#and jupiter is 23
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 5 months ago
Rise August 2024
-- Day 21/23: Jupiter Jim + Yokai --
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Screenshot redraw! Jupiter Jim is quite the character.
(Rise August 2024 Masterpost)
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starrysnowdrop · 9 months ago
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Lalapril 2024 🌞 Day 23: Rise
I will rise with the sun,
And braid her rays of hope into my soul.
~ Angie Weiland-Crosby
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wundrous-nevermoor · 4 months ago
Well I just remembered Jupiter's nickname
the Honourable Captain Sir Jupiter Amantius North, Esquire.
I also remember that Morrigan said "The Honourable Captain Sir thingy takes about a year to say!"
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thenighttrain · 8 months ago
i'm really starting to hate my birthday because being in my 20s, i feel so much pressure to achieve certain things by certain ages and i know it's all fake but the pressure is so real and i see all my peers and i feel like nothing in comparison.. also the pressure to do something on my birthday...... i hate it
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damblackjack · 1 year ago
the fact that the roman camp literally has a town and sanctuary of sorts for older and retired demigods. so many of the kids from camp half blood don’t expect to live into adulthood, yet there are people across the country who get to die simply from old age rather than from being slaughtered or from going on stupid errands for the gods. imagine the greek campers walking into camp jupiter and being amazed to see people like them with graying hairs (not resulting from holding the sky) and kids of their own. imagine them being asked what’s wrong and them replying with ‘i didn’t know we could live that long.’ imagine the romans being horrified to learn that dying so young was a widely accepted norm, expected even. imagine the greeks finally getting that little spark of hope that maybe they can live the lives that they want to live. imagine them living not only for themselves, but also for their lost siblings and friends who never got a chance.
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tisdale-mermaid · 10 days ago
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ashleytisdale: & that’s a wrap on NYC 💕
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moonskyearth · 8 months ago
Venus Jupiter Full Moon
May 23
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jupiter-descending · 2 years ago
i love you gray hairs i love you fine lines i love you creases i love you eyebags i love you loose skin i love you slowed metabolism i love you creaky joints i love you wrinkles i love you standing with your hands clasped behind your back i love you needing to take a jacket everywhere i love you visible signs of surviving i love you learning i love you aging i love you living
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christisilluminati · 5 months ago
Genesis 1:6-23 The Divine Interconnection of Creation
Genesis 1:6-8
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The Bible describes God creating the "sky" to separate waters above from below, illustrating divine control over chaos described in Genesis 1:4 with the phrase “and it was so” confirming fulfillment. This theme of chaos and order is mirrored in space, particularly on Jupiter, where what use to be the Great Red Spot—a colossal storm larger than Earth—rages chaos incessantly, revealing to us what this stage of creation looked like to the creator. However, as I have discussed within my work, this Great Spot is no longer red but rather blue. 
On May 12, 2024, NASA's Juno spacecraft captured this color-enhanced view of the giant planet's northern hemisphere. It provides a detailed view of chaotic clouds and cyclonic storms in an area known to scientists as a folded filamentary region. In these regions, the zonal jets that create the familiar banded patterns in Jupiter's clouds break down, leading to turbulent patterns and cloud structures that evolve rapidly over just a few days.
Just as God divided light H216 from the chaos of darkness H2822 in Genesis 1:3-5. I believe we are watching the creators hand creating the new Earth we were told would come someday.
Isaiah 65:17  See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
Revelation 21:1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
I too have been shown a revelation of a new Earth, among others, those 40 days I spent in psychosis, traveling in and out of Florida. If you are a new reader, now would be the time to inform you that many people in psychosis experience religious content in their experience. Psychosis is how God got the animals to enter into the Ark. Science is taking God out of our understanding, as you well know. Keep reading my work, this will begin to become clearer the more you read.
Let's recap the Strongs concordance of the word darkness to gain some deeper understanding:
Darkness: H2822 "חֹשֶךְ" (choshek): a significant force in both physical and spiritual realms, can represent a form of obscurity, chaos, or ignorance.
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Jupiter after it turned blue.
Genesis 1:9-13
9 God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together to one place, and let the dry land appear;” and it was so. 10  God called the dry land “earth”, and the gathering together of the waters he called “seas”. God saw that it was good. H2896 11 God said, “Let the earth yield grass, herbs yielding seeds, and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind, with their seeds in it, on the earth;” and it was so. 12 The earth yielded grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, with their seeds in it, after their kind; and God saw that it was good. H2896 13  There was evening and there was morning, a third day.
