#and it all feels so big and i am very small
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sambitez · 2 days ago
Here is the post that everyone is waiting for regarding Killerbait/kat/kit. 
I just want to preface by saying, if this blog gets confusing at any point, I am willing to answer questions that anyone has. I will NOT be exposing her real name or identity to the public. As there are pedophiles that interacted with her and could potentially cause harm if they became obsessive enough. I am all too familiar with the way that the online-world works and I do not wish any form of physical harm on her. After all, I knew Kat & loved her for nearly four years. 
I’m going to try to keep this as simple as I can so everyone can understand. But breaking down almost four years of details will get complicated. 
So let’s start from the beginning:
I met Kat during my sophomore year of high school. I was 15 at the time and she was 15 as well. We are the same age, I am just a few months older than her. Which makes us BOTH currently the age of 17. We are both still minors. We became friends very quickly and connected over TLOU because we both made edits of the game and met through TikTok which is how we even became associated with each other. I had a girlfriend at the time, but we both had (unstated) feelings for each other than didn’t get acted on until late into my junior year. In the mean time, she had a different girlfriend after realizing that I wasn’t “available.” We remained friends throughout this entire period of time, there were instances where we didn’t speak as much just because I have a very busy life and so did she. Towards the end of her and her ex girlfriend’s relationship, we got close again, and I even got close with her ex girlfriend. We had a group chat together and we all spoke everyday for a couple of weeks until eventually, her and her girlfriend’s relationship came to an end. Which brings me into the next chapter of Kat and I’s life “together.” 
Me and Kat started dating in December of 2023. And we broke up as of this Tuesday. We were together for a year and three months. Our relationship was completely okay up until around August/September. We started fighting over things but they always got resolved and things would be fine, until inevitably they weren’t. And I have just found out yesterday, that she had actually reached out to her ex girlfriend- claiming I was “aggressive” and that there were “other girls.” Both of which are false allegations against me and the person that I am. I would never have considered cheating on Kat, even when she started treating me like I was less than a person to her. 
Here is the proof of her and her ex girlfriends conversation about me with time stamps: 
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This all happened in August, as you can see. We later broke up once in December almost directly after we had hit our one year. I broke up with her because of the mistreatment and then a small miscommunication that was genuinely just the last straw for me. I wish I would’ve kept things that way. But she insisted that we stayed friends and still spoke afterwards, we kept each other on social media, and we both made the mistakes of staying in contact after the break up- which inevitably led to us getting back together after three days.  
After that it just never got better. It was another draining 3-4 months of begging to be treated like a person. I begged her to love me, I begged her to care about my successes, I begged her to care about my problems when I had them, I just begged. I did a LOT of begging. And she could typically only give me the words “I’ll try to do better” or “I’m sorry.” Occasionally though, she would give a genuine apology. Occasionally. 
On Monday, March 10th of 2025, I asked her if we could call once or twice a month. As we barely ever called. I never even FaceTimed this girl. She never wanted to and would refuse. Calling is very important to me because quality time is one of my verrryyy big love languages. So It really meant something when I got to call her, I truly cherished every moment with her. But she would deny my request almost every time. Which is why I proposed  the idea of calling 1-2 times a month. To which she said “I can try” and when I was upset and started texting dryly, she did not respond. She just asked if she could go to sleep. To which I said yes, and then later that evening before I went to bed- I sent her a text telling her “if you don’t love me anymore, it’s okay. You can leave and I won’t stop you.” That morning when I woke up, I saw her response and she told me that she “no longer saw me as a girlfriend, and loved me more as a friend.” And when I asked her if we could fix it, she told me “I hope so.” Which is when I knew it was over. And I told her we should probably break up. 
Here is the proof of that conversation as well: 
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The SS below is the second convo we had that day. Where I asked her if she had me blocked on tumblr. Because last time we broke up she posted about me, but nothing to this extent. I admit I was gonna look if she did, as any ex normally would lol… but I never expected to see the things she posted this time around.
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After all of this. Things only got worse, as all of you guys know. Whether you are fans, haters, or neutral on her as a person. We all saw her account go “downhill” as most sane people would say. She started posting her nudes on the Internet and publicly sexting potential adults and minors, as well as saying that they could rape her. 
This is all while she is also a minor. She is 17 years old. Seven. teen. 
Here is the proof I can provide of that:
Killerbait enabling rape:
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And her admitting to it, knowing that it is wrong, since some of you guys are saying that she “might not know better.”:
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Proof that Killerbait is a minor:
This is a conversation between me and her mother. I’m keeping it cropped because I want NO part in any form of doxxing or harm towards her family. Or her, for that matter. Which is a big reason why I’m even doing this in the first place. I am SPREADING AWARENESS….:
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This is a birthday post I made for her, the date is at the top of the post: 
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And to provide more proof that she is a habitual liar, here is her lying about texting her ex-girlfriend about me “cheating.” Saying that she “never did that.”: 
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This is proven to be a lie, as in the screenshots I uploaded above in this blog, show that she OBVIOUSLY messaged her ex girlfriend- claiming I cheated on her, as well as saying I was “aggressive.”  
I think that is all. This is all the proof that I have. If there are any questions please feel free to ask. I know I said this was solely about revenge, as I am very angry and hurt. I was molested from ages 6-11 by my own family member. The fact that she is capitalizing off of this kind of topic is sickening. And the fact that she is exposing herself online to potential predators, is sickening as well. I am with everyone when they say that they hope she gets the help that she needs. I genuinely hope that she stays safe and she recovers from everything that she has gone through/is going through. But she needs to stay off of the internet. There will always be creeps lurking, preying on girls just like her. I want to put an end to this.
Thank you to everyone who spent their time reading this and trying to understand the situation. I do not care about “sides” being taken. I just want her to be safe. 
(I also want to note that, after knowing her for four years. She never once mentioned having any trauma regarding rape. So throw that excuse for her behavior out the window.)
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w0rmss · 21 hours ago
Jason todd nsfw alphabet
sorry for another one of these. I have no ideas and am lowkey sick rn so these are easy.
But feel free to request anything guys I got no ideas so please feed me so I can feed you or something profound like that.
I also am very into the kinda Jason that isn't sex mad but just enjoys it and enjoys his partner wanting and enjoying it.
Anyways enjoy
A: Aftercare: Great at it. Anything you need he's got for you. Anything your didn't know you want he's also got for you. Waiting on you hand and foot after pound town
B: Body part. He doesn't have a favourite body part of his he has such a love hate relationship with his body. He loves your collarbone and the crock of your neck. He loves to kiss there or bury his face and inhale you.
C: Cum. He likes to come inside. Condom or not it's just cleaner that way and less fumbling. He also finds it more intimate
D: Dirty little secret. He loves the romantic parts of your sex life. The soft sex the movie make outs the calm things. He has this big tough exterior but he really loves the soft sweet moments
E: Experience. Now controversial take. He has a bit of experience but isn't like crazy crazy experienced like a few exes here or there maybe an odd in night stand. But he ain't dick tim or bruce level experienced
F: favourite position. Missionary basic but he likes to see your face or be able to bury hid head in your neck. He also likes lotus which is where you basically sit cross legged and your partner sits on top. Same reason
G: Goofy. He's serious. Like he's focused on getting you off and making sure you have a good time he's not young around
H: Hair. Very very well groomed. Not balled but neat not a hair out of place
I: Intimacy. As I've stated he's very intimate. He loves seeing your face kissing you passionately etc
J: jacking off. No. He just doesn't need to he has you and craves the Intimacy of sex more so than sex sex
K: Kinks. Very very vanilla but enjoys overstimulating you
L: location. Bed. Or couch he's very private maybe in the shower if you ask but he prefers the softer quite spaces
M: Motivation. If you're in the mood then so is he. Sometimes it's just when a make out gets to much and he needs more too
N: Nos. Pain or exhibitionism
O: Oral. Giver. Massive giver like will come in his pants from giving you head
P: Pace. Slow and deep.
Q: Quickies. Not really. If you want one he's happy to but he diesn really like them he prefers taking his time and showing you all the love he can
R: Risks. He's not risky at all. Like he might try something small if you ask but he's not bring nothing to the table
S: Stamina. 3 plus rounds
T: Toys. Not really if you want to sure but he loves seeing you get off because of him
U: Unfair. He's not a tease at all. But he will 'accidentally' overstimulate you
V: Volume. Quiet a few grunts and moans here and there but they're not very loud
W: Wild card. As said he has gotten off to going down on you and he fucking loves it. It's his favourite way to get off
X: X ray. Big boy like thick and veiny round 7 inches give more so than take
Y: Yearning. He does really seek sex as I've said but he always wants to be touching you in some way sexual or not. Holding hands hands on yiru hips lips on your neck.
Z: zzz. He likes to watch you fall asleep before he does. Knowing your happy and safe makes him feel happy and safe.
Thank you hope you enjoyed
Feel free to request like reply repost. I love all the support I get from you guys thank you.
Stay safe
Have a wonderful day night afternoon etc
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tbposting · 2 days ago
I always saw Cloud's affected personality as a sort of messed up mixture of Zack and Sephiroth, with probably a lot more weight towards Sephiroth than Zack, initially.
Like, Cloud's behaviour on the first reactor mission? I think that's him projecting pure Sephiroth - cool, disaffected, brooding, introspective, his "I am better than what I'm doing and I'm better than everyone here" projection reads to me very much like how Cloud must have perceived Sephiroth's morose standoffishness at Nibelheim.
I don't think the Zack part of his fake personality really comes out... until he meets Aerith. I think that's the thing that makes him remember Zack less as Cool SOLDIER Big Brother and more as the cheerful, pleasant, slightly goofy person that he actually was. And I think the Zack persona is brought out in no small part because Aerith's total refusal to buy or be put off his tough guy mercenary act forces him to switch gears. Cloud is forming his identity at this point almost entirely off of what he intuitively feels like will project the right kind of SOLDIER masculinity towards whoever he's talking to. Being an edgy jackass with Barrett helps keep a protective, alienating wall up with him, but he struggles to do it with Tifa, who can consistently cut through to his heart and his actual personality screaming underneath it all.
And Aerith? She 1) plays along with his nonsense, but specifically she plays along, clearly understanding that it is nonsense, and 2) absolutely refuses to allow his nonsense to erect an actual barrier between them. Cloud absolutely cannot control her emotional engagement with him the same way he can with Barrett, or halfway can with Tifa. So he pivots to Zack's easy charm instead, and Aerith, understandably, is charmed by it.
And it's all just so achingly tragic, because literally everyone that Cloud pretends to be either Zack or Sephiroth Lite with would absolutely adore the real him if he would just let them meet him... and Aerith is going to pass away before she gets the chance to really do that.
I mean, she knows, long before Cloud does, and she makes her decision to leave the party in no small part because she knows and wants to do what she can to protect Cloud from himself. But... god, it really does hurt that Cloud never gets a chance to truly show himself to her.
Cloud actually did a very bad job emulating Zack's persona, because the defining trait of Cloud-as-Zack is "cool", and Zack wasn't actually cool but he was to Cloud. Zack views Cloud getting to live as a relief and Cloud views it as a curse. Zack thinks saving Cloud was his One Good Thing and Cloud thinks of Zack as the ideal hero and himself as the Mistake. Zack would probably been overjoyed when Cloud recovered his memories because up until his death Zack never really came to terms with The Concept Of Zack Fair, but we know he loved The Person That Is Cloud Strife.
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luciaintheskyainthi · 19 hours ago
I just realized that May never got the chance to show Peter's baby photos to Jason... and now I need some shenanigans where Peter is turned into a child and Jason needs to take care of him.
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I've had this sitting in my inbox for TOO LONG but I wanted to write a little drabble for it and needed the spoons for it!!! I'm finally forcing myself tho because this is getting embarrassing.
"Okay, so don't be mad."
"Says the guy I'm about to be real mad at," Jason predicted, not even bothering to look up from his favourite grappling gun. The trigger felt sticky on the last swing and Jason wasn't dumb enough to take any chances.
"It's Peter."
That got Jason's attention. His head snapped up and Dick took a step back, hands up like he expected Jason to shoot him with the grappling gun.
"What about Peter," Jason said, choosing to be the bigger man. He didn't set the grappling gun down, though. Dick eyed it nervously.
"So... you know how there was that rumour about a new magic user kicking around Burnley?"
"You're right, I am about to be mad."
"I didn't even-- I told you not to be -- crap, doesn't matter. So Peter and--"
Jason held up his hand. The one with the gun. Dick's mouth snapped shut.
"Start from the beginning," he commanded, "and maybe I won't be earning my way to the tippy-top of the sibling food chain."
"I mean, technically, Cass is older than you--"
Jason tilted his head and cocked a brow. Dick caved.
"Okay, so Peter and Steph were patrolling Burnley when they came across the magic user--"
"They're calling themselves Wild Child," piped up a Tim who had up to then been doing a very poor job of pretending not to be listening in.
"Yes, thank-you Timmy. So they tried to apprehend Wild Child while they were attempting to rob a bank."
Jason frowned. Stopping the robbery of a bank at night wasn't especially Peter's style. Victimless crimes and all that. But he allowed Dick to carry on. He was feeling temporarily magnanimous.
"Pretty sure Steph just wanted to mock them about their choice of name," Tim explained, catching Jason's disbelief.
And -- yep. Yep, that made a whole lot more sense. Seriously, who thought pairing Peter and Steph together was remotely a good idea? Granted, they had excellent results -- most crooks turned right back around the moment word got out that Spider-Man and Spoiler were on the hunt together -- but Gotham was just as likely to end up embroiled in chaos as it was a resolution with those two in cahoots.
"So they came across Wild Child turning an ATM into a cow. " Dick grimaced. "Engaged before they could take a knife to it."
"Cash cow. Seriously?"
"They took the name Wild Child. Do you expect any better?"
"If you're about to tell me that Peter and Steph got--"
The high-pitched voice -- a child's voice -- stopped Jason in his tracks. He'd shoved the grappling gun away before he'd even located the origin of the speaker.
Alfred had emerged in the cave, carrying a tray of -- milk and cookies? Didn't matter. What mattered was the pair of tiny children -- what the fuck, when were kids allowed to be that small? -- skipping along beside him, as cool as you please despite the fuckass dinosaur and the giant coin and that stupid fucking jester card that by all rights should have stolen their attention.
A blonde and a brunette. The latter had big brown eyes and a grin that was far too familiar.
Jason turned on Dick with dread. The metal stairs thundered as the kids flew down. T-minus ten seconds.
"Tell me they fucking didn't," he begged.
Dick's grin was wincing. "They absolutely fucking did. Sorry?"
"Language," said Tim, smug enough Jason would have thrown hands then and there were it not for the children.
