#Creation And Chaos
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christisilluminati · 5 months ago
Genesis 1:6-23 The Divine Interconnection of Creation
Genesis 1:6-8
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The Bible describes God creating the "sky" to separate waters above from below, illustrating divine control over chaos described in Genesis 1:4 with the phrase “and it was so” confirming fulfillment. This theme of chaos and order is mirrored in space, particularly on Jupiter, where what use to be the Great Red Spot—a colossal storm larger than Earth—rages chaos incessantly, revealing to us what this stage of creation looked like to the creator. However, as I have discussed within my work, this Great Spot is no longer red but rather blue. 
On May 12, 2024, NASA's Juno spacecraft captured this color-enhanced view of the giant planet's northern hemisphere. It provides a detailed view of chaotic clouds and cyclonic storms in an area known to scientists as a folded filamentary region. In these regions, the zonal jets that create the familiar banded patterns in Jupiter's clouds break down, leading to turbulent patterns and cloud structures that evolve rapidly over just a few days.
Just as God divided light H216 from the chaos of darkness H2822 in Genesis 1:3-5. I believe we are watching the creators hand creating the new Earth we were told would come someday.
Isaiah 65:17  See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
Revelation 21:1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
I too have been shown a revelation of a new Earth, among others, those 40 days I spent in psychosis, traveling in and out of Florida. If you are a new reader, now would be the time to inform you that many people in psychosis experience religious content in their experience. Psychosis is how God got the animals to enter into the Ark. Science is taking God out of our understanding, as you well know. Keep reading my work, this will begin to become clearer the more you read.
Let's recap the Strongs concordance of the word darkness to gain some deeper understanding:
Darkness: H2822 "חֹשֶךְ" (choshek): a significant force in both physical and spiritual realms, can represent a form of obscurity, chaos, or ignorance.
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Jupiter after it turned blue.
Genesis 1:9-13
9 God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together to one place, and let the dry land appear;” and it was so. 10  God called the dry land “earth”, and the gathering together of the waters he called “seas”. God saw that it was good. H2896 11 God said, “Let the earth yield grass, herbs yielding seeds, and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind, with their seeds in it, on the earth;” and it was so. 12 The earth yielded grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, with their seeds in it, after their kind; and God saw that it was good. H2896 13  There was evening and there was morning, a third day.
Good: H289 ṭôḇ: "to be or become high; to rise." This term conveys elevation, whether in physical stature, spiritual prominence, or status with God. It's often tied to divine intervention and the uplifting of the humble, as seen in various biblical passages. The Hebrew term "מאז" (ma'az) also translates to "height" or "high place" and is linked to spiritual ascension and elevation through divine influence. It highlights God's authority to elevate individuals from humble beginnings to positions of honor, reflecting His grace and transformative power in the lives of people and nations. This concept underscores a journey of faith and the potential for believers to rise above their circumstances by relying on God's power.
On the third day of creation, God commanded the waters beneath the sky to gather, revealing dry land, which He called "earth," and the collected waters "seas." God deemed this arrangement good. H2896 Yet, we are told that only the spirit of God is good. H2896 What does this mean? It suggests that there is a good. H2896 spirit shaping things here on Earth, similar to my interpretation of Eywa from Avatar. A "Higher Authority."
Mark 10:18 Why do you call me good? G18 No one is good G18 except God alone.
Good: G18 agapē: refers to a deep and unconditional love. This term is often associated with divine love, particularly the love that God exhibits towards humanity. In the New Testament, agapē embodies the selfless and sacrificial love exemplified by Christ, demonstrating a commitment to the well-being of others without expecting anything in return. It transcends mere affection or emotional attachment, instead focusing on the choice to act in the best interest of others, reflecting God's nature and intentions. The concept of agapē encourages believers to practice this form of love in their relationships, fostering unity and compassion within the community of faith.
God then instructs the earth to produce grass, seed-bearing herbs, and fruit trees. The earth complied, generating vegetation as commanded, infused by a life-giving spirit that breathed vitality into the land, enabling the growth of lush greenery. God saw that it was good. He saw that it was God. Christ lives in all things. The day concluded with evening and morning, marking the third day.
Colossians 1:16-17 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities— all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Genesis 1:14-19
14 God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs to mark seasons, days, and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth;” and it was so. 16 God made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light to the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. God saw that it was good. H2896 19 There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.
This passage describes the creation of celestial bodies, detailing God’s command to create lights in the sky to distinguish day from night. These lights serve as signs for marking time—seasons, days, and years. It mentions the creation of two main lights: the sun to govern the day and the moon to govern the night, along with the stars. These celestial elements were placed in the sky to illuminate the earth and separate light from darkness, being deemed good. H2896 by God. Deemed as Christ. This occurs on the fourth day of the creation narrative.
