#and now she'll never be able to even see her own brother
today, i'm thinking about Robin. to be more specific, a clip of Anthony Padilla's interview with Markiplier came up, this one specifically, where he shares the reality of why he was crying during his follower milestone reaction videos. he mentions that he cried because he realized he would never be able to have a genuine connection with any of these people, because he got too famous, and i realized... that's Robin, too. she would cry, too.
and i know we talk about how lonely Sunday is, and even Robin mentions it — she's the first to mention it, because she loves her brother so dearly — and i'm not trying to detract from that in the slightest, but... Robin is so very lonely, too. surrounded by people who adore her, but don't know her. people who say they love her and want to marry her but only know the face she offers on stage... and sure, she tries to be as genuine as she can, to show her fans her true feelings and wishes, but the stage puts an inherent distance between her and every other person.. except Sunday.
she's never going to get a normal life back. she's never going to be able to make friends outside of strange circumstances. and sure, you can argue that the Trailblazer is her friend, but are they really? they don't know her. she can now only make friendships out of moments of crisis (the charmony festival), a bodyguard type situation (which inherently detracts from the friend relationship just as a fan interaction would), or extended proximity, which is even less likely than the other two due to — again — her bodyguards and fans.
Firefly is not a friend. she is a fan. the same goes for March. they're not friends, not in the way that Firefly is friends with Silver Wolf and March is friends with the astral express gang. Robin is friendly with the Trailblazer, but that is not the same. Robin is never going to be able to properly forge a platonic bond with someone again. she will never be able to meet someone in a bookstore and just casually chat about a shared favorite series, or make friends with the barista who makes her regular drink at a small coffee shop, or run into someone in the park and play with their dog. she can do none of those things without pretense, because her name and face are permanently tied to her stage persona.
...she simply got too big.
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Inspired for Norris first race win, could you do a Lando blurb where he and reader takes the kids for the Miami GP and they celebrate a lot with his first race win,and where he dedicates his first victory to his family
Note: posting this tonight because I'm feeling the rush! I'm sure it's not that great, but we're making do for now!
Charlotte had been able to walk around on her own for a couple of weeks now, hence why she's the one on your lap, bouncing along with your legs as you watch the gap between Lando and Max attentively.
"Daddy is going to win, I know he will", Matilda told Fraser as they both watched too.
"He's going really fast, isn't he?", Fraser asked his older sister.
"He is", Matilda mumbled.
It happened fast, the garage erupting in cheer as you watched your husband be the first driver to cross the checkered flag, claps and whistles being heard as everyone celebrated.
"Y/N! We're going to see him, do you guys want to come?", one of the mechanics asked you.
"I'd need help with the kids", you reasoned, not wanting to cause any trouble even though all you wanted to do was run up to your husband and the father of your kids.
"We can take them! Tilly, Fraser - who's coming with me?", he offered.
Quickly, the rest of the team ensured your kids and you would be protected near the barriers, catching Lando once he dove into them before they made way for you.
"Congratulations, my love, I'm so proud of you", you kissed his lips, his salty tears mixing with your own before you pulled away, "you're a race winner, Lando", you smiled through the tears.
"Daddy! Daddy!", Matilda called for his attention, making Lando chuckle and pull her to his side of the barrier along with Fraser and Charlotte.
"Congratulations, daddy!", they cheered, kissing all over Lando's face once he crouched down to speak at their level.
"Lando, we need to do the interview, but we would be happy to so it here - we get how important this moment is for all of you", one of the staff said.
The last question wasn't so much an interrogation but rather prompting a reflection out of Lando, "how does it feel? I think there comes a point where you know it's coming, and this one has been a long time coming", he chuckled, "and having my family here makes this even sweeter! My kids have been there to congratulate my podiums and they have been there for all the races that didn't go so well, and to have them here, even if Charlotte keeps trying to run away", he giggled before picking her up, "it's a dream come true. This race is for them, as well as it is for my wife - Y/N, Goodness, that woman has been with me through all of it and has never failed to support me or be there for me. This win is for my family, for my sisters and brother, for my parents, but for these three and my beautiful and strong wife over there - I wouldn't record her since she's balling her eyes out and she'll be mad at me if I let you do that", Lando chuckled.
"Do you have a celebration ready for daddy, guys?", Jenson asked.
"We are going to do something big, right?", Fraser wondered, "we need to celebrate daddy's win!".
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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babygirl-riley · 9 months
Small Traditions
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Simon starts to notice the small signs that his mother would do when he was young to what he now does with his girls
A/N: GUYS naturally I had to use @ave661 art cause listen ovaries HURT anytime she posts the dad!simon series 😭
“That she's gettin' older and I wish that you'd met her. The things that she'll learn from me, I got them all from you.”
Warnings: angst, fluff, dad!simon, mentions of childhood trauma, missing mom hours, swearing
simon x reader guide
simon x reader family
Simon was finally able to actually spend time with his baby girl. He was gone for a while, 3 months to be exact. Which made his baby 6 months old, he missed out on appointments and her first roll over on her tummy. So when he came home, he made it a mission to spend anytime and every time with her.
When she woke up early in the morning he turned to you, feeling you getting up. “No love stay asleep, ‘ll get the little one.” He mumbled, waking up a bit.
You hummed and laid back down immediately passing back out. Simon put on a black shirt as he adjusted his sweats as well. He made his way to his babygirl’s room. She was standing up holding onto the rail of her crib. Her smile beaming as she giggled, jumping up and down.
“Ah isn’t the little rascal,” Simon smiled chuckling lightly. She reached up for him as he picked her up. She placed his head on his shoulder and gripped his shirt. “I’m happy to see ya too princess.”
Simon changed her diaper and started to make his way into the kitchen. His daughter cooed as he held her close. She would play with his shirt or put it in her mouth. “See ya starting’ to teethin’.” He said softly, letting her suck the shirt.
After making the bottle he went into the living room to put on the tv. He set her on the couch with him on the edge, she was old enough to hold the bottle herself so he just watched. Her hands gripping her bottle as she chugged the milk down.
Simon chuckled now sitting on his calfs. “Damn little one, ya that hungry?”
He never knew if she was listening or even understanding by how her eyes would just stare blankly. As he stared at her, he noticed the small things. The features that would bring his heart to swell but also break a bit. The dimples that she had were in the same spot that his mother had.
Simon picked her little feet up and played with them as he thought. His mother would be proud of where he is at. The family he created after all the pain he went through. Never would have thought to be a father, after what he saw with his father. He was afraid to become him. To be him. Yet here he was, with a baby girl.
“Grandma would have loved ya,” He mumbled kissing her little socked feet. She sighed as she fought back a laugh, she was very ticklish on her feet. Just like Tommy, as kids Simon used to piss him off by tickling his feet. Simon inhaled deeply before shaking his head. He didn’t need to get emotional, there was no need. However just the way his daughter had some of the features conjured them. “Would love the way you look so much like me, have some similarities from her, hell Uncle Tommy would make fun of actually settling down.” He chuckled to himself.
He never thought even before the tragedy of his family that he would settle down. Family was plagued by his father. His childhood made Simon not want to give his own children one solely on fear of course. Yet here he is. Half of him and half of you. He would never trade it for the world.
Simon has even noticed the things he would do that his mother would do before his father was shunned away from the family. The way she would hum particular child songs to calm both him and his brother down. How when dad wasn’t home, she would whip up a random treat, particularly peanut butter bars. In which, your child has become addicted to them. Or when putting him to bed she would say ‘never forget, you’re smart, you’re handsome, and you’re loved.’ Instead his babygirl would be replacing handsome with beautiful.
Simon would only do it when you weren’t around, whispering it softly. Even though he doesn’t know you usually are around the corner, listening to him, with tears. Simon noticed these things as time grew on with his daughter. It didn’t hit him until now. Thinking of all the things that his mom would do with her grand baby. The family dinners. The babysitting. The holidays. All of it.
Simon noticed that tears were at the edge of his eyes. He shook his head and coughed then grabbed her little feet and softly ran his thumb from her heel to her tiny toes. “Ya made me soft ya brat.” He tickled her foot as she let out a laugh kicking his hands away.
Years gone past and now he has three of them. He stood in the kitchen as he placed lunches in certain boxes. You needed help as you did hair and gathered their school things. Simon never could do hair hell not even his youngest’s hair and she was 1. “Dad! I can’t find my shoes!” Millie yelled as she ran down the stairs.
Simon sighed and smirked. “Well since you didn’ put them away, I threw them in the trash.”
Millie stopped in her tracks and had the same smirk that was on his face on hers. “Uh huh, really though please.”
Simon smiled and nodded. “‘ight ‘light, they’re in the closet with the coats,” She shook her head and went towards the door. Simon placed the last thing in the last box. “Start puttin’ them in ya room yeah?”
Millie nodded and looked at him. “Aye,” She walked up to him and lifted her finger. “Love ya see you after?”
Simon looked down at her finger, his mom would tap his finger, going once up and they would switch sides and tap again. It was their way of saying bye and love you when dad had his beer and game review on. Simon smiled and tapped her finger as they flipped them over to do it again. “I’ll be pickin’ ya both up.”
“Daddy! Daddy,” His head snapped up to see his second daughter soaring down the stairs. “Look what mum did!” Her hair was in to braids that linked into one large one. A smile beaming on her face. Showing one of the dimples his mother once had.
