#and like im so happy for him. i've been seeing his content about this game
simptasia · 10 months
aaaah iwas just counting the days until the neil newbon astarion posting began!!! i recognized him from detroit become human when my friend showed me a video and thought oh sapphire will like this <3 as a connoisseur what do u like most abt his performance in baldurs gate 3?
thats so funny because as soon as i started reblogging him i could feel people thinking "yep there it is"
years ago i saw audio clips of neil as astarion and was like "oooh neil as a flirty vampire i love that" because that man is Made to be a vampire. but then time passed and my neil newbon crush went dormant
then this game came out
sooo my friends and dash have been going ham for this guy but i've been rather,,, distracted this month so the Thirst was only allowed to manifest a few days ago
at first i was like "neil as a slutty bitchy vampire is perfect and i love that" plus i love neil himself getting the attention he fucking deserves. however the love of astarion really Hit when my dear friend katie gushed about him to me and revealed to me his depths
the trauma. the abuse. that got me. i did Not expect what they did with this character. i thought he was the horny flirty vampire stereotype but turns out he's a deconstruction of that
turns out it's not fun being defined by how fuckable you are
annnyways. first things first, i love the body language of his performance. in game and out, seriously it's so fun to see neil do the voice in real life because he immediately adopts the fruitiest ponciest manner of moving. the cadance is so like, foppish (caught me off guard) in a way that should be annoying but it works? somehow? it's just a fun voice to listen to. dude's funny and bitchy. but it doesn't hinder the performance, like, when this dude sounds hurt/betrayed/angry, it's fucking... raw. it's painful
also i've watched some videos of his more vulnerable and romantic moments and oh yeah. thats the good stuff. at the start of this i never would have expected this character to be so damn, like, soft and giddy for the concept of like, a typical romantic relationship?
i wuv him. i wanna hold him and sleep in a bed with him and also fuck but that can come later when starry feels comfy
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snowsinterlude · 6 months
the ballad of money, power, and glory.
(coriolanus snow x reader x lucy gray baird)
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summary: being lucy gray's best friend, you were always updated on her life, not knowing how she truly felt for you. and now, with coriolanus snow being your new friend, it was odd seeing them fighting so much over your attention, with you not knowing that both of them were obsessively in love with you.
based on this ask
c.w: lucy gray baird, coriolanus snow, implied aromantic reader, yandere behavior from both of them (nothing too serious), unrequited love, drama, jealousy, love triangle, obsessive love. contains some movie/book accurate mentions but nothing very important, violent content, lucy is mentioned to have been your first kiss, commedy in the end.
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chapter one: money.
"god, you gotta see her, snow." lucy beamed, her smile going from ear to ear as she talked about you. "she's so cute! i think she's the love of my life, truly." she said
snow frowned at her words. in the capitol, it wasn't seen in good lights to have someone talking so passionately about other person of the same gender. he rolled his eyes internally, his arms were on the back of his back as he walked behind her. supposedly, you were going to be waiting for them at the train station.
he walked, and walked, and walked. all of those minutes were awfully torturing his soul as he watched lucy gray talk more and more about you- as if she hadn't done it during the entire hunger games already. like on the zoo, when he thought she would be crying from fear of dying when, in reality, she was crying from fear of not seeing you for a last time.
he remembered it perfectly, better than he remembered the biology classes he had. lucy bawling her eyes out silently, still sobbing as she looked at him and explained how much she owed you- how much she loved you. it was like she couldn't think of anything other than you.
"she is always so pretty, so sickeningly beautiful. i can't stand the thought of losing her, snow. i wanna be with her." she said, her eyes red and puffed while her nose was as red as a tomato.
"have you told her about it?" he asked, face leaned on his fist as he observed the singer cry.
"no, snow." she answered, sniffing. "i've made a mistake," she chuckled, wanting to slap herself.
"what did you do?"
'i only noticed i love her now."
remebering that, snow started thinking that you should be the most beautiful girl of district 12- or that maybe you didn't had a single flaw on your skin por something like that. maybe you were one of those who hypnotized people at your surroundings to make them percieve you like the most desired thing they wished for.
but then he saw you from afar, waiting for lucy gray while your eyes roamed through the crowd. he didn't asked for you, no, never. he never asked you to blink like a doll, to look at him with those shining eyes and god, whatever it was that snapped inside you made him obsessed with the thought of having you as his main prize.
his thoughts were interrupted by the sight of lucy gray baird hugging you tightly, kissing your face multiple times as you laughed, hands on her waist as you kissed her face too. he cleared his throat, awkwardly.
"ah, snow. that's my best friend, my soulmate, y/n" she said, and you chuckled before shaking his hand.
"pleasured to meet you, yn. im-"
"coriolanus snow, i know." you said, kissing the back of his hand in a theatrical manner. "hello."
"you know?"
"yeah, my dear lucy told me all about you. and, let's be sincere, you were on the tv during the interviews on the hunger games." you said, smiling while shaking his hand "i'm happy you helped her!" you said
the spark that shone in his heart was fueled furiously by your words. 'your desde lucy'? what's that, a movie?
that was the first time he felt jealousy.
chapter two: power.
lucy gray baird was your best friend since kindergarden. what could you say? sandbox love never dies.
well, her love for you seemed to have grown sharp as a way to protect you and herself from the ones that could hurt you. that's why she glanced at snow menancingly as he forced his place between you both at the bar. when you were dancing with some older group of old ladies, she finally spoke up.
"what are you doing?" she asked, not looking into his eyes, and she didn't needed to for him to know she was angry.
"what do you mean?" he asked, faking innocence.
"don't act innocent, coriolanus." she growled, frowning "she's mine."
"i don't recall asking for that information." he said, smiling at the sight of your happy face dancing with other elders.
"you will not take her away from me." she said, getting up and walking to you only to playfully grab your waist and your hand, dancing with you while coriolanus watched.
you were so dazzling beautiful in his eyes, he just had to have you. it wasn't his fault that lucy gray thought and felt the same way about you.
with that in mind, lucy gray baird punch on his face was unexpected.
"what the fuck, baird?!"
"i told you to leave her alone! you are a fucking peacekeeper, coriolanus! when will you stop that?!"
"'that' what???" he asked, voice loud enough for him to frown at it.
"don't feign dumb, you disgraceful blond. you know she has sensible hearing and you bring her in to fucking SHOT at trees?" she screamed. the singer had the most defiant frown on her face, making it clear just how much she was willing to go for you.
his expression seemed to calm down, his stare on her became confused. "i... i didn't know- she didn't tell me-"
"oh of course you don't know. do you even bother asking?!" she asked, her eyes boring holes into him. "get away from her, snow."
and she left him behind just like that.
of course he wouldn’t know how sensitive you were when it comes to your hearing. he would never get to know you the way she did. but behind that façade, she hated herself for introducing him to you.
at this moment, she hated snow as much as he hated her.
chapter three: glory.
that wasn't on your plans.
you were aware of your friendship with lucy being a bit too... sweet. you didn't care about it. she was still your best friend and you were still the girl who saved her from that ginger girl.
when you met coriolanus snow, you could already see history repeating itself. lucy was jealous and coriolanus was obsessive. this match would end up being your death, probably.
you didn't really liked them the way they wished you did. you were aware of how much coriolanus liked you, from the moment you kissed the back of your hand till now.
and yet, you were still not into the singer nor the victor, you were fine on your own and decided that a long time ago. you wouldn't be a good girlfriend, couldn't even take care of yourself, how would you take care of someone else?
for that motive, and others, that i won't be able to speak about, you never liked anyone. and people started thinking it was lucy gray's fault, with her cunt m constant bragging about being your first kiss. and she was, but you not liking anyone wasn't her fault, you truly just couldn't seem to find someone who was just right to you.
with that being said, you were the one angry at them right now. what the hell that has happened between them, envolved you, and you weren't having it.
"i don't love any of you," you said, for their own shock.
chapter four: the ballad of the unloved ones.
sitting still on front of you, lucy gray baird felt like she was punched on her heart, losing air from her lungs quickly than actually needed. coriolanus, right by her side, felt the urge to throw up as he recieved the unhappy news of how you didn't loved them.
it was the truth, though. but you still held them on each of your arms and let them take in the affirmation of how you felt about them.
"but-" lucy begun, shaking a bit from the anxiety on her chest.
"-no, lu. i'm sorry," you said, "i don't really feel like loving anyone. i never loved anyone, not in this way though." you cooed, giving her the comfort of your kisses on her forehead.
"but maybe, if we j-just-" coriolanus stopped in his tracks when you shook your head negatively, your fingers drawing patterns on his scalp, and he almost meowed at it.
"sorry, dear. i only love you both as friends." you said.
and they understood you after a long talking, a bunch of silent tears and sobs from their delusions.
by the end of the day, they were at the bar, both looking pathetically red from the way they cried after it.
"sorry for punching you on the nose," lucy said, and she looked like a ghost, finger tracing patterns on a cup. "i don't wanna lose her," she goes.
"sorry for shooting the mocking jays on that evening," he said, sipping on his cup. he was refering to the evening where she punch him.
"you did what."
"uh. i shot the mocking jays."
"coruolanus 'm gonna shoot you in the ass." she growled.
they were back to being friends, and made sure to protect you. just because you didn't reciprocated none of their feelings it didn't mean they would start bitchin' about it (even though they did for like, two weeks.)
so, them both heard festus with his friends talking about you- it wasn't nothing good. and which better way to end him than punching him?
yeah, they were still your best friends. you still loved them dearly with each part of your being.
but just as friends.
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vampyrgoff · 10 months
Hey lovely 🖤 Requesting a Nsfw alphabet for my stinky roadkill boyfriend Lester (if you don't mind!).
I swear to God I've read every single Lester centric thing here and I'm STARVED for content. Plus I really enjoyed the way you wrote Vincent's!
NSFW Alphabet: Lester Sinclair
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lester sinclair x reader
contains— nsfw!MDNI, semi-pervy Lester?, sub!Lester (sorry to my Dom!Lester loves ppl out there), dom!reader, virgin!Lester, experienced!reader, lil bit of a mommy kink lol, somno👀, foot job? also not proofread lol
requests— open! send anything! check my page for who I write for!
vampyr’s note— IM SO HAPPY! THIS IS MY FIRST REQUEST EVER? I noticed that there is a MAJOR shortage of fics/headcanons/anything really of Lester. i hope this helps that Lester Sinclair thirst be quenched<3 And thanks for liking how I wrote Vincent<3! That makes me so happy that people are enjoying it. AS ALWAYS: REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED <3 Overall thanks for requesting! and I hope you like it<3
(let me know if I should make a taglist and if you'd like to be on a future potential taglist)
gif isn't mine! here's the link to vincent's <3
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Lester probably is pretty clueless when it comes to aftercare let's be honest. He's probably gonna ask what you need from him and that he'll do whatever you tell him to. But once he gets the hang of things, he's always gonna cuddle you and call you all types of cute names.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He possibly can't choose between what body part of yours is his favorite. He definitely loves every aspect of you, I def think even though in the movie he was staring at Carly's chest, he's an ass man kinda like Bo lol He loves your butt, what can I say.
When you first met, you were on a camping trip with 'friends' or so you thought. They left you and your broken-down car to go see some stupid game of the season. You felt hopeless and wandered around the woods, looking for anyone to help you before stumbling on the roadkill pile. You felt your stomach turn and twist with disgust. The smell was unbearable as you looked at all the deer heads and bodies rotting away in a large pile. The Louisiana heat, already unbearable, made the rotting smell more pungent.
What made you stop in your tracks was, near the gorey pile, you see a smartphone. The screen was cracked and the phone was dirty, but you couldn't help but recognize the phone as one of your friends. You bent over inspecting the phone until you heard an unfamiliar voice from behind you. "Well isn't this a nice view, Jonesy?"
