#Yandere Subaru sakamaki
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animeyanderelover · 1 year ago
Can I please get yandere sakamaki with older big brother who is so different? Unlike them, he hates violence. Always make sure to force himself to drink things other than blood even if it means it kills him. And are always gentle and nice to humans.
He was seen as a disappointment to his father and mother but he always tried to treat his siblings better.
But at the end he later ended up killing himself and later got reincarnated as a human who is extremely gentle. Nothing changed, his appearance and personality is the same.
It's just that he is human now.
Tw: Yandere themes, obsession, possessive behavior, delusional behavior, stalking, clinginess, co-dependence,suicide, death, abduction, manipulation, gaslighting
Older brother reincarnated as a human
Shu Sakamaki
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🎵​After your death, Shu just shut down completely. You were the only one he ever admired and genuinely loved in his family but after your suicide, he was left alone all on his own. Unable to know how to handle his own feelings without you by his side to support him and help him through all the high expectations his mother put on him, Shu just decided to close his heart completely. He lost interest in everything around him because without his older brother around, he saw no reason to pay attention to other people and his hobbies. Without you nothing was fun anymore so he saw no reason to continue hobbies he used to do with you. The only thing he held close to his heart even after your death was music because he knew that you had genuinely loved it, perhaps as a way to express your own sorrow and troubles. Why did he never notice that you were also under pressure? Why did he never help you when you were suffering because of your parents? Should he avenge you by killing your mother?
🎵​Shu doesn't want to delude himself into something when you one day become a new student in his class but the similarities from your appearance to your personality are uncanny. His blue eyes are stuck to your form the moment you enter the classroom and when you notice, you just give him a slightly flustered wave as you wonder why he is staring at you like this. He never approaches you for the first few days but instead he is just lurking around where you are at the moment whilst observing your every word and action sharply. He feels his heart aching whilst watching you but is afraid to let you inside. He doesn't know if he is just trying to project here and feels like it would be a betrayal to his dead brother by using you as a coping mechanism. It isn't until all his younger brothers also notice you and start acting batshit crazy because of how eerily similar you are to their older brother that Shu has to step in to keep you somewhat safe.
🎵​When Reiji eventually comes up with the explanation that you might be a reincarantion though, Shu decides to trust him. He doesn't know if that is because that would be the most logical explanation for why you look and act like their dead brother or because he has finally cracked now with your daily presence a reminder of what he could have again. That's when he finally decides to give in to the wishes of some of his younger brothers who have wanted to kidnap you since a long time ago but couldn't because Shu, Reiji and Subaru held them back. Shu is obvious also somewhat desperate to hopefully trigger your memories from your last life but he isn't as pressuring as others are and is much more chill in comparison. Yet he can't deny that the dynamics have shifted now. You are now human and so much younger than he is which makes him much more protective over you now. It is a strange and somewhat saddening feeling at times because he wants you to be his older brother again but as long as you don't remember anything, that is so unlikely.
Reiji Sakamaki
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☕​Reiji has always idolised you so your death by your own hands has been a devastating blow to his view of you. He has always seen you as someone strong who can endure anything that is thrown in his way even if he did belittle you at times for not drinking proper blood. You were supposed to be this untouchable and strong older brother but after the news of your suicide Reiji realises that you were weaker than you allowed yourself to show. A part of him blames you heavily from that day on for not being what he thought and wanted you to be but the other part is tearing himself apart for never noticing that you were suffering. Why didn't you tell him? Did you think that he wouldn't be of any help? Was he not deserving enough of knowing?! Of course some of his hatred will be directed against your parents and whilst Reiji doesn't know of the current whereabouts of his father, it is very likely that he tries to poison your mother pushing you over the edge. He just wants to punish her for taking you away from him and leaving him all alone with those agonizing questions which you will never be able to answer him anymore.
☕​He antagonises you heavily when he first spots you in his school. Because how dare you to look and act so much like his older brother? You will never be him. He always gives you a cold glare as soon as he sees you and in every class you share with him, he will belittle you for every little mistake you make. He gets into a lot of heated arguments with his other brothers because of the way he initially treats you as he just labels all of them as delusional idiots who betray you for treating you like they treated their oldest brother. After he finally decides to remove his antagonistic behavior a bit and watches you with more neutral feelings, he can't help but acknowledge just how much you act like his dead brother. There is a limit to how many coincidences can happen so he starts studying for a phenomenon that could explain this. When he stumbles upon the topic of reincarnations, he decides to test you if your body remembers things from your past life or if he can trigger some memories from your previous life.
☕​So he decides to talk with you about suicide, specifically the suicide you chose to die because he wants to use an intense memory to thoroughly trigger you. Your reactions and emotions that you can't even explain yourself confirm his suspicions and only then does he decide that an abduction is in order. He tries to convince his brothers to follow his plan for your abduction because he just knows otherwise they would hurt you but it is extremely difficult to contain his younger brothers. It is a constant tug war as soon as you are back in your real home and whilst Reiji actually attempts to make a schedule where your time is divided, obviously no one really wants to listen as much. Maybe also because he tried to give himself more time with you than with the rest. Reiji is also someone who is actively trying to make you remember everything and sometimes he can go a bit too far in his attempts to trigger your slumbering memories. He also would prefer to turn you into a vampire again as soon as possible because the person he admires can't stay a human. You were a vampire in your previous life anyways. This time he expects you to consume proper blood though.
Ayato Sakamaki
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🥇​Ayato is in absolute denial when he initially finds out the news that you took your own life and whoever has delivered those news to him is getting yelled and maybe even slapped at. He doesn't want to believe that you would do something like this to him. You promised him to teach him how to play basketball a few days ago! Liar!!! He veils his heartbreak behind a lot of anger as he doesn't know how to handle those hurtful emotions and he doesn't want to deal with them either. Honestly, chances are high that he plans to kill your mother for shaming you and taking you away from him so she shouldn't be surprised if he one day attacks her with a dagger. At least this is the only thing all brothers seem to agree on. That your mother needs to be murdered for pushing you as far as committing suicide. Ayato never tries to face his sorrow though as he often just turns away and tries to ignore his pain. Differently from Shu, he doesn't stop doing everything he used to play with you though. He just lost his passion and fun for it but he knows that he is still the best.
🥇​You throw him totally off when he sees your face in the crowd and in the next moment he is pushing all other people aside until he can grab you and yank you to him harshly. He is probably going to be acting quite angry and like a little asshole for a while too because seeing someone look exactly like his brother annoys and irritates him. Similar to Reiji Ayato does share the mindset that you don't deserve to act and look like their dead brother but a part of him just also hates how his feelings are acting up whenever he sees you. He has never bothered to work through his grief after losing you and after so many years he doesn't plan on doing so anyways. He doesn't seem to hold a grudge as long as Reiji though and all it takes for you to break his walls is ruffling his hair like you used to do when he was young after he has won a game to which he wanted to invite you. From that day on he is always hanging around you and is insulting everyone who tries to do the same and always invites you to his games so that you can praise him after he has won it. For the first time in years, he actually starts having fun playing again.
🥇​He's all up to kidnap you soon after he has allowed his heart to be opened around you and he always butts heads with Reiji, Subaru and Shu who try to hold him and his other brothers back. It's always a shouting match where fists fly when he is the one arguing with one of them but ultimately he always ends up being pushed back. He's venting his anger out on furniture around him after every such argument because he can just not understand why they are hesitating for so long. As soon as even Reiji and Shu have given in to the idea of abducting you, he and Kanato are already on their ways out to kidnap you and it'll take some effort to hold both of them back. He is not happy about splitting time though and he has never been even in your old life. Now everything is worse though because you are neither vampire nor have your memories so no one is holding him back from playing a game of tug of war in an attempt to get you to spend more time with him. Ayato is going to play so much sport with you because he is so excited to show what he has learned and what new cool stuff he can do now.
Kanato Sakamaki
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🧸​Kanato has the worst reaction as soon as he is informed about your death. Not only is he furious with you for leaving him all by yourself despite you always having promised him to stay with him and play with him and his plushie again but he is also the one who is most likely to just straight-up murder your mother. How dare this bitch!!!! How does she plan to make it up to him?!?!? No one of his brothers would really try to hold him back for killing your mother because all of them share a mutual hatred for her and it might be quite dangerous to try to stop Kanato right now anyways because currently he is ready to murder anyone who just blinks in a way that annoys him. His mind is completely ruined together with his sanity from that day on as he goes into complete denial by acting like you are still here. No one ever dares to try to tell him that there is no one sitting next to him on the empty chair though because he might just grab a fork and try to stab whoever just told him that. Instead they just let him play his tea parties and talk to the air as if you are still there.
🧸​So his mind has a meltdown when he spots you in school and your face is instantly haunting you. A part of him would love nothing more than to jump on you and just strangle you whilst shouting and yelling at you until your body goes limp beneath him. No one is allowed to look like his brother so Kanato has been killing all men who remind him even remotely of him. The only reason why he doesn't do as a part of his mind tells him to is because Shu and Subaru are around you to keep you safe from everyone and everything. You can always sense his creepy stare whenever you are in his vision and it slightly freaks you out whenever you see him staring at you whilst clutching his plushie against his chest. Until one day Kanato just walks up to you and hands you another plushie before grabbing you by your wrist and dragging you away. You promised him. You promised him that you would have another tea party with him and his plushies. Hold your promises. Kanato starts treating you exactly like his older brother from that day on and your lack of memories makes for scary experiences which end with him yelling and shouting and throwing things around in a childish and violent tantrum.
