#and i was instantly like nope nope not in a million years no and i scrambled (teleported) back up
eevyerndracaneon · 1 year
I would be so powerful in totk if it weren't for the horrors
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demiaroacejadeharley · 5 months
The Amazing Digital Circus Episode 2 Review
Warning: This post contains spoilers for the second episode of The Amazing Digital Circus. If you haven't seen the episode, please skip this post and watch the episode before reading this post.
This post also contains critical commentary about Vivziepop. If you're a Vivziepop stan, please do not interact with me. Critical fans and antis are welcome to interact. Reblogs on this post are turned off to prevent Vivziepop stans from interacting with me.
If you're a Vivziepop stan and try to interact with me by sending a PM or tagging me in a post, you'll be instantly blocked. Any asks sent by Vivziepop stans will be deleted.
I didn't find out that TADC had another episode out until Saturday night while I was preparing for my morning shift at work. I decided to watch the new episode before bed and wasn't disappointed at what I watched.
The episode starts with Pomni having a nightmare before Ragatha woke her up. Poor girl can't catch a break after what she went through in the first episode.
And now, for the main event of the episode. Caine assigned the crew to a mission to return the maple syrup that was stolen for a candy kingdom by a small group of gummy gator bandits. I also got some nostalgia feels for the episode as I grew up watching Adventure Time, and the candy themed kingdom reminded me of the Candy Kingdom from Adventure Time.
The chase scene was extremely hilarious, and I felt bad that poor Pomni had to try to keep the bandits from going away. If only Jax actually did something instead of antagonizing her. Gotta say that Jax is one lovable prick.
It made me sad that after Pomni and Gummigoo had their little bonding moment, Caine was like, "nope" and Thanos'd Gummigoo from entering the circus. But after that episode, I wonder what Gooseworx has planned for Caine. Will he end up being the big bad guy in the show? His role is to be some sort of ringleader, after all. I'm looking forward to the future episodes to come.
To end my thoughts about the new episode, I did like that the ending shows Pomni slowly starting to get comfortable with the others. I know Gooseworx said that she doesn't plan on shipping the characters, but maybe she might reconsider it with Pomni and Ragatha. But either or is fine. Gooseworx has the right to do whatever she wants with the show.
I've also mentioned at the very beginning of the post that I will add some critical commentary about Vivziepop. So I might as well address everything now.
I believe I've said this in my post about my thoughts on the first episode about The Amazing Digital Circus, which is that Gooseworx doesn't rely heavily on excess amount of swearing to make her content funny. I still got a good laugh out of watching the new episode. I also like how Gooseworx hired indie voice actors for the show, and it shows that you don't need voice actors who have been in the industry for years to get people to consume your work. Also, last time I checked, the new episode got over 30 million views on YouTube.
Another thing is that I really like how the characters are designed. I'm curious if there is any significance for the roles the TADC crew will play during the future of the show. For example, Pomni is in a Jester outfit, and I'm curious how it will affect her role in the show. And it's obvious that Caine, being the ringleader of the crew, by having him wear a suit and top hat to show that. Meanwhile, Vivziepop seems to rehash similar character designs for the rest of her characters, which, in my opinion, makes her characters look dull looking. Viv has the potential to create really well designed characters as shown with her past work. And I wish she could improve that in the future.
Lastly, the writing. I know The Amazing Digital Circus only has two episodes, but the writing is far better than Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss combined. The Amazing Digital Circus stays consistent to the plot by showing the crew going to various parts of the universe they're in to complete their missions. I will admit that the plot of Hazbin Hotel is somewhat consistent as it shows Charlie trying to redeem sinners on top of the threat of Heaven. My biggest concern with Hazbin is that whenever Season two comes around, I'm worried that Vivziepop will sideline Charlie's mission to redeem sinners and help maintain the population of hell to either filler episodes or deter the main plot by focusing heavily on heaven or things that are not significant to the plot of Hazbin Hotel.
And then there's Helluva Boss. The show was promoted being about a group of imp mercenaries doing kill jobs. It wasn't until Viv decided it would be a "brilliant" to show that the main plot aside to focus on Stolas and Blitzo's "relationship" (even though I don't consider that a relationship due to how predatory Stolas is towards Blitz and something similar to Angel Dust and Valentino).
