urds-lover · 3 months
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୨୧ Yandere Muzan x reader ୨୧
It was a cloudy night when you tried escaping from your husband, Muzan Kibutsuji, he was always so possessive of you it was unbearable. You were too tired of this and when you mentioned it to him he went crazy. You had no choice but to escape the hell Muzan created for you.
He was out tonight, promising to be back as soon as he could. He locked all the doors and windows before he went out.
And here you were trying to nudge it open with your hairpin. After a while it worked, your efforts did not go to waste afterall, at least that's what you thought.
Just as you were about to start climbing down the window, in the dimly lit room, the silence was broken with the soft rustling of Muzan's clothes.
You were so busy with opening the window that you didn't hear the front door open.
Muzan approached you as his wine red eyes bore into your soul making it clear that escaping was no option. You could feel the cold, sharp edge of fear slice through you as you tried to keep your composure.
Muzan stopped a few inches away from you, his gaze never leaving. His lips curled into a sinister smile, one that promised nothing but pain and suffering.
"Do you think you can escape me?"
He asked in a low whisper as cold wind blew through the window.
"Do you really think you can outrun your fate my love?"
He questioned you again as the atmosphere got colder and the tension in the air kept growing.
"I-I'm sorry..."
He took a step closer to you, your heart pounding as you wished to still be alive after this. You wanted to run but it would be of no use.
"Perhaps.." he mused tilting his head "I should just break your legs? That way you couldn't run from me anymore"
His words were casual and playful but they had a tone of threat behind those words.
Before you could even react Muzan was gripping your arm tightly sending an inhuman shock of pain through your whole body making you tremble in pain.
"You belong to me, there is no escaping me, no freedom, only me"
He whispered into your ears making it crystal clear to you that now that you were his, you have no freedom, no nothing, just him and only him.
Thanks for reading!⊹˚୨୧˚
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urds-lover · 4 months
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˚୨୧˚⊹ Eren views you as his and only his. The thought of sharing you with anyone whether it be a family member or friend is unbearable to him. Why do you need them when you have him? He frequently leaves marks on you such as hickeys and bruises as a reminder that you're his. Eren demands most, if not all of your time and he gets upset if you spend time with anyone else more than him.
⊹˚୨୧˚ MONITORING ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Eren always has tabs on you whether it's from following you everywhere or telling friends to watch over you and report back to him.He goes through your personal stuff like your diary if you own one and your phone to check if there are any threats to your relationship.
⊹˚୨୧˚ ISOLATION ˚୨୧˚⊹
Eren discourages you from wanting to spend time with friends and family members quite often. If that doesn’t work out then he threatens the people he feels are a threat to your relationship to stay away from you. He makes you feel as if he's the only one who can understand you and love you which manipulates you into thinking you don't need anyone else.
⊹˚୨୧˚ MANIPULATION ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Eren uses your emotions against you making you feel guilty about wanting freedom and space. He twists your words and actions making you doubt your own memory which reinforces his control over you. Eren showers you with excessive love and attention to overwhelm you and keep you emotionally dependent on him.
˚୨୧˚⊹ When Eren is angry he might punch walls, break things or use his presence to intimidate you and others. He harms whoever he sees as a threat to your relationship mercilessly. After his outbursts he apologises for scaring you.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Eren believes he is the only one that can protect and love you. he often talks about your future together and the day you'll become his children's sweet mother. He tells you about all the things he'd do to be a great dad for his kids and a great husband for you. Eren is pretty much down to do anything for you, including sacrificing his well-being and his morals.
⊹˚୨୧˚ JEALOUSY ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Eren is suspicious of everyone you interact with and questions your loyalty to him. He constantly accuses you of being romantically interested in someone else even though you've done nothing to make it seem like that. He often makes unreasonable demands such as cutting off contact with everyone and him being the only person you talk to. His jealousy ticks off easily.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Erens need to protect you is suffocating, he doesn’t believe that you can take care of yourself. He dictates what you can and cannot do under the guise of protecting you. Eren restricts your activities and doesn’t let you go anywhere without his permission.
