#but if i make them CUTE and SMALL i can throw accuracy out the window and actually have fun drawing them lmao
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little guy saga continues this time with the biggest little guys you've ever seen 🤖
#gekiranger#changeman#kakuranger#dairanger#sentai#mecha#power rangers#drawing the robots always feels so daunting i have a bad habit of getting lost in the sauce with all the details and parts and symmetry#but if i make them CUTE and SMALL i can throw accuracy out the window and actually have fun drawing them lmao#changerobo gun shoulders peak design every robot should have gun shoulders#favourite thing about showa sentai is how we only really get one robot so i end up getting VERY. ATTACHED. to the robot by the end#and boy howdy am i attached to changerobo#super kakure daishogun my BELOVED not a day goes by where i dont think about his little fwoggy legs i cannot get over his little fwoggy leg#i've always had a soft spot for geki tohja#he's agile and bouncy and bae always made the fights feel so hype ALSO. big kitty cat x3#ryuseioh theme goes so fucking hard and you KNOW how i am over polearms i dont think we need to discuss further#2024 art tag#anyone sick of my little guys yet??????? pls dont be sick of my little guys 🥺🥺🥺
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prompt about kara figuring out she's bisexual while falling in love with lena? if you could write that it'd be incredible! ♡
Kara flew into Alex’s living room window and immediately flopped backwards onto the couch, neatly inserting herself between Alex and Maggie.
Maggie snorted into her scotch and Alex groaned.
“Seriously, Kara?” Alex asked, her beer now spilled down her front.
“Ooh, just take it off, Danvers,” Maggie winked, and it was Kara’s turn to groan.
Alex disentangled herself from her little sister and took her beer-stained shirt off, hopping onto her bed to find the sweatshirt she and Maggie had quickly disposed of and left on the floor the night before.
“Listen, you left your window open,” Kara explained, rolling over so she was hanging off of Maggie’s lap, head upside down as she watched Alex tug her Stanford sweatshirt over her head. “If you close your window, it’s like leaving a sock on your door. I won’t come in. Or at least, I’ll text first. But if you leave your window open, then it’s like you’re basically inviting me.”
Alex glared, but there was no heat behind it. Maggie adjusted Kara so she could find her phone, stashed somewhere in the couch cushions. “I’ll order potstickers, shall I, Little Danvers?”
“See?” Kara moaned in delight. “You’re girlfriend understands me.”
Alex threw a pillow from her bed at Kara’s face with alarming accuracy.
Kara laughed and Maggie held up her glass of scotch.
“Watch it, you two,” she shook her head.
“So what’s up, sis?” Alex trooped back to the couch, catching the pillow Kara launched back at her.
Kara heaved a sigh.
Alex knew – and so did Maggie, for that matter – that Kara letting herself be whiny and small and cute was a relief for her, a release valve. A way for her to step away from Supergirl and into Kara Danvers.
She was competent and she was intelligent beyond belief and she knew so much more about quantum mechanics than she would ever admit, because after her planet died (for the first time), she’d trained herself to never reveal how much she knew about the universe, because then someone would discover her and then and then and then…
So letting herself be ridiculous, be whiny, be the consummate annoying little sister on her big sister’s date night was…
A relief.
It also meant she was too stressed, too worried, to bear being strong.
So when Alex sat back down, she tugged Kara’s feet into her lap, letting Maggie play absently with Kara’s hair after she put down her scotch and went about ordering the entire left side of the menu from Kara’s favorite Chinese restaurant.
“Well?” she prompted again. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” Kara said, her voice suddenly more like Supergirl’s. Maggie and Alex exchanged a quick glance.
“An extra three orders of potstickers it is,” Maggie said, and Kara smiled faintly. It was a good sign.
“I just have all these feelings,” Kara murmured, more like she was explaining to herself than to her big sisters.
“About?” Alex asked, tilting her head. Because she thought she knew – she and Maggie and James and Winn and even J’onn had good money on it – but they’d all been waiting for Kara to come to the realization herself, in her own time.
“About Lena,” Kara finally breathed.
“Okay,” Alex nodded, squeezing Kara’s knee. “That’s okay. I love you. Say more?”
“I don’t want to,” Kara whispered.
“That’s okay, too. Fleabag?” Alex asked, gesturing to the TV.
Kara nodded. Alex tossed one of the many throw blankets Maggie insisted on keeping on the couch Kara, and Maggie tucked in her shoulders while Alex burritoed her feet.
Kara practically purred. Alex and Maggie let her lay there, let her eat all their potstickers when the food arrived. Let her think and let her feel and let her process.
She was almost ready, but not quite yet.
She had brunch with Lena the next morning. It was their regular Sunday brunch - because of course they had regular Sunday brunch - and Kara was shaking.
“It’s okay to be scared, Little Danvers,” Maggie promised her.
“It’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling,” Alex nodded, careful to be as non-specific as she could.
Kara nodded and kissed them both on the cheek before she flew out the window and down to Earth.
To Lena.
Who was, of course, already seated at their brunch spot, at their specific brunch booth, two steaming mugs of coffee already ordered. She was leaning forward, her elbows on the table - a luxury for her, a novelty, Kara knew, because Lena Luthor had been raised to never even think about resting her elbows on the table - people watching intently, with a look of rare peace on her face.
It was beautiful. Lena was beautiful.
Kara tripped as she approached their booth.
Of damn course she did.
Lena stood immediately and opened her arms, which Kara knew was another novelty for her. Before Kara, it had only been Sam that Lena had been this affectionate with, this joyful.
And she and Sam had been…
Well, Kara tried to make like Elsa and conceal, not feel.
As she slipped into Lena’s arms, she could feel herself trembling, and was terrified she was failing.
She was always failing.
“Something’s wrong this morning,” Lena said, squinting slightly as she pulled back from their hug - Kara’s entire body keened from the loss - and examined Kara’s face closely as she held her by the shoulders.
Lena’s hand slid down Kara’s arm, then, and held her hand and she guided them to slide into their booth.
She didn’t let go of Kara’s hand, their fingers casually connected across the table.
Like Maggie sat with Alex.
Like James sat with Winn.
Like lovers sat.
Like Kara wanted to…
Oh Rao, not now. She had enough to deal with. She couldn’t risk losing Lena. She couldn’t risk…
Well, she wasn’t really sure what she was risking.
Everyone in her life was bi, was gay.
She’d just never thought about…
Well, there had been that fluttering in her stomach about Lucy Lane… and Cat Grant… but she’d just admired them, she’d just been infuriated by them…
She’d just loved them.
Oh, damn it all to hell.
“Nothing’s wrong,” she shook her head, but Lena’s eyes were perfect and her hand was warm and her lips looked…
Why was Kara looking at her lips?
She knew exactly why.
She hoped Lena hadn’t noticed at the same exact moment that she hoped Lena did notice.
She adjusted her glasses with her free hand, and tried not to notice - or imagine, because she had to be imagining it, right? - the fondness in Lena’s eyes at her nervous gesture.
“Nothing’s wrong, but something’s up,” Lena said, her voice gentle. Kara liked to think it was a very particular kind of gentle Lena only had for her.
That was the kind of thing lovers had.
Friends had it too, she supposed. No, she knew they did. But this... this felt different.
This was different.
But if it was different, if she said it was different, then it would change, then it would be ruined.
Then she would lose it all.
Like she always did.
With everything.
Everything except Alex, and even that had changed. Sure, she’d gained a new big sister after a rocky start, and it was wonderful, but it was also different, and...
She didn’t know if she could handle more different.
But she wanted more. Or, not more, maybe that wasn’t the right word. She wanted something different. With Lena.
And it was terrifying.
“Wouyouwagodinwme?” Kara blurted, her face hotter than it had been since the last time she’d blown out her powers with overloading her heat vision.
“Come again, dear?” Lena asked, smiling but not quite laughing at her, because Lena laughed with her, but never at her.
Kara gulped, because there wasn’t really much going back now.
She thought of Alex, and she thought of Maggie, and James and Winn and J’onn’s proud smile when Alex had come out to the crew.
“Would you want to. Go to dinner with me.”
Lena’s eyes widened, then closed, then opened, then closed. Her mouth went on a similar journey, and Rao did Kara want to kiss her.
“We haven’t even had brunch yet, darling, but you know your stomach better than anyone, so I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if we just ate our way through to dinner time.”
Darling. She’d called her darling.
Lena did that, sometimes.
Her face always went red right afterward, like it had now.
Kara dared to hope. She gulped again, and she put her other hand on Lena’s.
Tentative, but brave.
Scared, terrified, but sure.
“I didn’t mean because I’m hungry.” Her stomach, of course, chose that very moment to growl. The traitor. “I mean, I’m always hungry.” Lena squeezed her hands, a smile tugging at her lips. But Kara had rarely seen her eyes so intense. And Lena was, to say the least, a very intense person.
“I mean, I’m always hungry, but I didn’t mean... I meant. Do you... it’s okay if you don’t, I love being your friend, I really do, of course I do. But when I said do you want to have dinner, I meant, if you wanted to. Um.”
Lena’s eyes were steady and shining and maybe just a little bit hopeful and Kara could carry a plane and barely break a sweat, how could she possibly find it this hard to come out at the same time as she was asking out the most beautiful woman she’d ever known?
Well, maybe when she put it like that, carrying a plane was easier.
“Kara Danvers,” Lena decided to swoop in and save Supergirl’s day. “Are you asking me on a date? Because if you are, the answer is a resounding yes. If you’re not, well, I’m sure there are plenty of caves I can go hide in for the next thousand -”
“Yes. Yes, I was, and yes, I - really? You’d want - to - you - with me?”
“Yes,” Lena said, and her voice dropped in a way that did things to Kara’s entire body. “Yes, I want to. Yes, with you. I was terrified you didn’t feel the same way. That you weren’t even into women.”
Kara pffted. “I was terrified you didn’t feel the same way! And I think now would be the time Maggie would say something like, ‘oh please, have you seen the way Kid Danvers dresses?’”
Lena laughed, and it was music and it was perfect. She brought Kara’s hands up to her mouth, and she was extremely grateful that spontaneous combustion wasn’t actually a thing, because if it were, the feeling on Lena’s lips on her knuckles would have...
“I would be honored to go on a date with you, Kara. Many dates. A lot of dates. So many dates.”
Lena Luthor was... rambling.
Oh. Oh. Oh.
She really did like Kara back.
Her smile was suddenly megawatt, and it was her turn to kiss Lena’s hands.
“Pancakes?” she asked.
“I already ordered three stacks,” Lena smiled, and Kara nearly took flight then and there.
But, for once, not to fly away from anything. To just be... ecstatic. To celebrate. For the sheer joy of flying, of... of living.
She’d definitely have to see how Lena felt about flying later. Though maybe that was a third date kind of thing.
