isimarie2 · 15 days
Army AU or Secret Task Force AU
Chloe an Red are Rivals
They work for a Organisation (their fathers worked there)
When they first meet their still realy young they meet because of their parents they like each other till one fatefull day
Christopher Charming was a legend at his job the best of the best and Reds Dad was his best friend who offten got in trouble and Christopher needed to save him a lot but they were the bestes of friends they were like brothers to each other
When Chloe was born he became like an uncel to her and the same with Red and Christopher
One day when Chloes and Reds Dads are on a Mission something horible happens Christopher got hurt and Reds Dad saved him he distracted the Enemy and Christopher could flee with his Team he beged that Reds Dad comes with him but he refuses so he can save the Team
the last thing Christopher hears from Reds dad is that it is better if he sacrefice himself than letting the whole team die and that he please takes care of his little heart
Christopher could not leave him but one look fom Reds Dad at his comrades that told them what to do got them moving and then they dragged Christopher away from him (he could not do anything because he was to injured to fight his teammates)
Forward to Reds Dads death Christopher was devestatet but he promised he would take care of Red he visited Red and Bridget often and played with Red and kind of neclected Chloe with it
Chloe began to despise Red and 2 years later her Dad died in a Mission and it became hate because half of the time he was with Red and not with his own daughter so she was jelouse that she didnt had that much time with him because of Red (they both are at that moment 8 years old)
Chloe and Red join the same Organisation at 20 were their dads worked at
They see each other for the first time in 12 years the last time was at Christophers funeral
They absolutly hate each other the first sec they see each other again
Red because she thinks Chloe got in only because of her Dad
and Chloe because of her Father and the time she lost because of Red
They are always bickering and always glare at one another you can literly cut the tension betwenn them and you know the Moment their in the same room because of it
Chloe one day gets promotet to a Captain (Team leader) position because she always ends her Missions with perfection and precision and because shes the perfect Team leader
She gets an Team with 7 persons on it and one of them is Red she hates it
Red gets placed in an secret task force because shes ruthles and gets all her Mission done with precision and fast you could say shes the best soldier they have there the only thing that anoyes her to no end is that Chloe is there and of course she is the f Team leader of the croup
They cant stand each other but still they completet all theyre Missions perfectly and efficient
till one day all goes harwire and their Team gets ambushed and they need to flee back to base
Red in the progress got shoot and even stabed in the Abdomen she powered trough it because it was nothing close to the abuse she gone through when her Father died her only relief was when her uncle Charming came to visit till the day it stoped forever and after that she gone through hell because of her mother
When theyre back at base Chloe looks at Red and thinks she looks like shit shes about to say something but then Red colapses to the cround barely alive
Chloe panics because she can barely feel Reds pulse
they rush her to the hospital and she gets brought to the operating room immediately they Operate for hours on her because she had damaged Organs and lost to much blood
Chloe staied in the hospital for all this time
Red survived but was in a coma for three days three days Chloe staied at the hospital and watched Red, three days she cries herself to slep on a chair becide Red and three days she came to understand what she feels for Red
When Red wakes up from the coma Chloe cries and hugs her Red to stuned to react just waited till Chloe stoped huging her
When she stoped she leant back and stared at Red a moment "I thought you would die Red and that i could never tell you that...." Chloe stops abruptly because she almost told Red that she loves her
But Red even under heavy pain meds gaught it "What do you want to tell me princess?" she asks
Chloe to flusterd at the nickname awnser to quickly "Nothing" witch a high pitcht voice
"Chloe it cant be that bad and even then im bound to this bed its not like i could jump out and kill you" Red Jokes
Chloe slowly breaths in and then whispers "im in love with you"
Red to stuned just stares at her and asks in a high voice "you what?"