Simon chuckled grabbing a small piece of it before placing his thumb on her cheek. “Looks beautiful Alli,” He said softly then kissed her on her forehead. Simon looked up the stairs and saw you smiling down, holding the newborn. “Ya takin’ them?”
You nodded as you walked down the stairs. “Yes I have to grab more things from the store.”
Simon and you already talked about the store and her taking Millie and Allison to school. Simon pushed and pushed to only get pushed back, eventually compromises came and he staying to give you a break from the 2 month old. Then he could pick up the girls after school. You handed Tessa over to Simon. “Already changed just needs to be held. Needy this morning.” You whispered kissing Simon softly on the lips.
“Roger,” He mumbled as he kissed her one more time hearing Allison fake gag. Simon chuckled as he turned handing you the boxes. “Packed and ready.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, grabbing them, and ushering the older two out the door. “I’ll be back!”
“Bye dad!” Millie yelled walking out first.
“Bye daddy!” Allison followed suite turning to sign ‘I love you’ with one hand.
Simon did it back cradling Tessa between his chest and bicep. You smiled at him, kiss towards him. He smiled as the door shut. Tessa wiggled and started to whine. “Shh shh,” He whispered looking down at her. “It’s ‘light we can go down stairs and watch somethin’ yeah?”
Later that day Millie and Allison opened their lunch boxes that day and found a small sugary snack with a note attached reading; ‘what do you call an angry carrot… A steamed veggie.’ They always loved it, having notes from dad that had terrible jokes even if Millie would roll her eyes and smirk. She loves them.
You didn’t know about it until the next day. You were check boxing everything that was needed to grab as Simon helped with Tessa. When you opened it you saw the note, chuckling to yourself. Millie stood next to you and looked at you. “Dad says that Grandma Riley would leave jokes for him and Tommy.”
You looked over at her and up to the stairs, making sure he wasn’t coming yet. “Oh really?”
“Yeah,” Millie smiled. “I always read ‘em to my friends. Just don’t tell him. His head will inflate more.” She joked grabbing her box.
You smiled as you watched Simon come down the stairs in his uniform. “I shouldn’ be long,” he mumbled having his balaclava in his pocket. Millie frowned as did Allison. “I told Uncle Price I’ll be late to take you two.” He smiled at them as their faces calmed into a soft content expression.
Simon handed Tessa to you and kissed your cheek. “I’ll be home no later than 8.” You nodded and watched them go out the door.
Simon opened the door for both Millie and Allison to get in as they went down the street. “Was Grandma Riley fun?” Millie asked nonchalantly as she looked out the window.
Simon could feel his throat hitch from the sudden question. “Yes.”
“Do you do things like she did to us?”
Simon looked in the rear view mirror for a brief moment. Only if she knew, all the things his mother taught him has been passed down to his girls. After his father was kicked out for good his mother was more open about good parenting, she always was of course. However there wasn’t any hidden signs or anything of the sort. Even when he was older, when confrontation came around, she was kind and gentle. Since both him and his brother didn’t know how to handle or deal with situations as so. 
Simon taught his girls to be polite and kind to everyone. Just like his mother was. Everything she did that he remembered he wanted to pass along. Simon inhaled for a moment. “Ya know the finger taps,” Both her and Allison nodded their heads. “That came from grandma. It was our sign to say love you and bye.”
Allison smiled. “Did she do the night routine?”
Simon smiled. “Yes.”
It was silent again before Millie shifted a bit. “Grandma Riley sounded cool.”
Simon smiled again and nodded. “She would have loved all of ya.”
It was good silent as he stopped in front of the school, as kids packed to go inside. Allison opened the door and turned with her finger out. Simon and her did the signature finger taps as she hopped out. He waited until she caught up with friends that were right outside the car. Then he went to Millie’s school.
“What happened to them?” Millie asked, Simon knew that eventually the girls would put two and two. Uncle Tommy and Grandma Riley not around, yet dad talks highly of them? It would make a tween curious.
Simon took a second to think of the answer. He never told you until 3 years of your guys’ relationship. Millie was too young to know but he couldn’t lie to her either. “Someday I will tell you.” Was all he could say to it.
Millie nodded and chuckled. “Was she terrible at the jokes like you?”
Simon laughed a bit. “Terrible? My jokes are amazin’!”
Millie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Yeah yeah.” Simon pulled up in front of the school and he turned to her. She unbuckled and lifted her finger, smiling. “Glad you keeping’ traditions dad. Grandma would be happy.”
Simon felt his chest tighten as he smiled it off. Doing the taps. “She would be happy indeed,” He nodded his head to the school. “Get goin’ ya love the joke today by the way.”
Millie laughed as she opened the door and shook her head once more. “Yeah maybe.”
Simon watched until she got into the school and drove to the base. “You would have loved ‘em mum.” He mumbled to himself as he kept the tears at bay.
Even through all the hardships, he will be forever grateful for his mother and her teachings. He hopes that one day that she will meet his family, the family that he knows she would have loved. To see how much as changed in Simon that he thought that could never happen. So she could see that not only her that showed him unconditional love even through the darkest parts but how his girls have showed him as well.
Simon sighed as he relaxed. Yeah, she would have loved them all.
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fandomhcs · 6 months
dating malenia would include:
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good luck getting her to admit her feelings!!
however, if you succeed in wooing the goddess of rot? you may never find a softer hand, or a more gentle love than hers.
malenia, first of all, would NEVER in a million years believe that she was worthy of love, of a relationship. romance is, and may always be completely foreign to her.
her life has been nothing but duty, war, and rot for so long she never dreamed she would find love.
and yet here you are, standing your ground and proving to her time and time again that your feelings for her are true and pure. you break her, at first. you tear apart the world, the life she saw as her future. you shook the very foundation of her.
miquella would never let her hear the end of it. she could hear him laughing at her, even now.
while the beginning of your relationship with malenia would be rocky, full of doubt and fear, if you can get past that with her? if you can stay by her side? you will see a side of her no other being ever has.
she is naturally quiet and reserved, more keen to stay in the background and observe you rather than be involved in conversation. only a select few can get her to speak, much less hold a full conversation with her.
you come to learn that she is not at all as scary as she seems. sure, there is a great passion for violence within her. but that passion for violence, her confidence in battle, did not stem from rage or hatred. she fights because she wishes to protect those that she loves. she fights because she feels like she is the only thing standing between this world and her beloved brother.
the two of you often sit and read under the haligtree, enjoying the peace and quiet of each other's company.
you braid her hair, hushing her whenever she complains about the rot touching your skin. if you were scared of the rot at all, you wouldn't be with her now would you? she concedes, and over time does become used to your touch.
you may never need to tell her when you are angry, sad, or scared. she'll know. she is attuned to you in a way no other person may ever be. you can always confide in her, can always expect her reassurance and advice if wanted. she will never leave you to deal with your own problems alone.
whether you need her to be a shoulder to cry on, a knight in brilliantly gold armor, or a steady hand to strengthen your resolve, malenia will fulfill that duty. she make it her top priority to make your life as easy and peaceful as she can.
she'd never ask you to stay out of a battle, or tell you that you aren't able to leave the haligtree. but she lingers, she stays by your side more than she should. the idea of something harming you turns her stomach more than the rot. fear isn't something she is used to, but the first time she sees you hurt in a fight she panics. the threat is dealt with in short order, and she is beside you in a blink of an eye. her hands roam your face, your arms, your stomach. when she finds your wound the hiss of pain you let out feels like a sword through her gut.
it takes no time for her brother to heal you, but she cannot let you go for hours after. her fingers stay wrapped in yours while her other hand smooths back your hair. she doesn't allow herself to speak for a long time, until finally you hear her beg your forgiveness.
you know, that even after you reassure her it will take days, weeks, for her to feel safe to leave your side again.
she tries not to coddle you, but does sometimes fail. she knows your are capable. she knows that, she swears. but she cannot stop herself from standing vigil at your side whenever you leave the safety of your shared home.
her insecurity, her fear, can take a toll on your relationship. but if you talk it out with her, if you convince her that you are here to stay, and that you are safer with her than without, eventually malenia will bloom. (NOT THAT WAY.)
with time, and patience she becomes your strength and you her joy. she lets you drag her to the capital for visits with her parents, to sweep her up in a silly dance with music drifting through the haligtree. she smiles more, laughs more, and finally feels content in a way she never imagined.
her bad days may never fully go away. there will be days where she cannot fight the rot writhing within her, where she cannot move for the pain. there are days where she cannot let go of your hand for fear she may never feel you again. but those days get fewer and far between as time goes on.
the two of you become a team, a power couple feared by her siblings and respected by her people.
and random side note, occasionally you may or may not be able to convince her to let finlay join your bedchambers.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 8 days
"When Hector died I felt anger." His sister looks at him skepticaly. The scars on her face a scary reminder, it should not be possible for them to hurt like that, to feel so much, to almost die, but their dad, their king could do it. "Even before the war the achaeans were your champions, yours, dad's, Hermes, Ares's, even Hera's. Hector was mine."
"You ruined his sister in pettyness." She finally says cold and almost unafected. He knows her way to well and they are long past that, he has no idea what she is thinking but he knows she'll never forget today, he won't either, he just hopes she forgives.
"Aren't mortals there for us to ruin?" His conviction about it used to be stronger, more honest, he didn't care for Cassandra but mayhaps he should have.
