#and lizzie was her mom for some spice
lesbianjackies · 2 years
ever after high/monster high unpopular opinions
yeah idk i'm bored and in an eah/mh mood. deal with it (ily)
i prefer eah to mh. i'm sorry, i grew up with eah, and though Now i can really appreciate mh, i will always like eah more. tbh i think the story is a bit deeper and honestly better oops
i don't like toralei all that much. this one i'm scared about bc i know everybody Loves Her, but i just. idk. i don't Dislike her or anything i've just never liked her nearly as much as the other characters. and i don't love her design very much, it just doesn't appeal to my personal aesthetic taste. she feels like a meaner, less aesthetically pleasing version of kitty cheshire to me (yes i know toralei came first but still)
now i do dislike frankie. i think she's super boring i'm sorry i don't hate her or anything but. idk she annoys me. i like her design tho
i like cupid's character in eah. maybe it's just because i grew up with ever after high and i'm biased but i don't think she's terrible in eah. i get the argument that they kinda reduced her character to a dexter simp and that she's more passive and yada yada but... number one she was in a whole different and entirely new world. it makes sense for her to be more passive and shy and stuff because she's in this new world that's totally different and that has a Lot more rules than the monster high universe. and also the fact that her personality kinda becomes dexter is kinda... realistic? like it's not Healthy don't get me wrong but like. a lot of people will become really obsessed with somebody they're attracted to and it can be normal for a lot of people to turn their crush into their personality. i think had the show gone on we would've seen cupid branch out more and get over dexter and become the cupid we knew and loved in monster high- we just didn't get enough time with her in the land of ever after. also i like her design in eah i like her mh design more but i think the ever after one is really cute!! also i think her personality's kind of adorable in ever after high.
i think some of the mh reboot dolls look really cool. like don't get me wrong the swimsuit ones and the family ones and a lot of the others are So Bad but a lot of them i really like!! i can't think of any examples and don't have to energy to look them up but i went through all of the monster high dolls with my bsf the other day and i remember liking a good amount of the reboots.
apple x raven makes me so uncomfy. my mom pointed out to me that raven's dad being the good king implies that her father is snow white's dad and that just makes me feel very icky about rapple. bc that means they are related. blood related. that means raven is snow white's half sister. and therefore apple's aunt. discosting.
i like lagoona!! a lot!!! i get that she doesn't have Much personality but idk. i think she's sweet and i really really love her and her design. fuck gil tho
raven annoys me tbh. i don't hate her or anything but she just kinda irritates me and i don't like her voice very much. sorry erin fitzgerald
i don't like darabella. i think it's boring ok there's no spice no flavor i don't like it!! i Get that she makes him a better person i Get it it makes Sense but No. i like daring x lizzie aha. i think the reason i prefer dizzie is because #1: spice and #2: with darabella rosabella makes daring a better person but he does absolutely nothing for her. like he does nothing to break her out of her shell or make her think of herself more or smth like that it's completely one-sided. with dizzie (and cerise x daring, which i also like but not as much as dizzie) you see daring sacrifice himself for lizzie's sake and you see lizzie soften around him. it's mutually beneficial and very, very cute. i love them.
alrighty!! hope these were enjoyable, and don't feel bad if you disagree with me (also don't send me hate over it bc that's not cool!!) it's my personal opinion and the things i say mean absolutely nothing y'all i'm a fucking idiot. love u
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maddie-grove · 1 year
Jane Austen Novels, Ranked by How Easy They Are to Adapt into Modern-Day High School AUs
Emma: I believe most of us have seen Clueless, so little elaboration is required here. However, I will point out three things that make the switch to a modern-day high school AU particularly easy. First, Emma doesn’t need to marry Knightley, or anyone else, for money or status; she just marries him because she loves him. It’s easier to translate that dynamic to a modern-day teenage romance, even if you nix the actual marriage. Second, the novel is set in one small village where everyone knows each other, which is not unlike a high school. Third, a self-assured high school junior/senior is fairly analogous to a small-town belle a few years out in society.
Northanger Abbey: I think this works best if Catherine is (a) going to a preppy boarding school for the first time or (b) spending a semester/year as an exchange student. She should be a fish out of water who’s not being supervised by her parents, but by less involved adults. (Northanger Abbey also works great if Catherine is a first-year college student.) With these caveats, Catherine is a great teen heroine, who goes through such relatable struggles as getting lost in the gothic novel sauce and spending too much time with a boorish loudmouth out of politeness. Catherine also isn’t desperate to marry for material reasons, although Henry is a great match for her in that sense.
Sense and Sensibility: Back when I was in high school, I read a YA novel that made the Dashwood sisters into modern-day English teens. It wasn’t great, but it basically made sense. Many of Elinor and Marianne’s problems translate just fine to the modern day: liking a guy who’s not available, liking a guy who’s romantic and intense but untrustworthy, having a complicated relationship with your sister, having to kind of parent your mom, suffering financial stress, having a frenemy you can’t shake, etc. Some elements of the plot need adjusting, of course. Elinor and Marianne can’t marry their way into making their family financially solvent as teens, and Marianne can’t end up with a guy in his mid-thirties…not unless you’re going really gritty, anyway.
Mansfield Park: The trouble with Mansfield Park is that almost everybody is related. This fact creates problems both for the “modern” (because dating your blood-related first cousin whom you’ve shared a family home with since you were a tween is too weird for most people nowadays) and the “high school” (because these bitches barely ever leave their house). I think you have three options.
First, you can make Edmund a non-cousin. Maria, Julia, and Tom are all still Fanny’s cousins, but Edmund is a nice neighbor or family friend. This is probably the most normal option and, while you lose some of the juicy conflict involved in Edmund being raised by the same fucked-up people as the rest, I think it could be really cute. Maybe Sir Thomas is still a mentor/father figure to Edmund or something.
Second, you can make none of them cousins. Mansfield Park is a fancy private school, not a family estate. I think you lose a lot of the tension and conflict this way, but it would be fun to rewrite.
Third, they’re all cousins and they all go to school together, along with the Crawford siblings. (Mary and Henry Crawford would be perfect in a modern-day high school AU, no notes.) It’s just a peculiar modern-day high school AU that doesn’t shy away from depicting first cousins in love. Whatever, we need something to spice up all the nineties nostalgia.
Pride and Prejudice: I’ve read or heard of several promising Pride and Prejudice college/young-adulthood AUs (including a long-vanished fanfic set on Long Island during the first throes of Beatlemania). This is a much easier change than writing a modern-day high school AU, for a few reasons. First, Lizzie has multiple sisters, and it’s pretty important to the plot that the youngest is a teenager who’s still significantly less mature than her. This is tricky, although not impossible, to deal with. Second, Lizzie and her sisters have a lot of freedom and travel around a lot, which is easier to explain if she’s in college or a young adult with a job that allows/requires that. Third, Lizzie is just extremely twenty years old.
Persuasion: Anne Elliot can’t be eighteen years old. Hell, in a modern-day AU, she probably shouldn’t even be twenty-seven, like in the novel. Ideally she’s at least forty.
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unlikely-alliance · 2 years
finished s1 of smallville today, took some miscellaneous notes / reactions throughout the season & posting below the cut mostly for me but also it’s possible someone may get a good laugh
how tf old are these people??? clark is a hs freshman? lana was 3 when the meteor struck and lex was 9?
clark and lana are so stelena coded
clark and lex… 👀
this soundtrack SLAPS… everything by life house????? I’m alive
I didn’t know lex/lana were gonna have scenes so early 😭 I love them I fear
the soundtrack continues to slap
not the bug boy having a papa roach poster in his room—
lex telling lana his coffee is perfect when it’s not even remotely close to what he ordered 🥹
lizzy caplan????
it’s giving katherine impersonating elena
just read that people thought chloe was gonna eventually be lois lane (pen name) and this looks like a chloe/clark episode… inch resting
lex walking right up to martha while she’s using a chainsaw askdjsjhkska DUMBASS
lex to lana: I think you’re with the wrong guy (I know he means clark but STILL 😏)
ERIC CHRISTIAN OLSEN??!!!?!!)!()(??????!!!?
does… does jonathan kent die at some point?
clark telling lex to drive slower because he could get hurt 🥺
“I think that’s your destiny clark, to help people, to save them from fear and darkness”
drowning in the corn tank… very a quiet place of them
AMY ADAMS??!!???!!?! what is going AWN
I have to admit I do see the appeal of clark/chloe and if I was watching this in 2001 I def would have shipped them
I can’t believe clark, lana, chloe and crew are genuinely supposed to be 14/15 right now and lex is like 20 asgjgkkf
clark making a drive in movie for lana at the kent farm for her bday— I’m not crying you are !!!
the candyman????? who was casting this show
awfully convenient that the next time clark had to save lex he was being affected by kryptonite… lucky this time
wow they’re really making chloe/clark/lana a triangle huh
clark interrogating lex about his new girlfriend saying ‘she doesn’t seem like your type’ and lex smirking at him for 5 seconds straight… what are they doinggggggg
I can’t even be mad at amy because I too would have an obsessive crush on lex if my mom was his housekeeper
clark liking chloe’s kiss… now they’re just taunting the chlark shippers
hellooooo shawn ashmore 😏
oh shit he absorbed clark’s powers
chloe interviewing lex & giving him shit… it’s giving 50 shades of gray I’m sorry
oh the clark/chloe angst… ‘I should’ve gotten to her’ while watching her in the hospital… it’s so good 😩🤌
whitney has powers now… inch resting
lex to clark: a man is measured by the quality of his friends
lana making lex proud with her business proposal 🥰🥰🥰
lex telling lana “this will be the beginning of an interesting partnership” in the same building where her parents met… that’s endgame ish right there
more clark/chloe angst with chloe prying into clark’s past and him telling her he’s not some mystery for her to solve… I’m sorry but they’re serving
lex working overtime to do damage control (mostly with the kents) every episode is so funny, give that boy a break
honest to god some of the special effects on this show are better than ones nowadays
jonathan belching directly into lex’s face… absolutely the highlight of the season
pete and chloe were carryingggg the walk n talk scenes on this show… west wing who??
