#and innovative programs
guru-kashi-university · 4 months
Best Private University in Punjab, India
Experience academic excellence at Punjab's premier private university. With state-of-the-art facilities, renowned faculty, and innovative programs, our institution is dedicated to nurturing future leaders. From engineering to management, humanities to sciences, we offer a diverse range of disciplines to suit every passion and career aspiration. Embrace a dynamic learning environment where creativity thrives, ideas flourish, and opportunities abound. Join us on a transformative educational journey and unlock your potential for success in the heart of Punjab, India's educational hub.
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gayvampyr · 2 years
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any sliver of a chance i had of appreciating AI has been completely decimated by this clownery
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Judd Legum at Popular Information:
In 2024, reliable access to high-speed internet is no longer a luxury; it is a basic necessity. From job applications to managing personal finances and completing school work, internet access is an essential part of daily life. Without an internet connection, individuals are effectively cut off from basic societal activities. 
But the reality is that many people — particularly those living around the poverty line — can not afford internet access. Without internet access, the difficult task of working your way from the American economy's bottom rung becomes virtually impossible.   On November 21, 2021, President Biden signed the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The new law included the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which provided up to $30 per month to individuals or families with income up to 200% of the federal poverty line to help pay for high-speed internet. (For a family of four, the poverty line is currently $31,200.) On Tribal lands, where internet access is generally more expensive, the ACP offers subsidies up to $75 per month.  The concept started during the Trump administration. The last budget enacted by Trump included $3.2 billion to help families afford internet access. The FCC made the money available as a subsidy to low-income individuals and families through a program known as the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program. The legislation signed by Biden extended and formalized the program.  It has been a smashing success.
Today, the ACP is "helping 23 million households – 1 in 6 households across America." The program has particularly benefited "rural communities, veterans, and older Americans where the lack of affordable, reliable high-speed internet contributes to significant economic, health and other disparities." According to an FCC survey, two-thirds of beneficiaries "reported they had inconsistent internet service or no internet service at all prior to ACP." These households report using their high-speed internet to "schedule or attend healthcare appointments (72%), apply for jobs or complete work (48%), do schoolwork (75% for ACP subscribers 18-24 years old)." Tomorrow, the program will abruptly end.  In October 2023, the White House sent a supplemental budget request to Congress, which included $6 billion to extend the program through the end of 2024. There is also a bipartisan bill, the Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act, which would extend the program with $7 billion in funding. The benefits of the program have shown to be far greater than the costs. An academic study published in February 2024 found that "for every dollar spent on the ACP, the nation’s GDP increases by $3.89." The program will lapse tomorrow because Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) refuses to bring either the bill (or the supplemental funding request) to a vote. The Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act has 225 co-sponsors which means that, if Johnson held a vote, it would pass. 
The Republican attack on affordable internet
Why will Johnson not even allow a vote to extend the ACP? He is not commenting. But there are hints in the federal budget produced by the Republican Study Committee (RSC). The RSC is the "conservative caucus" of the House GOP, and counts 179 of the 217 Republicans in the House as members. Johnson served as the chair of the RSC in 2019 and 2020. He is currently a member of the group's executive committee.  The RSC's latest budget says it "stands against" the ACP and labels it a "government handout[] that disincentivize[s] prosperity." The RSC claims the program is unnecessary because "80 percent" of beneficiaries had internet access before the program went into effect. For that statistic, the RSC cites a report from a right-wing think tank, the Economic Policy Innovation Center (EPIC), which opposes the ACP. EPIC, in turn, cites an FCC survey to support its contention that 80% of ACP beneficiaries already had internet access. The survey actually found that "over two-thirds of survey respondents (68%) reported they had inconsistent internet service or no internet service at all prior to ACP."
[...] The RSC also falsely claims that funding for the precursor to the ACP, the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB), "was signed into law at the end of President Biden’s first year in office." This is false. Former President Trump signed the funding into law in December 2020. The RSC's position is not popular. A December 2023 poll found that 79% of voters support "continuing the ACP, including 62% of Republicans, 78% of Independents, and 96% of Democrats."
In 2024, access to the internet is a necessity and not just a luxury, and the Republicans are set to end the Affordable Connectivity Program if no action is taken. The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provided subsidies to low-income people and families to obtain internet access.
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h3ll0-my-n3me-is · 1 month
do you think computers are deserving of affection ?
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[ indeed I think computers are the most efficient and useful piece of technology to date . ! Of course they aren’t done surprising us yet, the economy is growing delightfully due to these boxes of heaven . ! ! ]
[ well actually it depends on if they do their jobs . . ]
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jrueships · 9 months
babygirl please leave the elderly alone
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woolandcoffee · 8 months
Semi-regular reminder that I hate the term "artificial intelligence" becoming short hand for "marginally faster data sorting computer program" and I genuinely think a lot of y'all are foolish for taking the marketing bait.
