#and it’s like. I don’t think I’m ever fully motivated to go out and do things on my own
signanothername · 2 days
Do you think that your take on nightmare could become a better person without becoming at least fully uncorrupted?
I like your take on uncorrupted nm but I was curious to ask because there’s not really much of Nightmare becoming a better person *whilst* still being corrupted?
Asking the real questions here >:)
Before I start this ramble however, I think it’s important to keep in mind that even while uncorrupted, Nightmare’s still a bitch, cause as I mentioned before, Nightmare wouldn’t suddenly get back to becoming a kind angel with a big heart, and it’s also important to keep in mind that if uncorrupted Nightmare got back to being powerful (even without the corruption in the mix) he’s extremely prone to (and would probably) get back to his old ways
Cause while the corruption has a great impact on Nightmare’s behavior and how he deals with his emotions, the corruption is less of the root cause and more of a participant in Nightmare’s awful behavior
The root cause of Nightmare’s awful behavior is extreme fear born out of trauma
The corruption already did its job a long time ago and shaped Nightmare as a person, it’s still Nightmare himself that’s in full control of his actions, he could at any point in time, make the right or wrong decision
With that in mind, could Nightmare be a better person whilst corrupted?
I’d say it’s kinda complicated, it’s both yes and no at the same time
Could he become a better person whilst corrupted?
Would he overall become a better person with better behavior? And with everyone?
No, unless there’s an actual driving force to motivate Nightmare to be a better person somewhat (which is absolutely possible ;) ), Nightmare would continue to be a bitch
Could he still get better at treating specific people that he deems worth his time? And only deems worth his time after specific interactions that made him believe so?
Corrupted or not, Nightmare isn’t incapable of becoming a better person, however there needs to be a reason for Nightmare to be so
Nightmare is a very “treat people how they treat you” kinda person, and while Nightmare is extremely toxic, abusive, and cruel, he’s also someone who stays true to his word and would treat who treats him with kindness the same, and Nightmare doesn’t easily believe in genuine kindness without a goal behind it, and so he’d insist on giving something back instead of accepting kindness for what it is
So if someone shows him genuine kindness, he’d also show genuine kindness (in his own twisted way) in “this is me paying my debt back” way, like, he’d “pay it back” by keeping the AU of the person who showed him kindness under his protection for a period of time, or let go of a debt they owe him, etc
I’ve mentioned before that Nightmare is capable of kindness, and I don’t mean in “paying someone’s kindness back” kinda way, but he can actually be kind in an active way where he thinks of doing something kind to someone else without it being a payback of sorts, and so Nightmare can still make a good decision and actually show it without any strings attached, and the truth is he does show it, very rarely, but he does (in the “a little life update” comic, Killer mentions how Nightmare managed to do one “good thing” at least ;) )
Nightmare just has a mindset that’s like “nobody was ever kind to me when i was the one who’s helpless/ defenseless, so why should I ever show anyone kindness now that I’m in power?” It’s an irrational mindset, but the thing is, no one can debate him on it considering it’s something he keeps to himself
For the outside world, Nightmare does what he does cause he’s a bitch and that’s it, not taking into consideration the fact he acts the way he does as a result of a harmful mindset he developed due to a life changing traumatic experience (obviously cause they don’t know)
And while his kindness is still pretty much apart of him, whenever he has certain thoughts of doing something good/ kind for someone, he just immediately stomps on it and tells himself that he’s being “irrational”, and yes, Nightmare thinks that being kind in a cruel world is “irrational”, he’s the opposite to Dream, who thinks that being kind in a cruel world is what true strength is
And y’know I kinda always talk about how much of a bitch Nightmare can be, but I never talk about the fact that, despite how bitchy he is, Nightmare can actually be sensible
In the right circumstances at the right times, Nightmare can actually be talked to without him being an absolute bitch
And that goes for almost everyone, MTT included
like Killer, Murder and Horror can actually talk to him without Nightmare immediately taking it as a chance to abuse them
But Nightmare is the kinda person that you need to tiptoe around sometimes, cause he has insane mood swings, so MTT have to check whether he’s in a good mood or a bad mood and based on that decide whether it’s a good idea to approach and talk to him or leave him alone and sometimes even go as far as make themselves as small and as unseen as possible as to not catch his attention
Building a good rapport with Nightmare is.. complicated, but possible
But the thing is, even if Nightmare became a better person, it’s better to keep your expectations a bit low, cause even if Nightmare took genuine steps towards becoming a better person i think his capacity for that is limited, like don’t expect him to become like Dream where he’d jump to saving someone in need, but he’d cut back on his abusive and toxic behavior
Basically, Nightmare would become a better person but in a passive rather than an active way where he’d stop hurting people himself, but would let other people do the hurting for him (and i mean in a natural way with how positivity and negativity works and not send someone to hurt another)
For example, let’s say the twins see an innocent someone get beaten in front of them, Dream would immediately jump in to save them, Nightmare wouldn’t, he’d watch with sadistic glee and it would even get a chuckle or two outta him as the poor soul is getting beaten all while he feeds on their misery and once he’d fed himself he’ll just leave (and that’s regardless whether he’s corrupted or not)
It’s cause Nightmare also has the mindset of “the strong devours the weak”, it’s the natural order of things to him, it’s not his fault that the world around him settles for the minimum is it? That’s why he’s obsessed with power and would do anything to obtain it, if Nightmare can ensure that he keeps that power by torturing innocent people then he’ll do it, all cause he’s paralyzed by the terror of the mere thought of becoming weak again
To Nightmare, weakness means a death sentence, and we all know how irrationally afraid Nightmare is of death
Despite his power, knowledge, and 500 year long experiences, Nightmare was and will always be a fearful child who claws at the world around him first so it wouldn’t have the courage to claw back at him (completely dismissing the fact that the world would claw back regardless >:) )
For Nightmare to become a better person he needs to face his greatest enemy, and that enemy was always his own self
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
let’s play a game called “Do I actually want to move back home or did I just forget to take my antidepressants last night?” more at 8.
#blurgleshutthefuckup#personal#I just….#idk if I’m happy in San Antonio#like I am#I love the freedom#and I love being in a new place#and I love my job#but socially I’m not fullfilled#and I’ve been working on it by going to church group and the gym and trying to get out of the house more#but I feel like living with mt brother puts me in this sort of weird limbo#bc I like doing stuff with him like going to eat and shopping and church etc#but most of the time he’s the catalyst for that#and it’s like. I don’t think I’m ever fully motivated to go out and do things on my own#bc he’s sort of a safety net#and that’s kind of how I operate socially#meanwhile back in the valley where I’m from#I have family and friends and a professional network because that’s where I went to school and student taught#so it’s. easy.#and like I wouldn’t HAVE to live with my parents. it’s significantly cheaper.#I would never have to schedule out time to see family or plan to make events like my nephews birthday party#or my baby sisters kinder graduation#and I legit don’t have any friends in San Antonio. like I’ve lived there for three years and idk what the fuck is wrong with me that#I haven’t been able to make a single non work friend#it makes me feel defective bc I’ve never had such a hard time making friends#and like I said bc my brother is there I feel like I’m not motivated or forced to go out on my own ya feel?????#I don’t know if any of this makes sense#PEOPLE WITH MORE LIFE EXPERIENCE THAN ME FEEL FREE TO CHIME IN#ADVICE FUCKIN WELCOME
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msmk11 · 1 month
Heyyy, I just saw that you were taking requests for Tangerine x Readers, and I was wondering if you could write something like Tangerine and reader being fwb before the whole bullet train thingy, and she catches feelings but he's super distant (bro has serious attachment issues) so he pushes her away and is a bitchy manchild about it (LOTS AND LOTS OF ANGST but it has a fluffy ending) (smutty too if ur comfortable with it) ofc u can ignore this request if u don't want to, and I'd write it myself but I have zero motivation rn and I js wanna cry and then giggle😭🫶
And I Have To Live With It, For the Rest of My Life
Tangerine x fem!reader
WC: 3.4k
CW: HEAVY ANGST; slut shaming; booze/being drunk; fighting; cursing; lack of aftercare; mentions of sex; Tangerine is a HUGE asshole. Tiny fluff ending.
A/n: Hi love! Thanks for requesting! Sorry this took so long I just needed to find inspo. I’m also sorry for the lack of smut (and fluff tbh,) I just don’t take smut requests. As for fluff, I did want a “happy ending” but it felt cheap to try and go from ANGST to “everything is perfect again” in such few words. Maybe I’m just traumatized, but I have a hard time forgiving quickly lol and I think that shows here.
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Everything was really, really good.
So of course you had to go and ruin it.
People say you can’t control matters of the heart and you think that it’s a load of bullcrap. Why not? Why couldn’t you have control over your heart?
And why did you have to catch feelings for Tangerine?
It isn’t part of the deal. Tangerine is a business partner. An acquaintance. A friend. A friend you occasionally fuck.
Your relationship with Tangerine was always supposed to be casual. No strings attached- business was simply business and fucking simply fucking. But then your heart got involved.
What’s one supposed to do?
Certainly not keep going back to the captor of one’s heart.
So of course that’s exactly what you do.
You’re laying in your hotel bed, completely naked, covers pooled around your waist. You and Tangerine just finished having sex and he’s already up and moving about, throwing on his clothes that had been discarded on the floor somewhere in your flurry of lust. Instead of saying anything, you just watch him in all his glory. You admire his tousled post-sex hair, curls askew, the way his back muscles ripple as he bends down to sweep his shirt up off the ground, and the way his fingers deftly button up his shirt.
“Got a meeting to head off to?” You ask casually.
Translation: Please don’t run off so soon if you don’t have to. Stay.
Tangerine’s eyes flit to yours briefly before he bends down to tie his shoes, “something like that.”
You pull the covers up to your neck, suddenly feeling very vulnerable so bare and exposed to Tangerine who’s nearly fully dressed.
“You got a comb?” the brunette asks you gruffly as he straightens his suit jacket.
You nod towards the bathroom, “yeah, in there.”
He gives you no reply, only walking into the bathroom and shutting the door with a resounding thud.
Your stomach clenches painfully and your heart aches. The indifference with which Tangerine treats you hurts so badly. You’d rather him hate you then act like this. At least you’d know that he felt something, anything.
Is it too early for a drink?
The bathroom door opens again and Tangerine walks out, looking as though nothing ever happened. To him, nothing probably has. Nothing of consequence, at least.
“Well, I’m heading out. See you for our debrief tonight at nine.”
Tangerine begins to walk towards the door.
“Wait!” you call out.
You stop him just in time, his hand frozen on the handle. You swear he visibly tenses at your words, “what?”
“Could- could you at least get me a towel? Please?”
He doesn’t even look at you before nodding, “Yeah.”
He disappears into the bathroom for a moment before reappearing with a towel in hand. Tangerine, it seems, doesn’t even have the decency to walk the towel over to you. Instead, he tosses it across the room, almost hitting you in the face.
Shame pools in your stomach and you keep your gaze on the towel in your hands.
Tangerine grumbles a reply and then makes for the door so quickly that there’s no chance for you to say anything more.
Your heart sinks at the possibility that Tangerine might know you have feelings for him.
You’ve already found a secluded spot in the hotel lounge and have a drink in hand when the twins appear downstairs. They take a seat across from you wordlessly and Tangerine lifts his hand in the air gracefully, motioning for a cocktail waitress to come take his order. Lemon and him order their drinks, and you ask for a second. It bothers you severely when you catch Tangerine winking at the waitress out of the corner of your eye.
You down the rest of your drink in one gulp and ignore how it burns your throat.
“Right, so the job’s done. When are we getting out of here?” Lemon asks tiredly.
“We,” Tangerine says, pointing between him and his brother, “are out of here first thing in the morning, “I’ve booked our tickets for a 5 am flight.”
“And her?” Lemon responds, pointing to you.
Tangerine barely glances at you, but you can see his jaw tense, “the job’s done. Figured she’s a fucking big girl who can handle getting herself home. Isn’t that right, love?”
Condescension drips from Tangerine’s words and it makes your stomach drop. You refrain from saying what you really want to and instead assume a relaxed persona, “mhmm, always right you are. I arranged for my travel last night.”
