#and is also evidence of God i think
many-sparrows · 1 year
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On Kurapika's Self-Imposed Isolation
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While I recognize that probably everything I'm about to say is going to be super obvious, I just wanted to briefly touch on Kurapika's self-isolation, and the reason behind his not picking up his phone or exchanging anything more than clipped words and business after Yorknew.
I think the obvious answer is that Kurapika doesn't want his friends in harms way, or to be used as a bargaining tool against him. This is an understandable and probably accurate conclusion. After all, Gon and Killua did get taken hostage, and Kurapika was forced to negotiate an exchange. Chrollo picked up on Kurapika's "weakness" right away - that he values his friends' safety before his revenge. Fortunately for Kurapika in this situation, Pakunoda was a whole lot more similar to him than he would've cared to admit, as she placed a value on Chrollo's life even though everyone in the Spider was intended to be replaceable. So, now that he's been through Gon and Killua having potentially gotten killed or seriously hurt, and Chrollo knows that he has a soft spot for them, it does make sense that he would try to push them away for their safety and for the sake of not having an exploitable "weakness" in future. He may also not want to burden them more when they have their own lives to live - he does slip off without telling Gon and Killua for the sake of not distracting them from Nen training, after all.
Except that he already tried all this earlier in Yorknew arc. He tried to tell them they shouldn't get involved, and they all agreed that the risks were massive - but his friends agreed to undergo the risks anyways to help him. Kurapika was even grateful for it - "I have been blessed with good friends."
So, for him to push them away solely for this reason after the fact, knowing that this was very much a likely situation to happen, is a little odd to me. Kurapika knows full well that Leorio would be frustrated, Killua would be offended and Gon would worry. So, I think there's a little more to it than that, and I actually would venture to say that "keeping his friends out of danger" is more a secondary reason for his actions - one that would come across as more of a reasonable excuse to others.
The primary reason is likely a lot more selfish than that. Kurapika has to ensure his mission comes first. And unfortunately, he is fully aware that his path and choice in abilities is deeply self-destructive.
Kurapika needs to make sure that he doesn't have exploitable weaknesses, sure, but he also just as much needs to purposefully worsen his headspace - and he can't do that with those three around.
Think back, what are the happiest moments we see from Kurapika in the series? The one that comes to mind first, and the one I'm sure most of us will think of immediately, is this:
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[ID: A screenshot from the 2011 anime adaptation. Kurapika smiles - he looks at ease. End ID.]
It's one of the sweetest scenes of the series imo, right before the whole group is reunited for the first time since the Zoldyck Family arc, and it's even more notable because it comes immediately on the tail end of this...
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[ID: Three panels from HxH Chapter 101. Kurapika removes his contacts over the sink. His expression is distant. End ID.]
...and this...
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[ID: A panel from HxH Chapter 101. A close up of Kurapika's vacant and furious expression, his eyes wide and dangerous as he says "It might as well be you." Though the art is in black and white, it's apparent his eyes have gone scarlet. End ID.]
...and this.
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[ID: A panel from HxH Chapter 101. A distant Kurapika speaks on the phone on a rooftop at night, the cityscape of Yorknew around him dark, but speckled with lights and stars. He says "The Spiders are dead." His face is not visible to the reader. End ID.]
This is, up to this point in the series, Kurapika at his lowest. In contrast to Gon, who is happy to hear that the Spiders are dead already because now Kurapika can focus solely on finding his peoples' eyes, Kurapika... is clearly not happy - and that's because killing the Spiders himself isn't just revenge. It's penance. It's survivor's guilt. Kurapika's powers, which Izunavi even comments sound much like he is chaining himself in the process of chaining his enemies, are oh-so-beautifully prophecied to destroy him - and Kurapika was aware of this from the moment he set off down this path of revenge.
(As a side note, this is why I'm really hoping we see Gon and Kurapika interact again after the Chimera Ant arc - while Gon has always been pretty attentive to Kurapika's emotional state, in Yorknew, he lacks a true understanding of why Kurapika would go so far... but as of now, he understands rage fueled by guilt and grief all too well. I know we're all rooting for Leorio to reach Kurapika, but barring that, I really think Gon could get through to him - after all, they are similar in several ways, and I find it fairly apparent that Gon reminds Kurapika of Pairo.)
But back to the main point here - I do suspect Kurapika expects (if not wants) his revenge mission to destroy him. I think a lot of times, we forget just how young Kurapika is, and how much his character is dictated by honour, and the abandonment of it.
