#and im running out of ways to express my enjoyment
univemma · 29 days
I'd like to thank Deadpool & Wolverine for encouraging everyone and their mothers to rewatch the X-Men movies.
As a result, I've been blessed with a significant uptick in Alex Summers edits as people remember that he exists. I've saved 14(!!) NEW ones in the last 6 days which is already a much faster rate than before the movie, and also mildly impressive for a side(?) character who has been dead since 2016.
I'm having a great time.
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moonsaver · 5 months
ok this is not really a request, but what would yan!dan heng be like? i barely see any yan!dan heng content and thats probably because I don't even know how he would behave. Would he silently obsess over you? Would he not let you leave the archives, taking his life when he was young as an example, giving you books as your only respite? Would the astral express crew be in on it?
I feel like yan!dan heng would be like a pathetic wet cat about it, acting unfeelingly but then begs and begs for your affection in private, guilt tripping you without noticing and then finally giving up and taking what he wants whether you like it or not.
Hello anon!
I understand your frustration, and tbh even i struggle a bit with characterizing yan!dan heng, so i havent been able to push out any of his content.
He's not an exact favorite either, so i wasnt at all bothered by the lack of content but i understand you (sunday enjoyer here).
Honestly, i think one of the major reasons its hard to character yan!dan heng is kind of because hes actually a bit of a mellow character who's pretty cozy. Im not thorough with his backstory but it seems like he's always trying to be on the down-low, and never do things that warrant attention. Yan!dan heng would, as a result, not be so different in my opinion. However, a few of his aspects do seem to be interesting as a result.
As far as i know of his character, yan!dan heng would probably be extremely secretive as a result,kind of the stalker-ish type, who gets insecure easily and has to constantly keep grounding himself about you. But whenever you're within the vicinity, his patience wears thin. It grows dreadful to handle over time.
If his obsession gets strong enough, he'll only frequent his darling more and more through mysterious means, the kind that makes his darling more paranoid and as a result, seek out refuge in him about their "stalker", not realizing who they're actually talking to. Yan!dan heng would probably gauge out how much info his darling has about their "stalker", and if it's too much, he adapts and finds more hidden and unnoticeable means. The only time i can see him officially tie down his darling is if they take the initiative to investigate what's been going on and find out his entire archives worth of information on darling, and dan heng being confronted by it. In a bit of a panic, he'd take countermeasure and his patience finally snaps.
Another flip side of him is what you mentioned. Depending on how far within yan!dan heng's grasp you're in, he would be very starved for any form of affection. He's been constantly leaving behind everything, running away from things, to the point he probably seldom feels like anything in his life is permanent. So when darling comes along, yan!dan heng is so so desperate, he won't show it at first because he'll try to resist and give darling space, but it just constantly snaps taut strings inside of him, and he can't help but cling onto you. You'll thrash and scream and yell at him but he's so eerily quiet, gripping you and crushing you against his chest. He feels so guilty about it, but he's just so lonely. He does guilt trip you sometimes, and gets you to quiet down, but who knows how often that'll last? He can't get himself to "punish" you often either, so he just gives you strict warnings and scoldings from time to time, but then his insecurities get the best of him, and he can't help but cling to you even in your sleep, afraid you'll slip away like everything. He has self-doubt very often, and his main way would be just to seek you out, and force himself onto you in any physical form of affection, even if you grumble and protest about it.
In any case, i feel yan!dan heng would be a luckily tolerable yandere.
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swifty-fox · 3 months
What did you think of The Bikeriders?
omg Im a lilll drunk so.
I honestly think its the best movie I've seen since Green Knight. The sound design is phenomenal, the soundtrack is deeply immersive. I think (not sure) they used real film so it had that lovely 60's grain and bloom that made me feel like I was watching a documentary more than anything else. I think the plot was clear and concise and enjoyable without being overcomplicated or trying to make any sort of broad statements. It knew what it was and it did it well.
Jodie Comer/Kathy was PHENOMINAL!!! She was funny qitty, she made me Feel like she was a 60's housewife in Chicago. The accent was flawless, her hair and wardrobe reminded me of my grandma (in the best sort of way) and you really feel for her and connect with her the entire time. Her facial expressions had me laughing several times.
Tom Hardy/Johnny was wonderful of course, it's Tom hardy. he nails the accent, honestly everybody did. And like. It's Tom Hardy man. He acts like he wants to fuck whoever he's talking to its his signature. but he plays the sensitive biker so well, he was great in every scene he was in and It felt like watching an aging lion with his pride. This bittersweet melancholy colored with utmost respect. i won't give spoilers but once you watch it you'll understand.
Norman Reedus/Sonny!!!!! he wasnt in it a ton but he CRUSHED every scene he was in I was cracking up every time he opened his mouth you could just tell he was having a blast playing an absolute Bum. He's not hugely important to the plot but he was just a delight to watch.
Austin Butler/Benny was just....beautiful. It won't make sense until you watch it but he doesn't exist. but he does. but he also doesn't. He's a real man but he's symbolic of the biker spirit. We know nothing about him but we come to understand him so well. he's a tomcat who desperately wants you to scratch his head, and then he's a prize thoroughbred who will run until its heart gives out if given the chance and he wouldn't choose to be any other way. he has very few speaking lines but he OWNS every scene he's in. He's got all the sex appeal of Marlon Brando and all the bad boy charisma od James Dean. but jesus christ give this man a shower and some clean clothes. He's. hot. He's vulnerable. he's unkillable because he's a mythological figure more than a man. he takes a role that could have been deeply 2D and makes it something DELICIOUS.
My only complaint is sometimes it was hard to hear lines over the background noise/the motorcycle engines.
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nix-xin-art · 4 months
It’s 1AM and I’ve finished the latest update for HSR
So let’s talk about it, and by talk I mean let’s write out a few paragraphs about my wildly running thoughts and feelings about my husbands
FIRST OF ALL, let’s talk about Gallagher. The man that you are, I never stopped being a Gallagher apologist and I’m so happy I didn’t. The fact he’s so laid back and nonchalant about having dormancy as a pet is actually such a serve on his part.
I think Gallagher in particular had a cool little story here, with the introduction of his actual connection to Mikhail being so fucking sad man, I need to give this guy a cwtch because Oml. The scene where he showed his frustrations towards Mikhail were some of my favourites, he gets a little bitter about Mikhails unwavering faith in the express. And in my brain I’ve interpreted that bitterness as a regret that maybe he could’ve done more for him, maybe been something else to have faith in dispite Gallagher not having a faith for himself.
A tasty tidbit that I enjoy from Gallagher is also the fact he calls Sunday ‘Mr Wings’ as a snarky nickname. As a Gallgher enjoyer and a Sunday slapper I enjoy that.
As for why I have ended my friendship with Sunday: Welt.
This is all I have to say, my man wholly trapped welts consciousness in his own to take him as a bargaining chip for the express, eventually hoping to trap the rest of the crew too. I don’t like that.
Im all seriousness though I do like the way all of that was handled. Welt was on his self sacrificial bullshit again and ended up getting himself into possibly detrimental trouble AGAIN. When will this man learn? It’s been 80 something years mr yang, reflect, I beg of you.
Another side tangent. The fact welt immediately understood something was up with Sunday? The fact welt immediately understood there was something wrong with gopherwood. This man never misses and I love it. I’m convinced that the reason he had to be split from the main group in 2.1 was because he would’ve seen through Gallaghers lies in an instant.
Especially since he brought up Gallaghers suspicious history lesson detour as soon as he heard about it.
