#and more and more are losing lives and permadying
oasisofgalaxies · 1 year
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
dude i just would love to see you write some sorta off role swap of qsmp like i think is such a fun concept and i really like you writing, you always make it so expressive, so enjoyable to read!
in my mind i feel like the mystery twins would swap with rivoier - and idk maybe jaiden could swap with baghera? would pac and mike swap with each other or would pac swap with fit? it opens so many possibilites lmao
See, I personally would start with something small for my own sanity:
After Tilin’s death, Roier took his anger towards Slime and Aimee it towards Cucurucho because, like? They brought Flippa back? Why can’t they bring Tilin back??
Double that anger when Flippa dies just inches away from Roier only a breath later.
He doesn’t go the more overt route that Quackity did in canon, no. He keeps playing along, but he starts converting his torture dungeon in his basement into a multipurpose torture spreen dungeon and a torture cucurucho dungeon. Because, like, okay, Cucurucho can say no now, but Roier’s sure he can be… convinced.
(He is a man of many talents)
So, by the time Cellbit and the Brazilians crash on the island, Roier has started tagging along with the Theory Bros. Not because he really cares about the mysteries or whatever, but because he needs information on Cucurucho
Now let’s see what Roleswap Cellbit gets up to, and I’ll say this now, he’s still super into enigmas, especially once Felps gets kidnapped
But the important thing here is that Cellbit is sticking by his intention to keep his head down and raise Richarlyson… while still kinda trying to figure out what that flying green thing is. Sure, he’s vaguely murderous, but who isn’t on this island ngl
Cellbit Does Photography. He gets a picture of Felps and Cucurucho just before Felps is taken, and that’s the first time he and Roier really interact because Roier’s like “Bro fuck that guy, he stole your friend, he won’t bring our kids back to life even though he can. What a dick”
And Cellbit’s like “The kids can die for good???”
And thus, out of worry for Richarlyson, he starts tagging along with Roier when Roier goes Cucurucho Hunting with the Theory Bros
Sure, Cellbit is still royally pissed at Cucurucho, especially when Richarlyson loses both his lives and permadies in a dungeon, but he keeps it all internalized and dedicates himself to building his castle and the paranormal entity rooms in extreme detail in Richas’ honor
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thinking about how for one glorious, horrible session of third life, skizzleman was basically the grim freakin reaper.
thinking about how in session 7, he got eight whole seconds into his episode before declaring that he had to kill somebody today, that today someone would die.
and he did kill somebody.  two somebodies.  two red lives.
y’know skizz is the only life series member to have ONLY gotten permakills?  everyone else has gotten at least one kill on someone other than a red life.
thing about it is, skizz was very, very bloodthirsty that episode, but despite that bloodlust, he actually arguably spared as many as he slew.  after jimmy’s death, scar was still relatively cornered in that same box, and while the rest of the red army did tell him that it was the banner or death, skizz was the one to rephrase that to “give up the banner and you get to live”, which was an opportunity that scar took to change the situation from Combat (a fight he would lose) to Negotiation (a fight he can, and did, win).  after cleo’s death, he even more explicitly spares bdubs, allows him to go because, unlike cleo, bdubs didn’t attack ren.
it’s not just the murders that make me describe him as the grim freakin reaper, it’s the long-term effects.  obviously the permakills stay permadead for the rest of third life.  but the folks he spared came second and third in duration of being alive, and the guy who won the season was the guy who ultimately killed him.  for one glorious, horrible session, skizz determined who lives and dies, not entirely to his own benefit.
and THEN.  so obviously the permakills stay permadead for the rest of the season.  and cleo’s already technically undead, so uh. bottom text. 
but then there’s jimmy.  the guy whose failed bomb defusal set both himself and skizz to red life, the guy who skizz was hanging out with during scar’s death, the first permadeath of third life and of all other life serieses since.  i could make a pretty convincing argument that jimmy is still feeling the consequences of the arrow skizz put through his him, seeing as uh, he’s still permadying first in life series to this day.  grim freakin reaper.  long-term consequences.
and this is a kind of ridiculous tangent to go off on about someone who is generally just a silly goofy guy who is unflinchingly loyal to his friends, but like, it’s also true.
it’s like. skizz caused the first two permadeaths of third life and then became the third.  we’re all just normal about that?
