#and if she wants to stay jane ok I support her but I want her to choose
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jonathanbyersphd ¡ 2 years ago
And If I say my ideal happy ending involves El choosing her own new name then what??
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cursedcola ¡ 2 years ago
Ok but will you do headcanons for the lovely protag of tears of themis, because if so I would love some cute Hcs of her having a cheerful and loving female s/o who runs a bakery and packs her cute little lunches everyday so she can have the energy she needs to work hard (•̀ᴗ•́)و
and sometimes Rosa (which is the code name we get in the game for our protagonist) gets special sticky pad notes in her lunchbox cheering her on when she’s had a bad day, and I just want some fluffy domestic hcssss
*cradles gently* I just love lesbian girlfriend hcs so much ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
A/N: Omg I'm gonna throw up I love this. It's too cute for my heart...ngl I simp for Rosa more than I do any of the boys. Can we romance ourselves? lol I'd pay Mihoyo to make it happen. TBH I ship Rosa x Kiki a bit since they just seem so much more on the same page with each other than our lovely gentlemen ( love Marius still tho frfr)
Our queen of justice would cherish her girlfriend so much let me tell you
Rosa has a habit of going above and beyond for the people she cares about. She’s normally the giver, and being on the other side of the coin is a whole new life
I can see it now. Every morning on her way to the Themis Law Firm she stops by her girlfriend's bakery. Rosa gets up extra early and brings her a cup of coffee/tea/etc. before the bakery opens.
She just loves to hear the jingle of the doorbell and see you arranging the display case behind the counter. Sometimes she'll pick up an apron and join you if she has extra time. Bonus points if your shop has a theme (like say you have a book cafĂŠ/bakery! And you dress to match the theme. You have a little knee length dress, mary-janes, and a bookish themed apron as the uniform. Maybe one of those cute little neck scarf/choker that you tie into a bow. Rosa would eat that up omg)
The first time she brought you a morning drink Rosa felt like an idiot because - well, duhh. You run a bakery! You sell this stuff! yet it became a bit of a trading deal. Rosa brings you your morning fix before the shop opens, and in exchange you pack her a few goodies.
It's such a ritual that Rosa now has a little thermos collection for you, and you have a lunch pail collection for her. It also gives you both a chance to see each other after work. On her way home (either after a shift or on her way to NYXX) she swings by your shop to drop off the pail and pick up her thermos. A quick goodbye smooch and she is on her way.
Lmao no. If she isn't going to NYXX then normally she stays back to help close the shop. If not then she begrudging leaves. Unfortunately you are not allowed to know about NYXX. It's too dangerous. You're aware that she works alongside Marius, Vyn, Luke, and Artem on the side - but are under the impression that it is for a special government case through Themis. They know about you as well. We love our ally kings. Sometimes you send Rosa off with enough goodies for all five of them when she swings by and can't stay.
Now. You know they all have/had a crush on her at some point. Especially Luke. The boy is a living golden retriever. Not to mention Artem who is just awful at masking. Thankfully your Rose is oblivious as hell, not that you're worried.
All it takes is the scent of one of your new recipes to have Rosa swooning in the palm of your hand. Before you started dating, you both were friends. You saw how she was always on a diet and depriving herself. Those little comments about her appearance making you the loving type of mad. Y'know, the type to passive aggressively eye her and be like "honey you are so beautiful that I have four men trying to steal my gf right now. Do not test me,". Which, of course, you'd only say the first part because that confrontation is not one needed considering the ally kings know their place.
Point being that we don't support that unhealthy diet culture. Big nono. She is going to eat good and she is going to like it.
Anywho. Back on topic. You know they like her and one way you casually tease is with loving treats. Yes, my dear Rose, please take this basket full of freshly baked bread to your meeting. The one with the ribbon on top. Why is it taped down? Oh, no worries my love. Just let one of the boys open it, okay? I have yours specially wrapped in a separate bag.
Meanwhile whichever poor soul opens that bag is going to get hit in the face with one of the sappiest and most suggestive love notes in all of Stellis.
"My lovely flower. Have a great day and be careful on the way home from your meeting! I have missed you so much and cannot wait to have you all to myself tonight. Enjoy the sweets with your friends" *insert a plethora of heart drawings*
Rosa will see them holding the note and simply think that you put it in the wrong bag. It's not abnormal for you to put those heartwarming notes in her lunches, so she apologizes. Vyn knows. They all know.
Dominance asserted, and your cute girlfriend is pleased by your loving note (and a bit embarrassed but it had to be done. Rosa deserves the abundance of affection. Her confidence needs to be boosted and she needs to recognize what a queen she is)
Did I mention that your shop is one of Rosa's favorite places? It's cozy, inviting, and she loves to study for her exams there. Sometimes if she's working on a case she'll claim a table for hours on end. Occasionally she sneaks glances of you working with customers and watches as a break. She'll blush if she gets caught, but it is so worth it.
Sometimes she takes her work breaks there as well. Occasionally you'll see her pop in with Artem, Celeste, Kiki, or perhaps another one of her acquaintances from work like that one Police Capitan. Darius, was it? That one always needs a triple shot of espresso. usually when you see him it means something serious is going down. It warms your heart when she boasts about your shop to them. She'll pick a table and like clockwork you'll come over to have a little chat before they get to work. It's so nice to feel included and to see her in the zone.
Whenever she is on a business trip she'll look for a little something to bring home for your shop too. Typically a decoration piece. Thanks to Rosa you have a little statue-esque tip jar from her trip to the desert, fairy lights above the main counter from a whimsical mountain, flower pots from an island trip, and more. You never question her many excursions because she always brings you home a surprise.
On one final note, your shop is her safe space. Sometimes she comes to your frustrated or nervous. It could be about exams, a particularly bad case...and sometimes she can't tell you. "Government case," she says and you know something really stressful happened. Those ones are the most worrisome. It's hard, being there when she disappears on a case that she can't tell you about. One of the gents are always there with her, but when she comes home in a near-shocked state you can't help but get anxious.
Yet Rosa knows you won't press it. She strolls in, most commonly near closing time, and you just know. You have a sixth sense for it, and without asking flip the shop sign to say 'closed' before preparing her a warm drink. Then you sit with her and let her talk. You don't question when she leaves things out, and let her vent.
You and your shop become like a second home to Rosa. Peace in a city like Stellis that never seems to rest.
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soulless-angel25 ¡ 1 year ago
I think there is certainly a lot of discourse rearing its head about Tentoo/Rose and their storyline. And it's good that people talk about how they view it! Some people enjoy it, some don't. Some love it and others loathe it. That's normal and ok.
(More under the cut for those that want)
Personally I'm pretty neutral on it. I think that it was an interesting idea but the execution is what makes me lean more towards the dislike side of Tentoo/Rose. And part of it is because they(Ten2 and Rose) were kind of forced to stay in Pete's World.
I think that Tentoo would've been happy as long as he was with Rose. I also think that Rose did not want to go back. Now, I am going to say this- I have not listened to any of the Audio stuff, nor have I read a lot of the extended universe stuff.
But looking at it from as unbiased perspective that I can. I don't think Rose wanted to go back. Sure her Mum is there, but who else? Her sort-of-but-not-really-dad? Her younger brother Tony? Because those are really the only people, I mean- there's a possibility that she made friends in Pete's World but I doubt it because Rose did not want to be there in the first place. Which is such a vital thing to understanding her!
Rose did not want to be in Pete's World, she just wanted to be with the Doctor. And I think that with Tentoo she would've been happier in the 'Original Universe'. Because sure, in Pete's World she's got Jackie, Pete, and Tony. In the OG Universe she wouldn't have them- fine! She didn't have Pete or Tony growing up and she loves Jackie yes. But staying for one singular person isn't enough.
(Also I heavily doubt that Rose and Jackie's relationship was ever the same after Rose went 'missing' but that's something for another time)
In her OG World (Prime Universe or PU for convenience) she'd get people who could support her and understand what travelling with the Doctor is like. Mickey, Martha, Jack (and she would be so happy to see Jack!), and all the other companions whenever the Companion Support Group formed. And I think that Tentoo would also benefit from being around the former companions.
(Think of Tentoo seeing Sarah Jane and meeting Luke! Getting to reunite with Ace! Having the chance to be with all of these people who he's cared for over the centuries but always had the fear of outliving them, a fear that is now obsolete because he's human! He might still see them die but he'll also be aging with them.)
Now, is all this to say that I hate Tentoo/Rose and think it's the most horrid ending? No! It's just a discussion on my personal feelings about the way Rose's story ended. I think that Tentoo/Rose is so sweet, and I've written multiple fics about them.
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rahleeyah ¡ 2 years ago
I think my main problem with the TL final is that I actually liked and enjoyed it and, with the exception of Ted, Rebecca, and Beard, I was happy with where it left everyone. So it's been hard for me to properly reconcile these positive emotions with how sad and annoyed I am at the way Ted's and Rebecca's and Beard's stories ended. It feels like they got 'paper endings' - endings that they should have had, that made sense for them to have; endings that looked good on paper but that somehow failed to transition properly to the screen. Like Beard choosing his new life and girlfriend in Richmond over his old life in Kansas makes perfect sense. He doesn't appear to have anyone or anything waiting for him back in Kansas so of course he decides to stay. Except the show has spent three seasons showing both Jane and their relationship to be toxic (at best) and outright abusive (at worst) and I'm sad that (dream or not) married to Jane with a baby on the way was deemed the best ending for him.
After her relationship with Rupert Rebecca deserved to have a happy ending surrounded by her friends and with someone who loves her. And she gets that! And the chance to be a mother! And yet her ending feels so unsatisfactory because they put their female lead with a man with no name who was introduced halfway through the final season with only 20 minutes of screen time. But the thing that I'm really annoyed about is that I would have been fine with her ending up with him if they had put the effort into building their relationship. Amsterdam showed that there was something between them and they could have easily used that as a jumping off point to build something more solid between them that would make their ending satisfying. Instead, they chose to have Rebecca decide not to know his name; they chose for her to decide not to keep in contact with him; they drew a line under Amsterdam as soon as the episode had finished and now I can't be happy that a character I love is in a relationship that (appears to) make her happy because I have absolutely no emotional investment in it whatsoever. She got the ending I wanted for her and I cannot enjoy it and I am heartbroken by that. (1/2)
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Hi ok I know it's been a minute but let's get into it:
(this is a lot I'm gonna try to do this in order)
I did like parts of it, sort of, and I agree with you on the 'paper endings' thing - it looks good on paper but it doesn't resonate, emotionally.
I hated what they did with Roy/Keeley/Jamie but that's a separate post.
Yes the Beard thing works on paper - he stays with his new love - but not in practice bc she's awful, and everything Brendan has said about it has raised huge red flags to me; it's not abuse why? Bc she's a woman and it's cute/endearing when women are abusive??
Rebecca finding a supportive man, and family, is great, except you're right - who is this guy? Why do we care? It was so on the nose, also; I was looking for "Rebecca is already a mother to the team, to the fans, and that is a valid way of nurturing and loving people" but instead we got "the traditional heterosexual family structure is the only valid family structure."
Ted doesn't really grow; he's right back where he started, putting aside his own needs and desires for other people, his life hopelessly entangled with the woman who left him for their couples therapist.
And Ted and Rebecca!! What was the point of the parallels with their fathers, their awful exes, the when Harry met Sally couple in the stands! What was the point of these deliberate choices that were made to draw a line between Ted and Rebecca only for the writers and cast to now mock people who thought all those choices meant something? That is a profound piece of cruelty; I've had ships that were fan creations, that weren't ever gonna be main text, and that is not what this was. This wasn't delusion; this was baked right in, and now they're shaking their heads at us?
And Ted, at the end, looks miserable.
I've been thinking lately that there feels like a lot about the ending of this show that is deeply masculine, by which I mean it is reflective of how our society says men are supposed to behave and what our society says men are supposed to believe.
Sport is one of the few places where men's emotions are encouraged. You're meant to love your team, your teammates, meant to laugh and cry and scream with them, but being on a sports team is by its very definition transient. Those relationships are so profound when you're in them, but they are meant to come to an end; the season's over, a player gets traded, you're too old to do it anymore, etc, and then the men have to go back to what society will allow them to have: family. A woman and child to love, not a found family of fellow men. The man can't aspire to stay with his team; he's only meant to be with them for a season.
And that's true of a lot of different kinds of relationships, but I just think it's very telling that we have a bunch of men running this show saying obviously the romance with Rebecca wasn't real - she's not Ted's wife, not the mother of his child, she can't take priority - saying Ted had to put Henry, had to put being a father (being a father in the strictest, most traditional way, no out of the box thinking or creative solutions here) above any other relationships he might have, bc he's not supposed to want kinship with those men, he's only supposed to want it with his family.
Idk this is something I'm still trying to articulate but it makes me very, very sad bc I think it reflects an attitude of people who think they don't deserve to stay with their friends, with their community, where they're happy, bc they have obligations that they are only permitted to fulfill in one very strict, structured, lonesome way.
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daydreamgoddess14 ¡ 2 years ago
Enough pt. 1
Ted leaves Richmond.
A 3.12 fix-it - Ted Lasso / Rebecca Welton
Chapter 1
“What a fucking arsehole” the flight attendent muttered as she turned away. Ted paid it no mind, and closed his eyes. He pictured the future of Richmond AFC so clearly in his head, let it play out like a movie. Maybe Trent would take his little request on board to change the title of the book. Maybe Roy would become the head Coach - he hoped so, he’d suggested as much to Rebecca. Maybe Keeley would encourage Rebecca to set up a women’s team. Maybe Beard would marry Jane… hell wouldn’t that be something he thought with a smile and a chuckle. Maybe Rebecca would find love. He hoped she would, she deserved it. Sell the club. She would never… she could never. To have even suggested it, she must have been really blindsided by his leaving. There was really no other explanation. And to turn up at the gate! He laughed aloud. Phew, Meg Ryan eat your heart out. No other explanation. 
Outside the airport, Rebecca could barely see through her tears. She watched a little girl running towards her with a huge smile before taking a tumble on the uneven paving. 
“Oh gosh, little love, are you ok?” She helped the little girl to her feet and smiled up at the child’s father who swept her up. The little girl and her father both smiled at her, looking a little concerned at the tears freely making their way down her cheeks. She nodded swiftly at them both and made her way back to her car. Ripping off the parking ticket from the windscreen, she shoved it in her handbag and managed to jump into the driver's seat before breaking down completely. Would anything have changed if she’d just said the words? She wondered. He must know. Surely he must have guessed. Why else would she have gone to him in the stands and asked him to stay? Why else would she have gone to the airport? Her love for him must have been as clear as day. But it can’t have been enough. She concluded. I wasn’t going to be enough. Once again, as always, she was never going to be enough.
Michelle and Henry hadn’t been at the airport. Ted understood, it was quite a drive for them and it was early morning. Having Henry in his arms again made it all worthwhile. Made leaving his found family and not quite winning the whole fucking thing worth it. They quickly settled into a new routine. Ted collected Henry from school everyday while Michelle finished off work. They had the extra time he wanted. He coached Henry’s Saturday league football team. Had Henry overnight at his new apartment every other weekend and whenever Michelle and Dr Jake wanted a date night. It was enough. He wasn’t ‘too much’ Ted anymore, he was just enough Ted. Held his tongue when the potential to make puns from a situation was right there. Held back his enthusiasm just a little bit so it wasn’t quite so overwhelming. Held the tremble in his voice in check when he spoke to Beard every couple of days. 
Despite every day not feeling like she was enough,  Rebecca continued to try. For two months she tried desperately to be enough for the team, for Roy, for the fans she’d sold her 49% to. She tried to be in every meeting, every event, and when the season restarted she’d be there at every match. Her open door policy became renowned around the town, not only as an open door for her staff and team but for the public, the shareholders to have their input. She’d employed Ms Cakes as her P.A to manage the throng of people. Busier some days than others. This way, it could almost appear that she was never alone. Almost. She hadn’t worked up the courage to call Ted yet. She’d replaced biscuits with the boss with coffee with the coaches and spoke daily to Beard and Roy instead. It almost filled the gap he’d left behind. Almost. She and Keeley had the starting foundations of a women’s team - that would take some building. Leslie was her guiding support. She had so much love around her. She would try to be enough for them. 
“How about today?” Sharon asked as they greeted each other at the main doors. She’d had Beard, Keeley and Roy breathing down her neck about Rebecca since the day she’d been employed. She needs to talk, they begged. When she’s ready, Sharon taught them like a mantra.
“No thank you Sharon. Not today.” Was Rebecca’s standard response.
And then Rupert died.
Rebecca’s phone - never, ever on silent - rang out far too loudly for 3.30am. Frantically she grasped for it, hoping, wishing… At the other end, Bex was breathless.
“It’s Rupert, he had a heart attack.” She pulled on leggings and a soft jumper and was in the car without hesitation. It was a strange sight, her old house. Well lived in now, by Bex and Diane. Rebecca hugged Bex and made them both tea. With her separation far more recent and with Diane on her mind, Bex was more upset than Rebecca. “He was alone.” She’d whispered.
“That’s sad. No one should be alone when they’re dying.” Rebecca said kindly. She may not give a shit about the man, but she had empathy for anyone in their dying moments. With Keeley’s help, they both drafted statements for the press for release at 7am. The new owner of West Ham was notified. By the time she returned to her own house, there were a flurry of paparazzi outside.
“No comment, gentlemen. No comment. You have my statement, my thoughts are with Bex and Diane only. Thank you.”
“What about the start of the season?! It’s next week!” One shouted.
“And the season will start as it always does. The first weekend in August doesn’t stop for anyone, Bob, and Rupert had sold his club.”
“Should there be a minute of applause?”
“Silence will probably be more appropriate. That’s all, time to go gents, and please - I do have one request? Leave Bex Mannion alone. She does not need you all crowding her doorstep.” She said sternly, closing the door behind her.
One good thing about moving back to Kansas - at least NBC covered football on their sports news channel. It was as familiar as Sky Sports News to Ted as background noise. It played constantly in the background of his usually empty apartment. It was quite jarring though, to hear a familiar voice on the screen.
“She does not need you all crowding her doorstep.” The footage cut back to the presenter’s desk.
“Rebecca Welton there, offering comments alongside her written statement about the death of Rupert Mannion earlier this morning. It is believed that Mr Mannion suffered a heart attack at the exclusive club Bones and Honey late last night. Richmond AFC owner, and former wife of Mannion, Ms Welton released a statement at 7am as did Mr Mannion’s most recent ex-wife, Bex Mannion. The Chief Exec of the Premier League has also released a statement…” Ted zoned out of the rest of the report and reached for the remote. He rewound to the start, seeing Rebecca getting out of her car. Richmond Green visible in the background of the shot, a few photographers he recognised, and her. She looked exhausted. Beautiful almost beyond belief, but exhausted. He picked up the phone and scrolled through his contacts.
“How is she?” he asked without preamble.
“I haven’t seen her yet, she’s coming in late. She was with Bex most of the early hours of the morning. Call her yourself.”
“I can’t. You know I can’t.”
“You should.”
“Beard. I’m not doing this with you now.”
