#and more ships
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kathrahender · 6 months ago
"If you don't ship X ship you're an asshole"
"If you ship X you're an asshole"
"If you don't like X character you're the worst"
"If you like X character you're the worst"
"If you like this ship you're an abuse apologist"
"If you like this character you're a genocide apologist"
"This is a toxic ship, if you like it you support toxic couples irl"
"This is an evil character, if you like it you support abusers/murderers irl"
"If you like X character you support/like/accept what X does irl"
"If you like X pairing you support/like/accept X kind of pairing irl"
I'm tired of making posts about this topic but it seems like people don't understand it. Maybe If I continue making them people will eventually understand it. For the love of God. Stop with the toxicity. Stop with the harassment. Stop with the death threats. What do you think you will get harassing someone? What do you think you will get sending death threats? No, like, I'm seriously asking. What. the. fuck. do. you. think. you. will. get. A reward?
Because you're not gonna get a reward for leading someone to suicide.
First, if you feel the need to harass someone or tell them "kill yourself" for a fictional thing, your. opinion. is. invalid. "It's not invalid because I'm right!" "Oh, I'm right" "Oh, I'm the best" "Oh, I'm awesome" "Oh, I'm the best person here" "Oh, I'm the best human because I have morals unlike other people". Stop. Please, stop. You're so cringe. You are the "moral" person but you're telling a real person to kill themselves. Oops- my bad. Yeah, I realize now. That's actually the most moral thing in this world. Telling someone to kill themselves. How I didn't notice before? Tell someone "kys" is the best thing ever, it's not like you can break their heart, it's not like you can harm them irreparably, it's not like you can damage or shatter them, it's not like you can bring back their trauma (if they have), it's not like you can destroy completely a person for your unconsciousness and stupidity.
As I was saying- if you tell someone "kill yourself" "die" or harass them, you're opinion is invalid because no one with the ability of using reasonable arguments would act like that. It's the same as insulting someone. If you feel the need to call people "idiot" "asshole" "dick", that only proves you're not an intelligent person. If you were, you would be capable of talking about a topic without calling the other mean nicknames and/or without being rude to them.
Secondly, you have the right to like whatever ship you want. And you also have the right not to like a ship. But there's a difference between posting things like "You're fucking ill" "They have chemistry, you're an asshole if you don't ship them" "They're the best couple in this book/show/movie! You're the worst for not shipping them!" "If you like/don't like this couple is because you're a fucking idiot" "If you ship this, kill yourself" and posting things like "I don't like this ship because X, Y and Z" without being disrespectful to the people that like that ship. There's also a big difference between not liking what people ship/hating the ship and actively going into people blogs, into their asks, and into their posts, to harass them. You have the right not to like a ship. You have the right to like a ship. But people also have the right not to be harassed for a ship. And I don't understand why I even have to say that HARASSING SOMEONE OR TELLING THEM "KYS" is VERY VERY MUCH WORSE than liking a fanon/canon ship- WHEN YOU PEOPLE SHOULD FUCKING KNOW THAT ALREADY.
Thirdly, "If you don't like X character you're the worst" "If you like X character you're the worst". As well as you can ship whatever you want, you can like whatever character you want. You have the right to like whatever character you want without being called out, without being harassed, and without being told to kill yourself. And you have the right to like them BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING CHARACTER. It's not real. Liking Voldemort or Vecna, for example, doesn't make you a murder apologist. Liking Endeavor doesn't make you an abuse apologist. Liking Darth Vader doesn't make you a genocide apologist. And I don't care about why you like them, but you can like them. Because again liking a FICTIONAL villain is not the same as liking a REAL villain. We would have a problem if you defended/supported REAL fascists, REAL murderers, REAL abusers, REAL dictators.
Disliking a character is also okay. Because guess what? Everyone has the right to have their own opinion about a character without people being rude at them. You have the right to dislike Harry Potter. You have the right to dislike Ginny Weasley. You have the right to dislike Draco Malfoy. You have the right to dislike whatever character you want. But of course it's not the same disliking a character for their personality or their behavior (or a similar reason) than disliking them because of their gender, their race, their sexual orientation, etc. If you dislike them because their personality annoys you, it's okay. It's not okay if you dislike them, for example, for being black. Above all things, you have to be a respectful human. And disliking a character for something like their race, gender or sexual orientation it's disrespectful.
