#and if it's about The Jedi as a collective group they forgot to have any of the characters at all show any sign of that
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cheesenames · 2 months ago
my turn to do discourse! yay! anyway i think the jedi whose return they named an entire movie after is anakin skywalker
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stairset · 2 years ago
Satine says “we are a people of tradition” in season 3, and in this behind the scenes featurette from 2010, when lead designer Kilian Plunkett discusses the design process behind Satine (at the 16: 44 mark), he says that they tried to “make it feel that she was definitely part of this culture”. This proves that Satine hated everything about Mandalorian culture and was ashamed of her Mandalorian heritage and tried to deny it.
Mandalore joined the Republic after Satine become the leader, which is obviously inherently a bad thing because All Government Automatically Bad Always. Despite being loyal to the Republic and its core principles, she was often very vocally critical of them when she disagreed with their decisions, and she chose to stay neutral in the war and was upset at the prospect of a Republic occupation of Mandalore. This proves that she was a total shill and sell-out for the Republic who forced her people to assimilate into Republic culture. (Even though the Republic, not unlike the United Nations in the real world, is a largely symbolic organization that consists of thousands of planets with different cultures and thus there really is no one singular “Republic culture”)
In the aforementioned behind the scenes featurette, (at 7:12) Dave Filoni, Kilian Plunkett and Joel Aron discuss how the shapes in Mandalorian armor inspired the design direction of the New Mandalorians (including Satine herself as previously stated) so as to give them a uniquely Mandalorian aesthetic, from the architecture to the clothing to the artwork to the ship design to the goddamn hair textures. In Rebels, when we meet a prominent warrior clan in the form of Clan Wren, the design of their ancestral home, the artwork on the wall, and the clothing worn by non-warrior Alrich Wren all generally follow similar design cues as the New Mandalorians. These design choices were clearly not done for a reason and this only further proves that Satine stripped Mandalore of their unique identity and Made Them Assimilate Into Republic Culture™. They’re now totally interchangeable with core worlds like Coruscant because Mandalorian culture is WAR KILL DEATH CARNAGE only and none of that other stuff matters. Also, the royal palace has a giant ass mural of Mandalorians fighting Jedi in ancient times right on the front of it for all to see, which clearly shows that she was erasing history and that the New Mandalorians Forgot About Their Roots.
It’s an important plot point in both season 2 and season 5 of The Clone Wars that Death Watch cannot take Mandalore by force because they are too small in numbers and Satine has the will of the people on her side, which is why they have to ally themselves with outside forces (first the Separatists, then Maul and the criminal syndicates) and must come up with super elaborate schemes for the express purpose of painting themselves as heroes and making her look bad, and it is only by doing this that they are able to win the people over to their side, at which point she surrenders the throne. But BEFORE she lost the throne, members of the Protectors, an ancient group of elite warriors dedicated to serving as royal guards to Mandalore’s leader, made up Satine’s royal guard during the Clone Wars, as stated in this Rebels Recon episode (10:30). In Rebels, Fenn Rau, the leader of the aforementioned Protectors, says that many Mandalorians by that time regard Bo-Katan as Mandalore’s rightful ruler in part because of her relation to Satine. Also if we go by the novelization for the Shadow Collective arc in season 5 (said novelization is technically Legends now but it’s one of the few sources in either continuity that gives any specifics on how her rise to power went down and this specific detail has not been contradicted by current canon) it claims that the warriors who supported her rule did so willingly because even they were tired of the constant fighting. All of this clearly demonstrates that Satine did not respect the will of the people at all and did not have the majority on her side for the bulk of her time as ruler and her rule was definitely not recognized as legitimate by anyone.
As also mentioned in the aforementioned Rebels Recon episode, the Protectors who served as Satine’s royal guard wore armor that was essentially just a more ceremonial version of their traditional combat armor, as worn by the aforementioned Fenn Rau. Also, Sundari’s police wear armor too. Also also, Satine’s own former Prime Minister Almec has his own armor that he pulls out during the Siege of Mandalore, and since it doesn’t match the aesthetic of the other Maul loyalists it’s safe to say it’s most likely his family’s armor passed down to him. This clearly proves without a doubt that Satine flat out banned wearing armor even though that’s never stated anywhere, that’s clearly the only logical explanation as to why the average citizens don’t wear it. Certainly not because their society was actually peaceful for about 20 years give or take and they didn’t need it or anything like that.
Satine speaks Mando’a (specifically the Concordian dialect) in the literal first episode she appeared in. Mando’a can also be seen in written form on the police speeders and in the royal academy. This shows us that she suppressed the language, further destroying Mandalorian culture.
The lack of racial diversity on Mandalore in The Clone Wars was definitely NOT an out-of-universe character design problem, but rather an in-universe problem that only applies to Satine and the New Mandalorians specifically (even though their opponents in Death Watch are just as white), as opposed to, say, the True Mandalorians in Legends who are so much more racially diverse. And season 7 definitely did NOT add more New Mandalorians with darker skin-tones as a direct result of the criticisms regarding how white the planet was in the previous seasons (and because Star Wars in general became much more diverse after the Disney buyout).
Also she’s a colonizer despite literally being born on a Mandalorian colony planet. And she can’t be the leader specifically because she wasn’t born on Mandalore and is thus not a real Mandalorian, but this same logic doesn’t extend to any other Mandalorian characters who weren’t born on Mandalore, such as Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Din Djarin, Fenn Rau, Ursa Wren, Ketsu Onyo, Jaster Mereel (assuming the broad strokes of his Legends history still hold true in canon), etc.
In conclusion, if you can’t see how Satine was OBVIOUSLY meant to be seen as a villain who committed cultural genocide by telling her people to maybe stop doing imperialism in favor of focusing on productive things like art and education, and also implementing gun control, then you CLEARLY haven’t been paying enough attention. Hashtag Make Mandalore Great Again.
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burnwater13 · 4 months ago
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Cobb Vanth handing Boba Fett's armor to the Mandalorian, while Grogu looks on, with the carcass of the Krayt dragon in the background. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 1, The Marshal. Calendar by DateWorks.
Caption reads: As much as I've grown fond of the armor, I'm even more fond of this town. - Cobb Vanth
The Brave One
Grogu watched as Marshal Vanth gave up his most prized possession and wondered if he’d ever be brave enough to do the same thing. He didn’t think so. He’d never had much more than coverall he was wearing and his first layer. Then the Mandalorian had him wear that mythosaur necklace and he had never been quite so happy. 
The necklace was different from the silver knob from the Razor Crest. That was the first toy he ever had and he had it because he took it. The fact that the Mandalorian didn’t stop him was not quite the same as the Mandalorian giving it to him. That gift made a difference. 
Cobb Vanth had found the armor he was handing over to the Mandalorian in a strange way and it allowed him to not only change his life, but the lives of the people in Mos Pelgo. Not just change them, change them, like you do with your clothes. Change them for the better. Make them safer. More stable. More predictable. More unified. They began to trust each other because they all found a person who could be trusted to help them. 
That must have seemed like a miracle to a lot of those folks, given what had just been going on there. Syndicates and gangs taking over after the corporation, that had swept them out of their old lives and practices, just abandoned Tatooine as a lost cause. 
Apparently mining the planet for whatever mineral the corporation was looking for wasn’t nearly as profitable as they had hoped it would be, so they dumped everything on the planet they disrupted and went off to the next planet they could find that more closely matched their needs. Grogu hoped that they had ended up on Hoth. They deserved the cold.
Grogu wondered why any group of people would be so greedy. After all corporations were just groups of people. People lead them. People worked for them. People supplied them. People bought their products or whatever it was they were selling. People made credits from them. Which was why it struck Grogu as strange that people made so many selfish decisions. They knew they were interconnected, didn’t they? He knew it. He was a people. Marshal Vanth clearly knew it. As did so many other folks. 
Yet, there it was, some people took more than they needed. Some people pretended they had what they didn’t have. Others pretended they didn't have what they had. Still others simply didn’t know or care what was going on around them because they had enough for themselves and that was all that mattered. Grogu didn’t understand any of that.
At the Jedi temple you all contributed to the good the Jedi did as best as you were able. Sometimes that meant learning how to use the Force so you didn’t hurt people by mistake. Sometimes it meant running around the complex collecting all the things that the various masters and knights forgot about or lost or tossed aside for the sake of a demonstration, and brought it back to them. Sometimes you just sat with a friend at the wellness clinic while they were being lectured for not jumping off the Life Tree in the arboretum if they weren’t certain they would stick the landing. 
What you didn’t do there was hoard resources. Or waste time. Or take things without permission. Or push other people around just because you were taller, faster, stronger, or able to do more cool things with the Force than the other younglings. You learned. You played. You made friends. It had been a very nice place to grow older.
It wasn’t perfect, but the notions of being greedy, selfish, or secretive were not popular and were poorly tolerated. Yes, Grogu and Master Yoda were always vying for the fresher frogs to eat. Yes, it turned out that Master Obi-Wan and Grogu’s best friend Ian, had a sweet tooth and often raided each other’s stash of sweets, which they thought no one else knew about. Master Drallig was a bit too proud of his skills at building lightsabers. Master Windu had the need to hold the spiciest conversations when he thought no one else was there to witness them. But those were hardly town or world changing transgressions. 
Grogu knew that Cobb Vanth was a good person. Like many of the Jedi he had known. Marshal Vanth was willing to put himself at risk to help the town that meant so much to him and that spoke volumes. Grogu could only hope that one day he would find a group of people who meant that much to him. People he was willing to make the greatest sacrifices for because he couldn’t imagine not doing that to keep them safe. 
He would have gladly done that for his fellow younglings and the rest of the Jedi order if he’d been able to. It was his one great regret that he had not been that person at that time. But when the time came, he hoped he remembered Cobb Vanth’s bravery and what it had meant to Mos Pelgo. He felt certain that he would be up to the work, because that’s what good people do.
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dapurinthos · 6 months ago
so i found the legends expo panel with matthew stover and sean stewart on youtube and watched it. it was a delight
how story-planning apparently worked in the lucasfilm book department:
matt stover: what if i did apocalypse now with jedi? clone wars multimedia project gods: GO FOR THAT. matt stover: … matt stover: … what if u do mash with jedi?’ cwmmpg: YEAH WE CAN DO THAT TOO. cwmmpg: THIS IS MEDSTAR. sean stewart: so ydr is now the spy sith who came in from the cold
literally brainstorming fanfic-style and getting paid for it.
stover saying his stage voice is ‘professionally trained’ YEAH WE ALL KNOW HOW CLASSICALLY TRAINED YOU ARE ὁ τρᾰγῳδῐογρᾰ́φος THEATRE MAJOR
sean stewart: ‘i was yesterday's old when I found there was [the clone wars multimedia project].’
lucasfilm clone wars story group was ‘the mothership’
the basis of dooku’s characterisation & the whole ‘threats, assets, and irrelevant’ categories is directly inspired by ydr.
matt stover: *was already writing shatterpoint when atoc came out* matt stover: we had no idea what was going on matt stover: so i got a bottle novel sean stewart: i got to read the script of rots before it came out sean stewart: but i had to write my book in four months
(AND THEY STILL HAVE NO IDEA my disillusionment with the lucasfilm story group is complete. i can no longer go ‘save me story group. story group save me.’ because they will go ‘then perish because all we can do is say ‘well you’re not contradicting anything’ weep, weep for the fall of continuity. save me leeland chee holocron. leeland chee holocron save me.)
yes, every trilogy is of the moment—og: vietnam war, reagan; prequels: the ‘war on terror’, recession, the security state; sequels: neo-nazis that everyone is saying ‘oh he’s not REALLY that bad i can change him’, etc.
GREEK TRAGEDY SHOUT-OUT NO. 2, re: anakin’s fall from the audience
audience members GETTING IT:
‘the star wars that i aspire to, watch for comfort and stuff, is the original trilogy’
‘star wars, to me, is all about the hope and the light at the end of the tunnel’
‘any point of star wars can be star wars for somebody’
i like watching recordings like these because i can just pause and giggle over things like stover’s ‘somebody page noam chomsky’ remark, re: the clone wars sides both being controlled by sidious
ur pronouncing it ‘WHY’? why?
‘it was theoretically about yoda’, sean stewart, re: ydr. ‘teachers need to teach someone.’
sean stewart: ‘wHie […] i hate it when people don’t say the ‘h’. WHU WHU WHU.’ me: u have never done ANYTHING wrong in your LIFE sir also sean stewart: *couldn’t continue working on the book knowing that they were both going to be executed in five months CALLED UP LUCASFILM AND BEGGED FOR SCOUT’S LIFE*
EVERYONE SAY THANK U SEAN STEWART we’ll just pretend karen traviss and her anti-jedi agenda didn’t get hold of scout and she ended up somewhere nice where she didn’t have to be a farmer.
sean stewart: so i couldn't think of names and called a padawan ‘enver hoxha’ as a place marker. sean stewart: the name of the fascist dictator of communist albania sean stewart: it sounded star wars sean stewart: it doesn’t mean anything i just forgot to take the name out sean stewart: but now matt stover: now, it was a DELIBERATE reference to all the DEATH
also matt stover: i put an active volcano in shatterpoint and thought caldera was latin so i used calderi as the plural. it’s spanish. also matt stover: but the editor also missed it. the copyeditor also missed it. james floyd (moderator): (not missing a beat) CLEARLY it’s a gffa-ism. we have calderas they have calderi.
and, verbatim:
matt stover: ‘well in the gffa’ sean stewart: ‘some canon is more canonical than others.’
a collective moment of rip pre-2014 canon levels silence laughter
(this is why i double-mark my placeholders by surrounding them in [square brackets] and highlighting them in green. really, they’re meant to be triple-marked but i forget to put them in all caps all the time.)
matt stover: mace is literally the coolest jedi
attention, attention, it is now revenge of the stiffs not sith’ (the zombie apocalypse star wars. coming soon … forever.’)
leeland chee, coming to the rescue. keeper of the holocron, hero to sw writers, and my personal candidate for sainthood.
opening up that package, popping the cd into your computer and THE STAR WARS HOLOCRON appears on your screen with ALL OF THE DATA from EVERY STAR WARS THING EVER
no don’t sell it on ebay for more than your car give it to meeeeee
‘can u explain what a cd-rom is?’ james floyd pls.
‘it’s a thumb drive but it’s shiny. *sean stewart makes round motions with hand like wiping off a cd*’
it is the single sexiest star wars thing to EVER exist
like, props, snaps, hats to wookieepedia but the OFFICIAL STAR WARS HOLOCRON
apparently the security to get into the cia building was much more lax than lucasfilm’s go down to the ranch, go through a special gate, into a special room, that has the script on special paper (un-xerox-able) & don't go above the third step on the red velvet stairs toward the life-size darth vader statue or u are removed from the ranch.
sean stewart: i was so alone with my book and you got a TOUR??? with OTHER PEOPLE???? i got a guy at the sign-in desk and that was it! matt stover: u wrote a book in 4 months. i took a year. i needed special coddling.
sean stewart getting advised to turn the book in as late as possible from an ~unnamed~ sci-fi writer so they wouldn’t try and change a bunch of things
meanwhile, matt stover turns in epilogue of shatterpoint on the ABSOLUTE LAST DAY
(there are many last days in publishing. there’s the last day the book has to get to the agent. the last day the publishing house must have it, the first time. the last day the publishing house must have it after the first round of edits. the last day the publishing house must have it after arguments are had, edits are accepted or discarded. sometimes this is the point where an arc is published. then there’s the LAST day the publishing house MUST have it because they’re printing the actual book, like, tomorrow.
matt stover was the one who invented shatterpoints, in order to backstory why mace got full-master-rank at 40, the youngest.
i’m going to go out here and say the codename ‘fulcrum’ originated with mace because of his shatterpoint abilities in this essay i will.
palpatine as something that ‘transcends the comprehension of the characters’
sean stewart, re: scout’s full name was just i am going to give this girl a birth name so elaborate, so unlike who she actually is, so out-of-left field for star wars that calling her scout is a necessity
‘east block easter eggs’ thank u for that phrase, james floyd
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mortallyclearwonderland · 3 years ago
Star Wars Alien Species - Pau'an
Utapau was a remote and rocky planet in the Outer Rim Territories' Utapau system that was covered with enormous sinkholes. Its native inhabitants were the Pau'ans and the Utai, though tribes of Amani also immigrated to the world. It was the location of the Battle of Utapau during the Clone Wars. The majority of Utapau's Amani lived deep underground. Bands of Sugi also lived on the planet.
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It was believed that settlers traveled to Utapau hoping to find a hospitable world to colonize after the destruction of their homeworld. Some created homes in the sinkholes, while others lived on the surface. Over time, the species changed genetically, becoming the Pau'ans and the Utai, two species with many differences but some similarities. Researchers from the University of Sanbra discovered evidence supporting the theory that the two species were related, although exact specifications were not certain. Eventually, a climate change, causing severe winds, forced the Pau'ans underground, into the sinkholes. The Utai welcomed the Pau'ans, and over time, the two societies merged together to live in a mutually beneficial civilization. Timon Medon was the Pau'an responsible for this, and he was held in high esteem by Pau'ans for his actions. Following the merging of the two cultures, they split into several different groups, forming sinkhole cities scattered across Utapau. Tion Medon, Port Administrator in 19 BBY, was named for Timon Medon.
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Due to trade restrictions placed on them by the Trade Federation, Pau'ans were unable to import many goods such as weapons or starships, and were forced to create their own technology. As Utapau was located in the distant Outer Rim Territories, few independent traders ventured to their planet; although many ventured there around 49 BBY after hearing rumors that the waters on the planet had miraculous healing properties. There were even claims that Utapau was the original home of the Jedi, although these reports were not new; they had originated millennia before. Though the Pau'ans did not want to draw attention to themselves for fear of meeting more powerful cultures who might try to conquer them, they eagerly welcomed visitors who wished to experience the healing for themselves. However, once the water was proven to be nothing more than ordinary water, most people forgot about Utapau, once again leaving it alone.
During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems sought the planet. Despite this, the planet remained neutral. Late in the war, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were sent to investigate the death of Jedi Master Tu-Anh. This led them to locate a massive kyber crystal that the Confederacy was attempting to acquire. They were able to destroy the crystal before it could fall into Separatist hands.
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Within months, the Separatists invaded Utapau with thousands of battle droids. Later, a number of key Separatist leaders were stationed on the planet, but were moved to a mining complex on Mustafar prior to the battle on the orders of Darth Sidious. General Grievous remained on Utapau to oversee the battle, but met his end at the hands of Jedi Master Kenobi. Unfortunately for him, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issued Order 66 shortly thereafter. Because of their behavioral modification biochips,Kenobi's clone troopers turned on their Jedi General and shot him down into a sinkhole. However, Kenobi survived and escaped Utapau. After the end of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire occupied the planet.
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Following the liberation of their planet by the New Republic, they joined the new galactic government, hoping to avoid further enslavement and poor treatment at the hands of the leaders of the galaxy. Following the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Utapauan Committee elected to join the Galactic Alliance, holding democracy as vital to the preservation of the galaxy. When the Sith Lord Darth Krayt took control of the Galactic Empire, Utapau sheltered Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Remnant late in the war after having providing the GA fleet shelter throughout the conflict.
Condemning the genocide wrought by the Sith on Dac, Port Administrator Telan Medon of Pau City agreed to harbor Stazi and his wounded men deep in the labyrinthine caves that pocketed the capital. Unbeknownst to the Pau'ans, Sith scientist Vul Isen had established a laboratory on the planet, conducting illegal experiments on the natives. Located within plain sight in one of Pau City's main precincts, the lab's function was to provide Isen a space to concoct a deadly virus that would wipe all life from Utapau indefinitely. Before Isen could unleash the deadly plague, Jedi Knight Cade Skywalker infiltrated the lab and cut Isen down, securing the toxin and saving the Pau'an race from extinction.
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Below Utapau's surface was the massive "world-ocean," a huge subterranean body of water. This water contained many powerful currents created by the tidal forces of Utapau's moons. These currents eroded the underside of the planet's crust and caused the formation of Utapau's many sinkholes and chasms, which, when combined with numerous storms, served to make the planet's surface inhospitable. One of Utapau's "continents" was more stable that the rest; for that reason, most Utapauns lived on that stabilized continent.
Because of the lack of timber on the planet, Utapaun architecture was primarily constructed out of the bones of deceased animals. The bones of nearly all of the planet's fauna were used in construction, which later developed into a unique form of architecture known as ossic architecture. The skeletons of the huge animals that roamed the lower sinkholes and ocean had huge enough bones to be used as beams; other fossil bones were mined in caves. The Utapauns' fresh water was extracted from machines that purified the seawater and also separated any valuable minerals from the ocean. Eventually, it was determined that the world-ocean contained a number of valuable substances that the planet began to export.
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The Pau'ans fulfilled most of the governmental and administrative duties on Utapau, as the Utai did not desire such work, serving as laborers instead. Most Pau'ans served as leaders early in their lives, often managing teams of Utai laborers. This gave them experience that would be used later in their life. Pau'ans were kind leaders, and sympathetic to their subordinates. Each city on Utapau was controlled by a Master of Port Administration, a hereditary title reserved for Pau'ans. These administrators were assisted by advisory councils for making important decisions about their city, turning to the Utapauan Security Force when necessary. Each Administrator served on the Utapauan Committee and oversaw planetary governance. However, the committee rarely made crucial decisions, as the cities were able to function on their own most of the time.
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Despite the many differences between the Pau'ans and the Utai, the two species were able to co-exist peacefully, although inhabitants of the different Utapaun cities often had conflicts due to philosophical differences. Still, these conflicts rarely developed into bloodshed, and it was more common for the cities to ignore each other. Each city had its own culture, and competition was fierce between the groups. However, they were able to cooperate when the situation necessitated it.
Pau'an society was a blend of a variety of styles and cultures, borne from the ancient merger with the Utai. Built into the sinkhole walls, Pau'an settlements such as the Pau City spaceport were divided into different areas, each a mix of architectural styles and other-worldly design. They liked art, and enjoyed studying sculptures and finding ways to incorporate different artistic styles into their architecture. Pau'ans developed an industrial society, despite their seemingly primitive and natural image, though the Utai were the ones who actually did the hard work. The Utai did not mind, however, and collectively much preferred labor to positions of leadership.
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They were able to power their city by wind, harnessing it through massive windmills. Over ninety-nine percent of the planet's power came from these windmills.
Most Pau'ans rode living beasts like varactyls and dactillions instead of speeders. Pau'ans, as well as Utai, were known for their love for Podracing.
Pau'ans represented 30% Utapau's total population.
