#and like yeah the others have long backstories too ehe
aria0fgold · 1 year
oooh d'you have any more random oc facts.. I'm not good with questions but I love hearing about others ocs lol
Ehehehehe I'd love to! I love talking bout my ocs!
Ray is a really really good actor! He's a dramatic boy that loves to use his acting abilities frequently which also includes masking his emotions :D He is not okay in the og universe lmao but he is okay in the Android Omori AU and is just there that loves to cause mischief to Patch.
Also also! Ray was a really really shy kid when he was younger, he tends to hide behind Alec's back and rarely talks! His parents wanted to help with the shyness and saw how he seemed to like movies and signed him up for acting lessons. It was a mess at first but Ray really liked it! Only reason why he's so extroverted now.
Drunk Ray reverts back to his shy self though :o Although, it's hard to get him drunk. Not really a heavy drinker but he can hold his alcohol well! Benefits of going to so many parties.
Meanwhile Alec is an incredible lightweight. Any alcohol, no matter the percentage, just one shot and he's drunk. He rarely drinks to be fair. My guy likes healthy living, he is far from living fully healthily.
Of all my OCs, those two have the biggest problems of Ray thinking he is easily replaceable and Alec putting everyone before him. Honestly if they're put in a fantasy setting, Ray is a self-sacrificial dude and Alec is the same but the difference is that Alec has a strong will to live and aint allowing himself to die so easily.
Seph has problems too, actually I think all of them do whoops...
ouououu wanna talk bout seph past. im gonna talk bout seph past >:o
It isn't that like long and lengthy but like basically! Seph is adopted, first was at an orphanage and one of the caretakers is Water's mom, Angela! Seph got adopted by Sera's parents, billionaire peeps, rich business ppl. Life with them was a-okay for a time, in fact they spoil Seph a lot! But that's exactly the problem, cuz Sera is dead when they adopted Seph, both parents were grieving and the dad just so happens to have the bright idea of adopting a kid to fill that hole.
It went downhill from there when they saw how similar looking Seph was to Sera. (Blonde hair and brown eyes. Though Seph's eyes are lighter.) Except for dresses and skirts, most of the clothes the parents gave Seph are ones they can imagine Sera to also wear. Same with toys and gadgets. None of them also mention having a daughter until Seph found out bout it on his own.
A LOT of stuff happened but basically Seph funded his own company with the help of Water and Angela acting as proxy (company name is Yggdrasil.) So yeah he is also basically not okay. But! That past is different for Kitsunemori AU cuz hey! Sera is alive! Seph is still adopted but that's some trauma skipped :D
Water has problems too... Alec has bigger problems... Honestly Ray is the only one with a normal-ish childhood. Mel (im sorry my guy i keep forgetting you) also has problems.
Patch is saved from problems????? actually not really
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Mexican! Fem-Reader
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A/N: Self indulgence at its finest.
Reader is first gen (USA), parents are old fashion folks. Also Simon's backstory.
TW// mentioned of abuse, sexism and death.
You were the newbie in the team, it was hard warming up to team. Luckily most were very welcoming, however a certain skull masked individual prefered to keep his distance. He reminded you of the "Catrin."
It was kinda lonesome in the beginning as you didn't know them well, not to mention you kinda kept to yourself. During times like this, Ghost slowly started to warm up to you and start conversations. Once he fully trusted you, which took a very long time.
Once you two started your relationship which each other. You started to open up more, be that your culture or simply being more talkative now that you're finally assured.
But first let's get the work part out.
Anything revolving translating, or communicating with Spanish or Spanish speakers was your call. Since the other boys accents were too rough to speak it naturally it was your job to do.
The boys found out quickly that when you're stressed out or extremely tired, you speak Spanish. Ghost found out, when he asked you something and you just replied back in Spanish without a thought and fell back asleep in your cot. He stood there confused.
Also when your pissed, which isn't often you start fumbling your words. And when your truly pissed off, you start cussing out in Spanish. Let's just say none of the boys were prepared for that.
Now for the fun stuff, introducing the boys specifically Ghost to your culture.
The first thing you introduced to them was actually games.
Specifically "Loteria", Ghost was having such a hard time saying the cards names. Soap would get frustrated and looked over his shoulder and take the card out his hand and say it. You just liked watching the chaos it brought out between them. From being frustrated from the names or being too competitive.
Then you brought out toys you used to play with, like clackers. Trompos and boleros as examples.
"I warn you, it's kinda loud and if you messed up it hurts. " You mentioned to the boys. "My mom can do this so it shouldn't be too hard." You gave them a quick demonstration.
Gaz looked at it, " are you sure this is safe? "
"Eh, maybe?" You shrugged.
Soap was the first one to try it and immediately hit his face because he went too hard.
Ghost laughed at it, as he was messing around with those poppers you get from swap meets.
Price had those plastic cheap ass phones that played that random song with butterflies.
You giggled watching these grown men enjoying these toys you used to played with.
The struggles of being you.
Even though you loved your culture and accepted who you are as a person. That doesn't mean there's not any faults within it either likey any other culture.
You struggled alot in the beginning of you and Ghost relationship, not because of him refusing to open up. Actually you were fine that he didn't show his face or him telling you his backstory. He will tell you when the time is right and when he feels comfortable. No, your issue is... you didn't know whether to tell him yours.
You loved him, but you worried about things that's cultural norm for you but to him it could be awful or even triggering.
Like you had to have to worry about machismo and sexism. You struggled alot growing up first gen in the US. You, yourself was confused of your own identity crying that you wished you were white to be pretty like them or to be accepted. You learned to cook later in life because you didn't want to become an other housewife to some alcoholic man like your mother in an act of rebellion.
And you knew your parents suffered alot, for you to grow up in US. Yeah, you know they neglected you but they still provide so much. And it's not fault either, as much you tell yourself.
You just wanted to make them proud.
Eventually you open this part of yourself to Ghost and he accepted it. He didn't rush you to say everything but he was willing to be there for you. And that's all that matters.
All you could do was cry "thank you's" into his shoulders.
Now to the domestic side of things.
When you started to live together it was certainly an adjustment to what Ghost was used to. It was a little awkward at first but he soon adjusted to it.
First things first, he can't sleep without you near him. You ease his mind and comfort him both at home and in missions.
Especially during nights where his night terrors we're really bad. You'll play soft melodies you knew for him to calm down.
You also taught him how to dance bachata for fun, he was kinda flustered at it.
He adores your cooking, haft the time he doesn't even know what the hell he's eating. And any leftovers are given to the crew since you make so much.
Speaking of cooking, ingredients depending where you live are hard to come by. ( Depending if in US or UK) so sometimes you can't make certain foods.
Also Ghost is so dramatic over chilis specifically cooking chili's on the stove, because he is not used to it at all. He has to step outside. Especially if he's wearing his mask. You have no issues with it though lol.
One of the first ever gifts you gave Ghost was those tiger blankets he was surprised how comfortable it was for the cold. He uses it all time now, unless it's summer.
You also got Ghost into those shitty soap operas, once an awhile he'll join in them. You did tell him ones he can watch and some that he can't. *Cough" la Rosa de Guadalupe. *cough*
He also gets mad when you watch an episode without him.
But your favorite is when they involve the military or police. He critiques it hard. Making fun at how idiotic it is.
"It was unnecessary to use that in that situation it makes no fuckin sense." Simon says, arms crossed sitting on the couch. You perked up to look over the TV as you were in the kitchen making lunch.
"well maybe they used it so she can survive? After all they need her so they can find out what happened. " He scoffs at the response.
"What they did, should have killed them because the blast radius. That's bullshit. "
You shrugged, " I don't know...plot I guess?"
But there was one memory that'll you hold close to your heart.
It was related to "dia de los muetos."
You celebrate it but the days were coming close to the celebrations. By this time, you knew of Simon's past. It was a heart breaking one, that's for certain, so you asked him.
You gently knocked on the door and let yourself in, "Simon, can I ask you something. If that's alright with you. " He looked up from what he's doing.
"What is it?"
You explained your intentions. "Is that alright with you? Im asking Incase it bothered you. " He agreed but he was silent about it, you leaned on the door frame. " Your more then welcome to add to it, your my family too."
And with that, you left the room.
You set up the alter near the living room, with your grandparents and old pets on it. You gave Simon the option if he wanted to join.
