NOTHING? All that development (that the narratives never really let him go through in totality because he narratively never shifted out of his War and Peggy Phase even while his character, on an individual level, moved out of that several times) and I watch him end in the same place he started?
Honestly I’m pretty pissed about that. Especially with all the did with Bucky. I seriously can’t believe Steve fucking left him there, ignored every piece of information he had, ruined Peggy’s original happy ending, and then didn’t even grow as a character. I like that he got a happy ending, I think he’s earned that, but I simply cannot believe a 4 month fucking fling meant so much he’d ignore his best friend, HYDRA, Peggy’s original marriage, the fact that he made out with her niece that one time, and everything else to end up exactly where he started. Which is why I don’t really care for him to begin with- because the narrative always leaves him right at the beginning and I don’t know how to invest in a character that grows but never grows. If he narratively was allowed to grow he would have been so. Much. Better. It is so fucking frustrating to me that he never moved the fuck on. You have no idea.
6- “I can do this all day” “Yeah I know”
7- “You look like melted ice cream”
8- Hated almost everything they did with Thor. Fat jokes? Yikes. Though I did love that ice cream line. Loved the bit with Frigga. And like. Thor being devastated and traumatized is ok. I think that’s realistic enough even if I wonder how someone that’s been alive for well over 1000 years doesn’t know how to handle himself with slightly more grace. I would have liked to see him crack differently.
9- Cap picking up Thor’s hammer and Thor being happy about it? 10 000 times better than the garbage Whedon wrote. Loved that.
10- Nebula. N E B U L A. NEEEEEBBBUUUUULLLLAAAA. Start to finish fucking loved her. She was amazing. 2 questions though- how did she not kill herself when she killed herself? Which in itself is a fucky question to ask. And also the second contention point I have with the movie beyond time travel bullshit is why NO ONE asked where she was post Nat (that in a minute). I know they were sad about Nat obviously but Rhodey is a full bird colonel, he keeps track of thousands of people for his job, plus all of his involvement in Tony’s antics, plus the Avengers and you’re telling me he didn’t notice her gone even with Nat? And Tony, you’re telling me he didn’t notice her gone? He was the one who bonded with her the most and he didn’t notice that he’s now technically lost two people he was close to? And Rocket? He didn’t notice? Are you fucking kidding me? I thought that was bullshit.
Even if, by chance, Rhodey somehow didn’t notice his partner in crime was missing (”I wasn't always like this” “Neither was I”- new BroTP yo!) when I think his military experience alone would have made him the second most likely to notice after Rocket (because he knows her the best) then Rocket should have. And if for some reason Rocket didn’t notice despite her being all that’s left of his found family, making him extra invested in her whereabouts, over Nat, whom I think he’d care about but not like Nebula, then Tony, who spent all that time with her in space, would have noticed.
Fucking someone would have noticed her gone. And the whole second half relies on no one noticing this moment and I call absolute bullshit on that. Someone. Would. Have. Noticed. Rhodey if for no other reason than experience of keeping track of people in war zones, Rocket if for no other reason than her being his last remaining connection to his family, and Tony if for no other reason than Nebula being a large part of the reason he’s alive. I was completely thrown from the story here. I simply can’t see how they could over look that even considering Natasha.
11- Natasha. Are you fucking kidding me? You killed her over Clint? I fucking hate MCU Clint. He’s boring, he’s nothing like the comics, he’s a fucking prick, and I don’t give a fuck about his family or anything to do with him. I liked him best when he was going to kill himself for Natasha. That is the only moment, as Marie Kondo would say, sparked joy for me. Otherwise throw the whole thing out. Fucking Natasha over Clint. Fuck you. That was an insult to the viewers. I don’t give a fuck about Clint, I don’t give a fuck about his kids aside from thinking they didn’t deserve the snap, and I don’t give a fuck about his story.
My mom said he was a plain Timbit (donut hole for the US readers) in a donut world and I honestly think that’s insulting to the plain Timbit, which is something we give to dogs as treats in Canada. Clint isn’t even a dog treat to me and they killed Black Widow over him. Fucking pissed.
12- “That suit does nothing for your ass” “No one was asking you to look, Tony!” “That’s America’s ass!” .... “That is America’s ass”
13- I actually really liked what they did with Bruce. I was excited to see all the benefits of the Hulk and Banner in one! That was pretty cool!
14- Strange’s reappearance was pretty badass. And Wong! I was excited to see him there! Was a bit surprised by Tilda Swinton’s appearance but okay. I didn’t hate it. Loved when she punched Bruce out of the Hulk lmfao that was so funny. I do like that she apparently does that to everyone lmao. I should write a fic where she punches Wong’s soul out of his body when the meet just because I think it’d be funny. And I’d love to see more Wong.