You, luckily, weren’t lying, though you had ordered a car big enough for three. More room for you, you guess.
The waitress comes back with your drinks and you eagerly take yours. When she asks if you need anything else, you can tell that she’s really only talking to Tangerine. Still, you tell her yes, asking for a third drink.
Lemon eyes you, “you haven’t even touched your second drink and now you’re ordering a third?”
You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly and lean back in your chair, “I’ve got the money to spend on it now that we each just made what, nearly 12,000 pounds?”
Lemon smirks in celebration and holds out his drink to you, “cheers.”
You clink glasses but Tangerine doesn’t join in, a perpetual frown gracing his face.
“Ya really wanna get fucking sloshed before ya travel tomorrow?” the brunette suddenly chimes in- rather judgmentally, you might add.
“Who said anything about sloshed, Tangerine? I can hold more than you think.”
While your answer is confident, even combative, on the inside, your heart leaps into your throat and pounds desperately. You think you might explode.
“Still, ya certainly don’t have any self-control. Not over ya drinks, your mouth, and most importantly….” Tangerine’s eyes narrow at you, “not over ya emotions.”
Your heart sinks in your chest.
So Tangerine did know about your feelings. Worse? He’s being a right fucking prick about it too. There’s no emotional sensitivity, no respect for privacy, nothing. Serves you right for fucking a cold-blooded assassin.
Unfortunately for you, tears spring to your eyes despite the fury boiling in your stomach, “you wanna talk about control, Tangerine? Let’s talk about how you have so little control over your own feelings that you lash out at others and make them feel like shit, even your own brother, so that you feel better. Let’s talk about how you can’t keep your dick in your pants because you’d rather fuck anything that looks at you than deal with anything real. Let’s talk about how what’s happened between us has made you feel so out of control that you’re willing to go low enough to hash this out in fucking public. You’re a walking disaster, Tangerine, and I feel right fucking sorry for you, I really do.”
You stand up harshly and purposely knock his drink onto his expensive suit. You start to walk away and then turn back, batting your eyelashes innocently, “oh wait, should I get you a fucking towel to clean up? Or would you rather beg me for it?”
You don’t wait for a response and grab a dry towel off a random cleaning rack, throwing it right in his fucking face.
Tangerine glares after you as you storm off.
“What the bloody fuck was that all about?” Lemon protests.
Tangerine ignores Lemon and instead curses loudly before chasing after you. He could not let you have the last fucking word. He catches you right in time, hand stopping the doors of the elevator you’re in.
You look up at him startled, and your shocked expression is quickly replaced with an angry one.
“What the fuck, Tangerine? Get out of here!”
“Ya don’t get to fucking talk to me like that and spill my drink all over me and then just walk away.”
“Why not,” you scoff, “you ran away as soon as you were done using me to jack off. It only seems fair.”
The elevator doors slide shut and the car begins to move upwards slowly.
“Yeah, well that’s usually what happens when ya casually fuck someone. But I don’t think ya have a casual bone in your body- always stomping around being a dramatic attention-whore.”
Tangerine watches your eyes narrow and jaw harden, “there’s a difference between being causal and being a huge dick, Tangerine. I should’ve known you’d be the latter.”
“And I should’ve known not to mess around with a fucking slut like you.”
Your eyes widen in shock and even Tangerine knows that he’s taken things a little too far. While your effort to fight back your tears is valiant, it’s fruitless, and they begin to stream down your face.
“Fuck you, Tangerine. You know, I never expected you to return my feelings, and I’m sorry I crossed a line by falling for you. Swear to fucking god I wish I didn’t. But you- you’ve just crossed an unforgivable line, and I never want to see you again. Have a fucking nice life.”
The elevator doors slide open and you scurry out. This time, Tangerine doesn’t follow you.
After everything that happened with Tangerine on your last mission, you decided to take an indefinite hiatus from work and just focus on yourself.
One of your goals? Fuck your feelings for Tangerine out of you. So of course, you’d been spending a lot of nights out at the bars, seducing all the eligible bachelors of the city into your bed.
You hope that it’s working.
Tonight is no different from the rest- you dressed up in one of your sexy outfits sitting at the bar of some new local pub. You’ve already eyed a muscular blonde about your age from across the bar and motion for him to come over.
He complies and makes his way to you, a cocky smirk on his face.
“Hey gorgeous,” you tease, looking him up and down.
The man takes a seat next to you, “Hullo, love. What’s a pretty girl like you doing sitting at the bar all by herself?”
You shrug nonchalantly, “looking for a handsome man. Like you, I suppose.”
He cocks his eyebrow at you, “you suppose?”
“Always hard to tell in this type of lighting.”
The blonde bites his lip and eyes you, “I can promise you I’m handsome.”
“We’ll see.”
“I’m Matt,” he says, extending his hand.
You respond with your name and grasp his hand. You’re expecting a handshake, but instead he brings your knuckles to his lips and kisses them softly.
“Pleasure to meet you.”
Damn this man is smooth.
“Really, the pleasure is all mine, Matt,” you respond, trying not to appear too flustered.
“Can I get you a drink?”
“Yeah, sure. Surprise me though.”
Matt orders the two of you drinks and you take the time to ogle him. He’s perfect.
But not as per-
No, you don’t have time to think about him.
Matt hands you the mysterious concoction and you eye him, “what is it?”
“Just drink,” he nods, “promise it’s good.”
You take a small sip and it’s sweet. It’s yummy, and you take another, larger sip.
“Oh shit, this is good.”
“Told you.”
“Can I know what it is now?”
“No way. Need to hold this above you so you keep coming back to me to ask for another.”
You chuckle and look down, “okay Mr. Smooth-Talker. That was pretty good.”
“I can do a lot more than that,” he says seductively. His hand slides out casually and finds a home on your thigh.
You inhale sharply in pleasant surprise and lean towards him, “oh really?”
Matt leans in towards you too, “yeah, like-“
Just as you’re about to kiss him you hear a loud shout.
“Hey, get your hands off her!”
You startle at the sound and turn to see who could possibly be yelling like a maniac inside this bar. You’re also curious to know who’s the one getting yelled at.
Your stomach drops when you realize that you’re the target. And the yeller?
“Oh my fucking God,” you curse, resting your forehead in your hands.
Tangerine comes stalking towards you.
“Uh, who the fuck is that?” Matt asks warily.
“My ex….fuck-buddy? Friend-with-benefits? I don’t know, it was complicated. But a piece of shit- that’s what he is.”
“What the fuck are you doing, mate?” Tangerine yells at Matt when he approaches you two. His words slur together and you can tell he’s really, really drunk.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Matt says gruffly.
“I’m not the one getting handsy with someone else’s girl,” the brunette snarls.
You scoff loudly, “Your girl? That’s rich Tangerine. Last I recall I was just a slut you fucked.”
Tangerine’s expression softens just the slightest and you almost think you clock regret in his eyes.
“Look, mate, you’re drunk. So get your ass out of here before I hand it to you,” Matt threatens.
Tangerine is sent back into his rage and steps toward Matt menacingly, “you little fucking,”
“Okay,” you shout, stepping in between them and putting a hand on each of their chests, “that’s enough.”
“Tangerine, go. home,” you growl.
“Yeah fucking right I-“
“Just let me take him,” Matt interrupts.
You scan his tense body, “Look, I appreciate it, but you’re not gonna win. Tangerine here is, well, trained. And I don’t want anything to happen to your pretty face. I’ll take care of him.”
“But he’s definitely stronger than you,” Matt protests.
You side eye Tangerine, “he won’t hurt me.”
The blonde’s eyes narrow.
“Physically, at least.”
Matt finally sighs and steps back, “I’ll be waiting here for you.”
You send him a half smile and then turn to the brunette with a glare, “Let’s. Go.”
Then, you literally grab him by the ear and drag him outside the bar. Tangerine lets out a string of curses and tries to fight back a little before he finally gives up.
When you get outside you let go of his ear and shove him, “What the fuck was that, Tangerine?”
“I was trying to protect you from that git,” he slurs.
“Tangerine, you’re the git. You’re the one that hurt me. It’s you I need protection from.”
Tangerine’s tough guy facade crumbles right before your eyes into one of remorse. He suddenly looks years beyond his age and crumples down onto the sidewalk, back pressed to the wall.
You look down at him with disgust. His hair is all over the place, his clothes are a complete mess, and he reeks of booze.
“I’m calling Lemon.”
With shaky hands you dial his number.
He picks up rather quickly and you can hear the confusion in his voice when he answers, “uh, hello?”
“Lemon, come get your fucking brother.”
Although Matt was everything you could’ve hoped for, your night was ruined after Tangerine left. Luckily, Matt was understanding, and you’d exchanged numbers to meet up another day.
When you’d gotten home from the bar, you’d broken down completely. All of the anger, betrayal, frustration and sadness that had been pent up within you for weeks burst forth like a raging storm. You’d sobbed and screamed and even pitched a picture frame of you, Tangerine, and Lemon across the room, shattering it. The broken glass was a problem for later-you, and you’d ended up falling asleep on your couch, still in your bar clothes.
Loud bangs are what startle you awake hours later, and you curse as you flail off the couch. You hit the floor with a thud and groan. Now, not only is your head pounding, but your back will be all beat up too.
The pounding on your door continues and you curse whoever is making a ruckus this early.
You yank the door open, “what the fuck do you want?”
The last person you expect to see is on the other side.
“Fuck off,” you spit before swinging the door shut resoundly.
Except the door doesn’t close because Tangerine’s foot catches it.
“Fuck me,” he groans in pain.
The brunette shoves the door back open and you smirk, “that’s what you get for being in places you don’t belong. Now get the hell out of my apartment.”
“Wait, wait. Please, just give me a chance to talk to ya. And then, if ya want, you never have to fucking see my face again.”
You don’t reward him with a response and instead just walk away, sighing.
Tangerine takes this as an invitation and walks inside your apartment, letting the door shut gently behind him. You beeline straight to where you left off on the couch, paying him no mind.
The idiot must not be paying attention because you hear the crackle of glass beneath his shoes and a quiet curse.
Tangerine goes silent and you stiffen, listening closely. You hear the pings of shattered glass being sifted through and then his footsteps as he nears your spot on the couch.
“I forgot about this picture,” he rasps.
“Well you can fucking have it. I don’t want it anymore.”
“Can I- can I sit?”
You briefly glance over at Tangerine and look him up and down. You don’t respond, only nodding.
Though he, like you, is still in his clothes from last night, he looks ten times worse. The purple bags under his eyes are heavy and dark, his hair and mustache aren’t groomed, his button up is missing a few buttons, and his shoes are untied. Maybe it’s bad to say, but you revel in how miserable and pathetic he looks.
“You look fucking awful,” you remark, venom heavy in your tone.
“And ya look like you’ve been crying.”
“Well no shit, Tangerine. Sort of happens when someone you thought was your friend turns out to be a big fucking prick. “
He looks down at his feet and shuffles awkwardly, “I know. I’ve uh, that’s why I came here to talk to ya. To apologize.”
You scoff and look at him with disbelief, “okay now you want to apologize? Only when you’ve fucking hit rock bottom you wanna mend things?”
“Love, no I, I’ve been wanting to since that night in the fucking elevator I-“
“Don’t call me that,” you whisper angrily, lip wobbling in spite of yourself.
“I’m not your love, I’m not your friend, I’m not your anything anymore. We’re done Tangerine, this is over.”
It’s then that the boy you’ve known for almost five years does something you never would have imagined.
He grovels.
He literally gets on his knees before you and grabs your hands tightly, looking up at you with pleading eyes.
“Just listen to me for a second. Please. I want ya to know how fucking sorry I am. Not just for last night, but for everything. I’m sorry I called ya a slut. I’m sorry I was rude, and distant, and an asshole. I’m sorry for fucking you like some piece of meat and then just leaving you behind with no aftercare, no attention, nothing. I’m sorry for being a terrible friend and I’m sorry for not telling you that I love you sooner.”