And he did, you can tell he's trembling and your hand gently reaches his and you help him place the photos. And the little trinkets and things on top. You took it slow with him, it was obviously emotional for him. But it felt like he can finally process it. It still hurts, that will never go away.
But the fact, you lend your hand out and accept all of him even the part of him hes burden with including their death.
It was therapeutic, he kinda just sat down in front of the altar and cried.
You put your arm around him reassuringly and just let him breathe.
And for that, he was forever grateful for you.
A/n: hope you guys liked this! It was a alot lol. I kinda teared up at the day of dead part. Shit makes me emotional. But overall I really enjoyed this. It's not my best work but I hoped I did it justice.
Also for bachata, I imagine the song is "Eres Mia" by Romeo Santos lol.
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bl4cktourmaline · 7 months
I really need some Kanade fluff
Reader being friends with her in school before she stopped going sounds like a fun backstory. Or maybe the other way round and Kanade finds out one of her online friends (who isn't in N25) was you?
Feel like she'd be the kind to not forget a friend who disappeared.
Ty for considering this request!
(*/ω\) — yoisaki kanade
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : x/modmafuyu is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : Behind the screens, reunion.
✿ — ♯ GENRE : Fluff
✿ — ⊜ CW : Nil
✿ — ↠ NOTE : Hello Anon! This was a really interesting request. I hope this fic will satisfy your Kanade fluff needs<3
Also sorry if I turned this into a chat fic(?) I had troubles finding out how to write this since Kanade barely leaves her house TT
For context:
[o/a] - online alias
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
Extra: If you would like to request, click 'here' and read the writing rules for each writer!
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Yoisaki Kanade
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Click click!
"I think this is a good place to stop.."
As a long white haired girl lifted her headphones off. Slowly looking up at the time. It was currently 6pm, and needed to go to her daily meetings at the family restaurant.
"I should probably take a quick sho-"
"E-eh..? Nightcord notification.."
As she sat back down in her seat to see who had messaged her on Nightcord.
[o/a] Today at 18:00 : K! Your new released song was really well made. I love the composition!
[K] Today at 18:01 : Ah, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed our works.
[o/a] Today at 18:01 : Yeah! I listened to it just now. I'm currently on break for my shift.
[K] Today at 18:01 : Good luck with your shift. You've been busy nowadays too.
[o/a] Today at 18:02: Yeah, I really love all your music works. I really hope we can collab one day. Of course when I'm free from all these shifts aha.
[K] Today at 18:02 : I hope I'll be able to collab with you too.
[o/a] Today at 18:03 : Ah sorry gotta go! Breaks almost over. Let's chat later tonight again?
[K] Today at 18:03 : Sure
"Hehe.. I should really go get ready now."
As the girl finally stepped away from her computer to prepare going out.
⋘ At the Family Restaurant... ⋙
"Yoohoo! Kanade, we're here!" Kanade looked up and saw a familiar pink-haired person waving her over to come to their table.
Kanade: "Hi everyone, sorry for being late. Have you all ordered yet?"
Ena: "Don't worry about it. We only just arrived so you didn't miss much."
Mafuyu: "..You don't need to lie to her. You already ordered your cheesecake"
Ena: "Oi! I was just trying to be nice"
Mizuki: "Ahaha. Don't worry about being late Kanade. Although we did order already, what would you like to order?"
Kanade: "I'm fine with any Ramen they have here"
Mafuyu: "I'll have the same too."
Mizuki: "Okayyy!"
As Mizuki took a look around and raised up their hand to call a waiter to place their friends' order.
A person with [hair/color] hair came over to take their order. However Kanade had a thug in her chest feeling like she had met the waiter before.
"Why does this person feel familiar..?"
Kanade then took a closer look at the waiter.
"Their voice, hair color and eyes remind me of a childhood friend who stopped coming to school.."
"Could this person b-"
"..-o! Earth to Kanade?"
Kanade: "Ah sorry, did I space out?"
Mafuyu: "..Did you know that waiter? You were kind of staring at them.."
Kanade: "I-I was?!"
Ena: "Yeah, though I don't think they noticed it, they just looked at you and smiled then went away. Who are they anyways?"
Kanade: "Ah, they just felt familiar. That's all."
Mafuyu: "Childhood friend?"
Kanade: "Yeah. However they suddenly stopped coming to school abruptly so I could be mistaken if it is them"
Mizuki: Did you gift them anything? Maybe a necklace or bracelet? If they do wear it, it could be them!
'..Right! I gave them a music bracelet as a birthday present before they left I can check it if they come over here again..'
Kanade: ..Actually I bought the both of us matching music bracelets. Though I'm not sure if they're wearing it. I always keep mine on to remember them..
Ena: Aww, that's actually pretty cute, Kanade!
Kanade: I could probably check if it is them if they come over here again..
And just like that, Kanade's prayers got answered as the same waiter had came to deliver the cheesecake and French fries to the table.
???: "Here's your order. Enjoy-"
Kanade took a glance at their wrist and was surprised to see that it looks like the same exact bracelet she gave to her childhood friend.
..If only she could verify it-
Mizuki: Oh hey, that's a nice bracelet. Where did you get it?
'Mizuki is pretty awesome at this.. I wonder if it is actually them'
???: Oh this? I got it from a childhood friend. I had to leave school abruptly but I treasured our friendship. I've never taken it off. Pretty cute right?
Kanade: [n-name]? Is that you?
[name]: W-wait.. Kanade?! I knew you looked familiar..
As the rest of N25 watch as both [name] and Kanade chat till [name] got called back to work.
⋘ At Kanade's house... ⋙
"Ah.. I'm so glad to see [name] again. Though I forgot to ask for their number.." Kanade whispered to herself as she continued composing.
"Notification? Ah must be [o/a]."
As Kanade pull out her Nightcord app.
[o/a] Today at 21:27 : K! You won't believe what happened today!
[K] Today at 21:27 : Oh? What happened today [o/a]?
[o/a] Today at 21:27 : I met my own childhood friend at the place I work at. She was with three other friends. Though its a same I didn't manage to get her number as she left too quick.
[K] Today at 21:29 : [name]?
[o/a] Today at 21:30 : HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!
[o/a] is typing..
[o/a] Today at 21:30 : Wait.. KANADE?!
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cenviswasteland · 1 month
okay from best to worst top three! klapollo krisnix wrightworth go!! with explanations duh - 💾
oh guess what i just found in the bottom of my drafts. sorry floppy disk you asked me this in march and now its almost june. my bad pestie
anyway i would LOVE to. im gonna cut the post here because it ended up getting pretty damn long and i wanna save the mobile users some pain
[[[hey welcome back thanks for clicking a button]]]
a little preface first: i don't think any of them are the "worst". im a multiship freak and i think all three of these are best and worst in their own way. id love more info on what you MEAN by "best to worst" because that's so very vague. do you mean in terms of relationship dynamic? do you mean in terms of personal perception? do you mean how much i like them?? since i have no idea what exactly youre asking me here, im just gonna shove a whole bunch of headcanons in your face and hope for the best. xoxo follow me
3rd place - Wrightworth / Narumitsu
the iconic, original gangster, blah blah blah. forever cute. theyre just kind of a little bland to me. like i feel as tho we've explored basically everything there is to explore in wrightworth with the exception of the seven year gap? eh maybe thats a terrible take who knows. theyre still lovely tho i love the seemingly constant stream of gayass lawyers on my feed. everybody loves narumitsu!
2nd place - Klapollo
i really don't have much to say about klapollo either. theyre cute as hell and they definitely have a lot more to ponder on (considering that the only game we really get klavier in is AA4 [no DD doesnt count klavs ass got fucking Visited and he was written so poorly thats NOT my klavier gavin]). and generally speaking im an AA4 fiend its my favorite game in the entire series and so im biased. also, another pretty constant stream of gay lawyer content. shout out to hyundere who made like constant beautiful klapollo content until the One Piece happened lol [im a one piece enjoyer too dont come for me this is not criticism]
1st place - Krisnix
my GOD krisnix. theres a lot of things that go into me enjoying krisnix, but the biggest one is the fact that they have the fucking wackiest, least defined relationship in all of AA4. (also, another AA4 exclusive lol). with the 7yg in play, theres so much room to play around. and most of krisnix really exists in their questions and the vagueness of their relationship. theres like a billion things to ask. how does this relationship develop? how did they meet? what were they like for seven years? what led up to phoenix suspecting kristoph in, yknow, the Everything that happened in AA4? what kind of relationship did they even have? were they "friends" that just happened to pull each other into their gravity? were they holding hands and cuddling every night? were they practically strangers until one of them needed to "blow off steam"?
and not to mention these people are both private/secretive as HELL (phoenix is probably the cagiest man ive ever seen ever. and kristoph, aside from being a man with a fucking army of skeletons in his closet, gets an unfortunately small amount of screentime in the game and not a lot of time to get into the meat of his character/backstory [see: black psyche-locks]). that adds another layer. they certainly dont talk about each other. so how did... All Of This happen?
SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. and in general i like my ships a little more "toxic". and i mean. if you know ANYTHING about AA4, krisnix is pretty mutually toxic. i could totally make another post tearing into the inner guts of their dynamic and relationship-- hell, i could probably make FIVE.
moral of the story: krisnix forever. poggies.
anyway yeah i hope this uh. answered all your questions? how the hell do you end a tumblr post
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p4nishers · 4 months
i don't know if you even posted about it but
which discworld books have you read already?? and maybe you have some favourites like I STRONGLY SUSPECT THAT IT'S NIGHT WATCH but what if im absolutely wrong..please share
anon i will lay my life down for you i've been waiting for this for so so long (literally since november. but whatever)
so. from the rincewind series i've only read the last continent and unseen academicals bc reasons. one of them being is that i am weirdly passionate about the ridcully/bursar ship only i care about and they're developed enough characters by those books for me to actually have something to ship. i can't think of other reasons but. they're there definitely i promise. oh yeah unseen academicals was by FAR my fav from the two but i found the ending a little eh so i dont consider that one a FAVORITE favorite. but its still insanely fucking good.
then i've read all of the witches novels except equal rites and that's only cause i was listening to the audiobook and then i forgot where i left off and i just didn't finish it. anyway the clear winner for me is and always will be carpe jugulum and it's DEFINITELY one of my top 3 discworld books. like i know you didn't ask for this to be a hundred pages long but fuck me that BOOK. i could write ESSAYS. also wyrd sisters is a fucking masterpiece and i wont hear a WORD against it. thank you.
all of the death books expect thief of time and i honestly i just dont want to end the series yet so i'm still putting it off. give me some time. favorites from that hmm well hogfather DUH but also reaper man. listen man it's about found family it's about bill door it's about death giving his TIME for a little girl it's about I NEVER WORE A CROWN YOU NEVER WANTED TO RULE it's THE FIRST FUCKING TIME WE MEET REG SHOE also the wizards are fucking GREAT in that one i just love it. not top 3 material but definitely a comfort read.
from the watch books i've read up to thud! which i'm still half way thru bc i'm not ready to move on from night watch like i had to listen to it on audiobook two days after i've first read it bc it just sucks you in man. does NOT let go. and yeah you're so so so right and true about night watch being one of my absolute favorites that book changed me as a person i'm still definitely not over it. like at all. also feet of clay and fifth elephant will always ALWAYS be my children and have my heart for obvious reasons (cheery. its cheery).
from the moist books i only have raising steam left and yes again im putting it off bc i dont wanna finish the series whatever dont look too deep into my issues
uh. shit this is so fucking long ok sorry. from tiffany novels i've read up to wintersmith and so far the wee free men is my absolute favorite i cried so much reading that book it's embarrassing.
small gods was my very first discworld novel and let me fucking tell you man absolutely HILARIOUS place to start when you dont know shit about the world building that's all im gonna say. also it's just so fucking good it's insane to me like yeah maybe it's not as funny as the others but the way terry wrote about faith and gods and devotion and the church and ugghh. (sidenote i read an brutha/om fic a few weeks ago that changed my fucking LIFE im being so so serious rn that was a masterpiece)
and i think the only one left is the truth which is in my opinion one of the best written discworld books from what i've read and definitely in my top 3. like otto chriek would be enough to convince me and THEN there's mr tulip's backstory and william confronting his dad (man that scene where william gives his father thousands of dollars to pay back for what he "cost" him over his life. anyone got reminded of that one ladybird scene? yeah.) and it's just like the best thing you've ever read.
im so sorry this got so long im insane i hope u got some kind of answer out of it
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ferretwhomst · 8 months
i have so many thoughts about that last rnm episode and none of them are super coherent- it is like 4am after all. but thought i'd just talk about them before going to bed
(putting them all under the cut because as usual this got uh... Long.)
EVIL MORTY WAS FUCKIN GREAT THIS EP. i have nothing specific to say about him but it was nice to have him just. there. being snarky and sarcastic and annoying. love that guy.
NOT TO MENTION THE BIT OF BACKSTORY WE GOT??? GODDAMN. i know on tumblr we all make a case for traumatized teens who get called fucked up for just... Being Teens..... but i also like when they Are actually that fucked up <3 (<- in evil morty's case he Has His Reasons but STILL. also i do mean this affectionately)
they really had prime say "you're me, except, you know, less." while the mortys were onscreen. damn. that definitely won't go anywhere
the scene with the Diane Orb (???) was so funny. she's trying to kill him and he just stares at her and goes "god, i miss that face" what a sentimental little freak <3 i need to study him
something very !!!!!! about rick calling himself a rascal by the way. "rascal" is like an entire gender identity. something special about it
really like the little alliance between evil morty and morty prime. the Heroic Step and the portal closing on him... me too man i've been there
"IF YOU DIE I'M TAKING YOUR STUFF." space cruiser ai and garage ai should be friends LMFAO. SPINOFF SERIES WHEN!!!!!!1
prime calling c137 "wife guy" was really funny to me for some reason. never gonna get that nickname out of my head and i mean that in the BEST way possible
also "i do miss when it was just us!" literally in agony. they keep dropping hints that c137 and prime were actually associated with each other for at least a short period prior to the incident (unless i'm reading it wrong. idk like i said it's late) and i desperately wish we could see more of their dynamic from BEFORE shit hit the fan
i may have laughed a little too hard at prime's pensive emoji-ass expression during the uncle slow bit
THE MOUTH CHAINSAW MADE ME LOSE MY SHIT HONESTLY. just the sort of fucked up thing prime would do of course but it caught me so off guard
i know everyone expected that prime would hold morty hostage or something (at least judging from the fanart) but honestly? i loved the awkward ass conversation he had with "his" morty. "original grandson! this is super weird, obviously!" like yeah good reminder that all ricks are just. Like That (and by that i mean autistic if that wasn't clear LOOL). prime is a terrifying little bastard and he definitely comes off intimidating in his funny little videos but in a real life unscripted scenario he kinda sucks at improvising and he's so real for that
also SHITTY GRANDPA!!!!!!!!!!
morty trying to shake a clearly battered and bloodied rick awake and the fuckin... laser thing (?) falling away to reveal all his guts lying around was. wow.
"we could be like batman and robin!" "eh. i don't need a robin." GET HIS ASS EVIL MORTY!!! also kinda glad they had prime use the word "sidekick". i know it's supposed to show how little regard he has for mortys but it fits the actual power dynamic between ricks and mortys better than the show insisting that they're Partners when they are Clearly not on equal footing in their relationship. my guy that is a 14 year old boy and his abusive 70 year old grandpa!
"schematic booger-aids" who let this man have a child
god the scene where rick just beat the shit out of prime was so fucking cathartic. the way prime's still spewing insults, laughing horribly in rick's face till the very end. FUCK.
also just. "admit it, you would've been me. i just walked into your garage before you walked into mine! and eventually, you did! YOU LIVED IN MY HOUSE!" i have nothing to say about this, my thoughts are too scattered but know that i'm thinking about it. a lot.
"not exactly an alive amount of blood" have i mentioned how much i love evil morty
(also side note i actually went back to s1e6 to rewatch that scene at the end, and i think it's funny how much Better the show is at gore now. like. just take one look at the shitty blood spatters on the garage walls in the original scene, and then compare it with any of the gore we've seen for the past couple seasons. it's crazy)
okay i think that's all i have to say for now. um. don't know how i'm supposed to recover from an episode like that but sure
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a-kookie-with-my-tae · 5 months
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Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Music Producer!Reader
Genre: idek what to call this chapter.
Word Count: 521
Warnings: none really.