Im so normal right now oh my god I need to go bounce around the walls for a bit
Also, side side tangent. The scene with the trailblazers and Mica? (Was that his name? The grave keeper in the dreamfulx reef) When welt is mumbling and he just says “huh? Were you talking to me?” I know for a fact that hoyo doesn’t skimp out on the tiny details and even himeko made a noise of confusion in that scene (if I remember correctly of course) but I might be looking too deeply into that.
Also. What is with penacony and having such plot relevant 4* characters. First it was Gallagher, now it’s Misha??? Hello??? I’m loving this 4* love.
NOW ONTO BOOTHILL. I love that guy he’s such a dumbass in all the best ways. I’ve read through the leaks of his story and… oh boy… knowing what k know… ‘I wouldn’t want to interrupt such a long awaited reunion’… currently kaying my ess.
Then there’s Acheron. Acheron has played a huge part in all the story quests of penacony so far and I’m actually starting to really warm up to her, it might’ve been mostly because abuse of her cutscene with Tiernan. That shit pulled at my heartstrings in all the most painful ways. Also the art in these cutscenes???? Hello??? Hoyo are really popping off with these. I was looking at all the little rendering details like a goddamn owl.
Lastly I wanna talk a little bit about the boss battle for this update… specifically the design of that thing… oh my god it’s gorgeous… this massive robot angel that’s also a conductor, it’s such a gorgeous design I just start kicking my feet and rolling around the floor, the boss design in this game is goddamn beautiful. First Phantilia now this.
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earthry · 1 year
Hello love I know your requests are closed, but i have to get it out of my system and tell to you about it (please just ignore me) I can't stop thinking about the idea of papas breaking up with reader to protect them and even telling them 'I never loved you' because this way it will be a faster way for reader to move on and stop asking question to their papa, BUT i think the even more angstiest plot twist would be if it was the exactly same day when reader was ready to tell her papa she's pregnant. A few months/weeks after this whole breaking out thing he could by accident find out about 'the news' (im sorry for taking your time, but this thing is on my mind literally on a loop for days and i think you're angst enjoyer just like me ALSO i hope you have an amazing weekend)
Aksjshsh ANON it’s funny cause I literally had something almost exactly like that in my discarded drafts snsbsbsb I don’t really plan on finishing it or writing a full HC for it, but here's a little treat just for you. You can imagine any Papa here <3
tw: pregnancy, slut-shaming, self deprecation, hurt/comfort, angst, breaking up, happy ending! please keep in mind this is mostly unedited and just randomly written out spur of the moment.
After the breakup, everything he does reminds him of you. 
It was a mistake— thinking that breaking up with you would set you on the right path, a better one. You had a whole life ahead of you, he didn’t want you wasting it by waiting for him every time he left for tour or had to cancel plans to attend to his papal duties.
He can see the toll it takes on you, the crestfallen expression you think you hide so well when he has to leave a date night early or when he has to call a rain check. The anxiety vibrating off you when you text him after a new concert video is released of him flirting with the audience, asking if it's okay to get reassurance that it’s just an act.
He needed to let you go.
It broke his heart to, but he in his eyes it was setting you free for your own good. You would never let him go if you knew his reasoning— he knew this so he had to make it seem like he didn’t want you anymore.
You didn’t believe him at first, begging him to open up to you and to stop joking around. You were convinced something or someone must have said something; the Papa you knew loved you, he wouldn’t suddenly fall out of love so quickly or be so cruel. 
So he aims for the heart. He tells you it wasn’t really real, that it was all a game to him to play house for a while because he was curious. Now that his curiosity has been sated and he is bored, he sees no reason to keep you around.
It hurts him to say so, and he will never forgive himself for it, but he tells you that he never loved you in the first place, that you were just another body. That you were so easy to bed, it only took a few sweet words and you had already fallen so hard. He calls you laughable. Pathetic. A whore. He laughs as tears begin to gather, taunting you when you run out crying.
You avoid him after that— and he has his Ghouls deliver anything that you’d left in his room to your old room. 
You toss the positive pregnancy test that you were waiting for the perfect moment to show him— it seems like there would be no perfect moment, there would be no moment at all.
He may not have loved you, but you did. Despite the pain, you can’t imagine a universe that you wouldn’t keep his baby. 
You just don’t know how he’ll react. Once upon a time you had thought he would never ask you to get rid of the baby, that he would ask you what you wanted first and respect that decision. But you had also thought he loved you just as much and you were so very wrong.
You try hiding it as long as you can but eventually your belly gets too round to conceal. 
You can see the realization cross his face in real time and when he tries approaching, you can’t help but look at him with hurt, fearful eyes. All it takes is for you to rest a protective hand on your stomach to tell him what he wanted to know. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out, “I’m sorry, please don’t make me—“ you swallow back a soft sob, unable to even finish the sentence.
Of all the things he’s ever done, leading a satanic church, promoting sin and pleasure and corruption, this will forever be what he feels guiltiest for.
He doesn’t even think before reaching for you, trying to pull you into his arms to comfort. Can't think of anything else except that right now he needs to soothe you, needs to fix this.
Before, you would have melted into his embrace straight away. Now, however, you struggle and push him back.
He lets you, not wanting to force anything, not wanting to distress you. It’s bad for you— and the baby.
"Tesoro," He tries, gentling his tone as much as he can, holding his hands out with his palms up in an attempt to show that he means no harm, "Shh, shh— I won't make you, I'm not mad. I promise."
You don't believe him and he can tell from the way you are holding yourself— like a house of cards one blow from caving in. You don't know if you can do this again.
He had made promises before, too. Promises you had foolishly believed with naivety. How could you be so stupid, so gullible? To believe that out of all the people in the ministry, in the world, he would choose you? That Papa Emeritus himself could love you.
You should have seen it from the start but you had been too in love with him, too busy making sure you could be enough for him, only to realize that you never would be. There's a sinking realization that you were never enough in the first place.
You never meant anything, after all. He said it himself.
You wonder how it must have felt for him, to have to deal with your inadequacy and even your desire to learn how to make things feel good for him because you had little experience. He must have found it laughable, he certainly told you so.
You were laughable. Pathetic. Whore.
To want to be good at the one only thing you were good for... you wonder how he was able to stand you that long.
You put distance between you and him, arms wrapped protectively around your waist. He looks pained and you're having trouble figuring out what.
Was it because it would ruin his reputation? To have knocked up someone like you?
"I won't say anything," you rush out, "No one will know it's yours, please. Please let me keep it. Please."
"Amore mio—"
"I'm not your 'amore'. I never was, never will be. It's okay I understand that now. Please let me k-keep it."
"I..." He wants to say more, he wants to comfort you and hold you. But he doesn't really have a right to anymore and he can tell how upset you are, he doesn't want to aggravate you any further. "Yes, yes you can keep it. I won't interfere, you have my word."
You still look doubtful and he adds, "I swear to Lucifer himself."
There's a little more reassurance in that. You know him enough to know he wouldn't say those words lightly, even if he had lied to you and toyed with you the way he did. There's a relief that passes over you and you thank him as quickly as you can before dashing off. You hear him shout your name but you don't stop and he doesn't follow.
Eventually there's a moment where you ask why he's being nice, why he's doing this and he tells you he loves you and you call him a liar. He then admits his mistake and apologizes. He says he'll never do it again and will wait until the end of time for your forgiveness if necessary. Or if you never give it, he will wait forever even after the end of time. He is at your mercy.
You eventually warm up to him with hesitation, but you're cautious and always bracing yourself for the catch, for the bad things to happen again.