Good: H289 ṭôḇ: "to be or become high; to rise." This term conveys elevation, whether in physical stature, spiritual prominence, or status with God. It's often tied to divine intervention and the uplifting of the humble, as seen in various biblical passages. The Hebrew term "מאז" (ma'az) also translates to "height" or "high place" and is linked to spiritual ascension and elevation through divine influence. It highlights God's authority to elevate individuals from humble beginnings to positions of honor, reflecting His grace and transformative power in the lives of people and nations. This concept underscores a journey of faith and the potential for believers to rise above their circumstances by relying on God's power.
On the third day of creation, God commanded the waters beneath the sky to gather, revealing dry land, which He called "earth," and the collected waters "seas." God deemed this arrangement good. H2896 Yet, we are told that only the spirit of God is good. H2896 What does this mean? It suggests that there is a good. H2896 spirit shaping things here on Earth, similar to my interpretation of Eywa from Avatar. A "Higher Authority."
Mark 10:18 Why do you call me good? G18 No one is good G18 except God alone.
Good: G18 agapē: refers to a deep and unconditional love. This term is often associated with divine love, particularly the love that God exhibits towards humanity. In the New Testament, agapē embodies the selfless and sacrificial love exemplified by Christ, demonstrating a commitment to the well-being of others without expecting anything in return. It transcends mere affection or emotional attachment, instead focusing on the choice to act in the best interest of others, reflecting God's nature and intentions. The concept of agapē encourages believers to practice this form of love in their relationships, fostering unity and compassion within the community of faith.
God then instructs the earth to produce grass, seed-bearing herbs, and fruit trees. The earth complied, generating vegetation as commanded, infused by a life-giving spirit that breathed vitality into the land, enabling the growth of lush greenery. God saw that it was good. He saw that it was God. Christ lives in all things. The day concluded with evening and morning, marking the third day.
Colossians 1:16-17 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities— all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Genesis 1:14-19
14 God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs to mark seasons, days, and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth;” and it was so. 16 God made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light to the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. God saw that it was good. H2896 19 There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.
This passage describes the creation of celestial bodies, detailing God’s command to create lights in the sky to distinguish day from night. These lights serve as signs for marking time—seasons, days, and years. It mentions the creation of two main lights: the sun to govern the day and the moon to govern the night, along with the stars. These celestial elements were placed in the sky to illuminate the earth and separate light from darkness, being deemed good. H2896 by God. Deemed as Christ. This occurs on the fourth day of the creation narrative.
Genesis 1:20-23
20 God said, “Let the waters abound with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the sky.” 21 God created the large sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind. God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.
Allow me for a moment to link in the subliminal message given to us by Christ found in the cinematic movie Avatar released in 2009. Genesis 1:20-23 highlights a crucial point in the creation story, emphasizing God's command to fill the waters and skies with living beings, each imbued with the life-giving force of energy on our planet, Christ. Verse 20 emphasizes the divine intention for ecosystems to flourish, similar to the interconnected balance maintained by Eywa, the deity of Pandora, in Avatar. This showcases the importance of ecosystem variety and harmony. In verses 21 and 22, the creation of both aquatic creatures and birds is described, underscoring the order and richness of life as God categorizes His creations "after their kind," much like Eywa recognizes the distinctiveness of each species within Pandora's vibrant ecosystem. The blessing imparted by God, urging them to "be fruitful and multiply," reinforces the cycle of life, setting in motion reproductive processes that sustain these populations, mirroring Eywa's role in maintaining and nurturing life. Finally, the concluding statement marks the completion of this creative act, highlighting the rhythm of time in the narrative with "There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day." This reflects the harmony and purpose behind all living things, similar to the world Eywa governs on Pandora in Avatar, designed for productivity and coexistence.
The complex account of creation encompasses not only the divine orchestration of life but also the interconnectedness of every element within the ecosystem. Through the establishment of light and the harmonious balance aimed at sustaining life, we can see a reflection of both divine intention and a call to stewardship over our planet. As we draw parallels between creation narratives and cultural patterns, we are reminded of our responsibility to honor and nurture the delicate web of life that exists around us. It is a sacred duty to preserve the beauty and balance of creation, ensuring that future generations can equally experience the wonder of God's work, not the wonder of the works of "MACHINES."