A/N: This prologue is a whooooolleee different vibe from the teaser, haha. I find it crazy how the teaser was twice as long as the prologue, but eh. This is basically to give a slight backstory to everything. This is like a flashback 6 months before the start of chapter one. Have fun and don't forget to comment and reblog if you like it!
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I stare at the screen in front of me, reading the words over and over but they still don't seem to compute.
My laptop lays in my lap as I sit on my bed with my back propped up against the headrest. You wouldn't think that the newest producer for one of the biggest music companies in South Korea would be laying here in her one bedroom apartment with a stained t-shirt and Invader Zim slippers on, but here I am.
That's me, apparently.
No matter how many times I read the email or say it to myself in my head, it still sounds too far-fetched to be true.
But here it is in front of me. My plane ticket was booked, apartment lease signed, and email still pulled up from when I first read it two weeks ago. It still feels too good to be true. Something I've been dreaming of since I first got into music production in middle school.
My heart has felt like it's been doing flips in my chest for the past couple weeks. I wonder how it's still beating from how it's been jumping around for so long. 
But as much as the prospect excites me, it saddens at the same time.
The fact that I can uproot my life at the age of 22 and move to another country with no problem would be heartbreaking to most. But I said my goodbyes long ago.
I have no one left worth saying it to.
Always the introvert, friends weren't my forte. I've always preferred to stay in and create beats or learn a new instrument when other people my age wanted to hook up and party. 
Hell, I've only had sex once... regrettably.
I shake the memory from my head, the pain starting to gnaw at the concrete in my chest. Dylan was the past... I'm now staring at my new future.
I wouldn't call it running away, perhaps. Yeah, two years ago when I moved halfway across the country you could call it that. But now, it's more of a new beginning.
BigHit Entertainment, home of some of the biggest bands in the world right now. Who knows what the future could hold for me there. 
I wince as I shut my laptop more forcefully than intended. Setting it off to the side, I swing by legs over the side of the bed as I look around my room. Boxes are stacked in the corner filled with clothing and miscellaneous knick-knacks I've gathered from throughout the years. My furniture and walls are bare. I look at the crooked oak dresser I've had for the past two years since moving to this place and I smile. I'm gonna miss some of the memories this place held. But the fact that my new apartment in Seoul came already furnished was a welcome ease on my wallet.
I sigh as I lay back against the pillows, turning off the light on my nightstand. 
"Tomorrow's a new day. New world. New life..." I say to myself as I shut my eyes, excited but nervous for the adventure that awaits as the lights of a new city flash behind my eyelids.
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ruelin024 · 3 months
I wanna have opinions so uh, what do you think of my SacredFell AU? (So far anyway haha)
Hello, my mutual compadre, @littleyukki5033 , I have traveled down to the depths of your blog and will now commence judgment.
Kehehehe. ψ(`∇´)ψ
[Gonna be long, I like/wanted to try making my responses worthwhile and attentive, to show you I went in on your AU and posts.]
(And you can laugh at me or with me on this, but I may not be the best at giving opinions, 😖 I think. Just know I'm typing this with my miniscule overthinkin’ brain and hurt wrist.)
Feb 4: Don’t be afraid to post your AU and talk about it, beautiful or not, unique or not, complicated or not, similar or not, cringe or not, demented or not, eh or not. 
Share your mind, you’ll find people who share it with you. And if you get hate, show them San’s ass or something. It tells others how nonexistent they are to you. (though I’ve seen someone draw Sans very beautifully thicc, we will keep in mind he is bones, which we indeed simp for). 
Observe Exhibit A:
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(I found this silly image saved on my desktop, so I thought it'd be cool to share it with you.)
So never let a negative comment change your love and view of your au and undertale. 
Undertale is amazing, it’s good to ramble, even if others don’t talk about it, even if you’ll never get reciprocated. There’s other people there reading it, like me sometimes I read and forget to heart, or I don’t heart a post because I don’t wanna bombard their notifications and all that. 
Yes, post your art, even if you’ve got no idea what to post, doodle, ask for ideas, or even take a break. I think it’s beautiful to share your mind’s eye. Show no fear, you’ve got this!
Everyone starts where you were once. 
Feb 12: Your Introduction of your own Underfell AU called SacredFell
I am interested. I am in fact one of many who are and will be interested for days to come, for as long as you build and love your AU, as it becomes whatever completion you dreamt of it to be, so on and so forth, even if one day you stop.
I’m finna be there bruh, late or on time.  
And imma let you know that right now as you reading this. You actually asked me first about your AU and lemme tell you, you beat me to it. I actually have fanart for you. AND was gonna find a time to ask you first.
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(~(>_<。)\ Usually I'm ready to send art cause I plan before hand, but someone used a wrist twist move on me for fun recently. ಥ_ಥ)
Anyway, moving forward.
Frisk and Chara of SacredFell: I enjoy teh designs. And me personally, I like Frisks design, the fact Frisk went through multiple design phases is nice to know. Would you ever show Frisk's previous designs?
Oof, you changed SacredFell Sans height from 5’2 to 6ft, damn what a stretch. And he part of the Royal Guard, whoa! 😆hotsome big skeleman.
Also, I love the art style of @/melikitinas, too. 💖
Feb 14: … ScaredFell Papyrus…. I-... 11ft height, yeah, we gonna need a height chart. I short, so they a fucking tree at this point, imagine Paps just bending at the waist towards a shorty like me, he’s gotta be prone on the ground or something. AND his fine ass a 2nd in Command Royal Guard, too. ○( ^皿^)っ AWWHEHESJDHWU ✨
Feb 21: LORE Ah, so the beginning is different, interesting. *reads through it with glasses* (I was recently working on my other OCs at the time as well :D.) 
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Yukki sounds like a good character! And portaled? Oooooh, portaled, I wanna know backstory! 
Did Yukki not go through the ruins? She just collapsed in Snowdin? Was she unconscious the entire time she was taken to Asgore, up until Toriel saved her?
And usually humans, are strong, is Yukki weak due to something? (you don’t have to reveal too much lore unless you wanna) How much power does Yukki have? Why does it drain so quickly? 
Also, love Toriel, to save one instead of all, what a mother. Even if Yukki wasn’t her own, that was such a big sacrifice for the price of saving one child over freedom. I would love to see how you draw that part out.
And Toriel left Yukki behind the waterfalls, why not take Yukki with her? 
Why out of all the souls, Kindness was taken, would this serve as a significant plot point in the AU?
Would Yukki grow to harbor bad intent or negative emotions towards the monster or would she end up sacrificing herself after understanding the monster’s want for freedom, would she find another way, would she resort to genocide at some point(despite her being weak)? 
Would Toriel come in clutch next time Yukki is in grave danger? 
And what plans would Asgore have after he gets Toriel, I would’ve expected that he wanted Toriel dead, not with a bounty on her head to be returned ALIVE to his home. I'm probably just thinking to the extremes. 😂
I like this plot. I’d love to know how Frisk and Yukki will come together. And if within the one or two years, Yukki stayed with Sans and Papyrus, would the brothers falter when they need to get their jobs done for Asgore when the time comes? Would Sans and Papyrus eventually come to value Yukki as their own friend? Does Yukki know Sans and Papyrus are working to gain her trust to betray her in the end? 
Also is Toriel and Sans doing the knock knock joke through the gate in this AU too? What’s Toriel’s relationship with the characters so far? Within the time Yukki was living in the Underground, does she come to meet Toriel again?
Feb 23: YUKKI I agree Yukki is a main focal point in the beginning of this AU, I really like this. I can’t wait to see how you build this lore up. Would Toriel act again when Frisk comes? Would Toriel talk to Frisk about Yukki? How old is Yukki again? To me, Yukki looks like she has a strong presence, tongue sticking out, seems playful. ✨
Feb 27: Comic Heh. Middle school art is always nostalgic to look back on. I wish I still had some of mine. I threw most out due to the fact, I didn’t want physical evidence of my cringe art tying back to me, but looking back on it now. I was stupid and paranoid. 
Now cringe art is one of my favorite art pieces to discover, it brings a certain emotion outta you, am I right? Yeaahh.  
Anyway, I admire you for sharing your old art and comic. 
An AU, especially when a creator is lovingly dedicated to it, can become hectic and mentally crowded and out of order, or as you say “all over the place.” Good luck on that journey, creating comlex stories is hard! I was overwhelmed by my own ideas and burned out at some point and stopped entirely. You make me wanna go back to my little world.