To close this post, I would like to say that The Amazing Digital Circus is what both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss could be, despite TADC only having two episodes. If Vivziepop hired indie voice actors, worked more on her character designs, rethink how she writes both Hazbin and Helluva Boss, and works on giving her female characters the character development they deserve, then maybe I'll rewatch them in the future. However, the problem is that Viv doesn't really handle criticism well and relies on her fans to protect her. She's a grown woman, and she doesn't need other people to fight her own battles. If she can't handle that as a content creator, then maybe she should either step down from her position as the lead of HH and HB or consider taking a hiatus and have her work on herself.
But anyways, that's was I gotta say. The second episode of TADC was a fun watch, and I'm looking forward to what Gooseworx has in store for her viewers.
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Do you think Mammon would ever be ready/willing to move out of the HoL with MC? Even if it's a house that's like just across the street from the HoL?
Idk I just really want Mammon and MC to be able to have a place that's completely theirs, and privacy doesn't seem to be much of a thing in the HoL (though I have noticed the boys are at least knocking before coming into MC's room more often than they were lol).
Honestly? No.
The brothers have been through a lot together and even when they complain about each other and wish for time alone with MC or even just time alone for themselves I don't think they'd ever want it permanently
• For one, after living with the chaos of each other for millions of years, suddenly going and living alone with just one other person is going to drive them insane. The quiet of that? It'd be terrible to adjust
• The brothers have been through two wars together and ended up in the Devildom together where their bodies and magic changed and basically they underwent a lot of trauma together. Trauma they got through by sticking together and supporting each other. I definitely don't think they'd want to be seperated after that
• In the "Too Many Insults" Devilgram we see how quiet and just depressed the others get when Mammon leaves for just 3 days. In (I think) "The Rulebook" Devilgram we see how Mammon looks after his younger brothers and Lucifer. He's needed to keep his brothers functioning (relevant post)
• There are multiple chats that show how much Lucifer relies on Mammon, not just for work but also to take breaks and eat. If Mammon leaves Lucifer's gonna end up an overworked, starved corpse rip (relevant post)
• After they lost Lilith in such a traumatic way I really don't think they'd want to be seperated from each other
• In Nightbringer, Mammon says he left the Celestial Realm purely because he wanted to stay with Lucifer, that he would have done anything as long as he got to stay with Lucifer. There's no way he's going to move out (relevant post)
• Also rent! There's a chat where Mammon gets so annoyed with his brothers he wants to move out and get a place with MC. And then he finds out that rent is a thing and instantly nopes out
Would MC want to leave in the first place?
• In Nightbringer, it shows that their default setting is choosing the brothers as a whole even over humanity (relevant post 1 : relevant post 2)
• In Nightbringer, they also talk about how special MC's room is and there are lots of hints that they just really want their room back. I can't see them willingly giving it up (relevant post)
Even if it's just across the street;
1.) MC, Mammon & the rest of the brothers are all too co-dependent to be able to go through with it
2.) Either the rest of the brothers will spend so much time in the new house it'd be like they all live there anyway or Mammon & MC will spend so much time in the HoL that it'd be like they didn't move out at all
Concerning privacy though;
• S4 confirmed that MC & Mammon have been frequently sharing a room since S1 (so for years) and none of the others give a shit about it
• Asmo probably has bi-monthly orgies in his room
• In S2, MC and Mammon made out in the middle of their class during an exam and Mammon full out panted and moaned loudly.... I don't think either of them care much about how much privacy they get (relevant post)
• When they do want significant alone time, it's been established in two or three devilgrams that they book a place to stay for a night or go for a long drive
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i’m not sure if this is something you can help with but i wondered if you had any advice for me,
basically whenever i try to write recently, i get somewhere between 50 to 1000 words in (which really isnt much by my standards) before i start to get extremely tired? i’m not sure why, and i am struggling to write because i just get exhausted instantly
Becoming Exhausted When Writing
It's really not uncommon for writers to experience physical exhaustion when writing--sometimes after only a short period of time. Here are some of the reasons this happens and some tips for how to deal with it. :)
1 - Mental Exhaustion = Physical Exhaustion - The brain is an organ, not a muscle, but it behaves a lot like a muscle in that it gets stronger with "exercise" and can become fatigued with overuse. Writing is kind of like doing a cardio session for your brain. The creative load requires your brain to work really hard and expend a lot of energy, so the bigger that creative load, the faster you're going to feel tired. If you think of unwritten stories as untamed jungles, some writers can be plunked into the middle of the thick vegetation, without a map or resources, and machete a straight path back to civilization. Many of us can't do that, though. We machete circles through the jungle, lost and bewildered, hungry and dehydrated, exhausted and mosquito-bitten--and that's exhausting. So, if you find yourself becoming quickly exhausted when you sit down to write, it's worth considering how much of a creative load you're putting on your brain. If it's not an issue of what to write and where the story is going, something else is going on. For example, if you've had a taxing brain day before you even sit down to write, your remaining energy will vanish fast. But, if you find yourself wandering in circles through your story, you may just need to do some better planning. Having a "map" through your story and heading into the story jungle with resources ready can make a big difference.