⊹˚୨୧˚ GIFT GIVING ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Eren saves up money to buy you expensive gifts and he tries to make the gifts thoughtful as to remind you of his unconditional love for you. The gifts he gives always have a meaning behind them. If you ever try to reject his gift he accuses you of not appreciating his love and forces you to take it.
⊹˚୨୧˚ PROMISES ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Eren makes ritualistic promises about your future with him and swears to be eternally loyal to you and love you. And he expects you to make the same kind of promises to him and if you don't do it he'll either force you or emotionally manipulate you into doing it. Eren frequently reassures you about his love even though he doesn’t need to but his need for you to do the same is quite overwhelming.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Eren is extremely clingy and always wants to touch, hold or be near you. He's not afraid to display affection in public and he does it to mark his territory. He sometimes forces intimacy believing it's a way to strengthen your bond. Good luck with him.
˚୨୧˚⊹Thanks for reading⊹˚୨୧˚
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urds-lover · 4 months
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˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru's protectiveness
borders on obsession. He feels the need to protect you from any harm whether it's real or imaginary. This can cause him to follow you everywhere, ensuring you're never alone, becoming your constant shadow. His love translates into a deep sense of ownership as he doesn’t see you as a partner, rather as something he owns. Any indication of freedom and not being devoted to him triggers his possessive side and drives him insane.
⊹˚୨୧˚ ISOLATION ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Cutting off contact. Subaru will slowly but surely cut off your contact with the outside world as he sees it as dangerous for someone like you. He might break your phone, block your social media use, delete apps and make sure that you can't communicate with friends, family and others and he says he does this out of love and he does this for your own safety and protection. Subaru may confine you to specific areas of the mansion or even lock you in a room because in his perspective he sees that by keeping you physically isolated he can control the environment around you and keep you safe from any threats.
⊹˚୨୧˚ MONITORING ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru uses his vampire senses to keep tabs on you constantly and might plan on using security cameras in your shared room but I don't think there'll be need for that because he is always around you no matter what. Whenever you do manage to be out of his sight even for a brief moment Subaru will bombard you with questions when you return because he thinks it is crucial to know every detail about where you were, who was with you and what you were doing.
⊹˚୨୧˚ JEALOUSY ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru's jealousy can be easily triggered and he gets quite aggressive. Even having a normal conversation with another person whether it be a girl or a boy. Why do you need to talk to someone else when you've got him? He sees every interaction as a potential threat to your relationship. When he is jealous he can become physically violent. This could lead to damaging property, lashing out at the perceived rival, hurting himself to emotionally manipulate you or even killing the rival.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru will frequently make you feel guilty of wanting any form of freedom. He'll remind you of how much he sacrifices for you and how dangerous the world is for you without his protection. He portrays himself as a victim to gain your sympathy. He will talk about his past trauma and make you feel as if you're the only one who can understand him and save him from his lonely life, emotionally binding you to him.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru often struggles with his actions. He knows it is harmful but he feels powerless to stop. This internal conflict makes him unpredictable and unstable. After a particularly intense outburst he shows genuine remorse and continuously apologises and makes promises to stop this behaviour and change but his obsessive behaviour returns sooner than ever.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru becomes incredibly clingy, insisting on being with you every moment of the day. He even makes you sleep in his bed or lets say coffin so that he can watch over you in your sleep. He invades your personal space and privacy and he believes that he has the right to know everything about you. This includes reading your private diary if you own one and reading your messages if you managed to text someone and listen to your private conversations if you manage to have one.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru's emotions can change from loving and gentle to cold and aggressive in a matter of seconds. This unpredictability keeps you on the edge because you never know what may trigger his mood swings. His nature forces you to be constantly cautious and afraid to do anything or say anything that you think might set him off.
This constant anxiety keeps you under his control.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru leaves physical marks on your body as a way of showing that he owns you.
