#and i wouldn’t count someone as middle aged until like 60s
halfelven · 1 year
wait i actually do ‘have’ an elderly ‘parent’ i just never considered people elderly until their 80s but looks like it generally starts 65 - 70? sooooooo they expect people to work until they’re ‘elderly’ ? 🤔🤨
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dontbeunraisonable · 3 years
Love Zap - Kaminari Denki x Female!Reader
Requested by an anon! University has been kicking my ass so this is pretty short but at least I'm alive :)
Word Count: 489
Warnings: swearing, excessive PDA, kinda crack, female reader and female pronouns
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Some people just like to hate. Or at least that’s what you said loudly when your classmates were all piling onto the couches together and someone felt like complaining about how gross you two are being, with your arms wrapped around each other and staring at each other with giant hearts in your eyes.
But those besides Iida and Bakugou came to understand that excessive public displays of affection were just how young couples roll. Even your teachers turned a blind eye to the unnecessary proximity in which you two sat together. (“‘Zashi, if they were any closer, he would be in her lap”).
Most everyone just looked away, suddenly very interested in their homework. or something out the window, or an invisible notification on their phone. Sometimes Mina would stare at you two until things became so uncomfortable you stopped. (“Mina, have you blinked at all in the past 60 seconds?” “No, I don’t want to miss a single moment of this completely unnecessary display. Please, you two, keep making out in the middle of the fucking common area. You’re doin’ great.”)
Meanwhile, the class president liked to flaunt his upper arm strength by physically pushing you two apart, although you suspected that now it was just to mess with you guys. Especially when he pushed you apart and then squished his hips in between to sit with you two.
Bakugou, on the other hand, was actually annoyed with you guys. He wouldn’t mind the typical young couple things: scooting chairs closer until they are literally touching, holding hands while walking, shit like that. But the moment the baby voices appeared or Denki tried to feed you something, that was it.
But that paled in comparison to the time you two accidentally electrocuted him.
Near the beginning of your relationship, you and Denki had discovered that when you two rubbed your faces together, little sparks would happen. (And yes, Denki had exhausted the joke that “sparks are always flying between us, babe” ages ago.) So when you two hugged, you rubbed your cheeks together to keep things fun.
Now, this little ritual is common knowledge among your friends. What was not common knowledge was that because you both had electricity quirks, the amount and strength of the electricity was pretty high.
So one time, you and Denki were getting all cheesy with each other (as usual), and Bakugou decided to flick you two to get you to stop.
“Get a fucking room before I puk-”
The common room fell silent as everyone waited for what Bakugou was going to do. He had fallen onto his ass, and his eyes were wide. If his hair didn’t always look like a spikey cloud, you were sure it would look like one now.
“Uh, Bakugou,” began Denki, a slight crack on the last syllable. “You okay? Didn’t know that was gonna happen.”
He was silent. You two were gonna die.
Posted 2021 December 28
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smallersocksx · 4 years
My Problems with the Pokémon Journeys Anime
Pokémon Journeys as an anime has divided the Pokémon community in so many ways but in particular last week’s episode has sparked a lot of debate and personally, I had mixed feelings about the end result. So, I thought I would write down my opinions on the Pokémon anime in its current state and comparing it to some of the previous anime.
I feel the need to say this: these are my opinions I am just as entitled to my opinions as you are to yours, so you don’t have to read this if you don’t want to. Secondly, this will probably be a long post but I’m going to split it into sections so it’s hopefully not too overwhelming.
But these feelings have been building up and up and I think I’ll feel better writing them all down and getting them off my chest to some extent.
So, I’ve essentially been a fan of Pokémon for as long as I can remember particularly watching the anime when I was very young. The anime didn’t really begin to stick with me though until around AG and DP in particular. The first Pokémon game, I played was DP which is why I have a particular fondness for that series and that cast of characters and Pokémon.
I didn’t watch the series as intently around the time of BW because I found Iris’ character rather annoying and I understand she developed and grew as the series went on but that initial characterization of her kind of ruined the series for me. But I did dip in and out of the series mostly for Ash’s Snivy.
My friend recommended that I watch the XY series and I fell in love with the cast and the storytelling that the series provided as it reminded me of DP. Sun and Moon was a good series as well providing fans with some of the most heart-breaking and tear-jerking episodes to date. (And Rowlet).
When they announced that Journeys was Ash travelling around the world instead of staying and travelling in a specific region, I’ll admit I was sceptical. To be honest, I kind of preferred the old formula particularly as I’m a creature of habit myself but I decided to give this new series a chance as the premise did sound interesting and there was the potential for Ash to reunite with some of his old travelling companions.
With the benefit of hindsight, I realise this was one of the problems: the series kind of relies heavily on the nostalgia provided by older fans.
The Premise:
The whole premise of Journeys was Ash and his new friend, Goh travelling the world and there lies one of the series biggest problems. For a series that is meant to be about travelling around the world, a bulk of the series has been set in Kanto in particular Vermillion City where Sakuragi/Cerise Lab is situated. Now that shouldn’t be a problem as Ash and Go need a place to stay and go home to. The problem is we are nearly 60 episodes into the series, they hardly seem to leave Vermillion City or Kanto for that matter.
I went through all the episode synopses released so far to see how many episodes Ash and Go travelled to an alternative region. In this case a visit to a different region only counts if Ash and Goh (and Chloe) visit the region therefore episode 32 wouldn’t count:
Johto – 2 episodes
Hoenn – 4 episodes
Sinnoh – 2 episodes
Unova – 2 episodes
Kalos – 2 episodes
Alola – 1 episode
Galar – 11 episodes
Arguably, as this is meant to a Gen 8 anime, its not particularly shocking that they have visited Galar the most especially as Ash hopes to battle Leon someday. Nevertheless, the initial premise and selling point of the Journeys series is travelling the world and yet only 2/5 of the series so far has been set outside of Vermillion City. They promised the world (no pun intended) and are kind of falling flat…
 Goh and his goal:
Now Goh is certainly a character that has divided the community some love him and some definitely hate him. Personally, I’m in the middle, I like Goh’s personality I thought his rational and logical personality made him a great counterbalance for Ash. The problem I have with him is: his goal, his rapid character development, and his status as a protagonist.
1)   His Goal:
Goh’s goal is to catch every Pokémon in existence and considering there over 800 Pokémon that is a lofty goal to begin with. Initially, I thought it was an interesting goal as we never had a character wanting to catch every Pokémon as there are some trainers in the anime universe who only specialise in a specific type, some who catch only cute Pokémon, some who only catch evolutionary lines etc. Therefore, I thought this was an interesting goal and wondered how they would execute its portrayal and there lies the problem…
Goh was named after the game Pokémon Go and is essentially being used as a walking advertisement for Pokémon Go and the Let’s Go series as his gimmick is throwing a Poke Ball at a random Pokémon which can get pretty old very fast. I honestly didn’t understand the need to create a character to promote these games as it has been 4 years since the release of Pokémon Go. Arguably, they could be trying to re-ignite the hype around Pokémon Go as after the initial excitement a lot of people stopped playing or uninstalled it as it was taking up a lot of space on their phone.
One of the things, I particularly love about the anime series is not only the human cast gaining character development but their Pokémon as well. Around the AG series, the writers really begun improving on giving each Pokémon their own unique personality traits as well as traits of their species. It gave the Pokémon more depth and made them memorable for example there’s Dawn’s prideful Piplup, Brock’s weird and wonderful Sudowoodoo who would salute every time he came out of his Poke Ball, Clemont’s gluttonous Chespin and Serena’s shy Eevee to later a confident Sylveon. The list could go on and on but I think you get the point. Therefore, this gives me my second issue with Goh’s goal.
Goh’s goal is to catch every single Pokémon currently in existence, with so many Pokémon, there is difficulty feeling any attachment to them. Cinderace and Sobble (and now Grookey) are the Pokémon Goh is most seen with, needless to say, Cinderace underwent a lot of development and was interested in battling which to be honest I found a little strange as Goh’s goal doesn’t particularly align with Cinderace’s interests. Nevertheless, it is clear that Cinderace is Goh’s ace and utilises him when he does need to battle. Sobble didn’t receive any development until 26 episodes after his capture. However, aside from Cinderace and Sobble we don’t feel any particular attachment to his other Pokémon, one strength is that anime does give each of his Pokémon some spotlight like Goh using his Goldeen to teach Jinny’s Feebas how to swim elegantly but aside from that.
My final issue with Goh’s goal is development, from a story-telling point of view his goal isn’t that engaging like with some of the other goals we’ve had in the series. Take Dawn for example her goal is to be Top Coordinator in order to do that she needs to win 5 Ribbons, participate in the Grand Festival and win the Ribbon Cup. On paper it sound simple but it’s not, we have Dawn’s arc where she lost twice in the Performance Stage fell into depression, lost confidence in her abilities and was uncertain as to whether or not she was a good coordinator. It wasn’t until she befriended May and competed against her that Dawn found a renewed sense of confidence in her abilities, even after that Dawn still lost a few contests before being able to compete in the Grand Festival where even then there were a few rough moments like her battle with Ursula.
My point is even though Dawn (and May’s) goal looks simple on paper they had a lot of struggle to get there. Whereas, with Goh’s goal and the current execution of it, I don’t get that same sense of story-telling especially when he’s already caught a Legendary Pokémon, there just isn’t that same level of struggle. The most I could see Goh struggling at this moment is not catching a Pokémon the first time round.
2) His rapid development
One of the biggest issues I have with Journeys is pacing and development, and this issue isn’t just exclusive to Goh. In the beginning, Goh is a rookie trainer after catching Scorbunny and as we saw in the Flute Cup his lack of battling experience caused him to be eliminated very quickly and yet 29 episodes later, he’s defeating a Flygon with a Fire-type and using a technique Ash had once used himself in his battle against Grant. I understand Ash and Goh are close friends and understandably their traits are going to rub off on one another for example Goh’s logic and caution has rubbed off on Ash to the extent Ash had his Dragonite use Dragon Dance in his battle with Korrina. Before this, we’d never seen Ash use these types of moves in his Pokémon battles. I have no issues with Goh developing as a character, everyone loves good character development, my issue is with how rapid it is.
I’ll use Dawn’s arc as an example again, I loved it because it was well-paced, in the first season of DP Dawn was overconfident in her abilities which led to some losses particularly towards the end of the first series and Dawn didn’t fully recover from this until nearly midway through the second series of DP. Arguably, Ash’s influence has caused Goh to develop an interest in battles but I feel like we haven’t seen him go through enough battles to justify the level he is at.
3) His status as a Protagonist
To be honest, I didn’t realise Goh has a protagonist status until someone pointed it out to me, I just saw him as another one of Ash’s travelling companions. This is one of the biggest issues Goh haters have with him and that’s feeling as though Goh is taking the spotlight away from Ash and there are a lot of episodes focusing on Goh. Arguably, Ash has taken on the role of mentor like Brock had done once for him. However, my issue with Goh’s protagonist status is that I don't feel like Goh's goal justifies him having it, even in episodes focusing on Ash and his participation in the World Coronation Series, Goh still manages to catch a Pokémon which as I mentioned before it got old pretty fast. I can understand some people would see this as a good thing they are both closer towards their goals but if an episode advertises its going to focus on one character, I want it to focus on that character.
In some of the previous series when May, Dawn and Serena were participating in Contests or Showcases, Ash would generally put his training the back burner and support his friends. Likewise, his travelling companions would support him during his gym battles. In some cases, Ash would even get ideas for his own battles from watching them compete like the Counter Shield from Ash watching Dawn and Ambipom.
Sometimes, I feel like Goh is there for the sake of being there like in Episode 56, I honestly felt like him and Scyther/Scizor didn’t need to be there. The episode did focus on Ash and Farfetch’d relationship improving but I felt like the only reason Goh was there was to have his Scyther evolve their presence at the training camp didn’t really contribute anything to the story.
Ash and his Pokémon:
Whenever Ash starts a new journey, he always starts with a clean slate leaving his most recent Pokemon with Professor Oak or Kukui. One of the things that excites fans the most is guessing which new Pokemon from the new generation Ash would catch. Arguably, since Sun and Moon, certain traditions have been turned on their head. Some of these traditions included:
Ash catching the regional bird e.g., Starly, Pidove, Fletchling etc.
Catching at least one of the region’s starters
Although, in Sun and Moon, Ash never caught the regional bird and it was one of the first series with Ash not having a water-type either. However, in this current series, Ash only has 2 Generation 8 Pokémon being Farfetch’d (which will evolve into Sirfetch’d) and Dracovish. This is kind of understandable as Ash isn’t based or travelling around Galar but to be honest it’s still disappointing.
As many of you know, in the most recent episode Goh caught Grookey completing the Galar starter trio (which I’ll cover later), however, a majority of the fandom wanted Ash to have Grookey as they felt personality-wise Ash would be compatible with the Chimp Pokémon and it would continue the long-held tradition of Ash catching one of the new region’s starter Pokémon which is why this latest capture has sparked a lot of controversy with some people calling Goh a thief.
Personally, I would have liked Ash to catch Grookey but in one of the earlier episodes like when they first visited Galar. The reason for this being the storyline development and I know many will argue Ash is a Champion he doesn’t need a starter at this point but Leon in the Sword and Shield games took on and trained the starter that was left over after the Protagonist and Hop had chosen theirs. However, as I mentioned earlier one of the things, I love about the anime is each Pokémon having their own personality and character but also their own traumas and trials to overcome alongside their trainer this can be particularly reflected in the case of Ash and Infernape.
I am not trying to suggest they re-create the Ash and Infernape storyline with Ash and a Grookey but one of the ways a Pokémon develops as a character is through evolution or in some cases like Pikachu and Bulbasaur choosing not to evolve and finding strength in staying the way that they are. Pokémon when they evolve can go through personality-changes whether that be good or bad but having a Pokemon at its first evolutionary stage allows us to go through that development and journey with them.
Which is one of the issues, I have with the series, Ash caught two fully evolved Pokémon being Dragonite and Gengar. Before anyone gives me any grief, I love Dragonite and Gengar’s personalities but as they are fully evolved, we don’t get that same sense of development as we’ve had with some of Ash’s other Pokémon. The only development I could see for these two is potentially learning a new move or overcoming a stronger Pokémon alongside Ash. But having two fully evolved Pokémon makes it difficult to go on a journey of development alongside them. There is also the fact, Dragonite and Gengar are meant to be incredibly strong Pokémon and yet Ash hardly uses them.
Another one of the biggest issues in Journeys as previously mentioned is Ash not fully utilising his team. Whenever, a battle occurs Ash either uses Pikachu or Lucario, the others are kind of pushed to the side and that annoys me so much particularly with Farfetch’d and Gengar. I’ll start with Gengar, Gengar was abandoned by its previous trainer and told to wait in an abandoned building that would later become Cerise Laboratory and in the earlier half of the series (before Riolu) Ash utilised Gengar a lot like in his battle with Visquez and Team Rocket but after Riolu came along Ash used Gengar less and less. In Episode 57, Gengar was taking its anger out on Renji, Chloe and Chrysa and Chloe pointed out that it may have been angry Ash left it behind. This is what I found frustrating; Ash is kind of repeating the behaviour of Gengar’s previous trainer.
Next is Farfetch’d, personality-wise Farfetch’d reminds me of Ash’s Buizel and Hawlucha, with how prideful and aloof it is. I feel like the writers thought they couldn’t flesh out Lucario any further so they decided to focus on Farfetch’d and after two Farfetch’d-focused episodes I can’t help but feel that Farfetch’d is going to evolve in the next episode and that’s what annoys me, that is lazy writing, they haven’t given time to develop Ash and Farfetch’d relationship although it has definitely improved since Episode 56, I feel like it’s too soon. Farfetch’d has so much potential to grow as a character before evolving as I previously mentioned evolution in the Pokémon universe can contribute towards development and I feel like for Farfetch’d they’ll use it in a positive light as Sirfetch’d are noted for their fighting spirit and noble personality. But, as I mentioned before, I would have liked to have seen more development before an evolution.
Then there is Dracovish, this was a completely unexpected capture, however, many fans were surprised by how strong Dracovish was in the games. However, Dracovish was captured in Episode 50 and nearly 10 episodes later, we haven’t seen it… On the other hand, many of Dracovish’s Pokédex entries state that it can’t breathe unless its underwater, therefore, applying that logic to the anime world, may make battling with it difficult...
Team Rocket:
One of the biggest complaints’ viewers have is the series use of Team Rocket. Particularly, using their use of the Gacha machine and using them to create easy conflict. I love Team Rocket; they are basically lovable idiots to me. They’re meant to be “bad guys” but we’ve seen on many occasions they’re kindness and compassion such as rescuing a bunch of wild Ekans and Koffing from a Pokémon hunter and releasing their Arbok and Weezing to protect them whilst they distract the hunter, Meowth sympathising and trying to cheer up Litten following Stoutland’s death are just two examples of their kindness.
Nevertheless, the Journeys series has been utilising them poorly using them as convenient plot device and in my opinion Team Rocket deserve so much better than this. Initially, a lot of viewers may have found the Gacha device interesting but much like Goh throwing a Poké ball at a random Pokémon it got old fast. Similar to one of my issues with Goh, we don’t feel any attachment to the Gacha Pokémon they use unlike other series where they had their own Pokémon which I’ll get on to in a minute.
I feel like the writers missed a huge opportunity, as one of the initial selling points of the series, particularly to the older fans was nostalgia. Team Rocket keep some of their old Pokémon in Team Rocket Headquarters and as the series seems to like staying in Vermillion City, Team Rocket could have collected their old Pokémon and use them similar to when they brought some of their Hoennian Pokémon to Sinnoh. I loved some of Team Rocket’s Pokémon like James’ Mime Jr. and Inkay and Jessie’s Gourgeist and her Yanmega was noted to be strong.
Moreover, in series such as AG, DP and XY they expanded on Team Rocket’s role outside of trying to steal. Jessie showed a promising career in Pokémon Coordinating (particularly in DP) and Pokémon Performing, I loved how she became a rival for Dawn and Serena and particularly in XY, Jessie showed maturity in her loss in the Semi-Finals much to Meowth and Gourgeist’s surprise compared to when she begrudgingly congratulated Dawn on her victory. I just loved the fact in these series they expanded on Team Rocket, showed their friendship and support for one another whether it was cheering each other on from the side-lines or willingly helping Jessie in her pursuits of fame and glory. I realize in Journeys, it’s a bit difficult to expand on Team Rocket’s role in this way but they way they are currently using Team Rocket is to be honest kind of insulting to them as characters who we’ve watched grow over the years.
Chloe, Yamper and Eevee
I’ll get this out the way, I honestly love Chloe, and I’ve loved her development so far, I think they’ve gotten the pacing right for her when they’ve given her focus. I think many people like Chloe because she is similar to Serena, in the sense, she doesn’t have a goal and is discovering what she wants to do in life which is something a lot of people find relatable. I think what would be interesting for Chloe’s character if she does decide to be a Pokémon Professor after initially feeling as though the idea was being forced on her by her peers. Anyways, one of the biggest issues with Journeys is pacing, it takes ages before they actually decide to give a character development and ever since Chloe got Eevee, I feel as though Yamper has been pushed to the side (which is kind of ironic as Chloe calls Ash out on this) and I know Yamper is Professor Cerise’s Pokémon but Yamper acknowledges Chloe more than his own trainer. I feel like a great way to use Yamper was for Professor Cerise to actually give Yamper to Chloe when she was old enough to have a Pokémon, as a lot of Chloe’s earlier development was a result of her bond with Yamper.
Next is Eevee, I love Eevee it is one of my favourite Pokemon, but I also feel similar to Goh, she’s a walking advertisement for the Let’s Go Eevee game as she is unable to evolve. However, the fact that Eevee is unable to evolve makes her a good match for Chloe who is uncertain of her own dreams. Nevertheless, what I don’t understand is why they are trying to promote one of their older games in a new generation (especially when Lana’s Eevee (which don’t get me started) should have filled that role). Also, with Chloe catching Eevee, arguably, she should be joining Ash and Goh frequently, this could allow for Chloe and Eevee to develop and find their own path but aside from joining them twice in Galar, they’ve hardly left Kanto. Which is frustrating because I love Chloe and Eevee and I don’t want it to be another 20 episodes before we get any development from either of them.
I’ve realized that above I’ve kind of been focusing on the characters and some of the issues surrounding them. Arguably, one of Journeys biggest issues is structure or lack of it for that matter and pacing. Everything is all over the place but I’ll cover each section.
One of my biggest gripes with the series is pacing, lately we have been having back-to-back filler episodes and I don’t mind having filler every now and then to give us a break as you don’t want a show to be too content-heavy. And I don’t mind when the filler is at least entertaining but that Gulpin episode from two weeks ago was absolutely pointless, I’m sorry. So much stuff has taken place off-screen and Ash went up by 500 ranks to Rank 415 they could have taken out some of the filler episodes and used it to show Ash training at least or put it towards actual development for characters like Chloe and Eevee or Farfetch’d.
Another issue, I have with the pacing and I think a lot of you will hopefully agree is the pace of Goh catching a legendary Pokemon (which I’m in the middle about). Normally, around the end of the series, all of the respective characters have found or are closer to their goal like Dawn and Serena coming Runner-Up in their respective competitions or having confidence to keep pursuing their goal. This is normally, in the last series of that generation’s anime adaptation but Goh’s already achieved such a huge milestone towards his goal in the second series. I can’t help but feel as though this has been completely rushed.
Continuity in Journeys is strange, I can see it as a strength and a weakness. I’ll start off with the positives, continuity-wise I like the fact that Journeys at least references to past episodes and characters for example episode 57 Chloe’s younger brother says he’s going to a sleepover at his friend, Jinny’s house, the girl with the Feebas from episode 31. Or episode 47, Goh uses his prize from winning the Pokémon Eating Contest to have a dessert tour around Unova’s Castelia City. These small examples of continuity are something I can appreciate. But I can’t help but feel some of the past characters returning are merely fan-service for the older fans, so far, some of the character returns haven’t really contributed to the series’ narrative aside from the Alola episode contributing to Goh’s development.
A good example of utilising a past character is the Wallace Cup arc, with May and Dawn helping each other out of a losing streak and allowing Dawn to renew her confidence. I think no matter the outcome, both Coordinators gained something from the tournament even if Dawn lost to May, I think she would have had a regained her confidence but winning the Aqua Ribbon allowed her to re-affirm her self-belief and skills.
Episodic vs Linear:
Now I’ve watched a few videos on this to have a better understanding, the reason why Journeys feels so unstructured is that for some reason the writers chose to go down an episodic route instead of linear. The best example I know of episodic storytelling is Phineas and Ferb where characters and elements are introduced and can come back. But utilising episodic storytelling in a series like Pokémon feels like an unnatural choice we’re meant to be following these characters and their journeys towards achieving their goals whereas in a linear narrative this would be a lot clearer.
The Setting:
A lot of people have an issue with the fact that a series, that promises travelling the world, it really fell flat. As I have previously mentioned, so far only 2/5 of the episodes have taken place in other regions, most of the time Ash and Goh end up staying in Vermillion City. With the way things are currently being executed, I honestly would have preferred a Sword and Shield anime, with Ash at least travelling around Galar, it would allow for the Galar story to be more fleshed out instead of shoe-horned into a four-episode arc and with the announcement of the Sinnoh re-makes, I feel as though they are going to promote that in some way in the anime later on. (Perhaps with a Dawn cameo).
As I’ve been writing this, I’ve kind of realised one gripe I have with the anime that has become rather blatant as of late. That is the commercialism in the anime, I understand the anime is utilised to promote the game and re-makes of games but with this latest series the commercialism is blatant and honestly annoying. An early example of using the anime to promote a game was the Johto arc in DP to promote HeartGold and SoulSilver. Whereas, currently we have Goh, the human advertisement for Pokémon Go and Chloe’s Eevee promoting Let’s Go Eevee (which I honestly don’t see the need to advertise older games).
The controversary with Grookey…
Needless to say, the latest episode of Pokemon Journeys has sparked a lot of debate and anger particularly from Goh haters who have declared him a thief and are dropping the anime. There are some people who don’t mind Goh catching Grookey, they may have disliked the storyline they used for Goh to catch Grookey. I’ve made my feelings clear, that I would have preferred for Grookey to have been introduced much earlier and for Ash to have caught it.
However, I do have an issue with the way Goh caught Grookey as I can kind of understand why people are calling Goh a thief, I wouldn’t go that far maybe immoral at the most. The initial concept of Grookey belonging to Team Rocket was interesting but the whole story falls flat when they don’t give us any backstory like how did Team Rocket catch Grookey? why was Grookey so desparate to stay with Goh? was Grookey being mistreated by Team Rocket?
Honestly, if Grookey was being mistreated by Team Rocket, I’d understand why it’d want to leave them but this is Jessie, James and Meowth, the trio that released Mimikyu and Mareanie since they didn’t want them to be left in Team Rock Headquarters because they’d thought Mimikyu and Mareanie would be unhappy. So, I honestly can’t see the mistreatment storyline.
Also, the fact that Grookey smashed its own Poké Ball to gain its freedom kind of undermines other storylines that have seen Pokémon being abused by their trainers as they could have arguably smashed their Poké Balls to gain their freedom. Although, you could argue there is an element of fear in these cases.
I feel like if they built up the story more, I may have been more accepting but I kind of find it hypocritical in the sense Goh wants this Pokémon that belongs to someone else and it smashes its own Poké Ball to be with him. Whereas, its bad when Team Rocket try to steal someone else’s Pokémon but its okay for Goh because he’s the protagonist. Considering this is a kids anime that kind of sends the wrong message. I honestly would have found it more interesting if Grookey decided to stay with Team Rocket that would have been an interesting twist with Team Rocket having a starter Pokémon on their side. Plus, we know, James loves his Grass-types.
Basically, I needed to get this off my chest and honestly, I feel much better for it. No Pokémon anime series is perfect by any means but lately I feel as though the writing has taken a huge dip and it has taken the enjoyment out of the series. I’m still trying to give the series a chance and hopefully I can warm to Grookey under Goh’s ownership, I think if the episodic formula has taken away the storytelling element that I love about the Pokémon series.
I have honestly never seen a Pokémon anime divide the community so much but I’m hoping that things begin to improve particularly if Ash’s Farfetch’d evolves in the next episode.
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mcwriting · 3 years
His Mobius
Lol y'all gonna hate me for this one but what can I say, I'm obsessed with this ship and slightly disappointed in the season finale.
Not my normal jam so sorry to those who only follow me for T. Holland content
Picks up where ep 6 leaves off. Don't read if you don't wanna get spoiled lol.
Ship: Loki vs. Mobius M. Mobius (one-sided)
Word Count: 1212
Warnings: it's sad boi hours in here y'all prepare to have your heart ripped out for a second; also spoilers
The color had drained from Loki's face as he realized what was going on when he stared at the giant statue of He Who Remains.
With the intense branching of timelines, Sylvie had kicked him into a random, newly-born universe.
He turned back to the man he knew-
No. He didn't know this man.
This was Mobius. M. Mobius, but not his Mobius. M. Mobius.
"I... I- I- I need a tempad, please," Loki begged the not-his-Mobius.
"Don't you have one? Wait- I'm sorry, who are you again? You never answered my question," not-Mobius said with growing suspicion.
He didn't know this Loki, or seem to know any Lokis at all, but he still knew to question guys who came up asking frantic questions and requesting other agents' tempads.
Loki didn't know how to answer.
For once he wanted to tell the truth, but there was no way he'd be able to explain things to this not-Mobius. He didn't have time. He needed to find his Mobius.
With a swift glance, he located not-Mobuis's tempad and with even swifter precision snatched it from the man.
"Hey wait!" he cried, but it was too late.
Loki had already punched in random numbers and opened a portal, stepping through into the unknown.
The yellow rectangle behind Loki closed as soon as he stepped through, and he knew that with all the chaos, he probably wouldn't ever be found.
As he got his bearings, Loki started to register the sights and sounds around him, along with the humid heat that made his already sweaty skin feel even stickier.
He blinked a couple times before realizing what he was looking at.
He was in a rainforest.
"Midgard. This- I'm on earth," he muttered to himself, brows furrowed.
Back before the TVA, he'd spent years plotting his takeover of the planet. The Asgardian libraries had contained books filled with knowledge about earth's nature and climate systems, something he'd used to his advantage when planning where he wanted to rule from.
While he didn't know a thing about earth customs or technology, Loki could easily tell the difference between a chimpanzee and a capuchin, or explain how hibiscus flowers were great in tea.
The real question was when is he?
Loki looked at his tempad.
Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. 2015.
It made sense. Loki remembered that the country was known for its lush landscapes.
There was no telling what universe he was in. He wondered if he could find someone to fill in in the 3 years since the battle of New York, if that had even happened in this timeline.
He took a look around. The foliage was bright green, and he spotted a toucan on a nearby branch. There was the occasional scream of a howler monkey echoing through the trees.
A few feet away, just past a few trees, was a dirt path. Signs that people had walked this trail many times.
Of course, a worry popped into the back of Loki's head that claimed a hungry jaguar had paced there as it looked for a meal, trampling the grass in search of prey.
His fears were quelled, however, when he heard faint voices nearing.
He stepped behind a wide tree and watched carefully as a man in a neon shirt led a family down the trail.
Loki spotted 5 kids, who all looked between the ages of 8 and 18. Interspersed among them were 4 adults who looked to be in their 40s or 50s.
At the back of the pack walked two older men. A shorter guy with snow white hair who looked to be in his 70s, and a taller one whose hair was very much salt-and-peppered, likely in his 60s.
The brightly-clothed guide was explaining to them all of the wonderful things Costa Rica had to offer, from its diverse flora and fauna to the beaches, mountains, and rainforests.
Loki was about to pop out from the wood and ask if this family could explain what the avengers were up to, or if they even existed at all here. He knew he would look ridiculous with his torn up TVA clothes but didn't care.
Finding Mobius was more important.
Before he could call out a greeting, he stopped dead in his tracks, blood running cold.
That voice.
He knew that voice anywhere.
The shorter old guy had cut in to make a joke to his family.
"I need to know where to get a jet ski around here."
That was him, but what was he doing here?
Loki felt weird seeing what it would have looked like for his Mobius to live on earth up to this point, assuming that the TVA variants of him had been plucked from the mid-1990s.
"Daaaad," one of the middle aged women groaned.
He has a daughter. Are those his grandchildren?
"You know we brought you on vacation to get you away from your jet ski, right dad?" another of the middle-agers said, a man who looked to be the youngest in his generation group.
A son as well?
"I'll have you know that the jet ski was the greatest invention of our time, of all history, even!" old-Mobius explained light-heartedly.
The taller man next to him placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I think we can manage a week without, my dear."
Loki gasped.
That was him speaking to old-Mobius. Well, not him, but an old version of him.
It didn't make sense.
Loki was well over 1000 years old. An Asgardian diety. A jotun.
He wouldn't just age like that. Not unless he sacrificed something to do so.
Loki couldn't help but notice, though, that while old-Loki's face was considerably wrinklier than his own, the man he looked at was void of worry lines around his eyes and forehead.
He looked genuinely happy.
Loki shifted as best he could to stay hidden behind the tree as he watched what played out ahead of him.
"Oh, alright, alright. I guess I can manage going without ole Lightning for the week if it means I've got y'all to entertain me. But just know that I'm taking everyone out on the lake as soon as we get back to Texas."
Old-Mobius, or whatever his midgardian name really was, smiled at his old-Loki, placing an hand over his lower back.
"I think that can be arranged," old-Loki agreed, quickly pressing a kiss to old-Mobius's temple as he wrapped an arm over the shorter man's shoulders.
Loki didn't even realize that there were tears sliding down his cheeks until the pang in his heart made him turn away from the happy family.
Because it wasn't just Mobius's family, it was his.
He didn't know how the two had found each other, how this Loki had somehow evaded godhood to live a domestic, midgardian life.
Loki couldn't stay here. He couldn't disturb and be caught by them.
He needed to find his Mobius, maybe figure out how to start a life like that.
It wouldn't be easy, jumping through the multiverse searching for that hard-headed, sarcastic, witty, crazy TVA analyst Loki had somehow fallen for, but he had to try.
So with the coast clear, he reset the tempad and stepped through another portal.
For his Mobius.
A/N: my heart is going to explode. Why did I feel the need to torture myself in this way? Anyways, I wrote it, so y'all gotta read it.
I don't make the rules.
Let me know what you thought! I love and hate this simultaneously so I'd love some feedback. Thanks for reading!!
Once again, sorry for those who follow me for Tom Holland stuff but I really wanted to write this!
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sierraraeck · 4 years
Staying Hidden
BAU x OC Aundreya
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Summary: Aundreya reveals everything that has been going on, and visits some of the team members in the hospital while trying to evade notice. Story eighteen.
Category: Angst.
Warnings: Cussing. Brief mention of sexual assault, drug use, and death.
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N: I still know nothing about how gangs work, this is all for entertainment purposes.
I have some explaining to do.
My given name from birth was Clara Spade. If you recall, I grew up with divorced parents and a sorry excuse for a father. When I was 14, I witnessed a mass killing by one of the most infamous serial killers of all time, the Storefront Slaughterer. Somehow, I was spared, but my identity was soon leaked to the media, and my mom, sister, and I were put in witness protection. At this point, my identity was changed along with my name, which was now Cassy Sae. I don’t know how, and I never figured out when the Slaughterer caught wind of my whereabouts, but he did, and he followed me home one night. He burnt my entire home down, taking the remaining two members of my family with it. I jumped out of the back window, barely surviving until Agent Gideon found me and took me back to his isolated cabin house in practically the middle of nowhere. As the news reported, Cassy Sae died in that fire as well, the same day Aundreya Chambers came into existence already at the age of 15. I attempted to go back to school, live as close to a healthy and normal life as I could, but I let my rage get the best of me. I decided that I wanted to hunt down the man that took everything from me, dropping out of high school. I left Gideon, telling him that I couldn’t burden him anymore and had to do whatever came next for me on my own. He reluctantly let me leave, and I found myself on the streets of Chicago. There, in a small self defense gym I’d started frequenting after hours, I met a girl only a few years my senior named Xena. She befriended me and admired how quickly I was picking up on all of the concepts being taught, despite the fact that I never officially took a class, only watched thinking I was going unseen. Xena told me about a group of people who could help and protect me, and before I knew it, I was meeting a man in his early 50s who went by the name of Rafael. Little did I know that I had just been coaxed into joining one of the most feared and revered gangs in the northeast.