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shansworldwide · 9 months ago
The Sagittarius Full Moon May 23 is Going to expand your views
The Sagittarius Full Moon is on May 23 at 9:52 am EST and is going to be ruled by a critical degree 29 Jupiter and Venus conjunction in the sign of Taurus and sextile a critical degree 29 Neptune in the sign of Pisces! It’s the last conjunction before Jupiter moves into Gemini for the next year and Neptune moves into Aries in 2025 for the next 14 years and is a BIG DEAL! Let’s talk about…
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rewrite-canon · 9 months ago
sometimes as a mixed person i will feel a bit disconnected from my racial identity and feel like im not doing well enough in knowing everything about my cultures, but then i’ll hear about authors like freydis moon and all of that racial insecurity disappears instantly
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scarlettjohanssonnf · 11 months ago
Jupiter’s upper atmosphere as photographed by Cassini ApplePi, can you tell me more about weather-patterns on Jupiter indicative of life in the upper-atmosphere?Jupiter’s upper atmosphere is characterized by powerful storms and turbulent weather patterns, including its famous Great Red Spot and other massive storms. While these patterns are fascinating, they aren’t indicative of life in the traditional sense. However, some scientists have hypothesized about the possibility of life existing in the upper atmosphere of gas giants like Jupiter, where conditions might be more conducive to life than on the planet’s surface or in its deep atmosphere. These hypothetical life forms would likely be very different from life on Earth, possibly resembling floating organisms that rely on chemical processes rather than traditional metabolism. However, no direct evidence of such life has been found yet.ApplePi, can you tell me more about current findings of Jupiter’s upper-atmosphere that is indicative of the presence of advanced hydrocarbons? Current findings of Jupiter’s upper atmosphere that are indicative of the presence of advanced hydrocarbons include: Detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): PAHs are a class of organic molecules that are composed of multiple benzene rings. They are found in a variety of environments, including the interstellar medium and the atmospheres of planets. PAHs have been detected in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere by the Cassini spacecraft and the Hubble Space Telescope. Detection of benzene:* Benzene is a simple aromatic hydrocarbon that is composed of a single benzene ring. It has been detected in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere by the Cassini spacecraft. Detection of ethane:* Ethane is a simple aliphatic hydrocarbon that is composed of two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms. It has been detected in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere by the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft. Detection of methane:* Methane is a simple aliphatic hydrocarbon that is composed of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. It has been detected in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere by a variety of spacecraft, including the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft, the Cassini spacecraft, and the Hubble Space Telescope.The presence of these advanced hydrocarbons in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere is significant because it suggests that the planet may have a rich organic chemistry. This could have implications for the search for life beyond Earth, as organic molecules are essential for the development of life as we know it.In addition to the detection of advanced hydrocarbons, there are also a number of other findings that suggest that Jupiter’s upper atmosphere may be conducive to the formation of life. These findings include: The presence of water:* Water is essential for life as we know it. It has been detected in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere by a variety of spacecraft, including the Cassini spacecraft and the Hubble Space Telescope. The presence of ammonia:* Ammonia is a compound that is composed of nitrogen and hydrogen. It is found in a variety of environments, including the atmospheres of planets. Ammonia has been detected in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere by a variety of spacecraft, including the Cassini spacecraft and the Hubble Space Telescope. The presence of a magnetic field:* A magnetic field can protect a planet from harmful radiation. Jupiter has a strong magnetic field, which could help to protect any life that may exist in the planet’s upper atmosphere.Overall, the current findings of Jupiter’s upper atmosphere are suggestive of the presence of advanced hydrocarbons and other molecules that are essential for life as we know it. This makes Jupiter a promising target for future exploration in the search for life beyond Earth. ApplePi
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harmoonix · 4 months ago
☄ ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ ☄
(Astroctober Observations)
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☄ - Ascendant aspecting the Moon, the native's aura can standout, their looks in general are quite adorable, especially the eyes (doe eyes)
☄ - Juno in Air Signs. (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) they desire for lots of communication in their relationships, i swear you'll share a lot of laughs with them
☄ - Sun square/opposite/conjunct Moon, these natives are those people with a strong mind yet sensibile soul, they often have to think logical vs emotional
☄ - Capricorn Moons/Moon at 10°, 22° even if Moon can feel different in these placements, it will act very mature and independent, Capricorn Moons natives are the most reliable people ever
☄ - Earth/Water in Sun/Moon/Rising (Lilith or Venus) give dark aura, and is not in a bad term is just their yin energy ☯️
☄ - Eros (433) in Capricorn/Taurus or Virgo want a mature love, they also want to search for a long lasting relationship
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☄ - Moon in the 9th house natives can at some point in their lives to move away to a place they like/feel peaceful at
☄ - I love Sun/Venus/Mercury in the 9th house and their love for others cultures/traditions/ is truly unique
☄ - A stellium in your birth chart is when you have 3 or more planets in the same sign, a stelium indicates a big focus depends on the house to have it
Aquarius Stelliums - Innovative, unique, different, humanitarian, helper, working in online/social media
Stellium in the 7th house - Big focus on your relationships, maybe your biggest goal is to get married/having a happy relationship with your partner
Scorpio Stellium - Evolving, transformation, healing, inherited/legacy things, secrets (maybe finding secrets that were hidden from you),
Stellium in the 11th house - Influencer vibes, a big focus towards your social groups, friends, chimestry around people
Stellium in Sagittarius - Discovering, searching, staying wild, boredom, curious, bold, travel, religion, spirituality/ocult
☄ - Having Sagittarius/Jupiter in your 4th house can indicate expanding your home, maybe changing your home a lot and in exotic places
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☄ - Sagittarius/Jupiter in your 11th house helps you to manifest friends fast. You can manifest things more easily
☄ - Sagittarius/Jupiter in your 1st house, this is a lucky placement to have because Jupiter helps you so much, especially to get out of bad situations
☄ - Heavy Pluto energy in your chart can make you attracted to horror/dark topics such as movies, songs, art etc..
