#nutritional value or vitamins and shit
bitchapalooza · 4 days
Don't mind me, just writing my new funniest part of my zosan fic lmao
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transgenderkris · 9 months
you HAVE to recognise that posts on this site, even if they have tens of thousands of notes, have by themselves all the legitimacy of kids repeating rumours on the playground. youre gonna have to do your own research before accepting whatever theyre saying about adhd or diets or laws at face value and reblogging them. even IF they have sources you need to click through and verify that theyre unbiased, accurate, and based on reputable studies--and EVEN THEN the post may be oversimplifying the findings in a way that isn't quite wrong but isn't quite right either.
and unfortunately when you see posts supposedly debunking other posts youre gonna have to vet them too! there is no way of knowing if the kid telling you that vitamin c neutralises all medication while youre sitting on the swings OR the kid who starts arguing with them is right without doing your own research! sorry! it sucks but people will just Say Shit with no sources or bad sources or bad faith or good faith, whether they're trying to be deceptive or not. look that medical claim on jellyfish nutritional value up before you reblog it! and if you arent certain, you dont have to reblog at all! it's okay to be unsure, but it's not okay to spread misinfo. this goes for all random claims you see online or in person or on the news. learning to be critical of all the things you hear is hard, it can be exhausting with the amount of vigilance you have to exhibit constantly, but it's essential to avoid trusting or sharing misinfo.
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crapcafe · 7 months
hearing people talking about cooking is always such an interesting topic and i'm gonna take a min to ramble about it. i learned how to cook (eggs and pasta mostly) as a kid from my mom because she learned to cook at a young age as well and she would also be gone on work trips pretty often. later on in life i worked in restaurant kitchens as a kitchen manager and a line cook. i've even had the displeasure of working alongside new hire line cooks that don't fucking know how to cook but figure that they can still do the job (they could not)
some things just become intuitive so it's hard for me to remember exactly what i needed to focus on learning and what did just come naturally from the start, but a lot of it relates to just general science/chemistry knowledge. denser items will take longer to cook than less dense things (potatoes take forfuckingever but sliced button mushrooms take like a minute or two), high heat makes things cook way faster so liquids will boil off sooner, dense items will sear/burn quicker, and thin/small things will just burn. some professional cooks don't even know this based on the amount of times i've had to talk coworkers out of turning the fryer temp higher because things were taking a long time to cook (this is a great way to get a nice crispy skin on some shit that's still frozen in the middle)
there's a lot of learning how to read recipes. abbreviations (sometimes tablespoon is T or tb or TBSP or Tbs), how to adjust amounts if you need more or less of something, looking up substitutions for things (if you don't have milk but need to make a cream sauce, using applesauce instead of oil or butter or eggs in some baking recipes, etc). its definitely a skill to know how to read some recipes, and coming in with your own knowledge is great, but it's another instance of "you need to learn the rules to know how to break them." this is how you get the screenshots of ppl substituting kale in their banana cookie recipes and then wondering why they suck
thinking of foods in terms of nutritional value can also be helpful. if you have tortilla chips and salsa youre technically getting some vegetables in you. frozen and dried fruits and veggies are still fruits and veggies. rice and beans is grains and protein. miso soup with tofu and spinach is lots of protein and iron. romaine salad with balsamic vin, olive oil, feta, and tomatoes is some vitamins and fats and calcium but without grains and fiber it wont give you too much energy so have some bread or something with it. moving away from processed food will make you feel better. apple slice and peanut butter is my new depression meal bc it makes me feel more alive than shredded cheese from the bag and you can feel like a roman emperor a bit.
if you're just starting out learning how to cook: try to keep it simple with starch + veggie + protein (veggie pasta is a staple classic, roast some stuff and toss it with pasta and garlic and olive oil), find something with just a handful of ingredients that you actually want to eat. the act of cooking can be fun but not everyone thinks its fun, so at least make sure you'll want to eat the final product. if there's any sauces you really like try to keep some on hand. gochujang+soy sauce+sesame oil+sugar+broth can be really good in a stir fry, and basically all of those things will last a long time.
anyway theres a lot of text about cooking. theres a reason i stayed working in kitchens for almost 5 years despite how shit working in kitchens is. i like food and cooking. its one of the few things humans have been doing for a bajillion years and its necessary to live a healthy life and if you can find some fun and peace in the process then thats even better. theres no shame in not knowing how to cook but there is shame in refusing to try and learn imo
insert senshi page about eating well and exercising regularly to live a healthy life
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 year
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大家好! In addition to catching up with Douglas and Grace over the weekend, I also met my dear friend, YL. We hadn't seen each other in over a year, so it was very exciting for us to finally sit down over a delicious meal and chat for hours. Many of us prefer less unhealthy dining options over greasy fastfood, grilled meats and creamy pasta nowadays and YL is no exception. She's also given up salads because, given manpower shortages worldwide, she's not confident that pesticides are washed off raw veggies properly.
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So we happily had Vietnamese cuisine, sharing spring rolls and mini prawn pancakes as well as individual bowls of chicken pho. Despite eating plenty, YL and I didn't suffer from food coma because the food wasn't overly greasy. We also had stomach space to share a tiny tart au citron along with our coffees to celebrate this special occasion (dessert fork placed nearby so you can better gauge the size of the tart). This dessert was delicious - the filling was refreshingly tangy with a slight hint of sweetness, perfect with the biscuit base. Many desserts seem over-priced though, there's such little nutritional value for our dollars; I'll take soft-boiled eggs over these sweet treats anytime.
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When did we lose trust in some self-proclaimed 'best scientists' and 'best doctors' in the world? Deteriorating health statistics already indicated that all wasn't well for some time. Then, covid revealed a massive failure by these 'best health experts' where mounting a pandemic response was concerned. Mask recommendations came much later than many countries and the nation has the highest number of deaths worldwide. Their current 'healthy' food recommendations have many of us here reeling from the excessive oil they're advising people to consume, even if they're less unhealthy than saturated fat.
Moving onto those massive fruit/acai bowls - do those countries' nutritionists, dietitians and 'wellness experts' know that Vitamin C is water soluble? It makes more sense to us to consume fruit as mid-meal snacks as well as eat enough veggies during meal-times to replenish Vitamin C levels throughout the day. BASIC nutritional knowledge which an average layman in these parts knows about seems to have disappeared in self-proclaimed 'expert advice' today. To say that we're disillusioned by 'studies' is a gross understatement. We simply don't trust them.