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Taller than most Humans, Pau'ans are bald and have gray, wrinkled skin. Their sunken eyes and sharp teeth give them a slightly monstrous appearance. Pau'an, Utapaun or Ancients, as they were sometime called, have sunken black eyes in red eye sockets and jagged, fang-like teeth used for tearing into raw meat, as they were carnivores. Members of the species were able to see well in darkness. Pau'ans had five fingers and toes, but were more mobile than they appeared. They often wore elaborate clothes intended to heighten their impressive stature.
A typical Pau'an stands at 1.9 meters or 6.2 feet tall and weighs 70 kilograms or 154 pounds.
Pau'an age at the following stages:
1 - 16 Child
17 - 30 Young Adult
31 - 400 Adult
401 - 500 Middle Age
501 - 700 Old
Examples of Names: Timon Medon, Tion Medon, Lampay Fay.
Languages: Most Pau'ans spoke both Utapese and Basic. Their native language once had several different dialects.
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meteor752 · 4 years ago
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The babs as Jedi! Or, Tilda is a sith, because let’s be real here.
This picrew is made by Kmerolzzzz, here’s a link to it, and it’s still a WIP so they are still adding new stuff, which is awesome!
Story of the Jedi Bardlings under the cut
(Edit: I realized just now that I forgot to add Sigrid’s vitiligo, so yeah oops, my bad guys)
Okay so it’s basically so that Sig, Bain, and Tilda were born to a regular man and woman on Alderaan, and whoops they are all force sensitive, yaaaaay. So yeah, they are all taken away by the Jedi and separated into different youngling groups.
Tilda grew resentful of the rules of the Jedi early on, especially the one about attachment. She was barely allowed to see her older brother and sister, which made her both frustrated and lonely.
Sigrid grew up to become the padawan of Master Elrond, a well respected Jedi Master, and she learned a lot from his four previous Padawans.
Bain became the padawan of the newly knighted Legolas Greenleaf, an observant and strong Jedi, but who was a bit on the self centered side of things, and could be a little reckless. Bain luckily has the guidings of Legolas old master Thranduil as well, so he was kept in line.
Tilda became the Padawan of Master Gandalf, a calm collected Jedi Master that Tilda did not like at all. In fact, as she grew older, she begun hating both him and the Jedi and all their rules about attachment and violence and the dark side, so much so that she gave in and left.
Both Bain and Sigrid changed after their sister turned dark.
Sigrid became very distant and emotionless, barely willing to form any form relationship with anyone, and destroying the ones she already had with her master, her friends and her brother. She was just very sad all the time.
Bain became brash and reckless, trying to focus as little as he could on his sister, which in turn made it very hard to focus on anything at all. This is was lead to him losing his eyesight in a battle, which sure calmed him down a bit but did not help with his situation.
Tilda did not become a sith, as she didn’t have a master. She just did her own thing, killing whoever she wanted, sleeping with whoever she wanted, loving whoever she wanted. All she really wanted was to find her siblings and make them join her, so they could all be free from the Jedi and be together, like they were meant to.
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lo-55 · 4 years ago
Tilt The Hourglass ch. 6
Maul adjusted the small holster against his hip and pulled his cloak tighter around him.
He never would have pegged Fett as being a tailor, but the mando had pulled out a thread and scissors and hemmed the cloak to fit Maul. It fell until halfway down his thighs, where he had pants and boots now. They hadn’t had the time to get Maul a full flight suit or any armor, but he was clothed at last and his long sleeves even connected to finger-less gloves. 
The dark cloak was pulled tight over his head. On his right hip was a small blaster, and in his new boot was a vibro-knife each. They weren’t lightsabers, but they would do. 
He felt wrong to not have his ‘saber against his hip, especially when they boarded the ship. He could sense them as soon as he stepped on board. The bright light’s of two Jedi, two lights he knew well. Kenobi and Jinn. 
He’d recognized Kenobi as soon as he’d seen him, hovering near the ship and looking like a convict about to be executed. 
As soon as he saw him he knew he had to get on board that ship, with or without Jango. 
This was Kenobi. Tiny, although a head taller than Maul himself, he was barely old enough to be out of their silly little temple. Maul needed to see him again.
Maul didn’t know what he was going to do when he saw him. He didn’t know if he was going to stab him or demand answers that Kenobi certainly wouldn’t have. 
Like what had happened. Two years ago, a bit more now, Maul had died and woken again. Decades in the future Kenobi had cut him down and ended a rivalry that spanned a lifetime. Why? Maul hadn’t been able to find information on it. Not that he could risk looking very hard without tipping off his master, mind. 
He still had a scar on his hand, one triangle and one square pointed into his palm. One sith holocron and one jedi. Their voices still echoed faintly in his memory. 
Soon, he needed to take another trip to Malachor. Perhaps this time he could take Young Kenobi with him. The boy wasn't a sith. He didn’t have even the sliver of possibility for it that Ezra had possessed. 
Maul had done his best to make Kenobi Fall, and each time he had failed. Even in the end, Kenobi hadn’t hated him. He’d offered him only kindness. 
There was a reason that Maul had tried to get him to help him stop the rise of the Empire. The two of them were equally the best and worst examples of their respective orders. Between the both of them they could have kept Sidious from becoming emperor. True, Skywalker would have had to die, but Kenobi had lost his master, his lover, and Maul didn’t even know how many others. He would have survived losing his Padawan, if it was for the ‘greater good’ or whatever jedi preached. 
He was a good person. Disgustingly so. 
Malachor was a graveyard for Jedi as much as Sith. Maul could use that to convince him if he really had to. 
Jango gestured to him to follow along. 
Maul didn’t like deferring to anyone, but he would play along for now. It was better than Sidious. 
If Maul had ever met someone worse than him he could not recall. 
The pair boarded the ship just in time to see a young human being assaulted by a hutt, the creature’s fat fingers curled around his throat. 
It took Maul a total of two seconds to realize who it was, and by that time Jango had already closed the distance between them and pulled his blaster. Jango levelled it at the hutt’s head. 
“Let the boy go,” he ordered, his voice level. The Force was muffled through beskar, helmet’s especially, but Maul had spent time enough with Mandalorian’s that even with Jango’s helmet firmly in place he could still feel the anger that rippled through him. 
Mando’s and their children. 
“Hah? Why would I do that? We do not tolerate spies here! This is offworld terf, and we will-” 
“Drop. The. Boy.” 
The hutt eyed the blaster wearily before he tossed the body. 
Right at Maul. 
Maul caught him on instinct. The weight of Kenobi almost knocked him down, but Maul held firm. Had Kenobi always been so much taller than him? 
Maul kept a weary eye on the hutt, and Jango, ready to draw his blaster and fire. He could take four of whiphids before they got within arms length, and Jango could take the rest in that same time. 
The hutt cussed them out and made his leave, with the whiphids following along behind him. 
Maul looked down and froze when he found burning blue eyes staring back up at him. 
Young Kenobi was… not what he’d expected. 
He was tiny, for one thing. Baby faced, with all the puppy fat of youth that Maul, even younger than him, had mostly lost by now. He was thin and gangly the way humans’ were when they were getting ready for a growth spurt, and his hair had never been so red in the future. The last time Maul had seen it it had been almost entirely white. Had he always had freckles? 
Maul didn’t know what he’d expected to find in his rival, but what he found was a kid. 
This was not the padawan that had cut Maul down. This was not the knight that had hunted him half across the galaxy. This was not the hermit that had held his dying body by fire light. 
This was just- 
Obi Wan. 
Blue eyes rolled back in his head and Kenobi dropped in his arms. 
Maul looked up to find Jango with his visor tilted towards the pair. He felt bemused. Maul frowned at him and swung Kenobi over his shoulder’s in a firemen’s carry. 
“Shut up,” he snapped at the mandalorian. 
“I didn’t say a thing.” 
“You didn’t have to. You have a very expressive visor.”  
Jango snorted at Maul’s blunt accusation. 
“Perhaps I do. Let’s see if Clat’Ha has a place we can bunk down and check on your little friend there.” 
“He is not my friend!” 
Jango ignored him entirely and picked his way across the floor to the inside of the ship. There were panels missing and wires spilled out across the metal floors like the guts of a massive beast. 
Maul mentally categorized all of the easy access points, vents, weapons, and potential ambush zones. 
Finally they found Jango’s friend, the human woman in charge of the Arconan Mining Company. She took one look at Kenobi, still limp over Maul’s shoulders with a ring of bruises blossoming around his throat, and marched them into a small closet that served as a medical bay. Apparently mining was a dangerous occupation. Who knew? 
Maul let her take Kenobi from him and lay the boy down on a hard cot before she found a bacta spray and some bandages. A medical droid floated near by and glued a cut on Kenobi’s brow shut. 
“Are you alright?” Jango touched his shoulder. Maul twitched, but didn’t break the hold. He glanced up at the blank visor. 
“Fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” 
Worry emanate from Jango, amplified by their contact. 
“It’s not always easy seeing other’s get hurt. Especially ade. Children.” 
Maul squinted up at him. “People get hurt a lot around me,” he said slowly, like Jango was a particularly foolish child. “In case you forgot. I would have shot the hutt dead. Or hit him under his right arm. The third lung located there is close enough to the surface that the right pressure would rupture it and he would choke to death on his own blood. At least that young. An older hutt would be harder without a blaster. They’re very annoying.” 
Clat’Ha stared at him over Kenobi’s body before she looked to Maul’s new ‘care taker’. 
“...Jango what the fuck are you teaching this kid?” 
Before Jango could even defend himself  Maul wrinkled his nose at her. 
“He’s barely had me two days.” 
Maul hadn’t even learned that on Orsis. He’d learned that during his rise as a crime boss for the shadow collective, when he’d been forced to kill a few hutt’s to properly send a message.They would obey him or they would die. Maybe he should start building his criminal empire again. 
There was an idea. 
One for later. He needed resources he didn’t have yet, and Jango was as Mandalorian as they came. They wouldn't let a kid go easily. They would protect younglings with their lives if they had to. 
In retrospect, Maul should have advised Kilindi and Daleen to seek them out. But Sidious might have ripped that information from his mind, so perhaps it was for the best that he didn’t. 
Wherever they were he knew they were okay. Kilindi was resilient and Daleen was intelligent. Maul had faith in them. 
That didn’t mean he didn’t worry about them, or miss them. They were his.    
“Three,” Jango corrected mildly. “You were unconscious for the first one.” 
“Ah, yeah.”
Somehow that only seemed to alarm Clat’Ha more. 
What a strange woman.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Maul couldn't tell if he hated or loved this ship. 
 The ship itself was a hot mess, a wreck waiting to happen and it was probably older than everyone on it combined. It was dark in places where the wires needed replacing, and the whole thing was divided between two mining companies. 
The entire thing was saturated with animosity and hostility, and Maul drank it in. He pulled the distrust and anger out of the air and wrapped it up in a little ball inside his chest for later. It was a technique he’d figured out himself years ago. How to skim off the top emotionally. Theoretically it could be used to take an enemies fighting spirit and enhance an allies, but Maul had never really tried to do that. 
He preferred to enhance himself, and he was an assassin and a warlord more than a general. He fought on his own or in small groups in dark spaces, not in open fields with legions under his command. 
His little trick on Mandalore was an exception.
 Maul was even able to drink up the negative emotions that Jinn released into the Force. Irritation, worry, things that Maul hadn’t noticed when he had faced the man before. It was probably because the crew had misplaced a little jedi and everyone was in a tizzy. 
Maul could have ended the confusion, but where was the fun in that? 
Instead he sat with Kenobi. 
The boy had somehow managed to develope a fever and Jango had insisted that he be watched at all times. He’d woken up while Clat’Ha was with him, and Maul was fetching lunch with Jango. Every Time they saw the hutt’s on board Maul had to physically stop himself from trying to kill the slugs. 
Jango seemed to be able to tell how he felt, even though he was about as close to a Force Null as a man could be, and went out of his way to try and keep him from interacting with them. Outside of food runs it wasn’t hard. They were here for the Arconan Mineral Harvest Company, or whatever they were called, and that meant that they stuck to their side of the ship. 
The jedi master, Jinn, was the same. 
Maul couldn’t help but note that the ‘ever compassionate’ jedi didn’t show up to help Kenobi until his fever lowered the boys mental shields enough that his distress saturated the air in the room. 
When Jinn walked in, Maul stayed perfectly still and watched him go to Kenobi. He lay a hand on the boys brows and did… Something. 
Some jedi thing. Maul watched the fever start to fade and Kenobi’s eyes finally flickered open. 
Blue. Fuzzy and somewhat delirious. 
"H-how?" Kenobi’s voice was hoarse and rough. Maul had the distinct feeling that he was intruding on something here. Strangely, he didn’t care. 
"Don't try to speak," Jinn said quietly, "You've had a bad fever, but I've taken care of it. Your wounds turned out to be worse than initially assumed." 
Maul nearly gagged on the raw hope that floated off of Kenobi in response. "Is it really you?" he asked.  
Qui Gon smiled, the first time Maul had seen such an expression on his face. 
"Yes, it's really me."
“Did you come to look for me?” Obi-Wan asked hopefully. Maul nearly snorted. Well of course. This was his master, wasn’t it? Jedi always came for eachother. They were fools like that. 
(a quiet voiced asked if he would not have gone after Kilindi and Daleen if he could have. If he was not himself intending on going to find Savage.) 
Qui-Gon shook his head. “I‘m on my way to Bandomeer as well. I‘m on a mission for the Galactic Senate. Our missions have nothing to do with each other.”
“Still, we‘re together,” Obi-Wan insisted. His voice trembled with faint hope. “You could show me –”
But Qui-Gon shook his head. 
“No, Obi-Wan, that‘s not why I‘m here. Our destinies lie along different paths. Now is the time for you to get to know the people that you will serve. You must forget about me. You must serve the Jedi in ways other than as a Knight. There is honor in that, too.”
He did not say it cruelly, but it was clear that Qui-Gon‘s words struck Obi-Wan like a blow. He tried to hide it, but his eyes were sad and his shoulders hunched. 
Meanwhile, Maul was reeling. 
Jinn was not Kenobi’s master? Was that why he didn’t have that silly little braid? And, more important, what did he mean Kenobi wouldn’t be a knight? That couldn't be possible! Kenobi was the best of their order, he was the first jedi to beat a sith in combat in centuries, and, at the risk of sounding arrogant, Maul was one of the best trained sith in generations. Sidious, and even his master had never gone out and tested themselves against actual Jedi the way Maul had. Even before his dual with Jinn he’d already begun his head count. He had more true combat experience than the both of them, and it infuriated him in ways he couldn't even begin to describe that he still lost to Sidious. 
How could Kenobi not be a knight? It didn’t make sense. 
Was this how it had happened before? Or had Maul and Jango’s presence somehow changed Kenobi’s padawanship? 
Maul hadn’t done much to change the events of the world besides try to stop the massacre at Galidraan. Besides that he had only been at Orsis, and then Mustafar. 
Maul, barely more than a shadow pressed into the corner of the wall, watched numbly while an arconan shyly made his way into the room and introduced himself to Kenobi. Apparently word travelled fast on the ship, and the arconan miner’s had decided that Obi Wan was as much a hero as Maul and Jango for stranding up to the Hutts. 
Not that Kenobi had done much besides get strangled and struck. He even said as much. 
“Well, sit down and introduce yourself,” Obi-Wan said at last, waving the Arconan closer.. “In this
place, I need all the friends I can get.” 
“It seems you are in luck, then,” Jinn said with a mild nod towards Maul. Kenobi’s head whipped around, apparently seeing Maul for the first time. Yellow eyes met blue evenly. He would not look away from this boy. Kenobi looked away first, to the arconan. 
“Our name is Si Treemba,” the Arconan said, perching on a chair. The room was getting crowded. “We know yours is Obi-Wan Kenobi. We would be honored to be your friend.”
When attention turned to him again, he said simply, “Maul.” 
Maul could see the question on Kenobi’s lips, but he didn’t get to ask it. The door to sickbay slid open. Clat‘Ha strode in with an impatient expression, and Jango at her side. He made quite the impression. Jinn’s shoulders tightened and his hand drifted closer to the lightsaber at his hip. . 
“Good, you‘re here,” she said to Si Treemba, who scrambled to his feet. 
Clat’Ha turned to Jinn grimly. “We have a problem,” she said crisply. “Someone has been tampering with our equipment. Young Si Treemba here discovered it on a routine inspection. We have three Arconan tunneling machines in stock, and all three have been sabotaged.” 
“How so?” Qui-Gon asked.
Si Treemba stepped forward. “The thermocoms that monitor the tunnelers‘ hull temperature have been removed, sir. And the coring couplers have been rigged so that they will not disengage.”
Maul didn’t know mining equipment well, but he recognized most of the words. Thermocoms were used on certain stealth ships entering high density atmosphere’s to avoid blowing up when coming in quick and fast. If the ships overheated they would blow. He imagined that the drills did the same thing. 
Then a hutt arrived, and the whole situation turned into a not-so-passive-aggresive show down between Jinn, the Hutts, Clat’Ha and Jango. 
Maul watched it with growing irritation. All their problems would be solved if someone would just kill the hutt. He was guilty and everyone knew it. 
But the jedi wouldn’t do such a thing. 
Maul rolled his eyes when all that came of the argument was hot tempers and bland accusations of specism. Clat’Ha ran off to find her miner’s, with Jango in tow. He shot Maul a look that clearly said ‘stay out of trouble’. One Maul promptly ignored. 
Qui-Gon shook his head sadly. 
“There is a strong hatred between those two. Neither of them will listen.”
Listen to what? Maul rolled his eyes under his hood. The hutt was crooked and after power and the human was probably little better. A touch more concerned about her people maybe, and she hadn’t tried to get Jango to shoot him in the head, even if it would have been easier. 
Joy. Morals. 
“I don‘t understand,” Obi-Wan said. “Why did you let the Hutt go? He may be innocent of the crime of which he has been accused. But I‘m sure he‘s guilty of others.”
“Yes, he‘s guilty,” Qui-Gon agreed. “But Clat‘Ha has her defender. As Jedi, we are bound only to defend those who have no other means of defense.”
It was all Maul could do not to laugh outright. He had seen jedi become generals. What would Jinn have done if he saw their precious defenders of peace fight a war and send men to die on their behalf. 
“Still, one of Jemba‘s crew has to have sabotaged those tunnelers. Why doesn‘t he try to find out who did it?” Obi-Wan asked.
Qui-Gon answered, “Because if one of Jemba‘s men did do it, it will make him look bad before the miners‘ guild. He might be ordered off Bandomeer permanently. He knows that, so he won‘t point any fingers at his own.”
“Ah,” Si Treemba said. “And Clat‘Ha must feel the same. If anyone learned that one of her workers tried to frame Jemba, the miners‘ guild would be furious.”
“But it shouldn‘t be to hard to find out who really sabotaged the tunnelers,” Obi-Wan pointed out excitedly. His eyes were bright with a spark of determination in them. 
Qui-Gon cocked an eyebrow. “This is not your affair,” he warned. “If you went looking for those thermocoms, all you would find is trouble. You must stay out of it. And stay away from the Offworld side of the ship. You‘re not fully recovered yet, Obi-Wan.”
Qui Gon left the trio in the infirmary. 
“...so we’re going, right?” Maul asked without being prompted. He looked at Obi Wan, who did look a bit sheepish. 
“We’ll need to search anywhere a thermocom could be.” 
“They’re small,” Si Treemba said helpfully, and held up his hands to display their size. 
“It won’t be too hard to search most of the ship, but the hutts will make it hard when we get closer to them. Best leave those ones to me, little jedi,” Maul advised. 
“But, I hardly know you. I couldn't ask you to do such a thing.” 
“You’re not asking, and I’m not giving you a choice. Shut up and start looking on this side of the ship, before your master finds out what you’re doing and scolds you.“
Kenobi’s gaze became downcast. “He is not my master. I am not his apprentice, nor am I duty bound to obey him.” 
Maul started to grin. He’d never expected such a rebellious streak from him. Maybe there was hope for the little jedi yet, when he was still this young. 
“Then fuck him. Let’s go to work.” 
Kenobi gaped at him while Maul stood and, with practiced ease, pulled a vent free and vanished inside of it. 
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lajulie24 · 6 years ago
The end
You didn’t think I was going to let the last official Scoundress Saturday go without any fic, did you? This turned out a bit silly, but I thought we could have a little fun with post-ROTJ Han and Leia. Also, to be clear, I still have plans for many other Han and Leia fics in the works (some of which were started or continued thanks to Scoundress Saturday), so this is far from the end of writing or posting. Thanks, all, for the wonderful support that has made writing these things each week so much fun.
Leia strode into the apartment, a bit later than her estimate, but well within the time Han had figured into his calculations for dinner.
“Would’ve been earlier,” she said, after kissing him and accepting a glass of Corellian red, “but I had to lose some old friends.”
Old friends used to mean Imperials or bounty hunters; now it meant the paparazzi, who had evidently decided that Leia and Han were much more interesting than they actually were. No less relentless, but at least they were slightly less likely to try to kill you. Unless it would make a good story, Han thought wryly.
“’S okay,” Han said. “Almost ready. How’s your day?” He finished cutting a selection of cured meats and cheeses, offering the plate to Leia.
“Fine,” Leia said, tearing off a hunk of bread and adding a slice of cheese to it. “Met with the Bothan delegation. Your good and close friend Borsk was not there,” she noted at Han’s raised eyebrow.
“Ah, so actually had a prayer of gettin’ something done,” Han said. Borsk Fey’yla, though a valuable asset to the Rebellion, was proving to be something of a perpetual stumbling block as the New Republic worked to move the galaxy from war to governance.
Leia laughed, taking another sip of wine. “A prayer, yes. Actually, it wasn’t that bad. How about you?”
Just then, the timer for the meat rang, and Han went to take it out of the oven. “Oh, y’know. The usual. Oh, yeah,” he said, placing the pan on the counter and then turning to her with a deadly serious look, “almost forgot. It’s over. We’re splitting up.”
“Again?” Leia asked mildly. “Too bad. What’d you do this time?”
“Oh, no, this time I’m leaving you,” he said smugly.
Leia sighed and took another sip of wine. “Well, I guess I can’t hide my baby bump from you forever. You have one really good Crathulian meal—” She shook her head. “Whose love child am I having now?”
“Wedge’s,” Han said. “Apparently I am real pissed off.”
“I can’t imagine Luke is very happy about it either,” she said. “Do you think that will make dinner awkward? Where the hells are they, anyway?”
“Eh,” Han shrugged as he tested the temperature of the meat. “You know the kid. He’s on Jedi time. Just Force-comm him.”