These can be love bites, scratches or even more severe injuries but he tries his best not to hurt you too much. He views these marks as proof of ownership. Beyond physical marks he repeatedly tells you that you belong to him reinforcing the idea until you begin to believe it yourself.
˚୨୧˚⊹ In private moments, Subaru's affection can be overwhelming. He showers you with love and attention and he often suffocates you with his need of being close to you. Subaru's desperate affection creates a cycle of dependence. He makes you feel like you need him as much as he needs you which ensures a life where you can't live without him.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru isn’t above using fear to control you. His intimidating presence and displays of anger serve as constant reminders of what could happen if you defy him.
If you disobey and try to escape Subaru might resort to punishment which could range from verbal reprimands to more severe physical consequences. His goal is to break your spirit and ensure your compliance.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru performers acts of service like cooking for you and taking care of your needs but these acts are always tainted with his possessiveness. He uses them to remind you of how much you depend on him. Occasionally, Subaru might grant you small freedoms only to snatch them away later. This manipulation makes you more compliant as you learn to appreciate even the smallest gestures of liberty he allows.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru's mind is always filled with thoughts of you. He plans his days around you, thinks about your future together and fantasizes about the life you will have with him being in the center. Subaru collects things that remind him of you or things that only you've used. These objects become his treasures which fuels his obsession for you.
˚୨୧˚⊹Thanks for reading⊹˚୨୧˚
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urds-lover · 4 months
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✧⊹Yandere Guren x reader⊹✧
The moon shone brightly over the buildings of the abandoned city, casting shadows across the streets.
Inside the headquarters of the moon demon company, Guren Ichinose sat in this private quarters. His sharp purple eyes were fixed on some important paperwork but his mind wasn’t able to focus on it
His mind was focused on a particular girl at the moment. She was s/o
S/o always found a way to make everyone around her smile and lift up their spirits and that infuriated Guren
He had noticed some of the soldiers, especially Makoto Narumi and Shusaku Iwasaki were always hovering around her and were always found wherever s/o was. They tried to gain s/o's attention and get favoured by her. It infuriated Guren and all the bottled up jealousy was close to exploding and reached its limits to be ignored.
One evening as he was training he saw that you were sitting on a bench and Narumi and Iwasaki were talking with you and he saw you smile in response.
It made his blood boil, how dare other people make you smile?
He went over to the three of you and grabbed the two guys neck and lifted them up without them even noticing that Guren was behind
"Do you want solitary confinement? If not then don't slack off dumbass"
He said in a stern voice
"Y-yes Sir!"
They said in harmony as they ran off to do their work
S/o stared at Guren and he stared back
"Try that again, I dare you"
He said with a piercing gaze
"Try what?"
s/o said, confused
"I don't think you know what kind of trouble you're in darling"
"I'm in trouble? What did I do wrong though? And what's up with the sudden nickname"
"That's your new nickname from now on and yes you're in trouble, trouble for talking to men you're not supposed to talk to"
"What's wrong with talking to guys? I don't see anything wrong with it!"
s/o says clearly frustrated as to why Guren was acting like this
"I hate it when other guys talk to you or look at you so fucking much"
"But why?"
He yelled out
S/o stared at him wide eyed shocked at what he said
"I'm sorry but I don't, please get away from me this instant, I feel uncomfortable"
"You can learn to love me"
He said as he grabbed your wrist
You struggled to free my wrist and s/o said
"I'm sorry but I can't, let go of me!"
"Is it that hard to love me..?"
"Please let go of me!"
S/o says now getting scared of Guren
"You're going to learn to love me no matter what, let's go"
He tugged on your wrist and forced you to follow him to his room where you'll be locked up until he feels like freeing you or you start loving him
⊹ ✧ ˚ ୨୧˚ The End ˚ ୨୧˚ ✧ ⊹
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urds-lover · 4 months
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✧ Yandere Lacus x reader ✧
You were a soldier in the JIDA but recently you got taken away by the vampires and now you are forced to stay with them and you have no way out of this because your squad members were killed by the four horsemen of John and a few vampires due to lack of training and early release into the army without proper training and gear.