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butchreg · 3 days ago
caregiver jinx headcanons !! ⤷ featuring : big sis ! jinx 𓈒 middle reader 𓈒 healing together 𓈒
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requested by 🪶 ! i cannot believe i've never posted jinx headcanons before !! i have so many jinx agere thoughts (i am literally her fur real 𓈒) find my arcane masterlist here & my upcoming list here 𓈒
jinx is a big sister caregiver rather than a mama or parental cg ! she is very adamant about this , teasing vi and sevika for being more parental cgs because it means they're "ooold" 𓈒 jinx absolutely melts when you call her sis or sissy , giving your nose a playful boop and giggling brightly 𓈒
jinx can be a bit bossy , as most big sisters can be but she means well 𓈒 she loves telling you what to do , at times getting a big head , looking down expectantly at you with her hands on her hips 𓈒 you don't dare defy her when she gets that serious look on her face 𓈒
jinx who loves messing around and playing with you ! she's always tickling you when you least expect it , crowing delightedly when you squirm unable to hold in giggles of your own𓈒 she'll leave little notes and trinkets around for you to find as well𓈒 she's always down to rough house & play fight , though there are times she'll struggle when you're feeling more vulnerable𓈒
jinx who makes you special custom gear ! she's always in her workshop welding something , or wildly painting another masterpiece for her little sib , ending up covered in brightly colored splotches𓈒 you think her protective gear is sooo awesome ! she gets you your own little welding goggles so you can be just like her although she doesn't want you using her tools and getting hurt𓈒 your favorite thing she's made you is your mobile !
jinx's hair is very important to her as you know𓈒 typically she's not fond of others touching it but she allows you to play with and style it if you're having a hard day𓈒 you're always begging her to braid yours just like hers which makes her smile delightedly , tousling your shorter hair with a snort laugh𓈒
you who attempts to resist haircuts , wanting yours to grow out as long as hers𓈒 jinx'll have to chase you , coaxing and pestering you about it despite your fussing𓈒 she's very determined always finding a way to bribe you into letting her cut it𓈒 you'll grump and attempt to evade the scissors making your cut choppy but she's quite proud of her handiwork𓈒
jinx is always dying your hair wild colors ! you wanted to have blue hair just like her𓈒 although you were a little shy to tell her at first she thinks it's awesome and is super eager to help , telling you how cool you look when it's done𓈒
not big on rules𓈒 she doesn't mind if you're messy or feel the need to police what time you go to bed𓈒 she's your cool older sister , if you need to be scolded vi or cait will step in𓈒
jinx loves doing crafts with you ! you two make friendship bracelets & kandi all the time together , making matching bracelets and you showing jinx how to make all the complex patterns𓈒
she's always calling you silly nicknames like "goober" and "gremlin" , making silly faces at you to make you laugh and challenging you to staring contests 𓈒 she takes them super seriously and is always trying to play dirty to get you to break first𓈒
tagging with jinx & getting covered in spray paint despite your weak attempts not to get messy𓈒 she helps guide your small hand with the can , adding your own touch to her elaborate tag𓈒
jinx is not good with super young regressors like babies or toddlers given the amount of responsibility and strict rules that type of caretaking comes with𓈒 she's a bit tentative about taking care of you at first , anxious she won't be capable enough or good enough to take on a big sister role𓈒 she knows she has a reputation and for good reason aside from her trouble with discussing and regulating her emotions but over time your regression proves to be a healing experience for both of you𓈒
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liliasenbyhusband · 1 day ago
Play stupid games
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Joanne x reader (company, f!Bobbie)
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, use of strong language, smut, a bit of awkwardness.. that’s it I think?
Tags: smut, angst and fluff, J riding r thigh, fingering (r receiving), switch!Joanne, switch!reader, hickeys, love confessions, domestic fluff, cuddling
Notes: I have to start out by thanking @imorynn once again for beta reading this, listening to my rants about this chapter, and for giving me life with her live comments 🙂‍↕️ thank you so much, my friend, I appreciate you very much 🫂🫶🏻
Secondly, I still am not the greatest smut writer, so I hope it is still an enjoyable read. I also want to take a second to thank everyone who has taken their time to read this series and an extra thanks to the people that have left comments, they truly always make my day 🫶🏻🥰
Now on to the fic!
Words: ~6.8K
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Change the prophecy
You anxiously waited in front of Joanne’s door, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. Today had been incredibly strange and had left you feeling so many emotions that you could barely keep up. Especially your phone call with Joanne.. you still didn’t really understand what had happened. You had gone from relieved and hopeful when you had seen her name flash across your screen, to confused when she hadn’t said a word, to angry and heartbroken when she refused to answer a simple question, making you fear that you already knew the answer and it wasn’t the one you had hoped it would be, and then back to worried and confused at Joanne’s strange behaviour.
And now you were standing in front of her door, your mind coming up with every worst case scenario, telling you she definitely regretted last night and had asked you to come over so she could tell you that it all had been one big mistake and that she hoped you both could forget it. Before you could continue to spiral the door opened and your eyes landed on Joanne’s form, she looked like she was even more anxious than you.. if that was even possible.
She stepped aside to let you in without saying a word, the tension in the air was palpable and you feared it would crush you under its weight if either of you didn’t speak up soon. The feelings whirling inside you made it difficult for you to stay grounded and in the present. You walked inside and automatically made your way over to your usual spot on the couch.
Your anxiety only grew worse as the silence continued to put its unbearable weight on your chest, there was so much you wanted to say, to ask, but you couldn’t bring yourself to, not before you heard what Joanne had to say. You could already guess it was nothing positive… she rarely was this serious and by the way she had acted during your phone call you knew something was wrong. The anger, sadness and hurt you had felt earlier were still very much present but they were currently overtaken by worry.
Joanne finally spoke up, her voice cutting through your thoughts, her eyes flitting from the floor to the wall and behind you to the door, looking anywhere but at you. She sounded scared and small, like she was standing face to face with a large predator. A frown made its way to your face as your worry grew and you fought the urge to reach out to her, to hold her hand in your own. No matter how much she had hurt you, seeing her like this made you want to do whatever you could to comfort her.
“I shouldn’t have left.. this morning… I..I just..”
A groan fell from her lips, you could tell she was starting to get frustrated.. with what or whom you weren’t entirely sure. You could hear the genuine regret in her voice, though that did little to calm your nerves. You began to wonder whether she regretted leaving or the fact that she had woken up in your bed in the first place.
“I thought it would be for the better… then I wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of my own actions..”
Your heart sank as you heard her speak those words, tears filling your eyes but you refused to shed them. Had she really regretted last night that much? Had she hated yesterday so much that she couldn’t bear to face reality.. couldn’t bear to face you the next morning? You wanted to speak, to ask her, but you couldn’t get anything past the lump in your throat so you just let her continue. You watched her as her hands nervously fiddled with the hem of her skirt, while you fought the tears that threatened to spill.
“I realise now that it was unfair to you… and that it left us both with more questions than answers.. so.. I.. I want to rectify that and explain myself.”
Joanne’s voice shook as she talked, she was rambling, like this was a speech she had learned by heart and needed to get out now, before she forgot the words.. or lost the courage to say them. Your frown deepened as you studied her features, trying to find any clue as to what she was about to say next, so you could prepare yourself, your heart, for the inevitable devastating blow that was about to follow.
“Yesterday was…”
‘A mistake, wrong, a one time thing’ your mind unhelpfully finished Joanne’s sentence for her. You bit your lip harshly to try and stop yourself from crying, while you tried your best to focus on Joanne’s words. You looked at the floor, you couldn’t bear to look at her while she would undoubtedly crush all your hopes and dreams.
“perfect.. and then this morning I woke up and all I could think about was how I would inevitably ruin it… like I always do.”
You looked up, shock clearly written all over your features. For the first time since you had arrived Joanne’s eyes met your own. The intensity of the emotions whirling behind those beautiful brown eyes knocked the wind out of you. Never before had she let her eyes display her emotions so openly. You could see hurt, regret, fear and anxiety swirl behind those eyes.. and there was something else, something fighting to make itself known but still being pushed down by the woman in front of you.
“So I left… fled before I could hurt you... before you could regret everything…I’m sorry but I just couldn’t risk tainting you with my baggage.”
She stopped for a moment, she seemed to be mulling something over, uncertainty now joining the many other emotions you could see behind those eyes. Your own emotions became more turbulent, part of you was worried, she had just apologised for the second time in the span of an hour… you had never seen this side of Joanne before, so scared, so small.. you barely even recognized her. You took Joanne’s hand in your own, giving it a gentle squeeze, hoping to be able to give her some sort of comfort.
It looked like she wanted to say something else, but she stopped herself and was now looking at you expectantly. And suddenly it hit you that it was your turn to speak.. you weren’t sure what to say.. you were still trying to make sense of everything Joanne had said.
You weren’t quite sure how you felt.. you had your own internal war waging. Part of you understood, you knew Joanne… or well you had thought you did… you had been aware of her more self conscious side.. but you had no idea it plagued her this badly. Had she really thought this lowly of herself all along? Was she truly convinced that she could only ever ruin you? Your heart broke for her and you wished she could see herself through your eyes. Then she would see the caring, funny and beautiful woman you saw when she allowed you to peer through the cracks in her walls. But part of you was still hurt, wanted more answers, needed to know what this meant for you two in the future. Her words still didn’t make complete sense to you.
You had so much to say, so much to ask, but you couldn’t find the words, nothing felt right. You wanted to soothe the ache she was so clearly feeling but didn’t know how.. Joanne had been right.. this was complicated. You were about to start speaking, unsure of what to say but no longer able to bear this silence, but before your first word could make it past your lips, Joanne began to speak again, seemingly surprising herself.
“Do you regret it.. spending the night with me?”
She blurted the question out, her voice wavering near the end of her sentence. It took you by surprise, you hadn’t expected her to speak again, and you definitely hadn’t expected this question. You could see even more fear and worry fill her captivating eyes, drowning out most other emotions, except for the one that she had been repressing this entire time.. the one you couldn’t put a name on.
“No. Not even a little.”
Your voice came out steadier and stronger than you felt, but you wanted to make sure that she believed you when you told her. You would do it all over again, even if you knew that she would leave the next morning. You had never felt as whole as you did when Joanne had been in your arms, and you would give anything to feel that whole again.. even if it would be ripped away again the next morning.
Joanne seemed to be searching your eyes for something else, something more… or maybe she was just trying to check if you were speaking the truth.. you didn’t dare say anything with certainty anymore. You followed up your statement with a question of your own.
“Do you?”
Your voice was void of any of the strength it held previously. You weren’t sure what you would do if she said she regretted it.. could you even remain friends after that? Your heart was racing inside your chest as you awaited her answer.
“No. I only regret not staying.”
You exhaled a breath you didn’t know you had been holding, feeling relief wash over you, though confusion soon followed. You were unsure of what her earlier words had meant… you had thought she was telling you that she regretted the evening and couldn’t bear to face the consequences of the night you had spent together. You studied Joanne’s features and tried to make sense of the situation but failed completely.
Joanne’s lower lip wobbled a little and you could see the frustration grow on her features as her brow furrowed. She took a deep breath, her voice a little steadier as she asked the next question, although her eyes betrayed the growing terror inside her.
“Was it just a way to blow off some steam for you?”
You were a little shocked by the question, you thought you had been quite obvious last night… but then again you also thought that Joanne had basically admitted to liking you back last night, only for her to disappear the next day so.. maybe you should stop making assumptions.
Your heart hammered inside your chest as your rational side told you to lie, told you to take the safe path.. that way if Joanne wanted it to be a one night stand, you could go back to being friends and nothing had to change. But you couldn’t lie to her, not when it came to something as important as this.. not when you could potentially hurt the woman in front of you, when she had been brave enough to ask the questions that you hadn’t been able to voice.
“No, no of course not! I.. had wanted to do that for a long time and then when you were so clearly jealous I…well.. I assumed we felt the same.. and I thought I had been quite obvious last night when we… that it was more than just lust and desire. I-”
You stopped yourself from rambling on and let go of Joanne’s hand. You began fidgeting with your fingers, looking down at your hands, unable to continue looking at the woman in front of you. You had just basically handed her your heart on a silver platter. Sure you were being vague, but even with these simple sentences you had given her the power to smash your already battered heart into a million bits and pieces. Your anxiety spiked so much that you felt nauseous, and your head was reeling with all the possible ways this could go horribly wrong.
The silence dragged on for what felt like an eternity, your mind convinced you that this silence wasn’t a good sign. You were about to tell Joanne to just forget everything you said when she finally spoke up. Her voice was hurried, like she was trying to get the words out before she could change her mind.
“I love you... I’m in love with you.. and it scares me. But we can never happen, because once you get to really know me, you will end up hating me and I will lose you completely and I can’t.. I can’t lose you.”
You looked up at her after the first three words and saw the conflicting emotions in her eyes. The sadness, the hurt, the fear and then the feeling you hadn’t been able to figure out… love… it was so obvious now.. how had you not realised it sooner? The happiness you felt at her confession, at knowing she felt the same way, was quickly erased when she continued. You could hear the terror in her voice, the pain behind her words and it ached.. ached to see her so fearful, so sure that nothing good could ever come from loving or being loved by her.
You watched as a tear made its way past her defenses, so you gently cupped her cheek and wiped it away with your thumb as you looked at her with nothing but love, understanding and care in your eyes. Your own pain was forgotten, the only thing that mattered now was to somehow make the woman in front of you understand that even if her hands disintegrated your heart by simply touching it, you would still gladly hand it over, it was already hers anyway.
Joanne leaned into your touch and looked up at you with unshed tears in her eyes and you could tell she was fighting to not raise up her walls once again, to defend her heart and never let anyone in, ever again.
When you spoke, your voice was soft yet steady, you made sure to look into her eyes so she could see the care and love you felt for her clearly displayed in your own.
“You could never lose me, I have been yours for longer than I care to admit and nothing you do could change that. No matter what happens after today, no matter what we decide to do, my heart will remain here with you, in its rightful place, your beautiful hands.”
You took her hands in your own once again and lifted them up to your mouth, gently kissing them both as you looked into her eyes before continuing.
“What you choose to do with it is up to you, it’s yours now. Whether you tear it up to pieces or treat it as a precious artifact, it doesn’t matter. I know you, I have seen the real Joanne, and it’s that Joanne that I have fallen madly and irrevocably in love with.”
Earlier your fear may have made you doubt whether you knew her at all, but knowing what you did now, after having been allowed to look past her defenses and into her heart, you were more certain than ever that you knew her, that you had gotten to see the real woman behind the façade that she had created to protect herself.
Joanne stared up at you, the whirlwind behind her eyes intensified, your words of devotion stirring something deep within her. Terror and love seemed to be battling one another as she tried to find the words to respond to you.
You waited patiently, despite your words and the steadiness of your voice, you weren’t as calm as you seemed. Your heart was hammering inside your chest, it had taken all of your strength and courage to speak so openly about your feelings, and that courage and strength were now being tested as silence had once again filled the air.
“If you’re willing to risk your heart.. then.. then so am I.”
Your heart skipped a beat as her words reached your ears, you could barely believe this was actually happening, this definitely wasn’t how you expected this to go, but you weren’t complaining. You couldn’t stop the smile that made its way to your face as you watched the corners of Joanne’s mouth twitch into a small and timid smile of her own.
