#and leia is rey's master
zaddymaul · 2 years
no one ever:
me: fuck this im going to rewrite star wars
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mister-leonn · 2 months
Coming right up with some new thoughts
I finally finished the Acolyte (took my time ik) and honestly, it's banger! Everything is on point, the story actually feels like it's Star Wars: we have jedis, siths, mysteries, turns of events, known characters, legends lore, ancient stuff never brought up before. The fights are so on point it's crazy.
But I gotta say this, and I know, a lot of people are saying it too, but I really gotta spit it out. Don't listen to the people saying it's bad. All I see all the time is stuff like, why did the lightsaber turns red?! Making Anakin less special, why couldn't Palpatine make force sensitive clones but some witches can? And on and on and on and on.... and you know what people, anyone, and I say ANY-ONE, who says that kind of stuff, hasn't watched the show at all, every one of these stupid comments find an explanation in the show. But let me tell the truth about all that, the loudest part of the Star Wars fans are Marvel men, they want Tony Stark, they wanted a twisted white guy who kills people for fun, they think they are some sort of Anakin wanna-be who have trouble with their anger cause of women and lies, when actually they are just sexist little shits who immediately hated on Ahsoka in 2008 and it shows. They hate less the concept of Palpatine surviving somehow than witches who create life BECAUSE of a vergence planet making they them ultra powerful, just because they are a lesbians, men free, coven of witches and that's what bothers them so much. If Osha and Mae had been white guys with anger issues they would claim it's the best show in the book.
But what I'm saying actually stands for any kind of Star Wars or Marvel content. Sure, Rey didn't get a good writing and was the main character of a trilogy purely made for the money without a single care for the fans, but they don't hate her for the writing, they hate her because she's strong, because she can do stuff on her own as she always did since 4 yo. They didn't say anything when 10yo Anakin blew up a battle station or won a podrace said to be impossible for humans. But on the moment a woman who is clearly stated to be all powerful because of a dyad gets skills a bit too fast that's it, throw the whole thing by the window they made Disney woke.
So all of you who loved the show and are just quiet about it, don't worry, everyone loved it, all the bad things you hear comes from like 100 stupid waste of men who only get heard because of an algorithm. Kinda sounds like politics, or religion, doesn't it?
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twinsunstars · 10 days
rebuild the galaxy thoughts + SPOILERS (this stuff went to really heal me)
almost lost my voice screaming at darth jar jar (and all of the episodes)
okay but sig mentioning grand admiral thrawn like we know that's a rebels and ahsoka reference but sig knows what thrawn did after he came back to the galaxy in ahsoka.....
now that i know that lego rey and dr. scalder share the same voice actress i can't unhear it most of the time
someone on twitter said yesi looks like a techphee daughter and im crying
THE SALT AND PEPPER LMAOOOOO i haven't laughed so hard in so long until this
maul is so pure im losing it I LOVE IT
okay but what happened to jango fett in this universe that our clones don't exist
i was screaming over tatooine having water, i almost thought it was scarif instead
white vader and master palpatine have never done anything wrong
i almost thought mon mothma was genderbent anakin until someone pointed it out
why did yoda look like he had sith eyes once he first appeared
the ties that showed up to help during the last bits of the fight look like a mix of the original TIE fighters and the prototypes they had during the bad batch
pls make a s2 i need to see what these darth girlies are up to
god that was so fun im still laughing
i wish we got some tbb references tho
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wparker6804 · 3 months
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quantumquillz · 5 months
Star wars as subjects
Luke Skywalker:Philosophy and History
Leia Organa:Political Science and Diplomacy
Han Solo: Auto Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering
Obi-Wan Kenobi: History and Philosophy
Yoda: Psychology and Religion/Zen Meditation
Darth Vader:Military Strategy and Engineering
Padmé Amidala: Political Science and International Relations
Chewbacca: Mechanical Engineering and Woodworking/Metalworking:
Lando Calrissian: Business Management and Economics
Emperor Palpatine: Politics and Philosophy
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(1) For those who don’t know, Hayden Christensen was in a show called “Higher Ground”: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_Ground_(TV_series)
(2) “Of course he was never gonna be Rey’s dad. He’d probably piss off his new partner by shouting Satine’s name during sex!”
(3) “Ah yes, it is very wise to send your horny padawan who clearly has a crush on Padme to Naboo aka the planet of beautiful scenery that’s perfect for a date. Good plan!”
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starryyknights · 5 months
in canon imo yoda has the craziest jedi lineage cause he trained dooku, who as everyone knows became a sith lord, dooku trained qui-gon, who found the chosen one and trained obi-wan. obi-wan trained luke and anakin—who also became a sith lord. luke in turn trained ben solo, who fell to the dark side as well.