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starglowwos · 1 year
curses, coincidences, and deity influences
so um. i kinda wrote an essay of some sorts
version that might be easier to read is at https://goldstargloww.neocities.org/goldsaysstuff/
the canary curse
canary call, the first to fall / forever caged in different walls. everyone knows this one - canaries were used in coal mines in the 1900s as a warning to miners that there where toxic gases such carbon dioxide or other asphyxiant gases in the air, which would effect small warm blooded animals faster than larger ones due to their quicker respiratory exchange. canaries were found to be more sensitive and effective than mice as they showed more visible signs of distress. canaries were brought into mines in carriers and cages to save the miners, often at the expense of their own lives (though sometimes they had little oxygen bottles to revive the birds)
this is jimmy. jimmy is always out first, without fail, in every season. he's the first one to be struck with lightning and separated from everyone else.
3rd life; died in a war with his husband despite being in a bunker.
last life; died because he got a bit too greedy as a red life and tried to push his brother-figure into a trap, and then faced the consequences.
double life; got caught and strangled by an enderman, leaving his cursed by proxy soulmate to die alone.
limited life; once again got too greedy as a red life and fell off the bridge along with the tnt minecraft he tried to push off of it. in fact, this wasn't even supposed to ever happen. he was supposed to die earlier, when etho got his boogey kill, but he got the incorrect amount of time subtracted from his total. he wasn't supposed to be alive - he was dead before he hit the ground.
two deaths from trying to keep himself safe, two from fall damage, two from greed. ironic how a bird dies twice from falling to his death, huh?
the canary in the coal mine analogy is actually vaguely referenced in the very first parts of 3rd life session one. martyn's digging down and asks bigb to sing for him so when martyn can't hear him anymore he knows he's dug too deep and it's time to leave
miners attempted to revive their canaries because of how much they relied on them. jimmy, however? no potential for revival there.
attempts to break the curse have been made. they've never succeeded.
jimmy's never seen anyone permadie. he's never seen a dead body. the day he does, if ever, is surely gonna hurt. "that should've been me".
the watcher curse
this one isn't really official, it's more of a pattern, and one harder to 'prove'. those who are watcher aligned (ex. grian) tend to cause themselves and their allies to lose or die early.
grian caused scar's death in 3rd life.
all the southlanders died in last life, hell jimmy and mumbo were to his own hands, the two he was closest to.
he killed bigb in double life despite them being secret soulmates.
all the bad boys and clockers died in limited life, many because of him, notably scar.
the listener blessing
pretty much the opposite to the watcher curse, where everyone who's listener aligned (ex. scott, martyn, pearl) tend to cause themselvs and their allies to win or live longer.
grian won third life with scar as second place - scott was allies with both of them
scott himself won last life with pearl, his closest ally, in the top four
pearl (and technically scott, in a sense) won double life with the other half of the divorce quartet as second or third/fourth place. tilly death do us part!
martyn won limited life by betraying his own mean gill, "and i wouldn't have had it any other way."
scott has been allied with every single person who has won one of these death games up to limited life.
dogwarts, despite not winning in the end, certaintly got very close to it. and martyn was the last of the king and his hand to die.
he made it to the top four in last life and in double life
he won limited life, maybe not the most honorably, but it's been coming all the way since red winter and his plan for red spring. and the watchers were notably involved in this win, too. "THIS IS A DEATH MATCH FOR A REASON."
the phoenix curse (etho)
every odd numbered season, etho loses his last life to fire/burning. in even numbered seasons, nothing fire/burning related even really happens
unnamed (joel)
joel always tends to end up alone and desperate for kills
the watcher's self fulfilling prophecy
the idea that because us, the watchers, the viewers, believe in these curses and stuff, makes them true
the canary curse
the idea that the watchers pushed jimmy off skynet in limited life to continue the canary curse
the widow curse
sort of ties into the watcher curse and listener blessing. the thought that with grian, he causes his allies to die and him to be left standing. with the listener aligned players, they're the only ones left standing until the end.