You turned around and were greeted by a cute petite man and his dog. The dog sniffed at your legs and such and the man gave you a warm smile that made you feel a teensy bit better about the situation you were currently in. "Hi! I'm (y/n)! I'm so glad I'm not alone in these woods." you say in relief. The man smiles at you, a cute little cheeky grin. "Name's Lester! And tha's Jonesy. Ya seem lost, sweet pea." His voice was dripped with concern and cute little worried eyes. You had so many questions and you were too tired to even think of any until you remembered the broken smartphone of your friend. You turned your back to Lester and grabbed the phone. While your back was turned to him all he could see was your ass. MAN! He admired the slight peak of your underwear and began blushing a bit. It's been a while since a pretty young thing like you came along, so forgive him for being so pervy.
Ever since that day, Lester knew what his physical fave thing about you was. This man will watch you help Bo at the gas station and his eyes are just watching your ass move.
When you guys cuddle at night, he'll bashfully grab two handfuls of your ass. He'll knead at the skin and kiss your face and neck. He knows how wet you get from such a simple gesture but he loves seeing you squirm under his touch, especially when he does it with such a cute boyish innocence.
His favorite body part on himself is probably his hands aswell. I headcanon (I have a Lester headcanon thing coming up so look out for that&lt;;3) that he's good at carving things in a woodshop way. Vincent is not the only one that has an amazing talent. I think Les' is way more hidden but nonetheless, he loves how he can skin a buck, and carve a beautiful thing out of wood/bone.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This lovely gentleman is scared to cum in your mouth. He's already a stinky boy but he's scared that he'll taste too bitter for you. He also is scared to cum in your mouth out of respect. He feels as though it's so demeaning but you convince him that it's okay for him to do so. Although it takes him some warming up to do when it comes to shooting loads into your mouth, trust me, when he starts to get comfy with doing it, it's his favorite thing in the entire world. He loves how you look at him through your lashes while you lick every drop of him up.
He loves to feel in control for those little few moments before you eventually put him back into his place by overstimulating his senses. When it comes to you and your cum, he's such a slut for it, yall. He loves seeing you cream all over his cock. He'll look at you in awe when he sees you bouncing on his dick and there's a whole bunch of cum dripping out of you. His adorable eyes will be half-lidded and his hands squeezing and rubbing at your thighs while he whimpers and groans your name a few times. "Oh, sweet pea, I love when 'yer pretty cunt squeezes me like this." He's a messy boy alright, but he loves when you make him a mess.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Les constantly thinks about domming you all the time. Although it seems as though he won't get close to doing that, he thinks about it all the time. He thinks about making you scream for him but he's such a gentleman and a sub to do so. He likes the idea of you taking control so that he doesn't ever do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Another virgin boy. His experience is only with himself. I think this is why he's not into domming you just yet until you guys are together for longer. He's never had to take the lead in anything, he's the baby... and he sure as hell acts like it. The first time you guys do anything remotely sexual, you have to guide him.
This poor baby is so clueless in the bedroom that you had to teach him how to finger you AND eat you out. You had to shape him into the little munch he is today.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I don't know if you can truly say that this is a position but this man is the best at pussy eating, with that being said... sit on his face <3 He doesn't care about how big or small you are... sit on that mf face.
As a plus-size girl, I get being scared but NOOOO this boy loves your plushy thighs around his head. He grips them so hard and needily, needing your cunt as close as possible, as he laps at your folds and sucks on your clit. He loves tonguing your hole as you pull on his hair every so often.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He can be humorous and giddy. This man lives for cute little moments with you. He'll get really flustered and make joke to lighten things before he becomes so embarrassed and red that he won't be able to speak.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I don't think its a forest down there but I'm sure he trims the hair on his own.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Oh, this lovebug is SO romantic. He kisses your cunt and thanks you for letting him even near your cunt before he devours you. He'll kiss and suck on your thighs when you let him eat you out.
If you've had such a long day of distracting guests and stuff, he'll have you lay down naked on the bed and kiss you all over. He'll kiss your legs and feet, will kiss your thighs, inner thighs, and will kiss your pretty stomach and chest. It definitely gets you going though when he acts this way for foreplay.
While you sit on his cock and bounce, he'll say cute things that egg you on, "Honeydew... my cock-- I think I needa' cum, sweet pea--", "More, please mama!", "yer so pretty, darlin', how'd i get so lucky?"
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
This baby lovesss jerking off. It's the best way for him to get rid of his anger, his horniness and well it helps him relax. I think he's such a sweetheart about being horny a lot. To him, he sees it is quite bothersome to constantly ask for sex, so this'll be his best option. He always says "My momma raised me righ', I will never make you uncomfortable on purpose, sweet pea." so don't expect him to constantly ask you to fuck... cause he will not give in babes, he will very much mind his business and wait for you to come to him. But if you ask, I think he'd tell you that he wants to do things but I don't see him outright saying it.
I think the first time you caught him masturbating was quite interesting...
You caught the cutie in his room jerking off. Your (used) panties stuffed in his mouth so that he wouldn't make any noise at all. You couldn't help but admire him in all his subby glory. You were standing at the door for a long while. He was jerking his cock, nice and slow, the muscles on his tummy contracting as he went over his sensitive head when all of a sudden you spoke up. "Keep going, Les."
His head snapped towards you and you felt your lust growing deep within you. You closed the door from behind you and stepped closer to the bed. Slowly making your way to sit on your knees next to him on the bed. His eyes were still wide with shock when you grabbed your panties from his mouth. "Why'd ya stop, Les?" you said, giving him such a coy and teasing smile.
He bucked his hips up into his hand and played with his tip with the other. He looked clueless on how to really pleasure himself. It was so cute to you though. So you def helped him out, without touching him of course. You instructed him to stroke his cock slowly as he watched you play with your breasts and roll your nipples between your fingers. Watching you made him so feral, and you knew it.
You let him watch you play with your clit through your panties. You also let him watch you toy with your hole through your panties as well. He went soooo crazy over that though, you were staring at his dick while it twitched in excitement.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Collaring: This boy loves being your little lap dog. He loves when you're riding him and pulling on a leash connected to his collar. He gets so loud and whiny. He also likes collaring you babes! But I think he’d go all out for it. It’d say something like “Honeydew” on it or any other name you liked to be called. When you’re collared, his heart swells and he think you look so adorable. He’d even get a tag on the collar that says “Lester Sinclair’s property”
Somno: This boy is such a people pleaser and that doesn't exclude you, he'll wake up horny asf and he'll look over at you in just a t-shirt and he'll feel his heart RACING. He's gonna pull up that t-shirt slowly and get to work at your folds. He starts off with small cute kitten licks at your clit; watching you stir your sleep and shift a bit at the feeling. He'll slowly put your legs on his shoulders and lick up the juices that start to build up. He feels like it's wrong to take advantage of you, with his cheeks pink and rosy with slight embarrassment, but he loves the idea of you waking up and seeing him as such a good needy boy. On the other hand... he doesn't mind if you wake up and feel the need to want him too. He loves the idea of him waking up, already breaking a sweat, and seeing you perched on top of him with his cock deep inside you. DUDEEE he'd love it. He'd be so surprised too, his cheeks all pink and his heart racing. He'd def have these low whines and whimpers that would come out of him.
Breeding: Now... I saw a comment on my Vincent post from @iwhat saying that every Southerner has a breeding kink. AND YOU KNOW WHAT- anyways this baby is very scared of getting you pregnant at first okayyyyy. Like he's terrified. Especially if you've never brought up wanting kids. Like this man will always pull out whenever he can. But once you tell him that you want his cum in you, he's so ready to give you his all. This poor baby LIVES off of praise and your validation so he'll do whatever he can to give you his cum. He wants kids and he wants you to bear them, so when he's bucking his hips up into you while you have your hand resting at his throat, he's gonna slam into that cervix of yours so desperately, almost like his in a trance, almost like he's pussydrunk. He loves the thought of you being pregnant with his offspring and he loves the thought that he's doing WAY better than his brothers too. He's mostly happy that he basically found a spouse before Bo could
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In his or on his truck. 100%. He'll deep clean the back and add bedding to it. Just so that he could fuck you under the stars. Or for you to dom him under the stars. Whatever works. I'm sure you love watching his heaving chest go up and down as you rub his cock through your folds. He also loves when you guys lure visitors together, cause that means this brave little man is gonna get some rewarding head from you inside the truck.
On a different note, he has a little spot in the woods where he has a hammock set up and a little blanketed area for you guys when you want to get out of town. It has fairy lights and all. It was a gift he brought to you as a "thanks-for-loving-me-and-not-leaving-me-even-though-our-family-is-crazy" gift. After your romantic picnic, when he was cleaning everything up, you told him to leave it. And he sure did. It's your favorite place to go since it takes your mind off of everything.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Oh, this baby probs gets turned on by everything. I think it's your thighs and cleavage. This man could stare at your thighs in the blazing heat all day. He loves when you wear your shorts all around town. When you ride with him to get more buck he'll slyly stare at your thighs and his mouth will JUST water.
He'll rest his calloused hand on your thigh and knead at the supple skin. "Yer' skin's so beautiful, honeydew." He'll say lowly with a small smile on his face, as he leans into you and kisses your cheek. Of course, his hands will never stop groping your thigh, he loves the way it ripples.
Other times, you guys will sit in the house and watch a bit of TV with Jonesy. You'll lay down on the couch with your legs over his and he'll definitely look over and just play with your thighs. How could he not... you're sitting there in his flannel and your little shorts. All he could think is leaving cute love bites all over them. He'll lean his body down to kiss your thighs, earning a cute little giggle from you, and the sound goes straight to his cock, his cock twitching slightly at the fact that you're enjoying his affection. Noticing his hard cock on your legs, your face lights up with joy at the thought of teasing this cutie about his obsession with your thighs.
You look at him and whine about your thighs aching and how you need them soothed. He'll get so excited and will want you to sit on his lap with your legs spread apart so that he could just pay EXTRA attention to your thighs and you'll watch him knead at your skin in admiration. He loves the skin that surrounds your cunt. You stop his hands and snake his cock out of his jeans and let it spring out. You smirk and wrap your thighs around it; ignoring his cute whines, "Fuck my thighs, pretty boy."
This man loves your thighs so much.. don't even question it
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Lester seems like the type where not much bothers him. He’s good with knives and stuff but I don’t think he’d use them on you… at all. like again he’s good at carving stuff out of wood but like if you were to tell him to cut you this man will 100% say no. He also will say no to degrading you. Even if you like it, this man will go out of his way to only praise you. He’s a soft dom <3
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Oh, yall know this baby loves receiving. He just won't admit it. (this doesn't mean he doesn't also love giving) But he's obsessed with getting the life sucked out of him. This cutie is so timid when it's his turn for oral. Once your lips are on him, you'll need to gag this man if you think he can be quiet. His tip is very sensitive so when you tease him with small kitten licks on his red pulsing tip, expect him to be whimpering your name like a prayer...
You pull his jeans down along with his briefs and watch his cock spring and hit his stomach as he lays down, a small groan erupting from the back of his throat, "y/n-sweetheart... please." he'll whine out. And all you can do is smirk and smile at his cute plea. "I haven't touched you yet, Les. Good things come to those who simply... wait," you say while licking a long strip of the underside of his cock, beads of sweat already pricking his hairline. A low groan comes from him and he's already resting his hands on your thighs that are on either side of his torso. "y/n, please... I jus' wanna feel you... and make you feel goo-" His sentence was interrupted by another whine coming from him, this time being that you were kitten licking his pre-cumming tip. "y/n please-"
"ah-ah-ah, address me right, baby..." you say softly yet assertively. Your hand already sliding up to his throat, his bod already tensing. “mommy… please”
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’ll do whatever you tell him. If you’re riding him and tell him to fuck up into you while you swivel your hips on him, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. If you need him to slow down his needy thrusts to tease him, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. He’s your little toy to play with <3
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He likes quickies but he also doesn’t like them. At the end of the day though… this man is a service top and will do whatever he can to keep you happy. Quickies wouldn’t be too often but I think they happen here and there. I can see you pulling him into a nearby closet and just pressing your ass on his crotch. He’d get so flustered, hands already flying to your sides, running low down to your hips and pulling your lower half flush against him. He’s quite easy to turn on so just a little moment like this could get him going completely.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He only would like to experiment if it’s you who brings it up. He’s creative with his hands and can get pretty crafty but when it comes to your guys’ sex life… I think he’s too nervous to even bring anything up. I think he’d love some sex in the forest but he’s never gonna tell you that, because he’s afraid of you thinking he’s weird :(
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Don’t hate me but this baby can’t last too long. He loves edging and loves when you take control and edge his orgasm for a few hours. But don’t expect him to last awhile once he’s inside you. Poor baby could probably cum from just cockwarming.