Leia made a face. “He hates it when I do that to remind him he’s late,” she reminded Han. “And then he gets all bitchy with me in my head.”
Luke and Wedge showed up without a reminder just after the meat had finished resting, and after a lively dinner—including ample banter about Leia’s and Wedge’s paparazzi-imagined affair—they settled down in the living room for what promised to be some intriguing after-dinner entertainment.
One of Leia’s secret pleasures was watching the collection of holofilm biopics and television series purporting to portray her friends in the Rebellion—The Courtship of Princess Leia, The Life Day Special, Jedi Ewok Princess, the Last Jedi—and she’d recently converted not only Han but also Wedge and, begrudgingly, Luke to this particular pastime. Their latest viewing party had been a rewatch of Jedi Ewok Princess, which had some of the worst production values they had ever seen (“I think they just bought a few houseplants and called it Endor,” Wedge had noted incredulously) as well as some entertaining dialogue.
Tonight’s selection was a rare feature, a bootleg copy of which was obtained not by the former smuggler in the group, but by Luke. Well, technically, by R2D2, but with Luke’s help.
“You owe me,” Luke said gravely as he handed over the disc. “Big time. Do you even know how many porn versions of your relationship are out there?”
Leia turned to Han. “Eight? Nine?”
“Nine,” Han said with confidence.
“Thirteen,” Luke corrected. “And Artoo downloaded them all when he was looking for this show.” He shuddered slightly.
“Huh, some new ones,” Han said. “Maybe they got a new guy to play me. That other guy was way too short.”
“Don’t think that was the dimension they were casting for,” Leia said dryly.
Wedge, who had started laughing quietly at this exchange a few minutes ago, fell over on the couch, no longer able to hold it in. “Just start it,” he said. “I wanna see how bad it is.”
The new show was called Days of our Rebellion, and it was a limited holoseries purporting to tell “the true stories of the lives and loves of the heroes of the Rebel Alliance.” It was supposed to have come out six months ago already, but apparently the network airing it was still skittish about releasing something that could cast the current political leadership in an unfavorable light, likely based on the memory of Palpatine’s frequent crackdowns on such things. But never estimate the power of an astromech droid to help them snag their very own copy of the series.
“Okay, this looks promising,” Wedge said as the opening credits began. “Obviously not a houseplants in Endor production situation here.”
The Luke was an up-and-coming actor who had recently been cast in a superhero movie, and he actually sort of looked like Luke. “Or Luke’s younger brother,” Han joked, as Luke elbowed him in the ribs.
“Aw, my baby daddy made the credits,” Leia said, as the actor playing Wedge showed up on screen. Wedge had gotten written out of The Courtship of Princess Leia with the exception of some generic fight scenes, and wasn’t even named in some of the other holos.
Leia’s double was an actress who had played a Padmé Amidala-like senator in another miniseries. “Oh, she’s good,” said Wedge.
They kept showing the Han actor in wide-angle shots, and when they finally showed him in a close-up both Leia and Luke gasped.
“That’s not—“ Han said.
“Go back and freeze-frame,” Leia directed, and when Han did, Luke was the one who collapsed with laughter this time.
“Oh my goddess that’s Porn Han. They cast Porn Han!” Leia exclaimed.
“Naw, they wouldn’t—“ Han began to insist.
“They did,” Leia said again.
“You’re right, he is way too short. He doesn’t really look like you, except that he’s wearing your outfit,” Wedge pointed out. “And there’s a Wookiee with him. Did they get real Wookiee actors?”
“Yeah,” Han confirmed. “Wouldn’t give ‘em the rights if they didn’t.”
The first episode opened on Yavin, but spent all of five minutes there before moving to a familiar-looking winter landscape.
“We’re going to Hoth already?” Luke asked.
The designers had managed to make a pretty convincing set that really did remind Han of Hoth, He shivered a little to think of it.
Porn Han and Not-Senator-Amidala were having an argument in the hallway, as personnel squeezed past them on their way somewhere else.
“Ha, look at all those people just walking by while we argue,” Han said, laughing.
“I know,” Leia said. “Right in the hallway! ��Don’t mind us, we’re just going to have incredible amounts of sexual tension while you try to go about your daily lives,’” she continued.
Luke and Wedge exchanged a look. Oblivious to the end, these two.
“Releasing tension, huh. I think that’s what Porn Han is for,“ Wedge quipped.
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pacificwanderer · 6 years ago
Question! So I’ve noticed that you and a lot of others have been saying stuff about the months leading up to TLJ. I wasn’t into Star Wars at that time, so I was just wondering, what was it like? Was there a lot of content being released, was there a lot of crazy speculation and such? Was there a lot of reylo content in promos and pictures and such?
Hey Nonnie,
And for anyone who’s reading who remembers, this is going to be long, and I’m going to miss things (I’m certain I missed some gates) because I’m just going from memory and old posts from when I wasn’t as militant about tagging (hah), so feel free to chime in if you have any other memories. Also, this took forever to compile lol.
Unofficially, we had shots from Ireland (2016) and second-hand gossip from locals about Daisy, Mark, and Adam filming in Ireland (and lots of people screeching about how the only reason KR would be with those two would be so they could team up and murder them).
But then the conversation started to shift, and we got info that wasn’t from the reylo fandom regarding their “interesting relationship,” though we were always there, saying the exact same thing.
This podcast and breakdown in the comments from May 2016 really highlights when things started to shift for our space kids (and confirmed a lot about what people had been theorizing/writing meta about, etc). We weren’t pulling things out of our asses and we were not wrong for seeing what we were seeing. It’s also a really great snapshot of what the discussion on Tumblr was like back then. Lots of great minds and fun times, as far as I am concerned.
“But I mean like, right now, Rey’s story is kinda weird too. It’s like I don’t know where my mum lives, I wish my mum and dad would come get me on Jakku, oh, I’ve got the force? Oh Luke Skywalker, he’s here? Wow. And then, so, at some point, Kylo Ren and Rey gotta have something more going down. I don’t know if it’s romance, if it’s complete hatred, if it’s you know, but, erm…I know, we can’t talk about it, there’s certain things we’ve heard – and it’s not romance, it’s not romance, but there’s certain things that we’ve heard recently about what’s going down and what Rey, how Rey feels –“
“Yeah, let’s just leave it at that.”
And then there was a very long wait for 2017, when things started to shift even more.
It was pretty much radio silence concerning Kylo Ren (officially) right up until the second trailer (the first only showed him for a split second). Boxartgate happened earlier in the year. (February) when the marketing started to come out for TLJ and Kylo wasn’t on any of it (nevermind that only his mask was on the TFA packaging, but when you’re grasping at straws for reasons why the “Skywalker of the trilogy” isn’t important... I guess you’ll take what you can get).The Reylo fandom guessed (correctly) that he was basically a walking spoiler (which other sections of the fandom guessed, incorrectly, that he was irrelevant to the story and that’s why he wasn’t showing up much N O P E). 
SW Celebration happened in April 2016, and that trailer, combined with the super, SUPER amazing poster dropped:
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Oh and Eric Maell’s super Reylo-tastic, officially licensed SWC poster that was available for sale at SWC (yeah, we all lost it here too). The whole thread is funny and read through to where Eric’s signature pops up on the poster.
And then we collectively lost our damn minds when the trailer dropped in October. If you’d like a trip, head into my archive and look for like October 2017 and you’ll get a pretty good idea of what that looked like lol.
It’s so damn good, I just watched it again and it STILL brings tears to my eyes. Avoid the comment section LOL. 
As if we, a collective group of Adam stans, WOULD EVER mistake his hand for another. GET GOOD, Anne.
HE’S NOT LOOKING AT REY. HE’S LOOKING AT.... fill in the blank. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA No. We know what he looks like when he looks at Rey. 
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Like, I didn’t spend 2 fucking years staring at screen shots like a maniac to NOT be able to see things for what they really are. I mean, the look he gives her when she pulls that saber from the ground on Starkiller? I WISH I could find a gif because it’s classic, “Holy shit, I think I’m in love, but I’m pretty sure she wants to murder me.” HAH Oh Enemies to Lovers, you’re such a riot.
But up until that point there was NOTHING. I’m pretty sure box gate happened somewhere in there, but then the marketing really started getting going and we got fed so fucking well it was almost too much because we’d had so little to go on up until that point that it was just like, “Is this real life? Am I making too much of this? Or are they really playing up the Kylo Ren/Rey angle in this marketing?”
October 31, 2017, we got this GREAT article from V where Adam interviewed Daisy.
AD Is there an aspect of working on Star Wars—it could be anything from the light saber battles, the travel, the catering, to getting to see me every day and do my hair—that was your favorite part?
DR I don’t know if I’ve ever properly thought about it. I love coming into the makeup trailer—everyone is there, you say good morning, and you get a little cuddle from people...I just really liked being part of something where you’re one of a whole. When filming, you’re always part of a thing. Becoming besties with you was the best thing.
AD That’s a lie, but we will make sure that’s printed.
DR [laughs]
The whole interview is really sweet and a really lovely read. Also, got some really adorable fanart of Rey doing Kylo’s hair around that time, which was super awesome.
There was some drama about Rian saying there’s “no romance in EPIX” which obviously wasn’t the case and he was misquoted anyways. Which is a good reminder not to freak the fuck out over everything, just because it seems like it’s going one way (or someone’s pushing their own thoughts and opinions onto paper in an interview). At any rate, Rian’s a big ole Romantic, so we know how it all goes in TLJ. (Romancegate)
This article talking about “the fallen son” and whether Kylo could be redeemed came out in Nov 2017 (which was LOL considering how much of the general fandom had convinced themselves this movie would be about Rey hunting down and murdering Kylo), which had this super quote from Rian:
“But I don’t think it’s very interesting if the whole story is just ‘Will Kylo get his comeuppance?’ He’s a more complicated character than that and I think he deserves a more complicated story than that. I don’t see the point of trying to get behind his mask and learn more about him if all we’re going to learn is ‘Yeah, he’s just an evil bad guy that needs to be killed.’” -Rian Johnson  
This amazing character flowchart that was marketed in Korea to show the relationships in Star Wars (it’s official, and if you’re at all familiar with kdrama’s, you’ll probably understand why half of the fandom lost their shit lol).
This post/podcast from the starwarsconnection also has a pretty great breakdown of what was going on at the time and also shows some of the kid’s toys (specifically, the Reylo dolls that were sold as a set, though there are a FEW sets of Reylo figures, this one was specifically marketed to girls as a part of the Forces of Destiny series, which I really miss).
I’m sure there’s more, but basically the movie came out and the rest is history haha. This article talking about how horny TLJ is still makes me laugh.
1. Kylo Ren takes his shirt offLike I wasn’t going to start with this? Adam Driver as Kylo Ren gamely serves up the most Star Wars beefcake since Luke went sleeveless on Dagobah, and even Rey is rattled. She forgot to force-knock before barging in on the dude, and here’s Kylo Ren alone in his room, stripped to the waist, boasting sweaty pecs that look like he sliced Alderaan in half and glued the remainders to his chest. It’s a lot! Finally, even people who don’t subscribe to HBO can wonder, “Shit, am I attracted to Adam Driver?”
2. Kylo and Rey’s whole thingMany weirdos shipped these two characters after The Force Awakens, and now I kinda get it. Kylo and Rey never make out, but they still share The Last Jedi’s sexiest scenes as well as a telepathic connection fostered by sinister voyeur Snoke, the galaxy’s mightiest cuck. And how about that moment where Kylo kills his mentor — it’s always hot when a space goth murders a lazy magician — and then flips sides with Rey to kill off a straggling crew of ruby-red stormtroopers? If watching seven seasons of Buffy has taught me anything, it’s that there is no sex sign more unequivocal than teaming up with your sworn enemy to throw stage punches.
LOL. So yeah, have fun, don’t stress, and it’ll all be fine. Cheers!
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freereignastarwarsstory · 7 years ago
Chapter 8:Trials
Disclaimer: We (@zazabelle and @draksisreborn) own nothing but our OCs. Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm and Disney. Please review and enjoy this latest installment.
Rating: T
Cenden was stunned. The girl next to him remained speechless as well.
The open door seemed to swirl in darkness, a void of all light.
��How? Neither of us reached out to form this. The doors just opened?’
“Cenden? Cenden?!” Soron barked, snapping the Jedi out of his daze, turning his attention from the frozen girl to his captain.
“What the heck is this?” Soron asked.
Cenden sighed, running his hand along the back of his neck.
“It’s… it’s a passageway deeper into the temple. But it's also where Jedi go for some of their trials.”
“Trials?” BX questioned.
“The trials for ze final tests to become a Jedi knight. In all honezty, you basically go into these really dark tunnels, and the Force messes with your mind causing you to see your greatest fears or desire, you must pass through these trials alone and survive your fear in order to prove yourself worthy of ze position of Jedi.” Cenden explained before turning to Vis. “Did you go in zhere? Did you pass the trials?”
The girl’s freckles snapped into a sudden shock of bright blue.
“No! I mean yes, but not like ‘officially’. They opened the door a few weeks before you guys got here… I… I thought I had already faced my greatest fear a long time ago, and I knew what the door was so I thought… I’d just stick my head inside the tunnel for a while to see what happened?” she laughed nervously as she crumpled in on herself a bit.
“...Vhat?” Cenden mumbled.
“Why would you do that?” Nek questioned, stepping in.
“I don’t know! Think of it from my position! The Force opened the door for me, but I’m all alone here in this giant temple, no one has ever known I was here, I’d have to face this ‘great danger’ down there by myself too where I could just DIE with no Jedi master to be worried or concerned for me, and my guide unable to help me! Wouldn’t you be a little hesitant to totally immerse yourself in some, not only creepy, but really broken tunnel trials where you know you’re going to possibly die?”
Nek shrugged, “Ya she’s got a point.”
“You can die in there?” the crew could hear Lerti mumble to herself.
“Well it opened for a reason.” Cenden pointed out.
“You got that right.” Vis huffed, crossing her arms in discomfort.
A few of the crew members gave her a puzzled look.
“Did you, see anything when you stuck your head in the tunnels?” Soron inquired.
Vis looked uncomfortable as her freckles faded into a dark maroon, her face twisting into what could’ve been described as sickly fear.
“I didn’t see anything.” She sighed, “It was what I felt was what scared me.”
She paced closer to the door’s opening.
“I know you haven’t known me for very long, but I didn’t expect this door to open again because this was how I got to know you guys before you even got here… When I stuck my head inside the tunnel, it was the first time in my life I couldn’t feel my guide. It was so quiet, so deathly quiet, and I had never been so alone in that one moment. I ran away from the door and later on my guide explained to me that these were the feelings and fears not only of myself, but of these people coming to the temple. The pilot, the engineer, the warrior, the strategist, the captain, and the temple guard. So it can’t be that I need to take the trials, I haven’t even gotten to have the whole ‘student-mentor-bonding-thing’ much less ready to become a Jedi. My guide wants me to go in but…”
Soron stepped up next to the girl.
“But Cenden’s right, it sounds like the Force wouldn’t just open this for no reason.”
“Nothing is without reason.” Vis mumbled almost to herself as if she was quoting something.
Lerti laughed suddenly breaking the solemn mood, “This is insane.”
“I know right!? It feels like a real adventure doesn’t it!?” Vis responded back. “I have to go in there! I have to prove myself.”
“Prove yourself to who?” Soron asked.
She thought for a moment.
“I have to prove myself to myself. That I’ll follow my guide where ever they take me. No matter what.”
“Wait! Shush!” Cenden suddenly burst out.
Everyone fell silent.
“Do you hear that?”
They listened; the twittering of birds, the hum of wind on the slick and cool rocks of the temple, the rain just barely sprinkling down. Vis’ face looked far off, as if she was straining her mind to pick up the sound Cenden could hear so clearly.
It was like a singing he couldn’t describe. A voice saying a million words at once. It was cold and alluring. It was coming deep from the throat of the from the tunnels.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He mumbled as he walked slowly over towards the mouth of the door.
Vis shivered and looked at the captain and the Jedi standing with her, staring into the darkness, then back at the darkness and the ends of her mouth twitched.
“We’re going in there together aren’t we?” Cenden hesitated.
Vis leaned past Soron to look at Cenden and shook her head, her hand slowly raising to point at Soron.
“He’s coming too.”
“What!?” Soron took a step away from the temple door.
“Ya. The Force says you, me, and the Jedi. I mean it’s pulling the three of us anyway.”
“You have GOT to be kidding me!” Cenden repeated.
“Ok, wait let’s just all step back and talk about this for a second because everything is moving very fast.” Soron commanded turning to the rest of the whole crew, before snapping and pointing at Vis. “Ok, you. You’re going to sit down for a second and explain what’s going on, why we’re here, and why you’re here. You…” he barked now pointing at Cenden, “You are going to translate if that one starts not making sense.” he again pointed at Vis, “And the rest of you are going to pay close attention to everything they say. Got it?”
“Got it!” Everyone responded back.
“Ok good. Now, explain.” Soron urged before before backing up and leaning against the wall.
Vis gasped.
“Oh my gosh! I’ll go get my journals! Wait here I’ll be right back!” she squealed, zipping past the crew before anyone could protest.
The crew waited a few minutes for the small girl to return from where ever she had run off to. Lerti scanned about, thinking more intently on a history she never knew existed. Nek shuffled closer to the shelves of holocrons, examining the glowing boxes yet not quite daring to reach out and touch one. Cholmon, who had for the most part just been watching and observing, found a spot to sit down. BX had resumed sorting the holocrons, but keeping his eyes on the temple tunnels. All the while Cenden and Soron talked quietly.
“...The girl was right though. She wasn’t ready to go into the trials room. The Force is strong with her, but she hasn’t received any of the necessary training for the Force to believe her ready to become a Jedi.” Cenden contemplated.
“Then why open it? And if we were suppose to go in with her, why open before we got here? Why do we even need to go in there? Why do I need to go in there?”
“Soron… I honestly don’t know what’s going on. That girl acted like we were suppose to know a lot more than we do… And the way she talks about the Force. It’s like she’s talking to a person.”
“Yes, she seems quite prepared for us, so what are we expected to do?”
Just then, a voice erupted from further down the halls.
“HEY GUYS! OVER HERE!” Vis shouted from down the rows of shelves.
At the end of the shelves you could see a small figure hopping up and down excitedly waving her arms through the air.
“COME ON! WE’VE GOT STUFF TO SHOW YOU!” she yelled before turning and sprinting down one of the shelf halls.
The crew looked around, not quite knowing how to respond other than a shrug and a turn to follow. As the group walked cautiously down the hallways of holocrons they could hear childish laughter and the patter of footsteps echoing in every direction, it was hard to tell where it was all coming from.
In a galaxy full of oppression and despair, how does one act around someone so free of all that strife? Someone so free of all of that pain? Do they know how lucky they are? Or is it pure ignorance that keeps them happy?
This was the summary of the crew’s thoughts as they walked towards where they’d last seen the child disappear.
“Oh! I almost forgot this one!” Vis’ voice suddenly appeared next to them as they turned to see her swiftly grabbed one of the holocrons off the shelves.
Her arms were filled to the brim with scrolls, books, and holocrons of every shape and size. Her face was alight with pure excitement, her freckles shifting out of neons of green, and yellow, and orange.
“Come on! This way!” She elated as she powered through the group, running towards the center of the library.
As they followed, the library quickly opened up into what looked to be a large seating area. Ancient tables were almost indistinguishable from the piles of rubble and debris lying about the center of the library. Many piles looked as if they’d been pushed and shifted over, but none of them cleaned up. Over in one corner, Nek spotted a pile of blankets and makeshift pillows stacked up into what looked to be a reading nook. In the center of the reading area stood a console of some kind, it’s octagonal shape seemed to have nothing more about it than a slightly cracked old screen and a few ports running along the edges.
Vis squated near the console, carefully placing down the selection of holocrons and books she’d collected on the floor before spinning to turn towards her audience.
“Ahem.” She cleared her throat, looking to make sure her guests were in attention, “For the past five years, I, Vis Alacritas, have lived in this temple and have been working closely alongside the Force to record, decipher, and understand prophecies yet to occur in our time through the teaching of the holocrons, books, and scrolls left here.” she paused for dramatic effect, “Now that I have this information, I’ve basically been waiting for something to happen. I’ve learned a lot, I have way more to go, but I believe the Force brought you all here to help with this mission.”
“What is the mission exactly?” Nek stepped in.
Vis smiled, crossing her hands behind her back.
“To help the Force carry out its purpose of course. Ya know, warn people of impending doom, saving the galaxy, all that good stuff.”
The crew was silent for a moment.
Vis’ smile swiftly swept from confident to uncomfortable.
“I mean! We wouldn’t probably be directly responsible for the whole ‘saving the galaxy’ thing. But ever since I’ve been here, my guide’s been showing me history and prophecies given to Jedi, Sith, and just Force sensitives in general. I’m pretty sure most of the writers of these things didn’t know what they were writing about, they were just given instruction and followed it. I mean…” She picked up one of the holocrons, “This one is mostly filled to the brim with proverbs and stuff, but when applied to the context in that book,” she pointed at another one of her picks, “The meaning completely changes. The Force picked out these particular books, and not all of the info in them is from the Force I’ve noticed. But the stuff they did write that was from them seems to all sort of connect into a weird series of warnings and signs to watch out for, important events that have happened and will occur and stuff. But they all seem to be leading up to something big.”
Everyone remained silent, taking in Vis’ words.
Suddenly, Cholmon chimed in, chuckling a bit.
“Well Soron, you said you wanted answers to the meaning of life and all that crap. Looks like the Force answered you.” By the end of his sentence he was actually laughing.
“Why are you laughing?” Vis chuckled along nervously.
“Because! I never thought in my entire life that Soron’s crazy vague mission would actually amount to something! I mean, seriously! He lured that Jedi onto our crew, convinced him to help us find a holocron, followed a star map to this random moon, and now! Here we are! Soron you crazy son-of-a-nerf herder.” Chol continued laughing out of pure joy, wiping a tear from his face.
Soron smiled, the crazy realization spreading across his face before in moments he was laughing along with Chol.
Vis’ face lit up at their joy, “You did it! WOO!!!”
Vis began jumping about. Soron and Chol, still laughing, cheered her on. Nek and Lerti joined in with their shouts, like a war cry finding new vigor. Like warriors filled with a new reason to fight. To those of them who could sense it, the Force pulsed about the crew members, a strange joy could also be felt in it. It was probably one of the underlying reasons for the crew’s joy, and those who could feel it could felt it.
Finally. Someone to listen, someone to act on the Force’s behalf. No light side, no dark side, just the Force and all that was to come. They’ve taken a step, now what?