Certainly, he can and will go against his principles for the sake of his mission... yet, almost paradoxically, he's bound to his promise to his fallen clan; a promise to avenge them made in anger.
But Kurapika... doesn't come across as a naturally angry person to me at all.
He seems like the stoic, vengeful type on his initial introduction... and then we get his panic at Gon's recklessness
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[ID: A panel from HxH Chapter 2. Kurapika and Leorio wear matching expressions of panic in front of Gon, calling him out for his recklessness. End ID.]
...and his near-immediate forgiveness of Leorio after getting the first inkling of his character - of someone who cares just as fiercely as he does.
And after that point? Almost all through the Hunter Exam? Kurapika smiles so readily at them. He's sharp and funny. He mediates at times, but is stubbornly prideful in others. He's very amused by his friends' antics, and it really does seem like he starts to enjoy himself, with them. And, more than that, he counters Leorio's initial impression of him as an independent loner - on several occasions. He decides to follow Gon because Gon intrigues him. Asides from Gon, it is Kurapika who is the most unwilling to fight each other at the bottom of Trick Tower. Kurapika who makes the first move to team up with Leorio, even though that arrangement benefits Leorio much more than it does him. Kurapika who refuses to abandon Leorio to his fate in the cave, and who checks on Gon after noticing his bad mood. Who was furious enough watching him get beat down by Hanzo that his eyes went scarlet for the first and only instance outside of Spider mentions and Emperor Time. Who quite readily detoured to help rescue Killua.
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[ID: Three screenshots from the 2011 adaptation Hunter Exam arc. In the first, Kurapika smiles at a sleeping Leorio. In the second, Kurapika stifles laughter as he pretends he's asleep. In the third, Kurapika has an open-mouthed smile as he acquires the airship tickets for them, Leorio and Gon standing behind him. End ID.]
Look at him! He's so bright! So happy!
...too happy. Too happy to do what he promised himself he would do. And that's his biggest fear, isn't it. Without his rage... what is he left with?
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[ID: A panel from HxH chapter 2. A close up of Kurapika's eye as he says "I do not fear death. What I fear is that my rage will one day fade away." End ID.]
Kurapika is far, far less mired in anger when he's with his friends. I actually dare to say that at certain points, he was able to go for lengths of time without thinking much about it - alternating between almost forgetting in one instance and being hit like a sledgehammer on exposure to a reminder in the next. This violent swing is... actually the beginnings of the natural process of healing from loss and trauma. But to Kurapika, who's made a promise to his people's memories, this is not a relief. This is betrayal.
I think that actually scares him, that he can almost picture it. A life beyond his guilt. That he, too, could learn to be happy, even after unimaginable loss.
And so, as Kurapika continues his mission offscreen, finding more and more gruesome reminders of the cruelty inflicted on his people and losing more and more pieces of himself in the process (in his own words, no less), he prioritizes his responsibility to them, and pushes away his distractions. He cannot be a soul at peace until his work is done; he must be in turmoil. He pushes people away who he cares for, and binds himself, and keeps his people's eyes on him, quite literally, because respite, for him, is unacceptable. Perhaps that guilty part of him even hopes, by the end of this, that his soul will be so unrecognizable as to be fundamentally unsalvageable. But the truth of the matter is, or at least what comes across to me, is that Kurapika cares much more fiercely than he hates. He knows what matters most. And for as long as he does, he still hasn't truly lost himself.
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[ID: A panel from HxH chapter 350. Kurapika looks down at baby Woble with a gentle, yet complicated expression. The inking is somewhat softer. End ID.]
Kurapika's soul is kind, really. And it wants to heal - but for the sake of his mission, he needs it damaged and bleeding. And so, he forces himself to exist in that pain. All alone.
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[ID: A panel from HxH Chapter 344. Kurapika, dressed in a black suit, sits with his back to the reader, looking down at a photo in his hand. He is slumped a little before the church vigil he has prepared, all his clan's eyes lined up in their jars and honoured with flowers and candles. He thinks to himself "There is no home for me to return to... and nobody to welcome me back. I have nothing left." End ID.]
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dandyleyen · 6 months
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Twitter post | Fellas, is it gay to hold hands in the bath and share your mana ?
