#dragon gem
wolfclaire · 7 months
Chapter 71 of Alone together? is out now!
It was a peaceful day. It was a quiet day. Until it was not. The danger, the monster, was coming. Her best friend was being forced to leave. She was being forced to never see her again. She is still trying to protect her. Yet Gem cannot do anything in return. She can do nothing but watch, but scream, but cry.
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egophiliac · 10 months
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I have SO many thoughts about everything and they are in no kind of order yet, so here's just some quick little bits in the meantime!
I am not normal about any of these characters!
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 6 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 6 spoilers#me just staring at the ceiling thinking about anime characters#if i start talking about the big stuff now it's going to turn into a huge rambling mess so in the meantime#i did not get sebek (yet) (i need to contemplate my gems...) but i did see his groovy#he is just full-on cinderella-sparkles bibbidi-bobbidi-booing into that armor! magnificent.#and i really don't have enough words for how much i love tiny malleus. he is perfect. he is precious. he is everything to me.#he knows who his dad is no matter what some crusty dead talking ectoplasm blobs say#(man no wonder lilia's got hangups if THAT was the general attitude he was getting)#('eww you got your dirty bat cooties on the prince' go sit in the corner with mrs. rosehearts you absolute garbage)#(...i did kind of love that lilia started to wake up because the senate said one nice thing to him)#(and he immediately was like 'this is not reality')#(sounds about right)#on a lighter note i was just. SO charmed by the little throwaway about ✨dragon lord consort esteemed diplomat revaan✨#who picks the vegetables out of his food and hides them under the tablecloth#everything i learn about this man makes me like him more. he was SO dumb.#now we know where malleus gets it from i guess#also unrelated but once again the fact that i named my mc tamago has had unintentional consequences#tamago take the tamago and tamago tamagao tamago#frikkin love that when yuu gives the egg back you can just be like 'i love him. this is my baby now.' 100% accurate.#also yuu continually referring to malleus as tsunotarou even to the senate = amazing. yuu really has NO self-preservation or awareness.#they fit right in with everyone else#<- see what did i tell you. huge rambling mess.#and i haven't even BEGUN to talk about MELEANOR -- (is dragged offstage by a hook)
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synesthete-sylke · 3 months
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gem and the scotts because that team didn't get enough love!! it was such a great vibe, all three povs were super fun to watch
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sleepyorchidmonster · 2 months
Okay, but what if, after graduation, all the students band together and create a gigantic contract that states that, after their deaths, their respective UMs are to be given to Malleus, so he'll never be alone?
The contract's paper received protection from Vil's Fairest One of All, so it's basically indestructible (it can only be broken after Malleus himself dies).
Future Malleus tries to use everyone's magic at least once per day.
It's a Deal, Off With Your Head, Bind the Heart and Split Card are very useful for his daily activities as a ruler, he uses Oasis Maker to water his garden and help in times of drought, I See You is mostly used to keep prized possessions in check and Sleep Kiss has saved plenty of people.
The more destructive abilities like King's Roar are mostly used in times of peril (or when he wants to be petty and dramatic), and the same goes for Bet the Limit. Shock the Heart, Laugh With Me and Snake Whisper are very useful for intel gathering or pranks.
He uses Unleash the Beast whenever he visits a colder climate or just wants to change forms without turning into a dragon (he becomes a black wolf with green eyes, very fluffy). Doodle Suit is often used to make food taste terrible (he misses Lillia, even his atrocious cooking), while Fairest One of All protects all gargoyles frim erosion.
Far Cry Cradle is used to reminisce fond memories, and he likes to use Meet Me in a Dream to visit Ortho, who is still alive. He LOVES dashing around with Living Bolt.
He can't exactly use Gate to The Underworld, since it's hereditary and troublesome, so Idia gave him an indestructible tablet with a custom gargoyle game and a "Idia Mode" (the tablet makes annoying remarks, like "GG Folks" or "This RNG really is awful").
Malleus: As your King, I hereby declare that the Senate is to be immediately disbanded.
Senate: WHAT
Idia Tablet: LMAO. Sucks to suck!
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pocketmouse-fr · 1 month
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just a scry for now cus I've not been able to get my hands on a copy of Fnestra.....but,,, auburn,, my babygirl you were BORN for warrior.
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bluemarble-fr · 1 month
I am very happy for aether gene expansion in general but the new gene is so?? lovely?? Which is surprising for me
My first thought about it was lichen and moss:
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Driftwood ripple /moss laquer/ algae ornaments
nature faded eyes
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Soil tapir/ forest paisley/ olive ornaments
nature unusual eyes
Want them both so badly but the price
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heavyhandedhex · 11 months
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sending an army to the end
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alicent-archive · 10 months
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Alicent Hightower’s headpiece collection.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
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He’s cool 🧊 he’s hot🔥 Like a frozen sun.☀️
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star--nymph · 3 months
Vivienne's fear being 'becoming irrelevant' isn't something that's linked explicitly to her pride, no matter what Solas says about her (and the irony of Mr.Pride himself saying that should not be lost on you), it reveals what and who Vivienne truly is.
She's a survivalist.