Look at the above video about the dude who says he only cares about looking shredded. Not fat shaming here but look at his thick waistline. That right there is a red flag, his diet seems very unhealthy and yeah he's young now but once he reaches my age, OH HOH. Could this be why some heart attack patients are getting younger, because they're following shit advice? 下次见!
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hx4am · 2 years
just to articulate my feelings more, so ok, lack of vitamin D and probably a lot of other things, that’s one.
food is a big one bc there’s no nutritional value in anything i eat, which is weird to say but again, true.
so lacking everything, nutrients and vitamins. TO CONCLUDE, body will be weak.
no physical activity, add the over consumption of media, i’ve completely neglected its health. again, wtf.
no use of my brain for valuable important things, again, such as no consumption of literature or skills to keep it running, shit.
CONCLUDE , body is fucked up
and let’s not forget, i hit a cup of water every 5 days?
*insert worst curse words*
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rodr1cks · 4 years
Sick Day | 2.1k
fluff!! you’re sick and rodrick comes to the rescue.
warnings: vomit, being sick in general
All day you had been feeling extremely ill. The nurse at school was being impossible and refused to send you home, despite your pleas.
“Please Mrs. Williams, I feel terrible you have to believe me!”
She was extremely skeptical, “Child, do you know how many times I hear that in a day? You don’t have a fever, back to class.”
And just like that, you were dismissed. Sent to endure the rest of your classes in misery.
The day went by painfully slow after your trip to the nurse. The fluorescent lights berated your pupils making it impossible to concentrate and worsening your headache.
It was sixth period, the last class of the day. Also your least favorite class of the day. You couldn’t stand the teacher. Mr. Wright. He was your classic asshole history teacher.
You were completely zoned out, trying to focus on not vomiting. Your name being called pulled you out of your haze.
“Miss y/l/n? Do you care to answer me? Unless you’re busy of course.”
Condescending bastard.
You held your tongue, swallowing any smart-ass comments that threatened to spill past your lips. You cleared your throat.
“I’m sorry, what was the question.”
He went through the whole “this is a learning environment” lecture after that. Again, you didn’t listen. You couldn’t have even if you wanted to. Thankfully, he left you alone after that.
Finally, the last bell of the day sounded through the school. You lept from your seat and ran to the bathroom. You practically body slammed the door open. Luckily, the bathroom was empty, most kids having already filed out of the main doors, eager to begin their weekend festivities.
You were hunched over one of the white porcelain bowl, tears filling your eyes.
Today could not get any worse.
After taking a few deep breaths, you were able to compose yourself enough to exit the bathroom.
You crossed your fingers, hoping that the halls had been completely evacuated.
You crept through the empty corridors and out into the parking lot. You were especially dreading the walk home today.
You were walking through the parking lot, enjoying the fresh air when you saw him. Rodrick Heffley.
The two of you were best friends in elementary school but you drifted apart after a while. You honestly developed a certain distaste for him, as he had you.
Please don’t notice me, please don’t-
“Rodrick!” you feigned enthusiasm.
His brow furrowed, “You look… paler than usual?” You rolled your eyes, classic Rodrick. You wanted this interaction to end, immediately. “Yup. Not feeling well.” You deadpanned, providing little detail.
Rodrick hesitated for a moment, “Well, let me drive you home, kid.”
Kid. Who did he think he was?
“I think I’ll pass, weather is nice today.” The weather was far from nice.
“Oh really, the weather is nice, y/n? Where are you right now? Because it’s raining where I am.”
He sighed, “and I also saw that little performance Mr. Wright gave you...”
Oh so he pities me.
“Rodrick, If I get in your van will you stop talking?”
He motioned, pretending to zip his lips up and throw away the key. A small smile spread across your face but you didn’t let him see that.
A few minutes into the drive, you decided you were glad you let him take you home. The sky had opened up and it was storming.
Oh God.
“Rodrick, pull over, now.”
He looked over at you and could tell what was about to happen. He pulled over quickly and you opened the door. You leaned over and vomited right onto the grass patch parallel to the road, in the pouring rain.
Coyly, you returned to your seat in the van. You were unsure if you should apologize, so you stayed silent.
“Y/n, are your parents home?”
He knew they never were. Ever since you were a kid, your parents had been anywhere but home. Business trips, vacations, retreats, you name it.
You looked down at your shoes, water dripping from your hair, and shook your head.
“Alrighty then, change of plans.”
You protested, “Rodrick that’s really not necessary I’ll be fine.” Part of you knew there was no point in arguing. If he was one thing, it was stubborn.
He reached out, placing the back of his hand on your forehead to prove a point, “Y/n, you’re burning up. You’re coming with me.”
You were closer to his house anyways. That’s how you justified it, at least.
His van pulled into The Heffley’s driveway. Rodrick got out and rushed around the vehicle to open your door.
“Come along, y/n. I know somebody who will be very happy to see you,” he grinned.
The front door swung open and you were hit with a wave of nostalgia. The Heffley’s house was always warm and always smelled spectacular. Somehow, Mrs. Heffley was always baking or cooking something.
“Y/n? What a nice surprise this is!” Mrs. Heffley beamed. She had always loved you. “How I’ve missed seeing your face around here!” She said, placing her hands on your checks.
“You’re soaking wet!” You nodded awkwardly in response. “And goodness, you’re burning up! Are you feeling alright?” She felt your forehead and cheeks, then squeezed your shoulders gently.
From a young age, Mrs. Heffley had looked after you as one of her own. Nothing had changed it seemed.
“No, actually,” you smiled half-heartedly. Mrs. Heffley frowned at you. “Rodrick, get her some dry clothes, would you?.” Rodrick nodded, leading you up the stairs.
You stood in his room, obviously uncomfortable. He was knelt in front of his dresser, digging around for something.
“Ah! Here it is.”
Rodrick whipped out a t-shirt for you to change into. He grabbed a pair of black sweats from another drawer as well.
“Here you are, mademoiselle.” He stuck out the wad of clothing in your direction. You couldn’t lie, you were happy to have some dry clothes to change into.
You stepped into his bathroom, taking a moment to examine your appearance. You looked rough. Intense bags hung low under your eyes and you truly did look more pale than usual. Fantastic.
You emerged from the bathroom, Rodrick’s clothing drooping slightly from your frame. Rodrick was sitting on the end of his bed and he patted the surface.
You joined him on his twin mattress, only because you were exhausted.
“Rodrick, why are you being nice to me?”