🧸​Kanato is one of the brothers who tries constantly to abduct you from such an early point on but you are always rescued by either Subaru, Shu or occasionally even Laito. Kanato could sometimes just murder them for daring to take his older brother away from him again and a paranoid part of him starts thinking that they're just trying to keep you to themselves. How dare they?!?! So when the mutual decision to abduct you is finally made, Kanato is one of the quickest to rush out to just finally take you back. He despises seeing you around other humans because he genuinely thinks that you're trying to replace him at times. Well, not like he'd allow you such a thing since he has killed all of them brutally already. The purple-haired male is the most unstable and dangerous one though because not only does he expect you to remember everything even if your memories are still broken but at one point he even tries to act like you never even took your own life in the first place which is why you should never even mention it to him unless you want a cup of hot tea missing your head by only a few inches.
Laito Sakamaki
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🎹​Laito has perhaps been the one who had one of the most silent reactions as he never had an outburst or a visible breakdown after you took your own life. A part of him became just rotten after your death though as he silently decayed now that you, the only person who ever paid attention to him and who he only wanted to be noticed by, was gone for good. He doesn't try to kill your mother either. Death is far too easy after all. That worthless bitch needs to suffer. He starts intensely bullying your mother and starts verbally criticising her for everything from her appearance to her behavior. She is so ugly after all. He never tries to kill her himself because he knows fully well that one of his brothers will do that at one point anyways so he is just tormenting her as much as she can until she is finally choking on her own blood before finally dying. After her death though, he feels just so hollow now that he has nothing to do anymore. He starts reversing completely after that and starts doing everything he stopped doing for your sake. You're dead. What is the use in trying to act like a little saint anymore?
🎹​Laito is perhaps the one who approaches you the fastest when you become a new student in their school. He has a mischievous grin and a curious spark in his eyes as he starts chatting with you. Who might you be? Laito may act like a pervert but he isn't dumb. He doesn't just want to brush your appearance and your personality off as very big coincidences. He knows that Reiji is in denial so luckily he doesn't have to ask him as he just does his own research until he also comes across the term of reincarnation. Considering everything, he thinks that this would be the best explanation but he never tells this information to everyone. He's sure Reiji will find out anyways. Instead he decides to get a headstart by befriending you and getting to know you better. He sometimes comes to save you from some of his other brothers and their unbearable antics and starts toning his behavior down around you to make a good impression on you. Laito stays somewhat patient even if at times he also considers that an abduction would be honestly just easier because he can't stand seeing you hang out with other humans.
🎹​So he is delighted when eventually all of his brothers agree on abducting you and he is even more satisfied when he sees that all of his somewhat pushy yet still careful attempts to get closer to you have worked. He's one of the brothers you feel as of now most comfortable around simply because he isn't overly aggressive nor is he acting batshit crazy like Kanato. Laito appears so laid-back and relaxed and that is his plan. He is terribly manipulative though although he is masterfully subtle about it as he sometimes likes to reveal stuff to you about his other siblings to have you shy a bit away from spending too much time with them. Initially it is fun to see that your lack of memories allows him to influence you more easily but soon he grows bored of it and starts trying to help you to retrieve your lost memories from your old life. He wants his older brother back after all even if that means getting scolded by you again for lying and acting in such unfitting ways. Honestly, he kind of misses those half-serious scolds from you.
Subaru Sakamaki
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⬜​Subaru feels like he has been robbed something when he finds out about your death. It has taken him by comparison to his other brothers so much longer until he finally gathered the courage to seek you out and play with you since the words of his mother always out him down and made him feel like he didn't deserve to have fun with you. So he feels like his time with you was so much shorter than the time all his older brothers had with you so this makes it all the more painful for him. He's never crying when he is around others but as soon as he knows that he is all alone he starts wailing and smashing furniture and other objects in his vicinity. He has never had direct plans to kill your mother who was one of the reasons you took your own life but the older and stronger he grows, the more prone he becomes to physically lash out around her which often ends up hurting her in the process. He just can't help the boiling anger whenever he sees her face and recalls that she doesn't care about his brother's death.
⬜​He has no proper control of his emotions so when Subaru one day sees you amongst all the other students, he instantly turns around and runs away. His hands are shaking as soon as he's outside the school, your face in the crowd still on his mind. He never outright despises you like some of his older brothers do for the similarities between you and his dead brother but he is certainly often feeling very conflicted about it. He knows that it is weird and perhaps even wrong to want to get closer to you simply because you remind him so much of his brother and he also sometimes thinks that he might betray his deceased brother by doing so. Subaru is just so prone to getting lulled into a feeling of comfort and security but still feels too insecure and ashamed to just walk up to you and talk with you. So instead he takes a similar route as Shu does by just following you around. He's more likely to walk up to you as soon as he is feeling jealous or protective though since his temper is shorter.
⬜​There is a drop of guilt when it is mutually decided that you need to be abducted since you are apparently the reincarnation of their oldest brother but otherwise Subaru just follows along with his other brothers. He knows that it would be useless to convince them otherwise but he is just as aware that he wants you back in the Sakamaki mansion too. He wants his brother back with him. So as some way to relieve himself of his guilt, Subaru tries to act very nice and careful around you to give you a break from some of his other siblings. Witnissing that you aren't able to remember anything from your previous life nor from him breaks his heart though and he often ends up apologizing to you. He just feels like if he wouldn't have always clung to you for support when he was a child and would have noticed that you were just as burdened as him, you wouldn't have felt the need to take your own life. Now he is stronger though and whilst he is aware that you despised violence and still do, he'll be able to protect you this time.
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urds-lover · 9 months ago
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˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru's protectiveness
borders on obsession. He feels the need to protect you from any harm whether it's real or imaginary. This can cause him to follow you everywhere, ensuring you're never alone, becoming your constant shadow. His love translates into a deep sense of ownership as he doesn’t see you as a partner, rather as something he owns. Any indication of freedom and not being devoted to him triggers his possessive side and drives him insane.
⊹˚୨୧˚ ISOLATION ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Cutting off contact. Subaru will slowly but surely cut off your contact with the outside world as he sees it as dangerous for someone like you. He might break your phone, block your social media use, delete apps and make sure that you can't communicate with friends, family and others and he says he does this out of love and he does this for your own safety and protection. Subaru may confine you to specific areas of the mansion or even lock you in a room because in his perspective he sees that by keeping you physically isolated he can control the environment around you and keep you safe from any threats.
⊹˚୨୧˚ MONITORING ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru uses his vampire senses to keep tabs on you constantly and might plan on using security cameras in your shared room but I don't think there'll be need for that because he is always around you no matter what. Whenever you do manage to be out of his sight even for a brief moment Subaru will bombard you with questions when you return because he thinks it is crucial to know every detail about where you were, who was with you and what you were doing.
⊹˚୨୧˚ JEALOUSY ˚୨୧˚⊹
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru's jealousy can be easily triggered and he gets quite aggressive. Even having a normal conversation with another person whether it be a girl or a boy. Why do you need to talk to someone else when you've got him? He sees every interaction as a potential threat to your relationship. When he is jealous he can become physically violent. This could lead to damaging property, lashing out at the perceived rival, hurting himself to emotionally manipulate you or even killing the rival.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru will frequently make you feel guilty of wanting any form of freedom. He'll remind you of how much he sacrifices for you and how dangerous the world is for you without his protection. He portrays himself as a victim to gain your sympathy. He will talk about his past trauma and make you feel as if you're the only one who can understand him and save him from his lonely life, emotionally binding you to him.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru often struggles with his actions. He knows it is harmful but he feels powerless to stop. This internal conflict makes him unpredictable and unstable. After a particularly intense outburst he shows genuine remorse and continuously apologises and makes promises to stop this behaviour and change but his obsessive behaviour returns sooner than ever.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru becomes incredibly clingy, insisting on being with you every moment of the day. He even makes you sleep in his bed or lets say coffin so that he can watch over you in your sleep. He invades your personal space and privacy and he believes that he has the right to know everything about you. This includes reading your private diary if you own one and reading your messages if you managed to text someone and listen to your private conversations if you manage to have one.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru's emotions can change from loving and gentle to cold and aggressive in a matter of seconds. This unpredictability keeps you on the edge because you never know what may trigger his mood swings. His nature forces you to be constantly cautious and afraid to do anything or say anything that you think might set him off.
This constant anxiety keeps you under his control.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru leaves physical marks on your body as a way of showing that he owns you.
These can be love bites, scratches or even more severe injuries but he tries his best not to hurt you too much. He views these marks as proof of ownership. Beyond physical marks he repeatedly tells you that you belong to him reinforcing the idea until you begin to believe it yourself.
˚୨୧˚⊹ In private moments, Subaru's affection can be overwhelming. He showers you with love and attention and he often suffocates you with his need of being close to you. Subaru's desperate affection creates a cycle of dependence. He makes you feel like you need him as much as he needs you which ensures a life where you can't live without him.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru isn’t above using fear to control you. His intimidating presence and displays of anger serve as constant reminders of what could happen if you defy him.
If you disobey and try to escape Subaru might resort to punishment which could range from verbal reprimands to more severe physical consequences. His goal is to break your spirit and ensure your compliance.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru performers acts of service like cooking for you and taking care of your needs but these acts are always tainted with his possessiveness. He uses them to remind you of how much you depend on him. Occasionally, Subaru might grant you small freedoms only to snatch them away later. This manipulation makes you more compliant as you learn to appreciate even the smallest gestures of liberty he allows.
˚୨୧˚⊹ Subaru's mind is always filled with thoughts of you. He plans his days around you, thinks about your future together and fantasizes about the life you will have with him being in the center. Subaru collects things that remind him of you or things that only you've used. These objects become his treasures which fuels his obsession for you.