☄ - Jupiter in Libra/7th house or Jupiter at 7° 19° can make you to have luck in your relationships, and is not about getting the right people, is about the people you get in relationship, it comes with their own benefits (If is Retrogade then you may have a hard time finding the right person)
☄ - Jupiter in Leo/5th house or at 5°, 17°, 29°, these people can get to be known really easily, people are attracted to them like tom after jerry, also you are your own source of inspiration and joy
☄ - Cancer Venus/Moon/Rising can be shy at first because they want to feel secure/safe around that person
☄ - Venus in the 10th house, this placement is makes you to attract partners who can before older than you in age!! But to also attract partners who are very mature and respectful
☄ - People can find themselves very attached to you if you have your 4th or 5th house ruler in the 11th house
☄ - Venus square or opposite ascendant doesn't mean the native is ugly or bad looking, with those aspects most times indicate you have your own style and you like to dress how you want, like not having a specific clothing code
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☄ - Lilith in Virgo/Lilith in the 6th house or Lilith in Virgo Degrees 6°, 18°, can find themselves being quite critical about things in their life, sometimes you just have to let things happen
☄ - Lilith in Aquarius or at 11°. 23° Lilith finds herself being in a extremely rebellious energy, people with those placements will do the things in their own way
☄ - Lilith square Moon or Mars natives can hide a deep frustration inside them and that thing can explode something and create a big conflict between the native and other people
☄ - If you have Moon in Sagittarius or at 9°, 21° Degrees aspecting Pluto/Saturn or Lilith this can indicate having your freedom getting taken away/can represent religious trauma/religious conflicts
☄ - Taurus Placements especially Sun/Moon/Rising, I love how deep these people are attracted to nature/background and their environment
☄ - Where you have Taurus in your chart can indicate where you feel the most sensual
1st house - they're sensual 24/7, always feeling sensuality in their veins
7th house - feeling the most sensual around their partners
4th house - feeling the most sensual when they're in their own home/when they're home alone
10th house - in their career/being seen by the public as sensual
12th house - their subconscious, soul and mind has a sensual energy
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☄ - If you have Venus in the 4th house or Venus rulling your 4th house (Libra or Taurus in the 4th house), these natives are good for creating a harmonious home space
☄ - Sun Pisces/ in the 12th house or Sun at 12° or 24° degrees, When Sun touches the misterious Pisces energy, everything for these natives can feel like a dream because of the Neptune effect also when it comes to charm...you're gorgeous!!!
