#and pathophysiology is really interesting and the prof is good
loose-leafstudy · 2 years
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sunday, jan 29
happy sunday! 
online school isn’t going too bad, i've only had one all-nighter so far lol. i’m really enjoying my pathophysiology class though! and my goal for this week is to get most of my assignments and quizzes done by wednesday, fingers crossed 
wishing everyone a great week ✿
+ important biology lesson below
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(don’t ask me how many times i've learned the cell parts for a class lol)
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lunnonbridges · 8 years
Update 2/9/17
It’s been almost 3 weeks into school and there is so much more stuff to do academically related. Banks is so fast and intense it makes me anxious since Pathophysiology and Pharmacology is really hard. Deegan is good so far; probably my favorite class/prof so far since Nutrition is interesting and she makes it pretty engaging too! Balzaretti is boring and not very interesting. Fundamentals of Nursing is too long and not engaging at all. Philosophy with Black is neutral for me-no hate but no like either its just me fulfilling a core lmao. 
Tuesday, 2/7 was amazing! I have no words to express everything that I did in those 7 hours. Although I felt a little sleepy when we sat down at the computer to chart, when I was up and moving even if it was just watching my nurse do something, I felt wide awake and excited to learn. Everything I did was more than everything I did in the entire last semester. I am really looking forward to learning a lot in clinicals although it’s a long day, I know I can persevere and push through.
3 weeks in and I’m already sick sigh my immune system really needs work since I get sick all the time even though I’m working on my health a lot this year. I go to the gym 3-4x a week, eat fruit and more meals (i actually eat breakfast so i eat around 2-2 1/2 meals a day now). I am doing this since self care is most important and i want to change for the better for me. Not for someone or to please someone, but for me. So far being with Jason is going well. We are both busier since I am starting to work and he may rush for AKPSI and he has work but we are making it work so far. We’ve definitely matured and talk things out more compared to last semester which is great :)
Friends are still the same kind of? Michelle hangs out with either Kevin or no one. Michael Lawrence people seem the same. Hopefully we can hang more I miss the OG group. Deion seems to care more about his looks and what ppl think of him? (the haircut, clothes etc) idk maybe thats just me im not sure. IDK. sometimes I feel lonely and then sometimes I like being alone. But everyone’s SO is in USF or live in SF so its so easy for them all to hang and stuff and then there’s me missing Jason like usual. That’s why when we hang we really need to make the most of it. I could go on for days about specifics but I think I’ll save it for a different day since this post is getting too long. Looking forward to the rest of the semester but also dreading it at the same time. 
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