˚୨୧˚⊹Thanks for reading⊹˚୨୧˚
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cutelittlechiroptera · 4 months ago
One thing I absolutely adore about Diabolik Lovers is that every male lead is a yandere in some way. Some are more prominent than others, but still. Though the most apparent yans are definitely Kanato, Laito, Azusa and Kou.
I really wish more otome follow Dialovers lead when it comes to yandere. We desperately need more yans in otome games
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What are your thoughts?
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equinox-86 · 9 months ago
Before you play DIABOLIK LOVERS
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cozymoko · 2 years ago
So what I was thinking was that yuu has been in the manor for awhile, she always sees a locked door that she just can help but be curious about. Whenever she asks about it they tell her to bind her business, one the door was unlocked somehow (maybe someone forgot to lock it again after visiting idk) and she goes in to look and she finds us! The only sister of the Sakamaki family! (If it could be platonic Yandere that would be great) and you can go on from there bc idk what to add or the reactions of everyone would be 🥲 also sorry if this still isn’t any help I’m not sure if this is still confusing
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Note: I completely understand, no worries!
PART TWO: here!
Synopsis: Yui finally meets the only sister of the Sakamaki family who has been hidden away by her brothers.
Pairing: Yandere! Sakamaki brothers x platonic! sister reader
Format: Scenario
Word Count: 1.6k
WARNING(S): slight platonic yandere themes.
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Want more Diabolik lovers? → Masterlist! ★
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Please proceed below the cut.
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Only a few weeks had passed since Yui Kamori’s arrival, and she truthfully wanted nothing more than to return home. Where she didn’t have to sleep with one eye open. Her skin ached, practically screaming for salvation after undergoing endless amounts of “punishments'' for even the smallest of actions.
But today, no one was here. At least not at the moment, leaving her to relax until her heart’s content. With that said, the young human teen decided to treat herself to a walk, around the manor of course. After all, she had yet to see even half of the wonders (horrors) that were the Sakamaki household and she was more than just curious. 
Door after door: open, close; open, close. It was a never-ending cycle of boredom and disappointment. She had almost given up, concluding that there was truly nothing extraordinary happening behind closed doors. But that was before she saw it. Yui stumbled upon an unfamiliar door with a unique gold plaque just inches above it, serving as its most noticeable dissimilarity from the others.
The door was nothing special. It was wooden with gleaming gold imprinting smoothed between every crevice. But it stood out nonetheless. Yui slowly dragged her eyes along its surface, taking in its somewhat feminine appearance. Above it rested a large golden panel, inhabited by intricate calligraphy neatly engraved into its exterior; reading “Our treasure: [Name]”
Yui reached out, allowing her fingertips to subtly graze the cool doorknob, mere moments away from twisting it open… 
“You know, it's really impolite to go snooping around someone else’s home, little bitch~!” The sound of Laito’s voice nearly made her jump out of her skin. His tone was light but lacked the playfulness it tried so desperately to convey. “Allow me to escort you back to your room, fufu~.” 
Reluctantly, she followed, allowing the vampire to steer her further and further from the mysterious door; then down the hall, and back to her room. Her newfound curiosity outweighed her feeling of fear, despite Laito’s troublesome grip on her arm.
And she couldn’t help but wonder…
Just what was behind that door? Who is [Name]?
So the next day she tried her luck once more. Swiftly abandoning the security of her room, Yui proceeded down the dimly lit hallway. With the door close in sight, she noticed hushed whispers growing more audible by the second. Lo and behold, it was Kanato. 
His pale cheek pressed flush against the door's wooden frame, sweet yet borderline obsessive affirmations spilling from his thin lips. Yui assumed he was talking to himself, as far-fetched as it seemed. Though she wouldn't put it past Kanato of all people.
That's when she heard it. The faintest voice reached her ears, it was feminine and loving; and very clearly a blessing to Kanato's ears. She was sure he was ready to squeal with joy if not for the very slim amount of dignity he retained. Never had she seen him happier. 
A small smile pulled at the corners of her lips and before she knew it she was staring fondly at the scene. It wasn't every day she saw those sadistic men act so sweet and vulnerable, even if it was a little odd. Her dazed state didn't go unnoticed, unfortunately, as lilac hues met her soft rosy ones. 
“You—?!” The vampire practically screeched, trudging down the hallway towards the human girl. “Just how much did you hear?”
Let's just say she was left with more than just a few bruises, poor girl. 
The next day Yui ventured down that same vacant hallway. The old floorboards threatened to groan under her weight as she approached that same door that haunted her dreams.
“Haah…You really are a troublesome woman,” Yui jumped, startled. At her side lies a familiar champagne-haired man, tired and less than amused by her appearance. “This room is off-limits for brides. Even so, I've never met one as nosey as you. Leave while you can.”
The girl was stunned, shaking like a leaf. When did Shu get here? Why was he here? Her suspicions were creeping up on her like an unruly wave threatening to sweep her under any moment. At that moment she had finally realized, It wasn't just a door. 
I think.
But of course, curiosity killed the cat. 
Having grown tired of being caught, tied up, and punished time and time again Yui tried a distant approach; she had no choice. Her fair skin had grown battered and bruised, adorned by more lacerations and pricks than she could count. So as one does, she took her chances and decided to confide in Reiji. 
Entering his room, Yui politely took a seat across from the man at a polished deep oak wood table. Accompanied by freshly brewed tea set evenly between the two. “Reiji,” Yui commenced, though her words came as an airy puff as her nerves threatened to tear through her light bravery. “I…I've been curious about something as of lately. A door in particular,”
His red eyes narrowed significantly, “Go on.”
“All the guys have been acting kind of strange lately every time I get close to it and—”
A firm hand made contact with her chest, successfully knocking the wind right out of her, slamming her into the harsh cushioning that lined the leather sofa. “Enough; That is none of your concern, you are merely a living blood bag,” He sighed, sending her a menacing glare. “Don't allow your curiosity to push you to do unnecessary things. If you disrupt the peace of those I hold dear to me I shall punish you personally, do you understand?”
The mortal nodded and swallowed sharply, briskly maneuvering from the vampires prying gaze. And much to her surprise, he allowed it. Yui rushed to the door before slipping through its slight opening, down the hall, and then back to her room once more.
Someone Reiji cared for was behind that door, and from the looks of it, there was no way it was one of his brothers. So who? 
No matter, at that point, Yui had given up. She was scared shitless, not wanting to undergo any more torture than she already was. She had a sneaking suspicion that the brothers were slowly losing their patience with her and she didn't want to be there to experience the consequences. 
So the next few days were carried out like any other. Today she was spending her time with a certain redhead, mindlessly listening to his narcissistic rambles.  As they turned down a familiar hallway, she glanced to the man at her side. Ayato walked past the door without a care in the world and made her start to second guess herself.
Perhaps her gaze lingered on the door for a second too long, for a certain redhead had noticed her delayed footsteps. “Oi, pancake what the hell are yo-?” He paused, his face growing visibly sour as he followed her eyes. “...Looking at.”
He scoffed, gripping tightly onto her frail wrist. From the looks of it, he was not pleased. 
“The last thing I need is for more competition, those five assholes are more than enough.” 
His hushed grumbles were like sirens to Yui's ears, igniting the dying flame of determination in her chest. That was all she needed to hear as nothing from that point on could prove her suspicions false. There was definitely someone behind that door. 
However, it seemed her luck had already run out. 
Until one fateful day at least. 
A sliver in the door, so small it was almost unnoticeable. Feeling some sense of urgency the girl jumped to her feet, making a straight beeline to the wooden door before slamming it behind her. The subtle sound of someone clearing their throat dragged her from her internal celebration. 
The woman looked to be no older than sixteen, but she knew better than to believe she was any younger. Her silky hair was tied neatly out of her face, with very little makeup brushing her features. An extravagant rococo-styled dress fell to her ankles as she busied herself with a thick novel. Only when she met her eyes did Yui notice the resemblance the woman shared with the brothers. 
“A mortal girl,” The woman said, almost matter-of-factly. “You must be the sacrificial bride, correct? Yui Kamori, I presume.”
She nodded, so slowly that she seemed unsure, causing a jovial laugh to slip through the beautiful woman's painted lips. 
“I see…you’re not much of a talker, are you?” The woman smiled politely before closing the book that rested in her hands, lazily tracing small circles into its cover. “No matter. Answer me this, how did you get in here? Subaru must've forgotten to close it, he's in here quite often, after all, he's such a big baby.”
“That door is never open so I think you know what I’m hinting at.” The physically younger woman leaned toward the mortal girl, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “As for Subaru, I'm a little bit older than him so he tends to cling to me like his life depends on it!”
Yui gave her a look of blatant confusion, hardly catching onto whatever the young vampire was spewing out. “Hm, you look a bit confused and clueless, let me help you.” The woman smiled, whispering her rude comment dismissively “Do you even know why I’m in here?”
Yui shook her head, ignoring the anxiety gnawing away at her composure. Gradually shying away from the woman's attention as she hugged her sides. 
“Oh my, then this should be a real treat.” She giggled, gazing fondly at the frightened girl. “Now, Yui Kamori, allow me, [Name] Sakamaki to tell you a tale of endless obsession!”
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lilianvanrouge · 2 years ago
Sakamaki Brothers x Nursery Maid Reader
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You’re a maid who raised all the Sakamaki brothers since they were babies. You being the personal maid of Karlheinz’s children was the only way you could escape marrying Karlheinz himself.
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You helped raised Shu when he was a baby. Though Beatrix kept on shoving you away to keep her first child and the heir to the household away from you.
You got more time with Shu when he was older and he loved spending time you. You actually let Shu think for himself instead making decisions for him which he loved about you. You’re the one who introduced Edgar “Yuma” to Shu thinking he needed a friend around his age. You watched over and played with the two boys while in the forest.