referenced by scott and cleo in third life, when their husbands die they'd make the widow's alliance
grian never being boogeyman
grian is a watcher who's inserted himself into the games. if he wasn't ever meant to play, if he was only ever meant to watch, why should he be a valid entry?
could be tied to the amount of lives he got in last life, as well. he wasn't meant to be there in the first place. why let him play longer?
the AFK session (grian)
canonically (to eyesandears), grian was pulled away from his body during the AFK session. "pause, unpause, we paralyze / a vacant stare for wandering eyes."
the watchers are pissed that grian keeps getting to play. they're trying their best to rip him out of the games and return to their grasp.
the border
"here's the thing about being beyond the veil - we're already dead."
being beyond the border doesn't protect you. it only hurts you. grian knows this because he's a watcher
bigb's invisibility
bigb was briefly invisible to scott during a fight in limited life due to a glitch in the game. what if this is just because the watchers hate scott with a passion and wanted to make his life harder? we already know they hate him
the fact that it was bigb, a former evo member, is interesting too…
playing by the rules - compliance and refusal
martyn either tries his hardest and fails, or obliges against his will.
his attempted boogey kill on scott failed and the shadow was very upset with him for this. they gave him one job and he failed.
he was very clearly influenced by the watchers to break the notion that red lives should all of a sudden be honorable at the final few again.
scott's outright denial
scott tried the whole boogeyman thing once in last life, but the next time he straight up refused to play by the rules. he told everyone he was the boogeyman and laid out his plan of playing as normal unless a situation arises where he could steal a kill.
he denied his soulmate in double life and went and got a new one
rushed boogey kill in limited life instead of building up the suspense the watchers wanted
has technically won 2/4 games.
bdubs being unwatched
bdubs didn't record his limited life perspective. he could only have been watched through others's perspectives, or heard about.
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
Okay. So.
Having sat down and rested long enough to think this through, I am now more sure than ever that last night’s game was wildly and horribly unbalanced and unfair to the players.
Which is weird, because even at it’s most dire, Critical Role has never felt unbalanced. Molly’s death was caused by them not having a healer, but otherwise the encounter with the Iron Shepherds felt like it could’ve gone either way. Losing Yasha to the Laughing Hand and Obann was tragic, but at the same time it felt like the combat could go any way.
Last night, though? It was made very clear very quickly that Matt was using a character that had all the power to kill the entire group, and no reservation to hold back. It felt entirely too much like the sort of encounter a vindictive DM would throw at his players for the sole point of getting them killed and nothing else—the sort of DM that Matt isn’t, which is why this feels so weird.
So where does that leave us? Because from what we saw of Otohan last night, she doesn’t seem like the type to let the dead be revived, believing only the strong are allowed to live. And if those who permadied last night stay dead, it will feel unfair, undeserved.
Which is why I think last night was a nightmare.
I think that the whole combat last night happened in Imogen’s head, as a ploy by Otohan to make her bend the knee. She was forced to watch as her friends died around her, until she finally reached her limit and let the storm take over her. Numerous times throughout that conflict, Matt pointed out the burning sensation in Imogen’s gut as a sensation she had during her dreams—it wouldn’t be a far stretch to then take that to mean that the whole conflict last night had just been a dream.
Of course, just because it was a dream doesn’t mean it wasn’t real. We’ve seen how Imogen is so viscerally affected by her dreams, so I can imagine that whatever fall out from this conflict she’s experiencing in her Dark Phoenix mode is going to carry over into her true self. In addition, it’s entirely plausible everyone was locked in this dream, and when they wake they’ll feel how they died, how they lost.