Fourthly, if you don't want to see posts about the ship you dislike in Tumblr, there's something called FILTER TAGS. You know what I do when people post things about Percabeth / Hiccstrid / Jlaire / Adrinette / Westallen / Naruhina? You think I harass people who like those ships? You think I tell them "kys" because in my opinion they're not good ships? No. I FILTER the tag like a NORMAL, MORALLY and RESPECTFUL person would do. I don't go into Percabeth / Hiccstrid / Jlaire / Adrinette / Westallen / Naruhina blogs/posts to tell people "you're an asshole, why do you like this fucking ship? It's trash". And If I find a blog and I don't like them for what they have in their bio or because I can't stand the ships they like- I just block them. Because THE BLOCK BUTTON also exist. If you don't want to interact with someone, block them. But don't go into their blogs to harass them.
And you ALSO can do these things in AO3. You don't want to see works of a certain pairing? You don't want to see the works of a certain user? Then filter the tag and mute the user (1) instead of whining in other social media. "Why there are so many works of this couple? It's disgusting 😭😭😭" "The fandom worries me with this ship" "This ships is disgusting, why people like it so much?". Stop. Please stop. No one cares about what you're saying. You hate X ship? Then exclude the tag "X character/Y character" and search works of your favorite couple. It's so easy. (Yeah- I know I made a post about Ereri and Jeaneren, but with the post I meant I wanted more Jeaneren works, I didn't mean I wanted all the Ereri fics to dissapear or that I wanted people not to ship Ereri).
In fifth place, I have to say that your actions are very -like Palpatine would say- ironic. Yeah, it's ironic how you criticize people for liking "toxic/abusive" ships (like Catradora, Bakudeku, Reylo, Dabihawks, Zutara and Darklina, when they aren't even toxic because most of the times they're enemies to lovers ships) (2), while not worrying about ACTUAL canon toxic ships (like Jarley, Hannigram, Maiko, Anidala, and more) and while getting to the point of harass people for that """""toxic""""" ship. I don't know, but I think the only toxicity here comes from you.
"They're toxic" "They're abusive" "Their dynamic is horrible, it's so toxic and abusive" "I used to ship them but now I see how morally wrong is the ship" "If you ship this you're normalizing abuse" "I hate when people make it seem like a healthy ship". No. You're the toxic person here. You're the abusive person here. You're the wrong one here. You're the one normalizing abuse by not allowing people to like the ship they want and by making excuses to harass people. And btw- we don't make it seem like a healthy ship- because Catradora and Reylo, for example, only ended up together AFTER villain's REDEMPTION. It's not a toxic ship if we don't see the toxicity in their romance. I repeat it: in their ROMANCE. And like I said in a previous post, even if it was a toxic ship, no one has the right to harass someone for it. "No, they deserve to be harassed because they are toxic and that means they support toxic couples in real life". WHAT YOU LIKE IN FICTION IS NOT A REFLECTION OF WHAT YOU SUPPORT IN REAL LIFE, AND AGAIN, I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO SAY THIS WHEN YOU ALREADY SHOULD KNOW IT. And you aren't the most appropiate person to talk about toxicity-
And to end this post, it's funny how you throw hands the moment someone criticize your ship or your favorite character, acting like you're the morally superior person here. Acting like you're the best. Acting like you deserve good things because you're "right" and everyone else deserve bad things because they're "wrong". You know what? If your favorite characters were here, if Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Wealey, Hermione Granger, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Katara, Aang, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste (and other characters) lived in this world, trust me, they wouldn't treat you with "respect" for defending them and defending their ship (Hinny, Romione, Percabeth, Kataraang, Adrinette and other ships). If you were/are respectful, sure, they would treat you nicely. Oh, but if you told someone to kill themselves, harrassed them, or doxxed them for their ship- they would be SO disappointed with you and your fandom. And trust me, they definitely wouldn't be on your side because THEY are HEROES and GOOD PEOPLE unlike you.
If you're against something I said, if you're against me being against harassment/being against sending death threats, block me now because I'm tired of people defending something so disgusting.
(1) If you silence a user in AO3 their works don't appear in the Search. You see this:
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(2) I made a post about the """""toxicity""""" of some enemies-to-lovers ships (which is none), if you want to read it, read this and this or search for the tag "enemies to lovers" in my blog.
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ask-utmv-shipkids · 2 years ago
Not necessarily about the kids, but how do the parents balance out all their families? We have Errink and Drink for example, how does Ink manage them?
Each character has their own way of raising and "raising" their children.
In summary. They manage to take care of them without much complication, others help each other, and others prefer to evade responsibility and leave them forgotten.
Ink takes care of Paper Jam, Gradient, Spilled and Ekon. He also often visits Palette, Blueprint, and Bluescreen.