When you were tending to Reiji with his studies while Beatrix was doing embroidery, Shu brought home a puppy. Beatrix ordered the puppy taken away and one of your fellow servants began struggling to take away the puppy from Shu. You finally stood up, took the puppy away yourself, and Shu ran away crying. In the middle of the night you woke Shu, who was still mad at you and led him into the forest where you left the puppy. From then on he could visit the dog whenever he wanted.
You taught Shu how to play the violin, because it was your favorite string instrument. Shu liked to perform for you and you often played with him. You also taught him Latin, how to play the piano, and swordsmanship. When Shu once worked as cashier you were happy that he got a job. You smothered him in praise, hugs, and kisses which made the other brothers jealous.
When Shu got lazy, you didn’t scold him. You pitied him because of Edgar “Yuma” and the way Beatrix treated him. You always held him while he slept and stroked his head. The other brothers see this as a sign of favoritism and try to pull you away. This is one of the few times Shu shows emotions by releasing anger.
Though when Shu ended up repeating a grade in high school, Karlheinz sent him to the North Pole. You went after him and found him about to be eaten by polar bears. You saved him and tended to his injuries. He told you that he struggled not falling into the ocean and other polar bears.
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When it came to Reiji, Beatrix didn’t even bother to stop you from helping. She practically forced you to take care of him, while she ran off to pamper Shu.
You helped both Shu and Reiji with their studies, but mostly Reiji because he wanted Beatrix to praise him. Unfortunately, that never happened and you were the one always giving Reiji the love, praise, and attention that he always wanted.
When Reiji burnt down Edgar’s “Yuma’s” village you were very hurt, furious, and sad. Reiji thought that night you followed Shu to the human village to bust him. Reiji never felt more scared in his life when he saw your face that night. You wanted to yell and hit Reiji so badly, but you didn’t knowing you would get in trouble with Karlheinz. It also put Shu in trouble for playing with humans and you were the one who introduced him to them. You still never forgave Reiji for that night and for scarring Shu for life.
When Reiji killed Beatrix you were shocked, but you understood why. You were never close to any of Karlheinz’s wives. You planned the funeral and buried Beatrix.
You also bonded with Reiji by playing games of strategy and knowledge. Reiji was very impressed because he never once won against you. Whenever his pocket watch broke, the one he got from Karlheinz, you would fix it. You also taught Reiji how to cook and play the piano.
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You were the midwife that helped Cordelia bring Ayato into on March 22, which made him the oldest in ancient Japanese culture. You hated Cordelia and tried to stay away from her the best you could.
You loved watching the triplets play with each other, until Cordelia came and ruined it. Ayato was forced to study by himself without any of your help, while Kanato and Laito played all day. You often sneak into Ayato’s room to help him get done with his studies faster.
You were there when Ayato was drowning in the lake and Cordelia watched him. You wanted to help Ayato, but Cordelia grabbed hold of you and kept threatening you with Karlheinz. That’s when Ayato went under and you snapped. You punched Cordelia in the face and jumped into the lake. Once you got Ayato to shore you gave him CPR. Cordelia was yelling at you now with a black eye and you ran away with Ayato in your arms.
Cordelia did tell on you to Karlheinz, but he did nothing. When Richter saw Cordelia’s black eye he went straight up to kill you, but when you two fought you won. You also didn’t get in trouble for beating up Richter.
Ayato developed his boob fetish, because of you. When Ayato was very little you held him and he’d bury his head in your boobs like a plump, plush, pillow. You would turn red and were very uncomfortable by this. When he was a baby with his two other brothers they made an effort to breastfeed from you, which Cordelia did to them. You put them on the ground when they made an attempt to breastfeed.
Whenever Ayato’s stuffed bunny that Karlheinz gave him got torn you fixed it. You’re also the one who introduced Ayato to takoyaki. When Ayato went to the North Pole to find Santa Claus you freaked out and went after him. You also hid Ayato in your room when Cordelia was mad at him or wanted him to study.
You scolded Ayato for getting bad grades in high school, but he didn’t care. He only cared when you stared awarding the other brother with gifts and their favorite food when they brought back good grades. Your personality also goes well with Ayato because you’re also aggressive and hate to lose. The first time he challenged you to a basketball game. He didn’t score a single point against you and keeps on challenging you. Even though he’ll never win.
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You helped Cordelia bring Kanato into the world on March 21. Cordelia breastfed him as a baby and he tried to feed from you but you refused. You gave Kanato the attention he wanted, that Cordelia never gave enough of. You also scolded him to stop harming himself just for Cordelia’s attention.
Kanato loves to sing to you, but Cordelia doesn’t and tries to stop him. He mostly sings Scarborough Fair, but you like to sing to and with him. You sung to all the Sakamaki brothers when they were babies.
You were appalled finding out Kanato made dolls out of Cordelia’s lovers and sacrificial brides. Cordelia on the other hand supported this habit. You were horrified seeing Kanato become a necrophile because of this, but you were glad he wasn’t a necrophilia. Once you found out that Cordelia has been letting Richter suck her blood in front of Kanato you tried to keep Kanato away from her.
When Kanato burned Cordelia’s dead body you were happy, because it saved you the trouble of burying her. Kanato personally asked you to sew the jar of Cordelia’s ashes inside Teddy. Now you have to comfort him every time it rains like the night he cremated his mother.
Kanato personally prefers your cooking over anyone else’s in the world. He loved your raspberry pudding the best. If anyone else made it, he could tell and go into a destructive temper tantrum. You also sew stuffed animals for Kanato. He also loves to sing to you when he was little, but Cordelia only wanted his voice for her. So Kanato sung to you in secret, but he’s more open to it since Cordelia died. He also has a habit of forcing you on picnics just to get some alone time with you.
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You helped bring Laito into the world on March 20, which technically makes him the oldest if it wasn’t for ancient Japanese culture. Like Ayato and Kanato, he was breastfed by Cordelia and tried to feed from you too but you refused. When Kanato and Laito were little they always followed you around.
Laito always needed the most love and attention since he was nothing to Cordelia, while Ayato was the “Successor” and Kanato was her “Songbird”. You always played games with Laito and you were the one who taught him how to play the piano. You also gifted him his fedora, which he doesn’t often like to take off. You’ve given other hats like a green beret, a black ball cap, and a black sun hat. You’re also the one who introduced him to macaroons.
When you found out Laito had an incestuous relationship with Cordelia you got physically sick and threw up. Once Karlheinz heard of their relationship he locked Laito down in the dungeon, while Cordelia was unpunished. Laito yelled to be let free, but no one would help him. You snuck down into the dungeon to free Laito, but stopped seeing that Cordelia and Richter were having sex in front of him. You were disgusted and outraged at this and immediately freed Laito.
Ever since then, things have been extremely awkward between you and him. Laito tried to rebuild your relationship, but it would never be the same.
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You helped bring Subaru into the world. Even knowing that Subaru was a baby born by incest by Karlheinz and his cousin Christa. However, this didn’t stop you from loving him. If anything this made you hate Karlheinz even more. You kept Subaru far away from Christa when he was a baby, since she is mentally ill. So you were mainly Subaru’s mother.
You took Subaru to visit his mother by force from him or Karlheinz. You make sure to never leave the room when Subaru visits his mother alone.
You remembered when Christa was pregnant with Subaru, she tried to kill Subaru. You slapped and she fell to the ground crying. She kept on saying that Subaru was impure and will ruin her beauty. You slapped her again angry. You never thought Christa was beautiful anyway.
When Christa calls Subaru an abomination you remind him that you love and that’s all that matters. When she tells Subaru to kill her you tell him that you will kill her. But you tell not to tell anyone or else Karlheinz will kill you. Subaru didn’t want to imagine you dead and kept quiet.
When Christa hit Subaru and ran to Karlheinz, you were furious. You walked straight up to Christa who was still in Karlheinz’s arm and punched her. You were dragged away sentence to be locked away tower and Subaru watched the whole thing in fear and sadness. This was when Subaru started hating Christa and had trust issues with females.
Upon your return the brothers were overjoyed of your return, but Subaru did greet you. He locked himself away blaming himself for your arrest. You met with him by force and he broke down crying seeing that you were actually happy to him again. He blamed himself for your and been alone. During that time alone he vowed to kill Christa.
When Subaru broke a statue and Karlheinz threw him in the middle of the ocean you went to rescue him. You took notice to how Subaru liked Kanato’s and your singing. You also gifted him mobile games which he treasured.
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You were currently sleeping when you turned to your side and saw Kanato staring down at you.
“Ah!! Kanato what are you doing in here?!” you shouted, startled.
“I’m hungry, I demand that you make me food,” he said.
You sighed, got out of bed, and made Kanato breakfast. When the brothers left for school you were happy. You finally had time to yourself since you did all the cleaning yesterday. You took this chance to go into the city and go shopping. There at the coming back from the market was where you met another supernatural creature.
“(Y/N)! I’m hungry! Make me some takoyaki!” shouted Ayato from a another room.
“While you’re at it (Y/N); I need you to wash my underwear!” shouted Laito.
“I would also appreciate it if you could make me some tea,” said Reiji.
You sighed and tended to all their needs. You began walking down the hallway to do Laito’s laundry.
“You should really stop spoiling them,” said Subaru as you passed.
“I’m just a maid. I can’t say no to them,” you said.
Subaru clicked his tongue and then disappeared. You started the laundry outside, because the triplets like their clothes washed by hand. Another one of your fellow servants came out to talk to you.
She was your only friend at the mansion, but she hated the Sakamaki boys. She also hates their mothers, but thankfully for her two out of three of them were dead.
“I don’t understand how you can deal with those monsters,” said ____
“Well I helped raise them so everything is fine,” you said.