One of the first things I learned was how to make money in the form of dancing. It was also when I created the Alionth persona. I was one of the youngest members to have ever joined the Cloaks (I was almost 16 at the time but it was an unspoken agreement that I was now 18), and I picked up on most everything very quickly. I started out low in the ranks, mainly just dancing and drawing new members in or being a distraction while another operation was going on behind the scenes. At one point, I remember that an operation wasn’t going as planned and they needed information from a patron at the club. I wanted to help out and be a part of the ‘more important things’ so badly, that I took initiative without permission. I started performing for the patron, and pick-pocketed him in the midst of it. I returned to Xena, and another boy, with the information I’d gathered from his phone and wallet. It helped them complete their operation, and they were impressed with my skills, even though they were irritated I did it without permission. After that night, I started moving up the ranks. It was also that night that the boy I’d met earlier with Xena started using me. His name is Jamar, but most people know him by his last name, DeLeon. He was the 19 year old son of another revered gang leader. Rafael happened to be close friends with his father, and agreed to look after DeLeon after he died. Rafael also took in the members of that gang, which helped spike the power and ‘popularity’ (for lack of a better word) of the Cloaks. DeLeon and his rowdy friends were hard to control, so in order to appease them, Rafael essentially let them do whatever they wanted, as long as it didn’t hurt the Cloak name. The ‘Cloak name’ did not explicitly include Cloak members.
I was fresh, and had skills that apparently made me ‘special,’ so DeLeon and his boys decided I would be a great way to celebrate the success of that night. And ‘come on, you’re half the reason it went so well. Don’t you want to celebrate with us?’ This was also my first exposure to hard drugs. I was on and off them from here on out.
But beyond that, once I started to be recognized for my pick-pocketing abilities, and being able to track people down for information, I got moved to be a private informant for the gang, and I was damn good at it too. I spent the most time communicating my findings with Xena and DeLeon, so they became the closest people to me. In all of my free time, I looked for the Slaughterer. When I finally found him and asked Xena and DeLeon to help me set up a trap for him, they helped me without hesitation. It was my idea to tip off the FBI, which they were obviously hesitant about at first. But I convinced them that if we caught one of the FBI’s most wanted, and instead of hurting him turned him over to the FBI, it would make us look better to them and hopefully keep them off our asses. We discussed it with Rafael himself, and he thought that it was a good idea. I was surprised and relieved, and once the FBI had the Slaughterer in custody and everything went according to plan, it was enough to get me moved up to the rank of ‘Head of the PI unit.’ That’s when I started being known as The Figure. I was 18 at the time, and for a while I seemed untouchable. I was training other members, three of which were Sydney, Deen, and Corbyn, my three closest friends going into the ring, and we were finding people left and right. I scoped out traitors and infiltrators as a part of my lead job (that’s when I met Christina who was working with Derek at the time), and the gang seemed to be as strong as ever.
Then, one day, I found out that Xena Adaland is the granddaughter of Rafael Adaland, the gang’s leader. She, like DeLeon, was three years older than me, and was pissed that I was now higher in the ranks than she was. She challenged me for my PI spot, and the rules were simple. Whoever lost, would leave.
The day before the challenge, which would be a series of fighting, investigating, and persuasive tactics, Rafael came to me and told me that I had to win, no matter what it took. I was stunned, and even though I pushed for more information, he wouldn’t tell me why. Regardless, I did win, and Xena was forced to leave, and her grandfather let her. No, not just let her, he encouraged her. Once she left, I essentially became the replacement daughter to Rafael, which meant I was in even closer contact with DeLeon. Our relationship had always been very twisted, but once I was under more direct protection by Rafael, he almost completely stopped how he’d been treating me. Almost. I didn’t understand how fucked up it was at the time, but we even started dating once he started treating me better. However, there were bigger problems. The FBI was closing in on us, which I later found out was the reason why Rafael was okay letting Xena leave. He wanted her safe and away from this mess when it imploded. Rafael and I had been working closely side by side for a year now, and I could tell he was feeling like he had nothing left. Xena was gone, his life’s work of building a foolproof gang was collapsing, and DeLeon was slowly pulling away. He and I both knew that the FBI and police were looking for someone to blame, someone to go down for this, and only one of us was going to get out of this whole thing. He all but told me I had his blessing to screw him over and take the gang for myself. I was 19 and he was almost 60, so he knew that the one thing he might be able to leave was a legacy, one that I might be strong enough and smart enough to carry on. What he did tell me, was that what he was about to do was for me and for the rest of the gang, and that it would take the heat off of us, long enough for us to preserve what was left of the gang. For a while, I thought that he would be turning it over to Xena or DeLeon, but when it came down to it, it was me that he chose. I took it in stride and with honor.
That night, when Rafael ended up dead in his office, I fully understood what he was talking about before. If the FBI found the gang’s leader dead, they would have someone to blame, and the spotlight would no longer be on me or really any of the rest of the members. The gang would essentially collapse.
DeLeon had different ideas, though. He thought that I had killed Rafael, the closest thing to a dad he could remember, and was out for revenge. He returned to his old ways of treating me, and left me with a scar to prove it. I fought through all of that shit, knowing I still had a responsibility to protect and salvage the gang. I had to tell them to disperse and find me in a month or so when things had cooled down. I pushed the gang underground, and that was the start of the ring. Whoever could find me again would have passed the first test to see if they were worthy or not to be in my new ring.
Deen found me first, then Sydney, then Corbyn. Others came to me as well, either from the gang or outside of it with other skills that were desirable. I started going by the name Alionth, and the former gang got turned into my ring of elite criminals. I ran a tight ship underground until I was 21.
Xena had been marinating in anger since she lost to me, and decided to get back at me by hurting one of my best friends. She kidnapped Sydney while on a job, and threatened to hurt her if I didn’t show up. It had only been days prior that I met Sydney’s husband Todd and her newborn daughter, Jayana, who I ran into again on my second case with the team. I should have known it was a trap from the beginning, but I’d been getting cocky and wasn’t exactly thinking straight, due to the amount of drugs pumping through my system.
I showed up and was ambushed by both Xena and DeLeon, who explained to me that they’d found each other again after the Cloaks crashed. They bonded over their mutual hate for me, and decided to fuck me over together. They killed Sydney right in front of me, and then left just in time for the FBI to capture me and throw me in prison. If you remember, I was in there for four years from 21 to 24, and then I escaped. I ran right back to my ring, which accepted me with open arms. I was laying low for a while, and decided I’d let things cool off before taking the lead again. Before I could do that, though, I received an interesting visitor.
Agent Howard Archer came to visit me, and he wasn’t there to arrest me. He was there to hire me. He told me about the BAU and a certain unit chief he was not a fan of. He was just a step higher than Aaron Hotchner, and did not like the way he was running the BAU. Not to mention, Hotch was a threat to Archer’s position, and there was a potential competition between the two for the vice-presidency if something were to happen to the vice president. Archer wanted to ensure his future spot, and needed Hotch, and the VP, out of the way. He later informed me that another reason he had such a strong distaste for Aaron was because he failed to solve a case involving the murder of Archer’s son. I asked if he had a preferred way to get two FBI agents out of his way, and he told me he was familiar with my work and was prepared for whatever consequences followed. In other words, he would be satisfied with me killing the vice-president, and pinning it on Hotch.
He had me from the moment he introduced himself as an agent.
I went in to meet the team, which did not go as well as planned. Either way, I agreed to help Archer, and privately investigated each member after that first day. I knew Hotch from my past when I was still in contact with Gideon, but I didn’t think it would be as hard as it was. I thought that I could just come in, get the job done, and then move out. The problem was that there was an odd sense of loyalty to this man I’d met only a few times. It was odd, how he seemed to respect me, and he was even the first person (outside of Gideon and the people I worked with on the streets) that actually accepted my skills. I was one of the ‘bad guys’ from prison, but he always seemed to have some sort of appreciation for my information and willingness to work with him. There was just something about him that was calming, and each day I spent with the team, the harder it became for me to follow through. Aaron Hotchner was a natural born leader, and he was phenomenal at his job. Not to mention that the rest of the team, the rest of his family, really did care about him. I started questioning if I’d be able to tear apart this family, especially when I didn’t agree with Archer at all. Archer claimed that Hotch didn’t run the BAU well, but after spending time under his leadership, I totally disagreed. I also started building connections with people who weren’t obligated or pressured to like me like basically everyone else in my life. They made me feel better about myself, about my abilities, and I realized there was a constructive way in which I could use them. They unknowingly convinced me that I didn’t have to stay on the path of destruction I’d been on for my whole life, and that I could actually make something of myself, something that I didn’t hate. Something I could wake up every morning to and look in the mirror and not hate who was looking back at me or what she was doing everyday.
So I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to follow through with what I had agreed to do. Archer was persistent, though. He checked in on my progress, and at first I told him it would take time, which it would. But by the end of the three years I’d spent with the team, my excuses were just becoming lame. Not to say that the events that followed were lucky, because the whole Spencer and me going to prison thing was not lucky, but it gave me a legitimate excuse as to why I wasn’t working towards ‘the goal.’ It also gave him an excuse to come and threaten me while in prison. I didn’t know how I was going to get out of my deal with Archer, all I knew was that I had to. I was not going to tear that family apart, despite the fact that I already seemed to be doing that all on my own. But if they could survive the tornado that was me and my past, they deserved to be left alone after that.
Yet, I could tell that Archer had become restless, and the moment he mentioned going to someone else to get the job done if I couldn’t, I knew. He was the first one that really cemented my theory of Xena and DeLeon being back, but it was worse than I thought. He was working with them. Probably to do my job and kill me in the process, considering I knew his plans and could easily expose him, effectively wrecking everything. Unfortunately, he had no idea who he’d just gotten involved with, especially now that they were working as a team, and Archer was way too cocky and way too stupid to heed any of my warnings and assurances.
I had bigger problems at the moment, though. I always seem to.
Xena and DeLeon were back, and they were back with a vengeance. I knew that they had to be behind everything that had gone wrong. Some runner finding Maeve even before Spencer could, my father finding me and making weird comments like he knew what I had been up to, Spencer’s frame job and going to prison, and then of course, the detectives finding Spencer and I at my motel. I knew Xena had cameras in that room, and I saw her outside of the building as I was being shoved into the police car. I even wondered if they were behind the kidnapping of Derek’s cousin and Maeve. The three of us learned from the same person, and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to match, hell overcome, the two of their minds working together. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to work both angles at the same time: stopping Xena and DeLeon from afar and Agent Archer from all too close. But honestly, it didn’t really matter, because I had to find and stop them before they could wreck anything else, no matter what it cost me.
So I left the hospital leaving only that simple note behind; my unofficial resignation from the BAU. If I went off the grid, Xena and DeLeon would have to spend all of their time chasing me, and would have no time to spare for messing with the team. At least, that’s what I hoped.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
I was successful at staying hidden for about four months. While Xena and DeLeon hopefully didn’t have enough time or energy to keep tabs on the team, that didn’t mean I didn’t. I kept up with every case of theirs, and even left their main suspect tied to a chair in his living room one time as a sort of gift since he kept evading them. You know, since I was conveniently in the area at the time.
When I heard about the explosion, I rushed back to DC from some small town in Georgia. I’d been spending time in all different states and towns, hoping it would be enough to keep those urchins on my tail while I figured out a way to trap them. But this seemed more important, especially because there was a chance that whatever explosion hurt them could have been planted by Xena and DeLeon. I couldn’t be sure of anything regarding their involvement anymore.
I showed up to the hospital after hours, and stood outside the three adjacent rooms housing Derek, Aaron, and JJ. All three were hooked up to a plethora of machines, and were out cold. I just stood there watching them, convincing myself that this wasn’t somehow my fault with each steady beep of their monitors. The hospital was almost peaceful like this, which was odd for me to admit considering how much I hated them.
I don’t know how long I’d been standing there when I heard faint footsteps approaching from behind me. I whipped my head around to face the noise, but when I scanned the hallway behind me, there was no one there. You are getting really paranoid.
But I figured that’s what was keeping me alive, so I just rolled my eyes and moved on. I allowed myself only a few more minutes for now, making sure that the three of them were still alive before heading out.
I came back a couple days later to check on them again. I again did it in the middle of the night, so all three were in essentially the same state, but a bit more color had returned to their faces. I moved a couple paces over and leaned against the wall behind me. I shut my eyes for only a little bit, and when I opened them, I spotted her. Emily was sitting down in the chair in JJ’s room, her full focus and attention on the woman in front of her. I was in a corner of the mini lobby outside of their rooms, and by the looks of it, she hadn’t noticed I was there. My heart was racing as I attempted to slip by her room and out of the hospital. I had almost completely cleared the room when Emily made eye contact with me. It was for a split second, but it was enough for her to recognize me. I didn’t wait to see what happened, because I started a full on sprint out of the hospital.
I decided that I couldn’t go back there; it made me too careless. I was absolutely defenseless and in a weakened state of mind. It was too risky, for me and them alike. Staying hidden until I could figure a way out of this was my only option.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
The whole team had been shook by three of their members getting hurt in an explosion. They were all relieved that Derek, Hotch, and JJ were alive and that no serious damage had come to them. After closing the case Rossi and Preniss decided to be the ones that stayed with them, especially overnight. Penelope had stayed with them for four days straight while the rest of the team finished the case, so she deserved to be relieved of duty for a while, Tara got called to do more inmate interviews for research, and Reid just overall needed sleep. He’d been trying to figure out what Aundreya had meant by her note, where she was now, and what she was doing in all of his free time, including the midnight hours. Of course, everyone wanted to know more about these Xena and DeLeon characters, but even Garcia couldn’t find anything on them. Whatever was going on, there wasn’t really anything they could do about it. Reid knew this, but refused to give up. He finally agreed to go home, get some rest, and spend time with Maeve after some heavy convincing from Rossi and Prentiss. Which just left the two of them to be there together, or take shifts. A few days into it, Prenitss called Rossi in a minorly confused state.
“Sorry, I hope I didn’t wake you,” Emily started.
“I’m actually only a few minutes from the hospital, so that’s not a problem. What’s going on?” Rossi for the most part sounded calm, but Emily’s profiler ears could hear the slight concern behind them.
“Don’t worry, nothing’s wrong they’re all doing fine,” Emily started, and she heard a small sigh on the other end of the phone, “It’s just that, um…” Now that she was thinking about it, she wasn’t sure if she should tell anyone about Aundreya or not. Emily knew that whatever she was going through was very personal, and she probably didn’t intend on being seen, let alone having word get to the entire team. Plus, it probably wouldn’t benefit every member to know that she was around, but wouldn’t tell them what’s going on…
“What is it Emily?” Rossi questioned.
“I think… I think I just saw Aundreya. Here, in the hospital,” Emily answered. She wasn’t completely sure what to do with the information, and her and Rossi had always had a good relationship. He had this soothing, sturdy, knowledgeable vibe about him, and figured if she should tell anyone about this, it would be him. She also knew that Aundreya had trusted him, opening up about things she really hadn’t told anyone else, so it felt less violating to tell him.
“Hold on, I’m almost there,” was all Rossi offered before hanging up. It wasn’t exactly the reaction she’d been expecting.
When Rossi met her in the small lobby on that floor, he jumped right in with, “Yeah, I’ve seen her too.”
Emily’s eyes widened just slightly, but it didn’t really shock her either that he’d spotted her first. It just sort of made sense that he would. He always was better at keeping things a bit more compartmentalized and aware of his surroundings. Granted, Emily was pretty good at that herself, but when it came to her other team members, she could get a little clouded. “What should we do? Do we do anything?”
“I don’t think so. I’m not sure it would do any good, and she seems like she wants to handle this on her own,” Rossi replied.
“Whatever this is,” Emily pointed out. Rossi nodded, and after a few minutes, she added, “Is this what it was like when I was gone?”
Rossi turned to face her head on, “If you really want to know, yes. Except, we thought you were dead.” Not like we know for sure Aundreya isn’t, he thought, at least not yet.
“I’m so sorry for putting you all through that. It really sucks being on the other end of this. Not like the alternative is better…” Emily trailed off.
“You did what you had to do, and I’m sure Chambers is doing the same,” Rossi said with a small smile, “even if that means spending a few nights at my place.”
Emily looked over at him, mouth agape, “What? Are you serious?”
Rossi nodded. “I didn’t put it together until I saw her here a few days ago. I went home and just had this feeling that I wasn’t alone, and had heard a sound during the nights prior. I looked around my house and saw that one of the beds wasn’t made exactly like it had been for all the years I’ve lived there, and the window made the same squeaking sound I’d been hearing. I’ve tried to pay attention to when she’s there, but it’s very infrequent.”
“Probably random if she’s trying to fall off the radar,” Emily added.
A few more moments of silence passed before Rossi asked, “What would you do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Her situation is somewhat similar to yours. If you were her, what would you be doing right now?”
It wasn’t a bad thought. They put themselves in the shoes of the unsubs all the time, why not use the same technique here? “Uh, well, I’d be trying to go underground right about now. She’s clearly running from someone, or multiple someones, which are probably those other two names on her list.” Emily thought a bit more and continued, “When it was me, I wasn’t only running from Doyle, but I was also running to Declyn. If she’s running from those two people, what or who is she running to?”
“That is a very good question,” Rossi agreed. They both pondered this for a little while longer before taking a break, realizing they weren’t going to come with the answer tonight, and definitely not at a hospital where three of their friends were staying.
“Are we sure we aren’t going to tell anyone?” Emily sounded concerned.
“I don’t think that will help. And there are people who I don’t think need to know this,” Rossi said with a knowing look, “But, if we get any more information, or just happen upon evidence that points towards her needing our help, along with something we can actually do about it, then maybe we will. But until then, I think you and I should keep this to ourselves.” Emily nodded and the pair remained in silence for the rest of the night, mulling over the next moves they’d make and next questions they’d ask tomorrow, hoping they’d be enough to make a difference.
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spooks-and-tea · 4 years
Entangled (Spencer Reid x femReader) [Ch.7]
Summary: You don’t know how it happened. One moment you were watching Criminal Minds, and the next moment you were literally in the show. Can Spencer be the key to helping you find your way back home?
Warnings: minor character death, mentions of su*cide, bad explanations of quantum mechanics, bad words, sexual situations, the usual criminal minds-type content
A/N: Today I googled if “thirst trap” was a noun. Do me a favor and read this one with your favorite Spencer Reid gif in mind. I’m excited to see what you all think about this one. 
Word Count: 6,174
Chapter 1.  Chapter 2.  Chapter 3.  Chapter 4. Chapter 5.  Chapter 6.  Chapter 7. Chapter 8.  Chapter 9.  Chapter 10.  Chapter 11.
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{smut warning for this chapter} —————————————————— 3 weeks later.
You were frustrated.
Frustrated because living with Spencer Reid was, for lack of a better term, a thirst trap. The show never even touched on this side of him, and you were sure he knew what he was doing.
For 3 weeks you shared his bed and at this point you both had decided that the left side was yours. You'd never found sharing a bed with someone as awkward, it's only awkward when one person acts like it is. Spencer left you sexually frustrated, without fail, every night; that, was awkward.
It started in the mornings when he woke you up with butterfly light kisses on your face, neck, and shoulders. He never went beyond that and if you moaned, it went ignored. You both would take turns showering. You would go first so you could have more time to do your makeup and hair. Spencer went second, and boy-oh-boy, it was a mistake to let that become a habit because he came out of that steamy hot bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist every. single. morning.; hair dripping wet.
You'd catch sight of him as you did your makeup, causing you to do stupid things like smearing your lipstick, drawing your eyeliner wing crooked, and poking your eye with the mascara wand. Sometimes you were doing your hair and burned yourself with a straightener, or snapped a hairband against your hand.
Spencer knew what he was doing, you saw his smirk every time he retreated to his bedroom to dress. You both alternated on who made breakfast, when you did, it was a difficult task. Spencer couldn't keep his hands to himself, holding his arms around your middle as you fried an egg, or as you toasted bread. He would only leave you to make the coffee. Mornings were when Spencer Reid was bold.
During the day, you would drive the both of you to work. He wasn't so obvious there, but somehow he knew the subtle things he did there that got your attention.
When researching, or doing paperwork at your desk, you often had to ask him for help. You weren't technically qualified to even work here. He never seemed to mind, actually he liked to help you. He would lean over your shoulder with both hands around you on the desk and point things out while dipping his head low; nearly whispering words in your ear. He knew his voice got to you. He watched you shudder.
Sometimes you got so worked up you would have to ask him to go over things again. At the roundtable meetings, he would turn to the writing board, explaining whatever about a case, and put his hands in his pockets. This sounds like his normal behavior, but when he did the pocket thing it made his pants a lot tighter and you struggled to keep your eyesight up. You swore he flexed when he did it too. Whenever the discussion would go above your level of education and you zoned out, your eyesight would lower, Spencer would turn around and ask you a question. You'd stammer out some words. Everyone would turn to look at you and away from him, which is when he would smirk mischievously at you.
Days were when Spencer Reid made you feel like working at the BAU wouldn't be so difficult.
At night, he would often order take-out. You both would wind down, sometimes with a movie, sometimes he would put a record on and teach you how to play chess, sometimes you both would sit on his couch as he talked and talked about any topic that he thought you would find interesting. You adored these nights because this is when you really had a chance to learn about Spencer Reid the person, not the character.
Sometimes he would show you an odd item he owned and go into a tangent about its history, it's history related to other history, etc. You could tell he loved it when you told him you could listen to him go on about any subject and never grow tired of it.
Knowing you had trouble sleeping, when you both retired to bed Spencer would hold you, kiss you, and read to you. He had this talent for making any story immersive with just his voice.
Nights were when Spencer Reid made you fall, impossibly, more in love with him.
And the cycle repeated. Yet, he never seemed interested in taking things further than making out on his couch.
Today, you hoped to get him back for the 3 weeks of teasing that was eventually going to leave you with a permanent blush. Of course when you say 'get him back' you don't mean you'll make him do anything he isn't ready for, you were just going to give him a little show. Give him a taste of his own medicine.
It was date night, and while you had been on a few of the basic dinner and movie dates, Spencer promised this one was going to be special and different. You weren't exactly prepared for how "different" it was going to be, but you got the picture when he blindfolded you in the car.
You wore a dress that was form fitting, short, and had a sweetheart neckline that showed off your shoulders and chest. You were pulling all the stops tonight, dark stockings and high heels included. You topped it all off with your favorite perfume.
You knew Spencer was awed as soon as you walked out of his bedroom, which you had forbidden him to enter as you got ready. You also knew he had a thing for your neck and shoulders, so the sweetheart neckline was a showstopper. You just hoped you hadn't overdressed for this surprise date. Spencer was in an outfit that was pretty much just his work clothes. You didn't think he owned much else, so you thought nothing of it.
You got out of the car and he led you through a door. You were inside of a building now, you knew because the air warmed up and your heels echoed. The place was empty and, otherwise, dead silent. You heard Spencer press a button, followed by the familiar sounds of an elevator. "Where are you taking me?" You laughed. You loved surprises and Spencer had seemed pretty excited about this one.
"You'll know in 60 seconds." He answered, helping you get inside the elevator. As you stood, waiting, he wrapped his arm around you and started to tap on your shoulder. You knew this was his nervous fidgeting.
Did he not know you would be happy no matter where he took you? Except, maybe, a large body of water. You trusted that he would never let you near one again.
The elevator chimed and you heard the doors open. Spencer helped you through, walking you through another door. This is when he stopped you. He stood behind you and gently untied the blindfold, which was actually just a tie of his. Your eyes adjusted to the lights.
"What are we doing here?" You laughed, turning around.
Poor Spencer looked beyond nervous, nearly bouncing with energy. You just didn't understand why he took you to the BAU when you were there nearly every day. This wasn't the best typical date spot in town.
"I-um." He swallowed. "When you got here you told me, in your old life, you wanted to be an actress and you were going to audition for Criminal Minds. I know it was your favorite tv show and you missed out on all of that when you woke up here." He reached down into his desk and pulled out a booklet of green papers.
"You didn't get a chance to prove yourself as an actress, so I-I thought, since we have the real thing here, and you have me-" He gave you the booklet and you flipped it open, eyes going wide. "We could act out a scene together." Spencer eyed you, waiting for a reaction.
"Spencer this is- I don't have the words. You wrote a Criminal Minds script?"
Spencer nodded, pursing his lips.
"We don't have to do it, I just thought-"
"No! No Spence, it-it's perfect." You smiled and flipped through the pages. "Tell me the synopsis."
Spencer cleared his throat. "Agent Y/N and Agent Reid have to work after hours. I think that's all you need to know; it's simple, and not very long."
"I like simple."
"Good." Spencer smiled and kissed your cheek. You blushed at his confidence.
"Don't you have a script?"
"Eidetic memory." He tapped his temple.
"Ah. Right. Shall we begin?" You bit your lip, excited.
"Sure, do you want to count down and say 'action'?"
You nodded.
"3, 2, 1, action!"
Your eyes glanced back and forth to the script as you played out the scene.
Spencer sat at his desk, shuffling through papers.
"Dr. Reid." You strolled over and sat at the edge of his desk. He looked up.
"Explain to me again how our unsub was able to pull off all of this in one night." It wasn't in the script, but you crossed your legs making the skirt of your dress pull up until it was absurdly short. You silently prayed Hotch wasn't hiding out in his office working after hours. This would look like the beginning of a fanfiction porn plot.
Spencer twirled his pencil, flicking his eyes down when he thought you were looking at the script.
"Actually I don't think our unsub was acting alone. Remember the box of ticket stubs located at the first hideout? Those were momentos; kept in pairs. I believe we're dealing with 2 unsubs, a couple."
"Star-crossed lovers- a new age Bonnie and Clyde." You pretended to think it over.
Spencer nodded and stood up, walking up to a board he must have set up before leaving work.
"Based on the geographical locations of the crime scenes and hide outs, we can see that they're making their way west."
"Will they cross state lines?" You walked up next to him.
"There's a high probability they will, yes."
"Can we confidently say that one is the aggressor and one is just tagging along?"
"Yes, in cases with couples like these, typically the male is the aggressor. For example, Bonnie and Clyde. Clyde had a history of committing crimes long before he met Bonnie. She only became a criminal after they became a couple."
"But why would the unsub's partner go along with these killings willingly?"
Spencer turned to look at you.
"Love. History says Bonnie fell in love with Clyde and that's why she stuck by him as his partner; though he was a terrible criminal. He made multiple failed attempts at robbing banks. Clyde actually wrecked their car at one point, nearly killing her with these 3rd degree burns that nearly lost her a leg. She was also struck by bullets multiple times, but still she stayed by his side. We know he loved her too because a smart, or ruthless, criminal would have left her behind after the leg injury. Clyde carried her around; sometimes she limped. She couldn't properly walk for the rest of her short life."
"Devotion, idolization, justification. These unsubs are recreating the Bonnie and Clyde crimes. I can't agree that it's love that drives them, though."
"Why is that?"
"When you love someone, you want what's best for them. You'd never put them in harms way. If Clyde really loved Bonnie, he would have never taken her along with their gang in the first place."
Spencer slowly nodded, eyes scanning the map.
"I suppose a better word for their relationship would be 'obsession.'"
"If you were in the male unsub's position, what would you do, Dr. Reid?"
"I'd protect her." He looks at you again. "I'd turn myself in, admit that everything was my wrongdoing."
"Hmm," you hummed.
"Have you ever been in love, Agent Y/N? You seem to know a lot on the subject."
"Yes, in fact. I have."
"May I ask with whom?" He smiled, slyly. Some script, he was baiting you.
"Yes. If you promise me we can take a break from this. We've been working all night. You promised me dinner, Dr. Reid." You poked his chest.
"I didn't think all this talk of murder would work up much of an appetite." He laughed.
"We've worked here long enough, catching murderers is normal. " You smoothed your hand up his chest, this action was definitely not in the script. Spencer's eyes narrowed.
"We could raid the snacks in the break room, then get right back to work." He recited.
"We could," your words and actions no longer followed the script. "-Or we can stay here."
"Why would we stay here?" That wasn't his line. He was playing along; he was intrigued.
You held up your phone and scrolled through your music until you found something old and romantic. You pressed play and set it on your desk.
"Dance with me Doctor." You held out your hand to Spencer. It was your turn to do the cheesy romantic gesture.
He blushed, taking your hand. He was trying to figure out if you were going to return to the script or not.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his hands on your waist. You made sure to press your chest closely to his. He was much taller than you and you devilishly knew, as he looked down, he would get an eyeful.
You danced through the first song. "Dr. Reid I have to admit something." You said breathily as you both swayed.
"Yes?" He swallowed, thickly.
"I've liked you for a very long time now."
"Have you?"
"Mmhmm. Do you not feel me watching you as you work across from me? Do you not hear my intake of breath every time you lean over my shoulder and whisper case information in my ear? Do you not see the way I bite my pens when I feel your eyes on me? I've wanted you for a long time now, Dr. Reid."
"Really?" His eyes trailed lower for a moment. You played with the hairs at the back of his neck.
"Yes, in fact, I'm sure that I'm in love with you."
"I-I love you too Y/N." He finally broke character.
"You do? How much? Will you show me?" You kept up the sultry act.
He nodded and drew his hand up to your cheek. He ran his thumb along your bottom lip before slowly leaning in.
Just before his lips were going to meet yours he paused, your noses barely touching. "I would, but I do owe you dinner."
You held your breath, more prepared for dessert than dinner.
He pulled away, but not before nonchalantly brushing his hand that was placed on your waist, over your ass. You bit your lip, not wanting to give away the goosebumps it gave you. He had never been so obvious.
"Dinner then, Dr. Reid?"
"Right this way, madame."
You took his hand, giggling at his courteous behavior. You expected him to lead you out, but instead he led you to the roundtable room. What else did this man have planned? And how the hell did he convince Hotch to approve of this?
"It's nothing fancy, but-" He opened the door to reveal the room dimly lit by candles. A tablecloth covered the table and two seats were placed next to each other in front of it. A bottle of wine, some glasses, and two plates sat in front of the chairs. A main dish sat in the middle, covered by a cloche.
"Spencer, how did you set this up?" You broke your sultry character.
He pulled out your chair for you before sitting in his own.
"Garcia was staying late, she practically volunteered. She left just before we arrived," he explained.
"I'm having a romantic dinner date in the roundtable room. What even is my life?" You mumbled to yourself.
Spencer laughed, uncovering the food plate. He served a spicy grilled salmon and side-salad that had Garcia's jalapeño-infused cooking written all over it. You reminded yourself to thank her at work.
As Spencer served the food, you poured the wine.
You took the first bite, moaning at the flavor. It went well with the expensive wine.
You giggled at how red Spencer's face became as he ate the spicy food.
"Thank you for this, Spence. This is honestly the best date I've ever been on." You sipped your wine.
"You've said that after all of our dates." He grinned.
"That's because you always outdo yourself, and we've only been on 4. How can you possibly top this?"
"I'll think of something."
"No, next time is my turn. I'm romancing you." You pointed.
"We'll see about that."
You both finished your food and cleaned up. Placing most of it into the break room.
You felt warm and cuddly from the wine, you hugged Spencer close to you as you made your way out of the building.
"Did you mean it?" Spencer asked as he drove you both home to his place.
"Mean what?"
"You pine for me at work." He smirked.
"I did not say that!" You blushed, furiously. "I do NOT pine for you."
"Then what would you call it?" You thought for a moment, slyly smiling to yourself as you thought of an answer.
You placed your hand on Spencer's thigh. "I crave you, I ache for you, I touch myself at the thought of you." You spoke breathily, doing your best impression of a sexy Marilyn Monroe.
Spencer nearly slammed his foot on the breaks, looking at you wide-eyed. You'd never been this bold before.
"These last 3 weeks of living with you, I've gone to sleep next to you every night thinking of what your hands, wrapped around me, would feel like if they just trailed a little bit lower." This wasn't a lie. To emphasize, you trailed your hand on him, lower, to his thigh. He gasped and gripped the wheel.
"I-I've wanted you too, Y/N," Spencer stammered; his knuckles going pale. Luckily, you had already arrived at his apartment in one piece.
"Then why don't you do something about it?" You asked, getting out of the car before he could answer. You moved your hips as you walked, smiling to yourself. You'd never felt this confident, sexy, and wanted before.
Spencer caught up with you when you reached his door, struggling to unlock it. You walked in first, stopping in front of his bedroom door and turning around.
"The first night I slept here you told me you wanted to take care of me." You said as you dropped your purse on a nearby table. You turned around to see Spencer was carefully watching your every movement; hanging on to your every word.
"Do you still want to take care of me, Spencer?" You asked. This was an invitation, he could turn you down if he wanted to.
You watched him kick off his shoes at the door and remove his jacket. He walked towards you and threw it behind you, onto the couch.
"Yes, I do." He placed his hands on your hips, lightly tracing.
Your hands roamed up his chest and over his shoulders.
"Then I'm all yours." You whispered. You were honestly curious to see if he would take initiative.
Spencer leaned in, kissing you softly. He pulled back and you felt his heavy breathes on your tingling lips.
He slowly inched his hand up your back as he chased your lips again, still keeping the pressure soft.
He trailed his tongue along your lips and you granted him access, meeting in the middle, not escalating the slow pace at all. Meanwhile, he pulled the zipper of your dress down. His slow movements made your head spin in anticipation. You couldn't hold back your soft sigh when he trailed his hand flat up your bare back.
He smoothed his hands over your shoulders, making your sleeves fall down your arms. Your dress piled to the floor.
He grew more aggressive with his kissing as he ran his hands over your body. He groaned as he lightly squeezed your ass and you yearned to hear him do it again.
You undid his tie, tossing it over your shoulder, followed by his vest. He trailed his kisses down your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin. You gasped, your eyes rolling back for a moment. The stubble on his chin and the warmth of his breath left red hot marks of desire on your skin. You somehow managed to unbutton his shirt and toss it to the floor.