As you looked into her eyes you could see the war she had been fighting earlier still seemed to be waging beneath the surface. Though it was clear that one side was winning, luckily for you it was the side you were rooting for.
“So what do we do now? … You’d think I’d be better at this after three marriages..”
The laugh that followed was filled with both joy and anxiety. You knew what she was doing, trying to diffuse the situation with a joke, trying to hide how terrified she really was, but you saw right through it, you didn’t even need to peer through the cracks in her walls anymore, because her walls had come down, and you could see her clear as day now.
“Now you let me take you out on a proper date.”
You sounded confident and determined, and although you might still feel a little nervous, those nerves were overshadowed by the happiness and disbelief you were currently feeling. Although those in turn couldn’t compare to the intensity of the love you currently felt for Joanne.
“I’m free tomorrow.”
You didn’t miss the mischievous glint in her eyes as she spoke. You raised your eyebrow questioningly, you had expected her to demand you take her on a date right this second.. keeping yesterday’s impatience and the clear eagerness in her voice in mind. But before you could question her on it, she continued.
“Today we’re spending the rest of the day in here. I have some making up to do.”
You laughed, completely shocked at how she had suddenly turned into her bossy self again. Normally you would have rolled your eyes at her demands and teased her a little before giving in, but right now you were just too happy to see Joanne regain some of her confidence, without her putting her walls back up.
“And what kind of making up did you have in mind, exactly, darling?”
You asked as innocently as you could, while you felt your heart slowly starting to repair itself… no.. no it wasn’t healing itself… it was being healed by the woman in front of you. She looked at you with such adoration in her eyes, even when that mischievous glint shone in those brown hues, that looking into them felt like she was applying a soothing balm on your aching wound. There was a healing property in the way her lips twitched into a playful smirk as she thought of all the lude ways she could respond. And the trust she displayed in you, by letting her feelings be so clearly seen, by not immediately putting her walls back up, by letting you, and only you, see this side of her, bandaged your heart up with such care and love that you might just forget it had been hurt in the first place.
Joanne straddled your lap, her skirt hiking up just a little to make the movement possible, and threw her arms around your neck.
“I have an idea or two in mind… but why don’t you tell me how you would like me to.. make amends.”
You rested your hands on her hips and found that they fit perfectly like two puzzle pieces finally connecting, like your bodies had been molded for one another. Your eyes traveled back up to her own and chuckled lowly when you saw desire take over those captivating brown eyes. Leave it to Joanne to somehow turn this situation into something filthy.
“You could start by kissing me. I missed having your lips on mine.”
You didn’t miss the little smile gracing Joanne’s face before she captured your lips with her own. You had expected her to kiss you like she had last night, hungry, full of need and desire, her lust barely concealed. So when she kissed you and poured all of her feelings into it, when the kiss was soft, loving and tender, you had been surprised to say the least. Sure there was want and need there.. but it was like those feelings no longer mattered, they didn’t have the upper hand. She wasn’t kissing you to get you into bed, she was kissing you to express her love and care for you.
You kissed her back with that same intensity, pouring every single thing you felt for her into the kiss, your thumbs softly caressing her clothed hips, as if you needed something to ground yourself, to remind you that this was real, that she really was here, you could feel her, right here in your hands.
When Joanne pulled back, in need of air, she rested her forehead against yours, her nose lightly nuzzling yours as she tried to catch her breath. Her hand came up to ever so gently wipe away a tear that had made its way down your cheek. You hadn’t even been aware of its journey till the back of Joanne’s fingers carefully brushed it away. She ever so gently pressed a kiss to your cheek, as if to soothe the spot where your tear had just fallen.
“Oh baby…”
Her voice was soft, warm and full of concern, a frown made its way to her face, and she was about to continue talking when you interrupted her.
“A happy tear, my love, I never thought I’d get to experience this.”
You sent her a reassuring smile and a chuckle while you softly squeezed her hips to emphasise your words. Joanne searched your eyes, you assumed she was looking to see if you were telling the truth, when she seemed to be pleased with the answer you had given her, her eyes drifted to your neck, the marks she had left the night before clearly visible. Her fingers slowly and carefully began to trace them, as if she was entranced by them.
“You really did a number on me.”
You said teasingly, a triumphant smile appearing on your lips when the slightest hint of a blush appeared on Joanne’s cheeks. Her eyes met yours again as she raised her eyebrow questioningly, before playfully responding.
“You’re one to talk. Have you seen the battlefield you left behind?”
Now it was your turn to blush, which had Joanne looking entirely too pleased with herself. You rolled your eyes while trying your best to make the blush disappear.
You were about to answer when a stomach growl interrupted you. The playfulness that hung in the air slowly dissipated and concern laced itself within your features.
“Have you eaten anything today?”
Your voice filled with care and a tinge of worry as you asked the question, you didn’t need a response to know the answer, the guilty look on her face betrayed her. You looked at your phone to check the time, 5 pm, you looked back up at her disapprovingly before speaking again, not waiting for an answer.
“Let me see if you have anything in that kitchen of yours.”
You lightly patted her hips, as a sign for her to get off, so you could search her fridge and pantries in the hopes of finding anything edible. As Joanne climbed off of your lap and back onto the couch, your own stomach grumbled… maybe you had been a little bit of a hypocrite. Joanne crossed her arms and tilted her head, matching the look you had given her earlier. You shot her a sheepish grin before getting up and walking to the kitchen, starting your quest for food.
You had to admit you already missed having Joanne in your lap, you liked having her that close, her scent invading your senses, feeling her weight on you, having her ass and tits both in groping distance. You quickly tried to rid yourself of that last thought as you opened Joanne’s pantries.
You grabbed all the ingredients you’d need for a decent pasta sauce and began working on making dinner. This definitely wasn’t the first time you’d cooked for Joanne at her place, but it was the first time you’d cook for her as her.. well what were you? You sure as hell were much more than just friends now… problems for another time, you decided as you continued working on the food.
You suddenly felt two arms wrap around your waist, followed by gentle kisses being placed on the side of your neck. You instinctively leaned into her touch before turning your head a little. You chuckled as you saw Joanne stand on her tippy toes to be able to reach your neck better.
The rest of the evening went by in a blur of domestic bliss. After a while Joanne had moved from hugging you from behind, to sitting on the kitchen counter, stealing kisses whenever she could. She had demanded to taste the sauce and had playfully given you directions on how to make it better.
During dinner the air had been filled with light banter and teasing remarks. Joanne’s foot had made its way up your calf more than once, but whenever she drew a reaction from you she stopped and with every frustrated huff you let out, her smirk grew. Once you had both finished eating, her hand reached out over the table for yours and you intertwined your fingers with hers. Her thumb softly stroked the back of your hand as you talked for.. well you weren’t sure for how long… it had felt like time stood still in that moment, the only thing that mattered was Joanne and you in this very moment.
After cleaning up the kitchen together, you went back to Joanne’s comfortable couch and turned on the television. Joanne clearly wanted to be close to you, but still was too proud to actually admit it, so she had sat down next to you without cuddling up to you. You internally rolled your eyes and pulled her into your side. Her fake protest soon faltered as her head found its way to your shoulder while she curled up into your side, tugging her legs beneath her while wrapping her arms around you.
It didn’t take long before Joanne had apparently decided that you were far more interesting than whatever show she had put on. She began by placing soft and innocent kisses on the marks on your neck that she had left yesterday, those kisses were soon replaced by more hungry ones as she sought out places she had previously left unmarked and began to add new hickeys to the already large collection. As you were about to complain about her being a tease, she turned off the tv and muttered against your neck.
“I still have some making up to do.”
You chuckled lowly as you pulled her back into your lap, her teasing had left you impatient and ready to tear off her clothes. You somehow managed to control yourself and with a raspy voice whispered in her ear.
“I’m going to make you earn it, darling.”
You placed a kiss behind her ear, drawing a soft moan from Joanne, while you hiked her skirt up over her ass before you roughly squeezed it. You pulled back a little and watched as her eyes filled with lust. You kissed her hungrily and passionately, a contrast to the kiss from earlier.
She didn’t waste a second and kissed you back with the same amount of need and want as you had displayed. With the way she was positioned in your lap, you could feel the effect your words and the kiss had had on her, which caused you to smirk against her mouth.
You gently bit her bottom lip, which caused her to gasp out a moan and whine against your mouth, which made it easier for your tongue to push past her lips. Your tongue explored her mouth and teased her tongue until there was no air left in your lungs. You pulled back reluctantly and rested your forehead against hers before rasping out.
“If I knew this is how today was going to turn out I would have brought my strap, I bet you would look so pretty riding it.”
The thought seemed to appeal to Joanne because you could feel the way her pussy throbbed at the thought. She bit her lip and her pupils dilated and you had to admit you enjoyed seeing the bossy woman turn into a needy mess, just at the thought of riding your strap.
“For now my thigh will have to do.”
Joanne didn’t need any other directions as she placed one knee in between your legs and the other on the left side of your leg, positioning her center right on your thigh. You made her lift her hips a little so you could hike your own dress up to your hips, wanting to feel the woman on top of you grind herself against your bare skin. You pushed her back down on your thigh again and gasped a little when you felt just how soaked she was, which caused Joanne’s cheeks to be painted in the faintest shade of red.
You pushed her skirt up over her hips so she could move easier, before getting rid of her shirt and bra, your hands quickly replacing the fabric. You began to massage her voluptuous breasts before crashing your lips against Joanne’s once again.
When she didn’t continue to grind against your thigh, your hands moved to her hips, pushing her down harder against your thigh, before slowly beginning to move them for her, hoping she would get the message. Joanne seemed to understand because seconds later she began to ride your thigh on her own accord.
Your hands moved to her ass, giving it a harder squeeze, which caused her to groan against your mouth before pulling back in need of air. You massaged her ass roughly while your mouth found its way to her boobs, hungrily sucking, biting and licking any skin it could reach.
The sounds that spilled out of Joanne’s mouth as her head fell back and the way her underwear grew more and more soaked by the second, only fuelled your actions, making sure to give both boobs the same amount of attention while your nails dug into the ample flesh of her ass. Joanne arched her back and pushed her breasts harder against your mouth as her breathing became ragged and her movements became more erratic. Her hands had landed on your shoulders, holding them tightly as if she were trying to ground herself by holding on to you.
Your hands moved to her hips and you began to guide her hips, helping her to keep a steady rhythm. You flexed your thigh while reluctantly pulling your mouth away from her boobs.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart. You look absolutely divine like this.”
You whispered as you looked up at her. You meant every word, she looked absolutely stunning. Her skin was gleaming from sweating and had gained a few new marks, her brows were knitted together, her chest heaved up and down as her breathing became shallow, and her mouth hung open as she let every filthy sound escape from between her lips.
“Are you going to ruin those panties for me, hmmm? Are you going to cum just from riding my thigh?”
Your words came out hurried as you were making a mess of your own underwear, as you watched Joanne try and fail to come up with a witty response, instead losing herself in chasing her own high. You had half the mind to tease her for it, but you were too lost in watching her hump your thigh while you guided her hips.
You watched as she toppled over the edge, moaning your name while her nails dug into your shoulders almost painfully. Her rhythm slowed and you helped her ride through her orgasm as you whispered praises in her ear before she collapsed into you. You gently stroked her back and placed a gentle kiss on her temple.
When her breathing evened out you carefully picked her up, which caused her to yelp and you to chuckle, and carried her to her bedroom. You gently placed her on the bed as she murmured something about being able to walk, before you crawled on top of her.
“After that little performance, you deserve to lay back and relax.”
You smirked as you got rid of her skirt while placing butterfly kisses all over her naked front and belly. After discarding her skirt, you planned to get rid of the panties she had ruined earlier, but were interrupted when Joanne spoke up.
“No, wait…”
You stopped immediately, concern visible in your eyes as you searched her desire filled ones for any sign of discomfort.
“I want to make you feel good.. show me how.”
There was a touch of vulnerability in the way she commanded you, something softer in the way she asked, it was subtle, but it was there. She looked up at you with her pleading eyes, her hands softly tugging at your dress. How could you deny her anything when she looked up at you with those big brown eyes?
“Yes ma’am.”
You answered teasingly before you let her take off your dress and watched as her eyes roamed your body. Her hands made light work of your bra and tossed it across the room, you got up and sent your panties flying after it, before crawling back on top of her. Joanne’s hands landed on your hips and before you even properly realized what she was doing, she had switched your positions. You were now laid on your back, looking up at the woman who mere seconds ago was laying beneath you. She was acting more confident than she actually felt though, you could tell by the look in her eyes and the slight hesitancy when she reached out to touch your chest. You were quick to reassure her.
“I’ll tell you what feels good, honey, just think of what you like when you touch yourself and we’ll start from there.”
You rasped out as you gently took her wrists in your hands and guided her hands to your chest. Your encouragement seemed to give her more confidence as she slowly massaged your boobs, her thumbs teasingly caressing your nipples. You let out a soft moan and were about to encourage her when she surged forward to capture your lips with hers. Her thumbs began to circle your nipples, which caused you to push your chest against her hands and to moan against her mouth.
Her mouth travelled to your sternum, the kisses she left on her way there were soft at first but quickly turned into sucking at biting at the skin as she reached her destination. Clearly she had decided it was her turn to leave some marks. You moaned out her name along with some praises as one of your hands tangled in her hair. Once your nipples hardened she flicked them with her thumb, causing you to whine.
After watching Joanne fuck herself on your thigh, you were already soaked, and you really needed Joanne to take care of the mess she had created.. and was currently creating. So with the hand that was still holding her wrist, you slowly guided her hand down to where you needed her most, which caused Joanne to pause her assault on your chest. You gave her time enough to protest and closely watched her reaction as you guided her hand.
She seemed eager but nervous so you voiced how you were feeling, hoping to help her get out of her own head a little.
“I need you, baby, I’m soaked. You’ve made quite the mess. Do you wanna feel?”
You paused your descent on top of your mound and watched as her pupils dilated with desire. She hoarsely managed to mumble a “yes” while her hand began to move of her own accord. Her gaze remained trained on you while she carefully slid two of her fingers between your folds, a gasp falling from her mouth when she felt just how wet you were for her.
“All for you.”
You moaned out as her fingers slowly and carefully made their way up and down your slit. You pulled her in for a kiss, your tongue sliding over her bottom lip as you moaned against her mouth. Those moans turned into whines when Joanne’s fingers found your clit. Her free hand continued its work on your boob, massaging it a little rougher and pinching your nipple every once in a while.
She pulled back from the kiss and tentatively circled your clit, you could feel her eyes on you, watching any reaction closely, looking for reassurance. You let out every filthy sound that bubbled its way to the surface, which made Joanne more sure in her movements. She applied a little more pressure to your clit and rubbed tighter circles as she picked up speed.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart.”
You managed to get out in between moans, praises falling freely from your lips. Your hands settled in the sheets beneath you as you felt your walls flutter around nothing. You desperately needed her fingers inside you, you had waited for this moment for a long while and your patience was running thin.
“I need you inside me.”