“Have you ever thought about leaving?” asked ____
“Of course, I have! But it was mainly because of Cordelia. I also may have. . .” you said.
“May have what?!” asked ____, curiously eager.
“I may have met someone while I was out shopping, and I’m going to meet with him again tomorrow while the boys are at school,” you said blushing.
“Really?!” she said happily.
“Yeah,” you said.
It was the next day and you visited your crush once again. You kept this up and it became a daily routine for you on the weekdays. You made sure to keep this a secret from the boys even if it costs you your life.
You were now serving food to the brothers for their monthly dinner party. They took notice to how absent minded you were, which is very uncommon for you. You also weren’t talking to any of them.
“Yo, (Y/N)!” shouted Ayato.
“Huh?!” you said, snapping out of your day dream.
“I asked you three times to pour me some wine!” said Ayato, annoyed.
“Sorry,” you said.
You said and began pouring some wine into Ayato’s glass. You then began blanking out again and ended up spilling wine on the table and on Ayato.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong with you? You never lose focus,” said Reiji.
“Yeah, and I’m proof of that! Now grab a napkin and clean this off of me!” said Ayato.
The wine was spilt on his stomach and crotch. You gave Ayato a serious side glance and he flinched. He clicked his tongue and started cleaning himself up. But you’ll still wash his clothes by hand.
You left their dinner early to get some rest, because the night after tomorrow was the vampire ball. You had to attend by force because of Karlheinz.
It was now the night of the ball and you were serving vampires. The boys were about to do their speeches when a chandelier almost crushed them. You were shocked but knew it was Kanato because he was far away from the chandelier looking disappointed. The servants were told to clean up the mess, while you were supposed to bring more food.
You went to the kitchen and was about to grab some trays when you heard more glass drop. You knew it had to the glasses for the wine and other alcoholic beverages. You sighed and went to the broom closet to help with the clean up.
You turned around and hearing the door shut behind you. You scowled seeing that it was a random vampire.
“Hello (Y/N),” he said.
“What the hell do you want?!” you asked angrily.
“Wow! So vulgar, but yet so bold! I don’t know whether to call this courage or stupidity!” he chuckled.
“It’s courage. And in a second I’m about to show you how fierce I am by kicking your ass! And I’d rather do it while you’re in your true form, Karlheinz,” you said angrily.
Karlheinz smirked and turned back into his true form.
“You’re more beautiful than last time I saw you, (Y/N),” said Karlheinz, walking to you.
You didn’t fall for any of his flattery and scowled. Once he was getting too close for your comfort, you started baring your teeth and cracking your knuckles. However, he wasn’t intimidated by you not one bit.
“Your (h/c) hair is as (h/l), soft, and as great smelling as usual. And your (e/c) eyes are firey as usual! If you keep looking at me like that I might catch fire!” he chuckled.
He came to close and grabbed a lock of your hair. You then delivered a hook powerful enough to to smash right through his head. He saw this coming however, and dodged your punch jumping backwards. You ended hitting a panty shelf with dust and food going everywhere. On closer inspection your fist left a deep, large crater in the stone wall.
Karlheinz, now far away from you had his hands on his knees laughing as he brushed away a stray hair.
“You’ve grown more powerful!” he said. “You truly should’ve been my first wife. But regardless you’ll be my favorite wife, even more than Christa. And I know that you would bare such powerful children. This will be art of fine breeding between you and I.”
“Don’t make me vomit! The thought of me being under you makes me want to commit suicide,” you said, angrily.
“Now, now, who said I’ll be on top. It’s clear that you’re very dominant so you’ll easily put me under you,” he chuckled.
You were ready to snap his neck when you heard the kitchen door open.
“(Y/N), I acquire you to supply more wine!” said someone.
It sounded like Reiji. Karl, was immediately pissed and you shoved right passed him to go back to work.
Three Months have passed since the ball and the brothers were having their monthly dinner party. Your only friend was serving alone.
“Hey, where’s (Y/N) at? I need her to make me some sauce to go with my takoyaki. In matter of fact throw this shit away altogether. This tastes nothing like her takoyaki!” complained Ayato.
“Yes, I agree. This tastes nothing like (Y/N)’s cakes and pastries. I’m infuriated,” said Kanato, calmly but full of anger.
“Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen (Y/N) all day either,” said Laito, with a smirk.
“____, where is (Y/N)?” asked Reiji.
“She left,” said your friend.
“Tpht! When will she be back to cook a proper dinner then, since your food tastes like ass?!” said Ayato.
“Jeez, shut up!” said Subaru.
“She left,” repeated your friend.
“Yes, we understand that fucking part but when is she coming back?!!” shouted Ayato, angry.
“She!! Left!!” shouted your friend.
All the boys eyes widened finally realizing what was going. Even Shu was wide awake.
You were currently in a limo with your new fiancé (I like to imagine him as Sebastian Michaelis). Your fiancé stroked your head as you rested it against his shoulder and closed your eyes. But they immediately shot open realizing that something was wrong. The next thing you knew the limo hit something and went flying through the air. You and your fiancé managed to escape with ease before the limo fell off the cliff and exploded.
“What The Hell!?!” you shouted.
“Are you okay?!!” asked your fiancé.
“Physically, yes!! Mentally, no!!” you shouted.
You looked up on the mountainside to see the Sakamaki brothers.
“Boys. . . ? What The Actual Hell!?! Did You Boys Do This!?!” you shouted.
“That should be obvious,” said Reiji.
“Why did you leave us without telling us?” asked Kanato, emotionlessly.
“Leave, my ass!! She flat out abandoned us!!” shouted Ayato.
“Abandoned?!” you shouted.
“That’s right, (Y/N)! So you better have a good explanation for us or else!” said Laito, happily.
Shu just glared down at you from the cliff.
“Enough of your loud ass voices!! (Y/N) speak!!” shouted Subaru.
“It’s just. . . You boys are too old to have me anymore. You don’t need a nursery maid anymore,” you said.
The brothers had a look of sadness before it turned into rage.
“What the hell?!! So you don’t want to stay with us?!!” shouted Ayato.
“I love you boys!! I truly do!! But it’s time for me to start a new chapter of my life!” you shouted, beginning to cry.
“So that’s why you’re with this demon. You’re marrying him aren’t you?” said Shu, calmly but still angry.
You looked down at the dirt. The brothers got even more angry that you’re marrying a demon instead of a vampire. The thought of you marrying a demon gave the brothers Cordelia vibes since she was the Demon Lord’s daughter.
“You are not marrying some demon!!!” shouted Ayato.
“Exactly. In any case you should marry one of us,” said Laito.
“I can’t do that!!” you shouted.
“Why not?” asked Kanato.
“First of all I’ve raised all of you since you were born! It’d be gross!!” you shouted.
Laito got angry remembering being Cordelia’s sex partner.
“Also the reason why I became a maid was to escape marrying your father. Otherwise I would’ve been his first wife before Cordelia. I’ve been running from your father for centuries, until he came up with a compromise. If I raised you all of for (time) years then I could leave. Now that time is up,” you explained.
“So in other words we have to kill our father to make you stay,” said Ayato.
“No!! That’s not the problem!! Regardless, if Karlheinz is dead or not; I’m still getting married and leaving!! And once he finds out that you boys feel strong enough to marry me; he’ll kill all of you and try to start over with me!! Best case scenario is that I’ll be locked in a separate tower from Christa!!” you said.
Subaru flinched at the mention of his mother. He jumped off the cliff and in front of you. The next thing you knew everything went black. When you woke up you were in chains in the dungeon. All the brothers were standing and staring at you outside of your cell. You took noticed to the cell being the same one Laito was locked in.
“Look Teddy, Mother’s finally awake,” said Kanato.
You knew this had gotten really bad. The boys haven’t called you mother since they were little.
“What are you doing?!!” you asked, panicked.
“Calm down, Mother. This is only temporary until one of us becomes head of the household and kill Karlheinz. Since this is only the only logical way we can marry you,” said Reiji.
You knew this was going to take centuries remembering all the sacrificial brides who failed to awaken.
“Just so you won’t escape again,” said Laito, with a smile.
Shu and Subaru threw a beheaded ____ at you. You screamed and cried seeing your only friend in the mansion.
“The bitch knew you were getting married and didn’t tell us. But don’t worry there will be no more secrets for you to hide from us. Since you’re trapped here forever,” said Ayato.
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flaresemily · 1 month ago
Sakamaki brothers and mukami brothers with a reader who has severe social anxiety. The reader has the personality almost same as shuu like sleeping most of the time and wearing headphones 24/7 except she's active than him and not stoic as him. But after the reader gets comfortable with them she's SOOO unhinged and chaotic (in a good way)
I'm going to make each brother at a time. Each reader in each brother acts differently but still the same as requested.
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Shu :
Believe it or not, Shu is happy that someone was the same as him, like music and napping.
He always sleeps with you (not in a perverted way) he just lies down beside you and sleeps.
You can say Reiji has been complaining about this. The one thing that are different about you two is, you are actually from a football club. You are more active than him so Reiji couldn't complain much.
The more he spent time with you the more he realized something.
That you are a bothersome girl, that's for sure. Yapping none stops when with him.
Yapping and yapping. But you are afraid of people. Everytime he tells you to befriend some ‘human’ you feel scared just thinking about making friends. Thus, you always stay with him.
(you and him once annoy Reiji in the dining room just for fun)
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Reiji :
Reiji at first is always nagging you. Scolding you for spending money on earphones/headphones. But hey, he can't stay mad since you actually score your exam unlike a certain ‘deadbeat’.
One time you are forced to interact with other people you literally hide in Reiji classroom. Without him noticing weird huh.
And if Laito was the one who bothered you. You will hide in Reiji bedroom.