And apparently, Lena wanted to go on many dates with her.
When their food arrived, pancakes had never tasted sweeter.
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Itsy Bitsy Spiders (HCs)
OKAY LOOK GUYS. This is not my fault. This is all because of @rosemarysbaby13 and a running conversation we’ve had about spiders and how we need Llewyn to come deal with them, because he would totally be about getting rid of spiders for you. Aaaaaaand then it became 2am and I don’t know but I just had to write some HCs about how our Oscars would handle dealing with spiders (both if you asked them to deal with it for you, and just spiders in general) and...
Warnings: There is (a very little) bit of language under the cut, but that’s it. Oh, and spiders.
Llewyn Davis would 100% deal with the spider for you. The spider clearly didn’t care that much about its existence if it had the audacity to invade your personal space without asking permission, and Llewyn is not okay with that. He just wants to cuddle with you and that spider is curbing his flow. Now if the spider dared to crawl on him, he has no problem begging you to get it off him and throw it out the window. That spider can take its chances on the damn fire escape, that piece of shit.
Nathan Bateman sees the spider as a literal bug, even though he knows they are not actually bugs. They are arthropods (class Araneae) but they are eight-legged hellions that could potentially actually be dangerous to not only him but also to his laboratory so he gets immense satisfaction from smashing the hell out of them. They are errors in the code.
Mikael Boghosian would catch and release the spider. He took an oath to do no harm, and that extends to the non-human world as well. In fact, this is an issue often enough that he has a small glass and piece of cardboard specifically set aside in order to trap the invaders and set them free (never mind that he’s likely caught and released the same spider on your behalf at least twenty times; he will do whatever you need or ask of him.)
Michael Perry would get rid of the spider out of necessity, because they’re kinda gross and he doesn’t really like things with so many legs (two human legs or four canine or feline legs are just fine) but would also feel bad if one got smooshed under his cowboy boots. It’s not his fault, they should know better than to challenge the Texas Tush Push.
Orestes would begrudgingly handle spider disposal. It’s not that he likes them (not really) but he doesn’t particularly dislike them either (they are a part of the natural world, after all.) But if they bothered you that much, he would deal with it. And he would do it while telling you all about how important they are to how the world connects and works together. Who knows the effect that killing a spider in Alexandria could have on the farthest reaches of the empire?
Cecil doesn’t actually care one way or the other about the spider, but he does have an issue if it touches his skin and especially if it crawls anywhere near his neck. And all bets are off if the fucker comes near his beer and climbs onto the bottle. He’s fairly certain he could hit the bottle with a shot from halfway across the room with pinpoint accuracy, and he will apologize profusely to you if he misses and has to buy you a new dining room table. And he’d still feel bad about killing the spider.
Poe Dameron finds this to be a complicated question/request. How big is the spider? How many legs does it have? It’s alien, after all…some spiders are definitely more terrifying than others and you screaming “KILL IT” at him just isn’t specific enough. So he quickly snaps a holo of it and then asks BB-8 to run an analysis. Once the actual make and model of this alien invader has been determined, Poe considers asking you to handle it yourself - he knows you’re totally capable of dealing with alien spiders. But in the end, of course he would take care of it for you. By asking BB-8 to burn it with his lighter.
Reeves would either get rid of the spider, or catch it and throw it outside, whichever. Whatever you wanted, really. It’s just a spider, they never bothered him, so he doesn’t mind either way really. He does find it incredibly cute that you end up shrieking and jumping up on one of the kitchen chairs, laughing as he points out that it’s just a little spider, not a mouse. Then he writes a song about it.
Santiago Garcia is too busy running around the jungles of Colombia and trying to not get eaten by spiders of his own. But if he were home, he would absolutely take care of that spider for you. This is not even a question. Spider survival is a mission.
Bud Cooper would definitely get rid of the spider, but he would take it outside first before dealing with it. It was not invited into the house, it is not a welcome guest, and smashing it wherever it was found could potentially ruin the furniture or possibly hurt you, if it was crawling on you. So out it goes, and then it dies. And the next day when he gets to the office, he starts researching instances of spider infestations in your neighborhood and nearby parcels of land on the off-chance that this could radically affect your property values.
Blue Jones would catch the spider and then keep it as a pet. You don’t even know what to say to him other than...you really don’t know what to say. He tells you that he just feels like it suits him, and the next thing you know he’s named it “Baby” (because that’s not weird or anything) and is making a home for it on the corner of his desk. Vera is in the corner of the office, pinching the bridge of her nose as you shout at him that it’s not a tarantula and not something you keep as a pet and he just shrugs and continues on his merry way. From that day forward, none of the other girls understand why you call him Brown Recluse (and you’re certainly not going to explain it) but at least he got the damn thing off you. Maybe if you’re lucky, it will bite him. Karma is a bitch.
Lucien despises spiders. Not to the point that he won’t handle them himself if he has to, but it’s much more preferable if Gabriel is available to deal with such matters. And anyway, if he has to do it himself, he had an extra pair of gloves and he has somewhat accidentally discovered the best lure for most spiders is a jelly donut. And he’s fairly sure he’s doused most of them in the gasoline anyway.
Basil Stitt doesn’t even know how the spider got into his apartment in the first place. That must be one crafty little fucker to get past his set of defenses. Oh, shit, maybe it was when he had the pizzas delivered. Oh well. Whatever, it’s here now, and he’s definitely going to make it go away. He decided to call it Jason (there was no way that thing was also going to be called Basil, why did everything want to use his name anyway?) And Jason is going down. Just as soon as he manages to pry that big ass kitchen knife out of his desk.
#oscar isaac#oscar isaac character#headcannon#spider hc#it's 2am and i am not sorry#i still hate spiders tho#llewyn davis#nathan bateman#mikael boghosian#michael perry#orestes#cecil#poe dameron#reeves#bud cooper#blue jones#lucien#basil stitt#santiago garcia
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Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate Review! (spoiler free - long post)
It's done! I finished my first AC game ever! And I loved it!! YAAAY!!
First things first: this is going to be an honest review. I liked the game, A LOT, more than I expected, actually, but it has flaws. Not many that I could find personally, but it has. But before I delve deeper into it, let's have an overview of the game.

AC: Syndicate is the ninth?, installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise. It's a sequel to Unity, that came out just a year before, but you don't need to play any of the other AC games to plunge into this one (or any of them, to be honest), since each game tells a self-contained story. If you've been living under a rock for the past decade or you don't know a thing about videogames, Assassin's Creed games follow a character in the present time, joining the Order of the Assassins, warriors and masters of stealth that have been at odds with the Templars since time immemorial. The Templars desire the pieces of Eden, magical artifacts created with ancient technology by the Precursors, gods and goddesses that somehow bear the names of the Roman pantheon members. These pieces of Eden are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands, but have been long lost to the folds of History and withered pages of books. The Assassins must find them in today's world, through the genetic memories buried within the DNA of the descendants of the Assassins that at some point in History have come into contact with those artifacts.
Well, that premise is true for all Assassin's Creed games. This time, we're following the same initiate we met during Black Flag and Unity, if I'm not mistaken. The previous games have followed Desmond Miles, an actual character with a face, but in these "in-between" installments, the initiate is a faceless placeholder for the player to incarnate them. But, to be honest, the present timeline is, uh, what's this word…
Nobody cares what's going on in the present! Let's move on to the actual plot!

Syndicate takes us to Victorian London! Through the DNA of the initiate we travel in time to 1868, to the middle of the British capital. Our protagonists this time is a pair of twins: Jacob and, lo and behold, Evie Frye. I say "lo and behold" because this is the first official female assassin protagonist that we have in the mainline series of games. Prior to this game, we have Liberation which also followed a female assassin, the real first one, but that game is a spin off and mostly overlooked, since it came out only for the Vita sadly back in the day (although there's a remaster for the ps3!). Either way, all previous Assassin's Creed games (if Syndicate is the ninth, then you got the number) have starred male assassins as their protagonists. In Unity this came to a great peak when in the multiplayer co-op players were unable to play as female avatars, which caused a great ruckus. As Syndicate intended to mend many of the problems players found in Unity, we have now an official, canon female character in the main series! And I say: CHEERS TO THAT!
I MUST address this because it was one of the two reasons why I bought this game. I was never interested in the AC games but I've always wanted this one, because you could play as Evie Frye. As a female cis person, I find the lack of canon female protagonist to be baffling, to say the least (the actual word I'm looking for would be "annoying"). I'm not going to say that I'm forced to play as a male character all the time, because nobody forces me to play any game, I play them all because I wish to – but the truth is that, for many years, the videogame industry has been directed at one public only: boys. And some boys, for some reason, won't play the game if the protagonist is a girl or looks like a girl. And I don't care if the presence of a female character breaks your history immersion and whatnot: we have fricking magic in this game, do not throw historical accuracy at me for it. So, Ubisoft: I AM GLAD you created Evie Frye. She's fearless, she's relentless, she's clever, she has a clear goal in mind and solves every little piece to make the bigger plan work. She's badass without throwing her femininity off the window, and for a change she's the one saving the man in distress. I love her and her cloaks. Also she's cute as hell.
I am ALSO GLAD that Ubisoft created Jacob Frye! Jacob is a good balance to Evie, since he's more impulsive, a brawler, and likes throwing himself into battle. He speaks with fists, while never leaving his morals aside. He shows disregard for careful plans, but ultimately works in favor of them. He might sound a little stupid when I picture him this way, but he's not: he follows the creed strictly, during the assassination missions he shows clear precision, planification and ingenuity, and most importantly, he has a golden heart, and knows his ideals and principles very well. And for the love of Minerva, he's so handsome I might die.
So the Frye twins are both your protagonists this time! During the open world map and sidequests, you can switch between them on the fly. But during main missions, one of them will be assigned for you to play as and you'll be forced to complete the quest with either of them. Evie favors stealth, whereas Jacob is all about combat. This allows the player to tackle the game and the different activities as they see fit. If you're patient, probably Evie will be best for you, but if you can't handle the stealth, choose Jacob and start throwing punches! The city of London is open for you to choose the way you can liberate it.
And that takes me to my second reason why I bought this game: London.

For a not native-English-speaker as myself, who has learned and studied British English for over ten years, London will always hold a soft spot in my heart. Two years ago I was finally able to realize my dream and visit the city for the first time ever. I cried when I stepped out of St. Pancrasse station, understanding that my feet were touching English ground. So when I saw that this game not only offered me the chance to play as a female assassin, but it would also allow me to revisit London, I didn't think twice.
