#and in that sense i do have a preference towards preserving something
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not-poignant · 1 year ago
Hi Pia! I was rereading one of your works and was wondering if you’d maybe wanna discuss the quotations for dialogue? I know both are correct, but I just got a little curious about it the usage of ‘spoken words’ vs “spoken words” and your preference for one. Usually when I’ve seen the ‘spoken words,’ it’s been for older works.
Hi anon,
My preference is that I'm Australian, I learned writing at university many many years ago now (I am an old), and I was taught correct Australian grammar there! And while I still make mistakes on some things, dialogue isn't it.
Some people use the US "" instead of the Australian '' - and that's now okay simply because so many people were doing it, the editors of Australia were like 'fuck it, you can do it' (with exceptions) - but like, most of the Australian copies of international books that I have, actually don't use " " for dialogue at all.
I'm going to get some examples, because this is something you've likely never seen, because publishing houses change the grammar based on the country. This means that books that have double quotation marks everywhere else in the world for dialogue, have single quotation marks in Australia if you're picking them up in Australia or they've been published through most Australian publishers. Because buying books is more global now, Australians will likely have a mix of double quotations and single quotations books. Many Australians don't even realise there's a difference, they're so used to it.
Here's an Australian book:
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(Skins by Sarah Hay)
So that makes sense for an Australian book by an Australian author.
What about the classic The Collector by John Fowles. Surely, that not being an Australian book, that'd have double quotation marks right?
Not if it was published here:
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What about something a little more recent? Like The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy?
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I'm not sure how to explain it beyond: 'Literally almost every book we pick up here that was published here does this, and it's not a like quirky preference, it's literally what we grew up seeing and reading. To us, double quotation marks is unusual and seems more 'quirky'.'
This is less common now as an attitude simply because of globalisation and the internet existing. But for most of my life, buying books meant only seeing dialogue like this. Right up until I was in the 30s, I think. Purchasing books online changed that, and people who grew up with the internet from the very beginning are going to be more used to seeing double quotation marks.
But many Australian publishers will still insist on correct Australian grammar with preference given to Australian grammar.
Our grammar is quite strange, and sort of a mix between US and UK but with some unique aspects of which you've probably noticed the single quotation marks is one.
That's because Australian grammar is built on journalism, and anything that saved space in a newspaper was prioritised. So Australian grammar eliminates double spaces at the end of periods. It eliminates double quotations because they take up extra space. There are dash rules designed to eliminate space that an article might take up.
And you know, I'm quite proud of that grammar. :D It does get me some heat when I publish something, usually from grammar puritans from the USA, which is why I now just post a blanket 'this author uses Australian grammar so you may notice some departures with dialogue grammar' caveat.
Anyway, the reason/s most newer works have double quotations is because a) they're being purchased en masse overseas and that's cheaper than publishing here, b) those Australians are young and have learned to write based on overseas writing, c) they don't know actually know Australian grammar, it's not actually taught well in our curriculums, d) it is just something they prefer, e) they publish with overseas publishers and because they have to edit their works to UK or US grammar anyway, they just adopted it because it's easier that way, f) someone erroneously corrected them for doing the right thing and they changed to another country's dialogue grammar, g) it really is okay to just pick the one you like best now and stick with it, h) some screen readers cannot cope with single quotation marks (which imho, is something screen readers need to address if it means ignoring an entire country's/continent's grammar style).
And finally, here's the Australian Government Style Guide, which still doesn't permit double quotation marks at all in dialogue.
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aspoonofsugar · 4 months ago
Any thoughts on what Oscar’s semblance will end up being? Since Oscar’s magic has come from Ozma and is more in line with “destruction” as a contrast to Ruby’s eyes which are tied to “creation”, I’ve often thought that it would make sense for Oscar’s semblance, as a means of self-affirmation to be something that also represents creation/preservation, which would make him more like Ruby and also find his own sense of who he is as a person. After all, if Oscar/Ozma are supposed to achieve a balance by the end then he should possess elements of both, no?
That said, the most common headcanon/theory I see for Oscar’s semblance has been for him to create barriers for defense
 but not only can he already do that with Ozpin’s magic, I feel as though Jaune is actually the character who is more set up to have a defensive evolution for his semblance. There was the flash of light in V1 and his “it’s like a forcefield!” line, Vine’s comment about extending his aura, the shield grenades he used in V8, and just his general tendency to leap in front of people using his shield or body to protect people.
So, to me, this would be a bit of an odd choice for Oscar’s semblance and just make the existing overlap between Jaune and Oscar’s progression as characters more confused. Do you think I have the right idea with the theming of Oscar’s semblance? Or do you think it’ll come from a different place altogether?
It is very difficult to say, cause there could really be many things that fit Oscar.
I agree about both Ruby and Oscar ending up having elements of both creation and destruction, as they are two philosophical children.
When it comes to Oscar's semblance, I think it will be worth the wait, since:
It will appear toward the end and there won't be time to slowly develop it, like Blake, Weiss or Ruby's
Ruby kind of told us so tbh, as she said when Oscar gets a semblance "everyone will be jealous" ;)
I think most semblances tie with the characters' allusions too:
Ruby is super fast cause she is Little Red Riding Hood, so she rides
Weiss's glyphs allude to the Snow Queen fairy tail, but progressively become more Snowhite-like (her summons are characters in Snow-White)
Blake's shadow is symbolic of the beast, as in jungian terms the shadow is also called inner beast
Yang's power has her become too hot, with her hair catching fire, like Goldilock
Jaune gives his aura (his spirit) to others to heal them (he makes miracles), which ties with his Jeanne d'Arc allusion (I agree with the fact he will become a barrier warrior to an extent btw)
And so on...
So, tbh the majority of ideas for Oscar's semblance seem to tie into this theme:
Some theory think his power will tie with time, as time is a recurring motif for him and Ozpin
Other theories (I think this one is @misstrashchan ) instead think he will get the ability to make an astral projection of himself, in a tie in to the Little Prince (the little prince dies, so he leaves his body behind). This could also be used to separate his own soul from Ozpin's
These are my two preferred theories, but again it is impossible to say for sure. I don't think there is much foreshadowing as to what Oscar's semblance will be, differently from Jaune's.
Thank you for the ask!
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tossawary · 1 month ago
There are some good reasons for "Dishonored: Death of the Outsider" not to have done this, so I can't just put it down to a simple lack of time or resources, but I still kind of mourn the absence of the narrative punch that would have been forcing Billie (and the player) to travel all the way back to the Dreadful Wale after The Bank Job.
Because in the vault during The Bank Job, when the player has reached the goal of the mission, the Outsider informs Billie that Daud has passed away while she was doing this. At this moment of success, after finally getting her hands on the knife that made the Outsider, the game delivers a painful emotional punch to Billie Lurk.
The Outsider even does it personally, perhaps out of courtesy, perhaps intentionally making himself the target of Billie's furious grief. Could be both. I lean more towards the latter motivation. The Outsider throughout this game is not attempting to preserve his current state and status at all, he's obviously doing far more the opposite here.
It would be a looooong walk back to the Dreadful Wale all the way from the bank. I believe there would have been at least one loading screen(???) in between. Unless the game specifically made the effort to populate the map with some new obstacles or NPCs with new dialogue and/or new and haunting music, which would have been a lot of additional work, I think that a lot of players might have found that long journey more than a little boring.
But I also find that sort of slow, punishing journey a little appealing, as a follow-up narrative punch. The player would be left to wonder whether or not the Outsider was telling the truth. There would be an increasing sense of dread, returning to Daud with the knife in hand, knowing what Billie will find while also not knowing for certain. Climbing into the Dreadful Wale, going down into its guts, clicking on a closed door, which would activate a cutscene in which Billie falls to her knees before the bed.
Personally, I don't really like the new art style for the overview exposition stuff at the beginning/end of missions in "Dishonored 2", so I felt a little cheated to see such a big emotional beat happen off-screen and be related after-the-fact in this style. I respect the fact that it might have been a lot of work, but I would have preferred even a brief fully animated and acted scene in-game of Billie Lurk making that discovery for herself and reacting to it. I think it's a strength of video games to be able make their audiences play through some uncomfortable scenes.
Adding new obstacles to The Bank Job map for the aftermath of getting the knife could have made the level way too long, and something too exciting also could have arguably interfered with the sense of grief and dread that already does exist as Billie leaves the bank. Nevertheless, it also could have been cool for some alarm to be raised after Billie leaves the bank, blocking off some streets with new obstacles, forcing Billie to improvise yet again.
One of my favorite "Thief" levels is the one where you're in some noble estate stealing shit and the noble gets assassinated while YOU, an intruder dressed up like an assassin, are stuck in the house. The job changes on you in the middle of the mission. It's a real "oh, shit" moment. That level of trapped urgency is probably way too much for the end of The Bank Job in D:DotO here, but I think a shift in obstacles and atmosphere could work well.
I don't think that the obstacles have to be particularly hard to avoid. A ghost player could slip by them. More violent players could have a grieving Billie use the knife to take her emotions out on people.
Alongside obstacles or in their absence, I also think it would have been cool to put new NPCs on the streets with new dialogue. If you want to be especially heavy-handed about it, you could put some kind of funeral procession on the streets. To avoid a barricade, maybe Billie has to go through a window and slip through some kind of memorial service. If you want to be more light-handed about it, you could simply have NPCs comment on the weather or their surroundings in order to build up a particular atmosphere of dread. Have people complain about how their loved ones are always late to everything. Have someone talk about how someone else they know is a liar, you can't believe anything he says. Have someone give up on their dreams and say that nothing matters anymore.
The most powerful thing that can be done, emotionally speaking, is probably a new musical piece for Billie's walk back to the Dreadful Wale. (Also the easiest thing to add, maybe??? Good music alone elevates visual and interactive works incredibly.) Something particularly noticeable and haunting that overtakes the rest of the level. Not something loud, necessarily, but something unignorably different that feels like it's following Billie's every footstep home. Up until Billie reaches the Dreadful Wale and everything goes quiet as she has to find Daud herself.
Again, a lot of fiddly work, potentially, for arguably little return when there are presumably more important elements to work on and a deadline to meet. Nevertheless, not getting to see this heavy emotional beat, a tangible and discomforting follow-up and closure to the Outsider's revelation within this mission, feels like a missed opportunity to me. The moment gets summarized away when, because this is a video game, you could have forced players to really live it.
I also feel sad that we didn't get to see the Dreadful Wale burning or its wreckage. Like, I know that could have been a lot of asset and animation work, but I still think it could have been cool to have the player start the next mission standing on the seaside somewhere, looking out at the last pieces of the Dreadful Wale, before having to walk away. It could have been cool to look out from Billie's eyes as she prepares the boat to be burned, then flash forward as she lights a match, then flash forward as she's watching the ship burn from a distance. The fuzzy time skips and silence showing us just how badly Daud's death has hit Billie.
Maybe the game would have had to have us walk straight into a loading screen to go somewhere else, that's fine!
It's disappointing to have big story moments happen in these little summary videos, when some of my favorite parts of the "Dishonored" series are when they make the player live out something unpleasant as much as possible, like Corvo being poisoned by the conspirators and then found by Daud and the Whalers afterwards. I get that it's easier and faster and sometimes generally better to get through that exposition that way, but there are points where it feels weak, where the moment would have been better happening from the protagonist's overwhelmed and reeling perspective. Like an opportunity for a really good storytelling punch unfortunately passed over due to lack of time and resources.
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waltz-malice · 6 months ago
drdt ch2 ep13 spoilers and my thoughts on everything!!
i adore levi's character, the ASPD representation goes insane and drdtdev is honestly handling it really well and the fact that levi is still trying to be a good person even if he believes it's only out of a sense of 'duty' proves he's a good person to me I LOVE HIM SO BADLY i also feel awful for ace, really loved the insight we got into his character and since both of these two will be getting past this chapter i'm looking forward to seeing how they individually develop as characters and interact with the cast, but also how their dynamic with each other can grow from here
i will say that it pisses me off that i already see people calling it 'toxic yaoi' as this implies they were toxic towards each other in the first place, because ace was just horribly coping with the situation and levi was doing his best to try and act in a healthy manner, TBH AND I DON'T SEE THIS AS 'TOXIC'? NEITHER OF THEM WERE ACTIVELY WORSENING EACH OTHER? yaoi fans when they reduce the characters arc into a simple means of fodder for their ship.. i'm going to get you. hell i still like acevi and see potential for them to grow and be healthier but something about calling it toxic reeks of ableism to me
i also!! got!! hu and veronika content!! DUDE THEY COVERED FOR EACH OTHER THEY TALKED TO EACH OTHER ABOUT IT and that makes me so happy, i think if hu doesn't end up being the culprit then i'll really look forward to seeing how they interact in the future
speaking of hu, she's definitely my biggest culprit idea right now, she either stepped in and finished the job for nico OR she was an accomplice to nico, that's how i feel at least
DAVID AND TERUKO COVERING FOR EACH OTHER/FOR TERUKO... very interesting, i'm really looking forward to see what the foils do next tbh
also arei and david's dynamic makes me insane... arei even going out of his way to preserve the idea of arei for eden and lying, maybe because he thinks that's what arei would've preferred? either way it was a very sweet scene and it makes me SAD because david's possible friends and confidants keep DYING!!
all in all this episode cleared up so many things and threw a lot of new information in that i was NOT expecting, aka the eden and fork imagery... i don't have any concrete thoughts to share on that just yet but this has been a wonderful episode that's changed a lot of things for me, hope ygs enjoyed the episode too!!
