#and learning about nutrition!!!
nubs-mbee · 1 year
acidbathcat is a terf
Aw dammit
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
Gerudo Town (Dad Squad)
All leads had indicated that the Yiga hideout was in the desert, as it had been in the past. Abel shouldn't have been surprised, honestly.
The issue was that he didn't know exactly where the base was. But a group of warriors did.
Trust was nonexistent these days, in the years after the Calamity. Gerudo Town had managed to escape much of the damage, but it also was cut off from the rest of Hyrule as a result. The oasis was abandoned, only utilized by weary and lost travelers, but no Gerudo roamed the sands around it.
"So let's visit this town, then," Rusl commented after taking another swig out of his newly refilled water flask.
"We can't," Abel sighed, leaning against a rock and basking in the coolness of the shade. "The Gerudo is a matriarchal society. They don't let men inside their walls."
Rusl blinked. Blinked again. Bemused, he remarked, "Matriarchal doesn't mean sexist. Surely they'll let us in."
Abel bit the inside of his cheek. He'd made this explanation plenty of times to his men in the years past. "I don't think the Gerudo are necessarily sexist. They don't distrust or hate men. It's just their tradition - whatever the reason, only girls are born to Gerudo mothers. So they just... don't interact with men in their hometown. It's tradition at this point."
"Strange," Rusl muttered. "The Gerudo are... rare where I'm from, but their distrust was shared equally to all, no matter their sex. They just didn't like anyone who wasn't Gerudo."
Rusl's words reminded Abel that they had yet to address a rather glaring matter. Ever since they had raided the abandoned Yiga camp, Abel had been pondering the fact that the Hero of Hyrule who the Fierce Deity had been protecting was a different Hero from his son. The Hero of Time was a children's story, a tale of folklore so old that barely anything was known of it except that the Soul of the Hero had traveled across time to save multiple lands.
So little was known of the goddess' destined Hero that Abel had often questioned the validity of any of the stories. He'd had no reason to disbelieve them, but... there was little reason to believe them either.
At least until his boy had come to him holding that sword.
So if the Hero of Time was one of Links being pursued by the Yiga... that just led to so many questions. Firstly, how the hell had they managed to do this??
Secondly... what was Rusl's boy? A potential Hero who could turn into a wolf? Abel had never heard of Ordon, so perhaps this Link was different - not of the Soul of the Hero but a savior to his own land nonetheless?
And now, this talk of different Gerudo cultures. Not only were these Heroes real, they and their guardians were plucked from Hyrule's history and thrown here.
I wonder their opinions on the state of things, Abel thought bitterly. How utterly we failed to maintain what they'd fought for.
It was a good thing his son was in a coma. He knew Link wouldn't be able to stand the judgment from the other heroes, whether it was good or bad.
"Either way," Rusl said, rising and interrupting Abel's musings. "I'll scout ahead to see if we can figure anything out without talking to them."
"The desert is treacherous," Abel warned. "It's foolish to go alone."
"I've gone to plenty a dangerous place alone," Rusl reassured him with a smile. "I won't engage in anything foolish, don't worry. I'll be back before sunset. This is just reconnaissance."
Abel supposed another issue to ponder was how little Rusl spoke of his past when he was clearly more than a blacksmith who knew some sword skills, but now didn't seem the time to argue it. He'd seen the man hold his own in battle well enough. Sighing, he waved a dismissive hand, watching the Ordonian walk away.
Glancing back at the oasis, he saw Rusl converse with the Fierce Deity briefly before continuing. The deity stared at the water curiously.
Abel wandered over to him. "Is something wrong?"
"This heat is mildly draining," Fierce remarked, dipping a finger into the water.
"You're more than welcome to swim in it if that's what you're wondering," Abel said. "But people do use it as a water source as well, so I advise cleaning yourself first."
"It does seem ill advised to drink from water that people can swim in," Fierce noted, raising an eyebrow. "My greater concern is hydration."