The laughter died down and Vis collapsed in a smiley pile on the floor, clutching at one of the journals she had brought in her piles of holocrons and scrolls.
“I can’t believe this is really happening.” Vis breathed from down on the ground.
The sound of a metallic cough suddenly caught the crew’s attention. They turned to see BX standing at the back of the group, pointing over his shoulder.
“I don’t mean to interrupt your joy, but it seems the Jedi has wandered off.”
Everyone leaned in a bit to catch a glimpse of Cenden disappearing behind one of the bookshelves…
They stared in silence with a shrug before Vis suddenly gasped and shot off the floor, sprinting towards where Cenden had turned the corner as she screamed, “SHOOT WHERE’D I LEAVE MY LIGHTSABER!?”
The remaining crew gave each other a look before the realization came over them as well and they all took off in the same direction.
Cenden was walking off in the direction of the trials room.
I ran at full speed, the Force had branched off while I wasn’t paying attention. Something was happening, Cenden was going into the tunnels now and there’d be no use trying to stop him. The path was clear and strong.
I reached out my hand along one of the shelves as I ran before I realized that’s where I’d left my lightsaber. Gripping the cold metal as it slid into my hand, I could hear the sound of the others not far behind.
I tried to steady my breathing as I ran, fear began to consume me as I sensed futures falling steadily into place. Sensing Cenden in my mind, it felt like the Force had consumed him. He knew that he was walking and, where, and why, but he wanted to go. Whatever was calling him, he was choosing to follow this path.
‘I guess that’s a good thing?’ I told myself as the sound of a crash erupted behind me.
I winced at the shouts of anger that followed.
‘Robot. Warrior. Engineer. All just fell. Unlikely that was an accident. And Chol doesn’t look particularly fast. Soron’s not going to stop, he’ll catch up with me in a moment. No hesitation. You can do this.’
I rounded the corner as I watched Cenden cross over into the dark nothingness of the tunnels.
I heard Soron’s running steps now close behind mine.
‘Here we go.’
“CENDEN WAIT!” Soron yelled.
At the same moment Soron and I jumped in after him as the doors began to slide shut.
I squeezed my eyes shut, I whispered into the darkness, “Please don’t leave me.”
The doors shut. It was dark and I felt like the tendrils of the paths snapped in the mouth of the sealed door. I was alone.
Cenden blinked in a strange sudden realization of where he was as Soron pulled at his shoulder.
“Cenden, what in the world!?” Soron bellowed in the darkness.
Cenden shook his head, taking a step away from Soron’s grip. Fear began to steadily overtake him, his mind, his heart, every part of him, coming to conclusions of where he was and what he’d just done. When he’d been standing there listening to the girl, he could sense the Force was with her words. The more she spoke the more he could feel a thread attached to the words she spoke. It started pulling at him, he knew where he needed to go next, and why he needed to be in here, his feelings clear… But now the thread was faint in the dark, he couldn’t quite tell where it branched off to. He remembered the feeling of this sort of place though it had been so very long ago, and now here he was again.
A pit further dropped in his stomach as his surroundings became more apparent. Soron was here.
‘A non-force sensitive standing in the middle one of the most dangerous Jedi trials to be faced. If the part of the trial was to show you your greatest fear and use your feel will to overcome this without the Forces help…’
“Soron where’s Vis?”
The two went quiet, at the edge of Soron’s range of hearing he could just barely hear panicked breaths echoing at the edges of the tunnel.
Cenden’s lightsaber half blazed to life, filling the tunnel with a brilliant yellow glow. Soron and Cenden turned towards the sealed door to see Vis, back turned to the two. Her breathing looked unsteady as she was visibly trying to calm herself. The girl’s fingers twitched on her hands and her freckles had turned to a purple so dark it was nearly black, but a few spots still buzzed with a bright blue hue.
She turned around slowly to face them.
“S-see?” she stuttered her eyes wide in their sockets, “The three of us are in the tunnels now. Together. Just like the Force said.”
The captain and the Jedi looked at each.
“What do we do now?” Soron asked.
Cenden turned towards the tunnels, raising his lightsaber above his head to see further along. The ancient halls were… broken, to say the least. Whatever had caused the collapse of the building hand caused the even further collapse of everything underground it seemed. The cave-like stone walls were buried and smashed by what looked to be walls and floors from the rooms and buildings above, some of the branching hallways looked impossibly sealed off and it was even hard to tell where the original floor was lay the debris. Even the air hung musty and heavy with mildew in the shadows.
“This isn’t right.” Cenden muttering as he lowered his lightsaber, “This isn’t a trial room, these are ruins behind a sealed door,” he glanced at Soron, “We need to get out of here.”
Cenden turned and walked towards the door that had sealed behind them.
“What are you doing?” Vis’ voice on the verge of defiance.
“I’m getting us out of here, I don’t know what I was thinking but this is a mistake.” Cenden aimed the blade of his lightsaber at the door.
“Hey! Wait!” Soron commanded as Cenden’s saber shot at the metal.
The three lept back in surprise as sparks exploded off the door, the saber bouncing off the metal in a bright flash. The trio was left staring at a large burn mark that had cut across the metal door.
“Whhhhoooaaaa what!?” Vis rushed to the burn mark, observing its smoking figure, “The saber should’ve slid right through the metal… Whatever the material of this metal is, it must be kyber crystal resistant.”
She reached out her hand for a moment before quickly drawing it away from the heat before it made contact, instead suddenly pulling something out of her pocket. The sparking-green glow of her damaged lightsaber suddenly sprang to life as Vis prepared to take a huge swing at the door.
“Whoa whoa whoa. Nope.” Cenden commanded as the switch on Vis’ lightsaber suddenly switched off and she nearly tumbled over swinging through empty air, “Not doing zhat.”
Vis yelled in protest as Cenden pulled the lightsaber out of her hands.
“I guess that means we’ll have to find another way out of here. Let’s move.” Soron instructed with a wave. Pulling his blaster off his back he turned the light on and started down the tunnels.
Vis looked from Cenden to Soron before shrugging and running after him. Cenden watched the two walk down the tunnel for a moment, glancing back at the burn mark left on the sealed door behind them. Clutching at his lightsaber, he took a breath and started down the only path left. The only path the Force had made for them to follow, stuck without any other option…
‘Just love pushing us around down you?’ Cenden thought to himself as the clouded feeling of the tunnel began to dampen at reality.
From here, you could hardly trust yourself, let alone two other people. One of those people being heavily armed and virtually no way to disarm him, peacefully that is. And who knew what the girl was capable of.
He caught up to them in a few well placed steps. The sound of water droplets echoed around the caverns, resonating off what looked to be broken casings of the “veins” Vis had caused to glow in the temple above. Working their way down one of the piles of rubble, they came to what seemed to be the first hallway of the trials room, a good 10 feet below where the original hallway had lay. In front of them stood…
“Three doorways.” Vis’ voice suddenly reverberated down each one.
“Think we’re each suppose to go down one? Because this one,” Soron shown the light on the third doorway piled under debris, “Looks pretty blocked to me.”
“We’re not supposed to do anything. We need to get out of here and fast.” Cenden argued, walking up to one of the doorways. “We’ll just pick one and go.”
“Wait. Can you still hear that sound? The singing or whatever?” Vis asked.
“How’d you know it was sing-…?”
“Lucky guess.”
Cenden sighed, “It’s… coming from the middle door I think.”
“You think?”
“I know.”
“Perfect! Then we’ll go down that one!” Vis started down the hall before Cenden stuck his arm out to block her path.
“The deeper we go into the temple, the more this place is going to mess with our heads. Seeing what happened to the crew in the forest is enough to convince me that whatever happened to Soron and the crew before will probably happen again. And I’m not one for following what the Force tell me to do anymore if I want to live.”
Vis blinked a few times, “...Did you ever follow it before?”
“FOR THE LOVE OF-!” Cenden yelled with fury, taking a step towards Vis.
Then, he froze.
They all did.
“...Oh no.” Vis whispered.
She could hear it, a whispering of emptiness in her head leaking out of her ears. Cenden felt the panic, the fear pooling slowly into his mind, drip by drip. Soron… Couldn’t… Move.
In the fog pouring out of their minds, shapes began to take form. No matter how they blinked or squeezed their eyes shut, the images remained in front of them. Ghosts of the past bounding towards them without a care in the world.
“NO. We are NOT doing zhis now!” Cenden’s lightsaber erupted into the darkness.
Growling vibrated around the cavern.
Cenden and Soron tried to break from the spell, flashing their lights down the tunnels open. Vis sucked in a scream. Down the middle tunnel, shadows with fangs stood waist high on two legs, in a pack crowded and hungry ready to advance. Their eyes reflected the light off in an eerie red gleam.
“Can I have my lightsaber back now?” Vis spoke.
The creatures howled and began a frenzied run down the tunnel.
“CAN YOU GUYS SEE THESE THINGS TOO!?” Soron yelled above the firing of his blaster.
The creatures made their way out of the tunnel, one leaping without warning at Cenden. His saber burst through the side of it.
“THESE AREN’T THE NIGHTMARES.” Cenden tossed the body aside, “These are real.”
Through the cloud on his mind, Cenden pulled at the Force. Vis’ lightsaber flew from his holster straight at the girl.
A thump was heard in the cacophony of blaster fire, “OW! Sorry, was supposed to catch that right!?”
The green-sparks flew into the fog. Cenden watched in horror as Vis sliced through the air at the creatures as if she was a primitive poking at the danger with a fiery torch. And still out of the corner of every eye, the figures of fear in the fog still stood, waiting to talk. Nightmares observing the massacre.
“How are we supposed to tell what’s real and WHAT’S NOT!?” Soron’s blaster fired again.
“IF IT’S ATTACKING YOU IT’S PROBABLY REAL!” Vis called from across the cavern with a yelled, “AW MAN. I think I just blinded one of these things! I’m sorry!”
“Don’t apologize to it!” Cenden called back as he sliced through two more creatures.
“Why are you apologizing to ME now!?”
“Both of you, shut it!” Soron yelled as he shot another of the beasts with his rifle. “We need to move or we’ll be overrun!”
Amidst the fight, dust began to tumble splits in the cave walls.
“Well what would you suggest?” Cenden yelled, stabbing another creature before shoving its body back. “We don’t exactly have any options!”
No sooner had Cenden spoke than the cave floor began to crack and splinter underneath Vis. Her eyes flew to Cenden as she tensed to jump before the ground gave way.
“VIS!” Soron yelled as he dived to catch her, “NO!”
His hand missed her’s by inches and she disappeared into the black abyss.
Cenden pulled at the Force like claws attempting desperately to grip and snag any piece of her he could manage but the fog pushed him away from her.
The ground cracked away even further.
“Soron! Get away from the edge!” Cenden called as more of the floor collapsed, taking some of the creatures with it. Soron began to stand but then fell to one knee, his breathing becoming quick and panicked.
“Not again.” He spat, hands gripping his head. “Get out of my head!” He howled.
“Soron, it's just the Force messing with you. You can fight it out.” Cenden said.
A snarl caught Cenden off guard, twisting his blade through the air a second before one of the creatures nearly lunged past him as it charged towards the captain. Soron, now barely conscious gripped at his head, his eyes squeezed shut. Cenden threw his saber out, bisecting the creature before turning back to Soron. Cenden knelt by the captain, placing a hand on his back as they both stared at the endless void the young girl had disappeared into.
The cave shook. Cenden looked around them, the cave seemed to only be further destabilizing, even the creatures had fled back to wherever they came from.
They needed to get to cover now. The entrances? The hole in the ground? We don’t know if Vis survived the fall let alone each of them…
Soron let out what sounded like a choked cry.
“Hey are you-” His sentence was cut off as Soron swung his arm around, knocking Cenden off his feet and back several feet. “What the-!”
“Get away from me you monster!” Soron howled, eyes filled with fury as he lunged towards the Jedi, claws extended.
Cenden quickly ducked beneath the wild swipe before pushing the Shistavanen away. Soron tumbled through the first doorway, out of sight of the Jedi.
The Jedi nearly fell to the ground as the ground beneath him convulsed. Boulders about the first doorway tumbled as Cenden threw himself backwards only to see above the gap in the floor, the rubble making up the ceiling had began their decent as well. He rolled. The ceiling crashed.
“Sithspit!” Cenden cursed before coughing violently to clear the dust from his lungs.
Cenden stood cautiously from the ground as the vapor of the debris cleared. To his left, the first doorway was completely blocked under the piles of rock that had previously been so carefully stacked into the wall of the tunnels. To his right, dunes of dirt and remains of rock had buried the third doorway even further AND the gap in existence the girl had fallen into. Behind him, he might be able to climb the piles that had stacked up around him and maybe attempt to pry the seal door open again… but in front of him lay perfectly clear the middle doorway. Through which, Cenden could still hear the slight sound of singing, high and quiet in the white noises that were quickly filling his eardrums.
He felt the pull of the Force in his chest.
Of course, it would make him make the choice.
Choices, choices, choices. Pathways. Futures.
His breathing became violent and heavy, his fist clenched tightly at his side.
The ringing in his ears drown out the world around him. In the blur of his tears, a shape formed in the darkness of the tunnel. A hooded figure in temple guardian attire stood before the Jedi. Cenden sucked in a breath.
“The Force didn’t sentence us to death…”
“No…” Cenden took a step back.
The figure looked up from beneath the hood.
“We did that ourselves.” The memory of a man reached out his dark hand towards Cenden, “I’m sorry, but there’s something you need to finish.”
“No… It’s not real. It’s not real.”
The man laughed, sadness of the edge of his voice, “No old friend… Cenden? Is that what you’re calling yourself now? Sadly, this is as real as it gets. But the Force didn’t sentence us to death. Please there’s something you need to see again, and something new.”
“You’re sick! Bringing him back like this! How could I follow this path any further? Look where it’s lead us, and to think I almost trusted it again. Leave me alone!” Cenden scoffed, turning towards the piles of ruin behind him to begin his struggle up the dirt.
“The Force didn’t bring you down here for no reason Cenden. Come see where this path ends, perhaps finishing it will bring peace.”
Cenden froze in his climb.
He couldn’t leave those two down here, if Vis wasn’t dead and Soron not… Whatever he is at the moment, then maybe there was a chance to save him. But to think of himself as a puppet to the Force any longer…
“You’re not a puppet Cenden, we are all made with choices to make.”
He yelled and pounded the dirt, sending up a cloud of dust around him before and turned and slid back down the pile, trudging towards the doorway to the figure standing before it.
“Choices as long as they’re the ones you want, right?” Cenden retorted before footsteps followed the ghost.
I felt as if I was falling for years.
A tumble and jumble of limbs flapping endlessly through the air along with the rocks and dirt cascading down with me.
I hit the ground.
“OOF…! Huuuurrhhh…”
My body crumpled in on itself and every bone threatened to snap under the strain of my propelled force. But more importantly at the moment, I couldn’t breathe. The air got squeezed right out of me on impact.
My body tried to squirm around to figure out where all the air went but every part of me refused to move, I could only manage to twitch. At the same time I couldn’t see anything in the darkness around me, but somehow even the pitch blackness looked to be swirling in a vortex.
I suddenly gasped for air as it felt like my head was splitting in half while I rolled over onto my back.
A sense in my legs suddenly came rushing through me.
‘Move.’ Some force whispered… Some force?
‘My guide!?’ I thought suddenly before the space around me shook and above, it looked like a storm of rocks and clouds was forming through the hole in the sky. ‘Uh oh!’
I pushed myself into a roll as piles of debris from the room above came careening in waterfalls into the space I had just been laying. Coughing the dust out of my mouth, I realized two things right away. One, if there had been any lick of light in here it was now twice as dark as it had been a moment ago, so I must’ve fallen through the floor… and now the hole I fell through was covered in landslide. Two, how had the place I had lived in for so long be so dangerous all the sudden. And three, I sensed my guide’s presence again! ...Oh wait, that’s three things… My head hurts.
I tried to roll over and stand up, but my ankle screamed in protest. I guess it didn’t matter if I could stand up anyhow. As I had searched my body over with my mind, that the one moment I had been able to sense the Force before the debris fell was all they were going to give me. I was alone.
‘I can’t do this. I’m nothing without the Force, I’m nothing without them to tell me what to do.’
“M-my guide? Please… Help me…”
No sooner had the words whispered passed my lips, did the darkness begin to come to life.
I shut my eyes and plugged my ears, ‘The trial… I’m not ready. I can’t do this without you. Not alone…’
“You’re not alone my darling.”
I gasped, my eyes fluttered open and a cry flew from my mouth.
There she stood, a shape in the darkness, but it was her. I jumped up from the ground and ran to her. My ankle suddenly tore but before I hit the ground, warm arms were around me holding me from the fall. I looked up to see her face just barely visible in the dark.
My breathing became labored, tears fell from my eyes in droves. I wanted it to be real. I wanted her to be there. But somehow I could smell the scent of blood and smoke still emanating off of her; I didn’t care, I pulled myself into the body closer and closer, wracked with sobs.
“Mom… I’m suppose to be strong for you. I’m suppose to be strong with the Force… But I can’t. I’m afraid. I’m nothing without the Force, I can’t do anything without them. Please, stay with me. I don’t want to be alone.”
“Vis… You’re not alone.”
I choked on a laugh, “You already said that mom.”
This time, she laughed.
“Because you didn’t hear me the first time. You’re not alone now and you never will be.”
“But… But you’re not really here. Without my guide to tell me where to go… I’m really alone. I thought I didn’t need anyone or anything as long as I had the Force to guide me. I don’t need friends or family or anyone besides them… but I was wrong. I’m wrong. I still- I still need you. I want you to be here with me… I need you to hold me and tell it’s gonna be ok even if I know it won’t. I’m stuck down here and I failed the test. I’m going to d-die down here, and I never realized I wanted someone around to be here with me for that. Mommy… I still need you. Please.”  I whispered the words softly in her embrace, like a secret between confidants.
This time I heard her take a sob of a breath. I looked up in surprise. The apparition of her shaking and tears streaming down her face.
“I want to be there with you too. I want to hold you and kiss you on the nose, and listen to your laughter and see you grow… I want to be there for you too…” She took a shaky breath as she combed her fingers through my hair, “But you’re not alone. Your guide will never leave you; I haven't left you Vis. But this was something you had to see. You’re not alone, and through the Force energy is neither created or destroyed, only transformed. You have a new family now. They will not replace the ones you had and loved, they in no way can parallel them, but they can be there for you, to help to figure out how to do things on your own, to fight for the Force and for yourself. They have sorrows and secrets of their own, and I know you can teach them what they need to know, about the Force, about me. The path is clear… Go, now. Follow the paths. There’s a future to be set into place, the adventure you’ve been waiting for…”
“Wait! Don’t go!”
“I’m not going anywhere Vis, but you are. Now, go, if you choose.”
With that, she vanished and the cold floor was all that was left beneath me.
Suddenly, I felt energy rush back through me. I gasped as if the breath of life had left and returned to my body. I also felt the strings of futures, old and new weave their web back through and around my mind. But I was still crying.
Trying to calm myself I sniffled as I stood before I heard a voice not far off echoed softly throughout the dark.
I looked up to see a man with a crop of blonde hair standing in the dark.
Soron found himself no longer in the dank cave of the ancient temple. He saw the forests ringing around him; needle-like spires of stone rising even taller than the flora. His nose smelled the familiar scent of clean air, woodland, and...blood.
His eyes snapped up at the Shistavanen before him, and to the gaping wound dripping from the man’s chest.
“No.” He gasped, taking a step back. “Not again.”
“You did this to yourself Soron.” The older Shistavanen said. “You did this to them as well.” He gestured to two nearby bodies.
Bodies lay strewn across the forest floor. The bodies of Soron’s friends.
“You…” Soron began, fighting back hot tears. “YOU MONSTER!” He howled as he ran towards him, claws ready.
His opponent merely sidestepped and kicked Soron in the stomach, sending him tumbling forward. Soron only snarled and rushed at him again. His opponent once more sidestepped his wild charge and brought his own claws on Soron’s back, cutting deep into his shoulder and back.
“You can’t beat me, you know that.” The older combatant mocked as he looked down on his adversary.
Soron spat on the ground, crouching low once again. “I don’t care.”
Cenden saw four figures emerge from the darkness. Small, hooded figures clad in coarse brown robes. Cenden shook his head in confusion. The figures flipped their hoods back in unison, revealing childlike faces.
The faces of younglings.
Cenden felt a momentary feeling of relief surge through him at the comforting sight. A moment later four blue blaster bolts exploded from the darkness, tearing a hole through their chests, each crumbling to the ground.
“NOOOO!” Cenden screamed in anguish.
However, the four younglings rose to their feet, eyes glazed over yet filled with anger.
“You let us die.” The rightmost youngling, a Twi'lek, said with an echoing voice.
“You let us die. You let us die.” The rest continued to chant, eyes boring holes into Cenden’s soul.
He turned to run, but found himself rooted in place. His finger instinctively activated his lightsaber, causing the ghostly younglings to reel back in horror. They receded into the darkness as another group took their place. This time it was several colonists, clad in only dirty rags. Behind them emerged stormtroopers, forcing them to their knees and aiming their blaster rifles at their backs.
“Please,” a human woman begged, tears cascading down her face. “Save us.”
Cenden strained with everything he had against the invisible bonds, but couldn’t move. Their cries tore through the air as the red bolts tore through them. Yet like the younglings before, they rose to their feet, wounds still sizzling and stormtroopers now gone.
“You let us die!” The woman shrieked, now a banshee leading the cries of the dead. “You let us die! You let us die!”
“I’m sorry.” Cenden broke down, body slumped and tears welling in his eyes. “I-I was”
“A coward.” A booming voice called. “Couldn’t you have saved them? Couldn’t you have done more? Couldn’t you have just died instead?”
Soon Cenden heard his own voice uttering the same words.
“The risks you took. The lives that were lost. And for what!?” Cenden saw himself standing in front of his own eyes, “For this husk that roams the galaxy before you now? What will you do now? Gain riches for yourself? Gain riches for others? For what purpose did you live? What use have you done with the efforts of the lost souls you’ve gathered in your heart?”
Cenden cried out as he fell to the ground, the beating of many hearts pressing up against his own.
“19 souls and that makes you 20. They made their choices. What choice do you have?” He heard himself say the last part loud and clear.
He took a breath and stood to face himself. He stared into the cold eyes of the man before him and saw the reflection of a much younger self in the glass, clad in guardian’s robes.
“I was not a coward.” The lips of the reflection moved along with his words, “There was nothing more that could’ve been done besides my own death, and what would that have solved now? They made their choice. Now I make mine.”