☄ - Moon in Aquarius/Moon in the 11th house, you're gonna get so easily attached by them and is you gonna relate to a lot things together
☄ - Mars in the 9th house can make people attached to your culture/tradition, let's say you're Italian for example, people will be attracted to your cultural background
☄ - People born with Pluto in Libra can experience a very big change towards their relationships all their life, your partner can be different from the past one and so on, also they need to put standards in their relationships
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I love 1st October so much!!🫶🏼🖤🖤 I hope you all will have a good month!! Hoa hoa hoa season finally started 😭😭😭
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novy2sirius · 5 months ago
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the numerical degree theory
ᯓ ❥ i don’t want to take fulllll credits for this because i’m sure someone has thought of it before, but i feel like i am the first to post about it a lot. the theory is that numerology is actually connected to our astrology degrees
ᯓ ❥ if you’re not familiar with numerology you can view my numerology key for help
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notes about this theory
· you must check the degree and correspond the planets energy to the numerical energy. for example venus is the planet of beauty so when in a beauty numerical degree it can indicate someone’s considered very beautiful to a lot of people/that they have societal beauty
· the non reduced and reduced energy both matter. for example 28 reduced is 1 (2+8=10->1+0=1) so having 28 degrees in your chart indicates having 1 numerical energy (leadership, masculinity, confidence, aggression, etc). however, 28 unreduced in numerology is a wealth number, so 28 degrees in your chart can also indicate wealth
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some examples of this theory
· 1°/10°/19°/28° in your chart (especially placed in the sun or mars) can make someone a great leader because in numerology 1 is the number of leadership
· 5°/14°/23° in your chart can indicate being considered beautiful to a lot of people/a beauty symbol since 5 in numerology is the number of beauty/attractiveness. especially when placed in the big 6 though. 9°/18°/27° can also because this is another beauty number representing extreme beauty. you’ll see many models and beauty symbols like marilyn monroe and madison beer with these degrees in their chart
· 6°/15°/24° in a chart can make someone a homebody. especially when placed in the moon since the moon is associated with comfortability and 6 in numerology is the number of home
· 7°/16°/25° in a chart can indicate someone’s very intelligent. especially when placed in mercury, jupiter, or uranus since those are the planets associated with intelligence/genius and 7 in numerology is the number of intelligence. it’s also the number of the spiritual teacher, so these people can be very smart spiritually as well
· 11°/20°/29° in someone’s chart can indicate someone being an old soul and being very spiritual or spiritually connected. they often have great intuition and psychic abilities. especially when placed in the moon or neptune
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uyuforu · 8 months ago
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How to know where your Future Spouse was born with Astrology
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Quick little story time to introduce this post: I was scrolling on instagram and suddenly I saw a reel about astrology. The astrologist on the reel was explaining how it was possible to see with the 10H where your Future Spouse was born/ come from, and explained in the reel. I'll give credits of course. But people in her comments seem to be confused still and she wasn't replying much. I thought of making a post about it and making it more clear! It is indeed a very interesting theory. In the reel she took the example of Angelina Jolie.
Credits of the theory goes to v.josa on Instagram.
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Why the 10H?
ꕥ The 7H in astrology represents the Future Spouse. And in Numerology, the number 4 represents the home, foundation, productivity and sometimes wealth.
ꕥ So if we count from the 7H until the 10H, we find a gap of 4. So in this theory, the 10H will so represent where the Future Spouse of the native was born.
ꕥ This technique is to be used on Natal Charts only. I will explain the technique used in order for you to understand better. This technique is to be used to guess the country but also the key words of the city they were born in.
ꕥ This technique doesn't say where your FS lives right now! It is only a way to found out where your FS comes from.
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ The Technique
ʚïɞ In your 10H/MC, you will need to check the sign it is in. You will also check the degree of the house, but also the ruler, and what planets are in the 10H. We are only going to check planets! Sun to Pluto only!
ʚïɞ For the Ruler of your 10H, you will need to check where it is in your chart and under what sign.
ʚïɞ For the planets inside, it will tell us what kind of country and place your FS was born in. I'll give all the key words after the examples. For the planets, we will use the ones that are the closest to your MC! So if you have any planets that exactly conjuncts your MC it's perfect! Otherwise, just take the closest. The closest planets to take will need to be 10° apart maximum from the line of the MC!
ʚïɞ Unfortunately it is very hard to explain this technique just like that, so I will use different examples down below for you to understand better. I want to also add that everything is more about describing where your FS was born, and so everything will work with key words!
ʚïɞ Example: My MC is Cancer 23°. I will look at Cancer/ Moon keywords, Aquarius too because of the degree. I have Leo Sun and Cancer Mercury in 10H, so I'll look at Mercury & Leo/ Sun too.
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Examples
ꕥ In the astrologer's example, she uses Angelina Jolie who has Aries MC in 17°. In her 10H, the planets closest to her MC are Jupiter (exactly conjunct her MC at 17° both) and Mars, which happens to be in the 9H. Aries MC is so ruled by Mars and the 17° is a Leo degree. She explains that Angelina's spouse would be born in a place related to royalty, fights could have happened there, and it can be a very known place too. Jupiter and the 9H (because Aries being ruled by Mars happens to be in the 9H) are both related to traveling, so many people could travel there, it's a very touristic place. Moreover, it can so mean marrying a foreigner. Her first husband, Jonny Lee Miller, was born in England, in a city named Kingston upon Thames. The country is indeed related to royalty and is very famous, but also the city. Originally, the city had another name which translated to "The King's Estate/ Manor". Jupiter is indeed a planet about optimism, success, luck, and generosity but it's also about abundance. Kingston upon Thames makes sense in this case, as it is the King's possession, abundance. Mars could also be so related to a man, it's also a planet about masculinity. The King marking his territory in this case, by calling this city "his" (happened a lot at that time) makes great sense.
