#and obi-wan and anakin wake
tennessoui · 1 year
au where in the middle of the war, when things are looking incredibly bleak, the Jedi Council find slash create a device that should allow each of them in the room to see visions of what they find most important….obviously they’re all seeing visions of the war and the future of the Jedi Order and the end of the war…..
Except Anakin finds himself time traveling through the future to meet Old Ben on Tatooine (think Kenobi Show Anakin mirage but he actually talks and helps Obi-Wan and Leia escape)
And Obi-Wan finds himself on the Death Star in the shadow of Darth Vader, after the Sith Lord has killed his own Kenobi
Because obviously the thing they care most about is not the end of the war or the survival of the Jedi Order but their partner’s survival of the war
which makes it really awkward when all of the Jedi Council come back together and they’ve seen the outcomes of various battles and maybe even the fall of the Jedi Temple and other Jedi Order centric things and Obi-Wan and Anakin are like oh um yes….I saw that too. For sure. Yeah. Definitely both of their priorities.
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izzystizzys · 3 months
As High Marshall Commander, a title foisted on him by the Galaxy’s fakest bitch aka Chancellor Palpatine, Fox theoretically has privileges and authorities like no other clone. In practice, he has a headache and gets ignored more obviously than before.
What he also has is a fancy new function on his personal comm unit modified to broadcast GAR-wide to all commanding officers, up to and including Jedi. It gathers dust next to his own modified button that sees much better use - a private channel to Stone, the only vod that will let Fox bitch at him to his heart’s content without hanging up (Thire) or bitching right back (Thorn).
It’s been a long shift of 72 hours, the maximum Stabby allows him to do without a well-placed hypo to the neck, when Fox finally collapses on his rickety cot in the Command quarters and hits the private comm connection to Stone without looking. He’s already rolling his eyes so hard it tweaks at the migraine that’s been building since hour 18 and heaving a put-upon sigh.
“Everyone is stupid, Stone, and asking to be thrown face-first from the Dome balustrades”, he begins, settling into a low, dead tone of voice to warm to the building monologue. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. “I swear to haran I’m going to wring Amedda’s stringy neck one of these days. I don’t know what magical Force gods his mother pissed off, but they made sure to punish her and the Galaxy at large a hundred times over. He sucks the joy and competence out of every room like a black hole of stupid. I’d call him a has-been, but I trust in the power of nepotism and also just don’t believe he ever was. I swear he’s doing it on purpose and - oh, kriffing Sith-damned hells, you know who’s definitely doing it on purpose?! The kriffing Chancellor, that wrinkly ass-faced ballsack!”
Taking a deep breath, Fox lets that sit in his chest for a moment, indulging in the feeling of bright weightlessness. “I swear he’s trying to keep the war going - no one man can be that incompetent and still draw breath, not even Amedda or Taa. Goddamn Taa - but anyways, kriffing hell, Stone, either the senility isn’t an act or he’s a bad cartoon villain from Dooby Scoo. Yes Sir, sending Senator Amidala to a Seppie-infested planet for negotiations is a great idea after her fourth bomb threat of the week. No Sir, I can’t hear you cackling evilly with Count Dooku under your lame two-credit robe as you’re definitely not colluding with the Republic’s enemies. What, you have a red lightsaber?! Oh, of course I don’t know what that means, I was dropped on the head as a tubie!”
Barely pulling in a harsh breath, Fox continues, palms pressing into his eyeballs hard enough to cause sparks. “And speaking of lightsabers and senile fucks, haran smite my ass off but who the kriff thought it’d be a good idea to give absolute tactical and military authority to the kriffing eldritch space monks! The Force didn’t bless them with the collective good sense it gave to a kriffing rock, and I’m tired of pretending otherwise! Has anyone kriffing read the Theed Convention of Sentient Rights in Wartimes?! NO?!! Well, color me UNSURPRISED, because war crimes ARE NOT! GOOD! BATTLE! TACTICS!!”
“They run around in crop tops, Stone, in crop tops! Oh, the Force provides - WELL I’M GOING TO PROVIDE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS, AND IT’S GOING TO HURT BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT WEARING KRIFFING ARMOUR!”