It's been 2 months since that and you’ve adjusted to the vampire world, you're used to eating disgusting food, giving out blood whenever the vampires requested it but then again, you made two friends there.
They were the ones who took you away on command in the first place.
The first vampire had shoulder length black hair, ruby red eyes and dark circles underneath them.He was always tired. The second vampire however had violet shoulder length hair, same ruby red eyes but they always have a playful look on them and he was energetic.
The names are René and Lacus
No one knows but you and Lacus are in a relationship
You were on a walk with René as you had nothing else to do and he had to patrol the vampire city at night anyways so he could use some company.
You two were chit chatting while suddenly Lacus appeared from behind you and gave you a little spook
Said Lacus in a playful tone
You got cut off by Lacus covering your mouth and whispering into your ear
"Shush, what will people think if they hear you scream like this in the middle of the night? It'd also get three in trouble too ya know"
You finally calm down and Lacus lets go of you
"Geez, you can be a handful sometimes Lacus, why'd you have to scare her like that?"
Said René in a monotone voice
"Oh come on! Can't let our human relax now can we? We have to keep her on her tiptoes"
He said in a teasing voice as he pit his hand on my shoulder
"You know, calling me human feels as if I'm some kind of boring object with no use"
S/o said to Lacus
"Well it is true, you are usele-"
He gets cut off my s/o elbowing his ribs as René lets out a small giggle and I turn towards him
"Whaa, you finally giggled, you look so adorable while smiling, you should do it more often. I'm getting bored of seeing your straight face all day long"
René blushes and replies with
"Oh? Is that so? Why should I listen to you hm?"
"Cuz I'm your frien-"
"Can I borrow her for a second?"
Said Lacus from behind you and pulled you away into an alleyway after telling René to continue patrol and to not wait for them
"Why did you say he was adorable?"
He asked sternly
"Because he is?"
"You're not allowed to say that to any other men other than me"
"But why?"
"Because I asked you to, no, I ordered you to"
"Why are you even ordering me?"
"Because I own you"
"No you do not"
"Yes I do, tell me do you love me?"
"I do-"
"If you love me, you'll never do that again, do you understand?"
"Wait what-"
"Do you understand me sweetheart? Don't make me hurt you"
"Y-yes, I understand"
"That's good,now go back to my room and wait for me, I'll come to you and cuddle you to sleep after telling René you went to sleep cuz you felt sick, It's past your bedtime"
s/o slowly leaves the alleyway and Lacus makes his way to René
⊹ ✧ ˚ ୨୧˚ The End ˚ ୨୧˚ ✧ ⊹
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urds-lover · 6 months
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❝I love you...❞
Ferid Bathory being the seventh Progenitor didn’t really have time for his lover, aka, you. He was always busy with stuff such as paperwork, battles, drinking blood etc.
It was a beautiful rainy night. The rain droplets softly hit the window of the room Ferid and you shared.You were reading a book trying not to think of your lover too much knowing that he'll come home safe and sound.
The door knob turned as your lover walked in reeking of blood as his clothes were covered in it.
"Darling,it's 2 am, why are you still awake?"
He asked you sweetly and his voice had a trace of care for you in it. He was never really like this with anyone, he was always the flirtatious and devious Ferid who always had a grin on his face.
"I was getting worried and I stayed up for you"
You answered as you closed the book marking the page you were on by folding the edge of the page. You got up from the soft sheets which were really expensive and walked towards Ferid.
Ferids eyes softened as he heard your answer and saw you walk towards him.
"Oh darling, don't worry about me I'm fi—"
He was cut off as you touched his bleeding chest.
"What happened Ferid.. Why aren’t you healed yet?"
You say concerned as you look into his blood red eyes.
"Oh it's nothing, just got injured in a battle and I didn’t drink blood today so that's why I wasn’t able to heal, nothing to worry about, I'll be fine"
He says in a playful tone. You sigh at his words and pull on your nightgown revealing the skin of your neck.