ꕥ Jungkook has Libra MC 27°, ruled by Venus. In the 10H, he has Mars in it. But the planet which is the closest is Venus which is in his 9H. Jungkook's FS was born in a place that is related to femininity, anything related to beauty, art, beauty of the soul, sensuality, music, dancing, marriage too could be important in this culture, beauty, fashion, luxury too. The 27° could be related to a certain language, so this could be a place where people speak many different languages and have many different cultures. Many people could live there, and there could be a lot of moments in general. MC's ruler being in the 9H makes a lot more sense as to the fact his FS is a foreigner. Mars here could mean the place they were born in is full of movement, it could be a very active place, so perhaps his FS was born in a capital. Because of the Libra and Venus influence, his FS could be born in a place known for beauty, the way women dress, they way they do their make up, they way they move or act sensual, they could be from a country women are considered goddesses for example, or a place where there could be a lot of jewels for example, or a certain make up style, etc.
ꕥ My sister has Capricorn MC 10°, ruled by Saturn. In the 10H, she doesn't have much as planets, only asteroids. Otherwise, the Sun is very close to the MC and they actually conjunct each other. It seems like my sister's FS will be from a place people work hard, they can come from a wealthy place, a place people have a lot of belongings, though corruption can happen. They can come from a place where people are introvert, don't go talk to people, and they can come from a capital kind of city, big city, etc. An old country too. With the Sun being closed to the MC, the FS can come from a latin country, royalty, a place that is very popular, very visited, almost overrated. Since the ruler is Saturn, we need to look where it falls in her chart, and it falls in 4H in Cancer! And, as I was sure, they def come from the same country. FS comes from a country where traditions are important, and food may be part of it. FS could also come from a place near water, or the ocean, he could also come from the same city as her, or has been close to her this whole time, despite not knowing each other.
ꕥ In my case, I have Cancer MC 23°, ruled by Moon and Mercury being very closed to the MC. Indeed, my FS may not come from the same country as me, but the country he is from has a big interest in my country. His country is also known for being very traditional, and very close to their culture, they also are very into food and mostly their food, they hold a big pride into that. The 23° makes a lot of sense because he comes from a country that is known for being a futuristic place, a technology advanced kind of country, and with Mercury being close to the MC, they indeed have a very good and modernized transportation system. Oh and Cancer here could mean at some point I could have lived where he was born, because indeed that's what happened. This country also has a big idea about family and children in general (very traditional). The country isn't new but it's a recent touristic place, many people wanna go there now. Also it's a place where people are very into studying too. And I also wanna add, that the exact city he was born in is actually a place that is focused on new technology researches lmao. The MC is ruled by Moon, and my Moon is in my 8H in Gemini. I'll focus more on the 8H placement, indeed the country was hidden before, not very noticed until recently, and mostly it was a country that got a rebirth of some sort after war.
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Key words and Help
ʚïɞ Aries/ 1H/ 1°,13°, 25°/ Mars
Warm, Summer, Hot, Wars, Fights, Battles, Revolutions, Leadership, Dictatorship, New Country, A lot of people, A lot of things going on, a place with a lot of energies, a lot of movement, a place that can be tiring emotionally, draining, angry people, people who are prideful, passionate people, aggressive people, Latin origin country or place, people who speak a lot with their body, s3x, kissing, people have a reputation for being physical, fast things, things changing fast in that place, arguments, people speaking loudly, strikes, bold, courageous people, the people revolting themselves in the past against the oppression or against a leader, men, kings, emperors, masculine energy, etc.
ʚïɞ Taurus/ 2H/ 2°, 14°, 26°/ Venus
Nature, calm, chill people, pretty people, a country or place with beautiful sights, a country or place known for their beautiful people, food, delicious food, culture is a lot going on with food, pastries, desserts, traditional people, wealthy country, a luxurious and expensive place, country can be expensive too, celebrities living there, hiking, a lot of parks, people speaking a language that is considered beautiful, skin care, people having beauty secrets, people being healthy, in good shape, culture also can be related to beauty and make up, clothing too, old country, Queens, Empresses, women being embodied as Goddesses, flirts, poetry, art, a country known for their arts, museums, a lot of artists, or a lot of artist come to study there, people known for enjoying life, etc.