In the reflection, Cenden threw off the old personality, bits of the fabric still clung to his own skin, but before him now stood the perfect mirror image of his own self. His new self. The eyes were still clouded, but no longer in them did he see a young temple guard, he saw Cenden Sondron.
The fog parted.
Cenden fell to his knees while the visions about him faded away. As he stared at the ground, a foot suddenly came into view. He looked up to see the smiling face of his old friend.
“It really was good to see you again.” Cenden smiled.
The figure turned with a nod and strolled further into the darkness, “I’m sure we’ll meet again soon with the path I’m taking you on, but for now you have much to learn.”
With that the figure faded quickly into the distance before it vanished, and a smaller figure stood in his place.
Cenden breathed a sigh of relief.
Soron stumbled back, panting as he inspected his wounds. His energy was nearly gone, and his wounds were plentiful, his opponent in a similar shape. All the while his head felt like it was going to split apart. He couldn’t let the pain distract him, he had to win, he had to avenge them. It couldn’t end like this, not again. Not ever again.
“This can’t go on forever.” The older Shistavanen taunted.
Soron’s ear twitched. He had a plan this time. “Only one of us walks away from this.” Soron looked up, lips peeling back from his fangs. “And I’ll go down fighting.” He said as he made yet another seemingly blind charge.
His opponent smirked as he prepared the same maneuver as before. But this time, Soron turned on a dime, claws smashing into his opponent's stomach as the other’s blow sailed above his head. He fell to the ground, but Soron was quickly on top of him, pinning his opponent's arms under his legs as his hands gripped around his head.
“Please don’t do this Soron! I was only doing-” He began to plead.
“I don’t care. Your words are meaningless.” Soron snarled as he began to pull.
“Please! I-” The voice was cut short as Soron twisted, a crack reverberating through the small canyon.
Soron panted as he stumbled away from the body before he fell to the ground, clutching at his head. It was too much.
He curled up into a ball on the soft forest floor, needles from the trees poking at his ears and arms. It felt almost comforting to feel those sharp objects driving into his body, like a distraction from the needles in his mind.
‘If I am to die. At least I will have avenged them. At least I killed him.’
“Yes, yes. Good job you killed me. Again.”
Soron let out a frantic yell as he tried to raise his head from the ground. It couldn’t be. It’s impossible.
“Oh but it’s quite possible as most things are.” His father came walking into view above him. His head lolling a bit to the side, but his face in a state of obviously disinterest.
Soron’s hands pushed harder against his temples as he screamed.
“Please stop that. You’re the only one making him look like this. You’re the only one creating this memory. I could’ve tried to meeting with you anywhere, but it’s easier for ones like you to be in the memory that most frequently defines one’s on character. And even then…”
The pain escalated in his head like a bottle ready to pop.
“Who… Are… You…!?” Soron yelled as he spat out as many words as he could muster.
“Why is that always the first question people ask? I guess I have the answer, but questions are so much more useful. And you, my friend have a lot of questions, so let me raise a few more. Did you really not notice that the scenario that just played out already happened? Did you not notice that you thought the same thoughts as before? Did you not notice that killing your father helped nothing but yourself? Your friends are still dead, and the death of one more changed nothing. Soron… You want answers, but you have to be willing to change some things in here, you have to be able to see things from a larger perspective than this.”
The ground fell away, he howled in agony as his whole homeworld came into view. Space engulfed his vision and his body dangled in the open air, he felt like he was being lifted by the threads of his brain.
“I need people to help me, it’s been so long since I’ve had proper help. Someone who’ll listen and follow my instruction. That’ll question me and not take advantage of the gifts I give. I’m done for now with those who are sensitive, I want those who’ll listen. Now listen. I have a plan for all of you, a destiny if you want it.” His father’s face began to melt away, Soron couldn’t see them anymore, it was like talking to an invisible star, energy pulsating from all around.
He screamed and tried to pull away, he struggled for only a moment more before he took a breath, and clenched his teeth and watched.
The planet that had been near him morphed and changed until it appeared to be a mind filled with an ocean. He looked off now into the ever expanding space, and saw more of them appearing. Some red with desert, some green with earth, some blue with rain, some yellow with sun. The minds all connected. All of them perfectly linked. 66 of them.
He screamed as his mind felt like it burst and everything went dark.
I have no idea how or why I could see him so clearly in the dark, but I didn’t care. My legs acted on their own, speeding across the surprisingly even floor faster than a rogue speeder bike. Tears streamed down my face as I saw him turn and start running towards me as well.
My foot suddenly stopped moving.
I screamed as I flew forward barely catching myself as I hit the floor.
I stumbled up swiveling about to see what stumbled into me before I bumped into something else from behind.
I jumped. Turning, I could see Cenden’s face in the dark, plain as day.
“Cenden!” I yelled in joy as i jumped into a hug.
I don’t think I remembered the last time I hugged a person that wasn’t a really saddening Force illusion. Might as well be a potential Jedi Master. He coughed and patted me on the back a bit before wiggling his arms in a signal to shake me off.
I released the prisoner, smiling up at him and his angry face. Strangely enough, he looked different. I hadn’t known him for very long, but the lines on his face looked a lot less creased and a lot more… Calm? I guess that would have to be the word.
“Glad to see you’re ok.” He observed.
“Well I mean physically I sorta hurt everywhere, and emotionally I ALSO hurt everywhere. BUT I’m not dead and that’s great! Where’s Soron?” As the words passed my lips, a stomach chilling thought occurred as I turned around towards the lump on the ground.
Cenden watched as I reached out into the dark, blindly feeling for where the lump had been. As I did so, I could feel something building in my mind like…
My fingers met the squish of cloth and flesh.
I screamed as everything came rushing in.
The floor, the ceiling, the life, all of it connected and breathing and swarming and and…
I took a breath as I felt the pull and push I the Force’s warm smile in my mind, swimming about, looking through my head, like a bug returning to its hive.
“I missed you so much. Don’t you ever leave me again.” I whispered to myself as I felt the life force of Cenden and Soron connect with my own through my guide.
My mind flashed back to my mother sitting in the darkness of the cave… I guess the Force hadn’t left me, had it?
Cenden walked over the kneeled next to me in the dark. I noticed his face was no longer illuminated by whatever had been making it glow.
“Oh my god, Soron.” I could hear Cenden mumbling in concern as he flipped the captain over from his crumbled position on the ground.
“He’s alive. But he had a lot of energy build up inside of him… He still does actually.”
“I warned him.Who knows what it did to him.”
I looked at Cenden.
“Let’s find out?”
I placed a hand in front of his face. I let the tendrils and threads of energy flowing off his mind begin to interweave into my own. I pulled. And pushed. And pulled!
“Vhat are you doing?” Cenden exasperated.
“I’m um, trying to read his mind or something? Or at least try and move some of the energy along.” I sighed as the connection sagged.
“Well, zhat’s not how you would try and do either of zhose things.” He now placed his hand in front of Soron’s face.
“Don’t you have to ask Soron to read his mind first?” I questioned as I scooted closer.
He was quiet for a moment, “Thoughts are easier to hear when people are asleep, but a lot more jumbled.”
I felt the Force draw in around him. I sort of tried to “keep tuned” to feel what he was feeling. I could feel the Force surround the thoughts in Soron’s dormant mind as well as Cenden’s own. He seemed to be, rather than pulling and pushing like most things felt, almost unwinding his mind. Or perhap drilling deeper. Then he simply waved the connection away and felt for what was underneath, it was simultaneously terrifying and beautiful. But something felt, wrong.
The thoughts came rushing out.
A geyser and we were caught in the blast.
I screamed as images and thoughts burst into my brain. Pains, scents, sounds, but most importantly, the darkness above us opened up into space itself.
I looked over at Cenden only to catch a glimpse of my mother, a dark-skinned human, and a grizzled old Shivasten standing in front of Soron’s still unmoving body.
‘I’m having a vision… My guide. This is a vision.’
The figures stepped closer together as the slowly faded into a light of seven different colors… Why did I know that?
The light all shown in every direction it could, mingling with the light of the stars above. They we saw it. Planets fluttering about through space like petals off a tree.. Or sparks off of a fire. I could see four great fires igniting from two eclipses, one from a moon one from a planet, but with two eclipses comes two suns. Twin suns. Twin lights. Twin voids. And two shadows. All of these still clung to a tree, whose branches were alight but nothing burned, Only its petals that departed burned for a short while before scattering to stars. The tree’s roots stretched so deep that no rain water could penetrate it, only water from the deepest and longest river. And finally, I realized I’d stood and walked forward. I walked steadily among the tree’s branches, yes, this was where I needed to be. Where I wanted to be. The glowing veins of the tree all so perfectly interconnected and wove in such a way that made perfect sense in that it made no sense at all. Always with second meaning, always with more to be discovered. And more to be understood. A star unfurled from a constellation. I held it in my hands for a moment before the light filled my eyes.
I walked with Cenden and Soron for a while in the light, my guide swirling in waves about us in the most serene silence.
Then there were other colors, and sounds. So many sounds.
I felt something touch me, but it felt like a shock of lightning. Blinking, the blurry form of a Mandalorian came into view.
Looking back, I saw Cenden and Soron laying near the entrance of the trials room, the door open. I also looked down to see a polished white orb shimmering in my hands.
Lerti was saying something, and Nek was reaching for something, but I was too tired. So I nodded, hoping that would look like I knew what they said as I slowly descended to the ground, curling up with the circle close to face.
Then I closed my eyes to sleep.
Link to character designs: https://zazabelle.tumblr.com/post/163154250430/hello-everyone-over-the-course-of-this-summer-me
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stonefreeak · 8 years ago
Another update! Here we go, y’all. The rescue in action!  There remains references to the injuries described in the previous ficlet, but it’s not as graphic.
Warning: This deals with the aftermath of an explosion.
Vokara Che is drinking a glass of water when it happens.
The Force shrieks, tearing through her, and in her shock her grip on the glass slips. It crashes against the floor of the Halls of Healing, splintering into a million pieces and splashing water everywhere. She pays it no attention, still lost in the feeling that washed over her through the Force.
Coming back to herself, Vokara looks around the Halls; all the other healers have stopped just as she did, looking around as if searching for danger—which means Vokara was not the only one who felt it. That is interesting, but also horrifying in its implications. What in the core worlds happened?
“Master Che?” Alana Kee, a Zabraki Jedi Knight specialised in burn injuries, calls for Vokara’s attention, her voice shaking. “W-what was that? You must have felt it too, Master…”
“I did.” She stares at the broken glass at her feet, uncomprehending. Slowly, oh so slowly, understanding dawns. “Whatever it was, it must have been what Master Yoda asked us to be vigilant of this morning…” she trails off, horrified at the implications.
“Everyone! Grab the kits I had you pack this morning! We could get a call at any moment and time could be of the essence!”
There’s a mad scramble in the Halls, all healers not occupied with patients rush to get their field kits.
Vokara stares at the main comm, hoping it will ring and that it won’t.
Minutes pass, slow and excruciating due to the ringing coldness of the Force. And then—!
Beep! Beep! Beep!
She reaches out for the comm, her hand shaking almost imperceptibly, and answers, “Halls of Healing, Master Healer Vokara Che speaking.”
“Yoda, this is.” The grandmaster sounds stressed, the from the background she can hear the sounds of running. Her stomach turns, but she steels herself with a deep breath.
“Master Yoda. Is this about the Force crying out?” Her voice feels strained and sounds it, even to her own ears.
“Felt it, did you?”
“We all did.”
There’s a brief pause, the Grandmaster likely collecting his thoughts, slotting this new piece of information in with the others.
“An explosion at the Senate, there was. Commed for help, a trooper did. To the hanger, Master Che, you must come.”
An explosion. At the Senate.
“Is Master Kenobi…?” she trails off, unsure how to word her question.
“Know, we do not. Unable to move, the trooper was. Know Master Kenobi’s status, he did not. Injured, Master Kenobi could be.”
“We’ve already packed our field kits, I should be able to make it to the hangar with a few other healers in five minutes.”
“Good, that is. Hurry, we must.”
The comm ends. Vokara takes a short steadying breath, before she turns to the room at large, looking at her fellow healers.
“Kee, Malan, Brahaa, Mil, and Pulsarleap, with me. The rest of you, prepare beds and bacta tanks. There has been an explosion at the Senate, Master Kenobi could be injured, we do not know his status as of yet. There could also be other injured parties, so prepare as many as we can spare. Make haste!”
“Yes, Master Che!”
Padmé hugs herself as she stares at the smoke rising from the senate office building. Many senators and their entourages have already left the premises to return to their apartments, unwilling to stay close to the possible danger. Padmé, however, finds herself unwilling to leave. She hasn’t seen any signs of Obi-Wan, and that… that can only mean bad news.
“My lady, we really should return to the apartments. You’ll be much safer there,” Motée says, standing close to Padmé, a source of warmth and strength.
“No, Motée. Not until I know more about what happened.” She shakes her head. “Besides, the attack wasn’t against me.”
Motée looks like she wishes to argue, but ultimately relents with a soft ‘yes, my lady’ and returns to keeping a close eye to their surroundings.
“Padmé!” Bail Organa calls out from across the plaza, his large frame easily recognisable.
Relief washes over her as he hurries over to her. “Oh Bail, I’m so glad to see you safe. I have such a horrible feeling…”
He grasps her hands gently in his own. “I’m so relieved to see that you’re unharmed. While I knew the affected section was rather far from yours... Well, you can never know where someone is in the building, can you?” He smiles weakly, likely worrying about the same thing Padmé is.
“Do… do you know anything about Obi-Wan, Bail?” It’s a long shot, but if he knows, then…
Sabé’s hand is warm in the small of her back, a light grounding pressure.
Bail shakes his head sadly. "Unfortunately not. We had a meeting scheduled at thirteenth hour, but... I don't know where he was to be before then. If he was in the Chancellor's offices when the bombs went off he should be fine, but... Well, his schedule is only available to him, so I can’t know for sure."
"Of course not.” Padmé concedes the point with a tilt of her head. If the senatorial schedules, the supreme chancellor's especially, weren't locked behind numerous firewalls to keep them safe, assassinations would be far easier to facilitate as bounty hunters or assassins could check in advance where their target is supposed to be.
There’s a brief pause. Padmé swallows and tries to gather her thoughts.
"Do you think..." she trails off, unsure how to finish her own sentence. Could Obi-Wan have been in the epicenter of the blast? What if he's in there right now, dead on the ground, as they stand here unknowing?
"Calm yourself, Padmé. Don't imagine the worst just yet, it's fully possible his guards simply smuggled him out a different route to keep him hidden and safe. We don't know that he's been hurt, so we should keep our hopes up."
Padmé chuckles, though it wavers and sounds rather shrill. "I would feel much better if the emergency response forces were here already and taking care of things, or at the very least the judicial forces." She shakes her head. "This is the Senate Office building and yet the response from the judicial forces and medical emergency teams has been unforgivably slow!"
As she says the words, the sound of a ship landing draws her attention. It's not one of the standard ships, in fact it—!
"A temple ship? What are the Jedi doing here? And how did they get here so quickly?" Bail sounds puzzled.
Padmé’s stomach drops to her feet and a lump forms in her throat.
“Wouldn’t the troopers guarding Obi-Wan have a comm-number to the Temple?” she rasps out and swallows thickly.
Bail stares at her, eyes wide, before he turns back to the smoking building.
“Oh no…”
"Go first, you should, Master Koon. With you, Master Che take. Stay here, Master Fisto and I will. Talk to the Judicial forces, someone must," Master Yoda says just before the ship lands outside the building.
"Understood, Master Yoda," Master Koon says, and nods to Vokara. She nods in return before she turns to the other Jedi waiting.
"We'll be heading into a building that is currently on fire. Be alert, we do not know if there are more bombs waiting or not. A clone trooper called Waxer has informed us that there are huge slabs of debris we might have to move, so be prepared for anything. We do not know how many injured there are, so stay on your guard and search for survivors through the Force. Master Kenobi and the Senators may be our main priority, but we cannot be remiss with any other lives who might have been caught in the blast."
"Yes, Master Che," Master Mil says with a nod, the others around her nodding in agreement.
The ship doors open and Vokara and Koon step out into the light in tandem. The plaza is less crowded than she would have expected, but perhaps a lot of the senators have simple left. Unimportant at the moment. If they find any still inside, then it will be something to think about.
She nods at Koon, and with a short application of the Force they're off running. There's no time to waste—lives might depend on them getting there quickly.
Padmé stares as a group of Jedi sprint toward the office building. They're too fast for her to make out many details, but she could swear it’s Master Koon of the High Council at the front of the group.
"Master Yoda!" Bails voice rings out. Padmé turns her attention to him, and then follows his line of sight.
Standing by the transport is Master Yoda and a green-skinned nautolan Jedi Padmé was sure she recognised, but whose name she can’t seem to place at the moment. Behind them, moving inside of the transport, are a few other Jedi she doesn’t recognise.
Bail walks up towards them at a fast pace; Padmé quickly follows but has to jog keep up with his large strides.
“Senator Organa, Senator Amidala. Good to see you well, it is,” Master Yoda says as a way of greeting.
“Master Yoda,” Padmé says slightly breathlessly, “What brings the Jedi to the Senate?” She glances back at her handmaidens, who’ve fallen back to allow some small privacy, while remaining close enough to protect her should anything occur.
“Called by a clone trooper, we were. Help with the aftermath of the explosion, we will. Healers, we have already sent in.”
Healers being on-site, Jedi healers at that, does ease Padmé’s worries somewhat. If there are injured people inside the building, they couldn’t be in better hands.
“We’ve remained behind to speak with the Coruscant emergency response teams and judicial forces once they arrive,” the Nautolan Jedi says and crosses his arms over his chest. “And one healer has remained to keep sick transport prepared for any injured people the search team come across.”
"That is comforting to hear, Master Fisto," Bail says with a nod.
Oh, yes, Fisto. Master Kit Fisto of the Jedi High Council, that's who the Nautolan Jedi is, now Padmé remembers. In fact, she's a bit embarrassed that she forgot in the first place, but she forgives herself considering the circumstances.
"However, Master Jedi, is there perhaps anything you could tell me about Chancellor Kenobi? I'm... quite worried, I'm sure you understand," Bail continues, clasping his hands behind his back.
"Tell you, we cannot. Have news for you, we do not. Remain silent on the topic, we must." Master Yoda's ears droop, and he looks older than Padmé has ever seen him before. Her stomach twists and she worries. That does not sound promising.
"There is a fire in sector 23B-42H. All building occupants are requested to leave the building immediately," the mechanic voice drones on and on, as the Jedi move through the empty halls as fast as they can.
Stretching his senses out, Plo Koon finds some life forces ahead of them. They should be nearing the epicentre of the blast soon, which means they should soon come upon injured people—be it senators or administrative staff.
"Help! Please! Someone!" A voice, hoarse and strained, calls out. A survivor. One who likely has not had contact with anyone else yet. Boil likely did not find her during his investigation of the surroundings before meeting up with Waxer, then.
Rounding a corner, Plo skids to a halt. The destruction of the hallway is immense, and on the floor, covered in cuts and with pieces of plastisteel and durasteel embedded in their body is a female Chagrain.
"Help, someone please help me!" she calls out again, before she breaks down into sobs. He moves toward her, but Master Che is faster, with another Twi’lek hot on her heels.
He watches as they kneel down next to the injured woman, speaking to her in low voices, soothing. Then Master Che reaches out with one hand and gently touches the woman's forehead and she falls asleep.
“Knight Malan, take her back to the ship and have them prepare her for surgery and bacta immersion,” Master Che says to the Twi’lek at her side.
“Yes, Master Che,” Knight Malan says with a nod, her lekku twitching, before they both get back to their feet.
Master Che’s eyes meet Plo’s. “We keep going,” she says resolutely.
"Do you hear something?" Ha'han-ash says, her head tilted to the side. There is... something, in the far away. A voice, she thinks, though indistinct.
"Do you mean besides the messaging system telling us to evacuate the building?" Senator Chuchi's face is strained, and her blue skin has taken on a grey hue—almost ashen—and sweat gleams on her face. Ha'han-ash presumes the pain of her injuries must be immense; the damage to her leg looks awful.
“I think… someone might be coming for us,” Ha��han-ash says, though it strains her voice terribly. Unless they get help soon, she fears… Well… The trooper who found them said his partner is calling for backup, so they should be found soon.
Someone must come soon. If they don't... Ha'han-ash would prefer not to think about it, but with the way Senator Chuchi looks and the way her own lungs feel—breathing is heavy, voice is strained, drawing breath hurts—she doesn't think they can go much longer without medical attention.
Boil, as the clone trooper had introduced himself, had told them that his partner was calling for help, so the Jedi should be coming. She has great faith in them, they will be here soon, and their skills with healing is greater than almost any others in the galaxy. They will be fine.
If they can just hold out long enough.
She closes her eyes and lets herself slump back against the wall, much like Chuchi already has, and tries to focus on keeping her breathing steady. She... she wishes that Boil had stayed, but she understands that he had to keep searching for the Chancellor—of course he did—but she simply would have felt more secure with him still here.
The ominous creaking of the roof above them and the crackle of fire from far away leaves her acutely aware of their situation.
Bombs. In Senator Biwa's office... Why in the core worlds would anyone want to assassinate him? He's of a mid-rim world of minimal influence in the senate at large. Of course, if Cyllian III really wished to get out of this whole dispute about the deal, then killing the senator would certainly be a working solution... for a time.
But... it doesn't make sense. It's a plausible explanation for sure, but why would they have set off the bombs on the same day as their own senator would be visiting Senator Biwa's offices?
Unless they didn't know... The senatorial schedules aren't open to the public. They're stored on Senate servers behind multiple firewalls... But...
She breaks off into harsh coughing that rattles her chest and leaves her heaving for breath. Her head spins and she presses one hand to her mouth, the other clenching in her dress.
She tries to keep calm, but panic is clawing at her with every laboured breath she takes. She might die here. Die here in an assassination attempt made towards someone else. Now. Now that she has finally reached an influential position. Now that she may finally start help burning out the rot at the heart of the Republic.
It cannot end like this. It cannot.
"I think... I think they're coming," Senator Chuchi suddenly whispers, her voice thin and shaky.
Ha'han-ash can't answer as another round of coughs tears through her.
Footsteps, low voices speaking—arguing—and relief washes over Ha'han-ash like a tidal wave from the great sea.
Help has arrived.
Boil's plan was to find the General, and depending on his condition either bring him and the senators in succession to Waxer to keep them all in one place. But once he finally found the General...
