#this movie was so fun tho it legit felt like a fanfic LMAO
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cainternn · 6 months ago
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deadpool and wolverine thoughts
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mourntheantagonist · 4 years ago
ahhh I was tagged by the wonderful @allaboardtheussharringrove to do this and I’ve only ever done it on my main blog so I’m happy to do it here 😘
rules: answer 30 questions and tag however many blogs you want!
name: I go by mandi mostly but manny and amanda are also acceptable (or just call me sexy 🤪)
gender: nonbinary (she/they) also I guess this is a good place to put it, I’ve been called “girl” a couple of times on here and I am always too afraid to correct anyone about it so I’ll just say it here. I don’t really like that word in reference to me, it makes me feel icky. just a little psa about that. if you ever have done it I’m not mad because I know you didn’t mean it 💜
anyway back to the questions oops
star sign: virgo. which I feel is very obvious. I give big virgo energy and I know it. (also a capricorn moon and rising if you wanted to know those too!)
height: 5’8” I am tol
time: 6:50 pm
birthday: september 8th
favorite bands: there is no genre I am very indecisive. I got queen, idkhow, and abba lmao
favorite solo artists: elton john and lady gaga leave me alone I’m obsessed
last movie: I just got done watching a time to kill and I’ve been reminded of my childhood crush on matthew mcconaughey 😩
last show: wandavision!!!! if you turned it off after the first two episodes like I almost did I am BEGGING you to give it another chance because episode four slayed me.
when did I create this blog: I believe it was end of october last year so haven’t been here for long lmao. I initially joined the fandom in august on instagram and just needed to ✨get away✨ so here I am!
what I post: harringrove ofc. anything relating to steve or billy because I am a simple soul who just wants my fav to find live and happiness in the form of one steve harrington.
last thing I googled: matthew mcconaughey (I had to make sure I was spelling his name right 😂)
other blogs: we got the main @imjustapoorboi where I mostly just reblog the things I find funny. I have a concerning about of sideblogs that we don’t talk about anymore. @tmialec is my old shadowhunters side blog that somehow garnered over 4000 followers and I’d be lying if I haven’t used it to promote my work lmao.
do I get asks: YES and I go 🥰 and scream internally every time I see one omg. they all make my day I promise. so if you’ve sent me an ask and it hasn’t been posted, I HAVE seen it and I so loved it okay!! I have so many and so little time to respond the way I want to, which most often includes an entire ficlet because I am not normal.
why I chose my url: that fucking bernie meme lmao the “I am once again mourning the antagonist” it felt very fitting for me considering at the time I made this blog I was also crying over loki every damn day.
following: 197 !! almost all harringrove considering I went and unfollowed all the inactive blogs from fandoms I’m no longer a part of.
followers: 253 on this blog which is INSANE hello?? I love all of you so much!!
instruments: ukulele, guitar, piano, bass, violin, clarinet, soprano saxophone, and alto saxophone :))) I am constantly trying to learn more teeheehee. don’t ask me to play a double reed tho, it won’t be good for any of us.
what am I wearing: my college sweatshirt and a pair of blue pajama pants that do not match because I am sick and haven’t gotten actually dressed since christmas.
dream job: currently in school to become a pediatric oncologist but... we’ll see if I can get accepted to med school 😅
dream trip: ... anywhere that isn’t on the west coast lmao. the furthest east I’ve been is wyoming and I wanna experience what life is like on the other side of the us lmao. out of the country would also be fuckin rad too.
favorite foods: mac and cheese, but only when it’s creamy. I don’t want any of that sticky shit. add more milk you heathens. and bread!! sourdough bread hits the motherfucking spot. my diet consists of strictly carbs as you can see.
nationality: us citizen. a nice little tossup between washingtonian and oregonian which is fun to explain to people.
favorite song at the moment: i haven’t been able to stop listening to catherine by magic man because it just brings me back to simpler times.
last book I read: my physics text book? look imma be honest with you all... I have never read books for pleasure. fanfic? all day long. school ruined reading for me so I never was able to enjoy it because it always felt like a chore.
top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: this is always such a tough question but the shadowhunters universe would probably one because I wanna be a fucking warlock and fall in love with a gay shadowhunter okay? don’t question my life choices. also the marvel universe because I wanna get snapped. dust me away purple man. also a world with paul rudd as a legit superhero is a world I wanna live in. and I guess it would have to be stranger things right? the eighties is always a win!
tagging: @smashmouth-hargrove, @cherrydreamer, @withoneheadlight, and @psychicwarfarebaby. only do it if you want of course, and sorry if you’ve already done it/been tagged 💜
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