And Yukki and SacredFell Sans look like they get along noicely. yukki hand on her hip, confidence and power ✨👌 makin' Sansy sweat.
Mar 7: Yay Toriel Character Sheet Me like tall woman. She taller than Sans, haha. I gotta learn how to draw a goat at some point. And she looks good in my opinion. Do SOUL Protectors gain power from the souls? Wouldn't they accidentally at some point absorb the soul? Has any of the protectors even thought of doing that? Doesn't the barrier need one monster soul and one human soul to break the barrier, or is that different in this AU?
Mar 11: Another comic redraw, SacredFell Asgore WIP
Aw SacredFell Sans and Yukki smiling together, your old drawing of them is cute. ANd that’s a jump, good to know they're out of the underground. Hope you eventually find the right design for Yukki, that you’re gonna be satisfied with. I’m excited to find out how they got out of the underground, too.
What's the key on Sans? And the heart necklace on Yukki?
And yes, I think Tumblr does something with the quality of an image when posted, because compared to my computer view, my phone view of some posts are different a bit.
Yass, show off the Goat man. 
ANd I also saw your Avatar DTIYS, looks awesome! I love the coloring, shading, and perspective! 
Mar 15: Update Eh, it didn’t take a while for me to gather info on your AU, it was spread out a little yes, but not so much, for me the pacing was alright. 
Ah and the ask blogs, yeah I dunno how I’m doing this tbh. 
And a webtoon would be great! But I hear it’s a lot of work to put into it, take small steps, so you won’t stress or burn yourself out. But I would definitely read teh webtoon if you were to make one. 
Mar 16: SacredFell Undyne WIP I love Undyne, I just dunno how to draw her yet. Love the art! She pretty. 
Mar 16: SacredFell Flowey Flowey in a bag, hahahahaha. I like how annoyed he looks in the drawing.  
Mar 17: SacredFell Monster Kid Another main character, you developing a lot of lore right now I bet. I wonder how MK will play out in your AU. 
Mar 18,22 : It’s UNDYNE >.< Fangirling. Another Tall strong woman. And missing parents during gaster’s disappearance, is this what I think it is, a lore hint?!?!   
Mar 23: Alphys Alphys is gonna be somewhat of a sly character in the plot huh, wow! And she fights, you gotta make art of that at some point! Alphys having bravery is interesting! 
Pfft, you spelled “Bavery” I didn’t even notice until you mentioned it. 
Mar 23: Gaster I love how you drew Sans and Papyrus in at Gaster’s “You’re in Trouble” expression.
And me like the tinted glasses as well.
Mar 24: Mettaton! He a Bravery SOUL Decoy! Was that Alphy’s idea to make him like that? Is he famous in the underground as well? He’s a looker. And he got four arms! Yuuusss! 
Mar 26?: Muffet Indeed a 5’7 lady spider is a cutie patootie, the arms are good, multiple is betta. Good design!  And she is also part of the Royal Guard, what will the fight be like? I’m curious! 
Mar 26?: That Sacredfell Mini Comic/Story was nicely put together! The end where SacredFell Sans responds with, “I don’t know.” I enjoyed reading this conversation! And Undyne in her royal armor MWUAH!  
So from all this, hopefully I did something good for you, most are just questions and comments, but I hope it served as an answer. *ahem*
A new character was added. [Yukki] = Will lead to more plot. *Check*
There’s a different backstory before the arrival of Frisk. *Check*
Toriel makes an act against Asgore before leaving, Asgore ordering Sans and papyrus to gain Yukki’s trust until the “time” comes = Complicated relationships *Check* 
I can fangirl, which means I can simp, which means, I’m invested. ✨ *CHECK CHECK CHECK*
The concept is really good! (The fact Asgore would entrust the souls to another and make them SOUL Protectors, and you still fight Alphys even in the pacifist route, and I sense "things" though not sure what, but it makes me look forward to your lore.) *ChecK* 
It’s a Fell type Universe. (I love Underfell) *CHECK* 
The art is noice!!!! *CHecK* 
I find interest in how characters will interact or encounter each other. *Check* 
I can see the work put into this AU! I see their dedication based from the dates you posted things about your AU. I really look forward to seeing how you continue to develop and make art for your SacredFell AU! With what you’ve shown at this time, I can happily tell you, for me this AU is interesting, there’s potential in many areas, character development, choice of dialogue, different relationship dynamics, personality, world building, plot changes, etc.
I wish I had more to say, I think most of my response here sounded... I think repetitive, maybe some questions were even answered already and I didn't catch it? Though hopefully I conveyed to you that I think you're doing well for what've you've shown thus far!
That's my grand opinion. 😁✨
Also, I found you through graphictale au. 💕💖👌✨
😙 Both ya'll wonderful.
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robotsdeservebetter · 7 months
People’s reaction to Eve’s powers in special episode made no sense. Parents were horrible just for the sake of being horrible. You’d think it would at least be something about Eve being a girl who’s interested in science, but no, they just??? Don’t like chemistry or something??? Because I didn’t recall them ever addressing her ability to see molecules despite not being able to read yet in any sense other than “it’s weird”. Okay, and? Val freaked out about Eve throwing a pink energy ball around, understandable, but, despite being a kid and Eve’s best friend didn’t show any interest??? Like, at all??? Uhmmm, if you’re taking a “misunderstood genius” trope, it doesn’t mean you get to leave viewers confused as well, you kinda have to do the opposite, show us why the genius is misunderstood. Otherwise, why take this trope at all? I can’t believe this hole takes place in the same show that has the Grayson family.
Eve is perfect, her brother hated it. She really is perfect: heroic, powerful, smart, kind. And that’s sort of where it ends. Essentially, her backstory is just people around her being paranoid and possibly having afantasia. (I’m focusing on Wilkins’ because they are what built Eve as a person, the story of her blood family and doctor is just trauma, I don’t see how it built her character aside from gifting a couple of mental troubles. Strength is work, gathering a personality is a path — neither can be properly gained through a single massive unworked trauma)
How much cooler it would’ve been, if Eve, say, had no problem changing and reviving living creatures, their tissues? If she hurt Val or her parents and was rightfully being lashed out at? Or if she did turn out a perfect weapon, so perfect she didn’t want a personality of her own? Or didn’t value people’s lives because, eh, just fix em, or, eh, everyone’s disposable. I personally like “fucked up character learns to be human” trope. It doesn’t even need to be that! Just! Make reactions make sense! Or even, yeah, some people genuinely dislike precise/nature/whichever-word sciences, some people are too fearful to be curios or considerate of their own children and long time friends, so address it.
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mamamittens · 2 months
So I have two things I need to do this week. One being a comm for ceb (got the doc set up and everything, I swear!) and one being zine art (which is technically due May 1st I believe, oof!). And then I have a zine piece i need to write but the deadline for that is a ways off so I'm not concerned about it right now.
And my Oh Shit Sale is still active and will be closed down when my roomies get jobs, which should be within the next week or so.
but this isn't about that.
If you've been squatting about the sidelines for a bit, you may have noticed I've gotten back into pokemon. One character and fic that's build more for the laughs and shenanigans and the other with a Tragic Backstory (TM) that's more about the plot that I've been tooling for the past few weeks.
For Fin, the character with unfortunate history, I've actually written about 4K for. Still lowkey tooling some details but they're down the line honestly and it doesn't feel as dire when I acknowledge that this will be a slow update fic rather than my previous approach where I assume I'll be able to regularly update.
And anyway, I'm wondering if I should start posting it or wait until I have a lot more written for it and risk losing motivation to share it. I've got a few like that where I have a lot written but it's lived exclusively in my head and hard drive for so long it sort of doesn't register as interesting anymore for anyone. which is a little silly given no one but me has read it. Last I checked it was over 100 pages?!? But I think I was skipping around the plot with that too, I don't know. It really has been months since I've looked at it.
And anyway, I figured I'd see what the response was while I turned my actual attention to necessary projects in the short term.
TLDR: Should I start posting chapters of "Lay Down New Tracks", a Pokemon Black/White fanfic featuring Finley, a tragic retired champion of Kanto rediscovering her love of battle after losing her entire team almost a decade ago with the help of the Battle Subway and her support pokemon Platinum (a riolu).
I do have some details I want to iron out more, like integrating sign a bit since Finley is selectively mute.
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Thoughts on Nightfall after reading it again
Back on my bs.