He gnashes his teeth together and pushes down the nausea that's been present along with the dizziness ever since the blast.
He holds the General's hand in a grip as hard as he dares, and makes sure he can see Boil at all times—Boil's helmet now on the floor next to him.
Boil tried talking to him, but he too seems to have been deafened by the explosion so instead Boil just stays with him.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
When Boil gets his hand on this assassin he's gonna beat the fucker to death for this. People can say what they will about the clones, but he and his brother are fucking loyal, and this is his General—his General who can barely breathe because of the huge durasteel rod piercing his chest, who seems utterly confused, whose eyes are unfocused, and who might be both bleeding out and dying from lack of oxygen at the same time right in front of Boil.
He knows Waxer called the Temple for backup, but he can only hope that they arrive in time, because General Kenobi doesn't seem to have much longer—at least not without medical attention.
He'd like to keep an eye out for help, but he can't look away from General Kenobi's pale face, and the way it glistens from sweat in the dim light.
He'll never forgive himself if Kenobi dies under his watch. He promised Cody he'd look after him, and he's his General. And though Kenobi would never ever ask for it... Boil was made for him.
The General squeezes his hand suddenly, bringing Boil out of his thoughts. There's a weak smile on the General's lips and he looks almost... grateful.
Then his lips move, he's saying something. Boil looks at his lips intently, determined to not miss these words, because they might be the General's last...
"I'm glad... I'm not alone... In the end..."
Boil's heart breaks.
Vokara presses on ahead. Trooper Waxer is in good hands with Kee and Aldan, the senators will be fine in Master Mil's capable hands, and she's ascertained the direction Trooper Boil went in to find Master Kenobi.
Oh by the Force let them be in time.
Master Koon is at her side as they navigate the destroyed rooms carefully. How far was Master Kenobi thrown by the blast? He's far removed from the others—or perhaps it only feels as such with how slow their progression is from fear of causing further structural instability.
Her heart pounds in her chest as she rounds the last corner.
She stops.
She stares.
She moves.
Master Kenobi may be impaled by a rod of durasteel, but they will not lose him. She is the Master Healer of the Jedi order, and she will not rest until she has ensured his survival.
The Force hums with approval. It is not attachment that drives her, nor is it the fear of loss, instead it is the bone-deep knowledge that they need Master Kenobi that moves her hands, sets her will, and helps her draw deeper on the Force then she normally would in a situation like this.
He must live until she can get him proper care.
Wrapping her hands in the healing Force, she places one on Master Kenobi’s forehead and the other on his chest. Diagnose and treat what you can in the field to stabilise the patient is the name of the game—a game Vokara Che will not lose.
Padmé draws closer to Bail’s side, her handmaidens a cluster around them, as the crowd and holonet reporters swarm the plaza, trying to get close enough for an interview with them or the Jedi.
She’s grateful the Judicial forces arrived before the bloodsuckers did, or else there might truly be chaos. She watches the door to the senate office building, the way there paved clear by walls of officers, desperate for the rest of the Jedi to return.
Two already have, a healer and a knight, carrying an injured chagrain with the Force, together loading her up in the ship to take her to the Temple’s healers.
Padmé is… slightly surprised. She would have assumed that they would only bring Obi-Wan to the Temple healers, and let the rest be taken to a regular emergency medcenter, but… No, it appears like they will take all victims they can find.
To keep them safe? To be able to ask questions? To ensure they get the best possible medical care? All of the above?
She’s not sure, and she’s hardly in a position to ask—especially since a conversation out here in the open could so easily be overheard.
Her musings get interrupted by Master Yoda’s comm beeping. She looks at him out of the corner of her eye, trying to appear unaffected and as if she’s not planning to listen in on whatever will be said.
“Yoda, this is.”
“Master Yoda, we’ll be bringing two injured troopers, two injured senators, another two injured aides, as well as Master Kenobi out shortly.” Master Koon’s deep voice sounds worried, Padmé thinks. It’s hard, sometimes, to tell with Jedi. They’re just too good to appear unaffected.
There’s a brief pause.
“Please make sure the way to the transport is clear, Master Yoda, it is… quite urgent.”
Oh. Oh no. Oh by the Gods.
Padmé’s stomach turns as she watches Master Yoda and Master Fisto talk with the head of the judicial forces to ensure the way be kept clear—reporters and civilians on both sides screaming questions and taking holopictures.
Shadows appear in the door, and she swallows harshly.
First are two Jedi carrying a zabraki woman and a selonian man with the Force.
Next, two Jedi carrying senators Ha’han-ash and Chuchi in much the same way.
After that, two clone troopers, one being supported by the other.
Padmé breath catches in her throat.
Oh, Obi-Wan.
If it wasn’t for the Twi’lek Jedi walking next to him—floating on a piece of rubble as he is—clearly speaking with him, she would have thought him dead.
Pale and ashen skin, bloodied tunic, and pierced through the chest.
The noise of the crowd grows larger and larger until it reaches and almost unbearable level. Padmé leans heavily against Sabé and blinks rapidly to keep her tears at bay.
When the transport leaves, Master Fisto, Master Koon and two more Jedi stay behind.
Finally Padmé allows her handmaidens to lead her back to her apartment. Only once she’s finally in the safety of the privacy of her home does she cry.
Vokara Che stares at her hands, as she washes the blood off them. The dyed pink water flushes down the drain of the sink, and she keeps washing and washing until it turns clear. Her head is still ringing with the cry of the Force, despite hours having passed since it occurred. Exhaustion seems to settle in her bones, and as soon as her hands are clean, she leaves the bathroom to take a much needed nap in one of the designated sleep areas of the Halls of Healing.
For the moment, there is nothing more she can do. She’s done all she can, and now, all she can do is place her faith in the Force.
“Alana,” she says, as she passes the Zabraki Jedi, “If anything changes, wake me up. I’ll be in the blue sleeping area.”
“Yes, Master Che,” Alana says with a nod of her horned head, before she turns back to the datapad she was looking at.
Vokara casts one last glance at Master Kenobi, floating in the bacta tank as he is, before she leaves the room.
The walk to the blue sleeping room feels longer than ever, and Vokara doesn’t even bother to disrobe before she crawls on top of one of the beds—it’s just a nap, anyway.
The pillow is soft and of just her preferred model—it’s why she always goes to the blue room—but even that doesn’t help her stop her spinning thoughts.
When Master Yoda had come by during the morning, before heading to meet with the council, and asked her to keep the Halls ready for anything, she hadn’t expected something like this.
Two Jedi known for precognition sensing something common is rare, and worth preparing for as it will almost certainly come to fruition. And yet, Vokara had placed her hope in the small chance that Master Yoda and Master Kenobi were wrong.
Master Kenobi…
She presses a hand across her eyes.
‘Sleep, Vokrara. There’s nothing more you can do for him right now, it all comes down to the will of the Force,’ she thinks, slowing her breathing.
(Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi masterpost)
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cthulhuofficial · 4 years ago
Forgot to mention my other SW crack theory: I have a theory Disney is MCUing Star Wars right now, and collecting a bunch of Jedi that they'll eventually bring together for some purpose. Ahsoka, Omega, Grogu, Ezra, Cal Kestis, Hera and Kanaan's son (all Disney-owned and created properties with no baggage). Maybe they get together and fight Thrawn.
Too bad about the sequel trilogy having to be the destination... The sequel trilogy seems so poorly thought out with so few roots in any other SW history/cultures ("the first order is here!!!" And no explanation of any of the intervening time), and it also feels like anything BIG that would've happened in between should've been... Mentioned? Alluded to? Particularly a group of supposedly dead wizards who band together for something.
They could do it on the low, and it could be covered up by the first order, but nonetheless it seems like it should've been alluded to at some point, it's kinda doing fans of those characters dirty to have them die in some meaningless battle and then never be mentioned again.
Here's my crack theory about Omega on Bad Batch.
I knew immediately she was a female-ified clone, of course, and because the Kaminoans kept such a close eye on her, I also predicted she was their first Jedi/Force-using clone. Then she kept knowing things before they happened and she made that incredible blaster shot, and I thought it was interesting that they did not accelerate her growth the way they did the other four members of Batch 99 because this hearkens back to the Heir to the Empire trilogy, wherein they found that Jedi clones who were accele-grown went mad. That's all above board.
Here's the crack: Omega's character design is so evocative of Ahsoka Tano - the colors and markings on her clothing, the huge eyes, the forehead jewelry (yes, I know the Kaminoans also wear those, and Omega's looks like a Kaminoan's, but they didn't want to give it all away!!) - my theory is that the Kaminoans spliced Ahsoka DNA into the male clone DNA. That's really distasteful and prolly too dark for a kid's TV show, but that's why it's a crack theory.
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prepare4trouble · 8 years ago
Star Wars Rebels fanfic - Catching up (1/1)
(Part of the Little by Little AU)
Zeb exited the ship and turned in the direction of the base supply depot.  If he was lucky, AP-5 would be busy with something else, and not only would he be able to get the equipment he needed without having to endure a barrage of insults, he might be able to snag another packet of waffles while he was at it.  He probably wasn’t going to be lucky, though.  He rarely was.
He stopped himself a split second before he accidentally brought a foot down on one of the dokma that made up the swarm that had suddenly and inexplicably descended onto the base.  Instead, he stepped carefully around it and trained his eyes on the ground to avoid the rest of the things.
As he walked, or rather, picked his way among them, he glared down at them with a mixture of confusion and frustration.  It hadn’t been so bad a few days back; there had still been noticeably more, but they hadn’t begun to impact operations. Now, the population had exploded for no apparent reason, and he was having to think about what they were going to do if it just kept getting worse.
From a security point of view, it had the potential to be a major problem.  If people couldn't freely move from one part of the base to another, that would slow reaction times in an emergency, and potentially put lives at risk.  Even in non-emergency situations, it wasn’t useful to have the ground filled with moving obstacles just the right size to get underfoot.
He stepped around a cluster of four of the things, and over a fifth that was traveling slowly past them, then took a few more steps, taking care not to raise his eyes from the ground just before his feet, and almost walked straight into Kanan.  He was saved from an actual impact by the Jedi’s quick reactions; Kanan dodged out of the way, expertly avoiding another group of dokma as he did.
Zeb cursed under his breath.  “Sorry,” he said.  “I’m so busy trying not to trip, that I forgot to look out for other people.”
Kanan nodded.  His lips stretched into something that resembled a smile, but it faltered and disappeared almost instantly.  “I know that feeling,” he said quietly.
Right.  He would.  In a way.  Zeb glared down at the dokma again.  “Yeah, well the little bogans need to clear out now, it’s getting beyond a joke.  Someone should tell them this is our land.  They can crowd out the whole planet over there in spider territory, but we need to be able to move around our own base without having to dance around them.”
“Technically,” Kanan said, “they were here first.  We just came along and built a base on top of them.  We can’t blame them for doing what they’ve always done.”
Typical Kanan response.  Or, typical response from Kanan now.  A year or so ago he’d have been leading the charge to get rid of the creatures.
“Yeah, well it’s ours now,” Zeb told him.  He sighed and nudged one of the creature’s shells with a toe.  “Where’ve you been anyway?  Haven’t seen you all day.”
Kanan visibly hesitated, then shrugged.  “I spent most of the afternoon with Sabine," he said.  “She’s… trying to teach me something.”
“Teaching you?”  Zeb grinned.  “I bet that’s a change of pace, isn’t it?  No offence, but I can’t imagine you as the student.”
Kanan shrugged.  “I was a padawan once,” he said.  “And I’ve learnt a lot these past months.”
That was true; when Zeb thought about where Kanan had been four months ago and compared it to now, the difference was incredible, but he had been his own teacher; there had been nobody around to tutor him.  Ezra was lucky in that regard.
Well, ‘lucky’ might be the wrong word.
“So what’s she teaching you?” Zeb asked.  The only thing he could imagine Sabine knew that Kanan didn’t, was how to paint and draw, and if she was trying to teach Kanan that...
“She found something.  An alphabet that...” Kanan licked his lips and folded his arms.  He looked thoughtful, as though he was trying to think of the right way to explain.  “It’s a way of reading by touch,” he said.  “It’s interesting, as an exercise, but practical applications?  I’m not sure.”
Of course.  Sabine had shown it to him once, the night after Ezra had told them.   Half excited by her discovery, half embarrassed that she might have made a mistake by pinning her hopes on it, she had talked him through the basic information, explained how it worked, told him how she thought it might help.  He tried to remember what she had called it.  Something about tactics, or… no.  The tactile alphabet, that was it.  He didn’t know whether that was its real name, or simply the words she had used to describe it.
She had only spoken about giving the information to Ezra, she hadn’t even mentioned Kanan.  It made sense though, he’d benefit from it just as much.
How a person was supposed to learn something like that, though, was beyond him.  That night, she had shown him the printed version of the alphabet, then a few days later, a sheet of bumps she had gotten from who-knew-where.  The patterns of the dots appeared completely arbitrary; though he figured there must have been some kind of a pattern to it, he couldn’t figure it out.  Not that he had tried particularly hard.
“So she got you as well as Ezra,” he said.
Kanan hesitated again, then shook his head.  “Not exactly.  Ezra’s got a lot going on right now.  Maybe he’ll try it later.”
Translation: the kid had thrown it back in her face.  Zeb couldn't exactly blame him, the whole thing had looked incomprehensible, and Kanan was right, Ezra was dealing with enough already, the last thing he needed was to have to take on some kind of academic study as well.  It wasn’t like he was a big reader anyway.  Probably figured it’d be a lot of effort for no real gain.
“Yeah,” Zeb said.  “Doesn’t look like an easy thing to learn anyway.”  He raised a hand and wiggled his fingers demonstratively. For all the good that would do around Kanan.  “I mean, for me it’d be impossible; you should try reading those tiny bumps with these things.  I gave it a go, but I could feel two lines at once.  Or one line, and the bottom and top of the two on either side.  Either way, you’ve got the right sized fingers for it.”
Kanan flexed his own fingers, as though testing them out.  He nodded, and Zeb wondered, just for a moment, whether he even remembered how Lasat hands looked.
“I might be able to learn it by sight, though,” Zeb said, then stopped abruptly, embarrassed as the ridiculousness of that statement struck him.  There was no reason to be embarrassed, of course; he could see, of course he was going to do things by sight.  Still, recent events had made him very aware that that was not a privilege that everybody shared.  “Uh, but of course that’s not what it’s for, is it?  I’ve got normal writing for…”  He stopped again, not wanting to imply that the tactile alphabet wasn’t normal.  But then, it wasn’t, was it?  That was why none of them had even heard of it a week earlier.  “I’m just going to stop talking now,” he said.
Kanan grinned, then let out a laugh that sounded genuine.  He clasped Zeb on the shoulder.  “Don’t worry about it.  And there’s no reason you can’t learn it that way, if you want to.  Sabine is.  I mean, I assume she is.”
But Zeb did worry.  He especially worried about saying something like that in front of Ezra; the kid’s emotional state was precarious enough as it was, without people he was supposed to be able to trust hurting him by accident.
“So what about you?” Kanan asked him.  “What have you been doing today?”
Zeb glared down at the dokma again.  “Dodging obstacles, mostly,” he said.  “I’ve put a few teams on collection duty, Hera’s idea.  We’re basically picking the things up, transporting them off the base and dumping them.  It’s pointless, they’re only gonna come back again.  But at least it feels like we’re going something about it.”
“They might not,” Kanan said.  “It depends where you’re putting them, and if it’s the direction they came from or the one they’re heading in.”
“Heading in?”  Zeb frowned, wondering if Kanan genuinely didn’t know what was happening.  “They’re not heading in any direction, Kanan.  They’re just wandering around aimlessly getting in everyone's way.”
“Ezra’s got a theory about them,” Kanan said.  “If he’s right, they might not be a problem for too much longer.”
Kanan took a few steps backward, avoiding dokma as he did, and leaned against a wall.  There was no hesitancy in his steps, and he didn’t even reach behind him to check that he was in the right place before trusting the wall to be there to take his weight.  Zeb watched, fascinated; not only could Kanan navigate the base without sight, he could do so backwards, and surrounded by trip hazards.  Even after so many months, it was impressive.
“He thinks it’s some kind of a migration,” Kanan said.  “They’re trying to get somewhere, but they’ve noticed the spiders don’t come onto the base and so decided to stick around for a while.  He thinks eventually the drive to move on is going to win out and they’ll be on their way.”
“Huh.”  Zeb mulled that over in his mind.  As a theory, it was as good as any.  “What made him come up with that?”
Kanan shrugged.  “Ezra has a talent for making connections,” he said.  “I asked him if he’d see what he could find out about our new houseguests.  I wasn’t expecting much, to be honest; it was just supposed to be a distraction for him.  He’s been having a difficult few days.”
Zeb felt an unexpected spike of protectiveness at that.  “Why?” he asked, “Did something happen?”
Kanan frowned, looking thoughtful, then shook his head.  “Nothing specific,” he said.  “People… talk.  Some of them talk to him.”
“Yeah,” Zeb muttered.  People had been talking the previous day when he had overheard a conversation about the Force.  The whole thing had left a bad taste in his mouth, and he wasn’t even the one that it had been directed at.
“Did it work?” he asked.  “Did you distract him?”
“For a while.”  Kanan sighed, and Zeb got the impression that that wasn’t the only thing that was bothering him.  “By the way, it’s dark now, right?”
The question, such an unexpected change of subject, took Zeb by surprise.  Before he realized what he was doing, and despite the fact that he already knew the answer, he found himself looking around to verify his response, double-checking as though it might have been a trick question.
Of course, there was no trick.  It was strange to think that Kanan wouldn't know something that simple, or couldn’t be sure of it.  It was such a basic thing; to know whether it was day or night.  He wondered how losing that ability might mess with your sleeping patterns.  That, combined with feeling down anyway, there was little wonder Kanan had retreated to his room for so many months.
“Yeah,” Zeb replied.  “Pretty much dark.  Why?”
“So, say… ten minutes ago, how dark was it then?”
Zeb frowned and shrugged his shoulders.  “It’s not an easy thing to describe,” he said.  Even putting aside the fact that he knew his Lasat eyes perceived things differently than Kanan’s human ones had, without visual references it was difficult to describe a level of light.  “Not quite there, but almost.  I think the sun had set, but it wasn’t fully dark yet.  Twilight, you know?  Why?”
Kanan shook his head.  “No reason.”
Translation: he didn’t want to talk about it.  Or he couldn't talk about it.  Zeb could understand either reason.  The most likely explanation was that it had something to do with Ezra; and with the condition currently stealing away his sight.  It affected his night vision…
Zeb forced himself to stop thinking.  If Kanan didn’t want to talk about it, he probably didn’t want people working it out instead.  He wasn’t getting any of those ‘I don’t mind if you guess’ vibes that you sometimes found around a secret from him.
“Can you do me a favor?” Kanan asked.
“If I can.”
Kanan didn’t continue right away.  He took a slow, deep breath, and folded his arms, the fingers of one hand tapping on his own arm.  If his face hadn’t been partially covered, and if his eyes could see, Zeb imagined that he would be staring off into the distance; not because there was anything there worth looking at, but just to avoid looking at Zeb.
“I can’t be there for Ezra all the time,” he said, “and even if I could, I don’t think it’d be helpful.  There are things he needs to learn to deal with that I can’t help him with.”
That made sense.  Zeb remained where he was, waiting for a continuation.
“But if you notice anything.  Like if you find he’s spending too much time hiding away, or anything like that, can you let me know?  Just be on the lookout for odd behavior.  Keep an eye on him when I can’t.”
Zeb resisted the temptation to make the obvious joke.  He could do that with Kanan, but right now it didn’t feel right.  Instead, he nodded.  “Already doing that,” he said.  He wasn’t sure how good a job he was doing, but he was doing it, and he didn’t need to be asked to look out for his family.
Kanan nodded too.  “I figured as much.”
Actually, now he thought about it, on the topic of ‘looking out for his family’, he wondered how Kanan, too, might react to the thing he had overheard the previous day; the idea that the Force was responsible for what was happening to Ezra.  There had been an implication there that it had also been responsible for Kanan’s blinding.  It was nonsense, of course; all of it was, but just the idea of it made Zeb angry.  He didn’t know whether he should mention it, or whether that might make things worse.
He usually found that the best thing to do in those situations was to say something else, and put off making a decision until he knew what might be best.  “Hey, talking of odd behavior,” he ventured.  “Two guys I barely know came up to me this morning with sketches of Chopper, asked me which one was best.”
Kanan frowned, confused either by the sudden change of subject, or by the strangeness of the request.
“I mean, they were both okay.  Not up to Sabine’s standards, of course, but they were just rough sketches, you know?  Like they’d just been done to get some ideas down.”  It occurred to him as he spoke that drawings and art might be a sore subject.  It was too late to back out now, and Kanan didn’t appear to be bothered, but Zeb added it to the mental list of things not to mention to Ezra.
“Sketches of Chopper?” Kanan repeated, sounding confused.
Zeb nodded.  “Yeah.  One of him just standing there, the other of him delivering a pretty brutal-looking electric shock to some guy.  I said that one was best.”  He grinned.  “It captured his essence.”
Kanan smiled back at him.  “You probably made the right choice.  Any idea why they asked you?”
They hadn’t actually said, and he had gotten the impression that had been deliberate, but Zeb was smarter than people gave him credit for.  “One of them mentioned having some of the sparks of electricity traveling down the sides of the ship,” he said.  “Sounds crazy, I know, but I think they’re planning on painting it on one of the fighters.”
“Oh…kay.  Interesting choice.”
“I might ask Sabine when I see her, see if she’d heard anything,” Zeb added.
Kanan nodded, then stood up straight, moving away from the wall that he had been leaning on, like he was about to leave.  “Sabine could use a distraction,” he said.  “Everybody’s a little on edge lately.”
It was tough to argue with that.  Zeb sighed, and made a decision; it was better to tell Kanan about the rumours than leave it and let him and Ezra overhear it for themselves.  “Hey, Kanan,” he said.
Kanan turned back to face him.
“People have been saying stuff.  You know that, right?”
Kanan didn’t respond, he waited silently for Zeb to continue.
“Stuff about Ezra, behind his back.  I know it’s probably be be expected, same thing happened when you…” he paused, did Kanan know about that?  “Same thing happens every time anything big happens,” he amended.
Kanan nodded.  “It does,” he said.  “What have you heard?”
Zeb folded his arms — a human gesture that he had picked up somehow without noticing — and tried to think of the right way to explain.  “There’s a rumor going around.  I did my best to stamp it out, but I can only do so much by standing nearby trying to look threatening while people talk…”
He paused, leaving time for Kanan to make a joke about that.  Nothing happened.