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oiblackestsheep · 2 months ago
Would it be totally outlandish for me to put my big six here and for you to guess my MBTI from it? I’m Sagittarius Sun, Aquarius Moon, Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Mercury, Capricorn Venus, Mars Pisces. I know I’m an intuitive thinker but that’s it.
Astrology x MBTI Prediction
Oh HELL yeah, thanks for reaching out, I'd love to do this for you!
Sagittarius: Sun, Mercury
Naturally fierce, optimistic, and philisophical, you'll have an innate love for learning new things that challenge you to expand your mind. More of an iNtuitive astrological sign for sure, but I think that it can be either Ne or Ni, depending on the other placements. Your mercury being in Sagittarius is going to influence you to communicate in very Sag ways, one of the more notable traits being a fast talker who could be more likely to run through a lot of topics really fast. If given the choice between Ne or Ni, I'd lean more towards Ne. Philisophy tends to be a very introspective way of drawing conclusions about the world or how to be, so either of the introverted judging functions (Fi or Ti) could be present here, too.
Possible types: xNxP, xxTP / xxFP
Aquarius: Moon
OOO Air moons always keep me on my toes just a little bit lmao. Aquarius being such a detached sign will already give you points toward being a thinker over a feeler, but it being your moon placement (the luminary that rules your deepest and most personal emotions) will give you an even greater degree of detachment and/or an analytical attitude towards the feelings and opinions you form. This could indicate having an inferior feeling function. However, Aquarius is known as the humanitarian of the Zodiac, which I think tends to exhibit the traits of the objective judging functions, especially Fe.
Possible types: IxTP, ExTJ
Virgo: AC
Same rising sign as my partner - I am very familiar with the traits of Virgo risings lmao. Always on the move, always taking care of the next task, staying on top of your to-do list, striving for pure, unadultered perfection. This is something you aim to become and embody, something to be known for because you place value in these things. Virgo is a very high Si-coded kind of sign because it loves structure and wants to preserve it, but is constantly adding new items to the structure, forever prolonging the journey to perfection. Overall, Virgo is more Si-Ne than Ne-Si, BUT with it being your rising sign with no other placements, and other placements exhibiting an Ne-Si axis, I can see how this could support the Ne-Si axis, too; this is because the rising sign is often times what you ASPIRE to be, and it would make sense to admire functions lower in your function stack that don't come as naturally to you. Still, I'll give the point to Si-Ne first because that is the simpler answer.
Possible types: xSxJ, xNxP
Capricorn: Venus
You may tend to find Capricorn traits attractive in a potential partner. This could be somebody who keeps you grounded and tethered to reality, tells you the cold hard facts (good or bad) when you need to hear them, or you might find long-term determination and goal-oriented people who are wise beyond their years because they put in the hard work to be attractive. OR you might choose to express your own affection to other people in those kinds of ways. These are very high Te and high Ni-coded traits. This could either give you points towards being an xNTJ, or simply just being attracted to xNTJ traits. In addition, it might be that you tend to be attractive to xNTJs, too, so... watchout xNTJs, you might get SMIT lmao 👀 In all seriousness, I'll give you points towards being an xNTJ, and whether you do or do not have any kind of attraction with xNTJs is not a reflection of preference for people similar or different from you without, well, your input to provide context lmao.
Possible types: xNTJ, xSTJ
Pisces: Mars
You've got the planet of action and aggression in one of the least action-oriented or aggressive signs of the Zodiac. The first thing that comes to mind here is discomfort with confrontation and a preference for going with the flow instead. This CAN, but doesn't always, manifest itself as having passive-aggressive tendenies as a way of letting out the negative feelings in a way that feels safe. Fear of confrontation, especially fear of upsetting other people, resembles high Fe traits. You might view self-sacrifice as a comendable outlet for resolving conflict, another Fe trait. You could have a lot of motivation to direct towards other Piscean pursuits like abstract creative expression which can be either Ne or Ni - the operative word here is that Pisces energy is very abstract and nebulous.
Possible types: xNFJ, xNTP
Additional Notes
The majority of the placements you gave me to work with are below your horizon line, indicating that you might keep more aspects of your life private rather than open, so I'd say you might have a preference for introversion. You've got an equal number of fire/water and earth/air placements, so I would say it's possible that the roles that your thinking and feeling functions play in your life and/or your cognition have similar importance to each other, compared to other people of your type, or other types in general. Ie, thinking and feeling functions being your auxiliary and tertiary functions instead of dominant and inferior functions.
Okay, so, let's do the top 5!
I think the most frequently appearing function axis I noticed was Ne-Si which would narrow it down to xNxPs. There were also a lot of Fe traits, some high, some low, but coupled with strong Ne would narrow the list down to xNTP pretty quick. I included INFP because they are the only other introvert with high Ne. The xNTJs got honorable mentions at the bottom because of the Venus in Cap traits that brought in some Te energy.
Tried to be as objective and thorough in my analysis as I possibly could! Hopefully this doesn't age horribly and make me look like I only see my own type in other people lmao.
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thelyingjoke · 7 months ago
what are your thoughts on pregame kokichi?
this took a long time to answer sorry!!! i start getting Busy around this time (school my nemesis.......) but this ask is interesting enough that i can use my remaining free time to answer it! thank you!!!!!!
now a thing like this is something i personally can have a bit of trouble with—that is, making up a personality for a character that doesn't have one. when i have something to go off of in canon i can run with it all day and come up with so many things...but i need that little prompt to start with, and if there's nothing, i can't really think of anything. so for a Longgggggg while i've kept my hands mostly Away from the pregame characters, since most of them have so little about them i just couldn't think of anything that would satisfy me. but more recently, maybe like. a few months after i rewatched v3 last year, i started to think about them a little more...and now i think i can answer this question kind of!!!
pregame kokichi is a hard one considering he's one of the many that has like. 1-2 lines that don't say much at all about his character. like the most he has is this
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and really Nothing Else of note. but after thinking on it it says A Lot.
already you get from it a guy who is Helpful and looks out for others, even in a situation where it might be dangerous! both caring and also maybe does not have a good sense of self-preservation...but not like, nervous or cowering at all. so, that's a start!!! though there's also a bit i wanna get into in order to elaborate more on what else i think about him (i anticipate this will get Long so. i will put the cut here)
yeah anyway the thing that made me Really start thinking about the pregame characters was the full realization of kaede and shuichi being like...basically the same, just kaede being a little more snappy. and i mean, i knew this the whole time, but i never put too much thought into it because like—yeah they're still the same guys that makes sense. (and i was in major denial about the ending at first haha)
but actually thinking about it it kinda intrigued me. of course they'd be like that. sure they were given different memories, but there's only so much that that can really change about a person, you know? like...there's the assumption i'd have had that they directly tweaked the personality alongside the memories, but honestly i don't think they did. i mean, of course, the memories do influence the personalities—some more than others—but that's as much as i'd imagine they'd have done in terms of personality-changing. they didn't do it directly.
it's like nature vs nurture, kind of. your memories make up a large portion of who you are and how you act, but they're not everything. there are certain things that are just inherent to certain people. two different people given the exact same memories would likely act similar, but ultimately there would be differences, because they're two separate, unique people, with their own quirks and preferences.
and for how the characters were made, i do believe that their backstories and intended personalities were based on their original personalities (whether you believe tsumugi was lying about the audition videos, and i do lean towards her lying, i don't quite think she was lying about getting a flash of inspiration from shuichi's nervousness, that part makes sense to me). kaede is just pregame kaede without the cynicism—because she's given a happier life prior to everything. i think parts of them leak in throughout the game that were not necessarily intended by tsumugi...just because those traits are part of Who They Are, and the memories can't change that. these might be obvious thoughts to have but i felt like talking about them haha
it's hard to say what those traits might be, since we see so little of them, and we don't know what exactly tsumugi would have intended, but you could perhaps guess...maybe kaede's temper? and well. i was going to have a ramble about my ch1 murder theories but i was having trouble wording it and realized that was Really off topic so i will move on
ANYWAY the reason i think this all has to do with kokichi: his pregame personality likely inspired some of ingame personality, so my thoughts on what parts...i think perhaps his Playfulness. i mean, a guy with a hairstyle like That has gotta be down for all kinds of fun and games. so i guess i see him as a playful little guy who wants to help others and maybe doesn't have the best survival instincts/views of self-importance...........
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(sorrySorry i just recently read a 5 year old dr/woy crossover fic with kokichi and i haven't been normal since. it was so ridiculous too bad the author orphaned it they were kinda cooking...kokichi and wander are similar you're so right...wish i could talk to them about it SORRY I'LL GET BACK ON TOPIC!!!!!)
in all Seriousness though. i think that that small line has such a big influence on how he acts ingame. of course he's not nearly as willing to throw himself into danger for the others' sake...but i think that Care, that Desire to Help them still lingers, just under whatever backstory gave him those trust issues so he's not as Open about it. and the self-sacrificial nature i Mean...chapter 5. and it's how he kind of 'breaks character'. if you get me? i'm not sure if i'm explaining right...doesn't help i have to do it in increments between Other Things haha
i don't really know if i have an overall point to this but Yeah that's how i see pregame kokichi. i don't have much other thoughts though :( Do you want me to check on what's happening is all i really have to work with...i've seen people talk about him being a student council president and i like that thought. but nothing too concrete, pregame kokichi enjoyers tell me what you think about him i would love to hear what you have because i. do not have much! everyday crying at the lack of information so many things have
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midnight-glasses · 2 years ago
Can you write headcanons about the characteristics of Carla's girl in terms of appearance, demeanor, etc.?
Of course, I can do that! However, I also plan to create headcanons for Shin, as I want to maintain a sense of balance between the two characters.
Also... I'm assuming you were referring to the “Carla's girl” as if it were something related to the type of girl he considers ideal for a relationship. If I'm mistaken, please send me another message with more specific details. I struggle with text interpretation, context, and often irony. I hope you have fun!
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— Carla Tsukinami:
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1. Appearance:
In general, Carla is intrigued and often attracted to the particular and unique beauty of each woman. He doesn't see the point in standardizing and limiting himself to a single type of woman, even if he doesn't have a preference for a specific body type or facial feature. However, he certainly finds charm in the combination of distinctive features and an enigmatic aura, someone who sparks curiosity or gives him the sensation of unraveling a puzzle.
On the other hand, Carla would also appreciate a woman with a sculptural silhouette, elegant curves, or a confident posture. She would be attracted to someone who exudes a powerful and sophisticated presence, both physically and in her expression.
Carla's preference for women with wide hips is rooted in an instinctual desire to ensure the survival and well-being of his race. As a First Blood with a deep sense of duty towards his kind, he prioritizes the continuation and preservation of his lineage. In his mind, women with wider hips symbolize the potential for healthy childbirth and the ability to bear strong and resilient offspring.
While Carla may not openly discuss or acknowledge this preference, it influences his subconscious attraction towards women with wider hips. He may find himself instinctively drawn to their physical features, perceiving them as more suitable partners for fulfilling his race's future.
In my opinion, this preference does not define Carla's entire perspective on attraction or relationships. It is just one aspect of his sense of responsibility towards his lineage and race. Ultimately, the connection with a woman would go beyond physical attributes and encompass a myriad of factors, including intelligence, strength, and compatibility.
He also would be enchanted by a woman with deep and intense eyes that can reveal her own complexity. He would be attracted to eyes that convey mystery, wisdom, and a spark of challenge.
Carla values attention to detail and may notice a woman's hands and nails. He finds well-manicured hands with neatly trimmed nails to be an attractive feature, signifying elegance and sophistication.
2. Demeanor:
Carla would be attracted to a girl who is exceptionally intelligent and insightful. He would value a partner who can keep up with his intellectual conversations and challenge his mind with profound insights and well-founded arguments.
He would appreciate a girl who demonstrates resilience in the face of adversity and possesses unwavering inner strength. Carla would be drawn to someone who can withstand his mind games, someone who can hold firm to their own identity.