Abel blinked. If he was worried about hydrating, then why didn't he just drink?
"How much water does one need?" Fierce asked. "I have noticed you're both drinking much more since our arrival. Is it a matter of body heat regulation?"
"Have you never been to the desert...?" Abel questioned in disbelief.
"I don't recall," Fierce answered mildly, voice growing quiet. "I believe once, in battle, I was utilized, but not long enough for it to be a great concern."
Ah. Right. The things this deity did and didn't seem to know... it made Abel have so many questions. First and foremost, how the hell he was still alive.
But secondly... utilized?
"Drink more," Abel advised. "The body loses more water through sweating, and we all sweat more in the heat. Even you are."
"I noticed that much," Fierce replied with a chuckle, as if he were entertained at being taught something so simple. He dipped the flask given to him by Rusl into the oasis and began to drink.
Abel sighed, squinting against the sunlight. Link would certainly need more water if he was being held here. Or, well, had been held here. It seemed silly to go to the desert when their lead had been near Akkala, but... all Abel knew was that the Yiga stronghold was here, and they had all woken at the other side of Hyrule. They'd not had any luck finding any hints of their boys the entire journey here, so they had nothing else to go off.
After several hours of silence (Abel wasn't a particularly talkative man, and despite the deity's curiosity, he usually wouldn't speak unless prompted), Abel recognized Rusl's wavy silhouette in the distance.
The brightly colored handkerchief he was using to wipe his face was new.
"Did you have any success?" Fierce asked.
"Not really," Rusl answered. "However, I did figure out a way that we could get in to learn more."
"Is there a secret passage into the town?" Abel asked, curious. He had always wondered. He had always respected things that were forbidden, but that hadn't meant he wouldn't imagine ways of getting around it.
"Not from what I can tell," Rusl said. "But, with my plan, you could walk through the front door."
Abel found himself both curious and skeptical. He crossed his arms. "Really?"
Rusl held out the colorful handkerchief to him. Slowly taking it, Abel recognized that it was not, in fact, a handkerchief.
"The way the Gerudo dress lends itself to disguise," Rusl explained with a mischievous smile.
Abel held the veil at arm's length as if it would attack him. "You want. To do. What."
"Well if they only let women in, we have to obtain information somehow." Rusl shrugged. "You're smaller in build than me, and your hair's all grown out."
If looks could kill, Abel would have cut Rusl into pieces. "Absolutely not."
"What is it?" Fierce asked.
"He's suggesting I dress like a Gerudo woman to get into the town," Abel hissed. "The answer is no."
Rusl furrowed his brow, clearly frustrated. "Put your pride aside, Abel. This is important."
"Do you really think something like that would actually work?!" Abel motioned angrily towards the deity. "We might as well let him stroll into town in such attire for all the good it would do us!"
The Fierce Deity plucked the veil out of Abel's grip. "Will this allow one to look like a Gerudo woman?"
"Not necessarily," Rusl answered. "The point is that it will hide that he's a man."
"The veil will, but the rest is fairly apparent," Abel snapped. "I'm missing a few key components, Rusl."
"Nothing we can't tweak a little," Rusl replied easily.
This was insane.
"What other attire did you bring?"
Abel turned to argue with the deity about the stupidity of this entire half-witted plan when he saw the mythical man trying to figure out how to put the veil on.
He can't be serious.
"Well," Rusl said slowly as he pulled out more clothes. "I did grab varying sizes. The Gerudo are far taller and broader than I expected, so their clothes might actually fit you better."
"Very well," Fierce said casually, finally settling the veil in the right place. He started stripping his armor without a care, and Abel thought he was going insane. Was this actually happening right now?! A war god was going to cross dress in whatever insane attire the Gerudo chose to wear and--
You know what, to hell with it. Better him than me.