“Anyway, they’re talking about the Force making Ezra… you know.  Like something’s gone wrong with it, and anybody who uses it ends up…”
“Blind,” Kanan finished for him.
Zeb sighed.  Why was it so hard sometimes to say that word?  Moreso recently, but it had never been easy.  “Yeah,” he agreed.
Kanan half-turned away, as though staring into the distance again.  He folded his arms, then went very still and said nothing.  Zeb watched him warily, unsure how he was about to react.
“You okay?” he tried.
“Yes,” Kanan assured him.  He leaned against the wall again, falling back and allowing it to catch him, then shook his head slowly from side to side.  “That’s ridiculous,” he said.
Zeb continued to watch him.  He didn’t appear to be angry or upset, he didn’t appear to be anything.
“The Force doesn’t work that way,” he said.
“I know that.”
Kanan nodded.  “But I can see why they might come to that conclusion.”  He took a breath and sighed deeply.  “I should have anticipated this.”
“No reason why you should,” Zeb told him.  Kanan had had more than enough on his mind the past couple of weeks, without trying to guess every little thought that might pop into the head of every idiot on the base.
“Whether I should or not,” Kanan said.  “I need to decide what I’m going to do about it.  And I need to speak to Ezra, that’s not something he should have to hear.”
Zeb shrugged.  “In that case, is it something you want to be telling him about?  You know the kid, it doesn’t matter where he hears it from, he’s going to end up wondering whether it’s true.”
Kanan appeared to consider that, then turned to face Zeb again.  “You’re saying I should let him hear it from somewhere else?”
“No, not exactly,” he replied.  He thought about it carefully, running scenarios in his head.
There may be a few idiots around, but for the most part everybody on the base was a decent person who would never deliberately do something to harm another person.  Unless that other person happened to fight for the Empire, of course.  Nobody was going to go running to Ezra with their theory, not without a good reason.
“Not telling him doesn’t guarantee he won’t hear it,” Zeb said.  “But telling him guarantees that he will.  Maybe it’d be better to try to contain it, stamp it out.  The whole thing might just blow over without anybody noticing.”
Kanan considered that for a few moments.  “Okay,” he said thoughtfully.  “Can we contain it?”
Zeb shrugged.  “We can try.”
For a moment, Kanan looked as though he wanted to argue, or at the very least add another point to the conversation.  He didn’t.  Instead, he nodded decisively.  “Okay, we’ll try it your way,” he agreed.
Zeb grimaced.  Like with so many things, they were working by trial and error, muddling through, trying their best, hoping not to do too much damage along the way.  It was how things had always been, it just felt like the stakes were higher sometimes.  He sighed.  “Fancy a drink?” he asked.  “I know I could use one.”
Kanan hesitated, like he wanted to agree but had something he thought he should be doing.  Something Ezra-related, Zeb assumed.  He wondered where the kid was.  At the races, probably, it was where he spent most of his evenings.
Or, he had used to.  Everything had changed recently, maybe that had too.
“Weren’t you on your way somewhere?” Kanan asked.
Zeb shrugged.  “Just the supply depot, but I could see if I can I could find a bottle of something while I’m there.”
“Going to restock your stash?” Kanan asked him.
Zeb glanced at him sharply.  “What do you mean?”
“Your secret stash of waffles,” Kanan clarified, with a completely straight face.
Zeb didn’t know how that had gotten out; whether it was just a rumor that had taken on a life of its own somehow, or whether someone actually knew about his personal supply.  Either way, it was annoying.  It made him feel like people were watching him all the time, trying to prove it true.  He folded his arms defensively.  “You mean the made-up one that I don’t have?”
Kanan smiled.  “That’s the one,” he said.  “Anyway, sure.  A drink sounds good.  I tried the first of the new batch from the improved still the other day, it’s not bad.”
“That’ll do,” Zeb said, grudgingly.  “But I was hoping we’d be able to find a bottle of something real.  You know the supplies we got from the shipment heading to the Imperial Fleet?  I heard a rumor there was some Corellian whiskey among it.”
“That’s true,” Kanan said.  “Unfortunately, most of it disappeared pretty quickly.  You’ll have more chance of winning a bottle on the races than finding it at the bottom of a supply crate.”
Well, so much for that plan then.  Zeb took a deep breath and released a sigh.  “Figures.  Well, if the still is all we have, the still will have to do.  Maybe I will place a bet on the dokma while I’m there.”  If he was lucky, he might be able to get his hands on a bottle of the good stuff after all.
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throwingideasatthewall · 4 years ago
Clone Wars     The Mandalore Plot
             Season 2 Episode 12 
 - -    🖕     (I’m     sorry      that’s       just        for        the      morale       (Moral)         After         last    episode.     .
 Any way,  
 “15      Hundred,”
   Five         Leaders
   One    clearly     more     important,
  The   Galactic       senate       was      closer.
  Republic        Senate
   Duchess        Saltine         .           Secretly       building         her         own       army          . . .
    Her    business.       . . .      Separatist        ...   
  She’s already       separate              ....    
    Also there’s a hologram     so it must be true   ��         .         Never mind           Yoda’s     all powerful gossip mill ever being wrong
       Can’t            have          that              -            So they’re sending         Obi-Wan            and            Anakin              to             snoop,
          Or              just         Obi-Wan           *Pffft*
        Going               to            snoop                  -           Going to get some tea          for master Yoda-                  -
     (I won’t do the standard valley girl-               Gossip clichés)
             Damn                   Aight!
              Blue                    Eyes!
              Blue                  Theme
             Also is           that bitter-             ness-
         (Scale                is               nice)
            Whelp,                 White
               Big                   Doors.
              Aight                  Whelp-
              Skipped                 tour
                Also,                    Painting                      Of                      Self                        ...                  Aight                       ...                    Glass                         . .                           It’s                       Glass.                        (Am                           I                        supposed                             to be                          getting                         something                             big                               and                            grand                                . .                                Or                             Holy?                                 .                                 It’s                                 the                                 same                                   as                                      any                                           big                                 building                                         ...                                      With                                  glass
...    Does     Obi-Wan      just     have          a       thing        for        glass       we      never       knew         about             ?
     Emotions          what           am               I         supposed            to            feel?
      Okay            ...         Recognized             ...           Also            who              is             this                 guy?               .                He’s               not               really             wearing              the              blue             themed                 clothes                  of                    the                guards                     ...                   and               everyone                    else                     ...                 Prime                Minister                    Alec                      ...                   Authority                  assumer                     .                     .                   Public servant
                One                     authority                     assumer                     to                      the other..
                    Also, like there’s                       anything else                          ...         Like he still a “peacekeeper”                          In his job                       description                         No?
                  They                     haven’t                     switched it                         to                     military                           yet                       (Quite)                        ...                     False                         ...                        IDK                             ...                        Yoda’s                           got                       holograms.                        ...
                       And the                           damn                         rumor mill.                          ...                      Can’t                         piss                          the                          guy                             off                             . .                       Republic                           ...                       Is this a trap?                             ...   
                     The Dutchess                          Satine values peace more than her own life.
                       But no   account       ability.
 Okay yeah he was out of        order  
  But that immediate         sharp     response          Was      pretty      damn      harsh          ...
   Like dude sounded like he had     stabbed his toe against the table          ——         This dude took it to        murdered it’s family         ...    Why?
    Dude              ...     Assuming         a lot    of      authority         .           Over        the       tone           .
    Like      whose         family          did      Obi-Wan’s      statement           kill
     Damn         tox..       and          sharp            . . .             Severe             ...            Are            you           certain?         . . .           Damn             you            want              to          check            their            bodies...       . . .         Ser-      iously,       You’re          here          to          collect           a      statement               ...              (And           maybe           grab           some                 tea                for             Yoda...   ..
           Yeah like               dude escalated it         to a whole new level                  ...                    But you          are not helping                    ...               Mandalorian                armor                 ...                Right
           -                How-
            Dude seems              ,truthful-
            Also why is dude here getting the blight           of Obi-wan’s rage.
Not exactly    formal..
  ‘Shining       Jedi      Knight’
Should- I recognize this       person
   I     Distinct  
            Also did they send someone with the                baggage?
              After all these years you’re more beautiful than ever
              There was no emotion   in that line
But then    again    maybe     he’s   moved      on          ...     Is         a      knight
 No     Attach      ment-
 It’s not     treachery     it’s-    leaving    neutrality-
  But   yeah      he      is a       gosp.
  Also yeah we just switched towns from a     unprofessional       to   professional       (Narc        Terms)
   One     dude
    He         had     emotion          ...     For             a       moment            ...   
   —-  Right
   Claiming authority      over a whole lot of people       ...
 Dark        ...      Commandos    
 He couldn’t have possibly been one guy
  Jedi       .
     People         AUTHORITY
 .        trust worthy
 .    I know we sound defensive.
  Okay,    seriously,    what          is        with         the        tone     ...
Like yeah the dude was   sharp       ...
    But        not         in         a      defensive         way...
        In a             Whoa             WTF             Dude,             Where               Did               that            come             from-
          On the               Whoa            someone’s                not                    in a good mood
              Nothing                  defensive
              Dutchess                     flips on a                    dime                               .                       But that’s on a                    snark                      to                   professional                     Scale                        ...                      Only person acting sus is that dude that has no reason to be here and we have no idea what he’s doing
                     And I’m kind of worried that’s because the authors                        forgot to act-                         ually put anyone acting sus
                       So just had dude say it
                         Like yeah it’s obviously him that caused the problem
                          She has a valid point
They are       100%    snoops;
   And        if you didn’t want him here      why did you allow him.
     But mostly I’m on Obi-Wan        who they continue to treat           as a kicked puppy            ...
Like no   he was fine.  till a few minutes ago
  And is   equally guilty      (Particularly        of the things     he’s accusing him of)
  And the tone      suddenly       changed           To a smaller         Quasi-one for him
       He isn’t innocent
        And I don’t know why this keeps happening            to the Male characters
          When   an actual point is brought up against         them
 But like he was fine taking    pot shots        At       Dude,
    Now there’s suddenly         accountability
        The HECK,              Writers,
       Oh god,
       This is          turning            Boomer               -     And the mandate   dictating you learn   the baggage of the past      (Because dear frick    If the past       Fixed        The          Past,        Absurd)
  And not like the present      would be non-tox     enough not to start shit
   There seems to be a clear imbalance between       How the male characters are written and how the female characters are written
                                                                                                            Note; I                                                                                                                don’t                                                                                                                 give                                                                                                                      a                                                                                                                  fluff                                                                                                                   for                                                                                                                gender                                                                                                              Just                                                                                                         that                                                                                                          there’s                                                                                                            a                                                                                                       clear                                                                                                       dip                                                                                                     In quality                                                                                                     emotion
                                                                                                    When                                                                                                         one                                                                                                             it                                                                                                        identifies                                                                                                            as                                                                                                         such                                                                                                            Is                                                                                                          on                                                                                                      -screen                                                                                                          . .  .
We   have   three    main    female   characters;
  Padme; Who is       characterized           as          a       shrew        (Fine         you       can      cover        to        toxic      Relation     ships)
Ahsoka;        A child     who acts      far beyond        her age           (Unchildlike           Mature)           And             is           held          to       unfair  accountability         by        the     narrative        (And assuming           Anakin is an adult              This is only a problem        with the female characters               Barisse,               Quickly               Suffer-              Ing               Similar...
          But             not         anyone               else              (The               two              other                un-gender              ed          Padawans            React              Ing              In            Properly            Ordered                Fear              (About)
       Now Saltine            Characterized                Well                 Her              actions             pro-claim                  her                   A                  pretty                  fair                  Leader                     (If                snippish)                     Which                    is                    fine                     if                      you                 want                     to                   write                  about                    (Tox                       Ic                      And                  enabling                 relationships)                   -                  The                   issue.                    -                    is                  the                 way                    -                    The                  male                  leads                      Are                     portrayed..
  Look at this;
Tumblr media
 What emotion is it trying to portray?
   Anger?          Jealousy?
    Innocence..      Is the only valid       answer I could         Come up        with..
    When I call it, 
                         - “ A kicked                              puppy dog look,”
       I mean;
                       “Lowering the standards to animalistic                                  To avoid accountability,”
                         It’s                         Cheating
                        If it was hurt,                            the irises                              Would                             Be                             Dilated                         Narrow-ed
                           Lip straight
                           This doesn’t   portray any human emotion
                           It’s cheating
                         -Good thing- I won’t ever have to worry about holding                             Obi-Wan or any of the others accountable                             -With puppy dog-                                          And it never happens with any of the                              female characters
                           Always 100%                               accountable
                           Even when                          they shouldn’t be. .
                                                                                              - Amidala,                                                                                                    Saltine                                                                                                       And                                                                                                    Ahsoka                                                                                                         are                                                                                                  characterized                                                                                                          as                                                                                                     shrew,                                                                                                   unreasonable                                                                                                   (Kicker                                                                                                        of                                                                                                     puppies)                                                                                                         And                                                                                                abomination
                                                                                                   While                                                                                                        our                                                                                                      (main)                                                                                                            male                                                                                                   characters                                                                                                           ...                                                                                                     Nothing                                                                                                              .                                                                                                         The                                                                                     second consequence                                                                                                       comes a knocking                                                                                     The puppy                                                                                                           Dog                                                                                                             eyes                                                                                                            - -                                                                                                           Come                                                                                                               Out-
                                    [Which is unfair                                       To characters of any                                        Ident-ification-
                           That’s enough about the                                  character rants                               Back to the                                 story
 Seriously,       What?
  [I know     that’s like being threatened by the army..”]. 
  But,       dude’s reaction was tame..  ...
  Layout keeps    changing        .       [Not a       consistency issue,          Just a        confusion one,]   
     Okay          -         No        Emotion           -          Forced
        Also that was a            tonal          change             ...       
       Whoa                ...
      Where            did         these        emotions         suddenly           come            from??
         Group              Death               watch
           Tox               inside            enabling                 ...             Re-negades                  Hey plot relevan   -ce 
             Violence                     —                  War
The very   definition        of      tox
               Oh you’re                 going to solve it                 with violence..
                Work-                       Ing-
                  On                      going                invest-igation                                       -                    Wide-spread                           Small
              She clearly noted it was            small..
                Aight,                   Adults,
                Nothing                     More
                Con-cord     -ia  Dude      stop      being        a        doubting        asshole        .
Thank God cut away from this unhealthy-
  Anyway,        It cuts      to what is assumed to be the moon.
   Al right just a     small camp
      If the            tox          people           want                 to        quarantine        themselves             . . .          O-kay             . . .              Well-
You decide        The people         you        Inter-act          With              (And          tolerate        presence           of )
     Support              the           Death           Watch                  .           Your            small          club               .....       house             Isn’t             that              much              Of               a          concern              to             him              .  . .               And            clearly           wasn’t             serious                   .     .                    Duchess                Saltine.                   . .                   Peace                 -loving                   - -                   TOO                  subtle.                       .                     (She’s                        still                        an                      enabler)
                    So I                       wouldn’t                          get                           too                       wo-   rried                    
No he     doesn’t                                       . . .    this     seems    pretty   particularly      a     “screw        you      move”-     Sit        Ua-   tion        -       How-
  Yeah this is a pretty           “screw you” situation  
  Take        Over
  That’s          Am-    bitious.
    Once the senate
 Look,  that’s unlikely
  Like      she didn’t just explain yeah it’s nothing    don’t worry about it       . . .
   Like unless you watch something      go down    right in front of you.
  That’s it        —
   The “guy who caused the problem, is dead
   You’ve been given advanced warning about a group
   No reason to       escalate
    Military          Pr         esence
    Unlike the usual assumed authority they           are surrounded with,
     This will 
    piss them off.
    Most          Dis         tast          ful
    dude’s really assuming the worst but then again that’s the Dark side’s MO
       Death              Watch
   This is really some conspiracy          theory territory.
    Urgh, this plan        really sucks.
     Death         Watch
     Well it’s small, they have  armed guards...
       Gonna go with            no
       Back here
     Front lines
              Of conflict
     Yeah,         As in they caused it by      assuming authority            Inst-      -           A job he had no authority to do and basically covers all peaceful resolution           -            Insinuating all the rest of humanity is savages ready to tear themselves apart, and only this dude’s influence - stops the 
      You know- they could study    peace instead.        Write       articles about it,          Do           Works.           Like you don’t need to start a war...          Or assume authority..
          To enjoy peace
           And to              keep it
 If it can be done with suffering,      it could be done very easily without,
             The work              of a peacekeeper is to make sure conflict                  does not                   arise
       No that’s extreme-      Authority           Assumption
     If someone’s going to be a      douche        bag,
     A peacekeeper          (Accountable)           As someone who doesn’t        enable bad behavior              (When it is enacted          against them,)
       And holds      them selves          Acco       untable,
And   your’s       is.    . . .   Seriously both these two have a pretty...  negative view of the world.       Both operating         under a similar; Must      control the world,                 Otherwise      every-thing      will fall apart-        -          Though         Obi-wan            Has              A           Point;            In            the          fact            that            his            Is           a        slightly          more         Per-son       al-        I must     do my part         to protect          the world,         While            Salt           -ine-               “I        must           get          others            to           pro     tect           Others           They         still draw       (erroneous)        blanks                At              the          “Anyone           needs           saving           from          anyone”              . . . .           Thing-   
      Realism         doesn’t         mean         terrible            . . .              (If anything it means having pride in                      your humanity                    and what it has                    accomplished).                              It’s the very   model.. of a good thing.                              If you’re   not   toxic)
                            Ideals       . . .   “Abandon”          -           ?
   Political     convenience         . ..         More specifically the        convenience... of self-destructive.. tendencies
       What         The            Frick?
When did    this happen?
  Seriously leaving       unwanton anything should’ve been a warning sign.                       ...    How     did   no one     notice       the apparent-        Un-       Wanted         -        Addi-tion?               -                 Okay
Well hope you have a good       enable healers on staff.
    Or maybe just        healers..
    Depending      on the    awareness           -         Okay
 Hool        igans.
  Yeah they could’ve
  (And we’re probably- going to discover that they did          through very complicated means.
   Like seriously Obi-Wan    jumping to    con clusions-
   Like five people got slightly inconvenienced
Are we sure         it is in a smoke bomb?
  Because that    seems pretty      likely
   Considering we haven’t seen any   damages so far.   
   And no one looks dead
    Also I guess    it’s time to act like a reasonable adult and let      Saltine handle her own problems.
    Off-world              Er
       So the   Separ   atists.
   Are you sure of that
  You’re the one that brought up that it couldn’t be      “Deathwatch”
  Stop bla-
  Eat shit Obi-Wan
   You were wrong
    Okay, time to be an authority assumer and launch an attack on those assholes
  She’s        overall peace
  She was planning...on     bringing those guys in anyway
 Hit     them. .       Hard.        This goes far beyond   vandalism..
   Then show the actual     dead..
    Because all     we saw..
    Was a smoke bomb                 and these guys coughing
     That’s pretty damn     -close to vandalism
          Next to     lighting firecrackers..
          In the park. .      .  
         Political            statement              against            your        government                  Oh          No,
       (Is that supposed to be            threatening?)
       Seriously all they did was throw   a smoke bomb        and heck off
     Don’t act        surprised.
             (Oh no                   they might throw another                  smoke bomb?)
               You’re just gonna let     him,
             Like he has a   point
          [But still the      intensity is way too high for what they’ve shown,]
         Oh               no,              Smoke,
         What the heck    who gave him that authority?
         Like;        He’s just some random        Senate peacekeeper
   Also yet no one needs medical attention       so just stay right there
    Dude couldn’t      have possibly been injured in the attack
    Or fled the scene
    Or activated whatever it was with                               remote detonation
   And also it’s up-to the apparently neutral peacekeeper          instead of any local authority
                                                                         Like your job is to dispense                                                                               food and                                                                      make sure everyone’s                                                                              ok
And yeah their military     and  “peacekeeping”          Sections are      Com-      bin         Ed         (And I’ll admit     I don’t know much        About     assumed authority        Lines)
                            But pretty sure                                  that’s like a                                 dude in                                   military uniform                                        (Out of                                        Country)                                       Yelling that he wants to                                      question people.                                       (Like you don’t have the authority                                           to do that)
                                      And is a pretty good way to get a rock                                      chucked at your head.
                                     Make sure everyone is okay,
                                      Then what about selective immediate accountability thing going on here can happen                                            (Appease                                                Logic,)                                           Scene
Dude’s the guards just freaking, bowed to him
I don’t   think-       Police        National     En-for       cers       -      Are usually     so kind
  To extra-     Ven           Ous         Forces         In-          ter           Ven-          Ing-          -        Like this was exactly what     Saltine was talking about              . .       Overextension         of authoritative            power
       (Not acco-untability   just what’s happening)
      Was that the carrier?
     You there
     Dude, that’s a normal reaction to a   military professional           Claiming       bullshit power,  
      Dude could’ve probably mistaken you for the             terrorists..
         Aight,              Right,
         Also       an attack just happened,
        (Yeah       it’s a little delayed          but he could’ve just         gotten news)
  Dude, the dude just saw an attack, saw an individual standing over the body of their leader (armed     Jedi-        Or          Sith)            I said person claiming to      “stay there”,                                              I’m not saying what   he’s doing is right,         But you’re having        a damn unsympathetic-   React-
    Older           Gentle-             Men-  
     (You know   I’m surprise no one blames Obi-Wan,            After             all,                   He’s the one that        lead her out here,
       Would’ve made sense for the         carrier           Guy,          The one that was acting        sus,  to be the      per-petrator
 (And he would have the knowledge to       frame Obi-Wan)
   That    would’ve been nice,
   Hurt you
    You didn’t
    Seriously your leader was just-
     No one wanted to take her to a healer?
       (Like she didn’t want to get the       smoke inhalation thing checked out either?)
       Fair                     (But kinda of stupid)
     Movie,          You- did not        earn the tone        to make that         work
   Seriously dude could be saying         “I won’t work with a terrorist,”           -    Also wow a     cult full of old people
  Real            .        intimidating
   Well time together of the guards          hold a funeral for that guy                   (Standard                Prac               -tice)                  And go kick that moon base.
        No- reas-
        He died
       Yeah,          Sucked
But a) don’t make buildings that tall         And           b) he did that           -            Damn             -          Aight            -          Re-            action           -            Why             -             Whelp
       Ahh,           No,
       He was all splayed out
      There’s         nothing dignified about the        position
       ...         Emotions               Seriously      what am I supposed to feel.
      Why is there holy music playing in the background?
       Also          no one wants to get a healer?