“Sure, let’s send the preteens into active warzones under heavy artillery in kriffing party wear! Surely nothing will ever go wrong! And give them commanding positions equivalent to CC-clones, WHO WERE LITERALLY GENETICALLY CREATED FOR IT! WITH A DECADE OF INTENSE TRAINING! LET’S DO THAT, BECAUSE WE’RE ALL KRIFFING STUPID!”
He’s gesturing wildly at the ceiling now, face heating up as his blood boils beneath the surface. “And you know what really gets my lowers in a twist, apart from the preteen commanding officers and blatant kriffing high treason and war profiteering?! Is it the complete lack of recognition? Gratitude? Basic sentient rights?! No, Stone, no, I would take all that in stride if it meant I never had to see Skywalker and Amidala kriffing canoodle right in front of me again, and pretend like it isn’t the galaxy’s worst conflict of interest case in the making!”
“By all levels of Sith-hell, what the kriff is wrong with that woman? You have it all, you could have anyone, and you choose that twatwaffle?! And then they have the gall to lock themselves in a broom closet for twenty minutes straight and have me guard it! ‘Oh yes, Senator, naturally we all go rattling brooms with our good friends! Nothing dodgy happening at all! I definitely believe you were looking for detergent and have used a washing machine before!’ The absolute nerve on those two! And then last week - you’ll never believe this - High General Windu passed by, and I swear he looked like he wanted to throw himself off the roof! I’ve never been less impressed by anyone in my life, and I’m batch-mates with Bly!”
“Speaking of Bly, that little bitchtit - if I have to edit one more, one more kriffing propaganda piece of him staring at General Secura’s bits, I’m going to stab my eye out! And if I have to edit one more of Secura staring at his bits, I’m going to stab the other one out! The only good thing I have to say about them is they’re more subtle than Skywalker and Amidala, which means nothing really. I will never understand that woman - but then she’s worked with Jar Jar Binks for a decade and not had a nervous breakdown, so she either has nerves of steel or is on some good-ass drugs.”
“Girl, your choices. And you know what else is a choice? Kote kriffing roundhouse-kicking heads off droids when he has a perfectly good blaster right there! I don’t know what the Longnecks put in his tube, but I hope to kriff it’s not contagious. I’d say I’m glad he has Kenobi to keep him in check, but that man wouldn’t know common sense if it punched his nose clean off his face. Flirting with General Grievous, ugh. I’d say he can do better, but honestly, they deserve each other.”
“And Wolffe - “, panting, Fox pauses, considering. “Well, Wolffe is an asshole and stupid, and I hate him because he’s stupid and has a stupid face. Also he keeps drunkenly submitting adoption paperwork on General Koon’s behalf - I wish I could say something mean about that, but honestly, his existence is roast enough. Anyways, bitches are trying me today, and by bitches I mean everyone. Commander Fox signing off to go not commit treason, unfortunately.”
Thoroughly powered out, Fox sinks into his hard mattress with a deep sigh. Several seconds of silence reign, and then his comm unit starts blaring in alarm.
Somewhere in the Jedi Temple, Mace Windu is knocked flat on his ass by a gargantuan shatterpoint exploding.
