#and neither is pearl
alexandersimpleton · 9 months
Also feel free to rb or comment I would love your thoughts and ideas
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dailypearldoodles · 9 months
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Day 563
The happiest of farewells to Season 9 of Hermitcraft, what an amazing season truly. Pearl truly outdid herself this season with her beautiful and colorful and absolutely lively megabase, honestly me and Mod Cosmic cannot do it justice XD I started this doodle endeavor a bit of ways into S9 and I hope to make it last throughout S10. Thank you Pearl and all the hermits for a wonderful season and I can't wait to see what they do next :D
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 2 months
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bambiilooza · 4 months
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no 1 bisexual shellington
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sarcki · 10 days
My exact fucking reaction when this dropped
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teapot-of-tyrahn · 17 days
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Gempearl or Pearleo drabble perhaps? ^_^
“I’m sorry … I’m sorry. Sorry, sorry! My bad… I didn’t — I didn’t think they’d die so quick…” Not again. It was happening again. "Wooooah!" "You did it, Pearl, you did it!" "Stop stealing all my kills!" She could barely hear their exclamations over the voices echoing in her head. Her own voices. Or, rather, voices' of who she had once been, what she had once done, of what she was doing again. [ “Get her! Get ‘er, babies! GET ‘ER! Hahaha… OH! Oh." ] [ “Yes! Oh — Oh… Oh my gosh… ooooh my gosh…" ] It was always her. Every time. No matter what she did, no matter what she tried… It was always by her hand. It was always the same.
ZombieCleo fell to their death while fighting PearlescentMoon.
[ "Oh — Martyn—! AH—" The scream was ear-piercing. It was a strangled, deluged sound as Cleo's airway was flooded with a salty sanguine, as she choked on the sticky substance filling her mouth, drowning in her own blood. A branch was embedded straight through her torso, the bough skewering right through her abdomen and entrails. The sight was a beautiful conglomeration of death and life; a rotting corpse impaled by an evergreen conifer. Her blood dripped to the ground and seeped into the soil like plantwater, sinew would soon putrefy and wither off Cleo's carcass to serve as fertilizer... The tree's branches would continue to grow, life would prosper from their death, and the spurs would soon contort and twist around her corpse in an ethereal state of thigmatropism and occlusion. She'd look absolutely beautiful. "I don’t feel any remorse!" And she didn't! She'd been waiting to kill Cleo for a long, looong time. Ever since the first session. Such a pity she could only do it once. She'd love to see that look on Cleo's face again - the horror, the terror, the foreboding realization that Pearl was about to take her last life, that permadeath was approaching, that it would be Pearl's scythe that would harvest their soul... She didn't think she could ever grow tired of that expression. "Why, you kill my dogs, you might as well be killing me at that point, haha…!" Pearl took Cleo's limp hand, the skin already beginning to grow cold, and lightly pressed her lips against the back of the corpse's hand. Then, she sunk her teeth into the decayed muscle tissue, ripping out a healthy chunk of a hypodermis and tendons, and spitting out the flesh she'd managed to tear off onto the forest floor. She'd never been a fan of rotten flesh, but her puppies loved it, digging into the flesh like a buffet as they gouged themselves' on the zombie's marrow. She smiled. She'd always have a piece of Cleo with her, now, forever! Inside of her dogs. ]
ZombieCleo was slain by PearlescentMoon.