Carla would be captivated by a girl who exhibits courage and can face challenging situations with calm and control. Carla would value someone who can maintain composure in moments of danger and is not easily intimidated.
While Carla possesses a cruel and sadistic nature, he might be attracted to a girl who can comprehend and accept those aspects of him. Someone who is not frightened or repelled by his darkness but can see beyond it and discover the complexity of his personality.
Carla respects individuals who display strong willpower and determination. A potential partner who possesses unwavering resolve, especially when facing challenges or defying his orders, would earn his admiration. Their refusal to succumb to his cruelty could potentially intrigue him even more.
Carla holds a certain level of pride as a First Blood, and he would appreciate a partner who possesses influence and charisma. Someone who can sway others to their cause or inspire loyalty would impress him.
He would be captivated by a woman with disciplined fire, someone who can harness their emotions and desires to achieve their goals without being consumed by them. He would value her ability to maintain composure and channel her passion into focused actions.
3. Skills and Talents:
Carla would appreciate a woman with a keen sense of strategy and tactical thinking. He would be attracted to someone who can analyze complex situations, devise intricate plans, and anticipate their opponents' moves, providing valuable insights for their shared endeavors.
He would appreciate a woman with exceptional artistic talents. Whether it's painting, music, or any other artistic medium, he would be intrigued by her ability to express herself creatively.
Carla would appreciate a partner who thinks outside the box and brings unique perspectives to the table. The ability to come up with unconventional solutions to problems, challenge established norms, and surprise him with her creativity would capture his interest. A partner who can offer fresh ideas and innovative approaches would be highly valued by him.
Given Carla's sadistic and manipulative tendencies, he would value a partner who possesses a strong will and resistance to mental manipulation. Someone who can see through his mind games, maintain their own identity, and resist his attempts to break them emotionally would both intrigue and challenge him.
Carla, being an individual of high intelligence and reason, values intellectual stimulation. He finds solace and entertainment in the world of literature, particularly in the classic works of human authors. Therefore, he would appreciate a partner who shares his passion for literature as it would provide them with common ground for engaging conversations and discussions.
Carla's appreciation for literature may be influenced by his confinement in Bandamen and the time he had to indulge in this pastime. Additionally, the specific works and authors he prefers within the realm of classic literature may vary, depending on the narrative and context.
4. Principles and Values:
Carla harbors a thirst for revenge regarding the destruction of his kind and blames Karlheinz for it. He would appreciate a woman who shares his sense of justice and strives for equity. Someone who is willing to fight for just causes and defend what they believe to be right.
While it may be difficult for Carla to display empathy and compassion, he would appreciate a partner who possesses these qualities. Someone who can understand and care about the emotions and experiences of others, even if he himself may struggle to fully express these feelings.
Carla values honesty and expects his partner to be a person of integrity who follows their principles and is truthful in their actions and words.
He values trust as a fundamental aspect of any relationship. He seeks a partner who is reliable and can be trusted to keep their word and maintain confidentiality.
Carla respects individuals who possess a strong sense of independence and autonomy. He would appreciate a woman who can stand on her own and make decisions with confidence, without relying excessively on others.
He is drawn to individuals who can display both strength and vulnerability. He would be intrigued by a woman who can exhibit strength and independence, but also be open to showing her vulnerable side when necessary.
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— Shin Tsukinami:
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1. Appearance:
Shin is attracted to a feminine figure with pronounced curves, as opposed to Carla, Shin is more visually oriented when it comes to body and appearance. He likes curves, such as well-proportioned breasts and a defined waist. He values a sensual and voluptuous appearance.
He may prefer a girl with average or slightly shorter height. He may be drawn to a more delicate and selective appearance in terms of stature.
Shin may appreciate smooth, pale skin with a natural glow. He may prefer a lighter complexion with few imperfections, giving off a delicate and ethereal look.
He also have a preference for an hourglass figure, where the bust and hips are well-balanced with a defined waist. Shin finds this classic body shape visually appealing and captivating.
Shin may be captivated by eyes that have a mesmerizing quality. He particularly appreciates long, luscious lashes that add depth and allure to a woman's gaze.
Shin appreciates intense eye colors like dark brown or honey, capable of conveying emotion and depth. He enjoys being able to discern what his girl is going through just by looking into her eyes.
2. Demeanor:
Shin is attracted to strength and resilience. His ideal girl would possess an unwavering spirit, unafraid to challenge him and his beliefs. She would have a rebellious streak, never hesitating to speak her mind and stand up to Shin, making their dynamic intense and unpredictable.
While Shin admires strength, he also enjoys exerting dominance. His ideal girlfriend would exhibit a subtle level of submissiveness, allowing him to indulge in his problematic side while maintaining a power dynamic that satisfies his ego.
In other hand, Shin would be drawn to a girlfriend who can assert herself and hold her ground when dealing with him. He would respect a girl who isn't easily intimidated by his violent outbursts or hurtful remarks, but instead, responds with strength and resilience.
Despite his flaws and volatile nature, he craves a deep connection and loyalty. His ideal girl would be a trusted confidante, someone he can rely on and confide in without hesitation. She would be fiercely loyal, supporting him unconditionally and offering guidance when he needs it most.
He wants someone who can see past his dark side and love him for his strengths and weaknesses. Shin desires a partner who will stand by him, offering unwavering support and acceptance.
Shin enjoys pranks and teasing, so his ideal girl would possess a playful sense of humor. She would be able to laugh at herself and appreciate Shin's mischievous nature. However, she would also need to understand his boundaries and not be hurt by his actions, as Shin can sometimes take things too far.
Or perhaps, considering the fact that Shin enjoys surprises and challenges, his ideal girl would have an element of unpredictability. She would keep him on his toes, always bringing something new and exciting to their relationship. Shin is intrigued by the unknown and finds excitement in unraveling his girlfriend's layers.
3. Skills and Talents:
Shin, being a powerful being himself, would appreciate a girlfriend who possesses formidable combat skills. She would be skilled in various forms of combat, capable of holding her own in dangerous situations, and earning Shin's respect through her prowess.
One of the main factors that will make Shin interested in a girl is if she has a way with animals. He has an extensive range of familiars, and he treats them like family. A woman who doesn't respect this is not worthy of capturing his interest. He is particularly attracted to a woman who demonstrates genuine love for animals and has a natural ability to handle them. He values the empathy and understanding that a person has when interacting with his familiars. His potential girlfriend's ability to understand the needs and behaviors of Shin's familiars is a sign of respect and consideration that deeply captivates him.
The animals are silent witnesses to his joys, sorrows, and everything he has been through. Therefore, finding a girl who can relate to and appreciate this important part of his life is something that Shin greatly values.
As someone who aspires to the throne and wishes to prove himself to his older brother, Shin seeks a girl who possesses management and organizational skills. He needs someone who can assist him in managing his personal affairs as well as aiding him in the conquest and governance of the kingdom.
I assume we're following the Dark Fate timeline, so to me, that logic makes sense.
As a descendant of the Ancestor bloodline, Shin values strength and combat abilities. He looks for a girl who is proficient in martial arts or possesses some form of fighting skill, as it reinforces his belief that she is worthy of standing by his side.
4. Principles and Values:
Shin can be dominating and demanding, so he may seek a girl who is self-sufficient and capable of taking care of herself. He wants someone who is not overly dependent on him but can contribute significantly to the relationship.
Although Shin can be manipulative, he can appreciate honesty in a girl. He wants someone who is truthful and straightforward with him, even if it means confronting him or questioning his actions.
Shin admires courage and determination. He seeks a girl who is not afraid to challenge conventions or take risks in pursuit of her goals. He values a partner who is bold enough to face the obstacles that arise in her path.
Shin's trust is not easily earned, but he desires a girl who is trustworthy and dependable. He wants someone who can keep his secrets and stand by his side through thick and thin. He values loyalty and expects his partner to be someone he can rely on.
He seeks a girl who is ambitious and has a strong drive to succeed. He wants someone who is not content with mediocrity but constantly strives for greatness, pushing herself to reach new heights.
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All my written content is original, however, I do not claim ownership of the characters depicted. ©2023-Present.
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ruiniel · 9 months ago
Fandom: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Pairing: Kokushibƍ x fem!Reader
Count: 1.7K
Rating: 🔞
Chapter Tags & Warnings: POV Second Person, POV Tsugikuni Michikatsu, Blood
On AO3
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part IX
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You’d paced back and forth for the remainder of the night, preferring the outside to the mess your home had become. The persistent reek of spilled entrails was enough to keep you out for a lifetime, but at some point you’d have to do something about it. 
Let the daylight in.
You tried gathering your resolve a few times, but never made it past the threshold to your own house.
All because of him! This had become the mantra you kept chanting to yourself, while unable to avoid the sense his own words made: why would he send something like that here, if he’d intended to come himself? What use would you have been to him dead, considering what he wanted?
As a frigid gust blows through the trees, you shiver, hugging your arms around your middle. You’d not noticed before, but now you do: your yukata is stained with blood at the front, down your chest to your abdomen. It must’ve happened when he was holding you as you gave him blood, which means you’re covered in his own. 
As you stare, the dark red becomes lighter, and looking up you see the same happening to the skies. The blush of dawn is meek, but morning is sure to arrive. You turn around, a heavy sigh leaving your chest, still trapped in the turmoil of the previous night, with thought after thought shimmying to the forefront like night moths. The matter is, he did help preserve your life
 again. And then you paid him back—you’re even. You feel you owe him nothing else, and he did agree to keep away from now on.
A peculiar sensation stirs your nerves when you remember the careful way his lips pressed against your wrist, the slow movement of his jaw and tongue as he took what he needed. For such a gruesome act, this time you felt no rush of forcefulness from him and it was nothing like the previous time. Your cheeks feel hot despite the cool predawn air, and your heartbeat thrums harder through your body. It must be the lack of sleep and weakness in the aftermath. Your shadow blackens against the paper and wooden lattice work frame of the shoji panel. Moving forward, you remember his words, and slide it open. 
It’s a clear day, and fresh sunlight bursts inside the space where the creatures lay—one having fallen unconscious, the other in pieces. Your gaze lingers on the less grisly sight of the two. The man lying on the floor is just as you left him hours ago. He looks awful with his hair disheveled, his throat and chest smeared in brownish red. 
Just as you cautiously close in, a strange sound distracts you, and your gaze follows the source.
The body of the demon he’d slain is
 breaking apart?
In the day’s light, limbs and all shrivel in an instant and dissipate into black smoke like a nefarious offering. Stunned, you watch the bloodstains on the floor evaporating, and in the end, apart from the toppled pieces of furniture, it’s as though nothing had ever happened. 
So this
 is what he meant?
The thought comes just as a low moan reaches your ears and, sure enough, you look to the source. The light mostly doesn’t reach where he’s sprawled on the floor, but half of his face is turned towards it, cut by the sun. The sound of scorching flesh accompanies the wounds like fire burns spreading on his forehead and cheek, but his eyes stay closed even as his fingers cramp uselessly at his sides. 
In the next heartbeat, you run over, taking a hold of both his wrists and dragging him completely into a shaded corner of the room. He’s heavier than you thought, but you make do. You rise, watching the searing burns slowly recede as new skin is formed.
Even after all you’ve seen in just one night, the sight feels surreal. Your gaze trails to his throat. The area is smeared with blood, and there’s not much you can tell from here. No answers will come from his own mouth either, since he still lies there, ghastly pale, appearing as one dead.
What to do? What do I do?
Some time passes before you take a decision, your feet padding towards the bedroom.
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Light forms shapes before him, taking space in his vision. He tries to focus, but can’t, falling into oblivion again. When it happens again, the shapes are more defined. A face, hands upon him. Both are so recognizable, the movements so known to him, and a deeply buried regret writhes within. The shapes fade once more.
He hates it, hates being in this state. 
When he again feels his own body tense and his consciousness returns, on reflex, his hand snatches the wrist of another reaching for him.
He blinks, and reality finally settles. He pulls on the wrist without thought, and strands of hair brush against his chest. A hiss reaches him, and a voice. “It hurts! Let
He stares at the owner of the voice, finding your wary face, eyebrows knit in discomfort. You’d been kneeling by his side, it seems
 what are you doing here? 
Oh, yes. 
It burns when he breathes. The first change he notices is his vitality—it has returned. There is no more constant pain, no reminder of a humiliation four centuries old. When he reaches for his throat, there is no open gash. 
It worked. 
He recalls the previous night, detail after detail joined like the pieces of a broken mirror. And once the image is complete, he sees the most important fragment. He tells himself it cannot be, and yet, when he gazes at you now, he
He looks at himself, finding his upper body is bare.
 are my
“Please let go, you’re bruising my arm!” 