He looked guilty. “You’ve had a rough day, y/n…”
He sucked in a breath, “...and y’know I’ll always care about you.”
How could he still care for you? You completely wrote him off when high school began.
“Listen, y/n, the past is in the past, okay?”
A genuine smile appeared on your face. Before the moment could become too sentimental, Rodrick interjected.
“Oh! Be right back,” he chirped.
He ran downstairs and came back with an orange soda and some cold & flu medicine.
Rodrick explained himself, “Orange! Like, vitamin C, right?” He looked too happy with himself, you couldn’t bring him down. At least his heart was in the right place.
Concealing your laughter to the best of your ability, you accepted the beverage and medicine from his hand.
You hated this kind of medicine with your whole heart. The orange soda could be useful honestly, just not for its nutritional value like Rodrick intended.
Rodrick measured out the appropriate amount of the medicine for you as you cracked open the can. He handed you the small cup full of the thick, red liquid.
You threw back the grotesque cherry flavored solution, grimacing as it coated your throat. You chased the medicine with the orange soda. See, it did come in handy.
You leaned back into Rodrick’s pillows, trying to relax.
About fifteen minutes later you felt extremely drowsy. “Rodrick, can I see that bottle?”
“Uh, sure,” he said, confused.
You read the bottle and instantly threw your head back in annoyance. “Rodrick this is the drowsy kind!” You continued inspecting the bottle, “and it’s extra strength!”
With each second passing, it got increasingly difficult to keep your eyes open.
Everything was blurry and you were teetering between consciousness and sleep.
“Rodrick,” you slurred. “I’m so sorry I stopped talking to you… stopped being your friend. Felt like I wasn’t cool or pretty enough… didn’t deserve you.”
Rodrick was extremely confused. You thought you were too good for him? He had to hold back a laugh.
He couldn’t conceal his smile, “Excuse me? Y/n, that must be the nyquil talking.” He rolled his eyes and brushed off your comment, contemplating the sentiment for a mere moment.
You eventually drifted off, unable to ward off sleep any longer.
When you woke up, you first noticed rodrick. He was sitting on his beaten up couch with his headphones covering his ears. You could hear the muffled baseline from your spot across the room.
How are his eardrums still intact?
Rodrick had a shoebox on his lap and he was shuffling through the contents, smiling to himself.
You cleared your throat, obtaining his attention.
“Oh, y/n! You’re up!” He smiled at you, ripping off his headphones.
You nodded slowly, knuckling your eyes sleepily.
“What time is it?”
Rodrick glanced at his watch, “It’s only 8:30.” You nodded again, continuing to rub the sleep from your eyes.
Rodrick stood, picking up the box and walking over to you. “Look,” he said softly. You peered down into the small shoebox and numerous photos and letters.
“This one here is my favorite,” he said quietly. It was a picture of you and Rodrick at the roller rink. You recognized the photo immediately.
“Seventh grade kick off,” you smiled. You took the box from his lap and began looking through each photo, braided friendship bracelet, concert ticket.
You laughed as each item brought back memories you had long forgotten.
You stopped at a photo of the two of you dressed up in ridiculous outfits. You wore a sequined hat and Rodrick held his drumsticks in hand.
“Was this when we saw Good Charlotte?” You asked.
He giggled, “It sure was. I remember thinking I looked so hot that night. Guess not huh.”
“What are you talking about, you looked incredible Rodrick. Seventh grade me was dying to jump you right then and there.”
His face lit up, “Really?”
“No,” you flashed him an expressionless look before breaking out into side-splitting laughter. He joined you.
You missed this feeling of pure, unadulterated joy. Rodrick was the only person who you had truly experienced that with.
You sighed to yourself. Come tomorrow, you’d be back to strangers. Tears welled up in your eyes and your lip quivered. Rodrick was oblivious until a single tear drop fell onto the photograph below you.
He immediately tried to comfort you. He placed an arm around your shoulder, dragging you into his larger frame. It caught you off guard but you allowed yourself to melt into his touch.
Rodrick distracted you from your sorrow. “Look at this one right here.” It was a photo of you and the Heffley Family in their backyard. You and Rodrick were around fifteen, if you remembered correctly.
“This was the day that I realized I had a big, fat crush on you.”
He followed up, “S’lame I know…”
Heat flooded your cheeks, this time the heat was not a result of your illness. Was it anxiety? Happiness? Both? You couldn’t decide.
“You never really explained why you stopped talking to me and coming by my house.”
You shrugged at him, feeling like your explanation would make him mad. “Well, Rodrick, you started getting new friends. Friends that were better than me or cooler than me.”
“Y/n that is probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I could never replace you. To this day, nobody’s ever come close.”
He gave you a playful smack over the head.
“...anyways, to be honest that crush never really went away?”
Before you had time to process the sentence he was gently grabbing your chin, turning your head.
You were facing him now, your lips only inches away from his.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Y-yeah, yes, I think so, yeah.”
He laughed at you and leaned in slowly. Rodrick used one finger to gently move your hair out of your face.
The kiss was gentle and filled with emotion.
You felt like you hadn’t known what you were missing out on until that moment. You felt completed.
“Oh shit, I better not get sick!”
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lostdelicatedarling · 2 years
Diet vent (healthy eating)
my way of eating now is simply eating to try and get the most nutrition as possible while in a deficit. Prioritizing nutrition over hyper palatable food.🍌🥗 🥔 🫘 🍓
Last time, I felt so miserable and I wonder if it was because I was eating small amounts of calorie dense foods with little to no nutritional value.
Now that I’ve learned to love eating healthy, it’s so easy not to eat processed foods. I think of the food I eat as vitamins and energy. Also prioritizing vitamins and electrolytes this time. I’m hoping I won’t feel super shitty when I get to a lower weight again. I’m 10 pounds away from my goal weight, and then I’ll have to learn how to fckn maintain. I don’t feel hunger or cravings, I would just not eat at all but then I don’t want to feel like slamming my head into a brick wall. For the most part, I felt miserable in the past because I missed eating all the food I loved.
When I used to go on 4 day fasts, I felt so shit and it definitely fucked my health way more then if I were to have just restricted. Also triggered binges and created a bad cycle. Cutting out carbs made me feel awful. Carbs are such good energy. There’s studies now showing the health affects keto diet has on women and women’s hormones, made me lose my period and I was always moody.