You breathed out, the need clear in your words as you looked up at those hungry eyes. Joanne didn’t need to be told twice and slowly pushed her two fingers inside you, which caused you to moan Joanne’s name. You growled a curse when she began moving her fingers in and out of you, slowly and tentatively at first, but your whines spurred her on and soon she started picking up her pace and moving her fingers with more certainty.
“Fuck! Just like that, Joanne….”
You gasped when she found the perfect rhythm, you moved your hips to try and meet it. You could feel your thighs begin to shake as your orgasm neared. You incoherently mumbled something about being close as you grasped the sheets beneath you tightly.
“Cum for me, baby.”
She whispered into your ears, her voice low and sultry, though barely hiding the desire to watch you come undone by her own hands. That little sentence in combination with Joanne continuing her efforts and beginning to circle your clit with her thumb, was all it took to send you over the edge. You came all over her fingers, gasping her name as you threw your head back in pleasure.
You came back down to earth, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath, letting go of the sheets and whining when Joanne gently pulled her fingers out, looking mighty proud of herself. She wrapped her lips around her fingers and licked and sucked them clean, moaning at your taste, while never looking away from you. You let out something between a moan and a groan as you watched her, this woman was going to drive you insane.
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
You chuckled breathlessly as you watched Joanne get rid of her ruined underwear before laying down next to you and pulling you closer to her.
“You’re so dramatic.”
She teased, playfully rolling her eyes. You watched as the last bit of tension finally left her body as your head found its place on her chest. You listened to her heartbeat as she played with your hair, placing soft and loving kisses on the skin you could reach.
You could feel yourself growing sleepy when the negative thoughts began to swarm your mind, the fear of her once again disappearing before you woke, settled into your chest. So you broke the comfortable silence, the confidence you had previously displayed now completely gone and replaced by uncertainty and anxiety.
“Please don’t leave.”
You knew you were at her place and that the fear wasn’t logical, but you couldn’t help the terror that had settled deep within you. You felt her movements still for a moment, which caused you to worry that you may have ruined the moment completely. But before you could spiral you felt Joanne place the softest kiss on the top of your head before speaking in a soft voice.
“I’ll be right here in the morning.”
Her voice was steady and reassuring and clearly conveyed the seriousness and honesty of her message. So you decided to trust her and let sleep wash over you while you listened to Joanne’s heartbeat.
The next morning when you awoke, you felt the heat of Joanne’s body beneath you and could hear her soft snores above you. You couldn’t stop the small smile that spread across your lips as you opened your eyes, looked up and saw an adorable, sleeping Joanne, snoring softly.
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tsukuharuko · 4 hours ago
As per the woman's invitation, Haruko knelt before the low table, thanking her with a smile. The table already had several inviting things to nibble on while waiting for the main meal -- fresh bread, berries, what looked like an improvised salad, and pieces od dried meat cut in small cubes. It all looked... Very simple. Humble food, clearly put together with what little they had time to gather after the house had been rebuilt, she realised with a pang of guilt in her stomach.
"You've been very nice, inviting us for dinner," Haruko said. "Please, don't feel like you have to prepare so much food for us..."
"Oh, it's no big deal," the woman reassured her, bent on the small stove; Haruko saw a small light dancing inside it. "Really, if it hadn't been for your help, we wouldn't even be able to eat under a roof at all. Sharing a dinner is just the best way to celebrate this house you helped us rebuilt-- Sweetie! Be gentle!"
Haruko's head wheeled to witness the little child tugging Inosuke's ear with a marveled giggle. Despite the worries clouding her mind in the last couple of days, she couldn't help but laugh at the scene.
"Oh, no!" She said, quick to stand up and head towards their direction. "Look at that! You have just captured a mighty and powerful demon, haven't you?"
With that, she gently unwrapped the kid's fingers from around Inosuke's ear. As she did so, her knuckled brushed the tufts of hair on its top, and her eyes hesitated on it for a second. They indeed seemed soft...
"Here," she huffed, picking up the kid who, while not offering a struggle, was still clearly mesmerised by Inosuke's ears. "Spare your enemy, he really cares about those ears."
With that, she gave Inosuke a hesitant look -- probably the first real one since the evening before, she realised with a bitter sigh.
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"Are you ok?" She asked. "Did it hurt...?"
Thankfully, the door opened an instant after, breaking the awkwardness of the moment. The man from the earlier days, the same one who had antagonised Inosuke before asking for his help, walked in; he seemed surprised to see his guests, and halted on the threshold for a moment.
"Oh... You're here already," he muttered, a hand running to rub the back of his neck as he closed the door behing him. "I'm sorry. We took longer than planned to help refurnishing one of the houses..."
"How is it going, dear?" The wife asked, putting a pot of steaming soup in the middle of the small table. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah," the man hung the sack with his tools on a nail by the door. "We should be done by tomorrw. The whole village is pretty much rebuilt." And with that, he gave Inosuke a look and a nod. "Thanks to you."
He motioned at Inosuke and Haruko to follow him as he knelt by the table, soon imitated by his wife. Haruko was quick to return her the child before sitting in front of them in turn.
"I don't think we can ever thank you enough for your help," the man began, cutting the bread and handing each of them a slice. "It's funny, isn't it? I don't think we even had time to properly introduce ourselves in the middle of this whole mess..."
He put the bread down and placed a hand on his chest.
"I am Seito. Me and my wife, Naru, are honored to have you over for dinner." And, as the kid tugged his sleeve with a pout, he added with a chuckle. "Oh, and little Shin here, too."
"Let's eat now," Naru announced with a delicate clap of her hands. "I hope you like it -- it's hazelnuts and mushrooms soup."
Inosuke was certainly an odd sight to the eyes, for one who was used to his regular attire. His hands were clean of their usual dirt, his hair almost free of twigs and leaves, his skin soft-looking in the dimming sunlight. His outfit complimented his efforts, giving him an almost noble air.
Thankfully, his attitude was quick to correct that impression.
"I almost thought you'd chickened out or something! Even though you don't mind people!" He pointed out, grinning from ear to ear as he handed her the clothes. "I didn't eat any of the food without you!"
He watched her disappear behind the house, relief washing away what discomfort had started to settle. He was soon distracted by the kid's insistent gaze - a few days prior, he would have taken it as a form of aggression...
"What? You've never seen someone as powerful as me, have you?" Inosuke claimed, crouching down to the kid's level. "Want to touch my arms? Feel how strong they are?!"
He turned to nod at the woman's suggestion, rather eager to get started with the food, and failed to realize that the child had taken him up on his offer - well, almost. The child did approach and reach up to touch him, but they weren't interested in the muscles hidden under neat fabrics. No, they'd set their sights on something visible, and far more fascinating.
"Fluffy, fluffy..." The child cooed, a hand now wrapped around Inosuke's ear.
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justevelynnnn · 18 hours ago
sudden love.
night crawler x afab!reader (NSFW)
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Warnings: Lots of smut in the second half of this…, PiV, oral s//x, reader is written as a female as well as being chubbier, slightly mentions of reader being insecure, mention of reader being tipsy, a bit of profanity at the end
Summary: Here’s what happens when you start working for the x-men as an intern and you run into a blue demon man 💙
Note: Sorry it’s been a million years since i posted but i just got lazy🙁😕😕😕 anyways live, laugh, nightcrawler
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You wondered how you got here.
In bed, with the one and only Kurt Wagner. A man who was so focused on being holy and pure…under you, fully naked and eagerly whining. His golden eyes bore into yours as you bounced on him. His tail wrapped around your waist tight. Fingers on each side squishing your thighs…
It might’ve started when you started working for the X-men as an intern. Of course, you first had to pledge to neverrrr share any big secrets you learned or plans shared during meetings. Then you got settled. You had a little office next to Jean Grays’s. Your job was the usual boring intern stuff…following scott around and organizing files and pouring coffee. By week 4, you actually memorized all the x-men’s coffee orders.
Jean Gray liked lattes with a bit of extra sugar. Scott Summers and Logan liked theirs dark. Gross. Morph’s fluctuated, sometimes they wanted a mocha sometimes also dark. Beast liked his coffee extra sugary…
At the end of the day, you didn’t want to necessarily be an X-man. You really just needed some type of job that would except mutants. But they all had a lot of knowledge to share, and you never turned down an opportunity to listen and gain some wisdom.
It wasn’t until you were in charge of setting the danger room schedule when you met him. Did he catch you off guard bamfing behind you? Maybe. Did you feel horrible after especially seeing his tail droop? Yup.
You quickly scrambled to apologize.
“I’m so sorry! You just caught me off guard..!” You say watching him shake his head.
“Oh, it’s fine. I get it a lot. I’m blue..covered in fur…bright yellow eyes…” He says in a nonchalant tone looking at the ground. He also had this strong german accent. He also was possible being sarcastic…
And before you could apologize again he interrupted by introducing himself. His name was Kurt Wagner, or Nightcrawler. Fitting…
You’ve seen him around but mainly in the danger room flipping and bamfing around. He was also ridiculously flexible and you think he has a yoga class? He’s also said to be very devoted to his faith. You then noticed his shiny cross necklace and his golden rosary.
You told him your name and he mentioned seeing you around himself. A sweet little compliment was sprinkled in you guys small talk and then he was gone quicker than he showed up. Though, you still felt bad for your initial reaction to him later that day.
The next time you saw him was a week later in the evening. You just were sitting there reading a book, decompressing after a long day of organizing papers and sending emails, when suddenly BAMF! and now here is Nightcrawler startling you yet again.
“GEEZ!” You shout but not really at him, also dropping your book.
“Am I really that ugly?” Kurt jokes pouting a bit as he perched on the coffee table he landed on.
“No! Just you-“
“Ohhh, it’s fine..i get it..”
He’s clearly joking with you again so you laugh bit. You thank him as he hands you your book and sits next to you. You quietly take in small details of him like his pointed ears or his tail or even the slight indication of pupils in his eyes as he looked at you.
Insert more small talk here and then he’s gone again.
You figured he either really was curious about you or was bored. The idea of him having some crush never crossed your mind. But this was the Nightcrawler we’re talking about! He could have any girl, mutant or human, so why choose an intern? Especially one like you with your thick thighs and plump stomach.
But as time went on, he started to find you daily. He found any reason to speak to you and anything to talk about. Inviting you on evening strolls or even his bible studies which he didn’t mind if you went or not. He taught you how to cook german dishes once and you showed him your favorite hiding spot in the mansion.
It really felt like a spark started. He really grew on you. He was funny, sweet, warm…
His compliments became more frequent too, each one making you blush even more.
Soft touches here and there..
Hugs that lasted longer than the ones before…
Prolonged eye contact…
Then months later the topic of relationships came up. It was embarrassing to admit but you told him you never had one… yet you were a bit shocked to learn he’s had a few back in his day.
“But you’re…?”
“Catholic. I know.”
“And you even..?”
He nods but then smirks. “I was a tad libidinous before…now i just want to…settle. Perhaps even find my soulmate.”
You blush as he stares into your soul on the soulmate part. Could he be referring to..you?
Your time as an intern was wrapping up but everyone loved you so much you just decided to stay. So, you went full time which means more time for you and Kurt to bond. You wondered what they could all mean… his stolen glances and the way he touched you sometimes…
“He likes you.”
“What?!” You say turning around, wide eyed at Jean one evening. Kurt had just bamfed away, but was she standing there the whole time???
“I said, he likes you…a lot.” She smirks. “I know how he gets when he’s in love y’know..i’ve known him for a while.”
“..Love?” You say quietly.
“You’re different too. He’s nervous to say anything.” She slowly comes up next to you and smiles. “But, i can tell you like him a lot too…”
You just blush. Was it really that obvious the whole time?
Could it really be true?
Then, one evening after watching the sunset on the roof and a deep conversation later you two were sharing a bottle of wine. In his words, “It’s fine to indulge in sin sometimes, no?” Probably joking again…
He was big on his faith, for sure. He says it saved him and you could tell. His devotion was admirable.
After the first glass, you already really opened up. Still in your work clothes, but feeling more confident and loose. And by the second, you were a giggling mess. Anything Kurt said either made you blush or laugh. You never felt so alive or comfortable in your skin.
“I wish this could last forever, y’know? This moment…” You sigh as the sun sets. It’s getting darker, the moon getting brighter..stars shining.
“Ja…this was a pretty one. This sunset. ” He agrees with you and scooted closer. “But not as pretty as you, dear.”
“You’re a charmer Kurt…but I dunno…sometimes I wonder why you chose me to spend all your free time with. Like, me specifically. It’s not like I’m one of your gorgeous fan girls..” You play with the hem of your button down vest, it’s untucked now a sign of you being more comfortable.
Kurt doesn’t say anything for a bit. It makes you nervous. So nervous you accidentally pulled a few threads from your vest. You weren’t looking for pity, no. You were genuinely curious. He’s famous, well known. In great shape. Strong morals… It just really bewildered you.
Were you insecure…? Maybe just a bit..who isn’t? You try everyday to be more confident. You were working for the x-men for crying out loud! It was a big deal. But sometimes, you wished you were a bit..different. Slimmer, more graceful even.
“Y/n….” He said finally. It was a soft tone, softer than usual. Gentle…
You don’t say anything but you just look into his eyes.
“I’ve never felt so strongly for a woman before..for anyone before. You truly don’t realize how beautiful you are. Inside and out. There is something magnetic about you that draws me to you…” He takes your hand and kisses it. Your heart explodes. No one has ever talked you like this before.
“I’ve been thinking about asking for a while…getting to know you for these past several months has been memorable. I feel we’re forming a strong connection. One that can last is years…y/n, would I…be wrong to ask you to be mine?”
Everything happened so quickly next.
You drunkenly kissed him after he asked you that. In your head that was an answer. You immediately regretted it, feeling you stepped out of line but before you could apologize he kissed you right back. And passionately. Like it’s all he’s ever wanted to do. It was getting dark now and bit chilly honestly but the heat of his body against yours kept you warm enough.
Then instead of a hard roof, you were suddenly on a softer surface. A bed.
Kurt’s bed. In Kurt’s room.
“Is it okay?” He asked panting as he pulled back and saw you realize what had happened. “Being here..I mean..”
“Are we gonna…?” You say also panting.
“Do you want to?”
You think for a moment. Were you really going to lose your virginity to an Xman?
He already has a condom in hand by the time you nod. He pulls off his shirt exposing his furry toned torso. He softly kisses you again and you hum. You wondered if it was the alcohol or the way his hands felt on your body was making you feel so good. You allowed him to slowly take off your clothes. Piece by piece.
He was gentle with removing everything, but carelessly threw them on the ground behind him once it was off.
He stopped admired you once you were fully undressed. It made you want to hide behind your hands. The pure look of lust he had in his eyes…eyes that glistened at this point.
He traced a finger along your curves and folds, stopping to kiss some parts. You never felt this way before. It was like he was worshiping you.
He knew you were inexperienced so he took his time. When he was between your legs getting you ready he was ever so tender. He fingered you ever so slowly. Whispering praises as you took his finger because with him one was honestly enough. Then his head was between your thighs as he licked your folds delicately as well, savoring each swipe of his tongue. He had a way of making your legs shake, your back bend and you to sing his name.