You pulled him closer, wanting to feel his skin against yours. This was a far cry from the night he held you, half-nude, to save your life. Though, you felt like if he didn't touch your neglected core soon, you would die.
You lowered your arms feeling the skin of his chest. No, Spencer Reid did not have abs, but he didn't need them, he was sexy in his own way.
"Bedroom." He mumbled between wet kisses that were definitely going to leave behind marks.
You stepped out of your heels and he moved his hands behind your thighs. He coaxed you to jump and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He returned his attention to your lips, kissing you deeper. He stumbled to his room. You fought the urge to laugh at his clumsy movements. The movements of his tongue against yours made you almost instantly forget.
He tossed you onto the bed and you bounced. You giggled and bit your lip; watching him stand at the edge. He trailed his eyes over your body, licking his lips as he took off his belt and work pants.
Your heartbeat raced and your core pulsed as you anticipated his next move.
"You're beautiful, Y/N. I-I want to remember you like this." He knelt in front of your legs on the bed, taking in the image of you sprawled out and heavily breathing, wanting only for him.
"I want to remember you too." You replied, propping yourself up on your elbows to look at him. His neck and torso were a blushing rosy red, sweat was already forming. His chest rose and fell as he caught his own breath. His hair was already ruined, but you wanted to see just how ruined it could look.
"I truly think you're the most gorgeous man I've ever seen, Spencer," you sounded breathless.
His blushed skin deepened red.
Obviously, he was used to being the 'pretty boy' of the crew, but no one had called him gorgeous and looked at him like he was the statue of David come to life.
Spencer crawled up your body, you opened your legs so he could come closer.
A gasp, followed by a loud moan, escaped your lips as he leveraged more of his weight on top of you. You could feel him, hardening against your core, through the fabric that still separated you. He placed open-mouthed kisses up your neck until he reached your lips.
You honestly did not expect him to take so much initiative.
He coaxed opened your mouth and trialed the tip of his tongue under yours, oddly making you shudder. Where did he learn a sneaky move like that?
You couldn't help yourself, you pulled his hair a little; not enough to hurt. He moaned, his hips moving forward of their own accord. Your back arched and your head fell back at the contact it gave your swollen clit.
"Spencer," you grunted through your teeth, eyes squeezing shut. He must have liked your reaction, because he shifted his hips forward again. He was going to drive you insane.
"Yes?" He bit his lip.
"Please, I need you." You wanted to cry. You needed him to hold you closer. You needed him to pin you down. You needed him inside you. You needed to feel him everywhere. You needed him to love you. You needed him to stay and never leave you. You needed him in every way. His eyes glazed over your face, you felt like he could read your every thought.
"I know, I need you too. Just wait a little longer. I want to make this last." He whispered.
He reached behind you and unhooked your bra, gently bringing the straps over your shoulders. He broke eye contact and brought his right hand up; tracing over your nipple. Both of you breathed a little heavier as it peaked at his ministrations. He leaned his head down and- He's going to be the end of me. I'm actually going to implode.
His lips wrapped around your nipple. He twirled his tongue around and lightly grazed his teeth over the sensitive bud.
His other hand moved to knead and softly pinch your left breast. You felt him, warm and throbbing against your core, he was enjoying this as much as you were. He turned his attentions back and forth between each breast.
"Fuck, Spence-Spencer I- you- that feels so good." Your sentences grew incoherent. You tugged and raked your hand through his hair, your other hand grasping the bedsheets just to remind yourself that you weren't floating on a cloud or something.
The coffee and woodsy-vanilla that surrounded you made you forget your own name. Your whole body was warm and covered by Spencer's; it made you feel safe. Nothing could ever hurt you here. You wanted more. You couldn't stand any more of this torture. After 3 weeks of teasing, and many years alone, you were beyond horny, almost primally so.
He continued pinching, licking, nipping and sucking at your nipples. An excruciatingly good combination. You trailed your fingertips down his abdomen, his stomach flexing as you trailed lower. You skipped the teasing and slipped your hand under his waistband. Your fingertips stroking his softest skin.
"Mmm. I thought I said to wait," he grunted, his voice deepening as his hips bucked against your touch. He took your wandering hand and held it against your other one; holding them down over your head.
Is Spencer dominant in the bedroom? No, he couldn't be-
"Fuck. I-I can't- I can't wait. Please, Spencer." You gasped, hooking your legs around him for more contact where you needed it most. He smiled wide as if you had just complimented him.
Spencer reached his other hand down and held your hips to the bed. He kept eye contact. His eyes were dark and full of lust; something you'd never seen on him before, but he wore the look well.
He moved his hand on your hip away and your arms jerked against his hold as you felt it return, lower. His finger traced down your slit through your panties. You were soaking for him and you knew he could feel it.
He hooked his fingers over your panties and slid them off, leaving you exposed to the cold air. You hissed at the sensation.
God, will the teasing ever end?
"You should see yourself, so ready, begging for me." Spencer smirked. He was using his secret weapon, which he already knew drove you crazy. His voice.
"I wonder just how desperate I can make you become." He lowered his head to circle his tongue over your left nipple. His fingers circled and slid along your slit.
"Can I make you cum without touching you?" He stopped touching you, leaving your body buzzing with anticipation.
"Can I make you cum with just my voice?" He whispered in your ear. Your back arched, yup he could definitely pull that off.
"Answer me," he ordered, keeping his tone soft, but domineering.
"Yes!" You cried out, lost in all the senses he was assaulting. You'd never wanted someone so much in your life.
He looked in your eyes, you were almost afraid of what that genius brain of his was thinking.
"Spencer!" You screamed as he began to rub quick circles over your throbbing clit. It was too much, too fast.
"I'm going to have you tonight, don't worry, but I want to see you cum first," he whispered; moving one hand to move your hair behind your ear.
"Cum for me."
You were so close already, he didn't have to ask twice. Your body convulsed and your back arched as you cried out his name. He watched you, mouth open and breathing softly against your face. You felt hot tears well up as he didn't stop his circling motions. Wave after wave of pleasure worked up your spine. You would've been blinded by it if you didn't keep your eyes on his.
You were lost in him, everything was Spencer Reid.
Your body finally relaxed and he stopped. He moved his hand lower and dipped a single digit into you. The evidence of what he had made you do was clear.
He arched his finger, easily adding another. Your body, still sensitive, began to respond to him again. He crooked his fingers in and out, seeking out the spot he knew would make you scream his name again.
Your legs began to shake.
"Spencer. I-I'm close again. I need you please- just- please. I need to feel you inside me. I need you closer." A tear fell down your cheek. This time he listened. He removed the last piece of fabric separating you two. He held your ankle, moving your legs.
"Should I-" He began.
"I-I have an IUD and I'm clean. If you're good, then we're good," you stuttered. You weren't sure if you were even forming full sentences, but you were confident his Phd's would help him figure it out.
Spencer understood and nodded, bracing himself above you.
He suddenly stopped and leaned down to kiss you.
"I know I say it a lot, but I love you, Y/N," he spoke.
"I love you so so much, Spence."
He lined himself up and slowly pressed into you. The dull pain was practically non-existent from the amount of teasing he had just put you through.
Your legs shook as he bottomed out. Spencer groaned, dropping his forehead to rest against yours. His hair hiding your view of the outside world.
You could feel the effect you were having on his body; his arms shook on either side of you.
He gave you time to adjust and time for himself to catch his breath. Then he lifted his head and delicately kissed you.
"Fuck. You feel so good Y/N," he whispered. It was truly a rarity to hear Spencer Reid cuss, and you can't say it didn't get you going.
He slowly lifted his hips then brought them against you; filling you again. Connecting with you as close as he physically could.
He lazily thrusted as your body grew more and more welcoming to him. He filled you up so well. You tightened around him briefly to feel more.
A growl formed at the back of his throat. "If you keep doing that I'm not going to last long." He reached down to squeeze your thigh and lift your leg higher.
Your eyes rolled back as he managed to thrust deeper into you.
He picked up his speed.
At this angle, every thrust made him brush against your clit. He must've known this, he began circling his hips with each thrust inside of you.
He lay his palm flat against your pelvis, feeling himself brushing against your cervix.
You were a mess of incoherent moans at this point. He lowered his head to your neck and you heard him grunting in your ear with each thrust. You began to meet his hips with yours, making him move faster. He changed direction slightly and brushed up against your deepest bundle of nerves. Your back arched and he gasped.
He slid his arm under you, keeping you arched in that angle. He lifted his head to watch you.
"Ah. Spencer, I'm- Ah I'm close." You nearly sang his praises with your high pitched moans.
You raked your nails over his back. "Me too." He reached down and circled his thumb over your clit, applying a pulsing pressure.
Your jaw fell open and your brows furrowed as you moaned his name. He dropped his head to your neck again and you kissed his jawline. You watched his shoulders tense, loving the sight of his back arching and his muscles flexing under your hands. Someday you hoped to trace and connect all the small freckles there.
He doubled-down his efforts, jackhammering into you. Your vision blurred and the last thing you remembered was that coffee and woodsy-vanilla scent as he pushed you over the edge again. You came without warning, holding him against you like a lifeline tethering you to reality.
You felt him twitch inside of you, your body tightening around him. His hips stuttered. He came just as suddenly; coating your inner walls and moaning your name.
He thrusted a few more times, your orgasm still coming in shockwaves. He didn't stop until your body had milked him dry.
His body shook with aftershocks and he nearly collapsed all of his weight on top of you. You felt him breathing, hot, against your neck. You were in no better shape, eyes half lidded and covered in sweat. You traced your nails between Spencer's shoulder blades. His overworked muscles twitched in response.
"Wow," was all you could manage to say.
Spencer groaned and lifted his head, his hair matted, going every which way. You raked your fingers through his hair, moving it back and out of his eyes.
"Worth the wait?" He asked.
You rested your palm on his cheek and pulled him down to kiss you. He kissed you as sensually as someone out of breath and exhausted could manage, and he didn't stop kissing you. You had to pull away first, beginning to feel the mess between your legs.
"Shower?" You suggested.
Spencer swallowed and nodded. "Shower."
It was a task to get there, but you both managed, and it was worth it when the water hit you. The mess between your legs washed away. Spencer held your waist and looked at you like you were the most important thing in the world.
"I love you." He stated, as you began to wash your hair. You stilled for a moment, taking everything in. If it wasn't for Spencer's reassuring touch, this would all feel like a dream.
"I love you too." You smiled, reaching up to kiss him; he leaned down and met you halfway.
When both of you were cleaned and dried, Spencer gave you one of his shirts to wear to bed. You couldn't help how giddy the gesture made you feel. He wanted to see you in his shirt.
You joined him in bed. Tonight, you were both too exhausted for him to read to you. His post-sex voice also had the sexiest scratchiness to it and you didn't want to go to bed horny another night.
"Tonight was perfect, Spencer," you whispered against his chest, noting his uncharacteristic silence.
"It was." He agreed, playing with your hair.
"How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself at work tomorrow when I know what you're capable of?" You happily traced his skin.
Spencer laughed, his chest rumbling under you.
"Hey, at least you don't have an eidetic memory. I can picture every second, clear as day." He mumbled, brushing his fingers along your neck.
"Mmm, as long as I'm not the only one that has to suffer tomorrow." You yawned, growing tired.
"No, I promise you, we'll both have to suffer tomorrow."
You fell asleep in his arms, absolutely full of love for Spencer Reid.
You were exhausted, barely coming to, when you felt the bed dip. Arms slid under you and lifted you.
Spencer, ever the romantic; carrying you to the kitchen for breakfast so you wouldn't have to walk.
You felt yourself slip out of consciousness again, cuddling up to his chest. You knew you were safe in his arms. He would never drop you.
When you finally came to, you rubbed your tired eyes.
You stretched, feeling the couch cushions underneath your legs. You yawned and opened your eyes, expecting the sight of smoke as Spencer usually burned the toast.
Except the ceiling above you held cracks and lit a blue hue reflected by a television.
Your eyes widened as they landed on a television screen.
The Criminal Minds intro was playing.
You were in your old apartment.
"No." You whispered.
"No. No. No. NO." This had to be a nightmare.
You jumped up, stumbling over the coffee table legs.
You ran around your tiny apartment, looking for any sign of Spencer. Then you heard his voice.
It was him, on the tv. An episode of Criminal Minds was airing, and you felt farther away from him than you ever had before. You fell to the floor next to your coffee table.
You watched Spencer Reid on tv in tears, knowing it wasn't your Spencer Reid, and you had no idea how to get back to him.
Next Chapter
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sunflowerhoney · 3 years
Can you answer all 100 of the questions? I know it’s a lot but I figured it would be a fun relaxing distraction 🥺🥺💕💕
Of course!! thank you so much for asking darling, youre the best 🥺 <3
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
March 19th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
Light blue
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
2 cats!
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
9 or 9.5
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Maybe 7 or 8 I think?
12. What was your last dream about?
Good question 😅 i have weird dreams but I tend to forget them quickly
13. What talents do you have?
Ah I’m not sure that I have many haha, I used to be able to play viola but I haven’t in ages and I write a little bit but not well
14. Are you psychic in any way?
Not that I know of :o
15. Favorite song?
Sunflower by Rex Orange County
16. Favorite movie?
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Gwendolyn Briggs 😂
18. Do you want children?
I honestly don’t know tbh
19. Do you want a church wedding?
No definitely not lol
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Not like as a patient but I’ve been to hospitals to visit family members
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
I got a ticket once if that counts lol
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I met Lea DeLaria (from OITNB) at an event at my college once!
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
No, I’m way too shy 😅 I think it would be very stressful
28. What type of music do you like?
Lots of different types tbh: indie, alternative, pop, ska, pop punk, I tend to just listen to any random song I like regardless of the type
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yes once 🙈 with a friend when I was in college
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
Usually curled up on my side
32. How big is your house?
I live in a one bedroom apartment so not very big haha
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I don’t typically eat breakfast, eating early in the day makes me feel gross :(
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Yes!! At summer camp when I was a kid, it was actually so fun! :o
36. Favorite clean word?
Purring (because cats!)
37. Favorite swear word?
Fuck! Lol
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
A little less than 24 hours
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
You before you came off anon? 👀 hehe
41. Are you a good liar?
Depends on the situation, I tend to get too nervous haha
42. Are you a good judge of character?
More so than I used to be I think
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Not really, at least not well at least lol
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don’t think so! I say some words with an accent though
45. What is your favorite accent?
I’m not sure if I have a favorite :o
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I honestly have no idea tbh
48. Can you curl your tongue?
Only a little tiny bit haha
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
Right handed (except for when I play softball, I bat left handed)
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Not if they’re small, big spiders freak me out though
52. Favorite food?
Onion Rings
53. Favorite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Somewhere in the middle
55. Most used phrased?
I’m not sure :o (maybe thats my most used phrase lol)
56. Most used word?
Probably “hi” or something like that 😅
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Depends where I’m going, usually like 30-40 minutes
58. Do you have much of an ego?
No I don’t think so, I’m wildly insecure
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Uhm both I think? Like I bite them but not until they’re really small haha
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes lol
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Yes, especially in the car
62. Are you a good singer?
Not really 😅
63. Biggest Fear?
This is probably weird but I have emetophobia so throwing up lol
64. Are you a gossip?
Honestly a bit lmao but not in a malicious way I’m just really nosy
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Carol? If that counts haha
66. Do you like long or short hair?
On myself, long hair (I hate the way my hair looks short lol)
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Yes lol only because I learned a song about it as a kid and never forgot it 😂
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
I have not
71. What makes you nervous?
Driving on really big highways/in bad traffic, interviews, feeling like I’m trapped, being in the middle of a row of seats (like in a movie theater)
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Only if I’m somewhere unfamiliar
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Not usually unless its going to benefit them to be corrected, I wouldn’t just correct someone to embarrass them or anything like that
74. Are you ticklish?
Yeah a bit
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
Not that I can think of
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Kind of at work?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
If weed counts as a drug then yes, if not then no lol
79. Who was your first real crush?
Some random person I went to school with lol
80. How many piercings do you have?
Just one on each ear
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
A little bit
82. How fast can you type?
Actually pretty fast!
83. How fast can you run?
A lot slower than I can type 😂
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Nothing really I don’t think, I was allergic to pollen when I was a kid but I haven’t had any allergy symptoms in years so I guess I’m not anymore?? Lol
87. Do you keep a journal?
I don’t but I keep meaning to start
88. What do your parents do?
My mom works for a non profit, my stepdad works in a grocery store
89. Do you like your age?
Mostly, I’m happy to have the independence that I didn’t have when I was younger but sometimes I’m like ah adult life scary
90. What makes you angry?
Rude people, close minded people, getting taken advantage of, people who are mean to people I care about
91. Do you like your own name?
Not really, I wish I had a less common name
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Nope, I can’t even decide if I want kids or not lol
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I don’t really have a preference
94. What are you strengths?
I’m a good listener, I try to be understanding, I’m usually pretty organized
95. What are your weaknesses?
Procrastinating, second guessing myself, being majorly insecure
96. How did you get your name?
It was the only girl name my Mom and Dad could agree on 😂
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Not that I’m aware of haha
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
Dark red
100. Color of your room?
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cxmetery-gates · 4 years
SUMMARY: Lynn Moore dreads the beginning of her greatest fear: the first day of senior year. WORD COUNT: 2.3k NOTE: Get ready for typical teenager angst. Let’s all bully Lynn. WARNINGS: dark!tom hiddleston, teacher!tom hiddleston
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JUST LIKE EVERY YEAR AROUND the middle of August, my mom tells me the same advice; have a good first day. Of course, most mothers, fathers, or whoever tell their child this, but it's as pointless as a circle. Whoever has a fantastic first day of school? There are new teachers to impress, you're stuck with the same bunch of losers you sit with at lunch, and there are more jerks and morons to pick on you, despite the status quo you fall under. High school is frankly really awful all the way around and there's no way someone can deny or even try to argue that. These are the four years of utter hell and we're all dying to get out. I've stepped through those heavy doors, resembling the gates of hell, on a first day three times now. My anger and hatred have only been fueled rather than dying down. I'm sure nothing will ever change.
"Don't forget--" Mom tries to tell me from the porch in sweats and a maroon t-shirt. Her unnatural dirty blonde hair piled on the top of her head with an old red clip. There are tears welling in her eyes, seeing her only child almost grown up. I have one last year of school and mere months until I'm an adult. For me, it may pass by far too slow, but I bet it's a whole different story for her. In all honesty, it's ridiculous that the woman is so upset and not to mention annoying. I have done this routine twelve times now, for Christ sake, she should get a grip on herself by now. I don't mean to belittle my mother but one of her greatest achievements is being able to replicate every single stereotype women have, including having no control over her emotions. An outsider looking in may say I'm a bit to harsh. All I can say to that is no one has loved with her for almost eighteen years like I have.
"I got it!" I yell against the wind as it smacks my face while I walk across the grass. "Christ on a bike," I curse tossing my messy light brown hair from my field of vision.
The bus would take another five minutes to get the corner, but I'd like to not look stupid on my first day by running to catch up with the metal rectangle of devilry Peter Parker style. Well, maybe it would turn into an interesting story at the least. Spiderman is my favorite superhero of all time after all. Despite this, I only allow an angry face to part my path. It's totally fake but faking it is the only way to survive.
Down at the intersection, there are already kids waiting. I think it's safe to assume that all of the puberty-sicken teenagers are freshmen or sophomores since most junior and seniors are still asleep at this early hour, knowing the good majority are able to drive. I take a good look at all of them. The fact that they find throwing bits of gravel at squirrels or birds makes me want to go over and smack them upside the head. That thought crosses my mind a lot. The world is so full of morons; it's hard to pick out which ones are actually tolerable. They're almost as bad as kids in letterman jackets with expensive sports cars. Those fuckers are the worst. All they care about is their ego and how much money they can wave around coming right from mommy and daddy's wallet.
Take the kid in the striped shirt tucked into his hand-me-down jeans. He looks like a nice kid; after all, he's got nothing to brag about. His parents are probably office workers or maybe nothing too difficult. Nothing too important. That's all we are, right? I mean, once we're dead and gone. No one is gonna care what car you drove or what brand your plain white shirt is. People who think they're hotshots or something special are the real morons.
Besides, who thinks it's cool to spend thirty bucks on a t-shirt?
An old car passes, a teenage girl in my grade sits in the driver's seat. I sort of duck out of the way. Not James Bond-like, but I move my already shitty hair in front of my face as if it's going to help hide my identity. The chick probably didn't even see me. I watch the car drive on, kinda imagining what sort of car I would drive once I get one. I suppose I would have to learn first. I personally am not a fan of getting behind the wheel. Hell, I can't even ride a bike without falling over. I'd rather move to a large city and order cabs to get me places. They seem more convenient and, if you get in a wreck, it's not your fault and it's not your money coming out of pocket. No car equals more money. Then again, no car also is equivalent to no freedom and taxis and Uber's can get expensive. It seems like each idea is flawed these days.
Upon scanning the area again— this time ignoring the idiots— I notice only one person who seems excited out of the group. Her dark brown hair and dark skin contrast to the majority of our town, including those waiting nearby. Her curled hair bounces with each stride she takes, happier than the step prior.
Some say it's strange that the girl and I are such good friends. You don't see God and Satan going out and having coffee every weekend or anything.
"What's got you in a good mood?" I question as I readjust my dark blue shirt underneath the flannel. Flannels are my favorite personal quirk. I own at least fifty, most being cool or dark colors. I don't have an obsession; just an interest that I care way too much about. Flannels are to Lynn Moore as controversy is to famous influencers. Looking back up, my eyebrow is still raised. I'm shocked to see her here, assuming her parents would have given her a lift. After a second, it dawned on me that this, riding the bus to school, was her punishment for getting into an accident she won't take responsibility for.
Posting memes and vines references are fun and all, but doing it while going 60 down a highway isn't the smartest. Forgive me for not following the strict millennial handbook but I don't actually want to die nor do I want my friends to.
My best friend, Ellie Graves, gives a small glare. "Why does it always seem like you're on your period?" I shrug my shoulders, and played with the wire choker I always wore. As my fingers slip underneath the necklace, it is evident how to lose it has gotten since I bought it a few months ago. I make a mental note to take a quick trip to the shopping side of the internet sometime soon.
I click my tongue before answering. "Probably because I'm closer to hell than you are," I say, referring to my obvious lack of height. I'm only five feet and just barely three inches off the ground while Ellie is at least five feet and seven inches. Personally I think we would make a cute couple given our attitudes and the extremities of our heights, except for the fact that dearest Ellie is not interested in people other than men. What a party pooper. For me, anyway. "But lets do our best to not reinforce stereotypes," I say referring to her comment.
She nods her head. "Yes, mother." I snort at her sass, leaning my body weight onto my right leg. "But hey! We have one year left! That's something to be excited about, am I right?"
Yes, I would say she is right. Freshmen, sophomore, and the dragged out junior year have come and passed, full of useless information and embarrassing memories with it. It's mostly embarrassing if I have to be honest. School isn't my thing, however falling up and down the main set of stairs apparently is. Who knew?
"Yeah, I suppose so. At least we're considered adults now," I reply trying to find some positive about the situation.
Ellie begins to lightly laugh, "True. That's kinda a scary thought, though." Her body shudders, either because a breeze just blew passed or out of what she just said.
The age of freedom is so close, I can nearly touch it. Despite my longing to finally buy a lottery ticket and spray paint, the fear of adulthood gnaws at the back of my mind. With eighteen comes responsibility, something I lack to a high degree. I muse the idea of getting a degree of irresponsibility. However, I don't think such diploma could help me get into a creative writing career.
I make a thinking face and bring my shoulders to my ears preparing for an exaggerated response. "Well, you aren't wrong," I reply in a forced high pitch noise, catching the attention of the guys. Now I notice they are all matching in basketball shorts and a jacket. Men's fashion, ladies and gents. Ellie chuckles at my utter dorkiness while I continue to make some weird face I'm sure she will get a picture of sometime within the next few seconds.
It's crazy how time is able to fly. Just last week, so it seems, the outgoing, beaming chick I have as a best friend and I were in third grade, the year I moved to a new house, a different school, and a very different town. Although my eight-year-old-self hated it at the time, I'm glad I left the northern state of Maine, all the way across to the midwest. That is if you consider southern Missouri part of the midwest. If I hadn't, who would have the privilege of being my first smack in the face? Or first sleepover (with an actual girl)? Who knows, and I honestly wouldn't like to. Ellie's my best friend; I would be dead if she didn't have my back. And I'm honestly positive she would say the same about her tiny best pal.
Little time passes after the picture was indeed taken and posted on Elle's Snapchat before an ugly shade of yellowish-orange appears entering the neighborhood. Ellie is practically fidgeting, fighting the urge to run up the bus even if it is some distance away. My eyes roll trying to not say anything to kill her spirit but I do let out an accidental groan as its loud hum draws nearer. The bus came to a screeching halt and I already want to turn on my heel and head home. When I step on, I notice there is a new driver this year. After Ellie got her license and could legally drive me around, I never bothered with the bus unless I needed space or she was busy, which was hardly ever. Ellie and I mostly spend our time together with our group of friends. Despite this, I still easily took notice of a different person in the seat. Instead of a balding old man with a face like alligator skin, a woman sat in the brown leather seat and looks roughly in her forties. She, like all of us except for Ellie, looks tired but fakes a smile anyways. The same rules apply; middle school and junior high in the front and high school in the back. It seems as if sitting in the back always made you cool of some sort. Every time a kid got away with it in middle school, he or she was automatically the bad kid, the cool kid, or the king of the bus. God, how stupid is that theory? These thoughts remind me how annoying and stupid we all were at ten and eleven years old. I'm sure if I had a duplicate of myself at that age, I'd shoot either one of us to cease me from the utter pain.
Instead of going all the way to the back, I turn to sit in the seat half way down the aisle while plunging in an earbud, leaving one open to listen to Ellie. I instantly scroll through an select a playlist that mixes rock, punk, and even some emo. Given today being my last first day, I figured early morning jams would be appropriate to get me pumped up even though I tend to listen to this genre quite often as of lately. I enjoy the heavy guitar and double bass pedal and lyrics I can either relate to or wonder who hurt the singer so bad. Needless to say, I'm definitely more of a rock person however there's still a lot of other types of music on my device, including orchestra and folk or indie. I don't like to limit what I listen to; whatever makes me feel good ends up on my phone. Simple as that.
"So, Lynn," Ellie says sliding in right next to me. I look in her direction, which was to my right, waiting for her to respond. She looks at me, but nothing came out of her mouth. Slowly, I arch a brow. Still, there was nothing. "I had nothing to say, I just wanted your attention." Ellie gave a stupid grin while I glare kindly at her if there is such a thing.
My head shakes and I reach out to pat her cheek, "You, my darling, are an absolute dumbass."
I feel her grin grow against my hand since I haven't moved it yet. "Not as big as you, though." I can't argue; she has a point.
As the bus lunches forwards, I look out the window and watch the world go by. Something settles in my gut about then, the feeling both familiar and foreign. I can't tell what it is, but as I watch the clouds roll in over the sun and birds flying through the sky, I only hope my last year of high school will be memorable.
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bffsoobin · 4 years
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↳after snagging the boy of your dreams, you walk on cloud nine around all of your friends. Life is perfect. Beomgyu is perfect. Except for one thing. When will he say I love you?
find the moodboard here
01 | 02
➤ fluff, vaguely 60s!au, Beomgyu playing guitar!
Word Count: 1,937
A/N: This is the second and final part of my collab with @bloomingjun who made the lovely moodboard you see at the top! I hope you’ve all enjoyed my vague 60s references in this fic :)
Elizabeth sat at the foot of your bed as you rummaged through your closet. You were already clothed in a white sleeveless turtleneck top as you flipped through all of the plaid skirts you had collected. 
“Should I go with yellow, black or blue?” you pondered over the three skirts, waiting for one to jump out at you. Elizabeth approached you with a critical eye and took the skirts from your hands. She handed you each one in turn so that you could press it against your waist and simulate the look of the whole outfit. It was so quiet as she thought that you could hear your brother’s Beatles record playing in the next room over. After you tried all three and still had no answers from your best friend you became annoyed. “Elizabeth, please. I need your help.” You knew you sounded whiney but you didn’t care. She had promised to help you get ready for this date with Beomgyu and she was slacking big time. 
“Okay, in my opinion I think the yellow looks best. That way you can wear your white boots too. But honestly, Y/N. You could wear a paper bag and Beomgyu would think you look pretty.” she sighed wistfully and plopped back into your pillows. You shimmied into the yellow plaid garment and sat down next to Elizabeth on the bed, clutching the stuffed bear that Beomgyu won you on your first date. In the back of your mind, you knew she was right. Ever since your first amusement park date with Beomgyu, the two of you have been basically inseparable. 
“You don’t know that. He’s sweet, but he still hasn’t…” your voice trailed into silence as Elizabeth sighed. 
“Don’t lie to yourself.” Elizabeth heaved herself up to hug you from the side. “You got the best boy out of that group.” Her sweet voice soured and you knew she was referring to her failed date with Beomgyu’s older friend, Yeonjun. 
“‘M sorry that Yeonjun was such a bummer.” you offered loosely.
“He wasn’t just a bummer! He bugged out on me.” she whined loudly into your shoulder. 
“And he’s an idiot for it. Even Beomgyu agrees. He told me all about how he called Yeonjun and told him he was being way too much of a square to be his friend. They even didn’t talk for a few days over him bugging out on you.” Elizabeth offered a tiny smile at the knowledge. Suddenly the doorbell rang and you jumped out of your skin. Both of your parents were out of the house so you knew you had to rush down to answer the door for who you assumed was Beomgyu. Luckily, you were able to quickly slip on your shoes and grab your purse from its spot on your vanity. Elizabeth trailed behind you, planning to exit your house just after you. You bounded down exactly 12 carpeted steps to get to the living room and open the front door. The smell of freshly cut grass flooded your nose yet your primary concern was the boy standing in front of you. Every time you saw your boyfriend he made your heart flutter. Today, he was wearing a powder blue short sleeved button up and a pair of neatly pressed black slacks. 
“Hey, sugar!” His voice was bright as he held out a hand to guide you out of your home. Elizabeth emerged behind you and Beomgyu’s face split into a crooked smile as he regarded her. She offered him a polite wave and patted you on the back as she said her goodbyes. Beomgyu ushered you to the car, making sure that you didn’t have to open your own door. The sleek white convertible was the envy of all your friends and your boyfriend was not afraid to show it off; especially with you sitting inside. He slid into the driver's seat easily, a sleek metal dashboard reflecting his every move. Beomgyu began to drive. You had no idea where the two of you were going but you couldn’t really find it in yourself to care. Downtown was busy this afternoon. Cars lined the streets and people filtered down the sidewalks, apparently all soaking up the sun together on this summer day. You passed the diner you worked at and noted the crowded tables, feeling grateful that you had gotten the day off. As the car came to a stop at a traffic light, you voiced that same thought to Beomgyu. 
“Hm, I’m glad you got the day off, too. D’you think you can ask them for a steady schedule? I wanna make the most of our time together. If you had a schedule like that, maybe we could plan a little road trip to the beach.” He reached a hand out to lace into yours so that you could feel the cold metal of his rings against your palm. You hummed happily at the idea of a steady schedule that would allow more concrete plans with your boyfriend. The light turned green again, and Beomgyu kept only one hand on the wheel so that he wouldn’t have to let go of you. Storefronts whirled past until Beomgyu began to slow in order to pull over to the curb. He parked the car and wiggled his hand out of yours. A loud laugh escaped him as he looked you over. 
“Your hair,” he took a beat to collect himself as well as he could. “The wind got it all messed up.” With anyone else, you would have shrieked in embarrassment, but you simply allowed Beomgyu to fuss over your hair for you. He was very particular, so you knew he would never let you down. Once he was satisfied, he clapped happily and made his way out of the car. No matter how badly you wanted to open your own car door you sat still; knowing Beomgyu was obsessed with the romantic gesture. The boy linked his hand in yours again and pulled you into a store you didn’t have time to examine. 
It was much cooler inside, and as soon as your eyes adjusted to the darker interior you recognized the music shop. Records were carefully stacked on shelves, organized in perfect alphabetical order. Along the back wall, dozens of record players were on display for customers to examine and choose from. Although he had obviously known you were going to end up here, Beomgyu was just as awed as you were. 
“Close your mouth or you’re gonna catch flies,” you poked his side in a teasing gesture. He merely faked upset by pressing his lips into a thin line and dropping your hand. Two could play at that game. “Okay, well if you’re going to be a baby I guess I’ll just...wander over there.” Your finger was pointed right at a gaggle of boys huddled together around the discount bin. Backing away slowly, you kept your gaze locked onto Beomgyu so you could see the split second his attitude changed. It didn’t take long before he was lunging toward you and wrapping his arms around your waist protectively. 
“Please don’t go over there, sugar. They’ll snatch you right up,” he was surely pouting at the idea, which only made your smile grow fonder. Turning to face him properly, you squished his full cheeks between your cupped hands. 
“Well it’s a good thing I have a big, strong boyfriend to scare them away.” Beomgyu keened at your praise and pushed into your hands, obviously thriving under your attention. 
“Let me show you what we actually came here for.” He dragged you between the shelves of records, walking in erratic directions that would have made your head spin if he hadn’t been holding your wrist. Eventually you came face to face with a wall of electric guitars in every color you could have dreamed. You traced your fingers over some of the lined up amps and knit your eyebrows together. It was still a mystery as to why Beomgyu wanted to bring you here so badly. He had wandered away a bit, but you could hear his voice talking to someone else so you simply followed the noise. Where you arrived was simply the corner of the store with padded partitions on either side of a stool, a guitar stand and an amp. Your boyfriend stood with his back to you, conversing with a middle aged man in a uniform.
“Beomgyu, what are you doing?” Curiosity got the best of you once the employee walked away. 