When the Fierce Deity had finished switching clothes, the other two stared at him. Rusl crossed his arms, examining the disguise carefully while Abel just felt his sanity continue to slip away. He wasn't sure he cared at this point. Perhaps he could at least find some entertainment from this?
No, no he couldn't. It was too stupid.
Count your blessings, he reminded himself. At least they actually believe you about the threat the Yiga present now. They believe you enough to even try this fool's errand.
The Fierce Deity, usually a foreboding sight in his pale blue tunic and silver armor, striking attention with the royal blue scarf tied around his waist, was instead adorned in fiery red, which emphasized the paleness of his exposed, muscular abdomen and shoulders. He wore loose, baggy pants and flat footed shoes, silver hair and eyes glittering against a red and gold veil.
"This is not going to work," Abel immediately commented. "He's too big."
Too big, too broad, too muscular. The women of Gerudo were strong enough to probably lift an entire guardian off its feet, but their muscles were still distinctly patterned differently. Women's shoulders were not so broad, nor chest and waist so box-like. Whether the Gerudo assumed he was one of theirs or Hylian, he would still look too masculine to play this part.
"They'll find out immediately," he continued, feeling his stomach churn at the thought that came next. Maybe I should do it... it would be more reasonable, but... no. This entire thing is idiotic. It'll never work.
Rusl, who had been foraging for something else in his bag, suddenly pulled out two hydromelons. "Here, put these in your top."
Fierce took the fruit without argument, and Abel stared, eyes widening. Well, Rusl was certainly committed.
"Giving him breasts isn't going to fix the obvious issue that he is a man," he argued.
"Of course it'll help," Rusl replied. "He just has to... well..."
Rusl paused, staring at the deity as he fumbled to stuff the fruit in his top without them falling out and splattering on the ground.
"Play the part," Abel finished for him flatly.
Well... it wasn't an immediate disaster.
Abel and Rusl hid behind a dune as they watched Fierce approach the guards, who exchanged... baffled looks from what Abel could tell.
"Hello, fellow women," the deity greeted.
Rusl choked back a cough.
"This is not going to work," Abel hissed, his own voice strained in a competition between secondhand embarrassment, horror, and losing it.
"Hey, it would've been better if you did it!" Rusl whisper back.
Over my dead body.
Surprisingly, the guards shuffled aside to allow him passage after a few confused glances.
Abel stared.
"Ha!" Rusl huffed in triumph. "I told you it would work."
"You didn't know it was going to work!" Abel accused, turning to glare at him.
Rusl ignored him. "Let's see if we can get closer. We can peek over the far wall a little bit."
Abel sighed heavily, dragging his feet through the sand as the pair practically crawled around the edge of the town before climbing the wall opposite of the entrance. Abel half wondered why they couldn't just enter that way, but he supposed in such a small area they were bound to be noticed.
The pair peered over.
It was immediately apparent which one was Fierce. He was simultaneously blending in and sticking out like a sore thumb. His silver hair caught the sunlight, and his towering, imposing figure managed to outshine the Gerudo. Every woman who passed paused and gave him a strange side eye, but no one outright said anything. For his part, Fierce was standing still, surveying the area.
Abel groaned, pounding his forehead against the wall. "He doesn't even know what to do."
Rusl bit his lip, slowly climbing the wall and kneeling in the water that bordered the edge of the town. Abel hesitantly followed. Fierce immediately noticed of them with his superior eyesight. Rusl made little gestures, wiggling his fingers and mouthing words even Abel couldn't understand.
"What are you doing?" he hissed. "He'll never know what you're trying to tell him!"
Fierce nodded, walking slowly around the town.
"He's doing quite well for his first espionage mission," Rusl commented with a chuckle.
Abel groaned. "You're insane."
"Oh, Abel, you should lighten up. There are many ways to achieve a goal, it's not all about the sword."
"I'm aware of that."
The deity finally started to talk to women, disappearing in and out of the men's sight. Abel sighed, rubbing his face as he felt it steadily burning. Between the bright rays and the reflection from the water, he'd rival a Hylian tomato by the end of the day.