Chloe to flustered just repeats her self lightly yelling "im in love with you you idiot"
Red finaly coming out of the stunned state shes in finaly awnsers to Chloes confession "you are more like an idiot.... and im in love with you to princess"
"WTF RED IM TELLING YOU MY......wait did did you just say that you love me to?" Chloe to flusterd in her state only got the first part till the second registerd in her brain
Red looks at her amused and anwsers with "yes princess i indeed did say that"
Chloe then looks at Red and leans slightly in and stops mere millimeter away from Reds lips to look if Red is against it she sees nothing but love in Reds eyes and then closes the cap betwenn them and kisses her softly
She accidently presses on Reds Abdomen and Red vinces from the pain
Chloe apologizes directly panict and then she hears Red gigle and her worry slips away
After that they come offiziell together and erveryone is extremly schocked about it when they find out moths later
they live happylie ever after and even become a daughter named Violett Grace and a son named Christopher-Redan like their dads
(lets pretent Reds Dads Name was Redan i didnt saw anyone who gave Reds dad a Name maibe because no one knows who he is so yea and im sorry if Redan is weard as a name)
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isimarie2 · 15 days
Im gona cry i wrote a hole f Army or more like task force AU story idea and it got deletet because of "Ok Google" because this m f opened a side in f tumblr
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isimarie2 · 15 days
Here have some new cat!Red bits
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isimarie2 · 17 days
Uff i dont know its complicatet because of my ADHD Brain that are like my last on loop for hours Songs
Voices - Hidden Citizens and Vanessa Campagna
Not Ok - Robert Grace
Gladiator - Jann
Voices in my head - Falling in Reverse
I Sent My Therapist To Therapy - Alec Benjamin
And to be fair i have a lot of Neoni on loop
@marigoldwriter @corgiplays @chxrmingswxrd @nightwolf-525 @goddess-lovers @thehellcaster
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers or moots (positivity is cool)
Ooooo hmmm, currently the ones ive been listening to would be
Hot to go, Laplace's angle, eat you, trigger of love, and family line(it's good for angst)
@not-a-vegan3 @propawganda @sunsetcougar @h3li0n @naturewivesmybeloved @anonymouscheeses @polubrony @darkmasterofcupcakes @omvimo
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isimarie2 · 18 days
This edition of Evil!Chloe is brought to you by a 16oz Red Bull, Strawberry Sour Patch Kids, Sing to Me and Wolves by Missio
Enjoy @minafeu
Like always ⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️ for blood, guts, and gore
Judge Sebastian Frollo wasn't always the man of God that he is today. His younger self was filled with hate and anger at his father, the world, everything. He lashed out and made many enemies during high school before getting kicked out and joining the church to find some sort of purpose; and he did.
The news of Adam's gruesome death has struck fear in the hearts of the people. With Ben contents away with no way to gain a hold of the royals apart of the court have been scrambling to find a suitable replacement and have turn to the church for guidance. Which is why Sebastian is here after hours kneeling to his holy father for help.
"Oh most righteous lord. I beg of thy to guide me. I ask of your heavenly wisdom to guide me to the right direction. Our county is in shambles as a darkness plagues the people, a demon has-"
"I do believe I am worse than a lowly demon."
A deep rumble echoes through the large chapel, the stone and wood tremble with the sheer volume. Sebastian stands, fear racing through him as he presses against the holy alter. He grips his cross, mumbling a pray as a what can only be described as a demonic chuckle makes the stained glass shake. It's low, haunting and Sebastian holds his cross tighter.
"I am not afraid of you monster. My father in heaven-"
"Your father has abandoned you!" The voice snarls, it sounds both far away and too close, the sound of metal dragging against stone makes him cringe from the sound.
"He has not! My holy father would never let his most faithful servant fall at the hands of a monster!" Sebastian yells, his own voice wavering as he backs away, he could run away, escaping through the back door of the church.
"Oh Sebastian..." The voice rumbles against his ear. "You should have stayed away from what's mine, from Red." The monster's hand pierces through his back, he gasps as he feels it wrap around his spine. "And now, your death won't cause anything but joy to me." With that Sebastian screams as his lower spine gets pulled out of his body crumpling to the ground.
"Chloe-" Sebastian croaks as he sees the girl from high school tower over her, her eyes glowing, her face animalistic, her feet ached inhumanely.
"I'm tired of hearing your voice." Chloe snarls and it's almost like seeing double, a spectral presence shadows her moves as she digs sharp claws into his throat, gagging on his own blood as he suffocates.
The next morning the clergy scream as Sebastian's remains are used to decorate the alter his head front and center and what's little left of him paints the alter red. And all the stained glass windows depicting the other kingdoms are broken, except for Wonderland's.