He releases you as if burnt. 
“Your clothing was drenched in blood,” you say, rubbing at your wrist and looking anywhere but at him. “I
 I thought it best to remove it lest it stain other things.”
Sure enough, a quilted blanket covers him—when he tosses it aside, his hakama are undone but still in place, but he’s never been this disheveled in all his days. If it were anyone else, their head would be rolling outside in the garden by now. But you

The audacity coupled with your sense of practicality mellows his displeasure, and besides
 this feels awfully, hauntingly familiar. 
He slowly turns to the side and tries to rise, propped on one elbow. You’re still not looking at him as you continue, pointing at a bundle by his head. He looks, finding a spread black kimono and a folded white undershirt on the floor. “You can
 try these if you wish. They belonged to my
 my father.”
“... gratitude.”
He asks no more, though it appears his neck and hands have been scrubbed clean of blood as well. Haltingly, he rises even as you turn away. 
Once dressed, he stares at your figure, now standing before the open panels of your old house, gazing outside. 
Why? Why now, after so many years? The question has no answer. You’re standing in the light, where he cannot reach.
“You may wait here until evening falls, if you need to,” you say.  
He doesn’t need to. One thought and he’d be back at the fortress. And yet... “You’ve been exceedingly gracious. I see the remains have dispersed,” he says. 
You nod. “I saw how it happens. I understand what you meant now.”
“Hm, yes.”
You slide the panel shut, then turn to him, speaking with forced calm. “I’ll make tea.”
You look at him. “...?”
“... your blade. The one you were holding last night. May I see it?”
Hesitation crosses your features. “I
You trail off, however, turning and walking towards him, stepping past him, to where said weapon is set on its stand. You return and present it to him.
He doesn’t take it. He merely stares at the designs on the scabbard, their shape, at you.
He balls the hands at his sides into fists to control a loathsome tremor rushing through his body like lightning. 
You run a finger over the scabbard. “It is
 a family heirloom. It was carried through generations so far back not even my parents could say for certain to whom it belonged originally.”
“Beautiful craftsmanship,” is all he says.
Seeing that he’ll make no other remarks nor reach out for it, you return the blade to its place, then head over to make that tea.
As you kneel, occupied with your task, he soundlessly follows. 
“You mentioned hundreds of years.”
“Pardon?” he asks, distracted. His hands still shake, heedless of his attempts at control. 
“Last time
 you said you
 you’ve been like this for hundreds of years.”
“That is true.”
His own blade has appeared in his hand as a reminder shoots through his bones.
Whatever it is that keeps you from your duties... Get rid of it. 
“Which means, you were once human,” you continue, your back still turned.
He raises his sword with both hands. One slash, a single, clean slash. A swift end, and he’d be free. If he does not do this now, the weakness you represent might cause unexpected havoc. It would interfere with his goal. It already does. 
You sense nothing—his movements are as sleek and silent as stream water. 
“You must’ve had a name, then.”
The blade is set in his hands, ready to strike. “I did. But
 it does not matter anymore. I am no longer that person.”
” You tell him your own name. “What about yours?”
His eyes burn. Images flood their way in. A weeping willow, its branches swaying in the wind. Gentle hands. A face, now smiling, now caught in the throes of pain or longing, now weeping.
One slash. His breath is stuck in his throat. “... Tsugikuni Michikatsu,” he says through gritted teeth. “That was my name.”
You’re silent for a moment, then your lips part on the word. “... Michikatsu.”
Like a holy seal to his powers, that forgotten name spoken in your voice turns his knees weak, and his arms won’t move. His gaze roams to your bandaged wrist. 
“A good name,” you murmur. 
With a suppressed growl, he whirls around, fluidly sheathing his sword at the same time. You turn the next moment, having sensed a shift in the air. Tea in hand, you stare at his back in bewilderment as he stalks away.
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Part IX
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trans-luis-serra-navarro · 1 year ago
ok, so!! there's also another little thing about luis and the merchant that i haven't seen anyone discuss. in luis' house in the village, you can see a few packages of food (like in the first picture in your post, near the doll; it looks like a tomato soup or something??). and in the merchant's spot near the lake you can see a box of similar packages (not the same though, as far as i remember, but still they're similar, in a sense that it's still some modern food and it looks out of place in this village. it's something we only see in luis's house) sorry i don't have any pictures tho :((
so what im trying to say is that i just love that through these tiny little details we actually get a glimpse of luis's everyday life in valdelobos. i mean, just imagine him taking a boat to go on a little grocery trip to the merchant 😭😭 and it also kind of implies that luis actually knew the merchant and interacted with him somewhat regularly. like, it's not even that big of a detail, but i just love thinking about it 😭
(also don't stress yourself over answering these asks quickly!! there's no rush. i hope you're doing well!!)
Quick TW for discussions of food, starvation and animal death under cut!
@silverhexrt Thank you SO much for being so patient with me for this!!!!!!!! BUT YES YES YES OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO ABSOLUTELY RIGHT I’ve seen people talk about the canisters of food lying around his old childhood home but not NEARLY enough about the fact that those same packets of food are found elsewhere in the game too!!!!! Unfortunately I don’t have a photo on-hand of the exact model you’re talking about near the Merchant, but I do have a photo of one of the packets of tomato soup you were talking about;
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Alongside the tomato soup there’s also various spices and I THIIIIIIINK what’s supposed to be a packet of noodles????
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Needless to say Luis most likely did NOT have a very good diet during the last of his time spent in Valdelobos HFNUEENEUNDIDMD
And again I don’t have photos of the exact model you’re talking about but!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! You’re absolutely right!!!!!!!!!!!! Luis might’ve hung around the Merchant or even waited by his little corner stand for him to come back with decent food or cigarettes!!!! I doubt Luis would’ve been able to go along with him wherever he went cuz A) I think he would’ve escaped Valdelobos MUCH sooner if that were the case HCNWHENEUSN and B) The Merchant is kind of an enigma. Where’s he getting his stock from?????? Who knows!!!!!!!!!! He’s a mystery man we’ll never get answers for!!!!!!!!
It also makes me wonder WHY he gravitated towards those foods instead of just killing the livestock that hung around the village or eating the fish you can find hanging up on the side of the house. Did he feel bad??? Did he just not know how to effectively kill livestock????? Was he trying to preserve it???????? Or did he have a childhood preference?????? Did his Grandfather or whoever looked after him make him those foods??????? Did HE as a child wander into nearby towns to get those foods??????????????? How did his supply of food get so low????? Was Los Illuminados feeding him and the other scientists he worked with or were they starving them to death and Luis was the only one with a source of food???????????
I also wanna mention a theory a friend of mine @hamartia-grander put together- I’ll link the original post if I can find it but the tl;dr of their idea was ‘Hey! Y’know those yellow bits of paint that are splattered on crates n stuff that indicate there’s items inside in both the main game and Seperate Ways?? What if that was Luis who made them and put the items in to help himself escape later down the line?????’ And I think that paired with your theory that Luis hung around the Merchant for a while makes for a REALLY interesting narrative!!!!!!!
And also I am FAR from the first person to point this out but again. Luis clearly does NOT have a good diet while in Valdelobos. It makes me wonder if that added to the urgency of him trying to get out (I mean obviously but still HD EHENEISN HOW hungry was this guy) and if he DID survive, how would he react to returning to an environment where food is easily accessible???? How would that trauma and instinct to hoard come into play??????? Would he gain any weight as a sign of healing???????? It’s a VERY interesting subject to delve into but obviously one you’ve gotta handle with care
TL;DR is that I think people gloss over WAY too much the just. Straight-up HORROR of Luis’ situation. Like take all the supernatural elements away- this is a man trying his best to not starve to death and succumb to the same infection everyone around him has. He’s got no other scientists (they’re all dead) no other family (MEGA dead) and to me it makes the fact that his first and most important goal is helping the others instead of helping HIMSELF first all the more just. Devastating BDNEJEMSJXJ
Anyways this went SO OFF THE POINT YOU WERE MAKIMG DHENEYENDIDK but OUGH the idea of Luis and the Merchant just hanging out together trying to survive The Horrors best they can is!! SUCH a heart wrenching idea!!!!!! Thank you SO SO SO much for this ask I went INSANE over it clearly HDBEHENEJXNS
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sketch-guardian · 7 months ago
Mc being exhausted and mumbling about something during class Lucifer coming into the class to scold them about their grades and Mc just slowly looking at him dead in the eye before saying so bluntly and clearly “if you keep scolding me I’m gonna draw you pregnant I swear to god I will”
Rad + exchange student reactions please and thank you! :)
Well, that's a peculiar ask, but also quite funny😂so I'll do my best to write some good enough headcanons🙈hope you enjoy✹:
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Demya is usually quite bored in class, finding theoretical subjects boring, especially how they are explained by some professors, she prefers physical education, because she can release pented up energy, therefore she would understand MC's exhaustion, having them not only a lot of responsibilities, but also seven demons to basically babysit. At Lucifer's scolding towards MC, Demya would huff under her breath, mumbling to herself, she already didn't feel much sympathy for the demon due to his harshness and seriousness, furthermore criticizing her exhausted mate wouldn't work in his favor. Demya would widen her eyes at MC's threat, not expecting them to talk back to Lucifer, considering that many would never dare, so not only she would be proud of her mate, but Demya would also burst out laughing. Demya wouldn't understand exactly what's so bad about being drawn pregnant, since she would like to have an offspring one day, but Lucifer's stunned face would be enough to make her sneer and then whistle pretending nothing happened in case he noticed her. After what happened, outside RAD, Demya would take MC by the arm, congratulating them on their boldness and to make them relax, she would take MC to a restaurant for a bite to eat
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Domnra has the reputation of being quite a delinquent, in the sense that he would occasionally skip class or get into trouble with some other demon student, however he excels quite a bit in different subjects, which would surprise and irritate many professors, not understanding how Domnra does it. Mobim would not approve much of such behavior and would often take notes itself like a good student to try to help Domnra. Domnra, finding Lucifer a bit of a braggart, would make a face seeing him scold MC, it's pretty clear that they're exhausted, so how dare Lucifer judge. MC's reaction would initially shock Domnra, not having foreseen anything of the sort, and disconcerted, even though the little curse doesn't exactly have ears and though MC hadn't said anything dirty, he would place his hands on the sides of Mobim's head, to prevent the little curse from hearing any further. Domnra would hide a faint smirk at MC's threat to Lucifer, sharing a fleeting smug look with Satan, Belphegor, and Mephistopheles in class, serves Lucifer well. After class ends, Domnra would pat MC on the back and offer them to stay in his room for a few hours to rest, letting Lucifer calm down in the meantime
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Azul is a fairly average student, despite often having his head in the clouds, he excels in subjects that interest him and is rather poor in those that he finds unchallenging. Usually when Azul notices MC exhausted in class, he would send them flying notes with magic, with sappy love messages or dumb puns written on them, however in this case Lucifer would have preceded him, by scolding MC. Azul is a painter and as such he knows the power of artists to create anything, such as drawing someone pregnant, so since he would understand the reference, Azul would burst out giggling and having no sense of self-preservation, he wouldn't care if Lucifer noticed, indeed he would add fuel to the fire, saying that with magic it a pregnancy like that could actually happen. After focusing Lucifer's wrath on himself, moving it away from MC, they would exit together from class, Azul joking that he would actually sketch something like what MC suggested sooner or later. For the hilarity of the situation, Azul's colors would change from light blue to yellow
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Zuri is a model and diligent student, who always finishes her homework on time and who sometimes had to give some tutoring to the other RAD classmates, which really tested her patience. Zuri is friendly towards Lucifer, in the sense that they have a nice friendship, however that wouldn't mean that she would agree with him on everything, in fact Zuri would consider Lucifer's intervention in class inappropriate, he could have scolded MC once outside the building and in any case, as her beloved, she would have used more tact, considering their tiredness during lessons. Zuri wouldn't be too surprised by MC's outburst, having foreseen that sooner or later they would explode, however she would be slightly concerned by their threat, considering it rather unusual. At that point Zuri would intervene, placing herself between MC and Lucifer, explaining that it was clearly their exhaustion speaking and that perhaps, if he and his brothers knew how to function without bothering MC, then they would perform better in class (ouch-). Still, Zuri would, with a little effort, make MC and Lucifer apologize to each other, taking charge of the situation from then on. Once the class is over, Zuri would offer private lessons for MC to catch up on the information missed in class
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Odon is so ancient that honestly going to RAD is pretty pointless for them, they have a great affinity with magic and even if they discovered something new, Odon would learn it in an instant without making any effort, they only go to class to meet their friends and every now trying to make new ones, despite the difficulties given their reputation, it's a method to socialize. The eye-like creatures would immediately notice MC's predicament, reporting it to Odon, who would curiously watch the scene between Lucifer and MC. Odon is on good terms with Lucifer, they would like to get to know him, but the feeling is not very mutual, being that the demon doesn't trust them, understandable, but it still hurts Odon, if Lucifer were more relaxed, they imagine he would be more inclined to accept them. MC's threat would confuse Odon, not understanding what is so horrible about such drawing, so always with a smile, Odon would comment that even if somewhat unlikely as a phenomenon, they would be sure that pregnant Lucifer would glow, then not understanding his glare towards them. After class, Odon would ask MC if they wanted a ride on their back, given their exhaustion
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Remiel is a very curious angel of death, dedicated to learning as much as possible about the world she doesn't know, genuinely interested and eager to be less naive regarding certain topics, in any case she learns quite quickly and has an amazing memory, so Remiel would a good student, without problems, if we don't count some initial comprehension difficulties. Remiel is still getting used to being in the presence of so many living beings, it's likely that she wouldn't be very familiar with Lucifer or the other demon brothers, so she wouldn't have a clear opinion of him. Remiel would tilt her head to the side in confusion at MC's threat towards Lucifer, not understanding the implication or why a drawing of such an imaginative event would upset him, there is a chance that being an innocent but blunt angel, she would ask for explanations from those directly involved, causing an awkward silence, at least for the others, to fall in the classroom. Once the lesson is over, having first sensed MC's tiredness, Remiel would suggest taking a restoring rest, perhaps while caressing their head they could also explain the matter of the drawing to her
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Nathaniel seems to mind his own business in class, yet he would pay close attention to the space around him, even though he is already aware of many topics covered in class. As an angel of fairly high rank and who, unlike Remiel, was not busy reaping souls and leading them to the afterlife, Nathaniel would know Lucifer and would have remained on cordial terms, however he wouldn't approve of his method of approaching the problem with MC, clearly exhausted. Nathaniel would widen his eyes slightly at MC's outburst, however he would be lying if he said he was surprised, it was inevitable and furthermore he would catch the reference as soon as he heard the intention of drawing Lucifer pregnant, so discreetly, with an indecipherable expression, Nathaniel would show a pair of finger guns to MC, as if to say well done for not having immediately resorted to violence and for the touch of class of having added Father (god) to the threat. After lessons, Nathaniel would suggest doing something to help MC relax, given their exhaustion (Nathaniel can result grouchy when he skips his meditations for example)
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Uriel works hard in class, however she is a warrior, not a scholar, so studying theory wouldn't be her best, however she would be quite good at history, perhaps because she often ruminates on the past. In any case, the relationship between Uriel and Lucifer would be quite tense, due to the fact that she once looked up to him and now he is a demon, therefore she wouldn't tolerate criticisms made to MC, especially when Lucifer's brothers are the ones to mostly blame for messes. Uriel wouldn't understand what kind of threat would be drawing Lucifer pregnant, however, noticing his stunned face, she would think it implied something filthy and would intervene to stop such heresy immediately, adding not to mention god in vain. Uriel would report that she would take care of MC's situation personally and that Lucifer could be dismissed. After class, Uriel would advise MC to take some time off, because even warriors need to recharge and tomorrow would be another day to recover, also if anyone tried to disturb their rest, then Uriel would be the one to threaten to smite someone
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pandorafallz · 11 months ago
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Lest We Rest Upon Our Graves | C11
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It took a while before Alma left the makeshift office. She wrote up the report for Max anyway, detailing her avatar’s cause of death, the connection to the circle of ancestors to allow a few Na’vi to look into her memories (without the reasons why, irrelevant) and her subsequent avatar’s death and her experiences of that and the fallout since.