Then, when Reiji finds you. You will exposed what Laito did and he got punishment such as doing the dishes and housework that Reiji do.
The more he spends time with you the more he realizes you are actually just like him. You love science! Thus, you and him become the 'science duo'
(you and him agree that Shu is a deadbeat but then you gasp dramatically because Shu literally behave like you so in other words Reiji hates you too)
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Ayato :
He was annoyed when his with you. Sleeping and hearing music with your earphones/headphones. His first thought about you were : "tch, another Shu Sakamaki"
Though he quickly realized something. You love basketball that's what makes him interested in you. In every game that you or him play both will be there to observe.
The more he spends time with you he realizes you rarely interact with your teammates but you do know what they want as if you can see when your eyes close.
Thus, you two have become the "ore(o)-sama duo" ayato was the one that say it. He claims you (not in weird way) as his 'best friend' weird huh.
Even Kanato side eye him. (You and him go around pranking the brothers)
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Kanato :
He hates you. So so so much! You always sleep! Always listening to music like Shu! He hates you so much! So he plans to make you his doll.
As he tries to kill you he realizes you were hugging a teddy bear with a skirt on it.
"teddy look this b*tch has a teddy bear too."
"what? You like her! Impossible teddy! You like that bear! That bear is that female wh*re teddy bear!!"
"oh? You want me to befriend her so that you can date the bear? Fine for you I try"
The next day
He did try to befriend you. Ayato and Laito almost choked on their own food when Kanato offered you his chocolate. Subaru can only pray you are alive.
You were afraid of him but after he tells you that teddy like your teddy...you were shock.
"teddy like my teddy?" "Yes where is she? Teddy want to get to know her" you look at the brother. Laito just avoid your gaze.
'the betrayal' is what you thought that time when both Ayato and Laito avoided your gaze
"s-she sleeping uhm she's tired after accompanying me to watch a movie"
"what's her name?" "..uhm her name was teddyla" "teddyla?"
Reiji though : 'what a stupid name'
"yes she pick it her name herself." "Oh teddy said it's pretty"
From then on you become 'bestie' as he said.
(it's official your teddy bear and his teddy bear is 'happily dating' on the way to 'marriage')
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Laito :
At first he doesn't really have any interest in you. Because you sleep and only listen to music. He doesn't care about you at all.
But what makes it change? Well while Laito was flirting with his fan girls his fedora was snatched away by some jealous boys and was cut in half.
I mean yes he can just kill those boys but Reiji warns him not to. So he pretends to be sad so that his fan girls attack those boys and they do.
As he walks around the school he clenches his cut-in-half fedora with anger. And that's when you came in. Just in luck you are a pro when it comes to stitching. So you stitch his fedora back as if it was new. He looks at you and realizes you are in the middle of the project.
The school has decided to make a mascot so the principal asks you to make some dress.
"Laito? Are you crying?" You ask him.
Yet, there was a single tear roll down from his eyes. "Nothing...I'm just glad it's fixed thanks"
You were shocked the great boy flirt Laito is thanking you.
"your welcome" you smile at him and continue your works.
He stays with you. Technically your work place has become his hiding place from the fan girls. But of course he actually helps you sometimes with the clothes you are stitching.
(he tried making his own clothes with you but he accidentally cut it wrong)
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Subaru :
You and him sync immediately after he finds out you like gardening. And thus, you two can always be found in the garden. Sometimes he help you with the plants you are planting.
He always makes sure you aren't hurt when gardening with him.
He can be overprotective especially when you are sick and you haven't water your plants. He also knew that you like to sleep and listen to music. So he makes a small hut for you to sleep in case you are tired. Can't lie he thought that you are dead when you stop moving while you are gardening with him.
Reiji approved this. (Because he gets free vegetables)
It's been a year, both of you actually did become a couple. Him being the anger issues boyfriend while you are the shy girlfriend. So it's perfect for you two.
Ayato is jealous he get to couple with you first instead of him.
(Subaru and you did accidentally plant something poisonous luckily Reiji arrived just in time before both of you could touch the plants with your bare hands and you got scolded afterwards.)
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dialoverswritesssx · 3 months ago
for this guy to REALLY like someone first he would have tried to push them away with everything hes got . ( like we see at the start of all his roots
First the more romantic side of things , he would shower his partner with attention and love , following by her closely
more so the reason is to protect her from his brothers , he now views his s/o as his almost property , at first noticed his s/o would find it so cute and tease him
he enjoys close hugs and deep kisses like for 2 reasons , all the attention is on him and just the closeness and trust involved
um now onto the freaky bits guys
with the question of if he saw his s/o with ANYONE ELSE
-would find it difficult to restrain himself from hurting you , as now in his head subaru is majoraly confused ( props to christa ) as he views women as manipulative , calculated beings .
his solution to this would be having you pushed against a wall as your pretty blood drips from your neck and your mouth as he dips his hands against your hips , holding them in place so that you canrt move the lower half of your body . He would place all the blame on you , trying to make you feel bad , in a way to rationalise his actions.
Telling you things like ; "you wanted this , the attention from my brothers huh , i wasnt enough for a greedy woman like you " . Shouting and threating behaviour are possible , as subaru has killed sacrificial brides in the past .
if you sucsessfully manage to calm him down he would lay down and hold you tight , licking your cuts and peeling your clothes off . Telling you he was sorry and shouldnt have shouted or yelled and you .
has a thing for laying ontop of you
subaru wouldnt understand how this obsession has got this bad , ( also gets even worse under a full moon btw )
during any sort of frisky behavior , he would make sure you feel safe and want him too .
babe then ur not walking .
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nunezs-stuff · 2 months ago
The transformation of becoming a pure blood vampire
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menacinmasochist · 1 year ago
Can I request a yandere ayato x yui please? It doesn’t have to be a smut fic but if it is I’m fine either way, thanks (love your writing btw)
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Ayato's POV:
I can't think or eat normally, staying away from her might be the only guarantee for her safety. She keeps on trying and trying to get my attention, putting herself in dangerous situations on purpose, she knows that shit pisses me off. All I can think of is her, her deep velvet eyes and the sadness she bears, her creamy skin that I taint with my fangs and her sweet hot blood that quenches my thirst. I know that if this continues I will end up killing her, if she did not mean anything to me I would not give a shit but she means the world to me, I want to slaughter anyone who gets in our way. These bastard Mukami assholes, my brothers, my uncle I dont care..they should all just drop dead, every human ballsack looking guy should die too...she belongs to me, and only me, no one will have her but me. Fuck! Ha, I think I am going insane, I never wanted it to get this bad. I don't want to leave her alone, I want her next to me at all times but I might actually kill her if that is the case..the thought of not being by her side at all times that shit doesn't sit right with me, I don't like the idea of her interacting with anyone but me..
That night, I took a bunch of percs, after thinking it through I decided to slaughter everyone in our path, I started with my lurking Uncle Richter, his presence only made matters worse but killing him was the most challenging, I tore him to pieces limb by limb, then I hurried over to those Mukami bastards, I sniffed 3 lines of cocaine before torturing the those subbreed bastards. Azusa and Kou were easy to kill, I didn't waste my time torturing them, but Ruki's death was to be slow, I wanted to enjoy his agony, cutting out his tongue so I don't have to hear his annoying voice, perhaps I'll cook his tongue and feed it to her..after a few hours of torturing him in front of Yuma I slice his throat and decapitated his head, as well as the other Mukami brothers, I wanted to take their heads and put them on spikes as decorations around the manor, a warning to my brothers, who indeed were next.
After a few more lines of cocaine I was in a frenzy, I decorated the manor gates with their heads. I went back into the manor, she was standing there in horror. "What have you done..!?" she asks in panic and worry, tears in her eyes as she looks away from the sight. I grab her face and make her look at it. "They were in the way, anyone who gets in my way will meet the same fate." I tell her, smiling like a madman probably, she gives me a look of fear, that look does it for me, I kiss her, she resists the kiss, so I pull away and whisper to her "you're not content until they are all gone right? Don't worry, I'll make your wish come true." I told her, my eyes were gleaming into her, that cocaine had me jittery. "No no I dont want anyone else to die.." she makes her pleas, pretending to be this good human and all that crap. "Make no mistake, if I wasn't here these bastards would do as they wish with you, you want that?" I ask her, gripping onto her shoulder blades, she shakes her head then continues to try and defend them I heard enough come from her mouth, I bite her lips, sucking the blood from there until they turn all purple, she passes out after a few moments so I take her into my room and lock her in there, she will wake up to a lovely present.
I took a few more percs, and sniffed the remaining cocaine I had, killing Shu, Reiji and Subaru would be more of a challenge, Laito would expect this and Kanato would be a bitch about it, I'll kill Laito and Kanato quickly, we shared a womb I have to make it a clean and swift death for them. “Ah Ayato, you’ve come to kill me, you’re getting a bit mes-“ Laito began to say but I sliced his head off, Kanato as well, I took their bodies outside and set it a blaze, the fire crackled loudly, this caused Reiji to come out. “Ayato have you lost your mind?!” He went on, I shoved my fingers deep into his eye sockets and tore out his eyeballs, crushing them in my hand, then I pushed Reiji into the fire. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. “..what the fuck have you done..?!” Shu, lazy dull bastard commented, “ha, shu aren’t you scared of fire? I’ll rip your heart out instead” I tell him and yank it out his chest then throw his heart into the fire, his body goes limb and he falls, I burn him too, all that was left was Subaru. He must be hiding.