"Did you knew they existed before us?" His sister answers never one to refuse a debate. Ares was better at this types of conversations, Ares for all his faults was better at being a brother to all, Apollo was a good brother to Artemis, his other half, maybe to Hermes, sometimes, but he still didn't knew how to be with the others. "They were there with the old gods and with the Titans... they'll likely be there after us."
He wants to say it won't be an after them. But this aren't his words and the lightning never stroke him (it had never stroked Athena either, what's the point of being the favorites when you can still be hurt?).
"I love the sirens."
"You already made that point."
"I could not raise Hector and his clan as a reason. It was the gods will, dad's will, that made Odysseus kill Hector's son, and I already had my permited vengeance when I helped Paris kill Achiles."
She nods serius.
"Hector was my champion but I would never have his death be a reason to fight with dad. I would never have protected his child. I didn't."
"Are you here to blame me?"
"No... I... your mortal, you call him friend, it's true isn't it? He is not just a champion."
"I was never one for lies." But she smiles, a mischivous glint in her eyes, she was always one for lies, but she was also always one to tell truth when it actually mattered.
"Was it worth it?"
"Be more specific, dear brother." She knows what he wants to ask but she also knows how hard it is for him and how frustrating it is for the god of poetry to lose his words. This is her smaller, pettiest revenge and it fills him with relief that maybe things didn't change irreparably between them.
"All that happened today, all your suffering, not only the physical pain but the knowledge, was your friend worth it?"
She looks at him pondering the question before answering resolute. "Yes. Absolutly."
He smilles soflty.
"In this case I hope Odysseus makes home well and recovers from all his misfortunes. He must be really exceptional to have your friendship."
"He is."
"I heard he is a marksman. I don't think he'll need it but I'll still do my best to garantee his arrows do not miss a single target." It's the closest to an apology he'll ever be able to say. He hopes she takes it.
"Apollo, what you said about knowledge, I always knew we weren't really imune from father just cause he called us his favorites." His eyes grow bigger, she must really love her mortal, a small part of him thinks, Zeus will end us all one day the bigger part says in a small panicked realization. "Goddess of knowledge." It's a small jest, a way to take him out of his own fears, she'll never say she forgives him but now he knows she does.
"Silly of me to ever have forgotten it." He answers. More because he fells he has to say something. "Now if you forgive me, I have new bands to find and you have a long list of concerned sibblings to listen to and a mortal to save. Good luck, Thena."
He didn't really nicknamed his sibblings, there was always 'sweetheart', 'darling', 'honey', 'girlie' but never nicknames. Those were for Artemis and Hermes only. He should start changing that.
"See you arround, fanboy."
Athena never ever nicknames, she isn't soft, she isn't silly and her jokes are always dry. 'Fanboy' sounds like Hermes. THIS is the actual closest to forgiviness he'll have. He laughs musically as he leaves.
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one-vivid-judgment · 7 months
You know what I love about the Ichigang? That they were all alone and at rock bottom at some point, with no one to rely on for support:
- Nanba wanted to be like Nightingale, but then got fired because he took the fall for someone else, who ended up having lied to him for her own benefits. His brother was being watched by the Geomijul and then disappeared; Nanba spent a long ass time homeless and not knowing if his brother was alive or not. 
- Adachi lived with the Kusumi incident in his conscience for years, hating Horinouchi's guts and hoping to find something to take the guy down. First he's demoted to the license center, then he's straight up fired. No job, no retirement, man never got married or had a family. The Barkeep even says he's "not usually a happy drunk" and that "it's the first time in a long time I see him smile like that".
- Saeko's family life is a DISASTER. Her mom died, her sister wants nothing to do with her (to the point where they were both working for the same guy and Nanoha EXPLICITLY told Nonomiya not to tell her sister about it, even when things were tough and she could've used Saeko's help), her dad is old and dying. She is on her own and basically only has her girls and Nonomiya—until Nonomoya dies, and she's conflicted cause sure, he wasn't the best guy around, but he was still there for her when she needed, and now he's gone. 
- Yeonsu's life, man. Yeonsu's fucking life. His dad was a drunkard who abused his son and cared about him so little that he had no qualms basically giving Yeonsu up as tribute to the Jingweon mafia to turn him into their leader's double—mind you, this means he could've been killed at any point. He basically lived as the shadow of someone else for years, never being seen for himself but for Joongi Han. 
- Zhao's Liumang leader status was passed down from his dad. He was doing a good job although he's clearly more passionate about cooking and having his restaurant—that he doesn't mind a simpler life and even EMBRACES it and gets angry when anyone suggests he's "just some chef". He still lead the Liumang though. And then his men and right hand turn on him and try to get him killed and what do you know, suddenly there is nothing anymore. 
- Seonhee was a kid when the whole Jingweon mafia shit show happened and then it all came crashing down. Her people who managed to escape alive were left on their own and abandoned until the Geomijul was created. 
- Even Eri, the optional party member, was in a similar situation. She was tricked by Hosho and her company was at the verge of shutting down, and when she thought she had a chance to get back on her feet thanks to Nonomiya's help, she finds out he died, and basically, as far as she knows, all hope is lost. 
And then, Chitose and Tomizawa. I feel they are the perfect example of how easy it is to stray and go down the wrong path when you are in that type of situation, and how even the tiniest kind gesture can do wonders to you:
- Chitose was a sheltered rich girl whose whole life was dictated by her parents. She craved the independence and the freedom and she wanted CONNECTION—which is how she ended up falling in Eiji's trap and being blackmailed for years and manipulated into using people who actually cared about her and with whom she was finally developing that connection she always yearned for. As far as she knows, said people will push her to the side as soon as they find out about her betrayal, and then she'll be alone again. 
- Tomizawa was living the live with his girlfriend, a nice job and a kid on the way—until Dwight and the Barracuda pinned their crimes on him. He went to jail, Marie lost the baby and then disappeared, he's blacklisted from every bank and had to go to Yamai for help with his debts, and after that, he basically became a puppet who did everythint Yamai asked him to out of fear. He hates himself for being a coward who's not able to pull the trigger even when it's necessary, and he blames himself for everything that happened. He is a horrible person in his own eyes, and as far as he knows, there is no getting out of this situation. 
And then there is Ichi, who has seen nothing but rock bottom for so fucking long but still manages to see the bright side of things. He is a good person, sometimes borderline stupid and his choices end up making his superiors (aka Sawashiro) mad. But it doesn't matter how much life beats him down, he always gets back up because he has that "once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up" philosophy. And, although some of his friends have used him for their benefit or straight up assaulted him, Ichi never turns his back on them. Because he KNOWS how it feels to be alone and to not have anyone there for you, anyone that you can rely on, and if he can be that someone, then he WILL be. If he can change a single person's life, he WILL. 
Anyway, I love the Ichigang so much and these are the kind of thoughts I have about them at 1 a.m
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mystar-girl57 · 2 years
Hey gurlll, me again 😂 can I ask for a drabble of lo'ak being an absolute mama's boy, like going to the reader crying cuz he knows she'll save him from Jake's scolding and probably give Jake a piece of her mind on 'not to scold my baby boy' and lo'ak being all smug , smirking at neteyam at how he can get away with everything with just a "mama please 🥺" , i just can't seem to get this out of my head 😂😂😂 i live for clingy lo'ak + some lo'ak and reader bonding and Jake being sulky at how lo'ak teases HIM now 😂😂😂
Oh my ewya this boy.
Okay so before you and Jake even get near to making up, before you leave the camp Lo’ak always thought himself to be closer with you than his dad but he was never really open about it. He just knew that he was happy when you could come to his defense when his dad would yell at him in High Camp
Now fast forward to Awa’altu after the battle against Quaritch and you and Jake are starting to heal Lo’ak defiantly becomes more attached to you (and for this Yes, Neteyam is alive.)
Jake would get onto Lo’ak for something like not doing the chores and you would just happen to be coming around the corner. Cue the fake tears.
Lo’ak’s body collided with yours making you stumble backwards. He hugged you tightly starting to “cry”. Instantly you felt concerned and retuned the hug rubbing his back. “Baby, easy, easy.” You tried to soothe, gently pulling away to cup your son’s face. “What’s the matter?” Your voice was so gentle and kind, unaware of what was going on. “Da- Dad, he,” Lo’ak started to get choked up again and your head turned to Jake quickly, a harsh look on your face.
“We talked about this.” You mouthed. Jake opened his mouth in protest but he was unable to find the words, were you seriously buying his son’s ploy?!
And this was neither the first or last time that Lo’ak would come to you crying about something that Jake did making your husband more offended.
“Jake I have had about enough of your behavior! You are constantly berating Lo’ak even Tuk and Kiri are coming to me about it.”
“ExCuSe Me WhAt?!”
Thats right. His own daughters, his little sweethearts have gotten in on it too. They would come to you at random times to tell you that Lo’ak was crying or that Jake was starting stuff and soon the village could you see you grabbing your husband by the ear and dragging him away, it did not matter if he was talking to Tonowari or not.
After a while Jake does start to get back at the kids, esspecially when Lo’ak sends Jake smug looks as he cuddles with his mama when it’s Jake’s “turn” to. Jake just ends up one night getting in bed and laying on top of you nearly crushing you.
“Ma’Jake I cannot breathe!” You gasped from under him as all his weight was now laying on you. Jake simply hummed in response and without you being able to see he smirked at Lo’ak who was pouting. Was it childish? Yes? Did Jake care? No. You were you probably going to pull his ear and call him a skxawng? Probably.