Genesis 1:20-23
20 God said, “Let the waters abound with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the sky.” 21 God created the large sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind. God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.
Allow me for a moment to link in the subliminal message given to us by Christ found in the cinematic movie Avatar released in 2009. Genesis 1:20-23 highlights a crucial point in the creation story, emphasizing God's command to fill the waters and skies with living beings, each imbued with the life-giving force of energy on our planet, Christ. Verse 20 emphasizes the divine intention for ecosystems to flourish, similar to the interconnected balance maintained by Eywa, the deity of Pandora, in Avatar. This showcases the importance of ecosystem variety and harmony. In verses 21 and 22, the creation of both aquatic creatures and birds is described, underscoring the order and richness of life as God categorizes His creations "after their kind," much like Eywa recognizes the distinctiveness of each species within Pandora's vibrant ecosystem. The blessing imparted by God, urging them to "be fruitful and multiply," reinforces the cycle of life, setting in motion reproductive processes that sustain these populations, mirroring Eywa's role in maintaining and nurturing life. Finally, the concluding statement marks the completion of this creative act, highlighting the rhythm of time in the narrative with "There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day." This reflects the harmony and purpose behind all living things, similar to the world Eywa governs on Pandora in Avatar, designed for productivity and coexistence.
The complex account of creation encompasses not only the divine orchestration of life but also the interconnectedness of every element within the ecosystem. Through the establishment of light and the harmonious balance aimed at sustaining life, we can see a reflection of both divine intention and a call to stewardship over our planet. As we draw parallels between creation narratives and cultural patterns, we are reminded of our responsibility to honor and nurture the delicate web of life that exists around us. It is a sacred duty to preserve the beauty and balance of creation, ensuring that future generations can equally experience the wonder of God's work, not the wonder of the works of "MACHINES."
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illustratus · 11 months ago
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Chaos. The Genesis — by Ivan Aivazovsky
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hhoneycloves · 2 months ago
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isagrimorie · 3 months ago
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Agatha All Along 1x04 - If I Can't Reach You / Let My Song Teach You Transcript
It's hilarious how Agatha is annoyed that Jen questions her about her own lyrics. Then she has to stand there while everyone claims Lorna Wu wrote the most popular version of the Ballad when Agatha was the one who originated the song in the first place.
But she can't say anything to preserve the con. Truly the only enemy Agatha seems to keep losing to is to herself.
(Also, when Agatha's really mad but can't say why, Agatha flips her hair back.)
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sispulledmeontothishellsite · 3 months ago
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The nublar six!! (All original designs)
JWCC/JWCT you have my heart 🫶
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yeonjune · 8 months ago
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it's all about finding peace amid chaos and betrayal 🧘‍♂️
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lazyrainwing27 · 1 month ago
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Merry Crisis :)
(seriously though, I doubt this cabin in whitespace would stay this calm for more than 5 seconds.)
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raptorrobot · 1 year ago
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trans gabe is so important 2 me
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nellasbookplanet · 22 days ago
Speaking of the gods and the titans, there’s this refusal (from some of fandom as well as from Ashton and the hishari within the show) to really reckon with the narrative purpose of the titans.
Sure, we can say that the gods were colonizers by arriving to Exandria after the titans and then taking over, and that they should be killed/driven off for it and the titans brought back (even though there has been zero indications that reviving them is even possible). But this reading skips over a pretty crucial detail: the titans wanted to kill all mortals. The Betrayers even tried to bring them back at the start of the Calamity to help with the extermination effort. When questioned by Ashton, he is told that only the strong would survive their return.
I'm not saying the creation myth of Exandria doesn't come with some less than salient implications (an outside force of 'civilization' arriving and 'taming' the untouched nature), but reading the gods as colonizers and the titans as indigenous comes with some pretty nasty implications of its own, given the titans' violent nature. You'd either have to do some pretty serious retconning of what the titans were like, admit that the creation myth and its implications are what they are and there isn't much to be done about it other than develop its compexeties (similar to the fall of Aeor), or lean into a different reading (such as the struggle between order and chaos, change and stagnancy, life and destruction). Leaning harder into the colonizer reading while shutting your eyes for parts of the established lore is just kind of silly and ignoring the complexeties of the situation in favor of easy answers.
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thekrazykook · 9 months ago
Guys, Gals and Non Binary Pals
See here, I've made what you all need even if you didn't know it.
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You're welcome, I highly encourage the use of this template.
Example: (it's radioapple)
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There, funny. I love this kind of ship dynamic for them because it physically pains me. I'm normal.