When he felt you were ready for him he ever so teasingly slow rolled the condom on and inched slowly inside of you. Of course he made sure you were ready before he started to enter you. It did hurt a bit at first, like an intense stretch with some pressure. It definitely took a while especially given..his size.
But he was patient, and gentle and understanding.
Then he started thrusting. And thrusting. And groaning and moaning and gripping and kissing. The whole bed moved as the two of you moved. He thrusted slowly but deeply, pulling out completely and thrusting his whole length back inside you.
At some point your eyes were rolling to the back of your head. You swore you saw heaven as he hit a spot on the inside.
Every part of you burned hot with pleasure. You barely registered your own orgasm several minutes later and he licked a spot he bit on your neck moments before. He didn’t finish long after, plopping next to you panting. His tail laid across you on purpose. He then smiled goofily at you like he didn’t just have you under him seeing star’s minutes ago.
Your skin was sticky and your legs ached.
But you weren’t done.
You flipped him over and climbed on top of him. He was stunned, but let you as he was once again mesmerized by your nude body. He was a sucker for breasts.
You felt dominant as you straddles him with your thick thighs, positioned him with your entrance and slowly sunk down. Again, it was a stretch at first. Kurt was definitely blessed in the manhood department, but this was a position you knew about from before and you knew it was for more experienced people. Yet, it could’ve been the liquid courage too.
As you started to move, Kurt unraveled. That confident horny man from an hour ago? The one who had you nearly cumming in his mouth from slow flicks with his tongue? Or, hell, a single wink after some dirty joke?
Well, now he’s ready to bust himself from any simple moment you make. His hands rest in the sides of your hips as he helped you but you still did most of the work. Now slightly bouncing more and quicker after growing more confident.
This is who you thought Kurt to be. It’s nice to see this shy and submissive version of him. He tilted his head back as you wiggle against his pelvis. You can see his Adam’s apple bob as he held back.
It was mesmerizing to watch him come undone too. The way his mouth was parted, intoxicating noises escaping him. The way his dark hair stuck to his damp fur on his forehead. The way his cheeks darkened ever so slightly from being dominated…
It wasn’t long before he came again. His moans louder this time. Even drawing out your name.
You laid on top of him, knees even more achey than before, heart pumping so hard you swore he could feel it or even hear it.
You two stayed like that for a while. This time done for real. Both exhausted but utterly satisfied.
Kurt eventually helped clean up. He wiped you gently with a damp towel and gave you an oversized shirt to wear to cover up. Even getting you water after you used his bathroom.
“That was…hm..” Kurt said quietly laying next to you once everything was cleaned.
“It was fucking incredible.” You responded quietly. Inside you kept asking yourself…how did this happen?
“..Ja…” He sighs. “Wanna make this a weekly event?”
And after this? How could one not not agree?
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Bengiyo's Queer Cinema Syllabus
For those of you who don’t know, I decided to run the gauntlet of @bengiyo’s queer cinema syllabus, which is comprised of 9 units. I have completed four of the units (here is my queer cinema syllabus round up post with all the films I’ve watched and written about so far). It is time for me to make my way through Unit 6- Gems, which includes the following films: Big Eden, Shelter, Weekend, Private Romeo, Were the World Mine, The Birdcage, Make the Yuletide Gay, The Sum of Us, Boy Erased, Boys, Summer Storm, C.R.A.Z.Y., North Sea Texas, Saturday Church, Boy Meets Girl, The Adventers of Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Too Wong Foo Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar.
Today I will be watching:
Big Eden (2000) dir. Thomas Bezucha
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[Run Time: 1h 58m, Language: English]
Summary: A thirty-something gay guy, Henry Hart, returns to his childhood Montana home to confront his unrequited passion for his high school best friend.
Cast: - Arye Gross as Henry Hart - Eric Schweig as Pike Dexter - Tim DeKay as Dean Stewart - George Coe as Sam "Sampa" Hart
When I saw this was on Ben’s syllabus I was so fucking excited because this is one of my favorite movies of all time. Listen, I have watched plenty of movies plenty of times, but this is one of the few films that I have seen where I legitimately watched it back to back. Like, fully the first time that I watched it I immediately started it back over because this film is a drug to me. 
Simply put this is a kind film that is just packed full of love and I am so grateful that we have some stories set in a very small town where homophobia is not a concern. We talk about the bubble in BL a lot and this film is kinda like a bubble show, but Henry’s very clear hesitation to tell Sampa that he is queer is a good way to still hint at the fact that homophobia does exist in this world and that Big Eden just doesn’t really do that. In this day and age with the current political climate being what it is, it is just comforting to be able to see a bunch of older cishet white men get thoroughly invested in helping Pike get his man. 
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It is really hard to talk about this film because every time I think about it legitimately I just get heart eyes and cease to put on an analytical brain about it. But now that I have to write about it, I gotta try to get some level of coherent thought out of it. 
The dichotomy between Dean and Pike is such a fascinating part of this film for me because Dean is straight and thus more openly affectionate with Henry and Pike is queer and therefore ready to run away every chance he gets when the boy he likes is in the room. I love this exploration Dean has around his own sexuality insofar as it is clear that he deeply loves Henry, but that that love is at the end of the day platonic and familial. But Dean kisses Henry in this movie. Like he tries so hard to give Henry what he wants because he knows how much Henry has been suffering from the two-decade crush Henry has had on him. It is one of my favorite aspects of this film. Whenever I sit down to watch it, I never feel like Dean is queer and just scared to pursue it, I feel like he is straight and is trying to pursue queerness because of how much he cares for Henry.
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But he just can’t. And that is heartbreaking to watch because Henry and Dean both know it from the start, but Dean is trying desperately to do whatever he can to keep Henry in his life, and to give him comfort. Thinking of this film in the context of this syllabus which is a lead up to BL, so many BLs have the general trope of “straight except for you” and though this film is not BL it could have very easily fallen in to that same category of Dean actually being queer by the end of the film, and I am really glad that they still allowed his straightness to exist.
Pike on the other hand, is very aware that he is queer, and he also deeply loves Henry, but in the romantic sense. And Pike is just a generally quiet and shy person compared to Dean. But whenever he and Henry are in the same room it looks like he is in physical pain being there, and that is so fucking fun to watch. This man is down bad. This man learns to cook and doesn’t tell Henry about it because he is just 6’2” of unadulterated devotion. I love whenever a story employs the concept of “food as love” and to see Pike work on continuously more complex dishes as his love for Henry continues to escalate just makes me want to scream. I love this man so much. I love him so much and I am so glad that he gets the guy at the end, because though I am not the biggest fan of Henry myself, all I could ever hope for in the history of the world is Pike’s happiness. 
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God there are just so many incredible relationship dynamics in this film. The way that Sampa knows that Henry is queer and is just waiting for him to tell him, the way that Sampa tries on multiple occasions to open the door and allow Henry space to come out. As someone whose parent confronted me about my own queerness and forced a conversation that neither of us was ready to have, I have such intense respect for the way that Sampa handled the last conversation he and Henry had about it. The way that he let Henry know that he knows and he is okay with it without coming right out to say it, without forcing the conversation, and honestly in my opinion, absolving Henry of the need to come out to him if he was too scared to do so. I know Henry still regrets not telling Sampa he is gay before Sam passed, but I also know at that point he didn’t have to. 
And I just have to give a shout out to Jim. Jim really is just sitting there holding Pike’s hand the whole way through trying to nudge him along until he gets what he wants. He knows that Pike is shy and he knows that Pike is scared, and is going to do whatever he can to get Pike to take the bigger risks. All the beloved old farts that park themselves in front of the general store every day are not so subtly, subtly push these two together. 
And of course, I just have to give a shout out to Widow Thayer for how she lets Henry know that she knows that he’s gay by inviting a fuck ton of gay men in to Henry’s home for a social gathering. The look on Henry’s face when he realizes what is happening is absolutely priceless.
All this to say, the film is a warm hug and everyone should watch it.
Favorite Moment 
Okay so the thing is there are a ton of great moments in the film, and before I talk about my absolute favorite one, I need to shout out the Thanksgiving fight between Dean and Henry because it is so good and so devastating “Screw you Henry Hart, I do know what love is. You. You are my family.” HELLO???????????????? Stabbing me in the chest would hurt less. 
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BUT. I think the award of WYKA’s favorite Big Eden scene is Jim’s conversation with Pike. The way he already bodied Pike in the “I’m just cooking food here.” “If only that were true.” conversation was excellent. But this is fundamentally a film about loving and being loved, and so my favorite scene is the one where Jim is trying to get Pike to stop delivering his love to Henry anonymously. The conversation Jim and Pike have where Pike is still vehemently trying to deny that he has feelings for Henry by telling Jim “I just want things to be nice for him,” Which? DEVASTATING. THAT LINE IS A GUT PUNCH EVERY FUCKING TIME I HEAR IT. To have Jim’s response be “The thing is Pike, we want things to be nice for you too, buddy.” It is so clear to me how important Pike is to the community, but to Jim and the rest of his posse especially. I just love that Jim takes the time to try to remind Pike that taking care of Henry quietly from the sidelines is just going to leave Pike continuously hurt, because how is Henry supposed to know that Pike cares about him when he is constantly fleeing the room whenever they are in the same space and when he lets Henry think that Widow Thayer is the one that is making all that food for him. 
Have I mentioned that I love Pike Dexter?
Favorite Quote
“Did I teach you shame? Did I teach you that? Cause it would break my heart if I had.” 
Sampa loves Henry and he wants Henry to know that he is a safe person to talk to, that he knows Henry is queer and keeping it from him, and that he wants Henry to tell him. This line also makes me so sad all the time because I know that it’s not true. That Sampa did not teach Henry shame, and I feel so badly that Henry’s (very reasonable) fear of coming out to the only living family member that he has left has placed Sampa in a position where he is worried that he has failed to make Henry feel safe and secure in who he is. 
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Is this actually a perfect movie? Fuck no. There are plenty of things I could nitpick with it, including the fact that I genuinely do not like Henry all that much as far as characters go. BUT. Every single time I watch this movie I am just overflowing with joy, and thus I will not be objective about the quality of the film. 
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skeltnwrites · 1 day ago
hiii! do you have a sneak peek of a family affair? i’m so excited!!
thank you for asking yes i do
You idle beside Steve, a short distance from the rest of the crew. He places his hand on the small of your back and you exchange quiet smiles. 
It’s mostly for show. He feels the weight of Nancy’s gaze in his peripherals. But an ounce or two of Steve is motivated purely by his own self-interest.
He misses these simple acts of affection. Tracing the veins in someone else’s palm, kissing their eyelids, counting their lashes. It’s human nature, a need, he supposes. A need he’s been trying to convince himself is much more of a want. 
And you’re so very gentle with him. It’s really driving him mad. 
Nancy must tell the kids it’s time to go because they’re scrambling over in a cacophony of goodbyes. Steve gives them each a big squeeze and a little shake for the road. Caroline hugs you like you’re no different than the rest of them, while Andy, ever the little charmer, asks your name for the third time. They disappear behind the first row of cars, their voices carry far but fade into all the rest. 
When Steve turns he finds you already looking at him. 
“They’re really great,” your smile worsens and Steve’s stomach capsizes, “your kids. You should be proud.”
The joy is contagious, infecting Steve with the same toothy smile, spreading through every cell in his body straight down to his jumping heart. “I am,” he manages.
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ducktracy · 2 days ago
> online animation community wants 2d animation to make a comeback in theatres > mainstream 2d animated film currently in theatres > barely see online animation community talking about it > ?????
Should I be worried? I really want this film to do good… (love the new banner btw <3)
i agree that hypocrisy is often extremely prevalent in online animation communities, but i don't like putting the blame on consumers (or, at least, people going "YOU ARE ACTIVELY HURTING THE LIVELIHOODS OF THE ANIMATORS IF YOU DO NOT SEE AND SUPPORT THIS FILM RIGHT NOW", ESPECIALLY when people working in animation spread that message--which, nobody has been doing for this film, but i do see it sometimes.) it's just going to turn people away even more and turns the moviegoing experience into an obligation, which should never be the case (perhaps in contrast to my own excessive advertising of the film!). there are certainly people who could benefit to own up to their word, but, ultimately, it's not the consumer's fault that the film has essentially been set-up for failure by nearly being written off and sent off to a very small distributor. the public is not responsible for the irresponsibility of the higher ups. i can't get too mad at people not knowing about the film because.. well, it's by design.
personally, i'm avoiding all talks or acknowledgement of the box office. this film has been through the wringer and back and it's amazing that it's even released at all, much less theatrically. its existence is a win in itself. it would be wonderful to even see it break a profit--i'll be realistic and say i personally am not sure if that'll be the case, but i would love to be wrong! but i think it's just a genuine miracle that this film has survived, much less even been made at all. it really feels like it shouldn't have. but it has, and its survived against all odds.
and while i'm keeping expectations realistic about box office numbers, i still think it's incredibly important to try anyway. this probably won't make a huge turnaround. try anyway. yes, it's a miracle that the movie exists in itself, and that is worth celebrating alone. convince anyone and everyone you know to go see it anyway. people working on the film themselves are saying that your--our--support makes a difference. even if it feels "redundant", try anyway.
so, no, i wouldn't essentially be "worried". encourage your friends to see it, go see it yourself, patronize it in any way you can. instead of getting mad at people not talking about it, pick up the slack yourself and spark a domino effect of difference. i've been so overjoyed to hear how many people i've convinced to see the film. please keep it coming! i wouldn't have done it if i wasn't persistent about it, likely to a degree of annoyance haha! i think, genuinely, much of the problem is that people simply don't know about it. it's not out of spite or willful ignorance. it's because WB doesn't want people to know about it. it has literally been set-up for failure. that's not the fault of the consumer. so just do what you can, spread the message and use positive reinforcement instead of shaming people (not saying you are!! but just in general), and, most importantly, ENJOY IT!! enjoy the novelty of seeing 2D animation on the big-screen. enjoy the novelty of seeing a funny, gorgeous and heartwarming movie. enjoy a very welcome distraction from The Horrors (this has been the carrot dangling over my head to get out of bad times for years, and now i'm kind of falling into a depression that it's "over" haha). spread the news and spread the love
and THANK YOU!!!! i'm always so hesitant to change my theme, but i just HAD to.. it's the cutest thing i've ever seen and just feels right at home here. gifs that radiate happiness. i'm happy you like it!!