Tears shine in Tangerine’s blue eyes and he chokes on his next words, “Christ, I love ya so fucking much. And I know I’ve gone and fucked things up now, and that it’s too late. And I have to accept every day for the rest of my life that it’s my fault. I have to live with that. And I will, even though it could kill me. But I don’t know what I would’ve done if I couldn’t tell ya at least once.”
Tangerine’s forehead falls to your knees and his body begins to shake in quiet sobs.
He inhales sharply through his nose, trying to hold back more tears, and looks up at you so sadly. “You’re the best girl out there, and you deserve the best. You deserve to find that with someone. Someone who isn’t me.”
Tears of your own begin to drip from your face and your heart throbs in your chest.
You reach out and cup Tangerine’s jaw so gently it’s as if he could crumble under your fingertips at any second.
“Tangerine,” you whisper.
You search his eyes for any sign of insincerity, of some sign that he’s going to break your heart again. But all you see is true, genuine adoration and vulnerability. Consciously or not, your heart returns to the hands of the one who holds and you pull him in, kissing him softly.
The kiss is sloppy, and salty and wet, but you don’t care, because every peck and sigh and bite is punctuated by what you both know- I love you. I love you. I love you.
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wonysugar · 1 month
self indulgent drabble because 1. writer’s block is truly eating my ass and 2. i just got struck with an idea as i heard an audio and i need to get it out of my system before i lose my motivation.. AND WHAT BETTER WAY TO DO THAT THAN WITH BELLEEE?!?
cw!! cheating(??) just to be safe, fem!reader is dating someone that’s amab! mentions of threesomes, lots, lots of dick mentions and dick sucking, if you don’t like dick at all this isn’t for you i’m really sorry</3
psst, by the way, p/n stands for partner name!
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you and your partner have an amazing relationship, and an even better sex life, that much was obvious. although you both were content, you couldn’t help but feel the desire to improve your technique in certain.. aspects, of your love-making, mainly in terms of oral sex.
google was definitely not helping, and you were a bit too embarrassed to go and ask your significant other on feedback after having sex with them (despite how normal that actually is, contrary to popular belief.)
so, naturally, receiving your friend annabelle in your apartment a few days after having scheduled a, in her wise words, ‘important meeting’ wasn’t at all a surprise for you, especially since you made sure that p/n wasn’t at home at that time.
“hii!” belle stepped foot into your home as soon as you opened the door, immediately giving you a warm hug, thankful you even called her in here in the first place.
after politely offering her a cup of water and a bowl of snacks as thanks, she quickly got to work.
“alright, you were too nervous to explain it through text, so go ahead. what are the specifics here?” she asked, comically very serious about this whole thing.
you sighed, feeling the embarrassment leaving with each breath you exhaled, “it’s just— i think i have a problem when it comes to… you know.. my gag reflex, and all.”
“ah, i see..” she hummed, “‘problem’ is definitely a strong word though, no? oral sex isn’t a requirement, you know that better than anyone else, considering you’ve been with your partner for a while with no issues. i’m assuming you just want to learn to get them more riled up, huh?”
you stared, almost innocently, then nodded at the words.
“have you ever sucked dick before?” she continued, speaking as if this were a real professional appointment.
she chuckled upon seeing you reluctantly shake your head, “don’t worry sweetheart, by the time that we’re done, you’ll be able to take cock better than any porn star has.”
reaching for her large, seemingly filled-up backpack you had noticed her holding whilst walking in before digging into it. after a few seconds of anticipation, you saw your friend pull out a medium sized dildo, a slightly longer one and a much larger and more girthy than the previous ones.
“y-you brought stuff!?”
noticing how your blood rushed to your now fully covered face, she giggled, “of course i brought stuff y/n, i don’t think you realize how serious i’m actually taking this.” proceeding to pull out one more interesting looking item, “come on, you asked me for help, right? no need to get embarrassed now, girl.”
so you listened, and watched as she finished up preparing the materials, placing them in a line.
“alright, listen up.” she zipped the bag closed, threw it somewhere on the couch you two were sat on and sat up straight, motioning for you to do the same, and pointed to the first thing, “this is throat relaxant spray, like the name suggests, it relaxes your throat and your gag reflex, making it easier. now, i don’t really use it considering my gag reflex is practically non-existent,” you nodded at her words, your eyes fixed on said spray.
“but i did bring it thinking you’d maybe wanna start off slow just to be safe? maybe get used to the feeling of it in your mouth before going in raw and everything, but it’s honestly all up to you and what you wanna do.”
several minutes of her overexplaining the reasoning behind bringing each sanitized and differently sized dildo later, you eventually chose the format you found most similar to your partner’s and decided to opt out of the relaxant spray, much to annabelle’s pleasant surprise.
it didn’t take long before she stuck the phallic object to your wall and instructed you to suck on it the same way you would any other day. “don’t be nervous, i’m here to help.” she said, and that was somehow enough to put you at ease.
you began to do what you were told, fully aware that her attention was set on you, and you only. your lips wrapped around the head, you sucked and left gentle kisses whilst she watched you work your magic on the dildo. you heard occasional hums from beside you as you kept your mouth around the same area of the dick.
“you’re doing good, but, aren’t you spending a little bit too much time on the head?” she placed, making you pull away from the object before you, “i know you’ll gag, but try to give some attention to the entirety of the dick. here, let me show you.”
she scooted towards you, and you simply stared at her, “oh— we’re using the same.. dildo?”
“..yeah? it’s just a little spit.” her lips formed a smirk, “just watch me, okay?”
you nodded and sat there, watching her demonstrate her blowjob technique and feeling yourself get… weirdly turned on by the sight, instead of feeling ‘taught’, in a sense. the way she slowly worked her way up from kissing and licking the head to fitting the entire shaft into her mouth, almost effortlessly, got you thinking about how she’d give your partner head, guiding you on how to pleasure them further than you usually do— alright let’s not get ridiculous, you internally scolded yourself, leave the dirty fantasies for later, when you aren’t trying to learn from her.
“see how i did that? you can’t just focus on the head forever, that’s why i like to slightly pump the shaft with my hand whenever i’m not throating.”
“honestly just sounds like you’re just trying to brag, at this point.” you joked, faking an annoyed expression. that earned a laugh from her.
then, after a constant cycle that consisted of her explaining things and you doing them, annabelle had taken the dildo off of the wall whilst wearing a mischievous expression on her face. “now, let’s kick things up a notch; get on your knees.”
your eyebrows furrowed and eyes widened ever so slightly at her words, you stuttered, “excuse… excuse me?—“
“i said, get on your knees.”
and despite getting no further explanations, you still, for some unknown reason, did exactly as you were told. now sitting on the ground facing the sofa, you waited for further instructions.
“you need to get immersed.” she paused, then held up the dildo, “so, i’ll hold it for you and thrust it into your mouth while you suck it, alright? i won’t go fast or anything, so don’t worry about that.”
and of course, you obliged.
upon her signal, you immediately applied everything that she’s been teaching you throughout this entire session onto your technique, fueled by her occasional praise.
“remember to use your tongue, y/n.” she reminded, thrusting the cock in and out of your mouth, slowly, watching you as if she could feel it.
“suck the tip and—“ you bobbed your head down onto the shaft, taking in as much length as you could without gagging. “—work your way down, that’s it baby, slowly.”
oh man, that pet name definitely elicited a reaction from you that you did not expect; you felt butterflies in your stomach, almost certain that a pool was growing in between your legs.
she definitely noticed it, too. how could she miss it when you’re looking up at her like she was the one you were sucking off?
“awe, you’re getting excited, aren’t you?” she bit her lip as she tucked your hair behind your ear, “such an eager girl, suck on it baby.”
she let out quiet, airy moans as you worked your magic, in hopes to get you more and more immersed, and while it did, it also did nothing but get you riled up to a great extent. hell, you were practically drooling onto her— the cock at that point. “look at you, not even a few hours in and you’re already doing so good. mmh, you look so pretty taking it, too.”
that went on for a while, and what she didn’t tell you was that that dildo in particular, was an ejaculating one, you found that out by yourself later on.
needless to say, you felt especially different when you eventually walked her out of your apartment an hour later, and she couldn’t help but notice how still visibly embarrassed you were from that weirdly intimate interaction, but she found it amusing, endearing, almost.
“next time, you’ll invite p/n to tag along, won’t you?”
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yunyunrin · 3 months
Prologue: Holy Fool
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genre : horror, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, enemies to lovers, alternate universe, slow burn
pairing : ot8!demonateez x angel!reader (future chapters) (gender neutral reader)
chapter warnings : mentions of the following: abandonment, sexual assault, harassment, murder, alcoholism, abuse. side character death, slight descriptions of drowning. main character death (reader, but you come back to life don’t worry) suicide
WC — around 2.3K
A/N — please read at your own discretion!!!! the prologue contains so so many heavy topics so please read the warnings!
A/N 2 — thank you so much for the love on the original masterpost! it gives me a lot of motivation to write this and bring my idea into fruition! feel free to send an ask if you have any suggestions or would like to be tagged! if you’re leaving suggestions please be kind! i have experience in writing but it has been a while since i’ve written a story like this. thank you so much and i hope you all enjoy <3 i can’t wait to show you all what i have in mind for this story!
The ache in your feet from standing for the past twelve hours is slowly being replaced by the harsh cold air hitting your body as you speed walk back to your shared apartment with your best friend Dina. You will likely regret that when you get back to your apartment, but currently, you just want to get out of the dark city.
Your apartment isn’t in the safest part of Seoul, but it is what you and your friend could afford. You went straight to work, something you often regret. Now that you’re the age you would have graduated with your bachelors had you went to university, you know it is too late. You chose your fate, and now you just have to live your life.
You’re back before you know it, your daydreaming seemingly making your days go by faster than they should be. Furthermore, you fumble with your keys due to the chilliness that has now settled in with the night. You walk in to your apartment, the eerie feeling settling in.
“Dina,” You say with your regular voice, hoping that your cheery best friend would walk in from her room. She never appears, so you call her name again, louder with a sense of urgency.
“Dina,” Again, your friend gives no answer. You walk to her door, it is cracked but not enough for you to see fully into her room.
You knock on her door a couple of times, holding the door knob, so your knocking wouldn’t fully open the door. “Dina, if you don’t do anything that indicates you are here, I’m going to come in.”
You slowly open the door, your eyes widening at the scene in front of you. Your friend is laying on the ground, pale, with her mouth ajar. Like something had sucked the soul out of her.
You rush to her immediately, holding her head in your lap as her name falls out of your lips with an urgency. You’re feeling for a pulse around her wrist, to which there is none. “Dina, please wake up,”
You pick up your phone to call the emergency services, your pleas from earlier having fell on deaf ears. Thinking to yourself, this is one of the worst things that has ever happened to you.
“Hello, this is Jenny with the emergency services, what is going on?” The voice of the women on the other end of the line seems to wake you up out of the sort of trance you have been in for the past couple of minutes. “Hello?” She says again, waiting for you to speak.
“Hi, yes. I need you to come to this address. I just got home from work to my roommate passed away on the floor. I checked for a pulse, she didn’t have one. I need you to send emergency personnel as soon as possible.” You say, in all but one breath, your impending panic attack is settling in.
“Are there any signs of an intruder? I’m sending someone over now.” The lady on the other end of the line says to you.
“No, there isn’t.” You respond back to her, your voice becoming faint.
“Stay there, the medical responders will be there in 15 minutes.” The lady says to you, asking you other questions that you can’t register in your mind.
“I’m sorry. This is the last thing that I can handle. I will leave the door closed, but unlocked. I’m leaving.” You say to the lady before hanging up the phone, not giving her the chance to convince you to stay. A lot of the times you were easily gullible, this is one of the times you don’t need to be.
“Goodbye Dina, I love you. Thank you for everything, also I’m going to take your keys for a little while.” You say to your friend before putting a pillow under her head and leaving the apartment to go to the parking garage, with Dina’s keys in hand.
You start up the car, a peer is about twelve minutes away according to the GPS. The first responders will be too worried to think about you when your dead friend is why they are there.
It is pretty late, so no one should be on the peer, you think to yourself. Putting a plan in action for something you have wanted to do ever since you were twelve years old.