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neunhofferart · 2 months ago
Howdy, Heidi! You said that some fans picked up things that were done on accident… Were there more scenes like that? Also, were there scenes that you guys made on purpose but fans didn’t pick up / were aware of them? In shipping terms (hihi) and in general terms. Thanks!
I think in every type of media you will inevitably see versions of 'authorial' intent vs audience interpretation that overlap and differ from each other in many ways. (Authorial intent in quotes because in collaborative mediums like film and animation every single person on the pipeline who touches the work probably has a slightly different personal interpretation they're contributing to the final work, even under someone like a showrunner or a director).
Humans are smart and it's in our nature to look for connections and find explainations to questions, so most of the time if someone is putting something down, someone is going to pick it up, so to speak, and a lot of things ARE on purpose.
But this same phenomenon can also lead to us seeing connections in places that even the 'authors' might not have originally thought of while creating the work, and I think that can be pretty neat actually! I don't necessarily think reading alternate interpretations of works is wrong-- it can be very healthy to explore multiple reads of a narrative or a character/character dynamic. On Chaos Theory there were definitely times when we were like 'fans are probably gonna ship this even if it's not the text' haha. Sometimes fans latch onto headcanons you really have no control over. Sometimes things were animated slightly differently from how they were conceived (which is also a natural part of things).
But yes, sometimes I have seen a few other things that were interpreted in slightly different ways from how they were directed or written verbally, but I'm personally of the opinion that it's more fun to leave some things visual and open to a little interpretation rather than beating the words over the audience's head and having the characters constantly announcing 'I'm feeling this because of this!' And going 'this is the only way to interpret the show and the characters and if you don't you're wrong!'
It's usually not a huge deal. I think even as we were working sometimes I'd make connections to myself that weren't necessarily spelled out to us and go 'oh, this is a throughline for this character actually!'
Like for example- if I remember correctly, the original direction behind how Kenji reacted to Ben's apparent death was that it was supposed to the first time he'd ever seen someone he really KNEW seemingly die right front of him, and being unable to do anything about it deeply affected him. Ben is a very important turning point in his character development regardless of which way you read it.
And I think this is actually something that just continued to stack onto his character throughout both shows whenever any of his friends lives are seriously in danger. In Camp when he's still unable to do anything but comfort Sammy while she's poisoned, to deciding it's too dangerous not to trade Wu's laptop for Brooklynn, to eventually throwing himself between the spinosaurus his dad is about to kill Darius with and choosing his friends over his own father and being willing to die with/for them... and then in Chaos Theory it kind of reboots all over again with Brooklynn dying and then his dad dying right in front of him, and his complex of not wanting to be useless and trying to do whatever he can at the expense of even himself to keep the loved ones he has left safe is kicked into overdrive.
I think there are a lot of things like that where the intent is not always verbally spelled out, but the more important thing is that it's still (hopefully) making you feel something.
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purpleleafsyt · 10 months ago
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From my fic, Inclarity :>
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sailorsally · 12 days ago
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So Misha's gonna be on the spn cruise....
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cherllyio · 7 months ago
The edge of chaos looks... familar - SEAON 5 SPOILERS
The edge of chaos looks suspicpusly a lot like George Frederic Watts 1882 painting named chaos:
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Along with this, this is the description of the painting:
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gracebethartacc · 7 months ago
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WOOOO FINALLY DONE WITH ALL OF EM !!!!!! Gonna make a post with them all together in a bit and or tomorrow bc that will be when I reveal what I was actually making these arts for :3€
previous ones: (heart) [mind] {soul}
also here’s the individual arts w out the glass effect (different bg tho):
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Rebecca and Wanda are both important and both have a place in Billy's life. It does not need to be either/or. And yet, I've seen multiple instances of people using Rebecca (and even Agatha) as a means to belittle Wanda with the most bad faith readings and it's just not cool.
I can't imagine the fandom pulling this kind of thing with Cassie Lang, Scott Lang, and Jim Paxton. No one (outside of maybe [REDACTED] stan salt fic) would ever use the part Jim played in raising Cassie as a way to imply that Cassie doesn't need Scott and shouldn't care about whether he's in her life, nor would it be used as proof that Scott doesn't actually care about her and that he "abandoned" her because he cares more about "the greater good." No, instead the fandom consistently praises Scott and Cassie's bond as well as the Paxton-Langs as an ideal and healthy blended family. All the time they've lost is seen for the tragedy that it is, not as ammo.
I get that a lot of this discussion is likely rooted in some folks thinking that Wanda shouldn't/doesn't need to come back to the MCU, but man, there's gotta be a better way of expressing that.
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