Now the one sibling who did not aid in Lo’ak’s schemes was big brother Neteyam. After the ship incident and him getting shot he (plus the words of his parents) helped him decide to not follow Lo’ak as much anymore. Neteyam though was now a full man on the clan and he would need Lo’ak to help him out sometimes. Caring for the Skimwings or going on hunts, which Lo’ak did want to do in general but because he was being asked to rather than him deciding, he didn’t want to help.
“Mother please tell Lo’ak that it is his turn to feed the Ilus!” Neteyam huffed watching you feed Lepay. Lo’ak let out a groan and turned to you, “Mama please.” You let out a deep sigh, giving your Ilu another fish and turning to Lo’ak and Neteyam. “Look Neteyam just give your bother a hand. Ewya knows the last thing we need is for them to get out.”
While you had no favorites (Tuk) you did try to help and make compromises where it was needed. You were well aware of what Lo’ak was doing to get your attention away from Jake and you would gladly play along. You honestly enjoyed seeing your husband all sulky and annoyed because he knows he can’t fight a child but you do draw the line at it going against the siblings.
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bookishjules · 1 month
what do you think Izzy was like post cohf but pre tftsa? bring on the angst
okay i can't promise this will be coherent, but..
the first thing that comes to mind is angry. like.. i don't think i need to contextualize this for you, but just to get us in the headspace.. she really just gave her heart away. put the emphasis on any word in that sentence and it not only makes sense but just feels heavier and heavier. she fell in love in spite of herself, in spite of her fears and insecurities, in spite of her efforts and determination. and why would that not make her feel like the biggest fucking idiot?? she knew. she knew that falling in love would only result in pain and heartbreak and that that was a life she didn't want to live. and yet she did all that anyway. she put trust in simon, trust in the universe, and of course men and the universe will do what they do.. so can she really fault anyone but her own naive self?
she externalizes that anger too, snapping at her family, being especially brutal when she comes across demons during patrol etc. and the worst part is, that that anger doesn't take the other emotions away, it doesn't eradicate the love she felt for simon, that she still very much feels for him. she thinks of him and her heart hurts and it only makes her all the more angry. i think she waffles between being glad she never truly said the words "i love you" and regretting it. because now those words are just curdling inside her, a constant reminder of what she had and lost, and it makes her sick. like no, she never gave them away, but that also means she has to harbor the truth of them in her stomach. the truth of how much she's come to need him, of how every time she feels herself breaking down because of the heaviness of reality, it's his arms she craves.
she tries to forget. tries to move on like she's always been able to, tries to deny him like she's never been able to, but it doesn't work. of course it doesn't work. she tries to go out, to kiss boys, but all it does is pull her closer to tears. and it feels a little like she's the one being disloyal. because her heart still belongs to simon. because she never actually broke up with him. he may not remember that they are still together, but it's not like he wanted to ghost her. he loved her. and if he knew her.. he still would. but physicality has always helped her forget, helped her push those strong emotions deep inside. so she trains and she goes dancing, and she even lets a couple guys take her home. but no matter how intense the physical side gets, the emotions just rear their heads even stronger.
she's changed so much since meeting simon, since falling in love with him. and suddenly she isn't satisfied by hookups and bandaids. she wants someone to listen to her, to see her. someone to protect, someone to hold her hand. someone worth fighting for. she wants simon. she worries she's ruined. she worries she'll never be satisfied if he isn't simon. how could she find that again? would she even want to?
and i say she wants someone to talk to, but she definitely is not opening up to the people who are trying to be there for her. she closes herself off until she can properly mask her emotions, but her brothers aren't fooled by her act. clary has the best success when talking to izzy. not because she can offer consolation in any way, but because she gets it. because they can comfort each other in the loss of this person who meant the most to both of them. and when starving out the emotions doesn't seem to be working, izzy decides maybe .. maybe she should try the opposite. so clary starts to tell her stories. she talks about simon the way she grew up with him, talks about his favorite subjects in school and how he cried at his dad's funeral and the day he came home from his first guitar lesson. and izzy knows it helps clary too, to have someone who will appreciate these stories as well. who will appreciate a glimpse into the world clary lost.
but of course that also makes izzy feel even less deserving of the sense of absolute loss she feels when it comes to simon. like she had this guy in her life for what.. four months? why is she reacting so strongly?? why must this love have such a chokehold on her?? but the way she opened up to simon was something so unique and new that.. it wasn't just losing him. in a way, she'd lost a piece of herself too, the piece she'd never thought she'd give away. and fuck. it had felt so good. in all the anxiety.. it had felt good to be vulnerable with simon. it had been a piece of her that she'd relented. not freely given at first, but by the end.. it was absolutely his. and he took it with him. there was no getting that piece of her back.
no matter how hard she'd tried, she ended up with a man who hurt her, just like her mother warned. but she doesn't want to be like her father, either, marrying someone he doesn't truly love, mistreating them in that apathy.. not after what she felt with simon. not now that she knows what true love and heartbreak are. so she thinks well.. i guess i'll have to live off sex alone.
but like i said before, sex doesn't work. alec says she'll find someone, jace tries to distract her, any effort her mom makes is completely brushed aside.. and eventually she finds herself hoping. it's naive. its fucking dumb. but she starts.. stalking simon. just a little. she attends his shows, and she pays attention. she talks to people who have interacted with him since edom, and she pays attention. is there a piece inside him that's broken too? could he remember me? remember us? how bad would it be to just approach him. to kiss him and remind him of the truth.
she expresses these thoughts one night, after having had a little too much to drink at one of simon's shows and going to crash at magnus and alec's place. and magnus listens. he doesn't want to give her false hope, but he also doesn't want her to sink so far into this train of thought that she ends up approaching mundane simon in such a self-destructive way. so he tells her that if they found enough proof, they could try to jog his memory.
then izzy find the poster days after the band changes their name to the mortal instruments and the rest is history..
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moonpoolcat · 3 months
Epoch Looks to the Moon
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It's about dam time I finished this. Welcome to the start of my own au. It's been a long time coming since I bought rainworld and I got invested in the fandom soon after. It's Moon with tits, I don't care who says it's weird, my drawing, my rules now hold this L.
Quick Backstory (Short version)
Lttm is a gen 1 iterator an current senior to the Twilight local group. After the death of SOS, Moon was left feeling compelled to pick up where she left off the best she could. In this timeline Moon would not collapse like in game but instead be saved by an iterator who's can that is the first of it's kind was mobile. Along with NSH and Hunter. She could forgive Pebbles desire to escape, but she could never forgive his act of purposely ignoring her please for mercy, therefore Pebbles was exiled from the local group till further notice for not only attempted murder but the infection of the rot towards himself but her apprentice Unparalleled Innocence was affected as well. Later on she was secretly relieved the both of them had been cured by SRS an was happy to find out her brother was being looked after by Chasing Winds. This event forever tarnish, destroying everything she had ever believed in her entire life.
With a new perspective LTTM began to suspect her local group members were working against her? At first she didn't want to believe such accusations were true until NSH had hacked into their private group chat revealing they were part of the anti sliverists orchestrated by an unknown admin. Someone had premeditated this... In retaliation Moon would gather up these traitors an behead them in front of thousands of iterators during gathering, setting an example for anyone else who dared to harm her again. But the admins were not safe either for it was also discovered they to had planned her downfall so they had met the same fate essentially turning this even into the blood moon genocide.
As if it couldn't get any worse. Her UI had been the one responsible for Pebbles rot. For that, she was beheaded as well then was forced to carry out the rest of Pebbles sentence as punishment. With the weight of being admin, her lover gone, her brother traumatized, and anti- sliverists at war with each other- Something within Moon snapped! She became forever cold, merciless, relentless, and vengeful showing no remorse for anyone. Not even her own local group is safe from this iterators eternal wrath. Those below an only loyal to Moon shall not have to fear the queens endless quest for vengeance. The only goal this Moon has is to be rid the planet of anti sliverists that threaten everything she an Sliver worked so hard to create vowing to hunt down her killer if it's the last thing she'll do. Even if it means hurting the ones she cares about. For the ones that tread on stained waters will be the first to drown.
Explanation behind the design:
Look I like pogo legs but I needed this au to make sense if I'm going to be able to explain everything else. There were exactly 3 redraws of her dress as I attempted to go for a regal look but it had failed so I went for an egyptian look instead to set myself apart from the other Moons. Someone said she looked like a genie so I just rolled with it. The antlers were my attempt at matriarchy as I felt that it fit her since she is the oldest of iterators.
Five Pebbles: Cares very much for him. He is recovering from cycles of isolation. Is slightly traumatized from Moon beheading UI. Has forgiven SRS.
SRS: Moon has little to no trust in Suns, she denied him admin role because of their poor mental health after exiling their abusive mentor. To her he is merely used as a means of brute force during situations where she does not want to spill blood. But on the inside she cares deeply for them nonethless worried whenever they have an explosive episode or any form of metal psychosis.
NSH: They use to be lovers before she half collapsed. Annoying as he may be Sig is the only iterator who she had given admin privileges to. However does not accept him as her equal because of memory loss. His speed is useful in keeping tabs on all the territories so nothing goes unnoticed. His two face nature and super speed makes it perfect to infiltrate places an come out unscathed.