We follow Jacob and Evie to London, where they must meet Henry Green, the assassin watching over that city, in pursue of an important Templar figure: Starrick. Along the way to assassinate him, we'll take down other important Templar members, all responding to him. As I will keep this spoiler free, let's leave it at that. Let's just say that Starrick is in London, controlling every nook and cranny, while his second in command, Lucy Thorne, is reservedly researching the leads of a possible piece of Eden that might be hidden in the city's most secretive places.
London is so well recreated, I cried once when I stopped in front of the Big Ben. You're only able to visit and play through a portion of the city, around the Thames and Westminster, but still, even small though it seems, the map is big enough and full of activities to fulfill. The streets feel alive with its multiple, many, MANY npc's walking, running, driving carriages, interacting with each other, often having conversations as well! I was astonished when I was walking with Evie down an alley and an npc waved his hand to another npc that was some feet away, and the first one rushed to the second one to greet each other. It was such a realistic thing to see on the street that I was amazed at the technology behind it. As always, AC games excel at the presentation of countless npc's, each with a different animation and voices. On top of that, the city looks gorgeous, with so many details that I often stopped to stare, especially in the most emblematic buildings, like the different train Stations, the Parliament, St Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and, of course, the Buckingham Palace. Everything is so faithful and vibrant and alive, that… yes, I love it. I fricking love it. I travelled again there in this game and I'm thankful for it.

There are nine sequences with 4 to 7 memories each, and all of them are different and unique enough to make them memorable. In particular, the main assassination quests were complex, using exclusive scenarios to the mission, offering the player different paths to tackle the killing – they were my favorite out of all the game. The last mission was *chef kiss*.
Apart from the main missions, you can slowly liberate each neighborhood from the Templars' claws. Each borough has a set of different activities to complete in order for you to "conquer" it. Gang wars, bounty hunts, Templar hunts, there's a lot to do. It might seem a lot at first, but you'll soon see the patterns across the sidequests, only to (unfortunately) realize that they're all the same. These can get tiresome and repetitive after a while, but they're also the best way to level up and earn money quickly. My personal favorite were the child liberations, because I felt like I was doing a good deed and also as if Charles Dickens himself was asking me to do it.
Oh, yes, Charles Dickens is in this game! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, because I don't! He's one of my favorite authors, so, to be GIVEN a QUEST by HIM, I'm in tears guys, do you understand why I loved this game so much??
But Dickens isn't the only historical person that you'll encounter: Darwin also makes an appearance, as well as Marx (of whom I believed to be in Brussels, but I guess he visited London at some point – now I want an AC game set in Brussels), and Alexander Graham Bell, who will be your DaVinci of this game (Oh, now I want to play Ezio's games), offering you new toys to tinker with as you pave your way across the city. There are other historical people, but I won't mention them, since they're probably a spoiler, so I'll let you be surprised!
You'll have like a "hub world", or more like, a hub train – a train will be your hideout, your base, where you'll collect money, take some quests, interact with some characters and buy stuff cheaper. This train will constantly move around the city – sometimes I found myself appearing on the other side of the map because I was studying and investigating the things the train offered. I really liked the idea of a "moving base house", also it's quite fancy, and besides, I love trains. This game just keeps bringing me the good content.

Evie and Jacob are good protagonists – I'm not going to say they slay at it, but they serve the purpose. They're quite stereotypical, specially Jacob, as he seems to follow the trend Ezio imposed back in the day, and to which Arno also contributed – and Evie is quite the "polar opposite", a cliché often used on twins to express how "different they are". Their personalities are nothing new; what is endearing and worth noting, though, is their interactions. At first I thought "this is going to be another of the never-ending cases of twins acting like friends instead of siblings". I do come across this mistake more frequently than I'd like to, only broken by some exceptions (World of Final Fantasy is a really good one), even more if the twins are a boy and girl. I'm not saying twins shouldn't be friends themselves, but they're siblings first, for the love of Juno, and most creators who put twins into their stories don't seem to remember how siblings treat each other. Luckily, this game proved me wrong, since the Frye twins showed me that they're real siblings: not because they quarrel (they do, sometimes, quite forced in my opinion), but because of the way they look at each other, they care for each other, they often joke about the other, the familiarity and complicity they treat some topics with, because of the small banter that you can hear them have in the train hideout, how Jacob teases Evie with Henry or how Evie teases Jacob for the cloaks he's wearing – that, all of that, all combined, make up for a good sibling relationship and show me that these two have been brother and sister for a while now. I'm glad they ended up being one of the exceptions to this godawful rule among the fictional twin characters. I would've liked, though, maybe a few more scenes with them having a real heart to heart – I think we were robbed of one or two (specially after sequence 8 if you ask me- Jacob please, let's talk, baby).
Henry is another important character – although I thought he'd be more important. He ultimately appeared in less missions than I expected, and is soon relegated to be Evie's love interest and that's it. And even that is, uh… a little underwhelming. I kinda shipped them at first, then I was like "please, they're FRIENDS, don't force this", only to see myself getting disappointed. I think Henry needed more screentime for me to care more about him, and I definitely believe that, after that mission with Evie, we needed a cutscene with an explanation. It was kind of forgotten later, and he felt more like a plot device than anything else. I'm sad, because he could've been a great opportunity to show us a bit of Indian culture, and also because by the end of the game he's treated like another protagonist, when it doesn't feel like he'd earned it, though, considering the whole game. My opinion.

There are other characters worth mentioning, like Freddy Abberline, another historical person, whose running gag about disguises soon grew on me; Clara O'Dea, a little girl who asks us to liberate her fellow children friends from the claws of foremen who exploit them and acts like a little spy for us; Ned Wynart, who brings trans representation into the game; and some other sequence exclusive characters, who I won't mention because it will spoilerish. Let's just say that Jacob comes across a very interesting man.
On the technical department, I already said that London looks great, but I want to stress this: the whole game looks great. From cinematography to animations, I think they nailed the direction in this one. As my first AC game I can't speak for the others, but this one is a gem. I must mention though that the game crashed on me only once, and I was looking for the "destruction trophy", the one that asks you to break 5000 destructible items of the city – well, it seems I had destroyed enough and the game couldn't take any more wrecked chaos across London, but other than that I didn't encounter any bug nor any trophy didn't pop up. It looks great and it plays great: the controls are responsive, you swiftly dash across the city feeling unstoppable – sometimes controls didn't do what I wanted but it wasn't the game's fault, it was mine, so I can't blame it for my own stupidity.
The soundtrack is also such an unexpected jewel in this game. The solemn tracks that play on the background while you're peacefully traversing the city – some are lyrical and dramatic, others go well with a rainy suburb. The vibrant and electrifying tracks during battles or escapes did bring all the Sherlock Holmes movies vibes to the game. It was all – so English, if you catch my drift. The music did fit well with the British atmosphere they were aiming for.
The ending is satisfying – don't expect an opera prima, or a huge revelation, or groundbreaking plot twists. The story is fairly lineal in its presentation: this is the goal? Alright, the whole game goes for it. We can say that it's quite predictable, but let's be honest, we're not here for the ending or the things that might happen to discover the characters in the present time, we're here to assassinate people with our beautifully hidden blade – wait, that sounded way too violent – we're here for the gameplay, for the historical events, for the feeling of being an assassin, and for some world-building regarding the Precursors.

In regards to that, I cannot not mention the World War I Simulation – a rift in time appears in the Thames towards halfway through the game, and you can enter it – it will take you forward in time, to the same London that is now under the attack of the German. In this more modern time, you play as Lydia Frye, Jacob's granddaughter, also an assassin, who collaborates with no other than Winston Churchill to defeat the Templars. In this kind of DLC episode we learn way more about the Precursors, Juno, Minerva and other important figures to this world-building, that it's mostly lacking in the rest of the game. This simulation does feel like a DLC since it only offers a few hours of gameplay, the metaphor isn't in vain – it's a huge change of pace, it plays a little different since you'll be doing war stuff, and you also visit a portion of the city that isn't available in the main game: the Tower Bridge. It IS worth playing, though, not only for the trophies or for the extended map, but for what I said earlier: world-building. Juno plays a big part in this simulation, and I encourage you to play it, even though it's optional. Slowly but steadily, the world of the Precursors is unfolding before our very eyes. Also, Lydia, YASS another female assassin joins the family!
All in all, Syndicate is a positive experience. Sidequests are repetitive and mostly boring after you complete the first borough, some characters needed more screentime, Evie and Jacob could've used a sensitive cutscene with a deep conversation – but the mechanics, the gameplay, the city, the main missions, the relationship between the twins, the customization of weapons and outfits, and the fact that I literally entered Buckingham Palace after killing a royal guard or two – that, is more than enough to compensate for what it's lacking. You might be tired of the same formula over and over if you're a fan of the franchise, but do give the twins a shot. If you never play an AC game before, try this one out – it might turn you into an AC fangirl, like it did to me.
I'm a trophy hunter myself, so I'll try to platinum it! And now my eyes are intent on Unity, because, if you've seen this post, you know that Arno and Élise resemble two of my oc's, so now I need that game to be injected into my veins, thank you very much.
#assasins creed#assassins creed syndicate#syndicate#evie frye#jacob frye#henry green#evie and jacob#maxwell roth#videogame review#review#ubisoft#london#queen victoria#fredderick abberline#winston churchill
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Jungkook x reader slightly rly I didn’t do a good job but I still loved this concept
genre: Wild Wild West, violence, cursing, uhhh lassos, but a nice butterscotch fluff at the end if u wanna take a bite :3
1.1k~ words ain’t my best but it’s honest work
The town buzzed gently, the clink of beer from the bar mixing in with loud, bastardized laughter. Women outside in the early morning, wearing dresses that reveal their cleavage and giggling as they are tickled pink by newcomers and cowboys passing though your town.
Not that you had anything to do with it.
You were too busy brushing the porch of the bank, humming an old song you heard on the radio. The dry wind around your town picks up dust, like a thief's hand, placing it back on the porch once you enter.
“Good mornin’, Y/n!” Your boss smiles at you, nodding and going to his office at the first quarter of the bank, a small room made around it, having his own windows and fan.
“Morning!” you smile and you hum, organizing the files behind the clerk as your coworker turns around, “Did you hear about the sheriff?”
“No, I’ve been working like a dog, picking up your slack, Willie.” You monotonously respond.
“I told you to call me Will!”
“Sure William,” you look up with a small smirk as you organize the final file and sit at your desk, fixing your outfit and your styled hair.
The town stayed still for quite a few hours. People got kicked out and let back in the saloon, widows and their sons went into the general store and out. No one came into the bank, even though there were gunshots every other ten minutes. It’s the sound of life.
It was, unfortunately just you, your boss and annoying William. His saliva all over the papers and the register. He just couldn’t stop blabbering about the new fight in the bar, some new bandits gang, that new roundabout sheriff. Even if there were bars blocking between you and others, William still bothered you with topics you didn’t want to be a part of.