Papa continues doing his best to support you and be there for you and when he shows his dedication by being there for the birth of his baby and being there for you the entire time, you finally let him back in and offer him the first olive branch by asking him if he would like to hold his child for the first time.
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acebytaemin · 15 days
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ooooo personally I would love to know which songs you think are skz's best songs 👀 (if you want to share of course 💕)
HI raf first of all MWAH💖 you’re always thee sweetest tysm for asking & sorry it’s taken me a little bit of time but im here and READY. now this could take me as much time as i allow myself to type as i am quite the enjoyer of skz music (idk if you’ve noticed 🙈) so i decided to go for a reasonable number of 10 random faves (with commentary because well. it’s me) in signature ana proust style novel form with no real order bc that would be agony and they have TOO many damn songs. under the cut because well. you’ll see why.
any (balkan KINGS that song is on my blog at least 20 times i wish i was joking. GOES STEWPIDDDD. the rest of the songs aren’t really in order but any and ttath share number one FIRMLY)
ttath (experimental skzies is skzies at their best and i will always stand by that. when lino jokingly called this his fav skzies song i was both delighted and ready to fight (making mockery out of MY girl.. preposterous))
cover me (had NO idea hyunjin (producer) had ALL THAT in him. it’s ostensibly hard to make me love a ballad but this one’s in my top 5 skz songs it goes absolutely STUPID. the bridge/last chorus seungmin -> chan -> lino run is earth shattering)
FNF (imagine me leaving the ‘im crying in the club’ comment that had kibum going ‘you’re in the club?’ bangchan give me another club banger im holding you at gunpoint.)
on that note. GOING DUMBBBBBB i need your successor right now. i want you i love you. you’re my girl forever. gunpoint point stands.
DLMLU (SO many people weren’t that impressed and that makes me lose my mind. this is my favorite genre of song. makes me feel something incrementally similar to the emotions become undone by shinee invokes which speaks for itself more than any words i could ever say)
i hate to admit (IF IT HAS ONE MILLION FANS I AM ONE OF THEM IF IT HAS ONE HUNDRED FANS I AM ONE OF THEM IF ITS ONE FAN ITS ME IF THERE’S NO ONE I AM DEAD‼️ im telling you i NEED a mashup of chan’s current solos x this to produce the silk shirt rnb desperate begging hey lover by boyz II men & ll cool j chan track of my dreams. or at LEAST give me rehab by rihanna. SOMETHING anything.)
every 3racha song but let’s talk about ZONE right now (monumental. abysmal. han opens it all politely cutely then changes the flow to more dark then gets rude with it (switching up his flow is his specialty to me he’s so good at it and this song is a perfect showcase of that) and the chorus is good fun and all but when SEO CHANGBIN goes IN. that dude is out of his mind that’s all im saying lest we stay here all night)
phobia (IM STUCK WITH A PHOBIA !!! same genre as dlmlu in my sick and twisted mind bc they’re both absolutely desperate with it. different styles but same raw emotion. Obsessed. headbanging as we speak.)
STOP/road not taken (MMMOOOOREEEEEE of this. i do have a bit of a bone to pick w most of their earlier stuff in view of production but when they got it they GOTTTT ITTTTT)
and this is track 11 actually but who’s counting. can i talk about hanji for a second? let me talk about hanji for a second. VOLCANO i had no idea about that song until like a month ago LMAO and it’s been on my mind all the time. the lyrics bring me to my knees and i absolutely love his flow i think he’s my fav skz rapper actually. he has such a special way of expressing emotion and i know he loves to play w autotune but i just can’t help but wish there were less effects on his voice just to Feel it more but we’ll get there someday. absolutely gorgeous is my point.
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nohoperadio · 1 month
I'm gonna have a crack at @perdvivly's ask meme what I got tagged in now... let's go!!
1. What virtue do you most often see in other people that you feel comparatively deficient in?
A less brave question asker might have built up to the heavy shit and put the lighthearted questions first, I respect it. Okay part of what's tricky here is that to answer this properly I'd have to make some judgment calls about which of my deficiencies are rightly attributed to genuine lack of virtue vs to something like disability, and that's a scary distinction to look at too closely. So my instinct is to avoid any territory close to that border, but the actual true answer probably is close to the border--the below is probably something of a cop-out is what I'm saying.
Here's something I've only relatively recently started conceptualizing as a virtue: the desire and ability to share the enjoyment of the things you're passionate about with other people. The books and music and etc I like, I tend to be content to enjoy them by myself in the corner, whereas for other people experiencing these things alongside others and talking about them and stuff is a large part of the point. This latter tendency is most obvious in what gets called fandom but there are lots of other expressions of it, some more casual/normie, but I don't really do any of it very much. And I used to think this difference was just "people care about different things, whatever" but lately I'm leaning more towards thinking that the more communal approach is just straight-up superior; it looks like some important, richer varieties of experience are available over that way, and I now regret that I didn't try to move myself further in that direction when I was younger.
2. Show us an object in your daily life that you have an emotional attachment to - tell us a little bit about it if you want! (a favourite mug perhaps? socks with a cute pattern? dealers choice)
Mugs (plural) probably is the best answer to this, but I've already tackled that at great length here. What else... well, my main bookmark, given to me by a friend and depicting a scholar I respect very much, has lasted an impressively long time im humble o:
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3. If you could choose, what level of fame would you want? How many people would you want to recognise you?
Impossible to imagine strangers randomly approaching me in the street to start conversations being anything other than nightmarish, so the ceiling has to be below that. I guess there's different types of fame that presumably make for very different experiences, a famous actor probably gets a rawer deal than an equivalently famous author, and the type of famous author whose demographic is such that self-promoting on instagram and twitter is part of the job description surely has a worse life than one who doesn't have to do that.
Someone who knows more about the culture than me could probably say exactly what kind of thing you should be famous for to minmax getting all the pleasant-feeling respect and financial rewards while preserving privacy and minimizing unpleasant public obligations, but I'm not sure what the answer is. However this comic still pops into my head occasionally after all this time and it might be a better answer than any of these words:
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4. Where do you feel language is least adequate to capture, communicate, or express your experience?
Actually I don't often get the feeling that my difficulties in expressing myself are related to the limitations of language, I tend to run into more mundane constraints before that one becomes an issue, like my embarrassment around talking about myself or my not being in tune with my own mental life or the fact that my brain is very small. I think generally if something's too subtle to put into words it's too subtle for me to think clearly about/have anything worth saying about in the first place.
I guess my other possible answer to this would be "all of my experience of life in its entirety" which is also true in a way.
5. If you had to come up with a question with the following criteria:
a) it should disuade knee-jerk reaction answers (i.e. it shouldn't be something people are likely to have spent a lot of time considering before)
b) it shouldn't be too specialised (the audience should be general, don't ask about people's top 3 byzantine spice merchants opperating between 754AD-816AD)
c) it shouldn't be needlessly emotionally charged or divisive
d) it should be a question you expect people to have lots of varied opinions about
What would your question be?
Yeah no it's hard, you've done well. My first thought with criteria A (which I think is the hardest one to cover) is to make the question require describing somebody else's perspective on something, because that way even if the answerer has their own knee-jerk opinion about the thing they'd be forced to suspend that in their answer. Maybe something like this would work:
Think of a topic that somebody close to you has very different feelings about from your own--it can be the smallest, most trivial matter of taste or something weightier if you like--what do you think is the relevant difference between you and this person that explains your different takes on that topic?
