kara-ct · 10 days
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kara-ct · 24 days
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Happy Pride Month y'all!! 💖🧡💛💚💙💜
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kara-ct · 4 months
Obi-Wan: We're going to go east and Anakin's group is going to go west. Then...
Anakin : ...
Obi-Wan : I can't do that anymore, Anakin! I can't keep ignoring this!
Anakin : But...
Obi-Wan: Anakin, why do you have a fucking blaster ?!
Waxer : *Shocked* Cody! The general said the "f word" in front of the shinies !
Obi-Wan : I don't care! I can't believe Anakin is so uncivilized! Blasters are so uncivilized!
212th Battalion: ...
Cody : It's not...
Anakin: It was Rex's idea! He told Ahsoka and I that having blasters in addition to our lightsabers would give us an advantage on the battlefield and that it would be safer for us. And you know what? Rex is right!
Obi-Wan : Ahsoka too??? I can't believe Rex is such a bad influence on both of you! Anakin, Rex makes you act in such an uncivilized way!
Cody : Don't involve Rex in any of this! Skywalker does very well on his own to deprave himself!
Obi-Wan : You certainly don't mean that, my dear.
Cody : Don't "my dear" me! Skywalker is the one who has a terrible influence on Rex and the 501! Skywalker is a chaos demon!
Obi-Wan : Rex is evil incarnate! That stupid blonde head corrupted my little baby Padawan!
Cody : ... You're sleeping on the floor tonight.
Boil : Guys, our parents are fighting... Again.
Anakin : ... So that means I'm allowed to keep the blaster?
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kara-ct · 4 months
What is the weirdest ship you've seen in the Star Wars community?
Let me begin: I discovered that Chewbacca/Yoda was a thing. I've only seen it once but I'm still disturbed by this revelation 😭
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kara-ct · 4 months
I don't think there is a real canon answer. You can interpret however you want.
Afterwards, it is possible that over the years, the clones have developed resistance to the chip. When the chip went off, there was nothing they could do.
You can also take the example of Rex, it's because he understood about the chip thanks to Fives that he was able to resist for a few seconds. He knew at that moment that something was wrong and he fought against that.
When the other clones received Order 66, they had no reason to believe that the choice did not come from them and they did not fight the chip.But after a while, they may have noticed that something was wrong in their minds and they may have started to resist. So the impact of the chip may have weakened over time.
I think it's really just a natural thing. The more your body is exposed to something, the more resistant it becomes to it.
And it also depends on the people, some adapt more quickly and others not.
However, that's just how I see it and I might be wrong.
idk if I just missed it, but the way the chip worked was made very confusing to me thanks to this show. So, it starts with Order 66. And from the way events panned out it was clear that the chip activated after Palpatine says the words.
But I’m confused about the whole Good Soldiers Follow Orders bit. From the way Crosshair and some of the clones are portrayed in the earlier seasons makes it seem like they listen to all of the Empire’s orders without question, i.e just the way they unquestioningly killed the Jedis. In short, they’re basically meant to behave like droids once that chip is active.
This intense desire to kill also shown once again on Bracca when Wrecker goes on a full rampage against the rogue clones. So, again, confirms that a killing instinct is activated in some sense when the clones spots anyone who’s on the Empire’s kill list.
But then they show Cody. Cody who doesn’t have his chip removed. He just, leaves? In fact, someone (idk who) says that many clones have been defecting recently. It’s Cody who tells Crosshair that clones have recently begun questioning their role in the killing of Jedis and have started to generally question the Empire? What does that mean?? That the chips simply… decayed? That after a year or so, the chips just malfunctioned? That it gave way to reason once again? Was removing the chip simply a necessary step at the beginning of the chip’s activation?
A malfunction isn’t the worst possibility because it seems possible, for sure. but NalaSe mentions in Fives’ arc that a chip to reduce aggression is common for the clones they create. Maybe she’s lying but I don’t know for sure.
The thing is that for the longest time I was sure that the only way a clone could help a Jedi post Order 66 (if they came upon one) was if the chip was removed. But clearly, that’s not the case.
Is there a canon answer to this?
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kara-ct · 5 months
Cody is Schrödinger's cat from the Star Wars universe. I hope the box will be opened one day 🙏 Or maybe not. It depends on what's inside 😭
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kara-ct · 5 months
Is Obi-Wan's hair brown or red? I feel like we see everything and I was genuinely asking the question 🤣 He is red in some Lego games and brown in The Clones Wars. And for Ewan McGregor, I don't know.
If you choose other, specify the color in the comments. PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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kara-ct · 5 months
Cody: Count Dooku really seems to hate us Obi-wan: Maybe he's homophobic Cody: We're not a couple, General Obi-wan: We're not? Rex: You're not?
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kara-ct · 5 months
Anakin : Luke, Leia meet your Uncle Rex!
Rex : What? General! You can't just kidnap random kids!
Anakin : They're mine! I made them myself. Padme helped.