Nor know.
You finally get a customer, one of the women you saw earlier, who smokes a long cigar, and she winks at you, “Thanks babe,” You smile sweetly as she goes back to the bar across the road, and you smack William with your fan. “Will, say one more thing and I might rip that toupee of yours off.” you say, tapping your feet against the wood, looking past the bars of your office and outside.
The woman didn’t go inside the saloon for a minute, she was outside, looking at the distance and smiling softly.
“B—,” William goes past the bars.
You lean forward, growling before you hear a gunshot.
To the door.
You get down, hopping down your desk as you hear cackling and an explosion, dust littering the entire bank.
“AIGHT, WHERE’S YER MONEY?!” says a gravelly voice, the ting of metal sound rings across the bars, before you hear a groan from your boss.
“Taehyung get them crybabies, I saw someone over here. I’ll find the rest.” says someone quietly, but you can definitely hear them smirking.
You pant, crouching down into the small space of your desk as William screams, before you can reach out to tell him what to do, you watch a bullet fly past his ear. His eyes roll back, and he falls, passing out from the impact.
You gulp and close your eyes, slowing your breathing. You hear the clinking of their boots on the wooden floor. You open your eyes, grabbing the knife your parents gifted you, and the small pistol your grandmother gave you.
No way are you letting some men get away with ruining the bank.
Especially on a Monday.
“I found the safe!” yells a voice. “Perfect, Hoseok, fuckin’ blow it!”
There’s a boom to the iron door. You get up even as the explosion of the metal and wood settle, throwing the dagger towards the safety combination pad. The man with an orange mask beside it is pinned to the wall by his shirt with near perfect accuracy.
You quickly get out your pistol and turn to the other voice, deep and smooth speaking, but you see a small flash.
You’re suddenly bound, your arms pinned to your sides and you are lifted up. You scream, dropping the pistol and there’s a gunshot from the impact to the ground.
“Damn, JK, you couldn’t have spotted them earlier?”
“I did, but they were too pretty. Besides, the way they was hidin’ was cute~,”
You struggle, twisting and squirming like a snake caught by an eagle.
William was talking about new bandits. Seven thieves that branded themselves as the Bulletproof Boys.
This young man had a splotched, grey bandana over his mouth, he takes it off and brings you closer. His bright doe eyes are hooded, his lips in a faux pout as his nose is flared as he takes in fresh air. You widen your eyes, realizing he holds you with one arm as he holds you all the way from the top of the bars he crouched upon. He smirks and coos, “And what might yer name be?”
You try to kick up but he only grips the lasso tighter, laughing at your weak attempt. One of the boys, having a dark green bandana on, throws your forgotten pistol in his hand, he shows it over your face and laughs, “This is a pretty impressive gun, but hon, you can’t defeat us.”
He lets you go, and smirks, “Now, I’ll ask again, kindly.”
“Y/n.” You introduce yourself as you make a roundabout kick, but when he catches your foot you punch the young man in the eye. He lets go in agony and this time you land a successful and hard kick to his stomach.
When he throws the gun, you catch it, panting before there’s a small click.
Well, several clicks.
The colors of the rainbow masks look at you, before the one with red takes his off and smirks, “You’re good. No one can disarm JK like that.”
“A-And?!” You point the gun at him, as he smiles now, kindly, a dimple poking in the side, “Just travel with us, at least the next town, Y/n. we can drop you off there, but if you wanna rob with us, we can always use the hand like yours.”
You look at JK, who’s back up, holding his lasso and his hip pointed to the side, raising an eyebrow, shrugging, “Besides, it’s fun to watch those men fall. Especially the bad ones.” You purse your lips and look up. “To the next town, but leave some money for the townspeople, alright? I live along the way,” you say softly.
The man behind you cracks his lasso in the air, “YeeEEEHAW, LET’S RIDE OUTTA HERE THEN!” The men all laugh and shoot their guns in the air, cheering and chattering as they talk about the robbery as a pride, an art they did.
A few of them drop the bags of cash as you sigh, and follow them outside, your hand around the dagger you still hold.
But; you let it be where it lies. Maybe they weren't stealing something bad, maybe what they were stealing, was a life behind a cell you worked yourself in.
#bhqdrabbles#bangtanhq#kwritersworldnet#thekpopnetwork#jungkook#jungkook fanfic#bts jungkook#bts scenarios#dee writes
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Hmm. . . how about 6 with Steph and Damian? :D
Stephanie rubs her eyes, trying to ignore the burning sensation that always comes from too much time in front of a computer screen, reading, or whatever garbage fire she’s helping put out on the streets. Tonight, it’s a combination of all three and she’s thanking her lucky stars that her throat is still more than a little irritated from the actual three-alarm fire last night, so she’s able to pass on her patrol tonight.
In her small kitchen, she takes a sip of the hot tea blend that she found on her counter earlier, Jason’s handwriting telling her how long to steep it for and suggesting some honey be added for extra relief. He was there with her last night, so in all likelihood, his throat is just as shot as hers.
Steam is also something that will help, so Steph makes her way to the bathroom to draw a hot bath. Bubbles and essential oils are added liberally to help soften and scent the water. Pinning her hair up, she lights a few candles and slips into the warm water, a hand towel folded behind her neck to support her head.
“Yeeesss,” she sighs as the water instantly starts to work its magic on her aching body.
This is exactly what the doctor ordered. Peace and quiet and relaxation.
She’s barely in the tub for five minutes when her bathroom door slams open, letting in the cool air of the apartment and her favorite little gremlin.
“Brown!” Damian all but shouts. “Get dressed. You are needed tonight.”
Stephanie screeches and throws her loofah at him. “Damian! Don’t you know how to knock?”
It quickly becomes apparent that the teen hasn’t taken note of his exact surroundings until just now. His spine stiffens and he whirls around. Steph is willing to bet good money he’s blushing.
“I did knock. Twice.”
“The window doesn’t count.” Stephanie relaxes back into the tub. It can’t be a real emergency, otherwise Barbara would have called her and told her to suit up, so this is more likely Damian on his little high horse and wanting company for some random mission. It’s cute, sometimes and she doesn’t mind humoring him, but not tonight.
“Ttt, if you were capable of paying attention even in moments of solitude, you would have heard me.”
“Whatever, Dames. Go bug Dick or Tim. Maybe they’ll help.”
“If I thought either of them could assist me with this matter, I would have asked them.” Damian fumbles toward the towel rack and yanks the fluffy purple towel from it. “Now get out of that tub, Brown. You’ll turn into a wrinkly prune if you stay in for too long.”
The towel is tossed with surprising accuracy over his shoulder and Steph gapes as it hits her in the face. She fights with it for a second before dropping it on the bathmat. “Damian, I know this might be hard for you to understand, but this is me time. I’m enjoying my me time tonight. So, GET OUT!”
This time, she throws her body wash and manages to hit him in the back of the head.
“You insufferable wench!” Damian spins around again and points at her. “See if I ever ask you for help again!”
Steph leans against the edge of the tub and frowns. “Damian, I want you to know that if you’d come in here asking politely for my help, as well as explained what’s going on, I would have said yes. Words like please and thank you go a long way.”
Damian stiffens again, her words apparently sinking in for once. “I require your assistance with a box of kittens in an alley three blocks from here. I found their mother mauled by a stray dog.”
Instantly, Steph reaches for the towel. It’s not exactly a please, but she’ll take it. “Okay. Give me three minutes.”
As Damian leaves the bathroom, she can almost here the small thank you from the teen.
Dick would be so proud.
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My ultimate 14x20 thoughts post
Well, it’s finally time for me to type out my mess of feelings regarding the episode- and by extension, Dabb era as a whole. As a whole, feelings will not be positive. You have been warned...
If anything, this finale made me more certain that it’s time for the show to end (before Dabb runs it into the ground completely).
I realized once and for all how dissatisfying later seasons have been for me just before this episode aired. I was looking back at previous season finales and thought ‘when was the last time we had a season finale that was actually about our main characters?’ And I realized that there hadn’t really been one since, S11. An argument could be made that it hasn’t been since S10. 90% of the S12-14 finales have been about Jack...
Some small positives-
-The first half was fun. It is nice to see that truth-spells don’t have the same effect that they used to- early seasons, the boys would have been yelling nasty, ugly things at each other, but now it’s just affectionate teasing+ the revelation that Dean reads mommy lifestyle blogs. Everyone else was going nuts, but they’re so in sync with each other now, nothing really phased them. One thing the newer seasons have done well is to show that maturity between them.
-I was bracing myself for a big brofight, and was really grateful that that didn’t happen. I was glad that what really pushed Sam to not be okay with killing Jack was the knowledge that Dean would have to die too. It hurts, but he can go on without Jack. But not without Dean.
-Chuck was right, I liked the old Death better too.
-The last few seconds were an epic cliffhanger. I would have no qualms with if it wasn’t for what happened in the previous 20 minutes.
The rest- this is gonna be long. And probably incoherent.
Disclaimer- I personally am religious, but I firmly believe I would have hated the ‘twist’ regardless. I don’t and never have watched this show for theological accuracy. Fiction=/reality. Now in no particular order-
-Why is everyone acting like it’s some revelation that Chuck knew what was going on and didn’t do anything? They’ve known that since they knew Chuck existed. They had a whole conversation in S11 about it, they knew he was aware of everything that went on on Earth and usually didn’t interfere. So why is it some shocking reveal now that he...knew everything that was going on and didn’t do anything?
-Free will. Are they trying to tell me that Chuck was, in fact, interfering all along and nobody had any free will? If so, way to just kill the biggest overarching theme in the show. We’ve already had the big storyline of the main characters saying screw destiny, and how making their own choices is the most important thing. It’s arguably the most consistent theme over all these seasons. And now Dabb &Co is basically spitting on it and saying it never mattered anyway? I know a lot of the current writers don’ care about previous seasons, but how do you screw that up?
-Scream at me all you like about how I’m just ‘buying into Chuck’s manipulation’ and ‘all the foreshadowing was there.’ because this was a retcon, plain and simple. Coincidence is not foreshadowing. The Chuck originally created by Kripke was not like this, nor was he intended to be. Carver had his issues, but the Chuck he worked with wasn’t like this either. This a complete 180.
The Chuck at the end of Swan Song, who said that free will and choice were the most important things in the world, wasn’t originally written to be a lying manipulator who would start an apocalypse because people...used their free will and choose family. Changing the entire original intent of that scene is a retcon. The beautiful scene at the end of Don’t Call Me Shurly was not written to be ‘only putting on a cute guitar routine and playing us because manipulation.’ Forcing the viewer to look back at it now and assume that is a retcon. Chuck telling the angels to love and protect humanity (and he himself locking up the leviathans to protect the angels) but now saying he never really cared, is a retcon.