I would hope that if this question were in an ask meme like this people would tend to focus on fun and/or lighthearted differences but maybe it would turn people's brains towards bitter conflicts, I'm not sure. Anyway I'm glad question 5 doesn't end with "...and what is your answer to that question?" because it looks difficult to me!
This was fun imo, some of the questions were more intimidating than is the norm for these things but what's wrong with a little spice you know, I recommend it, thank you @perdvivly for erecting this jungle gym of the soul. I'm following the same coward's strat as last time of picking people sort-of-randomly by tagging the last three mutuals to show up in my notifications, this time excluding the three I tagged last time, so that gives @fregolious, @abodywithorgans and @wellmetmat. I'd like to hear from you! If the random method somehow gave people I didn't want to hear from I would have had no qualms about fudging it until I got people I liked, so don't let that put you off! But also, again, any mutuals who feel like doing this and claiming that I tagged them should do so, because in spirit I have, you understand.
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monstersdownthepath · 5 months
Hi. Fellow Pathfinder appreciator here.
I am insanely impressed with your blog. Its so full of useful and incredible stuff. I am a GM, just running a persistent campaign for five-ish of my closest friends. So much thought has gone into these posts and i find myself wondering how i can use the information you have collected and presented and created here and flesh out my world even deeper for these hooligans i play with.
Im trying to find a solution to a lore situation i have and if you have the help me i would be even more grateful to have stumbled upon you.
Im looking for an endgame (CR15-20) ooze. Something intelligent. Something unsettling. Something slightly different than a Shoggoth.
The shoggoth is too… chaotic, and unpredictable. Unfathomable.
I want something my players will understand AND be afraid of.
It doesnt have to be an ooze. Exactly. Could be a beast, or a humanoid, or a demon, that has affinity for controlling mindless/ooze types.
And i am capable of extrapolating and adjusting and tweaking monsters myself to be able to fit the bill. I just want to make sure i am not overlooking something obvious or interesting.
Anyways. Answer or not. Thanks for considering it one way or another,
And thanks for what you have already contributed to my player’s enjoyment without your express knowledge!
Oho, I see how it is! You think you can butter me up, shower me with compliments and praise before you spring your trap on me! Well you're RIGHT, it WORKS, i'm OVERCOME WITH HUMAN EMOTIONS
and. well, my friend, you've come to the right place, because I so happen to be an Ooze Appreciator! You'll find on this very blog not one, not two, but EIGHT beasties you could potentially use! But I recommend the Immortal Ichor; it's a powerful enough foe to serve as an endgame boss, AND a mastermind character. It's also harder to get rid of than I gave it credit for in the initial write-up, five years ago!
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kidfoundonstreets · 6 months
ill try to keep it brief 1/20397
lovebrush chronciles is an otome game deisgbed by team/company I AM ACTUALLY NOT SURE DESPITE YOU SEEING IT EVRRYTIME YOU ENTER THE GAME HOLD ON neteaze games (passion of gamers) and it is about altnerate universes, time fuckery, and school life.
the game begins introducing itself as a regular otome school life sim (my condolences to the fans who fell for william first sight only to find out hes not an actual love interest trust me i see u i feel u) but then WHAM BAM!! just when u thougut ur girl best friend was lookin kinda cute she gets X_x in this summon circle and you jump in to save her only to find out youre now in a royal cage surrounded by people that needa sacrifice you to save themselves from their own doom. oh and youre not in your own world anumore good luck have fun
so now here goes the different plots and paths with the love interests. the way i playrd it was as they introduced it, which was ayn aklaid lars claerence. no cael route yet which rips me apart every night. the love interests seem to have consistent values throughout most universes despite all of their diferet upbringings which i find pretty cool considering schoollife and royaltylife are two completely drastic diferent things, and also i nejoy how mc is written with more character and an amazing design to match the rest of the beautifully drawn cast
on that topic the art is GORGEOUS. i have never seen such beautiful detailed art in a game before and i assure you it will not disappoijnt. the graphics and smoothness of the game are especially a great touch. THERES A MINI STORY FOR EACH CARD BTW SR AND UP ITS SO GOOD becasenit feels as if the creatoes actually put care and give a shit into whar theyre writing and drawing and even in little events the absolute quality and depth of the cast shines theough its just i cannot express how much you need to play tjis game if you like dating sims ITS FREE TOO??,×*#&@ IMSO SAD WHY ID OBEYEME GETTING SM ATTENTION WHEN THIS IS SITTJNGHERE HUH dont get me wrong i too was in that hole but trust me brother there is only one man worth it there and obeyeme sure as hell isnt gonna do it justice with its 200+ chapter peobably plotline
anywya its 11 pm and ibhave no idea how to organize this post so ill just go through the cast
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he is my plaything
ANYWAY ayn is so maahh hes the stupid cat that sleeps on me at night HE USED YO BE MY FAV AND WAS EXACTLY MY TYPE OFF THE BAT ITS SO IRONIC HES MY LEASY LIKED NOW but hes still very good and god you need to see this
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^^ bisexual dilemma
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i like him as a side piece, he has a nice personality but it doesnt stick out to me as much as the rest but i heavily respect the enjoyers of him
Aigh now
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HHHRHRGGGHWH HHRGGBW WHWHWBW W SLSOPE9282B3BDND BSHSJW W GHENRBR .R FJJGGW HJ W..B GHN.F. H . THROWSUP aklaid my dear my darling ! i lvouou my little STARBOY my favorite my self sacrificing devoted prince who acts soo nice but is the cause of his own decay. smooochh I ADORE HIM dude one time he almost dies and mc is like "i am so sorry" and hes smiling qhile saying "nono! this is the happiest ivebeen" GET THERAPY
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lars is my favorite lesbian
im onsessed w him hes always fun no matter where he is and yet they still dont dumb him down the moments where hes serious only add to his character his charm is unexplainable his rizz unatainable you could never
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my TRUE favorite lesbian
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i have run out of images but cael caught my eye since the beginning and i dont know whats wrong with him is he my parental figure my wife my side piece my worst enemy my hater my lover my killer my doomer my caretaker my one-time-leave-you-for-nine-months
i genuinely cannot stand him hes the one who i always run to and check on firstin efents and stories not claerence not lars not alkaid but fucking CAEL.
i cant help it maybe in the end my heart really belongs to him because im still waiting for his route and for him to show moreemotion and maybe break down or slowly go through the agony of learning to accept love despite everything despite you
this is the only part i feel a little uneased about in the writers hands.. they are very capable hands.. but will they do him right.. hes so stupidly simple but not it makes me grit my teeth and die
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syrupspinner · 3 months
steam next fest 3 the finale maybe
i have recently become much less confident that nextfest is all one word, also
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yeah, its missing some pizzaz, like music and sfx work, but the devs are pretty open about it being early so ill look past it. the gimmick itsself is fun! its simple and straightforward in a good way, and i like how it iterates on runs. the good items taking up more physical space and getting burried in your deck is a really good expression of balance. good little roguelike! wishlisted and played for way longer than i thought i would
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straight up couldnt get this one to work. no buttons or keys do shit. i unplugged my controller, relaunched it, a bunch of stuff, still stuck on the first screen. shame, i was really looking forward to giving it a shot
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this is a good demo! it does a good job at presenting the game and letting you know what its all about. i got the basics really solidly, and i see how the additional environments would iterate on the core gameplay loop. i dont think this ones for me, it seems a bit too sandboxy and score-based for me, but i recognize that this is a well made game and i think itll be really enjoyable for its target audience. check it out if you like simulator/management things, or if you want to try the genre out!