“I have a surprise!” His eyes were sparkling even under the harsh fluorescents of the music store. He sat down on the stool and produced a black and white electric guitar from a place you hadn’t seen before. A pair of big headphones slid over the top of his head and cushioned his ears. Slowly, you stepped closer to him. He plugged the guitar in with ease only a practiced player could have. His hands curved perfectly around the instrument as if he had placed them there thousands of times. Puzzle pieces began to click together in your brain.
“Do you play guitar?” Part of you already knew the answer already, but you had to ask. Beomgyu simply nodded but you could feel the pride radiating off of him. Your boyfriend was nothing if not confident. You watched on as his skilled fingers plucked the strings to produce a tune you didn’t quite know but enjoyed nonetheless. Beomgyu was truly in his own little world as he played guitar, head bobbing up and down with every note. There was nothing to do but look on in awe. Your heart swelled in your chest at the hidden talent of your already extraordinary boyfriend. The tune didn’t last long because Beomgyu became distracted by the wondered look on your face. He unplugged the guitar and set it aside in favor of waving you over to him. Standing between his legs, you were able to get a better look around the padded booth. 
“Can I see the guitar?” Beomgyu picked up the instrument and set it into his lap so that you could easily examine it. It curved easily beneath your fingers, slightly warm from where Beomgyu had just been holding it. The strings were wound perfectly, tightened to the perfect degree in order to produce every note you could want to pluck out. More amazing than the instrument though, was the boy who propped it up. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You weren’t offended, only truly curious as to why he decided to hide such an amazing talent from you. He hid his face behind one of his large hands. 
“I dunno. It just never came up, I guess. But that’s why I wanted to bring you here. I wanted you to know two new things about me.” He peered up at you with wide eyes before finally discarding the shiny instrument and standing to his full height. The proximity between the two of you made your eyelids flutter instinctively. 
“Two new things?” You inquired, trying to recall anything else out of the ordinary he had done. Beomgyu hummed in confirmation. 
“Yeah, two. One, I play guitar. Two,” he waited a beat, letting the general atmosphere of the store sink in on you. “Two is that I’m in love with you.” It was only then that you noticed his hands were shaking between your bodies. You encircled them with your own and brought them up to press a reassuring kiss to the flesh before speaking. 
“Hey, guess what? I love you too.”
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verai-marcel · 4 years
We’ve Only Just Begun (RDO OC x OC Fic)
Summary: Everett, a few weeks out of Sisika, has paid his debt to Mrs LeClerk. Though he’s now free, he can’t return to his old life as a ranger, so he opts for the next closest career: bounty hunting. When he’s handed a lead to some slavers related to the ones that had kidnapped his sister before, he jumps at the chance to wipe them out once and for all. But there’s a catch: he has to take a partner with him. 
Author’s Notes: I’m being self-indulgent. This is how Verai and Everett first met.
Tags: oc x oc, rdo oc, origin story, historical racism, slow burn, strangers to friends, gun violence, minor wounds
Word Count:  8764 (I know it’s long, but mostly dialogue.)
Everett stood in the middle of the police station in St. Denis, listening to the sheriff ramble on about the man on the bounty poster he was looking at. The sheriff had heard that the bounty had been seen skulking around the ruins of the old train station a couple hours outside of the city. It wasn’t going to be a hard bounty; the man was just a sneaky bastard that had given his deputies the slip one too many times. 
“Alright, I got it. I’ll bring’im back in one piece.”
“Preferably alive, Mr. Osborn.”
“Of course, who do you take me for?”
After taking the poster with the sheriff’s condescending ‘good luck’, Everett left the city on his black chestnut thoroughbred, the only thing tying him to his past. He had left Sisika swearing that he would drop his old life and everything around it, but he wouldn’t give up Ares for the world. Once Mrs LeClerk had told him he had some free time between jobs, he had snuck back to his old stable and taken him away. He was pretty sure they just let him take Ares back with no trouble, since he swore he saw a guard nod his way and turn around when he thought he had been caught.
The sun had moved overhead by the time he reached the ruined station. He let his horse rest a few hundred feet away and snuck over to the building, his navy revolver out and at the ready. Hearing some rustling amongst the rubble, he slowly turned a corner. 
A man, sneaking past a broken wall, looked over his shoulder at the exact moment that Everett appeared. 
"Shit!" the man exclaimed, bolting over the crumbling piles of bricks. 
Everett immediately gave chase. Leaping over the wall, he landed with a loud squish into the bayou mud. 
"Goddammit," he muttered as he pulled his boots out of the mud and made his way to solid ground. Putting on some extra speed, he whistled for his horse to follow. 
"Leave me alone!" the man yelled over his shoulder. 
Everett ignored him and saved his breath for running. 
Then the man pulled out a gun and shot blindly over his shoulder. 
Ducking and weaving, Everett dodged most of the bullets. The last one grazed his upper arm, tearing his shirt and burning his skin. His temper running a little short already because of the mud, he whistled again for his horse and kept chasing after the man, now more pissed off. He hated being shot at, and given that the man was running and shooting blindly over his shoulder, he really shouldn’t have been able to hit him.
The sound of a horse made him smile. He was going to run the bastard down before tying him up. Maybe drag him through the mud a little.
Then his smile faltered. That didn’t sound like Ares—
A blur of brown and white rushed passed him as a criollo leapt into his path, cutting him off.
As if in slow motion, he met the eyes of the rider: a woman, hair as dark as the midnight sky, eyes as sharp as a hunter’s knife, lips painted red like the lanterns near the gunshop of St. Denis.
He kept running, but watched as she expertly threw some bolas at the bounty. Hitting him in the legs, the man went down face first into the ground and slid a few feet. She skidded her horse to a stop and leapt off, landing in front of the man.
“Stupid bitch!”
The woman casually knocked the man out with a swift drop kick to the head before she pulled his arms out of the mud and tied his wrists together.
Everett caught up to her and was quickly met by a Schofield revolver pointed at his chest.
He put his hands up. “Whoa, hold on, I was hunting him first.”
The woman raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh? Since when?”
“Since this morning.”
The woman pulled a bounty poster out of her satchel with her free hand. “I’ve been after him since last night.”
Everett stared at the poster for a moment before clicking his tongue. “Damn sheriff,” he muttered.
She stowed the poster away, but didn’t stop aiming her gun at him. “You can go, I got it from here.”
For just a moment, he wondered if he could fast draw on her, shoot the gun out of hand, knock her out, and take the bounty, but quickly thought better of it.
“I’ll shoot you before you take a step,” she said, reading his thoughts.
He sighed. “I wouldn’t actually try anything,” he relented. “I know when I’m beat.”
“But you did think about it.” Nodding her head towards the man, she continued. “Help me put him on my horse, and we can split the bounty 20-80.”
The woman hummed. "30-70,” she finally said, looking at him
Everett narrowed his eyes, glaring.
The woman shrugged. "You don't have to help me. I can do this myself."
And take the bounty for yourself, he thought. "Fine, fine. 30-70."
She stepped back, her gun still trained on him. Everett got the hint and slowly walked over to the unconscious man, picked him up, and dumped him on the back of her horse. Standing back, he turned to her, noticing her eyes were focused on something behind him, but he didn't dare take his eyes off someone with a gun aimed at him. 
A soft nickering and the wet thud of hooves got closer until he could feel his horse nudging him in the back of his head.
The woman raised an eyebrow. 
"Not now, Ares," Everett muttered. 
His horse kept nudging him. 
"Ares, stop."
He felt his horse's lips playing with his hair. Everett sighed. So much for trying to be a tough guy. 
The woman snickered. "I guess you aren’t so bad, if your horse is this silly." She holstered her gun and walked towards him. 
"Wait, Ares doesn't like strangers—" he started to say, just as she held her hand out. To his immense surprise, Ares dipped his head and pushed his muzzle into her hand. 
"Hey there, big boy. Are you bothering your owner for a treat?" she said gently, her voice changing into something more sing-song while she spoke to the horse. 
The woman was now close enough for her scent to wash over him. Most women he knew smelled like perfume, flowers, something exceedingly feminine. Her scent was different. She smelled of rain and thunderstorms, of leaves and meadows. And when she turned to look at him, he found himself drowning in her dark eyes. He noticed an emotion flicker in her eyes before she glanced away, looking back at his horse. What was that?
Everett swallowed. He suddenly had a strong urge to get to know her better. "Name's Everett. Everett Osborn."
Without looking away from Ares, who she was now petting with soft strokes, she replied, "My friends call me Verai." She turned to him with a wry grin on her face. "So you'll have to call me Ms. Marcel."
Everett grinned back. "Alright Ms. Marcel." He gave Ares a pat on the neck before mounting up. "Lead the way."
She nodded before heading back to her horse and trotting towards the city. 
Everett took his cutter hat off the saddle and put it back on his head as he followed her. They rode in silence for a while, nothing but the sounds of birds and the occasional passersby accompanied them. Soon enough, he got curious about her. 
"So what's his name?" Everett asked, gesturing at her horse.
"Where'd you learn that name?" 
"A friend."
When she didn't give any further details, he tried another question. "So, you do a lot of bounty hunting?" 
Another few moments passed. Everett sighed. She wasn't a talkative one. "How long have you been a bounty hunter?" 
Verai looked up at the sky for a few moments. "Nine years. Probably."
"Probably? How old were you when you started?" 
Everett did the math in his head. She didn't look even close to his age, so he was surprised to find that she was only two years younger than him. He thought she was in her early twenties. 
"And you?" she asked. 
"Just started a few weeks ago," he said, a bit abashedly. He looked over at her to find her watching him with a patient expression, like a parent waiting for a child to confess. 
But he was no child. He didn't particularly want to share the whole tale of why he suddenly decided to become a bounty hunter. 
She eventually shrugged and looked away. Everett let out a small sigh. He wasn't going to get her to open up to him if he didn't do it first. 
He wondered why he even cared. 
The rest of the ride was made in silence until they reached the police station, nodding at the officers outside as they brought their horses into the courtyard. Dismounting easily, Verai moved to take the man off the back of her horse. 
Everett quickly went to help her. "Let me…"
He trailed off as he watched her easily lift the man up into a fireman's carry and walk into the police office without breaking her stride. Following her inside, he could see the sheriff looking as if this was normal. 
"Took a little longer than I thought," Verai said, dumping the body in a cell. "He's alive."
"I know, you're good about that." The sheriff opened a drawer and pulled out a wad of bills. "This is for you."
Verai took the money and counted it, then counted out a third of the bills and handed them to Everett. 
The sheriff finally noticed Everett. "Oh, I see you ran into our lady hunter."
"Why didn't you tell me there was already someone after him?" Everett asked, trying not to growl. 
The sheriff shrugged. "She didn't come back in the morning. Thought she might've died."
Verai let out a short laugh. "Please, you sent this greenhorn to me on purpose."
The sheriff grinned, like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "You never stick around, Ms Marcel. It was the only way I could get you to meet Mr Osborn."
"And why would you do that to me?" Verai asked with only a small quirk to her lips indicating her faint amusement. 
Everett felt a little affronted at being talked about as if he wasn't here. He opened his mouth to speak just as the sheriff suddenly stood up. 
"There's a group of men that need to be arrested."
Verai raised an eyebrow. "I'll just get–"
"No. It has to be with Mr. Osborn." The sheriff turned to Everett. "It concerns those slavers."
Everett's eyes narrowed. "How do you know–" 
"Your pa and I go way back. He told me to keep an eye out for you if I ever saw you. So here I am, throwin' you a bone."
Everett glanced at Verai, who was standing quietly, listening to every word. "Why does she have to come?"
"Because she's familiar with this area, much more than you."
Everett couldn't argue with that. 
Verai finally spoke. "Why do I have to bring him?" She nodded her head at Everett. "This tenderfoot will only get killed if this group is as dangerous as I think they are." 
The sheriff interrupted Everett. "He's experienced."
Verai and the sheriff quietly stared at each other. Everett sensed a silent battle of wills and wisely stayed out of it.
"Fine," Verai said after a while. Then she turned to Everett. "But this is my job. I'm taking point."
Everett furrowed his brow. "Listen, I know this group, I know how they operate." 
Verai ignored him as she turned back to the sheriff and held out her hand expectantly. He wordlessly handed her an envelope. 
Taking the letter without reading it, she used it to salute the sheriff and left the building, Everett nodding at the sheriff as he followed her out. 
"So where are we going?" Everett asked, falling into step beside Verai as they led their horses out of the courtyard and onto the road. 
"The hotel."
"I know we just met sweetheart, but I like your style," Everett teased, reaching out to touch her elbow. 
Gracefully dodging his hand, Verai rolled her eyes. "I am getting some sleep because I've been up all night tracking that halfwit. You are going to get supplies for our trip."
"Now hold on, I'm not your servant–"
"I thought you would want to be efficient. Otherwise you can wait until I've had some rest, then we can buy supplies together." She gave him a droll look. "Up to you."
He couldn't say anything at all. She was right. "I'll get supplies," he finally mumbled. 
Verai split off from Everett at the intersection; she was going to get a bath and sleep, while he procured supplies for the trip. She didn't need to read the letter from the sheriff to know where they were headed. Having heard whispers about men hiding in Roanoke Ridge, taking people into caves who were never seen again, she had a feeling they would be traveling north and would be up there for a while. 
Paying for her bath and a few hours sleep, she made her way to the room in the back and waited for the bath lady to fill up the tub. 
"Rough day, sugar?" 
"Yeah. And the sheriff just partnered me with some novice on the next job."
The lady gave her a sympathetic smile. "Well, good luck out there."
Verai nodded to her as she left. "Thanks."
Removing her clothes and sinking into the warm tub, Verai let out a deep sigh. She didn't want to work with the man. Nothing against him personally, but when she had finally gotten a good look at him while she was petting his horse, she saw a resemblance to her former partner, and her heart had squeezed tight. 
She could stare down ten bandits without so much as batting an eye, but when face to face with a man who reminded her of far too much, she had shut down.
“Don’t be weak,” she muttered to herself as she scrubbed herself clean, finally hauling her ass out of the tub, getting dressed, and heading to her room for a few hours of shut eye.
A light rapping on her door pulled Verai from her dream. Blinking away the sleep, she was surprised to find tears streaking down her cheek. She couldn’t recall her dream, just felt a deep sadness. Deciding to bury her feelings, as she always did, she sat up to face the day, or what was left of it. She looked outside to see the sun low in the sky; she had slept longer than she had planned.
“Ms. Marcel?” A deep voice came from outside her door.
“I’m gettin’ up, hold your horses.” Grumbling, she rolled out of bed, pulled on the rest of her clothes and her gun belt, grabbed her satchel, and opened the door.
Everett was leaning against the door frame, a smile on his face. “I was about to come in and wake you up, sleeping beauty.”
“And I would’ve punched you,” she said without missing a beat. “C’mon, let’s get out of here.” She walked past him to the front of the hotel. Passing the key back to the clerk, she exited the building and went straight to her horse.
“You’re not even going to ask about the supplies?” Everett asked, falling into step next to her.
“I trust you to accomplish at least that. Or are you saying that I shouldn’t?”
Everett shook his head. “You’re a tough one, ain’tcha?”
Verai checked the saddle one last time before mounting up. Turning to him as he did the same, she responded, “I’m not particularly tough. Just straight shootin’.”
She could hear Everett’s amused chuckle as they turned their horses towards the main road and started north.
“We goin’ to stop for the night?”
“The night is young. Best to get as far north as possible while we can.”
“We could’ve started earlier.”
Verai glared at Everett, who was focused on the road ahead, though his eyes did glance over at her before looking forward again. “I overslept. You could’ve left without me.”
“And leave a lady behind? Never,” he said, a little more seriously than she had expected.
Unable to think of a response, Verai just left it alone and changed the subject. “Let’s go a little faster then, if you can keep up. We’ll hit the border of Lemoyne and camp near there.”
Without waiting for a response, she urged her horse into a gallop and took off. Hearing the pounding hoofbeats of his horse behind her, she smiled.
They reached the border and headed off the main road towards a small clearing. By lantern light, they set up their bedrolls.
“Should we start a fire?”
Everett looked at her, wondering at her terse response.
“Smoke will attract bandits,” she finally said.
Verai considered Everett for a moment. “You haven’t been bounty hunting for very long. Have you spent a lot of time on the road?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I did. I guess I never really thought about bandits attacking me. Usually traveled with a posse.”
“I see. When you’re alone, you have to prevent anyone from finding you.”
“Is that why we’re in this circle of trees?”
She nodded.
Everett considered her for a moment. A woman, alone, bounty hunting. He watched as she switched off her lantern and plopped down on her bedroll. Following suit, he lay on his back, staring up at the stars through the trees.
“Ms. Marcel?”
“Sweet dreams.”
When she didn’t respond, he turned to look at her, only to find her staring at him blankly.
“Been a long time since someone’s said that to me,” she said wistfully. “Good night.”
As she turned away from him and fell asleep, Everett watched her steady breathing and lost track of the time as he wondered how long she had been alone.
They got up in the morning and headed north once more. And once more, Everett tried to get to know his reticent companion.
“Why’d the sheriff stop you when you said you were goin’ to get some help?”
Verai shrugged at Everett’s question.
“C’mon, you can tell me, I can keep a secret.”
“More like you’re nosy.”
Everett shook his head. “Forgive me for giving a damn.”
Rolling her eyes, Verai decided to humor him. “I occasionally ride with another posse, but they’re… a bit wild.”
“Yeah. They’re good people, but wherever we go, there tends to be a lot of dead people in our wake.”
“Did those people deserve it?”
“Let’s just say that if I utter their name, other gangs steer clear.”
Everett wanted to ask more, but she was clearly protecting them. “They sound fun. Maybe you can introduce me to them some time.”
Verai laughed out loud. “Oh, no, they’d eat you for breakfast.”
“I am mighty tasty, you know,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
She delicately snorted. “Right.”
“You sure you want to stop here?” Everett asked as they entered Van Horn, the derelict buildings creaking with the wind.
“Just for a quick meal before we head on. We should hit Annesburg sometime after nightfall. Then it’s all wilderness from there.”
Everett eyed the people in town warily. If he were still a ranger, he would’ve kept going. A lawman seemed like the last person that anyone in this town wanted to see. Following Verai into the saloon, he took in the patrons as he always did, quickly judging who would be a threat and who was safe.
Three men at the back of the room had turned their heads when Verai had walked in and hadn’t looked away. His hackles raised, Everett stepped closer to her.
“Been a while, Verai,” the owner said with a smile.
“Sure has, Ms Dawson.”
“I told you, call me Josie.”
“Alright, fine, Josie. Two stews, please.”
“That’ll be six dollars.”
Everett leaned past Verai and slapped the money on the bar.
Verai glared at him.
“Just treatin’ a lady right,” Everett said with a wink.
The owner looked at Verai. “You finally got yerself a nice one,” she said, chuckling.
“No, he’s not–”
“I’m just teasin’ ya,” she laughed. “I’ll get you your stew. Go sit down.”
“Thank you,” Verai said as she turned to find a table. Everett followed her, and she couldn’t help but feel like he was following her a little too closely, like an overprotective dog.
Sitting down, she noticed that he kept glancing over her shoulder. “Ignore them,” she muttered. “There are always people like that.”
“I don’t like how they’re lookin’ at you.”
“Well, get used to it. I did.”
Everett looked at her, and the pity in his eyes both infuriated her and saddened her. 
“Listen,” she said quietly. “I don’t want your pity, or your misguided sense of justice. There’s no point in raising a ruckus if it’ll just cause more misunderstandings.”
“No buts. Just. Let. It. Go.”
Everett let out a breath and huffed. “Fine. But if they try anything, I’ll tear them apart.”
Verai sat back. “And why do you care?”
“Because you’re my partner. That’s all the reason I need.”
“Oh,” she said, taken aback. Surprised by his response, she could only look down at the table until the food arrived.
They finished their food quietly, with the occasional comment on the quality, and left the saloon satisfied.
"We're being followed," Everett whispered.
"I know," Verai whispered back. "Don't do–" 
"What do you want," he growled as he turned around, addressing the three men from the back table. 
Verai closed her eyes and sighed silently before she, too, turned around. Facing the three men, she assessed each one. The one on the left was shorter than the other two and had a bowler hat on. The one on the right was a little lanky, with an ill-fitting jacket. And the one in the center had unruly mutton chops and a wicked look in his eyes. 
"This isn't ideal," she grumbled. 
"Don't see many of your kind around here," the man in the center said as he looked her up and down, as if he was appraising a piece of meat. 
Verai narrowed her eyes as a cold calm started to settle into her stomach.
The man chuckled. "Maybe we can take you for a ride."
Without warning, the other two men leapt onto Everett, taking him down. As they wrestled on the ground, the man with the mutton chops stalked towards Verai. He leered at her, licking his lips. "Never had one of you before. Bet you're a crier."
Then he lunged.
Verai swiftly dodged, spinning out of the way and using the momentum to roundhouse kick the man in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground. 
"And you'll never find out," she muttered as she quickly drop kicked him in the head, knocking him out. 
Turning to Everett, she watched him throw one man off his shoulder just as the other man threw a punch into his stomach. Coughing harshly, Everett grabbed the man's arm and tugged hard, lifting up a knee and delivering a hit to his stomach in return. Seeing the other man get up, Verai ran and tackled him just as he was coming back for another hit. 
Knocking out his current attacker with an elbow to the back of his neck, Everett turned around to see Verai pummeling the other man until he was out cold. When she stood up, breathing heavily and wiping the sweat from her brow, she looked over at him and half-smiled, a quirk of her lips that made his heart stutter. 
What a woman. 
They left Van Horn quickly after that, not wanting to stir up more trouble. Riding hard until sunset, they finally reached Annesburg, a small mining town filled with run down buildings and run down people. Everett followed Verai as she hitched her horse next to a nondescript building, the green paint faded and peeling from the wall boards. To his bemusement, she walked towards the gunsmith next door. 
"I already bought ammo," he said. 
"We're not here for that," she said as she entered, the door creaking loudly on its hinges. 
The man behind the counter nodded in greeting, glancing at Everett for a moment. 
"Two baths and two rooms, please." 
"Only have one room available."
Verai balked. Turning to Everett, she opened her mouth to suggest camping, but he stepped forward. 
"We'll take the room," he said, handing over a dollar and two quarters. 
Verai stared at him in shock. 
"You'll catch flies like that," he teased as he accepted the key and two bath tickets from the gunsmith. 
Quickly shutting her mouth, Verai shook her head as she snatched one of the tickets out of Everett's hand and left the shop, walking back to the first building.
“Thank you, mister,” he said over his shoulder to the gunsmith as he followed after her.
The inside of the puke green building wasn't nearly as shabby as the outside, Everett observed as he looked around in the little hallway between the bathroom and the two sleeping rooms on the other side. It was rather sparse, but it was tidy. 
Verai handed her ticket to the bath lady leaning against the wall. As she went to fill the tub, Everett opened the door to their shared room and tossed his satchel in the corner. Verai stayed at the door, leaning against the jamb and shaking her head. The bed wasn't very large and the rug on the ground looked muddy. She decided on bringing her bedroll in here to sleep on the floor. 
"Not even going to ask if I wanted to bathe first?" Everett asked with an eyebrow raised as he sat on the bed, groaning softly as the pain in his ribs made itself known. 
Verai turned to him with a droll stare. "I already know you'd turn it down. I'm not going to waste my breath."
"How do you know that?" 
She grinned knowingly at him. "Because you're not an asshole."
"Why, thank you." Everett then gave her his most charming smile. "C'mere," he coaxed, patting the spot next to him. "Sit with me."
Laughing, she shook her head. "Nope."
"Why not–" 
"Bath's ready!" the lady called out from the hallway. 
Verai waved goodbye as she walked away, shutting the door behind her. 
"Dammit," Everett uttered under his breath.
“Your turn.”
Everett was sitting in the creaky chair at the small table in the room, cleaning his guns. Getting up, he let out a pained breath. The punch to his ribs was hurting more than he thought it would. 
“You alright?”
“I’m fine,” he lied as he got up and walked past Verai. The fresh scent that was distinctively hers hit him as he walked past, and it took everything he had to keep walking, to not turn around, pull her into his arms, and bury his face into her neck. There was something about her that made him both calm and restless, as if something was just not quite right, but it lay just underneath her composed yet snarky exterior.
Heading into the bath, the lady smiled at him. “Need some extra help? Fifty cents.”
Everett looked at her, with her corset pushing up her ample bosom, her blond hair in ringlets around her shoulders, her red lips, her powdered cheeks, and her eyes lined with makeup. She smelled like roses and had a very cute smile.
And for the first time, Everett declined. “Sorry. Not this time, sweetheart.”
She pouted. “Too bad. Not often I get to see a fine man like yourself around here.” 
Shutting the door behind her, he was left alone, wondering what the hell he was doing. He had always welcomed the warm touch of a woman, whether in bed or in a bath, though he was a little picky about his choices. But he had never gone long without satisfying his baser desires.
Was it because of her?
Taking off his clothes, he looked in the mirror and examined the bruise that was growing on his abdomen. The coloration on his skin made him raise an eyebrow. How hard had the guy hit him? Figuring that there wasn’t much he could do about it other than wait for it to heal, he sank into the tub and bathed himself, lost in thought.
“No,” he said matter-of-factly.
Everett had come back into the room to find Verai sitting on her bedroll that she had laid out on the floor next to the bed, mixing some herbs with a mortar and pestle. The fact that she had assumed she would be taking the floor hurt his honor.
“You’re takin’ the bed,” he said in a tone that brooked no argument.
“You’re more injured than I am.”
Everett blinked. She noticed?
She sighed. “Lie down on the bed and take your shirt off.”
He smiled, his eyes softening. Taking a few steps closer until he was standing over her, he went down on one knee so he could look her in the eyes. “Sweetheart, been waiting all this time for you to say that to me.”
Verai reached over and pressed two fingers into his abdomen, exactly where he had been punched. He gasped and winced.
“Just do as I say,” she groused.
“Yes ma’am,” he said wryly as he took off his shirt and lay back on the bed.
He watched her stuff the herbal paste into a small muslin pouch and tie it off. Then she sat at the side of the bed and assessed his condition, observing him with a clinical blankness.
“What?” he said, his voice softer than he had intended.
She shrugged. “Just looking for other wounds.” Placing the poultice on his bruise, she flattened it out to cover more of his bruise and pressed down slightly.
“Hold this down,” she said, taking his hand and pressing it against the bag. “I’ll be back.”
“Where you goin’?” he asked as she got up and headed for the door.
“Need to stretch my legs, been sittin’ for too long, grinding those herbs for you.”
She left before he could say anymore.
Verai quickly walked outside into the cold night air and took a deep breath. When Everett had walked in, his hair damp, his shirt half-buttoned and untucked from his pants, she had felt a heat in her body that she had not felt in a very long time. Very few men had this affect on her. The fact that he did wasn't lost on her. Old feelings were slowly being rewritten with new ones.
She did like him. She didn’t want to. But she did.
Taking another deep breath, she stared up at the night sky, the stars hidden by the gas lamps that dotted the road. Only the morning star and the waxing moon could really shine past the man-made illumination.
“What would you say, ài rén?” she whispered to the sky. When the morning star winked, she sighed. 
I can’t let go of you. I won’t.
When Verai walked back inside, Everett was already asleep with the occasional light snore. She smiled softly at him, not understanding why she felt a fondness for him, only knowing that she did. His hand had slipped from his torso, so she quietly took the poultice away, setting it on the table to clean up later, and slipped the blanket over him.
“Sweet dreams,” she whispered before she crawled into her bedroll and closed her eyes, but her last thoughts were of the past, and as she drifted to sleep, she had a feeling that it would not be restful.
Everett woke up to the sounds of shifting fabric and soft gasping. Springing up, he hopped off the bed and knelt beside Verai.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see her curled up in her bedroll, shivering slightly. He touched her shoulder but quickly removed his hand when she gasped again.
“Ms. Marcel!”
Verai’s eyes shot open and she turned to him, her eyes wide. She was breathing heavily, her heartbeat audible in the silent night.
“It’s alright,” he murmured.
She swallowed and nodded. Slowly sitting up, she waved her hand in a 'don't worry' gesture. “I’m good.”
He held her hand. “You're freezing.” He leaned in closer. “You want to sleep on the bed?”
She shook her head.
“Even by yourself?”
She kept shaking her head.
He sighed. “Then I’m joining you.”
Everett lay down next to her. Not touching her, he turned to his side and offered his back. “Use me for warmth,” he said softly.
He waited.
Then he felt her lay back down and curl up against him.
He smiled.
The next morning, Everett woke up alone. He bolted upright, looking for Verai. When he saw her sitting at the table, cleaning her guns, he breathed a sigh of relief. Wordlessly, he got up and got ready to go, tapping her shoulder when he was done. 
She looked up at him and nodded. 
Neither of them spoke as they headed out, mounted their horses, and traveled north. 
He wanted to ask what she dreamed, wanted to ask if she was really alright. But seeing her, seemingly fine, he felt his heart squeeze tight. She was shut off tighter than a mason jar and no amount of cajoling was going to get her to speak. 
So he'd respect her silence. If she needed time, he'd give it to her. 
They reached a crossroads north of Annesburg, and that's when Verai finally pulled out the letter the sheriff had given her. Opening it, she read the contents and flipped the paper over. 
Everett maneuvered his horse closer and looked over her shoulder. "What's that map?" 
"It marks where people have been reported missing."
She pulled a pencil out of her satchel and lightly drew a line through all of the dots, connecting them into an oddly shaped oval. "The slavers are probably around here," she said, tapping the middle of the shape. 
Everett looked at the map, then looked at her. "Alright. Lead the way."
"Not trying to take lead?" she remarked with a wry grin. 
"I can admit when I'm out of my element."
"Good. I like people who are self aware."
"So you like me?" 
Instead of snorting or laughing at him, she only turned away and urged her horse faster. 
"I'll take that as a yes," he mumbled, suddenly feeling happier. 
They searched caves and abandoned cabins all day, but couldn't find anything, until they reached a small road that had recent hoof prints leading up towards the cliffs. Dismounting, they grabbed their weapons and quietly made their way up the hill. 
Spotting a couple of guards, they both nodded at each other and split up, sneaking up on them and knocking them out before moving onwards, all the way to the cave mouth. 
As Verai began to step into the cave, Everett grabbed her arm. She looked at the offending hand, then up at him. 
"I'll take lead from here," he whispered. 
"Because the first thing they'll do is dispose of the merchandise."
Verai's eyes widened as she realized what that meant. Nodding, she gestured towards the cave. "Lead on."
The cave was damp and smelled awful, but it was relatively well lit with torches dotting the path. Everett had his trusty navy revolver at the ready, while Verai had her Schofield, aiming upwards in case they ran into a victim. 
Down the tunnels they went until they came into an opening with several cages, all locked. Inside three of the cages was a person, some curled up in a ball, others sitting with their backs to the outside, slumped over as if they had given up all hope. 
Verai tapped Everett's shoulder. 
No guards? she mouthed to him. 
He leaned closer to her and whispered quietly in her ear. "They went on another hunt. Let's free them before they get back."
Together they shot off all the locks and herded the kidnapped victims out of the cave. There was one girl, one woman, and one boy. Scared and shaking, they barely registered the fact that they had been set free. Verai could only watch as Everett quietly calmed them down and got them to move as quickly as possible. 
Outside of the cave, both Everett and Verai whistled for their horses. Walking down the path, they kept an ear out for the return of the slavers, but there was no sign of them for the time being. 
Putting the children on Everett's horse and the woman with Verai, they rode back to town and returned them to the sheriff's office, where they could find their families from there. 
Everett looked at Verai. "We have to go back."
"I know."
"They’re not going to be happy with what we did."
"They won't be happy with what we're about to do to them."
Everett smiled. "I like you."
Verai smiled back. "I tolerate you."
Laughing, Everett charged forward on Ares with Verai following close behind, back to the cave to capture the criminals. 
The slavers were further up the road to the cave just as they were riding around the corner. 
"Should we just carry on and circle back behind them?" Verai suggested. 
Everett nodded. "Good idea."
"Of course, I came up with it."
He chuckled as they rode on as if they were just two travelers, keeping one eye on the slavers just in case. They rode a little further before turning up the hillside and through the forest to come up behind the gang. Grabbing their rifles, they left the horses and snuck through the bushes to a high point where they could see the gang riding down the trail towards the main road. Verai counted about ten men on horseback.
Keeping her ears open, she could overhear just a little bit of chatter as they rode past. 
"They killed Kenny and knocked out Jimmy, freed our merchandise. Follow the tracks, get'em."
Verai glanced at Everett. "You killed him?" 
"Only good slaver is a dead one," Everett growled, a darkness in his eyes that Verai noted for later. 
"So. Five for me and five for you. You got this?" she asked, getting her Lancaster repeater in position. 
"Of course." He raised his bolt action rifle.
Together they whispered. “Three. Two. One.”
Together they shot their marks. Two men went down, and the other eight men immediately scattered, some hopping off their horses and ducking behind cover, others brazenly charging forward to flush out their attackers.
Verai went right while Everett went left. She took a pop shot at one of the horsemen, striking their arm. Dodging past some bullets, she found a good spot behind some rocks and waited for the hoof beats to get closer. As they slowed, she pulled out her Schofield and peeked around the corner.
The man was slowly coming closer, his rifle aimed in her general direction, but he still seemed unable to see her. She quickly got two shots off, one hitting the man’s forehead. With no time to waste, she moved onwards, using the horse’s panic as a distraction as she headed in the opposite direction. Diving behind a fallen log, Verai holstered her revolver and pulled her rifle out once more. Peeking up, she saw three men coming towards her, and ducked back down again. Taking a deep breath, she gripped her gun, counted to three, and stood up.
“There’s the bitch—”
Bullets whizzed by, but she was focused. 
Three shots. 
Three men down. 
Letting out a breath, she felt the burn of a light graze on her arm. Counting her lucky stars that she had only gotten grazed, she hopped the log and kept moving towards the sound of gunfire. She came upon the road once more and quickly ducked behind a rock. She counted three men shooting towards Everett, who was standing behind a tree. He shifted out and quickly fired off three shots with his revolver, finally hitting one of the men with his last bullet in the head, his skull opening up like a glass jar breaking apart.