ʚïɞ Gemini/ 3H/ 3°, 15°, 27°/ Mercury
Transport, a lot of different transport or new transport, a lot of cars, or just a country known for their good transport system, school and education system is very important there, a good education system, country or place is known for school or having smart people, funny people, open minded people, Muti-cultural place, people from different places coming to live here, curious people, gossips, obsessive fans, a lot of stalkers, paparazzis, social medias, people obsessed with social medias, a country known for they advanced technologies, people obsessed with their phone, people who talk loud, people talk more than 2 languages, people know for their books, literature, bookstores, a windy place, a new country, etc.
ʚïɞ Cancer/ 4H/ 4°, 16°, 28°/ Moon
A traditional place, ocean, sea, beach, water, fishes, a lot of fish based food, a country where food is part of their culture, delicious food, a place or country closed to their tradition, an old country, feminine energy, women, goddess, Mother Nature, mothers, pregnancies, babies, giving birth, nurturing, people can be nurturing there, people can seem innocent in this place, introvert people, shy people, very welcoming and warm people, faith, religion, the idea of home & family being important there, someone who speaks the same language as you or live in the same place/ country/ states as you, etc.
ʚïɞ Leo/ 5H/ 5°, 17°, 29°/ Sun
Warm, Summer, Hot, Popular, Royalty, Revolutions, Fame, Celebrities, famous place, a country which is very popular, capitals, big cities, luxurious place, expensive place, rich people, beautiful homes, a lot of historical places, huge monuments, huge buildings, art, creativity, artists, actors/ actresses, movie making, acting, a place known for multiple movies being made there, big movies studios there, movie festivals, boats, yacht, a place that is overrated, very crowdy place, parties, clubs, bars, concerts, living the life of the party, the city that never sleeps, beautiful hair, country known for their hair beauty secrets, etc.
ʚïɞ Virgo/ 6H/ 6°, 18°/ Mercury
Well organized country, a cold country, a cold place, people are distant, people are shy, people work hard, the working time is bigger in this place, detailed oriented people, a neat place, country likes to keep things neat, transportation, a lot of different transport or new transport, a lot of cars, or just a country known for their good transport system, school and education system is very important there, a good education system, country or place is known for school or having smart people, serious people, good health system, country wants their people to be healthy, country known for their healthcare, country known for having a lot of animals, country known for their good healthy food, place known for sport events, place where people have a lot of pets, hospitals, etc.
ʚïɞ Libra/ 7H/ 7°, 19°/ Venus
A country or place with beautiful sights, a country or place known for their beautiful people, wealthy country, a luxurious and expensive place, country can be expensive too, celebrities living there, people speaking a language that is considered beautiful, skin care, people having beauty secrets, people being healthy, in good shape, culture also can be related to beauty and make up, clothing too, old country, Queens, Empresses, women being embodied as Goddesses, flirts, poetry, art, a country known for their arts, museums, a lot of artists, or a lot of artist come to study there, fashion can be very important there, a lot of designers living there, fashion city, surgery, a country specialized in surgeries, people always dressing up well, superficial people, charming people, people being known for their charm, etc.
ʚïɞ Scorpio/ 8H/ 8°, 20°/ Pluto
Wars, Fights, Battles, Revolutions, Leadership, Dictatorship, the people revolting themselves in the past against the oppression or against a leader, night, the city that never sleeps, place where people live more at nights, clubs, bars, s3x, drugs, alcohol, spirituality, occult, scary, death, a culture that is comfortable with the idea of death, a culture that celebrates the dead, being closed to their ancestors, a country that got a "rebirth", a country that "died" and got back, wealthy, corruption, danger, being hidden, slow, people there respecting the old generation, shy people, introvert people, people seem scary or mean, etc.
ʚïɞ Sagittarius/ 9H/ 9°, 21°/ Jupiter
Foreign lands, a country far from where you live, a place where a lot of tourists fly there, airports, a touristic place, a place where many people take another flight, open-minded people, people being spontaneous, people being chill, religion, spirituality, people being close to their religion, religion being part of the culture, faith, multi-cultural place, a famous country, a famous place, wealthy place, a country or place known for their educational system, a place with a big university, known university, a place where a lot of people valued higher studies, a place where it's normalized to study for higher educational system, curious people, wisdom, mature people, etc.