this episode is fun (except for the creepy sexualization of 15 year old lana part, very riverdale of them)
this lex/lana scene ooooh they have the SPICE and lex seeing right through her act 🥺🥺
ryan outing chloe’s crush on clark we love to see it
this is a good episode idk what imdb is talking about rating it in the low 7s… the jonathan/clark (+lex/whitney) father/son drama is so good
clark kent 4 president <3
no but I love this girl who’s running against him
I’m sorry but clark/chloe have soooo much chemistry I’m so mad asdhhdd
how many people in this show are gonna be straight up murdered???? jesus
not clark telling chloe that she’s been the only constant in his life 🥺🥺
lex being proud of lana scheming 🥰
lana: I enjoyed being underhanded clark: lana lang being seduced by the dark side? <— foreshadowing? 👀
helloooo adam brody 🥰
air force recruiter to clark: I see you in a uniform flying 💀
chloe using adam brody to make clark jealous… she’s living my dream
not this lex/pamela family drama making me cry—
the oc showrunners probably saw adam brody with chloe and said ‘get a blonde with short spiky hair for him STAT’ and brought anna in
clark grabbing chloe’s hand !!!!!!!!!! I’M GONNA SPIRAL
damn they really loved making chloe a damsel in distress huh
chloe was clark’s first kiss 😭😭😭
ok so someone was def trying to lure clark out huh
I liked lex’s line about the stars’ light reaching them now even though they died a thousand years ago / the past always having an effect on the present
the way clark says “hey 😐 … HEY 🥰😊” every time he sees chloe
not this john mayer song during this clark/chloe scene——— they were made for me I fear
clark’s truck blowing up ahdhshshsh my jaw DROPPED
I’ll say it… clark and chloe are steroline coded
why is this lana/whitney goodbye scene making me tear up 🫣
REMY ZERO PERFORMING AT THE DANCE !!!! and he looks just like lex lmfao
oh the drama!!! they simply don’t do season finales like this anymore
lex not saving his father… that shit was scury
+ misc tweets of mine throughout the season:
I hope the music supervisor of smallville s1 has a cold pillow every night and they have everything they ever wanted in life
really struggling with the fact that I ship lex/lana so much already and it’s only s1 and he’s supposed to be 20 while she’s 15???? this is horrible. like how have smallville fans coped with this over the years? I can suspend disbelief to a certain point but damn. this show is the worst case of casting 20+ year olds to play high schoolers I’ve ever seen no doubt
smallville 1x07 just ended with hero by enrique iglesias and then 1x08 opened with pacific coast party by smash mouth… yeah this show officially has the best soundtrack of all time
I’m only on ep 3 of smallville but clark/lana/lex is feeling very much like stefan/elena/damon
no one told me the smallville soundtrack was gonna slap this hard
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deadcactuswalking · 1 year
For a fourth consecutive week, Miley Cyrus is at #1 with “Flowers” on the UK Singles Chart. She may have some competition going forward but for now, welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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It’s a pretty typical week this time around, with a small but interesting batch of new songs and a decent amount of chart movement, which I’m glad about considering the week I’ve had. As for our notable dropouts, as in songs exiting the UK Top 75 – which is what I cover – after five weeks in the region or a peak in the top 40. This week, the list does include some big hitters like “Dave Flow” by Fredo, “We Caa Done” by Popcaan and Drake, “Bloody Mary” by Lady Gaga, “I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)” by Whitney Houston, “Rich Flex” by Drake and 21 Savage, “Shirt” by SZA, “Shivers” by Ed Sheeran and finally, of course, “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi.
As for what’s filling up the gaps, well, we do have some re-entries like “Music for a Sushi Restaurant” by Harry Styles at #71 and “Nobody Gets Me” by SZA at #62 but of course, what’s more important are the notable gains, with SZA appearing in all of these sections so far: “Snooze” is up to #48 off of the debut last week. Additionally, we have “Us Against the World” by Strandz at #42, “Shut Up My Mom’s Calling” by Hotel Ugly at #41, “Here with Me” by d4vd at #40, “As it Was” by Harry Styles at #34 for whatever reason, “CUFF IT” by Beyoncé up big to #30, “TRUSTFALL” by P!nk surging up to #28 alongside “ceilings” by Lizzy McAlpine taking advantage of some losses above it at #27, “Unholy” by Sam Smith and Kim Petras at #21, “Green Green Grass” by George Ezra seeing a TikTok resurgence at #19 (Kill me), “People” by Libianca at #17, “Red Flags” by Mimi Webb at #15 and “Players” by Coi Leray at #12. We also have two new entries into the top 10, the first of which was expected: “10:35” by Tiesto and Tate McRae slides by into the #10 spot thanks to losses above it and the fact it’s been pretty consistent but if you weren’t on the Internet, you’d think PinkPantheress grabbing her first top 10 at #8 with “Boy’s a liar” was out of nowhere... yet it’s thanks to a remix, in my opinion an ill-fitting one, with New York rapper Ice Spice of all people, that it’s here. I’m not complaining – after all, a great song with a bad remix is still usually a good song.
Our top five looks... only slightly different this week. We have “Anti-Hero” by Taylor Swift at #5, “Sure Thing” by Miguel at #4 which is pretty good for a song from 2010, “Kill Bill” by SZA at #3, “Escapism.” by RAYE featuring 070 Shake at #2 – maybe I should stop making any sort of predictions – and of course, “Flowers” at the top. And now, we talk about country music.
#73 – “The Kind of Love We Make” – Luke Combs
Produced by Chip Matthews, Jonathan Singleton and Luke Combs
Yeah, out of all people to chart, I suppose it makes sense that Luke Combs is the country export but here we have a song that already reached the top 10 in the US and hence I’ve known about it for months finally arrive over here, and whilst I’m not too in tune with Luke Combs in general, I think this song is great. The country guitar tone is a bit cheaper but the acoustics are warm on top of the more sizzling electric guitar riff that is really infectious and memorable. Luke Combs has an excellent, smoky yet still youthful voice that sells this wonderfully mundane content about just working your asses off and then finally getting that intimate time with your partner and celebrating that. Yes, it’s a country sex song sung by Luke Combs, but he’s got the swagger for it, even if the vocal melody in the verses may not be all too smooth, and I honestly don’t think it needs to be smooth. The passion takes them to a higher place: it’s a mutual collapse into each other after being exhausted and finally having the time to slowly set the scene for romance. It’s kind of beautiful, and with a better guitar solo, I think it’d be outstanding, but as is, it’s a great song that I hope can make a run in the limited space that the UK really has for country in its chart. I hope it doesn’t completely open the floodgates though: just because we want Luke Combs and Zach Bryan doesn’t mean we want Jason Aldean or Morgan Wallen.
#69 – “Ice Cream Man.” – RAYE
Produced by Mike Sabath, BloodPop and RAYE
I don’t think I can do this one justice. Genuinely, the subject matter has a tricky dichotomy of being both intensely personal and sensitive to RAYE yet completely beyond me. I’ve never been sexually abused and I’m not in the music industry, so whilst I can commend RAYE for her bravery in making a song that tackles this systemic issue and is so unbelievably open in her discussion of such, what purpose am I serving trying to critique the song? I mean, the song itself – as all songs on this chart do, by the way – serve much more of a purpose than I do writing about it. I imagine the song resonates way harder for people who have been through this and it’s a heavy listen even for me so I can’t imagine how much this may potentially help someone, especially within RAYE’s demographic. It’s a heart-wrenching song, powered by that alienated hum that takes up most of the instrumental, and opening up in detail about her dreadful experience that is inexcusable and inconceivable in a song that could and will reach millions of people is only something that I can thank and acclaim her for. Turning that trauma into something universal and empowering is by no means necessary for our pop stars especially, and we shouldn’t expect someone who went through this to be as honest and nuanced about their purely emotional experience, but the fact that RAYE went through it, made a God damn excellent song in the process, and the fact that it has millions of streams, makes me hope that at least some justice is felt for someone, somewhere. I know a song isn’t a sentence or any real justice, but if it resonates for the people who need it, she’s done an incredible amount of good.
#65 – “SAD B!TCH” – Anne-Marie
Produced by Billen Ted and Evan Blair
On a completely different note... what on God’s green Earth is this? I understood “PSYCHO” because it was overexaggerated, damn near industrial and had that interplay with Aitch. This has none of the comedy, or if it does, I’m hearing none of it, and it has none of the bombast considering how disappointing the chorus is. The ad-libs are obnoxious, sure, but the chorus is just annoying this time around instead of having any kind of catchy, vindictive edge to it, mostly because the anger is a lot more self-contained and doesn’t feel as nearly as cathartic. It knows how annoying it is too: if she didn’t, she wouldn’t coat her backing vocals in distortion or mention how annoying it was in the pre-chorus. Also, that warping bass in the chorus is so distracting and taunting; it’s like a garbage carnival. If there’s anything I’d prefer to hear from Anne-Marie, it is more of this to be honest: she fills a hole not currently being filled, since there is a certain void for “pop music that sounds terrible in every regard and is almost fun as a result”, but I’d prefer that void to go even more over the top, and be just as absurd as “PSYCHO” was. This just feels like a bit of a shell of itself.
#60 – “Oh Baby” – Nathan Dawe and Bru-C featuring bshp and Issey Cross
Produced by Nathan Dawe, Punctual and Shapes
What a line-up... I suppose. Well, I like the Julio Bashmore vocal loop: it’s got a decent amount of melodrama to it that I think is solid, and Hell, I may even like Bru-C on this. He’s not exactly an impressive rapper but he’s absolutely an impressive club MC, as he sounds like he’s putting in so little effort yet still plays with this beat pretty effectively, and he makes sure to punctuate his dance-ready rhymes with fun, playful ad-libs. The beat itself is just functional if anything, but the looming bass over Issey Cross’ chorus is a nice touch, and it’s definitely a beat with insane levels of personality in just its synth tones and punchy percussion. It sounds particularly factorial in its breakbeats and distant, echoing leads but there’s a human element to how Bru-C raps and how earnest Issey Cross’ performance feels that makes it seem slightly more organic. There’s also a weird drill flip of the beat briefly where the atmosphere gets a lot more cloudy and Bru-C goes melodic that... does not sound out of place. In fact, I feel like this beat could go even weirder places and still pull it off, especially considering how the buzzy build-up clashes into a breakdown by the end that not only goes hard but kind of breaks up the song structure and chorus in an interesting way. I don’t know, maybe this is actually good, but I’m not sure how much credit I can give Mr. Dawe for this considering that vocal charisma is essential to this working... though it’s an intricate beat, even if I’m sure I can credit a lot of it to Punctual, that punches when it needs to and has a certain elegance in some of its restraint. Maybe I’m just too irony-poisoned for me to know a bad song when I hear one anymore.
#58 – “Rush” – Ayra Starr
Produced by Andrevibez and Hoops
Whilst Nigerian singer Ayra Starr has charted before as a feature, this is her breakout solo cut in the UK released in September of last year, and first of all: this is excellent production, which I believe is by the person behind Rema’s “Calm Down”. The chirping chipmunk vocal loops and 90s R&B-sounding keys are so smooth and nostalgic, especially under the low-register Afrobeats production that just sits on top in a really cute, bubbling way. Starr is flexing a lot in this song but it never feels like it’s bringing any “bad energy” as she says because of how seamless the vocal harmonies are, how universal the sing-a-long chorus feels, and how bubbly this production is. I do have some complaints, mostly in that the production – whilst a great foundation – does not change as much as it could, especially since Ayra Starr herself shows great tonal variety here that isn’t really found in the beat itself, though the drum fills are a nice touch and it keeps pretty fizzy throughout. It’s also not that catchy immediately but I feel like with a few more listens, I’ll just be able to fully submerge in this. This is essentially cloud rap in how it wants to be treated and I’ll say it does a damn better job than a lot of cloud rap in just allowing for a solid, wavy vibe throughout, mostly because of how good a vocal presence Ayra Starr is – I’m excited to hear more of her work in the future. For now, I would recommend this and I hope it gains some more traction over the coming weeks.