Obviously restricting isn’t healthy, but I just want to do this in the “healthiest” way possible. Build healthy eating habits and so it’s easy to maintain. I don’t want to go back to eating cake and doordashing whenever. Even as a vegan for 4 years, I was eating all the unhealthy foods. I spent the last few months just growing healthy eating habits and gained right at first because I still had binges from all the malnourishment and bad habits. Then just maintained, now losing and restricting again.
I think understanding the affects food can have on the brain is really interesting too. Hyper palatable food can literally have opioid affects because of so much dopamine and pleasure. Most the food out there is made to have that reaction on us, the fats combined with the sugar and carbs and salt. Or like chips especially, some of them have more seasoning on them and some with less so it makes us want more. It’s all in the mind. I notice when I eat sugar or processed palatable foods, I crave it again the next day. Slowly the cravings go away and your palette changes too. Used to literally hate vegetables and now I love the foods I eat. I don’t think fruit sugar is bad for you, it digests so different than refined sugar. Also potatoes for life, soooo satisfying. Okay that’s enough for this vent.
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sanguinemsaucius · 3 years
Lying awake at two in the morning thinking about modern vampire stories where they use blood bags to get blood and what that means for their overall nutritional intake.
In the early days of blood transfusion, we used whole blood, but nowadays blood is generally transfused in its separate components (eg: red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, platelets); from what I've seen, vampires are almost always depicted drinking from bags of packed red blood cells, and (I'm not a professional, I'm just going off what I know) they predominantly have some proteins and iron, which lacks, for instance, the glucose in the plasma. I, personally, am of the opinion vampires need whole blood to get the nutrients they need to survive, so do you think vampires would like... have to get the different types of blood product from labs and blood banks and... make a cocktail out of it?
Like, do they have mixing the blood back together in its proper proportions down to a science, or do they mix and match quantities for different flavours and nutritional value? Do they pour a glass of blood cocktail and put platelets on the rim of the glass, let the clotting factor take hold, then have that crusty rim like a caesar? Is there division in the vampire community between whole blood drinkers and blood cocktail drinkers? Would they take blood parts in moderation like we do vitamin supplements? Do you think some dumbass would down an entire bottle of albumin for shits and giggles? So many possibilities
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
i don't know your situation or understand what you're going through, but i hope you're okay xx
Hello there! Thanks for reaching out!
It has been so tough again in the last hours. Invasive actions of psychiatrists who never had to do with my complex case.
It actually was as banal as. I was given a separate room by my psychiatrist who understands me so far that she knows how to handle me and my case and my words. But she was gone for not even an entire day, and a doc - more arrogant snob - 'diagnosed me' with the most superficial nonsense. I am just causing drama to get attention. Same fiddle every time.
They spun a network of ignorant misdiagnoses hindering every opportunity to receive real help!!
They not even checked blood values or anything ever since.
These hurtful misdiagnoses are not true!!! Therapists who really work on my case always tell me the same. Superficiality and ignorance HARM!
I asked for vitamine supplies. He said "Just eat"... but I EAT, BUT HERE is so few food with the nutrition I need!!!
I just need damn nutrition.
Later they cause so much harm to me and a person who they put in my room - I was flashed, not because I did not like her or anything close to that - it was INVASIVE!
They never spoke about it, they never warned. Then they opened all curtains and I got so awful double vision and delirium by that. And the instant rush of the violation of principles that ensure an autist's mere function... i had a meltdown.
The nurse was so abusive. Said "no one can get hurt my light' you are not a vampire! You just google shit! You have all symptoms but you can't have them! You make them up to get attention and tyrranize everyone.
And none of that was ever true.
These fucking symptoms are sadly all primarily due to one fucking thing: severe nutrition deficiency. And the "CURE" is all fucking simple!!! But they refuse the PLAINEST of help!!!
This nurse is like those most neurotypical cruel fake shallow monsters. She projects her intolerant narrow view on myself. She invalidates, denies, dismisses. Refuses to understand me debunking her nonsense and trying to create clarity.
And the ignorance is so painful. I said she can't judge it. She said she's not judging, it's her opion (which is in fact an evaluation of an impression of her own interpretation - so it IS judging!)
She does understand NOTHING. Really no word I tell her lands in her brain. It's like she is so dogmatic in her wrong belief. Or does not even know one basic single word in German language.
Today I witnessed Dunning-Krüger everywhere!!! And it fucking kills!!!
It hurt to see my (shortly present) room neighbour crying, because of this shit I could not control, the meltdown, which was INDUCED by their sheer incompetence, ignorance, cruelty.
It made me so furious. Invalidating. Every time. I told that nurse that she can't judge what she does not understand. That she should educate herself on how autism impacts everyday life, perception, health, behavior, communication. Sadly all her brain cells seem to be tied to manipulation and how to be the most awful ignorant possible.
I am so sorry it all sounds so aggressive. But they HURT!!! They cause harm on so many here, not just me!!! This needs to be stopped!!! It needs to be investigated how many people they killed with such procedures.
They refuse to give me help!!
I neglected all these symptoms for far too long, exactly because of that. But they got so bad...
This nurse told me 'you can go whenever you want'. And I asked her I can't i physcially can't survive. Then she proceeded 'but you came here and it was bright'... and not even one of these statements is true. I was shoven from a terrible place by the ambulance into this torture chamber, during evening/night.
They literally refuse to SEE the meanwhile already OBVIOUS, which is the unfortunate REALITY now!
And they keep kicking and killing your last part that survives: Your psychological resilience.
And I am shaking. The insuline resistance is unbearable. But they would not even do anything if cetoacidosis would intoxicate me. Even if I vomitted due to that they would refuse the help I have the right to have: in this case: It is bound to direct survival!!!
It is a nightmare. And it sounds too lunatic that anyone could ever believe.
My psychiatrist came few hours ago, after my room neighbour and I calmed down.
I went to the dark bathroom to recharge. She later returned to our room after being absent for a short time, and she reacted in a way that made be feel embraced, compassionate, grateful, but als so so sorry and guilty.
She had a surgery of a brain tumor. And it felt so devastating she is treated so so so bad here. That they put her in such an awful situation with me and my problems being 100% dismissed.
I was a scapegoat. And the hurt I felt when recognizing her reaction was torture. It was psychological torture for both of us.
I am beyond my limit and I can't be confronted in such a way with people who are hurt so much themselves. It hurt me twice, thousandfold.