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isimarie2 · 18 days
i think i got a little carried away
Chloe and Red go together to school for months
Chloe and Red begin to fall in love over time they go
Chloe is extremly closeted but someday when Red and Chloe are in an intensive staring contest Chloe breaks
She kisses Red and Red kisses back after a moment
Chloe tells Red that she is in love with her but she cant be and tells Red that they cant be together at the Moment
Red is hurt but tells her that shes wiling to wait for her "ill wait for you because im in love with you princess and thats why i wait till youre ready"
Chloe only stares at Red and turns away and runs because everything overwhelms her at that moment
She always had the dream of her perfect fairytail Story were she finds her prince but why is she so stupid and falls in love with a girl
She cries her self to slep this night and dosent notice that Red didnt came back
After two months the Sommer break arived and they go theire separate ways
Chloe goes back home and has panic atacks because she cant accepts that shes in love with Red and is scared that her family thinks that shes a freak
Red writes her to meet her at the enchanted Lake to talk and Chloe becomes a panic attack and her brother comes in and sees what happens and comforts Chloe
They talk and he finds out about the felings she has for Red she thinks hes gona be mad but he just sayes "i love you for who you are sis and it dosent mater who you love"
She tells him that Red wants to talk with her by the Lake and he tells her that she schould go and talk to her and that he will cover for her
so Chloe goes to the Lake they Fight and Red runs away with a broken heart (redssgirll Story is the perfect explaination what happened there)
After that night they didnt talk and when Chloe goes back to school she sees that Red is not there and just thinks that she will come later in the evening
but after a month of Red not returning to school she panics she calls Bridget if she knows were Red is but she only thought that Red was with her over the Sommer break and now in school
(Red wrote a Letter to the Principal and stated that she cant atend school at the Moment and faked her mothers signature)
Chloe hangs up and calls her brother and they both decide to search for Red
Bridget cals Ella and ask her what happened betwenn them and Ella dosent know so she orders Chloe to talk and they find out that Chloe is in love with Red because it sliped her out while rambling and because shes stressed as f
she panics but her parents are suportive about it
and then they locate Red with a spell
Ending 1 Happy
Chloe finds Red and tells her how much she loves her and that shes ready to try Red for the begining is realy hurt and tels her that she need time but after a month they come together and live happylie ever after.
Ending 2 sad but it turns out good
They find Red in an abandoned vacation house and there they find her laying in the bathroom pale and she's is barely conscious
Red cut her self and tried to kill her self and when Chloe sees her she panics "RED"
Red looks at her shocked to see her there "princess?" she asks weakly
"Yes its me youre princess Red" Chloe awnsers
Red only looks at her and sayes "Im tired princess" and closes her eyes
"No no no Red stay awake pls i dont wana lose you pls" Chloe says panicked
Red does not Respond and Chloe panics further
Red gets brought to a hospital and she's in a coma for a long time when she wakes up she sees Chloe sleping on the hospital chair directly next to her bed
After a while Chloe wakes up and sees Red staring at her and she only looks at her and begins to cry " i thought you would die there" she sayes crying
"As would you care Chloe" Red awnsers mad at her
Chloe flinches and tells her what she came to conclusion with and that she realy loves her and that she will do anything to make it up to her she holds a whole essay about it and Red Interupts her
"Princess stop i still love you even if i tried not to it would not work i will always love you"
And Chloe cryes again and they talk everything out and come together and have theyre happy ever after.
Ending 3 Sad
Chloe finds Red but its to late she lais on the floor and dosent move and when Chloe gets chloser she sees that she dosent breath
first she thinks Red is just sleping but then she registers the huge blood pool around her and then the huge cuts on both arms
She crumbles and begins to scream and cry and then she gets caried out of there
Shes depressiv for a long while and on the dying day from Red she takes her own live because she cant live with out her anymore
And she gets buried next to Reds grave
maibe they see each other again in the after live or the next.
The Story that got me inspired:
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Short Version from when i planed what i write
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I have the feling that the short planig is better than what i wrote
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isimarie2 · 19 days
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isimarie2 · 21 days
Last Song: See You Soon by Ely Eira
Favorite color: all kinds of blue and purple
Currently reading: the vexations of a shut-in vampire princess
Currently Watching: nothing at to moment
Last movie: Ein Jackpot zum Sterben (dont know if it has a english Titel)
Relationship status: nothing
Tea or coffee: Tea
Last thing i googled: purpel haze color
Current Obsession: Rise of Red
Sweet, Spicy, savory: Spicy
@cornskin @thehellcaster @marigoldwriter
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better! 