[Hell hath no fury like a mother. Hell hath no fury like Cleo. Her rage was silent, an unspoken fury, an animalistic ire. The frenzy of a mother who had just lost their last child, whose sons had both met their untimely end, a woman with no regard for her own life, as they had nothing left to live for. She had nobody waiting for her to come home to them - no kids who needed her protection, who she had to stay alive to be there for, because there weren't here anymore. But like Hell she was going to join them without putting up a fight first. Without trying to drag the one who had killed her son down to the depths of Hell with her, kicking and screaming, clawing and crying. "Wait, hold on, nonono, we can't be killing Grian—" "PEARL! Do something about this!" Pearl hadn't been intending to kill Cleo. Not now, not seconds ago. She hadn't pushed them off that ladder to kill her — there had been water at the bottom, she'd thought she would land unscathed, surely, just a little goof. But they hadn't. Pearl had said she didn't regret it - and that was true. How could you regret doing something you'd never even thought through? You couldn't regret something you hadn't even done on purpose. That was an accident, a mistake, not a regret. All she was trying to do was to get Cleo to stop attacking Grian. To crit her a few times until she backed off when she was low on health and they all stopped fighting. But they hadn't backed off. Even when they must have been on the verge of death, they didn't make the smart decision and back off when they were being one-v-three'd, the zombie only dug her own grave deeper. She had made their bed, right next to her children's, and they intended to lay in it. The zombie left no corpse behind. There was no carcass to speak of. No cadaver, no viscera, no innards; she was there one second, and gone the next, a flash of lighting erasing every remnant of their existence. The only indication of what she had done, that Cleo had ever been, was the blood. The blood staining her blade. The blood staining her clothes. The blood staining her hands. She had just been trying to protect Grian. She really hadn't meant to kill them. But she had. She had too. It was their own fault, really. Pearl just wished they hadn’t let herself be blinded by grief. It could have easily been avoided. If she had two nickels, it wouldn't be a lot, but it was sure weird she’d killed her twice, huh? ]
ZombieCleo was slain by PearlescentMoon.
Three times makes a pattern. [ “I was super excited to be in an alliance with you…” ] She really had been. Pearl thought they could be friends this time. Things could be different. She could make it end differently. Cleo had never liked to be defined by fate, anyway, had they? They'd defied fate before. She could do it again. And, yet, no matter what Pearl did, no matter how hard she tried, it always seemed to end the same. With Cleo's blood on her hands. And, whenever she finally managed to clean them, she was forced to sully them again with the same blood she was doomed to spill over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Wasn't it tragic? The killer in love with the corpse she was always doomed to kill. The corpse in love with its' killer no matter how many times she plunged a dagger into her heart. Cleo always forgave her. Pearl never forgave herself.
Why don't you see the pattern by now? I'm going to kill you. I keep killing you. Why do you keep letting me kill you? I don't want to kill you. I can't get your blood out from underneath my fingernails. I can't get the smell of decay out of my nose. You only have one life left. I already took your second. I'm going to take your last. Don't let me. Please, please, just run, just hide, just don't let it be me again. It can't be me again. ... I don't want it to be me again.
the most doomed yuri ever. i am always thinking about how pearl was responsible for TWO of cleo's permadeaths IN A ROW ... pearl can NOT stop murdering her gf FR !!! anyway this is the in the pov of pearl after she took cleo's second life in secret life and realized the Cycle was Doomed to continue !! // @mcytblingsbracket
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taibhsearachd · 11 months
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So I've been playing a lot of No Man's Sky and I just discovered my new favorite creature. It's like fairy ogre. They hover around just over the ground with those tiny fast-beating wings. They predict the future. THEY DON'T HAVE BONES???
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I named it a Flutterhulk.
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gaystonerdragon · 1 year
sometimes i feel like the people reading black butler forget that the whole premise of the narrative is a boy who saw his entire family and household massacred on his birthday is tricked into forming a revenge pact with a demon that was summoned by the cult that killed his brother after abusing the two preteen boys for weeks on end, to bring equal humiliation, pain, and suffering to everyone responsible for the aforementioned horrors committed against him. “its so dark” like yeah… what gave it away? “the subject matter is so heavy” again… what part of the narrative set up made you think it wouldn’t be? like you know how this is ending, right?