-This whole thing just retroactively taints so much that I loved, particularly S5 and S11. This about sums it up for me.
Not to mention, this definitely ruins the Sam/Dean/John Lucifer/Micheal/God parallels that were you know, kind of important in S4-5. Now I am definitely not a fan of John by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s clear he was supposed to parallel Chuck/God as a largely absent father who made many mistakes, but ultimately did love and care for his children. That’s out the window now.
A good foreshadowing is when you look back and say ‘Oh! That made sense before, but now I have a deeper understanding then I did then’ The example I’m most fond of is the E10 reveal in Yuri!! on Ice. It’s not that everything didn’t make sense before the revelation that Viktor knew Yuri first and had been in love with him all along, but it deepened our understanding of him. It fixed a few little things we wondered about, like why Viktor acted as forward as he did when first coming to Japan, but it didn’t fundamentally change who any of these characters were as people. You looked back at everything and were like ‘wow, that makes total sense‘ It was a well-planned, well executed bit of writing. It deepened our understanding of the characters, it didn’t change them completely and expect us to believe they were really that way all along.
-The amount of Lucifer/Micheal/Amara were right! posts I’m seeing around are frankly sickening. Lucifer made his own decisions. Even if Chuck was bad all along- Lucifer loved him. He hated humanity, not Chuck. He wanted to destroy humanity out of spite and jealousy. Are we now saying he was right to do that?? That torturing human souls to turn them into demons, killing entire towns of people to raise Death, everything he did to Sam, everything he did to Kelly, how much he admitted he enjoys crushing teenagers skulls (and that’s just the tip of the iceberg)- all of that is okay because Chuck was bad? Lucifer loved Chuck. He hated humanity. Whether or not he was right about Chuck’s motivations (and honestly, did he really care? so long as Chuck apologized to HIM, nothing else really mattered) doesn’t mean he was right about anything else. Ditto for Micheal.
Amara- she is a bit more complicated. It could be argued that due to her nature, and how she’s been locked up for eons, she doesn’t have much of a sense of right and wrong the way other beings do. But just because you don’t know something is wrong, doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong. I’ve seriously seen people saying that ‘Amara did nothing wrong and Chuck only locked her up because SEXISM’ *headdesk* Amara destroyed entire worlds before the current one.She wasn’t a totally innocent being, just locked up for the hell of it. She herself admits that she did what she did out of jealousy, and that in the end she was wrong, because creation needed to exist. She didn’t actually hate Chuck, and they reconciled. (Now, I suppose they expect us to believe that the whole beautiful end of Alpha and Omega was a lie/manipulation as well? Retcon.
- Basically, this is lazy. And that’s a mark of Dabb era as a whole. (He’s okay as a writer, but not as a showrunner). Anything that was weird in previous seasons? We can just handwave it say ‘Chuck did it because manipulation.’ SPN has had a problem with constantly trying to escalate its villains-from demons to Lucifer to Metatron to Amara-and now to God? It’s just the laziest thing to do. Dabb was just like ‘we need the BIGGEST, WORSE villain of all for the last season! Who’s the most powerful being around? GOD!’ It’s utter LAZINESS.
-It didn’t have to be this way. You could have done a final season as a love letter to the early show that started it all, not started another apocalypse. A lower stakes, character focused final season would have been great. A tribute to what came before, while showing how far the characters have come since. But no, Dabb had to be lazy and escalate everything once again, because the subtly and character driven plots seem to be beyond him.
-I don’t know how they’re going to write themselves out of this one without massive retcons. You can’t kill Chuck or Amara and not have all of creation perish. But Dabb retcons everything whenever he wants to (see: every inconsistency regarding Jack’s soul magic/powers/morality this season), so I’m sure he’ll find some way to do that. (Which reminds me, does everyone going like ‘oh, Sam is such a badass for shooting Chuck!!’ remember the whole ‘Sun will go out and creation will die’ thing? It was tremendously stupid).
-I am so, so, so sick of Jack. I’m tired of everything and everyone revolving around him, anyone who goes against him being wrong, and everything he does being so easily forgiven. I’ve realized that most of my issues with the later seasons go right back to him. I didn’t want him dead (because of how it would affect others I do care about, not really because of him), but I wanted him gone. Now, he is dead, but not gone at all. He’s hanging out with the Empty and Billie, which means a huge part of the plot of S15 is gonna revolve around him again. I stg if we end with Jack basically becoming God, Dabb is gonna catch these hands. Talk about being the ultimate Sue, who took over the whole show from the main characters...
-All I wanted was a lower-stakes season focused on the actual main characters and no one else...I guess that was too much to ask for.
-There’s some interesting theories going around that might make some sense of all of this, but I don’t know if I trust the currents showrunners to be smart enough to use them.
-So that’s it. I’ll still be watching S15 because I’ve invested too much time into this show not too, and because I still care about the boys and J2,and of course I’m going to cons for the same reasons. It’s not their fault the writing is shit...
P.S You’ll not convince me that part of J2′s choice to end the show wasn’t due to the writing. They’ve said before that they would keep going as long as the writing was good- then S13-14 happened and they’ve decided to stop. They’re far too nice/professional to ever come right out and see it, but it makes sense. I also think they realized that they couldn’t get the time off they wanted and still make a show they were happy with. We’ll see what the upcoming con circuit says, since they’ve got less reason than ever to hold back their opinions.
#spn#I've spent my entire afternoon typing this shit that no one will read#but I just had to organize my thoughts
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the baptist & the saint at his side
part one: spiderwebs
rating/warning: explicit & nsfw, etc. paring: John Seed/female character word count: 3,661 note: this is my first fic ever. expect there to be errors because I am not an english major, I’m doing this for fun. enjoy, I hope...
the bed is empty. I notice this as I slowly wake up, and well, almost wish I didn't. "maybe if I can get back to sleep he will be back the next time I wake up" it wasn't unusual for John to attend to some business in the early hours of morning, but sometimes I feel that I'm only second to his needs. my thoughts fade to dreams to come, everything feels so light...until I hear him slam that fucking front door behind himself. I sigh, turn over away from the bedroom door, and curse his lack of consideration for the girl trying to sleep in his bed. his footsteps get closer and the door opens, from there the footsteps get quieter. he's trying to tiptoe and it's so cute, too bad I'm already awake. the bed briefly sinks under his weight and then evens out, his body barely touching mine. his hand gently starts stroking my hair, "I'm sorry" he whispers "I didn't mean to slam the door" "and?" I think to myself while trying to keep my eyes shut "and I was hoping to be back before you woke up" the hand that was once stroking my hair is now up through the back of my shirt and cupping one of my breasts. "you can open your eyes now, I know you're awake. I know you, don't forget what you confessed to me" ugh, he's right, but I have a trick up my sleeve I'd like to try. with eyes still closed I let out a little noise as I stretch myself out, to which he removes his hand and I seize my opportunity. I lightly grind backwards into him making it look like it's part of my 'stretch'. "bad move missy" he growls and not a second later that once gentle hand makes contact with my throat "let me make something clear, the next time you do that it will not be a pleasant one, understood?" I turn my head to meet with those sinfully blue eyes "yes, John" "perfect" his hand unclenches from my neck and proceeds to stroke my cheek "now time to get dressed, we have a busy day ahead" he says this as he gets up and walks away with the covers. at this point I'm basically shooting mental darts in to the back of his head, "what's he got planned? I wonder...". after pulling myself of the bed and throwing some clothes on I wander out the the living room where I find the comforter draped over one of the arm chairs and roll my eyes. one of John's men catches sight of this and asks what that's all about "you know better than to ask me and ever moreso with you know who". he nods. "do you know where John went by any chance?" I ask. "last I saw he went out to the back porch" I thank him and make my way in that direction. it's kind of strange to have men posted around like they are, but it's the way it has to be. I'd like to think he's protecting me and not himself all this time, I can dream. I reach for the door handle, but the door is already being opened by him "such a gentleman" I say with a smirk "you have no idea" he returns with a more sinister smirk and leads me to a table and chairs that has choice breakfast items. it's mostly fruit since it's easy to come by, but a few waffles made their way to the table too. he must really be up to something, probably not best to question motive while all this goodness is waiting. my eyes get big and point at table, "have at it" he says before taking a sip of coffee. trying to be modest, I start with an orange, which you can never go wrong with no matter the situation. strawberries are choice number two, just ripe and sweet enough. the waffles are the perfect combination of crispy and fluffy, I love it. I could be here all day gorging on this deliciousness. while finishing up I take in the scenery around me, tall pine trees, the lake behind them, and the mountains further back. this is something I could get used to, the air is crisp and pure. nothing tarnishing the view, just birds and a clean blue sky. I'm pulled out of my blissful thoughts by a voice "...baby..." my gaze snaps to his across from me "there you are, we must get going now" I nod and clear my throat "m'sorry" I say to him shyly "for what? I don't blame you for losing your thought to nature, it's beautiful out here. beats the city, big time." he stands up from the table which gives me the hint I should do the same, he extends a hand to me and I don't hesitate to take it. I live for the little things he does, they're small steps in bettering our relationship. I see a smile emerge on his face "so I made an arrangement today for you to have a lesson on how to protect yourself incase of my absence, this is–" I cut him off. "Joseph said something didn't he, why do you let him get to you like that? am I not more important?" we both stop short of the car that's been waiting for us, by now the smile has left John's face and is replaced with a solemn look. "yes" his rough hands hold my face "you are most important, but I have to remain compliant. so please, do this for me and don't make me ask again" those words were backed by venom like nothing before. I sigh, "for you and only you". "thank you, now in you go" the car ride was quiet and I was preoccupied once more with the scenery outside my window, it wasn't long before we arrived at our destination. the area was nothing more than a clearing amongst the trees because of safety reasons I'm told. we both exit out our respective doors and I look around as John makes his way to a table dotted with shiny objects I can't fully make out. "so, who has the honor of being my teacher today?" I say with a bit of cockiness "that, my dear, would be me" that was John's voice, that can't be good. I look to where he's standing and his head is lowered as he pulls the slide back on a pistol and let's it go, he shouldn't look as good as he does doing this. I bite my lip and he looks up to me with a smile "Joseph sensed you had trust issues, so it didn't take much convincing for me to do it. he's not all that bad" "hmph, sure" I mutter and he responds by raising an eyebrow "get over here now so we can get started" the whole afternoon is spent learning how disarm, load, and handle a gun; after that a bit of target practice. now I'm being coached on how to keep my arms level to get the best shot, apparently since I'm not the perfect model of accuracy. he's standing agonizingly close behind me and holding my arms, I feel his body heat and I want to crumble. some words escape my mouth without realizing it "what's not fair?" he whispers in my ear "if you can't handle me standing behind you, how do you think you'll fair when I'm fucking you into that bed, hm?" it