He gets sensitive after 2 rounds, small traces on the vein of his cock will get him crying. He’ll start begging once you lick all around his tip.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
A small cockring for him. he’s so baby that he’d probably get really jealous of your toys, if you have any. If you’re feeling horny and he’s not around, give him a call instead. He’s totally talk you through an orgasm rather than you use a dildo.
You had to convince him to try out the cockring though. He had NO idea what it is and wtf it’s supposed to stimulate on him. But once he see your pleading eyes, he TRULY can’t say no to you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He isn’t much of a tease, he’s a service top after all. He does things unintentionally that can be seen as teasing though. Like when you guys are on the couch with Jonesy, he’ll trace his calloused fingers along your soft inner thighs. That shit drives you wild though, for sure.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He whimpers idc. This man whimpers and he’s loud. His whimpers have a bit of vocal fry but it’s so cute and charming coming from him <3.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Secretly wants you to peg him. idc you can’t tell me otherwise, if not pegging him he would love to try anal with you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
i think he’s pretty average maybe a bit thicker than average. carpet matches the drapes for sure. his tip is bright pink idc
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s always horny and yea touch starved as fuck too. BUT he won’t tell you. You’ll just have to catch him when his bulge is causing him some slight discomfort.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
this baby is so spoiled, once he gets the ass he’s been begging for this mf starts to fall asleep. It’s okay you guys take turns being the pillow prince/princess. he gets all soft and falls asleep near your stomach holding you tightly by your ass. Fondling it as he drifts off. he’s so cute but he falls asleep wayyyy too fast lol.
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heavenlyhischier · 11 months
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬 (𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭)
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one two three
word count: 3.7k
chapter summary: a little game of truth or dare never hurt anyone, right?
warnings: mild angst, cursing, drinking, steamy makeout session and build up to smut- nothing overly detailed but i still suggest you do not engage if you're a minor, unedited
notes: here is the final part everyone! thank you guys very much for all of the love i've received for this. it means so much to me and im a lil sad that it's over. feel free to send in any requests if you'd like ◡̈
The past week, your relationship with Jack was on the mend and things were nearly back to normal again. Conversations weren’t tense and the air around you wasn’t awkward and uncomfortable like it was before, but the two of you had still yet to talk about what happened. Quinn had done the unfortunate honors of interrupting your moment on the dock the day Natalie left, and truthfully, you’ve been avoiding being alone with him since.
Jack knew that, too. He noticed the way you would rush off if you saw him approaching you when you were alone. He noticed the way that you would insert yourself into a conversation you weren’t previously in when he tried to pull you away. He especially noticed that, despite the room across from him being empty, you remained in his brother's room, and that was what made his chest burn the most. He let his mind wander towards thoughts that made him feel as if the world was swallowing him whole.
The fire blazed in front of you, illuminating the group as they shared stories and their laughter echoed across the lake and through the trees. These were the moments that you cherished the most because it was one of the few times where you all got to forget about the stress of life and simply be. For a night, your worries and heartaches were let go and replaced by the feelings of content and happiness.
“Are you ever going to talk to him,” Luke nudged you, tearing your gaze away from Jack who had his head thrown back in laughter after Trevor had spilled his beer on himself.
“I want to, but I’m scared,” You spoke quietly, not wanting the others to hear. You gazed up at the younger boy, his eyes slightly glazed over and unfocused.
“Of what,” He prodded.
“I don’t know. Not being able to hide how I really feel about him,” You mumbled, bracing yourself for the stupid grin that was undoubtedly going to break out on his face as you finally admitted the one thing he had been trying for the last week.
He did, in fact, let a big teasing grin form on his face as he took a sip of his beer in an attempt to shield it from the others. You turned your focus to your lap, a light blush creeping onto your cheeks, while Luke met his brother’s burning stare from across the fire, raising his eyebrows and subtly jerking his head in your direction. Jack pulled his brow together in confusion, letting his stare find you for the hundredth time that night.
You felt his eyes on you before you found them, and when you did it was hard to fight the shy smile that formed on your face. He was looking at you like you were the only person there, ignoring the others as they yelled around him. A gentle smile of his own formed on his lips as he watched you pull your bottom lip between your teeth and bashfully look away from him. It gave him hope that maybe, just maybe, you felt something more for him.
“I’m going to get more to drink,” You announced as you stood, “Anyone want anything?”
“I’ll come with you,” Trevor yelled over everyone else, Alex wincing since he was sitting right next to him.
You briefly glanced at Jack, noticing that his lips were tugged into a slight frown as he now stared at the fire. He had the same look on his face that he had when you told him that you were seeing someone from school, and you couldn’t help but let yourself read into the situation a little bit. You let the thought that maybe he was jealous wander in your mind, but Trevor throwing his arm around you and dragging you to the house distracted you from that.
“I don’t know how you drink that shit,” He wrinkled his nose as you poured the wine into your cup, “It’s so bitter.”
“You’re bitter,” You playfully rolled your eyes, placing the bottle back on the rack.
The two of you fell into a lapse of silence as he grabbed beers for the others, but you could tell he wanted to say something. Trevor was a man of many, many words, and while him offering to come inside wasn’t unusual, you could tell he had an ulterior motive. 
“So,” Trevor dragged out as he stopped what he was doing to stare at you, “Can you do me a favor?”
“What’s that, Z,” You quirked an eyebrow, sipping your drink.
“Can you please talk to Jack,” He groaned, leaning across the center island to grab your free hand, “If I have to listen to him bitch about you ignoring him and sleeping in Luke’s room for the fourth night in a row I think I’m going to kill him.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the way Trevor looked truly distressed, his pleading eyes staring up at you and lips pulled into a pout. Shaking your head at the boy in front of you, you leaned over the counter so that you were eye level with him, his hand remaining tightly gripped with your own. With it just being the two of you, you didn’t feel the need to hide the defeated look as you prepared yourself to speak.
“I’m not ready to talk to him yet. I just- I need time to let myself get over how I feel about him first,” You explained, your voice slightly cracking towards the end.
“Or, get this, you could tell him how you feel,” He tried, giving you a goofy, teasing smile as he cocked his head to the side. 
Rolling your eyes at the boy for a second time, “I think I’d rather die than ever embarrass myself like that.”
“What if I told you that you wouldn’t embarrass yourself,” He goaded, “What if I told you that it might work out.”
Your breath caught in your throat, causing you to lightly cough as you regain your composure. You searched for any trace of deception on his face, but were met only with his unwavering determination. 
“I’d tell you that you’re way too drunk, Zegras,” You nervously chuckled, letting his hand fall onto the counter and backing away from him, “Let’s go back outside before they think we’re doing something we shouldn’t be.”
You grabbed your drink and a few of the beers that Trevor had pulled out of the fridge before rushing back outside. Trevor’s words were ringing in your ears as you slightly stumbled down the path. They gave you a sense of hope, but you had to remind yourself that he was drunk and he was more than likely exaggerating what he was saying.
Settling back into the seat next to Luke, Cole had suggested that everyone play a game of truth or dare. Despite the protests of the game being “too childish”, the boys delved right into it as soon as it began. There was no particular order they were going in, but the results had been quite chaotic so far. Quinn had stripped down to his underwear and jumped into the lake, Trevor had gone into utmost detail about his most embarrassing sex experience, and Alex had to shotgun the random can of four loko that was hidden at the back of the fridge.
Alex called out your name next, “Truth or dare?” He was wiggling his eyebrows as he waited for you to pick, and you’re now regretting agreeing to play along.
“Truth,” You chose as you brought your drink to your lips, “I don’t trust you guys enough to pick dare.”
“Lame,” He teasingly scoffed, “Have you ever hooked up with anyone here?”
“Jesus fuck, Alex,” Quinn choked on his drink, hand coming to wipe at the spilled contents of his beer.
The others fell silent, all eyes trained on you as they awaited your response. Jack’s stare was burning holes into your skull, and it was taking everything in you to not look at him. The once lighthearted air was turning tense the longer you took, but you didn’t want to admit the truth out loud. The boys would never let you hear the end of it, and you didn’t want Jack to take it the wrong way. You were debating on lying, but you were a terrible liar when you were sober and an even worse one when you weren’t. 
“It wasn’t a hookup,” You murmured. You couldn’t help but let your eyes flick towards Trevor whose gaze was now focused on the ground in front of him.
It wasn’t but a few seconds later that the sound of the chair scraping against the gravel grabbed your attention. Jack had tossed his beer into the fire before storming into the house, the boys watching with gloomy and worried stares. You ignored Luke’s call for you as you scrambled to your feet, knocking over your cup and letting its contents spill on the ground as you ran inside. The fear of being alone with him now long forgotten as you followed him.
“Jack,” You called out as you reached the top of the stairs, “Jack, please stop.”
He paused outside his bedroom door, spinning around to face you. The look he was giving you had you tripping over your own feet and rethinking your decision to follow after him. He was looking at you as if you had broken some sacred, yet undeclared law and he would never forgive you for it.
“Jack, I’m sorry,” You weakly let out, eyes brimming with tears.
“You’re sorry,” He scoffed as he shook his head, “You’re sorry that you what? That you hooked up with my best friend or sorry that you’ve been sleeping with my brother?”
“What,” You gasped, knitting your brows together, “I’m not sleeping with Luke. And I didn’t hook up with Trevor! We kissed. Once. We were both drunk and sad and just there. It was gross and weird and both of us just wanted to act like it never happened.”
“Why wouldn’t you tell me? Why wouldn’t either of you tell me,” He yelled, betrayal and hurt laced in his voice as he stepped closer to you. Jack was close enough to you now that you could see the uncried tears lining his own eyes, and your chest tightened. You’ve never seen him look so utterly defeated before, not even when he had injured his shoulder and was out for a few games. Knowing you were the cause of that broke you in ways you never thought possible.
“Because we were seventeen and didn’t think it was important enough. Nothing was going to come out of it,” You shakily spoke through the tears that were streaming down your cheeks, “It doesn’t even matter, Jack. It was five years ago!”
“It does matter,” He whispered, your name coming out of his mouth in strained cracks as his eyes dragged over your face, “It matters to me, and you don’t even know why.”
Breath catching in your throat, your jaw slacked as you failed to form any coherent words. Your heart was beating so loud that you could hear it in your ears, and lungs struggling to let air in. You didn’t trust yourself enough to speak anymore, fearful that you were going to say yet another thing that was going to further alter your relationship with Jack.
“Why are you staying in Luke’s room,” He changed the subject, taking another step closer to you, “Why are you still sleeping in his bed? Your room’s empty, but yo-“
“Because you let another girl sleep in there, Jack,” You harshly snapped, shaking your head as your vision blurred with tears, “You ignored me for weeks and when I finally saw you again, you were giving my room to someone else.”
“Because I was trying to move on,” He yelled, eyes softening as you slightly flinched at his raised voice, “I was trying to move on from you, and I fucked up everything. I thought being with Natalie was going to help me forget about how I felt about you, and I know that’s shity of me. But then I saw you leaving Luke’s room that day and I didn’t know what to do. I thought you two were- I thought you were together and I was angry at you, but mostly at myself.”
You whispered his name, tasting the salt from your tears on your lips as your tongue swiped across them. Your skin was crawling with nerves as you took in all that Jack said, watching as he scoffed to himself and turned away from you. His hands came to rub at his face while yours nervously grasped at your sides, the silence that now surrounded the both of you becoming suffocating.
“I am sorry, for everything,” He rushed out as he nervously paced across the hallway, “I shouldn’t have ever treated you the way that I did, and I will spend however long doing whatever it takes for you to forgive me. And if Trevor is- If you have feelings for him, I totally support that, okay. I’ll be happy for you.”