"Hopefully he can get some legitimate leads," Rusl muttered. "The sooner we can find the boys, the better."
Abel wanted to face plant into the water with the heat as bad as it was. Instead, he splashed a little on his face. "Yes, well, you're forgetting something very important."
"Our esteemed deity is a war god with no idea how mortals function. He's probably going to ask them how they braid their hair."
"Come now, don't disrespect him like that. He's not an idiot."
"I didn't say he was an idiot. On the contrary, he's very curious. That's the problem."
"He'll focus."
Abel hummed, immediately thinking of his wife, Tilieth. Rusl clearly wasn't used to the mischief an inquisitive mind could stir up. Not to mention the deity wasn't exactly subtle. He was certain the deity's concern for his own Link would drive him forward, but he was likely to get distracted as well.
Assuming he could even keep the act up.
"A voe has been spotted! Up there!!"
Abel and Rusl both jolted, eyes wide as they looked down to see guards running their way with spears in hand.
"Time to go!" Rusl said quickly as the pair leapt over the wall back into the sand and scurried away.
Hours later as the sun cast long shadows and brought a chill to the air around the oasis, Abel paced anxiously until he and Rusl both caught sight of their companion's return.
"What did you learn?" Rusl immediately asked.
Fierce pulled the veil and shirt off, clearly having grown uncomfortable in it, and headed for his armor. "Mating customs are strange."
Abel immediately burst into laughter, vindicated. He honestly hadn't expected anything else. The day was wasted, but he supposed he could get what entertainment was available from it. Even he hadn't expected that to be the first thing out of the deity's mouth.
Rusl frowned. "What...?"
"Did Uli, your wife, assert her dominance to you, or is that a Gerudo custom?"
Abel's amusement multiplied tenfold, and he wheezed as he doubled over. Rusl stared at the deity in horror.
"I seem to recall you both spoke of varying mating customs in that village, after all."
Rusl immediately face palmed. "This... those are not the details you were supposed to be investigating."
"Fear not," Fierce continued, slipping on his trousers and under tunic. "I also learned the location of the Yiga hideout. One of the women reported having seen two boys and a wolf as well."
Abel and Rusl snapped to attention, earlier amusement forgotten.
"The Gerudo claim that the hideout was set on fire," Fierce explained. "They investigated it and discovered our heroes. My little hero apparently did not let them near him or his companions, but they were all alive as of one week ago."
One week. A million things could happen in that span of time. Link could have died in that time.
"Does anyone know where they went?" he asked breathlessly.
"The guards tracked them for a few days until they left the desert."
"They left the desert a week ago?" Rusl repeated. "That... so we must have--"
The Ordonian let out a strangled, frustrated groan, turning away as he shook his head. Abel felt similarly. They'd just missed them.
He wondered if the encampment near Akkala had been a more recent lead, after all. Then again, it had taken them a week to get here.
"We need to leave," he said. "The coolness of the night will be good to travel through in the desert."
The other two didn't argue. Rusl was growing frustrated and concerned at how long it had been. Abel was panicking at his son's condition. The three set out within minutes, determination set on stony faces.
Hylia... I... haven't prayed lately, I know, but... please...
Protect him. Protect... protect them all.
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stiltonbasket · 3 months
Pregnant! Xichen looks at his no meat dinner and starts to cry over it. "there are no chicken *sobs*". Lan Queen tells him that no meat means no meat and Lan Zhan already go to find meat for his brother. When he's at Qinghe he can eat anything he wants, and he craves food that he can't eat at home.
The sect rules actually make exceptions for pregnant disciples (the healers insisted, after one too many expecting mothers ended up sick in the infirmary after being told to either ignore their cravings or travel all the way down to Caiyi to buy meat there). However, Lan Xichen craves chicken so much while his children are on the way that his loved ones have to band together to make sure he leaves room for vegetables as well.