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miraclepoisons · 9 months
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when the semi feral kitten your dad brought home (and thrusted to your care) had lice
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More clone wars headcanons (it's just Ahsoka and Anakin)
No matter how only Ahsoka gets Anakin will always see her as that little 14 year old who strong-armed her way onto a battlefield 
Honestly he isn’t very aware of this but there are tiny moments when it becomes very clear 
There are moments when people ask how old his padawan is and he’ll go “Oh she’s” and he’ll take a moment for some mental calculations and say “she’s 18 kriff she’s 18” 
And he’ll kinda sit in silence with that fact for a couple of seconds 
There’s also moments when people will call him out for getting her age wrong 
Like he’ll go “Don’t bite off more than you can chew Soka you’re only 14 after all” 
Ahsoka will reminds him in two days she’s be turning 20 when Anakin argues that fact Obi-Wan reminds him that he’s 25 which would make her 20 in a couple of days Anakin just kinda stares at a wall 
Ahsoka tried to snap him out of it but Obi-Wan stopped her with a quite “let him grieve Ahsoka” 
No matter how old the two get they will always play pranks on each other if anything the intensity grows with them 
When Ahsoka when 14 she would save small handfuls of sand to put in Anakin’s shoes 
And he would have thought it was just left over from some mission if the sand didn’t keep appearing after he emptied it out 
That and he caught Ahsoka red-handed and chased her sneaky ass around the temple until they were both too tired to care 
When Ahsoka turned 20 she hid sand everywhere in his shoes and in his pockets, girl even got it in some of his mugs 
He knew it was her cause he knew her m.o but she won’t admit to it and she doesn’t stop to matter how much he begs 
The breaking point is when he finds his bed covered in sand which he deems going too far cause even tho Padme literally couldn’t care less 
He tracked her down and kept her in a headlock until she admitted defeat 
It wasn’t a chocking headlock mind you it’s just tight enough to keep her in place he just drags her around the whole base while he goes about his business 
Anakin’s prank was pretty simple he would slowly steal all her head wraps 
At first she didn’t notice anything she just thought Anakin stole one during training and put it somewhere 
But after a couple of days of not being able to find it she discovers another one went missing 
And the cycle continued like that for years 
It didn’t bother her but sometimes when she was going out with friends and couldn’t find her favorite ones you’d hear her scream “Ani where’s my leather head wrap?” 
And he’d act all innocent saying that he “has no idea what you’re talking about snips maybe you misplaced it again” 
And she’d groan and go look for a different one because she didn’t have enough time to interrogate him 
Anakin waits a couple of years to pull off his full prank which is convincing everyone he can to wear one of her head wraps and act like nothing is going on 
And he gets a good amount of people too including some of the clones and even the twins 
The only people who wholeheartedly reject being a part of the plan are Padme and Obi-Wan they discovered years ago that it isn’t wise to get involved in their prank war 
Honestly Ahsoka would have thought she lost her mind that day if she hadn’t found every single head wrap she lost hidden around her quarters 
It kind of becomes a running joke of how protective Anakin is of Ahsoka 
Some stories being blown out of proportion about how Skywalker single-handedly moved the ruble to grant her freedom form the tank 
Some say how he searched on the ground day and night when Ahsoka was captured by the hunters 
Criminals claim they barely made it out with their lives if they had Ahsoka in their custody 
They both find these stories hilarious but Obi-Wan and Padme know there is a lot of truth in those stories 
It doesn’t just stop with the enemy either this man has and will do intensive background checks on every single person Ahsoka meets 
And you best believe that potential love interests are kept under the closest watch possible 
Rex and his boys are happy to track down the person if they feel they’re acting a little sketchy 
Sometimes this ends with actual criminals being put away and sometimes this ends with Ahsoka scolding everyone who had anything to do with it 
Some people get 30+ apology letters and a promise that it will never happen again (most of those people can tell those letters were written with grit teeth and a little togruta standing close by)
Anakin does agree to tone down his protective streak and promises to never abuse his power like that again 
She didn’t make him stop giving the shovel talk to literally anyone within a three-mile radius of her (mostly cause she didn’t know he was doing it) so he considered that a win
I’m always reminded of how Anakin made it a game to count how many people their squads took out and I was wondering what other games they had 
How many times could they lie to the council without getting caught, how many times they crash a ship, and how many times they save each other's lives 
Like imagine Ahsoka tripping Anakin and before he can ask why the hell she did that a blast hits the floor and she just goes “That’s 40 for me” as she runs away 
Anakin yelled after her “yeah 40 to my 80 snips” 
Those numbers also serve as a reminder and reassurance that no matter how dangerous the situation gets they’ll never let that count stop
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antianakin · 2 years
Anakin legitimately does not respect or care about any of the people who love him as much as they respected and cared about him. Anakin is so ready to kill, betray, disrespect, and abandon literally any and all of them at the drop of a hat. They would all give up A LOT for him, they all believe in him despite all evidence saying they shouldn't, despite everything we as the audience know proves that they shouldn't, they believe in him. Some of them are willing to believe in him POST GENOCIDE for literally no fathomable reason. He has given these people exactly zero reason to have a single ounce of faith in his goodness because he legitimately seems not to give a shit about any of them in return.