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oneforthemunny · 3 days ago
i’m back and feeling better. not great but better.
i’m going on a rant and i’m sorry in advanced. i can’t get into a therapy appointment, so you guys will have to hear it lol.
i’m just going through a lot and need to get it out. i’ve tried to keep it in bc i don’t want to burden my friends bc i feel annoying and they don’t understand.
this one really effected me but let me just say this, and i know this will shock a lot of you:
i didn’t dog cuss this man. or berate him, like old evie would have done. and maybe that’s me being too forgiving, but i’m proud of myself. i stood up for myself when he was being weird and showing red flags and put a stop to it in a mature way.
he didn’t react well, which i’m not shocked, because he has his own healing. and i know deep down, i did the best thing for both of us. i was kind to him throughout our interactions, and maybe i shouldn’t have been, but for me, i’m glad i was.
i’ve been working very hard on being kinder and no one talks about how fucking hard it is. how there’s a fine line between being kind and being walked all over. and people have no problem stomping all over that line.
but for me, i had a friend, who unfairly isn’t here anymore, who showed me kindness when i really fucking needed it. and i didn’t deserve her, or anyone’s, kindness at the time, but yet she gave it to me. so freely and effortlessly and it changed my life. my whole fucking life. i would not be here if it wasn’t for that.
when she passed, it was so easy for me to be bitter and to be angry. i could have easily been vile and mean to everyone i met, a lot of them i could have rationalized that they deserved it. because she was so kind and wasn’t here, and there were so many who should have, myself at the top of that list, been taken instead.
but i was stuck with the haunting thought that if she can’t be here, and she loved life so fucking much, that i owed her the effort to try and love it as much as she did. to treat others the way she did, the way she treated me. her impact on me, i can’t put into words. i just hope she knows.
i’m saying all of this, putting it out here into the void or universe or whatever, because her death anniversary is fastly approaching. it’s a big one, and though i feel i should be used to it by now, i can’t help but feel every emotions more severely than it’s been before.
i miss her everyday. and when i started talking to this guy, i was excited. and that excitement brought me small, temporary happiness that masked emotions that were hidden underneath.
i think what hurts me most of all is i wanted to talk to her about it. about anything and everything. and i can’t.
but i feel in my heart, in my soul, that she was looking out for me. that she’d be proud of my growth, of my confidence, and most of all that i’m fighting every fucking day to be kinder.
i know it wasn’t him. he was just a fucking guy, and one, quite honestly, i know wouldn’t be good for me. i’ve taken up using the phrase “my future husband would never” and i stand by it (we know my hubby mafia!eddie would fucking never and he’s the standard).
all of this stupid fucking rant to say, i’m just hurting right now. and all of you have shown me such kindness, and i really can’t thank you enough because i am at a low i haven’t been at in a while.
i have no idea what i’m doing with my life. I’m just trying to be kind, and be and do better in every way.
i’m being really vulnerable, because i know many of you think i’m a confident cunt (and i usually am) but even confident cunts have really bad spells too. i’m actually very sensitive under all of this, and i know someone out there feels the same way and i hope you know you’re not alone. and i want to thank you all for making me feel like i’m not alone.
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slutofpsh · 40 minutes ago
strip for me.
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part eight | psh.
pairings: hyungline x reader
synopsis: hyungline got you trapped in a situation that you can’t get away from.
wc: 8.8k
warnings: smut, minors dni, sunghoon being mean, degrading, raw sex (please use protection), dirty talks, curses, masturbation, slapping, choking. slightly rough sex. this is not proof read. (read at your own risk)
note: LAST PART OF STRIP FOR ME. it took a while. i was taking a break to give time for myself and to refresh my writing skills. i hope you guys are doing well and waited for this part. i’m sorry if i kept you waiting. anyway, first post in 2025! send me asks. reblog and reply (nice) comments. let me know what you feel about this one.
slutofpsh 2025 © all rights reserved.
“I still can’t believe that Sunghoon gets to have her for the whole day.” Jake sounded pissed as he placed yet another golf ball at its position. He stood back up then glanced at his two best pals.
Heeseung is sat down while waiting for his turn. Jay’s eyes watches him get into position.
“Can’t you just shut your mouth and take your shot quietly?” Jay scoffed right at him. It was obvious that he’s so done hearing all these repetitive rants from his friend.
Jake raises his hand to flick him off before taking his shot. He poured all of his emotions into it causing the poor ball to fly so far.
A few golfing assistant claps at his wonderful performance, but it seems like Jake’s still annoyed about something.
Heeseung pats his shoulder before placing a brand new ball for his turn.
“Give it up, dude. You know its the least we can do for him.” he mumbled. His adams apple bobs as he tried so hard to mask the small jealousy that igniting insideffy. He’s better than this.
“Its unfair.” Jake continued complaining.
Jay sighed heavily, “Then if Sunghoon suggests we fuck off since he likes her first, what will you do?” he raised his eyebrow at his friend.
Jake pursed his lips, jaw clenches hard.
“Now you stopped talking, huh?” Jay scoffed before walking to replace Heeseung to his place since its his turn now.
Heeseung lets out a strained sigh and claps his friend’s shoulder. Jake remains silent.
“I know it may sound unfair, but Sunghoon’s kind enough to share her with us. After all, he’s the first one to like her. Don’t forget that.” and with that, Heeseung walks closer to his golf cart. An assistant rushes her way near him to help him.
On the other hand, Sunghoon pries his eyes open and waits patiently for you to come out from your house. He’s been here for more than thirty minutes and you just informed him that you’ll be down soon.
He’s resting over his big bike, hands inside his pockets. The weather is so nice today and he’s excited to spend the whole day with you. But a part of him is worried. He stayed late last night to calm himself down and not lose his shit for today.
“Hoonie!” his lips instantly stretched into a smile when he saw you walk outside your house.
Wearing some shorts and a t-shirt. The smile on your face is so bright that sent instant relief towards Sunghoon. He’s excited for the day, but also very worried of what’s the outcome gonna be.
“Hey, beautiful.” he softly mumbles and pulls you into a tight embrace once you’re close enough.
He kisses your forehead gently then rests his on yours, staring right into your eyes. It tugs something in your heart, making your chest ache in a good way.
“You’re early!” you chimed.
“Yes, I am. I don’t want you waiting.” he smirks.
“Where are we going today?”
He pulls away while still holding your hand, thumb pressing to your palm. It was warm and it felt so good.
“You’ll see.” and he raises his free hand to hang some of the hairstands to your ear.
His eyes racks down on your outfit and his lips pursed into a faint pout. It made you look down on your clothes in wonder of what seems to be wrong about it.
“You need jacket. We’ll be riding my bike so the wind will be crazy.” he stated that answered your confusion.
Even before you can offer to go back inside and get one, he took off his leather jacket revealing his white sando inside. You went silent, admiring his broad shoulder and toned muscle in front of you.
He smirks while helping you wear it. He made sure you’re all warm up.
“Warm enough?”
You nodded cutely and Sunghoon chuckles sexily while trying to sink in the image of you wearing his jacket. It was obvious that it wasn’t yours. The jacket is so big that your hands disappears from the inside of the long sleeves.
“You need a helmet too.” and he walks towards the bike to get the helmet he bought just for you. It was cute and the color is your favorite.
You jumped cutely and it made Sunghoon’s heart thump, grinning widely. You’re attempting to hold the helmet so you can check it closer, but Sunghoon kept one of his hand holding it just to make sure you won’t accidentally let of it.
“Sunghoon? Is that you?” both of your heads swings over to the left and instantly stood straight when he saw your Mother walking out of the house.
“Mrs. (surname)” he greets and bows his head.
Your Mom smiled warmly as she walks towards the two of you. She couldn’t remember the last time she had seen you together like this. But she surely remember it vividly how both of you are so young back then, and now you both grew up.
She can’t help but to feel a little emotional by the thought that despite all the things that happened, you two still managed to find way back to each other.
When she’s close enough, she stretches her hand to caress Sunghoon’s face gently. The boy grew up very handsome just how she expected.
It isn’t the first time he had seen him. He remembers him from the other day, with the other boys. She was hesitating at first to go and ask if he’s indeed the same boy you’re friends with. But now that she heard you perfectly calling him by his name, she’s sure of it.
While all of it was happening, you couldn’t help but to look back at your Mom and Sunghoon. A big question plays inside your head.
“Do you know him, Mom?” you asked.
They both look at your way then look at each other. Silently, they both agreed that it isn’t a good idea to bring up the past. Despite a lot of good memories you built with Sunghoon, the pain from that trauma will also give a big impact on you.
“A-Ah, yes darling. His Mom and I are good friends back then.” she smiles at you.
Your eyes grew, “Really?! How come you didn’t meet up?”
Sunghoon walks closer to you with a smile, “Because we didn’t know that you guys moved in this town.”
You nodded, trying to piece up everything together. Sunghoon rest his big hands at your back and caress it gently to send comfort. It didn’t slip off from your Mom’s eyes and instantly, she felt comfort. Like she’s now sure that you’ll be all right.
“Anyway, I should leave you guys since I have a meeting in five minutes.” she changed the topic then walked towards you to cup your face.
“Have fun, okay?”
You smiled and nodded. Her eyed diverted towards Sunghoon. “Take care of her, Sunghoon.”
He nods, “I will.” and your Mom was well assured by those two words.
Once she’s back inside you looked at Sunghoon with keen eyes. “Why didn’t you mention that our Moms are friends?”
He took a step closer then helped you wear your helmet. He smiled, “I was finding the right timing.”
You pout, but decided to let it pass since its been kind of messy before.
He rides his bike effortlessly and helped you hop on behind him. It was the first time you ever ride something like this and its fascinating but also a bit frightening for you. When its just Sunghoon, he made it look easy riding it. Its not.
He chuckles, noticing how tense you are behind him. He grabbed both of your hand and make it wrap around his body, making your chest press over his broad back and feeling his abs beneath his sando.
“Just hold on to me tight, love.” he mumbles and even craned his neck slightly to check on you.
You nodded and he smiled before wearing his own helmet. Your cheeks flushed after feeling his muscles flexing with his every movement. After making sure he’s all set as well, he grabbed your thighs and squeezed it like as if a signal that he’s start driving already.
When he opens the engine, a familiar roaring sound emerges. Even with the helmet, you can still hear it. He started droving off and the wind blew hard towards you. Once he reved hardly causing the bike to speed up, you almost let out a squeal.
It was so much fun, but also nervewracking. The thrill feeling it gave you just makes your blood pumping so hard. No wonder Sunghoon loves this kind of vehicle. This fits him so much.
When he started to add more speed, you couldn’t help but to squeal and giggle. Sunghoon tilts his head and rests one of his hand on your thigh, caressing it. Only one of his hand is in control.
“Hoon! Focus on the road!” you shouted, slightly panicking.
He glances on the road then glances back at you, “What?” he asks a bit muffled due to the helmet.
“I said focus on the road! Both hand on the bike!”
He chuckles and bit his lower lip because of how adorable you sound. The way your arms wrapped tighter around his body is making him giddy inside.
He gave your thighs one more squeeze before removing it to follow your request. It made you relieved and rests your body on his back on more relaxed way.
It took a few minutes until you arrived at their house. This will be the first time you will be coming here. Your head perks up, trying to admire the big elegant gates that surrounds the mansion.
It was fully secured and even before his bike near the big gates, it opened automatically. He drove inside and the driveway is so wide. There’s even a fountain at the middle.
Once his bike was perfectly parked, you kept looking around to check the whole vicinity. You failed to even notice the house workers rushing to greet their newly arrived young master.
Sunghoon made sure you’re stable enough to hold yourself while he get off the bike. He took off his helmet and you watch as he shakes his head to arrange his slightly messed hair. He looked smoking hot.
His eyes stares right at you, ignoring everybody else around. He smirks then settles his helmet on his bike to unhook yours. Your eyes looks cautious once its out in the open. You can now perfectly see the numerous eyes watching the two of you and its making you feel a bit awkward.
Sunghoon saw your reaction and couldn’t help himself but to place a kiss on your cheeks. You looked adorable. You’re still awkwardly staring at their maids while he gently fix your hair that slightly got messy.
“S-Should I say Hi? What should I do, Hoon?” you whispered nervously.
He chuckles and leaned again to give you another kiss, this one a little harder because you’re too adorable.
“Nah, its fine.” he assures you.
“But they’re staring.”
He smiles, “Probably wondering whose this pretty girl I’m with.”
Your pout got deeper, cheeks turning more red because of him. He snorted and carried you off his bike. He helped you take off his leather jacket before holding your hand to pull you inside.
The maids bows their heads when he’s walking pass by making it more awkward. You feel like you need to do something as well. It feels wrong to let them bow without returning the favor. It doesn’t seem like that for Hoon, tho. Its like he’s already used to these things.
“A-Are we going to hang out here?” you ask, trying to divert your attention away from the surprising scene back there.
You roam your eyes around while still holding onto Sunghoon’s hand and letting him drag you towards somewhere.
“Nope.” he said making the popping sound at the ‘p’.
“Then why did we go here?” when you guys made it at the second floor, he walked towards the right and by the end is his room.
He opens the room and you couldn’t help but to feel nervous with a hint of excitement. Even if you didn’t want to, your mind instantly plays a lot of scenarios that can happen.
Sunghoon smirks seeing your blushing cheeks and flustered expression.
“Calm down, pretty. We ain’t doing anything here.” he assures you while leaning close to you from the back. His lips grazing over your ears, hot breath fanning.
“Disappointed?” he asked teasingly. You furrowed your brows trying to hide it, but guilty is plastered all over your face.
He chuckles and kisses your neck before walking inside his room, leaving you standing by the door.
“Don’t worry, we have all day.” and he winks before going straight to another door which you assume to be his walk-in-closet.
“Come inside, love. Don’t be shy.” he shouts and that make you take further steps.
His whole room is designed in a simple yet manly way. Minimal colored furnitures that are pleasing in the eyes. Everything is pretty organized for a guy like Sunghoon. Well, you didn’t expect him to be this neat.
You walk towards a few picture frames after noticing them. One of them is a family picture. His Mom and Dad together with Sunghoon and his sister. You’ve never seen her before. She’s very pretty.
Beside that frame is a picture of Sunghoon with the boys. He’s in the middle and it seems like it was taken during one of his birthdays. Heeseung’s smiling widely with a piece sign pose. Jake’s arm wrapped around Sunghoon’s shoulder while he have the biggest grin on his face. Jay is smiling beside them with the same pose as Heeseung.
You can’t help but to smile at how precious they are. Your eyes wanders off and notice one picture frame from the far left corner of the room. It cannot be noticed right away, like as of it was purposely placed there so it can have its privacy.
When you’re about to walk towards it, Sunghoon went out from the walk-in-closet. A big bag on his hand and a bunch of paper bags on the other one.
“Find anything interesting?” he asks.
“The four of you really grew up together, huh?”
He smirks, “Can you tell how sick I am from Jake’s tantrums?” he jokes that made you chuckle. They always love teasing him.
You rest your one hand over his chest and playfully glare at him. “Stop teasing him too much. You know he’s just like that.”
He snorted and laid the paperbags down at his king-sized bed. “Yeah, whatever.”
Your eyes darted over the paperbags. Just by the color and the brands, its mostly for women. He watch your reaction and smile carefully, admiring how cute you are.
“I got these for you.” he mumbles as he hugs you from behind and rest his chin on your shoulder.
“Why so many?”
He inhaled your scent that he’s grown addicted to. “Because you deserve it.” and he placed a kiss on your cheeks.
“Thank you so much, Hoonie.” you said sweetly.