If they had told me in advance and found a solution for the light/illumination problem, it would have been far less devastating for both of us. It was so invasive. The reaction of the nurse 'it's just light and why should it be so bad that someone is here now? ' - neurotyi pical intolerance, ignorance and unfortunately this resulted in more and more verbal abuse.
Half an our later I sat in the bathroom. And she approached me and asked if she could enter the bathroom. I said yes and apologized. She was humble and somewhat had compassion. I then proceeded to built a tiny fort/cave between my bad and heater. This is where I have been since. It calms me.
She calmed down as well. But then the chaos continued. She was put in another room. I suppose it was because my (original) psychiatrist came, and knew this was fatal, as she knows of the importance of that. Despite the difficulties here in the clinic, she demands such a high priority for the single room. She is the only reason why I am not dead already here.
She fights for me as she understands. And she tries to protect me from the harm by many people working here. But when she is gone it is all devastating.
Next time I refuse to talk with these ignorant docs, and only correspond with my original psychiatrist. Most others are so awful. I do not know who to trust. They don't understand what is real and what is bullshit.
So many new nurses everyday, so many fake behaviors. So many ones who are abusive. Some who you believe are trustworthy. I can't trust. It all shatters. This place is traumatizing in every means for a neurodivergent/autistic person.
It is so sad...
There is no help. Even askeing them to transfer me to somewhere I may receive help... no way. Excuses. I say I NEED help. They say they give help. But NO!!! It is the OPPOSITE of help actually!!! I never damnit wanted to be a statistic anomaly. They simplifiy this extremely complex case to such a degree, it is the opposite of reality.
As if they do neither understand what I say nor any of my behavior.
Even when having hypoglycaemia, they refuse to help. If you ask them for juice, they refuse. They say absent-mindendly "Yeah... i knowji know... 'and leave. Only after half an hour a random nurse from another part of the clinic sees me and asks me what I need, I say sugar, have low blood glucose. And then I receive it finally. But this in concerning. Hypoglycaemia can trigger much of symptoms I have now as well. You can even get unsconscious, and if too long waited, you die. Considering their amount of concern or care, I could have been dead for more than two hours.
Things like these happen far too often.
If I do not care for myself who is unable to move, to care for himself, to live, then I die. And that is what my alter ego does. But he can't anymore. The biological spaceship is too damaged. Even the 'most skilled pilot' will not succeed.
The pain is unbearable.
And the pain of being stuck here.
I just wish someone would just dump me 300km+ far away where I receive REAL help!
I am physcially stuck in a network of abusive environments.
Even the person of the amulance told me I need to leave this city asap. She was concerned all she could do is either throw me into the torture chamber 'rathole clinic', or leave me in the abusive home with the tyrants of my abusers, my father and myjsister.
It was a decision between torture and torture.
This has been my reality ever since.
Please I would even consider living in care for a while, IF treated accordingly to what I really have and need, far away from this abuse city.
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Time has passed enough that people aren't worried about what I'm eating anymore. I went through a phase where I didn't restrict, probably even overate, not that that stopped me from hating myself any less. I realize where I went wrong. I was always eating foods that had no nutritional value. As long as I eat food that my family deems as healthy and take vitamins in front of them, they don't seem to give a shit about what I do. I've barely been eating at all, but bc I eat some meat occasionally I guess nothing's wrong. Works for me. I can't stand being in this body anymore. It doesn't help that everyone confirms my fears, too. Every time I start restricting everyone around me says shit like "you getting prettier" or equates my 'discipline' in regard to food with moral superiority. How can I not feel like I'm doing the right thing?
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
So, your post(s) about anaphylaxis is making my red flags wave. Would it be possible for anaphylaxis to start, instead of immediately after eating the food, after you've eaten so much your body can't tolerate it? I've had gastrointestinal symptoms for years, but all my specialists just sorta threw their hands up in the air since it doesn't match symptoms for anything else. Hope you're having a good day ^-^
Hey Dawnie
I’m going to put this under a cut cause it gets really long, but the tl;dr version of this reply is yes, yes it is.
So the way histamine intolerance works, is that sometimes the person can tolerate certain foods in small doses, but if their body gets overloaded, it builds up and up because people with HIT and damaged mast cells, can’t process it out their system the way healthy people do, (there’s some enzyme we’re lacking in) and it can trigger the mast cells into a degranulation, and then the person may experience anaphylaxis or milder symptoms like itching, or gastrointestinal symptoms. The analogy used is often a “histamine bucket”, in that if something is full, and you keep adding to it, it will eventually spillover. (Although more recently they’ve updated it to “histamine window” as in “your window of tolerance” for something.)
So for example, I eat spinach in moderation every day, which is an incredibly high histamine food, but also extremely high in nutritional value and I desperately need everything it can provide me to deal with my pernicious and regular anemia. The reason my body can tolerate it, however, in small regular doses, is because I emptied out my “histamine bucket” through avoiding all my triggers as best I can, which includes things like other high histamine foods that I do not need to survive (chocolate, tea, alcohol, etc), external triggers like dust, pollen, strong scents, strenuous exercise (due to the hormones released), exposure to certain chemicals, and yes also stress because stress causes your body to create excess cortisol which is a mast cell destabilizer, which is also why they think HIT/MCAS is more common in people with PTSD due to the damage untreated and prolonged stress can do to the endocrine system, but that’s a whole other post I could go into for hours. 
Unfortunately, you cannot completely eradicate histamines from your food, as all foods have histamine, just some more than others. But even then we need to eat some of those high histamine things, cause without them we become malnourished. Which is why you’ll find me, trying to put new foods back into my diet every now and then, with my epi-pens out on the table, my phone readily available, and always under the supervision of an adult who knows how to use my epi-pen and to call 911 if something goes wrong. Cause as scary as it is, I’m not about to nearly die from malnourishment again. (Putting foods back in, however, is a thing only to be attempted under medical guidance, and done incredibly slowly and one at a time so as not to flood your system.)
I’m also able to regulate symptoms with antiallergen meds like xyzal, although for some people with HIT (which some doctors now believe to be part of the lower end of the MCAS spectrum disorder, and not separate like previously thought) antihistamines can stop the body from processing histamine properly, which can also lead to further complications, so really it’s the luck of your genetics and the severity of symptoms. For me, I can’t stop it or my PoTS symptoms go off the charts, even though I’ve been taking it for so long it no longer helps with day to day symptoms like pollen or dust. Some people also become reactive to the fillers in the meds over time, which is why a lot of MCAS patients require their medications to be individually compounded to their needs.