At the same time though, another bullet flew past Everett, blood appearing on his shoulder as he quickly hid behind the tree again, gasping.
The remaining men immediately turned to her location.
"Shit," she snarled as she shot her rifle from the hip, her shots going wild. She moved backwards until she heard a noise to her left. 
Another man, bloodied and angry, burst out of the bushes and tackled her, knocking the rifle out of her grip. Throwing her elbow back into his face, she crawled out from under him, scrambling away. 
She leapt up just as he slashed at her back with his hunting knife. The blade cut through her shirt and into her skin, the sting making her wince as she stumbled away. 
"Was goin' to grab ya and sell ya," the man rasped. "But maybe I'll try ya out first."
Verai turned and pulled out her revolver only to have the man charge forward and knock it from her grasp. He then wrapped a huge hand around her neck and squeezed. 
So she kicked him in the groin, hard and with precision. The man gasped and went down to his knees, panting in pain. She quickly landed a hard kick on the back of his neck, the cracking sound reverberating through the trees as he went down like a fallen log. 
She took a moment to listen for anything else around her. Upon hearing nothing, she picked up her guns and headed to the last position she had seen Everett. 
She heard the sound of a very hard punch and saw several dead men up the road. Following the trail of blood and death, she saw Everett holding a man up by his neck against a tree, his fist held up, ready for another punch. 
"Where is your leader?" Everett snarled. 
"I told you, I don't know."
Everert dropped the man and promptly pulled out his revolver. Pressing it to the man's forehead, he glared with dark promise. "One last time. Where is he."
The man started to blubber incoherently. 
Verai stepped forward and put her hand on Everett's arm. He twitched in surprise, apparently so intent on his interrogation that he had not noticed her approach. 
"He doesn't know," she said quietly. "Let's take him back to the sheriff."
Everett looked at her, but not seeing her. She lowered his arm, the gun moving away from the man's head. 
Then Verai quickly stepped behind the man and elbowed him at the base of his skull, knocking him out. 
Everett was standing still, his eyes still blank, watching her as she pulled out a lasso and tied him up. 
"Everett," she called to him quietly.
He blinked. "I, uh, I lost sight of the job."
Verai glanced back at the dead men they had left behind. "To be fair, they probably deserved it," she said with a wry grin. "At least, that's what I tell myself so I can sleep at night."
Everett smiled in return; he understood it was her roundabout way of cheering him up. Holstering his gun, he picked up the unconscious man and together, he and Verai walked back to their horses. 
"You're hurt," Everett said when he saw the angry red line slashed along her back. 
She waved her hand. "It happens."
He stopped himself from asking if she was alright. With the way she was carrying herself, she was clearly in pain, but holding it in, just like she did most things. He would wait until they got back to Annesburg. 
Then he'd treat her right. 
Dumping the unconscious man at the sheriff's, Everett explained the situation. Verai shared the letter and got his signature so she could take it back to the sheriff in St. Denis. By then it was the end of the day, the sun sinking into the water and coloring the sky with reds and oranges. They left the sheriff’s office and started to head back towards the gunsmith.
"We need to take care of your back."
“Yes, we. You can’t reach back there.”
Verai suddenly looked away. “I… I suppose.”
Everett took charge, getting a room and a bath, guiding Verai by the elbow into the bathroom, with nary a peep from her, which was both gratifying and upsetting. He liked that she trusted him enough not to protest. He didn’t like that she was in so much pain that she couldn’t even snark back at him.
“I’ll turn around, so get in the bath. I’ll clean your back.”
“Alright,” she said, barely a whisper.
He heard her clothes drop to the floor, heard the water splash as she got in, and then a soft cough.
He turned. Seeing her curled up in the tub, her head on her knees, dried blood giving the water a reddish hue, Everett’s heart clenched. He swallowed hard and rolled up his sleeves, took a washcloth and sat on the edge of the tub. Gently cleaning the wound, he started humming softly, a melody from his childhood. Once she was clean, he handed the wash cloth to her, letting her wash the rest of her body on her own, while he turned away, giving her some privacy, but unwilling to leave her alone.
He suddenly felt her leaning against him. Turning his head, he saw her eyes fluttering shut, as if even sitting up was too much effort. She looked up at him as he reached out to touch her hair. He saw the bruises on her neck when her braid shifted over her shoulder and felt a rage that he quickly tamped down. Now wasn’t the time for that. Besides, the man who did that to her was probably already dead.
“...’Rett?” Her voice cracked.
“I’m sleepy.”
Everett nodded and got up to grab a towel. He held it out and turned his head away as she pulled herself up and stepped out of the tub, letting him wrap the towel around her, drying her off.
“You lose a lot of blood?”
“Feels like it.”
He could only nod. “Let’s hop back to the room, I’ll bandage you up.”
“Lemme put my pants on, at least,” she said with more vigor than she had since they returned to town.
Everett chuckled. She must be feeling a little better if, even in pain, she was worried about little things like modesty.
Everett poked his head out into the small hallway. No one was around at this time of night, so he quickly ushered Verai out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, locking the door behind him. Without being told, she sat on the bed facing away from him.
He could see her back, covered in white scars, and wondered about her past. Gathering up the bandages, he started to wrap them around her.
“Don’t ask,” she said all of a sudden.
“I wouldn’t,” he said softly. “I’ll wait ‘til you’re ready to tell me.”
“You’ll be waiting forever.”
“If you ain’t ready, you ain’t ready.”
He saw her shoulders sag a little, realizing that she had felt relief with his words. Finishing up the bandage, he handed her one of his shirts. “Somethin’ to sleep in, since your other shirt is cut up and bloody.”
She took his shirt and eyed it suspiciously.
“It’s clean,” he said, affronted.
She smiled and looked up at him. “Didn’t think you’d be offended if I thought otherwise.”
“I wouldn’t offer a lady a dirty shirt.”
“Who said I was a lady?”
“I did. End of story.”
Verai laughed softly and shook her head as she pulled his shirt on. It was one of his favorite ones, a light blue shirt that was starting to become a bit threadbare with age. She buttoned it up and slowly laid down on the bed, positioning herself on her side.
“Thanks ‘Rett,” she mumbled as she closed her eyes.
“Can I sleep next to you?” he asked before he could think better of it.
“If you like.”
Everett crawled into the bed with her, facing her back, and wondered why, for the first time in his life, he had wanted a woman in his bed, but only to sleep beside and nothing more.
The next morning as dawn broke through the curtains covering the one small window in the room, Verai awoke, her muscles sore and her throat dry. Her neck hurt from where the man had dug in his fingers, but otherwise she was alive and mostly healthy. She pushed herself up slowly and turned her head.
Everett was still sleeping, laying on his back with one hand on his stomach, one arm hanging off the side of the small bed. She smiled at the scene; he had kept his distance, giving her most of the bed while he hovered at the edge, making sure she was comfortable.
He wasn’t a bad guy at all.
She carefully got up and saw his cutter hat on the table next to their gun belts. Taking the hat, she smirked and put it on before looking in the small mirror hanging on the wall. Looking left and right, she grinned. 
“Not bad,” she mumbled.
“I agree,” Everett said, startling her.
“Dammit,” she grumbled as she turned around. “Now I have to steal it.”
He laughed. “I’ll tie you up if you do.”
It was her turn to laugh. “You’d have to catch me first.”
They looked at each other, their eyes meeting, and her laughter died as she caught something a little more serious in his gaze.
“We need to get back to St. Denis, tell the sheriff what happened. And deliver the letter,” she said, rapidly changing the subject as she removed his hat and placed it back on the table.
Everett nodded. “Well, let’s get goin’ then.”
They packed up and rode hard back to St Denis. Riding as fast as their horses could carry them, they made it back to the sheriff by sundown, handing over the letter and receiving the bounty, though it was greatly decreased since most of the men were dead.
“Personally, I think you did the world a favor,” the sheriff remarked as Verai counted the bills. “But rules are rules.”
Everett nodded. “Appreciate the sentiment anyway.”
Satisfied with the payout, Verai took half and gave the other to Everett. “See you around, sheriff.”
“Have a good evenin’, you two.”
“Where to next?”
Verai looked at Everett, a little surprised by his question. “I need to get back to my posse. It’s been a week, I said I’d come back by then.”
Everett nodded as he stepped a little closer to her. “I’d like to work with you again.”
Verai looked up at him, his natural smile more brilliant than the flirty ones that he had tried when they first met. Was it only a few days ago? She took a step back, but then held her ground. “That’d be good. Maybe in a week we can meet back here and catch another bounty.”
“Sounds great.” He took his hat off and placed it on her head.
“What’s this for?”
“Keep it. Looks better on you anyway.”
Verai smiled shyly at his words. “How about I just borrow it. I’ll give it back to you next time I see you.”
Everett laughed. “Alright, it’s a promise.”
“A promise,” she said softly, making his heart skip.
They mounted their horses and looked at each other as they started to head in separate directions. 
“Can I call you by your first name?” he asked.
She smirked. “I suppose you can.” Patting her horse, she gave him a wicked grin. “Maybe one day, you’ll get to call me by my real name too.”
“Wait, what?”
“See ya!” Verai turned her horse and bolted out of town, laughing as she went.
Everett huffed and shook his head before chuckling. She left him with more questions than answers.
He wouldn’t have her any other way.
End Notes: Completely self-indulgent, I know. Hope you enjoyed it!
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aesop1 · 4 years
the office documentary [1]
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jungkook x reader
a/n: hello, this was something on my mind and i wrote it down.
word count: 7.2k
warnings: none
jungkook was ecstatic when he finally received the call he'd been waiting for all week: he got the job. it wasn't a very major career or anything, but it was something he thoroughly enjoyed doing and couldn't wait to start his first day of work. it was a long term project, so as long as he didn't fuck anything up, he'd have a steady source of income for a good few years. 
what could his job be, you may ask?
he was a cameraman. 
his intrigue in photography began at a young age, blossoming into a full fledge desire to capture everything on film by the time he had become a teenager. photos lined his walls, his computer was overflowing with nonsensical videos of his friends or his travels; he loved to be behind the camera. he fully believed that filming and photographing were the most surefire ways to salvage your life's memories. he didn't dare trust his unreliable pea brain to remember the most valuable moments of his life.
 photography gave color to his childhood, ensured that he could relive his best of times at the flick of a page in his many albums. filmography intensified those colors tenfold, still leaving him awestruck at how vivid his memories relapsed when rewatching his videos. he knew that he had to hold a camera wherever he wound up in life.
it was actually a friend of jungkook's who suggested he take this job, having come across a 'help wanted' ad on Instagram. he leapt at the opportunity, sending his resume in and awaiting the news. he didn't know exactly what he had signed up for, all he knew was that he was going to be a cameraman for an up and coming documentary titled "The Office." it sounded boring as all hell, but he couldn't care less. he got the job and he was going to take whatever came at him because he loved filming more than anything else.
it was on his first day that he realized how... monotonous his new job was. how wasteful it seemed to be, taking up precious storage and time and for what? some dull, meaningless office supply middle man by the name of "Big Hit." they didn't make their own paper, so he couldn't document the creation of such a reliable resource. there was no action, the whole floor consisting of adults ranging from their 20s to their 60s just sitting in some boring chairs at some boring desks, fiddling with their boring computers all day. 
he tried to remind himself that first days were always boring, especially in this case. it was the beginning of the documentary and the film crew had to introduce all of the employees to the viewers. one after the other, the subject would state their name, their occupation, why they started working here, what they want out of life, so on and so forth. jungkook sat back, not having anything to do at the moment and just listening to these people drone on and on about their useless, middle class lives. some people were just not made for the camera, not intended to interact with it at all; from their awkward glances to the crew behind it to their constant periods of silence where their brain shut down on them, he sympathized with the poor, deprived camera documenting all of this. jungkook was about to tear his hair from his scalp the minute a namjoon sat down and kept giggling, rubbing the back of his head nervously, more 'umm's and 'ahh's than actual words coming from his mouth. jungkook hadn't known the true definition of relief until that man finally rose with a bow and evacuated the room. 
"these candidates are so dry, aren't they?" another cameraman, taehyung, strode over to where jungkook sat, plopping beside him with a hefty sigh and a lopsided grin. they were the youngest of the crew, and jungkook grew rather close to him during the first hour or so of setting up. "I've been screaming inside for the past half hour."
"tell me about it," jungkook breathed out heavily, slouching in his chair and waiting for the next spectacle to commence. "how can they film a show on such a boring cast of people?"
"well, I would still definitely watch," taehyung retaliated with his signature goofy snicker, patting a rhythm to his corduroy clad thighs while smiling to the younger man. "call me unique, but I see something very... genuine with this production." jungkook narrowed his eyes to taehyung. he was quite the outlier to other people, seeing the world in a shade of yellow which kept his mood extremely optimistic. jungkook admired his outlook on life greatly, never having met someone so naturally radiant, so he sat silently, fully intending to soak in everything taehyung was about to say with a new perspective in mind. "reality shows say they're reality, of course, but we all know they're scripted." jungkook nodded, expelling some air from his nose in a soft laugh. "this, though, this show." taehyung leaned back, eyes darting around the briefing room they were situated in. "it's really awe inspiring. to see the lives of those we wouldn't spare a passing glance to." he looked over to jungkook, a shimmer in his eyes that jungkook truly was envying. "there's just something so beautiful about the ordinary. life consists of the extravagant and the average, and both of them make living worth while."
"you know, you're a pretty alright dude, taehyung," jungkook elbowed the guy beside him, shooting a grin back at him. he wished he could see the significance of this documentary the way taehyung did. before taehyung could respond, the producer shuffled in with a small girl in tow.
she wore typical officer attire; a grey cardigan layered over a simple white collared shirt, tucked into a loose fitting black skirt. her hair was tied back and out of her face, revealing a painstakingly stoic expression plastered onto her face. with one analysis of her, jungkook concluded that she had to have been the youngest soul in this office, dare he say even younger than him. she took a seat before the camera, scanning the room of crew members with that same blank look, her eyes glazed with a sheen of boredom. he couldn't help but feel a pang of shame towards her. to not appreciate the effort put forth to document her life, a position many aspiring stars would kill for.
"okay, so just like I was saying before," the producer, Nick, had began, sitting in a chair beside the camera facing her. "just look at the camera, and introduce yourself. then, we'll ask questions and you just go along with it." she gave a curt nod and directed her attention to said device. jungkook began feeling the flares of jealousy creeping through his system as he took note of her through the small screen behind the camera; she was a natural. her gaze was unnecessarily intense, and he felt he suddenly understood the purpose of America's Next Top Model. how could someone who appeared to be so disconnected from reality draw so much passion from within. yet beneath his broiling rage, he could feel the kindling of an admiration for her and her mystery.
"hello, my name is (y/n)," she began, never breaking from the lenses aimed at her. "I am the youngest in accounting and in the office in general."
"how did you get this job?" Nick questioned her.
"my uncle was a salesman here, and he put in a recommendation for me. he retired a few months ago, though. I stayed." 
"why are you working here?"
"I needed a decent job to pay for college."
"what do you want in life?"
"not sure yet. haven't thought that far ahead."
"okay, and what do you think about this show?" 
for the first time since she sat down, she paused to consider her words, eyes finally straying from the camera to opt for the ceiling. other than the averting of her gaze, she remained as statuesque as ever. after a mere 5 seconds or so, she returned to the camera.
"I think it's a rather bad idea," she answered honestly, piquing the interest of Nick facing his first bad opinion of the day. "nothing happens here. we're just office suppliers. I don't think anyone would ever want to watch this show." jungkook grew increasingly irritated with her. how ungrateful could someone be? truly, she had to be the most dense human in this city. although he felt the same way about this show, she was the one gaining fame from it. how can a subject from some unknown suburb not leap at the chance for the spotlight. 
"alright, thank you for your honesty," Nick chuckled out, gaining a few more laughs from the others. she, however, remained unmoving, offering a wry grin in response. she was dismissed, leaving jungkook steaming in his chair. he didn't understand this show, and now he didn't understand these people. as a result of this confusion, he didn't understand taehyung's words which he had tried so desperately to grasp. in a seething rage, he silently glared at her departing form, vowing to make something of this documentary series; vowing to prove her, and ultimately himself, wrong. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 2 years later *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"welcome back, everyone," Nick announced, calling for the attention of the crew around him. jungkook sat beside taehyung, pushing back his unruly curls that have amassed over the years. taehyung had dyed his once golden locks to a dark brown, also allowing for a mop of fluff to overtake his features. the two continued to spend their free time hanging out together, earning their title as brothers. their nearly identically long locks hadn't helped their case, but they didn't seem to care. in their eyes, they were very nearly brothers in just two years. "as you all may know, our second season was a complete success." this earned a room full of applause from the production crew, including the two boys seated in the back corner. jungkook had put his heart and soul into filming. it wasn't much, but he put all of his efforts into capturing whatever piqued his interest. it had worked, and he slowly became the lead cameraman amongst their crew. "thank you to everyone. your work is greatly appreciated, but now is the time for season three."
"can you believe it's already the third season," taehyung leaned over, listening intently to their producer who began discussing plans for this season. 
"I really can't," jungkook responded. the first season was very... vague. as it should be, the personalities of the workers having to build and develop for the viewer. jungkook was praised for his abilities to catch the best moments. whether it be the chaos surrounding the office, the humourous occurrences that would've never been seen, or the most endearing of moments between lovers, Nick had begun relying on him to capture the focal point of each episode. which is how their second season had accumulated thousands more viewers over the summer hiatus. 
"jungkook, taehyung, I'm going to need you two for this season," Nick pointed over to the two, scanning his papers once more. "we've compiled our focus group results for the past two seasons and have found our one weak point that you guys have to fix this year. are you willing to take the challenge?"
"of course, sir," taehyung answered for the both of them, knowing how competitive jungkook gets when he hears the word 'challenge.' he already knew his friend was ready to bury himself in his work. 
"great, so I'm going to need at least one of you two on (y/n) at all times," Nick stated, causing jungkook to finally sit up for the first time since the meeting began. 
"uhh, Nick," jungkook began, leaning an elbow on his knee to lean closer from his distance. "yeah, I don't know if you know this yet, but (y/n) is an impossible feat. I've already tried to find some semblance of... personality from her, but she lacks any."
"yeah, poor girl," Nick sighed, finally looking up from his paper to stare at the wall across from him. "which is why I need you two on that. I really want some positive reviews on her by our next focus group testing, so get on that." without another word on the matter, Nick continued on, giving more roles to his crew.
jungkook groaned to himself, falling back onto his chair and shutting his eyes. how was he supposed to draw any charisma from her? for the years he's known her, she follows the same routine every day. get to work, do work, eat lunch at desk while working, then work some more. she rarely ever gets up to mingle, keeping to herself most days or only whispering to the other accountants around her. jungkook had only captured one entertaining moment from her, and he was praised for a good month afterwards. albeit, all he did was zoom in on her drinking coffee in the break room whilst ignoring a full fledged argument beside her, but it briefly became a meme. how could he beat the 'that's none of my business' meme he managed to bring to life? he was brought out of his dissociating by a hand resting on his shoulder. it was taehyung, alerting him that it was time to leave. production would start in one week, so jungkook had one more week of relaxation before having to embark on his most tasking duty.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
jungkook leant against the filing cabinets beside him, camera resting on his shoulder, but not recording. his aim was on (y/n), as it was forced to be, and neither of them enjoyed it. it had already been about a month of production; a month since jungkook was obligated to partner with her and a month since she was his designated subject for the season. taehyung was free to roam around and record whatever his heart desires, but jungkook was grounded to (y/n) and (y/n) only.
what a waste of his talents. of film. of the productions time. he wanted to leap out of the window beside him just to take him out of his misery of accounting. he kept promising himself that he'd smash his camera right then and there if he heard one more click of the calculator, yet each time the calculator was pulled out, jungkook found himself grumbling quietly and fiddling with whatever he could get his hands on. 
the other young accountant on their team, namjoon, was actually quite the riot for jungkook. well, when it came down to accountants. he made jungkook laugh quite a bit, and knew to get back to work whenever their bosses were around. workers weren't allowed to waste company time, and production crew members weren't allowed to converse with the subjects. did they really obey to that rule? not really, considering jungkook and taehyung have begun going out with jimin from the mailroom and hoseok from sales. he made a mental note to add namjoon to that list after the man had run about the office like a headless chicken when he spilled some tea on his khakis. of course, (y/n) just stared blankly, head resting on her propped hand as her coworker hollered for napkins before the beverage stained (which it most likely wouldn't have, considering it was leaf water). 
the end of the day finally arrived, the clock having finished it's mocking towards jungkook. he packed his camera haphazardly, ready to head home and entertain his dying brain. if he were a sim, his fun levels would be nearly red. the thought of hopping onto his pc and gaming till daybreak tickled his mind and he couldn't think of a better way to end his miserable week. 
when he thought he was home free, the beacon of sin known as Nick appeared from the doorway of the manager's office.
"jungkook," he summoned, motioning to enter the room with a head tilt, lips pressed in a tight line of disappointment. anxiety welled up in jungkook's stomach as he made his way into the room.
upon arrival, (y/n) was already seated and slumped over in a chair before her manager and his. wordlessly, he sat beside her, not bothering to look her way as she hadn't for him. 
"before we begin, we sincerely apologize for the... inevitable outcome of this meeting," her manager, Thomas, stared downwards at his desk, pushing aside some papers from the center of his desk.
"jungkook, it's been a month since this season has started, and you still haven't given me anything on (y/n)," Nick chastised, leaning against the wall behind the managers desk. 
"it's literally not my fault, I have the camera on her every second of every day and she gives me nothing," jungkook defended. he didn't dare glance her way, knowing that her jaw would be tightened as it always becomes when she's frustrated.
"I can confirm that," she instead agreed, raising her hand in agreance.
"and while I do applaud you for your resilience in work, we need you to make a larger effort into this documentary." Thomas informed, finally looking up to meet (y/n)'s gaze.
"why?" both (y/n) and jungkook questioned. they glared at each other for a second before focusing on their bosses once more. (y/n) was just an accountant, she felt no need to smile for the cameras raiding her workplace. jungkook found intrigue in the other inhabitants of the office, he didn't understand why this girl specifically needed the spotlight.
"what you guys don't understand is that she's integral to the show," Nick pushed himself off the wall and staggered over to the desk. "we don't have to focus on the warehouse workers because they're not constantly in the limelight." Thomas nodded, sitting straight in his desk as he listened to his colleague. "she, however, is in the office, a documentary on ///everyone/// in here. the first two seasons were funny with her as a silent role, but viewers are curious, they want more of her. they want to know more about that beautiful girl who stunned the audiences with just her eyes. we must listen to the viewers."
"I'm pretty sure my absence from the show won't drastically affect the views." (y/n) crossed her arms indignantly, a blush creeping upon her face nonetheless. Thomas analyzed her for a moment, searching for any sign of wavering before sighing aloud and signalling for Nick to close the door.
"(y/n), do you remember years ago when our department became nearly barren?" he asked, to which she nodded. "do you know why we became so empty?" 
"everybody was being transferred around," she answered simply with a careless shrug.
"they were being transferred because of that form you had to sign. I remember talking to you about this because I had only mentioned being transferred, and you signed the papers because you didn't want to be transferred. you didn't hear the conditions."
"what are you getting at?" she muttered, her resolve faltering as she began picking up what he was hinting at.
"you signed the form as a complacency to participate in this documentary and become an active and willing subject." 
(y/n) went pale, realizing what she signed herself into. she was young, and she couldn't stray far from home. now that she's older, she'd be willing to move, but at what cost? giving up her comfortable apartment? a sustainable job? to move to a foreign city hours away from her home just to steer clear of this documentary? she felt her stomach tie in knots and her head hung low in disappointment.
"I'm sure you realize the circumstances of your lack of cooperation."
"I understand, sir," she sighed out, leaning forward to bury her face in her hands.
as much as jungkook hated it, his heart ached for her. she really didn't ask to be put in this position. she just needed a job. he began feeling the ebbs of guilt rising up, and he quickly turned his face to his lap in shame of his neglect to her over the years. he forgot that many people don't want to be famous. 
"and (y/n), you really are essential," Nick rushed in to interject before the atmosphere got too sullen. "many people are curious about you! they want to see more of you."
"it is true, I've read a lot of the reviews of the episodes," Thomas added, offering a small grin to the girl in question. this did nothing to alter (y/n)'s current state, chewing on her bottom lip and fiddling with her skirt. 
"the people want more of you, (y/n). give us the opportunity to offer to the viewers what they want." 
she stayed silent, almost as if she hadn't even heard a word that was said to her, but she heard every word, struggling to digest it all whilst also battling the conflicting thoughts occurring in her muddled mind. she already knew her answer, but she couldn't fess up to it. jungkook felt remorse for her, surprisingly understanding her situation and her grief. a small part of him reached out to her, promising to make this trial of hers easy for however long it took. oh how this simple girl has affected him so. 
with a broken 'okay' from (y/n), the duo were dismissed. jungkook found himself naturally accompanying his subject, not as a cameraman, but as a coworker. the ride in the elevator and the walk to the parking lot was deathly quiet, but he made sure she got in her car before he followed suit into his own vehicle. puffing out an exhausted sigh, he watched as she retreated from her workplace and her problems temporarily. with her absence, it allowed him to soak in everything which just happened.
"tomorrow will be an eventful day."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* the next day *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"so what's your plan exactly?" taehyung asked, biting into his granola bar with a tilt of his head. jungkook pursed his lips together, knowing that what taehyung was eating was actually his whole breakfast. deciding to ignore the lack of nourishments his friend was receiving, he continued setting up his camera.
"I'm not sure," he stated simply. "I just need to get her more interesting footage."
"yeah, I get you." jungkook stood and began making his way down the hall to accounting, taehyung following suit. "I can slip a note to namjoon to set her up or something?"
"no, I want it to come naturally. that's always the best content." 
"you're really serious about this, aren't you?" taehyung nudged jungkook reassuringly before diverting into the sales room to visit his friends. 
jungkook switched his camera on, resting it on his shoulder as usual. he studied the grey carpet beneath his feet through the small screen, making sure everything was in order before he finally pushed the accounting door open. 
upon entering, he was greeted by the sight of all the accountants laughing and cheering. he froze in his steps as he spotted (y/n) at the front of the enthused crowd. she rolled a paper ball in her hands intently, eyes trained on an object on the wall and completely disregarding jungkook's presence at the door. with a small hop in her step, she tossed the ball into the air, jungkook naturally following the makeshift ball with his camera as it landed flawlessly through the miniature basketball hoop positioned on the opposing wall. a resounding chorus of hurrahs washed over the small group and jungkook captured all of it, including the beaming grin across (y/n)'s face. namjoon massaged her shoulders encouragingly as the others began high fiving her and congratulating her. 
jungkook grinned to himself as she continued to glow, brightening the room with a dazzling, one-in-a-million smile. her eyes shone with such mirth, akin to a child's wonderment at an amusement park. jungkook found himself admiring her raw joy, giving himself a moment more to soak in her radiance before continuing his filming. namjoon finally took note of jungkook and retracted from (y/n), bouncing over to him instead. 
"do you want me for the interview to explain why we're pumped, or would you like (y/n)?" namjoon asked once jungkook lowered his camera. jungkook glanced over at (y/n) who was currently speaking to one of the other older accountants, that damned smile still affecting jungkook in ways he hadn't known were possible. 
"I'll take (y/n)."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"okay, so just like you've seen everyone else, just casually talk to the camera like you would namjoon or someone else." jungkook had realized a little too late that this was (y/n)'s first personal camera moment. they had pulled everyone else for confessions at some point through the series, but (y/n) was never given the opportunity. 
"okay, I understand," she answered with a curt nod. jungkook studied her one last time before nodding and starting the camera. at the sight of the green light, she straightened up and began. "usually, the end of the fiscal year consists of loads of work for the accountants as we have to wrap things up pretty quickly. usually namjoon and I work ahead so we can work leisurely towards the end and help the other accountants." she took the briefest of moments to glance back behind the camera to jungkook, almost as if for reassurance. he gave her a twitch of a smile and she then turned back to the camera. "without any deliberation, the accountants had all finished their work early. so now we have a whole day of doing nothing. we've decided to occupy ourselves as best as we can."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
it was as if fate had finally decided to work with jungkook and (y/n) for once, as jungkook had received plenty of footage for his weekly report and (y/n) seemed to be completely recovered from yesterday's bad news. today showed a whole new (y/n) different from the prior seasons. a (y/n) who managed to make a tower of index of cards that almost reached the ceiling. a (y/n) who reached nearly 5000 on the Google dinosaur game. a (y/n) who performed a one woman interpretation of Shrek 2 in less than 45 minutes. 
a (y/n) who has completely changed jungkook's opinions of her.
he was somewhat proud of himself, but almost entirely of her. how she was able to overcome such an obstacle of fear in one night and become an entirely new person, but at the same time keep her own unique traits that never really showed. jungkook had realized the camera truly did love her, she just contained herself at all times. today, she blossomed as a rose bloom would; such refined integrity in each step, beauty in her own individual way. 
jungkook was about to leave the office when he was once again summoned to the manager's office, his nerves alighting like a campfire. he closed his eyes in gratitude as he didn't spot (y/n), meaning she was clear for the night. at least he hoped. instead, taehyung sat with his leg propped over the other.
"jungkook, we've decided to have you and taehyung stationed at (y/n)'s house," Nick said, not even allowed jungkook to digest his words. "you both will be there until 8, which I believe is a reasonable time, hopefully you'll catch something good–"
"Nick, I already have a lot of footage from today," he interjected, gesturing to his camera bag leaning outside the door. 
"I'm sure you do, as you always manage to pull something together," he continued, a slight tone of annoyance spiking his intonation. "however, tomorrow is the day we give our first focus group of season three the raw footage. I need to make sure we have something. so tonight, you're both going to her house to get some last minute footage in case today wasn't enough."
"will do, sir," taehyung answered, standing and lugging jungkook out of the room before he could snap back. "dude, just go along with it. no harm in getting extra footage."
"I realize that, taehyung, but..." jungkook trailed off as he spotted her in the distance, walking out of accounting with namjoon. her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, some strands escaping the confines of the hairband to obscure her vision, to which she pulled them back with a delicate touch across her cheeks to behind her ear. ebbs of joy still lightened her mood, a small smile gracing her features. happy looked good on her. very good.
i don't want to tarnish that smile.
jungkook couldn't voice his thoughts as she grew closer to taehyung and him, and yet jungkook remained staring at her. 
"hey guys," namjoon nodded his head to the two before him, (y/n) lingering beside him. "what's going on?"
"nothing of significance," taehyung replied coolly, turning down to face a startled (y/n). "jungkook and I are on (y/n) duties tonight, so we'll be at your house til 8. is that okay with you?"
"I guess," she replied quicker than she intended, processing the words told to her after her response. she glanced at the three boys before her and then turned away to the elevator. once she was out of earshot, namjoon clicked his tongue disapprovingly.
"I love her, I really do," he began, crossing his arms and keeping his gaze on the lift she disappeared into. "but she can be so dry." shifting to face taehyung, he tilted his head in question. "you really think you guys can get anything good tonight?"
"all we can do is try," taehyung replied.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
as jungkook drove, following the monotonous droning of his phone guiding him to (y/n)'s apartmemt, all he could think of was what he was about to experience. the quietest girl in the office and what she does after work.
what could she possibly do during her free time? she doesn't seem like the type to go clubbing, or the type to have girls nights to gossip. she doesn't seem like the sociable type, but they always say to watch out for the quiet ones. 
silently, he prayed to get some good footage. he was beginning to like her, and he just hoped the audience could follow suit. see the true nature behind this background character and her undeniable charm. he began grinning as he reminisced on that golden smile of hers. she was a happy virus, he'll give her that. even if nothing comes of this late night endeavor, he knew that she'd gain quite the crowd with just her laugh from today. 
he pulled into an apartment complex, checking his phone for the floor and apartment number before heading into the building itself. 
303, 304, 305
he stopped before a 306, taking a moment to gather his semblance of professionality before raising his fist and knocking at the door. there were a few seconds of silence before the door swung open, revealing a taehyung bearing his signature squared off grin. 
"welcome to casa de (y/n)." jungkook rolled his eyes and trudged past his friend, tossing his camera bag on the closest kitchen counter. "she's changing right now. I scolded her for still wearing work clothes when this has to be natural."
"good, thanks for being ahead of the game." jungkook scanned his surroundings. a quaint apartment, mute tones. it was definitely cozy, a welcoming embrace already trying to lure him into sitting on the couch watching TV all day. however, even jungkook could see someone else lived in this domicile. books neatly stacked in bookshelves while magazines were strewn across the coffee table. some small plants were very much real and taken care of, and then there were some fake plants collecting dust. and if those indicators weren't enough, there were also many shoes of varying styles and sizes adorning the front door, and he knows (y/n) would never step foot out of this apartment with those glittery red heels that caught his eye before brushing past taehyung.
another thing jungkook couldn't help but notice was the lack of masculine items in the room. no pictures of boyfriends, or oversized hoodies laying about. either they were well hidden, or both of these girls were single. 
"stop snooping, she'll come out any minute," taehyung scolded, emerging from the kitchen with a water bottle. 
"I'm not snooping, I'm acknowledging," jungkook sassed, stepping back nonetheless to unpack his camera. "wheres her roommate?"
"she went out to a friend's house, Snoopy."
"Snoopy. how long did it take you to come up with that?"
"it was in the heat of the moment, but now I'm kind of regretting not saying Snoop Dogg."
"that would've been better, but I wasn't snooping. I'm just a very good analyzer."
"oh, yeah, sure, of course..." taehyung paused, racking his brain for any new variation of 'snoop' he could use. with a snort, jungkook shook his head and powered on his camera.
"take your time–"
"I'm back." jungkook whirled around in time to spot (y/n) plodding out of her room with sweatpants and a t shirt. "I didn't want to be too informal, I know you said– oh hi jungkook."
"hello," jungkook sighed out, eyes falling upon her relaxed form. her hair was loose, falling over her shoulders in soft tendrils, framing her face in such a delicate manner, jungkook was left breathless. she adorned the softest of smiles, a smile that would put the mona lisa to shame. she embodied the grace of a marble statue, crafted by the hands of michelangelo himself. his jaw fell agape at the sight of the comfortable appearance, as if she hadn't a care in the world while on the contrary she carried so much weight on her. 