Okay literally I read this book in 3 sittings, over 200 pages in each sitting. It's insanely fast paced, and well written. Once you start reading, it becomes really. Really. Really hard to set the book down.
Cognates! Are so emotionally unhealthy! It's horrifying! How is this something we're okay with! Especially for children! Quinlin kept an OPINION, not a secret, an OPINION from Alden, and they wrecked their cognate thing! This is not healthy! Anyone who thinks this is healthy! Get the Therapy you so desperately need! This is not good! Even married couples do not share every single thing with each other! Boundaries are necessary to being a functioning person in society!
Personally, I think Livvy and Quinlin could work it out.
Dang the Lost Cities' prejudice against humans really rubbed off on Sophie quickly. I don't blame her, but also. Yikes. That cannot be good for her.
Sophie's family is getting tortured and the Black Swan is like "we're doing all we can!!!" Despite how they do next to nothing and the kids(age 14-15) have to deal with it all.
Edaline calling Sophie perfect as a baby is going to be written on my heart as one of the most beautiful exchanges in this book. I'll post the quote later. It makes me want to break down in tears. Because stars above. Sophie deserves to be called a perfect baby by her mom.
Tam and Keefe are literally best friends and just too stubborn to stop taking cracks at each other. They started beat friendship and now they can't get off the ride. They're friends.
Keefe Sencen is WAY. TOO USED. TO BLOOD. He's just out there stabbing himself and getting hurt and being like eh blood. I feel like he's very not okay, or has seen so much blood that his own doesn't faze him anymore.
Forkle is the President Coin to Fintan's President Snow. No, I will not elaborate.
Dex and Biana are best friends. Don't ask how it just happened. It's good for both of them, I think.
Sophie. Does not want her and Fitz's relationship to change. It's so obvious. It hurts me. She does not want to tell him she likes him. She does not want to date him. She wants their relationship to stay the way it is. For as long as she can, she desperately wants to keep what sbe has with Fitz. And she is perfectly happy that he doesn't know she likes him. She wants for it to stay the way it is. And even when Fitz gives her every opportunity to change it. She actively avoids it. No thoughts. Just and observation.
Poor Marella.
Wraith's backstory would "Sidetrack everyone". Huh. I bet it would.
Linh loves Wylie's music. And I love Linh. So there we go. That's the whole point.
I forgot so much of what actually happened in canon lmao. I'm so sorry all my fics are so factually inaccurate in the little ways.
Keefe not registering for the match is peak Keefe and also heck yeah remove yourself from the Eugenics society dearest boy! Kick their butts! Metaphorically!
Sophie's so in love with Keefe it actually deeply pains me to watch her not notice it. Like uh. Honey. You love him. You love him you love him you love him you love him. Sophie, you love Keefe.
Keefe is so in love with Sophie. He's literally out there almost dying for her. Actively putting himself in harms way so that no one can hurt her. I just. Ow.
He's also so smart and so stupid all at once. Idiot. But a smart idiot.
I forgot how annoying Ro is in canon. Literally every moment after she's been introduced I've literally just wanted her to shut up. I love the Ro I've created in my head, but this Ro in canon makes me want to hit her in the face.
Marella really got targeted for her talent. It's kinda gross to see Sandor demanding that Marella not use a single spark without a go ahead even though he's never said anything like that to Linh, or even Sophie.
The Vacker Legacy. What is the Vacker Legacy. It can't be Alvar. It can't be. So what is it. Who is it.
Sophie does not get a break. She does not get a week to rest. Absolutely no breaks for the kid. This is the book where she starts getting exhausted. This is the book where it starts exhausting the reader, too. Because scenes stop getting time to breathe. Life only speeds up. Sophie does not get a single moment to rest. And neither does the reader.
Ah. A panic attack. Sophie has a full blown panic attack. Great. Love that.
This book is screwed up. This story is screwed up. Everything about this is screwed up.
Tam and Biana interact like a married couple. They have each other's backs and occasionally make comments that imply that they're fond of each other. I love that for them.
Ah. Sophie straight up disassociates for like 2 weeks. And then nothing changes. No one tries to fix it except her frienda who are, y'know, children. This is totally fine. Not at all a horrible sign of the state of the Lost Cities and adult elves as a whole. No. Definitely not.
*various gagging noises*
Vespera. Ew. She sucks.
Gisela. Ew. She sucks.
Everything is awful, actually.
Sophie Foster having to say goodbye to her human parents for good hurts me.
I just.... This book was a fast paced mess. I feel like nothing and everything happened, and I wish it didn't. I'm so tired, and I know Sophie is too.
We're so tired. And yet we keep reading. Because we've grown attached. And we've got to fix the hole that this series has hollowed in our chests.
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somethinginworl · 1 year
Do you have any Full Thoughts for Zan like you do with Susie? I feel a bit basic for zan being my fav of the Mage sisters but i love a good lightning aes...
Anyways! From a canon standpoint I do find her character very interesting- Would it be a bit weird to say that I do find her a bit of a foil to Bandana Dee?
They both idolize their leader to a fault and won't leave him behind even in the direst situation, even if said leader has quite dubious motives. But while DDD went from bad to good with all the redemption stuff, Hyness went from kind to evil, and yet... Zan stays with him.
Now, if we're going in more of a headcanon/analysis thing, it seems to me she does refuse to see how bad Hyness has gotten, either because of genuine ignorance or looks the other way, perhaps hoping that the old man will come to his senses too, OR idolizes him to the point that she sees no wrong within him.
Zan doesn't really strike me as someone who has many close relationships, considering her backstory of "losing it all", maybe Hyness was the only ray of hope she had seen in years and that's why she will fight for his cause until the end, maybe he IS her only close companion, or at least one that reciprocated the feelings, cuz Flam and Fran don't seem to mention her that much despite her having cute nicknames for them... Perhaps it's because of limited dialogue, but eh lemme do my silly little HCs.
The person she loved the most has succumbed to the darkness within his heart and the other two don't really seem to care about her as much as she does, what does she have left? A sense of authority? A purpose that she must fulfill?
Okay now let's get to the part of my gikabi AU, if you don't mind, but I do think that at first, the Mage Sisters got along great with each other, but as Hyness grew more insane and his treatment towards the sisters got worse, Zan got... Way more unstable, she wants to cling to this vision of Hyness as a kind and loving leader and starts asking herself "Am I doing this wrong? Did I act out of line? Am I being incompetent?" (Just to put some context, Zan used to be a war general until she fucked up and her whole army got killed... So you can guess she has a big guilt complex)
Fran and Flam saw how they were changing and started being more distant. Sure, they want them both to go back to normal and that's why they stick with them, but they don't quite agree with this new vision of a "bright future" that Hyness has and Zan is way more clingy than before, so it's best they just watch from the sidelines and try to see wtf to do about this situation.
But yeah! I do have much more thoughts on her but since this is quite long already, I'll just say that I love her so much and her lore and everything- Chef's kiss!!
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Well, it's a good thing I tried to get ahead earlier in the week because it took this long for me to get to the last part.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 4, Chapters 6-7 below.
Chapter 6: The Bystanders
Falling ships and giant worms. Looks like we're off to a great start here.
Ok, I really hope we get a worms-eye view of The Fall in Stampede. I'm not gonna hold my breath given that they've kinda already covered it and they just don't have a ton of episodes to work with, but I love love love the idea that we get this backstory from the perspective of the planet's native, sentient, and very inhuman inhabitants.
You know what, Zazie? I dunno what this face is supposed to be, either.
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Ah, the Japanese inclination to apologize for everything.
Oh, gods. Nightow's gonna intersperse this backstory with the boys fighting, isn't he? *SIGH* I wouldn't normally complain, but Nightow's fights are, far more often than not, hard enough to follow to begin with.
For as twisted as his body is, Hoppered's hands look very normal. I don't know what I was expecting.
Ohhh, Hoppered's beef is about July. Shoot, I saw someone make a comment about one of the cops in Stampede during July, and now that makes sense. Like, at the very least, that cop's line was a callback to this scene.
Ah, the innate trouble with translating the two-syllable Japanese "待って" (ma'tay) to the monosyllabic English word "wait." Personally, I would have gone with "W-- Wait!" but I'm not the one doing translations here.
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Vash is denying it because he can't imagine wanting to destroy a city, but Hoppered is right; he just doesn't know.
Is... is Hoppered crying?