“It’s been two months Ted. It’s time to bring it up.” 4000+ miles away, Beard pinched his nose between the eyebrows. Roy swiveled in his chair to face him and leaned forward to listen in.
“I’ll call Roy instead. See you later buddy.” A second later, Roy’s phone vibrated across the desk.
“You’ll get worse from me, wanker. Much worse.” He warned.
“Ok, nevermind. Will one of you please call me once you’ve spoken to the bo- to Rebecca?”
“No, fuck off.” Roy hung up and air-high fived Beard.
“Lisa, how are you?” Rebecca asked, dropping her handbag on Ms Cake’s desk and putting a hand gently on her arm. The woman shrugged,
“Indifferent. How’s Bex?”
“She’s ok. It’s an odd feeling. None of us are particularly sad about losing him, but the circumstances are sad. And of course young Diane will be without her father.” Lisa hummed in response.
“I’ve closed the diary for today, no walk-ins.”
“Wise move. We’d still have half the town here at midnight. Or worse - press masquerading as locals. Only regulars this week I think, and then we might have to arrange a booking system once the season starts.”
“I’m already on it. I’ve starting planning bi-weekly timeslots for the super regulars and then I’ll reserve some time each week for walk-ins.”
“Excellent, thank you Lisa. How did I manage without you before?” Rebecca said with wonder. 
“There is one more thing?” Rebecca gathered up her bag and phone. “Keeley and the coaches and Leslie are all waiting for me to call and let them know once you’re here.”
“Of course they are, tell them to come up when they’re ready.” Rebecca set her desk up and tinkered with a round of teas and coffees, rustling up a packet of shop bought shortbread biscuits from the cupboard for the others - she couldn’t stand the taste any more. 
“Morning babes” Keeley’s voice drifted through the door first, followed quickly by Roy, Beard and finally Leslie. 
“How are you?” Roy asked, kissing her cheek.
“Rough day.” She muttered, greeting Beard with a nod and a small smile. “Fuck me, it’s only midday - I’ve been up since 3.30am.”
“You didn’t need to come in.” Leslie pointed out.
“But I did. Of course I did. Beard, stop looking at me like you’re trying to see inside my brain.”
“Sorry. Just making sure you’re ok.”
“I am, I can say this to you lot, but it feels like a relief. I’ll never come into my office to find that he’s worked his way in here, he’ll never spring up when I least expect it. Death is sad, but it can be a relief I think.”
“Beard’s more concerned that this is going to tip you over the edge.” Keeley pointed out.
“Over what edge?”
“The edge you’ve been clinging to since Ted announced he was leaving.” Leslie offered and was met immediately with shushes, eye rolls and an elbow to the ribs.
“We do not speak that name.”
“We do, we talk about him all the time.”
“Not in this office, not to Rebecca.”
“Hang on, is this why none of you mention him to me? Ever? You think I’m going to… what? Get angry? Start crying again?”
“Did you ever really stop?” Beard queried, Rebecca shot him a glare.
“He’s not sodding Voldemort. We should talk about him, he had such a positive influence on us all. We can’t forget that, and we shouldn’t.”
“We haven’t,” Roy started, “But then we’re not the ones still crying ourselves to sleep every night on the bathroom floor. Your back must be fucked.”
“I do not!” Rebecca looked at Keeley who looked at the floor. “Traitor.” She pointed. “I think that’s enough. My ex-husband is dead. I’m not going to fall apart, this is not the straw that breaks the camel's back. And you can bloody well tell Ted Lasso that I am fine without him.”
No one called Ted back. He scoured NBC Sports News for another sighting of Rebecca, but it appeared that the paparazzi had listened to her and left her alone. A few snippets were dropped to the press - about the funeral date not being made public, donations to be made to Women’s Aid, a minute’s silence at the start of all of the first matches of the season. He waited as long as he could bear before picking up and calling Beard again.
“You again.”
“You didn’t call me back.”
“Didn’t say I would.”
“She’s ok?”
“This is not the straw that breaks the camel’s back.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means she’s still downplaying you leaving like it didn’t destroy her and she’s still pursuing this punishing schedule so that she can get away with as little time alone and as little sleep as a human can possibly exist on so that her head is constantly filled with flotsum and jetsum and she doesn’t have to give you a single thought.” The line was silent. Beard quietly cursed himself for revealing far, far too much. He’d spent the last two months meticulously cultivating the message that Rebecca was absolutely fine and he’d managed to rip open the wizard’s curtain and expose the truth.
“You said she was fine.” Ted whispered.
“You ignored her when she poured her heart out to you. She offered to sell the club. She offered to move your entire family to the UK. She asked you to stay. You let her down, I’m trying to keep her upright 'cos I'd bet my ass that you're not the one crying on your bathroom floor till you fall asleep. We've rallied around her, we're trying to show her that she's enough just as she is because you made her feel like she isn't.” Beard rolled his eyes at his own level of word vomit, but found himself unable to stop. “She loves you and you watched her take her heart out, offer it to you and then turned away like someone had offered you a piece of gum. I didn't see it until I chose to get off the plane. But I'm glad I did, I'm glad I can be here for her.” Ted scoffed.
“She doesn’t love me, Beard. I’m too much.”
“You were too much for Michelle and now you’re back in Kansas trying to fit yourself into a Michelle approved persona. You’re not too much here.” Ted remained silent. “Are you happy?” Beard asked firmly. “Answer me truthfully and I’ll never, ever ask again. But if there is a single doubt in your mind…”
“I’ve done the right thing by Henry.”
“I didn’t ask Henry how he feels. I know how he feels, we spoke yesterday. I want to hear it from you.”
“You’ve been speaking to Henry without me?”
“Of course I have. He’s my Hercules Mulligan. He said you have sad eyes and your smile isn’t the same and you don’t make jokes like you used to.” Ted was dumbfounded. “I won’t make you answer right now. I think I’ve spilled enough brown water for one day. Time for me to confess my sins to Roy, Keeley and Higgy.” Beard hung up without saying goodbye. This was absurd. She’d just been overwhelmed by his announcement. Nothing more, nothing less. He grabbed his keys and drove on autopilot to Henry’s school. The weight of Beard’s words settled into his brain, seeped into his bloodstream. He shook the fog from his mind when he felt the Kansan heat fill the car through Henry’s open door.
“Hey bud! Good day?”
“Yeah, it was ok. How was your day Dad?”
“Ohh y’know, the usual story. I spoke to Uncle Beard.”
“Cool. How’s Richmond?”
“It’s surviving. Say… he said he’d spoken to you. Said you’d told him some stuff.” In the backseat, Henry fiddled with his school bag and refused to meet Ted’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “Do you think I’m sad?”
“I don’t think you’re happy.”
“I am, I’m happy to be with you.”
“But you’re not always with me. And when you think I’m not looking you look sad.” Ted looked away, concentrated on the road.
“I’m not sad.”
“But you’re not happy.” Henry repeated firmly. “You were happy in London.” His small voice was starting to take on a petulant tone.
“Well, grown ups ain’t always happy, Hen. Sometimes we gotta do grown up stuff.” Silence. “I did the right thing.” More silence. “Fine, ignore me.” Henry continued his protest throughout the journey, through dinner and then on the drive over to his mom’s. He barely acknowledged Ted’s hug goodbye. Michelle raised a questioning eyebrow. “He thinks I’m sad.”
“No Ted, he knows you’re sad.”
“Jeez, not you too.”
“Feeling beat up?” 
“Between Beard, Henry and you? Yes.”
“Well maybe that’s not a bad thing. Two months of this moping around, barely functioning is more than enough. It was getting to the stage where I was going to stage an intervention.”
“I don’t need an intervention.”
“Everyone who needs an intervention says that. Come in, have a beer with me.” Ted looked skeptical. “Jake’s out.” Ted followed her into the kitchen. She opened a beer and handed it to him, an expectant look in her eye.
“Beard has told me off for checking in on Rebecca. Her ex died a few days ago.” Michelle gestured for him to continue. “I just thought it might upset her more than she lets on. It must be a weird feeling for her. But he said that she was fine about it. And then he said that she’s working too hard, hardly sleeping.”
“Well that doesn’t sound like someone who’s fine.”
“He said she’s in love.”
“Love makes you do crazy things. I remember being so in love once that I drove for 10 hours straight just to spend one night with someone.” Ted smiled fondly at the memory of the love they'd once shared.
“She offered to sell the club. Offered to move Henry, and you, to the UK.”
“Now that does sound crazy.”
“I know, right! Finally, someone who agrees with me. She must have been so shocked that I was leaving.” Michelle put her beer down with some force and looked at Ted in disbelief.
“Sounds like she’s crazy for you, you idiot. In love with you. Who the heck offers to sell their football club for a friend? If you’re brushing this off as some sort of phase you go through when you’re in shock, then you are very wrong Ted. What else did Beard say?”
“He asked if I was happy. Told me that if I honestly am then he’d never ask again.”
“You’d better tell him the truth then. And if that means I see your sorry face around here next week then I’ll know you lied to him.” Rebecca took his empty beer bottle and pushed him toward the door. “Good job you’ve got a nice, clear weekend to do your thinking.”
Rebecca took Leslie’s arm gratefully as she got out of the car. He held her door open and helped her across the sun hardened grass in her high heels. She stood alongside Bex and a handful of other women. There had been a remarkably small turnout for the funeral. It was factual, practical and emotionless. Just like Rupert had been. The recent scandals had hurt his reputation far more than his affairs had. Rebecca hadn’t wanted to go at all, but Bex had practically begged her. No one had performed a eulogy. The priest had said a few words of comfort but they were ultimately meaningless. And now they stood in the full heat of the August sunshine, the first game of the season had been the previous weekend - Richmond had won, so had West Ham. Rebecca felt a bead of sweat trail down her back and into the waistband of her underwear. God it was hot. Too hot to be wearing black and burying a man she no longer cared for. There was no wake planned, Mae had wanted nothing to do with any celebrations of Rupert and no one else had any inclination to relive so called happy memories. She invited Bex back to Nelson Road for a glass of champagne instead. Bex joined Rebecca and Leslie in their car after thanking the funeral organisers. Still technically married and with no updated will, she was set to inherit Rupert's full estate - including the money from his sale of West Ham.
"I'll send you the details of my financial advisor, you won't want to use Rupert's dodgy one, and I highly recommend KBPR for future PR support." Rebecca shared once they'd spent some time together.
"Thank you for everything. The last two weeks would have been harder without you. Give me a call when you're further on with the women’s team. I'd definitely like to be an investor if you'll have me." The two women embraced in the doorway before Bex departed. In the nook between her office and the stairs, Rebecca could hear Ms Cakes voice rising. 
"I'm afraid you will need to make an appointment and come back. Ms Welton is unavailable today. I have some timeslots available next week."
"Please, if you just explain, she might-" a familiar voice begged. 
"Ms Cakes, please clear my schedule for the rest of the day. No visitors please." Rebecca spoke past the back of Ted’s head directly to Lisa, with as much control as she could muster. She turned quickly to avoid having to look at him and her office door slammed before he had a chance to speak.
"You heard Ms Welton, sir. Now, would you like an appointment?"
Ted sat in the stands watching training. Roy had continued with Total Football and the team looked as good as they had on the day of their last match. Beard had warned him that he might not receive a warm welcome. He still hadn't answered the question of his happiness, but if what Beard had said was right then Ted wanted to see it first hand. He'd arrived while Rebecca had been at the funeral. A handful of players, Roy, Beard, and Nate had all gone - mostly in support of Rebecca than for Rupert, but only to the church service. He'd therefore spent his first hour in Richmond with Keeley in the locker room where she had cried and hugged him tightly. His second hour was not quite so nice, with Beard and Roy both keeping their guard up. Nate had greeted him warmly, at least. He hadn't wanted to be too specific about his motives for returning, hadn't offered any timescale. Mae had arranged for a room at the B&B above the pub but everything else he wanted to keep to himself until he'd seen Rebecca. He heard her voice first, through the corridor as she guided Bex to her office. He waited until she'd passed the door and then looked out after her. God, he'd missed watching her walk away. The memory of taking any opportunity to follow her, rather than walk ahead of her hit him hard. She was a sight for sore, jetlagged eyes. He'd taken the chance to go up and wait by her office, Beard hadn't warned him about Ms Cakes. By the time he'd lost the battle, the team were out on the pitch. She may have won the battle, but he was going to win the war. He'd block booked every available appointment for the next two weeks. 
Rebecca sneaked a look out of the window and directly down. She could see the top of his head. Could see his legs splayed and his elbows resting on his knees as he leaned forward in his seat to watch the team. 
"He won't go anywhere. He's here for at least a week from what I can tell. Very cryptic." Keeley looked up from her phone. 
"Lisa made him make an appointment."
"Are you going to honour it?" Rebecca shrugged, unsure. 
"I need to get out of here." She mumbled. Her head was beginning to hurt, a combination of stress, the sun, and the wine. 
"I'd go now while you can. As soon as he's back in the building, he'll be looking out for you." As if hearing them, Ted looked up from the stands, craning his neck to try and see her office window. 
"Why is he here?" Keeley kept her eyes on her phone, unable to meet Rebecca’s eye. "Keeley fucking Jones - what do you know?" Keeley remembered back to Beard’s word vomit confessional the previous week. He'd turned in that morning with coffees, including one for Keeley who'd been summoned downstairs for the debrief. 
"Beard might have accidentally gone all knight in shining armour and pulled Ted up about the way he treated you." She rushed out. 
"What? I'll kill him!" Rebecca was on her feet, pulling at the window. "COACH BEEEEEARD?" She hollered. Down on the pitch and in the stands, all eyes turned to the window. From his seat, Ted could just about see a halo of blonde hair. "Could you get up here please? NOW!" The window slammed shut again. Beard braced for trouble, shooting Ted a pointed look on his way inside. While she waited, Rebecca paced. Finally the door opened softly and Beard's worried face appeared. 
"Bec?" The nickname had snuck out one night over beers in the pub, the only two left crying into their drinks still fresh from Ted's departure. 
"What on earth did you tell him that made him fly all this way?" There was no anger in her voice, which surprised her. It turned out she was just too tired to be angry with the ones who'd helped her through the last two months. Beard still hesitated. 
"I'm sorry, Bec, I wanted to just be angry with him, but then it all came out. How you've been working to distraction, not sleeping, crying. I'm so sorry. I just wanted him to understand how much he hurt you. He can't keep calling me to check in on you. I figured if he's too cowardly to call you himself, then he didn't deserve to know." She nodded and gripped his hand. 
"OK. Just trying to know what I'm letting myself in for."
"He should be worried, not you." Rebecca patted his hand in thanks, 
"I'm going home. I can't stay knowing he's right there. It's been a long day." Keeley and Beard followed her to the door, "Tell Roy I'll see him tomorrow." She kissed them both on the cheek and left to explain her departure to Ms Cakes.
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surpriseattack ¡ 2 years ago
PETER + MJ / DRABBLE. ▎FIRE RED WILD WITH KNOTS AND LIPS THE COLOR OF BLOOD. to the normal eye the crimson isn't there, just a shade of grey as all others in the surroundings they have come to know but to Peter Parker the color that he sees is indescribable. even in his black and white universe he manages to find and track her from many blocks away. and she's all that he sees when she starts making her way out of the police station from the sheriff's office to the cramped, paper filled cubicles of each copper drinking their joe's, filing documents and signing off on a cases. his body moves on autopilot as soon as he sees that fire red, falling into step with the rhythm of her heels as he makes his way towards her direction from the back of the office area.
they almost collide with each other when they both come to an abrupt stop at the top of the stairs, Mary Jane Watson having to seemingly remembered something and he, Peter Parker, having that very thing as he offers the reporter her lost camera. there's a few scratches on it but nothing a little paint job couldn't fix. he's surprised that the thing even survived the debris he found it buried in and maybe he should be more surprised that he and hundreds of others were alive from a terrorist attack. when tired eyes meet the specs of his goggles Noir doesn't make a move. he stands there ever stoic as always and he can see the woman's disappointment. feel it even.
and then she laughs, maybe to lighten up the solemn mood they had found themselves in from the early hours of the morning to now. he hears the underlying fear that lingers from the recent accident in Mary Jane's voice but he doesn't mention that. doesn't dare to knowing how quick she chooses ire in delicate situations. the reporter takes her camera from him, naked fingers touching leather ones. if she could feel his, she'd know how rough and calloused they were. ❛ Hey, Peter... I'm sorry I almost forgot this but thanks for finding it by the way— ❜
❛ Are you ok? ❜ his voice is gentle, a gloved hand rising to give his companion a supportive pat on the shoulder and Mary Jane goes quiet. there's no appropriate question to ask. he just wanted to know even if she did get angry. he wanted to know that she still felt something.
she shakes her head and Peter doesn't need her to say more, knowing the gravity of the moment then but she still provides him with the details. of course she would. she always does. what a stupid question to ask. they've been working for so long together that maybe Mary Jane speaks out of habit or out of shock. this is her way of grounding herself back into the reality she knows. ❛ I wish I could say I was, Peter. I'm covered in soot... I'm covered in blood. My god, a bomb went off — people could've died. I have... glass in my heels and I just, I was so close to cracking this case. ❜ and then they're back to formalities.
this is her way of putting up her own walls. he knows this. they've both become desensitized to the horrors of their careers that any chance of a deep emotional connection is difficult to obtain. they've both become married to their jobs instead of each other too. he recalls talking about wedding bands once but, that felt like a decade ago. a decade of Mary Jane never seeing his face again and he asks if she's "okay"? what a load of hogwash coming from him. and then he hears her break. ❛ If you hadn't been there — ❜
❛ But I was. You don't need to think about my responsibilities. ❜
❛ That isn't fair, Peter. This was my case too. ❜
it would've been so easy to take her hand and grip it. squeeze it tight. but he doesn't. he keeps his distance, despite being so close. they stay there for what feels like an eternity. never finding the next thing to say and refusing to start pointless small talk. and it's in the stillness of each other that they find peace. a quick rest before getting back on the job.
Noir makes the first step down the station stairs as a cab pulls up and he opens the door, ducking his head into the passenger window to provide the address to Mary Jane's house. he feels anxious doing so. he should be the one taking her home but... but what?
❛ Black, right? ❜
Noir turns to the red head, cursing under his breath a moment when he hits his head on the frame of taxi's open window. ❛ What? ❜
❛ Six o'clock, my place. I'll be at my window with coffee. ❜ Mary Jane says this so casually as if she just hasn't been through a near death experience. she climbs into the back seat with her briefcase and shuts the door on her own. ❛ See you later, Spider-Man. ❜
when that taxi disappears into the horizon, Noir takes a leap and swings away.
when Mary Jane sets the tray down at the window sill at six, she hears the quiet fall of combat boots making ground on her perron before her. sliding the extra cup of coffee towards her visitor, she smiles up at him. ❛ Hey Peter. ❜
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artrose64 ¡ 4 months ago
ok, so I love a large portion of characters from S2, and yet this is also why I disliked season 2.
See here’s the thing: They killed off everyone from the cabin group, and no I don’t really count AJ from the cabin group. Considering he was born right as everyone was about dead.