His voice was strained as if he was forcing himself to say that he would be happy for you if you decided it was his best friend you wanted to be with. You couldn’t help but let out an almost silent laugh at the idea of being with Trevor in a romantic capacity. The mere thought alone is what caused the two of you to forget about your shared kiss all those years ago, and that feeling never changed. You viewed him in the same light as all of the other boys, except for the one standing right in front of you. 
“Jack,” You reached out and gently grabbed his forearm, pulling him towards you, “I don’t have feelings for Trevor. I have feelings for you.” You hoped to God that you weren’t misreading the situation.
“You do,” He breathed, stepping into your space so that your chests were nearly touching.
“I do.”
His face was illuminated by only the light that slipped through the window at the end of the hall, yet you could still see him so clearly. His bright eyes bore into your own, dancing across your face as he memorized the curves of your lips and the slope of your nose. Your heart raced as you waited for him to make a move, any move to ease the stampede of nerves that lit fires on your skin.
Jack’s nose nudged against your own, his soft lips ghosting over yours as he tested the waters to see if you were going to pull away. When you didn’t, his hands cupped both of your cheeks and drew you in, your lips crashing together in a kiss you’ve been waiting a lifetime for.
Your hands balled his shirt in your fists in an attempt to steady yourself as he kissed you harder, deeper than you had ever been kissed before. His hand slipped to the base of your neck as his tongue slipped into your mouth, gentle yet demanding as he slowly walked you backwards until you came in contact with the wall. You’re not sure how much time had passed when he was pulling away from you, but you were certain that it was too soon.
“You taste like your strawberry wine,” He playfully pointed out, trying to catch his breath. 
“You taste like your nasty beer,” You hummed as you peered up at him through your lashes, devouring the moments as they came.
His laughter reverberated across the hallway as his fingers hooked through the belt loops of your shorts, pulling your hips into his own. His thumbs snuck underneath your shirt, softly brushing over the bare skin on your stomach. You shiver as his thumbs leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake, his name falling from your lips in a pathetic beg as you carefully yanked his face back to yours. The moment you said his name, his lips were on yours again.
Your lips molded with his in a way that has you questioning why you’d ever kissed anyone before. None of them fit against you the way he did, and you never wanted to go back now that you had a taste of what it was like. You gently tug at the hair in the nape of his neck, and he groans against your mouth while his hands roughly squeezed your hips.
“If you do that again, I won’t be able to stop myself,” He mumbled against you.
“Who said I wanted you to stop?”
His lips reattached themselves to yours, hands coming to grab the back of your thighs and squeezing them as a way to signal for you to wrap them around his hips. Your mouth worked against his as he walked you through the door of the empty room, kicking it closed behind him. He carefully laid you on the mattress, one of his hands coming to press against the bed and the other cradling your jaw. His mouth moved down your jaw and down to your neck, a moan escaping your mouth as he gently nipped at the sensitive skin.
Your fingers pull at his hair as he explores your neck with his mouth, and it feels as if you’re melting into the mattress when his hand slips underneath your shirt. You could feel something hard pressing against your thigh, and before you know it, you’re reaching for the hem of his shirt and tugging it off his body.
He pulls away from you, eyes soft as they dart across your face, “Are you sure about this? We don’t have to do anything.”
“I want to,” You reassured him.
You softly grasp his jaw in your hand, tilting his head as your tongue dragged across his neck. Jack let out a soft whimper as you discovered that spot, his eyes screwing shut in rapture. He let you work for a little longer before he was yanking your own shirt off and guiding you to the top of the bed. He smashed his lips with yours, your hands grabbing at his back to pull him closer to you. Jack, however, was using his free hand to undo the clasp of your bra.
Sensing your next move, Jack grabs your wrists as you try to cover yourself once your chest was exposed. He withdrew from you, a smirk on his face as he began placing soft, open mouthed kisses down your body. You squirm underneath him, the ball in your stomach growing the closer he got to your center. Jack stopped once he got to your waistband, index finger tapping your skin to get your attention.
You propped your head up, meeting his stare as he hovered in between your thighs. The sight of him peering up at you made the already damp pool between your legs worsen. He was silently asking you if it was okay to keep going, and all you could manage was a nod before throwing your head back onto the pillow. He dragged your shorts and underwear down your legs; his own coming off shortly after.
Your heart beat so fast that you thought it was going to burst out of your chest as Jack reappeared above you. He placed a delicate kiss to your lips as he carefully pressed into you. The sound you let out was like music to his ears, and he never wanted to stop listening to it.
Meanwhile, Quinn is rejoining the group of boys who are still sitting around the fire. They watch as he opens a new beer, throwing his head back as he chugs the drink. “Did you find them,” It was Luke who spoke first, eyeing the way his brother rubbed a hand across his face.
“I wish I didn’t,” Quinn cringed, crumbling the already empty can in his hands.
Trevor was the first to catch on, his laughter echoing throughout the trees as he clutched at his stomach. It wasn’t too long after that the other boys joined in, except for Quinn who was still trying to remove the sounds he heard from his head.
“At least Jack will stop bitching now,” Cole playfully pointed out followed by a round of amused agreements.
Soft pants filled the room, your skin sticky with sweat as you rolled off Jack and onto the bed. The room spun around you as you came down from the euphoria that flowed through your veins. You had your eyes closed while you basked in the feeling of what had just occurred between the two of you, not ready to give it up quite yet.
Jack slipped his arm underneath you and pulled you into his side, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. “I meant what I said earlier,” He started, “I’m going to do whatever it takes for you to forgive me.”
“Jack, I think my screaming your name over and over again means you’re already forgiven,” You teased, tracing your fingers across his chest.
“While I thoroughly enjoyed it, like very very thoroughly enjoyed that,” You lightly slap his chest, “What I did still isn’t okay, and I will make it up to you. Because I love you.”
Your movements stuttered as his words echoed in your brain, but you were quick to gather yourself because you knew Jack well enough to know that his internal alarm bells were already ringing at your physical response.
Flattening your hand on his chest, you pushed yourself up so that you were looking down at him. “I love you, too. I have for a while.” 
You bent down, capturing his lips with your own for what felt like the hundredth time that night. Yet, even then, you felt like no matter how many times you were able to kiss Jack, it would never be enough. He didn’t let you get far when you pulled away, yanking you back down so your head was on his chest.
“So,” He began, dragging the word out a little more than necessary, “Am I a better kisser than Trevor?”
“Oh my god.”
tags: @cherrylipscrystal-skies
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straycalamities · 8 months
alright i been meaning to do this so:
what is and is not allowed to be done with any of my characters! this includes art, fics, edits, headcanons, whathaveyou
[general content/trigger warning for uncomfortable, possibly-triggering topics because this is mainly the gist of what i dont want to see]
x = never ? = ask for permission
do nots: x - no noncon (if you engage to work through your feelings, never make my characters the perpetrators, it skeeves me out) ? - no genderbends/sexswaps/whatever they're called anymore? idk just don't mess with their gender, pronouns*, or assigned-sex-at-birth as a general thing unless i already have or okayed you directly. triple-especially if they're not cis x - respect their romantic orientations/sexualities! if you don't know a character's then you can ask me, but yeah. ie: don't ship andrew with women, he's homosexual x - [NSFW] absolutely no ageplay kinks or anything like that with my characters. no raceplay. just..nothing like that. x - no pregnancy. no mpreg. no omegaverse. none of it. (i've come a long way from it being straight-up a trigger but still, yea,) i have had some of my characters naturally be pregnant/have babies but i'd rather handle it myself, if you know what i mean x - this is a duh, but nothing hateful/bigoted using my characters. like, for instance, i do joke abt shit and say mainverse!entre is a conservative but don't unironically use him for anything awful like that. joking/memeing around about his terrible political stances is fine though x - i would never write or have my characters telling anyone to "kill yourself" so please don't have them say stuff like that. even if it's a joke. it makes me uncomfortable. (there may be a few exceptions in my giant roster of ocs but as a general rule just avoid it) x - never use my ocs likenesses or art of them as art for your own ocs. that's never okay. my ocs designs are for my own characters only.
*it's okay to have neopronoun headcanons
okay! generally anything i havent said isn't okay IS okay, but just so anyone reading this has a clearer idea
it's okay to use my characters for expressing yourself, venting, or just personal stuff like that. if my characters help you through something, go ahead and express it. i'm happy they help :)
playing around with gender presentation (not gender) is perfectly okay with any of my characters
shipping in general is fine as long as it doesnt go against the don'ts list. i dont care who you ship them with
[NSFW] i'm okay with pretty much any other kinks other than anything that goes into noncon, bigotry, or underage so go wild even if it's not my thing personally i don't care. (ie: the swagtre piss fic? lol im not a watersports guy but chase your bliss)
my characters are all free game for anything horror themed as well. horror as a genre, body horror, psychological horror, whatever. go for it. i have a personal major squick for eye gore but i can handle (and enjoy) pretty much anything else in this realm. go as gorey or not as you like (just tag appropriately for other ppls sakes)
handling self-harm/suicide idealization themes is technically? okay? for my characters? just uh...be respectful i guess. and definitely tag appropriately. this theme is canon for a few of them so i am okay with it just handle it with care is what i'm saying
go ham-buck-wild with mental illness headcanons or projections or anything like that. i dont think i have an oc that doesn't have at least something, so if you see yourself in their symptoms, go for it. only some of them i have personal labels for some of their stuff but otherwise it's whatever. just be respectful, again.
kinning is also okay! kin, synpath anything like that. go ahead! go wild with it. i think it's neat. just be respectful.
and an important note to all of this, other than being respectful to others and the characters themselves, is to respect me. just because it's okay that you do it with my character, doesn't mean i have to agree with it or make it canon or anything like that. it just means i gave you permission to engage like that. so please don't come to me trying to ask or force me to change something about my own characters or get so lost in your headcanons you start to disrespect what i've established myself
and if you ever have any questions about them or any of this, just let me know. i'm always happy to help
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captainjunglegym · 1 month
Several Sentence Sunday - 26/05/2024
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heyooooo im back. getting back into some of these tags with a bit of a warm up.
No one tagged me, i've been out the game for so long...... but here's some potential wip stuff, i should be posting rpf tittyfuck fic soon but i have a lot of half baked wips. I need to just get back into the habit of writing prose and not writing about the socialist utopia that william morris explores in his novel a dream of john ball through the use of transhistorical bonds
firstly, rwrb 911 (firefighters) au, henry is reckless during a five alarm fire, he avoids major injury, but his work partner Alex is very upset with him, they bang about it:
Alex huffed and threw the dish towel on the counter. “You don’t value your life,” he grits out, crossing his arms. “And, Henry? That fucking frightens me.” “Alex-” “You have no regard for your own life. You have no regard for the place you hold in our lives, and it’s like you don’t even register the consequences.” Alex takes a deep breath and turns to the kitchen window, obviously trying to calm down to make his words less pointed. “You know what? It’s not even that you don’t think before acting, it’s like you know what’ll happen but it’s no big deal to you.” “Well, it isn’t when-” Alex whirls around on him, “It’s a big fucking deal to me!” Silence rings out for a second, Alex’s eyes wild as they meet Henry’s. “It’s a big fucking deal when I’m the one who’ll have to ring the fucking bell at your funeral! When it’ll be me who has to live here and work at that fucking place without you! So, it might not be a big deal to you, asshole, but you dying? That’s a huge fucking deal for me. Sorry to burst your fucking bubble, sweetheart.”
tags and rpf under the cut:
invitation to titty fuck fic (taynick rpf)
Despite what most Americans believe, it’s not that surfing isn’t a thing in the UK. He has friends who used to trek to South Wales or down to Cornwall or up to the fucking Hebrides when they were teens. It makes his skin crawl now, thinking about it. Putting on a rubber suit that clings to every nook and cranny. Every bulge and bump in the places there shouldn’t be a bulge much less a bump. And the distinct lack of bulge and bump in the places there should be an abundance of bulge and a mountain of bump. Teenage Nick would’ve had a coronary. A rugby kit was much more flattering. And the sensory nightmare of it all. Ugh. So, after moving the five and a half thousand miles to LA to live with Taylor, Nick is quite content to just to sit on the sand and watch as his boyfriend ‘catches the waves’ or whatever the phrase is. Nick is very happy to gawp at Taylor in his wetsuit, his muscles straining and stretching, and the curve of his cock outlined in the black material for all to see.