You begin to drive, going where the GPS takes you. You have come to realize that you have heavy feet, getting to the beach where the peer is located in eight minutes instead of twelve.
You hesitate to put your foot on the gas pedal, having put the car in park. Not only that, but you get a surge of flashbacks from your early life.
You’re walking home from school, as you make your way to your driveway you notice something strange. Your mother’s car is not parked there, and she definitely should be home by now.
You walk into your home to see the whole house a mess, and your oldest sister, who was freshly eighteen, laying on the floor with your dad on top of her, with his hands around her throat. Immediately you run over and pull your father off her, knowing that if you were just a minute later you would have been too late. As the hands of your father leave your sister Mimi’s throat, you see the life that was just exiting her reenter her body.
“The bitch left.” Your father mutters before walking off, the smell of alcohol is permanent on his breath. You look at your sister with desperation in your eyes. You didn’t want to believe that your mother had left you both with your monster of a father. Mimi nods at you, confirming your fear. Your mother left you with a monster.
The rest of that night is spent staying in your room to escape the wrath of your father. You didn’t eat that night, you were lucky that your room was connected to Mimi’s by a bathroom so you didn’t have to wait to use it. Your sister had kept her side locked, you craved her company at that time. You were scared out of your mind, but you understood.
You then woke up to more things breaking, you walk out to see that your father had just exited your sister’s room. Walking into her room and you see no sign of your sister. Drawers opened, ransacked closet, piggy banks emptied and an open window. Your sister left during the night, likely when the alcohol had finally put your father to sleep.
Not wanting to be subjected to your fathers' wrath, you run out of the house and go straight to school. No fear in mind of being scolded due to your lack of a uniform, no fear in mind of being made fun of for your messy hair or bad breath because you skipped brushing your teeth that morning. The only thing you feared at that moment was your drunk and angry father.
Every day since your sister and mother had essentially abandoned the home, your life was hell on earth. He was drunk and if he wasn’t drunk, he was at work; if he wasn’t at work he was drunk.
You had gotten into a routine, you knew your father’s schedule. You’d make sure he was fed, you’d eat a little yourself, and then go to your room to do anything else you needed to do.
Ever since that day, the house has been cleaned and reorganized. You tried to make it as similar as it was before. Something about it just eased your mind, hoping that you’d wake up from your nightmare. That you’d wake up twelve years old, with your mother and sister still in the house.
That was never the case. You catch yourself more often than not finding solace in your sister’s room. You used to go into your mother and father’s room. That room had been abandoned since she left.
You had come to regret doing that, though. One night your father had woken up while you were laying down on her side of the bed, trying to feel close to her.
The alcohol had not worn off his system, and that night, at that moment you had realized you had grown into the looks of your mother. No matter how much you begged, no matter how many times you screamed that you weren’t her, no matter how many times your name left your lips in a hope to snap your father out of his trance, it never worked.
For years, it went on like that, as you got older you found ways to get out of your house so you couldn’t be near him. Faking your age so you could get overnight shifts then going to school the next morning, barely sleeping, but it was better than being home with him.
You have seen many things since working at a convenience store in a bad part of town, you’ve seen people get harassed, you’ve seen car accidents, you’ve seen people get stabbed.
Occasionally, you wonder to yourself if it is bad that you’d rather watch them go through that than go home.
You had grown to resent your whole family during that time for different reasons. You resented your sister for leaving you alone, your mother for not taking you and Mimi with her. Both of them for not trying to contact you. Your father for hurting you in ways no father should.
All of that you had bottled up once you turned eighteen. The only light in your life had been Dina. She kept you afloat. Made sure you finished school, she’d do your homework to make sure you’d pass classes. She’d bring you food because you often forgot to eat.
Dina didn’t have the best life growing up either, you had come to find out. She would regularly stay with you during your shifts at the convenience store, and you can’t count on your hands how many times you and her would sleep in her car so you both could escape everything.
Perhaps that is why Dina and you had bonded so closely. You knew what each other went through and you had never judged each other.
When you and Dina turned eighteen, you both moved away and got jobs. You found a roomy apartment that was cheap. Sure, it was in a bad part of town and not the prettiest, but it was the apartment you shared since the day you both abandoned your previous lives.
Nothing about it had changed until today. You have gone through the worst things imaginable, but never without Dina. You can’t fathom living without her. So now you are here. In her car at the beach, about to drive through a peer.
You put the car into drive, your foot still on the break. “If I don’t floor it now, I am never going to get the courage to do it again.” You say to yourself.
During your flashbacks, tears had started falling down your face and your nose had begun to run. You wiped your eyes and your nose with your sleeves and floored the gas pedal.
No one was on the peer and if they were, they had moved to the side. Everything happened instantly. The sound of the wood of the peer breaking on the car as you went through the peer was enough to bust your eardrums. The impact of falling into the water was enough to break every bone in your body.
You had passed out on the impact, only waking up once you tasted the salty water of the sea enter your mouth. You’re struggling for air, but you know that in a couple of seconds there will be no space to try to breathe that last bit of oxygen anyway.
A light with a golden aura shines beside you, but the rising water level has caused you not to care. Your last thought was wondering why the hell you drove off a peer when you are so afraid of big bodies of water. You guess it is because there is no escape.
You feel something like entering your mouth that is not water but quickly that feeling is replaced with the salty water from the ocean. At that moment everything goes still. Death must have taken you now.
It feels a bit weird. Not being able to move, and you can’t open your eyes but in a odd way you can breathe. Death feels so peaceful at this moment. Although, you can hear and that seems to be the only sense that you still have.
There is rustling next to you, and then humming. It sounds similar to that of a lullaby. After a couple of minutes, the humming stops.
“Y/n, you aren’t dead.” A soft voice says to you. You want so badly to open your eyes and look at whoever just said that to you, in your mind thinking that there is no way you are alive right now.
As if whatever told you that you weren’t dead could read your thoughts it says something that eases your mind a bit, “Just rest for right now, everything will be explained later.”
You never liked being in the unknown, so this comforted you. Whatever — or whoever was with you is holding you and rubbing circles on your arms. You slowly drift into sleep, wondering if death was playing tricks on you.
@multifictionx @pre1ttyies
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Am I the asshole for getting mad my gf for making assumptions ?
My gf and I have been together for 2 and a half years. She’s in her mid 20s I’m in my late 20s. We’re a het couple, both bisexual. When we first started dating my gf said she has a lot of friends, guys and girls and she intends to not break up any already established friendships unless they prove toxic. It was hard at first not to let my jealous run wild, but I learned to manage it.
My gf has this long distance friend who wasn’t always long distance, we’ll call him Sam. Sam and her have been friends since they were teenagers. I only heard about stories of Sam. Sam moved in the area and my gf and him have been hanging out. I’ll be honest I was jealous. They had better conversations, they motivated each other in ways I didn’t know I could motivate my gf. I felt like everything they did was a slap in the face that should have been together.
My gf has her life together and so does Sam. I often feel like I don’t and my gf often emotionally supports me. I don’t really feel like I can do that for her equally. (I do put in the effort but she doesn’t have as many problems as me/her problems she always in the conversation that they’re her problems to fix). She doesn’t outwardly ask Sam to support her, she’ll just mention in passing about something and he just good at letting her rage out.
To deal with my jealousy, my gf gave me her location, would let me know when she was hanging out with Sam, offered to let me pick out outfits, and ask all questions I wanted. Even with all that I still didn’t feel it. It wasn’t that they were doing anything, it was the fact they were a better match. I finally asked her if she ever did have feelings for Sam and she just straight up said no.
So she made me hangout with Sam. And I started hanging out with him more. Hes a lot, but good hearted. He was a guy I actually opened up to and didn’t regret it. I didn’t tell him the stuff I felt about him and my gf but we talked about other things and how it’s hard to be a man sometimes.
Later Sam invited us over to his place for dinner. He said he had something to ask us. He did this confession where he had fallen for the both of us and wanted us to be a three way couple.
I was shocked because at first I thought I finally had my proof something was going on between my gf and Sam. Before I could fully process that thought, my gf declined. She said that she isn’t interested in Sam that way, and my gf and I had talked about polygamy and we never liked the idea of it for us.
She wasn’t lying about the polygamy thing we have talked about it and really didn’t like the concept. We needed up leaving and hugged sam goodbye. She thanked him for asking us both at the same time and they’d talk soon.
On the way home I thought about it and I was kinda annoyed. I was annoyed my gf made that decision so quickly without even discussing it. So I asked her and she just said that we’ve talked about it already and we weren’t interested in the hypothetical and she doesn’t like Sam like that. She apologized for letting her gut do the talking but she can’t imagine having a third.
I had started thinking about Sam as a third when he had brought it up and it didn’t seem bad. His confession was genuine. I thought it was mean how fast she said no. And maybe Sam would be the only one who could be our hypothetical 3rd if we ever wanted that.
I think I’m more offended that my gf has always been more decisive than me. She has been the one holding the reins in this relationship. It hasn’t been all bad, but when I wanted to talk about getting serious she wasn’t ready, but then later she was ready and I wasn’t. When I wanted her to move in with me she didn’t because she was ready and didn’t want to give up her space, but when she found a bigger place for us she was ready.
I’ve been kinda cold to her and she asked what’s wrong and I just told her I wish we would talk about this instead of letting your gut talk. She’s grown a little distant just saying she doesn’t know what she wants to say to that because she thought we were on the same page and I said she always assumes we are but we don’t talk.
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yourstrulyrika · 6 months
hey guys did u miss me :3 i am most likely back !!! i feel like i owe everyone an actual explanation what happened that i disappeared for a moment;
first, i was really sick and couldn’t really do a thing, and if i had the energy, i had no motivation, then i got 100$ stollen from me so i basically had a really low episode. sorry for the inactivity, i was sick for almost three weeks & had to go to doctors multiple times. there was more, but i don’t want to dump it all here, since it’s literally a fic post and those things are private so um!! yk.
either way, here comes the actual post, and then i’ll actually get to my rqs so no worries, i’m not missing anyone out! i might be just a biiiiit rusty. just a bit. i lowkey hate this i think
leon x fem!reader, of course it’s a smut, soft soft soft, soft dom!leon, lovelovelovelove, leon letting you try to ride him basically
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the last thing Leon likes is being vulnerable. well, one of the last things. he hates being seen as weak, emotional. he’s the strong person of the relationship, he can’t show his emotions right? he’s so deep into that headspace that it was almost impossible to pull him out. he always found an excuse to not let you take care of him.
you would try and suggest taking control in bed, and he always found a way to make you stop thinking about it. it’s not that Leon doesn’t trust you. he trusts his darling more than anyone else, even himself sometimes, but letting someone take control over him just.. sounds weird. to him. he’s also nervous about lying back down and letting you do the job. what if you won’t like it or something? he doesn’t want to mess up. it’s just that Leon doesn’t know what to do when he’s not taking care of someone or when he’s not being ordered around.
when he finally agreed though, he still kept his hands on your hips. not bruising, but it’s still there, large hands holding onto your hips, controlling the pace. he’s not ready to let go fully, he has to hold onto even the slightest bit of control. it brings him a peace of mind in its own way.
but you also bring a peace of mind to him, and he finds himself letting go, even if a little. the feeling of your walls surrounding his length is enough to make him go stupid. Leon has always been quick to grow pussydrunk on you. every time you squeeze around him, he thinks he might bust a nut right there at this moment. the fact you’re so beautiful doesn’t help either; he finds himself losing in the sight of you all the time, his eyes blown out, that stormy blue of his almost nonexistent with his pupils wide.
“Goddamn, your grip on me isn’t fair…” he half whines half grunts it out — it’s true, though. you don’t even have to do anything and he’s already on his knees if you need him to. only for you though — there’s no way anyone else would ever have this type of grip on him. you’re squeezing him so damn hard, he’s losing his mind. he can’t help himself — he agreed to you taking control but he finds himself thrusting his hips up, taking over the pace because your pussy just feels too good.
when you stop moving your hips, he whines. he was feeling so good, but you took it away! looking at you with blown out eyes, he pouts his lips, only for you to remind him he’s supposed to let go. he knows you want him to relax and let you take control— but he just can’t, not fully. still, he tries.
his hands hold onto the fat of your hips, lifting your hips up and down, making you bounce on him, his heavy balls slapping against your ass and making loud clapping noises echoing through the room.