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c-kiddo · 3 months
at one point i didn't like caduceus' epilogue, that he just stayed home for a long time and eventually travelled again and eventually calliope joined him too. but i think actually i love it. something so gentle about him returning home to a temple that was once empty and lonely but is now healing and full of family who he loves so much. and to not have anything particularly asked of him apart from tending the garden and his small routines. especially thinking about how tired and sad he is by the end of the campaign, compared to the beginning when hes so giddy to just be interacting with people and seeing things he's never seen before and to have guidance from the wildmother. and then later, after aeor and so many more horrible things have happened, he admits to calliope that its too much and the outside world is scary and big and he's so so tired and he keeps saying how tired he is. so basically ideal ending that he gets to go home and get better and heal enough to be excited when he heads out into the world again
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nightmarearian · 6 months
do you think the abyss healed Childe’s scars?
realistically I know it’s stupid graphics & model “limitations”
But do you think his skin looks as normal as it did before he fell.
Cause when they’re hit, an abyss monster.
They disintegrate.
Do you think Ajax’s scars healed like that? In the abyss? After it, too?
Do you think they burned? Or was it numb, as the darkened skin faded away with little, yellow, glowing particles?
That he has no evidence of his suffering for those three months in hell (and his only companion’s silence) but dull eyes no one wants to look at?
Callouses on his hands and feet that no one pays attention to? Takes care of?
That he shows his prowess and uncanniness and abyssal hunger because that’s the only way how? Yes. he is hungry and wants a fight. Look at him. He’s off. Broken now.
Look at him.
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sugarcoatednightshade · 6 months
Israels actions against Palestine make me sick to my stomach. Every time I look at the news I see some new horror they are committing, and see how they are justifying the inexcusable, I feel sick to my stomach with rage. But now, in the heart of Ramadan, the word angry feels too small for the fire I feel in my chest.
Palestine will not be able to properly celebrate Ramadan this year. Trying to explain the situation to people who have never interacted with the community is difficult. Even when thinking to myself, I have the urge to compare it to what I know. "Imagine if there was no Christmas." "Imagine if someone took away Easter." "Imagine there was no food on Thanksgiving."
But Ramadan is not any of those things. The fact that there is no Ramadan in Palestine should be enough to make you angry.
I've been living in a muslim country for six months now. Ramadan is not nearly as festive as Eid was, but its presence is unmistakable. You can taste the joy in the air. Children here get out of school early this month. There is a school across from my home; I hear their laughter every day. String lights hang from the balconies of my neighbors, wrap around palm trees, dangle from streetlights. In the news I read that the Sheik has pardoned hundreds of prisoners, paying off their fines himself in the spirit of charity. Shops here are decorated to match, with cut out stars and crescent moons and streamers. Many shops offer discounts. "70% off home delivery."
There are festivals in the streets and lectures in the colleges.
It is wonderful. And the people of Palestine do not have this. Their fasting is forced, their children out of school by force, their houses lit by firebombs and not crescent moon LEDs, homes that smell of gunsmoke instead of oud.
I hate Israel. It feels childish to admit this. It feels like a shortcoming; hate is what causes this crisis, I should be able to focus on loving Palestine instead of adding more hate to the world. But it is a word I can't help but feel when I think about what Isreal has done, is doing, will do to the people of Palestine. What injustices they will force upon them next. Hate. It's not something I say lightly, but it is something I feel I must say.
I am not disappointed in Israel. I am not sympathetic to their 'cause.' I will not censor myself to sound more moderate, to convince the undecided. I hate Israel. I hate Israel. I hate Israel.
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wistfulwatcher · 2 years
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most confused hardest working kitchen staff in all of exandria!
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kickedin17 · 2 months
That gifset of the handshake made me think about Clancy and Torchy doing it in the nico mv and now I'm pondering the narrative logic for the characters doing it when they meet up there..... because on one hand it implies that they do know each other/are probably already good friends (wink) and have spent time together before, even though Clancy's writing doesn't explicitly indicate that. On the other hand, it could be they've in fact never seen each other in their lives before that moment, and upon locking eyes for the first time their bodies just Did That as some type of instinctive bro/mating ritual
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plan-3-tmars · 10 months
Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart.
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Hey I think the framing of this scene is really fucking cool and I wanna talk about it because I haven't seen anybody do that. yet so. yahooo!! let's get into it
BUT FIRST. Symbolism:
an empty chair can symbolise the absence or memory of someone dear who has passed away. This is very obviously meant to represent Hinako in this scenario
In my interpretation, this scene is Kazui saying goodbye to Hinako and apologising for the circumstances of her death.
The lyrics that play are:
"I’m sure nothing will change and we’ll laugh together and call each other stupid names, so many things I wish i hadn't known, I'm just a coward."