tagging: @bigassbowlingballhead @eusuntgratie @nocoastposts @anincompletelist @firstprincehornyramblings
@firenati0n @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @sparklepocalypse @wordsofhoneydew @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@cactusdragon517 @taste-thewaste and open tag for whomever!!! soz for not participating recently, but im in it to win it now <3
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vllergy · 10 months
emerges from the ether for 5 seconds before vanishing again--i don't post here often i go through phases, the moon has phases i have phases whatever but i've been playing a lot of b@lders g@ate and while i don't think i'll ever feel comfortable writing canon character content (maybe h@lsin??? g@le??? who knows) this one NPC interaction had me by the throat. feat: tw: canon courtesan/sex worker NPC, kink!reader, second person narration since the game is like that, hunky sneezy drow man, honestly a lot of build up for little payoff im sorry idk what happened. i also don't know the word count im useless (dialog is in-game dialogue up until the lil time skip to his room, then it's all me baybbyeee)
The drow is one of the most handsome you’ve ever seen. Not that you expected him to be ugly, of course. The fabled drow twins of Sharress’ Caress are known far and wide for their talents as well as their beauty. Its just, seeing them in person is quite different from sustaining on mere rumor alone. Sorn Orlith, as he introduces himself, is rather muscular for a drow. He stands nearly a good head taller than you with a broad, brazenly defined chest. His outfit is nothing more than a metal cage topped over his heavy shoulders and flared out down his sternum like witch’s fingers, pointing towards an abdomen taut with muscle.
His long skirt rides around his hips but you can still see the shadow of indents against bluish-gray skin there, as if they are inviting you to take a closer look. They likely are. Nothing about his appearance is not meticulously crafted to draw you in. From the slight sheen on his lips that are plush and naturally the color of ripe blueberries, to the way his wintry hair is falls effortlessly back from his face in perfect waves. He is a vision, and yet his eyes are not cold and imperious like you might expect. They’re warm. Inviting. Somehow kind, despite what kind of debauchery goes on in a place like this. 
You ask him how he ended up here in the first place. Apparently, the Underdark isn’t kind to male courtesans. Also, he was bored.
“The entirety of drow culture is obsessed with bondage beyond reason. While such activities have their charms, I yearned to reach greater depths.” He gives a dazzling smile. “And there is no society on this planet more laterally, imaginatively and confusingly depraved as that of Baldur’s Gate. Although of late, I do feel I’ve seen everything. Perhaps you’ll show me something new?”
Your throat goes dry. 
“I’m…glad you’re happy here,” you manage out. 
Sorn laughs, but not unkindly “I’d have to restrain myself far more than any play-bindings do if I worked in another field. This is a place where I can be myself boundlessly.” 
His arms widen, emphasizing the violet taut flesh of muscle in his shoulders and biceps. You do your best not to stare.
“There are so many who come to me speaking of a fixation that no one else has ever been able to share with them…” he leans close, “And never will again. 
He smells of bergamot and brandy. It’s intoxicating. “A once in a lifetime moment of passion. Every day. What could be better? Don’t you want to try it?”
You do. And he can tell. His grin widens, almost wolfish. 
“Trust me, you don’t want to miss my signature Menzoberranzan Love Trick.”
With the door to Sorn’s private room shut, you feel a sense of calm overwhelm you. The room is beautiful—long enough to be someone’s home, crystals and plants glowing in every corner, a bed surrounded by flowers, shadows in all the right places. It looks like it was plucked free from the most beautiful parts of the Underdark and brought here to Wyrms Crossing. It feels comforting. Safe. 
“Now, are you going to tell me about this little secret of yours? Or would you prefer to keep me in the dark?”
Sorn’s voice startles you and he slips a hand around your waist, nosing at your neck as he comes from behind you. He releases you at the reaction, but doesn’t make a show of it. He’s masterful at what he does. Reading his partner, gauging their comfort level, adjusting and maneuvering as necessary. Your blushing cheeks must give you away because he gives you an encouraging smile instead and reaches for your wrists.
“Come, let us sit first. I find it’s easier to talk like that.”
He leads you to the foot of the bed. The sheets are luxurious, obsidian satin, and the mattress sinks with your weight. He sits close, angling his body towards you, but not so close as to crowd you. Your knees touch. You can see his breath flexing the hardened muscles of his torso and chest as he lingers there, expectant but not impatient. His hands cover yours in your own lap.
“It’s perfectly all right to be nervous,” Sorn continues, “But I assure you, your secret is safe with me. And not only that, it is *treasured*. I meant what I said earlier. There is very little that surprises me these days. Should you present me with something unexpected, I will be noting more than delighted.” 
You avoid his eyes, despite how gentle they are. You’ve never said this in front of anyone. But he’s right. Odds are, there are multiple someones in Baldurs Gate who have stranger interests than you. Sorn has likely indulged them all and without complaint. As he said downstairs, he rather enjoys this aspect of his work. Still, your tongue is in knots as you work up the nerve to say it. Your eyes travel up from his chin to his perfectly shaped mouth, the cupids bow of his lips and then finally the long, aquiline shape of his nose. It’s a fine nose. Prominent on his face and somehow as elegant as the rest of him, it captivates your attention for a moment. 
When you realize you’ve been staring for a moment too long, the confession rushes out of you in a breath, “Sneezing.”
Your face feels like it might explode from the heat. Sorn blinks. You expect him to laugh, or tell you to leave the room, or some other horrible outcome but instead he merely tilts his head. His hands give yours an assuring squeeze.
“And what about it do you like, my love?”
You lean over with a groan. You truly cannot believe you’re having this conversation—but his warm chuckle sends something fluttering in your chest and you gather the courage to straighten back up again and look him in the eye.
“I’m…not quite sure, I just know I enjoy it,” you say carefully, “And when my partners do it.”
“Mmm,” he says, contemplating, “So you’d like it if I sneezed for you then?”
Your lips purse, holding the answer hostage in your throat. You nod helplessly instead. He laughs again and releases one of his hands to brush a knuckle along your cheek.
“Look how red you are, it’s positively darling. Was that all, little bird? That was what you were so afraid to tell me?”
You nod again, nearly in tears. It’s off your chest now and it feels incredible, but it’s also freeing in a way that makes you feel raw and exposed. He’s being so kind about it that you’re not quite sure how to react. Emotions clash together, warring for dominance inside the confines of your skull. 
Sorn seems to understand immediately. His hand skirts below your jaw and tips your chin up as he leans forward and captures your lips with his own. It’s a simple, nearly chaste kiss. So featherlight and innocent that it feels like the sun peeking through the clouds. “Shh, shhh,” he soothes as he pulls away, “I think it’s wonderful. I will say it’s the first time I’ve encountered it, but I think it’s quite endearing.” He pulls away a little further, leaving you breathless. His white smile gleams. “And what an exciting challenge besides!” 
He releases you fully and stands from the bed, his hands on his hips. He looks about the room, brow furrowed in concentration. You’re still a little dazed from the kiss, wondering how he manages to taste like brandy and sweetwine and smell as good as he does while also trying to get your brain to stop swimming. You blink a few times to get your bearings as Sorn stalks to one of his shelves.
“Now, the only trouble is—“ he starts as he rifles through a few things, “There isn’t much that makes me sneeze, I’m afraid.”
Your stomach wilts a bit. Perhaps it was too much to hope that this strapping drow would have a terrible allergy to lavender. Though, to be fair, he hardly looks like the type to be beset by anything so pedestrian. Sorn is so maddeningly put together. From his perfect hair, meticulous ensemble and finely crafted expressions, he is clearly a man that keeps up appearances. Decorum is important to him. Should he ever be laid low by an allergy, you imagine he would fight it with the all the dignity and stoicism he so proudly displayed. 
Still—you didn’t work up all this nerve just to get here and *not* have anticipated something like this happening. Shyly, you let your fingers linger over the vial in your pocket. 
“I…may have something that will help,” you say.
Sorn turns from the shelf with what looks like a raven feather in his hand, his eyes bright. He looks positively delighted at the news.
“Oh I love when my clients come prepared,” he says, “You are a dream.”
“We could try that first, though,” you say, gesturing to the feather. There’s definitely something to that idea and it’s already stirring a feeling in your belly that has you shifting on the bed and your heart rising. There’s no possible way Sorn can know this, but somehow you sense he does, because his eyes sharpen their focus on you and his grin goes syrupy. 
“Lovely,” he comments and returns to your side. As he sinks back into the mattress, he gestures a hand. “Is here all right? Or would you like to do it somewhere else?”
“Here is fine,” you choke out. The idea that this is happening, really happening, is making your brain turn to lightning. You can hardly wait. 
He holds out the feather to you, “I assume you’d like to do the honors?”
You nod. The feather has little weight to it, and it’s gorgeous up close. The black shimmers with hues of purples and blues in the low light, glimmering in the reflection of your eyes. You run your eyes along the length of it and then find yourself starting at Sorn again, heart in  your throat.
“Is it… all right if I touch you?” you ask. You lean forward, hand with the feather outstretched, but think you may need to position yourself a little closer and brace yourself on his shoulder to get a good angle.
“Darling,” he laughs. He suddenly seizes your wrist and brings you closer, lowering his voice near your ear. “You can do whatever you want to me.”
You gulp as he slides back, demure and innocent as if he hadn’t just made goosebumps appear along your arms and thighs with his words alone. A nervous smile paints your lips and you do finally take his shoulder in your hand. You’re kneeling almost into his lap at this point and to support you, he draws an arm around your back. It’s so intimate you’re almost dizzy with the closeness alone, and you haven’t even gotten to—
The feather brushes at the corner of his mouth and his mouth twitches in a smile. Even just that response alone makes your heart race. From there, you slowly move it up to the indent above his mouth, and then his septum. He wrinkles his nose, skin avoiding the stimulation on instinct before he wrests his control back. He smiles but says nothing, allowing you to continue. 
You draw the tip of the feather around one nostril. It quivers in response, but otherwise, Sorn’s eyes remained focused on you. You test a bit farther, drawing slow, soft circles. There isn’t anything for a few seconds, and then he starts to blink, irritated tears prickling in his eyes. He sniffs a few times and then has to cough, politely turning his head away on instinct as he does so. “Apologies,” he says and then grins, “What a strange sensation.”
“Are you all right?” you ask. 
“Very much so,” he nods, “Please, continue.”
You do, but to mixed results. You’re certainly irritating his nasal passages, but sadly not enough to make him sneeze. After a few minutes of attempting, all you’ve really done is making him cough and cry irritated tears. Disappointed, you’re about to give up when he takes your wrist again, holding the feather inside his nose.
“W-wait,” he says, “I had it for but a moment.”
Your heart stutters. Carefully, you twist the feather as you had been a moment earlier. His eyelashes, pale as new fallen snow, sweep his cheeks and a breath catches on the roof of his mouth. The hand that was around your wrist falls slack, fingers drifting down towards your elbow.
“Yes, I feel it,” he whispers. 
His grip around your back tightens and he draws in another breath. His eyebrows crumple and hoist upwards and his nose practically twitches. 
As his expression snaps, you pull the feather away just in time. His head wrenches away as the sneeze whisks through him. 
It’s a spartan, nearly soft sound. Wet, given the amount of torture his nose has been put through for the last few unproductive minutes, but otherwise without frills or embellishments. It’s a very honest sneeze you think, but perhaps one he was not entirely prepared for. By his clenched teeth you think he might have held back at the last moment out of some sense of propriety. The way he lightly touches the backs of his knuckles to the underside of his nose in the aftermath and gives a delicate sniff further enforces your theory. 
Still, it was a sight. 