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okay, just finished the tutorial, and im kinda split. first, the action feels great and the movement it stellar but yeesh this controller binding is messing me up. it only feels comfortable for me to keep one finder on the front of the controller, and i switch between the bumpers and the triggers with just my index. literally the only games that arent comparable with this approach, by expecting you to use bumpers AND triggers simultaneously, is this and hotline miami 2. the worst part is, i only figured out how weird this feels by the second-to-last tutorial, so i gotta redo all of it with kbm. after that, the game felt a lot more reasonable to get my fingers around (i probably wouldve switched spacebar and shift if i played longer), and i can confirm that the controller layout is my only obstacle to this kick-ass game. i will say that i wasnt expecting it to be a survival game? i thought itd be kind of a roguelike progression-through-a-dungeon thing, but its more about staying in a small space and defending. i already had this one wishlisted, and im glad i know what to expect now, this seems like itll be an interesting "kill 20 minutes before bed" game (in a good way! i love those)
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right away, this feels like its to scotland what kisima innitchuna is to alaskan first nations. only its all stop motion and the entire ost sounds like a simon & garfunkle open house. maybe this comparison is stupid, the point is that this is awesome and you need to play it now. it may look like you get what the games about when you look at it, but it feels different to control. i dunno how to explain it, the artstyle makes the controls feel... different in a neutral way? please just try it, words fail me. this may very well be a once-in-a-lifetime game
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game froze midway through the opening. man, bad luck today. it gotr working in the end, and MAN does this make me feel like a game reviewer. the game isnt hard per se, i can beat all the levels pretty easily, but the game asks you to be pretty damn talented if you want those a ranks. replay the level, route the best way to kill everyone as efficiently as possible. by the end youre gonna feel like harding. i feel like the full games gonna be a bit to tough for my blood, but im gonna have a stellar time watching the action from the sidelines. catch this at GDQ 2026
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yeah i uh. went back to play more. damn this is more fun than i thought itd be, this is a good ass roguelike
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before you read on, let it be known that this is objectively one of the best made and well put-together games ive tried this entire festival and all of my gripes with it are from personal preference. trying this game has led me to understand what people enjoy about punch-out (its clear inspiration) better than any 15 minute video essay could: its a puzzle game that relies on twitch reflexes and trial-and-error. its your job as a player to be attentive to the bosses's minute difference of animation to tell you exactly how to dodge and exactly when to strike. thats a great game! i feel genuinely remiss that i dont like trial and error and split-second weaknesses, or else i wouldve enjoyed this game way more. if youre on the fence about it, please give it an honesty try, this game knows exactly what to be and how to be it. the animation is great, both from the perspective of telegraphing attacks and just looking fantastic, the games vibe and personality is choice, and the gameplay itself is tight as hell. please just give it a shot
i guess thats the beauty of a demo, huh? it lets you figure out if youre gonna like a game before you commit to it. i hope if you take anything away from this 3-part... idk what youd call it, i kinda just gave my opinion about shit. look, im trying to tell you to try these games out yourself, hopefully this helped you figure out what is and isnt worth trying according to your own personal taste. and if youre not sure, give it a try anyway. demos are free, yknow
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toonfanatic08 · 4 months
do u have any headcanons for ickis questionmark
slams the fucking door open
the question is not do i , but its…. how many do i have ;-) keep in mind that aahhh!!! real monsters is a very intense special interest of mine so its extremely personal to me. because of that, my HCs are also personal interpretation and may not be everyone's cup of tea. my experiences inform my perception of media, and thereby i will probably have a lot of biases. please dont make fun of me yall im paranoid as shit clears throat dramatically
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look at him... he means everything to me... <3
so i am an avid autistic "ickis is autistic" truther. i want a fanfic where he gets diagnosed with the monster equivalent of autism and if nobody here will do it, well nelly i may just Do It Myself ! a lot of the stuff the gromble shits on him for, and much of what he is ostracized for by others is actually autistic traits if you look closely. warning this can make you see the show in a MUCH different light. i literally was not the same after i realized it. it kind of makes it about an autistic creature experiencing ableism and being victim blamed for it. story of my life :')
sensory issues. in season 2's "rosh-o-monster," he's quickly overstimulated by the opera singer in the theater theyre in. same season's "mayberry ufo", the harsh rocking of the carriage theyre on clearly stresses him out too.
in the season 2 episode "the ickis box", he develops a hyperfixation on televisions and building one. he also shows an example of stimming in this episode too with the way he starts grooving relentlessly to the television music in the beginning. there's even this quote here:
Ickis: I couldn't help it. I was swept away! It was all so magnificent. (from ahh real monsters wiki, linked later in this document!) i must also mention it's punk/rock music! again! this adds proof to my headcanon that he would probably be a punk enjoyer.
this was pointed out by another tumblr post headcanoning this too but at some point he even says " i wish i was a better judge of character." this is from the season 3 episode "cement heads", in which he's taken advantage of by the taffy gang to break them out of their gargoyle state. the post is here! i credit lots of my opinions to that because the media literacy is excellent here and it gave me Many ideas i did not think of initially.
this, secondly, was also borrowed from the tumblr post. he seems to have a budding possible special interest in human culture. i want to cite these episodes, "hats off", again "the ickis box", "into the woods", in which he even reached out to a human for help (bradley). and "monster blues", in which he develops a bond with a blind man. he seems to have like this general curiosity for stuff concerning it and whatnot. time and time again, hes shown to be the most open to the idea of humans even though his society is not.
this was thirdly also pointed out by the tumblr post. motor skill issues, which can be attributed to problems with proprioception. but i can cite an additional example. [the ep where he like has his foot run over by a car when trying to scare two teenagers. i can't remember the title. my source is: trust me bro. i will edit this when i figure out which one it was]
this is an obscure trait but he has a unique form of vocal tone. it could be called hyperexpressive vocal prosody. or a "sing-songy" tone. i like to attribute his expressiveness to autism as well.
he has had many moments in the series that resemble meltdowns/panic attacks.
different types of stimming as well. throughout the series he tends to pace back and forth, pull on his ears, or makes squeaks and voice cracks.
there is also echolalia present. here is a particular example… in the end of "wake me up when it's over", in which this exchange happens:
Oblina: Ickis, did you eat this skanky stuff? Ickis: Yes, I ate this skanky stuff. Oblina: Well, no wonder you have been sleep-scaring! Ickis: Well, no wonder I've been sleep-scaring! Oblina: And now you should be fine. Ickis: And now I should be fi… Is there an echo in here? (~transcript exerpt from here.)
overall my mind is obsessed with how well it depicts autism for me personally. like he depicts how i was my whole life, being blamed for things i can't really control. i cannot express enough how much ickis means to me as a character. because it means that again as i mentioned at the beginning, the stuff he gets ostracized for is autistic traits, it makes the story so tragic and fucked up when u think about it like this. it means everything to me and i cannot stop thinking about it.
interest-based attention and cognition. easily distracted and tends to procrastinate (literally transient throughout the series. his common procrastination and seeking for shortcuts on assignments, etc. its a rather common source of plot in the show.)
impulsivity. such as in "this is your brain on ickis."
rejection-sensitive dysphoria such as in season 2 episodes "monster blues", "spontaneously combustible", and other similar episodes. RSD is often associated with autism, adhd, and other types of conditions. i may add more adhd symptoms onto this if i find them when i rewatch the cartoon
generalized anxiety disorder, with panic attacks
in the NICKsclusive aahh!! real monsters interview, he was canonically described by his voice actor (charlie adler) as "neurotic", which is from the outdated psychological term "neurosis". it denotes symptoms of stress or mood disturbance. in colloquial use signifies a rather anxious, obsessive, or nervous person. i just thought this was interesting so i included it here.