“You’re welcome, love.” he kissed your neck once before he asks you to sit down his bed so you can check everything out.
“Such cute dresses!” you exclaimed and even took out a few so you can see it properly.
Its sundresses that definitely fits you well. Just the way you like it. You glance at Sunghoon and he’s smiling.
“Yeah, it will look good on you.”
“Where are we going anyway?”
“Secret.” he bopped your nose once before asking you to change quickly.
You nodded and went inside his walk-in-closet after picking the dress you wanted to wear first. Sunghoon said he would pack the rest just in case you want to go change. He’s so thoughtful.
“Damn.” he cursed the moment you went outside.
Your cheeks blushed hardly due to the hot stares he’s giving you right now. The dress is on, but the way he’s eyeing you makes you feel so naked in front of him. It was almost like he’s stripping you inside his mind!
“H-How does it look?”
He struts closer to you and reached for your hand before dropping a kiss on top of it.
“Can you turn around for me, love?” he whispered oh so gently that it sent direct shivers to your spine. Its the way his voice sounded so low.
You giggled to try and mask the pounding of your heart and did as he told. While still holding your hand, he turns you around.
“Perfect...” he said with a small smile. “You look perfect.”
His intense gaze remains for a while before you decided to lean towards him to connect your aching lips with his. Its too much. The emotions, his stares, his warm touch— you just need to feel his kisses.
He returns your kisses right away, kissing you hungrily and hardly. It made you feel how much he wanted you as much as you want him. Both of your hearts heartbeats synchronized as he hold you close to him. Your arms wrapped around his neck to deepen the kiss.
He was biting your lips and sliding his tongue inside your mouth to get a good taste of you. He groans as you moan softly, he squeezed your hips as a signal and you jumped to wrap your legs on his body. He held you for support as he sat down the bed to continue kissing you, devouring you.
“H-Hoon,” you moaned his name and his brows furrowed hardly before moving away. He even gave your lips one last chaste kiss before looking at your eyes.
“Later, pretty.” he said that made you slightly frustrated. You can feel the space between your thighs dripping wet and you want him inside you right now.
He rest his forehead on yours and smiles, “I promise to make it up to you later, okay?” he tries assuring you when he saw the slight upset look on your face.
You pout and left with no choice, but to agree with him. He fixes your hair and guided you back to your feet. He grabbed the bag containing both of your things.
The two of you went downstairs and you saw the maids once again. It made you awkward, but you smiled brightly at them and tried waving.
“We’re not taking your bike?” you asked confused when you noticed that he’s guiding you inside a sports car you’ve never seen before. He never used this at school.
“No.” he answered casually and placed the bag at the compartment before opening the door for you.
“Then why not take this car at the first place?”
He smiles and rests his hand on your lower back, “Because I remember you mentioning how you want to try to ride that bike.”
Your eyes turned softly at what he said. As far as you remember, you’ve only said it once and he managed to remember that. You tip-toed and placed a kiss on his lovely lips.
“Thank you so much, Hoonie.”
“Anything for you.” he kissed your temple before letting you go inside first.
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“We’re riding that?!” you exclaimed and even hopped continuously while looking over this yacht.
He chuckled and nodded, “Yes.”
“Really?! I’ve never been in one!” and you stared with so much amusement towards the fancy yacht.
There are people trying to get it ready after your arrival. They greeted the two of you with enthusiasm and helped you get on it. Sunghoon’s hand are assisting you so you wouldn’t fall as the yacht are a little unstable due to the waves.
“Careful.” he mumbles sweetly and once he’s sure you’re safe aboard, he stepped in with no sweat. Obvious that this isn’t his first time.
“Wow!” it looked so fancy. It has one room and an overview deck that is perfect.
Sunghoon talked to the people and you watch how one by one they started to leave the yacht. You glanced at him with confusion.
“Are we going alone?”
“Yes.” he answered and even fold his white polo.
“Can you drive it?” the question doesn’t sound like as if you don’t trust him behind the wheels, but more of an amusement that he can manoeuvre one. Is there something he cannot do?
He smirks, “Yeah. Me and the boys usually go out to fish whenever we’re bored.”
“So you’re taking your yacht?” and you even held onto the railings because its still moving a bit because of the waves.
“We take our own yachts, love. We race on the ocean too.” he smiled cockily that made you rolled your eyes.
He chuckles and pulls you closer to kiss you on the lips. You forgot how these boys are born rich and on another level.
“Anyway, let me show you around before we sail.” he grabbed your hand then gently intertwined your fingers before guiding you inside.
The whole yacht is pretty. After roaming around, he asked you to come up to him as he’ll start driving towards the ocean already. He even handed you a summer hat. No wonder he gave you a pair of black two piece to wear under this sundress.
“Woah.” you exclaimed amazed when he started driving. He glanced at you and chuckled at how amazed you are.
Actually, since he’ll be the last one to take you out on a date. He was a little worried that one of them would have the idea on taking you on a trip on a yacht. Thankfully, none of them did and he proceeded on his plan.
“Wow! The water is so clean here!” you even ran down the stairs so you can look over the front railings.
“Be careful, pretty.” Sunghoon reminded while looking at your direction, wearing a sunglasses.
“Do you think there’s shark here?” you asked worried.
Sunghoon can’t suppress the smile spreading across his handsome face. How come you’re so adorable while asking these innocent questions to fill your curiosity? He really can’t with you. He feel like he will lose his mind.
Once he’s satisfied enough of your location, and by that it means you’re in the middle of ocean, far from any land you can set your eyes to.
The water’s so clean and the breeze ain’t that bad too. Its such a perfect weather to come here and you can’t stop giggling to yourself while watching the crystal clear water beneath.
You failed to notice how Sunghoon sets the anchor and grabbed the mat to place it on the middle. He glanced at you and you’re now wearing your bikini. His eyes dangerously racking from your head down to your body.
He licks his lips and walked closer. You glanced behind you when a shadow looms and you smiled brightly at your boyfriend.
“Its so beautiful here.”
He smiles, “I think you’re prettier.”
Even before you can master a reaction, he reached for your arm and helped you get up. Your eyes stares right at his and mouth gapped open, unable to say a word because of how handsome he is.
“Come here.” he then guided you to the mat and your eyes looked thrilled of what’s about to unfold.
“Lay down for me.” and you obliged to his request.
You’ve gone silent because of excitement and every cell in your body is getting hyped up.
“I want to taste you.” he says and hand racks from caressing your cheeks, down to your neck, chest and tummy. He just ran his hand on your skin, very gentle. Taking all his time.
He pressed his palm on your stomach and made you lay on your back. He leans in and placed a chaste kiss on your lips, then on your stomach before pulling away to get a full view of your bikini.
“It looks so well on you...” he compliments and even stick his finger on the waist band, dangerously playing with it.
He lifts his eyes trying to check for your reaction and he smirks seeing how your eyes looked so desperate for him... for his touch.
“But I think they need to be stripped off of you.” his fingers pressed on your skin. They felt so hot, burning.
You gulped slowly feeling like as if you’re being lifted in the air.
“Do you want me to take it off of you, pretty?” his voice soft, a bit teasing. Obviously teasing.
You nodded, a bit eager making his smirk grew wider. He loves it whenever you’re like this. He pulls his hand away then towards the knot on the hips. Slowly, he pulls the string to untangle it.
You bit your lips in anticipation, but unconsciously roam your eyes around.
“Here? Outside?” you nervously mumbled, also feeling a bit excited about it. “B-But what if people see us?”
“We’re so far from any land, love.” and he caress your legs to ease you a bit. A smirk still plays through his sexy lips, “And besides the fishes can use some entertainment.” he joked.
You glared at him playfully that made him chuckle as he kisses your knees. “Just kidding. Relax, okay? We’re safe here.”
Eventually, you did relaxed by his touch and his assuring eyes.
“I’m going to eat you now.” he warned and it was almost like a torture for you.
A nod is all you answer to him. Your mind was already blank. All you can think of is how you want to feel his lips on your core, his tongue deep inside you.
He placed a kiss on your inner thighs before diving in. A gasp left your mouth the moment his lips touched your core. It was warm and slightly wet. He started lapping in a slow, torturous pace. Like as if enjoying taking his time making out with your pussy.
“H-Hoon!” you called his name out like he was not there, between your legs.
His fingers digged on your skin as he looks at your over his eyes. He enjoyed the view of your pleasured face, but he’s enjoying eating you even more. He can taste your sweetness all over his mouth and he couldn’t get enough of it.
“Ugh!” and your hand reaches for his soft hair when he started to eat you more aggressively.
You felt like you’re up in the sky, mind blank and like as if nothing else mattered for you. You couldn’t even worry about the chance of people seeing the two of you anymore. Just your orgasm coming your way. Sunghoon is really making you dumb using his tongue.
Your back arches when you’re almost there. Sunghoon knew you’re close so he tried reaching the depth of your pussy using his hot tongue. His lips completely attached on your clit adding to the pleasure you are having.
Sunghoon’s finger tightens on your skin making you whimper. His eyes flutters open to scan you and even before you can reach for his hand to hold it, his grip loosen. Your brows furrowed in confusion for his behavior but it was all thrown away once his his thumb rubs on your clit for added pleasure.
You are losing your mind. He’s so good with it. Knowing what feels good and what can make you completely insane for him.
“Sunghoon!” you screamed and eyes rolled at the back of your head before your release the first anticipated orgasm of the day.
You felt his lips stretched in a grin as he lapped your juice shamelessly. While still at trance riding your high, you carded your hair then looked at him again.
He moved away from your now pulsating pussy and you can see the look of lust on his eyes.
“Here,” he mumbled shortly. Without a warning, he kisses you on the lips passing you some of your own juices. It caught you slightly off-guard, doesn’t really know how to describe such new taste.
He have the biggest smirk after he succeeded making you taste your own orgasm. He looked proud even if you looked even closer.
“Now you know why we go crazy for you.”
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You don’t know if you should be thankful that you moved inside the yacht after he fucked you twice outside. It was such a different experience. Clueless if it was because of the thrill of being outside having sex in the open where people can see you, or because Sunghoon looked so hot fucking you. Probably both.
While making out now on top of the bed, both stripped off of every clothes, Sunghoon’s hands were on you. It was so hot for you. The three orgasms you just had was like not enough when you start feeling your core getting wet again.
Sunghoon only managed to cum once. And you can’t help but to feel bothered about it. Not because he only released one time, but because how of how he’s acting a bit strange.
You’ve known Sunghoon. This isn’t the first time you two did this. You’ve seen how he is on bed and its not enough to describe how good he is. He’s usually very dominant and loves to be rough around you. Manhandling you every time.
But the whole two rounds, he was so gentle. It still feel good, yes. Its just you can’t help but to notice how he seemed to be holding himself back. Treating you like some fragile glass that will break if he became rough even in the slightest way.
“Hoon, wait.” you pushed him off, his lips chased you and his eyes looked so drunken in love.
“Hmm?” he hummed, not sure if he’s really in the right mind to listen.
“What’s wrong?” you asked worriedly that made his brows creased in confusion.
“Huh?” he licked his lips then ran his hand on your hair to brush them away from your face. “What do you mean?”
You gulped then search his eyes, staring right at his soul.
“Why are you acting different?” you heaved a sigh. “It seems like your holding yourself back.”
Sunghoon was caught off-guard. He is a bit tensed. This was so unlike him. He’s usually very confident in bed and always gets it the way he wants. He didn’t think that you would notice.
He glanced away and was about to move away, but you captured his face then made him stare back at you.
“Come on...” you gave him an assuring smile. “You can tell me.”
He remained silent for a while before he gave in. He sighed heavily before placing a swift kiss on your hand that was cupping his face.
“I’m j-just scared that I went overboard and scare you.” he explains that slowly shed light on you.
“You said that you don’t like us being aggressive...” his voice lowered, like as if he’s so afraid. “I’m scared to lose you. I don’t want to lose you.” he confessed.
Your heart strings tugs when he said those words to you. You bit your lower lip and smiled at him lovingly before leaning in to give him a kiss on his lips. Slow and very passionate so he can feel how much you adore him.
“Well...” you started after pulling away. “I can give an exemption.” you said staring at his eyes.
His eyes sparkles. “But..”
You shushed him with another kiss then you leaned over his ears to whisper. “It will be our little secret.”
And after you say that, you felt his hold tighten. Sunghoon’s eyes turned darker like something has flipped inside him.
He pushed you on the bed, his hand on your neck. Wrapped like a necklace, just like how you liked it.
“Is this what you want, doll?” he asked in a low husky voice.
Your stomach churns at his words and on the way he looked at you. His jaw hardly clenched while manhandling you effortlessly.
“Y-Yes...” it came out like a desperate moan, driving him insane.
“I was doing you a favor and actually being nice and yet you want this side of me.” he scoffed sexily and tilt his head on the side.
“I didn’t know that you’re so naughty, y/n.” he stated. “Such a horny doll for me, yeah?”
You nodded, feeling your core getting even more aroused and starting to clench around on nothing.
“Words... I need words.” he grunted that made you gasp when he tighten his hand on your neck.
“Y-Yes, Hoon!” you managed to say.
He smirked, “That’s my girl.”
“Now I’m going to fuck you so hard and I don’t want to hear any complains.” he said then started to align his now fully erect member on your hole.
“So wet....” he growled. “So so wet for me.”
He leaned down and rest his nose on your cheeks after one kiss. He didn’t even informed you and just slided his whole length inside making you jolt.
“Ugh!” you moaned with a mixed pain and pleasure.
“Your cunt is choking my big dick, doll. You feel that?” he whispered sensually that almost sent you to heaven.
You shut your eyes tightly because of the immense pleasure he’s currently sending you. He started moving, sliding his dick in and out with no mercy. The slapping sound of your skins echoes all over the whole yacht.
“Fuck...” he cursed and his grip on both of your waist tightens. His fingers pressed hardly on your skin, marking it.
He pulled away while still fucking you senselessly. “Let me suck those tits.” and dives in he goes. He licked, sucked and bit your nipple making you gasp.
Your teeth sunked on your lips tightly trying to suppress the moans coming out from them. But when he started to suck on your skin more aggressively, you’ve lose it. The sensation of his dick going inside in a rough way and him marking you all over was just too much to handle.
“Feels so good!”
He scoffed, “Yeah? It feels so good to get you fucked this way?!” he licked his lips and slapped your breast once that made you yelp.
It felt so good. So good that you’re losing your mind. Your whole body vibrated after you reached your orgasm and Sunghoon smirked because of it. He grabbed you on the jaw and made you looked at him straight to the eyes.
“Your pussy walls felt amazing around me, doll.” he leans and kissed you on the lips. “Nothing can ever beat this feeling. Nobody can ever replace you in my life.” and started rutting his cock even harder.
“Open your mouth.” he commanded as you felt his thrust getting faster and deeper. His dick starts to pulsate inside you, indicating his orgasm to get closer.
You obliged and open your lovely lips for him. For Sunghoon, the man that holds you and your heart on chokehold.