“Blessings,” you say, enraptured. 
Sorn recovers quickly and smiles at you. 
“Did you—snf—enjoy that? I am sorry it took so long.”
Your red cheeks are enough of a glowing recommendation, but you nod anyway. Feeling a little braver, and a little desperate for him now that you’ve seen him lose control the once, your hand slips down against his abdomen. The warm skin there flexes against your palm as he breathes in. He hums a soft noise of approval and clasps his hand over yours before leaning in to kiss you. There’s just the briefest moisture in the kiss, only you would ever notice it, and it sets your brain on fire. 
“Perhaps we should try your method instead,” he suggests when he pulls away for a breath, kissing a line across your jaw and to your throat next, “It might be more…productive.” 
You feel dizzy. His hand skirts along your thigh and meets the joint of your hip, squeezing with enough pressure to make you moan. 
“If you’re sure,” you say, “It can be…strong.” It’s only fair to warn him, after all. Everyone reacts differently, but you’ve never not seen it work on someone.
“All the better,” he hums against the hollow of your throat, nipping softly at the skin, “I simply won’t have you leaving here disappointed.”
You shift upwards to get access to your pocket. Sorn discards the sodden feather and watches with curious, eager eyes. When you reveal the tiny glass vial, he smirks. 
“I see,” is all he says before nodding his head toward the collection of pillows at the head of the bed, “Let’s get more comfortable first, shall we?”
Moments later, you’re lying side by side, both propped up by pillows and surrounded by the soft glowing plants and crystals that make a canopy of the bed. Sorn holds himself up on an elbow and examines the vial that looks comically small in his much larger fingers. You lay your cheek against one of the pillows and stare up at him, still feeling your heartbeat pound in your ears. You’d thought this would have gotten easier after seeing it happen once, but the idea of seeing it happen again is almost worst. Now that you know the sound, know how his lip curls a little, how his eyes flutter—all you want to do is see it more, see him unravel.
“So, just a pinch of this?” Sorn asks. He seems more curious than anything. Like he doesn’t quite totally believe that whatever is in there is actually going to be able to make him sneeze.
“Mhmhm,” you say. 
He grins and sets to work. A hefty pinch between his thumb and forefinger is gathered and then quickly—and in a rather sophisticated manner—snorted up one nostril. It doesn’t seem to cause him any harm like you worried it might, and he merely clears his throat once it’s over and brushes his hands off. 
“Oh, it’s lovely,” he comments, “Almost medicinal.” 
You can’t answer him because you can’t breathe. You’re waiting for something. Anything. A flicker of his expression, a quiver of his nose, something to indicate that the powder is set to work. But nothing happens. Sorn merely looks back at you questioningly. 
“When does it start to take effect?” he asks.
“Usually right away.”
He frowns, “Oh. Perhaps I should take more?”
You saw the amount he took. It was already sizable. Any more and you’d be concerned for him. You quickly shake your head, “No, I wouldn’t. Maybe it’s just…slow to start.”
Sorn huffs, his disappointment mirroring your own. He sets the vial aside and turns back to you, pulling you flush against his body. That’s still nice, sneezing or no. Every hard angle of him presses against you and the heat of his skin makes you shudder. He kisses you deeply and you can still smell the slightly earthy scent of the powder on him as you return it. 
“I’m terribly sorry,” he murmurs close to your mouth, “I’ve done nothing but disappoint you tonight.”
You blink up at him, “That’s not true!” 
He sighs and tucks a bit of your hair behind your ear. “It is, but I promise you, I will make it up to you. We still have plenty of time, and there are other things we can do, besides.”
Sorn dips an arm under you and pulls you flat against the bed, hovering over you. He grins down at you and starts to remove your top. 
“Is this alright?” he asks softly.
You nod, nearly choking on your want for him. Everywhere he uncovers bare skin, he lavishes in kisses until you’re bare from the waist up and the two of you are flesh against flesh. His skin sears yours with warmth. He trails fingers down your sternum and then down to your bellybutton, then lower. 
“You are a delightful little thing,” he says. His voice is velvet, and his warm breath paints down your ribs as he follows the path of his hand. 
You feel the gasp as much as you hear it. It’s a sudden, reckless thing—so quick that neither of you are prepared for it. Sorn’s expression flinches for just a moment and he barely has time to turn his head to the side before a sneeze completely overtakes him—misting your side in the process. “hh-EDSHHH’iuh!” 
You’re stunned. Sorn looks like he might be too, if not for the telltale signs of another impending sneeze close behind the first. He shifts and places a hand on your hip as he sits up a little. You watch as his upper lip curls over bright teeth and his nostrils flare once before he wrenches away from you successfully this time. “hhHH’RRSCCH!” This one is stronger than the last, more voice to it. It shakes him and you by extension on the mattress.
“Bless you,” you say, but he shakes his head. His hand squeezes your hip gently as if to say ‘not yet’. “Hih-ih!”
His fist goes to his mouth before you can stop it, and he squelches the last sneeze into submission. His eyes cinch shut and he bends at the waist, shoulders trembling as the colossal sound is contained to nothing more than a whisper. “hHh-nGXST!” 
He opens his eyes, though somewhat warily. As if he’s not sure the tickle is quite gone yet. He gives a cagey sniffle and blots his knuckle under his nostrils, “Goodness.” Then, he turns to you and finds your gaze positively enraptured. He smiles. 
“I suppose it does work ah-after all!” He rubs at the tip of his nose for a moment and then flutters his eyes, “I do hope you’re ready for more because it seh—seems…” 
Your hand goes to his chest. You feel the swell of his breath deepen, the warm feeling of his skin moving under your fingers. Sorn seems to get the idea because his palm reaches up to cover yours. His fingers wrap around your palm as his breath continues to snag. You catch his eyes just for a moment before they slide back. 
“hHH’RRSCh’euh!” He trembles under your touch with the force of it. He lifts his head just barely, eyebrows canted desperately, and then pitches downwards again, spraying your arm with abandon. “hh’AEEShhh’ah!” 
“Such a tickle,” he says breathily as he recovers. He gives a wet sniffle and smiles at you, but it’s hazy, the look in his eyes already distracted by the mounting itch. But he doesn’t seem bothered by it. If anything, he’s enjoying the newness of the sensation. The break from monotony. 
His nostrils flare and he releases his hand to rub his knuckle against his septum once more. 
You feel a little bold for asking, “Are you all right?”
He nods, smiling. He tries to hold your eyes but the tickle steals his concentration once more. 
“Quite!Just—hh…sn’tsCHh’eeze-hhHH! H’RRSHC’hu!” 
You reach your other hand up to stroke through his hair and turn him a little more towards you as he prepares for another. He resists at first out of instinct alone, but adjusts in the moment it takes for the sneeze to have its way with him. As his breath snaps, he ducks his head in the space between you and releases it into your lap. “hh”hRRRASsh’chu!” 
“Bless you,” you say, smoothing back his hair. You crawl into his lap and he welcomes you without hesitation, securing your thighs around his hips even as his head tilts back for two more with barely a breath in between. He ducks them between the two of you but there isn’t much space. His hands clench against your thighs with each outburst. “hh-eHH’SCCHE’uh! h’RRSH’ue!” 
Blearily, he looks up. He’s dazed. Sniffly. His cheeks are indigo and the area around his nostrils is too. You kiss him, because he just looks so stupidly *kissable* and he murmurs a laugh against your mouth. 
“It is quite comforting thatyou find me attractive in such a state,” he sniffs once you pull away. 
“Very attractive,” you remind him.
He smiles, and continues smiling even as his expression flickers again. “Ah, one-hh more perhaps,” he says.  He raises a hand in front of his face and a rather tired sounding sneeze ripples through him. “hH’EDShh!”
“Bless you.”
“I don’t thhhink I’ve ever snhheezed so much in my life-hh!” He leans his forehead onto your shoulder and does away with using his hand to cover, opting to simply hold onto your hips and let the sensation take him. “hh’UEHDSHH’iu!” You stroke his bare back and feel his ribs expand beneath your fingers before tightening twice in quick succession. “hh’NGXT! nG’ssT!” 
He clears his throat after and lifts his head back up, adjusting you on his lap. “Ah, I should have asked, do you prefer if I hold them in or let them out? Often I don’t know which it will be until it happens but… perhaps I could try…try to—”
His eyes roll and he turns his head, giving you a clear view of his twitching profile. “If I could juhhst get through a sehh’ESsch!—sentence!” 
“I don’t mind either way, I just don’t want you to hurt yourself if you hold them in,” you say to try and spare him. 
“Oh, darling, it takes much more than that to hurt me,” he wriggles his nose handsomely and turns back to you with a devilish grin. His eyebrows raise. “And lo! A full sentence! The effects must be wearing off.” He sniffs experimentally and for the first time, his eyes don’t get hazy in the aftermath. 
You feel disappointment sink your heart like a stone. It was bound to wear off eventually. But before you can even lament the course of events, he pats your thigh and shifts you off his lap. 
“Come, where’s the vial?” 
You blink. Surely he doesn’t want to do more of that?
He seems to know exactly what you’re thinking because he taps the bottom of your chin and winks.
“Oh, we’re far from finished, love. Ready for round two?”
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raccoonfallsharder · 2 months
When I saw the first guardians film in middle school, my love of our favorite raccoon began. Finding a community of Rocket lovers after keeping it silently inside for so long is special (in a way I can't articulate without sounding goofy bc it's an anthropomorphic raccoon we're talking about here). I graduate from college this weekend and want to thank you for your stories getting me through hard times and motivationless days. It's given me a knew way to enjoy the movies I've watched so many times :) What was the media that got you super into Rocket and inspired your fiction writing? Much love!!
first and foremost, i want to congratulate you. school is not easy, and i swear it gets harder and feels more high-pressure/high-stakes every year. i hope that your time at college has given you more learning experiences than all-nighters, more opportunities than stressors, and more joy than hardship. and i hope that you are able to take everything you’ve earned and enjoy your freedom from university surrounded by good people, with plenty of time and resources to do the things you love. if you haven’t yet, please take time to sit and breathe and really soak up the fact that you did this. be proud of yourself. you fucken deserve it.
secondly, i read this while walking to the parking garage at 11pm after helping at an event for my college students (i work at a university) and i had to sit in my car and wait till i stopped tearing up so i could drive home. this truly made me so happy and im so glad my silly stories made things even just a little easier for you. ♡
so, my falling in love with rocket was a process. (cue me narrating this for three paragraphs like a schoolgirl with her first crush)
when we first saw rocket’s back in gotg1 i was like, oh. he’s in so much pain. between that + his fucken sarcasm, i complained afterward that the movie would’ve been so much better if he was the main character (lol). i started lazily dabbling in comics content then. i hadn’t been big into marvel comics before (more of a dc/image comics kid) but rocket and groot were becoming my faves. i loved gotg2. so much more focus on rocket, and yondu’s arc had me bawling like a baby. gotg2 made me like gotg1 more, which is part of how i judge the quality of a narrative series tbh (and why i think series are so hard to make). when the first gotg3 trailer came out and it was clear this was rocket’s story, i was obsessed. i didnt watch any additional trailers or read any more comics — rare for me. i wanted to go in completely blank. then i went back to the theatre to rewatch it three additional times (i have never before gone to see a movie more than once in the theatre). i was like… almost bursting with love for this stupid raccoon at this point.
then i got around to reading his grounded comic arc, and it was like — the dam burst. i hadn’t written fanfiction since 2017ish, and hadn’t been on tumblr since 2016, but i was like — i have to write about this fucken raccoon. i need to take care of him lol.
so when you ask what media - i guess all of it? in increments? because of course now ive watched most of his various cartoon incarnations, read probably 70% of the comics content, halfway through a stream of the 2021 game, have one of the novels (sitting on the tbr pile) and frankly the love just continues to grow.
now that ive taken up thirty-two years of your life, i just want to say im so glad you found this fandom and this community. he may be an anthropomorphic raccoon but he’s meaningful to people, in so many ways. im so very very glad that he could be that for you, and that you’re here.
congrats again, nonnie. i hope post-graduation life rewards you with supportive people who love and understand you, with joyful new experiences, good health, and everything you need to live happily and fully.