I began searching the mansion, I made a turn from my room and saw Subaru holding his dagger up to her throat. “Ayato you’ve gone insane, try to kill me and I’ll kill her” he says pressing his dagger to her skin, something in me jolted, I was mad with bloodlust, I did not think, I simply snatched Yui and had her in my grasp now. “She’s mine! Ill fucking kill you, don’t ever touch her again.” I state, I tear off her clothes right in front of Subaru, and start groping her breasts, she tries to cover herself, I grip her wrists so tightly it felt as if her blood circulation would stop, I force my way into her, one hand on her neck, my member deeply in her, she cried and protested the entire time but I wanted Subaru to understand, that I will kill to get what I want, and she is what I want.
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animeyanderelover · 11 months ago
For shit and giggles what if older sister reader drink the poisonous tea meant for yui by reiji what he doesn't know is the side effects is making the person that drink it in the younger age so now reader is the same age as yui and don't have any memory of the brother she still cares about yui a lot calling her a precious friend tearing her like a sibling she never had and get angry at the sakamaki brothers when they try to manipulate her
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, delusional behavior, paranoia, manipulation, isolation
A sip of poisonous tea
Shu Sakamaki
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🎵​The only reason why Reiji hasn't been violently assaulted by all the younger siblings after that incident is because Shu is one of the few who have held them back. He is not doing it out of brotherly love though as he himself understands the urge some of the other Sakamaki brothers feel. However, he also understands that Reiji has the best chances of finding a remedy to return you to your original form. He won't lie though, it is hard at times to control the violent urge to hurt his younger brother for what he has done. You were the only person Shu has ever felt truly peaceful with as you were the only one who he willingly told everything that was a burden on his soul. Now that you have lost all your memories though, Shu experiences true loneliness but he can't even show that as the gates to his heart completely close. When he realises that you are not able to recall anything about him, he stops trying to maybe trigger a memory of yours. Shu decides to avoid you for a while as the hollow pain in his chest only gets stronger when he watches you and that human girl together, although he still ends up torturing himself by secretly watching you from the distance.
Reiji Sakamaki
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☕​Reiji is the one who takes the hardest emotional blow because he is the one who prepared that poisonous tea to get rid of that girl that was stealing your attention. He could have never predicted that you would actually try that tea for her yet you did and now all of your memories are gone. You're gone. He wants to blame that girl and he would have almost murdered her if it wouldn't have been for Kanato having his meltdown and trying to hurt Reiji. Yet a part of him is unable to protect his own ego and pride as he realises that he is also partially responsible for it even if he tries to make Yui the sole scapegoat of this situation. To think that he would be the one to do such a thing to his own beloved sister is a burden unspeakably heavy and there is a tight knot of fear and panic in his chest that makes him feel like he is slowly dying. Unable to live with the thought that he ruined you who he has always idolised and who has always been perfect in his eyes, he completely locks himself away in his chambers and sometimes doesn't leave his room for day. His sanity is on the brink of shattering but he has to find an antidote. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to look at himself in the mirror anymore.
Ayato Sakamaki
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🥇​If it wouldn't have been for Laito stopping him from breaking Reiji's neck, he would have committed murder right then and there. How dare the bastard to poison you and take you away from him?! The only reason why he stops wanting to kill Reiji for now is that he understands that the older brother is the only one who can also create an antidote. That doesn't stop him from knocking violently on the door leading to Reiji's chambers once or twice a day and asking him pissed if he has done finally something useful, barely able to suppress the urge to just kick the door open violently. Ayato will be quite persistent with you though because he just can't accept that you have lost all of your memories. How can you forget him? You have always praised him and cheered him up and now you dare to forget him and replace him with that stupid human girl? He attempts to monopolise all of your time to separate you from Yui and try to awaken your memories by retelling you all of his achievements and showing you what he can do. His mind is just blown that you seem to have forgotten him, your favorite brother from the entire bunch... In his mind at least.
Kanato Sakamaki
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🧸​Together with Reiji he has the worst reaction to you losing all of your memories and turning to the same age as Yui. He has to be physically restrained and dragged away from Reiji as he screeches and screams promises of death to him. His mental condition has always been quite fragile but that was what you were for. You were always there to comfort him and hold tea parties with him and Kanato has always been so incredibly attached to you. Now you have forgotten him though and instead treat Yui like she is your sibling and his mentality is thoroughly shot after that incident. He in fact acts so extreme that his other brothers have to keep him away from you as he even tries to break into your bedroom. He's sure that you will remember him if he brings you to his room where the both of you have always held the tea parties and ties you to a chair to keep you from running away. Kanato has just completely lost it since you were the sole anchor who could control him enough for him to not be too crazed. But now that you have forgotten, there is no one who can protect others from Kanato as well as protect him from himself.
Laito Sakamaki
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​🎹​Laito has some rather gruesome fantasies about what he would like to do with Reiji but he keeps it all within the realm of imagination for now. He is after all quick to recognise that Reiji has the highest chances of undoing all the effects the poison had on you. He hopes that the bastard suffers as much as possible for messing up so majorly in the first place though. His inner demons are hidden pretty well though when he approaches you though as he tries to find a way to make the best of the situation. You have forgotten everything which means that as long as you are so clueless, he may as well try to gain your favor. Laito is quite good in hiding his true intentions as he tries to get you away from that little bitch you spend so much time with. To his bittersweet delight you have kept your sharp intelligence even at such a young age though so his attempts to play the good guy fail as you get even more protective of Yui as if sensing that Laito might otherwise plan something. Just because he has failed doesn't mean that he will leave you alone though. He will interfere whenever he can and squeeze himself in every moment you want to have with Yui alone. Please, don't forget him...
Subaru Sakamaki
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​⬜​Subaru is in a way in a similar situation as Shu. You were the only one he felt safe wnough around to express all of his emotions, even his vulnerability. Now that you have forgotten him though, he has no one anymore who he can tell about all of the crying sadness inside of him. So he ends up trying to push it all down but this leads to an outburst of violence and hot tears sooner or later when he is alone. He despises Reiji for having done something like this to you. He has never really liked him before to begin with but now he just really wants to rip his limbs apart from his body. He can barely hold back though with the promises of the other brothers that Reiji will find a cure to your current condition. He hates that he doesn't know how to act anymore around you because not only have you lost all your memories but you are physically younger now than even him. It just seems all so strange in his mind but the greatest suffering he receives is your new attachment to the human girl. He is always boiling when he watches how you play with her as he recalls that you used to do the same with him and eventually has to tear his gaze away from you, on the verge of another outburst.
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blueberrypancakesworld · 2 years ago
Yandere ~ Sakamaki ~ Headcanon
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Shu : Even if he sleeps a lot and does so when you are with him, I think he almost develops a kind of obession. He is the head of the family and to tease you and see you suffer and love you is worth it to him to get up. To get one over on his brother Reiji and to demonstrate that you belong to him and not to Reiji. You will be by his side all the time, he will pull you close to him, tease you in public and just drink your blood, it is his right as the head of the family. But your loudness, your voice, he would get rid of it no matter if his hands were around your neck until your voice is lost or he has you in such a weakened state all the time that you have no choice but to be quiet and obey him.
Reiji : You are his imperfect experiment. In his eyes it will be his masterpiece to make you what you should be. Perfect. It is his greatest pleasure to discipline, teach and punish you. You have no choice for every time you don't behave, he will drag you into the dungeon and strike you heartily. In the end you are perfect, a creature of intelligence, obedience and decency. You are worthy of love in the form of praise and attention and that he drinks your blood. His gentle side will be when he gives you a cup or a book at the end of the training. But everything else you have to work on what he likes to support, with hits and whips because better than perfect it always goes.
Ayato : He wants all the attention from you whenever, wherever, however. In his eyes he has every right to make you his. You live only for him, you cook for him, you give him your blood and you give yourself to him physically. Whether you want or not you have no choice. You are his only and he will make that clear to each of his brothers whether he calls you to him out of a sense of loss of control and bites you in front of everyone. Or just bosses you around all the time. You are his pretty stupid scared puppet. He can be gentle but only in the form of less nasty teasing or a gentle hug where he just holds you when memories of his past come up and he kisses you gently. But this is very rare, but when sleeping he will pull you to him a moment in which your relationship seems normal.
Kanato : You are his doll no more and no less. You are his to dress, to feed, to talk, to bite and to sleep with you when he wants. You are his so that he can torture you and love you. If you become angry he will destroy everything you love, if he has already done so he will simply hurt you. He loves it when you do exactly what he commands, your mind already knows exactly what you have to do. He loves to have tea ceremonies with you, eat sweets with you and just have fun. A softer side shows up when he feels alone, he will look for a kind of mother in you, pull you close and put his head on your lap and just be held by you. A moment in which his cries and angry shouts do not go through the weeping.
Laito : You are his pleasure. You are a guest, a maiden you have and may not leave him he will make sure you stay with him. He will chain you in your or his room if he has to, always near a bed, but as far as sleeping with you is concerned, he doesn't care where he sleeps with you. When he feels like it you should be there for him. You should love and desire him. He will force you to show that, he will put the knife in your hand and force you to hurt him or just kill his brothers in a fit of Laito's madness. His grace is that he doesn't hypnotize and force you all the time. He wants you to ask him something. In his eyes he is more than merciful.
Subaru : His way is one of the gentlest. On the one hand, there will be only you for him. On the other hand, you are the victim of his rage when he is torn between his past and love. He will become like his mother, lock you up in the same tower and leave you there. Seeking your closeness when he needs someone for the blood or physical closeness. But in his madness he would not let anyone get close to you for fear that they will hurt you, you yourself are put in chains all the time for fear that something will happen to you. But as already said his rage will not only be directed against you what he then tries to make up with cuddles. But if it must be he kills his brothers all himself you are his and you will not escape the cage.
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littlelambscandyland · 5 days ago
Because of your Diabolik lovers series, I had to ask. What does the daily life of agere reader in the Sasamaki household look like?
