#and im screaming crying throwing up about it
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actuallyitsstar · 8 months ago
headcanon asks for Bradley: 1 and 19?
✨ send me a number + a character for headcanons! ✨
1: holiday headcanon
christmas was always one of bradley's favorite holidays, all throughout his childhood. every adult in young bradley's life, all with varying backgrounds and types of childhoods of their own, could come together to agree on one thing: bradley's christmases should be magical. carole, trying to keep the magic of those first three christmases with everyone all together alive; mav, trying to give bradley the kind of happy memories he never had; ice and slider, woven into the family by carole's steady hand, determined to give this little makeshift family what it needs. bradley remembers holiday baking with mom, learning about the traditions of ice's family, so different from theirs; neatly-wrapped gifts from santa, much lumpier gifts that were also "from santa", supposedly, but he knew those ones were from uncle mav- it would be fair to say bradley was a little spoiled when it came to the holiday season.
after carole is gone, and it's just he and mav, those years are empty and feel meaningless, but they try. they try for carole's memory, for each other, and for ice and the others. bradley's eventual disillusionment with the holiday doesn't start there- no, it starts after.
once he and mav have their falling out, it's like someone has flipped the light switch. the last few chrismases were quiet ones, lonely without mom, sure- but he and mav got thru them together. after losing mav, too, though, it's radio silence. bradley goes from loving and enjoying the christmas season to hating it, overnight. the first christmas after is bleak. a long december and a somehow even longer december 25th. the only accompaniment that he has for the next four years of college are the cards and the letters he doesn't open. he spends it in the dorms alone while everyone else goes back to their families.
once he meets phoenix in flight school, things start to look up, just a little. she has a lively, bustling family full of extended relatives and family friends, and they're happy to fold in one more. it still doesn't feel right. it doesn't make him feel at home. for all their effort and kindness, phoenix's mom is nothing like carole and phoenix's dad is is nothing like goose- and as much as he hates himself for thinking it, more importantly, is nothing like mav- and the traditions and energy are all so different that it just feels unfamiliar. though it tugs painfully on his emotional aches and pains, he is grateful to have somewhere to go and happy to be included, even if it only exemplifies to him how alone he really is, and how he really doesn't seem to belong anywhere.
post-mission, post-reconciliation, bradley isn't sure what to expect. he imagines that mav would have built a life without him in it by now and is dismayed to learn this is not the case. he isn't sure if mav will want him around for the holidays after everything he's done and said. phoenix pushes him, telling him that of course he's welcome at the trace family table again this year, but you really ought to stick around and sort this shit out. through much hesitation, bradley does.
the post-reconciliation christmas is not lively or bright or boisterous like the christmases of old. it'll never be the same, without mom, without uncle ice, when the other flyboys have families of their own to worry about now. but mav welcomes him, wants him to be there, and it's more at home than bradley has felt in fifteen long years. it's not about the food or the gifts or the decorations. it's about the people- person, actually. it's about being invited into mav's life and heart even when he knows he can never deserve to be in those places again. at the end of the day, the old christmases were always about family and love and connection, and even though they're quite different on the surface, the new christmas is about all those things, too.
19. favorite photograph headcanon
photos were and are such an important part of the bradshaw-mitchell family. bradley knows it- and it's a part of why, when he leaves, he doesn't take the photos of himself and mav. he knows that to mav, that will say something, loud and clear, and he wants to be hurtful- he wants his emotions to be heard and understood. instead, he takes with him only the photos of his mom and dad, and a couple with the flyboys that mav took, and subsequently was not in; but bradley tells himself that he doesn't need the pieces of a relationship that there's no point in trying to salvage, so he leaves all of those pieces behind.
except for one.
it's a somewhat dilapidated polaroid, taken with his dad's old camera, snapped by carole as she'd stood on the back porch of the little bungalow house that bradley grew up in. in it, a six-year-old bradley sits in mav's arms, held up at eye-level in one strong arm as mav points up with the other. bradley has one hand fisted into mav's shirt, and his gaze and rapt attention are locked overhead. mav always used to tell little bradley to look up at the stars if he missed him, because it's the same stars- they always have that between them, at least. in the photo, mav points out the constellations they share even when apart, and bradley listens intently, trying to commit the names to memory. when he became old enough to have one, bradley used to keep it in his wallet.