#57 – “You Only Love Me” – Rita Ora
Produced by Lewis Thompson and Oak
When I said that this was a weird batch of songs, I more so meant that it’s oddly concentrated in the bottom half of the chart and there’s no real focus, but for many kind of filler weeks that is the case. Speaking of filler, this is a Rita Ora song. It is produced by Oak and Lewis Thompson. I like some Rita Ora songs, specifically I like “Let You Love Me”. This song is not one of them. The vocal mix is distractingly loud and over-compressed, and the vague pastiche of a dated tropical house beat mixed with synthwave elements has no punch to it. The content is uninteresting and there is little bombast here aside from braying vocal riffing and manufactured-sounding synths. If you thought this review was robotic, you now understand what Lewis Thompson was going for when he made this song.
Worst of the Week absolutely goes to Anne-Marie for whatever “SAD B!TCH” is, with a Dishonourable Mention for “You Only Love Me” by Rita Ora. The rest of the batch here is honestly quite good, I’d say, with a clear Best of the Week for “Ice Cream Man.” by RAYE – it was never going to be anything else – but the rest are absolutely deserving of the Honourable Mention. I’ll probably give it to Luke Combs for “The Kind of Love We Make” just because I’m more familiar with it, but Ayra Starr may be the winner over time. Hopefully we can continue the normalcy for the foreseeable future, so thank you for reading and I’ll see you next week!
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kitchener-waterloo · 4 years
the unfortunate part of ER being a tiny fandom is that if i want more neela content i’m gonna have to make it myself
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skylarsblue · 3 years
Random Our Life Headcanons
Cove:  -He’s terrified of large flying bugs. Like cicadas and beetles. -He has a real bad concept of time, which often leads to him staying up too late, spending too much time on one thing, etc. -Unless he just happens to see it on TV, he’ll never get around to shows/movies you suggest. It’s not intentional, he just always forgets.  -Cove cannot handle sour food. 
Derek: -Derek is obviously the sporty type, but he’s also a book worm. He owns tons of books. He’ll read just about anything. If it’s raining or it’s too cold to go out, he likes sitting with tea and a sweater. He likes to truly immerse himself in whatever book he’s reading. -He’s kind of a mom friend. He always carries bandaids, tylenol, etc. If he has his bag with him, it probably has some water bottles and snacks in it. -He actually needs reading glasses, but he only wears them when he’s reading books, and he stops needing them by the time he’s 18. -While he much prefers loose clothing and warm weather, during older seasons, he enjoys big sweaters and fluffy blankets.
Baxter: -He struggles with caffeine addiction. Several times, he’s managed to get off things like coffee and energy drinks, stick to water or tea. And then he falls right back into it. -Baxter can eat about anything, but he can’t stand green beans. Ever since he was a kid, he could never stand them. -He’s actually really good at cooking, his specialty usually falls into soups. You sick? Have him make you chicken noodle soup. You’ll never be able to go back to the canned stuff. -He’s always dreamed of having and driving a motorcycle, but he doesn’t know how to ride a bike, and honestly at this point? He’s afraid to ask. Lizzie: -While she’s decent at cooking, she cannot bake. No matter how hard she tries, what recipe she uses, it always turns out wrong. Most often times, it comes out burnt. -Lizzie can actually play the harmonica. She had a real intense obsession with it when she was around 8-11. So now she’s very good at it. -She has oddly remarkable hearing. About nothing gets past her, purely because she’ll hear it coming. Sometimes she uses it to mess with people. -The amount of spice she likes in her food is ridiculous. She’d add spice to desserts if someone didn’t stop her. Pamela: -The main reason you can’t have pets, is because Pamela has bad fur allergies. But as for things like reptiles? She’s creeped out by them. Fish might be okay, but she usually worries that someone would forget to feed them. -While she doesn’t really believe in ghosts, for some reason, paranormal-based horror movies scare her the worst. -While she’s an excellent driver, for some reason, she’s been in the most wrecks/accidents. She just has the worst luck in cars it seems. -Before meeting Noelani in college, she actually didn’t know how to swim, and avoided places like the beach out of embarrassment.
Noelani: -Noelani is actually pretty artistic. She decided to ditch paint when she got MC and Lizzie, so it wouldn’t end up all over the couch or something. But she still really enjoys coloring with her kids.| -She can’t stand most alcohol unless it’s very fruity. But the ones she hates the most is whiskey, tequila, and vodka. She says they taste like paint stripper. -She’s actually the cleaner and most organized between herself and Pamela. But she’s not the type to get angry if she comes home to a mess. She actually finds the process of cleaning therapeutic. -While Pamela is great at it, she is awful at keeping track of time. She has about a 30 alarms set just to remind her of basic things. Miranda: -She struggles letting go of things, because a lot of the time, she finds sentimental value in them. It’s why she still has so many stuffed animals, even if they’re clearly dirty or damaged. -Miranda can rarely find jewelry she can wear cause she has an allergy, she needs metals that are hypoallergenic or just straight plastic. It’s why she prefers bead bracelets/necklaces. -She can’t dance for the life of her, but it never stops her anyways. -She has a very selective memory. Will she remember a very important date? Possibly, if you remind her enough. Will she remember half the lessons she got from school? Not at all. But every sign in her cousin’s astrology chart? For some reason, yeah!
Terry: -Terry can’t stand sitting in silence. It makes him jumpy, paranoid even. He needs some kind of white noise. Problem is, he’s also easily distracted. -No one knows why, but he is obsessed with crustaceans. Lobsters, crabs, etc. He finds them very fascinating for some reason. -Back when he was younger, he was great at timed reading, and was honestly a few grades above of the rest of his class. Now? It’s rare to see him reading much of anything. He can’t find something that holds his attention. -Terry actually doesn’t like sweets all that much. Occasionally, yeah. But most of the time he prefers salt/savory food. Cliff: -This man can speak fluently in spanish, purely because it was one of the only classes he actually enjoyed in school. -While it got better, he used to have super bad asthma as a kid. Which is part of the reason he likes getting out and being active now, he missed out on quite a lot as a kid. -He loves the ocean but he absolutely hates eels. They freak him out. -Cliff has a low alcohol tolerance, surprisingly. You’d think he’d have a better tolerance from being so taller or his “training” in college. But no. About three beers and he’s drunk. Kyra: -She grew up with dogs, but Kyra is actually more of a cat person. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like dogs though. Her dream cat is a maine coon. -Kyra’s the one Cove got the bad eyesight from. Though she usually uses contacts, since she feels glasses often get in the way. -She loves trying new foods from places, and she often tries to support local restaurants. Even if she didn’t like the first dish she got from a place, she’ll still gives them a shot a few more times before deciding she won’t go anymore. -Brand loyalist? Nah, the opposite. There are some brands she will utterly refuse to buy. Usually it’s because the corporation has done something bigoted.
Lee: -While you’d never expect it, she actually really likes alternative/punk music. Though for the most part, she’s willing to listen to any genre. -Do not even try to make her watch a horror movie with you, she will outright refuse. Lee can’t stand them, she’s often prone to nightmares. -Lee went through a phase where she wanted a tongue ring, but then she saw how they were actually done, and quickly decided she didn’t want too.  -Lee is actually pretty skilled at skating. She likes going to skate parks and busting out her roller blades, though she often gets her knees scraped up too. 
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chelleztjs18 · 3 years
Lost in Assistance - Ch. 6
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GIF: I do not own this GIF.
Summary: Y/n is a professional celebrity's personal assistant in Hollywood got hired with two years contract to be the assistant of the famous and talented Elizabeth Olsen / Lizzie by her manager. Both Y/n and Lizzie hate each other since day one, and they have mutual friend. One is as stubborn as the other, will Y/n stay when Lizzie gives attitudes and tries her best to make her quit before the contract ends?
Warning: fluff, angst, smut (in future chapters), swearing words ( +18 only)
All chapters
You are forced to wake up in a sudden by your alarm blaring. You squint your eyes, try to find your glasses or your phone to turn off that annoyance of the sounds of your alarm. You finally turned it off and put on your glasses then checked out the time. You forgot that you have to wake up earlier than you planned before Lizzie’s text yesterday. Once you see the time is 5 AM, you regretted that you stayed up late last night.
You groaned as you got out of the bed. Last night you decided to wake up at 5 AM just so you can give yourself enough time to get ready, let alone you have to try to beat the traffic to go to the office even though it’s Friday you just don’t want to take that risk, not today. Last but not least, you have to get the coffee that Lizzie specifically requested.
You try to get ready faster than usual. You picked semi casual attire for today with a low ponytail and flat shoes. You grabbed your purse, your laptop and every other thing you need for work today. You walk out then go to your mom’s room to check if your mom is awake.
“Ma, are you awake yet? I’m gonna go to work okay? I’ll see you when I get home. Love you.” You half whispered hoping your mom can hear you but not loud enough to wake her up just in case she is still sleeping.
“Okay, good luck on your first day my dear.” Your mom replies in a sleepy tone.
You left for work but had to drop by at Starbucks near the office to get Lizzie’s large black coffee with half and half and two pumps of hazelnut syrup so it will still be hot when she gets it. That’s how she likes it and it’s one of a few list of coffee beverages she likes besides her precious seasonal pumpkin spice latte.
You finally arrived at the office at 6 AM sharp. The main building is already open due to some offices having early operation hours. You confidently go up to the office thinking it is already open as well or at least opened for Lizzie who is meeting you there but to your surprise the door is still locked and all the lights are still off. Puzzled with what’s going on, you pull out your phone and try to contact Lizzie to figure out where she is.
You try to call her but no answer. You wait for a few minutes in front of the office, then you try to call her again, which leads to the same result, no answer. Hoping that you will get an answer if you try to reach her in a different way, you decided to text her.
"Good morning Ms. Olsen, I'm here at the office. Are you on your way here by any chance? Thanks." You texted anxiously yet irritated. Fifteen minutes went by and still no words whatsoever from her. You decided to go back to your car and wait there.
You hate waiting yet that’s the only thing you can do now. Luckily, you parked at one of the Vernon’s office reserved spots so it will be easy for you to spot Lizzie when she comes. You sighed with annoyance every time you checked your phone and found nothing from Lizzie. You watch the parking spots around you like a hawk to spot Lizzie but shortly you are betrayed by your body, your eyes slowly close and you fall asleep. All of a sudden you hear your phone ring, it’s Lizzie. You jolted to check the time to find it’s 8:05. “Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!’ You cursed in your mind and answered the call.