The first part of this verse sounds like he's wishfully thinking about what could've happened after he told her the truth - if anything a bit naively.
Kazui wanted (and still wants) to get the weight of his lies off his chest, but he wasn't ready to face the consequences of that confession, most likely making Hinako's death hit even harder.
Here, he bows to the chair before turning around leaving, a silent goodbye.
But what about what's going on in the background of this scene? Well!
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As Kazui leaves, these two scenes flash in the background. On the table in the first shot is our good friend the green apple, and Background Kazui picks it up, analyses it, before biting it.
So let's go for another symbolism refresher!!
Green apples can sometimes represent platonic relationships, like friendship, but in Kazui's case this takes the form of a sin - as not loving Hinako romantically is what he's lying about - making it a reference to the Garden of Eden story.
Going from that, biting into an apple can represent feeding into temptation.
My interpretation of this scene is Pre-Marriage Kazui indulging in his 'sin', which in my opinion is the fact he's gay.
Let's go back to that lyric shall we:
"I’m sure nothing will change and we’ll laugh together and call each other stupid names, so many things I wish i hadn't known, I'm just a coward."
So many things you wish you hadn't known huh.. Not knowing you were gay would sure make lying to your wife a whole lot easier wouldn't it?
"What I gave up a long time ago, why is it questioning me now? So many things that I should now have known, I'm just a coward"
Woohoo evidence for Background Kazui being Pre-Marriage Kazui!!!
I think this scene is the last time Kazui let himself be free before marrying Hinako. This could possibly have been when he noticed she had a crush on him at their work.
He's indulging one last time. Embracing his sin instead of hiding it away one. last. time. before giving it up for good, almost like a. goodbye.
So. I think this scene is framed this way in order to show the parallel of Kazui giving up his sin, and Kazui mourning Hinako's death.
As established, they both have a "goodbye, I'm sorry things turned out this way" atmosphere to them. Kazui is apologetic, in a way, that he has to give up on being his true self and he is apologetic of his lies murdering Hinako, so Milgram conveys this by showing the two scenes posed the same way in front of one another.
This framing also gives the scene a Beginning Vs End feeling that I think is really cool, and the use of Dark Vs Light colours only heightens that! (Though that's slightly off topic rip)
Conclusion? I love this scene it's awesome and amazing and super cool
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undersea arc. undersea arc. when. undersea arc when.
#my post#please. please. please. on my hands and knees BEGGINGGGG#maybe if gill didnt get donjon'd theydve gone#bcus it was like. that was when they were like 'its too dangerous out here we need to get ollie home Now.'#but if theyd just gone to the feywild. put on a funny show. fought the doctor. and then gone back to liquidis?#ollie wouldve gone 'just oneee more adventure pleaseee :( pleaseeeeeee :(' and chip wouldve caved and well. well. opens the map.#yeah the undersea capitol is actually pretty close to liquidis#they couldve gone. they couldve gone#I NEED THINGS TO BE NOT DIRE. I NEED THINGS TO BE SILLY AGAIN#although if they go to the undersea its automatically going to be dire anyways.#goddd i want an undersea arc i want gillion to see the REAL elders again#yknow how in ep 53 chip and gill sorta stood in the back and shouted encouragement to jay but ultimately let her handle the situation when#it came to her dad. i think confronting the elders will go much the same way#guh. god i want them to go to the undersea i luterally think about this all the fucking time#going to warn the elders about the navy and the black sea spreading and the nameless prince.#wwhat if gill could show them the room he grew up in. what if they go there and its bare empty. what if they scrubbed all evidence gill eve#existed.#alternate also evil version. what if they somehow ran into gills parents. and he doesnt recognize them but they recognize him#more because of the coral crown than anything else#guh. idk man i just desperately want them to go to the undersea
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“Listen, heart’s lady—-before I’ve done I mean to be king and emperor.”