The more we learn about his relationships with people, the more frustrating it gets that anybody even LIKES him, let alone LOVES him, there's so little to even like about him how did it even happen? No one who has written Anakin has managed to write him in a way that makes it in any way understandable that fundamentally good kind people like Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Luminara, and Yoda would like someone as fundamentally cruel and unkind as Anakin is.
Everyone talks about how unbelievable it is that Padme would've fallen for Anakin and so she MUST'VE been brainwashed through the Force by Anakin, but I feel like we should add the entire Jedi Order and the 501st to that, too, because there's just no reason any of them like him and believe in him as much as they do without it.
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in-tua-deep · 3 months
i have a star wars fic idea floating around my brain that is just a time travel fic centering around bodhi rook where part of the explanation for a suddenly-force-sensitive-bodhi is "the monster tore parts of me out and maybe that made more space for the force to fill in the gaps"
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gaily-daily-musings · 3 months
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss ask part 2
(link to fluffy version)
He knows it was stupid. He already knows. He doesn't need anyone else to tell him that. He knew it was stupid before he went to the Opress brothers and asked for a job. He knew it was stupid when he agreed to rob a bank. He knew it was stupid as he pulled on the black ski mask. He knew, but that didn't change anything.
You can do this, Anakin thinks. For her. Get the money. Get out. Pay for the cancer treatment. And then this nightmare can be over.
Maul and Savage are just as vicious as their reputation says they are. They run in guns blazing screaming at everyone to get down. Anakin stamps down any emotions threatening to break and grabs the bag. He aims his gun at the nearest teller. She's crying, mascara running down her face as she tries to shove money into the bag as fast as she can.
Anakin doesn’t pay attention to what Maul and Savage are doing across the room. He just focuses on what's in front of him. Get in. Get out. Save her.
Sirens blare on the horizon. Anakin stops. Oh shit. He turns to look at Maul. The man is raging, hissing angrily. Maul whips his gun on the bank manager.
“Looks like someone called the cops,” he growls.
The manager blubbers, pleading for his life. Anakin runs, stepping in between Maul and the thin man.
“No! This isn't part of the plan!”
Maul snarls. “The plan was to be in and out before the cops were even alerted! We're already fucked!”
His hateful eyes turn and scan the cowering crowd of people. One of them is sitting up straight staring back. His gaze is hard and unafraid. Maul smiles.
“You'll do.” He grabs the man and hauls him up to his feet. “Brother!”
Savage hurries over to subdue him. The man struggles but Savage is bigger and easily hauls him back.
“What are you doing?!”
“Taking a hostage, what does it look like we're doing?” Maul snaps. “The cops are less likely to shoot and kill all of us with a hostage in the car!”
Anakin grits his teeth. Fuck! Fuck this was a shitshow!
To his credit, the man puts up a good fight. But Savage and Maul get him under control and tie his hands behind his back with some zip ties. Just as they're throwing the money bags into the van, the first police car rounds the corner.
“Drive!” Maul yells.
Anakin doesn't have to be told twice. He climbs into the driver's seat and slams down the gas pedal. He barrels down the street weaving in and out of traffic. From the back he hears the cries of the poor man.
“Give that back!” A British accent snaps authoritatively. It is the voice of a man who is used to being listened to.
Anakin’s eyes flicker up to the rearview mirror. Maul is sliding a ring off the man's finger and holding it up.
“Finders keepers,” he sneers.
The man tries to headbutt him. Savage growls and shoves him back. He then raises a threatening fist meaning to punch him.
Anakin yanks the wheel. They all go flying.
“Watch where you're fucking going!”
“I didn't sign up to hurt anyone!” Anakin yells back. “He's already tied up, you don't need to beat him too!”
In the next second a gun presses against the back of his head. Anakin stills.
“You get me and my brother to safely or I'll kill you and your fucking mother.”
Anakin steps on it. He doesn't try anything again.
They make it. Somehow they make it. It was close for a minute there, but Anakin
found a way through.