“Fuckkk, your pussy’s so damn good.. can’t hold back when you’re gripping me so fucking hard, feels ‘s warm,” your slick leaks down onto his pelvis, both of your juices mixing into a mess, your sweat mingling with his. one of his hand trails up, pulling you down to wrap his lips around your breast, suckling on it as if you were about to start leaking milk. you tug on his hair, clenching around his fat cock which causes him to groan around your nipple, resulting in you arching your back. he pulls away just a bit to attach his lips to your neck, a faint grin forming on his lips every time you react to his touch. he got you too dumb on his cock for you to keep reminding him that it’s his turn to be lying down and just taking it, just as pussydrunk he is on you, and he’s planning to use it. he still keeps you on top of him but he’s thrusting in and out of you so fast you can’t quite catch up, his pillowy lips all over you making you feel dizzy. you can feel his cock starting to throb and him getting just a tiny bit bigger. he’s relentlessly hitting your sweet spot which has you mewling for him, just the way he loves. it doesn’t take long before you cream all over his thick length, your toes curling and walls pulsing with every heartbeat of yours. soon enough, Leon follows suit, thick cum bursting out into deep your guts.
when both of you cool off from the peak, you grumble about how it was supposed to be him being the submissive one for once, but he just laughs it off with a kiss on your nose before speaking with that grin of his,
“Maybe one day, sweetheart. Gotta work up for it.”
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sluttywonwoo · 9 months
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instead of you [part thirty-five] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, lil bit of angst, smut (mdni ; 18+)
word count: 2.4k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
additional smut warnings: protected sex, public(ish) sex, switchy minho
“Min, what if we get caught?” you whispered, panting in his ear. 
It was hard to think straight while sitting on his dick but fragments of worries still bounced around in the back of your mind, vague reminders that what you were doing was illegal. It wasn’t as if you were some kind of saint, but you weren’t trying to get yourself on a registered sex offender list- especially not in Hawai’i of all places. 
“We won’t,” he assured you, “anyone who sees us will just think we’re cuddling.”
“Anyone with common sense will know exactly what we’re doing,” you muttered back. 
“Do you want to stop?” 
Minho held you still on top of him, fingers digging into your hips to stop you from moving. You didn’t answer right away.
“Baby?” he prompted, squeezing you tighter. 
The pet name startled you back into the present moment, making you stare down at Minho, blinking at him in surprise. He chuckled and freed one of his hands to rub your lower back under the hem of your shirt. 
“I don’t want to stop,” you confessed. “But if we get caught, I’m killing you.”
“If we get caught, my career is over,” he corrected, reminding you that there were more important things for him to worry about than yourself.
You always managed to forget that Minho was famous. Not even just famous, he was attached to the most popular boy group in the world. If he were to get in trouble for something like this it would make international news. And Minho’s parents would find out. Logically, you knew that his family finding out paled in comparison to the entire world finding out, but the first possibility was more daunting to you. Still, the idea of going viral for fucking one of BTS’s backup dancers on the beach was not something you wanted for yourself. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t then-” you said and started to lift yourself off of him. 
“I want to,” Minho assured you. “But I don’t want you not to enjoy yourself because you’re worried about someone seeing. We can take this back to the car if you want, or the hotel, or we can be done for the night.”
You slumped forward, resting against his chest and letting him hold you. You didn’t want to cut it short but you knew you wouldn’t be able to fully relax if you were thinking about every worst case scenario possible. 
“Can we go back to the hotel?”
He nodded. “Of course we can.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, none of that. Don’t be sorry. I want you to be comfortable, yeah? The whole point of sex is to enjoy it.”
You nodded in agreement even though you still felt a little guilty. Minho stood and then helped you to your feet. He gathered up the blanket you’d been sitting on and shook it off. He handed you one side of the blanket and kept hold of the other so that you could fold it nicely. 
“Where’d you even get this from?” you asked. 
“What, the blanket?”
 “Yeah, have you been carrying that around in your luggage this whole time?”
“No, I took it from the couch in my hotel room.”
“What? I’m going to put it back!”    “It’s all dirty now, though.”
“I’ll wash it,” he assured you. “There are a lot of laundromats around here. Now come on, let’s head back before it gets too late.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him in confusion. “How do you know that? Do you keep a running tab of every laundromat you come across?”
He led you by the hand back up the beach to the pathway to the parking lot, turning his head ever so slightly when he answered you so that you could hear him. “No, I just pay attention.”
Minho turned away from you again but you could see him shaking his head. You assumed he was also rolling his eyes at you. 
He threw the blanket in the trunk once you reached the car, and climbed back into the driver’s seat. 
“I don’t suppose you want to take the wheel this time?” he asked after you had already buckled your seat belt. “Since you do have an American driver’s license?”
You gave him a look. “Yeah, but it’s illegal for me to drive this car since I’m not listed on the rental paperwork as a driver.”
“You think we’ll get pulled over?”
“We might! I’m also not old enough, remember?”
He grinned as he put the car in reverse “I know. I was just kidding.”
“Rubbing it in my face again?”
“Of course.”
The drive back to the resort was comfortable. Minho pointed out every single laundromat you passed, even after you told him he’d made his point and didn’t have to keep doing so. You were the one to reach for his hand this time, threading your fingers between his without hesitation. He smiled to himself when you did that and squeezed your hand affectionately, something that did not go unnoticed by you. 
The spot in the hotel parking lot the two of you had left earlier was still open when you returned. Apparently, no one else liked to be out late, even on vacation. 
You let go of Minho’s hand to get out of the car and didn’t grab it again as you walked into the lobby. 
“Are you tired?” Minho asked once you reached the elevators. You knew the question he was actually asking was whether or not you were too tired to go upstairs with him. This was just his not-so-subtle way of asking. 
“I was tired when you dragged me out of bed but I’m too horny to sleep now.”
He grinned. “My room, then?”
“No, let’s fuck in my room,” you said sarcastically. “I’m sure your brother would love that.”
“Thank you.”
The bell on the elevator dinged, announcing its arrival and you shuffled in together. Minho placed a hand on the small of your back and leaned forward to press the button for the eleventh floor, settling back against the wall next to you once it lit up and started to ascend. 
He dropped his hand again when the elevator reached his floor. You missed the warmth instantly. You knew the little things like that shouldn’t hurt your feelings. You weren’t a couple. He was too recognizable to be seen with anyone and have it not cause a fuss. Still, you found yourself wishing things could be different. It stung, even though it shouldn’t.
Minho stopped in front of what you assumed to be his door and fished in his pocket for the room key. He waved the card in front of the sensor, the electronic lock blinking green on the first try.
The room was dark, but Minho turned the entryway light on so that you were able to see into the space. His room was nearly identical to you and Jisung’s. The only difference was that the bed was against the opposite wall.
“You’re not sharing with Felix this time?” you asked at the realization that there was only one bed instead of two. 
“Our parents wanted us to, but we were getting pretty sick of each other so we decided to split the cost of an extra room.”
“Uh-huh, and it had nothing to do with this?” You gestured in between the two of you to emphasize the ‘this’ you were referring to.
“No, no, not at all!” Minho insisted, hand to his heart. “I promise, I didn’t bring you out to the beach just so we could have sex. I didn’t expect for us to- I just wanted to talk.”
Your mind went back to the moment where Minho had seemed lost in thought, like he wanted to say something important and then decided against it at the last minute. Was that what he meant? Or were you reading too much into it?
“I meant to tell you earlier,” he continued, “I didn’t want you to think that.”
“Oh okay,” you said, mostly because you weren’t sure what else to say. “It’s not a big deal if that was why you wanted to go somewhere. It’s not like we really do anything other than hook up anyway.”
“Not because I don’t want to! It’s just, it’s not like we can do normal couple stuff.” 
“You’d... want to do that with me?”
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “Yeah? Why wouldn’t I?”
Instead of choosing to address that, you pivoted. “Um, do you mind if I rinse off before we do anything else?”
Minho didn’t answer right away. He stood there staring at you with a look of concern on his face, bottom lip pulled in between his teeth as he tried to discern your sudden change in mood. “No, of course I don’t mind. But... are you okay? Did I say something wrong?”
You shook him off and lied. “No. I just feel gross from the beach. Did you want to join me or not?”
He hesitated again and you could tell he wanted to press further but refrained. “Yeah, of course I want to join you.”
You undressed together in relative silence as you waited for the water to warm up. The mood was definitely different but you hoped you hadn’t completely killed it. 
You could feel Minho’s gaze on you, could feel questions lingering in the air between you, but again he didn’t push. 
You turned around and kissed him to make up for it and he relaxed a little. He let you distract him all too willingly, stumbling into the shower after you with his eyes still closed. 
You pressed Minho up against the tile wall and he moaned into your mouth. He was already hard again, you could feel his dick twitching against your stomach. You reached in between your bodies and took him in your hand, stroking him slower than you knew he liked. It was better than nothing but nowhere near enough and it wasn’t long until he was thrusting into your palm, fucking your fist like it was a toy. You teased him a little, drawing your hand out of reach every now and then just to watch him pout. You couldn’t help yourself. It was payback for all of the times he had teased you and the desperate sounds he made every time you threatened to stop were turning you on more than you would have liked to admit. 
Minho let you think you were in control until he flipped it on you, literally. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he grabbed your wrists and spun you around so that you were the one up against the shower wall. Your back hit the tile hard and you scowled in annoyance.  
“What’s that look for?” Minho asked, hiking your thigh up onto his waist. 
“You couldn’t just let me be in charge for once?” 
He laughed. “I thought you liked it like this.”
You sigh. “I do, it’s just... I was having fun.”
“I could tell,” he mused. “You had this evil little smile on your face while you were jerking me off. It was pretty cute.”
“How could you tell? You had your eyes closed the whole time.”
“That’s not true, I had them like this-” he pauses to squint, “some of the time.”
“Uh-huh, sure.”
“I did!”
“Can you just fuck me already? I’m tired of you.”
“Is this really necessary?” you grumbled, glaring at Jisung as he rifled through the items on the rack.
“Yes!” he exclaimed. 
The boys were going golfing, and being the good fake girlfriend you were, you had no other choice but to tag along. You wouldn’t be playing, thank god, but you had to cheer Jisung on, and apparently had to dress the part to do so. You didn’t have anything suitable for the golf course so Nikki had suggested Jisung take you downstairs to the gift shop to find something to wear. 
The resort you were staying at was right across from the course so the gift shop was full of golf novelties and athletic wear for your... convenience. 
“These are expensive!” you hissed at Jisung once you checked the prices.
“You’re not the one paying for them,” he reminded you. 
“I know, that’s worse!”
“You know how much he makes right? Besides, I’m sure your real boyfriend will love it on you.”
“He’s not my boyfriend, you know that.”
Jisung looked annoyed. “Boyfriend, fuck buddy, booty call, sneaky link, situationship- whatever you want to call him.”
“Can we not talk about this?” you practically begged. “At least not here?”
He shrugged but dropped it. “You should get the polo and the skirt. It matches what I’m going to wear.”
You took Jisung’s advice and bought the items he suggested, paying for them with your own money. Even though they were pricey and you knew you would likely never wear them again, you wanted to exercise at least a little bit of financial freedom. You already felt guilty for the money the Hans had spent on you thus far. 
You thought about keeping the tags on the clothes and then returning them later, but it was hot out today and you knew you’d just sweat right through them. 
Jisung did buy you a little visor without you knowing. He presented it to you with a smug grin as soon as you stepped foot outside the gift shop, once it was too late to stop him. It was embroidered with a little cartoon quokka on the brim.
“We’re not in Australia,” you said, blinking down at the hat.
“Yeah, but it’s cute, right?”
“It’s really cute,” you quickly agreed. “Thank you.”
“Just thought you’d like it.”