takes every ounce of energy and willpower to not drop the gun or do something I'll regret. "think we're done for today" he says, acting like the prior words that came out of his mouth never existed. the weapon is taken from my hand, dismantled, and put back on the table; as for me, I'm carefully shuffled to the car. there is no grin on John's face and it has me worried about the car ride, I almost feel like walking. I remove my hand from the door handle and start doing just that. “where are you going?” John yells out "I'm walking back to the ranch" I stop and turn to look at him "without you". his eyes are veiled by his sunglasses, but the look on his face is a puzzled one. this act of defiance was basically me telling him 'no'. "I can't let you do that" pure vinegar starts to pour from my mouth "why? I am your mouse. nothing more than a toy to tease whenever you need more power" he's stunned by this and I turn back to continue my down the road, I can faintly hear him radio to his men to keep an eye on me and to take him back. the walk wasn't bad, even with the shadow that followed me, it was roughly an hour on foot. the house comes into view, a quite expansive and unmistakable log home set on some prime land. my legs are crying as I make my up the front porch and through the front doors, what a relief to be back. "I hope that walk helped to clear your mind" I look over to see John in one of the armchairs, brooding over the fire currently blazing in the fireplace and scotch in hand. he continues "you missed dinner by the way" "I'm not sorry for what I said" "I know and I'm not sorry for what I'm about to do to you" he stands up, sets his glass down, and makes his way towards me. my mind is running a million miles a minute wondering what he's gonna do, kill me? no. he would've done that a while ago. I'm paralyzed with him now in front of me and he's looking at me with those eyes of his, he raises his arm for his hand to meet my cheek and strokes it with his thumb. his touch seems much different than before, sincerity mixed with intent. the intent makes itself known as he leans in and places his lips on mine with a kiss to rival all others, it feels right and even more when I reciprocated, so it continues. a smile emerges as the kiss winds down, his facial hair lightly tickling my face. his face pulls away from mine "beautiful" he says and begins to eye me up and down "it's time I fulfill your sin of lust" I'm then scooped up and carried off in the direction of the main bedroom upstairs, on the way we pass a portrait of Joseph and I make the "I'm watching you" hand gesture to it. "did you just?" "I don't know what you're talking about" "you really are asking for it" the house is quiet, something I know won't last and as we near our destination the air begins to shift. he switches from carrying me to throwing me over his shoulder and locks the door behind him. I let out a small huff for the lack of warning which seems to go right passed him until he says "no interruptions". with that being said he sets me down on the bed, it's still missing it's comforter from this morning and no one is surprised. "you wait here, do not step off that bed" he says sternly and makes his way to the closet. not more than a few minutes later he returns, a good length of rope in hand. "this is for you" that signature smirk remerges "what I'm going to do is strip you of control, only I will have that power" the rope is nicely placed on the bed and he proceeds to unbutton his shirt, revealing the multitude of tattoos painted across his skin. that sight in and of itself is enough for me to give myself up. in one swift motion the shirt comes off and is tossed to the corner, from the foot of the bed he rounds his way towards me and sits on the edge. I try to not make eye contact, but it's made clear that it's not allowed to happen. "you will watch and speak no words unless I say so, is that understood princess?" "understood" "try again" "yes" he inhales sharply "you're getting there" "I think it's time to rid you of this annoying clothing" John starts with my shirt, lifting it over my head and sending it in the direction of his shirt (maybe they'll have their own fun). next he navigates his hands to my chest and undoes my bra, discarding that too. he pauses a moment, taking me in once again with his eyes, "you are truly beautiful and God has spoiled me". a hand finds itself on my abdomen. that hand traces from there to my chest and circles around each breast, causing my breath to hitch, eventually landing on my neck ever so tightly. "before we, I mean I continue, something needs to be fixed." he's talking about my arms I had slowly begun to realize as he releases his grip and reaches for the rope. it's safe to assume he's done this before by the way he carefully wraps each wrist together and knots it with precision and lays them above my head. "if you misbehave I will not hesitate to attach those to the bed". I usually shake off his threats, but these ones are sticking and I can feel a burning rising from the core of my body, I think he knows... "now, where was I?" I move my hips slightly "hmm, I believe it was right here" from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed hes now moved himself onto it fully, laying perpendicular to me. his right hand snakes its way to my left breast, he gives a gentle squeeze as he leans over to put his mouth on it and sucks repeatedly before moving to the right. it feels like heaven and it's driving me crazy that I can't say a word, although he never said anything about moaning. I let out a small gasp and he returns with a hum. the wayward left hand finds its way to my waistline and then under the two layers of clothing, finally resting on the sweetest spot between my legs. John lifts his head, turns it towards where his hand is, and lays it down on my chest so he can watch himself. "hmm you've already got a head start on me, you're considerably wet". he starts playing with my clit, rubbing circles around it and I let out a moan against my will. I can feel a laugh reverberate throughout my chest, he's enjoying this. the movement slows and then nothing. the loss of touch is agonizing, but it was only moment before the feeling came back in a different way. "sweetheart, it's going to be a while till I'm done with you. don't worry..." I can feel his fingers inside of me, pumping in and out at a more than pleasurable pace. if my wrists were not bound I would be going for John's hair, whether he'd allow me to or not; I'll settle for the headboard for now. my breathing becomes labored and he takes notice, removing his hand completely and drawing it to his mouth. "I think we're about ready by the taste of it" this cruelty is nothing new from him, I should know by now and it makes me squirm. "you're eager for more lust aren't you? you will have it soon" he backs himself off the bed and looks at the lower half of my body. "it's time for these to go now" he saunters over to the foot of the bed to carefully remove my pants and undergarments at once. (he is surprisingly efficient) with that done he takes a step back and begins to unbuckle his belt, his pants have a noticeable strain in them. I watch in anticipation for John to reveal himself fully to me, as I have already done for him. it only takes a few tugs for his pants to come off and his dick gracefully comes in to view. it's beautiful and an above average size, it's befitting to him to say the least. he gives it a few strokes and looks to me, my eyes expressing my needs to him. a smirk finds its way to his face as he heads towards the side of the bed. he takes my chin with one hand and my wrists with the other, hissing in my ear "I don't trust you" as he promptly removes the hand on my chin to help the other attach my bound wrists to the headboard. "much better, that'll give you something to hold on to" the tension is too much and I very badly want tell him to fuck me already and that I'm tired of waiting, his hands have left me wanting for more. "fuck" manages to escape my mouth "what was that??" I curl my lips inward and vigorously shake my head. "I thought you wanted this cock, but now I'm starting to think otherwise due to that mouth of yours". all I can do is listen "do you want it?" I nod and then a slap comes across my face. "then act like it" that just ignited something in me, I gave him the best puppy eyes I could and opened my legs to him. "see? that wasn't so hard" John climbs on to the bed and places himself between my legs, while crouched he leans over and ghosts his mouth over my belly button. "all mine" the teasing stops. he slowly begins to put himself inside me and a drawn out moan falls from his mouth, I can't help but to the same in exchange once he's fully in. "is this what you wanted baby? me buried between your legs?" I shake my head. "you can speak" finding my voice I tell him "yes, John. all day. I–" "that's enough" with that he suspends his body over mine, places a kiss on my collarbone, pulls out just enough, and thrusts back in. the pace is kept slow at first, but begins to pick up and the sense of him being gentle fades away. the man shows no signs of tiring, which is good for him and bad for me. I instinctively curl my legs around him, earning praise for being a good girl and taking his cock so well. it's the best I could do considering I can't touch him with my hands. I get lost in the euphoria he's brought me to, it felt like hours, and as a gasp escapes my mouth his finger fills that spot, it was the relief I needed. "you have surely earned your place with me, but not quite yet" his pace slows and his finger leaves my mouth, the loss is unfortunate but necessary as he unhooks one of my legs and turns me on my side. he removes himself to lay behind me and whispers "I'm just getting to the good part". it sends a shiver down my spine and I'm flipped on to him from my side, not a moment later his dick is back inside me. feeling more in control with harder thrusts, both his hands land on my chest vigorously squeezing each breast. I’m finding it harder and harder to stay quite with each movement. "John..." "shhh" one of the hands is now on my neck and he tightens it more than he did before. "you're close, I can feel it" my head feels fuzzy and my chest wants to burst, how have I lasted this long? a bit of clarity comes through, a voice rather. "do you deserve it?" I choke out a "hmm?" "do you deserve to be filled up by me?" John must be close, his breathing has gotten heavier and the thrusts rougher" without hesitation a "yes" falls from my mouth with a few last movements, that's all it took for the room to be filled with a chorus of moans. I came so quickly and soon after he did too, he worked me clenched around him to his advantage. "you've done so well, I'm proud of my girl" I can feel a smile as he kisses my neck and still riding out my my high I hum to the touch. gently he lifts me off and slides himself from underneath me. I can still feel every bit of him inside me even though he is not and that must've been his intention. longing. proving his gentlemanliness once again, he cleans me up and then himself. "we don't need this anymore, you've proven it to me" he says as he reaches towards where my arms are hitched and undoes them completely, the feeling is unparalleled to any other. I use my new found freedom to harmlessly stretch myself out and with a little squeak I turn to face him, conveniently landing my arm across his chest. John didn't resist, instead he finds it in him to stroke my hair. for someone with a bigger ego than his paycheck, this is quite a turn. I think I can handle it. I say to him "I'm proud of your for handling me, not many can do it. huge pain in the butt right here" he laughs, the sound of his chest sends me down a blissful path and everything slows. sleeps veil soon drapes over me and I'm met with the dreams I would've had earlier. how long can I make them last? I fear that when I wake up, John will not be there like many mornings before.
a mysterious peace finds its way to me and douses any remaining fear. the bed is not empty when morning comes. he is here and I am his.
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Perfect Valentine’s Day
Posted this yesterday but it never went through so all four are a day late might take me some time but here you go - sorry hope nobody minds
Sweet Donnie Smut (Sorry this song it just cannon to me for him)
Song: Perfect - Ed Sheeran
@devilsnevercry1388 @tmntwhat-you-get-is-what-you-see @fyreball66 @illcallyouvega @tur-nerd-tle-girl @bunnyboo9889 @technical
Donatello had been working himself ragged rushing around with repairs, trying to finish all his projects, and be sure his family didn’t need anything before he had to meet her at six that night wanting everything to be perfect for his Valentine surprise. He had it all planned out to the very small details the would make it work but around four that evening a message came through to his phone from her, it left the genius wondering if everything was okay when she had text him she had to cancel.
It wasn’t like her to cancel via text which made him quickly call her only to hear the young female sounding as if she was losing her voice “Hey honey - Is everything okay… you don’t sound too good?”