”Hello. Ms. Olsen. I’m coming right up.” You explain right away while you gather your stuff to get going.  “Where are you?! You are late. I have been waiting here for 5 minutes.” Lizzie asked, pretending she was upset about waiting. Making you come two hours early and letting you wait was her plan. Little did you know, Lizzie actually saw you sleeping in the car when she parked. Of course she won’t let this situation go to waste so she decided to just go up to the office to make it look like you are late. 
You finally showed up with one hand holding your purse and your laptop, the other handing Lizzie her coffee. “Good morning. I’m so sorry. Here’s your coffee. I got here at-..” before you could finish your explanation she cuts you off. “Um, my coffee is not hot, Y/n. Why is it cold? I like hot coffee in the morning. You need to get me a new one on the way there. We gotta go now or we are gonna be late. Thanks to you.” She gave the coffee back to you and walked away.
Your jaw dropped. You are so flabbergasted and irritated at the same time with what just happened as you saw her walk away with no remorse whatsoever. 
“Aren’t you coming?” What Lizzie said snap you back to reality and you proceed to follow her to leave.
Lizzie decided to sit at the front passenger side with you driving. You drive in silence, still upset that you have to go to Starbucks to get her another hot coffee. You ordered hers and your usual coffee. You got both of your orders, you put yours in the cup holder and you hand her hers. “Ice coffee huh in the morning? Grande Espresso frappuccino, light ice double blended with extra shot in a venti cup. Just because you like cold coffee in the morning, it doesn’t mean other people like it too, you know?” She commented sarcastically.  “Ms. Olsen, I got there at 6 just like you wanted me to, I tried to call and text you but no answer. That’s why your coffee got cold. It has been sitting for two hours.” You broke your silence but are still trying to keep it cool.
“Oh yeah, I slept in, didn’t hear my alarm.” Lizzie answered nonchalantly.
“Are you kidd--” You said in your mind then you took a deep breath. Hearing how she answered you, it made you connect the dots and you know what she’s up to. You know it’s normal if she really slept in but this happened on the first day you work for her, coincidence much. 
“I see.” You said it sarcastically and nodded slightly. “What? What do you see?” You got her attention. “Oh nothing. You did it on purpose didn’t you? You are trying to give me a hard time working.” You calmly confront her. “I told you I slept in. It’s up to you how you gonna take my answer.” Another nonchalant answer came out from her. You chuckle sarcastically then pull over and turn your head to look at her. She looks back at you confused.
“Look, Ms. Olsen. I don’t sugar coat things so please hear me out, I know you don’t like me because I got hired as the assistant you thought you don’t need and I don’t fancy you either. What you did this morning is completely childish and to me, you really give yourself a bad name such as a brat. I’m just here doing my job. As professional as you are and as stubborn as you are, no matter what game you are playing now, I won’t quit because I’m not a quitter. So why don’t you just let me do my job until the contract ends?” You raise one of your eyebrows and give her an intimidating smile then you start to drive again to the location.
Despite the fact that Lizzie actually got caught off guard with what you just did and with everything you said, she refused to give in. In fact it just provoked her more and started to ramble angrily “I told you I slept in! Just so you know, I have my own reason why I don't need a new assistant! You know nothing about me! So don't you dare call me a brat! Don't get too cocky. I’m not a quitter either. I’ll win.” She replied and just like that, they soon got into an argument and everything turned into one competition between you two girls who have the same level of unyielding obduracy. Nonetheless, both of you are consumed by your own ego and anger. 
You scoffed. "Oh come on! We both know you did it on purpose! I'm not stupid! 2 plus 2 is 4! Why don't you want a new assistant anyway? It's not that bad!" You raised your tone a little.
"Why the hell do I have to tell you my reason?! It's a personal thing! You work for me, don't you remember that?! Being childish is way better than being cocky like you. Just because you are the best assistant that Mitchel has, doesn't mean you're better than anybody else! So if you are as professional as you said you are, why don't you just zip it and drive?!"
The driving is now filled with tension and awkward silence. You decide to turn on the music just to calm you down. Clair De Lune by Motez Remix plays. The tune is actually catchy enough to Lizzie’s ears, she never heard this song before so she secretly checked the title on y/n’s car screen. “I don’t like this, I want to listen to something else.” She lied just to push y/n’s button yet again. “My car, my choice of music.” Lizzie rolled her eyes to what you said.
Luckily the traffic wasn’t that bad, you both arrived at the location on time. Lizzie gets out of the car and slams the door as she is still upset with you.
The photoshoot session starts. Both of you only talk when it’s needed. Not a single eye contact happens between the two of you. After a few hours, it’s time for lunch. Lunch is already catered, you prepared a plate for her, place it on the table. You sit with the photographer and crews on another table near hers.
She sits and about to eat but was stopped by something she noticed on her plate. Something that she hates, onions.
“Umm, Y/n, I can’t eat this.” She pushed the plate away. “ And why is that?” curious why she said that, you go to take a look at her plate and notice what’s the problem. “Sorry, I didn’t notice there’s onions there.” You added.
“It’s okay, I wouldn’t mind eating it if there’s no onion in it. Since you are my assistant, I will let you do your job just like what you asked me to do earlier.” She said it sarcastically but in a low tone and gave you a smirk, knowing she just served you back your own words from the argument earlier.
You realized what she wants you to do, it won’t look good if the photographer and the crew see you argue with you since they didn’t hear what ridiculous “assistance” Lizzie just asked you to do for her so you just do what she asked you to half heartedly.
The rest of the session continues then you both go back to the office when it’s all done. The whole ride was awkward and silent from both of you with soft music playing in the background. Tension is in the air but that doesn’t stop both of you secretly exchanging glances to each other without you both knowing.
You both arrived at the office’s parking structure  just to separate to go home and move on with your day.
Ch. 7
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Movie night with a bunch of oranges
Today was a busy day consisting of harvesting oranges and bringing out equipment for tomorrow. We've got a pretty good haul - and probably way too many oranges than we can handle. Thankfully I still have room in my inventory for other fish/bugs/shells or else I'd be kinda screwed, but I should try to make more room just in case.
Then again, there's still the possibility that I end up slacking off and spend the last day trying to collect as many oranges as possible before the deadline. I don't know why, but when it comes to collecting fruit I almost always find myself rushing at the end. I hate having to use up fertilizer in batches but sometimes you have no choice.
At least for this event I have some help so here's to hoping I don't have to break out the fertilizer at all. Probably wishful thinking, though it doesn't hurt to hope. With five extra hands helping out, why wouldn't we be able to get a lot done?
It's good to see Lotte, Mitch, and Gene again along with Willow, Frank, and Paisley. I haven't seen the latter three in forever since they've been super busy so imagine my excitement when I found out that Gene's working with them on a new movie.
The new movie's another adaptation of Paisley's short stories, Flower in the Wind, which will be directed by Willow and starring Cheyenne Ruthie in her film debut with Gene and Frank as part of the supporting cast. Cheyenne used to live in the neighborhood near me and Daisy Jane and we reconnected a while back after running into each other on social media.
In fact, she's planning to drop by the camp sometime in the near future as she's going through some pretty big life changes and could use a bit of a breather when things settle down a bit. Along with the upcoming movie, she's also in the process of moving and making up for lost time with her dad. I'm happy that things are going well for her and knowing Willow and Paisley, Flower in the Wind is sure to mark the start of something greater for her.
Willow, Frank, and Paisley are all former members of Jamie's entourage. Willow Chasen's a writer and director known for classics like Crossfire, Fighting Stance, Paper Dreams, Train Whistle Blowing, and many others. She's been named one of the greatest directors of the decade and she rightfully deserves that honor. I'm a huge fan of her work so I'll admit that I have high expectations for the new movie.
Frank Dunston and Paisley Kusuma are bloggers who used to run Behind the Spotlight, which chronicled the behind the scenes of the entourage members. Before coming to the island, they made the news when they were abducted and held hostage by a former detective who used to work for Frank's aunt Diane. His uncle, Eldred Dunston, is a well known actor who got Frank and Paisley interested in acting.
The two have been best friends for a long time, they have a sweet relationship. We joke that they're like an old married couple but it's all strictly platonic. They share an apartment and raise Paisley's daughter Lizzie together. Lizzie's named after Diane as she figuratively and literally saved Paisley and Frank's lives. The whole ordeal with the abduction brought them closer together and also wound up kicking off their careers.
While they have been doing a lot more solo projects since leaving the entourage and ending the blog, Frank and Paisley are still a duo. Flower in the Wind happens to be their first movie together in over a year, something they said they've been enjoying as they missed working alongside each other.
Paisley's a writer and author who runs a blog called The Flower Writes which she updates sporadically with life stuff and her creative process on her latest projects. She does some acting in supporting roles though she prefers to be behind the scenes, having established herself as a writer and producer over the years. She's also one of the writers for Robert's upcoming show Mount Barley, RFD so that's another reason to be hyped about it. Maybe someday she'll be sitting on the director's chair but she says that for now she's happy where she is.
Frank has been acting on stage and screen, starting out on small roles alongside his uncle until he got comfortable with the spotlight before making a name for himself on his own. He also dabbles in photography, having once run a blog for that before becoming a freelancer. Speaking of that, Daisy Jane's his next client as she's in need of professional pics for her upcoming shop update. Since he doesn't live too far from here, he's offered to make the commute to help Daisy Jane out for future shop updates, which is great as she finds taking product photos is one of her least favorite aspects of running a shop.
Lotte's been busy with the bakery while Mitch is working hard at the orchard. Gene's been making time in between acting gigs and his day job to visit home often, getting back in touch with old friends he hasn't seen or heard or spoken to in years. It's good to hear that things between Gene and his dad have improved since I last saw them. Lotte and Mitch can finally rest easy now that their family's back together. Although I haven't known Gene for long, it feels like I've known him forever and can't imagine him not being here.
Interesting how one's presence (or absence) can leave such an impression.
It's a good thing Mitch's here for a harvesting event as he's got a vast knowledge on a variety of plants and produce. Thanks to him, we were able to venture outside the camp to find more oranges. Who knew that Starsnatch Grove has a bunch of different varieties of oranges? Perfect oranges, starburst oranges, rainberry oranges - there's so many more that I've never seen or heard of before!
Turns out that Starsnatch's soil is ideal for citrus and that around this time of year is the peak of their season. Mitch really did his research about the camp and its surrounding areas. He also showed me other places for fruits and veggies, which will be useful for future reference.
So we've been wandering around Starsnatch, collecting all kinds of oranges and exploring the area. Rainberry oranges look like rainbow berries, hence the name, and the taste kinda reminds me of an orange spice tea. Cinnaorange is a new variety I've never seen before as they're rare and according to Lotte, they make a good marmalade. Sunkiss splash is an unusual orange with a sunburst pattern on its skin. The tree is kinda hard to care for, which is why there's not a lot of them and the orchard where Mitch works is one of the few that grows them.
With all these oranges, there's a lot we can do with them. I don't even know where to start as there's so many possibilities. Good thing we have Mitch and Lotte here to help us out!
After a busy day of collecting oranges, catching up, hiking, and coming up with ideas for tomorrow, it felt fitting to end the day with a movie marathon. So we watched three Sound Stories movies while enjoying sweet and tangy oranges.