He handed you the hat and then set off ahead of you back towards the elevators. You shook your head and scoffed out of earshot. You couldn’t figure him out. Last night he had made it clear that he wasn’t ready to talk, wasn’t ready to forgive you, and this morning he was talking to you like nothing had happened and buying you a sun visor because he saw it and thought you would like it? His mixed signals would give you a headache if you thought about them too long, but it was impossible not to. It was all you could think about. He was all you could think about. Well, him and Minho. 
You felt like an underdeveloped main character in a low-budget coming of age movie who only had enough brainpower to think about boys. Fucking exhausting, all of it. But what were you supposed to do? 
lmk what you think!! i always appreciate feedback :)
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melrodrigo · 1 year
Reminder - Tardy Drabble
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Tara feels a little insecure about her scars sometimes, you make sure she knows how special she is.
Warnings: Suggestive themes, fluff city
Word Count: 650+
A/N: Anon who requested this… ty. It was super fun to write. Do y’all want more drabbles? Lmk
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“You know, it’s a little silly to get shy now after what we just did.” You mumbled against Tara’s skin, kissing over the little scars that littered her lower stomach.
Everything had all happened in a flash, as soon as you stepped into Tara’s apartment, she had tugged you by the collar and pushed you onto her bed. Nibbling on your ear and pressing herself against you aggressively.
“Wah?” You had barely stumbled out.
“Just shut up, baby. Make me feel good.”
If you questioned her motives, you stayed quiet, because how could you refuse a request like that?
Tara was never really shy, especially around you. You brought out a goofier, lighter side of her that died long ago during the 2022 Woodsboro murders.
But today, when you pulled up her shirt and pressed your lips to the palm of her hand tenderly, where her scars were, she had recoiled.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, frown tugging on your lips.
Tara reached down and grabbed the sides of your face, wanting to wipe the frown away.
Her voice was small as she answered, “I wore a crop top today. Some assholes decided to point out these.” She gestured to her scars, brown eyes filled with hurt.
Your eyebrows furrowed almost comically fast as you sat up.
You were furious. Who did they think they were, talking about your girlfriend and her body? The trauma she’d been through?
You imagined the look on Tara’s face as they had said it, and your hands gripped tighter onto the bedsheets.
Tara must’ve seen the look in your eye, because in the next minute she had grabbed both your wrists, tugged you back on top of her, and tangled her hands in your hair.
She leaned up and massaged your scalp a little, “It’s okay baby, I’m fine.”
You pulled away once again, just enough to look her in the eye, voice low.
“Look at you, taking care of me when I should be the one comforting you. You’re perfect aren’t you?“ You whispered the last part out, watching as her eyes flicked down to your lips and back up again.
Fine, if she wasn’t going to let you do anything about it, you were going to make sure she knew how beautiful she was.
You lean in again, inches away from her face, breath fanning her lips.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I can’t believe my luck that you agreed to be my girlfriend.” You say sincerely, eyes boring into hers.
Tara stays silent as you sink down again and hover over her stomach.
You press the gentlest of kisses to the first scar, the one on the far left, making Tara let out a little sigh.
“I know you don’t like your scars, but I think it shows just how strong you are.” You murmur as you move onto the second scar.
You continue singing praises until you’ve reached the seventh and final scar, one that’s particularly larger than the others.
“You’re beautiful Tara. I mean it. God, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone more beautiful.”
Tara lets out a whine, and tugs you back up to her lips, kissing you furiously.
“You’re being so cringy, it’s infuriating.” She whispers, but she doesn’t sound like she means it at all. In fact, when you look back at her, you don’t think you’ve ever seen a bigger smile grace her face.
You press a final kiss to the scar on her hand, and pull away fully.
You laugh as she lets out another whine, this time louder than before.
“I’m making us lunch, I don’t think I even got to eat breakfast this morning.”
Tara says something unintelligible, turning over and humming into the pillow.
As you walk out the room you hear Tara ask, “You know I love you right?”
You sway on your feet and lean on the door, crooked smile on your lips.
“Yeah, I do.”
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 2 months
BNHA College AU - Midoriya Izuku
Major: Biology
Minor: Forensic Science
Sports: Track
Clubs: Various fan clubs
Ever since izuku was little, he always had an interest in helping people. He’s overly caring and too nice for his own good, and on top of that the biggest overachiever on the planet
Which is why he wants to become a doctor. He hasn’t picked a specific department to go into, because he finds everything so interesting
He did also consider going into forensic studies as a whole career, always thinking solving crimes and stopping bad guys was super cool as a kid, and he knows there are ways he can kind of mix both interests, but for now hes just aiming for his degree
He does also hope to maybe be able to teach at medical schools later in life, once he’s fully experienced so that he can pass on all this experience to the next generation
Growing up he was always weak and small, and so towards the end of high school he decided he wanted to change himself a bit and worked out like crazy, going from scrawny as hell to strong and buff.
He’s always going to the gym in his free time, and he thought it would be a good idea to join a sport that way he can have some motivation to stay fit, so he picked track since he’s pretty agile
Any time a new fan club gets made for something he happens to be interested in, he’s always willing to join it, even if theres only like 3 members. He might not be the most active member, but he loves them.
Izuku is kind of known across campus now, hes so friendly that people cant help but like him. He’s also insanely helpful, and takes god tier notes, so a lot of people rely on him for help with school work
So, he has a busy schedule constantly. He prioritizes his friends over random people always, but with his heavy study based school paths, with sports, and working out, he rarely has free time
You had had a few classes with him here and there, and talked to him once or twice. You knew he was super sweet (and very cute), but you never really expected to even become friends with the dude
Which is why you were almost terrified when he ran into the room you were using for your new club (that you literally started like 2 days ago). You were more so looking for something to put on resumes and stuff, how you ‘managed a successful club in college’ or whatever, so you decided to make a fun little fan club for your favorite anime
Sadly, people weren’t exactly rushing to it (you knew it might take a while, but you knew people would come eventually at least to check it out). Which is why izuku running in so excitedly scared you
“Oh hey! y/n right? We had anatomy together last semester!”
You nodded, kind of surprised he remembered your name, and you asked why he was there.
“I love this anime, and I havent seen any other clubs for it here so i thought i would check it out.Is it just you?”
“Yeah, I just officially started this club the other day. No ones come yet except you.”
“Ah, well don’t worry, I’m sure people will come soon. It usually takes a week or two.”
The two of you started talking more, both about the anime you mutually enjoyed as well as him giving you advice for how to make people flock to your club.
He actually stayed for the entire time you were allotted to use this room, and helped you clean up (there wasn’t much, but you still had some materials just in case people did show up)
Afterwards, you both said goodbye, and went off on your own
Following this, twice a week every week, he would meet you for your club. Eventually more people did show up as well, izuku’s advice was working well, but you were more so interested in talking with him. As it turns out, his sweetness isnt just an act, and hes actually really interesting and fun to talk to
He would eventually even come a bit early to help you set up. Youd usually bring snacks and something artsy to do, or any type of activity you could think of to relate to the anime, so you tried to get there a bit early
After club one day, about 3 months after it started, Izuku and you were cleaning up the room just talking about whatever before he changed the topic
“Did you want to go get food after this? Like real food? I haven’t eaten all day other than what you brought.”
You were a little surprised, you had never hung out outside of club really, but you were definitely happy to do so so you agreed
The two of you walked to a near by restaurant, which also surprised you because you thought he meant fast food, and went inside. He told you to get whatever you wanted, that itd be on him, and you started to protest, “No, its okay! You don’t have to pay for me.”
He shook his head, “You have to buy snacks and supplies every week, youve probably spent way more than I will today, so I don’t mind.”
You definitely felt your face getting warm. You couldn’t really help it, he was so pretty, and probably the nicest man youve ever met. You had thought lately you might have the tiniest little crush on him, but now you were thinking it was an actual crush
It didn’t help when the waitress, a slightly older lady, finally came to take your order and went “Aw, you two are so cute! What’s the occasion?” It wasn’t a fancy restaurant by any means, but it was definitely nice enough to be date quality, and it seemed the lady assumed you two were a couple
And Izuku didn’t even care! All he did was smile and tell her that its a reward for all your hard work lately, to which she said he was ‘such a sweet boyfriend’, and then she asked for your orders
You told her what you wanted, and went quiet. He wasn’t saying anything either, and you wished you could reach into his brain and figure out what he was thinking. Was this just another act of kindness from him? Did he not get what she was saying? Did he just feel bad correcting her? It was too much to process right now, but luckily your food came pretty quick so you could hide your lack of talking through eating
The entire meal was pretty silent honestly, and it was killing you. Normally, you two could talk for hours about anything, but it was just so weird right now. You couldn’t even think of anything to say, and Izuku was staring weirdly at his food.
After he paid, and you walked back towards the dorms, you thanked him for all of his help with your club and for the meal, and he said not to worry about it, your little club was essentially his break time anyways.
There were a few too many moments of silence to be comfortable, so you awkwardly smiled, said “well, still, thanks again” before running off, not noticing Izuku’s lingering eyes on you as you disappeared into the building
In all honesty, izuku was just as flustered as you were. Hes worked hard over the years to not let all of his emotions show, but inside he was panicking the entire time.
He did enjoy your club a lot! It was probably one of the better fan clubs he’s joined, but he didn’t give it so much loyalty just because of that. He stayed because of you - how enthusiastically you talked about the things you like, or your career choice, or anything. How passionate and caring and considerate you are, not to mention beautiful. You’re genuinely perfect in his eyes
Originally, when he asked you if you wanted to eat, he was considering asking you on a date, but he chickened out and made it sound more casual instead
Which is why as he walked back into his dorm, his roommate, Iida, had to deal with all of the loud groaning and mumbling coming from Izuku’s mouth
Izuku had told Iida about his crush on you, and about how he wanted to ask you out today, so his first assumption was that you rejected him. But then Izuku went over and told him about how much of a coward he is, and Iida realized he never even asked you
“It’s alright, Izuku, you can always try again next time.”
Izu shook his head, overthinking, “No, they probably think I’m so weird now. I was so awkward. They were barely talking the entire time we were at the restaurant. Even if it wasn’t a date, it was still so awkward, Iida! I doubt they’d ever even consider dating me now.”
He was kind of losing it, so Iida patted his back in an attempt to comfort him.
“Just go explain yourself now then, before it’s been too long.”
Izuku considered it, and he was probably right. If he waited too long, he might lose all his nerve and never ask you out. And if you did think today was too weird, who knows if you’d even talk to him again.
He decided he’d do it, and so he thanked Iida and went back outside and towards your dorm building. He had your number because you put it on your welcome message for the club for anyone to text you if they had questions, but the two of you had never texted before. He was always too nervous to
Soon after, you got a message from an unknown number, reading “Hey, its Izuku. I’m sorry about earlier, I was wondering if we could talk? I’m outside your dorm if you can.”
You immediately felt anxious, but happy at a chance to make sense of what happened earlier. So you got dressed (you had changed into pajamas as soon as you got home) and went back out as quickly as you could, and immediately noticed him
He was anxiously messing with his fingers, but he smiled softly when he saw you
“Hey, thanks for coming out here. I promise I won’t take long, I just needed you here in person.”
You nodded slowly, slightly confused, but told him not to worry and you didnt mind it.
“So, uhm, I’ll just get straight to the point. Earlier, I was going to ask you on a date, but I chickened out and made it a more casual thing. Which is still fine! But that’s why I was so weird, I was kind of mad at myself and kind of embarrassed. The waitress didn’t really help any, but her thinking I was your boyfriend did make me happy… Anyways! Before I go on too long of a rant, I’m just trying to say I like you Y/n, and if youd let me, I’d really like to take you on an actual date.”
Your heart was melting, he looked so cute and shy as he asked you, and it made you happy knowing your feelings were reciprocated.
“Yes, of course I’d let you, Izuku. I like you too.”
He let out the biggest sigh of relief, barely mumbling out ‘oh thank god’, and his smile only got bigger when you hugged him.