"so what do you want me to do?" her question knocked jungkook right out of his stupor and he forced his eyes away from her. 
"we need you to just do your everyday thing," taehyung explained, giving her a reassuring grin. "it would be easier to get some footage if we had another person with us, but we'll make do."
"I can call my neighbor," she offered, shrugging her shoulders. "she's usually not doing anything." before the boys could answer, she was already making a beeline to the apartment across from hers, allowing for taehyung to turn to jungkook with a raised brow. 
"what was that all about?"
"what do you mean?" jungkook took a seat at one of the barstools, fiddling with the worn leather handle of his camera.
"dude, you were ogling," taehyung leaned next to him, scanning for any sort of give away that he may be too distracted for this task.
"it's nothing, I've just never seen her let go before. it's refreshing." jungkook thanked the heavens above that he managed to find his words and not make it seem completely creepy that he was indeed staring.
"oh, you're right," taehyung chuckled, pushing himself up to stand straight again. "for a second I thought you were crushing. you're right, though. it is nice to see her when she's not completely straight faced."
jungkook's eyes widened. crushing? he would never. that was their one rule; don't interact with the subjects. that's a big no with Nick. of course taehyung breaks that rule to hang out with his friends, but that's friendship. love would change the playing field entirely. he couldn't imagine one of the crew just willingly throwing away their job to pursue some romance with no potential. 
before he could dwell any longer on his thoughts, she ran in with a girl in tow.
"everyone, this is Cindi, she's willing to help me." 
"yeah, she promised to cook me dinner one of these days, and I feel this is a perfect opportunity," the friend explained, smiling over to (y/n). 
"great idea," taehyung gave a thumbs up excitedly before pulling his camera up from the table. "okay, let's get to the kitchen."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
jungkook was pleased with the footage he was getting. there was nothing extravagant, but it really showed her humanity. how she interacted normally with friends, her genuine laughter, all of it was gold to him. he had to bite his lip when he had managed to catch her choking on cilantro, zooming into her face just as she gagged and started choking. why she decided to try raw cilantro, he didn't know. nonetheless, he was undeniably satisfied with how smooth everything was coming out (and his potential new meme).
"how fast can you chop the celery?" Cindi asked, stirring some noodles by the stove while (y/n) was prepping the vegetables. she looked up towards the cameras, looking to taehyung and jungkook for a second as if verifying she had heard correctly before turning back to her cutting board.
"not to brag, but I am a mean dicer." within 10 seconds, the entire celery stick was chopped, albeit slightly messy. jungkook's muscles relaxed, having clenched unknowingly during her risky endeavor. Cindi nodded, examining her friend's work with gusto. 
"not bad, mean dicer," she chuckled out, taking the cutting board to add the celery to the noodles. (y/n) leaned into her counter, twirling her knife between her fingers. 
"what can I say, they don't call me the mean dicer for no–" the knife stuttered in her fingers, causing her to lose grip of it. the utensil hopped about from one hand to another until she finally got a grasp of it. unluckily for her, it was the sharp end, causing her to immediately release her death grip on the blade with a gasp. 
jungkook was frozen. his eyes strayed from the screen to her hand in real life. she was clutching her wrist in pain, examining her splayed out, trembling palm. jungkook tightened his hold on the device, waiting for something, anything, and at the first sight of crimson, he was tossing his camera onto the counter and rushing over to her before he could think. he took her hand from her, watching as more blood began to accumulate across the plane of skin. 
he began dragging her away, down the hall to the only open door of the house which just so happened to be the bathroom. placing his hands on her hips, he lifted her up and placed her on the sink counter before digging through her drawers and medicine cabinet for a first aid kit. once attained, he pulled her hand beneath the faucet to wash away the blood before then wetting a rag with alcohol. 
"this is going to hurt, please don't cry," he whispered to her before pressing the cloth down. she winced, biting her lip and closing her eyes as she soaked in the stinging sensation. jungkook removed the alcohol soaked rag from her and began tying bandages around her hands before blood could build up again, and with a knot at the end, jungkook finished in record time. "are you okay?" jungkook cradled her injured hand in his, staring at his work as if it could come undone any moment.
"yes, thank you," she breathed out, her eyes glued onto the man before her. never has anyone gone to such an extent to assure her well being. she could've easily just clutched a towel for a few minutes and dealt with the pain later, but here she was being nurtured by a man she's known of for 2 years, but is only just now beginning to meet properly. 
at this proximity, she really noticed how... endearing he looks. soft lashes encircling large, round eyes. curly black locks falling over his forehead. light, dewy skin that just screams, "dermatologists hate him." he was rather handsome. why hasn't she ever noticed him before? 
"I'm sorry to cut this little game of doctor, but I think Cindi is going to somehow burn the noodles," taehyung whispered out, having been standing at the entrance of the bathroom the entire time. 
"oh, my bad," (y/n) hopped down from the counter before rushing off to the kitchen, trying to erase whatever just happened from her memory. meanwhile, jungkook felt the stabs of anxiety piercing his heart, knowing that he just broke the cardinal rule; interacting with the subject. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
jungkook felt like throwing up come Monday. they had to turn in their memory to the editors of the show who would compile the best of the raw footage to show the focus group. which meant that chanyeol, the lead editor, would definitely put in his little knife mishap just for giggles. he almost dreaded to see said man, knowing that he'd just give knowing smiles to him everytime they passed each other. 
jungkook's fears seemed to prove correct as he was immediately called into the manager's office again where Nick and Thomas sat patiently. he found himself sighing from relief again as (y/n) was no where in sight, meaning it had nothing to do with her and her footage; just him and his disobedience.
"sit, jungkook," Nick started. "we wanted to talk about the footage you got last week."
"look..." jungkook began, already leaning forward in his seat. "i–"
"you did great," Thomas interjected, mouth stretched from ear to ear to show his approval. "never in all the years that I've known (y/n) knew she was such a sweetheart."
"it really was incredible footage, and you already know a promotion is on the way." Nick continued to which jungkook replied with a dramatic jaw dropping. "now here's the... interesting part." jungkook closed his mouth to gulp, folding his hands in front of him nervously.
"the focus group loved (y/n)." Thomas explained, Nick nodding behind him.
"they did." Nick looked down to the ground, arms crossed over his chest. "and they also loved you." jungkook was completely shocked. his stomach didn't know whether to flutter from gratitude or drop from nervousness. "jungkook, you broke our main rule."
"i-i know." jungkook looked down at the desk, tracing the dark lines of the mahogany with his eyes. "it was just in the heat of the moment, I panicked. she was hurt. I didn't know what the protocol was for that."
"you're not in trouble." Nick reassured, looking up and extending a hand as an offer of peace.
"actually, your promotion has some... strings attached," Thomas twiddled his thumbs to fill the awkwardness building up. jungkook awaited the fine print, not thinking anything bad of it. with one last sigh, Nick stuffed his hands into his pockets.
"you're going to have to date (y/n)."
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oddeyevibes · 4 years
TLND Ch1: The Theatrics of it All
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Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Vice City or any of it’s characters, I only own my OCs. Also, many of the images and gifs used are not 100% representative of the story, there are chosen to help create ✨~ambiance~✨. 
Summary: Tommy has come to Vice City to kill people for money. For him, it’s business and a duty as a member of the Forelli crime family. Dallas has come to Vice City to kill people for money. For her, it’s business and an art form and a lifestyle that has been apart of her family for a long time. A lot might not see it, but they were made for each other. 
Trigger Warning: Blood, graphic depictions of violence
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Prickle Pine, Las Venturas
Most people in Prickle Pine always associated with people their neighbors have never seen. This is usually where the rich elites always found hanging out in the Strip lived anyway. So some old couple with nothing better to do but to people-watch probably wouldn’t be calling the authorities any time soon on seeing strange people come out of different houses every day of the week because it was too natural at this point.
So when a midnight blue Sentinel XS pulled up to the Michaels house. No people-watchers thought it was too suspect to see them get a wealthy-looking visitor. The front door opened revealing a man in a faded red and white striped bathrobe known as Bane Michaels. A middle-aged white man who made an infamous name for himself by helping produce some of those pornographic, action-oriented movies the porn industry has ever seen.
He was regular on The Strip and many of his more prudish neighbors came to know him for always having younger women visit while his much more older wife, went off to the hospital for treatment. People watchers merely thought it was another one of those visits.
Bane stood in the doorway a jittery mess as the driver of the Sentinel stepped out of the vehicle. By the look of her outfit, you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a woman whose husband died in “mysterious” circumstances. She was wearing a black pencil dress with a pair of black peep-toe wedges along with some thick-rimmed black sunglasses and a black shoulder purse to make the outfit look a little more perfect. For Bane, she was like an angel of death walking towards his door. This was the woman that would help solve his problems. 
“Well...don’t you look excited to see me.” She commented.
Bane moved aside and let her into the house, immediately locking the door and showing her to the spacious living room which looked like it never left the 60s. It didn’t help that there was a TV playing an old sitcom of that era.
The woman sat down on one of the single-seated couches across from Bane who relaxed as he sat down, waiting for the good news. “Well?”
“I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that you are now a widow, Mr. Michaels.”
Bane’s smile grew wide. “Hahaha! Thank you! Thank you SO much!” The man quickly stood up, grabbing the woman’s hand and shaking it frantically, much to the woman’s clear disdain. She yanked her hand out of his grasp. The man took the hint and sat back down. “Y’know, I heard about you from Carlos. I was so sure he was going to do the job until he recommended you.”
The woman shrugged. “Carlos got wrapped up in a more steady gig.”
Bane took the hint and nodded. “Once the life insurance comes through, I promise you, you’ll get your money. Never done something like this before so I’m not quite sure how long it’ll take.”
“Well, I have. Just make sure you don’t say or do anything stupid and suspicious. Remember, when the hospital calls, you don’t know she’s dead.” The way the woman spoke held an air of both sultriness and coldness. Bane was definitely talking to someone who has experience. “Unless they called already and you messed it up.”
Bane shook his head. “Nope, no call yet. Why don’t we…” Bane scooted forward a bit and flashed the woman a smirk. “Maybe we can wait together?” He asked.
The woman tilted her head to the side. “Are you trying to flirt with me?” She asked with a blunt tone of voice. There was no hint of reciprocation in her words.
Bane shrugged. “Well,” He casually leaned back against the seat. “I am a single man after all.”
“You’re wife’s body not even if a coffin yet.”
“That old broad’s been dead for years. Shame though...she was a real cougar, that one. It was fun running around with an older woman. Especially, when they’re loaded. The probably is, what we men want from an older woman gets lost REAL fast when age starts catching up with them.” He continued going on. “Tits start sagging, they need every pill in the fucking book to keep functioning, hair starts going gray, y’know?” He asked with a chuckle, but the woman didn’t respond. Once he realized she wasn’t going to laugh, he sighed and kept going. “Only reason I stayed with her was because of the money. Porn is nice and all but I wanted to do more. I wanna be big but in this city, you gotta pay big to win big, y’know? Edie, love her to death, but she wasn’t going to understand what I needed. I couldn’t let her divorce me either, she’d take her money and run, leaving me with nothing.”
“So you plan to find some young girl?”
He nodded. “Unless you’re willing to fill the position?”
Bane chuckled. “Worth a shot.” The brown-haired man stood up and went over to a brown foyer table holding a variety of liquor bottles as well as a couple of whiskey glasses. He proceeded to pour himself a glass as the nearby landline phone began ringing. A smirk on his face, Bane waltz over to answer, prepared to pretend to be heartbroken.
“Michaels Residence, Bane speaking.”
“.....Michaels Residence?” The evil smirk on Bane’s face slowly disappeared. The man glanced back to the woman sitting on his couch. She was currently paying him no mind as she watched the silent erratic movements of the sitcom still playing. He turned his back towards her and continued the conversation. “Edie?” He asked in a terrified whisper.
“I’m not even in the dirt yet and you’ve already claimed my house?” The older woman said and the smile could be heard in her voice. Bane didn’t say anything in response. “What? No funny remark? You used to be made of them, Baney.”
“You’re alive?” He whispered, not wanting to alert the woman behind him since he planned on giving her a piece of his mind.
“Of course I am. You tried to pay for the Montoya’s to kill me using life insurance? I got something more reliable...an owed favor.” There was so much vile as she said the last part of her sentence.
If the walls had eyes, they would be covered in the blood that quickly shot out of Bane’s forehead. With the little thinking energy he had left, the man’s eyes had shot up to try and catch a glimpse of the hole in his head. In a second, his body fell forward, colliding with the wall and crashing down on the table, knocking over the different bottles and sending them to the floor with a series of loud crashes as the phone in his hand was let go and fell in one of the puddles that began soaking the ugly colored carpet.
Turning his back to the woman proved to be a fatal mistake. His last mistake. Once he did, she had quietly made her way over to him, calmly pulling out a suppressed .22 pistol and waited for her moment to pull the trigger.
The woman flashed a satisfied smirk as she put away her gun before bending down to pick up the phone. “Ms. Rubio?”
“I wish I could’ve been there to see the look on his face.” The older woman sounded more than happy with the outcome.
“Well, he was very scared if that makes you feel better.”
“I suppose that’ll do.”
“You never told my cousin what you wanted in terms of body disposal.”
“I have some guys of my own. I want to see what’s left of the fucker. If it wasn’t for MY money, that ingrate wouldn’t have what we had now. To think that son of a bitch was plotting to kill me.”
“Small world though.”
“Indeed. When are you and your cousin leaving Las Venturas?”
“Should be by the end of this week.”
“Should have your money by then.”
“No need. This is a favor, remember?”
“I always tip.” The line went dead.
The woman shrugged and hung up the phone. She took a long look at the corpse before letting out a single chuckle and leaving the residence, locking the bottom lock behind her. As far as the neighbors knew, the woman in black that left Eden Rubio’s house was another young fling of Bane’s.
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Several days later
Portland, Liberty City
Marco’s Bistro
“Tommy Vercetti? Shit...didn’t think they ever let him out.”
Sonny Forelli had a loud voice. Everyone in the Forelli family knew that. Hell, everyone in the families knew that. It wasn’t a voice that commanded respect but one that wanted fear. The Don of the Forelli family reveled in the fact that others feared him and if he felt someone didn’t fear him, he would take care of them. The idea of catching more bees with honey was a concept lost this Forelli man. He was a man-sized brat but no one in the Forelli Family would call him out on it.
The Don was currently sitting in his brother’s bistro alongside two associates, Casio Graci and Vincent Moreno, who had informed the man that Tommy Vercetti was officially let out of prison. The man that was now known as the ‘Harwood Butcher’ was sentenced away fifteen years ago on 11 counts of manslaughter. The thing is: he was only supposed to kill one guy.
No one besides Sonny knows the specifics of what happened and how a simple hit by a Forelli mobster turned into a bloodbath. It worked out though for the Forelli family’s reputation among the families. If someone like Tommy Vercetti was working for the Forellis, the other families kept their ears perked for any more Forelli men. Sonny didn’t like to admit it, but Tommy helped him...again.
Only a few men in the family knew this, but Sonny despised Tommy’s very existence. No one was dumb enough to comment on it though, out of fear of Sonny’s wrath. No one knew the specifics of it but it was clearly some sort of paranoia. The thought that everyone would look at Tommy the way they SHOULD’VE been looking at Sonny. There were some outside of Sonny’s close circle that had ideas but they were thrown out of the window upon hearing Sonny and the Forellis kept Vercetti from getting the death penalty.
“He kept his head down,” Casio explained. “It helps people forget.”
Sonny chuckled. “People will remember soon enough. When they see him walking down the streets of their neighborhood, it’ll be bad for business.”
The two associates glanced between each other with worried expressions. Cutting Tommy loose was probably not the best idea cause then one of the other families might take him in. Can’t have a hitman like Tommy working the Sindacos, the Sicilians, or the Leones. Definitely not the Leones.
Casio looked at Sonny. “Well, what are we gonna do Sonny?”
The Don sat back in chair thinking for a moment. Truth be told, Sonny didn’t want Tommy anywhere near him. He didn’t want him asking too many questions upon returning. Fifteen years? Vercetti was definitely simmering with curiosity. “Alright,” He leaned in towards the table, his face illuminating a bit more under the green light. His gesture causing the others to do the same. “We treat’em like an old friend and keep him busy out of town, ok?”
The two looked confused.
Sonny leaned back in his seat once more. “We been talking about expanding down south, right? Vice City is 24-Carat gold these days. The Columbians, the Mexicans, hell, even those Cuban refugees are cutting themselves a piece of some nice action.”
Vincent shook his head. “But it’s all drugs, Sonny. None of the families will touch that shit.”
The only reason Vice City had become a gold mind was because of drugs. Not just any drugs but the classic white girl, Cocaine. Most of the Italian mob stationed in Liberty City didn’t go anywhere near drugs. The most they dealt with being weed. Florida, Vice City, in particular, was a place where cocaine was becoming the wave. As of now, it was unknown territory to the families.
“Times are changing. The families can’t keep their backs turned while our enemies reap the rewards. So, we send someone down to do the dirty work for us and cut ourselves a nice quiet slice, ok?” He explained. Sonny looked over to Casio, “who’s our contact down there?”
“Ken Rosenberg,” Casio replied with an eye roll. “Schmuck of a lawyer. How’s he gonna hold Vercetti’s leash?”
“We don’t need him to. We just set him loose in Vice City, we give him a little cash to get started. Ok? Give it a few months,” Sonny relaxed in his chair. “Then we go down, pay him a little visit, okay? See how he's doing.”
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Escobar International
Vice City
Tommy’s been down south maybe like...once. It was only a business trip and he’d stood in as one of Sonny’s bodyguards. The was fifteen years ago back in 1970 and he knew the city had probably changed a lot since then. The man wasn’t someone into the latest trends but still, the thought of missing out on a whole decade did something to him mentally. After all, he was barely an adult when he got locked up but hand the bodies of professionals that’s been in the game long before his birth.
Tommy thought about a lot while on the inside. He was grateful for the Forellis for keeping him off death row, he really was, but he was also suspicious of the events in Harwood. Unfortunately, Tommy would have to keep his questions to himself since the first thing that happened upon being released from prison was him being sent to Vice City.
Now instead of killing men left and right which, granted, he may have to do anyway, Tommy was meant to simply help the Forellis make some deals down south. Setting themselves up amidst all the other gangs that have claimed territory in the city.
He didn’t really know what his face looked like but it apparently caught Lee’s attention. “Don’t be so nervous Vercetti,” Lee advised, catching the man’s attention from watching the plane land through its window. “Harry and I have done deals like this before. Simple procedure, go in and out, hasn’t changed since you’ve been locked up.”
Tommy felt annoyed. “I know how these things work.” He shot back with a mild attitude.
Lee didn’t say anything or indicated that he was offended at the response, merely shrugged and went back to reading the magazine. “ Big Shot Porn Producer Reported Dead...robbery gone wrong? ” The man muttered.
Tommy turned his attention back to the window, trying to get back on his previous train of thought.
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The air in Vice City was most certainly dry. Tommy almost felt sorry for anyone who didn’t dress down enough. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the bugs here were plenty and HUGE. The worst he dealt with in Liberty City were big ass rats and roaches and flies if a place was filthy enough. Here, the bugs have 34 wings and are always out to cross boundaries. Tommy wished he could’ve stayed inside the airport where the air was cool and the bugs were kept at bay.
But the sight of a white Admiral pulling up provided some quick relief. Though, the appearance of a frantic, curly-haired man in a white suit sort of dimmed in down. He never met Rosenberg but from what Casio and some of the others told him, Rosenberg was easily startled, like a lamb.
The car stopped before the three men and Ken got out, leaning on top of the car’s roof to greet the men. “Hey, hey, guys! It’s, uh, Ken Rosenberg here!” The man shouted. “Hey! Heh, heh, hey, great, hey!”
‘I hate this guy already.’ Tommy thought to himself.
He and the others not replying sent a chill down Ken’s spine, making the neurotic man even more nervous. The Forelli lawyer let out a nervous chuckle. “Well, uh, I’m gonna drive you guys to the meet, ok?” The three nodded and began entering the car, Tommy found himself situated in the back sitting next to Lee once again. Meanwhile, Rosenberg kept explaining the whole deal. “Now, I’ve talked to the suppliers and they’re very keen to start a business relationship, so, uh, if all goes well, we should, uh, be doing very nicely for ourselves, which is, y’know, good.”
With everyone situated in the vehicle, Ken began driving and explained the whole all the way to the docks about the sellers they’ll be purchasing from. Tommy wasn’t too bothered to make any type of comment or even inquire more about, a tiny part hoping Lee or Harry would do that for him, especially Harry, considering that he was the one sitting next to Ken and getting the most of the yammering. To no avail though.
The now 35-year-old let out a silent, annoyed breath as he looked out the window watching his new residence for the new months pass by him in a blur. This would all look nice to gander at if he wasn’t on business. ‘Maybe some other time…’ he thought. For now...just get the deal done was all that was on his mind.
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Vice City Docks
Upon the vehicle pulling up to the docks, Tommy was a little on edge. Maybe it was because, in Liberty City, every hour was working hours, he assumed that the docks would be filled with workers paid to mind their own business with maybe one or two ‘ upstanding citizens ’ trying to play the hero.
However, the Vice City docks were damn near-deserted. No sign of anyone clocking in. Maybe the people they were selling to had those types of connections. To make a bunch of construction workers disappear with a snap of their fingers. But, since they weren’t already here, Tommy kind of tossed out that line of thinking.
The sound of a helicopter getting louder caught the attention of the four men in the car. Shaking off the jetlag and gaining their full attention.
“Ok, that’s them in the chopper,” Ken stated. “Ok, here’s the deal,” Harry and Lee began exiting the car while Tommy stayed to hear the rest of the stipulations. “They want a straight exchange on open ground. Alright?”
Tommy nodded, “Right.”, before exiting the car and walking with the other two Forelli men. Meanwhile, one of the dealers, a slightly overweight dark-skinned man wearing a red shirt holding two briefcases, no doubt the product, exited the chopper while his pilot waited and made his way over to meet Tommy and the others.
Once all four had come face to face the deal started. Tommy’s done these before. It was nothing new and nothing had changed. In and out. Get this over with and once all is said and done, focus on finding out what happened back in Hardwood. This is was the only reason Tommy didn’t make a fuss about immediately being put back to work upon being released. He wanted to ease everyone else who worked with him in order to get them talking. A good 20 minutes and he can get to work.
“You got it?” He asked the man in the red shirt.
The man smirked. From the demeanor, Tommy could tell that this man was someone who didn’t take nonsense much like him. “One hundred percent pure grade-A Columbian.” The man replied, placing the two silver cases before the trio.
Tommy gestured his head towards the cases. “Let me see’em.”
The man stopped for a second, looking up at Tommy. “The greens?”
Harry and Lee opened the cases they were holding, showcasing the money. “Tens and twenties,” Tommy replied, “used.”
The man nodded with a smirk, straightening up his posture. “Then I think we got a deal, my friend. Hahaha--”
They only needed a few more minutes to get this deal done but life showed that it had other plans when the sound of multiple gunshots rang out across the docks.
Tommy instinctively ducked as the bodies of both Harry, Lee, and most likely the man in the red shirt. The guy in the copter most likely lifted off and got the hell out of dodge.
That left Tommy to sprint like the wind towards Rosenberg’s car. Taking the phrase ‘leap of faith’ to a literal level when he vaulted through the open window of the backseat. Rosenberg peeled out as Tommy shouted for him to get out there.
Just like fifteen years ago, a ‘simple’ job went terrible in an instant. Between the adrenaline rush of the shootout and the deja vu from back then, the escape from the stocks turned out to be a blurry one for Tommy Vercetti.
The only words that came to his mind were ‘ah shit’ as Rosenberg frantically whimpered in the front seat.
Next Chapter ⏩
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devil-kindred · 4 years
Get to Know Me - raisinghellinotherworlds
Saw @pd3 do this and though I’d give it a go!
1. Name : Siren (it’s a pseudonym!)
2. Nationality: American
3. Age: 27
4. Birthday: January 29th
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign): Aquarius
6. Gender: Female
7. Sexuality: Heterosexual
More below the cut
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)
For the record this is the only recent picture of myself I like and this is about as much of my face as you’ll ever see bc I know my angles.
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9. What do you/did you study?: I went to school for a Bachelors in Arts with and emphasis on Sciences but never finished it bc 1) college is expensive and 2) I don’t know what I want to do career-wise so there’s not a point in going back anymore.
10. What’s your current job like?/What job would you like to have?: I’m a service desk associate at a department store. Something where I could deal with less people bc boy does this job push my patience sometimes.
11. What is your birth order?: Firstborn/Oldest.
12. How many siblings do you have?: Technically four, but only two living.
13. Do you have good relations with your family?: My immediate family. My siblings are closer to each other (but they’re only two years apart) but we get along. I also have a good relationship with my parents though I’m not as close to my mom as I could be it’s hard to forget the not nice things your parent say to you as a kid.
14. How many friends do you have?: Lots though only a few I see/talk to on a regular basis.
15. Your relationship status: Single.
16. What do you look for in a SO?: Intelligent, kind, has a sense of humor.
17. Do you have a crush?: I guess.
18. When was your first kiss?: WHY *sighs* I was... 25.
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?: I’ve... never been in an actual relationship? I’d like to say serious.
20. What are your deal breakers? Being rude, cheating, and treating me like a child/you know what’s best for me/someone in need of saving (new flash, i am not your princess peach/some damsel in distress. If you need to rescue someone I am not your girl).
21. How was your day?: It’s still early into the day and I go to work in about an hour and a half and I get to close so we’ll see!
22. Favourite food & drink: French Fries. Or anything with potatoes. I’m a fiend. And Dr. Pepper or Coffee.
23. What position do you sleep in?: On my side/stomach on the part of the bed that’s against the wall.
24. What was your last dream about?: It was... highly NSFT and no, I will not go into detail.
25. Your fears: I’m not a fan of spiders or bugs of any kind really, I hate clowns, and I don’t like thunderstorms. Or tornados.
26. Your dreams: Move, either out of state or out of the country.
27. Your goals: See above.
28. Any pets?: A bird, Momo.
29. What are your hobbies?: Writing, playing video games, and reading (fanfic or books)
30. Any cool places in your area?: I’m sure there are but I live in a town surrounded by corn and other farmland so... it’s anyone’s best guess.
31. What was your last awkward situation?: The other day when a customer stared at me for a solid three minutes when I explained that due to the pandemic we’re no longer offering one of our services in an effort to reduce contact.
32. What is your last regret?: That I didn’t realize the true nature of some people who I no longer speak to sooner.
33. Language/s you can speak: English, Spanish (I’m so rusty though), a little bit of French, and a teeny tiny bit of Japanese.
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.): I believe in my many things so yes.
35. Have any quirks?: Uh... I mess with my hair when I’m nervous? & the more nervous I get my (already high) voice gets higher and will go up several octaves the more nervous I get?
36. Your pet peeves: People in my apartment building slamming the front door all the damn time.
37. Ideal vacation: Somewhere with nice scenery and where it’s calm.
38. Any scars?: Quite a few small ones on my head from a car accident when I was just a baby (I went through a window- got a few scrapes but other than that was unharmed) and one on my hand (it’s on both sides of my hand too) from when I was toddler and got bit by a dog.
39. What does your last text message say?: “I’ll let you know when I get some gameplay posted!” I have a sideblog for casual TS4 gameplay. Was telling a friend that I was going to post new stuff soon.
40. Last 5 things from your search history: No thanks! It’s all just checking if a word is really a word and spelling anyways.
41. What’s your [Device] background?: Lockscreen is a wallpaper from FFXV ft. The Chocobros; Hope Screen is Sam & Evie.
42. What do you daydream about?: Writing mostly.
43. Describe your dream home: Decent amount of space, a library room to hold all my books... good lighting, comfy.... preferably NOT in the middle of nowhere.
44. What’s your religion/Your thought about religion: I am not a fan. Particularly of Christianity but everyone has their own beliefs and in that regard, to each their own. Just don’t try to convert me bc the answer is f*ck no.
45. Your personality type: INFP.
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done?: Climbed onto the roof of the shed when I was little because I got something stuck up there.
47. Are you happy with your current life?: For the most part!
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life: Gymnastics, Ballet, etc.
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?: Lots of t-shirts, jeans, shorts, flats, boots, etc.
50. Favourite colour to wear?: Black or Blue.
51. How would you describe your style?: Extremely casual.
52. Are you happy with your current looks?: Kinda? I really need to cut my hair because it’s gotten so long it’s annoying. But I can put up with it until it’s safe again bc pandemic. My hair is not that important I assure you.
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?: Oh God, could I be taller? Like at least 5’3”? Which is still teeny but better than my 4’9” ass.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos?: I have 3 piercings and three tattoos (two finished, one in progress)
55. Do you get complimented often?: Maybe? I’m oblivious to the point that you could have a flashing neon sign with the compliment written on it and it would probably still go over my head.
56. Favourite aesthetic?: Biker Chic!
57. A popular trend that you dislike: Neon.
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with?: Blessed Be - Spiritbox.
59. Song you normally wouldn’t admit you like: If I like a song, I like it. But if I have to pick one, I know everyone hates Despacitio. I know, ok but I really like the original version bc I like the sound. Latin music always has a fun groove to it.
60. Favourite genre?: Rock & Metal.
61. Favourite artist/band/genre?: Type O Negative, Pallbearer, Ice Nine Kills. Give me all the goth rock/metal and just fun metal in general.
62. Hated popular songs/artists?: Oh boy... don’t hate me but I um... don’t care too much for T Swift? And I’m not a fan of country.
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5: Devil’s // Door - VCTMS, Karasu - The GazettE, Path - Apocalyptica, I Walk the Line - Halsey, Drumming Song - Florence + the Machine
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?: I can kinda play bass but I’m still learning so it’s just like... the very bare basics.
65. Do you like karaoke?: I’m very self-conscious so no.
66. Own any albums?: Yes, though majority are digital.
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?: Yes. I have it on for background noise in my room in which case I don’t pay attention to it, but I have XM radio in my car where I listen to Octane/Liquid Metal/Turbo.
68. Favourite movie/series?: The Dark Knight trilogy or Hellraiser or Nightbreed.
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc: Horror, Sci-fi, and fantasy.
70. Your fictional crush/es: Too many. Look at my OCs and their SO’s and you’ll find a bunch of them.
71. Which fictional character is you?: My friends would say Mira Jane from Fairy Tail. My bestie says Mercedes from Fire Emblem Three Houses (minus the devout part bc... I do not have nice feelings re-religion. You do you though!).
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so: Yes, and once again you’ll be reading for eternity. So I’ll sum it up as too many to list.
73. Favourite greek god?: Apollo.
74. A legend from where you live that you like: It’s said that before big disasters happen in the town I live in + the surrounding areas, that you’ll see a panther. Supposedly one has been seen before at least 4 different bad things that have happened over the years. I’m in the midwest though so take that as you will.
75. Do you like art?: I do but I don’t really have a favorite. ... I am kinda partial to Van Gogh though.
76. Can you share your other social media?: I have a Pinterest but since my other social media has my name (which I also share with an OC whoops. That’s what I get for being indecisive and going the first name the name generator gave me) I’d rather not. If you ask and we’re friends I’ll probably give it to you but...
77. Favourite youtubers?: I don’t really watch too many anymore but I’ve been watching a lot of jacksepticeye’s gameplay. Aside that I tend to just watch channels like PlayStation Access or Outsidexbox.
78. Favourite platform?: Instagram
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?: More than I should, I’m sure.
80. What video games have you played? Which one’s your favourite? Uh, if I had to list them all you’d literally be reading this for eternity. To sum it up, I mostly play RPGs/JRPGs, open-world, survival horror (my fave), and a few (emphasis on few) FPS. Favorites are (once again with a limit): Bioshock, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Until Dawn, Silent Hill 2, and Fatal Frame.
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts): do you know how f*cking hard this question is as someone who’s a bookworm? Ok, ok um... Gotta have a limit or I’ll never shut up... um... Three favorites: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, Horns by Joe Hill, and American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
82. Do you play board/card games?: On occasion! They’re best with bigger groups but alas, my apartment is rather small and I don’t have a lot of space for multiple people so I don’t play them often.
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? No, but it sounds fun.
84. Favourite holiday: Halloween!
85. Are you into dramas?: As in, tv dramas? Kinda? I have a friend on lived in SK for a time and got into K-dramas so I watch them with her from time-to-time when she visits.
Would you use a Death Note if you had one?: No.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?: Oh boy... make everyone get along, ensure everyone could live their life to the best possible, etc.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?: Possibly.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?: I’m going with mythical instead of strictly paranormal but... a vampire!
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?: As in to my body? Cremate me. To my stuff, give my books to a good home and take care of my bird.
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?: Most people call me by my middle name already since I got tired of people calling me the wrong name (& I like my middle name better) and insisting my first name was actually a nickname (it’s not, it’s the same as the musician I’m named after) so if I were to eventually be bothered enough, I’d have it legally changed to my middle name.
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?: I don’t know to be honest. I’m fairly happy with my life so I think I’d just not switch.
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo: 🌊
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true: I took karate classes for several years, I’ve never dyed my hair, I’ve had two jobs thus far.
95. Cold or hot?: Cold I guess? If we’re talking in reference to seasons give me cool (aka Fall).
96. Be a hero or be a villain?: Hero because being a villain would mean I’d have to be mean to people and I can’t even pick the mean options in video games without feeling guilty so...
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?: um... no? I’m not quite certain what this means but I’m going to go with no?
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?: Shapeshifting!