(Busman’s Honeymoon 1937)
Contender for most romantic lines of all time, and, given the context, sexiest…
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why did he do this (rhetorical) (profoundly affected)
#obviously referenced from start to finish. half second shots that kill#you go ''i was already Changed by the mere socked glasses flip / kick gifs. i'm ready'' but you are actually collapsed on the ground#raising my hand as one of the handful of randos who stood up suddenly these past few months like why yes i Will watch your films then#and also as [guy lecturing & emphatically pointing to laptop] i have to do everything myself the undereye coloring is a distinctive trait#fashion icon shit around here also i'm not kidding in the least#i want well another pair of glasses for one & graphic tees short shorts a fanny pack a calculator(?) buttonsy digital watch i completely do#also again with the adhd these flashbacks were beautiful. inspiring. revelatory. profound (cont.)#it's also occurring to me that i've watched a couple movies for the first time recently and it was like. man cmon#one horror one that was like. I Said Man Cmon. another non horror one that was just like an unending shrug#all the more appreciation like yeah hey a horror movie and also just a movie where it's like yes i'm completely along for the ride wahoo yay#raising my third hand as a correct opinions about media haver#corned beef#it#no time to be coy i was here three and greater than three years ago. and just nowadays; evidently:#reddie#online listicle video voice The Couple Of Dozen V Varied Moments From The IT Movies That Drew Blood (Mine)#whoever came up with this sequence i'm kissing on the mouth like my god. again: profound#the power of the rileable using their end of things as their plausible deniability. like oh god i hope he thinks i'm cool. ok asshole Enough#being the guy Just Standing There like fellas the boy you're in love with very insistently did this wyd (only caring abt literature)#adding a 50% pink overlay like it comes time to make these coloring choices & i put on a vivacious song to inspire having fun / being myself#great choice imo. now to slide right under that midnight est wire
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discjude · 5 months
whatever afterlife exists in SGE must be the funniest shit ever imagine being some Jaunt Jolie peasant who gets a little too in the way of the Snake and dying only to see The Literal School Master cheering the Snake on. Imagine dying of like cholera or something and taking a little Ghost Vacation to Camelot and seeing the King of Camelot - who's dead, apparently - beating the shit out of some random other boy with weird eyes. imagine how flesh and blood went down. Do you think they all had popcorn for that
#I've noticed I have a pattern of putting a vast majority of what I have to say in the tags. and im doing it again#first of all I'm pretty sure there's confirmation that there is some sort of afterlife in SGE#in the chapter Dovey dies there's a brief appearance from ghost lady lesso#and in F+B there's a tedros line “the only place scum like that can be king is in hell”#which is immediately followed by the coldest japeth line I can remember but this aint about him#second of all this is largely an assumption but there's reasonable evidence to support the fact that Rafal was actually on Japeth's side#given that he wanted him to kill Sophie (I think) or just punish her a bit for killing him#it's actually left intentionally vague as to whether or not ARIC was on Japeth's side#in F+B tedros' version of Aric isn't and says that he a) wants nothing to do with Camelot (or Rhian)#and b) didn't want japeth to kill like thousands of people for him#so we really just. don't know#what I would also say is the fact that the prequels characters and the main series characters probably had some DEEP conversations#do you think the old Saders and the new Saders argued about who saw it coming first#or vulcan and Aric were besties (many areas of common interest. violence comes to mind)#I would kill for a version of one true king where there's just annotations from the ghosts#someone should write a fic or something#god that's a lot of tags#sge#tsfgae#school for good and evil#the school for good and evil#japethposting#sfgae#this was a draft if you couldn't tell
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suncaptor · 7 months
nothing will make you sympathise with conspiracy theorist ideology more than having a seemingly rare reaction to a vaccine lmao.