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junk-culture · 7 months
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learning-robotics · 3 months
Mastering Neural Networks: A Deep Dive into Combining Technologies
How Can Two Trained Neural Networks Be Combined?
In the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI), neural networks have emerged as a cornerstone technology, driving advancements across various fields. But have you ever wondered how combining two trained neural networks can enhance their performance and capabilities? Let’s dive deep into the fascinating world of neural networks and explore how combining them can open new horizons in AI.
Basics of Neural Networks
What is a Neural Network?
Neural networks, inspired by the human brain, consist of interconnected nodes or "neurons" that work together to process and analyze data. These networks can identify patterns, recognize images, understand speech, and even generate human-like text. Think of them as a complex web of connections where each neuron contributes to the overall decision-making process.
How Neural Networks Work
Neural networks function by receiving inputs, processing them through hidden layers, and producing outputs. They learn from data by adjusting the weights of connections between neurons, thus improving their ability to predict or classify new data. Imagine a neural network as a black box that continuously refines its understanding based on the information it processes.
Types of Neural Networks
From simple feedforward networks to complex convolutional and recurrent networks, neural networks come in various forms, each designed for specific tasks. Feedforward networks are great for straightforward tasks, while convolutional neural networks (CNNs) excel in image recognition, and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are ideal for sequential data like text or speech.
Why Combine Neural Networks?
Advantages of Combining Neural Networks
Combining neural networks can significantly enhance their performance, accuracy, and generalization capabilities. By leveraging the strengths of different networks, we can create a more robust and versatile model. Think of it as assembling a team where each member brings unique skills to tackle complex problems.
Applications in Real-World Scenarios
In real-world applications, combining neural networks can lead to breakthroughs in fields like healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems. For example, in medical diagnostics, combining networks can improve the accuracy of disease detection, while in finance, it can enhance the prediction of stock market trends.
Methods of Combining Neural Networks
Ensemble Learning
Ensemble learning involves training multiple neural networks and combining their predictions to improve accuracy. This approach reduces the risk of overfitting and enhances the model's generalization capabilities.
Bagging, or Bootstrap Aggregating, trains multiple versions of a model on different subsets of the data and combines their predictions. This method is simple yet effective in reducing variance and improving model stability.
Boosting focuses on training sequential models, where each model attempts to correct the errors of its predecessor. This iterative process leads to a powerful combined model that performs well even on difficult tasks.
Stacking involves training multiple models and using a "meta-learner" to combine their outputs. This technique leverages the strengths of different models, resulting in superior overall performance.
Transfer Learning
Transfer learning is a method where a pre-trained neural network is fine-tuned on a new task. This approach is particularly useful when data is scarce, allowing us to leverage the knowledge acquired from previous tasks.
Concept of Transfer Learning
In transfer learning, a model trained on a large dataset is adapted to a smaller, related task. For instance, a model trained on millions of images can be fine-tuned to recognize specific objects in a new dataset.
How to Implement Transfer Learning
To implement transfer learning, we start with a pretrained model, freeze some layers to retain their knowledge, and fine-tune the remaining layers on the new task. This method saves time and computational resources while achieving impressive results.
Advantages of Transfer Learning
Transfer learning enables quicker training times and improved performance, especially when dealing with limited data. It’s like standing on the shoulders of giants, leveraging the vast knowledge accumulated from previous tasks.
Neural Network Fusion
Neural network fusion involves merging multiple networks into a single, unified model. This method combines the strengths of different architectures to create a more powerful and versatile network.
Definition of Neural Network Fusion
Neural network fusion integrates different networks at various stages, such as combining their outputs or merging their internal layers. This approach can enhance the model's ability to handle diverse tasks and data types.
Types of Neural Network Fusion
There are several types of neural network fusion, including early fusion, where networks are combined at the input level, and late fusion, where their outputs are merged. Each type has its own advantages depending on the task at hand.
Implementing Fusion Techniques
To implement neural network fusion, we can combine the outputs of different networks using techniques like averaging, weighted voting, or more sophisticated methods like learning a fusion model. The choice of technique depends on the specific requirements of the task.
Cascade Network
Cascade networks involve feeding the output of one neural network as input to another. This approach creates a layered structure where each network focuses on different aspects of the task.
What is a Cascade Network?
A cascade network is a hierarchical structure where multiple networks are connected in series. Each network refines the outputs of the previous one, leading to progressively better performance.