Thanks for the tag @talas-first-lady !
Last Song: Us - acoustic version by James Bay. I do not know this song nor recognize it, it was just playing on the acoustic playlist Spotify made me.
Favorite color: I'm constantly torn between blue and green.
Currently reading: Assassin's apprentice by Robin Hobb (and the anti philosophy manual by Michel Onfray for school, yay).
Currently watching: the Imperfects (this show is AWESOME) and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Last movie: Descendants: The Rise of Red.
Sweet, spicy or savory: savory above the other two.
Relationship status: platonically in love with my moots from the Rise of Red descendants server.
Current obsession: Descendants : the Rise of Red (Discord is NOT helping with this)
Tea or coffee: tea but I'm more a water kind of girl. Though coffee smells really good.
Last thing I googled: how to use colons in English versus French… Fun fact, in French, we add a space before the colon AND after, when in English, there is no space before, only after. This is so disturbing to me.
No pressure tags: @galaxysharks @gayafsowhat @bigmilk-13 @strugglingsapphic @chxrmingswxrd @ineedtherapydesperately @somedudenamedanthony @marigoldwriter and whoever feels like doing it.
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isimarie2 · 22 days
Warrior Nun AU
Red as Ava and Chloe as Beatrice
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isimarie2 · 22 days
...Enjoy, since the fandom seems to be suckers for sport aus.
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isimarie2 · 23 days
Sorry but i cant be the only one who thinks that Chlo as a nickname sounds weard i mean im German and it kind of Sounds alot like something we germans say (i hope people who speak german understand this because im not saying how it sounds like) or am i the only one there
Or am i just pronouncing it wrong in my head
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isimarie2 · 24 days
Red as a Werwolf
Chloe cudling with Red in Werwolf form
Chloe is totaly obsessed with Reds fangs in Human form
and shes obsessed with the deep red furr from Red because its fluffy and so beautiful
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isimarie2 · 24 days
Werwolf AU
Red is an Werwolf but she didnt know she is one
Red is alowed to go to Auradon prep
This was unusual for her mom to send her there but then her mom starts a coup and she sees that she treathens the bublie girls mother and something snaps in Red she takes a sword and kills her mother
She meet Chloe at the entrance and something tells her that she musst protect her and shes drawn to her since that moment so when she saw her upset about her mother geting sentenced to death something snaped in her
After that Red gets acepted to Auradon prep under one condition that someone is her guardian
Chloes mom who witnesed all and saw how Red protectet her and even killed her mom for her and heard about all the things the QoH did to Wonderland and Red decidet to take Red in
Then Chloe and Red become besties over a months time
one day they are outside stargazing and it is Fullmoon
All day long Red feelt weard and kind of sick
Red begins to turn (bones snaping)
Chloe panics
Red is in a lot of pain
When everything stops Red is turned and Chloe just looks at her and Red panics and runs away
Red is missing for weaks
Cant turn back to human form
Chloe begins to search for her
Red always lurks in the shadows and looks out for Chloe
someday Chloe goes realy deep into the woods and gets atackt by a creture
Red sees that and atacks the creture and kills it
Chloe is in schock
Chloe thinks its another creture till she sees the deep red furr
Red is looking at her and is about to run away again
And Chloe makes a stupid decision and sprints with full speed at Red and engulfes her in a hug (more like tries to do so)
And Red lets her and completly relaxes at that moment
Red goes back with Chloe
They find a way to turn her back
They find out its kind of mental thats why she didnt turn back to human form
Turns out Reds dad was a Werwolf and thats why the curse activated because she inherited it She turns back to normal kind of
she now has larger fangs as a human, shes faster than normal human speed, she can lift realy heavy things and can turn per will
Chloe thinks Reds fangs are realy cute
After that a lot of things happen happy moments, dark moments, Red attacking people who hurt Chloe and Chloe needing to calm her down and Felings begin to form someday they know why Red is so over protective with Chloe and they get they happy ever after.
Thers Hurt, Trauma, Injuries, Angst, Happy ending but bevore that is geting realy bad and fluf
Red turns in Werwolf form when shes happy and Chloe pets her and thinks shes realy cute because Red tail begins to wag when Chloe pets her.
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isimarie2 · 24 days
A little on the nose, but imagine Red with fire powers and Chloe with Ice powers.