He parks under a bridge where they can switch cars. Maul and Savage have taken their half of the money and loaded it up into the other car. They talk in hushed voices off to the side. Anakin already knows they're thinking about killing the hostage.
“You got what you wanted. Just go.” Anakin gestures behind him. “I'll take care of him, don't worry about it.”
Maul sneers. “Can you? Have you ever even taken a life before?”
“I told you at the start of this I would do what it takes. You know what's at stake for me. I'll do it.”
Maul looks him up and down. Anakin stands his ground staring right back. Finally, Maul snorts and turns away.
“Have it your way.”
Anakin doesn't breathe a sigh of relief until their car has disappeared around a corner. He turns back to the man sitting on the ground. The side of his head was bleeding and the zip ties were no doubt cutting into his wrists. At some point Savage had gagged him. It couldn't be very easy to breathe with that thing.
Anakin crouches down in front of him. The man glares back furiously. Anakin winces under his gaze. “I know I have no right to say this but I really am sorry.”
He reaches up to take the gag off. Without knowing why, without understanding what possesses him to do so, Anakin's hand veers at the last second. Of its own accord he gently wipes away some of the blood on the side of the man's head. The man blinks back at him, a single brow lifted in blank confusion.
Anakin flinches. What the fuck was his problem? He quickly moves to take the gag off, sliding it down the man's mouth. Before the man can yell at him or curse him or demand to be set free, Anakin reaches into his pocket and pulls out a shiny, golden ring. The man's eyes widen.
“Mau–uh, the guy I was with is pretty easy to pickpocket,” Anakin says awkwardly.
The man looks back up at him. Really, honestly looks. Like he's seeing into the depth of his soul and judging what he finds there. Anakin shivers. His eyes are so, so blue. Anakin thinks he will remember them forever.
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cottonraincoat · 10 months
vader thought he wasn't anakin but anakin knew that he was vader. does that make sense? it's like a jekyll and hyde thing.
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lilredghost · 8 months
I'll have you know that Bring me in from the pasture has absolutely absolutely altered my brain chemistry
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ Definitely a delight to hear that from you, I love your work!! I wrote a little more so that I would have something to show. Hopefully I can keep chipping away at the next chapter 🥰
Warnings: The premise of this fic is that Obi-Wan got kidnapped, modified, and brainwashed into a cow hybrid, so... I feel like that speaks for itself. (But the romance is sweet if that counts for anything)
Obi-Wan registers several things at once.
The first is that he’s in a real bed, being held by Anakin.
The second is the ache between his legs. His hole twitches and throbs, begging for touch. Obi-Wan hasn’t gone this long without being fucked since he first started as a cow.
The third thing is what makes this scenario truly untenable. Unbearable.
He can feel the hot, hard line of Anakin’s cock against his ass.
He whines low in his throat, wanting nothing more than to rut back against him. To tease and coax and seduce this man into fucking Obi-Wan like he deserves.
But this is Obi-Wan’s Padawan; there’s no way he can ask for that. Not when Anakin is already seeing to all his other needs, when he’s treating Obi-Wan better and sweeter than the farmers ever did.
Obi-Wan likes holding his hand. He likes sleeping in Anakin’s bed. He likes being fed by him, held by him, milked by him.
He can’t ask Anakin to fuck him too.
Not if Obi-Wan can take care of it himself.
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aleatoryw · 1 year
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they had to decanonize obsession bc they couldn't handle the truth
(you can read obsession here)
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tennessoui · 5 days
44. and 54. for the ship asks?
I hope you're having a good time ✨
ah thank you i am having a very good time (but also very busy) (but also very fun) (but also very stressful) (but also very - )
thank you for sending these in <3
[from this ask game]
44. Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?
i think neither of them are predisposed to dancing in the kitchen making dinner (because i just can't see either of them expressing joy through dance) but the image is cute and if i had to pick, i'd say anakin would be more likely to dance in a very silly fashion as he cooks dinner (most probably because he thinks he's alone in their quarters)
only for obi-wan to spy him and lean up against the doorway to watch and anakin is a bit embarrassed but covers it with a "what, old man, don't want to join in?"/"haven't you ever danced before?" to which obi-wan obviously replies that of course he's danced before but that sort of dancing is certainly not the kind of dancing he's done in the past. does anakin want a demonstration?
and anakin thinks he's about to get pulled into a formal dance like the sort that obi-wan does at fancy balls on fancy missions so of course he says a very eager yes - only for obi-wan to pull him in for more like dirty club dancing from his padawan days
54. Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
once a master, always a master:
Obi-Wan lets out a full-bodied sigh the moment the doors to his quarters close behind him. It'd been a long day, stacked on top of another, longer day, which in turn was stacked upon a longer week. A longer month. A long war.