Advantages and Applications of Cascade Networks
Cascade networks are particularly useful in complex tasks where different stages of processing are required. For example, in image processing, a cascade network can progressively enhance image quality, leading to more accurate recognition.
Practical Examples
Image Recognition
In image recognition, combining CNNs with ensemble methods can improve accuracy and robustness. For instance, a network trained on general image data can be combined with a network fine-tuned for specific object recognition, leading to superior performance.
Natural Language Processing
In natural language processing (NLP), combining RNNs with transfer learning can enhance the understanding of text. A pre-trained language model can be fine-tuned for specific tasks like sentiment analysis or text generation, resulting in more accurate and nuanced outputs.
Predictive Analytics
In predictive analytics, combining different types of networks can improve the accuracy of predictions. For example, a network trained on historical data can be combined with a network that analyzes real-time data, leading to more accurate forecasts.
Challenges and Solutions
Technical Challenges
Combining neural networks can be technically challenging, requiring careful tuning and integration. Ensuring compatibility between different networks and avoiding overfitting are critical considerations.
Data Challenges
Data-related challenges include ensuring the availability of diverse and high-quality data for training. Managing data complexity and avoiding biases are essential for achieving accurate and reliable results.
Possible Solutions
To overcome these challenges, it’s crucial to adopt a systematic approach to model integration, including careful preprocessing of data and rigorous validation of models. Utilizing advanced tools and frameworks can also facilitate the process.
Tools and Frameworks
Popular Tools for Combining Neural Networks
Tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras provide extensive support for combining neural networks. These platforms offer a wide range of functionalities and ease of use, making them ideal for both beginners and experts.
Frameworks to Use
Frameworks like Scikit-learn, Apache MXNet, and Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit offer specialized support for ensemble learning, transfer learning, and neural network fusion. These frameworks provide robust tools for developing and deploying combined neural network models.
Future of Combining Neural Networks
Emerging Trends
Emerging trends in combining neural networks include the use of advanced ensemble techniques, the integration of neural networks with other AI models, and the development of more sophisticated fusion methods.
Potential Developments
Future developments may include the creation of more powerful and efficient neural network architectures, enhanced transfer learning techniques, and the integration of neural networks with other technologies like quantum computing.
Case Studies
Successful Examples in Industry
In healthcare, combining neural networks has led to significant improvements in disease diagnosis and treatment recommendations. For example, combining CNNs with RNNs has enhanced the accuracy of medical image analysis and patient monitoring.
Lessons Learned from Case Studies
Key lessons from successful case studies include the importance of data quality, the need for careful model tuning, and the benefits of leveraging diverse neural network architectures to address complex problems.
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Best Practices
Strategies for Effective Combination
Effective strategies for combining neural networks include using ensemble methods to enhance performance, leveraging transfer learning to save time and resources, and adopting a systematic approach to model integration.
Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Common pitfalls to avoid include overfitting, ignoring data quality, and underestimating the complexity of model integration. By being aware of these challenges, we can develop more robust and effective combined neural network models.
Combining two trained neural networks can significantly enhance their capabilities, leading to more accurate and versatile AI models. Whether through ensemble learning, transfer learning, or neural network fusion, the potential benefits are immense. By adopting the right strategies and tools, we can unlock new possibilities in AI and drive advancements across various fields.
What is the easiest method to combine neural networks?
The easiest method is ensemble learning, where multiple models are combined to improve performance and accuracy.
Can different types of neural networks be combined?
Yes, different types of neural networks, such as CNNs and RNNs, can be combined to leverage their unique strengths.
What are the typical challenges in combining neural networks?
Challenges include technical integration, data quality, and avoiding overfitting. Careful planning and validation are essential.
How does combining neural networks enhance performance?
Combining neural networks enhances performance by leveraging diverse models, reducing errors, and improving generalization.
Is combining neural networks beneficial for small datasets?
Yes, combining neural networks can be beneficial for small datasets, especially when using techniques like transfer learning to leverage knowledge from larger datasets.
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makers-muse · 1 month
Tips for Encouraging Girls to Start Coding Early 
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When Maya was just eight years old, she discovered a fascination with how her favorite video games worked. Her parents, noticing her curiosity, decided to introduce her to coding. They enrolled her in an after-school coding club where she was one of the few girls. At first, Maya felt unsure, but with the encouragement of her teacher and the support of her parents, she began to see coding not just as something she could do, but as something she loved. Maya’s journey highlights the importance of early exposure to coding for girls, setting the foundation for future success in technology. 
Why Start Coding Early? 