Hear me out…
Chloe grows up terrified of hurting people with her powers. She has control but she’s too afraid to get close to someone because if she loses that control she could hurt them.
But with every breath she takes she longs for someone she could be herself with. Be normal, and not have to worry about hurting them.
Red grows up surrounded by pain and destruction. She finds it morbid funny that she was destined to cause more of the same. After all, how could her powers do anything but harm?
They are wary of each other at first, but slowly grow closer and that comes with its own challenges because it doesn’t take either long to realize that they couldn’t handle anything happening to the other. Especially if it was their fault.
They fight their attention and need for each other with every they are, but they are drawn to each other all the same. Because as hard as they fight to stay away, they can’t get enough.
Then one night, there’s an accident. Either one of them loses control or there’s an accident and they both have to use their powers
They find out that their powers cancel each other out. They couldn’t hurt each other if they tried and it’s so freeing because now…
Now they can be what they want. They can be together. Chloe can sleep knowing she won’t accidentally freeze Red in her sleep and Red can hold Chloe in her arms knowing she can’t burn the other girl and it’s everything they’ve ever wanted. To be close to each other without fear.
I probably did a terrible job of explaining this but I’m freaking tired yall and my better half is still saying I can’t write more till I’ve finished what I’m working on. 
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isimarie2 · 25 days
thank you thank you thank you omg im in love
Can someone pls draw Chloe Holding Red up in cat Form and cuing at her
Saying "whose a realy cute cat you are"
and Red geting so flusterd she turns back and Chloe is still Holding her up
She sayes "omg Red wtf"
And Red is like "suprise"
And Chloe accidentally sayes "i mean youre even cuter in human Form"
Red becomes even more flusterd
Red is a Shapeshifter
Chloe didnt know Red was a Shapeshifter and i picture it like that Red has chlothes that are like fusing with her so they disapeare when she turns in an animal and reapear when she turn in Human Form again. (basicaly magic clothes)
Chloe ask now and then if Red could turn back to a cat because she was extremly cute as a cat
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isimarie2 · 25 days
Chloe and Red go to an Art academy together
Chloe is sometimes an Art Model
They are Roomates (cant stand each other)
Everyone thinks they are together
Red has a huge crush on Chloe
She draws her a lot
Some friends of her think it is funny to steal Reds artbook and to get all the pictures printet in huge and hang them all over the school
Chloe sees them and gets flusterd because every picture is so prety
till she comes across one picture were she sees one detail a heart with (R+C) in it (and both on it)
On the other side Red is planing the death of the people who did that
Shes fuming till she sees Chloe standing before a picture with both of them on it
Chloe turns because of the steps and sees Red
Red is realy flusterd and looks like a deer caught in the headlights
Red is like "omg you are not suposed to see that im so sorry Chloe im ...."
Chloe says "I think its cute"
"Wait what" Red asks
Chloe awnsers "I said its cute and for the record i like you to"
Red to stuned just stuters "w_what"
Chloe is like "I just told you that i like you and the only Word you can say is what" she gigles
And Red becomes realy flusterd about it and sayes "I dont belive you" so Chloe kisses her
Red becomes a mess at that and just sayes "oh wow"
Chloe gigles at that and asks if her kiss is that good and the only awnser Red can give is Yes
and they come together from that moment on
Ps: Red is still planig to kill her friends
I think they do it while Red and Chloe are in diferent classes and Reds class goes longer so Chloe has time to look around and the picture with both of them on is prob over their dorm room or they hang them bevore the school starts (in the midle of night or in the morning) and Chloe sees the pictures on the way to her and Reds class and there hangs the picture and because both are kind of erly risers are there first but anyone can think their own theory about it where and when it happens.
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isimarie2 · 27 days
Can someone pls draw Chloe Holding Red up in cat Form and cuing at her
Saying "whose a realy cute cat you are"
and Red geting so flusterd she turns back and Chloe is still Holding her up
She sayes "omg Red wtf"
And Red is like "suprise"
And Chloe accidentally sayes "i mean youre even cuter in human Form"
Red becomes even more flusterd
Red is a Shapeshifter
Chloe didnt know Red was a Shapeshifter and i picture it like that Red has chlothes that are like fusing with her so they disapeare when she turns in an animal and reapear when she turn in Human Form again. (basicaly magic clothes)
Chloe ask now and then if Red could turn back to a cat because she was extremly cute as a cat
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