They show us characters like Pete, Sarah, Luke, ok fuck it, Just about everyone in the cabin group I had some emotion on their deaths.
Each death has pissed me off so much, the only few I can understand is Rebecca, Alvin, and Pete. Nick is killed off screen and is just shoved like dirt by Jane when it took me like a whole two minutes to hold out on finishing him off. Luke is definitely shown to be the newest family figure for Clem, also including Pete acting like an uncle to Clem before dying, and he is basically shoved out of the way for most of the season.
Luke is disappearing randomly, at Howes and before Aj is born, and Jane basically knew he was in a vulnerable position after losing a large portion of his family. Last I checked, JANE OFFERED SEX TO LUKE FIRST! He had just lost Nick, potentially Sarah, Carlos, Alvin, and Pete in less than a month. And while yes I understand he should’ve said no, he was still grieving and also had the weight of a crap ton of stuff placed on him for at least the last 3 years as a 23-27 year old. Most people don’t make good decisions when that stresssed.
Then there’s the fact of Jane. Ooh boy don’t get me started on her. They don’t allow us to actually stay away from Jane. They seem to try to force Clem to always be near her; and Jane is always saying how she wants to be on her own. THEN DAMN GURL! NO ONE IS HOLDING YOU HERE!! I really hate it when characters keep saying stuff like that, saying ‘Oh I wanna leave and I hate groups’, when no one was forcing you to stay. She is constantly trying to turn Clem into a mini her; or pretend she’s Jamie. I have some pity but it’s more for her sister, who I think might’ve just been forced to keep going with no actual support.
I love a large portion of characters from season2, but good god the story needed help. Either give them a heroic death like Lee, or let us save a character fully. I believe certain deaths should have been prevented like Luke, Nick, and Sarah. Carlos happened due to panic and just bad luck, Rebecca possibly didn’t have her placenta delivered, Pete was bitten and didn’t want to lose his leg, and Alvin was killed by Carver.
And yes, I have made a full storyboard google slideshow of a different survival au on this. With my own young adult character who I thought would help prevent certain deaths to a point.
Thank you for this TED talk..
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raindancer2004 ¡ 3 years ago
The Tracker’s Daughter
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Word Count: 5,057 Alec x reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, NSFW
Demetri had been around for over a thousand years and had undertaken many missions on behalf of the Volturi Kings in order to keep their world safe, a secret from the human world but nothing could have prepared him for the surprise he got during a mission in Oxford, England that he, Felix and the twins were on. He tracked some vampires who were on the Volturi’s radar for leaving a trail of dead bodies in their wake, more accurately in their homes without even attempting to dispose of them or cover their tracks. The human authorities were starting to take note of these ‘unexplained deaths’ and thought them to be the work of a serial killer.
Once the vampires were taken care of and the house was quiet the sound of a heartbeat could be heard “There’s a human in the house” Felix said as he turned his head towards the stairs “Really, what gave it away?” Jane asked sarcastically and Alec choked back a laugh as Demetri went upstairs to investigate “I’ll deal with it, start thinking of how you’re going to cover this up.”
Demetri followed the heartbeat to a room at the end of the hallway and carefully opened the door to reveal a child’s bedroom. The walls were painted pink and a wooden toy chest sat next to a small bookcase full of children’s books. Demetri felt his heart ache knowing what needed to be done. Killing human children was something Demetri avoided at all costs, seeing them as innocents and was glad that the Kings never allowed children to partake in the ‘tours’ of the castle.
Demetri slowly walked over to the bed and crouched down and lifting the duvet slightly noticed a three-year-old girl crying silently and began coaxing the little girl out from under her bed gently. “It’s ok…I’m not going to hurt you. I promise” His voice low as he didn’t want to scare her further. She scooted back towards the wall shaking her head. “My name is Demetri, what’s your name darling?” He asked softly “Y/N” She replied low after a few moments, her heartbeat fast due her being scared. He smiled at her warmly and held his hand out to her “Please come out Y/N so we can talk. I promise you are safe now” She looked up at him and soon as he looked into her eyes he felt something snap into place and all he could think about was keeping her safe. He held her close and breathed in her scent as he felt her tiny arms wrap tightly around his neck. “Let’s go home little one” He said softly and made his way downstairs. “What the…” “This is Y/N and she is coming home with me” Demetri cut off Felix off and he could tell by his friend’s tone that this was not up for discussion.
Demetri took Y/N home and raised her as his daughter as he thought this would be safer than leaving her to be discovered by the human authorities and them asking her questions which could lead to her telling them about him and the other vampires that had killed her family.
The Kings understood and supported Demetri’s decision to raise Y/N in the castle. “She will be loved and protected forever” Marcus smiled at Demetri seeing the start of a familial bond between the tracker and the human child. “We will look after her when you are away on missions” Athenodora said with a warm smile “Yes, and we will educate her in the castle” Sulpicia added, pointing to herself, Athenodora and the Kings. “Thank you for understanding the reason behind my decision and supporting me in raising her” Demetri smiled at the five royals and bowed his head “You are very welcome” Aro replied.
Y/N stayed in Demetri’s quarters with him and Jane offered to help him with her as he had no idea how to care for a child. “I bought her some clothes and pyjamas” Jane said to Demetri and watched Y/N curiously “Thank you Jane” He replied and took the bags from her. Jane offered to bath Y/N but she refused insisting Demetri had to do it. Once Demetri bathed her and got her dressed into her new pyjamas he read her a bedtime story and spent the night reading in bed beside her. She woke up in the night crying from a nightmare so he held her close soothing her back to sleep.
Time jump – Fourteen years later
Alec had always felt protective of Y/N as she grew up and found her fascinating and as she got older, he felt ‘drawn’ to her and couldn’t work out why, so he decided to speak to the one person he knew would likely have the answer.
He knocked on the door of Marcus’ private study and waited to be invited in “Come in” Marcus called out and Alec opened the door “Sorry to bother you master, but I need your help” “No trouble my boy, take a seat and tell me what’s bothering you” Marcus replied softly “It’s to do with Y/N” Alec began and Marcus nodded, trying to hide his smile “I have always felt protective of her and I care for her, although she never refers to me as her uncle as she does Felix…” “Does that bother you?” Marcus asks cutting him off “No, master. In fact, I’m glad she doesn’t…especially as I’m starting to feel ‘drawn’ to her…although I don’t know why” He replied “Don’t you? Can you not think of a reason for your feelings changing towards her now that she is grown up?” Marcus asked, curious to see if Alec would catch on. Alec sat there for a few moments thinking; realisation flashed through his eyes, something Marcus noticed “Mate. She’s…oh no…D-Demetri’s going to kill me…” Alec stuttered out, before swallowing hard “I don’t think he’ll like the idea of you of being mates, not at first…especially as you watched her grow up, but I don’t think he’ll kill you” Marcus replied softly as he rose and moved to sit in the chair beside Alec “He wouldn’t hurt her that way” Marcus added as he placed his hand on Alec’s arm “What should I do?” “Talk to Demetri about the situation before you speak with Y/N. He’ll appreciate that more than you know” Marcus advised “Are you sure about the bond?” Alec asked and Marcus raised an eyebrow “Sorry master” “Don’t be. I can confirm the mate ties are there and they will only get stronger as time goes on and the bond will fall into place when the time is right.” Alec nodded and felt nervous of what the future held for him and Y/N.
Alec made his way to Demetri’s room and took a deep unneeded breath before knocking on the door and opening it to reveal Demetri sitting at his desk. “Demetri can I have word with you please?” “Of course Alec. Come in” “Actually can we leave the castle, maybe go hunting? It’s a…private matter” “Ok, lets go Alec.” He replied and put his paperwork away and made his way to the door, grabbing his jacket from the coat stand. The two of them leave the castle and make their way to the Tuscan countryside, Alec trying to get his thoughts together along the way.
“Do you really want to hunt or just talk?” Demetri asked “T-talk please” Alec said feeling nervous “Ok, whenever you’re ready Alec” Demetri sat on a fallen tree waiting for Alec to start. “Demetri, I-I have found my mate…” “That’s great news Alec” Demetri cuts him off, smiling “I fear you may not be so happy for me once you learn who she is” Demetri stares at him for a moment thinking, observing Alec’s nervous behaviour. “It’s Y/N isn’t it?” He asks and Alec nods “I have always felt protective of her and I-I have only recently started to feel to drawn to her. Mar-Marcus confirmed it earlier today…” “He advised you to talk to me before you spoke to…” “Yes Demetri. The ties are there but…if you don’t approve, I will stay away” Alec cut him off this time “No, you won’t Alec, that’ll only hurt you both and I will not see my daughter hurt” “Thank you Demetri. You took the news better than I thought” “Well, Y/N was born to be with you. I won’t stand in the way of you and her being together. Just…don’t force it, let the bond form naturally. That’s all I ask” Alec smiled and nodded at Demetri, hoping Y/N will accept him as her mate as easily as Demetri accepted the news.
Demetri spoke to Heidi about Alec discovering that Y/N was his mate, needing to speak to someone about it. “Alec has spoken to me and advised that he has found his mate…in Y/N” Demetri paused and waited for her reaction “Has Marcus confirmed it?” “Yes, he has” “Dem, how long has Alec known?” “Not long, he had his suspicions and spoke to Marcus, and then to me. I have told Alec that I will not stand in his way of being with Y/N and I hope Jane doesn’t interfere either as it’ll only hurt Y/N and Alec in the long run.” Heidi nods and places her hand on his arm “At least we know he’ll love and protect her…and she’ll continue to live in the castle, which is a good thing” Demetri nodded and smiled at Heidi’s reply.
“Y/N, may I come in?” Alec asks as he knocks on her open bedroom door “Of course Alec” He enters her room and closes the door, taking a seat at the end of her bed. “I have something I need to talk to you about Y/N” “Sounds serious, are you ok?” She asks concerned “I’m ok…I need you to listen to what I’m going to tell you before you respond. Ok?” She nods and he continues “Y/N I have always felt protective of you, but more recently I have felt drawn to you...in a way I never would have thought possible” He paused trying to collect his thoughts for a moment “Y/N, I-I’m your…that is…you’re my mate” He was looking down at his hands and missed the smile she gave him “Alec” He didn’t look up at her, so she tried again “Alec, I accept you as my mate” His head whipped up, his eyes meeting hers, a look of shock etched onto his face “Wh-what did you say?” “I said I accept you as my mate” She repeated and leant forward to kiss his cheek, if he could have blushed, he would have.
Demetri heard the conversation and smiled, happy that Y/N accepted Alec and amused at the way Alec had told her ‘Not exactly the smoothest way to tell a girl she’s your mate” He thought to himself and chuckled low as he made his way back to his room.
Y/N and Alec had been dating for a little over a month when they shared their first kiss and it was awkward as hell for both of them, all tongues and teeth. “Should have asked Demetri for tips” Felix said laughing, Santiago nodded in agreement before adding “Oh wait, no you couldn’t cause you’re dating his daughter” Santiago and Felix continued to laugh “I hate the pair of you” Alec growled at them and left the room. “Practice makes perfect” Chelsea said as she passed him in the hall “Thanks” He mumbled in response.
Y/N was ready to take the next step in her relationship with Alec but was worried about it as her room was opposite her dad’s and her uncle Felix’s room was in between her dad and her boyfriend’s rooms. She decided to speak to Gianna as she was the only other human in the castle and not related to any of the vampires. “I see the predicament you are in, either way your dad and your uncle are going to hear you being intimate with Alec” “I know” Y/N put her head down, resting it on her arms on the table. “I have a few suggestions for you…” “I’m all ears” Y/N said lifting her head and cutting her off “…You could use one of the guest rooms in the East Wing of the castle or wait until your dad and Felix are on guard duty one night or away on a mission” “That won’t work with their hearing and I don’t want my first time interrupted by them walking in on us” Y/N replied before putting her head back on her arms. “Sorry sweetie, I don’t know what else to suggest” Gianna patted her head softly.
Unbeknown to Gianna and Y/N, Dora had been nearby and overheard their conversation and decided to step in and help her ‘granddaughter.’ She arranged a meeting with Caius, Aro and Marcus to discuss her idea, Sulpicia came along to support Dora’s idea. “Next Friday night I need you…” She looked and pointed at the three Kings in turn “…to send Demetri, Felix and Jane away for the weekend on a mission or something” “Why?” Caius asked confused “You didn’t mention Alec, why’s that?” Aro asked, curiosity shining in his ruby eyes. “Firstly, because I said I need the three of them gone for the weekend and secondly, I didn’t include Alec as he is needed here.” Marcus smiled knowingly and waited for his brothers to catch on. A few moments later, it clicked for them both “You want Demetri and Felix out of the way so Alec and Y/N can have some ‘alone’ time and by sending Jane with them, it’s less suspicious” Caius said “Exactly my love” Dora replied “So, are you going to help?” Sulpicia asked, eyeing her husband “Of course, consider it done darling” Aro responded.
Y/N couldn’t help feeling excited when she found out her dad and Felix were going to be on a mission the next weekend, and the fact that Jane was going too was a bonus as her room was the other side of Alec’s. Y/N’s nerves began to sink in the closer it got to the weekend but she was determined to progress her relationship with Alec. Alec on the other hand had no idea what Y/N was planning for their date night as she was worried he might accidentally spill the beans to his sister, Felix or Santiago.
Y/N had arranged dinner for two on Alec’s balcony and had hidden something ‘comfortable’ for her to change in to later in Alec’s bathroom after he had finished getting ready for guard duty. Alec smiled warmly at his mate when he returned to his room for date night to see that she had arranged a romantic meal for two and hung some fairy lights on the balcony to create a romantic ambience. He drank a glass of blood whilst she ate a simple pasta dish. “I would have eaten with you sweetheart” “I know Alec but then you’d have to deal with it afterwards and it would kill the mood” She replied with a smile and stroked his hand.
Once dinner was over Y/N excused herself and entered the bathroom to change and to give herself a pep talk “You got this Y/N. You love him and he loves you. It’ll be fine” “Y/N are you ok?” Alec called out “Yea, be out in a sec.” Y/N took a deep breath before stepping out of the bathroom dressed in a pale pink babydoll and matching shorts. “Wow” Alec breathed out and Y/N smiled at his reaction as she walked over to him. Y/N stopped in front him of him and his hands went to her waist and pulled her closer “You look beautiful” Her cheeks flushed a little at the compliment before she leant forward and kissed him. She bit his lip and he parted his lips allowing her to deepen the kiss, soft moans leaving both of them. Y/N climbed onto his lap so she was straddling him and ran her fingers through his hair before pulling away to breath. Alec resumed the kiss after a moment and ran his hands up her body over the baby doll and felt himself get hard, something Y/N noticed causing her to smile into the kiss as she grinded against him. “Are you sure?” Alec asked low “Yes.”
Alec laid her down carefully before quickly locking his door and removing his shoes and socks. He walked back to the bed and admired his mate lying on his bed. “Want some help?” She asked, nodding at him and he nodded in response, a smile on his lips. She crawled towards the end of the bed and leant up on her knees and undid the buttons on his shirt pushing it up over his shoulders before letting it fall to the floor. He leant forward and captured her lips in a heated kiss as her hands made their way downwards over his chest and stomach, stopping above the waistband of his trousers. She pulled away to breath and smiled at him before undoing his belt and trousers, letting them fall to the floor. He stepped out of them, kicking them aside and kissed her again, holding her hands in his. 
Y/N laid down on the bed watching as Alec crawled towards her, stopping when he was above her being careful to prop himself up on his arms. She felt his erection pressing into her thigh as he leant down kissing her hungrily, his hand moving up her side. He cups her breast and squeezes gently, a soft mewl leaving her lips and he smiles into the next kiss and repeats his actions. He sits up slightly lifting her with him and removes the babydoll before she lays back against the bed again watching as he removes her shorts and his boxers. Y/N’s eyes trail down her mate’s body admiring him, a soft chuckle pulling her from her thoughts “Sorry” “Don’t be. I like the view I have of my beautiful mate too” He replied with a smile, his red eyes darkened by lust.
He settles himself between her legs and gently slides a finger inside her and starts to move his finger in and out of her core preparing her for when he makes love to her. He added a second finger after a few moments and continued to move them within her, ensuring to brush them against her inner walls. Y/N began to writhe beneath him a little and felt a cold hand move to her hip, holding her in place. Alec could tell Y/N was close to her release and pushed his fingers deeper inside her, hitting that spot over and over again. Y/N felt the knot in her abdomen break and her warm release coated his fingers and he hummed in satisfaction at the taste of her. She could taste herself on his tongue as they fought to dominate the kiss. He ran his fingers through her slick folds and coated his hard cock in her arousal and gently entered her, stilling for a moment to allow her to adjust to him. She tapped his shoulder and he began thrusting in and out of her slowly, making love to her. His hand caressed her body gently as her fingers ran down his back, holding each other as they shared a kiss. “Ah Alec” Her voice breathy as he continued to move within her, one hand massaging her breast as he leaves a trail of kisses down her neck towards her other breast. Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist causing him to sink deeper inside her, both moaning in pleasure. Alec could tell his release was close and sensed hers too so sped up his thrusts a little and gently sucked on her nipple as he rolled the other between his thumb and forefinger. “Ah…Ah…Oh…” The only words she could form as her body reacted to her mate’s. “I’ve got you love” He whispered low as her walls clenched around his cock a few seconds before he felt her warm release, evidence of her second orgasm of the evening. His climax followed shortly after and he continued to move in and out of her, riding out their orgasms together.
Y/N opened her eyes and released her tight hold on Alec as he rolled off her “That was amazing” His voice low in the quiet room “You were amazing Alec” She replied and rolled onto her side to face him. “Will you stay with me tonight?” Alec asked, feeling unsure of himself despite having just made love to his mate “Yes” She smiled wide and kissed him soundly on the lips. Once they had showered and changed into their pyjamas Alec held Y/N in his arms as she slept feeling happy that they had taken the next step in their relationship.
The time came for Y/N to become immortal and everyone was curious as to who would change her, Alec, her mate or Demetri, her dad. “Alec, can we talk about my being changed please?” Y/N asked as they walked hand in hand through the garden one evening “Of course, what did you want to discuss?” “I want my dad to be the one to turn me. I want to cement our father / daughter bond” She replied and watched his face for his reaction “I understand Y/N” He smiled at her “Really?” “Yes. Really. If I’m honest I’m happy with your decision, it takes the pressure off of me changing you” He pressed his lips to hers “All I ask is that I am in the room with you when he turns you.” She smiled back at him, nodding before pressing her lips to his “I love you Alec” “I love you more Y/N” He wrapped his arms around her “Let’s go tell your dad of your decision.”
Y/N and Alec made their way back into the castle finding Demetri in the family room with Felix, Jane and Heidi. “Here come the lovebirds” Felix teased as they entered the room, everyone ignored his comment. “Dad I have something I’d like to talk to you about…” “You better not be pregnant at 17, because I’ll kill him” Demetri cuts her off and glares at Alec “No. Oh my god. No dad. I’m not pregnant” She replies, shocked that he’d think that but is happy when Demetri visibly relaxes. “Then what you would like to discuss?” He asks. “Why does the thought of Y/N being pregnant by me put you in a murderous mood?” Alec asks clearly offended by Demetri’s reaction; Demetri growls low “Alec” “Brother” Y/N, Heidi and Jane say at the same time “Not the time” Heidi adds looking at Alec, who nods once.