Dream takes care of Palette, Shine and Shade. Along with Cross takes care of Lux, Starcross and Hope.
Cross usually takes care of the three of them, but apart from that, he can pay the attention that Ink doesn't give to Moku. Together with Epic takes care of Starke.
Swap will take care of Blueprint, Splatter, and Sprinkle alongside Papyrus and Asgore. He will occasionally go to Outertale to say hello to Starway.
Outer takes care of Starway most of the time. And he takes care of Deneb together with Science Sans.
Reaper and Geno take care of Goth, Raven, Sorell, Silver, and Shino without a problem. Cassis often spends time with the five of them as well.
Fell and Classic Sans take turns taking care of Plum and Dedge, despite the latter being Dust's son.
Dust takes care of Kenza. From time to time he takes turns with Swap to take care of Sprinkle. And Horror helps him with Okse and Glasses.
Finally, Killer is in charge of raising Crescent, Angst and Merciless. Nightmare only trains them to serve as his weapons. Horror and Dust are their "uncles" and are also in charge of them when the other two are not around.
Nightmare, Error and Fresh don't care about children. Nightmare just takes advantage of them. Error tolerates them, but he would rather destroy them than take care of them. Fresh is a liar parasite.
As for Lust... We are not talking about Lust. Please keep the children away from him, as far away as possible...
Radier, Tenpatch raised themselves alones. They spent their childhood together with Nightmare until they were old enough to take care of themselves. They sometimes visit Error.
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Those are the entire list for now. It is probable that in the future I will make comics about the childhood of each child, for now there are advances on my AO3 account. I'm still thinking about adding Rurik, but I don't have enough information about him. Only he was raised in Underfell by Fell Ink.
None of the children and parents belong to me, they all belong to their respective authors.
These are all my own headcanon trying to assimilate to the real canon. If there is something wrong or that any author would like to mention, feel free to correct.
- Aftertale, Error and Fresh: @loverofpiggies
- Reapertale: @renrink
- _____tale(Ink Sans): @comyet
- Underswap: P0pc0rnPr1nce and the AU Community
- Dreamtale: @jokublog
- Undertale: Toby Fox
- Dusttale: @ask-dusttale
- Xtale: @jakei95
- Something New(Killer Sans): @rahafwabas
- Horrortale: @sour-apple-studios
- Underlust: @nsfwshamecave-pb
- Underfell: Fella
- Epictale: @yugogeer012
Other authors that are involved through Combos: @nekophy, @echoiarts, @pepper-mint, @askcomboclub, @7goodangel, @lasserbatsu, @shigxx, @kakimochi0820, @6chimeraqueen9, @lunnar-chan, @naomiisenju, @Moomy's Noodraw, @nimaruu.
I don't know if i'm missing anyone, pls tell me in comments in that case.
Sorry everyone for the tags, just tell me if you don't want to be tagged or don't want to be involved, I'll respect that.
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joking aside
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nathaniacolver · 4 months ago
arcane ships be like
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i love a show that teaches equality (😭😭😭)
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mythtakens · 9 months ago
“these characters should be mentally healthy before they get together 😌” ummm no I actually think we should smash their mental illnesses together like clumps of play-doh and see what colors it makes
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bearloonz · 9 months ago
I think we as a society should bring back brotps. I think we should be weirder about characters being friends the same way people are weird about ships. Make those two characters who interacted once or twice besties. Make it difficult for them to get rid of each other even if they want to. Go nuts
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smash-chu · 1 year ago
make a cohost account, make a blue skies account, make a pillow fort account, make a artfol account, share your discord, make a back-up account, make another account, make another account, make another account-
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alexbutrandomthoughts · 11 months ago
"Can't two guys be just friends?" If they stop looking at each other like that then sure
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trekkerac · 4 months ago
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he's like a faulty lightbulb
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did it mean anything to you
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do i ship these characters or do i want them to form a sketch comedy duo
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fjordstan · 3 months ago
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imagine fourth wheeling a tricycle
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stemmmm · 6 months ago
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one more one more
same au thing as last time
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shrews-art · 11 days ago
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A bond made of fire and spider webs
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illusioncanthurtme--art · 6 months ago
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Physically? I am sitting in my bedroom. Mentally? Spiritually? I AM DEAD ON THE FLOOR!!!!! THESE TWO HAVE KILLED ME!!!!
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(Another drawing! This was originally attempt #1 at drawing stan, and then fiddleford just showed up. Kinda feels like them five minutes after the above acting like nothing happened though, so it works sdjkgkjfshj)
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cainternn · 7 months ago
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deadpool and wolverine thoughts
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