Eyyyy, old-school Hoppered! Looks like he was a bit of an odd one even before he joined up with the Gung-Ho Guns.
Ah, there's that term "independent." But the way Zazie's presenting it is making me think about it in whole new ways. Stampede brought it up in a way that made me think of them as having a freedom other Plants don't, but this interpretation has me thinking of the innate alone-ness of both Vash and Knives, what that means to them, how they deal with it and how they make it a part of their being. Knives revels in it and lets it feed his sense of superiority (much to Legato's dismay, I'm sure). Meanwhile, Vash... I wouldn't say he resents it, but he finds it very lonely, and it doesn't make him feel superior so much as it makes him feel very Other.
And here's the first place we have it straight-up said that they're Plants.
Ah, so the Bystanders referred to in this chapter title are Vash and Knives. I thought it might end up being the worms. But hey, no reason the title can't work both ways.
And then ANGEL ARM?!?! Ohhhh, Zazie's story's being interwoven with Hoppered's. This is July. How was I supposed to know that without metagame knowledge??
Ok, this panel is great, 'cause it was only a few pages back that Zazie noted they have the innate ability to sense others' emotions. It just adds a level of intimidation on the whole thing.
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Hahahaha, Midvalley. I guess I shouldn't laugh at his suffering, but he tried to kill Wolfwood, so eh.
There's something innately ridiculous with him being like, "Time to pull out the BIG GUNS!!!" and then immediately being like, "Aw, man! My instrument's busted or something...."
"He's almost too pathetic to kill at this point." Rude.
Black-suited moron? Wolfwood?
Yeah, it's Wolfwood.
Milly to the rescue! Again!
LOL, he's doing better than he looks.
But not as good as he thinks he's doing.
The Adventures of Big Girl and Short Woman by Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Uhhhh, who's the person with the light?
Hahahaha, Zazie looks sooooo unimpressed with Midvalley right now.
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Zazie has a point, but I think he's preaching to the choir here.
Where tf did Midvalley get alcohol from all of a sudden? Also, is the alcohol called "Drifter"? If so, that's kinda cool. Something something meaningful names for alcohol in this series.
Oop, Zazie's worm sense is tingling!
Chapter 7: Hopeless Sinner
CW: Suicidal ideation
Oh, Vash. This look has me really worried for you.
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"Sinner" is generally the word Knives uses for humans in this series. I wonder, though, if it might be being used to apply to Vash here.
Ohhh, babygirl looks soooo troubled. And then looking up and seeing the hole in the moon.... That's not gonna improve his mood.
Ah. He remembers. And... you know... in this shot, he looks amazingly like Knives.
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Heh. Hoppered just... sort of peering over him. Like he's checking on his wellbeing. It's the opposite, but the casualness of it is deceptively calm.
I'm... honestly not quite sure what Hoppered did to silence Vash here. Slap him, I guess?
Ooooof. Vash just straight up embraces the killing urge inside him. He looks it straight in the face and says, "Yeah. This is a part of me." But in the same breath he rejects it, says it's not something he wants because he doesn't want to go down that path. He doesn't want it so bad he'd take his own life to keep it from taking over.
Gods, he's sooooo sad. Even Hoppered feels bad for him.
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Hoppered still wants him dead, and still wants to die, as well. TBH, this feels more like he empathizes with Vash to some degree. Something something double suicide.
Uhhhhh, sudden light??
Yeah, I dunno what happened here, either. Vash got knocked somewhere?
*sigh* Wheeeerrrrre does Wolfwood think he's going???
Did... he just gut-punch Milly????
Yes. Yes, he did.
He deserves booing. But I love how he just... caves. I bet he didn't really want to leave and was only gonna do so to get Milly out of there. But Milly didn't want to go peacefully and so here we are.
I really feel like Midvalley should get a strap for his sax. It seems like that would be useful. And this series can't have too many straps, belts, etc.
If five seconds is all it takes, why isn't Vash dead yet? Hmmmmm???
Uhhhhh, what's with this crazy airship??
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Ohhhhh, shit. I have enough spoilers to know who that is.
This chair, though. It looks like a musical instrument.
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Author Bonus Chapter
I have no idea what Nightow is rambling about here with this Barbarian Bonehead All-Stars nonsense.
Ohhh, so this isn't Kuroneko. This is Nya-Kun. My bad, I got them confused.
"My emotions are overflowing into rambling!!!" Hahahahahaha, I know we all do this from time to time, but it just feels very Nightow.
Ohhhh, something got lost in translation here. I've watched enough Attack on Titan to know that apparently Nightow replaced a word here with the pronunciation for "heart," but there's no corelary on the page.
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I had heard about Nightow's love of action figures.
"They gather at the ocean with pleasant feeling." This sounds like something that was translated too literally from Japan. The phrase doesn't quite work in English.
"The meaning of their name in Japanese is 'omocha buzoku.'" This tells me nothing about the meaning of their name in Japanese. I am very confused.
Ah, he addressed the difference in the planet name from the manga to the anime. Sort of.
Haaaahahahahaha, ok, Story Time. A couple weeks ago I was at Anime Expo with @sweetpotoooooooos, and she went to a panel by Studio Bones (one of the old-timers as studios go) on one of the days when I couldn't attend. She said that during the panel, Bones mentioned that when they first got word of just how popular Fullmetal Alchemist (the original) was in the U.S., they thought they were being lied to. The numbers seemed too high. (As someone who was into anime at that time, I can verify that four of their five titles preceding FMA were talked about in the community, but only Wolf's Rain actually aired on Adult Swim where it could reach a broad audience... and... well, let's just say Wolf's Rain is not as good as FMA. (It does have an excellent Yoko Kanno soundtrack, though.)) FMA was first broadcast on Adult Swim in 2004. Trigun was first broadcast on Adult Swim in '03. The idea that anything anime would be popular enough to warrant action figures in the West would have absolutely been mind-blowing to any mangaka, and much more so one as in love with figures as Nightow.
Mata nee, minna-san!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
The End of the World With You Ep 7
Here we are at the penultimate episode. Are you excited? I’m excited. Somehow this show and Bed Friend are my favorite things currently airing.
Man Ritsu is really reflecting on his choices, huh? Have to say that I didn’t expect it, and I do sort of wonder how long he’s been doing so. Presence of the death pill makes me think longer than the world has been ending. 
Ooh some Ritsu backstory! I wonder if it’ll make me feel more sympathy for him. I’m sure that’s the intention. 
Oh my gosh. Why are parents so awful lately in these dramas? Like who tells their child that they can’t go to the best uni in Japan just because the legitimate kid didn’t get in? Good lord. Parents really do need to stop taking their own screw ups out on their kids. I don’t like Ritsu much, but it’s not actually his fault that his dad cheated on his wife with his mom. Like. Ugh. That little look towards his mom kinda hurt me a bit. No help there, buddy. 
In a way I can see why Ritsu’s life mantra is what it is. Pretty much everyone in his life seems to live that way, after all. But
Ah, so Masumi was special. As special as I guess anyone can be to Ritsu. And ooh, nice to see him acknowledging finally exactly what he did to cause the breakup. I’m like a broken record, but there’s nothing wrong with being unable or unwilling to commit to one person so long as everyone is aware and understand / agrees with the situation. But Ritsu knew that Masumi was the one person type. He knew, and so he selfishly tried to have his cake and eat it. Now, Masumi made a lot of assumptions (never ever believe that a player has or will change for you. it’s a sure way to find yourself heartbroken) but Ritsu knew he was making them and let him keep on because he knew that if Masumi ever found out that he was still sleeping with whoever it would be the end. 
And I definitely don’t blame their old friend for telling him to keep the hell away when Ritsu made noises about contacting Masumi again. It was a messy break up and a wound that never quite healed over for Masumi, I would say the same if I were his friend. Sometimes you don’t get do overs (unless, I guess, the world is going to end in a matter of days. That would kind of make a lot of things seem less important overall).
That said, I think it’s pretty obvious that Ritsu is depressed and has convinced himself that this is just one more reason he’s the devil incarnate or something. Like there’s something fundamentally broken inside of him. 
I disagree with that line of thought. Oh boy do I. 
I’m also wholly unsurprised that the first thing Ritsu does after being confronted with his worst failures is go straight for the death pill. Yeah he’s only got to live with himself for what? Two, three more days? but I can see how that might seem like forever when all you can think about is what a shit person you are and how you hurt everyone around you. Ritsu’s been flirting with that pill for a long time.