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Debunking the "The Jedi Are Evil" Theory Made by The Film Theorists PT 2
Point 2 - That Luke was Right in the Sequels
In the Sequels, Luke says this:
"Now that they're extinct, the Jedi are romanticized, deified...but if you strip away the myth and look at their deeds, the legacy of the Jedi is failure, hypocrisy, hubris."
And, after bringing this quote up, Matthew says this:
"While this kind of tea spill coming from Luke was considered pretty sacrilegious, both by other characters as well as the audience, I think that Luke has a point if you examine the movies with a little more scrutiny. His criticisms aren't exactly unfounded."
Now, first of all, what Luke is saying here cannot be trusted as "fact" or anything to go off of, mainly because of two reasons.
1. He's trying to convince Rey not to be a Jedi or, at the very least, to not make him train her (which is pretty much the same thing), and at this point in time he pretty clearly hates himself and blames himself for the state of the galaxy. He's been stewing in his rocky hideaway for who knows how long, with nothing but the ocean and his own self-loathing to keep him company.
He's saying this here so that Rey will give up and not make him train her, because he's scared of making the same mistakes he did with Kylo Ren and fucking up the galaxy even more (we see a similar thing with Obi-Wan in the Kenobi show, where he refuses to save Leia at first because he's scared of not being able to save her--like he wasn't able to "save" Anakin).
And the traits, the "legacy," he's assigning the Jedi...isn't actually the legacy of the Jedi. It's him assigning what he believes to be his own legacy to the Jedi as a whole, because it's easier for him to deal with his own failure that way.
and 2. Luke is framed as being wrong for saying this. None of the other characters agree with him, eventually he does end up training Rey, and eventually he lets go of his pain and fair and grief and "becomes a Jedi again" and faces his "legacy of failure"--Kylo Ren.
It's obvious that the movies are clearly making him out to be wrong when he says those things, you don't need to have a neon sign posted above his head that says "WRONG" in order to see it. So taking his words at face-value is just trying to take a bad-faith reading of the Jedi--rather than the "objective scrutiny" that Matthew is purportedly putting the Jedi up to in this theory.
I would also like to argue that Luke's only real knowledge of the Prequel Era Jedi and their actions/beliefs/traditions/etc. is...lacking, to say the least.
The Empire literally destroyed and desecrated every Jedi Temple that they could find, they wiped out all the information they could about the Jedi, and then spread anti-Jedi propaganda through the galaxy for years. Not to mention that, by this point, pretty much every Prequel Era Jedi is dead.
There's no one around to really tell Luke about the Jedi's actions or culture and what little information he might've been able to dig up probably wouldn't have amounted to much. So, when Luke says this, it can only really be taken as a commentary on the Post-Prequel Era Jedi, because he doesn't know enough about the Prequel Era Jedi to make any criticisms.
Matthew then says:
"There are certainly examples of the Jedi doing some pretty unsportsmanlike things to innocent victims throughout the old movies, like manipulating-" [plays a video cut of Obi-Wan in ANH, mind-tricking the stormtroopers into thinking that R2 and 3PO "aren't the droids they're looking for"]
This example is pretty easy to debunk, because Matthew leaves out the context.
Obi-Wan has to do this.
Because let's look at what would probably happen if he didn't:
1. He and Luke would be arrested and turned in to the Empire, probably Vader, and Vader would immediately recognize Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan would get murdered.
2. Vader would realize Luke was his son and probably try to indoctrinate him into an Imperial way of thinking, and Palpatine/Vader would probably have Luke "trained" (read: tortured) into becoming an Inquisitor.
and 3. The droids would probably either be memory wiped or destroyed, therefore destroying the plans for the Death Star that the Rebellion needed to destroy it--and the Death Star wouldn't be able to be destroyed, more planets and people would probably be killed.
Aside from the thing with the Death Star plans, Obi-Wan probably knows that that's what's gonna happen--and, if the Empire is looking for the droids, then it's pretty obvious that the droids are important to the Rebellion. So it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Obi-Wan probably understands that the Rebellion would be hurt by their loss.
Not to mention that stormtroopers aren't "innocent victims."
They actively sign up to work for the Empire and take part in the oppression of countless peoples and worlds. And It's not like Obi-Wan pulled aside a random stormtrooper just so he could mind-fuck him, they were approached by the troopers first and he reacted defensively. He didn't even make them do anything bad, he just told them "these aren't the droids you're looking for" and had them go on their way.