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the-sky-queen · 5 months
so the scu boys are lactose intolerant (because real hedgehogs are) are the prime boys?
While I like to include bits of real hedgehog biology to the prime boys in my headcanons, I'm thinking probably no on this one. However, I will be including some other eating related headcanons for them!
Shadow has Celiac Disease (Because I do and I decided to project)
Sonic is allergic to strawberries (probably won't come up though)
Silver is Vegan (haven't figured out what kind yet though)
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goldkirk · 1 month
I ate half a serving of some really really good pesto pasta in the evening. Just rocketed out of bed at 3 AM after an hour or so of intense rounds of pain and I’m not going to go into details but holy shit I wish I never ate more than a couple bites of it and just brought a smoothie or soup to the restaraunt instead this is AWFUL. Literally hauled myself into the bathtub with warm water just to breathe.
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newtness532 · 9 months
im so annoyed with everything today, i think i need some tasty food and a million hours of sleep and then I'll be back to normal
#the teacher at the first class today was so dibsjdhdhdhdhsgs 😫#like she was teaching us things that are like unrelated to the class that shes teaching so idek why she was teaching it#but also its things that we have been learning since the 1st semester and we've done them in at least 10 classes and she was acting like#this was the 1st time we were hearing about it#like oh yeah we're on the 7th semester of studying nutrition but no one bothered to tell us how many calories are in a gram of fat#and she gave us homework 'to see if we know this' like#oh yes i can make a meal plan for a child with crohns or cystic fibrosis or celiac disease or everything else we've done this semester and#all the other semesters but i guess i cant tell you what micronutrients are in this one breakfast meal#like fuck off and stick to what you're supposed to be teaching#anyway i know im getting more annoyed than i should but she was just even more annoying than usual today#like she interrupted the lesson every 5 minutes to yell at someome to be quiet i wasnt even aware there were people talking until she yelled#anyway#also my new earphones aren't working well idk why ive definitely not been mistreating them that much for them to break in less than a month#like i had my old pair for at least 4 years until the broke and i dont think the wire got cut in them like the sound was coming out weird#but there was sound coming out. in the new ones you need to hold them in a very specific angle for sound to come out#and like im careful with how i put them away so what is up with them?#my theory is that they make wired earphones shitty on purpose so that you will spend a lot of money and buy wireless#also we had said from Tuesday that we would hang out with my friends today but i guess they forgot or idk and they made other plans#(to go home and sleep) and during the weekend the one friend wont be here and next week my family will be here so we probably wont hang out#again until next year and we have exams almost immediately so we wont be hanging out much then either#also my period is supposed to come soon and i hope that it will either come today or it will wait until after Christmas#ideally it will never come ever again but we cant always get what we want#anyway im gonna go eat the rest of my μεσογειακό and go take a nap#jo says stuff#personal ramblings
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communistkenobi · 2 years
this probably has a lot to do with my mom being one of those diet fanatics and constantly cycling through diets and subjecting me to several of them when I was younger, but nutrition science is one of those things I will have an infinite amount of skepticism on. like I know vegetables are good for you and greasy fast food is probably not that good for you but beyond that whenever I hear someone claim to know What Are The Best Foods For People To Eat I’m literally never going to believe them ever regardless of what their qualifications are
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recently-reanimated · 10 months
Food conspiracies are so dumb. They aren't putting corn syrup in everything to make us fat. They're doing it because no one has found a cost effective way to grow sugarcane in Nebraska.