He leans against the wall to slip off his boots, though he finds that he's too tired to line them up at the door where he likes to keep them. Instead, he leaves them as they've fallen.
The Council meeting had ended with the decision to send Obi-Wan and the 212th out to the Mid-Rim to rendezvous with Mace Windu's troops. It was an understandable command, and one Obi-Wan himself had volunteered for. But now, in the privacy of his own quarters, he allows the weight of the new orders to rest heavily on his shoulders as guilty dread pools up in his stomach. He'd told Anakin that they'd be able to share a week of leave together, once the other returned to the Temple tomorrow. Now, it turns out that they'd have only a few hours at most.
On his way from the door to his room, the Force gives him a kind, gentle nudge, just stubborn enough that it makes Obi-Wan turn his head to see--oh.
He hadn't even realized he wasn't alone in his quarters. Perhaps because the boy sleeping on his sofa with one shoe still loosely clinging to his foot feels as if he belongs there.
Obi-Wan's feet move him forward automatically to look over the couch's back at Anakin's sleeping form. His Force signature wraps around Anakin's gently, an instinctual hello. For a moment, he's regretful at it--thinking that perhaps it would be enough to wake Anakin from his sleep.
But Anakin's Force signature only nuzzles back at his in return, leaving the boy asleep, as if it is the most natural thing in the galaxy for them to be twined together.
"Alright," Obi-Wan mutters, letting his fingers trail over Anakin's curls before stepping around the couch to kneel at its edge. "Foolish boy," he chides though Anakin cannot hear him. Though he doesn't even mean the words, not truly. Not in the face of Anakin's presence. He must have pushed his ship to the edges of its capabilities to arrive earlier than planned. He must have wanted as much time with Obi-Wan as he could get. "My foolish boy," Obi-Wan says.
Anakin sleeps on, undisturbed.
Obi-Wan's hands find their way to his hair once more, stroking down a piece of it before lightly touching his cheek, the edges of the scar over his eye. The war has aged him. The war has taken so much from him. Of course he is tired. Hopefully, despite Obi-Wan's own absence, he will be able to get the rest he so desperately needs in the coming week. It would be good for him, for Ahsoka as well.
Against his will, his eyelids droop even as his knees protest the position on the ground. He could fall asleep as he is, he thinks. A worshipper at Anakin's altar.
But his padawan would be upset to find him like this in the morning. As much as he thinks that Anakin needs rest, Anakin returns the opinion tenfold. He will not be pleased at the upcoming mission. He would not be pleased to find Obi-Wan asleep on the ground beside him.
But their week together has been shortened only to a night, and Obi-Wan will be damned if he leaves him alone on the couch.
So, carefully, he stands and slides his arms beneath Anakin's back and legs, lifting him up with some hidden well of strength only exhausted masters who must care for their padawans possess.
"This was easier when you were younger," he mutters to Anakin's sleeping form, adjusting his arms around the other man so that his head doesn't loll uncomfortably to the side. "And about a hundred and fifty pounds lighter."
Anakin snores in response, Force signature radiating such a sense of safe contentment that even Obi-Wan's grumblings die down into nothing. They can, of course, wait for an appreciative, awake audience.
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
thinking about that one comment I got on Gambit about how it was, DIRECT QUOTE, “painfully obvious the characters do what you want rather than what they want.”
do you. do you uh. do you know how writing stories works. they’re not real, bro.
(this is from back in 2018 so not recent. this is also not actually the worst part of that comment.)
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fanfictasia · 1 year
Angstober Day 16
Wake Up Call
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from Favorless
Shaking the thoughts aside, Obi-Wan scrambles to Anakin’s side. 