Matthew's quote, continued:
"-stealing spaceships and crashing them-" [cut to a video clip of Obi-Wan and Anakin in RotS, crashing the Separatist vessel they escaped on after rescuing the Chancellor]
Once again, this is pretty easy to debunk because, again, Matthew leaves out the context.
The Separatists literally kidnapped the Chancellor of the Republic and the Jedi had to rescue him. They had to steal the ship to escape or be captured, and likely executed, by the Separatists--therefore allowing the Separatists (who are literally enslaving and oppressing countless other systems and run by a fucking fascist dictator) to win the war and take over the rest of the galaxy.
Once again, the Jedi were acting defensively.
And I feel like, all things considered, the Jedi stealing that Separatist ship, to escape from a situation the Separatists caused, in order to keep the galaxy from falling into the hands of an oppressive dictatorship and attempt to stay alive...is a pretty damn reasonable decision, don't you think?
And, just for added context, the ship was literally falling apart when they crashed it. They didn't crash it on purpose, it was an emergency landing. If you're gonna say the Jedi are bad for "crashing" the ship, you may as well get mad at every pilot who ever initiated an emergency landing because it's literally the same thing--and if we're putting the Jedi up to "objective scrutiny" then there shouldn't be any double standards.
Matthew's quote, continued:
"-or just outright lying about their own powers-" [cut to a video clip of Mace and Yoda talking, where Mace says they should tell the Senate their ability to use the Force is diminished and Yoda saying they shouldn't because it will only multiply their adversaries]
Here the Jedi weren't lying, like...at all.
No one was asking them about their ability to use the Force, so they couldn't be lying. They were withholding information, information that the Senate--as non-Jedi--had no right to know about unless it would actively affect the Republic. Which, again, at this point in time it wouldn't.
But, fine, let's just pretend that the Jedi were lying...
...they were lying for good reason.
Yoda is right here. Even if we ignore the fact that Yoda is a stand-in for GL and what he says is quite literally the canon truth (since he's the creator), the Senate is already pretty at odds with the Jedi, which we see later in AotC when Palpatine and the Senate pretty much strong-arm the Jedi into accepting the role of Generals in the war, despite being told point blank by Mace Windu that they're peace keepers and not soldiers. Do you really think the Senate (read: Palpatine) wouldn't have used this information against the Jedi?
And, are you completely ignoring the fact that Mace is literally saying that they should tell the Senate and Yoda is disagreeing with him?
Obviously Yoda's take on what they should or shouldn't tell the Senate isn't something that the entire Order believes--it's just his opinion on what they should do.
You can't say that "the Jedi are liars" and then play a clip that literally debunks that by having two Jedi disagreeing with each other about whether or not to tell the truth.
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idkaguyorsomething · 1 year
Best companion does not necessarily mean they have to get along with the Doctor the most, challenging each other in interesting ways could also count.
Explain in the tags who you voted for, with which incarnation, and why!
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askbensolo · 2 months
Inspired by an argument Rey and Dad were having in the family group chat:
Bonus answer from Mom: “Whatever you like, sweetie, I’ll still love you. Even if you try to grow facial hair again, Force forbid”
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shield-and-saber · 10 days
non-jedi elecia -> marchion's ancestor marda -> sol discovering mae and osha -> palpatine creating anakin thru the force -> the rise of the sith and the empire -> luke and leia creating the new republic -> the rise and fall of the first order -> rey's new jedi order
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May the Fourth Be
With You.
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If I were to make a Star Wars RP, would anyone join?
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jedislight · 9 months
Endgame • Star Wars
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like-sands-of-time · 7 months
If you don't write Ben as trembling, shaking, tripping over himself, stumbling to his knees for Rey I don't think you actually understand the character as he was in that moment
Rey could have ended that war by taking his hand tbh. If she had taken his hand she absolutely could have convinced him to do anything in that moment. He just killed his master, the man who had been in his head for 30 years, manipulating and destroying him from the inside out. He had no sense of personal identity, just a loose sense of morals and ideals and his obsession with her. She fully controlled him.
Obviously she did what she thought she had to do but I'm only observing. She wanted the death and fighting to stop. I do think if she had taken his hand she could have convinced him. He wanted to bring about peace and balance like his grandfather, he just didn't have all the right tools, like, rey's goodness and a different perspective.