Everything she could think of.
It made burning time quite well, avoiding people and providing for the research quite well in her report and it was quite sizeable as well. Something she hoped would be useful for the future of the Resistance’s Avatar users. Once she passed she was sure she could get Nalin to fill in the blanks; she didn’t intend to take her head monitor off so they’d still get the data without her body.
She did stop once she complied enough files for High Camp, the data was too big for a transfer so they’d have to pick It up. However, her right arm was cramping badly with sharp pains up and down her bones, her other finger massaging the tendons mostly, being careful with how hard and where she pressed her fingers to relieve the tension as she headed away in search of So’lek although took a detour to pick up a fresh icepack for her arm.
She didn’t need to go too far but the sight of Kìoetey and Ri’nela standing with So’lek almost made her turn back around but she bit back her instinct to bail and continued to path towards him, not looking at the Sarentu kids although she noticed when the shift in their body language when she was noticed.
“So’lek, Can I have a word?” She asked. “I’ve updated High Camp on the success of the battle the Na’vi and the resistance have but I’ve got news.”
So’lek’s head tilted though he eyed the two Sarentu briefly. “Privately?”
Ri’nela clicked her tongue. “I will talk to Teylan, it will be good to update him on what’s been going on in his absence.” She touched Kìoetey’s arm.
With a lingering look, KĂŹoetey nodded and followed her away.
Alma led So’lek to the quieter side of the base before she took a slow seat down on an empty weapon’s crate with a heavy sigh.
“What news have you brought me?” So’lek asked as she settled down.
“The man who led the battle at the Hallelujah Mountains, Colonel Quaritch has returned from the dead in the form of an Avatar” Alma stated very bluntly.
What news he had been expecting, it was clear So’lek certainly hadn’t anticipated that. His posture tensed right up, ears pinning down and his tail rose but became motionless as he processed her words. It took a few seconds before he rebooted enough but she sensed his rise of internal rage behind his mask.
“Max believes that the RDA used the avatar link-beds to scan the minds of soldiers, Quaritch and his unit, and preserve them as the RDA grew avatar bodies on the trip back to or from Earth. The copied minds were put into the empty bodies.” Alma explained the basis, doing some logical leaps of thought to come to the conclusions given she knew a lot of the link beds given she spent 32 years in them.
So’lek’s tail lashed, his hands tense at his side. “They defy nature with these creatures.”
“Their presence has pushed Jake to go into hiding to preserve the Omatikaya clan, as the unit can slip through Eywa’s defences.” Alma carried on, “My concern isn’t Quaritch’s team, So’lek.”
So’lek refocused back to her intently, lips pressed together. “You believe more dead humans will take on false shells?”
“Specifically, Harding and Mercer. As humans, they’re a threat but
 as Avatars, or Recoms, as Max calls them, they’ll become a bigger threat.”
His eyes narrowed but he could understand the threat now. “We cannot let that happen.”
“Harding may know. I want to arrange a meeting with her before her death. She won’t talk to the Na’vi but she might slip up if I talk to her. She and Mercer were here for weeks before coming to the West Frontier.” Her being on drugs might have loosened her lips so she had to take her chances.
“I will talk to the sisters.” He looked very determined as he said this.
Alma nodded, mildly regretting the motion as it made the pain in her head spike a fraction. “Let me know when you’re set.”
So’lek nodded. “Anything else?”
“I’ve asked Max to bring some more medical supplies from High camp if it’s possible. Not sure if they’ll take the trip or not so it’s a wait-and-see. They’ve got a long way to go and lots of RDA dodging to do so I’m not confident they’ll be here fast. If they do.” Alma wasn’t sure. “Maybe they’ll bring another doctor down to help Nalin. She needs some help.”
“We will keep an eye out then.” So’lek didn’t look thrilled but the resistance needed more help and support. Even with High Camp being that far away.
Maybe she’d see, maybe not.
Alma settled back into the quiet corner with the monitor again, briefly going over her prepped data and downloading it onto a newly wiped tablet from their haul and putting a post-it-note on top with: ‘For Dr Max Patel’ on the front and shoved it into the draw.
Her aloneness didn’t last long before
 a tall, familiar blue figure seemed to anxiously look in.
Alma gave him a tired smile, waving him in. “Come in, Teylan.”
He came in, looking uncertain but mostly around than at her as he entered, taking in her little office space with some curiosity but she held his gaze as he finally seemed to find the confidence to look at her sitting there.
not used to you being that small.” He remarked, “I miss your other body
 the you that I know.”
Alma hummed. “Me too.” She spared a look down at herself. “I’m not exactly used to being human. Got
 so used to the other body.”
“Ri’nela told me what happened to it.” Teylan frowned. “everyone seems happy it happened but..i don’t know.”
Alma swallowed thickly, her hand coming to her side. “They think I deserved it. I
don’t know myself if that’s true or not.”
Teylan looked uneasy. “It’s
scary to think Nor would do that to anyone. Would
 do you think he would have hurt me if he found out what I did?”
Alma rose to her feet slowly, though he seemed to shy away from her a little so she halted her steps, trying hard not to feel the sting of his weariness towards her. “No.” She answered firmly. “You are Sarentu. He wouldn’t harm you.”
“But he killed the other you?” Teylan seemed to struggle with that. “You were our teacher. You looked after us.”
“He knew what I was underneath that skin. Not Na’vi. His
resentment of humans grew into a fire.” Alma assured. “Why don’t you talk to Ri’nela about this concern you have? She may have better answers.”
“I didn’t want to bother her. She is so busy and
 I’m still trying to understand all that happened here. It’s so much.” Teylan hunched a little. “She told me
what you did as well. To us. How we came to TAP.”
Ah. He was still trying to process it still and coming to her to see for himself. Alma looked down at her desk a little at that.
“I know it’s a lot to take in, Teylan.” She started. “I didn’t
know what Mercer and Harding were going to do to the Sarentu when we got there. I thought it would be peaceful like it had been with the Kame’tire clan. I was wrong. I couldn’t stop them. Harding wouldn’t listen to me. They planned behind my back on the massacre to ensure they’d get you.” She sighed deeply. “That doesn’t erase my part in it. I know that. I am so sorry that I was part of it and for keeping the lie up since.”
Teylan was frowning at her, eyes wide with uncertainty.
Alma carried on. “I don’t expect forgiveness, Teylan. Ri’nela and Kìoetey have told me as much and I know they’re still processing it. Take your time in how you want to
handle it.”
Teylan let out a shaky breath. “It’s
all confusing. I don’t know what to feel. They
 they forgave me for what I did. What
I did led to some of our friends dying. But
 they’re not willing to forgive you? I don’t understand the differences. Shouldn’t they forgive you if they’re willing to forgive me?”
Alma didn’t know how to answer that. Not really. He had some level of logic to his understanding but
 she supposed there was a difference that he couldn’t see.
“I can’t answer that question, Teylan.” Alma sunk back down into her chair, her hand coming to massage her temple.  “I don’t have the answers there.”
Teylan remained quiet for a moment, mulling to himself. “D-Does the resistance hate me? For what I did?”
Alma didn’t know the answer to that, not really. She hadn’t interacted a lot with the crew here since her return to base. “I don’t know. I doubt it. Most of them understand. Jin-young may need more time to accept your presence. Alex may be a little tense but
 it’ll take time for them to process.” She dropped her hands from her head. “Don’t rush, Teylan. You have all the time in the world to heal those wounds.”
Teylan considered her words thoughtfully. “I suppose. It’s going to take a while but
I suppose I have to try and work hard to make it up to the Resistance.”
Alma nodded. “Indeed.”
Teylan looked ready to leave before he tilted his head at her. “You’re hurt?” His yellow gaze was low, she looked down to see him looking at her arm. The distinct bruise was still dark as ever and the tell-tale shape wasn’t hard to hide.
Alma ducked it under the desk uncomfortably. “it’s nothing. A
misunderstanding between me and Kìoetey—”
“Kìoetey hurt you as well?”
“It’s nothing, Teylan,” Alma emphasised, more sternly. “I’m fine. I just lost my splint to cover it for now.” Maybe Nalin took it but who knew where it went on a day like today?
Teylan didn’t look convinced but he recognised a dismissal when he saw it. He turned and scurried away. Alma let out a steady breath, letting her arm come to rest back on the table, her hand touching over the dark bruise and delicate and sore skin.
Kìoetey was
relieved to spend some time just resting in the peacefulness of the morning. Still morning. Being up so early, the fight had been over within the hour and now
 they were still so many hours in the day. Helping Nalin with Harding had been a relief.
Nalin didn’t need to know their presence there was due to Nesim’s caution in case Nalin opted to help Harding escape. Kìoetey knew the human woman wouldn’t but she understood that Nesim was still riding high off her victory and trying to ensure that Harding had no means of escape. It settled some
contentment to see Harding captured.
Harding had hurt them a lot growing up. So what if she was Mercer’s dog but she still did a lot more than what was asked of her to give them hell growing up. She had helped murder her people, dug them out of their hiding spots and handed them over to Cortez the day they were stolen and caged. Abuse that continued for all of them, differently. Nor had his hands broken, Harding had overseen the beating of Teylan when he had wet his bed
 held Okni down while they shaved her head for disobedient weeks before the girl passed to Eywa.
