raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“With everyone here and our parents, I don’t know if they’d be able to send us back. We’d fight them back and hell, they might be put back there before we do.” He told him. “Stay positive my friend.”
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“Most of the villain kids are highly untrained with their magic, and the villains are likely weakened after their time on the Isle.  And with some of the more powerful VK’s like Mal on the side of the Crown?  We’re fucked.  But sure, hold onto your optimism.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“I really need help though.”
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“And you came to me expecting help with..what, homework?”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“I’m from the Isle, but dude, come on. We’re off the Isle and get a chance to start over. Do whatever we want, what we didn’t have the resources to do at home.”
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“For how long?  You can’t really believe they’re gonna let us stay here do you?   One VK will do something too suspicious and it’ll be over.   Or one of our parents will go for vengeance.  And then they’ll get rid of us or outcast us all over.  Why pretend our lives are actually going to be better than they are.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“Ah, see there is one person, but I do need more friends and you can’t be grumpy all the time. “
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“Go bother them then.  And I really can.  It’s the best way to fend of the Auradons and Auradon hopefuls.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
@raziel-ravenwood (or anyone)
“It’s just numbers. They’re not going to bite you.”
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“Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean I want to deal with them.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“I can see that.” Pumpkin replied before shrugging. “Well, considering I’m from Halloween Town or, well, was, where it’s dark and gloomy all the time, it doesn’t bother me. I will make you smile. It’s on my list now.”
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“On your list?  Why bother.  I’m sure there’s plenty of others who’d be fine with your company.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“It usually takes me a while to take the hint that someone doesn’t want me around.” HE told him. “Don’t be all grumpy.”
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“Grumpy is my default.  I don’t do people and they don’t really enjoy me.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“Ah, you’ll come to learn I’m not most people.”
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““Come to?”  Sounds like you don’t intend on getting lost.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
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“ maybe not all the time, but it is certainly more good than bad. ” libby smiled softly at him. “ i mean, i’m sure it wasn’t on the isle, but that’s the good part of this. you can finally have a life that is good & hopefully decently happy. ” he did have a point there. “ that is true, but it is still pretty awesome. ”
“Maybe for a blonde, sunny Auradon child like yourself.”  Raziel didn’t return her smile, quirking a brow at her words.  “That’s optimistic garbage too.  Just because I’m here doesn’t mean I’ll get to live my life here.  I’ll be tossed back out into the dark soon enough.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“It’s unrealistic. Life isn’t good and happy.” Raziel looked at the woman, mild curiosity in his eyes. HK’s never bothered with him this long. “And highly suspicious. People know my father was a raven, and they tend to stand out in your land of Auradon perfection.” Plus he wasn’t particularly good at it yet, his magic still fairly new to him.
“So yes, the overly positive one.”  Raz quirked an eyebrow as she continued on, choosing to shrug an nod. “Yes.  Don’t have much reason to but yeah.”
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“ what’s so bad about being overly positive ? ” libby tilted her head to the side in curiosity. “ it sure beats being a negative nelly all the time. ” she still smiled at him. “ it would be cool to do like… super spy things. you could listen without people actually knowing that you’re there. ”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
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“ the one with the infinite wisdom, you mean ? ” libby smiled. her gaze followed to the patch he pointed out. she had a very persistent personality ; it was something she needed to get through to children while being a guidance counselor. “ oooh ! that’s kinda cool. can you turn into a raven or something ? ”
“So yes, the overly positive one.”  Raz quirked an eyebrow as she continued on, choosing to shrug an nod. “Yes.  Don’t have much reason to but yeah.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“You do seem rather moody. I guess that works for you though, the whole dark and mysterious thing.”
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“Comes with the face.  And yes, it does.  Makes most people leave me alone.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
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“ the irony. chipper… crickets chirp… i’m the daughter of jiminy cricket. i guess it’s in my blood. ” libby smiled. “ i’m libellula, but to save you the trouble, you can call me libby. ”
“Ew, that explains it.  That’s the overly positive one in the puppet story right?”  Raz huffed a bit, not understanding why she was still bothering.  Tapping the raven patch sewn onto his loose shirt, he spoke dryly.  “Son of Diablo, Maleficent’s Raven slash helper.  Something you want Libellula?”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
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“ you look kind of lonely. ” libby leaned against the wall. “ what’s your name ? ”
“And you look rather chipper.”  He quirked a brow as she leaned on the wall, but he just shrugged.  “Raziel.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“You are staring at me like you have something to say?”
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“You would be incorrect Skellington.  But don’t be too hard on yourself, no one can guess my moods it seems.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“they really are. especially when the heroes rub it in your face.”
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“Ugh. And they always do.  I don’t give a shit who your parents are or how magical your life has been.”
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raziel-ravenwood · 5 years
“so my life here is really nice, way better than back on the isle. but i don’t know, i’m still not satisfy. there is like a deep down feeling that i want to cause chaos and disrupt everyone’s happy ending. is that normal?”
@hadie-titan (any)
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“Yeah.  The happy endings are over-rated.”
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