Ritsu in a nutshell: makes a selfish decision, regrets it, makes an even more selfish decision. My dude.
Masumi’s breakdown upon finding him trying to do the thing finally was really well done. 
Turn a blind eye all you like Masumi but maybe get that other pill away from Ritsu just in case eh?
Aw, I’m really glad that Masumi told Ritsu he’s grateful for being dragged out of his inertia. Although my goodness The guy’s been beating himself up about it so much that even I feel a little for him, ha. I’m also grateful that the corpse disposal wasn’t needed after all. That might have put a damper on Masumi’s new ten day lease on life. 
I bet the cold water feels really good on his hurt ankle, too.
Not entirely sure I am buying into the romance, I have to say, but this drama is so rich in other ways that I’m not even bothered. In a very big way it’s not even really about the romance, anyway. 
I will be sad when it ends. And not just because I don’t really believe it’s going to end happily. 
Damn, I love this drama. 
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distant-velleity · 6 months
Ooh backstory! This is super long I'm so sorry
So Nightfall comes from Nox Regnum, a planet of eternal night home to a dominant species called the Nocturi.
The Nocturi are magic wielders (like fae!) and their existince is deeply rooted in/revolves around magic.
Guess who was the first Nocturi in recorded history to be born magicless? Ding ding ding! Correct! Nightfall!
Nightfall's bio father was a horribly abusive man. Not specifically because of his lack of magic but that certainly is a factor. He was the scapegoat of the family with one of the twins being the golden child and the other being the "forgotten one".
His bio mother was also a victim of his father's treatment, but she went missing when he was about 5 and is currently a cold case.
At first Nightfall was thought to be a late bloomer, since magic can develop at different stages in childhood, but after about six years his father took him to see the doctor since there hadn't been a single spark.
And yeah it was revealed that he wasn't a late bloomer he just didn't have any magic at all. Not a drop.
I must tell you the Nocturi are very superstitious folk so when the news got out the reaction was the following: curse, bad omen, warning, bad luck, a mistake from on high, etc
Nightfall's father was already greatly disliked in his community because he was suspect number one of his wife's disappearance and also a generally shitty person. This reveal did not help things at all so he naturally took his anger out on his children, especially Nightfall.
Nightfall's next few years were hell because not only did his father physically and emotionally abuse him but his brothers joined in too and often blamed him for things they did wrong to avoid punishment. The golden child is able to harness lightning with his magic and is the reason Nightfall has lightning scars running from the nape of his neck, across his entire back to just above his rear. (Nightfall has panic attacks during thunder storms or when bright lights flash unexpectedly because of this)
Nightfall was also ostracised from most of society because he was viewed as a bad omen and adults told their children to stay away from them in case he "took their magic" "made the omen spread" etc. This didn't stop kids from bullying him and beating him up of course.
When he was 13/14 he met Ephemeris Vikatte (Eh-feh-mir-is V-kaa-tee) a rich kid who's fathers are well respected figures- one was the commander of the entire navy and the other was a well respected scientist.
The two of them eventually became friends and after about a year or two of Nightfall visiting and Ephemeris' parents noticing how Nightfall's treated, they decide to do something about this. With money on their side, it ends with Nightfall's father being arrested for well child abuse and many other illegal activities.
The Vikattes decide to adopt Nightfall, and whether it was because they really loved him or out of pity for the "poor magicless child" is up for debate. They are very military positive, so Nightfall spends several years healing only to be sent to the army at 18 to have that completely undone and he was traumatised again in a similar fashion (mainly because he was treated like trash)
Nightfall is riddled with trauma reflexes, general terror and a lot of pent up rage at his treatment so he is very quick to pick up on combat training. He does have his own specialised training though because he has no magic.
At some point in his life, he wanted a peaceful quiet job as a librarian or something similar, but he decided to stay in the military and work his way up because well that's what's expected isn't it? So he has to do that, right?
After a few years and a war (which traumatised him some more) Nightfall shifts the goalposts to become the second in command of Nox Regnum/the Nocturi Empire, mainly so he can easily find others like him (if there are any) and help them if he can.
He does achieve this actually, and remarkably quickly. He has a very strong bond with Empress Achlys and they work so perfectly together he's been dubbed the "unofficial emperor" by some since Achlys has no spouse.
He is still largely disliked by most of the population and his coworkers, and its strongly believed he only got his position in the first place due to his adoptive family's money and some pity. It is partially true so he has major imposter syndrome.
He did get married though! One of the royal chefs taught him how to cook and they fell in love through that. They have two children currently, so that's a silver lining.
Achlys adopted an orphan Nocturi who grew up to view Nightfall as his father figure, and Nightfall viewed him as a son as well. And then he was killed by the Emperor of Solis (another planet) right in front of him so :)
Achlys, because of her son's death and many other factors, begins to grow quite unhinged and unstable and prone to lashing out, which triggers Nightfall's ptsd a number of times. Things take a turn to the point where he has to worry less about Solis and more about Achlys herself
That's his backstory so far heavily summarised whilst leaving out lots of info about his personality and all that lol
Also I must add its very difficult for him to do things in his society because almost everything is run on magic, hell you need a jolt of magic to start your car even after turning the key
What do you think? :P
(This probably has a lot of spelling mistakes I'm so sorry)
oh… 😭😭😭 i feel really bad for him
like, there are huge highlights in his life (finding family, love, friends…) but there’s so much pain and suffering in his life
i want him to find peace desperately :((
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actualaster · 1 year
Plot spoilers, HEAVY. ENDGAME PLOT SPOILERS. As in "through the entire final sequences"
May or may not write up some more coherent thoughts on the game as a whole now that I've beaten it, not sure yet
I get why they did it--avoid confusion caused by finding information out out-of-order and to avoid forcing you into one specific path. But I still wish they'd had more variety with the 4 regional sage dungeons since it was the exact same backstory for each just from a slightly different angle.
Since you can already do things in an order then makes certain "mysteries" clear (like knowing the identity of the Light Dragon which means knowing the "Zelda" you see is a fake)... I think it would have been fine to tell more variety and maybe achronological, y'know?
Especially if they had included the stuff from the old Sages in re-watchable scenes.
ANYWAY on to The Next Part!
Oooh, blood moon in cutscene
Hm, that's a creepy cadence for not!Zelda
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Ah, yep, called it, puppet for the Demon Lord. But ack, the way its body flopped around like a marionette for a bit before disintegrating was creepy. Literal puppet.
Huh. Honestly that was a way easier Phantoj Ganon fight than thr ones that appear after the GLOOM Spawn. (...probably because it too busy being terrified of them lmao)
Also deeply appreciate Riju being the calm voice of reason when the others are very afraid and worried.
So, is THIS the past where I'm supposed to go to that spot that, uh, I accidentally came across before that was plot relevant?
I actually like to think that Mineru has been watching Link come and go from this area repeatedly as I abuse it to dupe items lol
Huh, that was an interesting gameplay sequence. I liked it :3
Wait, if MINERU has been in the Purah Pad how long has she been watching Link do dumb shit like hunt bugs and cook 30 fish skewers in a row ahdjahfhd
Also kind of morbid to think about Mineru getting to hold Rauru's hand one more time except it's attached to a different person
Oh, lol, THIS was when I was supposed to get the Master Sword. I've had it for ages lol
HE ISN'T... DUDE HOLY SHIT THAT IS SUCH A COOL DRAGON. I mean he can't actually rule the world now since "he" is gone now...
Say whatever the hell you want about the rest of the game, it's shot way up to one of my faves from this sequence alone FUCK YEAH
Ah, there we go, Zelda restored. And Link's arm healed?! Sadly no more Zonai abilities for him XD
A final skydiving sequence, eh? That's a great closer, reaching out to grab her just like at the start except this time he succeeds.
Ah, huh, I kinda assumed "fall from any height and land in water to survive" was just a game mechanic not canon lmao nice
I also love that Link was shirtless for the entire final bit there lol
Goddamn that was a really fucking fun final sequence honestly. What can I say? I'm a sucker for dragons lmao.
Ah, Mineru... I'm glad Purah got to see the skylands lol, but it's sad seeing Mineru go.
Oh, and they all echoed the vow of their ancestors to Rauru but pledging to Zelda...
Honestly, overall? 10/10 I had a blast with the entire game
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