It’ll be visceral, it’ll be terrible, and it will make the Bells Hells all the more aware of the fact of just how in deep and out of their range they currently are. Or, conversely, perhaps this is just a worst possible scenario running through Imogen’s mind, and all of the terrifyingly OP legendary actions Otohan was using only exist in the dreamscape.
All of this is to say I am hopeful that the Bells aren’t permadead from this unfair encounter, and of all the options, a terrible nightmare honestly makes a lot of sense.
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wolfclaire · 1 year
Reading through the asks.. I can't believe that dragon Gem is an even worse sibling than the wizard that would kill her own twin (amd others) just for insulting her hat-
And she's trying to do good unlike miss very morally questionable over there
Hi, thank you for your ask!
I mean, the Wizard lived in a world where respawning was infinite, so she did not have to worry about killing anyone and having real consequences for it
If this Afterlife also had infinite respawns, you could bet there would be more death than what Wizard Gem did (and there also would not be Zombie Gem, cause remember, she permadied and was brought back)
Killing anyone does get less important the more lives you can lose/take form others. In a world with infinite lives, Death just become...meaningless, without any worth, almost a nuinsance when you wale up and needs to gather all your stuff back and the exp...
So comparing these two Gems using "death" as a measure of "goodness", where one can die how many times she wants and the other only can die only once (or twice, if you soemhow come back as a Zombie) is not that good...
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blockgamepirate · 3 years
What I really appreciate about Ranboo and what he just did with his Dream SMP character is that he actually kinda made the three lives system work better?
Sure it was a bit awkward in the moment because nobody really realised that he permadied, but it's better in the long run:
I've been saying for literally over a year now that the three lives system needs to have a level of uncertainty! THE VIEWER SHOULD NOT KNOW HOW MANY LIVES EACH CHARACTER IS ON. Not for certain at least! Not unless they've seen them die twice! And honestly neither should the other characters.
I think that's important, to keep it from becoming JUST a counting game. Every time someone dies (canonically), the viewer and the other characters should be thinking "oh god! are they gonna respawn? did they have lives left?" Rather than going "well that's one life down, two to go!"
(Relatedly, I like also that there's a certain level of ambiguity about Techno's lives because he's technically said that he has three before, but he does not seem secure in the knowledge whatsoever, and kinda acts more like the people who are known to be on one life. It could be just that he knows he can't afford to lose his reputation as unkillable, or just that you know, dying sucks even if you do respawn. But you can't help but wonder if that's the case, and that's good! Even if it turns out that he actually has 10 million lives, the fact that the audience is questioning if he even has more than one is good.)
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bdoubleowo · 3 years
Ethubs is in it's flower husbands arc.
we have:
A duo that share a base. They have a big wall around it.
One loses two lives in session 4 and goes red. He permadies in session 7.
The other doesn't drop below 3 lives.
They are referred to as married in canon.
Frequently called platonic husbands by fans.
The beginning of session 7 is full of domestic fluffy shenanigans that lure you into a false sense of security.
Both have a declaration of love ("I'm confessing my love"/"he loves me")
probably more I just can't remember everything
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ultravhasart · 2 years
Of course i wanna hear about your minecraft lore!
nonny i love you so fucking much for coming into my inbox, anyways so heres the idea:
I’ve read a lot of fics where its set in minecraft, The Game, and the ‘mechanics’ of the world range from legit just the game mechanics (admins, punching wood, all that) to irl mechanics (no respawns, realistic experiences of actually living in the woods) However, most of the fics are somewhere in between.
I wanted to make a world structure that would mesh well with travelling to different worlds, and also just add some unique ideas to the mechanics.
First of all: there are an infinite amount of worlds, and most will never be touched by players. Most of them are ‘hardcore’ so if you die once, you permadie (more on that later), and then in some you have two lives, a small few have three, etc. and the more lives a world has, the rarer it is to find.
Second of all: Most players wake up in a world all by themselves, and slowly learn how to do more things the longer they are alive. Once they’ve lived long enough, they gain the knowledge to teleport to other worlds, but it takes time and energy, and they can only teleport randomly, since they don’t know the addresses of any specific worlds.