“Oh Donnie - I’m so sorry" her voice cracked making him worry even more as she coughed loudly on the other end of the line wheezing almost sounding miserable as she tried to catch her breath sniffling after a while
“Sweetie? Baby what’s wrong you’re worrying me?”
“Donnie - I am so sorry I have to cancel tonight I’m afraid I’m coming down with something… I feel awful and I don’t want to get you sick… I know tonight’s important-”
He cleared his throat as he looked at his computer seeing all the work he still had to do before clearing his throat again stopping her from saying anymore “It’s okay Love, please don’t worry about it… if you’re not feeling good we shouldn’t go out - you need to get you some rest so you can heal”
She sounded so relieved by his quick reassurance and his tone showing no hint of anger her voice coming out so soft it melted him “Donnie you’re amazing. Thank you so much - I promise I’ll make it up to you" before he could say anything else she had hung up the phone feeling his heart sinking that his mate was sick on one of the most important day for any couple especially their first year of being together. The turtle didn’t move a muscle staring at his phone finally dropping it on the desk mumbling to himself as he shifted through the papers trying to remember where he had been on his notes sitting there for few more minutes before looking to his phone again as an idea popped in his head but he would need to hurry if he was going to pull it off on such short notice
An hour later the genius turtle was flying over the city jumping between roofs heading straight to her apartment, a small yet heavy gray tote under his arm with several things he felt would make her feel a lot better in no time. He was going over everything in his head double checking to be sure he hadn’t forgotten anything until he was standing on her roof glancing down to the window of her place seeing a faint light from the lamp by her desk on meaning she was either laying on the couch or had fell asleep and left it on slowly making his way down the fire escape until he was pushing the window up looking inside to see her home was a disaster zone; used tissues were on the floor, dishes scattered her coffee table, and clothes were laying around the front room. It was obvious to him after knowing the young woman for a few years she had to be sick if she hadn’t clean that day smiling to himself as he let himself in quickly being sure to close her window softly going into ninja stealth mode cleaning up the apartment for her
He set to throwing the trash in a bag and dropping it down eight stories with perfect accuracy into the dumpster on the other side of the alley before gathering all of the dishes taking them to the sink washing every last one so she wouldn’t have too when she got up, his next step was to layout the clothes in a basket and set them on the washer in her linen closet for later before finally setting up everything he had brought with him.
45 minutes later he had the living room set up the way he wanted, it actually looked better than he had originally planned quickly checking everything before changing his clothes into something a little nicer and more comfortable which for their date had been a loose pair of slacks and a modified dress shirt to go under his shell only half buttoned the way his mate liked, checking himself in the mirror he was finally satisfied heading down the hallway quietly to her room seeing the door was cracked peeking in to see her beautiful princess knocked out on her bed – for a moment he started to let her sleep before her phone dinged and she jumped looking at the screen hopefully before pouting when it wasn’t who she wanted it to be dropping it beside her with a disappointed huff
She was missing him
He smiled softly tapping on the door frame before he stepped in seeing her look over from under her blankets giving her the warmest smile he could when her face lit up upon seeing her special turtle “Hey there beautiful how you feeling?”
She quickly sat up brushing her hair back trying to make herself look presentable even if right then she was the most adorable female he had ever seen and he was going to be sure once she was better he told her so for the rest of her life “D-Donnie… what are you doing here… don’t get me wrong baby I’m happy to see you but - I don’t want to get you sick… Why didn’t you tell me you were coming over I look terrible!” the pout that took over her face had him falling for her all over again - god he was a sucker for that little puppy pout
She did it so well, it was her little personal weapon against the turtle and she had to have known it
“You don’t look terrible baby – here your hair needs to be like this” he grinned stepping further into the room with a small sway to his steps going to her side sitting down on the edge of her bed ruffled it up a bit more making the wild locks frame her face more “There - perfection in its truest form” his smirk was genuine as he gently kissed her forehead feeling how warm she was cupping her face in his large hands “Hey - don’t worry about getting me sick. I needed to come see how my girl was feeling; it’s not right for me to let you be alone on Valentine’s Day without somebody to love on you no matter what you said. Besides what kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you to suffer all alone in this lonely bed – a very terrible and very insensitive one...” his sass tone came out in full Donatello flare as he laughed at himself gently pushed her hair back behind her ears seeing the tears in her glassy eyes as he looked her over like she was the rarest and most priceless gem he had ever seen “I’m here cause it’s where I belong, where I really want to be – so deal with it Princess”
For a moment she gave him a slight glare – he knew she hated being told to ‘Deal with it’ but seeing him being so sweet cracked her attitude, in only a few seconds she laughed leaning over to hug him tightly nuzzling up to the genius who held her the second she was against him “How in the world did I get so lucky to have somebody like you care about me”
He chuckled softly kissing her neck before gently picking her up in his arms seeing her in a long sheer white night gown walking towards the door “Well before you ask yourself that again wait until you see what I brought you” she looks so confused as he walked down the hallway before stepping into the living room turning the corner as her eyes widen and she gave a surprised gasp cupping a hand over her lips
Her entire living room was decorated to perfection with several pillar candles lit around the room making the room glow softly so her eyes wouldn’t hurt from the lights, red rose petals were on the cleaned floor trailing from her hallway over to her couch where he had set it up with her softest pillows and thickest comforter, the TV was on with one of her favorite movies, and the coffee table had a red sheet over it set up with a large pizza and 2 large drinks but closer to the couch there was a bowl of her favorite soup and her crackers… he had made her dinner too!
“If you couldn’t go out for Valentine’s Day - I was going to bring Valentine’s to you… I figured since you were staying in we could make this the best date night we’ve ever had” he gently kissed her cheek carrying her over to the couch and laying her down on the comfy nest before stepping back over to the plastic bin behind the couch pulling out a bouquet of two dozen roses wrapped up beautifully in a sparkly dark purple tissue paper with a shiny ribbon made bow holding them all together and what had to been the cutest teddy bear she had ever seen, he kneeled down beside her like a prince would in the movies she loved to watch presenting them to her with a cute smirk “Happy Valentine’s Day my love – do you still want to be mine?”
She was so shocked by everything she was seeing she had to hide her face as tears dripped down her cheeks, Donatello had done all of this just for her – just to make her feel special on their first Valentine’s Day together as a couple feeling him lifting her face as she took the bear hugging it tightly to her chest while he wiped the tears away still smiling “I ruined our first-”
“No you didn’t… if anything you improved it, made it fifty times better than anything I had planned – I mean how many ladies are going to wake up tomorrow and be able to say their guy did-” he clicked on his phone before the TV turned off on its own as a projection of the beautiful night sky filled her roof clearly before her stereo clicked on playing a slow song “- all of this just for them”
She just stared at him – Nobody… nobody in the world come tomorrow would be able to say their boyfriend had come over at the threat of getting sick to make her feel like the luckiest girl in the world by just being himself!
He was such a nerd!
“Donnie-” she stopped her mouth falling open looking over as the song he was playing started over melting for the turtle in an instant, she knew this song by heart and for a moment she was speechless “This is our song…” he nodded grinning smugly before getting up extending his staff and twirling it with eerie accuracy blowing out all but three candles before placing it back down where it stayed while he was visiting her as she kept staring at him in awe against the night sky as he bowed holding out his hand to her
“May I have this dance under the stars Princess?” he couldn’t surprise her past this, they was nothing that could top all of this as she slowly took his hand letting him pull her up placing his free hand on her hip swaying slowly with her, the woman refusing to cry again as they slowly dance barefooted on the soft carpet, she leaned on his chest as they slowly moved mumbling her negative feelings about herself, wishing she didn’t look half dead and a mess before he lifted her face to look at her his voice coming out under his breath “Dove you look perfect tonight” their eyes met locking on one another before he spun her pulling his girl closer to him as the song picked up
She was enjoying herself; not only was this the best Valentine’s day she was so deeply in love with this man
After a while she heard a different deeper tone then the one coming through the speakers seeing him smiling looking at her as he sang along softly to the song when it restarted before quickly stopping blushing “Sorry” it wasn’t the first time she had heard Donatello sing but usually it was off key to his weird music or with Mikey to ‘Holla Back Girl’ but this… this was beautiful
“No… Please Donnie – keep going…”
The purple banded turtle looked up at the love of his life as he spun her before moving a little differently as his voice got a little louder as he looked at her, every word he was about to speak true and heartfelt my the genius turtle towards his mate “Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know. She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home. I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets. To carry love, to carry children of our own” he grinned seeing the tears in her eyes as she smiled at the turtle dancing with him as they moved around the living room “We are still kids, but we're so in love. Fighting against all odds. I know we'll be alright this time. Darling, just hold my hand. Be my girl, I'll be your man. I see my future in your eyes”
She laughed as he picked her up spinning her with him before she was leading him feeling better just being this close to him not thinking about it when he leaned in kissing her slow and passionately – she finally realized he really didn’t care if he got sick.
“Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful. I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight”
He was normally a bit of a germaphobe but with her it never seemed to matter - to him she was worth getting sick for a day or two
“Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms… Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song-” he softly brushed a finger over her flushed cheek the song slowly coming to an end as she saw his honey brown orbs drift over her face holding her as he always did like she was the most prized possession in his world, slowly she realized he was no longer singing to her but speaking lovingly and softly “I have faith in what I see, now I know I have met an angel in person and she looks perfect… I don't deserve this you look perfect … tonight”
She was so lost in the moment she made him dance with her again begging until he caved to sing for her one more time once they were done he laid her down and made her eat some of the soup nibbling on the pizza here and there to make sure she was taken care of until his love had made him sit down and eat while they watched the movie they had seen a million times
By the time morning came and the third movie had ended Donnie looked over to see her out cold in her soft nest, a gentle hand slowly made its way to her forehead feeling her head before smiling finding her fever had broken finally seeing her shift pulling him closer until he laid down beside her chucking softly when she turned over nuzzling into his chest unbuttoning his shirt the rest of the way pressing closer smiling in her half sleepy state “Perfect night-” she was sleeping soundly before he kissed her forehead holding her close as he got comfortable feeling sleep finally claiming him as the candles flicked out
“Nothing is more perfect then you – Happy Valentine’s day baby”
#tmnt 2k16#tmnt donatello#valentinesday#love#sick#suprises#Donatello x Female#teenage mutant ninja turtles#care
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- Strongest Alpha in town - But also the gentlest - The Alpha that doesn't act like one - Everybody wants to be in his pack because there are no protocols whatsoever as long as you're nice - Leader every body wants to follow - He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Mess-With™ Shownu growls at the alpha in front of him and he could hear the small whimper that came out. It's too late for him to regret this now, he thinks He had been fine when the other alpha was simply throwing hurtful words at his pack; about how weak they were because doing anything. But attacking one of them to prove his point? Shownu won't let this pass anymore. He howls in to the night before pouncing on the other alpha.