#reading articles that try to falsify genuine incorrect information about the covid vaccines from 2021 is making me feel insane#'there's no way the covid vaccine can trigger an autoimmune disorder' uhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH#factually extremely wrong!#they're soooo condescening too like why on EARTH do you think people who are genuinely sick or scared would believe you.#they'll be like there's no scientific evidence that anyone can be harmed by the covid vaccine <3 blatantly untrue.#I know that part of this is retrospect like obviously since more studies have come out and all#but it's infurirating bc they're from the time *I* was having those symptoms *and* telling doctors about it *and* being told the connection#to my other severe symptoms from the covid vaccine were Utterly Impossible (since proven false) and that if the symptoms WERE related#it meant i had a life threatening illness at worst and had a high chance of losing my vision at best#likeeeeeeeee#doctors still DO NOT know what the fuck they're doing do NOT trust anyone who gives ANY 100% answers#i don't know why i'm doing this i just said to stop obsessing but i'm just reading pages and articles on countering misinformation to make#sure i don't -- i want to know the conspiracy theories to recognise them immediately right#and then people are just saying bullshit to defend themselves#i mean most of the anti covid vacc people were also far right so i don't have too much sympathy for their vaccine ideology#but like. fucking hell what a way to push people into conspiracies.#you CAN'T counter misinformation by SPREADING MORE MISINFORMATION#just because it SOUNDS BETTER and MORE REASSURING to say there's not chance of harm doesn't mean you should#there's A LOW chance of harm THAT IS MUCH MUCH less high than the impacts of covid#god I'm pissed off. 2021 i was so fucking terrified of spreading this shit just by talking about my lived experiences.#to say i was not taking the pandemic seriously OR anti vax is so blatantly ridiculous considering who I am as a person but that doesn't mea#that the covid vaccine specifically didn't make me ill ://////#delete
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sysig · 1 year
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Just a few favourites, only a couple, I swear (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Lord Hater#Sylvia#Wander#SCII#ZEX#DAX#Emperor Awesome#Continuing to feel deeply normal about C. Peeps don't even worry about it I'm so normal about him lol#Definitely not thinking about him a lot or anything#Oh yeah and I guess there's a few others there as well lol they're also invited#The middlies of Hater and Sylvia and Wander were mostly getting back into the groove of drawing them since it's been so long#It's wild to me 'cause I know I doodled them for a good clip of time but it was before I was regularly posting so there's no evidence!#Lol - I just looked back at my original doodles and one of my notes reads ''Got 99 problems and C. Peeps is about 4 of them'' - accurate#I also recently realized that part of my love of DAX/ZEX's dynamic is probably rooted in my love of Death Glare.....parallels man every time#The subordinate/Keeper role who is solely devoted to their higher up and calls them Sir - and the one large eye! Lol#I've also found a surprising amount of like?? really gorgeous Rule 63 of a lot of the big names in the cast! I was surprised!#Lots of very cute Hater and Wander but gods Peepers is the absolutely cutest as a lady I can't get over it#Doesn't stop my rampant transmasc Peepers HC tho lol - I like him fine as cis as well here and there for flavour lol#But trans C. Peeps just feels the Most correct#I didn't see much of 63'd Awesome tho! Which I think is a shame Awesome has a very nice design#I actually really like Awesome! I think I like his fanon interpretation better but how fun his design is helps haha#A lot of things would've gone differently if there were more lady villains but I for one would've been about 50% more gay so there's that lo#Muscley shark lady 👉👈 Electric skeleton lady 👉👈 We've already got the lava lady villain! More!! Lol
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todayisafridaynight · 20 days
i’m pretty surprised that you can be in a fandom without really checking the tags regularly for new content or discussions that’s pretty impressive
ive got twitter for that and twitter has shown me enough as is
#snap chats#i dont even check twitter specifically for rgg its just that my algorithms been formed that way cause friends send me tweets#on the real though jvALEKJEKL ive always. how you say. played with dolls alone#so being alone online isnt hard or anything particularly 'impressive' to me its just how i roll#ive always lived in my head i guess- with my interests that is. its fun up there vlkeajkla#i still like to hear from other people of course but for the most part im happy with just myself im not all that pressed for others#i think its also just. i have. other interests? so i dont really think i want to look at One Particular Thing that day. at least for tumblr#i MIGHT just cause thats how the day goes but i dont think 'i feel like looking at rgg art today'#whatever i see I See and that'll be that yk i love a lot of things and think of a lot of things#evidently SOME things take a hold of me more than others- or ill wanna be more public bout it at least#but thats jsut cause i just feel SO MUCH for Whatever Thing It Is At The Time that i want to share it. so then i do jvlskjs#with that in mind can i really say im 'in' a fandom when i dont particularly interact with it LMAO#again always happy to do so but im like an estranged uncle if anything#come over once a year to drop gifts off then i leave. ill still respond to holiday cards though if theyre sent#also for discussions ill usually just talk to my brother about it since he'll usually be The Main Sponge for my rambling LOLOL#god's strongest soldier i promise i try to hold back but im afraid i feel my brain physically tickle my skull#my brother always has to watch in real time me be consumed by a piece of media. like its a symbiote its really funny#cause at this point we'll meet in the kitchen and ill start like 'you know whats really funny..'#and he'll just. 'ok so who's it about today' LIKE PLEAAAASSSEEE. anyways prepare for my ninth 90 minute lecture about This Character#i also have a friend that i talk about my interests with- not all the time but enough that im like. Yeah Im Good Talkin Bout This#like the dopamine in my brain is activated JUST enough when i get to have quick short convos bout it with her#honestly maybe i should use my blacklisted main and rb ALL of my sideblog posts there#just so the people following that can Also witness me be consumed in real time <- will not do this
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