Y/N turns back to Demetri and sits beside him “I want to discuss being changed” She says and notices her dad seems nervous “I want you to be the one to turn me…?” “Really?” He asks smiling, although he is a little surprised “Really. Everyone knows I’m your daughter but I want to truly be your daughter” His eyes fill with venom and he pulls her onto his lap holding her close “Knowing that you want me to turn you means more to me than you’ll ever know. I love you” “I love you too dad” She kissed his cheek “Think of it as a reward for raising a human daughter for 14 years, not to mention eating all those baked goods despite the fact it tasted foul and you had to throw it back up” Everyone chuckled at this. He placed his hands on her cheeks and looked into her eyes “You have definitely made the last 14 years very…interesting around here but I wouldn’t change a single minute of it” She placed her hands on his cheeks “Really dad?” “Really. I am proud to call you my daughter” He kissed her forehead and continued to hold her.
Demetri agreed to Alec being in the room when he turned her, knowing that Alec wanted to help her with the initial burning sensation. “Thank you Alec, for accepting her decision to have me change her. It means a lot” “Can I tell you a secret Demetri?” Alec asks and he nods “I would have declined her request if she had asked me to change her” “Why? She’s your mate” Demetri sounded confused “I know that, but I know how much she means to you. If I’m being honest, I don’t want the responsibility of looking after your daughter as a newborn. As her mate, I’d rather help you train her instead” Demetri was shocked and just stared at him for a few moments “That is a very grown-up view of the situation and I am proud to call you my son-in-law” He squeezed Alec’s shoulder gently “I may only look 18 but I’m nearly as old as you. It was bound to happen eventually” They both chuckled “Y/N told me she wants to cement her father / daughter bond with you and having your venom running through her does that for her” Demetri nodded in understanding “Oh and don’t think I didn’t catch you calling me your son-in-law, dad” “Watch it” Demetri growled back pointing a finger at him, again they both chuckled.
“I’m going to stay here and let your dad take you out for your first hunt, and teaching newborns to hunt is something your dad is good at seeing as he trains the guards” Alec said looking them “Thank you Alec” Y/N kissed his lips and Alec wrapped his arm around her pulling her closer “I don’t need to see that” Demetri said as he left the room “Meet me at the entrance” Demetri called over his shoulder.
Ten minutes later Y/N and Alec walked towards Demetri holding hands “I thought you two said goodbye upstairs” “They did but I told them that Alec and I would join the two of you…a family hunting trip” Jane said looking at Demetri who smiled back at her nodding. Footsteps sounded behind them and they turned to see Heidi in jeans and a jumper “What are you wearing?” Alec asked surprised “An outfit that’s suitable for a family hunting trip” Heidi said with a smile and Demetri raised an eyebrow at her “I helped raise her and I want to be a part of her first hunt” “When was the last time you hunted?” Demetri asked, amusement clearly shown on his face “Shut up Dem. It’s like riding a bike, you never forget” She replied and walked past them towards the doors. Jane chuckled and took Demetri’s hand leading him out of the castle, Alec and Y/N followed behind their fingers intertwined.
They stopped once they reached the forest in Tuscany “There’s a camping site about two miles east of here” Demetri said and the others nodded before they all took off in that direction. Y/N smelt the humans and growled, eyes darkening with hunger and ran towards them. Demetri ran forward and grabbed his daughter by the waist “Wait little one. Focus on your surroundings” “Hold your breath sweetheart, it’ll help” Alec said and Y/N nodded. “Decide which human you want and be quick when you grab them so they don’t run and make sure to hold them securely before you bite their neck” Y/N nodded, taking in her dad’s advice. They all watched the human campers for a few moments before Demetri whispered “Now” They all ran forward and Y/N grabbed the dark-haired man around the throat holding him to her chest and bit down on his neck, the warm blood flowing down her throat easing the burn. She released him and he fell to the ground next to the blonde-haired female Jane had a dropped a moment earlier. Jane chuckled seeing Y/N’s top splattered with blood. “Everyone’s a bit messy the first time they hunt” Demetri said softly and wiped the drop of blood from her lip. “You did so well sweetheart” Alec said as he wrapped his hand around her wrist and pulled her into him and kissed her “I love you Alec” “I love you too” Alec replied and kissed her again.
Demetri and Alec trained Y/N over the next few months and the Kings were impressed by her calm demeanour considering she is a newborn. “I think growing up around all of us and knowing that becoming an immortal was her destiny, she had time to adjust to the news which has helped greatly” Caius said as he and his brothers watched Y/N take down Santiago with ease during a training session. “True. I also think having Demetri as her father helped, they always had a strong bond and that has only gotten stronger since he turned her” Marcus said with a smile. “I’m glad that Y/N found her mate in Alec as it means our family stays together and he is someone Demetri trusts with his daughter’s life and happiness.” Aro added smiling. “I don’t think Demetri would have accepted another so easily” Caius added, knowing that he wouldn’t have accepted an outsider as Y/N’s mate without first ensuring he and Demetri put them through some rigorous training, among other things. Marcus and Aro smiled knowingly at Caius “None of us would have easily accepted an outsider as our granddaughter’s mate” Aro said and his brother’s nodded.
“HA! BEAT YOU AGAIN!” Y/N called out loudly as she pinned Felix for the second time that week. “Well done Y/N” Demetri said with a proud smile on his face. “Thanks dad” Y/N smiled back at him. “Yes, well done. That was truly amazing to watch” Alec added before pulling her in for a kiss. “I love you Alec” “I love you too sweetheart.”
Alec smiled at his mate as she tackled her dad to the floor, catching him off guard “Gotcha.” A shocked gasp leaving Demetri’s lips before he reacted and rolled them over so she was pinned beneath him. “I win” He chuckled looking down at his daughter who sighed in defeat as he was the one vampire who she couldn’t seem to beat in a ‘fight’ during her training sessions.
‘I’m looking forward to spending forever with my Y/N’ Alec thought to himself, happy that he finally got his happy ending.
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quacka-quacka ¡ 3 years ago
I mentioned Paul's strong resistance to being recognized as effeminate man or gay (here). Although he can hang out with gay guys, wear rainbow flag in public [yeah I definitely need to write that again in case someone didn't see it], being considered gay or "cute" is beyond endurance. I know someone love to interpret this as "don't want to his sexuality being mislabeled", which indeed looks sensible when it comes to the homosexuality, but this excuse can't be applied to the "cute" thing, right? You can't say being cute or feminine is the same thing as being gay, can you? Well, I can hear Paul's every single cell screaming O!M!G! Feminine! all the time. He doesn't want himself have anything to do with feminine, which, unfortunately can not be simply regarded as personal preference, it's indeed a despising of femininity, and femininity? Of course it's about female. Yes, "phallicism", the worship of masculine are still popular in today's society, but it doesn't mean it's right. I have to say Paul's thought is the product of this society, not to mention that he is an old man who grow up in a working-class family six decades ago, we can't demand him that much. His attitude towards women is the same thing.
PAUL: We were more amazed to see the [Japanese] women leaping up out of the seats for the promoter, because we'd never seen that in the West. The subservience of the women was amazing. They'd say, 'Oh God, I'm sorry - was I in your seat?' I remember us getting back to Britain and saying to our wives and girlfriends, 'I wouldn't want you to do that, but maybe it's a direction worth considering?' Promptly rejected.
— The Beatles Anthology
Although Paul seems to know that it's pretty cool for a woman to pursue her own career, like admitting Jane was famous before he was, allowing Linda to write a cookbook or have a photography exhibition, the androcentrism is too ingrained for him to forsake. He acknowledged Jane's achievements but still wanted her to give up work completely:
'I always wanted to beat Jane down,' says Paul. 'I wanted her to give up work completely.'
'I refused. I've been brought up to be always doing something. And I enjoy acting. I didn't want to give that up.'
— Hunter Davies, The Beatles
He allowed Linda to do her own thing, but they are not entirely hers - all those projects are belong to MPL, and do not forget Paul said this after Linda's death:
She never did anything on her own because we were together so much. 
— Paul McCartney, interview w/ Chrissie Henderson for USA Week-end: Tears and laughter. (October 30, 1998)
That's so sweet to see Paul would support his wife any time, but on the other hand it also shows that Linda never get the chance to do something entirely on her own without Paul's interference after she got married. No wonder so many people from inner circle [including Linda, yeah] described Paul as "typical Northerner":
Linda confided that Paul was a ‘typical Northerner’ who believed women should stay at home while men worked.
— Bonnie Estridge, The Mail on Sunday. (March 20th, 2005)
Paul was raised the old-fashioned way. Men were the breadwinners; women stayed at home, had babies and tea on the table. He's still an old-fashioned guy, very careful with money.
— Ruth McCartney
Like the other Beatles, he [Paul] was essentially an old fashioned Liverpool man, who wanted his woman tucked away at home cooking the dinner and minding the kids.
— Cynthia Lennon, John
Jane was a serious actress and wanted to continue her career, but Paul had other ideas. That’s why Linda was so perfect for Paul; she was just what he wanted, an old-fashioned Liverpool wife who was completely devoted to her husband.
— Marianne Faithfull, Memories, Dreams and Reflections
I'd say Paul was not that old-fashioned, at least he allowed his wife to do other things besides being a full-time nanny, but everything she does must cater his needs. As Jane once mentioned, he always wants his girl to adore him like fans:
The trouble is, he wants the fans’ adulation and mine too. He’s so selfish; it’s his biggest fault. He can’t see that my feelings for him are real and that the fans’ are fantasy.
— Jane Asher, Love Me Do! The Beatles’ Progress by Michael Braun
I know some of the fans can't wait to jump up now and shout "Paul and Jane didn't have a mature relationship!" "He's much mature after he meet Linda!" "Paul and Linda had a very very very healthy relationship!" Ok, if you really did some research, you may know that he's never mature enough to know how to fully respect women, at least before the end of divorce with Heather Mills. I have seen the theory appears too many times that Paul and Linda's marriage is the result of careful consideration: Linda came along with a ready-made child and she's ready to marry again - well, I regret to tell you both Paul and Linda wouldn't agree with you.
I was a great disappointment to my family When I got married [to a geologist] and moved to Arizona, it was crazy. I had been pressured by men all my life. I rather liked being on my own, making my own decisions. I had actually sworn to myself that I would never get married again.
— Linda McCartney, interview for Playgirl: An intimate conversation with pop’s preeminent pair. (February, 1985)
As she says, she's quite enjoy her freedom and had absolutely no interest in marriage. What did Paul do? He "twisted her arm" to make her agree.
I persuaded Linda to come to London for a visit. Then I rang Heather in New York and said, ‘Heather, will you marry me?’ She was five. ‘No, don’t be silly,’ she said. ‘I’m too young.’ ‘Well, I can wait,’ I said. So we went to New York and brought her back to London to live with us, and I twisted Linda’s arm and finally she agreed to marry me.
— Paul McCartney, interview for Playgirl: An intimate conversation with pop’s preeminent pair. (February, 1985)
Linda also said neither of them knew what they were doing when they got married:
LINDA: 'So instead of getting an agent I met Paul instead and got married. Or I was going through a transition then and didn't know quite what I was doing and he obviously didn't know quite what he was doing so we ended up marrying instead.'
— Paul McCartney: Many Years From Now
Again, I'm not saying Paul and Linda never loved each other or their marriage was completely made up for media, but I don't think his marriage with Linda enabled him to prioritize other's feelings [his status as one of the four head monsters doesn't help]. Linda's overmuch unilateral compromises certainty don't make him look mature. Let alone his excessive dependence on her.
Reply to all these who think feminize Paul/men is a bad thing:
You love to say that Paul doesn't want the cute title because people used to mock him by that. I understand it. But do you ever think about why being feminine is not taking him seriously? Do you ever think about this is the discrimination about femininity from the whole society? Why does a man must be despised when he has anything to do with femininity? And Paul's approach is denying his femininity, which is the same with those who mock it, like - a man being feminine is a shame because it means he can't be "respected" like other men. It's the recognition of this concept, which is outdated if you think about it.
P.S. Someone who reblogged my post doesn't seem to like the sentence "there must be many sweet moments between Paul and Linda". Ok, I delete it then.
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marvelatthetwilight ¡ 4 years ago
Secrets & Lies
Part 1: The Secret
Part 2: The Secret’s Out
A/N: Thank you all so much for your feedback on part 1 and 2. I see there potentially being one more part to this, if people want it!?
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The day had come. The snow was settling and the allies had gathered at the Cullen house, ready to defend their friends against the Volturi.
You felt out of your depth completely. Surrounded by red eyed vampires, reminding you of the crimson eyes of Demetri, his face haunting your thoughts and your dreams.
You hadn’t heard from him at all. Nothing.
Bella had decided it was a good thing, that maybe he had a conscience and he had decided the best thing for you was to keep you here, where you were safe. Carlisle wasn’t so sure, knowing Aro as he did, he would never forcibly keep you from Demetri, but he had strict rules about newborns in Volterra. He and Edward talked about this at length each evening. Edward feared that Aro had more sinister intentions, and he knew he possibly couldn’t save you from that without putting his family at risk. He worried for Bella if his suspicions were true.
You had spent so much time together in these weeks, helping her to gain full control of her thirst and supporting her with your gift (not that you could help her really, but she appreciated your support either way). You knew that Edward was worried about you becoming close when it was inevitable that you would soon be separated, you had overheard him advising her to distance herself, that it would be harder for her and Renesmee the more time you spent together. He quickly changed the conversation when he heard your thoughts on the matter, realising that you were nearby and he hasn’t spoken of it since.
Jacob had become distant too, his guard was raised constantly in a household full of red eyed “bloodsuckers”. He had overheard enough conversations to know that it was inevitable that Demetri would take you, and that you would be turned and be like them. He was saving his heart from being broken again, losing another friend to the other side. Instead, he focused himself on his imprint, trying to keep her happy and distracted from the chaos that was building around her, but that didn’t stop him from caring about you, wishfully thinking there was something he could do to save you.
“Y/N should come with us. Either way Demetri will look for her, we just put more people at risk if we try to hide her” Rosalie says with a sigh.
“You know I can hear you Rose, you don’t need to talk as if I’m not here” she rolls her eyes at you as you turn to Carlisle and Edward.
“You’ll be at risk if you come with us, surrounded by those who don’t share the same
“I don’t want to put anyone at risk, I’ll come with you” I want to be with Demetri. Edward looks over at you. Sorry.
He smiles at you, “I already told you, it’s the mate pull, you can’t help it. I’m glad that you are thinking positively about it.”
“I just...I just don’t want anyone else to be hurt because they’re trying to protect me from the inevitable” you sigh as you look around at your friends.
“Being part of the Volturi aside, the mate bond is pretty cool” Emmett says as he pulls Rosalie into his side.
You smiled at Emmett, thinking about Demetri holding you in the same way. Your face flushed with embarrassment as Edward coughed lightly, reminding you he was there. Sorry again.
I suppose we’ve just got to wait and see what happens now.
Demetri’s POV
The Masters had landed in Seattle, ready to make the journey into Forks to “speak” the Cullens. We were due to meet them, along with our witnesses we had gathered in a clearing outside of Seattle, before moving to the agreed clearing to meet the Cullens.
The anticipation of seeing Y/N was killing me, if I wasn’t already dead, of course.
I had been preparing myself to explain what had happened, why I had kept this secret from them. As soon as Aro takes my hand he will know what has happened and what I’ve done, I need it clear in my mind my reasons for it.
I wanted to give her time to say goodbye.
I tapped your foot on the floor in anticipation, Felix glanced at me before growling low. Calm he mouthed to me. I shot him an apologetic look before forcing my foot to stop.
The Masters swept into the field, surrounded by the rest of the upper guard, along with some lower guard and the witnesses they had gathered on the way. We walk towards them, Jane offering her hand to Aro as we get close enough. He glances at me as he searches through Jane’s mind. He turns to look at his brothers.
“It seems that our dear Demetri has met his mate. And she is a Cullen no less!”
“Is she gifted? Could she be of use to us brother?” Caius asks Aro, seemingly disinterested in the conversation unless it benefits him in some way.
“She is still human brother, she’s a human Cullen. Like our dear Bella was” Caius growls at this statement.
“We still do not know if they have kept their word brother” Aro snaps his head in Caius’ direction. “You think they would lie to to us brother? That they had kept it a secret that she is still human? Fed us lies about her changing? That I am stupid enough to fall for that?” Aro was now inches away from Caius’ face, his body tense with anger. Marcus breaks the tense silence with a question directed to me.
“Why did you not inform us of this dear boy? You have waited centuries to find her, I would think you would have shouted this from the rooftops.”
I sensed the hurt in Marcus’ voice. He treated me like family, and I would normally talk to him about most things, it was unusual for me to keep a secret.
“I wanted to give her time. They know what is coming. They know that she will come with us, I just wanted to give her time with them to say goodbye.” I plead with Marcus, hoping he can sense my bond to her, but know that my bond to the Volturi has not wavered.
“What do you say brother? These secrets and lies must mean that Demetri’s ties to us are...weakening does it not?” Caius turns to Marcus, expecting him to confirm his suspicions I assume, but he does not.
“Our dear Demetri has strong feelings for this Cullen yes, but his loyalty to us has not changed, he just has additional bonds, that is all.” Aro smiles at this, and clasps his hands together, suggesting he has made a plan.
“Y/N will come with us to Volterra following our meeting with the Cullens. As a human, she was not to know of our rules regarding immortal children, she is not to blame here. However, Demetri dear...she will have to be turned. For your loyalty we will allow her to stay in Volterra, but you and Felix will need to train her. She can join the lower guard.” With that, Aro turns and clicks, commanding the guard to follow him towards Forks.
You stood between Edward and Carlisle, the rest of the Cullens to your left side, except for Alice and Jasper who had still not returned. Bella, Renesme and Jacob stand to your right, with the rest of the wolves and the Cullen allies behind you.
You were very aware of the fact you would be the sole human, in a field full of vampires, and though you attempted to still your heartbeat, it was thumping so hard you could hear it in your ears. “Just breathe Y/N, no one will harm you” Edward said, glancing at you, having heard your panic. You took a deep breath, before you felt something nudge at your shoulder. You turn to see Jake, looking at you with worry in his eyes, and you reach to stroke the side of his face, letting the softness of his fur calm you. You lean against him as you whisper “I’ll be ok Jake. I’ll be ok” he whines softly at this, knowing that this might be the last time he ever sees you. That it will definitely be the last time he sees you human, and he takes the moment to take in every detail he can, before moving back to his place beside his imprint.
You take a sharp intake of breath as you see the Volturi appearing in the distance, it is clear that they outnumber the group standing behind you, and the fear inside you increases.
“Aro’s looking for Alice” Edward whispers, as you look carefully at the figures in front of you, your human vision not enough for you to be able to identify figures. Your heartbeat rises as your eyes feel drawn towards a figure to the left of the figures in the middle, Demetri.