2 - Actual Physical Exhaustion - Sometimes the problem isn't with our brains but with our bodies. Lack of sleep, health issues, busy days, mild dehydration, and life stress are all things that can contribute to physical exhaustion that makes us feel sleepy when we write. Some solutions: make sure you get enough sleep or try taking a power nap before you write. Exercise or taking a walk before you write can give you an energy boost, too. Drink some water, coffee, or an energizing smoothie before you write. If you're under life stress, try meditating or taking a refreshing shower before you write.
3 - Creative Stress - Millions of years of evolution have led our brains to be wired to avoid things that are stressful because they might be dangerous. Originally, this was to help us stay physically safe. If you knew there might be lions down a particular path, the thought of going down that path would be stressful, so your brain would say, "Nope, don't go that way." It works the same way with writing. If writing feels stressful to you--maybe because you're not sure what to write or are giving yourself a hard time about not making word counts or deadlines--your brain perceives writing as a threat and says, "Nope, don't go that way." This causes your "fight or flight" response to kick in when you start writing. That might manifest as your inner critic, distracting yourself, or experiencing writer's block. Pushing forward anyway can create even more stress, and that's when you start to feel exhausted. The best way to deal with this is to make writing as stress-free as you possibly can so your brain doesn't perceive it as a threat. Make sure you know where your story is going and what you need to write during each writing session, whether that means just thinking about it ahead of time or planning it out. Don't give yourself a hard time for not meeting word counts or deadlines, and don't even strive toward those (unless you have to) if they cause you undue stress. Instead, try setting small, attainable goals and reward yourself for reaching them. For example, instead of trying trying to hit a particular word count, try to write for ten minutes each day. If that's not a problem, go for twenty and so on. Set your goal just a few minutes above what you know you can hit. Then, raise it accordingly. Also, try setting up a writing routine and making sure you have a comfortable, inviting place to write if possible. Taking a walk, shower, or meditating before you write can help here, too.
I hope that helps! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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elliott-the-creature · 2 months
pt 2 of the story I made for my 8th grade english class! this was absolutely wild to reread, I was such a weird kid lol. also maple totally isn’t a kinda sorta self insert that I grew to love a lot… /s (text below if you can’t read my handwriting)
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pg 6: “Wh-what?! You didn’t even repay me for helping with your stupid lyrics!” Icky scoffed. “Well uhhh… how about my hoodie? You can have that,” Byron said, taking off his Joji hoodie his mom gave him. “Ooh, really? For little old me, heh? Thanks a ton buddy!” Icky smiled, laughing as it couldn’t fit at all the 3’5” demon. “Well, can you help me now?” Byron asked through his giggles. Icky suddenly stopped laughing, which scared Byron a bit. “Listen kid. I can make you the best singer for your age. I can make you rich and famous for the rest of your life. But there’s a catch, and it’s a hard one,” Icky explained, looking serious. “W-what is it? D-do I have to donate a pitcher of my blood or something?” Byron stammered, looking pale. “What?! That stuff’s stupid! Nah, you just gotta guess my favourite song, that’s all,” Icky replied, looking amused. “Wait, is that it? Just guess a song?” Byron said, seeming confused.