I honestly love this ask, but I can't give you the current schedule because it would spoil some of the chapters I'm working on. I can, however, tell you the daily life after the reader has been settled into the regression.
A Day In The Life Of The Sakamaki Little
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6:00pm (Wake-Up)
The brothers often switch up who wakes the reader up. If it's Reiji, Shu, Subaru, or Kanato then she is woken up calmly, with cold arms wrapping around her and a soft voice. If it's Ayato or Laito the reader is woken up a bit more chaotically, with a loud voice and bouncing in their arms. Whichever brother wakes her will then help dress her for the day and then take her downstairs for breakfast.
7:00pm (Breakfast)
After joining the rest of the brothers at the table the reader is strapped into her highchair. Breakfast can take a while not only because of all of the brothers coddling you, but also because despite Reiji trying to schedule it the brothers always fight over who gets to feed you. The arguing and shoving can last a while and the best way to get them to stop is to act fussy till they feed you.
8:00pm (Starting the Day)
After breakfast the brothers have to leave for school. Depending on who was tasked with watching the reader that day depends on what she does next. If it's Reiji then it'll be "learning" how to read in the library. If it's Shu then the two will end up back in the playroom for tummy time. If it's Ayato then it'll be swimming in the pool or playing outside. If it's Laito then the two will be in the music room as he tells stories to the reader while playing piano. If it's Kanato it'll most certainly be a tea party or dress-up. If it's Subaru the two will be found in the garden as he shows the reader all the pretty flowers.
Once the mood for the day is established each brother will move on to different things. Reiji, Shu, and Subaru all chose relatively calming things to do and often conduct a very calm day. The triplets are a bit more intense in the activities they choose often leading to either a very fun or very overwhelming day.
11:00pm (Lunch/Snack Time)
At 11pm the reader is brought back to the kitchen by whichever one of the brothers was watching her that day. Often lunch is small to help encourage the reader to take a bottle when it's nap time.
12:00am (Naptime)
At 1am whoever is watching the reader that day is tasked with putting her down for a nap. This includes pacifying or bottle feeding her and then tucking her into the crib, although most of the time the brothers hold her until she wakes back up. After the readers nap the brothers are home from school, and she's thrown back into the chaos of being coddled by the overbearing vampire.
Shu is often first to see the reader after her nap as he has a much more calming presence than the others. During Shu's hour with the reader he tries to keep things tranquil and sweet. Shu is all about peaceful moments. Listening to music or playing it, cuddling during a movie, or listening to audio books are on the top of his list of things to do.
Reiji despite being the strictest brother is the best for the reader to act slightly grown up. During Reiji's hour with the reader he often pushes for a mentally stimulation. He often sits with the reader and reads both adult and picture books, drinks tea (and milk for her), practicing writing, and/or showing the reader child friendly science projects.
Laito is normally put in the middle of the schedule because he is simultaneously impatient and also an entertaining distraction for the reader. During Laito's hour with the reader he tries his hardest to see her smile or laugh, his whole vibe is playful. Laito likes to make Lego sets with the reader, teaching her to dance, braiding each other's hair, and/or watching cartoons.
Subaru is a simple case, he doesn't force the reader into acting too much like a baby, but he treats her like one either way she acts. During Subaru's hour with the reader he does his best to keep things both calm and playful. Subaru commonly sticks to gardening with her, coloring with chalk or in a coloring book, and/or teaching her different plants/animals.
Kanato is normally the most intense even when he gives the false sense of peace which makes his hour both fun and stressful. During Kanato's hour with the reader everything is childish and elegant. Kanato spends their time playing with dolls/stuffies, playing dress-up/doing makeovers, and/or baking simple treats.
Unless it's his day to take care of her Ayato is the last to have his hour, because he 100% will get the reader dirty. During Ayato's hour with the reader he often encourages rough housing. Ayato is all for playing in the mud or painting the walls of the manor. If it is something loud and busy or dirty and exciting it's in his arsenal. (He's pretty partial to mini basketball too.)
7:00am (Dinner Time)
Once the moon starts disappearing it's time for dinner. The brothers never used to eat dinner together every night, but after the reader came along they would rather deal with each other than miss out on their baby. A repeat of the same fights from breakfast is relatively common. At this point in the day the best thing the reader can do is lay on the puppy eyes and whining until they realize they're being stupid or Reiji feeds her himself.
8:00am (Bath Time)
Some of the other brothers can be neglectful/incompetent/too rough with getting reader clean, so at 8am she's handed off to Reiji or Subaru for a bath. Both of them take this time to try to calm her down for bed, however Subaru sometimes caves and lets the reader play with bath toys.
9:00am (Bedtime)
The sun is fully up it's time for the reader to be put to bed. She's dressed in the comfiest pj's and is rocked to sleep in one of the brothers arms or the crib with a paci in her mouth and a stuffie in her arms.
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cutelittlechiroptera · 2 months ago
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Looking for friends (over 18) who is also interested in Diabolik Lovers. If you’re interested, lemme know!♥️
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digitalwavemedia · 1 month ago
Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal Limited V Edition Prologue (English ...
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cozymoko · 2 years ago
THANKヽ(*´∀)ノ゚YOU for doing my request (the Mukami sister one)! I loved it so much!!!
You mentioned that Platonic Yanderes are your favorite, so I hope you don't mind terribly if I make another request? Your headcanons for the Sakamaki or Mukami brothers (whichever you prefer!) with a young sister who's energetic and adventurous. She is always eager to try new things (regardless of danger), tends to run off to explore her surroundings and, worst of all, loves to meet new people. Basically a nightmare scenario for her poor brothers haha
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Note: No thank YOU and keep 'em coming, I enjoy doing them very much! (≧∇≦)
SYNOPSIS: Sakamkai's with little sister who enjoys exploring, is reckless, and loves to meet new people.
Pairing: Sakamaki brothers (seperate) x platonic! sister reader
Format: Headcanons
WARNING(S): Yandere themes, mentions of murder/obsessive behavior in Kanatos' part.
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Want more Diabolik lovers? → Masterlist! ★
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The ridiculous amount of energy you have is already enough for him. Shu doesn't so much as try to keep up with your childish eagerness anymore. You'll learn your lesson sooner than later so he does very little interfering with your careless endeavors. That is if they don't cause you any serious trouble.
However, he draws the line at your friendliness. Nothing gives him more of a migraine than your pointless interactions with everyone you meet. It's exhausting, to say the least, and he prays that you'll grow out of it someday. But if it makes you happy as of now, then so be it.
"Tsk, troublesome girl...What do you gain from interacting with strangers? Hah, figures, at this rate I'll have to tie you to a chair."
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You've had your fair share of punishments by Reiji's hand, which was no surprise. For instance, when he caught you dangling from that villainous branch that framed your bedroom window or even seated on your knees to coo to a mere alley cat who caught your eye. He. Was. Livid.
Your need to befriend every person you see is ridiculous. As a young lady, you should be focusing on your studies and extracurriculars he arranged in your stead. There's absolutely no time to be dwelling on insignificant people who will do little to better you. But a little begging goes a long way, my dear.
"Young lady, have you lost your mind? Such behavior is absolutely unacceptable. Have you no care for your safety? This kind of behavior cannot possibly go unpunished."
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Ayato couldn't give two fucks about your "adventures", better yet, he'll tag along just to "protect" you. (Or taunt you for better wording). With you being immortal, death didn't come as easy as other things so he has no real worries for you...safety-wise.
Now, this is the utmost disrespect. How could you possibly want to speak with anyone but him? Ayato is a narcissist so save yourself the pointless arguing, you won't win. He's petty to the point that you almost forget that he's older than you! But I digress, a few shots to his ego and he'll be as good as new.
"Oi, what's the point in talking to other people when Ore-sama is here, you're wastin' your time. I'm way better than 'em anyways!"
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You're lucky. If you weren't his sister, he'd kill you. Everything about your personality plagues him and his sanity. Or whatever's left of it. He found your recklessness to be incredibly unladylike. If ruining dresses was a sport, you'd be a pro and he despises you for it.
Not even his own sister is exempt from being locked away. Kanato may not be as inclined to do it but the option is still on the table. Nothing terrifies him more than the possibility of you leaving or attempting to replace him, he won't allow it. Even if he has to kill everyone you meet.
"Hey! Don't do that, you'll ruin the dress I made you! Uu...You're so careless...hic...are you trying to worry me?!"
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Though not the protective type, Laito never strayed too far from your side. In mild curiosity, perhaps, but mostly for his own enjoyment. If you truly need it, he'll save you; however, don't expect this to happen often. You're a vampire after all, why would he ruin his fun to rescue someone making rash decisions? Even his precious sister is no exception~!
At first, he found your boldness amusing. Ranging from painfully awkward encounters to the potential blooming of new friendships. But he simply cannot ignore the lingering stares you received, some in astonishment and others not so much. That left him in quite a sour mood.
"Ah~! That boy, do you know him? Fufu~ he was definitely flirting with you just now. What a shame, I'd never allow such filthy men to touch you."
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As we all know, Subaru is awful at suppressing his emotions despite how hard he tries. Nothing will ever prepare him for this heart-stopping behavior of yours. Subaru understands that you're growing up and you can take care of yourself, but even that isn't enough to ease his nerves. Especially not with you taking after your "dumbass of a father", as he'd say.
The first time he witnessed this he almost had a heart attack. His fair skin was drained of every drop of color and he appeared absolutely mortified, which he was. Subaru had left your side for a mere second and here you are, seated at a table, completely engrossed in a conversation with mortals that looked to be your age. All in all, he's just anti-social and protective, don't be too hard on him!
"Oi, don't go talkin' to just anybody, got it? Ha—? what do you mean 'why?' Tch, forget it, I'll beat their asses instead."
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