Firefly Garden is one of my absolute favorite movies ever. Pretty much everyone I know considers this one of their favorites, including my mom. From the stunning animation to the gorgeous soundtrack and heartwarming story, it's no wonder it's a classic. Noelle and Sophie are hands down some of my favorite characters of all time.
The second movie we watched was Neighbors, a cute movie where nothing much happens yet it's so soothing and entertaining to watch. The art is breathtaking and expressive and it really adds to the story. It's a bit of an offbeat, unconventional kind of film, one I initially thought I wouldn't get into but ended up enjoying a lot.
Bee and the Quill is the latest Sound Stories movie and I loved it. The story's a bit hard to follow, but that's the point. As usual, the visuals are stunning and the whole dragon fight sequence was amazing to watch. Viola's journey to find her sister's ghost is one of those stories where you don't know exactly what's going on so you just roll with it and open your mind to the unknown.
Tomorrow we're gonna take a break from harvesting oranges to have some fun in the kitchen with our new discoveries. I'm looking forward to trying a bunch of new teas, especially with the rainberry oranges. We'll be making orange tea cake, orange juice, salads, and all kinds of other recipes we may stumble across. Then at night will be another marathon of Sound Stories movies where we'll be watching Snowflakes and Floating on Clouds, both which I've somehow never got a chance to watch yet.
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peterstanslizzie · 5 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.28 (Lizzie and Kate’s Excellent Adventure)
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I wish we got to see more of this unexpected friendship
- We find out that Lizzie has the flu and had to miss a day of school. Gordo and Miranda greets Lizzie in her room with a stack full of books for her homework. It’s middle school, not college; That’s too many books.
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I feel like I’ve seen this pic everywhere
- Lizzie asks her friends about what she’d miss in Mrs. Stebel’s Social Studies class and they give each other a strange look. Their teacher instructed the class to work in pairs to do a book report on a country and its native dish. Since Lizzie was absent, Gordo and Miranda naturally paired up, leaving Lizzie out of the picture.
- Well, it turns out that Lizzie is paired with her frenemy Kate Sanders, who was also absent from school. And as you can guess, Lizzie did not take to this news too well:
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Let it all out girl...just let it all out
We get it; Lizzie and Kate don’t like each other. What’s new?
- The next morning, Lizzie is dreading going back to school since she’s forced to work with Kate and even considers calling in sick for an extra day. Her mom, Jo already knows about the whole Kate Sanders situation because Kate’s mom called in last night. Did Kate’s mom ever appeared on the show? I can’t recall. 
- Anyways, Jo insists that Lizzie should suck it up and deal with Kate being her project partner. On top of that, Matt’s adding fuel to the already raging fire by throwing his two-cents into the discussion. I’m now back to being annoyed with him after somewhat liking him last episode. 
- In school, Lizzie is complaining about the country that was assigned to her, Latvia and how the signature over there is jellied meat, which is called Aspic (after doing a quick Google search). 
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- Kate and her crew walk up to Lizzie and Kate establishes some ground rules with Lizzie i.e. spending as little time together as possible, not being seen in public and not making jellied meat. Lizzie accepts her conditions and they also agree to meet at Lizzie’s house after school. 
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It all seems like it’s going to work out but Lizzie still needs to let some steam out
Kate and Lizzie Working Together
- That evening after school, Lizzie is on the phone with Miranda, who’s with Gordo to work on their project on Mexico. 
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Well, it’s mostly Gordo doing the ground work. Miranda’s more focused on jumping...
- The doorbell of Lizzie’s house rings and it’s probably Kate outside. Lizzie is still mad at Miranda for not covering for her. What does she want for Miranda to do exactly? If Kate’s the only other person absent in class, it makes sense for the two absent students to get paired. And if Lizzie and Miranda pair up, Gordo wouldn’t have anyone but Kate to partner with. 
- Kate’s in the kitchen talking to Jo and they’re awkwardly trying to make small talk. As soon as Lizzie steps into the kitchen, Jo quickly scurries on out of there because it seems like she doesn’t like Kate either lol. 
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This stare-down between the two of them is even more awkward
- But things take a turn when they both agree that their friends are lousy for not picking them as their partner for the project. And it’s so cute how they laughed at the same time. As time went on, they seem to be getting along well due to being on the same page when it comes to Latvian food. 
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Do y’all see this interaction? It’s so rare; It’s like watching a dog walk on its hind legs (I had to include a Mean Girls reference)
- Even Jo notices them getting along like old times. But as soon as Kate realises this, she quickly excuses herself and they say bye to each other awkwardly. I wish they could go back to being good friends because I don’t like the idea that popular kids can’t be friends with the non-popular kids. I mean, I don’t think they even got to that place after the Lizzie Mcguire Movie. 
A Broken Friendship
- The next morning, Miranda and Gordo ask Lizzie how things went with Kate to which she tells them it was alright. Not only that, she tells them that she and Kate are going to work together after school at the Digital Bean even though one of Kate’s earlier demands is that they are not to be seen in public together.
- At the Digital Bean, Lizzie and Kate are researching on what their dish should be and they decide to make Alexandertorte, which is a pastry dessert that has raspberry jam inside. 
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Nice contrast
- Gordo and Miranda followed by Claire and her other crew members then stop by to throw shade at Kate and Lizzie respectively. But Claire was way worse than Lizzie’s friends; She even bragged about being able to work with Ethan over Kate. 
- They then start prepping in Lizzie’s kitchen to make their torte dish. Things start a little rocky at first but when they start talking about old memories from the time they were best friends, they begin to open up to each other again. Basically, they were talking about Kate’s 9th Birthday party and how Kate really loved a Baby Spice shirt that was given to her by Lizzie and she couldn’t wait to try it on. It’s kinda sad that they used to be that close. 
- All of a sudden, Matt runs into the kitchen with his blindfolds on and bumps into Kate who was carrying an egg carton; This, of course causes the eggs to drop to the ground. But it’s all okay because luckily, it was only a few eggs. 
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The Queens of Falling
- This is when it gets kind of juicy; They finally talk about the reason why they’re suddenly not friends anymore. Before this, we were told that it’s because Kate developed really quickly and got a bra, which made her popular. I guess that’s still true but it’s also because she went away to camp and there, she had made new friends, whom might or might not have influenced her to treat her old friends badly. 
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I got so many feels from this moment. Like I’ve said before, I just love the way they smile at each other; It’s so endearing. 
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Look at them, working together as one and everything
- Next, we see them giving their report on Latvia in front of the class and they did a great job. After completing their presentation, their friends come over to throw unnecessary shade again and basically act as if Lizzie and Kate did not get along fine when they clearly did. 
- I think this is the moment where I really questioned ‘What Would Happen’ if the writers had decided to change the outcome of this episode since Lizzie and Kate went back to hating on each other just to please their friends. I actually envisioned the other alternative to be Lizzie and Kate standing up to their friends and basically letting them know the truth, which is they are actually back to being friends. But that’s not the case with what happened in this episode but still, I think the other possibility I mentioned could be a really powerful moment for this show. 
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BUT we did get this moment, which tells the audience that Kate and Lizzie actually like each other deep down inside. It’s just that with the way middle school and its social groups are set up, it doesn’t allow them to publicly be friends. Well, who cares? But unfortunately, that’s just how school is; It’s full of petty drama.
B-Plot: Matt’s Psychic Y’all *Rolls Eyes
- In Matt’s school (we finally see him in school after spending so many episodes away from the place), he and his friend, Oscar are having lunch together and Matt is able to predict that their substitute Math teacher has on big red clown shoes before they even saw her. Matt concludes that he is psychic. And here I go, going back to not caring about Matt’s storyline again lol. 
- They set up a ‘Psychic Readings’ booth in the backyard and Matt gives predictions to three different kids, which seem vague and ludicrous at first but it turns out that all his predictions came true:
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The predictions are as follows: Buying an expensive gift, getting a haircut and going on a long trip
- Similar to majority of Matt’s storylines, his one-off interests, which in this case is his psychic ability starts getting out of hand as he now thinks he is able to predict every single event, regardless of how insignificant it may be. Jo doesn’t buy it for one second but his dad sure does as he asks him to predict the next day’s lottery numbers. 
- Matt even predicted that Jo was going to send him to his room and later on, she would try to convince Sam that he’s not psychic. That was actually kind of cool but I guess it’s because he knows his parents very well. 
- Jo is very adamant on proving to both Matt and Sam that Matt isn’t really psychic and administers a test to help with that. And look, Matt answers the question correctly! If Jo is going out of her way to do all of that, I have to think that she low-key thinks that Matt is psychic, no? 
- Anyways, his antics finally end once he randomly realises he cannot read other people’s minds anymore. Oh well, too bad...goodbye.
Overall Thoughts
- This is easily one of my favourite episodes of the entire series. We finally get to see something fresh and new that we’ve never seen before on this show and that is Lizzie and Kate getting along as friends. 
- In Kate’s earliest appearance on this show, she was introduced as the mean, popular girl who was actually Lizzie’s best friend in elementary school up until she became popular. Since then, their old friendship wasn’t really touched upon at all till now. I love how they gave us a deep insight into their past memories as childhood friends and how she, Lizzie and Miranda were really close with one another back then. 
- This episode alone really makes me hope that Ashlie Brillault (the actress who plays Kate) will consider coming back to guest star in the Lizzie Mcguire revival series next year but I highly doubt it since she’s now an attorney. But honestly, I’d be okay if they mention to us that Lizzie and Kate are still friends in adulthood; That would make me pretty satisfied with Kate’s overall story arc. 
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You said any ship so here goes, Seiglinde/Edward
You know this is actually one of my crack!ships so I’m quite glad you requested it! ;) 
*Please keep in mind: Sieglinde is 17+ here*
Who is more likely to catch a cold? Edward. Despite his Phantomhive/Midford blood he’s prone to catching colds around the end of January/beginning of February while Sieglinde can march outside in her nightgown (presumably to catalogue and inspect the various English herbs for her botany journal) in the middle of winter and wake up rosy-cheeked and perfectly fine. —> Still, Sieglinde never fails to whip up a mug of traditional German Apfelwein to warm Edward up. (“Oh I know you can drink more than that! Come on, you’re already prettier than me—no need to drink like a girl too.”)
Who hogs the blankets? Sieglinde. All. The. Way. —> Yet little did Edward know that Sieglinde only did this to force Edward to stop being so bashful around her. (“See, if you want to get warm now you’ve got to come closer,” Sieglinde smiled coyly, “besides, I’m small and compact—excellent for providing body heat.”)
Who kills all the flowers? Sieglinde (lol) for all her medical experiments. She ends up pillaging the Midford greenhouse so Edward built a personal garden filled with medicinal herbs for Sieglinde to cultivate, experiment, and mutilate XD
Who eats all the candy before Halloween? Sieglinde again! Due to all those years of restricted dietary feeding Sieglinde is an absolute glutton for sweets—particularly English Jelly Babies (a sweet soft gummy candy that were first manufactured in 19th century Lancashire). Edward’s resorted to making little Halloween candy bags for Sieglinde to snack from so she doesn’t end up eating the whole kit and caboodle.