For your real* first date, he took you to a nearby aquarium, it was really cute. He couldn’t help but send this really cute selfie he took of the both of you in front of a sea turtle to his mom and his friend group chat
Most of his friends were ecstatic for him, bakugou did make fun of him though for taking so long to ask you out (of course he knew about his crush too)
His mom immediately wanted to meet you, and you did after a few weeks of dating
It really didn’t take long for Izuku to tell you he loved you, like maybe a month later at most, you’re cleaning up the club room again and he just stops what hes doing and kisses you softly before saying he loves you, to which you reciprocate
He takes you with him to the gym all the time, even if youre not super into working out you can just hang out with him or go at your own pace. But its a great opportunity for tons of hot pictures/videos
Same with his track meets, youre always there cheering him on
You two study together a lot, especially if youre in the same class or even similar ones. Izuku always makes sure youre prepared for your tests even if it means he has to learn the material with you
Izuku is genuinely probably one of the best boyfriends on the planet, you are his biggest motivation and he will do anything to make sure that you are happy
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albed-hoe · 1 year
i have finally arrived 🤭🤭
REVERSE COMFORT: m!reader comforting poor lyney after the most recent 4.1 archon quest. (SPOILERS: after freminet has been moved the the medical area)
so lyney is really worried for his brother (it takes place before he’s fully up) and we’re jus hugging him and reassuring him that he’ll be okay bc we’re husband material like that 💪🏻
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FLUFF: i was thinking maybe the m!reader is a popular fontainian singer/popstar/dancer or anything that gains him popularity, and hence builds up a mass fanclub of ladiessss (if yk where i’m goin w this🤭)
so maybe we could get some jealous lyney up in here and m!reader feels bad for him so after the performance he takes lyney up on stage and gives a smooch on the cheek 😭
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ANGST (with comfort bc my heart cannot physically take angst with no comfort): OKAY KINDA INSPIRED BY SOMEONE ELSES IDEA BUT KINDA DIFFERENT!
m!reader got those richly rich strict ass parents who don’t approve of him dating someone as low as a magician (he’s also a guy but i’m taking this down a different root) and they aren’t abusive but they are pretty neglectful and strict on him.
reader finally had enough of their bs tho and him and lyney (with lynette & freminet ofc) run away to snezhnaya and have the reader work for the house of the hearth w them.
AND (bc i never shut up) then a few years pass when lyney finally takes over for the knave they waltz back into fontaine together with m!reader being his 2nd in command (once again, alongside freminet and lynette bc wherever he goes they go)
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PERSONAL FAVOURITE (i think abt this idea a LOT)
FOUND FAMILY /W COMFORT (heavily with freminet bc i love him sm HSNFEMCJEM)
basically m!reader went for a lil dive to get lyney some new flowers for his magic show later and he runs into freminet crying under the water
and ofc big brother instincts kick in 💪🏻 and we take him above shore and coddle him like how lyney would to freminet
AND THEN WE TAKE HIM HOME AND WE MEET UP W LYNEY AND HES JUS LIKE “OMG IF THIS MAN DOESNT PUT A RING ON MY FINGER RN IMMA LOOSE MY SHIT” because he adores the way m!reader looks out for his siblings the way he would.
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SPICY 😏😏😏:
i actually don’t have anything to much for this category but some simple spicy hc’s with a sub!lyney would be great (let’s be real this man isn’t dominating anyone). (he also has a breeding kink GOODBYE)
Found Family (Freminet ver.)
Characters: Freminet & Lyney x M!Reader
Summary: After bringing his younger brother home, Lyney thinks he’s found his husband for life
Warnings: Slight angst to comfort, Freminet crying, Lyney being hopelessly in love and shyyyy
Word count: 767
A/n: Okay first of all I’m so sorry for disappearing for like a year and a half… I totally lost motivation and finished university in the meantime and now I’m looking for a job but no one is hiring me so yay? TYSM FOR THIS REQUEST LY LOTS🤩 I might write some of the other ones too? Might make a poll for which one to do next cuz I’m undecided… Anyways THIS ONE GOES OUT TO THE MALE READER COMMUNITY!!! I fell in love with Lyney and still (I think?) have yet to come across a Lyney x male reader fic😫 So here is my contribution! I ALSO HAVE REQUESTS OPEN SO FEEL FREE TO REQUEST LYNEY X M!READER STUFF PLS AND TYYYYY
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It was a warm afternoon as you got your scuba gear on, preparing to dive in the depths of Fontaine on a mission to look for flowers for your beloved boyfriend, Lyney’s, magic show tonight. You latched in your helmet and dove below the surface, sighing in satisfaction at the cool water enveloping your body after having been sweating all day. The fish danced around you happily and the rays flapped their wings gracefully on their way to find places to float around.
You reached the seabed, swimming around and beginning to collect the flowers that your boyfriend had requested. You stop after a few seconds to listen to a sound you could not initially identify. Listening closely, you follow the sounds of what seem to be sniffles over a ridge of sand. Peeking over the edge, you see a little blue form with a diving helmet on, balled up with his head in the pit of his elbow.
“Freminet?” You swam up to the form, recognizing Lyney’s younger brother, a sad expression on the screen of your diving helmet. You begin to rub circles into his back as he sniffles, embarrassed to have been found crying alone. “What happened?” You offer him a warm smile, encouraging him to confide in you.
“*Sniff* I- I made a fool of myself in the Court of Fontaine today… I- *sniff* I fell and dropped a whole basket of peaches…” Taking pity on him, you ask him if he wants a hug, then you pull him into your arms and rub comforting circles on his back.
“Wanna go back up? I’ll walk you home.” The boy nods and you swim back up with him in your arms.
Arriving on the beach, you take off his diving helmet and reveal his red, puffy eyes. You internally coo at how cute he looks but remember that he is in a vulnerable state and mentioning what he looks like would likely not be appropriate at the moment. So, after cupping a comforting hand on his cheek, you take his hand and walk him home.
Arriving at the triplets’ door (I know they aren’t all related, but for simplicity’s sake…), you knock and wait for the light pads from inside to reach you. The door swings open to reveal Lyney in his pajamas with a surprised expression.
“Y-Y/n! And Freminet!” He blushes slightly at having noticed you before his own younger brother and at having been seen in pajamas by someone he has been trying to impress. You gently push Freminet in front of you, handing him over to Lyney who hugs him shortly, ruffles his hair, then passes him on to Lynette who takes his hand, nods at you thankfully, then takes him into the home. Lyney steps out onto the porch and closes the door behind him.
“Uh… Thanks for taking my brother home. He can disappear better than myself, sometimes…” He rubs the back of his neck, a little embarrassed at the situation. You had only declared each other officially boyfriends about a month prior, so the whole relationship thing was a new concept to the ‘suave’ Lyney the public knew. It pleasantly surprised you to discover that he was actually very easy to fluster, making for a very cute boyfriend to tease occasionally.
“Yeah, no problem. I found him on the seabed crying while I was looking for your flowers, so I comforted him and brought him here. Oh, here you go by the way.” You hand him the flowers he needed for his show while smiling warmly at him. The tips of his ears immediately reddened, both at his immediate thoughts of marriage and at what the offer of flowers looked like. He knew this was not a love confession or anything of the sort, but the current situation could have fooled an outside observer.
He stepped forward and threw his arms around you, sandwiching the flowers between the two of you. He buried his face in your neck in an attempt to hide his face exploding with heat.
“… I love you…” That was all he managed to say after a few moments. You laughed, placing a kiss on the top of his head.
“I love you too, but… Watch the flowers.” He pulled himself away from you immediately, realizing he was damaging his precious show flowers.
“AH! Sorry! Uhm… Did you wanna come inside for a bit?” He looked into your eyes with a shy smile on his face, his cheeks and ears still red from before.
“I’d love to.” You said, your eyes locked on his.
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Aur my gawdddd this was my first fic in a loooong time I’m so sorry if it was ass… THIS WAS CUTE AND I LOVE FREMINET TOO, PLS LEMME HEAR THE LYNETTE VERSION OF THIS😎
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bunnyshideawayy · 6 months
cassian. great man, wonderful friend, absolutely terrible mate.
we have seen Nesta’s sisters, who arguably have less of a reason, defend her more than Cassian has ever thought about. HELLO?
my issue with cassian acosf and onward is that we are truly expected to believe they he deeply understands Nesta when he’s been shown time and again to never stick up for her and never fully trust her. he does nothing to help her over come and face her traumas / depression, she’s left to do that on her own, but best believe he’s down to fuck and make her hike! (no sarah sex and physical exercise are not cures)
after reading the entire series once and now twice seeing Rhys threatening anyone who dares breath wrong in Feyre’s direction under the guise of just “protecting his mate” i find it extremely hard to believe cassian allowed or even sides with anyone who speaks ill of/to Nesta or threatens her- all of which Rhysand and most of the IC (besides her sisters and Az) do, most of the time while directly in front of cassian in conversations he’s involved in. the most he does is…pout a little? throws a hissy fit? the two times i can remember him even remotely stick up for Nesta he immednantly backtracks as soon as Rhysand pushes back, both times the final decision being put in Feyre’s hands, this continues even into CC3 (and let’s thank the mother Feyre loves her sisters which is something ik yall nesta haters can’t stand.)
let’s move onto something i know yall don’t want to talk about, his verbal abuse. “oh but nesta also said-“ we know what she said, that is not the point. if this man knew all along nesta was his mate and truly wanted to help her heal from her traumas and depression why did he take every chance he could to provoke her? Nesta called Rhysand an asshole, and he IS especially to Nesta, and instead of keeping silent as he does when Rhys/the IC harshly critique her, he immediately gets angry and in her face to defend him. funny he can’t do that with her, his MATE? or let’s talk about this scene
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oh okay! that’s totally something you say unprompted to your mate who is severely depressed and traumatized because she won’t eat! she’s totally not shaking because she’s triggered! then to add the lecture “we’ve been here before, too” oh okay! so you admit you know what she feels like (very doubtful although i’m not going to compare their traumas, both are valid he just does not understand her like he thinks he does) it’s patronizing and a little frustrating. she doesn’t want to be there in the first place, purposely throwing a sensitive subject in her face will not magically motivate her or cure her- she is simply doing what she has no choice in. she has been stripped of all autonomy, humanity, and “normality”- she feels alone and valuable in a way she as never felt before and she has NO HELP. none!
i’ll end with the hike. yay more physical activity as punishment- but if i said that was abuse yall will bring up the pregnancy so ill do it for you! Yes, Nesta was wrong to tell Feyre THE WAY SHE DID, she had every right to tell Feyre about her own body and pregnancy, it just shouldn’t have happened the way it did. everyone knew it was wrong to keep it from Feyre, even Cassian, so instead of forcing her to hike a mountain as punishment to ware her down mentally and physically he couldve stood up for both Feyre and Nesta to Rhysand the moment he threatens to KILL NESTA. a simple “hey buddy you knew it was wrong to keep that from Feyre you can’t kill my mate for telling her even if it was out of anger” would suffice. not once during their entire hike or during her breakdown does he reassure her, not even when she is tearing herself apart because she doesn’t feel worthy. don’t even get me started on what happens in CC3.
over all i think Nessian is great and they have some great moments, the end of ACOWAR lives rent free in my mind but i am incredibly disappointed with Cassian. i do feel like Nesta deserves better from everyone (besides Feyre and Elain who, again, are the only ones who i truly believe love her unconditionally.)
anti nesta’s this is not a safe space for you.