Demetri’s POV
I can’t take my eyes off of her, her hands clenched at her side, eyes darting across the group beside me as she attempts to focus on the figures. She’s looking for me.
Carlisle walks forward before speaking, but my eyes can’t leave Y/N. “Aro, let us discuss things as we used to, in a civilised manner.”
Caius scoffs at his words before Aro replies “Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place given the battalion you have assembled against us”.
Carlisle shakes his head, “I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken”
“We see the child, do not treat us as fools” Caius spits out in reply.
The conversation continues with Carlisle confident of his innocence and Aro confident in his guilt, asking for evidence of his innocence by meeting the supposed immortal child.
“Edward, as the child clings to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved”
Edward looks at Bella before walking towards Aro, his hand stretching out as soon as he is close enough. Aro takes the offered hand, enclosing it in his own, he hums with interest.
“I’d like to meet her.”
Edward turns to look at Bella and the immortal child before nodding. Bella, the child, the wolf and the large Cullen begin walking before Aro interrupts.
“Bring Y/N with you young Bella, I know dear Demetri is keen to have her safely with him and we are all very keen to meet her.” He smiles before looking towards me, I nod briefly, before walking towards where he is standing with Edward.
I will not harm her.
Edward looks at me in shock, before nodding in understanding, and he looks back towards his mate.
The group continues walking, this time with Y/N in tow. The walk is painfully slow, and I can’t stop my foot from tapping impatiently in the snow.
When they finally reach us, I realise that I’m frowning, and I quickly try to replace this with a natural smile before looking towards Y/N, but she avoids my gaze.
“Ah, young Bella. Immortality becomes you.” He turns to Y/N, “and Y/N, you are even more beautiful than Demetri described, we are all looking forward to you joining us in Volterra. You will go to him now yes?”
Y/N looks at me and I smile at her, nodding, before she steps tentatively towards me.
You walk towards Demetri, his eyes locked on yours, and suddenly you are no longer aware of what is going on around you.
“Y/N” he breaths out your name, and you realise you’ve never heard your name sound so beautiful as it does when it comes from his mouth.
All the weeks you’ve been waiting for him have led to this moment, “Demetri” you reply, and he smiles at the sound of your voice.
He holds out his hand to you and you take it, walking away from the group talking in the middle, you glance back to see Aro leaning forward as Renesmee holds her hand to his cheek.
“Y/N I must first apologise, I wanted to contact you, I was desperate to, but, I feared that if I contacted you that this would shorten your time with your family and your friends. I did not wish to take that time from you.” He gently touches his hand to your cheek, and you place your hand on top of his own.
“I don’t mind, I keep being reminded that we will have forever together, so I’m sure you will be able to make it up to me” you reply with a hint of flirtation to your voice. You cup your hand over your mouth, realising that you were still close enough to be heard by everyone else and your face flushed.
Demetri chuckles at this, before his attention is drawn back to the group standing with Aro. Everyone’s attention is now far into the distance, with your human vision you have difficulty making out the figures until they are much closer. Alice.
You cannot hear the conversation between Aro and Alice, but can see her stretch out her hand for Aro to take. Demetri tenses at my side, and you sense the conversation is not going as expected. Demetri glances to the tall vampire you saw him with when you first met, who nods briefly and before you can register what is happening you are in Demetri’s arms travelling faster than you thought possible.
Your mind tries to process what you have seen, trying to rationalise the raised voices you briefly heard before you were picked up. What was Alice so angry about? What did Demetri not want you to see?
@volturidoll13 @clearwater-hoe @like-rain-or-confetti @teampaul @fatiguing-thoughts @wallwriterstuff @moviequeen51 @awesomebooklover17 @cncogirl18 @raindancer2004 @officialfictionalwreck @megzdoodle @slasher-sweetie @evakipara @reclusive-chicken-nugget @icarusinstatic
Part 4: Sick of Secrets
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hacash ¡ 3 years ago
ted lasso 2x09 thoughts
for an episode that I knew I wasn’t going to be hugely excited about - I like beard, but he’s not one of my faves by any stretch of the imagination - this was really cleverly put together
the precise reason why beard isn’t one of my faves is we get very little to latch onto with him, and this episode did a good job of reversing that: we see coach beard not as ted’s guardian angel or the football-exposition provider, but just as beard: a man clearly dealing with some seriously self-destructive tendencies and one hell of a toxic relationship. also, we all have those little voices that tell us when we’re fucking up and make us feel bad about ourselves, but the fact that beard’s are gary lineker and thierry henry? damn.
(seriously, I know gary lineker mainly as the crisps ad guy rather than the football guy, but seeing him narrate beard’s spiral downwards just had me spluttering.)
beard constantly rewatching the game in his mind’s eye was brutal to watch, but cleverly done as well. I also found it interesting that as well as highlights (well, lowlights) from the match we also saw him relive the moment when he fell over the fence and Ted was left at the side of the pitch clapping the guys on as if nothing was going wrong. tell me that’s not significant, I dare you.
the fact that we had more of the pub regulars was a dream! they really deserved their moment in the sun, and they had so many little wins tonight - I love how they could just be left as a running joke but instead we get to see more of them and end up rooting for them. (particularly in a show set in britain, where the class divides and lingering images of ‘chavs’ could have led to the three mouthy football supporters being seen as a very one-dimensional negative stereotype.)
seriously, if you didn’t cry tears of joy when the boys were playing at nelson road to the tune of ‘we are the champions’, you have a heart of stone.
(uh, and if you didn’t then panic from realising that ‘we are the champions’ is not now being held for the season finale and richmond’s long-desired promotion back to the premier league, you’re a stronger soul than I.)
I absolutely loved how much of this episode felt like weird british pub/club/ambling around London at 1AM in the morning culture. I feel like I’ve had so many of these conversations with my mates myself. and honestly, ‘Just One Cornetto’ was peak drunk brit, and it makes me really sad that most of my american followers won’t quite get how significant and perfect that was.
As an ex-oxford person I can also confirm everything about that scene in the bar was pretty much dead on too.
FUCK ME the moment James Tartt showed his face was worse than any horror movie jump-scare I’ve seen recently.
the significance of Beard continuously dropping his keys was interesting - I wonder if it’s carrying on with the theme of ‘there’s no place like home’ that we’re beginning to see emerge? A sign of his self-destructive tendencies? I like the theory already suggested on here that it’s just a demonstration of the fact that there are always good people around if you just let them help you: Beard has a brutal night, but people who don’t even know him that well like Jeremy and the impeccably-played Big Angry Man are willing and happy to help him get back home.
other folk have written better meta than me about Beard and Jane - I certainly don’t think it’s a healthy relationship and think Beard needs to run, run like the wind, but I found it cleverly done that by the end of the episode I was happy when Beard ran into Jane. he’d been through so much and now he needed a break, needed that rush of endorphins, and she provided it. it was a clever way of showing just why he keeps going back, and although we still don’t want him to stay with her, it provides a good insight into why he goes back.
I’ve said it before and will say it again, but we had direct, verbal confirmation that the coaching team lost Richmond the Man City match. whether you see that snippet as something that only happened in Beard’s imagination - which is significant, he knows something’s wrong and needs to change - or if you think Lineker and Henry were actually saying it out loud - which is also significant, if Gary Lineker and Thierry Henry are criticising your coaching tactics you want to listen - it all boils down to the same thing. the coaching team is heading for trouble, and that’s not just us reading too much into the situation -  the show is actively acknowledging it. colour me both scared and intrigued.
(on a side-note, I thought Lineker and Henry were hilarious in this episode. same goes for all of the sporting personalities they’ve managed to wrangle onto season 2.)
that last scene did exasperate me a little - it feels like even with these inroads into therapy Ted is still going for the classic head-in-the-sand, everything’s-going-to-be-ok-if-we-just-look-at-it-positively approach - but, well, I did like the Benny Hill theme music, even if this feels like the last calm before the storm.
still not quite over the fact that we got zero new colin or isaac content in this ep. I am a simple woman: I want to watch pretty boys being a bit daft and a bit sweet to each other on a regular weekly basis.
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sillyrabbit81 ¡ 4 years ago
The Pull
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Summary: Alternative Universe. Vampire Henry. Henry, Crown Prince of the Vampires is avoiding his responsibilities because of his mother's fate. When Henry finds his mate, the circumstances are eerily similar to his mother's. Rather than risking his mate's life, Henry chooses to run, but can he run from his fate?
Pairing: Henry x OFC
Word Count: approx 2.6k
Warnings: Blood drinking, sex (p in v), mentions of suicide, mentions of violence I think thats it.
Authors Note: YOU GUYS!!!!!! Last Chapter!!!!
I'm shaking as I write this. I really want to thank everyone who took the time to read this story. It's been amazing. To all of you who commented and reblogged, a thousand times thank you!
I hope you all find the ending satisfying. Its always nerve wracking to end a story. I hope all the lose ends are tied up, and you have some idea the direction in which our characters are travelling in.
I have a bonus chapter to give you soon too. Its a special Alex POV so I hope you all enjoy that too.
This chapter wasn't beta read or edited so there will be errors. My amazing friend @henryobsessed is very busy at the moment and I have bugged her enough! She has been an amazing support. Check out her blog, she is a wonderfully original writer. ❤️
Thanks again!
Part 24 Bonus Chapter
Part 25
Fawn slept on and off for forty-eight hours. Occasionally she would wake for a short time, usually hungry and I would climb in bed next to her, and feed her until she went back to sleep. I refused to leave her side, insisting on keeping a constant vigil in case she woke and needed me. Jane also stayed in my apartments, checking on me, bringing me food, of bowl of warm water to wash and a change of clothes. I allowed Jane to wash Fawn and dress her in a clean nightgown, but other than that, I wouldn’t allow anyone near her.
For once I was grateful for Lawrence’s inability to respect boundaries. Lawrence took charge of the Kingdom, ensuring a smooth transition of power. I was surprised when he came to me with questions and to ask permission to take some actions. Between Lawrence, David, Felix and Qiang, they were able to keep control of the kingdom, keep it running smoothly and started investigating Alfred’s guards.
The first time Rowena woke up she immediately asked if Charlie and Alex were ok. I told her that Alex’s challenge had been successful and Charlie was going to come back in a couple of days, which would give Alex time to solidify his position and ensure the children’s safety. She nodded, closed her eyes and went back to sleep.
Rowena had a lot of visitors, David of course was beside himself. He visited several times to check on her. I growled at him when he tried to hold her hand. When I saw the pain in his eyes, I felt ashamed by my reaction. He didn’t argue with me, just pulled up a chair and sat next to me and we sat in silence as we watched her sleep.
Of course, Angelica and Felix visited, they had both spent a lot of time with Fawn and loved her as family. I had held myself together until I saw Felix come in and as he embraced me I fell apart in my uncles’ arms. Felix didn’t shame me, he understood why I cried, as all mated Vampires would. When I was able to gain control of my tears and released him, I was surprised to see a few tears from him too. I made him promise he would stay on at the Castle as an advisor, I told him I needed him, both as Monarch, but as a young male, who wanted to be better than he was brought up to be. Felix and Angelica both agreed to stay.
Min and her guards visited Fawn too. I was surprised by how quickly Fawn had seemed to gain their devotion. In the chaotic hours after Alfred’s death there had been a lot of yelling outside my chamber and poking my head out ready to tell them all to fuck off, I found Min, prostrate on the ground begging to be punished for failing to protect Fawn.
I wanted to tell her that we had all failed Fawn, me most of all, but I saw the hard look of her face and knew she wouldn’t accept it. Min did not want forgiveness, she needed her honour back as a guard. I thought back to some of the older texts I had read and remembered an appropriate punishment. I set her to stand at my door and not to leave for 24 hours. No sitting, eating or drinking. If she was caught doing anything except standing guard, she would add another six hours to her duty. Min was grateful, and started immediately. More surprising than Min’s reaction was that the rest of Rowena’s guards chose to suffer the same punishment. The next time I saw them, their uniform had changed, each now wore a silver patch on their sleeve with a red R embroidered into it. Min gave me a challenging look when I noticed, but I nodded in approval and told Min once her punishment was over, she would be promoted to Captain of the Queen’s Guard.
The hardest visitor to see was my mother. Hannah was brought in by Angelica and she helped her sit in a chair, before discreetly leaving. My mother and I stared at each other. Neither of us seemed to know what to say.
I was conflicted. I had never thought I would get a chance to meet my mother and until I saw her I thought all I would want to do was run to her and hold her. But when I saw her all I could think about was the story I was told of her death, she had wanted to kill me and herself. I’m not stupid, I know my father could have made the lie up as a cover for his enslavement of her. After all, if everyone thought she was dead, no one would look for her.
I felt guilty. I had assumed once I saw her, I would instantly feel a son’s love for his mother, but other than empathy for what she had gone through, I felt nothing. I hated myself for it, but I couldn’t change it.
Hannah cleared her throat and she said, “I’m proud of who you have become Henry.”
“You don’t know who I am,” I said, testily, as if she had anything to do with the way I turned out. I knew it was wrong of me, she had no choice, but it didn’t stop me.
“I know who your Inamorata thinks you are,” Hannah said. “She showed me.” I saw my mother’s chin tremble and she swallowed several times before she said, “I know what you did for her. I know you walked away.” Tears started to fall from her eyes and suddenly my sight blurred and I cried again. “I know how hard that must have been. But, nothing she could have shown me would make me prouder.”
I felt it then, the first hint of the love I craved. I went to her crouched before her and took her frail hands in mine. “Thank you,” I said. “I didn’t know how much I needed to hear you say that.”
We talked then, well I talked and Mother asked me questions. It wasn’t always easy, there were some moments of uncomfortable silence. But it was a beginning.
Before she left, Mother said, “I did try to kill myself,” I stared at her horrified. I opened my mouth to speak but she raised a hand indicating I should let her finish. I clamped my jaw shut tight, my jaw clenching so hard I wondered if I would crack a tooth. “I tried many times to end my life until I fell pregnant with you in my very first heat.” She shook her head and looked me in the eyes. “After that, I wanted to live. I loved you from the moment I felt you move in my belly and I never stopped.”
“That, I know, I needed to hear,” I said.
Fawn started stirring then, and panicked I went to her side. Hannah somehow made her way over to me and said, “I’ll leave you two alone. Good bye, Henry.” She lifted her hand to my cheek and I gave her a kiss on both of hers before I walked her to the door.
It had been six weeks since Alfred died. Fawn recovered quickly after those first few nights and our new life together started. There was a lot to work out, starting with our official coronation celebration.
On the morning of the ceremony I woke before Fawn, which was unusual these days, so I laid still so as not to disturb her. Sometimes when I wake up and I catch her scent, I feel like I’m still dreaming. The delicious fragrance of Fawn’s blood haunted my dreams for so long, I often find it hard to believe that she is with me and not a spectre of my imagination.
She had her back to me this morning, and I admired the curve of her waist and hips and the long lines of her back. I listened to her slow, steady, Vampiric heartbeat and watched her chest expand with her breaths. She doesn’t snore anymore and sometimes I miss hearing her soft rumbles.
I wanted to touch her, kiss her, make love to her, but more than all of that, I wanted her to sleep. She rarely slept these days, much less that a Vampire should. It was as if she thought her two days of nearly non-stop sleep inoculated her from the need to ever sleep again. She went five days without sleeping a week ago. I had chastised her, telling her she was doing too much. We argued, and she got stubborn. I chuckled softly as I remembered telling her, “If you don’t go to sleep tonight, I will tie you to the bed and fuck you until you can’t keep your bloody eyes open anymore.” It was one few arguments I won and was disappointed when I did.
Fawn hadn’t stopped one she recovered. If she wasn’t helping me and learning about the Kingdom, its finances and its holdings, she continued her instruction from Lawrence and Felix about Vampire culture, history and politics. On top of all of that, she was spending time with my mother. I told her she didn’t have to do that since Angelica and I spent time with mother too, but she insisted saying Hannah would recover faster if she was surrounded by family.
Mother was doing well, recovering slowly. The hardest part of her recovery was feeding. She hated doing it at first, but as she saw her strength returning she didn’t find it quite so offensive. I think the real reason she overcame her aversion to feeding was because of her developing relationship with Qiang, who had immediately offered to feed her. On a number of occasions, I had interrupted visits from him. Qiang’s mate had died not long ago and they had only been mated for a few years. Qiang strongly suspected that she had been taken by Alfred, which is why he was so ready to support me. The two of them seemed to have bonded over their trauma and appeared to help each other through it. I strongly suspected that Mother was now allowing Qiang to feed from her also. I didn’t make a fuss about it, after all she went through, she deserved some happiness.
I brought my thoughts back to Fawn. I wanted to let her sleep, but I knew she would tear shreds off me if I did. Charlie would be arriving soon, and we had planned a large family picnic for him to meet his extended Vampire family. It would be the first time Fawn had seen him in 6 weeks. She would want to make sure everything was perfect for him before he arrived, even though everything had been finished for a couple of weeks now.
I had suggested to Fawn that she could permanently move into my room and we could turn hers into Charlies bedroom for when he visits. We had both thought having separate rooms was silly since we slept in the same bed anyway. She had, of course, agreed. Fawn and I then spoke to Alex about Charlie’s living arrangements. Fawn reluctantly said that Charlie could stay with Alex most of the time and spend one week a month with her. Alex surprised us by saying we had it the wrong way around. He wanted Charlie to stay with us until he was 15 and then come back for his transition. Fawn worried that he may not actually be a wolf but Alex was adamant he was. Alex had said, once he transitioned, he would want to start his hunt for his mate and once he mated he wouldn’t want to leave the pack. Despite the challenges of having a human child living in the Castle, I had agreed. I had sworn to Fawn, I wouldn’t force her to give up Charlie, and I had meant it. Besides, I had actually begun to like the child.
Alex, Delphine, Sierra and Alex would also be arriving with Charlie. They had been invited to the ceremony as a sign of good will to the wolves and my seriousness about wanting to repair the damage Alfred’s reign had on our relationship. Alex thought it would be a good idea to invite pack leaders from all around the area, and after speaking with Lawrence and Felix I had agreed it was a good idea. It would be a symbolic gesture of our commitment to reconciliation. However, most pack leaders had declined the invitation, but Lucas said he would attend. Alex and I were disappointed, but hopefully we would gain the trust of the other packs in time.
When I could put it off no longer, I gently woke Fawn. I kissed her back and shoulders, breathing in her sweet scent until she started to wiggle against me. She rolled over, wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled into my chest. She mumbled something incoherent and I had to chuckle.
“Come on, Little Fawn.” I said, and started to caress her back with long, languid strokes. “It’s time to get up.”
Fawn let out a low growl and I felt her roll her hips into mine. I groaned, feeling her smooth skin rub against my already half erect cock. Hearing my groan, her head shot up and I could see in her eyes that she wasn’t my Little Fawn this morning. She was my Lioness and she was hungry.
She was fast, capturing my lips, her tongue already pushing into my mouth. Fawn tried to roll me over and assume control, but I resisted. I had spent too long thinking about her that morning, and my Lust was as strong as hers. She may be a lioness, but I was still a lion.