Chasing Winds: He was the apprentice to SOS. He left the group after she died. Moon doesn't get along with him because he does not enjoy her violent tendacies creating fear setting a bad influence on the younger group members.
UI: Moon wants nothing to do with her. A lost cause and a waste of time thinking she could ever raise an iterator to one day take her role as admin.
Enlightened overturned silk: Wants dead immediately. (Keep an eye on this guy he's important)
Other local groups
Oasis local group: Allies
Zodius local group: Allies
Jaded local group: Not on good terms. Moon would rather see them dead.
Stormfall local group: Neutral due to Chasing Winds being Admin Moon wants no conflict with them.
Sliverist group: The only group she trusts to protect Slivers can. She took it upon herself to train them personally into the most lethal local group in the area an heads to Moons calls as they trust her enough to obey orders only because she was with Sliver the longest.
Anti-Sliverists: Wanta dead at all cost. Anyone who spots one are to kill them on site with no hesitation. Failure to report an a siting or incident are to be reported to Moon immediately.
The colored pearls on her antlers are her way of keeping up with who's in her local group, they're personal keepsakes that she forbids anyone from touching.
Neuron flies will forever circle her when she is wearing clothing. Otherwise they vanish when taken off. She keeps them around in case something happens an it is a means of a last resort of staying alive. They can be used an shaped into a projectile and will take one minute to reproduce a new one.
Weapon of choice: Scythe; It carries the weight of 100 leviathans. Only SOS, SRS an NSH have been the only ones known to be able to lift it off the ground.
Moon ironically can camouflage when it's dark, the downside being the ability is most weak during the day.
Morph form: Should have been obvious it's a deer.
Moon has a sister named Illuminated diamond Twilight, they're cycles older than Pebbles. Funny that her local group was named after her. Not on good terms when mentioned though.
Her antlers can retract at will, although she has to take every pearl off which is time consuming but worth it since it's just used as presentation.
If angered for to long Moon will enter a wendigo like state an will not stop until whatever had angered is either dead or has fled the area. It is recommended to not annoy her at all.
Moons lore is out go read it.
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https-harlow · 1 year
Fight The Feeling Pregnancy Announcement Insta AU
A/N- Thank you to @jackharloww for helping me with some of the fan comments!
Warnings- Some hate comments
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Liked by Jackharlow, Urbanwyatt, Claybornharlow, Y/Nfan14, and 4,874,927 others
Yourusername Life lately with my plus one ❤️
Jackharlow Is that my shirt in the last photo 🤨
Yourusername Maybe 🫣
Jackharlow I've been looking for it for months
Yourusername It ended up in my suitcase at some point, and I may have never returned it
Jackharlow I should have known you had it, you do always steal my clothes
Yourusername I'm giving you a baby, the least you can do is let me steal a t-shirt
Jackharlow I'm pretty sure you have more of my clothes then I do
Yourusername So dramatic, I tried to give them all back, but I forgot some
Jackharlow I'm kidding, kind of, but you can have as many of my t-shirts as you want
Yourusername You're going to regret saying that when that's all I fit into
Jackharlow yeah, you're probably right
Claybornharlow I'm so glad you're having a baby with my brother, now you have no choice but to be in my life forever.
Yourusername Love you, you're stuck with me forever now
Claybornharlow Love you too, can't wait to annoy Jack with you forever
Urbanwyatt Can't wait for my best friend to have my new best friend.
Jackfan86 I love when Urban says Jack is his best friend
Urbanwyatt I'm not talking about Jack, I'm talking about Y/N
Jackharlow WHAT when did she become your best friend, this is news to me
Urbanwyatt The day I met Y/N obviously
Yourusername I stole the place of his best friend, I'm surprised you just realized it 🙄
Jackharlow Oh I realized it awhile ago I just thought we were both his best friend, I didn't realize I lost the title completely
Urbanwyatt Well, you can't have two best friends
Jackharlow Y/N, would you like to comment on this
Yourusername I can't tell Urban who his best friend is 🤷‍♀️
Yourusername You've held that title for years, you can give it up for a little while
Jackharlow Funny how Urban just texted me saying, don't worry, you're still my best friend, I just can't tell her that because she'll cry
Yourusername Urban just texted me saying you'll always be my best friend, Jack's never getting that title back
Jackharlow Urban, care to explain yourself?
Urbanwyatt 👨‍🦯
Yourusername Hey, I don't cry that much
Jackharlow You cried over donuts this morning
Yourusername …No comment
Yourusername Do I really cry that much?
Urbanwyatt No, you don’t
Jackharlow No comment
Yourusername Hey you can’t use my own response against me
Jackharlow But I did.
Jackharlow Does this mean I’m moving down to best friend #3?
Urbanwyatt 👨‍🦯
Jackfan38 Y/N is really giving model vibes in the first photo
Y/Nfan43 She is a model...
Y/Nfan10 AHH I'm so excited!!
Y/Nfan97 Fuck the person who posted that video, you shouldn't have had to announce anything unless you we're ready
Jackfan92 THIS!!
Jackfan32 Stay away from him!
Jackfan64 If she makes Jack happy, then we should be happy for him
Jackfan21 Uh, I think it's too late for that
Jackfan85 The couple I never knew I needed
Y/Nfan53 They are so cute
Y/Nfan09 Remember a couple months ago when Y/N was talking about the last time she had her heart broken and she looked so upset talking about how her ex cheated on her? I'm so glad she has Jack to make her happy again after that.
Jackfan30 Aww I'm so glad they make each other happy now
Jackfan39 Damn, Jack bagged her?? I thought I'd be mad when he got a girlfriend, but I'm kind of proud not going to lie
Y/NhaterJackfan428 Wait, they've haven't even been together for that long and she's already having his baby? Are we sure it's his?
Jackharlow We might not have been together that long, but Y/N makes me the happiest that I've ever been. I don't want any of my fans sending hate or saying rude things about Y/N, because if you were truly my fan and supported me, you would be able to see that. None of you know Y/N how I know Y/N and she is the sweetest and kindest person I know. Everyone who knows her would agree with me. She doesn't deserve any type of hate from anyone, especially someone who claims to be my fan.
Y/NhaterJackfan428 Just trying to look out for you
Jackharlow I can look out for myself
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Liked by Yourusername, Urbanwyatt, Cozane, Jackfan48, Y/Nfan80, and 5,327,318 others
JackHarlow There's truly not enough words in the world for me to accurately tell you how much I love you. Thank you for always being by my side. I'm going to show you how grateful I am for you every single day.
Yourusername 🥹
Yourusername You're going to make me cry
Jackharlow I thought you didn't cry that much 🤔
Yourusername I cry when someone says something sweet to me
Jackharlow Well I love you, even if you cry a lot
Yourusername You just had to fuck it up with the last part of that 🙄
Yourusername But I love you too I guess
Jackharlow I'll take what I can get after my comment 🫣
Urbanwyatt So, I'm the godfather right?
Claybornharlow Uhh, no I'm going to be the godfather
Urbanwyatt Who's Y/N's best friend? She's going to pick me to be the godfather
Claybornharlow Who's Jack's brother? By DNA. I think I get godfather duties by default
Urbanwyatt You can have godfather duties but I get the title
Yourusername Who says we're going to pick either you?
Urbanwyatt Well who else are you going to pick?
Yourusername Well neither of you if you keep fighting over it
Jackharlow We haven't even thought about it yet
Claybornharlow On my way to bribe Y/N so she picks me, because lets be honest, who ever she picks Jack will agree too
Urbanwyatt 🙄
Y/Nfan193 Not Clay getting a love you but on Y/N's post but Jack gets a love you I guess 😂
Yourusername They share the spot of my favorite Harlow sibling sometimes, plus Clay brought me a milkshake, Jack just said I cry a lot
Urbanwyatt you can't bribe her with a milkshake to be the babies godfather
Clayborharlow I was just being nice
Urbanwyatt sure, I don't believe you
Jackharlow 🙄
Jackharlow Actually, keep this fight going, the less 3am trips I have to do to buy snacks the better
Jackfan29 Aww 🥹 I've noticed how happy Jack has been recently, now we know why, I thought it was just because of Y/N
Jack390 Well, its over for me now, I lost my shot 😭
JackhaterandY/Nfan4 I can't believe they are actually together, like why would Y/N settle for Jack.
JackandY/Nfan283 AHHH Can I trade places with an unborn baby 😭 I want Jack as a dad and Y/N as a mom 😭
Y/Nfan302 Literally 😭
Y/Nfan20 I wasn't prepared for this 😭😭
Jackfan3 My daddy is becoming a daddy 🤭
Y/Nfan028 I never knew I could be jealous of a person who isn't even born yet
Jackfan938 Jack really meant it when he said he wanted 8 daughters
Y/Nfan19 Wait where did you see the babies a girl??
Jackfan938 they haven't said yet, but I hope the babies a girl
Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @awhore4moree
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leighlew3 · 10 months
Hi Leigh, hope you are doing well!
Maybe you have answered this question before: how would you have written the Supergirl reveal to Lena?
You still have the elements of it being so late in series and that Lena actually already knows.
I wonder how a good writer would approach this because in the show it was an actual train wreck- Lena wanting to expose Supergirl’s identity at the Pulitzer party before Kara actually said it?! So out of character. And all that stuff after? So stupid.
Anyway thanks for answering this question :)
Hi! Hangin' in there, thank you. ��
Well, it depends on what point the launch off was.