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freeuselandonorris · 24 days
as a pretty much complete stranger to kinks I ask this with genuine and open curiosity: what is it with piss? like what's that kink all about? admittedly I've been wondering about it and I consider you my local expert on the matter (plus your writing has compelled me to enjoy things I never thought I'd dare to touch so I trust your judgement). is it like a marking/possessiveness thing? or a "that's Me" sort of idea? or something else entirely? I'd like to hear what appeals to you about it if you don't mind indulging me
omg anon if i don’t MIND! this is my dream ask lmao especially on a night where i need a good distraction ty 🙏
below the cut for anyone who followed me for the fanart and light romcom fic and not the hard kink 😭
okay SO. i think piss is one of those weird kinks where there’s a lot of different sub-kinks to it and a lot of motivations for it — like, there’s being pissed on/pissing on someone, there’s drinking it (incl forced drinking) which can also have sub-kinks like some people only like to drink “from the source” whereas others like it from glasses or funnels or bottles or don’t care at all. then you have wetting (pissing yourself, basically), which could be just doing it wherever, in certain clothes, in semi-public. there’s omorashi/desperation, some people really get off on the pain of being desperate and holding for hours. plus there’s stuff like diaper play which is very linked to the ‘little’ space and isn’t something i fuck w personally so i can’t comment on that. but basically what i’m saying is there’s no one motivation for people to be into it and different types of piss play will have different appeals, even to the same person.
personally i am generally pro most kinds piss but my real kink is wetting, specifically while fully-dressed and preferably in pale clothes so the wet patch shows up. that’s something i developed an interest in super early — i can remember being a kid and taking the opportunity to piss through my swimsuit after going to the pool lmao. i think the appeal there is the inherent wrongness of it; it’s very linked to shame, humiliation, degradation and also there’s a lot in there about doing things that are forbidden and go against social conditioning. it’s an insanely trippy feeling to do it in front of someone in particular, personally it’s honestly comparable to drugs in how much of an endorphin kick it gives me.
i do also love pissing on/being pissed on though! and that’s def more what you were mentioning about a sense of possessiveness, although for me it’s more linked again to humiliation, particularly when i’m bottoming for it. i’m a huge fan of bodily fluid play in general and there’s a lot in there about feeling marked, about being a receptacle for someone’s waste fluids, about being objectified — one of the hottest piss scenes i’ve ever experienced was a cnc scene where i had a pillowcase taped over my head and then that got pissed on without warning (we had this kind of play pre negotiated!) and there was something about the combination of being made ‘faceless’ and then that happening to me out of the blue 😵‍💫 there’s a kind of devotional aspect to it, like yes i WILL get on my knees and willingly cover myself in your piss because i adore every aspect of you!
andddd finally there’s just the sensory aspect of it! piss is hot and wet and that can feel really good on your skin when you’re turned on 🤷 and honestly if the person you’re drinking from is well hydrated it doesn’t taste or smell too bad, it’s just kinda salty and a bit umami… it kinda reminds me of miso soup at times lmao. if they’re not hydrated or they’ve had a lot of coffee/beer it can be a bit intense and honestly i have gagged and spat it out sometimes! but that’s kinda hot to me too 🤷
whew that was fun lmao. sometimes i feel like i should start a specific blog for this stuff bc i LOVE talking about it! ask me more kink stuff pls!! anyway anon i hope this kinda explained the appeal to you a bit, ty for the respectful and open minded q 🫡
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musicalmoritz · 14 days
You have any HC in regard for Sakura, Himari and Minami friendship? Like how they interact with each other and all?
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Ooooh yay Minami and Himari!! I haven’t given this trip much thought but I’ll do my best:
• They met in their 2nd year since Sakura is forever 18. 2nd year is probably the youngest they could pass for
• Either way they just sorta showed up one day like “hi look at me I’m here now”
• Minami and Himari have been friends since middle school, they both dated other girls before but by the end of their 2nd year they confessed their feelings for each other (thanks to some motivation and wing-manning from Sakura)
• Around this same time, Sakura met Natsuhiko so yeah by the time Minami and Himari got together Sakura was sick of romance talk
• Minami and Himari just sort of adopted Sakura into their group and became a trio, they were both instantly platonically infatuated with them
• Sakura is a bit distant because they’re bad at creating deep bonds but they still care about Minami and Himari. They have a hard time admitting it but they genuinely enjoy their company
• Himari offers to set Sakura up with Natsuhiko as a thanks for getting her and Minami together, Sakura adamantly refuses
• Minami and Sakura do each other’s hair. They each have very specific grungy styles they like and they’re both good with hair so it’s a match made in Heaven
• Sakura’s hair was much longer before they met Minami, Minami helped them create their current style at a sleepover
• Himari is a cheerleader and Minami is on the track team, meaning they’re both very into sports. Sakura is the type to hate sports so much they intentionally get basic facts wrong about it
• “How was your track meet? Did you score a touchdown?” • Sakura and Yokoo have met through Minami but neither of them have any idea that they’re indirectly connected through Kou
• One day Kou mentions him and Sakura’s like “wait how do YOU know Yokoo??”
• The three of them are all lesbians so they don’t have to suffer through boy talk with each other
• Sakura’s into witchcraft and helps Himari and Minami make spells for whatever their hearts desire. Luck for passing a test, revenge on their enemies, etc.
• At first Himari thinks it’s kinda creepy but Minami LOVES it and soon they’re helping Sakura out with all their rituals
• Neither Minami nor Himari have ever seen Sakura’s house so they have a bet on whether or not they sleep in a coffin (Himari thinks they do)
• Just imagine this group as the trio from Fruits Basket- Himari is Tohru, Minami is Uotani, Sakura is Hanajima
• Since Himari is a femme, she gets hit on a lot by guys who assume she’s straight. Minami is usually there to kindly tell them to back off, but when she’s not, Sakura appears to turn the guys to stone with one look
• Whether I mean that literally or figuratively is up to you
• Sometimes Minami accidentally pinches people’s cheeks because she’s used to doing that with Shun. Himari finds it adorable, Sakura not so much
• They go to a lot of concerts together. Himari likes pop music, Minami likes a mix of pop and grunge, and Sakura likes classical music, so they’ve been to a wide variety of shows
• Himari fully believes Sakura is a vampire
• Minami is the valedictorian of their class and Sakura is the salutatorian
• Sakura’s natural hair color is black, Minami helps them dye it
• I love love love the goth Sakura headcanon, goth Sakura is canon to me
• Minami dresses more casual/masc and Himari dresses very hyperfeminine
• Because of this, despite the vampire allegations Himari deeply admires Sakura’s love of fashion
• Minami called Sakura emo once and got a full lecture from both of them on the different subtypes of goth/emo/punk/scene/etc.
• Minami and Himari like to get emotional and plan their future a lot, talking about how Sakura will be a bridesmaid at their wedding. This makes Sakura sad because they know they can’t be with them for long
• Sakura is surprisingly good with animals. Himari has a cat that absolutely loves them
• Himari has very strict parents and Minami’s parents aren’t around much so they both struggle some with their home lives
• Sakura has offered to kill their parents for them on more than one occasion
• The three of them have frequent sleepovers
Alright that’s all I can think of for now, thank you for the ask!! Now that I’m thinking of these three I can’t stop lol
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mhaynoot · 1 year
so i went into orv with full shades on, didn’t even read the blurb or anything, I just saw the cover art, the bridge scene and some high school au art and was oh they’re so cute! tbh i literally saw images of the bridge scene so i don’t know how i completely missed the fact that there was a webtoon but i did and so i downloaded the epub version first and started reading with 0 expectations except maybe a shounen rivalry
ahh this is a power fantasy, first person, game cliches and all the action tropes of dungeons. i think this is similar to the other thing I was reading (solo levelling) oh huh so he’s a lazy office worker guy who only reads and is about to be laid off? not the worst backstory, i wonder what op power he’s going to get!
i was very very unquestioning of the story, i didn’t really think about much beyond trying to puzzle out surface level power stuff. like i was just fully trusting everything kdj's said in his internal narration. the protagonist is always right, yeah? he’s the omniscient reader’s viewpoint after all. just look at him explaining his acts of good with ulterior motives, look at him being cut throat and saying he's a villian.
"what a self aware protagonist!" i say obliviously.
hyprocrite he calls himself and i cheer.
orv plays into the genre tropes and cliches so well, i was completely blindsided by the gradual build up to all the revelations i just never expect for it to ever answer.
so in the beginning i’m casually rooting for him on as he beats up and outwits his abusive boss, his old bully, as every adversery bows before him in a very power fantasy way. his first death is a brush off, it is inconsiquential, he brushes it off, i say “ah this type of protagonist!”
actually lets talk about his first death for a bit. like kdj literally dies, but his own narration treats it as an inconsequential, small death. ignore it. don’t worry about it, look kdj isn’t worrying about it either! his fourth wall skill is negating the effects that’s why he’s so blase about it and that’s not totally concerning at all, don’t think too hard about it. this is just a power fantasy remember?
until the gaps between his actions and words started appearing even in my very guillable eyes.
I ask, “why do you want to save shin yoosung so much? wasn’t it just hypocrisy?”
kdj narrates:
The omniscience was a curse. Knowing someone's heart meant always deceiving someone.
my worldview starts shattering bit by bit and then the characters around him mourn each death and i startling start mourning too, grieving in a way i wasn’t able to understand for each death and each time he starts this painful cycle of violence and survival and salvation.
it takes a whole month to finish reading the novel. i laughed, cheered, smiled and cried so hard at so many different points reading. orv has become a part of me in a way i never expected.
i love this story.
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avacoleman · 21 days
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me posting two weeks in a row? 🎶miracles can happen once in a while when you believe🎶 in all seriousness tho, i am feeling motivated and excited to share, so please enjoy a lighter snippet this time around from the vow au!
His fingers chart across his skin. Even if his mind doesn’t remember, it appears his body does. 
He skims the pads of his fingertips down the length of Alex’s arm slowly, mesmerized by the instant response, the goosebumps that rise as if summoned by magic all over the man’s skin.
His eyes flicker to Alex’s face, studying his profile as his head is half turned away. With Alex’s eyes closed, Henry sees the shadow his swooping lashes make against the apples of his cheeks. Alex holds himself rigidly, almost as if daring not to breathe, to not react.
“Alex,” Henry calls softly, his hand moving now to his face. 
He tucks his fingers gently under Alex’s chin and guides his face towards him.
When Alex eventually opens his eyes, Henry’s own widen in surprise seeing how wet Alex’s eyes are.
“What’s going on? Did I do something wrong?” Henry asks, dropping his hand at once.
Alex catches it before it can fall and laces their fingers as he shakes his head.
“No. No, you didn’t. It’s…I’ve…at the risk of sounding like some Victorian, I’ve really missed your touch. I’ve always known that since the accident, when I couldn’t even hug you after you woke up, but I didn’t realize just how badly I did until now. Being this close to you again…it’s everything.”
Alex swallows hard and smiles a little. “So, these are happy tears. I promise.”
Happy or not, it twists Henry’s heart to see in this moment. He uses his free hand to wipe Alex’s tears away with his thumb. He leans forward and presses their foreheads together. Alex sighs, his soft breath fanning across Henry’s face.
Henry closes his eyes and breathes him in, his heart racing as his mind quiets down enough to make out what he’s truly thinking and feeling in this moment.
“We could be even closer,” he says.
He can hear the stutter in Alex’s breathing.
“Henry, we don’t have to. I would never ask or even expect—
“Darling, I know,” Henry gently interjects as he pulls back to look at him. 
He smiles seeing Alex’s look of surprise at the pet name. 
“I should have been clearer before. I would like for us to be closer, more intimate, if that’s something you’d be amenable to.”
Alex laughs.
“I gotta say, this is the most polite way anyone’s ever propositioned me.”
A laugh rumbles out of Henry as well.
“I’m nothing if not a gentleman.” 
“A real prince,” Alex says quietly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Henry leans into him, staring down at Alex’s mouth. He studies the way his lips curl into an almost shy smile.
He looks up once more into Alex’s eyes, finding the man’s gaze resting on him too. Henry licks his lips, his heart racing faster as he closes both the distance and his eyes before pressing his lips to Alex’s.
His body’s response is instant. Henry can no longer think, can hardly even breathe as Alex starts to kiss him back. Alex’s lips are even softer than Henry had been anticipating. He practically melts into Alex, his body trembling with both nerves and excitement.
Alex sets a steady pace and it eases Henry’s nerves, forcing him to slow down and bask in the moment, to fully absorb the sensations flooding his body.
No man had ever kissed him like this, Henry is certain. Alex knows just how long to linger and draw a moment out, when to speed things along, where exactly to put his hands to further their connection. It makes Henry feel lightheaded in the best way imaginable.
Alex’s tongue skims against Henry’s bottom lip and Henry opens his mouth to him at once.
He’d let Alex devour him whole if the man so desired.
tagging my darling @sunshineacd just in case you have anything you'd like to share 👀
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