They usually end up meeting other players at some point, make some friends, then get a few addresses of worlds to travel to, from those friends. Places like Hypixel, for example, are big hubs where lots of people have decided to settle down, so the address of that world is well known.
Thirdly: The longer you live, the more abilities you gain. As said before, you slowly learn how to do things the longer you live, like creating nether portals and travelling to different worlds. It’s based on a ‘knowledge’ you get from living, it can’t be taught. If you manage to live longer than most, you can gain more unique abilities, like enchanting items with just your hands, or controlling the weather, or even teleportation.
Fourthly: When you permadie, it’s not actually death. You just restart. You lose all your memories, meaning you lose all abilities you once had, and you’re put into another, far off world, probably alone. You have to figure out how to craft, fight, mine all over again. Also, you don’t just die through losing all the lives in whatever world you’re on. Even if you’re on a world with near limitless lives, if you die too many times in a row too quickly, or the death was particularly gruesome, or even you’re just tired, the next death might be the last.
Everyone knows that trying to look for your dead friends is worthless, because even at the small chance that you find them, they’re not the same person you knew.
These are the basic rules I have laid out, but I think it allows a lot of worlds (DSMP, hermitcraft, last life) to fit together in the same shared universe. There are also a few things I skipped out on (attitudes towards death, usernames, comms, thematic value) because I just wanted to post a condensed version, but please ask about those if you want!
There are also some things with this structure that I really like in terms of logistics, like Hypixel and other main hubs probably form because they’re in worlds with a very high life count, therefore gathering a lot of people towards them.
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riacte · 3 years
Dogwarts / 3rd Life Cheat Sheet for MCC 15 Purple Pandas
Ren and Martyn were buddies in Season 1 of the 3rd Life SMP and they are an alliance known as the Renchanting duo/ Kingdom of Dogwarts. Now they’re finally teamed up, and the 3rd Life SMP members have a habit of referring to 3rd Life in MCC. The Ren-Martyn fandom also talks about Dogwarts a lot. If you have no idea what is a Dogwarts and why people love them, no fear! This post will try to explain it in simple terms.
3rd Life SMP is a SMP started by Grian. Season 1 has 14 members (roughly half are hermits, other half are friends of the hermits. You can find the full list in the description of Ren’s 3rd Life videos.) Everyone on the server has three lives— the first life symbolised by green names, second by yellow names, third by red names. If you lose all three lives, you permadie. Green names and yellow names are not allowed to be hostile unless they were attacked first, but the goal of red names is to kill everyone on the server. The three lives are also symbolised by three hearts, like this:
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(Fun fact: Because of the green-yellow-red colours, the subtwt for 3rd Life is called traffictwt after traffic lights. The 3rd Life tumblr fandom is occasionally referred to as trafficblr.)
3rd Lifers record every week for three hours at the same time with proximity chat. The server has a small border to encourage interaction. They are eight sessions in total, and they’re all cut into YouTube episodes (no streams!), so it’s fairly bingeable.
So what’s the deal with Martyn and Ren?
Ren decided to set up an enchanting shop during the first session. Martyn was wandering around and having fun scaring people with creeper noises until he came to Ren’s enchanting shop. Martyn then used Ren’s enchanting service without paying (essentially a robbery), but Ren let Martyn go on the condition Martyn would act as a walking free advertisement. Martyn agreed, and they became business partners. Martyn actually coined the name Renchanting and its motto “Don’t be a Dog, be a God”. Ren named Martyn as his “marketing manager” (which sounds a little like Martynmanager).
True to his word, Martyn went around and spread the good news of Renchanting to everyone. Martyn brought business to Renchanting, and when Ren was being threatened by customers (who harassed Ren into lower his prices/ giving out enchantments for free), Martyn acted defensive of Ren and even said Ren was being “bullied”. Ren was being taken advantage of because he was too nice. (Martyn did do some stuff not related to Ren, but since this is a Dogwarts cheat sheet I won’t be mentioning that.)