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butchlifeguard · 2 months
i dont know anything about swimming and i can't stress how much that's awesome
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moe-broey · 2 months
No context but I got So distracted. I did not set out to do All That today. I don't even know where the fuck I am anymore. It was all an impulse decision and I didn't even write down the second distraction because it was So Strong. In my mind. But then a second distraction hit my two braincells. I have no idea whwre I am anymore. I was just gonna whip up a shitpost doodle and then go back to my main project. I never even got to the shitpost doodle. 🧍
#okay fine full context. i was hit w a vision last night due to a pet peeve like No Hate but Damn#people will really just put any guy in this specific format. and obvs epic trans headcanons forever i have nothing but respect 🫡#but like. it just irked me and made me ask myself Well. who WOULD fit this format in my beautiful mind palace#who. in my mind. has LAYERS of lore surrounding my trans hc for him. who would fucking say that. some sort of mentor perhaps#and who would ASK him that. what would PROMPT that. under WHAT PLAUSIBLE CONDITIONS#esp i think bc the topic makes me so fucking dysphoric too i go insane and die 1000 deaths about it routinely#to the point where i straight up almost never talk about it. i refuse to even acknowledge it.#which is. i think why this got to me so much LMFAOOOOOO I'M. ANGRY. HOW DARE YOU HAVE FUN WHILE I'M DYING. BADLY.#in a way that i just could never allow myself to have fun w bc I Am Above It. you CANNOT get me. i'm WINNING.#takumi has too much pride so not him. moe has too much pride so not it either.#no.... this is. a job. for Bruno.......#and sharena my best friend sharena my sillie goofy about to jump to the most INSANE conclusion bestie sharena 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺#but then. realization. i have to revisit my 'back in the day' designs for the askr sibs and ESP bruno.#and honestly i just needed to completely revamp him. okay. no probalm! 👍 i am revisiting my back in the day alfonse hcs#really Thinking about them. i doodle One Thing about how if alfonse wants to build any muscle#he needs proper nutrition. he is SCRAWNY. he is TWIGGY. he only has weight in his thighs abd really not as much as he shoulf#i get distractef. i am making a comic. anna is there. she is also a mentor. the comic is about learning life skills/food#I REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS. I CAN'T FORGET. I NEED TO GO. GOODBYE#worte it down but alsp i got plans i gotta go for REAL. GOODGBEY
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merlions · 4 months
Trying to do my final assignment for nutrition, which is having us reflect on and explain what we would change about our diets based on a self-assessment we previously did on a week where I was having a flare and eating like shit, and getting continuously caught up trying not to just write "I KNOW HOW TO FEED MYSELF WELL, MY DIET DOES NOT REFLECT HOW MUCH I KNOW, I KNOW THAT I SHOULD COOK INTRICATELY PREPARED PARMESAN AND WALNUT CRUSTED TILAPIA WITH LIME MANGO SLAW AND STEAMED FUCKING PEAS EVERY GOD DAMNED DAY, BUT I DONT ALWAYS HAVE THE FUCKING ENERGY OR APPETITE OR TIME! I AM UTTERLY CONSTRAINED, IMPRISONED EVEN, BY WHAT MY BODY WILL ALLOW ME TO INGEST, AND BABY, IT AINT MUCH!" and then just copy and paste it over and over again until I hit the word limit
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ffelii · 10 months
I cannot be.... the first to put chia seeds in tea and absolutely love it... right?
Every time I bring it up to someone they find it weird but I love it! Mayb its just my recent interest in finding ways to meet nutritional needs while still getting the kinds of foods n flavors I love, so Im trying a lot of random shit
But there's no way putting chia seeds in tea is a weird or new thing. It makes so much sense to me.
I got the idea from the weird weight loss trend on tiktok for "chia seed water" which was all kinds of gross and please don't take health or weight loss tips from tiktok lol
But I saw that and figured it would make way more sense to put them in tea! The issue w having them in water was just that it gave the water a really gross taste lmao but tea and whatever you add to it completely solves that issue
Ive just been looking for ways to get enough fiber in my day-to-day, because tbh I dont like veggies very much. I don't think I'll ever get to a point where I eat enough veggies to be hitting whatever a healthy amount of fiber is in a day. But I do love fruit, apples especially, so there's that.
Anyways, point is: there's a lot of fiber you can get from adding chia seeds to your tea or smoothies or yk people usually will put em in pudding!