Let's say she learns via Lex, just like in the show (rather than rewrite the whole damn series in this post, haha).
Just thinking on the fly, here goes... I woulda just had her reeling, feeling betrayed, and isolating rather than putting on a front.
Kara doesn't understand what's happening, but wonders if maybe Lena is secretly angry with her for killing Lex (remember, Kara believed she took him down in that final fight at the end of S4). This is hammered in further after Alex plants the seed that, evil or not, Lex was still Lena's brother, and so some level of sadness is likely to still exist there. She advises Kara to give Lena time and space.
Kara, further worried by Lena's worsening isolation and mood, ignores her sister's advice and makes efforts to connect, but increasingly senses the distance and her guilt grows.
Meanwhile Lena -- between finding out the truth that Kara is Supergirl in such a terrible way, while also hiding that she killed Lex (to protect Kara, ironically) truly spirals and starts to think that Kara perhaps never was truly her friend at all, only using her to be able to eventually take down Lex. A means to an end. Feeling like that's all she's ever been to anybody, including her "best friend" who meant the world to her, Lena becomes darker and more cold, sure -- but never takes those ridiculous 'villainous' actions of any kind.
Alex pulls a typical Alex move and starts to suspect that Lena's isolation and darker vibes could mean trouble as "She is a Luthor." and she's worried she'll carry Lex's torch now that he's gone, and her isolation means she's up to something. Kara of course doesn't buy it -- much like in the show, defending Lena, rebelling against the notion.
After ramping the tension throughout Season 5A on these fronts, a dramatic series of events eventually leads Kara to go to Lena and try to have a much needed conversation. Lena thinks she's perhaps finally going to confess, and she allows herself to feel hopeful again -- alas that hope is dashed, when instead Kara simply apologizes for killing Lex (so she thinks she did), and not realizing how much doing so would cause Lena pain. Lena finds this ironic, Kara's concern for her pain, considering she's lied to her all this time and still won't be open with her. Lena then decides that if nothing else, she won't lie.
She tells Kara that Lex died at HER hand, not Kara's.
Kara is shocked. She's pulled away by an emergency before they can discuss this further. And thus, Kara now believes Lena's distance and darkness is driven by guilt over killing her own brother, and Kara now feels more guilty than ever that she went through that, and that she continues to keep Lena in the dark, even though Lena opened up to her. As we approach mid-season, the two have several 'almost' moments where it seems Kara might actually confess her identity. And we make it clear that she wants to. But the more she sees how hurt Lena is about having to kill Lex, to protect her no less, the worse she feels and the more she's terrified to tell Lena her secret, believing that Lena's done so much for her, meanwhile all she's done -- is lie. It wrecks Kara. And her anger issues start to rise up again, and that comes out a lot in Crisis crossover (in which our world's Lex is NOT yet present again btw), which is of increasing concern to everybody.
Post Crisis, in which Lena and Kara work together to save everybody even though they can barely even look at each other, we have these two idiots with their secrets, both struggling tremendously -- Kara with her anger and guilt, and Lena with her sadness and pain. And both with their regrets. And the rest of the group is noticing these tensions, between missions / various genre adventures.
It ramps up, until finally, shit hits the fan in a 100th episode. Lena is held hostage by someone threatening to kill her if Supergirl doesn't reveal her identity (similar to how it was in the show, but without the Mxy stuff, or at least using it better) -- Kara is fully willing to reveal herself to save Lena. She prepares to do just that, and even goes to the press conference, but just before she has to do it, her friends find a way to save Lena without the reveal needing to happen. But Kara is also nearly killed in the battle. The closest she's ever come to dying.
In the aftermath, Lena has now seen how far Kara would go to protect her -- both in terms of being willing to give up her life AND reveal her identity to the world. Lena of course forgives Kara (quietly, to herself) and decides to let Kara have her secret, even if it means they both pretend the other doesn't know, silly as it it. Alas, what she doesn't expect, at the end of the episode --
Kara reveals her identity to Lena (at Kara's place after everyone else goes home). Turns out almost losing her life made her realize she didn't want to die a coward and a liar on this front. And also, Lena not knowing put her at worse risk than knowing. And she deserves to know, so she can protect herself. So Kara can better protect her.
After/during her confession, Lena sheds a tear, and Kara starts to profusely apologize, thinking Lena is devastated by the revelation. But Lena confesses that it's tears of relief, because she's already known. She was just wondering if Kara would ever trust her enough to tell her the truth. Kara is shocked to know Lena knew, grateful she's kept the secret for her, and heartbroken to know she learned it from Lex, before killing him. She also makes it clear she didn't keep it from her because she didn't trust her, it was never about that. It was simply the belief that not telling her protected her somehow. But now she's seen that was foolish, in this case. Realizing now they've both been dumb and their secrets have done nothing but cause each other, and themselves, so much pain -- they agree: no more secrets.
And they hug it out -- because besties! Just gals being pals right?!
*eye roll*
Then the rest of 5B becomes all about Lex popping up alive, and being furious that Lena and Kara are closer than ever, and that his attempt to destroy their relatio- I mean "friendship" failed. And he comes at them harder than ever, with Lillian's help. And so on. And by the end of S5, in an epic battle, Lex is finally stopped and captured once and for all and hauled off to prison, but not before sending Kara to the phantom zone.
Lena is devastated, as she and Kara only recently had all cards on the table and were growing closer than ever, so S6A then becomes all about the super friends trying to find Kara in the Phantom Zone (with a LOT less cheesy stupidity, and a lot more focus on Kara's traumas and torture while in the PZ rather than any dumb filler crap with her dad being alive -- perhaps she sees him, but it's just a cruel illusion).
Meanwhile, Lena, at wits end, visits Lex in prison, hoping to get information out of him as to where and how they can find Kara in the PZ. But he taunts her, plays games with her, etc until finally, she tells him goodbye for good. He doesn't believe she'll be able to stay away forever, especially as long as he knows how to find Kara. But she finally sees through it all, basically tells him he's full of shit, that he has no idea how to reach Kara in the PZ, he's a liar, always has been, and his power over her is gone. She vows to find Kara on her own and to never be anything like him, as he's selfish and cruel and insane. And she finally walks away from him. And he can't believe it.
Now that she's found her inner strength, Lena is able to think more clearly, less out of anger and desperation, and thus she, Alex and the Superfriends eventually embark on an action-packed retrieval of Kara in the Phantom Zone, ultimately saving her in the mid-season finale.
The final half of the final season (6B) focuses on Kara's deep traumas experienced/re-lived in the phantom zone, as she struggles with doing her job as "perfect" Supergirl while mentally screwed up. No one really notices but Lena, because Kara hides it well. Alex is just happy her sister is back, busy planning a wedding, focusing on vigilante work, etc. And the Superfriends have lots of other issues to focus on as well. But Lena sees Kara's struggles because she knows a thing or two about trauma, and she's there for her. Especially after Alex and Kelly get married with a few episodes to go and Kara doesn't want to burden her sister, who is finally so happy.
The final episodes feature Kara facing her demons, internal and external (as villains from past seasons pop up to haunt her, as it turns out the events post Crisis brought them into this universe, and now they've come after her, and they've all got to take them down).
In the end, the show wraps up with Kara finding a level of peace she never had before, having faced the past and all she's gone through and lost, in great part thanks to having Lena by her side.
And the show ends focused on Kara, for an episode called KARA. Not focused on Lex, nor the supporting characters, not on shoe-horned cameos, nor other bs. But Kara herself, and her journey, her healing from a lifetime of loss and trauma, her relationships to her family and friends, and rediscovering that which is always going to rest deep within her soul, even if it gets a little lost sometimes...
Her unbreakable sense of HOPE.
The End.
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 10 months
Tattletale's story is so tragic because outwardly it LOOKS like a success story. Through her arc she gets brilliant insight after brilliant insight, helps bring down the man who was looming over her life, becomes internationally recognizable, plays a key role in reversing the end of the world, and when the dust settles ends up a wealthy and powerful criminal lord. She gets all the things that SHOULD define her ending as happy, but it's all hollow, because she doesn't ever get what she needed.
The other Undersiders got what they needed in the end. They all have their own tragedies, large and small, mostly large, but they have proper happy endings. Aisha finds her own identity, a way she can make a difference that she's happy with, separate from the people in her life but still carrying on their legacy - not only that, but she finds a family that properly celebrates her for her and that she can be a part of, with the Heartbroken. Alec DOES find someone who he can genuinely connect with, even if he dies before that connection is able to go anywhere. Brian sees Aisha healing and finding her own way in the world, and when he does die its the way he would have wanted - a brave fall in the middle of battle that makes him look larger than life. Lily and Sabah get eachother, and they get to distance themselves from the drama, and they get to make a difference for the people who were close to them. Taylor gets her father, and she gets Anne, and she knows that she isn't nothing anymore, that she has strengths, even if she doesn't know what that looks like in a non-superpowered context. Rachel gets a space where she can just exist, in the company of a few people she cares about and who put in the work to really get her. No more running or fighting for things larger than herself and her pack - just peace, or something that looks like it.