pg 7: “Uh yeah, but don’t you realize there’s like, a million billion songs? It’ll take you years to guess it, hah!!!” Icky laughed, looking like it already won the bet. “Well, how much time do I have to guess?” Byron asked. “Oh, only the rest of your life! Or until you guess the right song.” Icky said, and randomly disappeared. “Huh, what was that fo-” Byron inquired, getting cut off as a knock sounded from the door of the studio room. “Can I come in?” a somewhat familiar voice called out. “Um, yeah, sure,” Byron answered, and the door opened. Instantly, Byron felt a rush of happiness as he saw his blind sister, Maple. Maple rushed to him, and they hugged. “How are you? I heard from mom that some record people came to you and told you to make a song, or whatever,” Maple said, her voice tainted with concern. “Oh, well it’s hard… but I can do it. For you and mom… and the internet, heh,” Byron responded. Maple nodded, seeming satisfied.
pg 8: “Good, I don’t want you being overworked! Aren’t you finding it hard figuring this all out on your own?” she asked. “Oh, well I’ve always found this kinda stuff easy… y’know?” Byron lied, thinking of Icky. “Ah, well those damn record people told me to keep the visit short… so I gotta go now,” Maple sighed, and ruffled Byron’s hair. “See ya little bro… and you better make the best song ever, or else!”. Then she was gone. “Wow, that’s your sister? Lemme get her number, hehe!” “Shut up Icky. And yes, that’s her,” Byron growled, turning to Icky. “Ah, whatever! Anyways, are you gonna guess the song?” Icky asked. For the rest of the evening, Byron guessed random songs, which turned out to be wrong. “Uh, Eye of the Tiger? Emo Boy? Sicko Mode?” “Nope, nope, and nope!” Icky would always respond. Finally, Byron decided to go to bed, and maybe go for a walk to clear his head the next morning.
pg 9: And that’s exactly where he found his answer. As Byron was walking along the city streets (with the agents’ permission, of course) he heard singing coming from an alleyway. Turning to the alley, he saw Icky! The small demon was floating around a fire, singing a familiar song. “Two trucks, having sex! Two trucks, having sex! My muscles, my muscles, involuntary flex!”. Instantly, Byron recognized the song. It was Two Trucks by Lemon Demon! “Mm, maybe that’s its favourite song…” Byron questioned, and rushed back to the music station. In his room, he called out: “Hey Icky! I wanna talk.”. At the command, the little violet demon appeared. “Hey there mortal! Come to grovel and guess my favourite song?” “Yep… I have a few more songs to guess,” Byron said, feeling confident. “Alright, guess away my friend!” Icky grinned and sat down. “Hm… Bad Guy? Riptide? Ok Ok?” Byron guessed. “Nah, Billie Eilish is for depressed 14 year old chicks.” Icky snorted.
pg 10: “Hm… Two Trucks?” Byron said. Instantly, Icky froze. “R-repeat that please.” Icky stammered. “Uh, Two Trucks. Is that your favourite song?” Byron guessed, knowing it was right. “Ughh, fine! Yes, that’s my favourite song. Happy now?” Icky groaned, sighing. “Yes! Wait, does that mean I get to be a famous singer?” Byron squeaked happily. Icky nodded glumly. “Yeah… you get your wish. Damn you mortal… always one of ‘em has a brain big enough to guess right…” “Wait, I just wanna thank you!” Byron smiled. “For what? I’m a demon, not some friend,” Icky asked, looking sad. “But to me you are! Hey, how about we hang out and make music together? Y’know, just be bros?” Byron proposed. Icky looked up, seeming slightly intrigued. “Only if I don’t give you more wishes! Then I might consider it,” “Yeah, no more wishes. So, what do you say?” Byron promised. Icky nodded and shook Byron’s hand. “So, you wanna tell me your name?” It asked.
pg 11 (epilogue): From that point on, Icky and Byron were homies. Byron ended up making his hit song: Demon Boyfriend. His mother went on the magazine she always wanted to be on. The record people were still as strict as ever, but it became more bearable. Maple soon found out about Icky, but became friends with the fiesty demon quickly. And one day, he realized his own story to fame was similar to a fairytale he heard as a kid. “Eh, it’s probably just my imagination,” Byron told himself, and went to go skateboarding with Icky, Maple, and some other people he never met.