Who takes the longest showers? Edward. (But once Sieglinde moved in she insisted on building a bathtub that’d rival the Turkish bathhouses—much to Edward’s embarrassment. Especially since once they were built Sieglinde said: “Well why don’t you just take a bath with me? The tub’s big enough for two and aren’t you all about that conservation consuetude? Oh and I give excellent massages.”)
Who goes to bed at 5am but wakes up at 8am? Sieglinde. New ideas come to her at all hours of the day (or night) and she won’t rest until she at least jots an outline down. —> Edward is fiercely proud of her accomplishments and brilliance but gets quite worried when he wakes up to find Sieglinde still building/designing away in her laboratory. (He later installed a personalized tea set down there so she could at least remember to take tea every once in a while.)
Who makes sure the other has a healthy breakfast? Edward. Even though it’s usually the woman’s job to design the breakfast/lunch/supper menus, Edward doesn’t mind taking on this task. He makes sure the dining table is filled full with seasonal vegetables cooked in spices and seasonings (Sieglinde hates plain food) and always insists she try a little bit of everything. (“Even geniuses have to eat, liebling.” —> You don’t even wanna know how long it took Sieglinde to convince Edward to call her by a cute German pet name: “If you don’t then I’m withholding all kisses and further activity until you do.” *cue Sieglinde’s smirk*)
What pets do they have? Sieglinde’s preoccupation with exotic animals became quite a problem when she started importing peacocks and flamingos in from all around the world. Eventually, they compromised: Sieglinde would return her informal zoo if Edward would allow her to keep a pet doe (named Star) and a pet bunny (named Bamboo). 
Who proposes? Edward! Like his mother and sister, Edward is a consummate planner and spent nearly four months devising and outlining what he called his “most important undertaking.” —> In July 1895 Edward took Sieglinde to Kanagawa, Japan just in time for the Tanabata festival. There, under an indigo night and a sea of diamond stars, they took an elegant wooden boat to the middle of the port just as the Tanabata lanterns were lit and released into the velvet dusk. Edward took Sieglinde by the hand and asked, with passionate, undisguised sincerity, if she might do him the honor of becoming his wife.
Who actually enjoyed the planning? Sieglinde! She and Lizzy got together and ironed out all the details of the wedding. While some might find wedding planning tedious Sieglinde thought it was all in good fun. She was learning something new and insisted the event would come as “close as I possibly can to stamping ‘Property of Sieglinde Sullivan’ on Edward’s forehead.”
Would their wedding be small or grand? It would be a beautiful, intimate wedding. Despite Edward’s status as heir to the marquessate of Scotney, he and Sieglinde decided on a wedding with a guest list of less than 70 people. (In Victorian times, particularly in regards to the aristocracy, 70 attendees at a wedding was pretty dang small.) This, however, backfired—the wedding was seen as the social event of the season due to its “exclusivity”; some of the leading socialite figures in London tried to bribe Sieglinde into including them on the guest list while others flat out lied and said they’d been invited.
Which guest was happiest to see them get married? Lizzy! She was chuffed to bits that her beloved older brother and dear friend Sully were finally getting hitched!
How many children would they have? Ohhh boy. Well, with Sieglinde’s sexual appetite and Edward’s indulgence of his wife I’d say they would wind up with at least 4 kids. At least.
Would they adopt or have them naturally? Naturally! (“Having kids isn’t fun but making them sure is.” — Sieglinde)
Who is the strictest parent? Surprisingly, Sieglinde. Edward’s a cuddly teddy bear when it comes to their kids—he makes sure they’re studying and following a daily curriculum but if one of his sons or daughters would approach him with puppy eyes and a request, he’d probably give in and say yes.
Are their children in homeschool or public school? Privately tutored by governesses until they’re old enough to attend Weston.
Who is the favorite parent? The children love both their mother and father equally. (Although they will admit—it is pretty fun exploring mom’s lab.)
Who checks on the kids in the middle of the night? Edward. He’s constantly worried about his babies and is a bit of an overprotective dad but he means well.
Who decorated the nursery? Both! Edward and Sieglinde took turns choosing various pieces of furniture but because they both love the color green, decided to model the nursery after classical Greece: honeydew colored walls with grand floor to ceiling windows to let  the light in, white satinwood furniture, a marble piece here and there, and beautiful oakwood floorboards. (Sieglinde would also seize this chance to introduce an early version of the baby monitor.)
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ricky-najjar · 4 years
Thanksgiving 2019
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I’ve always considered it odd that my parents wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Every year, around late September my mother would start making plans for it. It became a hassle when I moved out of Pennsylvania, It would require an amtrak mid-afternoon Wednesday before and me staying in my old high school bedroom that hasn’t been touched since I was eighteen. When I arrived I put the few articles of clothing away in my closet, the door was still covered in posters that reflected my poor taste in music at that age. Another long weekend ahead, already I was dreading what was to come tomorrow. 
8:30 AM
The next morning there was an aroma of an assortment of herbs and spices being cooked with. I was already hungry, but as tradition we were never allowed to eat until lunch which was always served an hour later than originally anticipated. I decided my mother could use some help, being that she was the only one who ever did anything for the holidays. As I started chopping up onions and celery the questions of what I was doing in my life began. “When are you going to find yourself a nice girl?” I swear, it was the onions that made me tear up, not the question. “You’re pushing into your forties, if you’re not careful your life will just slip away. You’ll work yourself to death!” From the moment I turned twenty-nine age was constantly brought up. No respectable man waits until they’re forty to get married in my mother’s eyes, that’s when they turn to a playboy-type sleaze. I never really answer those questions, I instead laugh at the nerve she thought she had regarding it. “You should see the type of women that are around D.C, Mom. You’ll think twice about me going on dates with them.”
9:30 AM
My mother eventually insisted that she had everything under control and kicked me out. My father was in the other room with my uncle who I only see maybe once a year. They had the Macy’s Day Parade on in the background, mainly for my two younger cousins to watch as a way to get them away from their conversation. “We were just talking about you.” My uncle said, taking one last puff of his cigar before it was considered done. “Are you still liking it over there in Washington? Hows that little museum doing?” It’s never a good thing when my father starts talking to my uncle, it leads into comparing. My cousin Karim who was only a few months older than me has proven to be the golden child of the family. Graduated top of his class at Yale, went on to medical school in Columbia. Now he’s one of the top neurologist in the East coast. My father always seemed disappointed in me when that was brought up. “The museum is doing great, the holidays bring in people from around the world. Should be busy up until the New Year.” The look on his face was anything but sincere, he could care less about what I was doing with my life. “When do you think you’ll become a curator or something there? Have a higher title?” It was always about a title in this family, if you didn’t have one then what was the point? “Well, you generally need a Ph.D for that. Or you need to know the right people.” When I glanced over at my father he had the same disappointed look on his face, why are you not successful?
12:45 PM
For once, my mother’s prediction on when dinner would be ready was correct. She was about fifteen minutes away from her one o’clock goal of having lunch on the table. The rest of the family arrived, including my cousin Karim and his wife-to-be Cassandra. I helped my mom set the table as everyone else exchanged hellos. “Raviv, you’ll need to set two more spots at the end. Mrs. Robinson and her daughter are joining us today.” I could feel my heart practically drop, my hands grew clammy as I fumbled with the few pieces of priceless china i held. It had been years since they came to a formal holiday, more importantly, it had been years since that year that changed it all. “I thought they went to -” My mother interrupted me and took the plates out of my hands. “Well, they stopped going to Scott’s family because they divorced a couple of years ago. Kathleen told me it was an affair that caused it.” How dare she speak to her about that, it was as if hurting her own daughter wasn’t enough for her. The room felt like it was spinning, more so after I heard a faint knock on the door. The mother and daughter duo came dressed for the occasion, Mrs. Robinson more so as she wore a figure hugging dress that showed off every curve she had to offer. They both exchanged their hellos to the family, thanking my father for the invite to lunch. When they came to the dining room to greet us I couldn’t help but look away, causing Lizzie to scoff at my direction. “Hello Raviv -- don’t be rude Elisabeth, say hello to your friend!” I exchanged a quick smile and hello back before excusing myself to the bathroom, this is why I hate the holidays.
1:05 PM
It was insulting on my mother’s part for insisting that Lizzie and I sat at the children’s table in order to prevent crowding on the adult side. She didn’t seem to thrilled about it herself, her face just remained glued to her plate as she ate in silence. “How - How is everything?” I quietly asked, hoping to get anything but the usual glare she tends to give. Her fork fell out of her hand and on to her plate, eyes locking on mine. “Oh you know, spend Thanksgiving with Mom, Christmas with Dad. If I’m lucky I may get to have them both come out for dinner on my birthday. Wouldn’t count on it though.” I looked over at the other table and saw her mother watching the both of us, a smirk appearing on her delicate features as she saw her daughter’s hostility towards me. “Look I think -”
 “I didn’t ask what you think, Ricky.”
I could barely touch the rest of my food, I only took a few bites to begin with. I quietly scooted away from the table, using the napkin on my lap to wipe my mouth before getting up. My mother gave me a look as my father stood up as well. “Where do you think you’re going?” My stomach churned, I could tell my face was turning pale. “I’m not feeling so good.” I said, excusing myself upstairs to the bathroom next to my room. Whatever was in my stomach for the last two days practically came out. Ever since I was a kid I would throw up when things made me nervous, a trait that I still cannot believe I have to this day. After I cleaned myself up I went to my room, immediately going straight to bed.
2:30 PM 
After I woke up from my nap I started packing up my suitcase. I knew my parents were mortified on what happened, and I didn’t want to stick around to hear the lecture that was sure to follow. When I left to get my toiletries I opened my door to see Lizzie standing right outside of it. “You’re good at that you know, running away from your problems. Like when we broke your parents TV, you ran off and hid at the park for hours and left me to deal with the blame. Or like that time you bailed on your prom date because her ex threatened to fight you if you touched her. Then there’s my personal favorite …when you ran back to D.C. after I found out about you and my mother.” I couldn’t think of anything to say, I just bowed my head and listened to her go on. “This is all just a joke to you isn’t it, Ricky? You ruined my parents marriage.”
“I didn’t ruin anything, your mother was already unhappy long before I came into the picture.”
“So you think that just gives you a right to sleep with her?! What’s worse is you asked me out within that year. I can’t believe you hid this from me, me Ricky!”
“I’m - I’m sorry, you know I never wanted to hurt you. What happened between your mother and I, it should have never happened.”
