#and is probably iron deficient
salt-n-salt · 2 months
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harvey’s worst patient
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eldritchamy · 1 year
I deserve fangs not because I want to subsist on human blood but because I want to stim by sinking them into things like a cat with a cardboard box
tell me this cat is not having the greatest sensory experience of its life
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bitchapalooza · 4 days
Don't mind me, just writing my new funniest part of my zosan fic lmao
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Y'all I've just had a revelation about Silver.
So with silver he sleeps a lot unintentionally which has either been chucked up to mainly a curse. But what if it's not a curse, but instead a symptom of iron deficiency.
And one of the symptoms of iron deficiency is unusual tiredness, take it from me I had iron deficiency for a few years and I kept on falling asleep in cars and buses uncontrollably until I had my iron levels under control.
Being in Briar Valley, aka the land of the fae, who have a weakness to iron, they wouldn't have much iron around them. Including in their food.
Lilia took him to many medical healers (if my memory is correct) which were unable to identify what was wrong with him. Though if they were fae, they wouldn't see his deficient iron levels as anything to worry.
Tl:Dr Silver has an iron deficiency which is why he is such an eepy boy.
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raccoon-the-third · 2 months
I feel like all the cannibalistic posts on here are like "I ate you because I loved you so much" but like I just want to eat I just want to tear someone apart not necessarily as an act of love or hate (I'm not opposed to either both are such a real feeling that I get sometimes) but like I need to hunt and kill a person and I want them to know I'm hunting and killing them like I don't want to just ambush someone and eat them
I want it to feel like an agreement or an inevitably where they come to me and say "ok I'm ready to be hunted" shake my hand then run so I can chase them and kill them with just my hands and my teeth
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raccoonnutella13 · 4 months
rip susie deltarune you wouldve loved gym chalk asmr videos
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mossy-demon · 7 months
To a vampire, low-iron blood is probably like bland, unpleasant food that’s been sitting for a few days.
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yellowistheraddest · 4 months
nooo dont go to sleep at 10pm yellow dont be the sleepy guy be the epic stay awake until 2am until your eyes feel like bleeding!!! ugh
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piningpercussionist · 6 months
I just need a person to share this weird idea
I have a theory that redheads can more easily access veganism.
You know, gingers have red (or orange) hair, red is the complementary color of green, green is the representative color of vegetables and what do vegans eat? vegetables
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... Whatever you're smoking, I think I want some of it.
That would be kind of interesting to test, though... too bad I love meat and cheese as much as I do. Not sure I have the strength of will for self experimentation like that.
It might be funny to try and speedrun acquiring vegan powers. If I was successful, I think I could rightly rub it in Ingram's face forever.
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magicmarkerz · 14 hours
my legs r being evil again i actually might b cursed
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raven · 8 months
i really dislike how pain is considered the standard in talking about disability this is not directed at individual people who are just conveying their own experiences, this is on like a fundamental clinical level. im disabled due to my chronic fatigue which is caused by many of the same things as chronic pain. but when im seeking resources its always stuff for chronic pain like i have done medical programs where they're just like "just in your head specifically replace 'pain' with 'fatigue'" and yeah all the techniques to help ease chronic pain do help with fatigue but i can't help but feel like there are so many people out there who have chronic fatigue and just think that's the normal way to be, and who never check any mental boxes disability-wise because the only thing doctors and diagnostics are looking for is pain (which, of course, also doesnt get treated, but for different reasons). this does carry over to the way a lot of individuals and activists talk about it, and i hope that we can all change our viewpoints and ways of speaking about it but again im not going to blame people for talking about what they know
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roseredsnow · 2 months
When you put various symptoms and how to treated it (based on biology lessons) alongside family medical history together and it can all be explained by one medical diagnosis.
Now just got to hope a takes me seriously this time unlike the chronic pain alone, if not guess just continue with the iron tablets and remembering to keep up my salt intake.
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
My stomach still is a worry of mine. The constant stomach pain and constipation and stuff really worries me. I mean, the pain level comes and goes depending on the time, but it's been like this for a while. And I can't help worrying that it'll be like this for a while. Because I'm pretty sure an iron pill i have to take is causing this. I stopped taking the pill a while ago to see if it would fix my stomach problems, but they're still there. I'm guessing the pill might still be working it's way through my bloodstream, or something.
Although my doctor told me i need to go back on the iron pills at some point, because i have an iron deficiency or something. And her advice was to first take constipation medication and then go back on the pills once my bowels are clear. And the fear for me is that my iron levels will always be low, so my life will become nothing but iron supplements and constipation medication. And taking iron supplements and constipation medication for an unlimited time (dealing with all the pain that might involve) do not make for a fun sounding concept.
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wystirea · 3 months
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Shinobu knows how to preform the moves for flower breathing. She is capable of taking the forms in their proper, however, they are not utilized to their fullest because her lack of physical strength. Able to teach others the forms and techniques but unable to truly use them on her own. She would have been a flower breather if she had been able to gain more muscle mass.
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ryan-is-a-god · 6 months
I wish I could compute all my required nutrients in my brain, and also know my levels at all times. Then I could scan foods with my eyes and it would show me how much nutrients it has, and how much I have left to consume if I do decide to eat it.
Basically I want one of those cool sci-fi scanner things, that usually result in death by the last episode.
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fagbearentertainment · 10 months
Ough I feel like shit
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