Mercer was dead and there was relief. Now with Harding, it was the last of their problems to go. Almost. But the worst of their past was going to go.
Kìoetey wasn’t sure if she wanted to be there when Harding’s death came about. To see her death, to witness her body fall to the ground
 it was a lot to think about. Personally, she’d rather have her killed in fair combat, if she thought for a moment Harding would play fair. What the Zeswa planned, she had an inkling but didn’t know for sure.
She had time to think before Harding would die so
 she’d see.
KĂŹoetey sat with a selection of beads and flax, mostly letting her hands work and mind wander as she crafted a small armband for Teylan; something to get him started back as Sarentu. Something small and basic but a start; she wanted him to add to it himself.
He hadn’t made a start on a new songcord and
 she wasn’t sure if he was ready to start creating one but this had to be a start; she could introduce the cord later in the week once festivities died down and they could find a new normal. The RDA were still about, even with Mercer gone. Ardmore no doubt had backup plans once the news hit she also lost Harding and the evacuating humans.
She wasn’t alone. Ri’nela was taking a break as well, looking to be adding to her songcord quite peacefully but the dent between her eyebrows was not noticeable.
“<Is everything alright?>” Kìoetey finally asked
Ri’nela sighed deeply, lowering her cord to look at her tiredly. “<I don’t know.>” she admitted. “<I keep
thinking more on Cortez now that Mercer is dead.>”
Ah. “<Can I ask what about?>”
Ri’nela hummed a little in consideration. “<She’s
been ignoring me when I’ve crossed paths with her. Wondering if she’d try to open up a conversation or say something to me if given the chance.>”
“<Is that upsetting you?” Kìoetey asked in concern. It did sound a little
odd for Cortez to do that.
“<I would have expected that towards you, Kìoetey.>” Ri’nela pointed out, “<not to sound harsh but she has more of a reason to keep her distance with you.>”
Kìoetey winced a little but she inclined her head in agreement. “< I know>”
“<Me? I don’t know why she’s giving me the same treatment. After her avatar sided, she was a following shadow. An unwanted cloud spilling nothing but apologies and now she wants nothing to do with us.>” She huffed out a little.
“<I did hurt her>” Kìoetey pointed out with a twinge of guilt. “<Her attempts to us have solidly stopped after that.>”
That and the fact the woman had literally moved to a field lab as well made it hard to reasonably cross paths. She was only back for a short time before she no doubt fled back to the field lab. Kìoetey could wait until then because
 well it was far easier to get to her and Cortez had less place to run off into out in the open and it was more private. She could work with that.
“<I had no part in that.>” Ri’nela set her cord down neatly. “<Please, you’re sounding like you’re defending her behaviour here.>”
“<I’m not defending her, Ri’nela. She shouldn’t give you the cold shoulder because of me but humans respond differently than Na’vi. She told me herself when I apologised to her that she didn’t feel safe around me. Perhaps that fear has extended to you as well?>”
Ri’nela eyed her for a moment then scoffed. “<Cortez scared of us?>” She shook her head, muttering a little. “Unbelievable
Kìoetey didn’t say much on that and didn’t want to side in either direction. Ri’nela didn’t need to hear that. So, she picked up her needle to continue on with her sewing.
The Circle was cold as she waited for So’lek to convince her in but Alma listened and waited with the guard outside as their voices carried.
“<There had been news from our Eastern resistance. Harding may know more.>” So’lek explained to Nesim and Minang. “<I wish for Cortez to interrogate her as they’ve had a working history before Cortez defected from the RDA.>”
“<News of the Sky people?>” Nesim sounded interested.
“<Harding’s position is called a Colonel. High ranking with a lot of authority over her warriors. She has been in contact with General Ardmore recently, the sky person leading the assault on Pandora in the east where they primarily operate from.>” So’lek further explained. “<Harding will not respond to Na’vi but a human might get more of a response.>”
There was a long pause and their voices quietened as the Olo'eyktan spoke to the TsahĂŹk in small consideration before Nesim spoke up.
“<You will oversee the interrogation. You understand the Sky people’s language, I do not trust humans alone with her fully. We cannot risk losing her or allowing her to escape. We will wait for what information is provided.>”
So’lek agreed and Alma soon followed the Olo'eyktan and So’lek through to another tent far off. She figured Nesim probably hadn’t initially recognised her face but from the few looks sent her way, she hoped it dawned on her that she was the Dreamwalker they had seen and interacted with before. So’lek had stopped referring to her by her first name which didn’t help.
Not that it really mattered.
So’lek pushed through the tent first, startling the occupants inside from their slumber or general waiting.
Harding was there, bound and patched up and her foot looked to be strapped into some sort of brace which worked in keeping her leg in place. She was dressed down, sweat did coat most of her pale skin and her arms looked to be raw with the rubbings of her binding already; particularly the one with her burn scars. She didn’t look good.
Harding’s eyes narrowed as she entered, her eyes dropping to take her in though there was no mistake in the woman’s nose upturning at the sight of So’lek.
“What do you want?” She demanded tightly, “Come to finish me off, Blue?”
So’lek let out a dry chuckle, pleased to see Harding not looking so good. “I do not get the honour.”
Harding scoffed a little. “Looks like you’ll get off watching.”
Alma tisked a little at that, drawing the attention back to her so she stepped forwards. “I’ve never heard you speak so crudely, Harding. Drugged up that much?” She slowly sat down on the grass in front of her, the motion thumping her skull a little but she ignored that. “Or is the pain getting to you?”
“What do you want?” Harding demanded, “I’ve gotta catch up on my beauty sleep before one-eyed-willie makes me sing and drop.”
“So you know your fate?”
Harding scoffed a little at So’lek. “I’m a captured colonel in enemy territory. I’m not stupid. If the Blues negotiated with the RDA, demands would have been made well for the proper care of me and my men until my release back. I know the Blues don’t negotiate and don’t hold prisoners for long.”
Alma sighed loudly before this could progress into something less productive. So’lek humphed a little and stepped back, allowing her the stage so to speak.
“Look, Harding, I can’t do anything or offer anything to get you out of your situation.” And wouldn’t “But what I can offer is this; you answer some of my questions and I’ll see it that you and your men here get a proper burial” She offered instead. “The Zeswa won’t tend to your body and will leave it where you fall to the mercy of the animals you helped poach.”
Harding stared at her for a moment then snorted. “Likes that’s an appealing deal.”
“It’s the only one I can offer. You’re not getting out of this.” Alma pointed out. “You have caused too much harm to the Zeswa. Lost many of their people to the actions of you, Mercer and the RDA.”
“Thanks but I always knew I was going to die a horrible death and be left in the mud. Hardly tempting me into disloyalty and betraying my own race.” Harding’s shoulders lifted a little as if trying to shrug. “Unlike you, Cortez.”
“You’re not going to die a martyr. You’re not dying for the RDA. Your death is about your poaching of the Zarkru. Not RDA ideals.”
Harding didn’t look convinced. “The RDA will spin my story to be what they need it to be. They may recover my bones one day which will see my death at the hands of Blue freaks.”
“Spears, Actually.” So’lek correctly coldly. “Na’vi won’t taint their hands with your blood when their weapons will suffice more effectively.”
Harding stared at him for a long moment.  “I will take my secrets to my grave, Cortez.”
Alma didn’t let her words draw too much power away but she figured they needed another approach. Less direct.
“Your ranking in the RDA has allowed you plentiful amounts of information on this land and of Bridgehead. You—or should I say, Mercer, had plans to extract oil on a large scale on the western Frontier which meant you had contingency plans on handling the backlash from the Zeswa, Aranahe and the Kame’tire clan when they came for you. What were they?”
Harding hummed, noncommittally. “Chances are the numbers would have dwindled enough to not be of concern beyond leisure hunting or pest control. Everyone loves a good trinket on their shelve. Who cares if it’s off some corpses?”
So’lek hissed quietly at her phrasing.
Harding just smirked a little at the warrior. “Why are you so shocked? You’ve seen my art.”
Alma held a hand up to stop So’lek from answering; she needed the power here. Not his interference or provocation.
“Mercer had no loyalty to you. You probably already knew it otherwise you wouldn’t have abandoned him at his base. Fine, if you won’t talk about the rest of bridgehead but surely you can talk about something useful. Your death, what happens to all the money that comes from the stuff you already sent off?”
Harding shrugged, “What of it? My next of kin will get what they need from me.”
“From what I know, you have no one.” Alma rebutted. “No family. No children. No one to take your belongings or to morn for you. You’re just a number on the list of the dead. Will the RDA take the money? Seems likely. They probably won’t have to worry about the backlogs of pay either; they keep your earnings. All of it.”
“<This topic is hardly relevant.>” So’lek remarked, “<We waste time with this.>”
Alma ignored him. “We found the other poachers from the splinter groups so we know there were a few inspired by your work. I knew some of the Proceeds go towards the RDA for the supply drops back to Earth. I take it you must have
investments into something for it to be useful. Even after your death.”
Harding rolled her eyes a little. “So what if I do, Cortez? That’s hardly any interesting for the resistance to know about.”
Alma’s head tilted but she couldn’t help the smile on her lips at the implication that had. Very few things that came from that. Investments beyond one’s own life with no next of kin?
curious. You must handle a lot of your people's pay to make the calls on those bagged and tagged. Are all of these your unit or just part of the ship?” Alma nodded to the other captured men.
Harding said nothing, just raised a bloodied eyebrow.
No matter, they’d get the details from the black box. That could provide them a unit to look out for when the avatars were grown.
“I spoke to Sully’s team. They told me of this new unit the RDA has. Have you met the new Colonel Quaritch?” Alma asked, “I bet he’s a
bit taller now.”
Harding snorted a little at that. “Why are you asking about him?”
“It seems a bit like a novice. A whole new Avatar program, only
they don’t have a driver. Seems
exciting, even.” Alma sighed. “How are they made? Or
 the minds of the soldiers preserved? I wasn’t aware that the RDA even had that technology.”
Harding raised her other eyebrow again. “You sound jealous, doc.”
“Why wouldn’t I be? I always preferred my avatar. That was no secret.” Alma spared a look down at herself then shrugged.
Harding chuckled at her, a nasty smile on her face. “I wondered why you’re not in your avatar. It’s dead, didn’t it, Cortez? You’re dead.”
There was an undertone of implication there which
 didn’t surprise Alma to know that the colonel knew the risks just as much as Max did. But she didn’t want So’lek to know that. He’d tell the Sarentu. She couldn’t have that.
“Accidents happen. But we’re not here to talk about me.”
“Why not?” Harding seemed to get marginally chipper now, “We both know your self-hate of your own body came from your kid dying before she was born. What makes you think that was an accident.”
Alma’s jaw tensed right up, eyes narrowing at her but she felt a shiver at the implication. “My daughter was stillborn.”
Harding snorted. “Mercer was never above having things in his way killed. You think you’re any different because you were human?” She scoffed at her. “Like he would let you simply leave with a kid and leave him with the blue scraps!”
Alma swallowed her feelings, now was not the time to let her words get to her. It was well over thirty years since she had touched that box and she had no intention of opening it in front of the present company. Harding was trying to get a reaction.
“The new avatars,” Alma started, her voice stern, “how many?”
Harding continued to smirk still. “None of your concern.”
“Does Mercer have an avatar like this new squad?”
At that, Harding seemed to laugh, wincing a little at the pain the motion brought her. “Hell no. He couldn’t pass the tests required, mental or physical.” She shook her head. “He’s a psycho.”
Alma rose slowly to her feet, bringing her arm to her chest to avoid leaning on it. She brushed the grass from her clothes as she fixed her former colleague with a long look. “I look forward to meeting your recom, Colonel Harding.”
She didn’t dare look at So’lek as she turned and headed towards the exit.
“No you won’t,” Harding called after her almost gleefully. “You’re a dead woman, Cortez!” Alma didn’t stop at her shout, her voice meant to sound loud now like a threat. “You’re a dead woman walking, Cortez!!”
“I know
” Alma whispered to herself, exhausted already still.
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thetavolution · 6 months ago
Tagged by: I was tagged once and then ran amuck
Tagging: Any of you who want to do it!
Rules: Include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. The “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idk).
Tumblr media
Height: 5’6”
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Amazing cook. She did it professionally prior to the tadpoling.
It's near impossible to ruffle her feathers.
Non-judgemental. Even if she's not into something, she generally won't treat you differently for your kinks.
Open communication about boundaries, expectations, and wants.
She's willing to try almost anything once. She also likes to do things that make her lover happy.
She will domme and sub.