He gathers a generous amount of saliva on his tongue before spitting it straight to you. Then without thinking twice you swallowed them before opening it once again to show it to him.
He looked so proud before he placed his hands on your hips again to fuck you harder. He groans and clenched his jaw harder.
You whimpered, feeling another release on the way.
“I’m fucking close, doll. I’m going to breed you so good and make sure you’ll keep all my sead inside you.” and after a couple of thrust he busted it all inside just like he said.
Both of you moaned together when you finished at the same time. He clasped your lips together and thrust inside you in a slower pace to ride both of your highs. It felt so good, amazing.
Sunghoon collapsed beside you, panting. He catches his breath for a while before he raise on the bed, leaning over his elbow to check on you.
“Was that okay, love?” now, his eyes looked a lot more softer. “Too much?” he sounded worried.
You chuckled and with the remaining strength, you leaned in to give him a kiss on his lips. “You were amazing, Hoon.”
Relief washes all over him before resting his forehead on yours.
“I love you.” your heart swells.
“I love you too.” you respond. He kissed you once on the cheek before pushing himself up to grab a warm wet towel to clean you up.
He refused to make you stand up and asked you to stay completely still. You didn’t tried to argue because your whole body is aching. Now its all kicking up and tiredness is slowly taking over.
He starts cleaning you and you watch him with loving eyes. Your heart felt so full watching him take care of you that way.
“Why do you call me doll? Is it because you get off with the thought that you can use me?” you innocently asked him.
His hand stopped from wiping you off. With furrowed brows he glanced at you.
“No.” he answered right away. “Is that how you interpreted it?”
You shrugged your shoulders off, “I read online that some guys think that way.”
He sighed, “I am calling you doll because you’re very beautiful.”
You smiled. “Really?”
He leaned closer to place a hearty kiss on your lips. “Really.”
You felt giddy inside after that then he resumed cleaning you up. While mind slightly floating, you remembered the same question you’ve asked the three boys.
“Hoon?” you called his attention.
“Yes, my love?”
“When did you start liking me?”
He raised his head so he can look in your eyes.
“When I was five years old.”
- Flashback -
Multiple screams coming from the neighborhood kids surrounded the whole playground as the five year old Park Sunghoon hovers over another boy. He got him pinned on the dusty field, holding his cute little collar and punching him once on the face.
“Who’s the scaredy cat now, huh?” he hissed at the crying boy beneath him.
Nobody dares to interfere at the scene, every kid afraid of him. Park Sunghoon. The eldest son of the richest family in the private subdivision. Almost everyone knows him and his family. How can they not? Their beautiful, gigantic million dollar mansion sure is always the talk of the people.
“Sunghoon! Oh, dear!” someone finally went in between and moves him away on top from the poor kid.
His eyes remains staring at him, glaring if you may describe it accurately. He didn’t care if the other kids are giving him those terrified looks or if the neighbourhood moms are whispering with each other about how awful kid he is.
All he can think of is that he’s mad and that kid surely learned his lesson not to mess with him.
“How many times would I have to tell you not to hurt other kids?!” his Mother’s voice is stressed out as she paced back and fort in front of him.
He’s back home and sat down at the sofa, earning an earful conversation with his Mom. She’s stressed that she has to deal with that boy’s family and his hospital bills. Not that it can hurt their wealth, but sure the rumors will spread around and will be embarrassing. She has no idea what to do with him anymore. He’s uncontrollable.
He remains silent that made her even more frustrated. It was obvious that he fears nobody and that even if she talks nonstop, he doesn’t care.
Ever since the incident, as expected, no one wants to play with him anymore. Whenever he goes at the playground, he’s always accompanied with his bodyguard that can stop if ever things escalates.
He roams his eyes around and the kids avoids his eyes with fear. They’re playing in groups, their usual friends.
He doesn’t care or feel hurt about it. In fact, Sunghoon doesn’t even want to play with them. For him they’re all boring and dumb.
“Hi!” Sunghoon snaps his head over to the side after hearing this sweet voice.
That was the first time Park Sunghoon lay eyes on you. With your cute little dress and hair tied with cute bows. Your eyes doesn’t reflect any fear and you have the brightest smile flashing towards him.
‘Wait... Him?’ Sunghoon, couldn’t help but thought.
“Y/n! What are you doing?!” another little girl went close and grabbed her by the arm.
“I told you not to go near him!” she added and even shoot glares at Sunghoon’s side. But when he looks at her, she quickly turned pale and glances away.
“Why? He’s all alone, Sujin.” you even pout your lips.
The other little girl kept on insisting for you to leave Sunghoon alone and he’s just there, watching all of it unfold in front of him.
“It’s okay, Sujin. Go play with the others! I want to use the swing!” you insisted and even started walking closer to where Sunghoon’s at.
Sujin, your friend, was left with no choice but to leave. She doesn’t want to, but she also doesn’t want to be near Sunghoon.
“Hello!” your voice snaps him back to reality.
He didn’t talk and just looked at you with his intimidating eyes. For someone who is five, Sunghoon sure make kids around his age uncomfortable through his gaze. Maybe because despite the pretty eyes, his brows are too thick making him on the more arrogant looking type. The snob kids. His skin pale as snow and his clothes are all branded, indicating a clear status in life.
“Why are you alone?” you asked.
Sunghoon gulps and tried hard to hide what he’s starting to feel. Never in his life that he felt shy or conscious around anyone. He grew up with so much confidence and yet here he is, palm sweating, eyes a little shakey. He wanted so bad to look away, but your pretty eyes makes it so hard for him.
He kept his snobby face then ignores you completely, jumps off the swing then slowly walks towards somewhere. Your lips pursed into a pout because of his attitude, but it didn’t stop you from following him.
“So do you often go to this playground?” once again a small smile flashing through your pretty face.
Young Sunghoon sighs, a little annoyed. Not just because you’re not leaving him alone, but also because he hates how deep down he’s curious of you. He cannot understand himself. Was it because this is the first time someone was not intimidated by his rotten attitude?
He turns around and met eyes with your bright ones. He’s unfocused. He doesn’t know what’s it about. His young self have no idea that this will be the start of his obsession over you.
It continued that way and even before you can notice it, its been a year. Whenever you see Sunghoon around that playground, you won’t leave him alone. Following him around and asking him continuously despite not receiving any response from him.
Today, Sunghoon visits the playground once again. His eyes roams, unconsciously searching for your familiar pretty face. He wanted to say that he’s relieved that he didn’t saw you, but a big part of him is disappointed that you’re not here. He knew today won’t be as fun.
He walks towards the swing and naturally, the kids around cleared up. They still don’t want to be near him even if the last time he hurt somebody was long ago. Ever since you followed him around, he didn’t cause any trouble again. He was always too preoccupied about you that he clearly forgot about messing with the other kids.
He tries to swing his body while hoping he would see you playing with the few group of kids around. When he realized that you are really not here, he sighs heavily and get off the swing.
He was ready to head back to their family car when a small voice calls him out from a distance.
“Hoon!” that nickname.
He whips his head, in search of you. He saw you right away, jogging— almost running your way towards his direction. Excitement ignites young Sunghoon. He licks his lips and tries hard to keep his deadpan expression.
Once you’re in front of him, you stopped to catch your breath and he waited patiently for you to stabilise your breathing.
“Are you leaving already?” you asked, pouting. You didn’t even try to hide that you want him to stay longer.
Instead of answering you, his eyes racks from your head down to your feet. Its like he’s checking if you’re all right. Then Sunghoon’s brows knitted closer when he noticed something on your skin.
“What happened here?” he asks lowly and hand reaches for your arm.
You looked surprised that he managed to notice that.
“U-Uh, I fell down!” and you even followed it with an awkward laugh.
Sunghoon stares right through your eyes, checking them. It was such an intense gaze from a six year old kid. He knew you were lying, but he decided to ignore it for now.
“Next time, be careful.” he whispered full of concern.
You’re caught off guard. That was the first time you ever saw some other emotions through his face. Ever since that day, you two became inseparable. Sunghoon’s Mom are delighted for his sudden change of behavior. Well, he’s still a troublemaker. But its a lot more tolerable when you’re around.
3rd grade and both of you went to the same school. Of course, he’s still always around you. Almost everyone around the campus and your village knew about the eldest son of the Parks being whipped over you.
“Y/n,” he calls when you started bolting towards the wide field of the school ground. You’re grinning from ear to ear and chuckling.
“I told you to be careful.” he reminds.
Most people notices how Sunghoon acts maturely than his age. Or maybe that’s just how he acts whenever he’s around you. He’s always alert, like as if always ready just incase you needed anything.
“Why should I be worried? You’re here with me.” you sounded so assured and you are. As long as he’s around, you don’t feel any worries or fear. Sunghoon gives you peace of mind and you are his peace.
Sunghoon remained the very same. Protective and caring of you. But something added to it. He started to act possessive around you. If someone gets interested towards you, or even tries to catch your attention, he will go mad.
“I can’t believe you did that to him.” you looked upset while crossing your arms in front of him.
You’re at the ice rink. He’s having his ice hockey practice when he suddenly got into a fight with another one from their team. You remember him. He’s the one who tries to be friends with you last practice.
It pissed the hell out of Ten year old Park Sunghoon. That was the first time he ever invited you to his hockey practice and that happened.
He’s currently sat down at the bench, still on his hockey uniform. Hair’s disheveled after taking off his head gear and he’s resting his elbows on his knees while watching you silently.
“You punched him hard! Did you see his nose?” you added and its just making him more upset. Seeing you this affected by him is making him feel irritated towards that guy even more.
“He deserves it.” he mumbles, but enough for you to hear.
You gazed at him with an hawkeye look on your eyes. “Nobody deserves that!”
He clenches his jaw and lets go of his gloves while he stare up at you. He’s sat down and you’re standing in front of you.
“Why are you even so worried about him? Makes me want to beat him more.” his eyes looked serious and scary.
“What?” you sounded confused then added, “Why are you not worried for him? He’s part of your team.”
He rolls his eyes, “I don’t care about him.”
He stood up making your height difference visible. He took a step closer, making your bodies almost touch each other. You gulped, feeling nervous, heart beating so fast. Lately, you noticed that its always been like that whenever he’s this close to you.
“All I care about is you.” he says while staring down at your eyes. His gaze so intense.
“And I hate it whenever someone’s trying to take away you from me.”
You gulped, cheeks blushing.
“N-Nobody will ever take me away from you, Hoon.” this time, it was your turn to assure him.
You’ve grown attached to him as much as he is with you. And Sunghoon loves whenever you talk like this. Assuring him that you aren’t going anywhere, that you will stay with him.
But life truly is full of surprises. Because the next thing he knew, he was outside the hospital hallway. Your Mom on the side crying, his Mom beside her comforting her.
Sunghoon’s mind was blank while he looks at you from outside the emergency room. His blood went cold, heart being pressed too hardly that he finds it difficult to breath.
He watches how the nurses tries hard to save you from the crash. A car crash. He can’t help but to blame himself. Yes, he’s just Eight. There’s a lot of things that he doesn’t know, a lot of things he still can’t do, a lot of decisions that he regrets.
Due to your close relationship with Sunghoon, he was aware of your parent’s marriage that slowly crashing down. He was with you althrough out of it.
He was there whenever you cry about how they often fight. How your Dad always shouts at your Mom and how he would occasionally hit her.
Sunghoon wants to do something about it. He even informed his parents so they could help, but your Mom refused to file a case to your Dad. They were helpless.
He lets it pass and just made sure you have him and that you’re aware that he isn’t going anywhere. But he couldn’t take it anymore when one day, he saw you with a bruise on your face.
He managed to convince his parents to talk to your Mother about it. Thankfully, she listened this time and file a divorce with him. The case was rolling and Sunghoon’s family were doing their best to help as much as they can.
When it was finalised, your Mom having the custody of you it made your Dad enraged. He took you without her consent and drove away. He was acting crazy, saying that if you two are going to leave him alone, he might as well be dead. And he will take you with him.
That’s why you are here in the hospital, body full of blood and nurses are doing their best to save your life.
Sunghoon rests his hand on the glass that separating you two. He clenched his jaw and eyes brimming with tears. He shuts his eyes and for the first time, he found himself praying. He prayed for your safety and in return he will stay away from you.
He thought it was the end for the two of you. It was so hard to be around you while he felt so guilty about what happened to you. When he learned about you losing most of your memories including those with him, he took that opportunity and asked his parents to move town.
It was heart breaking for young Sunghoon. He knew you are his other half. You belong to him as much as he belongs to you. He lose his spark the moment he moved town. He started becoming the troublemaker that he is before you happened in his life.
Then he met his friends. He started to feel much better. Still longing for you, but better.
He can’t remember the last time he felt his heart drummed. He even forgot how it felt, not until he saw you walking inside the very same classroom five years after. A lot changed in you, but the moment you stepped foot inside he knew right away. His heart reacted like as if a dog seeing its owner after being separated for a long time.
Now that you’re back with him, he can’t mess this up. He lost you once and almost lose you again. He doesn’t think he can afford to go through those therapies again if ever you leave him.
Your eyes were full of tears after hearing it from him. He smiled and held you closer to his warmth, dropping a kiss on your forehead.
“I’m s-sorry I forgot about you.” arms wrapping around him to cry even harder.
You felt so bad about it. Yes, you can still remember how frustrating it was when you woke up one day and can’t remember anything. But for you, it was much harder for Sunghoon. Imagine having someone so special for you but they can’t remember you at all. That’s so heart breaking.
“Shh, its okay love.” he placed another set of feathery kisses on your cheeks. “It ain’t your fault.”
He pulls away to cup your cheeks. His eyes are tearstained as well, but a soft warm smile reflects on it.
“I’m just so glad fate brought you back to me.” and he rests his forehead on yours.
You sniffed and shut your eyes, feeling his presense even more. Letting everything sink to you. Embracing your moment with him.
“And I’m not going anywhere anymore. I love you, Sunghoon.”
He smiled, a tear fell from his eyes.
“I love you.” and he leans in to seal it with a loving, affectionate kiss.
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permanent taglist:
@stacey-stonem @tunafishyfishylike @love4hee
@shawnyle @baekxo07 @parksunghoonsgf @skzenhalove @shanb1n @kaykay11sworld @starfallia @blank-velvet @nctislifue @avaleyshin @kpopslays @jooniesbears-blog @woofie-nctzen-fanarts @d-dilemma @pinksweetlittlepiano @sweetjaemss @yangwonx1 @jenniepaii @jakeswsh @brii-sunwoos-version @luvsjwonn @arimiu @sleepingisweak @ninalove323 @bluej4ym @kk-kitten @leesura @oceanyocean @holyfestfire @hooniebaekgu @nikiswifiee @shjsnjkj @loumin908 @nikistar @renne-s2 @pinksweetlittlepiano @srhnyx @farashawhee @iilwji @leov3rse @enhajungwonheart @namjooniecuteboy @realrintaro @kkamismom12 @roslayy @m3wkledreamy @a-warners-girl0-0 @cherrykissesu
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y'all i'm like. so tired and overwhelmed right now. dare i even say sad.
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