      Like I know he fell           But seriously, 
      Not even gonna try
   (Like     I know I’m harsh,         But even         I would try..
        Do          Some-      thing       What-
   Also Obi-won        is this the time?
     Seriously, and that’s not just do you know a     coi-ncidence-
     Our moon
    But what did he actually say?
     [Because if it’s      ‘I thought he was a terrorist’,           Then          fair,]
     Seriously are we not     covering what he said?
      Like the story seems to be lam     -basting him for being Con-cord       -ian
      But I assume innocence until proven     guilty,
   .. .
 You can’t even speak their      dia-lect
  Yeah and      I know    (body language)
“Especially     when you’ve just been involved in the death of a colleague,”
   She’s got         a point?
   Seriously, ever since Obi-Wan got here there’s been nothing but destruction
   I’m surprise she didn’t kick him right there right now and      is like this is why we’re neutral
 Like      this could’ve been some good story tension.             .
So what is the actual plot?
The guy who caused the incident   
is dead
The group      is extremely small  And unable    to prevent    arrest,
Cord-       Random        Couple
“I didn’t        kill   him,”
Dude,    seriously
If you were smart   you’d leave
And let Duchess handle the problem      which she was clearly doing
Before     things      went        to       very   light   shit        -      At     arrival         -        i’d        back        away           too          .       “I       Know,”
You       know what also would’ve been a good conflict?
   Duchess arriving in the    middle of it..
 Only hearing the man say          “Don’t do it,”                   And seeing him fall off..
    Obi-wan’s            “Catch,”              Gesture            ...     
    Mistaken         for             Shov           -ing               -            Duchess           not          seeing           his           face            ——          Showing              the             flaws                 of              her           assumed                guilty                  -                Mind                 Set-
           And               make                 for             some               good          emotional              tension                 -               Instead-
        Why I’m       still talking to you
        Despite having nothing to go on besides faith which seems beyond my general     compr-       ehensive      philos-       ophy           -
   (Con      sist      ent- characterization          what’s             that?
-Normally   I don’t work on the         rag on the         chara-     cterization       because         yeah        adults         can change what they do
  (but I do think it-     could be a bit more knowable        -       The changes seem to happen randomly          - and with little sentiment   connection        -        Or         type          Of       Pre         amble,
    Don’t        get               me       wrong             -             It           does            happen                 -             Rarely               -              I          just           think           it         could              be             done              with                 a              bit              more           delicacy               and           consistency                   -                  And               Care                  -                 What                   is                 that                reaction                      -                   What?
            Alright,                 What?
            That’s              happen                      -                    Ing
             Least   they brought             a guard..
        Aight,            Okay,
       That’s-               a different look
        Not                Gonna-             Com                pare-
        Wait is that a different planet?
      Mining           Base
       Yeah let’s   fuck with Mother Earth
  /Con- cord
    That can’t      possibly go         wrong                     -            Forests
       Oh,            yeah
       Dear           Frick
      Finally growing   back-
     So you    stopped with that?
   (No burning pollutants             in the air?)
        Okay,                Well
            A more      well-established            palace than hers.
Which just saw a door        and then there was an even a smaller door
        And glass..
Appar-ently          has a thing         for glass.  
  The highly industrialized mass of cities- is the Galactic palace
   But the former mining facility is a beautiful orderly castle in the middle of a green field.
    I think someone got       the sets      messed up...
  [This is really messed up]
  Also yeah there was some kind of   terrorism      and things got blown up...
   That’s weird..
    Council            -
        Also one of your guys totally     died- 
 [Okay,         hear me out,          I know         I’m doing       a lot of this;
    What if this conversation happened before,          In the castle;  
    To give us a list of         suspects;     And making sense;           As she is the top ruler of everything
    And then,        we broke into these little bits
      [Establish             the characters
       Then                   make them            plot point,]
                Also, this wasn’t the scene          shown earlier,          Was it?
      That would’ve been a          good line          earlier   
    This was the man        who murdered
    So wait,         you did know about that?
     So why were you acting like the         Separatist claim was so out of the question?
  Correct;       Reaction            “Yes ma’am, of course ma’am             sorry about what happened,
      Like Dude is acting pretty chill for one of his         citizens screwing someone up
      And        it’s             sus
    So no one‘s         dead?
 Also         wait     ‘Memorial shrine,’”
     The heck           was that               never brought up?
       I thought it was just        the outside of the castle
       The dude screwed with a                     memorial ?
        [The intensity in this            is whack..!]
  He was apparently part of       Death Watch     Wait,       when was that ever confirmed?
   Do          you        speak?
 A worrisome prospect
 That’s,       your reaction  
   [The tone is   way off.]
  Not as in writing a     child-    like       an     adult       or   writing      an        adult       -like          a       child
    (Or        Animal)
    This is the         “What’s the emotion?,”
   [The tone is so damn-]
  Random        Grab!
    Not         Okay!
    Words.        (Circ           um         stance-)
   - - -
   What?      The lip-sync’s      -  Off?
 I can’t   -tell-
   The tone is so   - distorted -
   Look     Around            Mining      facilities-
    Like        Seriously            -
   Do you     want-
   Also, he could’ve asked for a          damn tour
    [No need to do this             subterfuge.]
   Seriously,          Obi-Wan        is lazy         avoidant          smart,           Till it comes to      instigate            some shit
Un-      necess-        arily-
  aight... .
   [Damn      It]
Literally doing it
  Right now
Could, just asked for the   tour . .
Well if you actually had some - character-ization
|my brain’s starting to go numb 
     [Not the brain,           The               Plot.]
     Also yeah, dinner after that
    Different guy?
   Dude-     Completely different    hairstyle?
  Just       Emot-        ion
 Very properly
That - looks     pretty different-
  Sh   adows-
 Okay cave carvings
 Aban-            On           -ed
I mean
It does
There’s stuff on it yeah
But they could take people for   tours down here  [The things samples on how it worked)
 [People do     stupid things]
  OK so they have some helmets because it used to be a       manufacturing        plant
  Makes         Sense-
  Maybe you shouldn’t     screw with someone’s     display?
  One dude  
 Great, you have one   Mandalore enthusiast
   Or a role          Actor-
  With a light saber
   Yeah you start a talking 
  then you do the action          [if       necessary.]
Seriously      it’s one guy,
 Dude, Force     them.
  Obi-wan           -         
Obi-won sucks..     
Mis-      information
This dude’s a   dick isn’t he?
Like,          The     tone has been damn off            ...
  But this dude is supposed to be the villain   I think
(And it’s not the   carrier apparently)
Death      Watch.
Why do you care?
A person just died
And      we’re focused on this?
  Like,        Ma’am                -          Is your reputation     seriously,        The      biggest       thing       worry-           ing       you        right    now?         —-        Without         any      sardonics             -              Or        any               -  self-awareness          -       The tone  has been on the   floor since we started,
Okay seriously 
that’s villain       lighting
Also,                Some guys manage to smoke down the        outside of the palace.
   This is turning into the       intergalactic        incident?
        It            Isn’t-
      That’s a very          interpersonal matter.
And also ‘oh yeah this is gone beyond anything that I can expect but I won’t question you person who was supposed to keep track of it?
   Nothing about these        characters have been established
   Are      Satine and that dude close?
  [it is a      Mess,]
But       Is
Se-     paratists 
   Don’t         Drink
Also wait   what was that logic?
  This one’s weak
  [if it was any other Jedi     these guys would be arrested 
     by        then]
   Harm- less
 I mean even      with it he was        fecking      useless..
So you’re going to call      Saltine          Now?
   “Hey Satine I got my ass kicked again,”         (Why do they send him on           missions?)
        He clearly saw that              right?
     Al       -right
   Okay,         Now,
     Took              ....          Dick               . .               Yet              ...
         Try                  Ing                 .. .
 Obi-won is a     weak        bitch            (Term)
Un think the dialogue is       reversed here,
 Saltine was the one that was     heavily against             Involved           (Direct)           Approach
And the hair stroking thing 
just seems like something 
Obi-won       Would            Do...
      This is really backwards
Obi-Wan is the one that is directly involved
Sal-tine          She’s very       sit on the sidelines     from what we seen..
       It        would        make        more                 ....
(What is going on with the        chara-             cter-             ization-       )
I honestly thought that was     Rex for a minute
   Blue     ...is a theme
   (The        reenactors       are          getting          pretty           serious,)
     (Then again             she did        punch out)
      There’s two-
     Which           is two            more than           general Kenobi can handle,
    But he’s got Satine,        so that’s all right?
    Now         More
    Stand             and        fight
     So just          Satine.
     Stand            ...    
     You got your ass   kick-       ed
   Satine        should’ve         gotten         that line,
   Whelp.   ..
   [Recap; That twist was real fucking stupid,  Obi-won gets beat up the fifth time the Remix, and does Satine get injured?
 I don’t know
When it’s not excusing it’s characters from   some accountability by   using cheap tactics,
    It’s tone         is a mess;
    The emotions          nowhere to be found
     The chara-cterization              “Off the wall”
* Not       in       a       good     way            .         I can’t honestly say            a single thing I           Le-           ar           n            ed 
    About          The         Chara-cters
     Satine? Apart from the narrative treating her like she’s completely unreasonable
       I can’t say        a single thing for this character
       There’s seem to be an attempt   of banter between her and   Ken-obi
       But it’s completely               inconsistent
Honestly,    it feels like the writers     had      an      idea (Or       a line       Of       dia-       log        ue-         And        just       threw         it        in     hap     hazardly-”
Result-ing  in some (border  ling) reality breaking scenes
   Where a    character says something        happened
 Which could work
 If the tone     wasn’t an absolute     MESS!
   Also the      villains
  Suffer        From       Clovis         Syn-drome
              (Or a near variant)
Because     nothing     is set up       -     The     tone   isn’t      even
   It feels like   we’re supposed to hate     this guy       Before    anything bad happens       (The same as with the      carrier-            Who             Did           Nothing)
     Screw     ing              Up             The            Story
Which is “Obi-Wan screws up        Every       -Thing         And          Lives-    -”
my thoughts on this episode;                 (In a more organized                form,)
  Is      that;
   “Obi-wan screws up everything,”        (As is my alternative       tone for this episode)
   Is a       Confused
 un- alt        ere         -d
 Suffering;        From
   Lack of set- up, proper chara-cter-ization          Proper         Tone-       Emotion-           al        De-        vel          op          e         ment,       None           Chop-      ped,    flow-       ing          Narra-       Tive-
   And borders,        on not being able           to be         considered             a           story
    [Resemb-          Ling              Much            Of              The          “Blue         shadow           virus,”.          arc,          Except            With             -out              The         Abominations              But        More               nonsense,
[Bring back a persistent writing issue,      To refuse       to develop anything             correctly,]
Addition    Al;           A         Quick       Possible           Re-           Write        Recap;      (To wash     the bad taste    out of my mouth)
-Obi-wan             arrives           at the          Palace
   (Possibly           Soft,         Mournful               Play            Ing                 To           Indicate                        Sadness,          Loneli            ness,           Turn-             Ing             To           Harsh          -er            -Tri-            um           ph          an            t          (Pro            fes         -s        Ional          Music         [Heavy          Brass]
      The          Carrier           Greets           Ner            Vous                     ly            (Poss            Ibly             Try           -ing             To          Ex-pose             Dis        -spell-           The         Rumor      -s               (This         is his      cover)
    Poss-        Noting
    Obi-wan            meets          Sal-tine           Not-       Ic-eable               Wrist           Ful          Nes         s-
    Saltine             Is           Con-             Cern              Ed
       Snip-               Ish
        Believing            it to be        the Jedi Council.
          Dis-liking                 the               military            involvement                   in                    her country/                      Planet
             Till              Obi-wan               clarifies             that this is a             social call.                       .                  Ordered                     To                     Re-                 new                                Their                  Neu-                  trality                pledge-                    By                  Chan                   -cellor                         Palp                     atine,                The             rumors             Back               Hill,              Gossip,
          They go outside for               Saltine                  To                  Give                     A                   Public                 State                   Ment-                      That                     Goes                        Off                        —-                            (Possibly in the middle of Satine and                 Obi-Wan hav-ing                          An                        Argue-                      Ment                          Over                         Per                         form                           a                          tive                       Action                       (Neutral                          Vs                           Active                                    Phy-                        Sical)
                      That                           Occurs)
                     Obi-Wan                              is                             held                               in                            suspicion                              for                               being                               a                              military                              personal                              (                                 And the damages                         only beginning                                   when he arrived)
                                Not to     mention;
              Him being in, the hallway,                    The only one they can     place                    Where are the bomb                        was set     Things         Go   Badly
   (Possible circumstantial       Evidence,                        -Fram                  -ing
Either      way     Obi-Wan        is now     awaiting     some kind of trial
          Which                he makes it worse,
           By refusing,                 To wait,
           And trying             to find the actual                 suspect..
             He                does
              The            “Incident”                 Happens,
  And now it looks      worse than ever;
 Sateen cradling the   dying Man-d-      a-lorian
 Who        Invokes           The           Jedi            To           Blame
   Satine             Is           Up-          Set          (~Angry)
    Obi- won         Eventually            proves-        The Existence                  Of Death          Watch.                       But that       point-     It’s                      Al-ready                        Too                     Late,                  Bridges                   Burned                         In                      his                 pursuit                    for                  justice,                     Along                     with                      his                   relation                      ships                        . . .      Saltine             Taking               The               Evi                 dence            Coldly       Tell          -ing             Him               “To               Leave,”
         Victory                     At                  the                  cost                   of             everything                 dear,
[Leader               Not        Reveal        ed      Yet]
[Citi-       Zens         Pri-       Med         For          Darth         Sidious]
[Castle’s          Blue,         Fading           To           The            Neutral         Re-         flec-         tive         White)
        [Carrier               Possibly                 Hint-                  Ed                  Gone                  Often]
  [Senator           Possib           -Ly          Engaged/            Husband,               If               You                 Want            That           Drama
     Moral;            About            Mov-              Ing                On
                     [Ending                          scene                          possibly                             kept the same)
                     *To                          Foreshadow                           possible                              Anakin
                        But with a lot more weight-
0 notes
kingsforcedvacation · 5 years ago
Cody couldn’t keep the wide smile off his face as he watched the 501st and the 212th celebrate their most recent victory. Normally a victory wouldn’t warrant a celebration as big as this one nor so soon after a battle.
Usually they would still be cleaning up the battlefield, destroying any remaining droids, gathering what supplies survived, collecting the dead, and treating the injured. By the time they finished, they would drag themselves back to there ships, dirty and exhausted, barely able to walk in a straight line. No one would be in the mood for a party. Sorrow would blanket the ship as they mourned their lost brothers and desperately hoping that the wounded would live. The sorrow would turn crushing as that hope was extinguished bit by bit.
But this battle was different. In this battle something was done that no one had ever managed before, a miracle that no one ever thought possible.
No one died.
Sure no one got out of the battle unscathed but there were no corpses to burn, no names to add to their chants. They all made it back alive.
The awe that had filled Cody when he first saw the report still hadn’t faded. The giddy disbelief made him feel lighter than he had since the war started.
So in celebration of this miraculous event, Cody had authorized a party to be thrown for the troops.
“It’s still so hard to believe isn’t it?” Rex said from beside him.
Cody nodded, turning to face his friend. Rex had a soft smile on his face, one that Cody has never seen before. It somehow made him look both younger and older at the same time.
Suddenly Rex through an arm around his shoulders and started leading Cody to the makeshift dance floor, a carefree grin replacing the soft smile.
“That’s enough brooding for today. This is a party, let’s go enjoy it.”
Two hours later the party started to wind down. The dancing slowed as the troops tired and they started to gather into groups to talk.
Cody had never been one for parties himself. He had hated the loud music and hadn’t seen how the high energy was supposed to help people unwind, but now, as he settled down next to Waxer and Boil, he could honestly say that this was the most fun he had in years.
Cody was drawn back out of his thoughts as the 501st broke out in an excited murmur. There eyes tracked one clone in blue as he approached their captain with a large case.
“Any idea what’s going on?” Waxer asked.
“No,” Cody answered as he saw Rex nod and accept the case.
The soldier gave a wide smile and the boys in blue gathered around their captain. Confused, the 212th did the same.
Rex set the case down on the floor and pulled out... a violin? Where did he get a violin? Why?
Question continued to run through his mind up until Rex brought the instrument up and began to play. There was no hesitation in his movement as a hopeful melody reverberated around the room.
Cody had never had time to listen to music, always rushing to finish something be it paperwork or battle plans. But he could see why people devoted their lives to making music. It was beautiful, and, as he watched Rex play, he could see why people thought clones were beautiful as well.
Cody had no concept of beauty. He had heard people talking about beautiful things. They would call a planet beautiful, a place, an object, a person. Beauty seemed to make something more desirable, something they want to see again, that is why they filled their homes with what they thought of as beautiful.
Cody had never quite understood. Kamino held nothing he wished to see again besides his brothers. Any planet that could have been beautiful was tainted with the blood of his brothers. The only people he wished to see again where his brothers and Jedi. The only object that he desires to keep is his armor.
But as he watched Rex play the heart warming melody he thinks he understood a little. He had never seen Rex so relaxed, so content. His eyes were closed and a faint smile was on his lips, his head tilted just right to highlight his sharp features and the light making his golden hair shine.
Yes, he could see how they were beautiful. Cody wanted to listen to Rex play again and again. He wanted to watch as his little brother forgot the pain of loss and death and fear, if only for a few moments.
Cody didn’t realize tears were streaming down his face until much, much later.
0 notes
knitmoregirls · 5 years ago
You Get An Increase! And YOU get an Increase! - Episode 555 - The Knitmore Girls
This week's episode is sponsored by:
  So, you already know about the Akerworks Yarn Caddy Kit. Now, we are adding a little twist for you: Introducing the Akerworks Butterfly Kate, designed to fold into itself, making it incredibly easy to pack in a bag and take on any adventure! The Butterfly Kate has a wooden base, a carbon fiber shaft with two angle settings, a nifty pattern holder, and our patent-pending TensiTamer gizmo to keep everything in place and select your desired tension. It's designed either for use with our Yarn Caddy, or as a single shaft Lazy Kate for use with spinning bobbins.
Akerworks: We like making things.
            No matter what you need, the barmaids have you covered from head to toe. Face pudding to keep you smiling, Lolo lips keep them kissable, probiotic deodorant for keeping you fresh as a rose, oh for feet’s sake to keep your feet soft and sandal ready, and the Lolo body bar for everything in between. You can find all this - and more! at bar-maids.com
        Carry your creativity with Erin Lane Bags! Whether you show your fiber fandom with the woolly wonder Sheepleverse, or dive into history with the Curiosities collection, our project bags, totes, and hook and needle organizers are at the ready to keep your hobby happy.
  For $80 off your first month of HelloFresh, go to HelloFresh.com/KNITMORE80 and enter KNITMORE80.
      We all have it, we all snicker about it.
Fun Fur.
Whether it’s eyelash, boucle, or just generally furry, it’s hard to find projects for novelty yarn.
With a sweet face, spiraling horns, and delightfully rotund body, Friendsheep by Cate Carter-Evans lets you transform your novelty and textured yarns into sweet, fleecy little friends. Pattern available on Ravelry; more info at infinitetwist.com
  Have you ever had to frog because you forgot a step several rows back? Or lost your spot because you dropped your magnet board or lost track with your highlighter tape? Instead of wrestling with paper, use the knitCompanion app. It keeps you on track so you can knit more and frog less. knitCompanion works with ALL your patterns and is available for apple, android and kindle fire devices.
  On the Needles:(0:40)
We mentioned GISHWHES.
Jasmin did Little Brother and Big Brother hats. She loves Knitcompanion.
Jasmin is nearly finished with her Tundra Jumper out of AVFKW Horizon. Sleeve progress.
(#MyRhineBIPOCSweater Join the Ravelry Group! , #BIPOCMAL2019). Jasmin
mentions the  #BIPOCMAL2019, which started in September and ends in November.
  Gigi  worked on the  Regia Pairfect. Also Patons Kroy: Vanilla is the new black socks
Gigi made more hexagons for the Polygon blanket. Finished one more color, only one ball left 
Jasmin is knitting the Polwarth
Gigi mentioned KIno Knits
Jasmin cast on a Jedi cardigan (Joji Locatelli’s baby wrap cardigan) for Genevieve’s teacher
#knittinginthedark. She knitted a wrap cardigan for Rex.
Gigi wants to knit some too, out of Hue Loco Yarn
  We will be collecting hats (locally) for refugees in New England:
  Maine Access Immigrant Network
237 Oxford St., Suite 25A
Portland, ME 04101
  SPOILER: Woolly Wormhead has a new book coming out!
  Jasmin cast on the Little Brother Bubbles Hat out of Cedar House Yarns worsted, and completed it.
She also made progress on  Mẹ hat (the autumn vines beret) out of Cepholopod Yarns Codex.
Jasmin talks about the Mouse Christmas Sweaters .
Check Boston Jen's Instagram 
Jasmin mentions the Sleep Genius App.
  Events: (29:09)
- #ChooseYourOwnAdventureKAL is ongoing. 
- #BIPOCMAL2019 Sep-Nov
- PIQF October 17-20 RECAP 
- True North Hearts and Hands donations:
-Half marathon for the knitting group to work on baby layette. RECAP 
-We will take a break from podcasting from January until March.
If you have suggestions for what to bring for the Podcast Tune-Up, let us know!
  In Stitches (43:45)
Jasmin wore her Cottongrass Pullover,LINK and stripey Canon Hand Dyes cowl, t
he BostonJen Greyhaven hat, sarcastic unicorn cowl, hamilknit hat LINK
Gigi is wearing her A-line skirt from the beginning clothing construction class
Nightshirts with modesty panel. Night cap
Genevieve wore her Barberry cardigan LINK
Rex wore his Oliver Sweater
  Mother Knows Best:(47:55)
This week we answer a question about finding yarn for charity knitting
  When Knitting Attacks: (54:29)
Gigi: working on heel increases for Vanilla is the new black socks.  Did one increase correctly,
put the second one in a random spot 
Jasmin tries late night mending.
  And Sew On:(58:33)
In Gigi’s sewing class at Cañada College, she got the muslin for her skirt fitted; next step is the waistband.  
Also, got started on the bodice 
  Couture Embellishments class at West Valley College continues. 
Gigi turned in beading and sequin Techniques 
The midterm project is supposed to be Embellishment and rejuvenation of something out of the closet;
the final is supposed to be sewn from scratch 
  Gigi handed  in a project plan, a description of what we are planning, cost estimate and techniques
  Check out this episode!
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