“I’ve had worse,” Anakin tells him off-handedly, altogether too flippantly and entirely undeterred. He pushes himself up, and Obi-Wan crouches beside him, reaching out to steady him.
“Worse?” Obi-Wan repeats dubiously, “How could you have had worse?” On hindsight, it’s a stupid question, but he’s curious. Anakin hasn’t been on active missions, and he’s so young.
“That’s not as bad as lightning goes,” he argues, trying to push himself up. Obi-Wan shoves him back down before he can try standing.
He’s been electrocuted before. Sidious electrocuted him? He’s fifteen. That could injure him, possibly permanently, if it was too bad. Obi-Wan knew Sidious was never good to him, but it feels like everything is far worse than he realized.
Anakin’s expression is somewhat tightening, looking genuinely unhappy. “It was just training,” he defends, as if his master has ever done anything for him that he needs to be defended for. “I was being clumsy. It wasn’t his fault.”
It wasn’t his fault isn’t really the kind of excuse Obi-Wan needed to hear after realizing that Sidious electrocuted his apprentice. His fifteen-year-old apprentice at that. Actually, he didn’t want an excuse, period, no matter what it was.
Anakin isn’t his friend, or – or his anything really, so why does he even care whether someone hurt him or not? It doesn’t really matter. It’s not… anything he could control, or stop, or change, so it shouldn’t matter.
It does, though.
He deserves someone to protect and care for him, in the same way all children do. Not to be used as a tool in the way Sidious is. But – it’s not as though the Jedi are being significantly better in that regard, are they? They certainly don’t hurt him, but Obi-Wan doesn’t know what they’ll do with Anakin after everything is over.
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I finally got around to watching the clone wars so here are some Ahsoka and Anakin headcanons that wont leave my brain
They both steal each other's stuff and complain when they catch the other one doing it 
As Anakin’s hair grows longer he finds himself looking for hair wraps or something to push it back 
And he stumbles on Ahsoka's stash he borrows them mostly when she’s off on a mission so she won’t complain 
But she suspects him of doing so cause they’re never in the correct spot he also steals some of her simpler hand wraps when he’s training 
Ahsoka's just as bad tho she’ll steal Anakin’s cloaks and shirts all the time cause for some reason the council failed to give her comfortable clothes  
It all comes to a head when Ahsoka is debriefing the council and Anakin and she stops and goes “Is that my head wrap?” 
The change of topic is so abrupt that no one reacts for a hot second 
And then Anakin goes into full-on defensive mode like “What? No your device must be defective cause this isn’t yours” 
Which Ahsoka calls him out because “Jedi’s don’t lie so just come clean sky guy I know that mine. And are those my kriffing hand wraps?! Take those off you’re gonna mess them up!” 
Anakin is still defending himself and Obi-Wan is stepping in scolding them for using this line for their petty and selfish arguments  
And then Anakin says “Wait snips is that my cloak” “Don’t change the subject just cause you got caught” “No no you can’t talk about getting caught you little hypocrite that’s my cloak!” 