#ben in that 10 minutes between killing his master and losing rey was so overstimulated#not only has he lost the direct link to snoke whos been plaguing him with nightmares and fear#so deeply intertwined from when he was in his mothers womb that ben truly knows no different#but he and rey have fought side by side.. wordlessly communicating through their bond perfectly in sync with each other#theyve both repeatedly killed for each other and saved the others life#what exactly is supposed to happen next? she came to him willingly but does she want to stay?? he needs to get her to stay#his brain is scrambled fried baked whatever#his proposal is Mr Darcy in the Rain Fail Moment but hes not hopeless just hopelessly devoted to her#all im saying is theres a universe where rey sees the good ideas in his head and the chance to change things now hes in charge#leia may have been a princess and politician and luke may have helped save the galaxy#but its ben who frees the skywalker name from enslavement.. anakin was always under the emperor and he was no different#it could have been very interesting to see their tentative union while dropping hints in the last few minutes#that snoke was one of palpys clones. then it wouldn't have been so out of left field in the next movie#and we can get an even better showcase of rey embracing the dark feeling is surround her#palpy is drawing her in this time instead of ben and she doesnt even have to be blood related#I'd actually rather she still was rey of nowhere#but hes manipulating her and bens redemption arc is him saving her.. bringing her back to the light#but showing her how having both isnt so bad.. how being light and dark is ok . how love and anger and fear arent the end of living#so in helping her hes embracing his Light and her Dark and the conclusion is oh actually#this black and white moral structure is inherently fucked and balance is the only true answer to anything#ben solo#rey of jakku#reylo
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thefandomchaos · 2 years
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One cup of hot chocolate and Star Wars in my mind- this happened.
She could feel them, all those dying around her. Friends, comrades and fellow rebels who are sacrificing themselves just for this, giving her a chance to finally end it all. But she couldn’t, she was failing them and she was failing herself. She wondered, if this is how the Jedi felt when they were slaughtered in cold blood if the story’s Master Luke or General Organa had told her were anything to go by, being unable to do nothing.
“Be with me…”
Something in her told her to reach out, that somehow, they were there, they wouldn’t leave her to suffer a awful dead or the death of so many, that wasn’t what they did. Or at least, she thinks…
“Be with me…”
She could feel them, like little voices in the back of her soul and mind buzzing. They were here, she wasn’t alone. But still, what could she do? This was never her battle, she was never destined to this path, but circumstances let her here…
“Be with me…”
They listened to her, she could feel them growing stronger around her, so many, same as her, rising from the force around her. A feeling of peace settled upon her, something told her to listen…
“These are your final steps Rey, rise and take them”
She din’t know the voice, but something told her it was important. Whoever was talking to her was someone important, maybe not to her but to someone else. She felt strength return to her body…
Three other voices unknown to her but held so much power. In the back of her mind she wished she could meet them, maybe if all this was over and she lived to see the next day with her friends around her…
“Bring back the balance Rey, as I did…”
This voice held even more powered that the other, in the back of her mind she thinks she knows who it is, the one who brought balance, the hero with no fear, if the stories were anything to say by…
“In the night find the light Rey…”
Something told her to get up, to not give up just yet, to help. With energy coursing through her body she slowly got to her knees, but even with the strength she was weak, still tired, still in pain…
“You’re not alone Rey…”
“Alone never have you been…”
No, she wasn’t alone, not anymore. She had her friends out there fighting with her, she had Ben with her fighting along side. And now, she had them. She wasn’t alone…
“Every Jedi who has ever lived lives in you…”
Not just her, she pushed herself to kneel, trying to catch her breath. Not just through her, but to all those who believed, all those who still had hope…
“The force surrounds you Rey…”
“Let it guide you…”
“As it guided us…”
They grew stronger on her, and in the corner of her vision she could make out faint glows. She could feel them, she wasn’t alone…
“Feel the force flowing through you…”
“Let it lift you…”
She could feel it, the slight thrumming through her body. It got stronger as they did. She wondered if it was their doing…
“Rise Rey…”
“We stand behind you Rey…”
She got one one leg…
“Rise in the force…”
She balanced herself, both physically and mentally…
“In the heart of a Jedi lies her strength…”
She took a deep breath and looked towards the throne where he sat, the monster who orchestrated the pain of generations and generations for decades and decades…
She closed her eyes, steadying herself…
“Rey, the force will be with you, Always…”
She gasped and turned around, behind her stood Master Luke, younger than she remembered him, he seemed happier almost. He had a determined smile, but he wasn’t the only one. Around him and herself more and more appeared. Different creatures and species alike who shared a goal as her…
She heard him speak, but couldn’t bring herself to look as she looked at those who surrounded her. Near Master Luke stood a middle aged man with what look like copper hair and a slight smile. Besides him, a togruta girl with lekku’s longer than her shoulder. Besides Master Luke appeared another familiar figure, General Organa, younger as well, happier and more at peace…
“Your not alone Rey…”
A voice spoke besides her. A man, similar to Luke and Leia stood his ground beside her, he din’t look older than twenty but she somehow knew he was. She knew who it was…
“This was never your battle to fight…”
The coppered haired man spoke, walking towards her. The togruta followed beside him.