There are some other supplements you can take which are mast cell regulators. Quercitin comes to mind as being extremely effective, and there’s some evidence to show that vitamin c can help the body process out excess histamine, but the dosage required can affect other meds so should always be consulted with over a doctor first. The supplements, however, do need to be as refined as possible, and avoiding triggers in the fillers and bindings of pills is probably the hardest part about using them to help your body deal with its shit.
Lack of sleep is also a huge factor because if you’re not sleeping, your body isn’t processing things out the way it should and that can also affect your mast cell stability.Also being low on Vitamin D, as Vitamin D is necessary for healthy mast cells, so if you’re deficient you may find yourself developing new or intensifying allergies as the mast cells start to break down.
I also saw your comment on my other post re: seizures, and while seizures are not a particularly common symptom of MCAS, due to the fact that there are mast cells in literally every part of your body, they can and do affect brain function (as well as the blood-brain-barrier) which can result in seizures for some people. For me, it used to be debilitating migraines that felt like I was going to go blind from the pain. I used to lie on the floor and writhe while clutching my head. Now when I get migraines, they’re still bad, and can really make me ill, but nothing as bad as they used to be in my teens, when, with hindsight, I was dealing with a lot of stress and unfolding trauma.
So, tl;dr reply to your question: Yes, sometimes you can eat certain things in small amounts and be just fine, but if something tips the scales of your balance, it can result in symptoms of MCAS flares and even anaphylaxis if severe enough.
For me, food, environment, and stress are my biggest triggers (so just y’know, life) and  I have to take steps to regulate those things as best I can to keep my body under control. If I recall, you already have an MCAS doctor, did they try you on a low histamine elimination diet? Did they talk to you about other external triggers and how to avoid them? Did they mention lifestyle changes and therapy for helping you to manage stress better? If not, they really need to because those all first-line responses to HIT/MCAS (along with appropriate medication) and I’m a little surprised they didn’t tell you about histamine build-up through certain foods!NB for anyone reading this: I’m more comfortable giving Dawnie in-depth info about certain meds and supplements because we are friends and I know something of their situation. If you’re reading any of this and it sounds familiar, please speak to a doctor first before attempting to self regulate or medicate. The treatment for MCAS is almost as dangerous (in terms of high risk for malnutrition) as the illness itself.
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yourladyindank · 6 years
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Was handed this on campus today and it raises an interesting question. Why does it feel okay to eat a chicken and not a cat? A pig and not a dog? Three main things really, functionality, nutritional value, and cost.
Dogs and cats and pigs and chickens were all raised and bred to do a job for us, this is why they are domesticated, not tamed. We changed them the suit our needs, and they agreed to change for their needs (looking at traditional breeding, not genetic modification). We took wolves and made dogs. Dogs help us fight off predators, kill vermin, hunt other animals, and bring companionship. Cats similarly are originally for companionship and vermin control. Cows and chickens were bred and raised to provide food products.
Nutritional Value:
Carnivores are tough and stringy due to their exercise and build, which makes for poor digestion. They tend to be filled with parasites, big ones. Chances of us catching disease from them is much higher. Poisons also bioaccumulate, so much higher chance of poisoning. Actually a lot of shit bioaccumulates. If you eat a polar bear liver you’ll die of vitamin A overdose. Dogs/ cats also are rich in purine, which can give you gout, but that’s a dog cat thing, not a carnivore thing.
Last is cost. Animals have different needs. You can keep many more chickens on an acre of land than cats of the same size, and still have them all happy and healthy and well fed. Chickens also forage much of their own food in terms of pests (ticks, flies, locusts, so on) and eat inexpensive foods, like grains and leftovers. Pigs are much the same. Meanwhile cats and dogs require meat heavy diets, which is much more expensive. As predators, they also require a lot more roaming space, and are more dangerous to keep in large numbers.
Of course none of that is in the booklet. It’s all bullshit with a few grains of truth and a whole lot of insulting masculinity and calling people racist for eating animals blah blah.
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aprigames · 5 years
Halcyon's food supply ?
[Spoilers, obviously]
So, in the outer worlds, they have shit for food. 20 minutes of casual gameplay will tell you this. If you listen to Parvati and Reed Tobson talking, she says theyre not even putting fish in the saltuna cannery machines at Edgewater.
In this reddit thread i made, i mentioned the food issue to get some input. Some users highlighted one of the facts i missed in that the food has no nutritional value. Im sure theres other things i missed, feel free to add them.
The gist of the reddit post is simply "so, when you go to the hope, theres a written entry on either a datapad or terminal that says one of the crew members started growing tomatoes hydroponically, why couldn't they do it on the colony?
It took them like 70 years to realise they were malnourished and actually running out of edible but nutritionally empty food, earth only went dark 3 years before the player is awoken by Phineas Welles. They had plenty of time to import food."
Its established in game the soil on Terra 2 and Monarch [Terra One] is too acidic to grow much of anything, but in the edgewater plot at the beginning of the game Adelaide McDevitt fixes this at the abandoned botanical lab by using [human] corpses to fertilize.
Some irl science; Decomposition of anything organic, adds nitrogen to the soil. This includes bodies. Nitrogen neutralizes acids. They do infact add nitrates to irl fertilizers. Because of her fertilizer, Adelaide was able to make the soil farmable again.
Why didnt Halcyon just, ya know, hydroponically farm fruits and vegetables, or import earth soil and some fertilizer? They had seventy years to figure this out. If they had a botanical lab, then they probably had botanists who understood soil P.h. and hydroponics. Theres fresh water on halcyon, there's rivers all over Monarch and Terra 2.
Also, why didnt the board import edible animals/plants from monarch and farm them? Terra One's flora and fauna is edible! Cascadia contained most of the food factories, chef Raymond (npc you encounter in Stellar Bay as part of Parvati's sidequest) says "dustback casserole" is made with mushrooms native to Terra One.
I know that in the ending to the Help-Welles-Run, Phineas fixes this by, essentially, creating vitamins to fill the nutritional gaps, and Dr. Eva Chartrand (Npc encountered in the Sublight Quests) is trying to alter Human DNA so they dont starve to death from the nutritionally empty food, so theres obviously a canonic solution to the food issues, but there were much easier and obvious solutions long before the long term effects of malnutrition began affecting Halcyon.
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no-error · 6 years
How about some klance smut?
!This is pure smut!
If you dont like just ignore this :)
(don't) hold my breath
Keith finds out a very important skill that Lance has: that he can hold his breath for a long time. He adds it to the list of reasons he’s pining after Lance—his right hand man, his teammate, his friend.