Then came GoodTimesWithScar. The main “villain” to Renchanting, if you will.
Basically, Scar was playing the role of a cartoon villain. He scammed people out of their armour and possessions, and eventually found his way to Renchanting. At that point, Martyn and Ren were loyal to each other. Scar asked for Ren’s enchanting table. In return, when Scar turned red, he would not kill Ren and Martyn. Ren appeared to be torn, but due to Martyn depending on him and the business, he refused Scar’s offer (“you can’t take the enchanting out of Renchanting!”). Scar also acted condescending to Martyn (Martyn was seen as Ren’s “minion”). So Ren and Martyn were officially on Scar’s kill list, but Ren did not regret it.
At some point, Ren got tired of people walking into his store and stepping all over him, so he built high walls around the Renchanting building. Everyone (including Renchanting themselves) broke through the walls, and this was a running gag. Ren declared himself king by wearing the crown he got from MCC9 Blue Bats.
Note: Ren was kind, and it was the cruel world that forced Ren to be defensive. Other POVs paint them as the villain but Dogwarts enthusiasts will say that is not the case AT ALL.
Time passed. Scar turned red. He and his buddy Grian set up traps at Renchanting, and one blew up Ren and a bunch of other people. Ren, now a yellow name, was furious, but could not get his revenge because yellow names were not allowed to hurt other players. So naturally, Ren decided to become a red.
Ren renamed an axe to “RED WINTER IS COMING” and gave it to Martyn to chop his head off. (There’s some dramatic roleplay here, highly recommend a watch.) Martyn painfully did, and the message “Red Winter is Coming” was shown in the chat, which told everyone that Ren meant business. To test Martyn’s loyalty, Ren told Martyn he could kill him if he wanted to. Ren, freshly respawned and without armour, punched Martyn. Martyn, as a green name, could attack Ren due to Ren attacking first. However, Martyn did not kill Ren, and dramatically declared Ren was the one who showed him life, and thus he would return the favour.
So Ren was known as the Red King (with grey skin, bloodied MCC crown, and a Scottish/pirate accent). Martyn became known as the King’s Hand, and called Ren “my lord” “my liege”. Later, Martyn acquired an outfit with a cloak and a red hand on the back of the cloak, which is now used to symbolise Martyn.
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They established the Kingdom of Dogwarts (after Hogwarts and the enchanting/magic gimmick) to find more allies (notable ones include Ethoslab and Skizzleman). Allies could stick a Red Banner in their base to show loyalty, members were called Red Knights / Red Army.
A Red Banner (the design is supposed to be blood dripping down):
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Without spoiling too much, Ren and Martyn remained loyal to each other till the very end. They were very dramatic (even jokingly called homoerotic by some lmao) and had many hardcore quotes, and are highly beloved. They are the most dramatic and RP intensive group on the server. So people want Dogwarts, the king and his hand, together again.
A small sample of quotes that might be referenced:
I think going red next week is in my fate. It’s in my cards. There will be blood, for this. A king cannot be king without war. (Ren)
I won’t do it! You took me in when I was a lowly traveller, goin’ across the lands, searchin’ the four corners of this world. I learned that there was nothing in this world for me. Nothing but walls, corners, edges. And you know what? You showed me life. As much as I’ve taken it from you, you gave it back to me in bucket fulls. and I just- I’m with you. This is us now. This is us. (Martyn)
If we're going to survive the Red Winter, we gotta do it together, laddies. Hand in hand. Rotten hand in hand of the living. To the end! (Ren)
It’s just the world versus us. (Martyn)
(Note: Dogwarts refers to the group of people allied with Ren and Martyn, including Etho and Skizzleman. Renchanting duo refers to Ren and Martyn ONLY)
Other references:
Joel notably screamed “THE RED KING DIES TONIGHT, FELLAS!” with a crowd of wolves following him
Dogwarts killed Grian and Scar’s llama Pizza because Scar stole a Red Banner
Jimmy and Scott were flower husbands. Jimmy thought Renchanting was going to sacrifice Scott.