She enjoys biting and mild pain. (Astarion gets her used to some bloodplay, but mostly just in the vampire sense.)
As much as she puts up a "I don't care" front, she cares so much. She's just emotionally burnt out. She is devoted and loyal.
While it takes a lot to get her emotionally riled, this can also be annoying when trying to get an honest reaction from her. Trauma has led her to shut down emotionally.
Her sense of self-preservation is broken. She will commit to life threatening events for the bit.
She has a "is that all there is?" attitude toward the world.
She will domme, but she can't take it that seriously. There will be jokes and laughing.
She can't get too intense on pain for herself. (If the other person enjoys pain, she'll match what they want though.)
Girl has trauma and it makes her scared of people. If you just want a one night stand, you won't notice. If you want more, you'll notice.
She relies way too much on alcohol to help numb her pain. She gets better over time. It's just highly concerning until she gets it together. The tadpole incident is probably what helped it from going more downhill and lead to her finding better coping techniques.
She's secretive about her history. It takes a long time before she'll open up about what happened to her before working as a cook. She's made huge mistakes in the past she fears she can't atone for.
She loves discovering new recipes and foods. She carries a notebook with her for saving or jotting down new recipes she comes across.
From a pretty trashy family. They're well-known in Baldur's Gate for it.
Her "life doesn't really matter" attitude is what motivates her to be kind. If life is going to suck and be worthless in the end, all we really have is being nice to each other, as far as she's concerned. Sure, she'll help you out. What the fuck else is she doing with her life, y'know?
You gotta subscribe to ACAB if you wanna roll with her.
She loves the color pink, but also tries not to overdo it because she IS pink.
She likes working out.
She's a bard who has a strong preference for the violin.
She's the kind of person who likes stuff that's so bad-it's-good. In a modern day setting, Troll 2, Hell Comes to Frogtown, and Amsterdamned are in her top 5.
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creative-jackalope · 1 year ago
*chanting* Ford Pines ! Ford Pines ! Ford Pines !
(for the headcanon game LOL)
HI THIS WAS SENT TO ME A REALLY LONG TIME AGO AND I FORGOT TO POST THE RESPONSE,,, This has been in my drafts for like a year I think oopsie. Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway--
[Send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons!]
OH BOY do I have many a thought about this man. Picking just four is tough and these are going to be so long so I’ll place them under a read-more.
Heads up - significant Gravity Falls spoilers!
Headcanon 1 - Canon-Compliant:
This is a relatively common headcanon already, I think, but Ford is absolutely covered in scars from his time in the Multiverse. He also already had some from his years in Gravity Falls. If you can name an injury, Ford's probably experienced it at some point - bitten, stung, broken bones, shot, stabbed, fallen from a height, poisoned, burned, he's seen it all. (Thankfully he's managed to keep himself away from fatal or debilitating harm, but there's still time! :D His common sense and self-preservation instincts leave something to be desired and his hero complex never quite went away.) He isn't too fussed about others seeing the scars, usually, but he tends to be evasive if asked about them - he prefers not to think about his time in the Multiverse in too much detail.
Headcanon 2 - Hilarious: 
Ford is resolutely convinced that, throughout his time working with Fiddleford, he did an astounding job at hiding Bill and their partnership. He is 100% certain that Fiddleford couldn't ever have known, not in the least! It does, however, turn out that Ford is a terrible liar and has about as much subtlety as a fork in the garbage disposal. That's not even counting the moments (that Ford is unaware of) when Bill would talk directly to Fiddleford, making no pretenses but never telling Fiddleford exactly who he is other than a 'friend' looking after Ford and helping build the portal. At one point Bill even tried to directly tell Ford that Fiddleford knew, hoping they'd get to stop the charade - Ford just laughed and brushed it off, saying, "Don't be ridiculous, he doesn't suspect a thing!" Bill didn't care enough to push the topic.
Headcanon 3 - Painful:
[CW: Substance misuse, life-threatening physical illness, mental illness, paranoia] Being possessed repeatedly by Bill had serious effects on Ford’s body which neither of them expected. Towards the end of their partnership, his body essentially began to treat Bill like a parasite - his immune system began attacking his nervous system. This caused swelling in his brain, accompanied by fever, hallucinations, chronic headaches and light sensitivity, and just in general an awful time all around for him. After the betrayal, it didn’t matter if Cipher was actually tormenting him or not; hallucinations of him were enough to fuel Ford’s paranoia, and depriving himself of sleep to 'protect' himself from these hallucinations did extremely little to help. The one saving grace is that Ford began to self-medicate with steroids in an attempt to keep himself awake and alert for longer periods, which had the (accidental, on his part) side-effect of slowing/reducing the swelling and suppressing his immune system's attack on his body - and likely saved his life by keeping him going until he finally ended up in a hospital. He has long-lasting damage from this, though thankfully things have improved with time, and he has learned to live with and work around the lingering symptoms. He's still not certain how much of the torment in those years was actually Bill, and how much of it was his own paranoia and illness... If he's honest with himself, he'd rather not know.
Headcanon 4 - Canon Is Dead:
Stanford Pines likes poetry and I will die on this hill. I know this directly contradicts Journal 3 (”I never understood poetry, to be honest") but, in my eyes, Ford loves self-expression through written and visual mediums. He is a man who has always struggled with expressing things like emotions verbally, which is part of the reason he ends up using his Journals more as a diary than as a record of research methods and discoveries, and so art as an expression of things you can’t otherwise put words to fascinates him. The written word, in general, is something he loves - whether fiction or non-fiction, poetry or prose. Poetry in particular is something that helps him with recognising his own emotions and understanding them. As such, I explain the Journal 3 comment either as “-plugs ears- he didn’t say that” or “he’s being deliberately snarky because he knows what the Hand Witch is implying and he doesn’t like it or want to admit/acknowledge it”.
Now I’m. Stretching the rules a bit lmao.
Here are some in-depth extras that are important ones to me, but don’t particularly fit the above categories.
Bonus Headcanon 5 -  Trauma, coping mechanisms, and the importance of social support after so much isolation:
[CW: Discussion of PTSD symptoms] Basically implied in canon already, he has some pretty serious PTSD as a result of his years spent paranoid and alone in the Multiverse, and suffers from frequent nightmares as well as occasional flashbacks, amongst other things. One of his biggest coping mechanisms for the related anxiety is being armed so he can defend himself at a moment’s notice. At first after returning, Ford never went without his weapon belt, not even at the Shack, and all it took was an errant floorboard creak for his hand to fly to his gun. After a long while, he steadily got used to the idea that he was home, and he was safe, and started to forgo the belt more and more whilst in what he felt were safe places (ie. in the Shack or on the Stan O’ War II). Despite that, he still feels the need to be armed for reassurance whenever he goes out, even if it’s just to the town - and there are days where he will, without explanation, carry a weapon in his safe places too, something that Stan tactfully doesn’t mention. However, later on those same days Stan will usually a spot a new anomaly and insist they need to stay home so he can tell Ford about it, then spend all evening spinning a grand tale of how terrifying and fantastical it was in great detail, until Ford either is listening with complete awe or is terribly unamused and poking holes in the blatantly fabricated story - either way, the gun often ends up on the table, forgotten.
Bonus Headcanon 6 - Probably the most important one to me and plays a massive part in how I characterise Ford as a whole - I apologise for how LONG this one is but I have so so so many thoughts about it:
Ford is autistic and was diagnosed as a child, in the 60s. He grew up masking a lot of the more “obvious” traits, like repressing many of his body stims, because of bullying and family pressure - he was already “weird” and this just made him stand out more, so he tried to hide it. Big traits he had as a child that carried over to adulthood were his bluntness, difficulty in relating to others, sensitivity to sensory input (noise and texture were the main ones), and how he would focus intensely on particular topics that interested him. Behind-the-scenes he also received a lot of support from Stan (who I headcanon as ADHD and autistic, though his traits present very differently to Ford’s and he was never assessed or diagnosed, instead just treated as a ‘problem child’), and as such, began to struggle a lot more than he thought he would once Stan was no longer in his life and couldn’t secretly help him through things. As an adult, since he started living alone and had embraced his polydactly and made it his, Ford steadily started unmasking and just let himself exist in all his “weird” glory; including being more vocal about his own limits and needs, both personal and social. He stims a lot with DD&MD dice (which he is an avid collector of) as well as whatever little desk toys he can find (especially physics-based ones), and also has several hand-based stims like tapping or rubbing his fingers. One of his anxious stims, picked up during the nights where he was trying to keep himself awake, is tapping his thumb against his fingers sequentially and counting along “one, two, three, four, five”. Counting is general is an action he finds very soothing when he’s stressed or anxious. Finally, one thing that has never, ever changed about him is that once he gets focused on something he Will Not Stop - he’ll forgo food, sleep, and anything else because he simply forgets he needs it once he gets into the zone, and he’s terrible at reading the signals from his body informing him he is hungry or tired. Having others around, like Fiddleford and Stanley, to prompt him to look after himself is something he benefits from heavily.
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kieraplaysthesims · 2 months ago
December 1926
Russell’s Groceries: December 14, 1926
The early December morning was crisp, with a faint frost clinging to the windows of Russell's Groceries, the pride and joy of Cecil Russell. Nestled in the heart of Finchwick, the shop’s charming facade, adorned with painted lettering that read “Russell’s Groceries,” stood out warmly against the backdrop of the quaint neighborhood. The store smelled of freshly baked bread and seasonal pine garlands, a festive nod to the coming Christmas season.
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Inside, Cecil stood proudly behind the counter, dressed sharply in a pressed shirt and waistcoat, his sleeves rolled up just enough to suggest he wasn’t afraid of hard work. His energy was palpable. Only hours earlier, Lucille had shared the joyful news—she was expecting their first child. The thought filled him with a sense of purpose unlike anything he had felt before.
He turned to his two new employees, Mary and Katherine, who were busy arranging shelves stocked with locally sourced produce, tins of tea, jars of preserves, and freshly churned butter. They had been hired a few weeks ago, and Cecil had spent every moment since ensuring they were trained to his exacting standards.
“Mary,” Cecil said, his voice cheerful as he gestured toward a display of apples. “Let’s make sure those stay front and center. It’s the season for cider-making, and I’d wager Mrs. Wentworth will be in for another bushel before the week’s out.”
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“Yes, Mr. Russell!” Mary replied with a smile, already bustling over to rearrange the fruit.
“Katherine, the shelves look good,” Cecil continued, surveying the store with pride. “Keep an eye on the flour and sugar stocks. It’s baking season, and they’ll sell fast.”
Kathy nodded, adjusting her hat nervously. “Yes, sir. I’ll check the storeroom inventory right after this.”
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Satisfied, Cecil turned his attention to the first customer of the day, an older man in a tweed coat and cap who entered with a brisk nod of greeting. “Good morning, Mr. Fletcher! How’s the wife? And what can we do for you today?”
As he chatted with Mr. Fletcher, Cecil’s thoughts drifted momentarily to Lucille. She had waved him off with a smile that morning, the soft glow of happiness in her eyes. The thought of becoming a father filled him with equal parts excitement and determination. He glanced around the store, the shelves stocked and ready, his employees capable and cheerful. This was what he had worked for—to build something that would sustain his growing family.
The little bell above the door jingled as another customer entered, and Cecil was back in action, his charm and enthusiasm infectious. “Welcome to Russell’s Groceries!” he called out warmly. “Let me know how I can help.”
By mid-morning, the shop was bustling with customers, many of them regulars who appreciated Cecil’s friendly demeanor and the quality of his goods. He made mental notes of their needs and preferences, always striving to ensure their satisfaction.
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As the last customer of the rush left, Cecil took a moment to catch his breath, leaning against the counter and running a hand through his neatly combed hair. The sun was climbing higher in the sky, and he could already tell it would be a good day.
“Kathy, you’ve done well today,” Cecil said, clapping the younger man on the shoulder. “Mary, that window display is perfect. We’ll have the whole neighborhood stopping in to see it.”
The employees beamed under his praise, their pride mirroring his own. Cecil glanced at the clock on the wall and grinned. There was plenty of work left to do, but with the news of his growing family in his heart and the success of the shop before him, he felt ready to take on anything. Including some grilled cheese for the staff during the non-peak hours.
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goldenteaset · 2 months ago
If I may, why do you prefer Stampede and '98's versions of Wolfwood then?
Related to this ask! *Ponders this one too*
I fully admit that 99% of it is personal taste and interpretation, anon. XD; I just prefer Big Bro Nico (with the same overall guilty conscience), who stubbornly finds joy where he can even if in his heart he still hates Gunsmoke/No Man's Land, over metaphorical "well preserved dead guy" Nicholas the Punisher who seems to be frantic to escape the very manga he co-stars in.