"W-what are you doing? I'm not going to drink blood from you if that's what you're trying to do"
He said in a flat tone although he was tempted to drink your sweet blood.
"Just do it, I'm already tired, don't make me talk too much"
He looked at you in utter shock and tried to protest. But alas, he couldn’t resist.
He looked at you with soft sad eyes as if he was saying sorry for the pain he was going to give you now.
He held your shoulder on both sides and moved closer to your neck, he hesitated but he took a bite.
You felt immense pain as he bit and winced a bit, but you were happy that he didn’t argue much and took a bite.
Blood trickled down your neck as he was drinking. The blood felt warm,irony and sweet in his mouth. Oh how he loves your blood.
He pulled back after a bit and looked at you.
Your body was weak and you were leaning on him.
Was the last thing you said before drifting off in his arms
He held on to you tightly and picked you up. He carried you to the bed and tucked you in.
That's when he realized just exactly how much he felt for you.
"I love you s/o"
Was softly whispered into your ears.
Thank you all for reading!! <333
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urds-lover · 7 months
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— Yandere Alphabet Levi
Warning : Toxic behaviour, Possessiveness, misrepresentation of love, Control, Social isolation, blood, Self harm.
✧ A — Adoration, Levi always adores you. Whenever he looks at you, his eyes are always filled with adoration which is only meant for you, unless you’ve done something to make him mad. His eyes are always on you.
✧ B — Boundaries, Boundaries? It's a question that Levi refuses to acknowledge. There's no limit to his obsession for you. In Levi's eyes, your boundaries are just obstacles to be overcome in the pursuit of your love.
✧ C — Controlling, Levi is a very controlling person. He will make you follow his orders whether you like it or not. If you are a good girl and follow what he says, you'll be rewarded with kisses and hugs, but if not, be prepared for your worst nightmares.
✧ D — Desperate, Levi is desperate for your love and touch every hour, minute, second of the day. Oh how he wants to rest his head on your chest and listen to your heartbeat when he has a bad or stressful day. He wants to hold your hand and kiss them. Oh, he is so desperate for your love and touch, it's unimaginable.
✧ E — Envy, Levi envys anyone who is near you whether its a male or female. He wants you all to himself. He burns inside when he sees you hanging out with someone that isn’t him. All he wants is for you to give him 100% of your time to him. He doesn’t want anyone to be graced with being able to have your sweet time. Levi will end up killing someone if he bottles up all his envy and the bottle ends up exploding.
✧ F — Fixation, Levi is fixed on you. He can't pay attention to anything else other than you. You are his everything. All he cares about is you. He thinks of you while in battle killing the most dangerous titans.
✧ G — Gaslighting, Levi twists reality like a puppeteer pulling the strings and the truth is nothing but a distant memory. "I would never hurt you" he whispers even as his grip tightens around you.
✧ H — Harm, Hmm...this is a sensitive topic pooks. Levi is itching to harm the first person he sees you with. He is trying his best to remain calm while you talk to your teammates about the battle you're going to take part in, in less than 10 minutes. He tries his best not to harm you though, but if you really make him mad, he thinks you need a well deserved punishment.
✧ I — Isolation, Levi doesn't let you meet your family, friends or loved ones . You're never allowed to go near people unless it's for emergencies, battle. He just wants you to be with him and remain safe, don't you get it?
✧ J — Jealousy, Levi's jealously is nothing to mess with. His jealousy has no limits. He can't handle the thought of you with someone else. He gives you rough punishments or make out sessions when he's jealous. It's to remind you who you belong to.
✧ K — Kidnapping, Levi has thought of kidnapping you before. But he tried the old fashioned way first, making you fall for him. Which worked. And if it didn’t, then kidnapping would be his only option to make you his.
✧ L — Lies, Levi does lie to you. But it's always things like "They said that they hate you, see? No one loves you as much as I do. You should stop seeing them to prevent yourself from heartbreaks." He also tries stopping you from attending exterior missions by telling lies but you don't believe his lies and he agrees but he forces you to be by his side 24/7 while on the mission.