Everyone else in MCC (Grian, Scott, Jimmy, Joel) were enemies with Dogwarts
The 3rd Lifers reference 3rd Life a lot despite it being over. Martyn even fought for Dogwarts in MCC14 and MCCP but failed. Haha.
The fandom commonly refers to Purple15 as King (Ren), Queen (False), Ace (Illumina), and Joker/Hand (Martyn) after playing cards.
This is it, I am tired, this is probably too long but I feel I skipped a lot of details. If anyone has anything to add or correct, feel free to do so. Also, I’m pretty certain this won’t appear in the tags, so please reblog! Thank you, and Red Winter is Coming.
(I might add a reblog detailing False’s very much fanon involvement in Dogwarts, and why everyone was so hyped for Renchanting + False.)
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sydneydoesstuff · 3 years
Dear DSMP fans (specifically my worriers),
c!Tommy’s not going to die, nor is cc!Tommy quitting the SMP.
The absolute uproar I’ve seen because cc!Tommy was acting sus in today’s stream is absolutely insane.
I understand the worry over his character dying, or that he’s going to quit the SMP, but it’s unlikely that either will happen.
Take a breath, it’s going to be okay. I promise.
First, about cc!Tommy.
“Tommy’s more focused on YouTube, and this could be him attempting to exit the SMP and quit streaming.”
Yes, Tommy’s been more focused on YouTube, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to quit streaming. He’s testing out new content on YouTube to see if his fan base will enjoy non-SMP related videos. This is a common procedure YouTubers do to see what content works and what doesn’t. Right now, streaming is where he gets a good portion of his YouTube videos, and he won’t just stop streaming without any notice. He says he’s really enjoying YouTube at the minute, and while he is streaming less, he still likes to stream!
As for quitting the SMP, if you pay attention to other cc’s perspectives, you’ll know that they have plans that involve Tommy’s character. Jack Manifold has been working on a scheme to kill Tommy with Niki’s help, and there are way too many loose ends to tie up before that happens.
Hypothetically, if he did quit playing on the SMP—which he’s not, take a breath—he’s going to be in DSMP S2, so it wouldn’t be long until we see him playing with everyone again.
My next point is that, career wise, it wouldn’t make sense for him to completely quit playing on the SMP. The SMP allows him to collaborate with a multitude of creators, and as such, the SMP is the primary reason for his huge influx in success. While he may take a step back, I don’t think he’ll fully leave.
Lastly, Tommy has said many times that he really enjoys playing on the server and hopes it never ends. He’s been playing on the server nearly everyday offline—he said so himself.
He’s not losing interest in the server, he just wants to explore new things.
Now, for c!Tommy.
I have the utmost faith that Tommy’s character is not going to die tomorrow.
Narratively, it doesn’t make any sense for several reasons:
Dream has made clear that his story with Tommy is not over and won’t be for a very long time.
“I don’t think our story will ever be over, Tommy. I think that, you’re just too fun.”
Dream plans on keeping Tommy alive, for a very long time, to torment. As he says, Tommy is just too fun to leave be. He’s his primary source of entertainment, and I don’t think Dream will ever willingly leave Tommy in peace—and that includes allowing him to die.
“It’s not your time to die yet, Tommy.”
“It’s never my time to die.”
“That’s true.”
Dream has way too many plans for Tommy to simply kill him off. What’s the point of the discs if the person who cares about them is dead?
Niki and Jack Manifold.
If Tommy were to die, it would—from a meta perspective—throw off Jack and Niki’s plans.
Jack’s plan is riding on Tommy making it past tomorrow. In two weeks time, Jack and Niki plan on luring Tommy to a nuclear test sight to “accidentally” kill him. There’s no way to do that unless Tommy makes it out alive tomorrow.
Their revenge arc would feel pointless if Tommy were to die tomorrow, and it would leave their characters in limbo. Niki and Jack’s characters currently ride on Tommy’s existence, and they have no further motivation past him.