'98!Wolfwood in particular has this, dare I say, "salt of the earth" feeling to him that I just really like a lot. He's the most Western feeling of the main cast, to me--giant cross aside, you could plop him down in something like The Magnificent Seven and he'd feel right at home. He's not a total "white hat" paragon of justice, but he's not a nefarious "black hat" either. He's just a very human, flawed guy that'll swindle one man to help out another over the same chess game, and be mostly telling the truth when he says it was just for his own benefit. (This is part of why "Escape From Pain" is one of my favorite episodes, warts and all. :D)
Trimax!Wolfwood, meanwhile...I mentioned in that previous ask that he has "the soul of a '90s comic book character", but I wasn't sure how to explain that. Now I can: just like most of those characters (Animal Man by Grant Morrison for example), he feels like he just wants to hop on his Angelina II, crash through the ink and pages, and go literally anywhere else. Rereads haven't changed this feeling, either. I keep waiting for him to suddenly turn toward the panels and start shaking them like jail bars, yelling "Let me out, damn it!" He'd take the orphanage with him if he could, and that's a point in his favor.
But I've never known what to do with characters like that--if even they don't want to be here, why should I stick around to see what happens to them? By all means, Mr. Well Preserved Dead Guy, run away to a baseball manga or something! You'd clearly be happier there. ;_;
Stampede!Wolfwood is in this precarious position where he could go either way on my internal sliding scale, but as it stands? He's very good. More brasher and boyish than '98, he feels like he has a lot to learn in the best way possible. His arguments with Vash feel like ones he'd actually have and make under his specific (and yes, very melodramatic) circumstances. As a bonus, having his dynamic with Livio established this early helps a lot for getting us invested in them for the long-term*. Legato aside, they were actually why I finally watched Stampede. (Sorry Vash, I like you too. XD;)
...I hope this makes sense, anon? Tagging this will be interesting. ^^;
*It also helps Livio feel less like Wolfwood 2.0, and while on the whole I hypocritically do prefer his '90s flavor, I'd still rather he stand on his own.
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sir-sunawani · 2 years ago
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
20 Chapters - 46,838 words
Read it on Ao3 or Wattpad
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
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Chapter 20: Quicksand
When you wake up, you’re no longer in Buggy’s office. As far as you can tell you’re in the basement of the office building. There’re no windows, but the room is fairly well lit. Your immediate area is darker, shaded by a couple coat racks and what is unmistakably one of Crocodile’s coats draped between them. It not only keeps the area darker, but serves to shield the bed from the rest of the room.
The sweet scent of citrus and cigar smoke filled your senses, but along with that was the scent of fresh coffee and warm bread. You had no idea how long you had been asleep, only that you had been so completely exhausted that once you closed your eyes you lost all sense of the world around you.
Most certainly though, you were hungry.
Getting up quietly, you peek around the coat rack and look into the room properly. There are several tables set up in the middle of the room, with shelves lining the walls. Boxes are scattered about, some on the tables, some on the floor, a few mixed in with books and loose sheafs of paper on the shelves.
At one of the tables Crocodile was leaning back against a chair, staring up at the ceiling and blowing long steady lines of cigar smoke into the air. He seemed to be frustrated, but also trying to calm himself down.
“Suwani?” You ask quietly.
He flinches so hard at the sound you’re impressed the chair doesn’t wobble under him. Taking the cigar out of his mouth and setting it on an ashtray he moves to get up as you take a few steps toward him. He looks a little haggard.
“How long was I asleep?”
He glances at his pocket watch before lifting you up into a hug. “Twenty-three hours and seventeen minutes. Much longer and I was going to risk taking you to a hospital.”
“I have perhaps been overworking myself this last year or so.” You admit meekly as you realize how worried he’s been. “I don’t feel very sore, did you do something?”
“My secretary is friends with someone who possesses a healing devil fruit. The power can be preserved within glass jar, so it’s quite useful to have some available for emergencies.” He explains, his hug tightening for a moment before he sets you back down.
“I’m sorry I’ve worried you.” You say kindly, reaching out and caressing his cheek.
“Hmph, considering what I put you through, I’d prefer you never apologize to me again.” He says evenly despite the furrowing of his brows. “Are you hungry?”
“Incredibly.” You answer with a smile. You didn’t agree with the guilt he was feeling, but you could at least understand why he was feeling it. His plans had failed, and it wasn’t just himself or his organization that faced that failure, but also you.
Judging by his actions since your reunion, his feelings for you hadn’t diminished at all in the time you were separated. You feel the familiar pang of guilt, but you had thought him to be gone into the depths for the rest of your lives. There was no shame in having tried to move on when you had believed that to be an absolute truth.
“You mentioned your secretary earlier,” you began, following after him as he pulled the lid off a basket of food. “Miss All Sunday, right? Is she okay?”
“To my knowledge she is alive.” He answers, pulling out a chair for you and inclining his head. You sit with a smile as he pushes you comfortably up to the table. “According to Alvida after she ran into Donquixote, she fell in with the Kings of East Blue.”
“I’m glad she’s alive.” You say as he begins laying out food for you. “She did her best to keep me safe for as long as she could, and I appreciate it.”
 Then I will wish her well in her new endeavors and leave it at that.” He says, sitting across from you.
“Normally you wouldn’t?”
“Normally, I would not.” He answers candidly.
“Have you slept?” You ask before taking a bite of food.
“Suwani.” You don’t mean to pout, but you don’t manage to stop yourself.
“I spent the last 24 hours concerned,” he replies sternly. “I wouldn’t have slept well.”
“Humph. Have you eaten?” You question, narrowing your eyes a little.
“I have.” He answers a small smile playing at his lips. “If you’re attempting to look intimidating you are a far cry from such an expression.”
You smirk before you take another bite. “I wasn’t I
 I was just
” Your face twists and despite your earlier brevity, emotion twists in your heart. “I just really missed this.”
Crocodile was knelt by the side of your chair with no more than the shifting of sand. “(Y/N), I-.”
You shake your head and cut him off. “No, it’s
 you did the best you could. So did I. It’s
 no one needs to feel guilty, okay?” You wipe your eyes and turn toward him. Even with him kneeling and you in the chair you were nearly at eye level. “Don’t treat me like glass, and don’t neglect yourself.” You cup his face in your hands, shifting errant strands back before leaning forward and putting your forehead against his.
“Tell me about this glorious plan.” You prompt, kissing him on the forehead before he stands up.
Crocodile leans against the table – practically sitting on it – while you pick at the food provided, and begins to explain the plan.
“The wheels are in motion for Buggy to fill the Warlord vacancy. Once him, and by association his affiliates, are essentially protected, then the alliance between him and Mihawk will be completed.”
“Mihawk? I thought he only cared about his sword skills?”
“Mm, he does, but apparently he has set himself a protĂ©gĂ© of sorts, and that relationship has spurred him into more action than he would otherwise take.” Crocodile explains. “Whatever the reasoning within him, I’m only concerned about the alliance.”
“And the point of it? I can’t imagine you’re creating this entire alliance simply to get back at Dingo.” You say nonchalantly.
Crocodile coughs. “Dingo?”
You freeze for a moment, not having realized that you had called him that. “
 Yes. It was the most derogatory thing I could risk calling him in my phone.” You’re quiet for a moment before you look up at Crocodile. “Nothing happened.”
“Hm?” He looks down at you with confusion.
“Between he and I, nothing happened. He, I mean, aside from Friday it was almost cordial.” You explain, looking back down at the table. “I just
 I don’t know why it felt important to clarify that, but it did.”
Crocodile puts a hand on your shoulder. “Regardless of that he still laid his hands on you without your consent. That is, in itself, enough. That he pulled you into a contractual relationship against your will was, honestly, enough.”
“You make it sound like you would’ve forgiven him if all he had done was send you to prison.” You say with a grunt.
“I would’ve perhaps had a different plan.” Crocodile admits, and something in his voice almost makes you feel bad for Doflamingo, but not quite. “As it is there aren’t too many moving parts. We’ll be leaving the Emperors alone for this, but the fallout may lead to the complete disbandment of the Warlord system.
“Which, as luck would have it, is why we may find support from an unlikely source.”
Your brow knits as you think about it for a moment. “Marines?”
There’s an amused hum from Crocodile. “Indeed.”
“Don’t give me too mu-mu-.” Your sentence is cut short as you yawn. “Much credit. The Marine disdain for the Warlord System is fairly well-known. Though they’re not usually open to direct hostility.” You yawn again and lean back in the chair.
“The hostility has risen since my incarceration. Ironically, his own diversions are going to play a part in his downfall.” Crocodile says, with a grin that suits his namesake.
“I like that,” you admit with another yawn. “I don’t know what it says about me, but I’m looking forward to seeing that smug look cleared off his face.” You yawn again. “Heck, and, uh, I mean, I don’t care what it says about me.” You clarify before Crocodile can say anything.
“Still tired?”
“Mm, my mind is awake, but I think my body needs a nap.” You stretch. “I slept too much and now I need a post-sleep nap to reset.” You look up at him with a smile. “I would love for you to nap with me, if there’s time enough.”
“My love, there will be time for you no matter what.” He says confidently. Your chair is pulled away from the table as the ex-Warlord lifts you into his arms easily.
“You’re sleepy too.” You tease, nuzzling into his chest and nearly dozing off right then and there.
“Will that bed hold both of us?”
“One way or another.”
“What time is it?”
“Late enough for a nap.”
“It can’t be past 4pm.”
“That doesn’t change my original answer, resting through the hottest part of the day is wise.”
“We’re in a basement.” You say, laughing.
“Indeed, which means it’s cool enough for this.”
Crocodile sets you on the bed and begins to unbutton his shirt. You can’t help the heat that rushes into your face, even though you are quite certain you’re going to nap with him. He grins down at you as he pulls the shirt off entirely.
“Lay down and face the wall.” He says, the grin turning devious.
You turn away from him and lay down, as close to the wall as you can comfortably manage. “You’re teasing me,” you say as you feel him lay down behind you.
You can feel the warmth of him enveloping you as his shirt is draped over the two of you. There’s a surreal shifting feeling and his arms are wrapped around you without hardly having moved the shirt. His leg is over both of yours, and you are as warm and cuddled as you could hope to be.
“I feel like
 like, pfft-haha!” You start laughing and can feel him hum questioningly. “Like I fell into quicksand or something.” You can feel him twitch against you and chuckle again. “Sorry, it’s a terrible pun all things considered, but-.”
“I was expecting you to call me a sand trap,” he admits, the velvet smooth voice so close to your ear soothes your laughter and puts heat back into your face. “Between the two of us, only one of us suggested going to a hotel after meeting once.”
You grunt. “You didn’t argue.”
“Letting you drive yourself there was one of many displays of restraint.” He admits, the glass fingers of his left hand moving slowly down your side, toward your hip. “You wanted to run, and while part of me wanted to chase you,” fingers slip along your hip, following a line toward your core. “More than anything I wanted to engulf you entirely. To bury you in sand and have you bloom only for me.”
Your leg moves over his, your foot hooking behind his knee and causing your skirt to hike up. You feel over-dressed. You’re warm from head to toe, head clear and needy, body tired and just as needy. You don’t even stifle the soft moan as you shift back against him.
His right hand reaches up from under you, holding your head against his chest, warm fingers cupping your face. Leaving you enough freedom to moan, but not leaving you much room to move. The cool glass finger of his left hand slips under the hem of your skirt and begins to slide along it, pulling it up so slowly you whimper.
“Don’t make me beg,” you whine.
“You wanted to nap.”
“Bury me, Suwani.” You demand, your body tensing in its need.
He pulls your skirt up the rest of the way, cool glass fingers slipping past your panties and finding your clit easily. You gasp in surprise at the rush of movements, and cry out in pleasure as the touch that’s haunted your dreams for over a year sinks into your body.
You can feel the pleasure building inside of you as fingers that long ago committed all your weaknesses to memory dance effortlessly against you. You don’t want him to stop, but you don’t want to be the only one to get any pleasure out of this, and as your hands fumble to reach him you feel the surreal shift again.
You’re under him as he looms over you, and with a few easy movements you’re on your back and he’s between your legs.
“There are quite a few ways I could bury you, my sweet desert flower, but I think I’d like to be direct right now.” He says, bringing your legs together and into one hand as he pulls your panties off and sets them aside before parting your legs on either side of his again. “I’m sure we’ll still have time to rest after this.”
The only delay is the moment it takes for him to put on a condom before he’s pulling your hips toward his. He leans over you, stiff cock slipping against your wet slit as those sharp eyes watch the needy expressions on your face. Leaning closer he kisses you deeply, his tongue pushing into your mouth as he pushes into your pussy.
Moans and all, you are devoured entirely by Suwani.
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