his frequent anxiety and worries, especially in the earlier seasons. as generalized anxiety disorder is transient worry across many things in life, (i myself have it!)
okay ! now these next headcanons have less substantial proof than the others.
gender. orientation things
non-binary . he/they/it/xe. possibly also genderfluid or boyflux. again once again in "monster blues", he literally states "i'm not a boy, i'm a monster!". there are times where the show actually uses both masculine AND neutral titles for him. as for orientation i am not entirely sure. maybe bisexual or just queer?
he would be punk if he had more exposure to it! in the episode with the punk/rock band (there is a clip of it online but i cant remember the name of the episode,) he clearly enjoys the music and is grooving relentlessly. also, the previous example i mentioned of the episode "the ickis box", too.
he would listen to dead kennedys and sex pistols absolutely. i dont know a Lot of punk bands though, so maybe i will add onto this once i listen to more.
i also feel like he would enjoy motorhead, megadeth, and possibly probably deftones and insane clown posse but i could be projecting haha. maybe classics like elvis as well. no i am totally projecting :') okay um that's some of my major ones. i am very autistic this is just over a thousand words. help.
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reread the rest thus far of lackadaisy and there's the both v easy & difficult task of gathering a shit ton but only a shit ton of excerpts (like every single page is a highlight i'm not exaggerating)
and every single element is superlative and the way it all only becomes More So....already mentioned the way the like smooth gradient shading made the successful evocation of 3D Shapes more noticeable, along w/the consistent geometries of character design & details in fabric folds; the way Lighting & Coloring only goes on to become more prominent elements only enhances that further. the compositions, backgrounds, pacing, angles....everything is so dynamic & expressive, such as including the expressions which you know i also Love / absorbed
going "hell yes for people to discover this superlative comic" then having to occasionally refresh past site traffic overloaded server errors like "nooo" but actually yes
whilest clapping & cheering for the fun of everyone who's been here a minute. My God the invigorating reward when again i started reading in '07 & the concept of rocky & freckle on a "proper" run had only manifested via fun official bonus art, then a literal decade later as it was actually happening in the comic like screeeeaammm i can feel it coming in the air tonight oh lord etc....i've loved following it, again, if i see another new comic page. i am going to be Enriched
i also really was right on the ball myself this time around like okay okay yep i have picked up on Everything, at least to the degree i can lmao. i love the mysteries. i love how Character Focused it is too ofc and there's no characters i'm uniterested in / dislike. you gotta point to one of them, truly, and i have been a [pointing at freckle] enjoyer these fifteen years but fr i am a connoisseur of everyone, i love that so many characters are a weird mysterious chaos element story driver in their own right. i considered mordecai more intently than ever, love his like ultra mystery (and that we leave off on him doing some detectiving even) and truly fun that like, the source of the more Immediate problems he keeps having in every damn interaction isn't the like [wow mordecai with the just diving into the hatchet murdering] factor so much as it's that he's generally like "i am just standing here" and is not nt in any way that matters and people insist on fucking with him on that front. the peak tragedy of him in a bonus comic getting bullied into having to dance with someone to Be Polite like i'm so sorry i wish you could be that ficus too. anyways intrigued with the marigold &/or mordecai mysteries including that it's like, how coincidental is it that he talks about marigold having a thorn in its side & the savoys' nickname for him is peekon = thorn. there is so much to consider, love that for us truly. and i'm rooting for mordecai & nicodeme's dynamic out here, is another conclusion....very enriched by comparing & contrasting that serafine nicodeme mordecai triumvirate with the rocky ivy freckle one, to be sure. im enriched
i'm also enriched by every footnote that's got like historical facts / research notes / [this is inaccurate for xyz prioritization but here's the disclaimer] explanations. i Love information. and everything else like i loooove this comic it's Soooo Fucking putting my hands to my temples and inhaling at length through my teeth
#first time i've really taken tumblr up on that new thirty image limit expansion; bit of a surprise maybe lol#put your back into autism acceptance month &/or press j; scroll fast; read through it actually; filter the following:#long post //#learning abt the overwhelming popularity of baby ruth candy bars from lackadaisy footnotes? relevant to gtm:pota aficionadoship at one pt#remember discussing what i learned from another footnote abt some christian denominations / other religions being very Anti Prohibition#every time i use the word cagey i think of lackadaisy. cagey thing... we've all been there#fantastic time revisiting and i love to be considering all these characters all the further / with reckless juxtaposition#especially the two triumvirates as mentioned. rooting for them all#rooting for mordecai to be relieved of that v realistic [ppl sensing a Mess With His he is not nt in any way that mattersness Free For All]#either let him be or start shooting at him lmfao. but i Love that the gang had that pleasant nonbrunch together & no shots exchanged yet#more brunches! and i think nicodeme could be mordecai's bestie or w/e he wants. turn out to be Supportive in any way that matters#they are more so the ivy and freckle of their group after all lol. slightly would-be Unlikely coupling there as well anyways; and yet!#i am as enriched and intrigued and appreciative and etc as ever#and reminded that in my rereading i haven't yet gone over all the bonus material lol....#also stumbled across that sungwon cho had fandubs of lackadaisy comics posted like 9 yrs back??#which means i probably saw one or two; think i remember one being shared and checking that out#like hey didn't know i'd encountered you before like; vines & oh the lamps are fucking & etc. and now there he goes voicing mordecai yaay#lackadaisy
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hyperfixationcenter · 5 months
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Carve in My Heart ❤️🗡️
Tw: Mentions of drinking and a few cuss words
Flickering streetlights make your path and you walk down the street just wanting to make it back home, its the last thing you wanna do in the day from your legs being tired, as you keep walking its a normal scene, trash in the alleyways, the sound of the club right down the road, and the little shops with their glowing signs but closed.
You take a sigh and keep walking until you see a shop catch the corner of your eye, its still open even though it’s a late night, strange. You turn around and look at the shop window looking at the little wooden statues and wood burnings of monsters, finally you look up and see the shop name.
“Horrors of the Forest?” Pretty strange name for a wood shop
“Well, I guess I got nothing else to do, and I got a few dollars in my wallet” You finally shrug and step into the store.
Walking into the store you hear a bell ring and little steps rushing towards the door. It’s a little Boston terrier, and it’s absolutely adorable, you bend down and pet the friendly little pup and holding the dogs name tag.
“Haha, well hey Betsy, your a cute little dog for such a mysterious shop”
The dog bumps their head into your leg and runs off into the rest of the store wanting you to follow them, you try and follow the dog down the long shelves.
Eventually you stop to look in awe at the little wood carvings, some just wood and some painted. You see one that looks exactly like Betsy and pick it up carefully looking at the details and paint strokes.
Suddenly you hear Betsy bark at you and start to follow the little dog again, a minute later you reach the end of the stop and see a little cashier stand but no one there.
You hear the sound of carving to the right of you, you turn your head and see a large intimidating man cutting a wood block, looking up and staring at you.
“Woah, woah easy there, you act like you seen a ghost”
The scary man gets up and walks towards you to hold out his hand
“The names Robert. Im the owner of this store here”
“It’s nice to meet you, Robert”
You shake his hand and he gives a tiny smile
“So you gonna buy anything?”
“Oh yeah! I thought this little wood sculpture was cute”
You pull the statue of Betsy out and Robert gives a big grin
“I see you have a liking to my old girl Betsy”
“Yeah she’s such a cute dog!”