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
Lots of people are coming out with their best shows/movies/anime etc. of the year, and since you have such impeccable taste I'd love to hear yours! Only if it's okay ofc! Have a wonderful rest of 2022 and great 2023!
ok this is the only end of year reflection i have the capacity to do tonight, lemme thiiink ummm it was a big year for things tbh!!! I'll just ramble i guess, first up...
SEVERANCE: possibly the best first season of a show I've ever seen, and absolutely the best s1 finale of a show I've ever seen, huge ups to @tricktster for recommending it. you've probably heard it a million times but if you haven't, GO WATCH SEVERANCE, it lives up to the hype.
THE REHEARSAL: the magic trick that this show pulls is so bizarre and unprecedented it's like. impossible for me to even talk about. the entire time watching it i was gaping at my tv in open disbelief. it does and says so much in the wildest ways possible I'm still obsessed.
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS S4: three words, Baby Colin Robinson
ANDOR: I'm not a star wars guy at allll. not even a little bit. my expectations have never been high. but when i saw @variastrix loving it up on my dash i was like okaaay and holy shit. SO good. the prison arc especially was just like OUUUGHH THEMES AND DIALOGUE OFF THE CHARTS!!!
SPY X FAMILY: what's especially fun is that we were in Japan while the second part of the season was dropping and Anya was fucking eeeeverywhere!!! everyone agrees with me cannot get ENOUGH of that funny little girl!!! best execution of fake dating trope everr the more convoluted the better.
MOB PSYCHO 100 III: ......like. c'mon what is there to even say. what's there to saaaaay! it's in my top 3 anime ever! the subversion of shonen anime has basically ruined all other stereotypical anime for me forever because it's just. so much better. so much funnier and more poignant to watch the most powerful boy ever strive to be a better person. i love that little guy and his silly conman role model
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE: i feel the same way about this movie as anyone else. saw the trailer, hooked instantly, then when i actually watched it i walked out going "this is the greatest movie I've ever seen??????" insanely shot, cast incredible, the whole premise simultaneously huge as a multiverse and small as an immigrant couple in a laundromat. this movie defined my cosmic outlook on life. that nothing matters, so we should make the most out of what and who we love. in any other year this would've been my far and away fave. but then came:
NOPE: you guys follow me. you've heard it already. this movie ..... this..... FUCKING MOVIE.... haunted me from the moment i saw that chimp covered in blood. it scared me so bad i wasn't even sure if i liked it but then i thought and kept thinking AND I THOUGHT AND KEPT THINKING AND I HAVEN'T STOPPED THINKING this movie this god damn movie. it's a social commentary, it's a blockbuster popcorn hit, it's about animals, it's about people, it's a creature feature, it's funny, it's glorious to look at it's glorious and i love it so so much. Jean jacket really is a beautiful name for a baby girl.
VAMPIRE SURVIVORS: this game is like if you broke gaming down to it's purest chemical form and injected it directly into your bloodstream. it's a game that might be perfect in its simplicity. it's also really funny that i can be a stinky old garlic man, i like that a lot. it's free on mobile what are you waiting for.
HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST: i feel so fucking bad for this series not once, but TWICE releasing at the same time as two of the greatest games literally ever made (i still have to beat elden ring oops) because i love these games SO MUCH! they scratch a very particular itch for me which is plenty of upgradable weapons/armor for me to chase, incredibly in depth lore, and post apocalyptic robot dinosaurs. literally no notes. i love games like this that're like "we know what you want. you want to kill a spinosaurus with a bow and arrow and afterwards treat yourself to some incredible American vistas, here, take it, enjoy." it's an incredibly Me game. probably my goty if measured by how much fun i had playing it.