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?: Immortal.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Ready to answer 151 Questions? 1. When was the last time you swam in a pool? Like 6/7 years ago. 2. Do you like to party? My idea of a party is a small get together with friends just chillin’ with food and music. Maybe play some boardgames. Just super laid back. Crazy party scenes with a shitload of people I don’t even know is not my thing at all. That all being said, I haven’t been to a party in like 3 years. 3. If your ex suddenly kissed you right now, what would you do? I can’t even imagine a scenario where that would happen now. We haven’t talked or seen each other in almost 5 years. For that to happen, that would mean we were talking and hanging out again and yeah, don’t see that happening. Plus, SO much has changed for the both of us. Our ship sailed a longggg time ago. 4. Are you a virgin? Yes. 5. What are your parents views on your relationships? Ty and I never dated, but my parents really liked him. My mom definitely thought something was going on and she was rooting for us, ha. 
6. If you ran into your current boyfriend/crush in 10 years, would you marry them? I don’t have a boyfriend or a crush right now. But also, I wouldn’t just marry someone I bumped into 10 years later. Like, a LOT would have changed in that amount of time. Just because I dated or was interested in someone doesn’t mean things would be the same seeing each other that many years later. Would the feelings come back? Would we still vibe? What are we doing in our life at that time? Are we both single? 7. Is your best friend dating anyone?  My mom has been with my dad for over 30 years. 8. Describe the shirt you’re wearing? It’s a tie-shirt with pastel colors.  9. Do people who wear Hollister and Abrerbrombie every day bother you? I really don’t care. 10. Could you go out in public without wearing make-up? I’ve been doing that for the past few years. To think that there was a time I would have never done that... 11. What is one feature that you don’t like? On me? I mean, everything, but my smile/teeth for one. 12. Would people describe you as happy? No. 13. Are you single? Yep. 14. Does it bother you that pretty much every survey you take asks if you’re single? Yes or questions about relationships. 15. Do you have Tumblr? Duhhh.
16. What about Xanga? Aww, RIP Xanga.  17. Have you ever babysat before? Yeah, my younger brother and a couple of my cousins when they were kids.  18. Is there a teacher who you absolutely hate?  I had two awful math professors in community college. Like, they were horrible. 19. Ever shopped at Sephora? Yeah. 20. If your current boyfriend/crush suddenly moved away, what would you do?  21. Do you have any university plans? I graduated with my BA five years ago. I’m not going any further. 22. If your best friend revealed she was a homosexual, what would you do? I mean, it would definitely come as a huge shock if my mom came out now. Of course it wouldn’t change anything between us, but things would be different for awhile. Like, it would take time to get used to a new normal, one where she’s not with my dad who she’s been with for over 30 years and one where she’s with a woman.  23. What are your views on sex? Be safe. If you’re an adult and it’s consensual then I don’t see an issue. 24. Do sexual questions bother you?  No. I just don’t have much to say on the matter. 25. Would you rather have sex with your boyfriend or break up? Wth. 26. Have you ever dreamed about your wedding?  Nope. 27. Does it bother you when people TYpe 1yk dis’?  Omg. I’m so glad I don’t see that anymore. That seemed to die when Myspace did. 28. Do you delete pictures of you and your exes off of Facebook? There’s still photos of Joseph and I. *shrug* 29. Would you ever date a friends Ex? No. 30. What’s the last book you read?  The Girl and the Hunt by AJ Rivers. 31. Ready for 10 simple questions? Sure. 32. What is your last name?  Stephanie. 33. What grade are you in? I graduated college 5 years ago, I’m done. 34. What school do you go to? 35. Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring? Fall and winter. 36. Favorite Color? Pastels, rose gold, yellow, coral, mint green. 37. Are your parents together? Yes. 38. Any siblings?  I have two brothers. 39. Favorite subject?  Psychology.
40. Least favorite subject?  Math. 41. Favorite song? I could never just choose one. 42. Okay. Simple questions are over. Happy?  I don’t care. 43. How many friends do you have on Facebook?  150ish. 44. Ever been requested by some old guy from another country? They weren’t old, but yeah I’ve had several requests from men from other countries.  45. Have you ever googled yourself? Yeah. 46. Have a Formspring? I used to. I suppose it still exists out there since I never deleted it. I haven’t been on there in several years, though. 47. You’re offered free tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. What do you do? Probably decline the offer. I actually do like both his current and previous album, but I don’t know if I’d want to go to his concert. *shrug* I also don’t know anyone who would go with me and I wouldn’t go alone. 48. Would you rather spend the day at an amusement park or a water park? Amusement park. I don’t do water slides and whatnot.  49. Been to Disney world?  Nope, but I’d love to go. I’ve been to Disneyland several times, though. 50. If someone posts their status “9 Inches :(” do you know what they mean? Sounds like one of those things where people post a random status from a list of things that will likely get people’s attention and whoever comments on it is privately sent said list of thing and they then choose something to post as their status and so on. That was a popular game thing on Facebook years ago. 51. Ever had a boyfriend?  Yes.
52. Ever had a huge crush on someone who still doesn’t know? I’ve had crushes on guys who never knew, but the really serious ones (there were 5) all knew. 53. Have you done something in the last week that you regret?  Yes. 54. Ever drank alcohol?  Yeah. I drank in my early 20s until I was 24. 55. Know anyone who’s currently doing drugs? Yeah. 56. Ever watched The Hills?  Yeah, the OG one and the reboot that came out last year. 57. What about Jersey Shore? No, I never got into that one. 58. Ever called someone a slut?  I’ve said that jokingly to friends. 59. What do you think of short shorts? I don’t wear them. Or any length of shorts.  60. Does it bother you if people swear around you? No. I think it’s funny because my dad is still weird about cussing in front of me and so is our family friend. She always apologizes to me if she does it.  61. Have you ever gotten an A in a subject? I mostly got A’s and B’s throughout school with some C’s because of stupid math. 62. What about a B?  ^^^ 63. And a C? ^^^ 64. How about a D? No. 65. Ever skived? What’s that? 66. Would you consider yourself popular and outcast or somewhere in the middle? I’d say I was the outcast. I mean, I had some friends, but I really just didn’t stand out or fit in.  67. Are most of your friends older or younger than you? My friends were my age or a year younger. Ty was the only one who was older than me (just by a year). 68. Ever been stabbed in the back by a close friend? Yes. 69. Do you think it’s immature when people laugh at the number 69? I have my immature moments, too. That one doesn’t do it for me, though.  70. Ever watched porn? I’ve seen it, but it wasn’t for my viewing pleasure or anything. I just personally don’t get the appeal. 71. How many laws do you think you’ve broken in the past month?  I don’t think I’ve broken any. I don’t do anything or go anywhere, ha. 72. Do you wake up with an alarm clock? Yeah. I’d sleep later than 3PM if I didn’t and I don’t know, for some reason I don’t want to. Not like I have anything better to do, but *shrug* 73. Do you prefer Wednesdays or Thursdays? Makes no difference to me. 74. If your school had a Glee Club would you join?  No. I can’t sing. I’m surprised I did choir for a few years in elementary school. 75. Ever performed in a talent show? My 2nd grade class did. We did “This Little Light of Mine” with a few very simple hand movements that went along with it. 76. Have you ever cried in public? Yeah. For the most part it’s only been at funerals and doctor appointments, but there have been a few other times in public where I felt the tears coming and tried to fight them back, but they started coming out anyway. I’m definitely someone who doesn’t like to cry in front of other people, so when it happens then you know it’s bad. 77. Do you have a favorite between your Mom and your Dad? I love both of my parents, but my mom and I have a closer relationship. She’s my best friend. I truly don’t know what I’d do without her. 78. Would you audition for a reality talent competition? Nooo. I have zero talent. 79. How many celebrity crushes have you had?  A lot. 80. How many non-celebrity crushes have you had?  A lot. 81. Name 5 male celebrities who you think are attractive. Alexander Skarsgard, Henry Cavill, Chris Evans, Matt Bomer, and Chris Pratt.  82. Name 5 female celebrities who you think are attractive. Margot Robbie, Jennifer Lopez, Ariana Grande, Hailey Baldwin, and Natalie Portman.  83. Ever been compared to a celebrity?  Ha, no. 84. Have any embarrassing pictures on Facebook? If someone uploads a photo of me that I don’t approve of it gets deleted asap. 85. Do you think spending £20 on Lip Gloss is a waste of money?  That’s too much to me.  86. Are you opinionated?  I do have my opinions I feel strongly about, but I also consider myself to be openminded. I’m open to hearing different sides of things. I want to. And it’s certainly possible for my opinion to change.  87. Do you have a favorite store? BoxLunch, Hot Topic, Kohl’s, Target, and Bath & Body Works. 88. Would you ever wear Flare Jeans? No. 89. Do you own jeans that aren’t skinny? Nope. 90. Have you ever worn the same outfit twice in one week?  Yeah. *gasp* Call the fashion police! 91. What’s the longest period of time you’ve been away from school?  Well, I graduated college 5 years ago if that counts. But if you mean like while I was still going to school, then a few months. I had to miss school 3 times for a few months because I had to have surgery. One of the times was when I was supposed to start UC, but ended up having to start the following semester instead. 92. Do you google abbreviations you don’t understand? Yeah. 93. Does it bother you when people have cats as their profile picture? I don’t care? 94. Own a pair of converse?  Yes. 95. Is there a teacher at your school who has obvious favorites? 96. If yes, are you one of them?  97. Do you text in class?  I never did that. I was a goody-goody lol.  98. What brand of jeans do you wear the most? I haven’t worn jeans at all in like 3 years, ha, but anyway most of my jeans are the Arizona brand from JCP. They’re the perfect fit for me and they’re reasonably priced. 99. At what point do you think sizes are “Plus Sized?” According to Google, it starts at size 16. 100. Do you want to lose weight?  Nooo. I’m too underweight as it is. I need to gain weight. 101. Ever seen a therapist?  No, but I should. 102. Ever watched porn?  Yeah, I’ve seen some of it. I didn’t watch out of enjoyment, though. I don’t get the appeal, personally. 103. Ever purposely ignored a text?  Yes. 104. A facebook message?  Yes. 105. A poke? I always ignored those. That was a dumb feature Facebook had. 106. A friend request?  Yeah. I don’t accept a request from anyone I don’t know. 107. Would you say you read into things too much?  Yepppp.  108. Is your best friend more likely to be the one suggesting something stupid or refusing to do something stupid? Refusing. 109. Do you have a “fun friend?” (A friend who you have tons of fun with but you never really have deep conversations?)  No.  110. Ever been called a bully?  No. 111. Ever purposely hurt yourself?  Yes. 112. Ever gone to church? Yes. I used to go sometimes with both sets of grandparents when I was a kid. They were of different religions, so that began my complicated and non-existent relationship with religion. That changed a few years ago, though, and now I’m a Christian. For over a year I’ve only been listening to the audio version a local church uploaded to their website every Sunday until they started uploading video earlier this year. The past few months they’ve been doing live streams because of the quarantine/lockdown, but they’ll be continuing that going forward for those like me who aren’t able to physically attend. I plan to when I’m able, though. 113. Would you call either of your parents screw ups? Absolutely not! 114. If you turned out exactly like your mom would you be pleased? Yes. 115. What do you want to do with your life? I don’t know. That’s the problem. 
116. Let me guess… You have brown hair? Naturally, yes, but not currently. 117. Already know what you’re being for Halloween? I don’t dress up or do anything for Halloween anymore. The past few years I’ve just stayed home and watched scary movies. I do for the whole month of October, though. 118. Do you still go Trick or Treating? Uh, no. I’m going to be 31 years old this year. 119. Ever liked someone WAY older than you? Celebrities, but not anyone “in real life.” 120. Does it bother you when people have really loud conversations on the bus?  It didn’t really bother me back when I had to take the bus sometimes in college. 121. When you have sunglasses on, do you stare at people?  I don’t wear sunglasses. Also, staring is rude. I’ve had to deal with people staring at me, mostly kids, all my life. Not cool. 122. Ever had a credit card denied? No. 123. What’s the last movie you watched?  Parts of James and the Giant Peach yesterday. 124. Last TV Show?  The Golden Girls. 125. You see your Ex making out with one of your friends. What do you do? I don’t have any friends, but I imagine I wouldn’t like seeing that. 126. Ever been called a whore?  Jokingly. 127. Are you american?  Yes. 128. Ever made yourself throw up? No.  129. Have you ever kissed someone who wasn’t your boyfriend?  Yes. Joseph and I did that for the entire time of whatever it was we had going on.  130. Are you Cute or Gross?  I’m trash. 131. Does it bother you when people say “LOOK HOW MUCH YOU’VE GROWN!”? No one has said that to me in a very long time. I don’t recall being bothered by it, though. 132. Can you say intelligent things around the guy you like?  I don’t like anyone, currently.  133. Ever had the lead in a play?  Nope. Never tried out for a play either. 134. What about a solo in a concert?  Ha, no. I was in choir in elementary school for a few years, but there definitely weren’t any solo parts for me.  135. What kind of a student are you? I did well. 136. Worst subject?  It was always math. 137. Best subject? English. 138. Ever had a crush on a teacher? No. 139. Would it bother you if you found out that your mother was pregnant?  She had a hysterectomy several years ago. 140. How late do you sleep in?  Until like 230 or 3ish. 141. Do you edit your profile pictures before posting them?  I use a filter.  142. Be 100% honest. Do you have any friends who are uglier than you? I was the ugly friend. 143. Do you believe in love? Well, yeah. It exists. I just feel like I’ll never experience romantic love. I’ve been in love twice, but both times were unrequited. I can’t imagine finding love in return and someone who actually wants to be with me.  144. Would you consider yourself a good student?  Didn’t you ask this? 145. Does it bother you when Surveys ask “Did you like this survey?”  It just seems kinda pointless cause they likely won’t see it.  146. Salty, Sweet, Sour or Spicy?  Salty and sweet. I would have said spicy back in the day, but I can’t eat spicy food anymore. Haven’t been able to for the past few years. D: 147. Are you going into High School this year?  Nooooo. Thank goodness. I did my time and graduated over 10 years ago. 148. What about Junior High? Omg, no. I’m old. 149. What is one thing someone could say to you right now that would make you cry?  Let’s not try and make me cry. It’s almost 7AM, I should be asleep. 150. Where did you find this note? LiveJournal.  151. Last question. How many unread messages are in your phone?  I don’t leave any unread text messages. 
10 notes · View notes
szopenhauer · 4 years
What type of friend are you?  funny mom friend so like... dad friend? XD 
Have you ever been friends with someone for longer than 7 years? nah
Do you have a family member you hate? could say so
Does your family accept who you are? it’s complicated
Have you ever puked in school or at work? luckily not
Do you hate puking or does it make you feel better? hate 
Have you ever coughed up blood? nope
Do you lie to your doctor? sometimes we all have to but nothing important
Have you ever been misdiagnosed? yup
Do you think you have an disorder but havent been properly diagnosed yet? that too
Is self diagnosing good or bad? depends
Do you think sex is overated? it is
Is it important for both genders to understand eachothers bodies? I’m not dating men, I don’t want to have a son and I am not a doctor so I don’t care about male bodies, sorry
If someone was a virgin and was raped, did they lose their virginity? ...
Have you ever dated someone more than twice your age? nooo
Have you ever been cut off by a bartender because you were too drunk? I don’t drink
Have you ever borrowed money from your mom & lied about why you needed it? I don’t think so
Have you ever dated someone just because they had money? no
Have you ever lied to your spouse about the money you spent shopping? it wasn’t a lie but I bend the truth a little 
Have you ever gone on a first date with no underwear? I might go without a bra but because I don’t wanna wear it and not because I might have sex 
Do you treat attractive people better than others who aren’t as attractive? nope
Are you more comfortable with friends that are less attractive than you? not less but not more as more attractive might make me feel insecure at times
Have you ever hated a job to the point that you tried to get fired? I would if they let me stay in few places but luckily they didn’t care much about me as their worker hahaha
Have you ever lied about your weight on a driver license? there is weight on a driving license? :o
Have you ever lied during a job interview? meh
Have you ever lied to your boss to get out of work? I exaggerated feeling sick once to not get a job in a horrible place if that counts
Have you ever lied under oath in court? I wouldn’t!
Have you ever bought alcohol for someone underage? I said NO
Have you ever switched tags on an item to pay less for it? I only took tag from an identical item, just different color, as someone tore it out before and I really wanted that particular color, so no
Have you taken any pics of yourself that you wont want your parents to see? umm... yeah ^^”
Did you ever tell your BF/GF you like their outfit when you really didn’t? there are different types of like - like as I would want to wear that myself and like as I enjoy it in general but also like it on particular person etc. 
Do you feel accepted by your BF/GF ’s family? could be worse lol
Do you lie about your age? what for if everybody think I’m younger anyway
Would you risk your life to save a total stranger? maybe
Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? hell no
Have you ever snuck out of the house to go out with friends? not really
Have you ever shoplifted? no way
Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? yup Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? omg
Have you ever held back a well deserved compliment because you were jealous? I don’t recall
Do you guilt people into giving you what you want? hope not, I try not to, it’s manipulative and I already am seen this way due to my BPD so... 
Would most ppl consider you better than average looking? pfft Would you prefer to have hot body or high IQ? good health
Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? I’m ashamed to tell them that I don’t have a job 
Would you give up your car to save the planet? if I had one...
Are you more likely to believe a man or woman? woman :x
Has your credit card ever been declined? I don’t use a credit card
If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? oh no...
Do you think your parents are too critical of you? my mother is
Ever blame a sibling for something you did wrong? I usually have to take the blame for her instead
Have you ever accepted credit for someone else’s work? just my alters lmfao
Did you ever buy something expensive,wear it once and return it? I didn’t, I have no money to buy and no heart to act like this either
Have you ever re-gifted something? shitload of times
Do you really care about saving the planet for future generations? not for future ppl, just for itself
Do you own anything from IKEA? not furniture 
What was the last task that you required the use of scissors for? I just dropped them and let them lay on the floor under the table because I am unable to reach ‘em
Look around the room and name any item that’s grey. stuffed bad from Biedronka that I got on a flea market
Do you know what any of your close friends did yesterday afternoon? me and M. been spending time together while my parents were at home
Can you recall the last time you woke up in a bad mood? Why was that? I always do?...
Who was the last person to send you a message with a heart emoji? my gf obviously
Does your hometown have many good bookshops? none
What would be your typical outfit for a party? I don’t attend parties 
If your girlfriend/​​boyfriend broke up with you tonight, what would you do? oh...
last dream you had: K. 3D printed or smth almost identical album as the ones I had as a baby and her and my current partner gave it to me as a gift :3
do you think a lot of people think bad things about you? I aware of that
is your best friend pissing you off at this exact moment? I informed my father that I dropped scissors and now as I picked them up he asked me when and how they ended up there while I told him about it few minutes ago - I was more worried than annoyed tbh
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? she’s taking a nap
Sex ruins relationships, right? it can happen
Last person to stand up for you? hmm...
The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them? I lost count which is weird because I cry in front of my family members only (not even my grandma until I was a baby), I know that sometimes I cry in public but because I don’t give a fuck about strangers as much as I used to, close ones in the other hand... Nat hates the most when someone sees him so vulnerable
Something good going to happen tomorrow? doubt it
The last person you kissed hates you. Why? would have reasons
What do you usually do when the clock turns 11:11? it’s a secret you can unlock in a very high level of our relationship
Do you like your cell phone? it’s ok
So, what if you married the last person you kissed? we’re engaged so that dream ain’t that unreal
Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend? uh oh
Do you plan on moving out within the next year? I wish
What are you listening to at the moment? mom and dad talking <rolling my eyes>
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? or never
What’s your favorite high school memory? I have a bunch of those
Do you wish you had more money? absolutely
Team Jacob or Team Edward? team hate Twilight
Do you have a problem with bisexual, gay, or bicurious people? with bicurious maybe, definitely not gay
Have you ever held hands with the opposite sex? I have
Are you a patient person? weirdly unpatient Do you think you are a good person? am not
Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? ewww
Is there a difference between the word ‘best friend’ and ‘friend’? there is 
How was your week? rollerclaster XD
Does it bother you when an artist remakes a song that one has previously done? usually
When was the last time you cried? recently
What letter is the song you’re listening to under? M if vocalist/band B if title of the song
Would you rather visit the 60s or 70s? 60s I guess
Do your socks say anything on them? I have no socks with anything said on them
Name a TV channel that only has three letters in it. BBC
Gray or Grey? grey
Will you be buying concert tickets any time soon? I won’t
Have you seen the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Did you like it? yasss, it was fine
How many weddings have you been to? less than 5
When you smile, are you confident? I am not
Have you ever not done something because you were afraid of getting in trouble? of course
Was the weather beautiful today? it’s cold
Do you have to have a fan on when you sleep? I don’t own a fan Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? walls? orange 
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? why not whole
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? I dislike it
Does/Did your school have a uniform? middle school only and that was a great idea
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? not gonna
What’s your favorite thing to do? nothing
If your house was haunted, what would you do? depends
What’s worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? slow internet
Are you a fast or slow walker? which alter? :P
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? I must buy belt for Nat
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? no comment
What age do you look forward to reaching? I live on borrowed air...
What exercise do you hate the most? awkward ones
Do you know anyone that has a gecko as a pet? no
What color shirt is your mom wearing today? she’s wearing a striped pajama and light blue sweater atm
Does any part of your body hurt right now? mor than one
Do you like Greek Mythology? not a fan
When was the last time you had Pepsi? ages ago
What was the last question you answered, not on surveys? it was more an order than a question coming from my mom 
Do you own anything Polo? used to
Do you know anyone with exaggeratedly big muscles? neighbor
What is your favorite endangered animal? are elephants still endangered?
Do you like to dance? kinda, from time to time Who was the last person who screamed your name? mom’s calling me again, grrr...
Which underwater creature do you find the most badass? what do you mean?
How do you usually find out what the weather will be like for the next week? someone tells me, I ignore them, they were wrong all along
Why have/haven’t you joined Twitter? I left as it was boring and irritating Are you good at rhyming? but don’t like to rhyme
When’s the last time you were woken up in an obnoxious way? lately it’s common
Why do you/don’t you enjoy horror movies? they’re disgusting and pointless
Do you have any celebrity’s perfume? I don’t use perfume
How well do you do at Scrabble? in polish or english?
Who is your favorite Scooby-Doo character? Velma I suppose
Have you ever played or been interested in playing World Of Warcraft? been interested, liked the movie
What kind of cake/other dessert treat did you have for your last birthday? nothing?
Who do you think does the best job at cartoon voiceovers? Jarosław Boberek 
Does your dad wear a watch all the time? years ago frequently
How much ice cream do you think you’d be able to eat before you got sick? only a bit
Do you know anybody under 40 with grey hair? I have some myself
Do you think you have the potential to be a good stalker? oh well...
Why did you read the last book that you read? I watched film and heard it has a different ending so wanted to check it out
Have you ever cross-dressed? clothes have no gender but I drew mustaches and such 
Which sport are you the best at playing? unihokej/floorball or however it’s called
Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant despite using contraception? possibly
What would you do if you were in that situation? I’m an asexual and I’m into girls
Are you planning on buying a house in the near future? not possible
Do you prefer on-campus classes or online classes? online
What was your favorite family vacation you went on as a kid? personal
What’s something about you that others might find unpleasant or off-putting? my skin for example (not color)
What gaming consoles do you own? I only play PC and android 
Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? been to ER few times
Do you know any lesbian couples? I’m in one ;)
Have you ever lived in an apartment building?  just when I was staying with my grandmother
What was the last topic you asked someone for their opinion or advice on? not sure which was last
Is your house visible on Google Street View?- barely
What’s the largest thing you currently have in your refrigerator? *shrug*
Do you know anyone who has never had a pet? I believe
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? no thx
Would you take the 3 minute beatdown to be in a gang? neither Do you check your texts right away when you receive them? not every single time, it’s impossible!
Does it make you uncomfortable when you receive a compliment? sorta, I think they’re lying/want something or make fun of me (even if just slightly teasing for fun)
When you are home alone at night and hear strange noises, are you afraid someone is going to break in? I’m more “ghost” type of person hahaha
Do you wake up cranky? mhm
What is on your wrists right now? sleeves
Are you a beach, country, or city person? country or small town
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? we are 
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? ex - I got a gift and found a shirt for Nat and myself :3
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? -
Are you waiting for something? food
Something you do a lot? suffer
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? it’s not about the amount
What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? she likes hugs
How long have you liked the person you like? it’s a long story 
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? not our last kiss
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? I worry
Have you ever given your ALL to someone who walked away?
Tumblr media
Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? we kissed 
Are you one of those people who are always cold? not always but often
Do you tend to waste a lot of money? I still feel like it even tho I don’t, I thrift often but spend little for those trinkets
Did you sing at all today? może coś nuciłam, nie pamiętam, w headspace?
Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? weather
Do you own any articles of clothing with skulls on it? gave it away to John
Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? typing on the computer
In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? hate
Tongue piercings - cute or trashy? trashy
When it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? skinny
Would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? none
They say diamonds are a girls best friend; what do you say? I don’t care for diamonds
Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? plenty of times
Do you get on better with funny or serious people? smth in between
Do you have mood swings around the time of the month? I don’t need period to have mood swings, it’s stereotypical!
Have your friends met the last person you kissed? aha
What if you got stuck in a lift with the last person who Facebook messaged you? we would end up having sex? jk
When/where did your last hug take place? today
Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? kind of
Do you and your friends have any inside jokes? and with family 
When you listen to music, do you ever find that the songs affect your moods and change how you feel? no shit Sherlock!
What’s one thing about today that you didn’t like? don’t wanna talk about all that
Who is the last person that you said i love you to, besides family members? my fiancee
Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships? done
Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? we’re together again
Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? :D
What’s a cuss word you use often? there’s a whole list
Who’s the last guy you texted? dad
Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? this question...
Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? I remember how we met
Do you believe that people talk about you behind your back? ha!
If you had twins, would you give them rhyming names? yuk
What are you listening to? Tame Impala - Let It Happen
Did you do something mean to someone today? she deserved it!
Is there anyone that you wish was IN your life who used to be? babcia...
Give us a lyric from a song you’re listening to: The truth of it is it doesn’t get better than this
Is your birthday in less than 6 months? whoops
What brings out the worst in you? better not say that out loud
How’re you feeling right now? bad
Are you afraid of the future? very
Do you believe in true love? I’m trying
Do you believe that every one has a soul-mate? not everybody
Was today a good day? should be better
What woke you up this morning? woke up on my own
Do you look people in the eye when you talk to them? I don’t 
Have you ever played naked twister? wut...
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? not yet and don’t plan to keep it that long
Would you get in trouble if you came home drunk? that would be a shock to my family (and to me)
Do you ever think about things and start to worry? 100% of the time
Are you one to get annoyed easily? that me!
Is the last person you kissed yours? we don’t own ppl...
Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today? girl
Are you scared of spiders? am not
Do you hate the last boy who talked to you? I love my parent
Do you tend to make things complicated? not on purpose
Have you ever gotten to the point where you’ve said “I’m done trying”? gqe1gIQASGCK...
Do you think things will change in the next few months? I’m afraid for worse 
Do you like when people play with your hair? it’s strange
What are you wearing right now? bluzę w czarne i białe paski, zieloną bluzkę z długimi rękawami i szare legginsy z niebieskim wzorkiem
Ever feel like you have been replaced? more than once
Would you rather write a paper or give a speech? write
Are you lying to yourself about something? thx a lot for this ask...
Is the person you last texted single? she’s with me
Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again? tha hell
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to? just my own apartment
Which do you prefer, relationship or a one-night-stand? relationship
2 notes · View notes
svedone-writes · 5 years
it was always you | t.h. | year one, part one
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pictures from the esquire china shoot and the man about town shoot, others are stock/public domain, moodboard created by me!
series masterlist
series summary: tom holland is your boy next door–well, technically, he’s the boy across the hall, but that’s not important. what isimportant is that you’re now in college, the perfect time to branch out and try something new. tom is the perfect way to do that: he’s attractive, funny, kind, caring–and unfortunately, not into you…or so you think.
chapter summary:  you arrive at college and quickly become friends with your boy-across-the-hall (gee, that’s a mouthful) tom holland. he’s apparently not into you, though, which makes your drunken confession even more awkward.
warnings: mature language, underage drinking
word count: 9.1k
author’s note: my first series! i’m very excited to share this with you all. a few notes: in this, tom has experience acting/dancing (he mentions he was in billy elliot) but has not made it big. the reader is female--i tried making the reader as gender neutral as possible, but later on in the series there will be smut and i only know how to write that from a female perspective. also, ____ pretty much means y/n, i just prefer to use that instead. anyway, enjoy!
your stomach was a bundle of nerves and excitement. it was your first day of college—the beginning of the rest of your life, or at least that’s what everyone said. you’d take classes, figure out your place in the world, and be on your own for the first time.
yeah, okay, that might be a little too romanticized. and technically it wasn’t your first day of classes (those didn’t start until tomorrow). but! you were moving in, and that felt like enough of a beginning for you. you were pulling a cart full of your belongings, gripping your new room key tight in your hand and carefully reading the numbers on all of the doors to find your dorm. there were a lot of other students here on your floor already, and you passed a few rooms with doors already open and briefly got glances of students and their parents unpacking luggage and setting up futons. unfortunately, your family couldn’t make it to help you move in, but you found that you didn’t mind much. you didn’t have much to move in, anyway, since your roommate graciously offered to bring a lot of the bigger items (like your fridge and futon) as long as you stocked up on snacks and drinks for a while.
finally, you reached your room and found that it was already open. you nervously walked in, leaving your cart of belongings in the hall momentarily. “hello?” you asked into the seemingly empty dorm. your roommate zendaya—whom you had matched with in the university’s roommate matching process—had told you she was arriving before you. there was stuff half unpacked, and one of the beds was made, but you couldn’t see your roommate anywhere—until she popped her head out of your shared closet.
“hey! i was wondering when you would get here!” she smiled and stepped out of the closet to greet you. “do you need any help with your stuff? i know you said your family couldn’t come today.”
you gestured to the cart in the hallway. “nah, i’ve got it all. thank you, though! it’s so good to finally meet you in person, by the way.” zendaya smiled a little brighter at that and continued to hang her clothes up. “i mean, i don’t want to sound weird or anything, but you’re somehow way prettier in person than in your pictures.”
she laughed. “thanks!” she already seemed like an incredibly easy-going and kind person, and that made you feel all the more relieved. you’d heard several roommate horror stories before, and you didn’t want to have any similar experiences.
you brought the cart into the room and started unpacking your things. it was a little overwhelming, to be honest, but you picked a bag and started there, slowly making your side of the room a little more homey. you were making your bed when you heard loud voices from across the hall.
“—i mean jeez, haz, you don’t need that many sneakers here! you’re taking up way too much space for all three of us to have our shoes.”
“well, it’s a little late for that now, huh? and anyway, you don’t see me complaining about your stuff.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“i mean your ratty ass spider-man bed sheets.”
“fuck off, you know i’ve had those since i was 7.”
“are you hearing yourself talk right now, mate?”
you and zendaya burst out laughing, unable to hold it in any longer. you were both clutching each other to keep from falling over when the door across the hall opened and one of the boys poked his head out. “no, please, carry on,” you managed to get out in between laughs. he looked a little sheepish as he opened their door all the way.
“note to self, the rooms are not soundproof,” he said. he had striking blue eyes and slightly ruffled blonde hair, with a smile that was almost blinding.
“what? what are they saying?” the other voice said. another boy came to the door and took your breath away a bit. you couldn’t even pinpoint just one thing about him that made him attractive: maybe it was the strong jawline, or his biceps (i mean come on, what kind of college freshman has arms like that) or maybe it was the way he looked at you, full of kindness and warmth and laughter, like you had already known each other for years. “oh, hi, i’m tom. this is harrison.” the first boy—harrison, you tried to commit to memory—gave a little wave.
“i’m zendaya, and this is my roommate ____.”
you smiled brightly, happy that you were already making friends on your first day here. “it’s really nice to meet you guys.”
“you as well,” harrison replied. “we better get back to it. let us know if you’d like to laugh at tom’s sheets some more.” he turned and went back into their room. tom followed, protesting and cursing in the same breath.
once their door closed, you turned to zendaya and let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. she cracked a smile. “they’re kind of hot.”
“kind of? they’re almost unreal,” you whispered, now wary of how much sound your dorm walls didn’t block out. “and there’s two of them.”
zendaya shrugged a bit and went back to organizing her dresser, still smiling. “one for you, one for me, huh?” you laughed at that and continued organizing your things as well. “nah, that’s not for me.” she continued.
“just…dating. we’re so young, and i don’t think commitment works out very well at this age. besides, i want to focus on school.” it almost sounded like she’d been burned before by a relationship, but you could also tell she didn’t really want to talk about it.
instead of questioning her further, you simply said, “that’s fair.” the room stayed silent after that until you both were finally finished putting away all of your things. you both stood back by the door, surveying your hard work. your side was a little…eclectic, but zendaya’s half of the room was sleek and well put together. “wow, you have much better style than me.”
“hm, maybe i’ll have to be your personal stylist this year.” you both laughed. “c’mon, let’s go get something to eat, i’m starving.”
the next morning, you were leaving to go to your first class of the day. as you locked the door—zendaya was already gone, having left for an earlier class about an hour ago—the door across the hall opened, and tom stepped out.
“hey! ____, right?” he greeted.
“yeah! and you’re tom,” you pretended to confirm, like you hadn’t thought of him for an unhealthy amount of time last night.
he grinned. “that’s me, thanks for remembering. you headed to class?”
“yeah, calculus, you?”
“no way, me too! is it with professor lang?” you nodded as he joined you in walking toward the exit. “god, i’m not excited. i’m absolute shit at maths, but i have to take it as a gen-ed.”
you wouldn’t exactly describe yourself as a genius with math, but you had done well enough throughout high school. “hm, well, looks like i’ll have to help you study then, if you want.”
he seemed to smile even wider at that. “that would be great.”
as you walked together to your first college lecture, you both told each other about your respective majors and what you hoped to do with them before transitioning to small talk about your lives. tom was in the middle of telling you a story about his younger brothers when you finally reached the lecture hall. it wasn’t as big as you were expecting it to be; it was definitely larger than any high school classroom you’d been in, but you had been imagining a huge auditorium with hundreds of other students in it. instead, your calculus lecture couldn’t have been more than 50 or 60 students.
you moved to sit in one of the front rows, but tom lightly grabbed your arm and nodded toward the back. “d’you think we could sit back there instead?” you chewed your lip nervously before nodding and following him to one of the last rows. someone had told you that it was best to sit in the front few rows during lectures…but you supposed it wouldn’t hurt to sit in the back for one of your classes.
when you did finally sit, tom looked at you gratefully. “thanks, i just don’t want the professor to call on me or something and embarrass myself in front of the whole class. it’s one of my biggest fears.”