Wilbur is currently experiencing a resurrection arc. If Tommy were to die and become a ghost, it would completely overshadow Wilbur’s arc.
Wilbur’s arc is moving pretty slow at the moment, and if Tommy were to interrupt it by dying, it would quickly overtake Wilbur’s story.
Tommy, while briefly reunited with Technoblade, has not resolved his conflict with said man.
It would feel out of place for Tommy to die without fully resolving that tension. Their dispute would take the back-burner, and it would cheapen their issues.
It would be messy. Tommy’s death would make the entire story feel never-ending, with loss after loss after loss. It’s not good storytelling, and it would ruin too many threads throughout the narrative.
The heroes need to have losses and victories, and a permadeath is much too heavy of a loss after just losing L’Manburg. That’s why it’s more likely that Tommy’s ends up in prison than canonically permadying.
The prison, while said to be the equivalent of losing all three canon lives to whoever’s put there, inspires action.
It’s not a coincidence that Tubbo has nuclear weapons, and we have no way of knowing how those nuclear weapons stack up against the prison. There will eventually be a need to test that power.
While it’s possible Tommy and Tubbo may win their fight tomorrow, it’s not very likely, as Tommy would dub it “the end” of his story.
“Once I get back the discs, it’ll be finished, the melody will be over.”
And we all know Dream’s not going to let that happen any time soon.
Tommy’s story is not over, and it won’t be for a very long time.
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ultravhasart · 2 years
Ohh angsty minecraft story line? yes please
Second anon I also love you omggg I’m glad you’re interested
So this is set in the same universe as the previous post, and Alex, Herobrine, and Steve are some of the first players to be in the universe. Steve is The First, actually.
They’re friends, everythings good, but it has to end at some point, and they all permadie eventually. Pretty standard stuff, in this universe.
Herobrine is the last to go. Except, Herobrine doesn’t die like everyone else. He restarts in another world, far away, of course, but he still has his memories. And because he has his memories, he still has all the knowledge, and therefore abilities, he had in his last life.
He’s confused, and at first doesn’t realise that everyone else forgets after they permadie. He tries to find Steve and Alex again, wondering why they never tried to find him. He can’t find them. He dies again, and keeps searching, and he can’t find them.
He doesn’t have any super powerful abilities at the start, of course, since he hasn’t lived long enough, but he never loses his memories when he dies, so he slowly becomes more and more powerful.
He finally finds Steve and Alex, but they don’t remember him, and it crushes him. he has no idea why they don't remember him.
There’s a lot of rumours going around about him, he’s a mystery, a fable. The more time passes, the stranger he seems in terms of his skill. At some point he starts to hide it.
He does a lot of shit, gets a little too drunk on power at one point, and he’s killed, again and again. But there’s no clean slate waiting for him, and he can’t forget his mistakes like everyone else around him.
He realised a long while ago that he must have glitched out, fucked up, whatever. He approaches Alex again, this time without mentioning their past, and its good for a while. Until she dies, again.
He keeps doing it, finding either Alex or Steve, befriending them, watching them die. Alex and Steve find each other a lot, weirdly. They always end up by each other's sides. He’s the only person in the whole universe who’s stupid enough to find his friends after a permadeath, but he’s also the only person who has enough power and time to do so.
Alex and Steve notice he’s keeping secrets, a lot of the time.
Finally, he decides that this time, he’ll tell them everything.
He sits them down, and explains it, and they’re not as scared as he thought they’d be, thankfully. He promises that he’s not looking for them to be like his old friends, just that they can be friends.
They die, eventually, of course. But he knows that next time he finds them, he’ll ask again.
That mightve been a little too prose-y for an ask sorry I’m just going crazy thinking about this everyday. I tried to add this as well and couldn’t fit it, but they have an alliteration thing going, where Steve is the First, Alex is the Friend, and Herobrine is the Fable.
Also, there's a universe-wide joke where you jokingly pretend that the other person is herobrine, because really, youd never know! And I think this’d be hilarious for herobrine to encounter.
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