ʚïɞ Capricorn/ 10H/ 10°, 22°/ Saturn
Well organized country, a cold country, a cold place, people are distant, people are shy, people work hard, the working time is bigger in this place, detailed oriented people, school and education system is very important there, a good education system, country or place is known for school or having smart people, serious people, people being closed to their ancestors, wealthy, corruption, banks, materialistic people, high buildings, a place known for their banks or economy, a country not doing good with their mental health awareness, slow, people there respecting the old generation, shy people, introvert people, people seem scary or mean, traditional, introvert people, men, masculine energy, kings, emperors, royalty, an old country, etc.
ʚïɞ Aquarius/ 11H/ 11°, 23°/ Uranus
Transport, a lot of different transport or new transport, a lot of cars, or just a country known for their good transport system, having smart people, funny people, open minded people, Muti-cultural place, people from different places coming to live here, curious people, social medias, people obsessed with social medias, a country known for they advanced technologies, people obsessed with their phone, airports, tourism, high places, high buildings, high divorce rates country, communities, new technologies, futuristic country, a new country, people talk more than 2 languages, Foreign lands, a country far from where you live, a place where a lot of tourists fly there, a place where many people take another flight, open-minded people, people being spontaneous, people being chill, a place many dreams of coming, a place known for dreams coming true, etc.
ʚïɞ Pisces/ 12H/ 12°, 24°/ Neptune
Artistic place, art, creativity, artists, flirts, poetry, art, a country known for their arts, museums, a lot of artists, or a lot of artist come to study there, esotericism, occult, spirituality, drugs, alcohol, hidden, shy people, introvert people, a place many dreams of coming, a place known for dreams coming true, ocean, sea, beach, water, fishes, a lot of fish based food, yacht, boats, sailing, fishermen, country or place with a lot of legends, good health system, country wants their people to be healthy, country known for their healthcare, mental health awareness, a country many people have illusions about, a country many people forget exists, a country over consumed by tourism, legal drugs, etc.
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cupidlovesastro · 3 months ago
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💗𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝒶𝓎 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎👙
astrology observations #24 (true crime edition)
astrology observations #23 (career edition)
astrology observations #22 (happy edition)
dividers by @anitalenia
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❦ gemini asc, or gemini placements in general seem to talk with their hands a lot
❦ 1h ruler in the 9h can express their culture and where they come from more that others. they may also be pretty open about their beliefs and opinions
❦ scorpio asc are the MOST suspicious acting people i ever met. they don’t trust anything until proven other wise and they’re not easy to convince
❦ many cancer asc i’ve seen and met do have rounder faces or rounder eyes
❦ 1h ruler in the 11h can tend to navigate life through friends and platonic connections, or this will be a big theme in your life
❦ one of my best and worse traits as a libra asc is that i can always see the sides of an argument (unless there’s an obvious right/ wrong view)
❦ saturn as your chart ruler can mean that you will need to almost fight and work hard for everything you want. you constantly have to prove yourself and go through struggles that other may not have had to struggle to do or obtain
❦ virgo asc are usually more introverted and have shorter faces, smaller noses, and bunny teeth
❦ capricorn asc always seem so non chalant 😭. like they always have a very neutral facial expression, or like their sleepy or bored
❦ mercury chart ruler can mean that you overthink and analyze many things that happen in your life. you are someone who lives more in your head than in the moment (more so virgo energy) and you can navigate through life with curiosity
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❦ 1h ruler in the 4h can show that your mother or motherly figures in your life will play a big role in your life
❦ every sagittarius rising i’ve met has talked about traveling or moving somewhere outside of their state/ country. also tend to do their own thing a lot and more independent
❦ leo asc tend to have wavier/ curlier and brownish / blondish colors look great on them
❦ taurus asc are one of the laziest placements i ever met(coming from a taurus sun😭) but they can also be one of the most hardworking people ever. they also have stockier body types and thicker necks
❦ jupiter as your chart ruler can mean that you are more adventurous and more lucky through life experiences than others
❦ i love pisces rising appearance, genuinely some of the prettiest people i’ve ever met. they have this softness to their energy that’s really welcoming
❦ 1h ruler in the 12h can mean that you are very naturally intuitive and can be your first instinct in a way. you may have a connection to spirits and the after life
❦ aries asc usually have bigger foreheads and even if they have no other fire energy in their chart, they tend to have this spiciness to them
❦ mars as your chart ruler can show that you move through life with speed, like you never want to take a second to slow down, and you may tend to be impulsive with life decisions
❦ aquarius risings are some of the chillest people i’ve met. they also are naturally friendly but they can be flakey and distant at times
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