eventually, when it's all fallen apart and those connections between them have been severed, bradley gives a new photo the place of honor in his wallet, a photo of he and mom- but he can't just throw out the old picture, no matter how angry he feels when he looks at it, no matter how badly he wants to. it goes into the box with everything else, with letters and cards and artifacts that mav sends him or that he can't bring himself to throw away. sometimes on a quiet, lonely night aboard a carrier or on leave, floating adrift in the world with no anchors to speak of, he thinks about it. he looks at the stars and he sees that image in his mind's eye and he remembers being six years old and thinking mav would always be there, and he wonders sometimes in the most empty moments if the old man still remembers all that shit about the stars. if he ever still looks at them, still thinks of it, of bradley, if he ever wonders anything about bradley the way bradley wonders about him. deep down inside, he knows that he mustn't. deep down inside, he tells himself that there's no chance in hell mav does. because, if he does, it means bradley threw away something that was still alive. it's a fate he cannot bring himself to accept.
when they've reconciled, bradley will find that old beat-up picture in the box. he'll show it to mav. i never forgot, he'll quietly admit. i always thought about it. i- i guess i thought that you probably didn't even care to look at them anymore. i just- i thought it was over. mav will take the photo, tattered and much-handled, from bradley's outstretched hand, studying it with a reverence that bowls bradley right over. i looked at 'em every night, baby goose, he'll admit. always hoped you might be looking, too.
tysm for this ask !!! and for your infinite patience in my disastrous ability to reply 😭😭but i loved answering this ask sm !!! and i definitely did not answer it in longhand at my job and i also definitely did not accidentally write so much about the christmas thing that i had to chop it way down for this ask because it accidentally kind of became a chapter of something lol. i am a disaster. but thank u so much and i hope u enjoy and are well!! <3<3<3
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blossoms-phan · 5 months ago
do u think they knew
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it was gonna be forever
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jez-bez · 1 month ago
If I let you go, can you go back to your room and sleep? [...] Phu. I think... I can help you. Phukan. I've already warned you. You've done it for me before. I just... want to do it for you too. Can I?
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lost-in-fandoms · 1 month ago
Max: well, GP got a dog and he called him Max
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blushingzephyr · 2 years ago
saw this
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and you KNOW it had me mind body and soul
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pov: they’re at your house
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+bonus! kendall and kendall undercover
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the-whole-shebang · 3 months ago
The fact that Viktor saves Jayce in every timeline even knowing it will always lead to the creation of hextech and that timeline's destruction. The fact that Vi and Caitlyn are literal soulmates and one can't exist in a universe without the other. The fact that Ekko fell in love with every single version of Powder/Jinx he met even when they were actively enemies.
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jamesheathridge · 11 months ago
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KYLE GALLNER as EMMETT Mother, May I? | 2023
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toonetowne · 4 months ago
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cheriboms · 14 days ago
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a wizard and her kitten 🔮
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ab-horror · 3 months ago
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girls-againstgod · 3 months ago
After everything, eomer finding eowyn's body on the battlefield will always make me cry. Imagine, when you're 11 years old your father is killed and your mother dies of grief shortly after and there was nothing you could do to save either of them, but you train to fight and protect your younger sister, because you have to at least keep her safe. You warn her of the dangers in the world, you do everything in your power to make sure no harm comes to her. You know that she longs to defend what she loves, to fight just as much as you do. Despite this, you would never be able to stand it if you lost her, too. So you tell her she has to stay behind, you do your best to build a cage around her like a safety net. You believe maybe she will understand, maybe she will stay behind. Maybe she will stay safe. You have done everything you can. You go to battle thinking it will most likely be your last, but at least your sister will be safe. Your uncle, who took you in when your parents died and treated you like a son, dies during this battle. You see his body. You have lost another parent. It is a blow you haven't felt since you were young, despite the battles you've been in since. But then you see a face that is all too familiar, all to similar to your own. Your sister's body, laying defeated next to your uncle's, when she should have been safe in your home. Her body, curled on the ground in a way it should never be. You were making the world safe for her. You see now, though, that it didn't work. She's dead, and you are once again an 11 year old by, who still cannot save those you love.
anyway yeah i'm doing great👍
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 24 days ago
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 months ago
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i think i hauve covud
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crazymecjc · 6 months ago
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ipad-baby-armand · 5 months ago
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If we don’t get more of a look into his identity issues in season 3 I’ll throw up
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half-way-across-the-galaxy · 7 months ago
I'm so in love with the conversation Juno and Nureyev had on the beach- Nureyev's fear of Juno rejecting him, then being reassured immediately by Juno saying "I love you so much that I followed you, and I love you so much that I'll let you go."
In a season that was all about the potential for eternal life Juno really said: we don't have all the time in the world, but I'm willing to give every bit of time I do have to loving you the right way.
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