See also: sad desert boy falls hopelessly in love with self-proclaimed mermaid boy with a heart of gold. Watch these two oblivious idiots find their home in each other.
8,658 words   AO3
Lucky Habits
Lance has a habit of licking his lips before he takes particularly difficult shots with his blaster.
Keith has begun to notice said habit and it's slowly driving him mad.
Thankfully, Lance isn't as oblivious as he seems.
9,485 words   AO3
Hopelessly Devoted
“There he is,” Lance grinned, wide enough to break the kiss. He looked so damned satisfied, already. “There's my boy.”
4916 words  AO3
Take Me, I'm Yours
An unfortunate coincidence leads to Keith hiding in a closet, while Lance gets it on with an alien woman outside. It changes everything.
Keith can't erase the sight from his mind. He can't sleep, he can't fight. He can't control himself.
There is nothing he can do except swallow his pride and ask Lance for a favor.
He should have known he would have to beg for it.
6,732 words   AO3
Pix Or It Didn't Happen
Giving a whole new meaning to team bonding, Allura and Lance jointly plan a photography (read selfie) contest. Allura's contribution? Put the paladins in pairs for picture taking. Even before the teams were 'randomly' selected, Keith could have told you who he'd end up paired with. It goes about as well as could be expected.
14,690 words   AO3
Boys Will Be Boys    
There’s blood in his mouth, blood dripping from his nose, blood in his hair from where Keith fucking scratched him, blood boiling in his veins and clouding his vision with red. There’s too much blood for a friendly sparring session, that’s for sure.
This isn’t a friendly sparring session, not anymore.
6,736 words   AO3
I just wanna make love to you
Both Paladin and Blade stood in silence for almost a full minute, staring at each other with indiscernible expressions (or at least Lance thinks the latter is, can’t really tell with the identity protecting mask adorning their face.)
Before he can stop himself, he opens his mouth with a smirk curling at his lips.
“You come here often?” Lance asks, tilting his head coyly.
26,736 words   AO3
Research Purposes    
In retrospect, Lance knew he was overreacting. Thinking about it just a little too hard.  He just didn't consider Keith would ever be- Nah, actually, he wasn't that surprised... Did that mean Keith had totally been checking him out? Did he think he was hot? Would dudes be into him? What was it like to mess around with dudes? Was Keith experienced with that sort of thing? He just needed to know. For... science?
(In which Keith mentions something that reveals he's gay, Lance is excessively shocked, and everyone else already knew because it wasn't even a secret. In short, Lance is an oblivious idiot and finally accepts his bisexuality.)
10796 words   AO3
You Always Say the Stupidest Shit
"I know what your problem is," Lance interrupts, pointing a finger at him and smirking as though he's just personally discovered the deepest secret of the universe. God only knows why Keith stops talking then, but in hindsight, he wishes he'd have just gotten louder.
"You need to get laid," Lance announces.
13,370 words   AO3
The Royal Treatment    (Altean Lance/Galra Keith!)
“You’ve met me, congratulations,” Keith said shortly.
“Now go meet someone else.
”“Ouch,” he said. “And that’s not true; I don’t even know your name yet!”Keith wrinkled his nose. Maybe telling this irksome creature his title would scare him off. “I am Lord Kethyr, second son of Emperor Zarkon,” he retorted.
“Satisfied now?”
The Altean, unfortunately, was not deterred in the slightest by this. “Ooh, a royal? How exciting. I’m Lance.”
11,998 words   AO3
Don't Break Connection, Baby
(Series not completed 50,615 words 3 works)
Keith works part-time as a phone sex operator and receives a prank call from Lance. This does not go as planned for Lance. Thus begins the adventure of our dear sweet goofball continuing to call Keith to fuck with him (but not like fuck fuck with him...at least not yet). And y'know, eventually having legit conversations with him and getting attached and growing on Keith.
38,721 words   AO3
Will you sing to the Beat of my Heart?
(Musician!Keith Verse not completed 10,132 words 2 works)
Keith is a musician sometimes playing in the park Lance walks through every day. Lance falls in love—both with the music, and Keith. Keith, meanwhile, can't help but notice the cutie in the crowd. Both think there is no chance to get to know each other—but fate has a different plan.
8,833 words   AO3
Of Tinted Windows and Fancy Leather Seats
Drive Me Crazy Series not completed 9,345 words 2 works
"One last question, Keith. Do you want me to fuck you? If you say no, then I’ll leave you alone. You can also punch me if you want. But if you say yes, my car is here. Your pick, Mullet.”
5,964 words   AO3
Fuck Buddies With Benefits
“Hey babe,” the blue-eyed male in Keith’s doorway drawls, leaning his weight on one arm and smirking down at Keith from the irritating two-inch height difference between them. The guy likes taking advantage of it while he can, before Keith shoves him onto the bed and is the one looking down for once.
Keith rolls his eyes and steps aside to let Lance into his dorm room, locking the door behind them in case Shiro stops by to check on him. Shiro would likely not be impressed by Keith’s self-care methods if he found his baby cousin in bed with some guy he met at the bar, a blank document still waiting to be filled on his laptop screen.
19,183 words   AO3
The Patrulian Zone    
Lance logs in to Oriande, the dating app known for easy hook ups with no strings attached. Finding Keith, he gets exactly what he signed up for.
So how come suddenly, it doesn't feel like enough?
17,498 words   AO3
In which Lance sends Keith an accidental snapchat that somehow leads to them becoming sexting buddies.
5193 words   AO3
Want          (Want Series completed 83,799 words 4 works)
Lance makes the decision to sell himself for the sake of his family. The only problem is that no ones seems to want him. When Shiro buys Lance for his alpha little brother, the omega can't believe his luck.
But does Keith even want anything to do with his new gift or is Lance destined to be an unwanted omega forever?
24,695   AO3
In the heat of the moment
Lance runs out of suppressants and is outed as an Omega. Keith wants to be his alpha. So much angst, sugar sweetness, more angst, gotta have a baby, and all the lovins. Plus there's Shatt! What's not to love. Please don't get too wrapped up in timelines, dynamics, or the lack of season 4. This is fiction.
25,037 words   AO3
The Lion's Pride
When Pidge confesses to being a female alpha and not a male one, the team realizes that she's not the only one hiding something. They realize Lance isn't the alpha he's posing as but actually an omega.