Lizzie wiped away the few tears that fell down her cheeks, her face bright red from the anger and frustration that was bottled up for years on this. I couldn’t look at her, it hurt to see how my actions affected her life. Before I could say anything else our mothers walked upstairs. My mom looked concerned as she saw Lizzie breaking down in front of me, Mrs. Robinson just gave the same look she did earlier. “Raviv, what on Earth did you do?!” She wrapped her arms around her and gave her a tight hug as she tried to comfort her. I just stared back at her pathetic excuse of a mother, anger from not only what we’ve done but what she chose to do to get me back. 
5:00 PM
Mrs. Robinson and Lizzie were the last ones to go as they helped my mother clean up from the meal. I hid in my room, bags packed, amtrak tickets situated for tonight. I called for my Uber to come pick me up, the ride about five minutes away giving me time to say my goodbyes. Despite my mother not understanding what fully happened earlier she gave me a hug and begged me to come back home for Christmas. All I said was that I'll see what I could do, after an afternoon like this, it’s not that hard to see why I hardly come home for the holidays. My father shook my hand, treating me as if I was a sort of client and not his son before he excused himself to go watch the football game. Mrs. Robinson without hesitation pulled me in for a hug, causing me to almost freeze up and barely touch her back. “It was wonderful to see you again, Raviv.” she pulled away and squeezed my cheek before giving me a wink. Lizzie just stared, mortified and hurt once again. I tried to apologize with just a look but she quickly turned away, completely done with the day as much as I was. I was relieved when my phone alerted me my driver was outside....
I hate the holidays.
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voyage-in-the-dark · 7 years
Tagged by @empathdean I’m not going to tag anyone and I’m just doing this for fun bc I thought the questions were cool and I like to analyze myself lol.
what is one fictional character you feel is similar to you?
This is actually really hard to answer. My mind actually draws a total blank despite me reading around 200 books a year lol. Part of it is that there’s very little ISFJs in fiction; most of them are Fi-doms (especially ISFPs), and I rarely feel a high degree of relatability. Cough calling authors out to STOP writing Fi-doms and Ni-doms please for the love of God
Okay, I found some characters I relate to: Zoe from Troubled Waters (she has this passive/reflective air; but she’s also way more dynamic than me), and Gentian from Bones of the Fair (she has this detached quality where she finds a lot of things amusing, which I totally relate to; but she’s also way more lowkey than me).
favourite season(spring/summer/autumn/winter)?
Probably autumn or winter for the cold temperature. 21 years of living in humid 30 degrees temperature every day is enough heat for me for the rest of my life, thanks.
what country/countries would you like to visit if you could?
Every country possible lol. Every culture and country has its own unique and interesting feel that I would love to find out more about.
describe your fav type of ship/friendship dynamic.
Sorry guys, most of my examples are het.
1) Irresistible force meets immovable object: Lizzie and Darcy from Pride & Prejudice (Zoe/Darien from Troubled Waters; Tess/Bakhtian from Jaran). Lizzie and Darcy have this wonderful push-pull dynamic -- irresistible force meets immovable object is one of my favorite dynamics of all time. The way the two of them bat the conversation ball to each other is so witty and playful and fun to read and also intensely charged. They’re both so proud and so prejudiced, but they’re both willing to bend towards each other.
2) I don’t know how to summarize this dynamic, but the best example is Attolia and Gen from Queen’s Thief. I love when the female character is competent, powerful, and older and the partner is playful, younger, and cheerful. I am trash for this type of dynamic and this type of female character. (Maskelle, Rennyn Claire, Ista...)
3) Can’t describe this either, but Moon and Stone from the Raksura series. Moon is suspicious, firm, honest, and protective (I’ll eat my hat if he’s not an ISFP, but I do think he’s kinda hot lol), while Stone is indifferent, grumpy, and has an overinflated sense of his own importance (he’s just a grumpy grandpa). The two of them have this amazing  grumpy grandpa/suspicious son dynamic that’s hilarious, they get exasperated by each other all the time. I love this kind of mentor-student relationship (Ripred and Gregor from Underland chronicles, Haymitch and Katniss from Hunger Games too)
4) Sibling relationships. Gregor and Boots from Underland chronicles. Katniss and Prim from Hunger Games, Eliza and Angelica from Hamilton. I love sibling relationships, but it’s astonishingly rare to see siblings who get along or are even close in fiction.
fav food from your culture?
(Off the top of my head) I’m not sure whether all these count as my culture but they can all be found in Singapore: my mom’s food, Korean hotpots, any kind of kimchi food, mango pudding, laksa, dim sum, any kind of food with mala spice, mochi ice cream..........
what is one book/film/story that left a mark on you in some way?
It’s too cruel to choose one. The few names that have shaped me a lot are: Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, the Raksura series, the Queen’s Thief series..........
if you could have any superpower, which would you choose and why?
Speak, read, and understand any language I want. Not only is it massively convenient, I also love languages. I’m just imagining myself reading the Pokemon Sun Pokedex entries in all of its 9 playable languages HAHA.
fav genre of music?
Hamilton and The Hamilton Mixtape LOL. I know they are albums and not genres but honestly their sound is so good. I only remember I like pop.
what is your fav myth/fairy tale and why?
Persephone, because of that wonderful retelling David Almond gave in Skellig:
“We thought of Persephone for a while in silence. I imagined her struggling her way toward us. She squeezed through black tunnels. She took wrong turns, banged her head against the rocks. Sometimes she gave up in despair and she just lay weeping in the pitch darkness. But she struggled on. She waded through icy underground streams. She fought through bedrock and clay and iron ore and coal, through fossils of ancient creatures, the skeletons of dinosaurs, the buried remains of ancient cities. She burrowed past tangled roots of great trees. She was torn and bleeding but she kept telling herself to move onward and upward. She told herself that soon she’d see the light of the sun again and feel the warmth of the world again.”
And the women of the Iliad and the Odyssey -- Penelope and Helen of Troy. Penelope because it’s never clear whether she has been deceiving her husband all this time -- and I love to think she is so devious and enigmatic that it’s impossible to pin her down. Helen because they worshiped her. She is almost half-divine in the text. She is this enigmatic, elusive and charismatic presence, as though the words are too small to contain her. 
what subject(s) would you study in school if there were no restrictions at all?
I don’t know what subjects these are, but I want to learn about: eco-systems (Planet Earth-style lol), all branches of literature, linguistics, politics, world religions/religion systems, history (depressing as hell but I want to learn), and social/cultural anthropology.
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haleyfury · 5 years
September has easily been my busiest month of 2019. This month marked my first full month as a college senior (!!!), which was filled with all the school things and reuniting with my best friends. Despite my heavy workload, I’m trying not to stress too much and really enjoy my last year of undergrad. I’m also genuinely enjoying almost everything I’m studying in my English and Communications classes. I’ve had some really fun experiences with my closest friends this month and while I’ve dealt with not the most fun situations, I’m trying to approach everything with as much positivity as possible.
What’s also been such a nice way to relieve some stress is the extra time I’ve had to read, since I commute for two hours two days a week by train this semester. As long as I don’t have pressing school reading to do, I’ve been reading for fun both ways!
Not mentioned below, but I’ve been doing a ton of reading for my English senior research project. I am not including the two primary texts towards my reading challenge because as much as I am enjoying studying them, they count more towards my school reading then reading for fun and review. I might talk about my project more towards the end of the semester, but it has a lot to do with young-adult books and their history and marketing. As time-consuming as scholarly reading is, I’m finding most of the readings so interesting!
The Art of Losing by Lizzy Mason | 3.5/5 Stars
The Art of Losing is one of the most open YA novels dealing with addiction and alcohol & drug use. I really enjoyed the two main relationships, but I found myself struggling to really connect with the story and its writing style.
Comics Will Break Your Heart by Faith Eric Hicks | 5/5
A few of the books I read this month made my fangirl heart so happy, but Comics Will Break Your Heart especially spoke to my love for fandom. The book deals with two rival families whose lives revolve around a very popular comic book series. From the family dynamics to the romance, I loved every element about Faith Erin Hicks’ first prose novel.
Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks | 5/5
Pumpkinheads was the ultimate reading high, putting together my love for a new-to-me favorite author and my all-time favorite author, Rainbow Rowell. Pumpkinheads was everything I wanted in this fall-themed novel and put me really in the mood for the season (I may or may have not bought pumpkin-spice coffee cups for my Keurig that same weekend).
Sea Witch by Sarah Henning | 4/5
I hadn’t had much luck with The Little Mermaid inspired retellings until Sarah Henning’s Sea Witch. This book was a lot of fun and the setting reminded me of The Little Mermaid meets Frozen?? I’ll be reading the sequel, Sea Witch Rising, in October.
Midnight at the Blackbird Café by Heather Webber|4.5/5
Midnight at the Blackbird Café was the cozy-filled book I didn’t realize my reader soul needed. I loved the emphasis on baking, family, and its touch of magical realism.
I Can Make This Promise by Christine Day (ARC) | 3.5/5
I Can Make This Promise was a really unique middle grade read, following one girl’s unraveling of her hidden Native American heritage.
The Liars of Mariposa Island by Jennifer Mathieu (ARC) | 4.5/5
The Liars of Mariposa Island took me by surprise in the best way possible, really enjoying this semi-historical fiction read exploring how a young girl’s escape from the Cuban revolution affects her life and two teenage children years later.
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell | 4/5
I’m still trying to figure out my Wayward Son feels because even though I didn’t have a ton of expectations, this book was a lot of what I was not expecting.
Workin’ Moms S3 (Netflix)- Although Grace and Frankie is likely my favorite new-to-me TV show of 2019, Workin’ Moms has stolen my heart this year. This third season went into so many different directions that I wasn’t expecting- Anne and Kate, please make better decisions next season- but I loved the drama and quirkiness. This show genuinely makes me laugh-out-loud and I love its light-hearted and humorous attempt at some adult themes. Season 4 just started production, but I’m hoping this next season comes sooner rather than later.
Catastrophe S1-S4 (Prime)- I feel like I’m in between funny TV shows right now (I need the new seasons of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Grace and Frankie right here and now, please), which led me to Catastrophe. The show follows what happens when an American advertising executive and an Irish schoolteacher leave things no strings attached during a business trip, until Sharon learns that she is pregnant with their child. The show deals with some darker themes and it took me a few episodes to really get into. It’s a great binge-watch, especially since each seasonis made up of 6 25-minute episodes. I found myself really enjoying the offbeat humor and found myself invested in the main and side characters’ storylines.
Falling Inn Love (Netflix)- I have been absolutely loving Neftlix’s romantic-comedies this year — which makes me super sad that I did not fall in love at all with Falling Inn Love. I’m all for the occasional Hallmark movie, but Falling Inn Love had an extreme level of cheesiness in its acting and plot that my best friend and I could not get behind.
Say Yes to the Dress S18 (TLC)- I think Say Yes to the Dress will forever be the epitome of comfort TV for me. I acutally walked past Kleinfield one day this month during my lunch break! I am really looking forward to Say Yes to the Dress America next year.