BRONCO BY ORVILLE PECK: the biggie. life changer. this beat out pony for me. makes me wanna be a lonesome cowboy in the Rockies so fucking bad i can taste it. like....im already thiiiis close to being a lonesome cowboy in the Rockies and when i listen to curse of the blackened eye on my morning walk, looking at the snow capped mountains, I'm there. I'm a cowboy baby. also saw him live and sobbed he's insane, the talent, he's just showing off he's nuts.
LAST NIGHT IN THE BITTERSWEET BY PAOLO NUTINI: through the echoes specifically. came up randomly in a mixed playlist and swiveled my head so fucking fast. one of my favorite artist finds of the year.
NOPE OST BY MICHAEL ABELS: that's right bitch nope gets featured TWICE, idc!!!
DANCE FEVER BY FLORENCE + THE MACHINE: this is the album to finally get me into Florence + the machine, before i was just into the hits but this album.... King? FREE???? DAFFODIL???????? good god welch
FISH!!!!!!!!!! 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟💙💙💙💙✌️✌️✌️🥰🥰🥰🥰🐠🐠🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🦈🦈🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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sentofight · 5 months
ooc. nehe~
because b.each e.pisode (now i have to censor that too..thanks p.orn b.logs;;)
if u ever felt like down because of your swimming outfit look please remember a.kihiko chose this because of 'speed'
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ok dropping how some muses b.each look and stuff~
aki: as previous picture. SPEED! POWER! B/ANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aldo: alde will probably ...not go for the beach because 'cat-like' but if he was to wear something to humor his friends hmm.. probably something like [this]; to cover his whole body. there is no canon look for him which is a surprise by now but hey he is the only protag in a mobile game so far who does not have million clothes. he got only one look XDD well, if u count IDA school outfit then...two...and like only his normal style and ascended style which is same look ...sigh...why are they stingy with my boy? HE IS THE PROTAGONIST PLEASE LEARN FROM GRAN/BLU AND GIVE HIM MANY MANY CUTE AND COOL OUTFITS AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
b.alan: nope. u can drag him to hell but not to the b.each. if he like magically was taken there he would most likely still be wearing his normal clothes or something like a legging, shorts, long shirt and a jacket. a hat for sure and sunglasses magically over his glasses XD
c.aleb: u know he gotta flex his abs and muscles. AVAIATION BOY NEEDS TO FLEX TO IMPRESS. the usual shorts with or without open shirt ~
d.ate: no beach for him. nope. i will talk about [him because all he wears is obnoxious and colorful if he was in his s.aito body but somewhat obnoxious and weird ass patters in his normal body]
e.dea: my guuurl!!! LOOK AT HER!!! PERCEIVE HER. BOOTIFUL. listen anything cute and with a bow is her go to. something that could accentuate her cuteness! coughboobacough.
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e.dward: literally will sink if he goes into water but hey. i remember he had an official art back in 2003 but i cant find it but here is the mobile game look [this]
f.orte: MY KNIGHT! her official look is simple and cute ;u; edea and forte team simple bi.kini.s with bows~
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f.rey: listen. at least there are no weird ass straps u know
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g,aius: my dude be rocking the candy look~
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k.ula: the kawaii overload look uwuuiwieuwsjks also chiro's art is canon for me. instantly adapting everything into my k.ula. bless her soul for the k.ula art (that is not loli or questionable) i had been denied for years.
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k.yle: is grandpa... he will drink bear and nap there. he is def short and open shirt guy.
l.indow: OHONHONN THE SEGGSY MAN OF THE EAST DEN WMWHEHEHEHEHE i dont think he got a beach alt in any of the mobile games that came out or i could be mistaken SINCE MOST OF THEM ARE JP REGION LOCKED FLUCK! but same obnoxious date style of H//awaiian shirt and short. please dont let them meet!!!!!!!
l.issa: can't believe we dont have an official art for her but we got a cute maid one lmao feat. gr.ima and maribelle XDDD anyway cute style she is similar to ed.ea in style so weeee~
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as you can see we have a l.uci b.ikini look and in heroes we got another look and in cipher we got another. tbh if there is a beach episode it will be defaulted to her cipher look because i think it is the prettiest and closets to how i personally write her. though the other two can come up only for partners and the like.
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l.yndis: ..........shes cruel.....