Introducing girls to coding at a young age is essential for developing problem-solving skills, creativity, and confidence. According to research by the American Association of University Women (AAUW), girls who engage in STEM activities early on are more likely to pursue these fields in the future. Early exposure helps break down the stereotypes that coding is “only for boys” and allows girls to see themselves as capable coders from the start. 
Practical Tips for Encouraging Girls to Code 
Make Coding Fun and Relatable 
The best way to spark a girl’s interest in coding is to make it fun. Use platforms like Scratch or Code.org that turn coding into a game-like experience. These tools allow girls to create stories, animations, and games, making coding a creative outlet rather than just a technical skill. 
Encourage your daughter or students to build projects based on their interests, whether it’s creating a game with their favorite characters or designing an app that helps solve a problem they care about. When coding is connected to their passions, girls are more likely to stay engaged and motivated. 
Introduce Role Models and Mentors 
Seeing women who have succeeded in tech can inspire girls to pursue coding. Introduce your daughter or students to female role models in the field. This could be through books, videos, or even local coding clubs where women in tech share their experiences. 
Mentorship is another powerful tool. Studies show that girls with mentors are more likely to continue in STEM fields. If possible, connect girls with female mentors who can guide them, answer questions, and encourage them along their coding journey. 
Create a Supportive Environment 
Girls often feel more comfortable exploring coding when they are in a supportive and encouraging environment. As a parent or educator, create a space where girls feel safe to ask questions, make mistakes, and try new things. Celebrate their successes and help them learn from challenges without fear of judgment. 
You can also foster a supportive community by encouraging girls to join coding clubs or groups where they can collaborate with other girls. These communities provide a sense of belonging, which is crucial in retaining girls in coding programs. 
Use Gender-Neutral Language and Examples 
The way we talk about coding can have a big impact on how girls perceive it. Avoid language that reinforces stereotypes, such as referring to coders as “he” or using examples that only boys might find interesting. Instead, use gender-neutral language and examples that appeal to a wide range of interests. 
For instance, instead of saying, “Let’s build a robot that plays football,” try “Let’s design a robot that can play your favorite sport.” This small change in wording can make coding feel more inclusive and accessible to girls. 
Encourage Persistence and Resilience 
Coding can be challenging, especially for beginners. Encourage girls to view coding as a process of trial and error, where mistakes are a natural part of learning. Teach them to approach problems with a growth mindset, understanding that persistence and practice lead to improvement. 
Share stories of successful women in tech who overcame obstacles and kept going despite challenges. This can help girls see that coding is not about being perfect but about continually learning and growing. 
The Long-Term Benefits of Early Coding 
Starting coding early not only builds technical skills but also fosters critical thinking, creativity, and resilience skills that are valuable in any career. Girls who begin coding young are more likely to pursue STEM degrees and careers, contributing to a more diverse and innovative tech industry. 
Programs like Black Girls Code and Girls Who Code have shown that early exposure to coding can lead to long-term success in technology. These programs emphasize the importance of starting early and providing girls with the resources, mentorship, and support they need to thrive in coding. 
Start the Journey Today 
Encouraging girls to start coding early is a powerful way to empower them for the future. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or mentor, you can play a crucial role in guiding girls on their coding journey. 
Join us at Makers Muse to explore coding resources, mentorship opportunities, and supportive communities designed to help girls succeed. Start the journey today and watch as they grow into confident, creative coders! 
Do you have questions regarding our STEM program?
Contact us anytime.
Take your first step into the magical world of coding for kids
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usadvlottery · 8 months
US Visa Policies Embrace Innovation: In a dynamic global landscape, the United States is adapting its visa policies to embrace innovation. With a focus on attracting top talent, fostering entrepreneurship, and encouraging technological advancement, these policies aim to facilitate the entry of skilled professionals, researchers, and entrepreneurs who contribute to America's economic growth and technological leadership. Through streamlined processes, expanded visa categories, and initiatives such as the Startup Visa Program, the US is welcoming innovators from around the world, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation forward."
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shansmithac · 4 months
Explore the complete guide to web and mobile apps: advantages, challenges, comparisons, pros, and cons. Stay informed with the latest insights and best practices.
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marandsviet · 5 months
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(via "Artificial Intelligence is Within Us" Classic T-Shirt for Sale by MarandSviet)
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wickedhawtwexler · 6 months
writing is so funny. when i first started writing this story in 2016, i included a character who was basically a self-insert character. she is now the lesbian biologist version of walter white
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Katerina is just such a fantastic Odile
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mysocial8onetech · 11 months
Explore the intersection of AI and creativity with our in-depth article on Supermind Ideator. Learn about its unique features, how it’s shaping the future of problem-solving and insightful information.
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