“Well that wood sculpture won’t be as good as the real thing”
He puts Betsy in your face to show her off and she licks your face all over
Robert gives a hearty laugh and pats you on the shoulder, you tense up a little and blush from this scary but attractive man being so wholesome and touching you. Robert puts down Betsy and walks behind the counter only to look back at you
“I’ll get you a bag alright?”
“Okay” You smile and he gives you a smirk
You nervously wait, wishing you could stay at the store a bit longer, after thinking for a little you find a way to at least get a few more seconds with him.
Robert walks back in with a little bag and you hand over the wooden Betsy, as he bags it you quickly work up the confidence and ask him
“I’ve never seen you around here before, what made you wanna make this store?”
Robert opens his mouth but then pauses and gives a thoughtful look while holding the bag. He sets the bag down and looks at you with a frown
“I was in a dark place before I started this store, drinking till I couldn’t remember how I even got home, staying up and staring at the ceilings remembering all my regrets…”
You get worried not knowing how deep this conversation got
“Eventually I got some help and putting mostly a stop to my drinking and instead finding other things than unhealthy habits. Before I even started this store I used to carve wood in my free time and said ‘fuck it, why don’t I make it a job’, and thats exactly what I did”
He finally notices your facial expression and quickly switches the mood
“But anyways I had to do a bunch of boring paper work blah, blah, blah and here I am!”
He gives an awkward grin not knowing he was going to say that much. After a few seconds of silence you finally speak
“That’s amazing” Your voice genuine and joyful
“Really? Usually being an alcoholic doesn’t make a great story”
“But its the fact that you made it through, you made that first step and I know I’ve only met you for a few minutes but you look way better than you described”
Robert goes a little quiet before giving a tiny smile and locking eyes with you
“I guess I have improved huh?”
You give a big smile back and the both of you kinda stare at each other before the two of you out snap out of it from Betsy giving a tiny bark
“Let me uh, ring that up for you” Robert exclaims
“Oh yeah for sure”
He rings you up and holds out his hand
“That’ll be…you know what, I’ll give you a discount cutie, that’s 3.20”
You immediately tense up as your face goes red from him calling you cutie. You pull out your cash and he hands you a small bag
“Let me walk you out”
He holds out his hand and you put yours in his, praying that your hand doesn’t get sweaty
The both of you walk towards the entrance and he opens the door for you
“Well, I‘ll see you later” You awkwardly smile
It goes quiet for a while and you almost walk away but suddenly Robert grabs your hand and pulls you to kiss your cheek
“Come back when you can, you might already be my favorite customer” he winks
You giggle and give a big, goofy grin
“Maybe when I walk back home again”
“That’d be great, I’ll see you then”
He gives a smirk and walks back into the store, you stare at the door knowing that walking back home will now be your new favorite activity.
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jerrsterrr · 9 months
guys guys the afternothing guys the after notjing guys guys look you guys
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wip (fanboying below)
OMGS okay this THE ocs/persona ever OKAY
Its been so long since ive started drawing this FREAK ASS storyline and on like a random tuesday it dropped back into my lap AND im always thinking abt it ALWAYS thinking abt lore im a nerd)) BUT IM DRAWING THEM AGAIN YIPPIEEEEEEE
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its so insanely cringe talking about these 3 guys lore cuz they are like,,, the same guy,,,, which happens to be ME LMAO
ANd then im reminded that this entire story is like Life and Death and Heaven and infinite realities and found family and open ended ending because there is nothing that deems these guys will ever find peace,, which all comes from this dream i had in 2019 LOL
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Im very slowly putting out the story on my toyhouse and its very fun but id much prefer lik talking about it or just jumbling it all out irl and just ranting out the storyline through words (BUT ITS SO EMBARRISINGBHIDRGFY) and yet at the same time i crave to just have it ALL ORGANIZEDDDDD and out of my brain!!!! rAHHH
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man i draw these guys a LOT though the story is not just like about these three, i reallly like getting into all the backgrounds and hinting at like lore and stuff (MORE LIKE TRAUMA LOL) Like what makes these characters work and such,
Whenever i do think of like the rest of the story and how id actually express the stpryline, and the whole plot of The After Nothing its more or less from outsiders (the other ocs) finding out about everything, "who is this guy and how did he get to the After?" "How are you alive but souless??" "Ew oh my god is the DRAGON YOUR SOUL???" "What do you MEAN youve died and every peice of soul is going to you because youve LOST YOUR OWN REALITY????" "YOURE BEING CHASED??????" and all of that info being forced out of some guy who just does not know how to comprehend being a person (because he isnt exactly one)
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i have a few comics in mind!!! (shitty sketchbook example above) so as soon as i reintroduce like the main characters to my insta (through the wip in this post) Ill definetely get a move on to some silly interactions, before they meet the whole main plot and other characters!!!!!
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so yippieee!!!! major coping being done through my creative process and my enjoyement of alternate realities, vessels, Life and Death, Heaven and Hell, and exploring what exactly makes a person act the way they do!!!!!!!!!!!
SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!
(@moenmomentsthemoe-en tag cuz this counts as oc loredumping?? i thinks UH OKAY RUNS)
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star-1111 · 2 years
could you write something about enderian gender neutral reader being besties with c!quackity and working at the casino:0 maybe something like something happens and reader gets upset so he tells him it’s gonna be ok
You got it! Sorry for the late response!
warnings: language, smoking/drugs, mentions of insecurity
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You wandered through the crowds of people, who stood around machines and tables, gambling their money and life away.
The clicks of glasses and objects hitting the tables filled the air, alongside people laughing and cheering.
This was what you heard on a daily, since you not only lived, but worked in Las Nevadas.
You were somewhat envious of these people. They were able to live their life without worries. Partying, drinking, getting high..
You sighed, adjusting your suit and tie, feeling eyes on you.
You had a bad habit of always trying your best to make others think only the best of you, and this habit really developed when your life begun in Las Nevadas.
You instinctively looked behind and all around you, people around looking away immediately.
You flushed in embarrassment, looking down as you begun to wring your hands.
You figured that people were looking at you, due to the fact that you were around 7-8 foot tall enderman. The people around you were human, and were nowhere as tall as you.
You continued walking around, your tail swaying with delight at the neon colors that shone down on you.
"Watch where you're swinging that fuckin' thing, freak!" Someone shouted, people glancing at you with disgust again.
You looked aside in shame, running to a gender neutral bathroom. You locked yourself in a stall, taking deep breaths. When you regained yourself, you trudged over to see someone- someone who always made you feel better.
And who could that be? No one else, but the leader of this casino- Quackity.
You entered his office, the lights inside dimmed as Quackity himself gazed longingly out the window, a long cloud of smoke emerging from his mouth and nose. He toyed with rings that hung from his neck, directly placed over his heart.
He glanced over at you, forcing a smile. "Whats up, y/n? Are you enjoying yourself? Wanna hit this fucking joint with me?" You politely shook your head, sitting down across from him.
The duck-winged man tilted his head to the side, lazily looking at you. He sat up, cracking his knuckles as he inhaled in his drug again. He exhaled slowly, forming shapes with the smoke.
"Whats the matter?" He asked, removing the joint from between his teeth. You eyed his scar, the red splotched cut going through his eye.
"Im just...y'know...here, I guess." Quackity rolled his eyes. "You can tell me, dollface. Friends can tell each other things." You sighed. running a hand through your hair. "People...people have been judging me again."