Because we don't spend as much time in the Free Marches or Orlesian circles, we don't get to experience what being a mage is in these cultures. In Ferelden and Kirkwall, a mage is a lesser being without freedom no matter what they do--but in the Free Marches and Orlais specifically, mages are commodities that are given freedom so long as they play an entertaining enough role. They can explore the world if they have a noble patron, if they catch the right person's eye. They are, in a way, two sides of the same coin--refusing mages agency and forcing them to relay on higher powers. Vivienne lucked out, as sad as it is, when Bastion fell in love with her; she found someone who was contrarian enough to recognize her as a full person and also someone with power that could help her rise through the ranks. This is not to say that Vivienne on her own wasn't an exceedingly talented and intelligent individual--by nineteen she was already the youngest full fledged mage in Circle history and she was skilled enough to make herself an enchanter. But, I can not emphasize this enough, none of that matters if she didn't also play the Game and impress enough people.
Vivienne could have been the most brilliant mage in the history of Thedas and it means nothing if she was overlooked by nobility.
So when Bastion made her his mistress, she gained not just a lover but also a means to an end. Now she can use her magic to protect herself. Now she can roam where she wants and not be question for it because she's Madame Vivienne. Now, she can walk into the Orlasian court and belong there.
And what happens? Celene notices her and makes her the Court Enchanter, a position that has always been the equivalent of a jester. Vivienne took that title, ignored that it was essentially a glorified insult to who she is, and made it a position of power. She made the Court Enchanter into an advisor, a political rank. She had done the impossible and made mages an actual political entity in the Orlasian Court, something that wasn't seen outside of Tervinter (not counting what players can do under very specific conditions if they made mages in DAO and DA2).
All that, however, only continues as long as the court recognizes her as something worth their attention. Vivienne needs to maintain her act as Madame De Fer, The Lady of Iron, the Court Enchanter, The Jewel of the High Court, because the second she just becomes Vivienne, it's over for her. The assassins coming raining in, her name gets devoured by rumors and gossip, and she'll be found dead at bottom of the stair case with a dagger in her back if she's lucky.
So of course when the Circles fall apart during the Rebellion, she clings to that Loyalist Mages to maintain that structure--of course she moves her pieces to the Inquisition, knowing that if the Circle DOES fall, she at least as another place for herself and mages latch onto--of course when she hears that Celene replaced her with a new Court Enchanter that appeared out of no where, she grows to resent Morrigan.
Like, Morrigan literally pops up out of thin air, makes herself invaluable to Celene, and then plants herself in the place Vivienne had to claw her way up to and create so she could survive. Would you not be resentful when your life's work is usurped by some random witch of the wilds because she happened to charm the Empress? Everything Vivienne strived for all whisked away because the court find a gem who glimmers ever so slightly more than Vivienne.
So yes, Vivienne fears becoming irrelevant because the world has made it so that irrelevance for an Orlesian mage means death.
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felassan · 1 month
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Matthew Mercer: "I’m part of a brand-new audio series: #/DragonAge: Vows & Vengeance, which features characters from the upcoming Dragon Age: The Veilguard – & I have the pleasure of bringing the adorable skeleton Manfred both the game & podcast. <3 The Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance podcast launches tomorrow, 8/29: [link]" [source]
I guess we'll soon find out if Manfred talks or simply makes noises :D btw I think this is a new screenshot of Manfred? ^^ (Edit: it is :D)
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wolfclaire · 2 years
Referring to a comment I made on Ao3 about Tilly calling Grain an oversized chicken I want to know what everyone is called in Tillys Lil eye beads
Hi, thank you for your ask!
So, I went through everyone that Tilly has met (which is, suprise suprise, basically everyone that is in Double Life XD). Some will be influenced by what Pearl had told Tilly (*cough cough* Scott and Martyn *cough cough*), and some will be also judged by their petting abilities ;)
Bdubs - too loud but good food
BigB - person that doesnt want to give pets q-q
Cleo - trustworthy Zombie, soft and delicate pets
Etho - foxman with light pets
Grian - oversized chicken, hurt Pearl, must bite, enemy >:(
Impulse - gentle person, gentle pets
Jimmy - tiny birb, good pets tho
Martyn - meanie :(
Pearl - owner, mother, bestie, best pets ever <3
Ren - dogman, yet no pets q-q
Scar - sad man, hurt man, needs cheering up
Scott - bigger meanie >:(
Tango - warm person, warm pets
Spider Gem - bestie, many arms = many pets, must protect :<
Dragon Gem - oversized bat, enemy >:(
Zombie Gem - mean enemy Zombie, deserves to be bitten more >:(
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ferberus-skull · 5 months
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you WILL look at litebrite btw
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gooberscollage · 4 months
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Fantasy and Magic Collage with big thanks to @snailspng for most of these, and @oceantoyz and @plusie of course!!!
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 1 month
another photo shared by the fan who met ewan mitchell recently + answering questions.
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magpie-sphinx · 9 months
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in short: i decided to scry yesterday's daily exalt bonus. i now have a new g1 (brief edit. not 24 hours had passed and i had completely gened the beast)
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