likae · 3 months
Maybe I Should’ve Said It Sooner
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Summary: La Signora slips away from your fingertips. She is no longer with you.
Character: La Signora x Fem Reader
Category: Angst
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Hot tears flow in streams as she reaches out to touch your face.
“Y/N..,” she could barely whisper, the sharp pain stinging.
Her body was shaking, the bleeding refusing to stop. In your desperation, you applied pressure to the bleeding, hoping it would increase her chances of making it.
“Rosa, please.. save your energy. Help is coming.” You sobbed, holding her closer than before.
“Y/N..,” she gasped out, her eyes losing its shimmer.
“Rosalyne.” You uttered her name in utmost desperation. “I’m begging you. Please just hang in there.”
She could do nothing but give a little smile, her way of saying “I’m sorry.”
“Rosalyne. They’re coming. You hear me? Help is coming, so just stay!” Your voice rising.
She smiled a little more, listening to her name falling from your lips. 
To you, she wasn’t La Signora. To you, she was simply Rosalyne. To her, it mattered. 
It mattered more than you would ever know.
Her breath labored as she desperately tried to cling to life. It pained her to know she was leaving you, just as Rostam did. Tears welled in her eyes, words could no longer spoken.
“Rosa?” You quietly whispered her name.
Her grip on your arm softened.
“Rosa?” Your eyes frantic.
You held her hand begging her to hold yours too. To give you a sign that she was still there. You begged her.
Help had just arrived, yet all it took was a simple look at your sobbing figure to know that they were too late.
She left the world embraced in your everlasting hug. You melted her icy heart and calmed the fiery flames that kept her awake at night. You calmed the endless storm in her head. However, you would never know that. She was never able to tell you her truths. The truth she was afraid of. The truth she denied. A simple phrase that should have left her lips sooner.
“I love you, Y/N.”
She just never knew that you would’ve loved her ‘til her flames burned out.
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A/N: Supp. Another angst post for u guyssss. I’m so niceee hahahahaha. Anyways, don’t be scared to interact once againnn! Would love to hear your thoughts and my inbox is open :> !!
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likae · 4 months
Likae’s Ramblings
Hello, everyone! I’m Likae! This blog is probably going to be very random, though I am trying for it not to be, haha. I hope you guys won’t be afraid to interact with me :) !! Just be kind and keep it sfw haha.
I also do take sfw fem x fem reader requests as well!! (Platonic and romantic)
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likae · 4 months
A Lingering Presence
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Summary: The aftermath of losing Lisa, someone who is very dear to you.
Character: Lisa x Fem Reader
Category: Angst
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“I just can’t figure it out,” you sighed, slumping back in your seat. Your table was filled with crumpled paper and countless books. You borrowed and bought many references just to figure out what went wrong. And perhaps, stumble upon a solution to your problem.
Your eyes wandered around the room, taking in how small and gloomy it was. It was cold and dark. Lifeless, even. Like your eyes were.
Your eyes were incredibly tired, the result of countless all-nighters and brewing frustration. But, you refused to rest. And for good reason.
Your eyes landed on a small photograph sticking out from under a pile of your notes.
You took a deep breath.
Carefully pulling it from under the pile of papers so it wouldn’t tear, your eyes examined it like you always did.
You always noticed how Lisa’s smile was genuine, her arm around your shoulder, throwing up a peace sign. You noticed the impeccable way she did her hair and the way the camera caught it so well. You noticed how her eyes shined when she took the picture and the way you pouted when the photo was taken.
You let out a small smile, reminiscing through all the memories you two shared. Maybe one day, there could be a continuation between the connection you both shared. If you could just figure out how to do just that.
Your eyes briefly looked to your messy table and looked at the photograph again.
“I will bring you back, Lisa. I promise,” your breath shuddered, uttering words of desperation.
A promise not meant to be kept but to merely comfort your heart that shattered.
“I miss you,” a tear slipping down your cheek, trying to stifle the oncoming flow of sadness.
And just for a brief moment, like the trick of your mind, you could smell Lisa’s favorite tea and the perfume she always wore. You desperately searched for her presence in the dark room. You were met with nothing but silence, the smell fading away.
But, if it was of any comfort, it was her way of saying “I miss you too.”
Author’s Note: Hi! I’m very new to Tumblr, so excuse this layout for now and whatever else. I’m trying to figure out stuff still. 😥 Comments and interactions are always appreciated!! Please be kind though, and keep it sfw! Thank you :) !!
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likae · 4 months
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