“what, embarrassing yourself?” you asked as you took your notebook out of your bag.
“not exactly. i do theater, and one of my biggest fears is being on stage in front of a lot of people and then forgetting all of my lines.” he looked a little embarrassed as he grabbed his own notebook.
you, however, were incredibly intrigued. “that’s really cool. did you do school plays and stuff?”
tom seemed to get even more flustered. “um, kind of? i was in billy elliot when i was 12. i was one of the billy’s.”
your eyes widened in surprise, and a million other questions filled your mind—but then your professor walked in and started class. in high school, the first day was usually just going over the syllabus and chatting about the summer. turns out, in college, it’s not like that at all. your professor introduced herself and briefly went over the structure of the class—
(“there will be two exams in the semester, not including your final. you will also have quizzes every monday over the previous week’s material,” your professor had said. at this, tom looked over at you with wide, panic-stricken eyes, to which you responded by mouthing i’ll help you study. the relief and gratitude in his eyes made your stomach twist almost painfully).
—which only took 10 minutes. the rest of the class was spent going over the entire first chapter of your behemoth of a textbook. most of it was review, thankfully, but tom looked like he was going to break a finger from how furiously he was taking notes. when class finally let out, he turned to you. “this class might actually be the death of me.”
you laughed as you packed up your bag. “you’ll be fine. we can review sunday nights before the quizzes, if you want.”
‘”i’ll probably need more help than that. i require very individualized attention,” he replied with a cheeky smile and a wink.
in that moment, a girl tapped on his shoulder, holding his pencil that must’ve rolled onto the ground. “i think you dropped this.”
tom took the pencil from her and smiled brightly. “thanks, love.”
the girl smiled too, her face much redder than it had been before, before turning and hurrying away. tom turned back to you, still smiling. “you ready to head back?” you were quickly learning your least favorite thing about tom: you genuinely couldn’t tell when he was flirting or just being nice.
“i actually have another class i’ve got to get to, but i’ll see you later?”
he nodded, his shoulders a little lower than before. he almost seemed disappointed that you were parting ways. “i’ll see you later, then.”
the rest of your classes went well, albeit much more boring than the class you shared with tom. by the time you got back to your dorm, you were dead tired, but you still had a few introductory assignments that you wanted to get started with.
zendaya was back as well. when you walked in, she was sitting at her desk, hunched over her laptop. she leaned back at your arrival, though, and smiled. “hey roomie.”
you scrunched your nose as you set your bag down. “ew. please don’t ever call me that again.”
she laughed. “got it. how were your classes?”
“pretty good,” you shrugged, “how were yours?”
zendaya stood, stretched, and then walked over to your shared mini fridge (which you had stocked as requested). “really good, actually. i’m really excited for my journalism class.” she grabbed herself a drink and tossed you one as well.
“that’s really good, z,” you said in between gulps. “i wish i was in at least one class for my major and not stuck taking all of these gen-eds.”
“but then you might not be in a class with tom.”
you choked on your drink at that. “how did you know?”
“i could see it on your face. nah, harrison told me. we happened to be getting lunch at the same time, and he said that tom had mentioned it.”
“did he say what exactly tom said about me?” you questioned, trying (and failing) to sound nonchalant and unbothered.
zendaya didn’t seem to be fooled. “nope. he did say that you offered to help him study for calc.” you looked a little sheepish at that. “just…be careful, okay? i don’t really know tom that well, but…he seems like a bit of a heartbreaker.”
you weren’t sure if you agreed with her assessment of tom, but you nodded anyway. “i promise i’ll be careful.” she smiled and went back to her work, leaving you to do your own and mull over her words.
the rest of the week happened without incident; while your classes didn’t have anything to do with your major, none of them were that unbearable. your worst class would’ve been calc, but thankfully, you had tom to keep you entertained. he was growing on you incredibly quickly to the point that calculus was your new favorite class.
tom had noticed that, too. “why are you always so excited to go to calc?” he asked as you bounded toward him in the hallway of your dorm. you were headed to your friday lecture, and you almost couldn’t believe you’d already made it through your first week of college.
you shrugged. “maybe i just like math.”
“i doubt that, but whatever, keep your secrets,” he smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “hey, uh, can i ask you something? like, for advice?”
“sure, what’s up?”
“well, there’s this girl in one of my classes…i really like her, but i don’t know how to tell her without being a total div.”
you hummed in response, your heart racing. you figured it probably wasn’t you. he obviously had classes outside of the one he shared with you, and they all probably had pretty girls in them. but…you also figured that maybe you had the same chances that they had. “it’s okay if you act like a bit of an idiot. it’s kind of cute, and it shows that you’re really into them.”
“really?” he seemed surprised.
“yeah, guys that are too smooth seem like douches, like they’ve done it a thousand times before and couldn’t be bothered. you can be a little smooth, but being dorky and cheesy is also really attractive, too.”
tom nodded, seeming a lot more confident than before. “i’ll try to remember that then. hey, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” he asked in a flirty, over-the-top voice. you burst out laughing, and before long, he did too.
that sunday, during your very first study session in your floor’s lounge with tom, you asked him about it. “so, have you tried any of your horrible pick-up lines on mystery girl yet?”
he looked up from his notes and grinned. it was something he did a lot, and yet each smile never failed to make your chest tighten or your stomach do flips. “i did, actually.”
“ooh, how did it go?” despite your cheery tone, your heart had immediately dropped when he said that. a good friend would be happy for him, you reminded yourself, and you should be happy that you at least get to be his friend.
he crossed his arms nervously. “well, she thought it was funny, but i don’t know if she could tell that i wasn’t just having a laugh.”
“aw. well, on the bright side, being funny will probably make her like you even more.”
“more? i don’t even know if she likes me at all.”
you rolled your eyes. “come on, tom, you’re kind of the full package. you’re athletic, sweet, funny, and pretty cute.” tom looked at you a little surprised but incredibly pleased regardless, and you hurried to move the conversation on before he could question you about what you’d just said. “anyway, tell me more about your mystery girl.”
he put his chin on his hand thoughtfully. “well, she’s just…really great, i guess. she’s really nice and funny, and we get on really well, but…i just can’t tell if she’s into me, d’you know what i mean?” he searched your face, then, almost like he was trying to see what your reaction was. after a brief moment, he shook his head a little and turned back to his notes. “what about you? anyone you fancy at all?”
you chewed your lip nervously. you knew if you started rambling, it was possible that you would accidentally give away that you had a little—okay, massive—crush on him. play it safe. “nah, not really. i mean, it’s only been a week, so i haven’t had the time to get to know anyone yet.”
“i’d say we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well,” tom replied carefully. your eyes narrowed, trying to gauge what he meant by that, but he kept his gaze down toward his notes. “hey, could you help me with this problem?”
“sure, what number is it?”
“oh, i just finished that one. here, you can look at how i did it.” you grabbed your notebook with the intention of sliding it over to him, but he instead slid behind you to look over your shoulder. he was extremely close, to the point that you could feel his warm breath on your ear. you stilled, then, painfully aware of your proximity to each other and the fact that your heart was beating erratically.
“i’m an idiot. the three is negative, not positive.” tom moved back to his previous position, and like that, the moment was over.
the next day, you and tom were sitting in your calculus lecture hall, glancing over your respective notes before the quiz. suddenly, a girl—the same girl that had given tom his pencil the first day and stared at him every lecture since—tapped on his shoulder. “hi, sorry, i was gone on friday, do you think i could borrow your notes?”
tom smiled and nodded. “of course.” he leafed through his papers before finding friday’s notes and handed them over. a ripple of jealousy went through you. he’s just sharing notes, not marrying the girl. get over yourself, you thought, but it hardly made you feel any better.
soon the professor was striding in and passing out the quizzes. the girl from earlier quickly returned his notes then, and tom stuffed them in his binder. the bottom corner was sticking out, though, which otherwise wouldn’t have caught your eye—except for the fact that the girl had written her number in bright purple ink and signed her name (emma, apparently) with a smiley face.
you took the quiz with your teeth clenched, and for the rest of the class you couldn’t think of anything else but how tom might react. would he be excited? maybe this was the mystery girl he had been talking about. even if it wasn’t, you couldn’t deny that she was pretty and seemed nice, so maybe he’d be excited regardless.
to your surprise, tom didn’t react much at all. “oh,” was all he said before showing you.
“are you going to text her?” you tried to say as nonchalantly as possible.
he looked at you with a curious glint in his eyes. “should i?”
“is she your mystery girl?”
your body finally relaxed at that. “then i don’t know, it’s up to you. you could, to make your mystery girl jealous, but that wouldn’t really be fair to this girl.”
tom looked at it for a little while longer, but before long, he ended up stuffing it in his backpack. “i probably won’t. i don’t want to lead her on or anything. but…you make a good point.”
you smiled. “i always do.”
your suggestion ended up being a horrible move for you. the next study session you had together, tom dropped the bomb. “so i texted that girl.”
“what girl?” you asked distractedly, in the middle of working through a math problem.
“the girl from calc who gave me her number.”
your pencil immediately stilled at that. “i thought you didn’t want to lead her on.”
“well...let’s just say i’m keeping my options open. emma’s really nice, actually. and i don’t think mystery girl is into me, unfortunately.”
you turned fully toward him, your calculus homework forgotten. “what makes you say that?”
tom shrugged like it didn’t really bother him, but you could tell that it did. “she said there’s no one she fancies yet, and that obviously means she doesn’t fancy me. who knows, though, maybe there’s still hope, but i might as well see what emma’s like.” there were several emotions racing through you at that. you were relieved that mystery girl hadn’t worked out, you were frustrated that he had already moved on to a different girl (other than you, that is), but most of all, you were angry with yourself that you couldn’t just be happy for him.
so you forced a smile and turned back to your work. “well, maybe it’s a good thing, then. maybe mystery girl really doesn’t like you, or you and mystery girl weren’t meant to be. maybe emma will be really good for you.”
“do you really think that?” tom quietly asked. you looked at him again and were surprised to see his utterly dejected expression. “i just…really like her.”
“you don’t have to give up hope, then,” you reassured him quickly. “mystery girl could just be nervous, or she didn’t want to give away that she liked you. i mean, it is a little too straightforward to ask if she likes anyone. who knows, maybe she’ll get jealous and realize she liked you all along. or maybe she doesn’t even know you like her! maybe she just thinks you’re being nice.” you’re rambling at this point, because despite the fact that tom was telling you all about the people he liked that weren’t you, you would do anything to make him smile—because he did the same for you.
tom nodded. “how do i make sure she knows, then?”
“well, just be into her, i guess. ask her about herself—not just, like, how her day is going, but about her life and stuff.”
“okay,” he hummed, already looking a bit happier. “hey, you know, i never got to ask you this, but what’s your biggest fear?”
“huh?” you were a little taken aback by the suddenly personal question.
“the first day of classes, you asked me mine, and i never asked you yours. you don’t have to answer if you don’t want, though.”
you closed your textbook, resigned to the fact that you probably wouldn’t get anymore work done that night. “gosh, probably…realizing at the end of my life that i never mattered. like, i never did anything important, or i never truly mattered to someone else.”
both of you were quiet at that, before tom said, “oh. mine seems a little stupid now.”
you cracked a wry smile. “fears are never stupid.”
“if it makes you feel any better, you matter to me. i mean, i know we’ve only been friends for a couple weeks, but you’ve made me feel the most welcome here. you’re like, my best friend after harrison. and i’ll always be here for you, you know that, right?” you met his gaze, and your breath caught in your throat. tom was looking at you earnestly, as if in that moment, you were about the only thing that mattered.
tom had an uncanny ability to make anyone feel important, and that had to be your favorite part of him, you realized in that moment. he was so kind and caring that he genuinely wanted every person he interacted with to feel wanted. he would truly be the death of you, if you weren’t careful enough. (and you weren’t being careful enough, you also realized in that moment, because it had only been two weeks and you already knew that tom could ask you to do anything and you’d say yes.)
“thank you, tom.” you finally replied. there was a sort of tension in the air now—you couldn’t exactly put your finger on it, but it was almost like the entire world was holding its breath.
he stood up and held his arms open. “come on.”
you smiled sheepishly and stood to accept the hug. it immediately felt like the safest thing you had ever experienced. tom rubbed slow circles into your back, and you let yourself bury your face into the crook of his neck. when you both finally stood apart, his hands came back to rest on your arms. you were clutching his shirt, entirely reluctant to go, and all pretense of hiding your attraction to him was out the window.
tom looked at you with eyebrows furrowed, the same way he looked at a calculus problem he couldn’t figure out how to solve. there was a glint of determination in his eyes, too, like he’d do whatever it took to solve the problem he was looking at. at some point, tom’s lips parted slightly, and you couldn’t help but to glance down before quickly looking back up, hoping he hadn’t noticed. when you did meet his eyes again, you immediately knew he had. but whatever he would’ve done about it was interrupted by his phone buzzing.
the spell that had fallen over the two of you was broken, and you jumped apart like you had both been caught doing something wrong. you hurriedly began to put your stuff away.
“sorry, just emma asking if she could sit with us during lecture. is that cool?”
“yeah,” you answered, a little harsher than you intended, “totally cool.”
it was not, in fact, totally cool. during your shared lectures from then on, tom barely paid you any mind, only turning to you to ask for clarification on whatever your professor was talking about. sure, you still walked together in the morning, and during that time it was like nothing had changed. but during and after class, his attention was solely on emma. he was hardly around outside of class, as well, and sometimes missed your study sessions during the week (but never your sunday sessions—you held onto those desperately, because they were the only times you could pretend tom only wanted to be with you). it hurt, deeply, not just because you had feelings for him, but because of all the things he said that night no longer felt true.
however, you couldn’t deny that despite his lessened presence, you were still getting to know him more and more throughout the weeks that went on. you found out all about his childhood full of dancing and gymnastics—which explained his athletic physique—and about his love for acting. (“it’s the best feeling in the world, being on a stage or on set,” tom had said almost breathlessly, his eyes full of light, and you wanted to take a picture in that moment so you would never forget how truly happy he had looked.) in exchange, you told him about your life and your interests, and he paid each story such careful attention that if you tried hard enough, you could forget that you were now his second-best. tom would always be there to listen to your misfortunes, too, and always offered comfort at the end of your more negative stories—although nothing had happened like the night you told him your biggest fear. it all almost, almost made up for the time he was now gone.
in tom’s absence, though, you also got to know his roommates a lot better. you hadn’t found out until recently that he had a third roommate, jacob, who was incredibly witty but also very kind. you, zendaya, harrison, and jacob would get dinner together frequently, and before long, they all knew how hopelessly into tom you were.
“i mean, it just sucks,” you said one night at dinner. zendaya playfully rolled her eyes; she heard about your troubles all day, every day. “one night he’s telling me that i’m super important to him or whatever, and then the following week he barely talks to me except to ask for help in math. who does that?”
harrison chewed on his french fry thoughtfully before swallowing and answering. “he’s always been a bit like that. tom means well, but he’s just a bit clueless, i think.”
jacob nodded in agreement. “his heart is in the right place. tom’s a really good guy, but he can be an idiot sometimes.” he looked like there was more he wanted to say about the subject, but instead he took a bite of his food.
zendaya, meanwhile, merely shrugged. “i’ll kick his ass for you, if it makes you feel any better.” the whole table laughed, and soon the conversation moved on to the topic of all the upcoming exams you all had.
it was already almost the middle of the semester—you couldn’t believe how fast time flied in college—and midterms were rolling around for all of you. you and tom were having your standard sunday study session, but this time it was a lot quieter as you both pored over all the material that would be on your first exam for the class.
“would it be alright if emma joined us? she’s kind of freaking about the exam,” tom asked about an hour into studying.
you turned the page of your textbook, trying to look unbothered. “sure.”
“awesome, she’ll be here in a half hour.”
you simply nodded in response before sitting back and rubbing your eyes. “hey, do you want to order a pizza? i’m getting kind of hungry and—”
“i asked her to be my girlfriend,” tom blurted. you stopped talking, startled into silence at his sudden omission. “sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt, just…thought you ought to know.”
“oh.” you finally managed to say in response.
“oh? what does that mean?”
“nothing, i’m just surprised, i guess. did she say yes?”
of course she did, why wouldn’t she? “i’m…really happy for you, tom,” you replied carefully.
“you are?”
“of course, you’re one of my best friends. why wouldn’t i be happy for you?”
tom didn’t have anything to say to that, instead turning back to his textbook. an awkward silence fell over the room until emma finally came through the door.
“thank you so much for letting me come study, i’m so nervous for this exam,” she said as she took her things out of her bag. tom gave her a quick kiss on the cheek (which, to you, felt like he was ripping your heart out—wow, get it together, way too melodramatic there, you thought to yourself, it’s been a month and a half, it’s not like you’re in love with him) and, strangely, immediately stole a glance at you, almost as if he wanted to see your reaction. you had quickly looked back at your book, though, so he missed the pained expression in your eyes. “oh! before i forget,” emma continued, “there’s a party one of my friends is throwing this weekend to celebrate being halfway through the semester, you guys should come!”
“i’d love to,” tom responded. he turned to you. “what about you, ____?”
you were about to say no before you stopped yourself. you know what? let’s do this. “absolutely, it’ll be fun,” you answered with a blinding smile. “you know, i’m really tired, and i doubt i’ll remember anything else i study. i can leave my notes for you two to look at, though.”
“that would be so nice, thank you!” emma looked incredibly grateful, while tom looked seriously confused. he was staring at you like the wind had been knocked out of his lungs. you paid him no mind, though, and went back to your room, your shoulders square with determination.
“i need your help,” you said once you got back to your dorm.
zendaya leaned back in her desk chair and turned to look at you. “with what?”
“i’m going to a party this weekend and i need to look hot.”
“this isn’t about tom, is it?” she immediately asked. you smiled guiltily, but all she did was shake her head and stand up. “well, i’m going home this weekend, but i can pick an something out for you now.”
you both began to sort through your clothes. after an hour or so, she had finally assembled an outfit, and you stood in front of your mirror full of gratitude. “damn. thank you, z, this really means a lot.”
“no problem. just…be safe, okay?”
“i will, i promise.” you were 0 for 1 with your promises to zendaya, but you figured this one would be a little bit easier to keep.
the rest of the week was simultaneously a blur and the longest week of your life. your calc exam came and went—
(“____!” tom had yelled from across the hall. you both came out of your rooms at the same time, and he swept you into a bone-crushing hug, lifting you up and spinning you around. you assumed he had gotten his exam score back—your professor promised that scores would be in by the end of the week, assuring everyone that the ta’s would be hard at work to meet that deadline. “i got a b! i did it!”
“i’m so proud of you, tom,” you responded softly, letting yourself be carried around. you truly were proud of him. despite everything, you couldn’t help but be happy for him and proud of him, because he was tom, your boy-across-the-hall, one of the few people that made you feel like you mattered, even when he inevitably left you behind. you’d be damned if you didn’t try to make him feel the same.)
—and before long it was finally the end of the week. you found that you were actually excited for the party, not just because of tom, but because it felt like you were finally going to have the chance to let go and enjoy the fact that you were now a college student, even if it was already halfway through your first semester.
you were just finishing up your makeup for the party when tom knocked on the door. “____? you ready?”
“just a sec!” you called back, giving yourself a once-over in the mirror before opening the door. “sorry, just finishing my makeup.” he was looking down at his phone and tapping out a response to someone—probably emma, if you had to guess.
“no worries, i—” tom finally looked up from his phone. “oh, wow. you, uh, your outfit is really nice.”
you smiled. “thank you, tom. where’s emma?”
he glanced back down at his phone. “she’s waiting in the lobby.” you both headed down, then, and you almost felt like you were glowing from tom’s flustered response.
when you got done to the lobby, emma greeted you both with an enthusiastic grin. “____, you look amazing!” tom walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek as he wound his arm around emma’s waist. “hi, tommy,” she giggled. your stomach lurched, but you shook your head a little and maintained your confidence.
you were quiet on the walk over to emma’s friend’s place, only speaking when directly asked something; you were trying to save your energy for the night ahead. when you finally reached the party, a bundle of nerves and excitement had built inside your stomach. “i’ll catch you later,” you quickly said to the both of them before diving into the crowd to find a drink.
the living room of the house had been turned into a makeshift dancefloor—music played loudly and the center of the room was packed with bodies. most of them were girls dancing with their friends, laughing and taking pictures together, but some pairs of people were dancing a little more sensually (if it could be called that; some were so drunk that they were just sort of moving side to side wildly). it took you a few minutes of navigating through the mass of sweaty, drunk college students, but you finally managed to find the drink table, which was being watched over by a bored-looking—but definitely attractive—boy.
there was an array of bottles laid out, plus a bin full of pink, fruity liquid and stacks of solo cups of regular and shot-glass sizes. you stood back and examined all of them, unsure of where to start. shots might be good to get you buzzed quickly, but maybe it would be better to mix a drink and sip on it.
“having trouble deciding?” the boy watching the drinks asked.
your head snapped up and you smiled sheepishly. “um, yeah, just indecisive. don’t know if i should do a shot first or start with a mixed drink instead.”
he nodded. “well, stay away from the jungle juice,” he gestured to the bin of pink liquid, “i watched them mix it earlier and there’s a whole bottle of vodka in there and then some.”
“oh.” you moved a little closer to hear him better—the music had somehow managed to get louder.
“yeah, in general, avoid drinks that you haven’t mixed yourself, especially at parties like this. you never know what’s in them. obviously, i know what’s in this one, but just for the future.”
you were still straining to hear him until you finally resolved to moving to his side of the table. he raised an eyebrow at that, to which you defensively replied, “i couldn’t hear you! the music is so loud.”
he laughed. “i’m just messing with you. anyway, normally shots are more fun with other people—”
“then i’ll just have a mixed drink then. thanks for the help!”
you moved to make a drink, but he stopped you with his hand. “woah, you didn’t let me finish. who said you’re alone?”
“isn’t it a little irresponsible to take a shot of the drinks you’re supposed to be watching over?” you quipped.
he gave you an overexaggerated smolder. “i like to live life on the edge.” you laughed at that, and he looked a little pleased with himself. “think of it this way: i’m quality checking.”
“oh, well when you put it that way, you’re just doing your job. i can’t fault you for that. in fact, i’d be preventing you from doing your job if i said no.” you cheekily responded. you were surprised at how easy it was to banter with this boy you had just met only five minutes ago. your mind flashed to tom, briefly, before you pushed him out of your mind. he has a girlfriend now. you deserved to enjoy yourself.
“see? somebody gets it!” he grabbed two of the disposable shot glasses and then motioned to the various bottles. “pick your poison.”
your gaze went down the row of drinks before landing on a bottle of blue liquid. “that one,” you pointed.
he chuckled and grabbed it, pouring out the shots. “ah, uv blue. the classic college girl drink. by the way, what’s your name? it’s vital shot-taking information.”
“____, yours?”
“henry. it’s nice to meet you. you ready?”
you nodded and went to immediately knock the drink back. “woah!” henry stopped you before you could. “there’s a little more finesse to it than that.” he grabbed his shot. “okay, so you’ll start with it at the table. then, you’ll bring it up to clink it with mine, then you’ll bring it down to the table again, and finally you’ll bring it up and take it. down, up, down, up. got it?”
“i think so.”
“we’ll do it slow. okay, down,” you both held your drinks at the table, “up,” the plastic glasses clinked together, “down again,” you brought it back down to the table, trying not to spill, “and up again.” you finally brought the drink to your lips and quickly swallowed it.
you shuddered only slightly, surprised at how okay it had ended up tasting. “hey, that wasn’t that bad!”
“yeah, you say that now, but give it until the end of the year. you won’t be able to stand it by then.” henry was throwing away your cups and putting the bottle back while you scanned the crowd. you found tom after only a few moments. he was standing with emma, looking a little bored as she talked animatedly with a few other girls. “is that your boyfriend?” henry asked, making you jump a little.
“no, he’s just…he lives across the hall from me. i’ve liked him a lot since the beginning of the year, but he has a girlfriend now, so…” you finally turned back to look at him. “sorry, you probably didn’t want to know that.”
henry shrugged. “nah, it’s fine. i get it, i’ve been through something like that before. it sucks, but you just have to move on, otherwise you’ll always be stuck on that same person.” he glanced over to where tom was standing before looking back at you. “don’t look, but he’s watching us right now. i think he might be coming over.”
it took all of your willpower not to glance over again, but you stayed facing henry. “what do i do?”
he searched your face. “well, what are you comfortable with?”
you looked at him in confusion before it finally dawned on you. “oh. um…” you were already feeling a bit buzzed from the shot, and you almost wanted to ask him to kiss you—almost. you weren’t quite confident enough for that. (and maybe, just maybe, you didn’t quite want to kiss someone other than tom, but you’d never admit it, even to yourself.) “i don’t know, nothing too serious.”
after a few seconds of thought, henry smiled and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear before resting his hand on your shoulder. “now laugh,” he instructed, and you did as you were told, putting all your effort into making it seem genuine. “okay, now look at him while still smiling.”
you did, and your heart dropped despite the smile on your face. tom’s eyebrows were furrowed, and even though he was across the room, you could see the hurt in his eyes, which ultimately accused you. he’s probably mad that you abandoned him to take a shot and flirt with a random stranger, you decided as you looked back to henry. “thank you,” you finally said.
“no problem. wanna do another shot?” you eagerly accepted his offer. this time, you went through the motions a lot quicker and didn’t even shudder after you had swallowed. “see? you’re almost a professional now.”
you were definitely feeling the alcohol now. the music seemed to be calling your name, and you moved along with it. “i think i’m gonna go dance,” you told henry. “feel free to come with.”
he gestured to the table. “sorry, can’t abandon my duty. i think someone’s supposed to come relieve me soon, though, so maybe i’ll come find you.”
“bring me a drink when you do?”
“i’ll think about it. now, go, enjoy yourself. don’t let him ruin your night.”
you walked away before you could even process what he had said. before long, you were in the middle of the crowd, dancing and swaying to the music. it felt a little awkward, being alone, but you were tipsy enough that it didn’t matter much to you. every once in a while, you’d feel a hand on your back or your hips, but if you moved away they would thankfully back off. even then, your mind briefly floated to tom, wondering what he was doing and if you should maybe go find him (just to check in, of course), but then you pictured him and emma dancing and decided you didn’t really need to see him.
about five or six songs had passed when someone tapped on your shoulder. you turned around, still swaying to the beat, and you saw henry holding two cups. “hey! you did come find me!” you yelled over the music. he handed you a drink. “oh, thank you, i was actually just about to go grab one. come dance with me!” you took a big drink before holding your cup up with one hand and resuming your dancing.
“yeah, i’m not that great at dancing. i think i’ll just watch.” you raised your eyebrows at that. “okay, yup, that sounded creepy, and totally not what i meant. you are a really great dancer though.”
your cheeks grew hot (but it could’ve been the alcohol, too), and you smiled. “thank you, henry.” you took another drink from your cup until it was empty.
“you might wanna slow down.”
“why? i’m having so much fun!”
“how fucked up are you planning on getting tonight?”
you were about to shrug and tell him you were probably done for the night when you saw tom and emma sitting on one of the couches. she was practically on top of him, laughing at something he must’ve said, and then they were kissing and it was all a bit too much for you.
turning back to henry, you narrowed your eyes and replied, “i’ll stop before i can get alcohol poisoning.”
his eyes widened. “i definitely can’t condone that, but…i suppose i’ll have to make sure you don’t die in the process. come on.”
two shots, a mixed drink, and a few songs later, you could barely stand without starting to fall one way or the other. “how’re you not even drunk yet?” you slurred at henry.
“this isn’t exactly my first rodeo.”
“so you’re an alcoholic then?”
“no!” he looked a little offended at your suggestion. “i’m just not a lightweight. i don’t do this regularly, i just know how to pace myself.”
“wait, what year are you?” you peered up at him. you really hadn’t noticed before just how tall he was. or how sharp his jawline was…
he met your gaze. “sophomore.”
“oh, that explains a lot. i’m a—”
“freshman. yeah, i figured.”
was it really that obvious? “well, i think one more shot should do it,” you moved toward the drinks and almost fell over.
henry gently grabbed you to keep you from falling to the ground. “nope, i think you’re done.”
you giggled. “thanks for saving me from the ground. my hero.”
“yeah, definitely done for the night. i can either walk you home or you can stay in my room.”
“woah, you live here? that’s so cool. i probably should’ve guessed that. i live in the dorms, but,” you looked up at him through your eyelashes, “staying here probably wouldn’t hurt.”
“i’ll take her home,” an icy voice cut in. you turned your head to see tom, and you instantly wondered how long he had been standing there for. “she’s sure as hell not staying here.”
“okay, whatever. here, ____, give me your phone real quick?” you did as asked and he quickly typed something before handing it back to you. “that’s my number. text me when you get back, okay? i’d feel bad if you died along the way and i didn’t know.”
you giggled again as you walked over to tom. “i will.” tom grabbed your shoulder to steady you with a vice-like grip. “ow, tom, you’re hurting me.”
henry smiled and shook his head. “in more ways then one, huh?” tom looked confused as he loosened his grip. “i’ll see you around, ____.” with that, henry turned around and walked away.
tom steered you toward the door before stopping. “i better tell emma we’re leaving.” he walked you over to wear she was sitting. “hey, em, i gotta take her back, she’s shit-faced.”
“i’m not—” you began to say until you felt like you might throw up. you quickly said, “okay, i might be,” before clamping your mouth shut.
emma looked at you with genuine concern. “oh, well make sure you drink lots of water, ___. you looked really good tonight, by the way,” she smiled before turning to tom, “text me when you get back, okay?” that was the worst thing about emma, you realized: she was really just a nice person. no matter how much you wanted to hate her and looked for reasons to do so, you weren’t justified in it because she was so kind and considerate.
“i will,” was all tom said before he walked you to the door. the walk at back to the dorms was at first quiet. tom held on to your shoulders as you stumbled along the sidewalk, and the only sounds were your footsteps and the occasional passing car.
finally, he broke the silence. “who was that guy you were with?” tom sounded much angrier than you expected.
“his name’s henry. he’s a sophomore, and he’s super nice! he was teaching me how to do shots and i think he lives in the house, he offered to let me stay in his—”
“so he got you drunk and then asked you to sleep in his room?” tom stared straight ahead, his jaw clenched and nostrils flared.
you frowned. “it wasn’t like that, tom, it really wasn’t. he was just being nice since i didn’t really know what i was doing.”
“it sounds to me like he was taking advantage of you. i mean, come on, an older guy teaching you how to drink alcohol and then offering his bed? you really are just oblivious, aren’t you,” he snapped.
the silence returned until you felt yourself tearing up. you tried to keep any tears from falling, but you were ultimately unsuccessful as you began to cry. “i’m sorry,” you hiccupped between sobs. “i don’t mean to be.”
“hey, hey,” he said softly, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. “please don’t cry.” he gently wiped the tears from your cheeks. “i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. you’re drunk, and i don’t really know the guy.”
you nodded, sniffling, before wiping your eyes with your palms. “it’s okay. let’s just go back, i really need to throw up.”
tom laughed and moved his hands back to your shoulders. “let’s get going then.”
by the time you managed to get back to your room, you could barely hold back the urge to vomit, so the minute tom closed the door, you hunched over your trash can and emptied the contents of your stomach.
he came over after shutting the door and gently held your hair out of the way with one hand and rubbed comforting circles on your back with the other. when you were finished, you sat back and wiped the tears that had formed in the corners of your eyes. “sorry,” you croaked, “that was a little gross.”
“it’s fine.” tom smiled softly. “do you need some water?” you nodded, and he stood up and grabbed a water bottle from your fridge.
you gulped it down quickly once he gave it to you. “did you have fun, at least?”
tom shrugged as he sat down next to you. your head was still spinning a bit, and the feeling of his arm pressing into yours didn’t help much. “it was alright,” he admitted. “emma was just mainly talking to her friends, and you vanished once we got to the party. i didn’t really know anyone, so i just sort of…sat there.”
“sorry,” you replied guiltily. “i just thought you’d want some time to be with emma.”
he looked over at you. your room was still dark, and the only light in the room was the light from the hall that spilled through the crack under the door and the salt lamp zendaya had on her desk. the soft glow from the lamp illuminated the outline of his face as he spoke. “doesn’t mean i don’t want to be with you,” he murmured. “you’re still one of my best friends. no one could ever change that.” he gave you a hug, then, which was a little awkward as you were sitting side-by-side, but you didn’t mind. tom was a little sweaty, but underneath that you could smell his cologne and traces of his laundry detergent. it reminded you of home.
“i have to tell you something,” you whispered into the crook of his neck. you sat back to look him in the eyes. “i…look, i know i’m still pretty drunk right now, but please believe me when i say this because it’s true. i—i really like you, tom. like, like like you, if that makes any sense. and i know you’re in a relationship, and i’m so, so happy for you, but i just…” you trailed off before starting again. “i needed to tell you, i guess.”
a pained look flashed in tom’s eyes before he gave you a sad smile. “it’s just not the right time, is it?” what did that even mean? probably just trying to make you feel better, you thought to yourself, because this is super awkward.
“i guess not.”
the silence between you was almost palpable. “i better get going, then,” tom finally said. he went to get up, but stopped to press a soft kiss to your forehead. “goodnight, _____.”
you stood up with him, his arm gripping your elbow to steady you. “goodnight, tom.”
with that, he turned and left your room, leaving you to get ready for bed. you also quickly texted henry to let him know you had gotten back alright. he simply replied with a thumbs-up. by the time you laid down, you were crying once more and felt like you might throw up again—not because you were drunk, but because you might have just ruined one of the closest friendships you’d ever had.
what’s up with tom? is henry really a creep? what do you think? feedback is always greatly appreciated! replies, tags, asks, messenger pigeons--they’re all welcome!
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