You noticed his posture change, and when you looked he looked directly at you, a serious expression on his face.
"Who?" He asked, his tone demanding. You glanced at the wall. "Just...some gamblers here and there." He stood, fixing his tie. "I'll handle it." He quickly gave you a hug, patting your back. "You should never listen to those fucking scumbags. You are amazing, just the way you are. I have some candy in my drawer, help yourself. I'll be back, and then we can do whatever you want. We could pop some fireworks, we could go for a ride around Las Nevadas, we could gamble the night away- oh, and I'll make sure you win, toots."
He winked at you, a sly smile pulling on his face, before he left you alone in his office.
Yep, you thought to yourself. People like him make my work enjoyable.
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mentalhomosexual · 2 years
when they come home exhausted / sad
Hyung line ver 🫶🏽 (Straykids)
Chan (방찬)
As your laying on the couch, scrolling through your phone, drowning in complete boredom you hear the front door open and softly close. you jump up in excitement knowing it's your boyfriend that's finally home from work.
you walk over to the front door to find chan taking his shoes off at the door and he looks...tired. i mean he always comes home tired but he looks more tired than he usually does. worry overtakes you as you walk up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder
"hey baby, are you alright?" you say as you take in his tired eyes and low energy that's radiating off him
"yeah, i'm just a little tired. I've been working really hard on some songs and it's just got me a little tense"
he huffs out as he yawns and rubs his eyes. god you hate seeing him like this. so tired he can barely keep his eyes open or talk to you. he noticed the worry grow in your facial expression and gave you a warm smile as a form of damage control but you know him.
"Im fine really, it's okay. there's nothing to worry about my love"
you're fine my ass. you know your boyfriend and you know when he's past his limit. you pull him into a hug and he immediately responds. resting his head on your shoulder, groaning
"how about I run you a warm bath, and then I tuck you into bed like a little baby burrito "
you say smiling ear to ear as you clasped your hands together tightly, hoping he'll say yes because you love babying him.
he smiles and chuckles softly before saying
"I'd love that baby"
you squeal happily and drag him upstairs eager to help him relax
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Minho (민호)
As soon as you get the text that your boyfriend has arrived home you excitedly jump off the couch and rush out the front door to greet him like you always do. but once you're next to him you can tell something's off
You scan his face and he looks like he's been crying. and that makes you panic because he rarely cries and when he does it's something big and serious bothering him, so you just silently take his hand in yours and take him inside. As soon as you close the door you immediately engulf him in a big hug.
"What happened baby?" you say as you feel him bury his face in your neck along with some tears here and there. your fingers begin to play with his hair as you know that always calms him down
"practice was really rough today...I don't know what it is but my voice hasn't been sounding like it should and I feel a little overwhelmed because of the pressure on me right now"
You heart shatterers for him. he's an amazing vocalist and you know that because he often sings for you as you find it quite enjoyable and relaxing but now it's your turn to return the favor
"Baby, I think the reason your voice is kinda off is because you haven't been taking care of yourself. you need rest and lately i've noticed you haven't been giving yourself that and it worries me"
You try to press down the lump developing in your throat as you don't wanna make the situation about yourself but Minho notices the little crack in your voice and he lifts his head off your shoulder to be met with your watery eyes and he immediately feels awful.
how could he do this to you. he knew his resting habits have been slacked on as he would stay up and practice practically all night. but he never knew you felt this way about the situation.
"I...I'm so sorry baby, I'll do better. i didn't mean to worry you"
you cup his face and look at him deeply, wiping some tears off his cheek.
"It's okay, come on let's go cuddle with sooni, doongi, and dori, they've missed you"
you say smiling at the smile that has grown on his face as well. he nods and you pull him upstairs to where his cats lay spread out on the bed. you lay down with minho on your chest, babbling about his day to his cats while you play with his hair. he eventually falls asleep and you smile to yourself as you peck his cheek and continue to brush your fingers through his hair
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Binnie (창빈)
It's never a surprise to you when Changbin comes home a little upset, you understand how stressful it can be at times so you never held it against him to be upset sometimes. but today threw you for a loop. he was really upset and wouldn't talk to you and being the best girlfriend you are you asked him if something happened at work and if he was okay. and boy did he not like that. he yelled at you for nagging him and stormed off to your shared bedroom.
You couldn't help but feel hopeless when he would be angry from work and take it out on you when all you want is to help him. you sigh as you plop back down on the couch, your eyes stinging with tears. you didn't understand what you did wrong but you decided it was best to let him cool off by himself.
You lay down on your side as you drift off into dreamland. hopefully when you wake up he'll apologize for what's he's said to you.
after some time you awake from you nap and it's dark and the couch feels...rougher?? you look down and see blue jean material instead of the original cream color of the couch.
Just as you're about to get up you feel a finger tuck your hair behind your ear
"I'm sorry I yelled at you baby" his low voice ringing through your ears
you rise from your fetal position and you're met with his face gushing with guilt and sorrow. you can tell he means it but you're still hurt by his actions.
You move to the other side of the couch, further away from him with your head laid low. at first there's just silence then he finally speaks
"I know how awful i probably made you feel by acting like this, and i'm sorry. I really am, sometimes it's just all too much and I lost control...i'm sorry."
You nod indicating that you understand but you didn't say you forgave him so he pulls you on his lap making you look at him.
"I love you so much. I would never hurt you on purpose"
he holds your chin and looks at you intensely. He's very big on respecting women especially you, so the thought of you thinking he would ever hurt you intentionally pained him. a lot.
"I know, I love you too, it just...surprised me.."
for the next hour or so you two talked everything out and come to a solution on how to handle stress. afterwards he keeps you on his lap, holding you as if you'll disappear from his hands, whispering in your ear how sorry he is and how much he loves you and how he never wants to lose you while kissing your face every now and then
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Hyunjin (현진)
You were sleeping in your bedroom when suddenly you hear heavy footsteps and the door opening. you turn your body to see your boyfriend, hyunjin looking very drained and defeated. You eyebrows crash together as you're confused because he never has come home like this
"baby?..." he looks deep in thought so you call out to him and he moves his head to look at you, snapping out his trance
"Oh, sorry babe, I didn't see you there"
immediately feeling more confused you jump out of bed and walk up to him. he looks very tried
"Long day?" you say as you take his hand and sandwich it between the both of yours. he chuckles and uses his free hand to rub his eyes
"Yes. very long. I can barely stand right now" he says in a joking way but it seems like it's very much true. you giggle and nod your head
"What made it feel so long?"
"Dance practice. this dance is a little complicated for me and i stayed back a little to practice more. i'm exhausted" he sighs making a little cry face
"well go shower so we can cuddle and rest together"
As much as you care about hyunjin you were just sleeping and would like to go back to that. he laughs as he kisses your forehead and heads for the bathroom
"don't fall asleep without me!!" he says closing the door to the bathroom
"I'll try, don't take forever!!" you giggle as you hop back into bed get comfortable again. eventually hyunjin comes back from the shower and he now has on the matching pajamas (i'm delulu leave me alone.) you bought for the both of you, he plops down beside you, immediately pulling you close to him. you cuddle up against his chest as you feel his long arms wrap around your waist, you already feel the drowsiness washing over you again. you look at him and he's already half asleep
"I love you" you say hoping he heard you and wasn't sleeping with his eyes open again. there was no response so you just close your eyes
"I love you more"
you smile and snuggle closer to him, and you hear his calm rhythmic heartbeat. it doesn't take you both long to fall asleep tangled up together. (my heart 💔 love him sm)
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