Obi-Wan is still chiming in half-heartedly but he knows better than to stop a full-on argument between those two 
Especially when they’re throwing each other words back at them like “I thought you said I should keep warm” “And I thought you said I need a hair wrap with all this hair” 
The argument only ends cause Windu threatens to hang up the com 
After the debriefing ends Anakin calls Ahsoka back and the argument starts right back up again 
Ahsoka always gets ready with her music playing 
And Anakin in true big brother fashion doesn’t want Ahsoka to know he likes her music so instead he’ll just turn on their version of shazam and stands by the speaker in what he thinks is a normal fashion 
It always goes something like this “Master what are you doing?” “What do you mean snips I’m not doing anything” “Oh so you’re just standing in my doorway with your device on for no reason” “Yep” “Okay when well have fun”
And in bratty little sister fashion she turns off her music and lights and leaves him in the doorway 
Later on she makes a playlist of all his favorite songs and sends a link to it 
All she hears is a grumbled “thank you” from the other room 
Anakin also plays his music out loud sometimes and it took a small amount of time to realize the songs Ahsoka complains about the most are her favorites 
He adds them to their shared playlist and ignores her when she plays those songs more 
Over time they make a lot of joined playlists
Some to work out and train to, some to hype them up before a mission, some to wind down after a mission, some to play when they have nightmares 
It’s something that they both enjoy more than they probably should 
Obi-Wan jokes that some of those playlists will be the death of him 
Ahsoka runs abnormally hot to the point where she could wear shorts in winter and Anakin runs cold enough to be confused for a corpse  
Obi-Wan Padme and Ahsoka all agree that he needs to get checked out cause no way is it healthy to be that cold 
They're both fine in their rooms where Ahsoka can blast the AC and Anakin can turn the heater up as high as he needs 
But the common room is where the bickering happens such as “Jesus snips I didn’t realize we lived on Hoth” or “I’m so sorry master that every room can feel like Mustafar” 
I also know that they both get nightmares like Earth-shaking soul shattering nightmares 
Some where they get abandoned some when they can’t save each other in time and some where they have to kill each other  
Not a lot of words need to be said when Ahsoka wakes Anakin out of a dead sleep with tears in her eyes or when Ahsoka wakes up cause Anakin is checking in on her for the third time that night 
They both just grab as many pillows and blankets as they can carry so they can make the world's best pillow fort 
Obi-Wan has grown accustomed to finding them cuddled up on the floor while the credits of a shitty old movie roll in the background  
When they get older I feel like they unlock the childhood nickname status 
Don't get me wrong snips and sky guy are their normal nicknames and will never go away but those are mostly used when they’re out in public or on the battlefield 
When they’re around people they trust like Obi-Wan and Padme you’ll hear questions like “You good Ani?” or “Be safe Soka”
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stealthetrees · 2 months
Time travel au where all the Jedi wake up in Attack of the Clones after dying. The ones that died sooner just walk it off like it’s a weird dream. Everyone who died in order 66 is confused but maybe it’s a vision? Most of the inquisitors either panic or run to the nearest mind healer and burst into tears or trauma dump. Caleb Dume/Kanan is absolutely convinced he’s dead and this is the after life and no one can convince him otherwise. Obi-wan Kenobi sees smol Anakin and goes ‘shit just keeps happening huh’.
Ashoka Tano is disturbingly wise and knowledgeable for a youngling. Cal Kestis jumps up from class, yells “not today satan” stabs his crechemaster and jumps out the window (he thinks he got caught by the empire and drugged or something), he steals a ship and makes it all the way to Bogano and picks up BD-1 before Cordova find him getting his ass beat by local wildlife and drags him back to Coruscant. Cere is doing her best to comfort Jaro Tapal but he’s not reassured that Cal jumps out of windows all the time.
Plo Koon and Shaak Ti are scheming to get their sons back. Anakin is busy having a breakdown. Grogu just keeps asking for his Buir. Yoda, always ready for drama, let’s Caleb tell him all about his life and his family, asks what his padawan would want him to do. Caleb thinks about this for a minute and nods to himself. He builds a pipe bomb and duct tapes it to the bottom of Palpatines chair. And steals all the credits stashed in his desk.
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kara-ct · 1 year
Cody : *Waking up at 3am because a comlink rings* ... Yes?
Anakin :... Cody?
Cody: General Skywalker? Is there a problem?
Anakin: No...
Cody: You need me for something?
Anakin : No...
Cody: So why did you call me at 3am?
Anakin: I didn't. Why did you respond to Obi-Wan's comlink?
Cody : What...?
Anakin :... Is Obi-Wan with you? At 3am? What does that mean?!
Cody : That's not what you think, sir! We were... He was...
Anakin : Obi-Wan, you're just a stupid hypocrite!
Obi-Wan: *wakes up because of the noise * What?
Cody : We can explain!
Anakin: Obi-Wan! The last time I asked Rex to work at this time to help me with the paperwork, you berated me for hours! But you're doing the same thing with Cody!
Obi-Wan : *always half asleep* Paperwork? Where?
Cody : Paperwork! We are guilty! We were working. Nothing else. You are absolutely right! *laughs nervously*
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