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i love when the subject of modern au for the arcana comes up cause my only metric of judgement for it is What are you gonna do with Muriel. is he still. you know. practically homeless
cause it can be done well i believe it!! but i mean its interesting to me cause theres so many um. cultural differences i guess i can call it, and ramifications and implications and fucking more thesaurus words we get it to consider in comparing our "everyone has to have a document about *Everything*, whats your assigned number at birth, let me record you with 50 cameras at all times just in case, gimme your PapERS HOW OLD ARE YOU WHATS YOUR GRANDMAS MAIDEN NAME NO IM NOT SELLING YOU THIS CARTON OF EGGS UNTIL YOU TELL ME" society (Admittedly! not every single place in the world today is like this necessarily!!! so you can just put them someplace else and work from there!!! but youd have to know how life there actually looks like And also wait whats the point of this au if everything ends up the same lmao i wanted asra to have tiktok and work at starbucks what are we doing here) vs the old timey fantasy world presented in the game where its just "yeah sure you can go live in a forest theres no fences here lol bye dont get dysentery" which is how the world used to be i guess and thats so fun to ponder for me lol we really were just monkeys fucking about with sticks huh. good times
man this is why i dont actually write fanfics i get too lost in four different trains of thought and dont finish any of them lmao and i guess also cause of the "i Cant POSSIBLY write this story about kissing a dude if i cant describe the sociopolitical climate in this neighbourhood in the netherlands after the Batavian Rebellion and how it influenced the contemporaneous fauvistic arT MOVEMENT with UTMOST ACCURACY cause THATS WHAT HIS FAVOURITE PAINTING WAS THE ONE THAT SHOWS UP IN THIS THREE SECOND BLURRY BACKGROUND CLIP OF THIS SCENE IN HIS APARTMENT AND IS CRUCIAL TO HIS CHARACTER AND I HAVE TO NAIL IT WHAT DONT YOU GET" type personality i got going which i guess writers deal with by just going full "lol whatever i am god here and i make law" mode
i just started thinking about this cause of the new story on dorian in a modern au i got pretty hype about it teehee but yeah muriel hasnt shown up yet so i got into that whole spiral about wHERE ARE THEY GONNA PUT ME BOYE AAAGJHFN i hope he gets a good outfit lmao i love jules' vibe but i looked at asra n went aw Hell naw hed be way better dripped out you done my boy dirty cmon man. pashas hawaiian shirt tho fucking we're so back lets go lesbians hkdyyifulj Anyway they made lucio a wholeass bilionaire which had me shook a lil for some reason but i can see him as a total ~Musk-esque~ archetype lmaooo like that is literally so him, just barges in and makes people have good ideas for him gikgststnv oh god i hope theres not any elon fans reading this cause theyre not gonna appreciate that oh fudge ok lets get back to the point which was uuuuhhhhhhhhhh oh yeah i liked your muriel lives in a van concept i thought its good! yeah thats what i wanted to say. what a tumultuous journey i just had to invent to arrive here.
Oh yeah, I've been seeing a lot more posts and questions about the arcana's modern au, and it's why I was so happy to dig up all those old ask arcana posts! I'm so glad we have all that canon content from way back when, it was so sad that I could only put ten images in one post T~T
And Muriel definitely lives off the grid - I also remember another ask arcana that said in modern times he'd wear a cable knit sweater on top and leather pants and demonias on bottom and that works so well for him XD
Here's the screenshots since the links haven't been working:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
how about 🍓🍄🌿? ☺️
YAYAYYYY!!! (ask game is here for anyone who wants to join!)
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
honestly? lack of fanfiction in the dragon prince fandom. anyone who's stuck with my blog for a while knows that thats where i primarily started off writing and that was my overall gateway into the fanfic world. i've always enjoyed writing and using writing skills i've cultivated over years of creative writing to write for characters and media i enjoy is definitely something im proud of. back the dragon prince is a pretty small fandom and ig i wanted to see fics that weren't made yet, so i sat down and decided to make them. look where it got me!!! i had been reading fanfics for a long time before i started writing them though.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
i'm going to do this one for guitarspear! ok so the basics for the hc is this- adam is a physically pretty strong guy, and is definitely very tall and powerful. needless to say, like a giant puppy, he doesn't realize his own strength and pulls people into ridiculously tight hugs. most people get irritated with him or think he's just being annoying when he's genuinely trying to hug them (but not realizing he's hurting them). over time he pretty much stopped giving people hugs. however, the first time he hugged lute, it was incredibly spontaneous and he immediately expected her to be irritated at him. so much so that he started babbling an apology. he was shocked to find that she not only didn't mind, but after some slight nagging on his part, admitted to actually enjoying the hug! needless to say he's much more clingy with her than anyone else.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
gosh this is a tough question. i was in a huge writing slump very recently, about 2-3 months ago before i started writing for hazbin i actually hadn't written or felt motivated to write in quite a while. i was overworked and tired and struggling with writers block, and writing had become less of a fun activity for myself and moreso a chore to fulfill my followers requests. the best advice i can give when it comes to any form of creativity block, whether it be art block or writing block or music block or anything of the sorr is to remind yourself why you're creating art. you should be writing for yourself and creating content that, at the end of the day, ultimately makes you feel good. don't force yourself to write for fandoms you aren't interested in anymore and don't write things you're uncomfortable with- overall, just do what makes you happy and write for yourself, not for notes, not for others approval, but to create the content and fanfiction you want to see in the world. the best way to deal with writers block is to open your notes app and write the shittiest, fluffiest fanfic of your fav character comforting you about writers block. trust me, it works.
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simplyreveries · 4 months
yay happy 500! i've been a reader of yours since you started, congrats on coming so far, you deserve it! <3
as for the matchup..
APPEARANCE: i'm relatively average in height, like 5'4. i'm a little chubby and have a baby face (save me). notable things are that i have smaller than average hands, i have a lot of moles and pretty heavy eyebags. my hair is past my shoulders and is curly and wavy. i wear fun shaped glasses and different themes of dangly earrings. my sense of style is simple but enough to express myself.
PERSONALITY: i'm very shy with new people. i dont unless spoken to and i even hide behind people i trust in social situations. i overthink and worry a lot. but when im talking to people i trust im very loud, talkative and annoying. i like pestering my friends but never meanly, and i always apologize if i go too far. i like making people laugh. my sense of humor sucks and i laugh at almost anything. i'm also very jumpy and reactionary. i'm very emotional and i cry from strong emotions, even when i feel positively about something. i have a temper and get annoyed easily and i have frequent mood swings. i'm pretty passive though and i don't like conflict and am not physically aggressive.
LIKES: i like music, video games, collecting, drawing and playing instruments. i play guitar and piano and want to pick up bass. i also sing. i collect things from my interests and also just things i think are cute. i love anything cute and sometimes i feel aggressive (like not violently, like squeezing) towards cute things, sometimes i also feel overwhelmed with cuteness and i cry. i love cats the most but i also love other animals and sea creatures. i don't like being talked down to or treated as less than. i also don't like being outcasted or avoided. i like cool bugs but HATE house pests like flies and roaches. i also don't like bitter things or veggies. i love sweets, especially sour candy and ice cream and pastries.
OTHER: i'm hyperactive or super out of it like all the time. sometimes i feel like running around everywhere but sometimes i feel like sleeping even if it's in an inconvenient spot or situation. im always moving or fidgeting- i bite my nails and hum mostly. i'm not great with feelings but i try my best and try to show that i care. romantic situations make me feel nervous but i don't oppose things and can be really affectionate in private.
also side note plz don't match with idia or lilia! thank you!! sorry it's lengthy
i match you with kalim-al aism!!!
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it's no problem to him if initially you're more standoff-ish and quiet. he's kalim of course he's still going to go out of his way to talk to you and befriend you. especially when he finds out more about you. he could catch you practicing and playing the piano in the music room and (moment of him being completely mesmerized hehe). he'd apologize quickly if he startled you and go on excitedly that you're talented with instruments. considering he is a part of the light music club he is ecstatic. nothing but compliments and praise for your talent from him. he is either inviting you to join or just come watch one of their performances a lot.
so even when before the two of you got together, he treated you as if you've known him for years. don't feel nervous about not having a partner for an assignment in class if he's there- because he's immediately waving to you and making his way asking if you would want to work with him. if he sees you walk into a room, he visibly lights up and calls for you.
more often than not, he's inviting you to sleepovers at scarabia with him... his bed is the coziest thing. he is content with curling up in bed with you and talking tiredly. he definitely buys you plushies... like A LOT ever since you practically sobbed over him getting you one of your favorite animals. they're found all over his bedroom.
he always finds himself getting into slight trouble and crazy moments at school, due to his spontaneous self. he means well but there are times like when he lost his magic carpet and dragged you all over campus to help him find it.
kalim loves listening to you-- besides, he is equally as talkative. he feels so good knowing that he's someone you began to feel comfortable around to be more open. and kalim remembers everything, you could mention something offhandedly and bring it up like "oh! right you liked those..." weeks later.
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basofy · 10 months
some thoughts regarding joyful (not definitive)
this is more of a personal post about my relationship with this game, but i realized something important a while ago, and it's that, out of the 3 times i've played lisa the joyful, i had never played it again after changing my mind about buddy
yes i disliked her at first im so sorry, i was biased on brad and didnt like others dunking on him GHAGFSGF the first 2 times i played i didnt like buddy a lot, the 3rd time i was starting to take her more seriously but i honestly just replayed for the battles and secrets, didnt even finish it back then.
so i have to say, outside of the new content, replaying joyful felt absolutely necessary for me, after starting to emphatize more with buddy (which ive been doing for like a year and half, still never played again) and not only that but my thoughts on rando. i've been looking wrongly at him since the start becuz i thought he was simply just nice 'rando did nothing wrong' then i realized he, in fact did things wrong, and i had become a bit, hmm, disinterested in him, because i had in mind his flaws too much and it started to feel like he didnt care much about buddy. sorry if this is mean as hell rando fans, but luckily playing again gave me a different view of him. i think rando cares, he cares as much as he can but he cant just agree to everything, there are things that simply just oppose eachother and i think this eats him alive and makes him a little lame in how he handles things. i noticed he mentions the kidnapping at the start quite a lot, which he could be feeling intensely guilty about, even moreso, with the implication that buddy was assaulted, which he even asks her about right after. and even if buddy doesn't bring it up ever again, he seems still worried about this. and i liked paying attention to that. i enjoy not seeing him as perfect but he is still caring
on the topic of buddy, i started to become more and more attached to her over time and it actually pains me to think about her sometimes. much like with lisa, thinking about how they were literally just kids going through the worst makes me cry at times. during this playthrough of joyful i had something strange happen and it's that i'd get actual goosebumps reading some of the dialogue, the things buddy would say to rando, the kidnapping, the flavor text in battles and things the enemies would say to her. i think i finally played joyful like i was supposed to and im happy about that, im rly feeling like drawing buddy and rando now. theyre not perfect siblings but it's good to be assured that they cared about eachother, i needed that
another thing i rly rly needed since a long while ago was to cry for lisa again, i played the brad hallucination fight in spanish (only that part, cuz i wanted to see how the name 'chiqui' got handled) and it made me cry so bad, especially i noticed that right after the dialogue where brad tells buddy to not call him dad, his next phase is literally named 'dad', i never paid attention to that. but anyway it seems this game affects me more if i play in spanish, might be because the first time i played it was the fan translation, very nostalgic. some bits of the new content in painful and joyful made me cry, too, mostly the lisa bits. even if there are some things im not convinced by, i know im thankful for that, idk, i like getting emotional and crying, this game means a lot to me, but for a while i could only cry if at some point i started thinking about it too much, i couldn't cry while playing, so this was nice, im a sensitive and lame guy
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flyfish1999 · 3 months
For the character thing P3PHeroine?