I pushed Fawn to her back, and hooking her leg over my arm, I ground against her. I could feel how ready she was for me and I couldn’t wait another instant. I kissed her as we joined together, and I cursed into her mouth as she opened herself to me, her walls seemed to pull me in, tightening around me as I filled her.
Fawn cried out when I was completely sheathed, and when her fangs pierced my lip, the slim control I had on my Lust shattered. With desperate need I took her, fucked her with unrestrained force. Fawn, strong now, moved with me, taking everything I gave her as she hung onto my lip, tasting me and feeding from me.
When she was close to her release, she let go of my lip and threw her head back, offering me the vein at her neck. With a rumbling growl I bit into her, tasted her, and her blood renewed me.
Fawn cried out my name as she hit her peak, her body undulated below me with uncontrolled pulses, pushing me towards my own blissful release.
Our consummation that morning was one I would never forget. It seared into my memory, becoming one of those times that you could clearly point to as a moment of change because your relationship wasn’t the same after it.
Everything was changed after that morning. It was the last time my Fawn was just Rowena. After that day, she was Queen, she was a ruler, a law maker and judge. She wasn’t just mine anymore, she belonged to the Kingdom and its citizens, and they had loved her.
However, there was one thing that never changed. When the day came and we closed the door, all of the other things Fawn was, all of the other claims on her, went away and we were us again. The one part of us that never changed was the constant need we had for each other. It didn’t matter what happened outside our room, when we were together we were just us, Pulled together through fate, but joined together through love.
Bonus Chapter
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thisisarcanereverie ¡ 4 years ago
What it Means to be Worthy (Thor x Reader)
WARNINGS: unprotected sex (wrap it up pals) Do NOT read unless you are 18+. 
Also I have never written smut before so I hope it’s ok. I honestly couldn’t have written it if I hadn’t been listening to Deity by Valeree (highly recommend listening while reading the smut. It will probably make it better.) 
“Thor,” you called the God of Thunder, ��Thor it’s (Y/n).”
You heard a small grunt coming from the living room as you entered through the front door. You immediately went to cover your nose from the stench that invaded your senses upon entering. 
It seemed as though the whole house smelled of rotten food, sweat, and something akin to a pigs feces. It was a smell that you never quite got used to, even after 2 years of smelling it every day. 
You quietly made your way through the house until you saw a sight you were quite used to seeing now. 
Thor on the ground, shirtless, covered in sweat and grime. His beard was filthy from vomit and dandruff and his hair greasy and matted to his head. 
There had been a time where he cared so much about his hair that he got triggered if you had tried to trim it. 
After 2 years of seeing this scene before you, it failed to surprise you. 
Now it just angered you. 
You knew you couldn’t understand the pain he was in, he lost his entire family, half his people, and Asgard. 
Sure, the people of Midgard were generous and gave your people sanctuary, a place for your people to call home once again. 
But that didn’t stop you from missing Asgard’s golden palace and it’s mountains of lush green forests. How you missed running with Thor and Loki through those forests after dark to get to the highest peak you could to watch the glittering of the gold during sunrise. 
You had been playmates with the Princes since infancy. You had trained and fought alongside them in battle, joined them in celebrations after each conquest, mourned the loss of Frigga with them. 
You went with Thor all those years ago to retrieve Loki and joined the Avengers with him. 
But now the Avengers were gone, long since disbanded before the battle of Wakanda. 
You weren’t angry at him, your anger was towards the cruel fate that had befallen your precious friends. You had cared for Loki, almost as much as Thor if not equal to. 
If you were honest, you weren’t in better shape. Your grief had taken hold of you as well. Your kind smile had turned cynical. Anyone who tried to get close to you often was met with your icy glare and scoff. 
Thor was the only one who brought out the caring person you once were. 
With a deep sigh you expertly walked around the empty booze bottles and to the grieving man before you. Thor may have gotten soft around the middle but he weighed about the same as you slumped his arms around your shoulders. Thor groaned and went pale, his eyes barely opening. 
“C’mon blondie,” you softly spoke, “let’s get you washed up.”
You half dragged the god to the bathroom, he threw up halfway there but you paid no mind. You would clean that after getting him in the shower. 
You didn’t bother stripping him before setting him in the tub. Without warning or mercy you pointed the shower hose directly at his face and turned the water to icy cold. 
Thor yelled at the icy feeling, borderline pleading, for you to turn off the water. However, over the course of 2 years the patience you had for him had worn thin and so you continued to spray until the stench subsided a little. 
Thor was fully awake and sober now, seeing your figure as clear as day tower over him in the tub with a look on your face akin to a mother scolding a misbehaving child. 
Thor felt so small and powerless under your gaze and he loathed it. 
“You could have stopped a while ago.”
“This needs to stop Thor.” 
Your hands motioned to him, Thor once admired those hands and the strength that they had. Now he just found them annoying. 
He found you annoying. 
You came by everyday and pulled him out of his stupor, clean up after him a little, and try to clean him up. You treated him like a child who couldn’t take care of himself and he loathed it so. 
“I am King of Asgard you do not get to tell me what to do.”
“What King would wallow himself in such a way.”
He bolted upright and stood in the tub, successfully towering over your frame, you had gone too far. You didn’t get to say such things to him. 
What Thor didn’t count on was the world getting fuzzy and a little dark when he stood up, so although he towered over you he was as stable as a wind chime. 
You held onto his frame to prevent him from falling flat onto his face. You felt Thor stiffen under your touch. 
You knew Thor was now sensitive and insecure in areas he never was before. 
It seemed like yesterday that he was admiring himself in one of Asgard’s golden mirrors, his long hair had looked like spun gold in Asgard’s sunlight and his figure was that befitting of a god. 
But none of that had ever mattered to you, even when Thor became full of himself to the point of him being ill tempered and arrogant, you couldn’t find it in yourself to ever give up on him. 
Not that you tried to give up on him anyways.
Loki had asked you one day why you didn’t. Why didn’t you give up on the golden prince when he clearly would never feel the same way. 
“I love him too much to be without him. Even if that means watching him parade himself around as a peacock and watch women fly to him like bees to honey.” 
Then Thor was banished and the only reason why you didn’t follow was due to Loki’s intervening. 
Then Thor met Jane Foster. 
The memory of the beautiful scientist brought back bittersweet memories. You had never seen Thor so deep in love, and that made you both sad and happy. 
Happy that he finally found someone who could keep him humble and who he loved just as much as you loved him. 
Sad that when you often caught Thor daydreaming, that it wasn’t you he was daydreaming about. 
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and sat the giant on the edge of the tub while you went to gather fresh clothes for him. 
You gathered a simple sweatshirt and pants for him to pull on once he was finished with his shower. 
As you set the clothes beside the sink you couldn’t help but feel the gnawing feeling in the deepest parts of your heart and the nagging thoughts in your head. 
You knew that Thor was hellbent on this self destructive path and you knew that there was nothing you could possibly do to prevent it. 
It was either you let Thor drown himself in his despair or you let him drown you with it as well. 
You had accepted long ago that Thor would never see you as anything more than what you had always been. 
His playmate since infancy. 
The girl who got a starry look every time he entered a room. 
You had saved up money from the jobs you had worked over the past 2 years, you finally saved up enough to get away from New Asgard. Leave its people to the hands of their self pitying King and Val. 
It wasn’t like they needed you or the other way around. 
No one would notice your absence. 
You began to pick up around Thor’s home, recycling empty liquor bottles and trashing pizza boxes and rotted food. Vacuuming the carpets and dusting here and there. 
This will be the last time you do as such. 
You needed to leave, staying here and wallowing in Thor’s despair and depression as much as your own wasn’t good for you. And you knew deep down you had been enabling him, every time you cleaned his house and washed and fed him you knew that he only got worse and that you were supporting him when you did this. 
You needed to leave for Thor’s sake as much as your own. 
You wondered how long it would take him to notice. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to tell Thor, you doubt he would even care at this point. 
The walk back to your house was only a few minutes, having moved into the house closest to his in case of emergency. 
Most of your things were packed and already in your apartment in New York waiting for you. Well things of value, the rest you had sold online, it was amazing what the internet could do. By far one of the greatest inventions on Midgard in your opinion. 
All that was left to do was, pack a few pieces of clothing and toiletries. 
And write a goodbye letter to Thor explaining where you went and why. 
You had avoided writing it, not wanting to say goodbye. Not wanting Thor to not care. 
It wasn’t like you were completely leaving Thor, Valkyrie (Val as you called her) assured you that she would make sure he didn’t starve or drink himself to an early grave. 
You trusted her to make good on her promise. 
You leaving wasn’t even your idea in the first place, Val had tried to get you to leave a year earlier, but you were too stubborn to leave then. 
You grabbed the piece of stationary and began to write. 
By the time you're sober enough to read this I’ll already be gone. I don’t predict that I’ll be back. 
Val will be making sure you don’t starve or drink yourself into an early grave in my place. 
I just can’t do this anymore Thor. 
I had loved you since we were but children running around the palace gardens, I still do. However I accepted the fact that you could never see me as anything more than your old playmate and dear friend so long ago. 
I had tried to be by your side in a supporting role no matter how much it had hurt me. 
When you became an arrogant ass I tried my hardest to explain away your tantrums. 
When you came back from banishment I listened to you swoon over Lady Jane Foster with a smile on my face even though it tore me apart. 
I had stayed with you, took care of you. It took me so long to realize that I had just been enabling you this entire time. 
I had been supporting your self destructive behavior and I refuse to play that part any longer. I need to leave, not just for me but for you. 
You need to sort through your emotions, you need to learn how to handle yourself by yourself. You need me not holding your hand when you do that. 
I need to discover for myself what it means to be worthy-’
A loud pounding at your door disrupted your train of thought as you wrote. Normally no one would bother you, not unless it had to deal with Thor. 
The floorboards creaked as you made your way to your door. The pounding had not ceased until you flew the door open to reveal Thor. 
His hair was still damp from his shower and the sweats you had picked out were already stained from the beer he held in one hand. His sky blue eye was hidden behind dark shades. 
“(Y/n),” Thor said, “I need a thing.”
“Thor right now isn’t a good time.” 
“Don’t worry Lady (Y/n) it won’t take even a second I’ll be in and out.” Thor assured, flashing you a smile that could make your legs go weak. Despite how much hurt you were in you were still no match for Thor’s charms. 
“What thing do you need?”
“Just a thing I’ll know the name of it when I see it.” 
You stepped aside as you let Thor in, hoping that he won’t notice the lack of furniture or the note left on the table. You decided to let him be while you went and finished packing whatever was in the bathroom. After that you went back to the living area where you had left the note only to see Thor sitting on the couch, his fingers clenching the paper tightly. He had taken his shades off, the deep dark circles stood out against his skin a tribute to how tired he truly was. 
He looked up and you were taken aback by the sorrow that filled his eyes. red rimmed the blue eye as fresh tears began to fall. 
“You weren’t supposed to read that yet.” 
“And when was I supposed to read it then?! When you were god knows where you will be!” His voice bellowed as tears continued to fall down his cheek. 
“Thor please don’t yell.” 
“No (Y/n)!” he cut you off, “you,” his finger pointed at you, his gaze as intense as lightning, “you don’t get to leave like this. You don’t get to leave me too.”
“Thor I don’t have a choice,” you argue, “I need to let you go. I need to find who I am without you and you need-”
You could hear thunder roaring in the distance outside, lightning danced around his fingers faintly. Thor had never scared you, but right now you were close to it. 
“Thor,” you say calmly hoping somehow your calm tone will calm the God of Thunder, “I’m sorry for choosing the cowards way, I wanted to avoid this.”
“Did you truly think you would be able to avoid me for long.” The lightning had yet to cease but his eyes seemed to stop glowing ever so slightly. 
“I didn’t think you would have noticed for at least a few days.” 
“Why would you think I wouldn’t notice immediately?” He asked like it was the most incredulous question. He took a step closer to you while you took a step back. Thunder still roared outside and lightning still curled around his fingers. Thor furrowed his eyes in confusion until he finally seemed to hear the thunder storm outside and realize he had scared you. 
Thor had scared you. 
Immediately the pain in his chest worsened with the guilt that he had scared you. That he had so little control over his powers when he was so emotional. Slowly he closed his eyes and he took a deep breath in and out. He then felt his powers subside and the thunder had stopped. 
You could see his shoulders hunch forward with shame and you instictivly placed a hand over his shoulder to comfort him. Thor was quick to envelop your hand with his. Holding onto your hand for dear life. 
Your eyes then met, closer than you had ever been before. 
“What thing were you looking for?” you asked softly, “you said you came over for a thing.”
“I lied,” Thor admitted softly, “I just didn’t want to be alone.” 
The next thing you knew was the faint taste of beer and blueberries on your lips and strong, calloused hands making their way to your shoulders. 
Thor was just as good a kisser as you imagined. Lips moving expertly over your own, moving against yours so desperately. Like a man dying of thirst. 
You knew you should push him off of you, but for one second you wanted to enjoy his lips on yours. Kissing you like you had always wanted to kiss him. 
You moved your lips against his, relishing every moment. Because you knew you wouldn’t be able to kiss him again. 
Only when Thor's hands traveled to your waist did you break away. Albeit, you couldn’t push him further than just enough to give you some breathing space. 
“Thor,’ you said, “you’re drunk you don’t want this.” 
‘When will you stop telling me what I want and don’t want.” His lips moved from your lips to the corner of your mouth and slowly made their way to your neck. 
“Thor I do not want this if your reasoning is impaired.”
“I appreciate the thought dear one, but I only had half a beer tonight.” 
Asgardians could handle their booze well, especially Thor. For Thor to be the least bit intoxicated he would have had to drink 3 large bottles of Asgardian booze. However, when it came to Midgard it took 4 large barrows of Midgardian beer for it to have the same effect on him. Thor mostly drank it for the taste.
“Unless you would rather I stop.” Thor said, before his hands had removed themselves from your waist you stopped them. 
With every ounce of passion in you, you grabbed a handful of his long hair and pressed your lips to his. 
It was a mess of passionate and needy kisses and moans. Thor’s battle-worn hands had roamed over your body in a desperate need to feel you. 
He was quick to rid you of your shirt, hands feeling every inch of naked skin as he could. Holding you like you were the only thing keeping him grounded to the earth. 
You moaned as his hands found your breasts, his large hands covering them over your bra. Your hands made quick work with your bra, removing the suffocating fabric before lifting Thor’s shirt. 
you felt him stiffen as you rid him of his shirt. 
He wasn’t as muscular as he had been 2 years ago, however it took more than 2 years to completely diminish what his body had been. Although his stomach had softened as well as his arms. You didn’t care in the slightest, loving Thor in every shape he came in. 
Your hands lovingly brushed over his torso as you began to leave open mouthed kisses down his neck, over his chest, it wasn’t until you were at the waistband on his sweatpants did he bring you back up and kissed you with fiery passion. 
Thor laid you in front of the fireplace that you forgot you lit a while ago. Honestly a little surprised that the fire was still going. 
You didn’t have much time to think about that as you felt Thor’s lips travel  from your neck and over your breasts. Your nails scratched the floor beneath you as you felt him at the waistband of your jeans. 
You felt Thor pause and you looked at him. 
“Are you sure dear one?” 
Your heart melted at the new nickname, as you nodded to him. However that wasn’t enough for the blonde adonis as he traveled up your body and littered your neck in open mouth kisses. 
“I need to hear you say you want this dear one.” 
“Please Thor,” you pleaded as he ground his hips into yours slowly, your hips meeting his as his pace slows even more successfully driving you insane. 
“I need you Thor.”
“What do you need dear one?”
“I need you to finish what we started.” 
With that Thor slammed his lips on yours as he rid you of your pants, underwear included. He leaned back and his eyes drank in your figure illuminated by the fire light. You were breathtaking, any one would buckle at the sight of you. 
Pride swelled in Thor’s heart as this view was reserved for him only. 
Just as you were about to say something you felt Thor’s beard tickle the inside of your thigh and without warning Thor dived in. 
Your hands immediately flew to his hair and grabbed fists full of it, anything to tether you to reality. 
As Thor worked his magic on your bundle of nerves your moans filled the empty house. Thor moaned as your grip on his hair tightened which sent waves of pleasure throughout your body. Thor lifted your legs over his shoulders and gripped your thighs firmly as his tongue worked faster. 
Just as you were about to reach your blissful release you felt him pull away. Your arousal practically dripped from his lips onto his beard. 
He rid himself of the last piece of clothing before capturing your lips once again. Unlike the kisses from before, this was gentle and sweet. You could taste yourself on his lips as he tenderly kissed you. 
You slowly ran your hands over his chest, committing him to memory. 
Thor pulled away from your lips as he entered you. 
Your mouth let out a silent scream of pleasure as Thor let out a shaky breath of pleasure. Thor waited for a few seconds, relishing in the feeling of you around him before finally moving his hips against yours. 
Thor was soft and slow in his thrusts, making sure to worship every part of you. His lips were everywhere, from your face to your breasts. 
You met in time with his thrusts. The only sound in the room being your shaky breaths, moans of pleasure, and skin on skin. And it sounded like a chorus to you. 
Thor’s thrusts became erratic and unyielding, the knot in your stomach was on the verge of bursting when Thor whispered in your ear. 
“Let go dear one, I’ll catch you.”
With that the knot had become undone, leaving your body shaking from the overwhelming pleasure. 
Thor had not been too far behind you before he too reached his climax. 
Thor laid down beside you, still coming down from his high. You laid your head on his chest and he instinctively wrapped his arms around you. 
This was everything you had ever wanted, to lay beside Thor with his arm beside you. Well almost everything. 
As Thor began to play with the ends of your head as you replayed the past two years in your head. 
“I think you may have been right.” Thor broke the silence, you lifted your head off his chest to see his gaze distant as he stared at the ceiling. 
“When have I ever been anything otherwise.”
Thor’s chest rumbled in laughter as unshed tears began to fill his eyes. He refused to cry, not now. 
“I agree that you need to leave dear one.” Thor’s voice cracked, “I have become a pitiful king to my people, but I have been an even worse friend to you.” his eyes left their place on the ceiling and rested on your face. “You have been faithfully by my side ever since either of us could remember. You had defended me when I didn’t deserve it and loved me when no one did. Not even myself.” His calloused hand caressed your cheek, thumb brushing the tears that had escaped your eyes away. “you don’t deserve to drown in my despair with me. You deserve a life of adventure and you deserve the time to figure out who you are.” You pressed your forehead to his as tears leaked out. “I need to let you go.”
Thor had spent the night committing every touch and every scent to memory. He had no idea when his feelings for you grew to such lengths but he knew now that he had figured it out much too late. 
He wasn’t the man you deserved by your side. 
Thor waved you off at the airport and watched as the metal contraption took you away from his side for the first time since his banishment all those years ago. 
He hoped that if you returned he would be a man worthy of you again. 
Thor only wished he knew where to start.
220 notes ¡ View notes
themculibrary ¡ 3 years ago
Bucky/Darcy Masterlist
A Curse and A Blessing (ao3) - Anogete E, 46k
Summary: Bucky doesn't think touch therapy can cure his insomnia. Steve disagrees and recruits Darcy to "treat" Bucky with hugs each day. It doesn't take long for things to escalate when you've got a flirty ex-assassin and a lab assistant with a crush.