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hollowwish · 1 year
Since majorwood is a qpr I think they'd do traditionally romantic things because they want to and because it's funny to confuse the whole server about their relationship status
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redding · 5 months
thinking abt doomed friendships*.........pearlrick i care you
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she looks like she killed the other pearl
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dailypearldoodles · 10 months
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Day 534
Yup it's more fma au aha
Decided to go ahead with the idea that Pearl was given a Philosopher's Stone during Ishval, thus also gaining the title The Red Pearl Alchemist for a short time. The stone is returned after the war ends, but later she finds it again in the Fifth Laboratory with Gem
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Hey, yeah so I’m trying to find a good fanfiction where Tommy alternate versions of himself know like multi-verse
okay so. hm. i don't... read dsmp fic much? like i read it if a friend recommends it but i'm not really in that fandom anymore. also i was, uh, always really more of a techno main so modern tommy fic has never really been my thing. i'm very sorry but i think you have the wrong blog! someone else might have something for you? good luck!
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auriidae · 6 months
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gunpowder-arti · 11 months
(voice = vocal chords, or smth similar ! ability to speak verbally through their tail holes or the like is included; and they dont necessarily have to be able to make words--i.e. 'can they make sounds with their physical body, beyond like. breathing', if that makes sense)
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Pssst, hey Naff! Last Pearl Eye ask before I scamper off to read CS's newest chapter hehe X3 (Not a super long one this time)
Ok, ok, so! I cannot stop wondering how the next full conversation between Sun and Eclipse goes, after Sun is strong enough for it. After all, it seems like Sun here is the one with the final word after what happened and Eclipse knows it.
Since this Eclipse is so much closer to the OG in how far he went would he even consider apologizing? Or would he fully expect Sun, now in his right mind, to (rightfully) glare at him just like Moon does and send him away. Now that he is lucid, for Sun to turn him away and sever that last thin-as-a-hair thread that is left of their relationship as family?
Or would Eclipse stay long enough to even have a talk, after it's clear Sun is indeed going to make it? You said he does disappear to lay low for a while, but ough my heart hurts thinking of a scenario in which he just goes off without Sun himself, the one most affected, unable to tell Eclipse his thoughts on the situation when Moon and the vigilante had plenty of time for it ;-;
kjfdhgkljhdg This world just has me in a grip and I'm mentally shaking Eclipse by the shoulders (let's pretend I would even be strong enough XD) and screaming at him "What are you gonna do to make this right, huh?! HUH?!"

Oh man, I just imagine the one time that Eclipse slips into the room where Sun has been recovering for several days now, he sees that he's finally awake and the medicine isn't so heavy right now, either. The uncertainty has passed—Sun will make a full recovery. Sun immediately calls for Eclipse. His older brother is frozen in the doorway. He could be at Sun's side when he was sleeping, unaware of his presence, but now facing him, it petrifies Eclipse. But, he answers. Sun asks Y/N and Moon to give them a moment, and they do, despite glares and silent warnings.
They don't speak for a long time. Eclipse watches Sun's chest weakly rise and fall under all the aquatic plant bandages. Sun weakly looks to Eclipse. The quiet stretches on for so long that Eclipse starts to lose his patience but before he can demand that Sun yell at him and curse him out, Sun says "You stayed."
Eclipse is caught off guard, then reminds that he almost killed him. Sun nods, acknowledges that, and says he's glad he stayed, but Eclipse hurt him. Sun never thought he would.
Silence. Eclipse says that he didn't want that. He didn't want any of this. He wanted Sun and Moon to see the vigilante for what they did and realize that they are no better than him, and Eclipse is so furious and boiling because they love the vigilante and they never wanted him to stay before—but that's when Sun stops him.
Sun repeats what he did at the hydrothermal vents—they always wanted Eclipse to come home. The difference between him and the vigilante is that they are atoning, they are doing better, and he and Moon love them for their change of heart, not despite it.
He wishes that Eclipse would stay, permanently. He would stay and stop doing what he's always done, causing harm and wreaking havoc. Look at what giving in to his bloodlust led to? Sun admits that Eclipse scared him, and he will never forget what Eclipse did to him and all the pain he caused, but he knows that Eclipse regrets it. Eclipse still loves him and Moon. Eclipse wouldn't have stayed if he didn't.
Eclipse is furious. He's not sure why, he just can't stand to hear this and he does the only thing he can do—leave.
He slips away to go sulk in the sea caves and figure out what exactly that all means, but he's never too far away that he can't check on Sun, Moon, and the vigilante from afar.
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