But Lisa? Despite it all, her emotional needs are left unfilled. She doesn't get to stop blaming herself - she's shouldering more guilt than ever, guilt over Taylor and Brian and Alec, over Gold Morning, on top of the guilt she never got away from over her brother. She doesn't find anyone she can be vulnerable too - she loses the person who she was closest to being able to rely on, and now has to pretend she's untouchable as this crime lord she's built herself into being. Even the one thing that she saw as her redeeming accomplishment - saving Taylor - even that comes apart in the end. And you see her in the Post-Worm world, and she's become this imposing information broker and gang leader, at the center of this web of power, and she acts like this is what she wanted, because she never learned another way to define success. The best models she got for what a happy ending "should" look like are her rich parents and Coil's plans to take over the city. So when she does get power, and money, and recognition, and influence, she acts like that's a good outcome, acts hard enough that she even convinces herself. But it's all so hollow, because she still hasn't realized that that isn't what she wanted, and she never will realize, because she hasn't trained herself to ask the hard questions, to really interrogate her own feelings. Her power actively disincentivizes it. So she'll keep being unhappy, and reaching for greater things, and wondering why she isn't satisfied with what she assumed was everything that success should look like.
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devondespresso · 1 year
i was reading a scoops era steddie au where eddie visits scoops often and one thing i noticed i alway want but have yet to see (bear in mind my fic pallette is basically just shit i see on Tumblr and occasionally reading every fic a certain author has written) is a specific scene of eddie noticing stobins missing when he goes to visit them at scoops the day theyre stuck in the bunker. cause they entered the bunker after a shift one night and didn't get out until at the soonest the next afternoon right before the mall closes so if either or both of them were scheduled to work then they'd be just... gone.
and how characters around them handle that depends on how soon (if at all) they're declared missing. did robin think they'd be in-and-out in their snooping and tell her parents shes be back a little late or did she think they'd be out kinda late fucking around and just lied to her parents telling them shes sleeping over at a friend's like how we know tina was going to cover for erica? did mrs Henderson freak out when Dustin didn't bike back home (knowing what happened with will) or did she know he was with steve and trusted that they were goofing off or something?
and usually i see Steve's parents not being home but what if they were?? they could panic because steve always has some sort of excuse for why hes gone or maybe just his mom starts worrying because while his dad never really asks about him she does and she knows hes probably not at some girls house right now because he at least would have told her. or maybe mrs harrington doesn't know her son as well as she thinks she does and assumes he is out at some girls house and is relieved hes finally getting to be more like himself.
maybe just one or two people in scoops troop are reported missing that night and maybe the search started for them is enough for the other's parents or friends to realize they're all missing. maybe none of them are because they each already had a coverup with the people who'd notice. maybe they spent a good few hours in that elevator regretting lying about where they'd be because now no one knows they're in danger and by the time they start looking it could be too late (obviously erica didn't seem to grasp this yet but shes literally 10 and it's definitely her fist severely traumatic life or death experience. for the others tho it could definitely be on their minds and i have seen a few fics where robin wonders about how steve and Dustin are reacting like they've done scary shit like this before together)
then morning comes and id give it until lunch with no calls or anything before parents who believed their kids were sleeping over to start worrying seriously. maybe they call the friend their child's supposedly with and get a confused parent saying they haven't seen them or maybe they get the friend picking up and confirming they're fine (like tina). but if Mrs Henderson gets worried and calls steve she'll either get the harringtons saying he isn't home right now or she won't be able to reach him. and knowing steves like a big brother and a best friend to dustin knows that if steve missing too he's probably at least missing with him and goes to the station worried about them both
and then theres the fact that scoops has to open in the morning, probably sometime around 10am. maybe steve and robin were scheduled to both work again and as 10am comes and passes scoops ahoy hasn't been touched. maybe some mall manager calls the scoops manager (forgive me ive never worked in a mall but i do work in a store-within-a-store and we have our own manager plus the big store manager) and asks where their employees are. if missing persons reports were filed that last night then the manager would be really worried while frantically trying to find someone to cover for them. but maybe no one knows they're missing yet and their manager is grumbling about their no-shows, maybe considering firing them for both disappearing without even calling out. depending on how much they know and if the reports were filed, whoever has to cover their shifts is either worried about their coworkers (probably moreso robin than steve because of his reputation) or utterly pissed that they both didn't show and they have to open scoops ahoy with a few hours delay and probably a good few karens bitching about being closed. or maybe one or the other was scheduled and while their no-show is really inconvenient at least someone's there to open and ask for backup
and then theres steves car still parked in the back where it was the day before. a bike left behind at the mall is less eyebrow-raising but a fancy car? Steve Harrington's car? Steve Harrington who was scheduled to work today but somehow isn't in scoops right now? is he skipping work while simultaneously wandering around his workplace? and whats worse is despite evidence being there *no one can find him*. maybe thats what it takes for people to realize hes like actually missing. maybe they think he was kidnapped, hopefully he just went home with some girl and lost track of time.
and then theres eddie. eddie whos been stopping by scoops for a while now. maybe he still doesn't really like Harrington but likes teasing him with Buckley or maybe they've gotten pretty close. maybe they're already dating. maybe eddie walks up to scoops one morning to find it closed or to find that one or the other didn't show up for work this morning. maybe he hears from the worker that ones missing or maybe they get a rant about how pissed the worker is to be opening alone. maybe he's the one to go to a mall manager or security officer worried about scoops being closed because he *knows* the people that are supposed to be there right now and they don't just abandon work at the same time with no explanations.
or maybe eddie visits in the afternoons and learns they're missing from their coworkers or maybe hes there because he saw it on the news and went on his our hunt. either way it'd probably end with Eddie looking around the mall for them because he knows steve isn't going to just abandon his beemer in a busy public parking lot. maybe he finds them high out of their minds while checking the movie theatre (this one i do see a lot and am obsessed with its so good) or maybe he doesn't find them at all (its a big mall and they are actively hiding from Russians who know they escaped. sure stobin are not being very secretive while high but dustin and erica are at least keeping them in less-discoverable locations). maybe he goes home knowing hes looked everywhere in that damn mall and assumes they're probably kidnapped and taken somewhere else (if he did find them tho that opens a whole can of worms for if, how, and how much eddie gets involved and while my brains gone down sone of those rabbit holes i don't think i will today)
and then they see the news about the mall fire. and eddie knows damn well that he looked everywhere in that mall but didn't see a trace of his friends but there they are on the news and apparently in the fire. maybe eddie assumes he didn't look hard enough. but maybe he sees how steves the only one with more than a few bruises on his legs, how despite them claiming he was trapped in rumble that also allegedly killed billy hargrove he looks like hes carrying himself on adrenaline alone and hovering around robin and the kids like something more than falling support beams could get to them. maybe its the fact that he look as shit as he did but wasn't laying down on a hospital stretcher like he would be if he just got those wounds.
hi if you saw any typos no you didn't UNLESS theyre funny or actually concerning then you should tell me and i can react appropriately
also i swear i feel like doctor strange looking through every possible reality when i go on tangents like this. idk whenever i come up with little fics in my head or come up with different ways my favorite unfinished fics could end im always exploring as many different versions of the same scenario as i can and coming up with as many what-ifs as i can.
also i pressed the poll button by accident while making this and idk how to make it go away to we're trying just ignoring it and not writing anything in it to see if it goes away
actually fuck that it probably wont work so im adding a poll question as a treat for the people who read this far
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orginllazyblog · 8 months
In a brand new home, it was a relaxing evening. It was Gavus' turn to cook for dinner. The twins were in their rooms playing board games that they borrowed from their friends as they waited.
At the kitchen area, when Gavus was not looking, Eugene sneakily added saline type seasoning in the pot as he knew the food would come off plain just like him. That is where the hypogean trickster got caught by none other than his “friend”.
“Eugene, I know you're there.”
“Well~ You caught me this time, pigeonhead.”
“What did you add this time?”
“Just adding more flavor to it. The two-imps need nutrition, Gavus.”
“Well, the kids prefer my cooking than the last time you made your spicy food.”
“*Gasp* How dare you! At least I add seasoning to it.”
“Eugene, you added 10 tablespoons of spice.”
“I thought they'll be able to handle it well-”
///“How could you!”///
“Was that Liberta just now?”
“Seems like it. We should check on them.”
Eugene went ahead as Gavus turned off the stove to follow up and check on their kids. When the two enter their rooms, they see Liberta crying as Lucilla tries to apologize to her brother.
“Liberta, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.”
“Lucilla, what happened? Why is your brother crying?”
“Just explain to us so that we don't get mad.”
“Well…I may have told him he's adopted.”
Gavus and Eugene went silent for a moment. They indeed found them both as Gavus was ordered to retrieve the “weapons” only to turn out to be infants. To which ended up abandoning their factions to raise them instead of treating them like a tool weapon as the twins were only mortals, not immortals.
“Um… Lucilla? You're also adopted as well. What makes you think like that?”
Liberta spoke up as he tried to say the truth, “I-I don't have pointy ears like you dads..”
“Is that so?”
Eugene walks up to the twins to scruff their hairs as his way of comfort. Though that would be Gavus' part. So he went up to them to give them a hug.
“Liberta, you only inherited my celestial power but that doesn't mean you're different like the rest of us. We both love you as our own.”
“*sniff* Thanks papa.”
“There, there. Gavus should be finishing with the food, so let's head to the main floor.”
“Liberta, I'm sorry for what I said before.”
“It's okay. We were just playing (afk arena monopoly version). I admit it was fun.”
“Night brother.”
“Goodnight Lucilla.”
“Lucilla, are you still awake?”
“*Sniff* yeah..”
“Are you crying?”