A Fairy Tale (ao3) - acaseofthemondays M, 84k
Summary: A wintershock story based on the original version of La Belle et la Bete with all the interfering fairies and none of the talking furniture.
A Mask of My Disguise (ao3) - amidtheflowers E, 86k
Summary: He didn't think much of her at first. She drank bubble tea every day for Christ's sake. But he won't make that mistake again--not when her taser stares down his nose.
"I really hope you didn't think I couldn't handle myself."
Best Supporting Soulmate (ao3) - Valeris M, 46k
Summary: There were thousands of studies about what a person’s soul marks did to their psychological development. Darcy generally thought that they were bullshit.
Daybreak (ao3) - Anogete E, 70k
Summary: Darcy eavesdrops on a therapy session between Bucky and Sam Wilson and wants to find a way to make Bucky's life a little better. The problem is she doesn't know how to introduce herself without sounding like a creep. Lucky for her, Bucky isn't as clueless as he might seem.
First Sight (ao3) - grimeysociety E, 20k
Summary: Prompt: Rebuilding Avengers HQ on a new site, and they get Jane to help with some of the science bits. Darcy comes with her. Bucky’s is smitten on first sight and of course Steve and Sam are stuck between lightly teasing him and trying to get him to at least talk to her.
In Love with the Moment (ao3) - Anogete E, 73k
Summary: Jane and Darcy have been recruited to help support and rebuild the science side of the Avengers after the events of Endgame. Darcy can't believe her luck when the hottest guy around offers to help her with the luggage as they arrive. She's not exactly sure what his deal is, and he doesn't exactly seem willing to share, though. Eventually discovering his secret doesn't stop her from inviting him to come along to her parents' house as her fake boyfriend. Bucky can't seem to stay away from the pretty brunette with the big eyes, not even when spending time with her means meeting her parents before he's even kissed her.
Interlude (ao3) - sarahbeniel E, 66k
Summary: Bucky and Darcy are having trouble communicating. When Bucky suggests they take a break, she assumes it's over. But sometimes a break is just what the doctor ordered...
Just Keep on Keeping Your Eyes on Me (ao3) - Hollyspacey M, 3k
Summary: Darcy and Bucky don’t say very much to one another at first, but that’s ok with them both.
Never Have I Ever (ao3) - Wunderlass E, 8k
Summary: Darcy hates drinking games. They always make her feel inadequate.
Oh lights go down, in the moment we're lost and found (I just wanna be by your side) (ao3) - sarcastic_fina T, 4k
Summary: Allen took an instant liking to Darcy, asked her out on the spot, and this was their second date.
Second. As in the first one went well enough that she was willing to see him again.
It made Bucky’s gut twist.
That Which You Seek (ao3) - Wynn T, 52k
Summary: The man in the booth before Darcy stares down at his pancakes with suspicion.
A few days after Bucky discovers his true identity, Darcy encounters him in a diner 50 miles outside of D.C. having apparently transformed from a handsome long-dead war hero into a creepy, scruffy, pancake-hating serial killer. So of course she tries to help him.
the dame in the silk pajamas (ao3) - notahotlibrarian T, 4k
Bucky wants to know three things about this woman: 1) How does she know Clint? 2) Does she ever wear real clothes? 3) How can he get her number?
Alternatively: five times Bucky sees Darcy less-than-fully dressed, and one time she sees him that way.
(trade your) broken wings (ao3) - bloomsoftly E, 75k
Summary: Bucky wonders if she’ll react like all the others when she recognizes who he is; as much as he understands it, he’s so tired of the fear.
She doesn’t.
the development of a relationship through trust and food. lots of food.
Why Not Today (ao3) - sarahbeniel E, 129k
Summary: With her biological clock ticking and her uncompleted doctoral thesis festering, Darcy Lewis wrestles with questions of how to steer herself into a future that will tick all the right boxes. When an unexpected relationship develops between her and Bucky Barnes, and she finds herself living more in the moment, things get even blurrier.
13 notes ¡ View notes
invisibleanonymousmonsters ¡ 4 years ago
no grave can hold my body down – 1/2
Character: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: It took time to get Jason Todd away from the darkness. Sometimes it felt like he was always standing at a tipping point, at risk of completely losing himself. But not when he was with her. She made him better and she would continue to make him better. 
Word Count: 5,500 
A/N: I am very new to this fandom and extremely nervous to write something for it. To clarify, I have not read any of the comics. But I’ve watched a lot of the TV and movie adaptations, and have done a lot of research. Jason is much older in this – like 30? – and therefore the rest of the BatFam is older, as well. But this takes place after Jason Todd is resurrected, but is still on rocky territory with his family. 
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Jason dropped down to the fire escape of his apartment with a quietness that seemed impossible for how large he was. 
On the other side of the small fire escape, Y/N sat with a blanket over her lap, a book in her hand, and a mug of coffee balanced perfectly on the metal grates. 
“Thought I told you not to wait up for me,” Jason greeted, knowing she noticed his arrival, but just kept reading her book. His book, to be precise. 
It was almost 4AM and Jason had called it a night after taking out an entire drug cartel. It had been a lot of waiting, until it finally led up to 20 minutes of utter chaos. He left them on a silver platter for the police to arrest them and actually clean up the mess.
Y/N finally looked up at him and he saw how tired her eyes seemed. But she gave him a soft smile, clearly happy to see him home and...alive. 
A pang of guilt went through him. He did that to her. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” she told him with a shrug. 
Jason slowly nodded. Then he nudged his head towards the book, “Jane Eyre again?”
She smirked. “It’s a comfort read.” 
He smiled back at her – which she couldn’t even see, because he was still wearing the red helmet that covered his entire head. 
“You shouldn’t stay out here so long. It’s too cold.”
“I was waiting for you,” she countered. 
“I thought you couldn’t sleep.”
“I couldn’t…because I was worried about you,” she finally admitted. 
There it was. 
“You have a voicemail on your cellphone. Alfred called,” she quickly added to change the subject.  
Jason left his personal cellphone at home when he was on patrol, not wanting any sort of pointless distractions. Y/N had a direct line to his comms if there was an emergency, which was the only thing he cared about. His old family could figure out ways to contact him if they really wanted to. But he didn’t go out of his way to give them that info. 
“Get inside before you catch a cold,” he told her as he nodded toward the open window. 
She chuckled at his attempt to sound stern. It was hard for her to take it seriously. But she listened to him anyway, knowing that if she tried to ignore him, it would end in him dragging her inside. And that was not a physical battle she ever had a chance at winning. 
30 minutes later, Y/N was laying in bed and still reading her book as Jason tried to erase the night. 
He always took long, scolding showers after patrol. Even if there was no blood to be washed away, there was always a need to cleanse himself of…something. 
Y/N had asked him if he was hurt as she crawled through the window back inside their apartment.
“I’m fine,” he’d insisted. 
But she knew “fine” just meant he didn’t need stitches, or bones reset, or the need to call the actual doctor he had a certain under-the-table deal with. She also knew she shouldn’t be surprised when he took off his clothes and she would see new bruises and shallow cuts covering his skin. 
Jason finally crawled into bed with nothing but his black briefs. His hair still wet from the burning shower he just took. 
He let out a sigh and stared up at the ceiling. 
It was always a battle for Y/N, trying to figure out when to leave Jason to his thoughts and when to force him to talk. She knew he couldn’t drown himself in his own mind. But she also knew she couldn’t pretend to be his therapist. 
“J?” She asked him softly as she put her book down. 
“Hmm?” He asked, looking at her. 
“You OK?”
He nodded. 
She let it be. 
Jason turned his gaze back to the ceiling. “Alfred has a foundation to raise money for under-funded schools in Gotham. It’s all him, but it has Bruce’s name all over it so all the rich assholes will want to save face with the Wayne family by donating.”
“I can support that type of manipulation,” Y/N said with a smirk. 
“He holds a gala at Wayne Manor for it every year. Gets them at least a mil every time.”
She listened closely. 
Then Jason looked at her again. “He asked me to come this year.”
“Oh,” her face fell. 
Jason had told Y/N about his tumultuous relationship with his family. While he mended most of the damage with his brothers, he wasn’t quite willing to do so with Bruce. Y/N didn’t try to push Jason to reconcile with his adoptive father. She understood his heartbreak and frustrations there. She wasn’t a huge fan of Bruce herself after learning the damage he’d done to her boyfriend. 
But it was because of the past traumas that Y/N hadn’t met any of Jason’s hodgepodge, vigilante family. 
She also guessed that it was his overprotectiveness of her that stopped him from wanting to fully submerge her in that part of his life. To Jason, the less she knew about the Bat Family, the safer she was. 
“He asked me to bring you, too.” Jason suddenly added. 
Y/N blinked. “I…I didn’t realize they knew about me.”
He smirked at that. “Of course they do.”
“Even Bruce?” 
His smirk disappeared. “Well, I didn’t tell him. But he’s a nosey son of a bitch. And even if he didn’t figure it out for himself, one of my brothers probably ran their mouth.”
Y/N didn’t think Jason and Bruce had a conversation out of uniform since he became the Red Hood. Probably hadn’t even addressed each other by their actual names in years. 
Y/N fully turned on her side to face her boyfriend and scooted closer. “What do you want to do?” She asked carefully. 
Jason sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Then he too turned on his side and stole a look at her. She looked so tired, but still beautiful. He knew he put her through too much. He didn’t deserve her. And she deserved a better man than he could ever be. He had guilt on his conscience, blood on his hands. He was the poster child for the harshness that was Gotham. She was a normal woman who would’ve never gotten mixed up in this world if it weren’t for him. 
But Y/N insisted that she wanted to be here. Told him so by just staying each and every day, and never questioning her decision. Even left New York City to slum it in Gotham with him. 
Jason brushed some hair away from her face. 
“You’d come with me?”
Her face scrunched from him even feeling the need to ask. “Of course.” Then she gave him a sad look, “I’ve been wanting to meet your family for awhile.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked. 
Her eyes darkened. “You know why, J.” 
He stayed silent. 
“Listen, I know things haven’t been…good with your family. But I also know that they raised you. Whether you want to admit it or not, a lot of the man you are today is because of them. And I happen to love that man. So, yeah, I’ve wanted to meet them.” 
Jason had a look full of love that he was trying to contain. “Come here,” he demanded with a grin. 
Y/N giggled and moved into his arms. 
Jason immediately pivoted her body so she was hovering over him. Without any hesitation, he pulled her down for a kiss. 
“It’s gonna be filled with rich snobs and ass kissers. Don’t go hoping for a fun time,” he warned her as he narrowed his gaze playfully. 
“Then you’re really gonna need me there. Who else is gonna make fun of them with you?” She teased. 
Then a thought suddenly occurred to her. “Will this be a fancy affair?”
Her gaze darkened. “So, I’m gonna see you in a suit, huh?”
Jason pinched her sides. 
Y/N yelped before laughing, “Do you even own a suit? I’ve never seen it in your closet.”
Suddenly he flipped her body so he was now the one hovering over her. Y/N couldn’t ignore Jason’s massive size when she was caged below him like that.  “You’re on thin ice, kid.” 
“Oooh. I’m so scared,” she mocked. 
Jason almost looked offended.
But he sighed, getting back to the previous subject. “If I have to wear a suit, that means you have to wear a dress.”
“Or I could wear a suit, too.” She countered and raised a brow at him. 
He smirked at her challenge. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you in one either.” 
That seemed to please her. 
“I promise I’ll look real pretty. Ya know, really play the part of the arm candy for the famous Jason Todd.” 
Jason scoffed. “You’re always beautiful.” Then his gaze darkened. “And the arm candy was always Bruce and Dick’s thing. Not mine.”
“OK. So what should I be?” 
“My accomplice,” Jason confirmed. 
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Y/N fidgeted in the back seat of the car as the black car drove to the outskirts of Gotham and to the Wayne Estate. 
Jason had sent her a text from his patrol comms about something coming up. Vague, as always. He did it to keep her in the dark as much as possible. 
Apparently he’d tried to tell Alfred they couldn’t make it. But the old man wouldn’t let him off the hook that easily. He told Jason he’d send a car for Y/N and that he better show up too. 
Y/N had worn her fanciest dress, curled her hair, and done her makeup to perfection. She knew she could dress the part, but it was the acting bit that had her stressed out. 
Despite Jason’s relationship with his family, she still dreaded the thought that they wouldn’t like her and that they wouldn’t approve. Yeah, they were secretly vigilantes, but they were also the richest people in Gotham. 
Y/N swallowed as the car parked right outside the front entrance of Wayne Manor. There seemed to already be hundreds of people there. Everyone looked rich and fancier than Y/N could ever even pretend to be. 
‘You’re here for Jason. You’re here for Jason.’ She repeated in her mind as the driver opened the door for her and offered his hand.
Y/N told herself to become a character as she held her head high and made her way into the mansion. 
“Mansion” didn’t even seem to cover it. Y/N felt like she was in a Jane Austen novel or Downton Abbey. 
Guests eyed her as soon as she made her way inside. She was much younger than the general demographic of the party. It seemed that old money also meant literally old. 
She did a once over to see if she could find Jason. But he was nowhere to be found. Y/N decided she needed a drink to face a gala full of unwelcoming strangers alone. 
She ignored the curious and judgmental gazes as she made her way to one of the many bars set up through the home. 
‘Maybe red was too much,’ her imposter syndrome was telling her. Clearly it was making her stick out. But she knew Jason loved seeing her in red. 
Y/N quickly ordered a strong drink from the bartender, who was kind enough to sense that this young woman needed liquid courage and she needed it fast. 
“Are you sure you meant to use that bottle?” A male voice came up beside her, speaking to the bartender on her behalf. 
Y/N turned to see a very boyishly handsome man with blue eyes and brown hair so dark that it was almost black. 
He gave that bartender a look and Y/N watched as he nervously grabbed the much more expensive brand – the one Y/N would never in her life buy for herself. 
“Thank you,” Y/N said as politely as possible when the bartender slid the drink towards her. 
Then she turned her attention to the young man. “You didn’t have to do that.” 
He gave her a crooked smirk. “You deserve the very best.”
Y/N might not have ever met Jason’s brothers. But they were famous enough to make frequent appearances in the media. Everyone in Gotham knew what the Wayne kids looked like. Especially Dick Grayson, who seemed to thrive in the spotlight in a similar manner to his father. 
“Oh? And how do you know what I deserve? You don’t know me at all,” Y/N challenged with a tilt of her head. 
Her sass seemed to excite him. 
“Well, I was hoping, since I saved you from the cheap stuff, that you’d give me a chance to.” 
Y/N shook her head with an almost baffled smile. This faux charm and air of confidence was so unlike Jason’s. While Jason was quietly confident and sure of himself. It came almost from a place of nihilism. But Dick…Dick had an edge of haughtiness and self importance. 
“Your reputation precedes you, Dick Grayson,” Y/N cooed, with mischievous glint in her gaze, before taking a sip of her drink. He was right: this was the good stuff. 
Dick’s amusement seemed to falter now that she confessed to knowing exactly who he was. “And what reputation is that exactly?”
“Cocky, charming…flirtatious.”
Dick didn’t seem to mind these adjectives at all. In fact, he seemed rather proud of himself. He stepped a little closer to her. “It feels a little unfair that you seem to know me, but I haven’t even gotten your name.” 
Y/N tried to suppress her smile. She was really starting to enjoy this little game. “You’ll realize soon enough.” 
“Well, until then…” He stepped even closer and somehow managed to put his hand on her back without it feeling creepy. “Would you like to dance?” 
“Move that hand any lower, Dick, and I’ll fuckin’ break it,” Jason said from behind Y/N. 
Dick barely moved away from Y/N, but looked at his brother with confusion. 
Y/N turned and maneuvered her body away from Dick’s grasp. 
Then she smiled at Jason as she took in the sight of her boyfriend wearing a suit. Like, a real suit, not one made for a vigilante. He managed to tame his hair without using too much product. And his face had its signature scruff but cleaned up a bit. 
“How long has this one been annoying you?” Jason asked her. 
“Not long,” she replied before giving him a sweet kiss. 
Y/N turned to face Dick again, but remained close to Jason’s side. On instinct alone, Jason placed his hand on her back and pulled her even closer. It wasn’t possessive, but a habit he formed to comfort himself.
Dick blinked as his mind clearly figured out the change in situation. 
“You’re Y/N?” He asked her. 
She smirked. “Told you that you’d realize it soon enough.” 
“Dick, this is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, this is, Dick Grayson.”
Y/N didn’t miss how Jason didn’t refer to Dick as his brother. 
To his credit, Dick recovered rather quickly and politely offered his hand. Y/N didn’t hesitate to shake it. After all, she still wanted to make a good impression on his family. And the flirting was harmless. 
“I apologize for…” Dick’s words died out. 
“Hitting on me?” Y/N offered with a laugh. “I would say I’m flattered, but I’m sure I’m one of many women you will be making moves on tonight.” 
“Do it again, and I’ll swap out the rubber bullets in my guns, Dick.” Jason half warned and half joked. 
Dick seemed unfazed by the threat. “Why don’t you say it a little louder so more people can hear?”
Jason ignored his brother’s warning. 
He turned his gaze down to Y/N. “Let’s go introduce you to Alfred.”
Jason held her hand as he made his way through the crowd. It wasn’t hard to do. Y/N assumed it had to do with him technically being a Wayne or perhaps it was his large and imposing frame that told people to get the hell out of his way. 
Then Y/N was standing in front of an elderly man who had perfect posture and mischievous edge to his welcoming smile. 
“Master Jason, I see that you have finally brought Ms. Y/L/N for me to meet,” Alfred said with a smile. 
Out of all his siblings and father, Alfred seemed to be the only family member that Jason didn’t hold any sort of grudge against. Though Y/N wasn’t really sure what anyone would have against him. From everything she heard, he sounded absolutely lovely. 
He held out his hand, which Y/N instantly went to shake. But instead, Alfred brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on her knuckles. There was something about this family that made everything they do seem charming rather than creepy and uncomfortable.
Y/N laughed at the gesture. “It’s so nice to meet you, Alfred. I’ve heard so much about you.” 
He patted her hand before letting it go gently. “I wish I could say the same for you, dear. But it would appear Master Jason prefers to keep you entirely to himself.” 
She just gave him a polite – yet controlled – smile. Another side effect of Jason being overprotective of her. 
“Thank you for sending the car for me. You didn’t have to do that,” she told him. 
“Oh, nonsense. I would not allow this one to use any excuse for missing tonight.”
Y/N asked him about his foundation with genuine interest. Alfred answered all of her questions with enthusiasm. She wondered how often Alfred got to talk about normal things with the Wayne family. She could only imagine the manor was entirely consumed with matters of vigilantism. 
Alfred also asked Y/N far more questions about herself than she was prepared for. It made her realize that Jason really did keep her quite the secret. Y/N knew she shouldn’t be offended by it, but it made her sad that Jason’s family had clearly shown such an interest in her. Had she known, she may have put more pressure on Jason to introduce her. 