Forest Nymph
-BREAKING THE ALL THE STEREROTYPES THAT NYMPHS ARE ONLY FEMALES - Very sensitive - Takes care of all the animals in the woods - Gets extremely sad when he hears that another wild animal has been poached - Scares off humans that try to harm anything under his protection - The weather of the forest depends on his emotion - Hikers weren't prepared for the rain that came because it was so sunny when they came to the woods, but Wonho's sadness cannot be predicted. Wonho walks happily around the forest. It's a very day that is perfect for hiking, strolls, and picnic so he take a stroll himself. He looks up and saw eagles flying over head
Probably on a hunt for food, he thinks As he go on with his stroll he saw a bear wounded on its feet lying on the ground. He immidiately rushes to it and notices that the wound was from a gunshot. "Hunters again," he says with disgust in his voice. "Hold on there, I'll take care of you." He touches the wound and the bear roared in pain. "Shhh shhh," he says, tears beginning to fall because he can't stand seeing these animals in pain. The clear sky suddenly darken and rain falls down as Wonho nurses the bear.

- Lee Minhyuk, first of his name, breaker of rules - Comes down to earth every once in a while because he thinks humans are so cute - Even though it's forbidden - Can be heard constantly shouting hate comments at Cupid when he sees someone heartbroken - The other angels just leave him alone because he isn't doing anything wrong beside being OVER dramatic Minhyuk watches as the boy cries his eyeballs out while holding a ruined bouquet. It was clear but he was rejected, and rejected harshly judging by the ruined bouquet. The person he confessed to probably threw it when the boy confessed, just thinking about it makes Minhyuk cry too. "WHY IS THE WORLD SO UNFAIR? HE JUST WANTED HIS LOVE TO BE RETURNED. WHY? WHY?" he shouts to no one in particular. "He speaks as if he lives in that unfair world," one of the angels said.

- Prince of a kingdom - Salty price - Everbody wonders where he came from because the King and Queen are both so sweet - But everybody loves him anyway because his hair is their aesthetic - Likes to take night swims and sings while he does so Kihyun looks out of his window. He looks up and sees the moon beautifully illuminating the sea. He got out of his room and swims towards the surface. He could fully see the moon now, shinning brightly on the night sky.
It's truly beautiful. He stares at the moon for another few moments before singing as if he was serenading it.

- Belongs to one of the largest and longest vampire clan - Pureblood - Sasses out everybody but can get away with it because of his rank and bloodline - POWERFUL AND STRONG AF - And everybody is actually afraid of him - Doesn't like it when other vampire kill humans Hyungwon observes as the vampire in front of him fidget his fingers.The vampire in front, another pureblood and much older but of a rank below him, apparently killed two humans in one night. Not thinking about the consequences of his action and let greed lead him. "You know that we're trying to keep a low profile right?" Hyungwon asked him. "Y-yes." "And you know how to feed off a human without killing them off." "Y-yes" "And you also know what happens to vampires to did the same thing you did." "I'm a vampire. It's my instinct to feed. It's natural for me to crave blood. What I did was not wrong." "I'm a vampire too. And all the others around you are too. But they didn't murder two humans because it's their 'instinct' bullshit you spout." Before the other vampire could say anything more, Hyungwon gave a signal to his underlings. "Take him away."

- Stong and independent centaur - A kind soul - But really outgoing - Has a lots of friends - Likes to teach kids to fight and defend themselves - MASTER OF WEAPONS - Swords? Psh, that’s easy - Bows? THAT'S HIS SPECIALITY - Lancer? He will throw that shit with 100% accuracy "Try to relax so your arms won't shake." He extends his arms upward, pulls the bow string with his dominant hand and lets the string go. The arrow hits one sparrow among the flock of birds flying above. A younger centaur watches in amazement as the bird fell from the sky Jooheon looks at the younger centaur and gives him a smile. "Now you try it." The younger centaur nods before doing the same: extending his arms upwards, pulling the bow string with his dominant hand, and letting the string go. The arrows flew upwards but to the younger centaur's disappointment, he wasn't able to make a hit like Jooheon did. Jooheon notices the younger's crestfallen face and ruffles his hair. "That's alright kid. We'll keep practicing okay?" The younger centaur nods his head again and gives Jooheon a small smile. "Good. Now let's go find that sparrow."

- Mischief is his middle name - Likes to prank humans and other elves by making their things disappear - They aren't suspecting him becauseee... - Most elves thinks that Chankyun is a bit different and tamer than most elf because he's so quiet - Deserves an Oscar for his acting - He just doesn't want to share his evil pranks with other elves because he thinks it's more fun if he's doing it alone Changkyun is quietly reading a book under a mushroom when someone he heard his name being called. "Hey Changkyun!" one of the elves call out to him "Do you want to come with us?" "Where are you going?" "There's this human house that has a room full of balls and balloons.We're going to play there." "Ah, no thank you. I have to finish this book I'm reading." "Tch. Boring as always. Well, just come if you feel like it. It's not far from here and it's really big so you'll be able to see it easily," the elf says. "Alright," he says before returning to his book. When the group of elves are gone, he closed his book and got up. "Well, time to make those balls and balloon vanish," he says with a grin.
#also posted in amino bc i feed on attention#monsta x#monsta x scencario#monsta x au#monsta x imagines#shownu#wonho#minhyuk#kihyun#hyungwon#jooheon#chankyun#i.m#monsta x smut
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introducing KIM YERIM, a VIGIL, under the moniker BULLSEYE — and currently a believer of NEUTRALITY. age ( eighteen ) and gifted with the talent of HUMAN PEAK MARKSMANSHIP, they are currently working as UNIVERSITY STUDENT.
kim yerim grows up lonely.
well, kinda. she grows up with a mother who buys her nice clothes and a father who makes sure there’s enough money around for her to be happy. they make sure she’s fed and well dressed and well taken care of, but their lives are their own, and people will always be selfish– even in the face of family.
so they do their own thing, and yeri does her.
it’s not too bad. the toys are nice, the endless bouts of entertainment keep her busy. the people in her neighborhood are nice but the boys are too rude and the girls think yeri’s too mean and honestly yeri would rather do without that. it’s okay, though. she’s still young, she’s got a life ahead of her to make friends, to reach out and stop being lonely all the time.
except she doesn’t. the bitterness rises and yeri grows only more spiteful. she’s a pretty face, but a mean girl with a soft heart, underneath all that jaded countenance. instead of friends, yeri finds interest in other things; she acts out because her parents are never there, sneak out to do some sight seeing– and on one trip, when she’s twelve with nothing better to do, a cute little slingshot sits innocently. it’s wooden and lined with rubber bands and string. she’s seen kids use them before, to knock things off from high places. it’s a children’s toy, one that parents hate the most– and yeri buys it on whim.
and it’s fun. it passes the time, and soon it becomes yeri’s favorite thing to do to relieve herself of harsh days and empty homes.
at first it’s just vases throughout the house. perched on the stairwell, tongue out in concentration when she lets the band go. glass shatters and decorates the floor, and yeri has to cross her fingers behind her back and explain to her mother that sadly, her clumsiness had knocked her favorite china vase to the ground. yeri tells herself not to feel too bad about it (it was ugly and gaudy and it deserve to be destroyed). after the vases, come windows in the house– until eventually, yeri’s perched up in the tree in her backyard after school, slinging back rocks and marbles to see what exactly she can hit, how far she can go.
at school, everything is normal. yeri’s the queen bee in the public eye, and everyone smiles at her. everyone’s nice and sweet and for once she thinks that she has friends, has a support system and people that she can spend time with. she’s fifteen when she puts down her trusty slingshot and instead focuses on her friendships and relationships.
she’s sixteen when she overhears the gossip in the bathroom– kim yerim is such a snake. kim yerim is such a little bitch. there’s scribbled writing on the stalls to go along with it. does kim yeri know that no one likes her? they only are nice to her because she’s pretty and she has money. i heard kim yeri is a prude. kim yerim is too full of herself.
so yeri pulls away from them too. yeri tugs herself away and wraps herself into a small little cocoon that is solely her and her alone. yeri might not be the nicest, might not have the best ideals– but she understands the universal concept that friends are supposed to treat you right and make you feel safe. yeri does not.
fastforward. she’s eighteen, out of one school and into higher education. university life is nice, easy– but people there are just as mean, just as willing to whisper words of discouragement behind your back. yeri finds out much too quickly that people judge a book by their cover much too often (she’s guilty of it too, but she won’t admit it).
and her trusted slingshot stays tucked on her person everyday, just in case she needs a release to break something.
yeri’s life is easy. while she doesn’t have a plethora amount of money, no mansion or a hoard of servants, she has a nice home, both parents, and her schooling completely paid off. she has a reputation, she has everything she could ever want– except it’s not really anything it all. she’s lonely, to boot– her parents always busy and her friends are only there because she’s pretty, and she’s mean, and it’s just better to be friends with people rather than to be enemies.
yeri is snooty, often times considered high-maintenance, and labeled for being just another pretty face. however, she’s smart– maybe not the smartest, but high enough to be within the top percentile of her graduating class, and that’s a feat that she keeps precious to her. she’s more book smart then street smart, and when placed in hard situations, she often panics and loses her typical cool composure.
HUMAN PEAK MARKSMANSHIP. the user can achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets. the activity in their brain centers for aim, accuracy and precision. they can judge extremely long distances with accuracy, understanding the depth and strength to hit a target accurately. they only need to aim for a few moments before they can precisely hit a target with a projectile. if the case of a moving target, the user is able to calculate the best method to his their target. the user is able to utilize multiple uses of projectiles to launch an offensive attack, and have less of a difficult time with visual obstructions; they also have a particular focus that shuts out outside distractions while utilizing their specialty.
currently, yeri is only able to shoot projectiles using a slingshot with high accuracy speed. things like guns or bows and the like are much harder for her to launch.
however, handheld projectiles (like darts or household objects like sports balls, etc.) are easy for her to throw, though she lacks strength in order to hit the mark one hundred percent.
if her vision is obstructed, yeri does have a more difficult time placing an accurate hit. in order to refocus, she’ll need extra time to pinpoint an area of attack.
yeri needs focus in order to launch a projectile; this leaves her open for others to attack or disarm her.
if yeri is without a projectile to launch, her ability is useless.
yeri needs to practice in order to keep up with her talent. if she spends too little time honing her ability, she grows lazy and her vision might not be as practiced.
if someone is moving faster than she can comprehend, or able to stop time or objects at a rapid pace, she is able to be caught off-guard.
yeri has little fighting knowledge past her slingshot. if she is forced to fight without her trust slingshot, then she is doomed.
she is still human, and therefor susceptible to injury.
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