Rex : It's even worse! C-3PO is pretty awful! We don't need another one of your creations!
Anakin : ...
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kara-ct · 6 months
Cody : General Kenobi, we need to talk.
Obi-Wan : Is there a problem?
Cody : Yes. Well, no, not really. We are not under attack. No one died. And 501 is on another planet.
Obi-Wan : So what's the problem?
Cody : You need to find a Padawan.
Obi-Wan : What? Why?
Cody : Because I want a Padawan! Go get one!
Obi-Wan : We don't have time for that.
Cody : I can give him food and drink! I can also take it out for a walk!
Obi-Wan : Cody, it doesn't work like that...
Cody : It's not fair! Gree, Grey, and even Rex have a Padawan!
Obi-Wan : ... Why do you want a Padawan?
Cody : To give him the order to do my paperwork of course.
Obi-Wan : Cody!
Cody : What? Skywalker does it all the time! I can't stand to deal with all the paperwork anymore! Do you realize all the work I do?! I eat and breathe paperwork! I sleep with paperwork! I'm struggling with paperwork! I'm talking with paperwork!
Obi-Wan : I'm pretty sure that's an exaggeration...
Cody : My LIFE is paperwork!!
Cody :
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kara-ct · 6 months
Cody: *pinching the bridge of his nose* General, I /know/ you know how to use a blaster-
Obi-Wan: *guiltily* yes.
Cody: I have even seen you use them in practice with the men-
Obi-Wan: correct.
Cody: And yet. You threw it.
Obi-Wan: …yes.
Cody: …why did you throw it?
Obi-Wan: Well. You see-
Cody: oh god-
Obi-Wan: Palpatine was a Sith. He expected a lot of things from that fight. Maybe he expected to turn my sweet baby Anakin-
Cody: Ew-
Obi-Wan: -on us and use him, maybe he expected me to come at him with a saber, maybe he expected me to shoot him.
Cody: So you didn’t think he’d expect you to throw a blaster. You couldn’t have even chosen a granade?
Obi-Wan: Listen. He could have thrown one back at us. The force said throw the blaster and grab my sweet baby Padawan out of dodge and let Fox knife him. It worked!
Cody: Force give me patience so I don’t strangle my ven’riduur-
Obi-Wan: *perks up* So we’re still engaged?
Cody: You aren’t getting rid of me that fast, dikut.
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kara-ct · 6 months
Obi-Wan: So... Cody and I are very close.
Cody: Very, very close.
Anakin: Well, I know. You are very good friends.
Cody: We're not friends.
Anakin : What???
Obi-Wan: Cody! Of course we're friends! It's just that there's something else as well.
Anakin: What else do you do?
Obi-Wan : I don't know how to explain this to you...
Cody : Your master and I sleep together.
Obi-Wan : Cody!
Anakin : That's all? I thought you wanted to tell me something important.
Obi-Wan: I thought you'd react differently.
Cody : Me too.
Anakin : Why? Rex and I do that too.
Obi-Wan : What?
Cody : What?!
Anakin: Fives and Echo joined us last time. It's happened before that Jesse and Hardcase come too.
Cody : WHAT?!
Anakin : It's rare, but Kix also comes to join us sometimes.
Obi-Wan : Oh my god! Anakin! I didn't raise you like that!
Cody : I'm going to be sick...
*2 hours later*
Anakin: I don't understand their reaction, Rex! We didn't do anything wrong!
Rex: I don't know, sir. Maybe sleeping in the same tent as his general is forbidden.
Anakin : What? Even when it's very cold? That's ridiculous! Sharing a tent is the best idea to avoid freezing to death!
Rex : I know, sir. Their reactions are strange.
Kix : Maybe it's because General Kenobi and Commander Cody weren't talking about sharing a tent?
Anakin : What were they talking about then?
Kix :
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kara-ct · 6 months
I think they should do a Tales of the Clones series like they did with the Tales of the Jedi
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kara-ct · 6 months
Do you have any Star Wars fanfiction recommendations?
I'm looking for long fanfics in progress or finished. I have a preference for fanfics where someone finds out Palpatine's true plans before it's too late and one that has a happy ending.
I don't care about ships. But I definitely don't want Obi-Wan/Anakin, I don't like this ship.
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kara-ct · 6 months
Cody: I cut my finger Obi-wan: I can kiss it so it'll get better Cody: Does it work? Obi-wan: Yeah the healers used to do it when I was a kid *later that day* Cody: I need you to punch me in the mouth Wolffe: Fucking finally
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kara-ct · 6 months
Rex: Today I realised I'm old Cody: What happened? Rex: I fell in the mess hall and instead of laughing, Fives came running to see if I was ok Cody: Rex: I saw fear in his eyes
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kara-ct · 9 months
Happy new year! Do you think the 501st and the 212nd would have fire work competitions if new years is something that is celebrated in the Star Wars universe?
something like that:
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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