There was a lull in conversation when Alfred’s gaze turned to Jason. 
“Have you spoken with him yet?” He asked evenly. 
They all know who ‘him’ was. 
“I’m here for you, Alfred.” Jason quickly answered. “And we’ve kept you selfishly to ourselves for far too long. I’m sure everyone here wants to talk with you.”
Nice save.
Alfred dipped his head and lowered his voice, “Oh, you are two of the few people here whom I actually wish to converse with…” He finished with a wink before leaving them. 
“And here I thought you got all your charm from Bruce Wayne,” Y/N teased her boyfriend. 
But when she looked up at Jason, he had a dazed looked in his eyes. 
“Hey,” she squeezed his hand in comfort. “You don’t need to talk to him if you don’t want to. In fact, we can go now if you want.”
Jason snapped out of it then. “And leave without destroying this open bar? Absolutely not.” Then he seemed to take her in for the first time that night. “Plus, you deserve to be shown off.”
He leaned down to her ear. “I was so distracted with saving you from Dick that I didn’t get the chance to tell you how beautiful you looked tonight.” 
No matter how many times he said things like that to her or made her feel this way, she still managed to blush at such compliments. 
And for good measure, Jason sealed the praise with a kiss, lightly gripping her chin to make sure she didn’t escape too soon for his liking. 
He barely pulled away from her lips when he smiled and muttered, “Come on. Let’s go steal ourselves a bottle of Dom Pérignon.” 
“Jason,” she scolded in a whisper, “Those cost like $2,000!”
The next hour or so was filled with Jason and Y/N drinking champagne while standing in a corner that protected them from being interrupted. And Y/N did exactly as she promised: joking with Jason about all the stuck up rich people that just came to kiss ass and social climb. 
They were laughing about an old man that was desperately trying to hit on a young woman half his age when someone politely cleared their throat beside them.
But Jason smiled at the interruption. 
A young man, who couldn’t be older than his early 20s, was giving Y/N a delighted smile. However, the first thing she noticed were the shadows under his eyes and how tired he looked. But that didn’t stop his excitement from showing. 
“Y/N, this is my younger brother, Tim Drake. Tim, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.”
With a dorky enthusiasm, he shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. We’ve all been annoying Jason about bringing you around for quite some time.”
She smiled, “So I’ve heard…” Then she gave Jason a subtle accusatory look.
Tim’s face turned serious, as if he just remembered why he came over in the first place. “I’m sorry to interrupt. Jason would you mind…umm…looking at something for me real quick?”
Jason’s back straightened. 
Tim was trying to be polite to the two’s relationship by keeping out any and all details pertaining to their night life. 
But it was clear to Y/N that was what Tim was referring to. 
Jason looked down at her. 
“You don’t have to babysit me,” she teased him. “Go. I can entertain myself.”
He kissed her cheek and whispered, “If I’m not back in 30 minutes, please come rescue me.” 
She chuckled. “I would, but I’m not sure I’m going to be able to find you...” 
“I’ll bring him back in no time, Y/N. Promise.” Tim told her with a beaming smile. 
Y/N watched them go and Jason gave her one last reluctant look over his shoulder before he disappeared around a corner. 
Y/N sighed and poured another glass of champagne and told herself it was time to mingle. But when she looked up, there wasn’t a single person that looked like they had any interest in making new friends. 
‘Some party this is,’ she thought to herself before abandoning her post and deciding to take herself on a tour of Wayne Manor. 
Y/N decided she wanted to escape the curious and judgmental gazes of the party, and found herself in a darker hallway. Candles were lit everywhere, giving it a gothic semblance. 
Y/N’s heartbeat quickened when she realized she’d discovered a hallway filled with artwork. Millions upon millions of dollars worth of artwork, to be precise. 
She was glad no one else seemed to have wandered this far, for she could take her time to look at all of it. 
“I think you might be the only guest of the manor who has ever taken the time to look at the artwork.”
Y/N jumped at the voice and turned to see the infamous Bruce Wayne watching her with what seemed to be amusement. 
He was nearly as tall as Jason – nowhere near as stout, though. But that didn’t seem to matter because he had an intimidating presence that had Y/N realizing it made perfect sense that this man was also Batman.  
She had no idea how long she’d been staring at the paintings. It was easy for her to get lost in art. It tended to consume her.
“Well, not everyone has a Caravaggio casually hanging in their home.”
Bruce chuckled at that. 
“Sorry,” she quickly told him. “I didn’t mean to snoop. I feel like I’m at the Louvre.”
“Please,” he declined such an apology. “No one in that party could tell the difference between an oil and acrylic painting. It’s refreshing to meet someone who can appreciate art.” He paused. “Have you been?”
“Have I been where?”
“To the Louvre.”
“Oh,” she laughed. “Umm...no, sadly. It’s been my dream to go to Paris in general. I don’t speak French, though. So I don’t know how that would work out.”
Bruce Wayne seemed to be listening closely and had genuine interest in what she was saying. Which felt strange to her for some reason. 
Suddenly, Y/N felt like she shouldn’t be talking to him. Jason made it clear he had no intention of making peace tonight. So Y/N figured she was meant to keep her distance as well. 
“I’m…” she began. 
“Y/F/N Y/L/N,” Bruce finished for her. 
She raised a brow, unimpressed. 
Of course Batman would know every single person coming into his home. He probably caught her lingering in this hallway from multiple hidden security cameras. 
He reached out his hand. “Bruce Wayne.”
She hesitated, her eyes flickering between his fixed stare and his offered hand. 
But it ended with her shaking it, nonetheless. 
“Thank you for bringing Jason tonight. I have a feeling he would’ve never shown had it not been for you.”
Y/N’s jaw clenched in an attempt to stop herself from lashing out at Bruce. 
Yes, Jason was protective of her. But Y/N was also protective of Jason. 
It wasn’t the Wayne family that talked Jason out of the darkness. They weren’t the one who comforted him after his nightmares. They weren’t the one who kissed and touched the autopsy scars that he was ashamed of. They weren’t the one who made him realize he wasn’t a failure or a monster, that he was worth something.  
That was Y/N. 
And she wasn’t going to let any of them cause him to relapse.
“Did he tell you not to talk to me?” Bruce questioned.
He wasn’t one to beat around the bush. 
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “Jason doesn’t tell me what to do.” 
Bruce smirked at how she didn’t back down and met his confrontation with confidence. “You’re not too fond of me, are you?”
Y/N shifted her weight a bit, but kept quiet, not wanting to confirm or deny his suspicions. 
“I’m not sure what Jason told–”
“He told me everything,” Y/N cut him off sharply. 
Bruce tilted his head. “Surely not everything.” Proving that he knew Jason completely kept Y/N away from his vigilante and crime life. 
Then Y/N lost her composure and took a step toward Bruce. “You call him your greatest failure,” she accused him. 
“Because I let him down.” 
“But it doesn’t matter how you meant it. How do you think that makes him feel?”
Bruce’s body tensed and his jaw tightened. 
Suddenly a dog came running out of nowhere and nearly tackled Y/N. She managed to stay on her feet, but her glass of champagne was knocked from her grasp and shattered on the floor. 
“Titus!” Bruce growled at the dog. 
A second later, a boy came running. 
“Damian, what did I tell you about keeping pets away from parties,” Bruce scolded.
“I apologize,” Damian told Y/N in a voice that should’ve belonged to an adult, rather than a pre-teen boy. But he seemed rather annoyed that he had to apologize to a stranger. 
Y/N chuckled at the black Great Dane. She barely had to bend down to pet the giant dog. “It’s fine. Dogs are always my favorite people I meet at parties.”
Damian looked between his father and Y/N, immediately getting the sense that she was not the average party guest. 
“Who’s she?” He asked bluntly. 
“Damian, this is Y/F/N Y/L/N.” Bruce gestured with an upturned palm. 
“Todd’s companion?” Damian stated, clearly sounding unimpressed. 
Jesus. They really did all know about her.
“Damian…” was all Bruce said to warn his son. 
“I don’t know what you see in him.”
“That’s enough, Damian.” Bruce snapped. 
That finally got the boy to shut his mouth. 
Y/N was about to tell both of them that it was fine. She had expected such greetings from Jason’s youngest brother. 
But her attention was diverted when she noticed Jason standing at the edge of the hallway. 
Bruce followed her gaze. 
There was a stare down between the two men that felt like an hour to Y/N. 
“Jason,” Bruce greeted steadily. 
Jason looked at his family coldly. “Bruce,” he replied with even less emotion. Then he looked down at his youngest brother, “Demon Spawn.”
“Todd,” Damian spat back. 
Jason’s gaze softened when it landed on Y/N. Ignoring the tension, he reached out a hand in her direction. “We should say our goodbyes to Alfred.” 
Y/N nodded and walked to her boyfriend, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. 
He quickly guided them back to the party without a second glance to Bruce and Damian. 
As soon as they were in a mass of people again, Y/N turned to Jason to ask him if he was OK. A part of her felt guilty, like she’d been caught doing something bad by being alone with Bruce Wayne. 
But Jason seemed to sense her concern and spoke before she could. “I’m stealing another bottle of champagne before we go,” and quickly went to the bar. 
“He lasted longer than I expected,” Dick’s voice came up beside her. 
Y/N barely glanced at him. “I’m proud of him,” was all she replied, as they both watched him. 
“I apologize for my behavior earlier. I’m afraid I didn’t give you the best first impression.”
Y/N fully turned to face him and laughed lightly. “I promise I won’t hold it against you.”
“I’m sure you think we’re all just being polite…but all of us really were looking forward to meeting you, Y/N.” 
“Even Damian?” She teased. 
Dick laughed. “Well, rumor is that Titus took an immediate liking to you. And Damian trusts his pets’ judgement of character more than any of ours.”
News really did travel fast in this family. 
Y/N smiled at that. “I’ve wanted to meet all of you for so long. I’m glad we finally made it happen.” She went back to their original topic. 
Dick winced. “I’d rather not think about what Jason’s said about us…”
“I think you might be pleasantly surprised,” she countered. 
“Ready to go?” Jason interrupted, ignoring Dick. 
For good measure, he dipped down to kiss Y/N’s bare shoulder. 
“Yeah, let’s go say bye to Alfred.” 
But she turned back to Dick. And to everyone’s surprise, she wrapped him into a hug. Dick was surprised, but welcomed the gesture. 
“Please keep an eye on him out there,” she whispered to him quietly enough so Jason didn’t have a chance of overhearing.
“Of course,” he told her. 
Bruce pretended to be listening to a conversation with old family friends as he watched Y/N and Jason hug Alfred goodbye. 
He noticed Y/N say something to Alfred that made the butler’s face go serious. Then she handed him a business card. 
Bruce wanted to talk with Jason. He’d been both dreading and looking forward to tonight, hoping a miracle would occur and he could finally mend things with his son. 
But the way Jason had looked at him, Bruce knew everything he was feeling and it was clear Jason wasn’t going to let things go between them any time soon. 
Bruce politely excused himself and went to Alfred’s side. 
“What was that last bit about?” Bruce asked, indirectly telling Alfred that he’d been observing their conversation. 
Now the two men both watched Jason and Y/N from a window that gave a view of the front drive. 
Y/N threw her head back and laughed loudly at something Jason had whispered in her ear. 
“She asked if I could teach her first aid.”
They both know it went much deeper than first aid. Y/N was asking Alfred to show her how to stitch wounds, how to extract bullets, when to know Jason was too hurt to be fixed up by his inexperienced girlfriend. 
“She’s good for him,” Bruce thought aloud. 
“That she is, Master Bruce.” 
“I forgot what his laugh sounded like.” Bruce paused for a moment before adding, “I’ve never seen him smile like this. Not even before…” His words died. They both knew what ‘before’ was referring to. 
Suddenly Y/N pointed to Jason as she walked backwards, clearly giving him a warning of some sort. 
But Jason ignored her as he grabbed her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder. One of his hands was wrapped tightly around her thighs, securing her body to his chest, while the other hand held a bottle of champagne. 
They could hear Y/N’s laughter, even from inside the mansion. 
Alfred observed how Bruce watched his second son. “You must give him more time, Master Bruce.” 
However, Bruce said nothing in return. 
Part 2
Please, please, please let me know what you think. I will take constructive criticism on my characterization of Jason Todd, as long as it’s done nicely😅 
[Also, I finally stopped being lazy and made my own header. 😂]
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chainofclovers ¡ 4 years ago
Ted Lasso 2x3 thoughts
Brendan Hunt confirmed on Twitter that the writers wrote the first three episodes of the season with the intention of releasing them on the same day, just as they dropped the first three episodes of season one on the same day. Having finally watched the first three over three different weeks, I really wish they’d been able to launch all three on the same day. I really liked the first two episodes of the season, but the third episode really puts a lot of things into context. Between the political storyline, the return of Sassy (and a bit of a level-setting conversation between Sassy, Rebecca, and Ted) and Rebecca’s navigation of her professional life as an all-in club owner and her experience reconnecting to Nora...all of that feels like we’re done setting up the season now. Exposition complete—and to the writers’ credit, all three of these episodes are far more than exposition. A lot of story has happened.
So much so that this week’s installment has categories.
Sassy and Ted and Rebecca
No, seriously though, I love that they are mature adults about this and I also love that Ted is Uncomfortable and, to be perfectly honest, I like that Sassy’s aggressive unfilteredness becomes an opportunity for the show to venture into more sexual references and humor about characters other than Keeley and Roy. It was a lot of information!
I’ve seen a couple of people express disappointment that Ted seems weirded out by Sassy discussing Nora’s impending first period, but I didn’t get the impression that he was grossed out by periods. There is a lot going on! Nora is right outside the room with the door open and Sassy has run through a lot of very personal topics! I felt like his reaction was more about the proximity issue in specific and the personal nature of the conversation in general more than anything else.
So many thoughts about the intersection between the biscuits and this conversation that it had to go in its own post.
I LOVE Nora. I want every episode of this show to be about her. I want this sitcom to be called Nora Collins.
I love that Nora’s a little bit sassy (pun on her mother’s nickname only lazily intended) in the way a thirteen-year-old can be, but also enthusiastic about spending time with Rebecca and genuinely interested in meeting everyone her godmother knows. Rebecca genuinely hurt Nora, but Nora can clearly see that Rebecca is all-in on their mended relationship, and that gives her the space to be a bit teasing. She knows Rebecca’s weaknesses and has a little fun (the cooking joke when Rebecca offers to make popcorn?!) but also isn’t going to manipulate her or take advantage.
The British doll company and all the riffs on American Girl dolls, OMG. So good.
Like literally everyone, I am extremely into Rebecca and Roy actually being friends and exchanging words with each other this season. Now everyone in the group of four mains have had some great conversational moments with each other this season (I count Ted and Keeley being into Sharon’s bike as a great conversational moment, OK?!), with the exception of Roy and Ted. Cannot wait for that.
During the photo op with the team, Sassy and Rebecca remark on how Nora is loving and hating having her picture taken with Sam and the rest of the players, and that is THE experience of being thirteen years old, and Kiki May does an incredible job infusing all of Nora’s moments with the right proportions of enthusiasm to cringe. Thirteen years olds are constantly cringing but still full of spirit and life, and at constantly changing ratios, and Nora is the perfect embodiment of that.
My heart melted during the email-writing scene. Rebecca’s writing the email on Nora’s computer! In the guest room where her goddaughter is staying! They’re wearing pajamas! And Rebecca’s smile is so genuinely huge and delighted when she signs it “boss ass bitch.”
Led Tasso and Jamie’s Redemption
This was so stupid and I loved it so much. I love that Ted’s angry alter ego is absurd rather than scary, kind of like a parody of how worked up some men get over sports. I wonder if Led Tasso’s appearance in some way foreshadows a more uncontrolled, genuine anger from Ted in a later episode, because this Led Tasso dude is ridiculous.
Tentative kudos to Led Tasso for being able to point out the, ahem, clit of the soccer ball even from within a fugue state.
The entire Chuck E. Cheese exchange with Sharon was so hilarious and wonderful.
When Ted has the idea to bring out Led Tasso, Nate assumes he’s going to suggest that Jamie talk to Sharon. I absolutely adore the implication that Jamie’s growth over this episode is attributable to both Led Tasso and Sharon Fieldstone. Because while some players are still unmoved by Jamie’s willingness to stand up to Led, it didn’t go unnoticed! And then I was so proud of Keeley for refusing to take on the emotional labor of listening to Jamie when she was too busy with her actual job, and I felt that Jamie’s pretty immediate willingness to see what the therapy thing was all about was extremely in line with his character. He’s always seeking out Keeley to talk, and sometimes he actually means “talking” when he asks to talk with her! Jamie feels like someone who’s standing at a wall of doors, knocking on each one, trying to see what sticks. He really lacks foundation. I’m curious to know what he and Sharon spoke about in their session, but I like that the writers left the session private. The knowledge that he’s started seeing a psychologist is valuable information in and of itself, and Jamie’s decision to act in solidarity with Sam and the other Nigerian players is the perfect evidence that he’s thinking in new ways.
Sam and Dubai Air
Toheeb Jimoh is always great, but he’s so great in this episode. It’s cool to see his demeanor, pacing, and confidence shift as he becomes more at home with the team—and it’s also lovely to see that he, unlike Jamie, very much has a strong foundation in his home country, his supportive parents, his own moral center.
I like that Sam didn’t spend a bunch of time and emotional labor on teaching Jamie why caring about other people (and the environment!) matters, because that would’ve undercut the other political messages in this episode. Sam’s leading by example and everyone can either catch up or stay out, and it’s really great.
I really like the way they handled the press conference with Ted and Sam. I like that Ted gave the floor to Sam but prefaced that with very brief (for once!) remarks of his own. And I appreciated that Ted acknowledged his position of privilege, and that the angle isn’t that bad things never happen to white dudes but rather that when bad things do happen to people like Ted, it gets attention with so much less effort than when bad things happen to people who aren’t white men. Because that’s how privilege works—it’s not a shield that prevents bad things from happening to you, but it’s a safety net that ensures people will notice and address and even pitch in to take care of your bad things, often at the expense of the people who lack that privilege.
There’s probably lots of other stuff I could talk about, like the hilariously and realistically bad usernames on Bantr and Keeley brushing her snacks off the desk and into her purse and how things between Beard and Jane are clearly very, very bad and I’m worried about Beard and how it was soooo fun and lovely to see Shannon teasing Ted again (little coffee and football rituals before work are the kinds of details I absolutely live for) and HIGGINS PRETENDING REBECCA SENT HIM A BRILLIANT AND HEROIC EMAIL (which she does for real with Nora’s help just a couple scenes later!) and how delighted I was to feel that by this episode this season has really hit its stride and feels like a fully lived-in portrayal of the energized, loving, imperfect, busy, full place that is the whole AFC Richmond community. Honestly, Higgins pretending Rebecca sent that email because he wants to make her look good in front of her granddaughter is kind of the perfect encapsulation of what this episode felt like. This is a show about a bunch of imperfect people who want each other to succeed.
Edited to add: I was delighted to find out Ashley Nicole Black was writing for the show and the writing here did the opposite of disappoint! ❤️
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