✧ M — Manipulation, Levi will guilt trip you by reminding you how much he sacrifices for you and you do nothing. That'll automatically make you sad and want to pay him back for all the sacrifices he's done and stay with him. The silent treatment is also given from time to time. Self harm too.
✧ N — Narcissism, Levi isn’t a narcissistic person. He can get overly jealous and possessive. He always needs reassurance from you that you'll always be there and you'll be his. Despite the amount of time he spends with you he gets insecure and jealous when he sees you spend time with someone else.
✧ O — Obsession, Levi is overly obsessed with you. His mind is consumed by the thought of you. He can never really focus much on things anymore because his mind is always tracing back to you. Basically, all he thinks of is you.
✧ P — Possessiveness, Levi treats you like a queen but at the same time an object which is his personal item and only he gets to touch, see and control. He always makes sure to keep an arm on your waist while walking, and if he isn’t able to do that, He'll make sure he is able to do it.
✧ Q — Quarrels, Levi really doesn’t quarrel or more like has the need to quarrel with you because of his possessiveness and control over you. And if he does, he makes sure to shut you up with a sweet and soft kiss on the lips which lasts about a minute or two.
✧ R — Revenge, Levi seeks revenge to any obstacles in the relationship. He will remove that obstacle immediately. And also if someone hurts your feelings, They should get ready because Levi isn’t letting them off so easily, He'll take them down to the basement, tie em up, make you watch them as they get tortured by him. And if you can't bear to watch, he'll just hug you to his chest and comfort you while inflicting torture on the one who hurt you.
✧ S — Stalking, Levi is definitely a stalker, wherever you are, he is. He never leaves you out of his sight. And back in the days when you weren’t his sweet lover, he used to watch you sleep every night without you even knowing.
✧ T — Threats, Threats are used in this relationship from time to time when you say you want to leave him. Knowing that you know his dark past he knows that you'll do anything for him. "If you leave me, then I'll cut my wrists"
You always give in so easily to his threats.
✧ U — Unpredictable, Levi has an unpredictable mood. The first moment he is happy and he has you on his lap kissing and cuddling you and the second moment he is angry at you for unreasonable things.
✧ V — Violence, Levi never resorts to violence whenever you do something wrong. He usually scolds you and sits you down on his lap and kisses you. He is very violent to someone who tries coming between you two.
✧ W — Worship, Levi will never bow down to anyone but when it comes to you...He might as well kiss the ground you stand on.
✧ X — extreme measures, Levi would take extreme measures to keep you with him at all times and to the ones who will try to force and break the two of you up. Levi is a smart man, a really smart man, and he wont hesitate to take extreme measures.
✧ Y — Yearning, Levi yearns for you love, attention and affection in an obsessive degree. Well, that's just what a yandere is. He really wants your attention and love.
✧ Z — Zero boundaries, Levi has zero boundaries when it comes to you, that isn’t even a thing to him. He is a touch starved boy and he is also very hungry for love, YOUR love so please give it to him. He already has enough trauma from childhood, please make him feel loved.
That's all for today pooks! I really hope you like them, if you have any requests, just ask! See ya later pookies ♡♡♡
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urds-lover · 7 months
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✧Hello Pooks! I'm Krystal and I'm here to lighten your days by making fics for you all!✧
✧I'm gonna start with 4 fandoms :
✧ 1 | Seraph of the End ✧
✧ 2 | Attack on Titan ✧
✧ 3 | Diabolic lovers ✧
✧ 4 | Demon Slayer ✧
✧Rules :
✧ 1| I won't write LGBTQ+ fics
✧ 2| I won't write female characters, only male
✧ 3| Please don't be rude
✧ 4| I won't write smut
✧ 5| I don't write character x character
✧ Thanks for reading my first ever post pooks! Love you, see you on the first fanfiction! Bye byee✧
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