thanks elle-p !!!!!!!!!! good luck with my character too ^_^)/ !! i feel like i totally don't talk about her (or tbh anyone outside of ryoji ...) as much as i should .. ! im gonna work to change that \o/ ! starting here :]c putting this one under a cut because it actually got suuuper long ^_^;; whoops !
favourite thing about them: she exists !!!!!!!!!!!! and she's so cool . she's like, devastatingly cool . both in her concept and just .. herself .... move over chad narukami losers !!!!!!!!!! especially in her exclusive links, her kindness and kick-ass-ness and depth comes out in full force and i love her so much for it. i know i'm a ryominahead, but i miss her everyday !!!!!!!!
least favourite thing about them: not her fault AT ALL . but aside from how underrepresented she is, i am still a firm believer that she should've received her own ryoji ... it's so sad, because i absolutely adore how they open up to each other, but i've talked to others before about how ryoji in her story as seemingly HER mirror just feels wrong, like he's transplanted from another place (which he literally is .. he's created in minato's image). i would've loved to see how her ryoji could've been more specifically shaped and changed by her quirks + her approach to her trauma
favourite line: "but, when i first saw him... he didn't feel at all like a stranger to me." "i can't explain it well, but it was almost like nostalgia.... or some kind of closeness." "i'm him, and he's me...?" it's criminal that q2 left it at this.
brOTP: junpei and hamuko is especially special to me ... more so than minato and junpei really . they bounce off of each other so well, + the extended/enhanced arc where junpei is kind of misogynistic to her alongside the leader jealousy and how that develops is so cool T_T
OTP: HAMUAIGIS 4EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aigis im so sorry yr girlfriend is still in the vault . can you imagine femc the answer . would destroy my soul .
nOTP: her + junpei . .. maybe im a little hater but the GAME doesnt even let you do it lmao ...! it means a lot to me that they're best friends . other than that, i'd say she fits cutely with nearly everyone else just like minato does !
random headcanon: okay lets be real . am i stupid ? where does her mp3 player attach ? it just kind of hangs out in midair while minato obviously hangs it on a lanyard . i like to think she's a bit more crafty with it !!! clipping it onto the zipper of her uniform or her scarf or keeping it on a wristband etc ^_^
unpopular opinion: gwa ........... i should just own this i think, even if people disagree !! in my opinion ... femc is supplementary content. and that means you should not be playing her route as your first experience in persona 3. just like how i believe you shouldn't read the manga or watch the movies before playing the game. you need to play the male route first. the way she presents the game's themes through her character and modified story is designed to be in direct opposition and contract with minato's route, and enhances both routes to that effect and can totally change your experience when viewing your previous playthrough of the male route and your current route as her through the lens she teaches the player. in a sad sort of way, i am kind of happy reload hasn't enforced this idea that femc is just one of two ways to experience p3 . this isn't a character select .. she's more like a perfect ng+ to me .
song i associate them with: back to the lighthearted stuff ! cop car by mitski ^_^ easiest answer so far !
favourite picture of them: either this [below], the cover of persona compilation II, or either of the persona music live/tour 2009 and 2010 artworks ! i'm a shin apologist though, so take that with a grain of salt ;] i really love how she's shown in opposition with narukami here, how he's looking straight at her but she's not meeting his eye . i would really love to see these two together more !
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arvensimp · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the up coming dlc? I personally am kinda bummed out they only announced the Scar/Vio one, i was hoping for one for pla too ://
On the bright side im excited to see kalos again
I hope this doesn't sound too streak of conscious-y lol
Not to be too Old Woman yells at cloud but I've literally been playing Pokemon for 23-ish years now? I'm still not entirely sold on a Pokemon game needing DLC, much less DLC that costs $35 when the base game cost $60 and tax. THAT SAID I already bought it anyway lol and I'm still super excited to spend more time with my character. I have her decked out in her new clothes already.
I think there's been some confusion on what the DLC is too, so let me recap my understanding of it really quickly.
This fall, pt 1 The Teal Mask will be released. This has like old school Japanese festival vibes.
This winter, pt 2 The Indigo Disc will be released. This takes place at Blueberry Academy.
Both will be playable on scarlet and violet (I saw some folks saying they were game locked?)
I'm super excited to have my baby espurr back, since espurr has been one of my favorites for years.
I'm a little disappointed that we're not obviously going to Kalos, but at the same time I'm glad that we're not PAYING to go to back to a place that they already showed us years ago.
I also saw folks who were disappointed that the wait for the dlc is so long? But idk I'm happy to wait for a good product (so long as it's good!!!). I really don't mind waiting for good content, especially when so much stuff lately has been rushed and not as good, yknow? Especially when rushed content comes at the cost of the well being of employees too
AS FOR CONTENT AND STORY AND STUFF. idk all I really care about is more arven, outfits, and an explanation for paradox Pokemon being in area zero before the time machine's existence.
Like 1. Don't let arven stay trapped in his room all day. Let him come outside with me and have adventures again.
2. I hate the school uniform so much. Let me wear something else please I beg you.
3. I don't generally put much faith in the pokemon company to tell a good story but they KNOW they've left us hanging with the paradox Pokemon mystery. I mean Arven literally says it for himself how strange it is that the scarlet/violet book talks about paradox Pokemon in area zero in a time before the time machine could have ever existed. What does that mean???
Personally I'm interested in the theory that the disc Pokemon or hexagon Pokemon or whatever alters reality based on the desires of those near to it and that terastalization is just a manifestation of a Pokemon to be another type/stronger. The paradox Pokemon are the desires of the professors and the original research team. The time machine and the AI are the same thing as well. With the AI in particular I feel that way because the professor's journal literally says something to the effect of "that man/woman walked out not long after the boy was born. There's so much to do, and I need more help, but how long would it take to train someone else? Would they even understand? If only there were two of me."
Then the next entry is them talking about what is presumably the AI.
Like I don't think the professor who just became a parent and is drowning in research and work and stuff would put EVERYTHING DOWN to work on all new technology that hadn't been invented yet.
So with ALL THAT I'm really hoping that we get more information on what the FUCK is going on with area zero and that Arven can be a part of it.
I also saw a theory that maybe the other professor is involved with blueberry academy??? That'd be nice.
Also some of the folks at blueberry seem to have that cooking motif going on so I don't want my man being left out on the fun
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friedesgreatscythe · 3 months
i had a coffee at 5PM so my dumb ass is still Alert at a quarter to midnight lmao. as long as i finish this notebook tonight, i'll be Content. the rewrites demanded i write new things so i can make sense of what i have to redo, and it's been a bit intimidating, going off the rails like that for this draft. but i'm determined to get to the end of this rewrite, no matter how sloppy it is, by april 19th (because next draft is for further polishing). my therapist comes back that day after a month break, and we decided my homework during his absence is going to be all about holding myself accountable to progress, which includes working on this draft and finishing a rewrite this year.
plus it's the release date for taylor's album, and it kinda feels serendipitous to finish this novel draft on the same day an album with the name tortured poets department comes out.
other than that, i've been doing quite well. tapering off of effexor (venlafaxine) is going well. now that i'm taking b12 and vitamin d on top of the multivitamin i'm already taking, i'm feeling a LOT better. i'm continuing to take care of my mom, whose cast is coming off later this week. not sure if she'll be fully healed by then, but at least the cast is coming off. my sister is enthusiastically invested in ffxiv, which couldn't make me happier (and once i get steady income i'll get back on ps+ and play eso with her, so she can be my mentor and guide me through!). she's also watching game grumps more, which is so fucking exciting because NOW I CAN CRACK JOKES WITH HER WHEN WE HANG OUT AND SHE'LL GET THEM FJDLKS it's taken us literally 20 years, two fucking decades, but she and i are finally getting along and are friends. i can finally connect with larissa about things we both like!!
my brother has always been this way, so i'm not overlooking him.
my bio dad converted to Episcopalian, so he's been mentioning it when he goes to special services or giving us links to the services (he attends st. thomas's church in the city, which.. kinda makes me laugh because his name is thomas lol). they're quite beautiful, especially the choir. i don't begrudge him for this choice, but it does take me by surprise because he has NEVER shown ANY interest in religion for my entire life. if anything he's seemed rigidly atheistic. i asked him what made him want to do it, and he said it's to "be a calmer, quieter, better person." im not sure if he has faith in christ as much as he is drawn to the goodness of the people in the church, and what he thinks a christian should be, so in the end if it makes him happy and helps him feel better about himself, good for him.
he still owes me and my siblings literally thousands of fucking dollars as per the terms of his divorce agreement with my mother that he has been ignoring for over a decade, but apparently we're meant to overlook all that. that makes me sound like a greedy asshole, but my father has never been supportive in literal or figurative ways to us without us having to bleed his fucking stone heart dry, so while on the one hand i genuinely do want him to be happy with himself and become a person he can be proud of, on the other i'm like 'cool, so when will we see any of that change?'
but whatever. i'm mad about it but i'm not letting that distract me.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
i agree that you seem great for fic recs so I wondered if you have any nico r fic recs? i’d really like to see him as more than just a background character as Lewis’ toxic ex <3
hi anon! thank you so much for this ask, i was gonna do it yday but i was way too drained, so thank you for waiting! i do have some nico fic recs, coming under the cut! as usual, mind the ratings and warnings yourself, bcs i'm mostly providing my own feedback and feelings about these fics! :) i'm picking the ones that stayed in my mind pretty much rent free. <3
again, first, ultimate, absolute winner about characterisation in my eyes is @kritischetheologie and Everybody Wants To Rule The World. it's the fic that made me completely unhinged, one of the best, morally grey, insanely well written fics out there, which i adore with my whole heart. it's a Seb/Nico, which i was very sceptical about, but damn was i proven wrong! some of the best, most in-depth characterisation and understanding of subject matter i've ever seen in my life. C's blog is also generally a well of Nico content, with musings and writings, and i have been getting my Nico fix there for quite some time now. it helps that C is very much Nico-like and i love her for it <3
kelogg's frosties & video games by @georgerussells - brocedes my beloved, alt '22 season, absolutely insanely well written (all of their fics are, ive read ALL of them, i should do it again). i love how nico is here, it's all told from lewis' pov but its raw, and just so in character, and wonderful. its the first brocedes fic i found and one of the reasons i fell down the rabbit hole. i adore it and rec it with my whole heart <3 (check out their crown series and the yt au series, i love those!)
high speed weekend survivor by @denialricciardo - nico/danny ric. may be one of my all time favorites, EVER. its an university au, and it's perfect. like, absolutely perfectly written, the author manages to literally effortlessly paint nico's character and all the little nuances, the technical talk is fascinating, everything about this fic just makes me so, so happy. i love it. <3
the torture of small talk with someone you used to love by finedae is a nico-focused fic ive read like 3 days ago and can't stop thinking about. i promised to leave them a comment soon when i get my brain right, but what i can say is that its. effortlessly funny and tragic in the same breath, lovely writing style, absolutely adore everything about it, how much they show despite it seeming to be just tell, it really isnt. peak characterisation. wholehearted rec. i love it. <3
the weight of the world we are holding by fadeoutslow is a 5+1 kisses fic with jenson/nico endgame that i think very much manages to perfectly encapsulate the characters of every single one person mentioned despite being so short (this is me wishing for more not a criticism) which is so fucking admirable. i love it. also, the world is changed because you are made is peak perfection (as is nico's ass, that's all im gonna say). :)
hot as hell by vandoorne is one of the hottest things i've ever read, and it's so effortlessly funny and just manages to get both nicos and jensons characters through. i love it very, very much. it's a witch/succubi&incubi au btw, so mind that :)
Roseberg's vs Haminkton by dearest @jean----ralphio is a florist/coffee shop au that made me laugh out loud when i thought i was never going to laugh (dramatic, i know), and something i re-read whenever i just want to feel warm around my heart and be happy. (thank you for that again friend!) <333
and finally, I'm going to put my own fic here - Vielleicht, Vielleicht. a jenson/nico angst fest (which is getting a sequel from nico's pov due to popular demand and me being incapable of shutting up sometime soon i think) about their relationship throughout the years, non-linearly. because i can :)
thank you for asking, i hope these help and that you like them!
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