Currently watching: The Politician S1 (Netflix)
FEMINIST YA FANTASY: The Grace Year Review
COZY READS: Fall 2019 Graphic Novel Reviews
CONTEMPORARY ROUNDUP: August 2019 Mini Reviews
A PIE AND COZY-FILLED READ: Midnight at the Blackbird Café Review
AN UNTOLD MG STORY: I Can Make This Promise Review
LIVE LOVE PLOT TWISTS: The Tenth Girl Review
Bookish Fun 
Top Five Wednesday: Fall TBR (& a Somewhat Life Update)
ARCs I’m Never Unhauling
Taylor Swift Lover Book Tag
My Life in Books Tag
While I didn’t do anything too bookish or fangirlish IRL this month, there is a bit of news that came out this month that I can’t help but keep talking about!
Siobhan Vivian’s new book, We Are the Wildcats, has an official release date and cover- I have been basically waiting for We Are the Wildcats since I finished reading (& utterly loving) Siobhan Vivian’s Stay Sweet in 2018. I am so excited for this field-hockey inspired story by one of my all-time favorite authors.
Laura Silverman’s Recommended for You– Based on my love for her Girl Out of Water and this book’s charming synopsis, I’m really looking forward to Laura Silverman’s Fall 2020 release, Recommend for You. Also blame it on my already growing holiday spirit, but this book is set to follow teen bookseller Shoshanna during the holiday season.
2019 Movies I’m so excited for- I’m sure a lot of my feelings has to do with Netflix and Prime, but I haven’t been too excited for a lot of movies that came out in theaters this year- I only saw Toy Story 4 and Spider-Man 2: Far From Home and re-saw A Star is Born around Oscars-time. However, I will definitely be heading to the movies at least three more times this year for Frozen 2, Last Christmas, and Little Women!
The latest Frozen 2 trailer has me completely hooked and I’ll likely try to catch a screening during ‘a not-so popular with the kids’ time’. Christmas movies are among my absolute favorite things in the world, so add in Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding and you’ll have me bringing candy canes to the movies on November 8. While I have much love for the 1995 Little Women adaptation, this new adaptation looks so promising and again features a few of my faves.
What did you read and watch in September? What books and movies are you looking forward to for the rest of the year? Share in the comments!
BOOKISH BACK TO SCHOOL: September 2019 Wrap Up September has easily been my busiest month of 2019. This month marked my first full month as a college senior (!!!), which was filled with all the school things and reuniting with my best friends.
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Argentum Silver Nitrate Sodium I Love Eating Sweets Although I Possess Weak Food digestion, Panic.
Traditionally the bride's moms and dads paid for the wedding ceremony as well as the groom's parents held the rehearsal dinner. I digress, after you have absorbed the comfortable club beauty from the joint, order a cocktail from a wonderful listing of draft beer on tap in addition to a good assortment of nice red wine that makes certain to go with a number of their food selection selections. Therefore begin dish preparation, as well as reduce some of the stress of stressing daily about what to prepare as well as repair for dinner. If you have time one evening to create a lotion dressing you might conveniently possess pasta al fredo, or fry up some veggies for a nice tempura along with rice. Your family members might certainly not have actually acquired for a while, so this greats to be together once more. This is where recognizing how you can make supper conversation comes in, as a very beneficial capability. Proceed past the walking pathway and view the arduous coast, Cypress plants, as well as more from the stunning beachfront residences. The groom and bride have a golden chance in the practice session dinner to acknowledge all individuals who have actually helped in the wedding event arrangements. Because of the excellent geographic place, Singapore is actually an excellent area that could be selected as a common place for parties. If you always keep Romaine lettuce, fallen leave spinach, or some other leafed eco-friendly handy, you've switched out pasta for the manner from the excellent 'salad stroganoff' for supper tonight. Break down right into subcommittees for each training course, and produce the ultimate plans for the supper event. Dinner attendees: In the khaleej location, a site visitor could expect a supper featuring a big platter, shared often, with a vast quantity from spiced rice, integrating cooked zesty lamb or even chicken, or even both, as distinct dishes, along with various stewed vegetables, highly spiced, occasionally with a tomato -based dressing. When he came property for supper was priceless and also shall fitstyleanna.info remain along with me permanently, the appeal on my Valentine's skin. Her 2 splendid chefs, Lizzie Cunningham as well as Virginia Johnson, had come in extremely early that morning and also began preparing the meal. That actually is actually a wonderful spot along with a great deal background and the Smithsonian Museums are incredible. As you recognize, our team possess our personal opinions on fussy eaters, but our company likewise know that supper celebration is no location to test your guests' taste, regardless of what their age.
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chelleztjs18 · 3 years
Lost in Assistance - Ch. 3
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
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GIF: I do not own this GIF. Found it on gifimage.net
Summary: Y/n is a professional celebrity's personal assistant in Hollywood got hired with two years contract to be the assistant of the famous and talented Elizabeth Olsen / Lizzie by her manager. Both Y/n and Lizzie hate each other since day one, and they have mutual friend. One is as stubborn as the other, will Y/n stay when Lizzie gives attitudes and tries her best to make her quit before the contract ends?
Warning: fluff, angst, smut (in future chapters), swearing words ( +18 only)
All chapters
It's the day before the meeting between Y/n, Mitchel with Jane Vernon and Lizzie. Lizzie has to come by to her manager's office. She's wondering why can't they just discuss it through the phone but it's her day off anyway so she doesn't mind having a quick meeting that she actually already has an idea what this meeting is about. After she parked her car at her special spot that's not easily found or noticeable by the paparazzi, she got into the elevator and went up to floor 48 where Jane's office is.
"Good morning Miss Olsen. Mrs. Vernon is in her office room. She's having a video conference but she said you can just go in and wait inside. Can I get you something to drink?" Jane’s assistant greeted her and his hand gestures gave Lizzie a sign to go in.
"Hi Aaron, yeah I have a quick meeting with Jane. I'll have a pumpkin spice latte from the coffee shop in the lobby please.Thanks." She smiled and went into the office room.
Lizzie walked in right on time as Jane just got done from the video conference.
"Lizzie! Good morning sweety! Thank you for coming by." The brown haired lady in her late 30's stood up and came to Lizzie to give her a hug. "Hi Jane. Morning. Yeah no problem." Lizzie answered as she hugged her back then both of them had a seat facing each other separated by a big mahogany colored office desk. Lizzie slid her sunglasses up and rested it on her head and put her purse aside on the other chair.
"So the reason I asked you to come here is to discuss getting you a personal assistant." Jane started the conversation but Lizzie pinched the bridge of her nose since she already knew this was the reason for the meeting.
"It was my mom wasn't it that asked you to talk to me again about this? I thought I already told you that I don't need one. I'm already comfortable with you. We work well together. You know me very well, and I know how you work too." Lizzie tries to explain her point again.
"Well, it wasn't really all your mom behind this meeting, I thought I needed to talk with you again in person about this. I love the way we work together too. I love to manage everything for you. I totally understand your point but.." 
A knock on the door interferes with the conversation. It's Aaron. "Excuse me, sorry but here's your coffee Miss Olsen, also your mom is here. She said she has an appointment with Mrs Vernon to join the meeting." Lizzie right away turns her head around in confusion and sees Jarnett come in. "Mom? What are you doing here?" Despite her confusion with why Jarnett is here, she still stands up to give her mom a hug.
"Hi honey, oh I'm just here to talk with you and Jane more about the personal assistant." Jarnett answered as she took a seat as soon as Lizzie moved her purse onto her lap from the other chair. "Mom, Jane, I already told you both I don't think I need one. I'm not comfortable adjusting with new people when we can actually solve the problem in different ways." Lizzie said with a little firm tone. 
"Liz, I understand but with your upcoming filmings for different movies in a row in the next few years and that means there'll be a lot more press, interviews, comic cons, shows and a lot more other stuff. It means I will be way busier than I am now with all the major stuff. If you have another personal assistant, all of your other minor needs and stuff will be handled, she can probably even help me so everything will go smoother and easier for you, for all of us." Jane explained her point enthusiastically that can be seen from her hand movements when she was talking. 
"Jane is right Liz. I mainly care about you getting everything you need when you are busy and help you manage/prepare the other minor things" Said Jarnett, helping Jane to prove her point.
"Let's say we don't get the new assistant, we can adapt it through online or phone. You can let me know way in advance whatever I need to know and vice versa. It's like how we have been doing but we do it way in advance. It's that simple. I meant, I'm an adult now, I can do this." Lizzie replied persistently. "I don't think it will work that way even though it does,it won't last that long." Jane said. 
"I think if you have your assistant that's only focused on you, it will help you. I know you don't feel comfortable and give you anxiety when you have to adapt or deal with new people but can you at least give it a try, hun? Trust me it will make your work and filming easier. At least if it works, this can add acquaintances or even maybe new friends in your circle. We never know until we try. Jane has a good friend who knows a professional assistant. She was even impressed when she briefly saw her resumé." Jarnett tries to persuade her daughter as smoothly as she possibly can , knowing it's the only way to handle her daughter's persistence. Jarnett knows how her daughter can sometimes be very pertinacious. 
"Yes Liz, please give it a try for some time. If it really doesn't work out then we'll go your way. I promise it will be only temporary." Jane pitched her last try to convince Lizzie.
"Wait wait wait! Her? So you guys actually already found someone even though I haven't agreed on anything yet about this matter? Did you hire her already?" Lizzie tilted her head, her eyes squinted and her mouth was slightly opened, making it clear that she is puzzled with what is going on.
"Weeeell, yes but not really. I meant, we will meet her tomorrow to finalize the contract and everything. I arranged your schedule and squeezed it in. I just want you to meet her to break the ice. My good friend who owns a Hollywood personal assistant agency said that she is the best one he got and you will love having her as your assistant. The meeting will take place here at 10 A.M. So, I'll see you tomorrow morning Liz?" 
Lizzie sighed in defeat knowing she won't get away with this. "How can I say no when you guys are ganging up on me like this? Alright, I guess I have no choice. I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta go now. Love you both." She pouted and stood up planning to leave for she has no other reason to stay longer in the meeting today. She gave Jarnett and Jane a hug goodbye.
Little do they know, in her mind, Lizzie is still trying to find a way to get what she wants.
"Hey, what are you up to? I need to talk with you. I need your help to figure out some stuff. Do you have time to meet me?" She texted her best friend as she left the office towards the elevator.
“ Yo, what’s up? Yeah sure. Tomorrow at noon? We can meet up for lunch. Everything okay?” Her best friend’s text popped up at the same time as the elevator’s ding.
“Yeah but not really. You don’t have time to meet me today?” She replied while she is in the elevator that sometimes makes weird machine noises.
“Sorry babe, I’m really drowning with my errands. Have to get a lot done today. I promise I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lizzie groans in irritation after reading the reply. “Okay then. See you tomorrow.” She replied then got into her car. 
She sighed, part of her is upset with the situation and another part of her is having the anxiety to adjust with new people. She is definitely not happy and not looking forward to attending the meeting tomorrow morning.
Ch. 4
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