As with Pidge, they want to give Lance the time he needs to come clean on his own. But the team agrees to do their best to make Lance feel comfortable, considering how highly valued omegas are in packs.
Two team/pack-members especially find this new realization fascinating. Keith and Shiro want Lance to be their own omega. But can they handle the secret Lance is hiding, the one that made him cover up his status to begin with...?
30,822 woords   AO3
Practically Strangers
(Practically Everything Series   not completed, 8,117 words 2 works)
Lance was, in all aspects, an omega. He had accepted this part of him long ago, even embraced it. Keith was, in all forms of the word, an alpha. He was also pretty much a stranger, but Lance was willing to ignore that fact in favor of, um, other things.
4,768 words AO3
Your Sex I Can Smell
Lance was in hell… or heaven depending on your outlook. But for him it was currently hell.  He’d not been expecting to go into heat, ever. Heat was an Omega thing and as far as he knew 99.9% of Omegas were chicks.
He thought he’d just be another Beta, he’d given up hopes of becoming an Alpha when he still hadn’t presented by seventeen. But to be this late… to be twenty one and only just developing it was… humiliating. And as an Omega at that. But he had a plan. He could just... disguise it. Hide his scent.
Which was great. Except now Keith was almost impossible to get near, to tease and banter and basically annoy just to get a rise out of him. Lance missed seeing his face, missed his scent. His schoolboy crush had developed into something strangely immature for a twenty one year old but potent nonetheless. But Keith wouldn't give him the time of day. At least, not until a project forced them to work together.
25,747 words   AO3
What Else Could a Virgin Omega Do?
Lance was standing where he never thought he'd be standing, in line at the front desk of the nearest Alpha Brothel.
13,831 words   AO3
Don't Forget Your Vitamins
(series not completed 13,221 words 2 works)
Lance is an omega. Keith is a beta. This was something Lance had made peace with and determined that there was no way they could ever work. No matter how much he would like it to. Saving the universe and all that didn’t leave a whole lot of time to pursue such a complicated relationship.
However, when Keith finally starts getting the food and nutrition his hybrid body needs he is finally revealed to be an alpha. As he struggles with his new presentation, Lance tries his best to be there for him and support him. But it's difficult when the guy you love is now totally capable of giving you the best sex of your life.
11,406 words   AO3
Fuck self control (but really, don't.)
Lance hadn't presented by the time they got into space, leaving him vulnerable. Everything is fine until Keith's rut, and then it isn't
8,003 words   AO3
Omegaverse Series
Suddenly all Keith can hear is Hunk’s voice yelling over the com.
“Keith! You have to get out of there. Now!”
Keith wants to ask what’s wrong, but then the smell hits him.
The sickly sweet, and unmistakable smell of an omega in heat.
He whips around and sees Lance, standing a few feet back, bracing himself against the wall. His face is flushed, and he’s breathing heavy.
“I … I don’t feel so good.”
22,606 words  3 works   AO3
kiss like it's poisonous series (not completed)
A collection of all my fics that belong to this omegaverse au. It's basically just Keith and Lance being idiots and dancing around each other for like a span of five years, and you will all get the pleasure of reading it.
43,504 words 3 works   AO3
You All Over My Skin, I'm Anxious    
The worst part of it though, was that Keith was an alpha. A stupid, hotheaded alpha that Lance couldn’t help but get in petty arguments with like they had been married for fifty years. Keith, with his stupid mullet and how stupidly good he was at hand to hand combat and how stupidly hot he sounded when training. Lance would have gotten on his knees for him in seconds if he only asked. But an alpha needed an omega, and Lance was just a stupid beta. 
5,898 words   AO3
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pussylightlytoasted · 6 years
Actually I wish corn and potatoes had all the nutritional value and vitamins and shit I needed so I could eat them every day for the rest of my life.
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True shit about ana
I see posts around here talking about absolute bull so I'll give you the facts (I've done my research so don't @ me lmao)
• Don't skip breakfast. Even if you're fasting, because that can lead to weight gain. Just eat something small because your body needs that to keep going. Without breakfast you can develop-
- bad mood
- low energy
- extreme hunger (which can lead to a binge depending on the person)
- and can, and will, cause you to gain weight I cannot stress this enough!!! Why? Because yes, there is a "starvation mode" that does exist, people just like to bullshit. If you start out your day not eating anything, your body can and will hold onto the calories that you eat throughout the day, or week, or month. So eating breakfast is basically telling your body that everything's alright and you're not dying, so it won't cling onto those extra calories.
Like I said, something small and low calorie (it needs to have some sort of nutritional value in it otherwise it's no use) to get you going. Better mood = better success. A banana or apple won't ruin your progress.
• Ana "Bibles" I saw one that was encouraging people to purge into the toilet instead of the shower. Don't purge. If someone gives a lot of good advice, they can slip some bad and harmful advice in there to take advantage of younger and impressionable people. I know that a lot of people know the side effects of constantly purging, and it's terrifying. But they do it anyways.
• Stepping on the scale constantly. I know that a lot of people know that it's a bad idea and can stress you out. I don't really need to touch on this, but it's kind of like time. The more you look at the clock, the slower the time seems to go by. I weigh myself 3 times a day at the most; when I wake up, the middle of the day, and before bed just to see any pattern of weight gain/loss throughout the day depending on what I've eaten.
• Please for the love of all things holy, don't fast for over 36 hours. At least eat something nutritious a couple times throughout (I know that technically breaks the fast but it's better than nothing). You're depriving your body of nutrients. If you do insist on fasting for long periods of time, get multivitamins, or hair, skin & nail vitamins. They will prevent your hair, nails and skin from looking dead.
• Chill out with the exercise. Especially if you're fasting or hardcore restricting. Don't over-work your body when you're depriving it of nutrients. Especially running for miles. What're you going to do if you pass out four miles away from home and can't get up, or barely function? Eat something 10-30 minutes before you exercise and drink McHecking water so your body can process what it needs. I'm not saying become sedentary and don't move our exercise ever, I'm just saying that running and jumping rope for 2 hours can seriously wear out your body.
• Don't fast if you're doing a sport. I do tennis in the spring. Despite what some people say, it really is a hardcore workout. A good hour of intense tennis can burn up to 1000 calories. So you can gather up a couple buddies and head down to your local courts if you want to exercise and have fun doing it (some people hate exercise but insist on doing it, so I recommend this lmao)
I'm sure there are other things that I haven't touched up on, but this is what I can come up with atm.
Be safe out there
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