“But still you did, and we won’t let you do this alone anymore…”
She spoke, a hand going to her hips where two lightsabers sat hanging from her belt. Rey din’t know if they could actually use them, but it made her feel more protected thinking they could…
“Go help him…”
General Organa now spoke, and Rey snapped out of her trance and looked to the crack on the floor where Ben was slowly trying to make his way back up. With a gasp she ran towards him, knowing she was protected by them…
“Ben…” she reached towards him and helped him up, taking some of his weight as they stood up. “Rey?…” he looked at her confused for a moment then looked towards the throne. A gasp emitting from his bruce’d lips as he took in the sight of the figures. “We aren’t alone… Not anymore…” she told him as they started to make their way back, as the ghost of the forgotten Jedi’s that looked towards them, waiting…
“Mom…” Ben gasped as he caught sight of his mother, tears welling in his eyes as she gave him a sad smile. “Ben, I’m proud of you…” she spoke slightly, but the moment din’t last long as a cackle broke across the room, and all the ghost’s looked towards the man on the throne.
“Lord Vader…”
The man who talked to her first seemed to tense before his face turned to anger. Rey heard Ben make a noise once he realized who it was. “That name no longer has any meaning to me…” he spoke, making his way towards the emperor, slow steps of a man on a mission…
Palpatine gave a crooked smile as he slowly stood up, the tubes and wires no longer holding him in place laying along the floors and hanging from their original place. He din’t walk much, only a few steps. He din’t seemed frightened by the ghost of the Jedi, if anything he looked amused.
“I’m not afraid of two self-proclaimed Jedi and a bunch of ghost…” he exclaimed towards them all, now facing them. “What could you all do, against the powers of a sith…” he started raising his arms, but before Rey or Ben could react. The young man had raised his arm and called upon the lightsaber forgotten on the floor, Master Luke’s lightsaber, His lightsaber…
Just as the emperor shot lighting from his hand, he raised the lightsaber and blocked it, standing his ground his determination. The emperor seemed suprised at this but he din’t show it for long, anger coming over him as he raised another hand and shot more lighting towards the Jedi Knight, who stumbled a bit but din’t back down. “He needs our help, and we can’t do this alone” Master Luke voice broke out from behind them, looking towards his father like everyone else, before turning back towards her and Ben. “We need you, we need you both” he asserted, as the other Jedi ghost made their way towards the knight holding back the emperor.
Her and Ben looked at each other, a brief thought passing through them before they gave a small nod, turning towards Luke before also making their way just behind the knight. Beside her stood Luke and besides him stood the copper haired man. And besides Ben, His mother and the togruta. She took a deep breath and extended her arm fowards, Ben and the other Jedi following suit. She din’t actually know what she was doing in actuality, but she knew this was what she was supposed to do.
She felt the force thrum through her in such a amount she almost collapsed, Ben did as well. It seemed like the the Jedi were making the force flow through them, building up as much as they could before they could let it go. It got stronger, she could feel it almost completely take over her and Ben’s body. She closed her breath to steady herself, she couldn’t fail now. They needed her, the rebellion needed her.
She heard Ben through their bond, and suddenly a hand intertwined in hers, she turned towards him, their eyes locking into each other. Something unspoken sat between them, but it was enough to give her the reassurance she needed to hold on. Turning back towards the knight still holding back the emperor.
The emperor gave a angry cry as he shot more lightning towards the saber wielding knight. Who seemed to stumble a bit before regaining his balanced. She caught sight of his arms shaking a bit, something told her they needed to hurry.
“I am all the sith!…” The emperor cried out, stopping his lightning tantrum before activating it again, somehow stronger than before. At that moment, the knight called out towards the force again and a second lightsaber, His daughters, flew towards his outstretched hand. Crossing both sabers to block the lightning from hitting any of them.
“And I’m the chosen one…”
Just as he uttered those words, Rey gasped at the amount of power that bursted from her and Ben and toward the knight. Giving him the push he needed to throw the lightning back towards the emperor, who let out a agonizing scream as he stared to disintegrate into flecks of nothing. The knight giving one last cry as he let the saber fall to his side and the lightning explode around them, lightning up the room and destroying the place around them.
She knew now, it was finally over…
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