15- Steve vs Steve was really cool, I liked that. And fucking Hail HYDRA holy fucking shit I almost lost my ass. Couldn’t fucking believe he said that (and knowing that he just leaves that all for Peggy, his 4 month fling? Find this wildly out of character for him). Then he fucks right off with the tesseract omg.
16- Scott had some iconic one-liners. “That’s America’s ass!” “Okay I'm going to go inside you” omg. Ant Man was a joy to watch in this. I find Endgame used his character right.
17- I know I said it but Pepper Potts in the fucking suit y’all! I don’t know who was watching Morgan but also Pepper Potts in the fucking suit!!
18- That time travel shit made things entirely way too fucky. I knew that’s what they were going to do because that’s all that made sense, but I thought it was fucking stupid. And can Thanos even snap the stones out of existence? Because Tilda Swinton’s speech implied if he did something like that timelines would essentially do the funky chicken and die. She removed the time stone and shit was supposed to get weird, remove all 5 and what happens? Wtf? He fucking hid those stones. Did like Thor’s bit there though, killing Thanos. I think Nebula earned it more than him but I also think it was a good moment for Thor before his character became a fucking joke. 
19- narratively I understand why they started with Clint’s family dusting but I don’t give a fuck about Clint or his dusted family. I would have preferred watching a civilian lose his shit.
20- Steve you need therapy, stop leading therapy sessions. Especially when your advice is ‘move on’ and you literally go fucking nowhere in your life even after you went all over hell’s creations. Get this man a proper therapist he needs like 15!
21- lmfao Russos talking about gay representation and it was a guy talking about a date. I shit you the fuck not that was it. Gay. It was barely even there. Only straight men would ever assume that could possibly count as representation holy fuck. Like thanks for the blink you miss it shout out I guess. You remembered gays exist, wow!
22- Strange’s one finger thing, I liked that a lot actually. I think it functioned both as a great call to action and a nice reference to Stephen’s power.
23- Quick question, why was Tilda Swinton in New York? Because they went back too far for Strange- at first I when they mentioned 3 stones in NY I was like wait, when’s Strange’s story supposed to happen? After WS right? He can’t be in NY with the stone? But then Tilda showed up and I was like... why isn’t she in Nepal at the teaching sanctum? Because apparently the NY one isn’t a teaching sanctum and as far as I knew she was training Mordo and Wong there at this time so wtf? And it can’t be explained with ‘she knew she needed to be there’ because she punched Bruce out of hulk and he had to grovel to her to get the fucking thing from her and only managed because she knew Stephen gave up the stone willingly and would never do so without good reason because he’s the best fo the best. So like. Why was she there aside from plot convenience? That was a little too easy. Frankly, the whole plot was a touch too easy but still.
24- tired of aliens we’re supposed to relate to looking like humans but in pink while aliens we’re supposed to dislike are animalistic and non human looking. That’s a garbage trope.
25- The black woman in the elevator who made Tony and Steve is 100% Fury’s mother no one can convince me otherwise. I think the timeline matches up but I don’t care if it doesn’t she’s his mom now. He gets it all from his mama.
Bonus: stop trying to make Howard happen, Marvel, its not going to. I fucking hated that scene with Tony and Howard. What kind of bullshit abuse apology was that? Howard then, sure, he didn’t suck quite yet and seems to be aware of his own shortcomings. Howard in the future? Sorry, irredeemable crap. Narratively interesting irredeemable crap but irredeemable nonetheless. Tony panicking and saying his last name was Potts was great though lol. I’ll take it as evidence he took Pepper’s last name when they got married.
Bonus Bonus: I cried when Sam held the shield. I’ve been gunning for Sam to take over as Cap since we met him and everyone told me it’d be Bucky. I argued that we’ve already seen the story of a super soldier as Cap, it would be more interesting to watch Sam as a relatively normal guy take over as Cap. And I like Bucky traumatized and Winter Solider-y. I think he’s more interesting that way. Seriously though, Sam as Cap will be amazing and I didn’t expect to cry at that of all things but I did. I’m so excited to see him in that role!
Bonus Bonus Bonus for any sorry fucking soul who’s made it this far in I think I might update the Tony, T’Challa, and Their Gaggle of Children verse to include Morgan (but older) finding Tony only she’s his actual assed kid and no one believes it even though they have a striking resemblance. Which annoys them both because he got the media to buy all his other fake kids with easy to track down parents but not his actual kid. Ending with Nebula showing up and him claiming she’s his kid and everyone buying it.
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