“W-what if I'm the adopted one? Because I'm the only one with horns.”
The twins went to their dads room as both can't sleep and have a question they need to know. Liberta slightly knocks the door to see if they are still awake.
“Dad? Are you still awake?”
The door creaks open revealing to be Gavus. 
“Kids? Why are you two up at this late hour?”
“We can't go to sleep.”
“And Lucilla wants to talk to dad for-”
“Hey! I didn't say that!”
“Yes, you did.”
The children were bickering which made Eugene wake up.
“*Yawn* What's up little devils…had a nightmare?”
“Let's talk in the living room, shall we."
As the family sat down on Gavus’ couch, Lucilla stayed quiet, not wanting to answer her dads when a few hours ago of the “adopted” discussion. Liberta had to nudge if he was going to do the talking or she'll never hear the end of it.
“Dad…why do I have horns if you don’t have one?”
“Oh! I did have horns back then.”
“You used to have horns, Eugene? Why didn't you say that before?”
“Well you never ask. Lucilla, my horns were similar like yours, but I removed them with magic in order to not scare off the mortals easily and to not give away of my hypogean identity."
“Did it hurt though?”
“Well I can't remember how it was way back then. Before your father attacked the poor me~.”
“Okay, back to bed, kids.”
Should i do more fics about them?
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nova-alien-rants · 5 months
sometimes it can be really fucking scary to achieve the things you've always wanted.
i think i need to put this out there not just for myself, but for anyone else who may be having a hard time coping with change in their lives, even if it's for the greater good.
this past wednesday was genuinely a really hard day for me. like, really really fucking hard. one of my best and oldest friend bailed on me along with her entire family which i considered to be my own, my parents acted disgusting toward my brother and tried pulling the same shit on me, i came back to my dorm after 40 minutes of driving to discover someone came into my room and touched my shit, and then had some stupid freshman act like a brat when i brought it up to the RAs. i haven't felt as low in a LONG time as i did by the end of that day.
but while i was driving back to campus, feeling completely alone and like i had no one to talk to, my grandparents ended up calling just to chat. i was crying so hard that i couldn't stop myself and spilled everything that had happened to me that day, and to my surprise, they were... really nice. they comforted me and even offered for me to move in with them once they get settled in their new house. i told them i felt really worried about how my parents would take the news of me moving, but my grandma said not to worry about that and she'll take care of it. for once i'm actually glad the people in this family are crazy.
all i've ever dreamed about for as long as i can remember is getting away from my parents. no longer living with them, no longer being controlled by them, no longer being physically and mentally broken down by them. my life goal has been to break free from my parents permanently. not a career, not material possessions, none of those things can ever come close to that goal. but now that it's happening, i'm filled with a kind of fear i've never experienced. there's so much uncertainty about literally everything in my life now.
will this thing with my grandparents' house even work out? how will my parents react to it? how am i going to manage to move all my shit into my grandparents' house even if i am able to stay there? what will happen when next semester starts? if i move in with my grandparents, my parents will cut me off financially and i won't have any help paying for my university tuition and/or housing. how will i finish my degree? how will i be able to afford going to graduate school? how will i pay for my medical bills?
i know in time all of these questions will become trivial, and i'll be able to look back eventually and be able to laugh about the fact that i was ever worried. the universe always works in my favor, even if i can't see it at the time. things always seem to have a funny way of working out but it's scary in the moment to not know what's going to happen. i'm a person who desperately craves stability and concrete plans in order to function, so all this uncertainty is... a lot to deal with.
but i think all this is happening so i can shed my old life and start another chapter in which i can finally heal for good and stay that way. even if our old lives suck, we can get used to them anyway and changing them can be absolutely terrifying. i think that's why leaving one's comfort zone can feel so hard. we don't know what to expect, so how are we supposed to protect ourselves in the event that something goes wrong? but i've come to believe that things don't go wrong, they simply don't go the way we expected them to. and that's scary, but it's also okay to sit with that fear. everything happens for a reason.
i'm not one of those people who will say to just "be happy" under circumstances such as these, even when your feelings may seem irrational and/or confusing to you. we're human, we're not fucking robots. we can't go through life stone-faced. change is hard. it's scary. it's overwhelming and full of so many questions no one may ever have the answers for. it's okay to take some time to cry, to scream, to get those feelings out. our brains are trying to keep us safe, and it's our job to let our brains express themselves. not every feeling has to be rationalized. it doesn't all have to make sense. sometimes it's okay to Just Be.
i personally believe that the world would be a much better place if we all took more time for ourselves to really feel our shit, because that's the only way it's going to get processed and let go. if you're someone like me whose BPD makes every feeling seem like a nightmare straight from hell, or whose alexithymia confuses you about what you're even feeling, that's okay too. again, you don't have to have all the answers. let yourself cry. let yourself lie on the floor. let yourself engage in your comfort activities. let yourself rest.
change isn't supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows. it's hard work, but it will all be worth it in the end. after every single one of my darkest times, i found myself shining brighter than i ever did previously. i don't know why we have to go through certain experiences, but it will all make sense one day. every single person on this earth has trauma, even if they may not have been abused or deal with a form of a post traumatic disorder. we're all just oversized children who are scared and need a hand to hold as they navigate life. we're human, and we're allowed to feel. we're going to get through this.
there's a reason why people say bravery is being scared while doing it anyway. change really is fucking scary, regardless of how good it may be for us. i'm going to keep saying it. hold your breath and do the thing anyway. let yourself be scared. feel that fear. make room for it and live with it. your brain loves you and is trying to protect you, even if it seems misguided. it's doing its best to be there for you, so you may as well at least humor it, right? how beautiful is it that your brain loves you enough to constantly try and protect you, regardless of the circumstance? i think it deserves love back. love those parts of you which have always loved you.
you're going to make it. you love you.
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halikyon · 2 months
Smash or Pass: Ryune Avereth
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Tagged by: @vasheden
Tagging: anyone since it seems like this has permeated my Tumblr sphere pretty much completely
Basic Info:
Height: 5'3"
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan
Always looking to help out. She isn't one to be drawn into the Bystander Effect. Willing to make sure a job is done right, even if she has to redo it all herself.
She knows her way around the crafting world. If you need it, she can make it. If she can't, she'll find someone she can. She also is a prolific resource gatherer and, while not an avid fisher, she knows her way around a rod.
She has no care about wealth or position. As someone who only recently had much gil to her name, she really doesn't care for those who flaunt it around. If you have that much, why not use it to help folks who actually need it?
Very touchy-feely and cuddly. She thrives on physical affection and loves when she can spend time with someone in person. Friends will suddenly find her head in their lap as she looks up at them mid-coversation, lounging across where she had been sitting.
Loves animals, especially birds. She even has a sparrow that follows her around named after her dead brother, Vic.
She has a tendency to adopt both people and animals into her circle. She even has Statice as part of her family group now, which does entail a few shenanigans here and there.
Is bad a putting the needs of others before her own. She has often exhausted herself in the effort to help others, forgoing even basic needs.
She has no filter and no self-boundaries. You will know things you didn't wish to and there isn't much you can do to prepare for it.
Her mental state isn't as stable as it once was. Zenos did quite a number on her and as a result she has PTSD. Most days are uneventful, but occasionally her thoughts go sour and it takes some doing to pull her back out of it. Herbal remedies have helped, but they only lessen the intensity, not the frequency of events.
She will often adopt the stance of 'I'll do it myself.' when things need doing, disregarding that others are both capable and wanting to participate in whatever activity is going on. She can be stopped, but that is her default.
She was wanted by the Brass Blades for a while, but a name and hair change threw them off before she ever became an adventurer.
Other Facts:
She is in a romantic relationship with M'naago, but is open to more physical ones. Her time earning gil with the U helped her to delete the stigma that came with sexual activity, and she will engage with anyone she finds she trusts enough or who is willing to pay enough (with some exceptions). M'naago is fine with this as long as there aren't suddenly a bunch of little Miqo'te to take care of.
To deal with the above point, she has knowledge of a tea that acts as many things, including a contraceptive, that the U use themselves for all kinds of purposes.
She loves spicy meals a lot, and can put away a great deal of food, especially after intense physical activity.
She is the unofficial head of the new Fists of Rhalgr, and seeks to rebuild the order as an organization of trusted individuals with the capacity to solve problems themselves. Its not unlike some versions of the Jedi Order, but with primarily the martial arts of the Monk. She wants the people of Gyr Abania and surrounding areas to see them as a good thing when they come through, and to have earned enough trust with those people that they are able to come forward with their problems rather than having anything build up into larger ones that will be harder to deal with later.
She has a lot of 'street smarts' but is only semi-literate, as she never received a formal education. She can typically work out what something says through context clues and earnest questions. Her writing is also not great, but its legible. Do not ask her to do math past the most basic of multiplication. She likes to learn, and has taken up an interest in founding formal schools in Gyr Abania now that things have settled down.
She is a switch and wants her partner(s) to primarily enjoy themselves. If someone expresses interest in her, she isn't afraid to bluntly tell them Yes or No, though it has historically done more to accidentally chase people off than anything else.
She is quite forward in most social aspects, and isn't afraid to make the first move. Her stance and intentions will be known quickly to any involved.
Will fight anyone and anything, though she would prefer at least an attempt to talk first.
She would have chosen smash on almost every one of these so far.
Is not immune to tassels.
So, what'll it be...
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