I really like the added texture, especially in my tea, its kinda like teeny tiny boba! Because when the seeds soak, they expand a little and get this squishy and clear outer layer (kinda like bubble fruit in Rain World, which I thought was a neat comparison)
I usually only put like a small tablespoon in some normal ass green tea w honey and its lovely. I like it a lot and I think everyone should give it a try :)
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adventurer-gearld · 2 years
Neo time :]
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The Little yellow squid had a dream. They were fighting a bear in space! And their little buddy became a big buddy and defeated the bear, isn’t he cool?
The dream was very vivid, so vivid that it stayed in their memory instead of fading away like most dreams. They kept thinking about it all day, while eating breakfast, going to school, and even while eating lunch!
They kept looking around suspiciously, as if someone might attack them from behind. The colour purple caused them to glare. The teacher got worried, but it was just a dream, why do they still remember it so clearly? And why is it so scary?
The Little Yellow Squid could still remember all the details of the dream when they went home. There was music while they were fighting the bear too! It sounded very good, it was a heavenly melody, with many different people singing! The Little Yellow Squid wishes they could hear it again.
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The Little Yellow Squid decided to tell their best friend in the whole world about the dream. Little Buddy seemed to light up with excitement and went to grab a pencil and paper. He drew people, one wearing a hat, another in black, and the last in white.
“The Captain, One and Two” The Little Yellow Squid was sure that’s their names. They remember meeting them, the poses, and the immediate acceptance into their… group, their family.
The Little Yellow Squid blinked. How could they forget something that important? Little Buddy stared up at them and made his sounds. That was a memory, they’re sure of it, but it’s from when they’re 15. They aren’t 15 yet, and now they’re confused.
Any other dreams get told to their Little Buddy as well, Little Buddy keeps drawing, and they keep remembering more. Even as tensions at home worsen, the memories persist, clearly wanting to be uncovered. Even as their sibling stops answering their phone in Inkopolis, memories claim they’ll reunite and it helps make them feel better. Even as tensions worsen at home, the dreams, memories, offer a solution for the future. And The Little Yellow Squid knows they’ll follow the memory with Little Buddy in tow.
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Also. The Little Yellow Squid never steps foot into a Grizzco facility.
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zrpants · 1 year
i feel like when you’re a kid, adults will comment about your weight and diet as if it’s your first time considering those concepts. like an adult will see a fat kid they barely know having a snack and think “i better teach them that sugar is bad and point out what they’re eating in front of everyone!”
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loose-leafstudy · 2 years
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sunday, jan 29
happy sunday! 
online school isn’t going too bad, i've only had one all-nighter so far lol. i’m really enjoying my pathophysiology class though! and my goal for this week is to get most of my assignments and quizzes done by wednesday, fingers crossed 
wishing everyone a great week ✿
+ important biology lesson below
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(don’t ask me how many times i've learned the cell parts for a class lol)
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halcyonmachines · 1 year
i can't believe i made this blog specifically because of one post that annoyed me. lol. anyway it vexes and surprises and shocks me how some subset of the "b-ody positive" movement has seemingly evolved from "you can do whatever you want with your body and you don't deserve to be harassed because of it" to "you should accept being fat, you're stuck that way because weight loss is impossible"
which is literally so fucking untrue. weight loss IS possible and the misconception that it's not comes from the idea that diets are temporary phases. they are not. weight loss, and trying to be healthy in general, is a lifestyle change and it is a choice one has to continue to make every single day of their lives.
saying that weight loss is impossible makes me feel hopeless and stuck as a person who is trying to be healthy after years of dietary neglect in childhood. so you can imagine my frustration when people who are claiming to want what's best for people make literally untrue claims for the sake of "positivity"
it's okay to want to lose weight. it's possible and making small changes to your lifestyle can make it pretty easy in the long run. it's really not that difficult. and i will keep going and i will be happy!!! this is a threat !!
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