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l/onqu: similar to g/aius' shorts but he wears open jacket/shirt or whatever. honestly it will be ...a miracle if he went to the beach. his gynophobia will kick in at full speed dlkfjs
r.aquel: mhmhmhm my sickly girl ;a; she will definitely join but not for too long ... so something is cute yet practical hmhmh maybe something like [this] perhaps she can tie something to her waist to make it longer and cover whenever she is not in the water hmhm
r.en: the chaotic amamiya. he might copy l.indow's style to piss him off that he can pull it better than him but he generally hoodie and short kind of style.
r.okurou: THE MAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND. check him out!!!!!!!!!!!!
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s.enel: isn't his outfit already a swimming one? ............ senny you water nerd. but look we got from mobile games
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s.hutaro: HE AINT GOING TO THE BEACH BRO HE WILL DIE. HE WILL PERISH. HE WILL JUST POOF FROM EXISTANCE. HE IS A VAMPIRE BOY. but ..sobs.... like... he is the bermuda kind of young man with jacket because i feel like he was somewhat insecure about him not being that strong looking. even after becoming vampire boy he is like ;u;
s.yaoran: whatever kids wear man. most likely bermuda too and jacket.
t.iz: MY HOME BOY. listen. he does not think that much. anything will work. shorts and he will jump into the water (bumpkin boy like) but u know if he was given choice he might go for something like [this] or [this] similar.
t.ressa: oooh tessa!!!!! something cute and practical like r.aquel because i feel like she is the kind of ...on the job all the time XD she will find a way to profit here and there ehehehe [this] i see her one piece but then with enough encouragement she will try the two pieces. most likely only if she had someone in her life u know otherwise being practical wins.
v.ictor: oh sheet segggsyyyy dead daddy. ok. i feel like he is ...like this XDD sorry luci.fer stealing ur look
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x.oaishi: DIVE BACK IN TIME~ T-T-TIME~ anyway CHECK HIM OUT! tots not matching with boyfo but lets pretend we dont see.
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yoeng: listen... she does not mind showing off because she is not embarrassed or shy about her body!!!!!! she knows what works well with her body type and will pick something that accentuate that powerful look. expect her to pick one for friends outing and another one if a mission required her to be in one and this one will be super practical so she can hide knives and all sort of stuff she needs in a mission. friends outing will be something like [this] or similar // mission swimsuit like [this] / [this]
z.ack: ENTER THE AMAZING PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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f.eiruz: LISTEN. SHE IS A MODEST LADY. SHE WILL ONLY SHOW MOST PARTS ONLY FOR HER HUBBY OK? i tried to draw something over a body art (not mine).
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e.inar: byakko's popsicle~ definitely something like this to cover his magitek arm. even though it looks like a normal arm, he needs to be careful still. ofc he prefers solid colors (only post game he will let u know he likes cat prints shhhhh)
no i didnt take the whole day to think of swimsuits...weh. probably not all my muses;;
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starseneyes · 10 months
The Weight of Fame
For some time, a thought has rolled around in my head on the matter of fame. Growing up, I had a very unique viewpoint to this, because as all of you know, I am nowhere near famous. But due to my mother's profession, I grew up around a lot of famous people.
In some cases, they were quite famous long before our paths crossed. Sometimes, fame crept up slowly. And, in some cases, I watched them go from relative obscurity to instant fame. It was dizzying, to be certain.
There is a hazard in the performance profession that if you keep at it long enough, you just might become famous. For some people, this is the entire goal—fame and fortune. But, for me, my biggest dream when I pursued acting was to be "oh, it's that girl from such-and-such" and never to have my name be a household one.
Why? Well, fame is lousy.
Don't get me wrong! There are certain benefits, of course, especially where endorsements and freebies come into play. The thought that a famous person with millions of followers might use your product and post about it is always enticing—especially for small businesses.
But the actual labor of being famous is a task. Very often, fame is unpredictable and arises in its own, un-chartable fashion. In some very rare situations, you can opt into it, like when taking on an iconic role.
Doctor Who comes to mind most readily. There is a certain fanaticism that is next-level when it comes to a long-living, iconic export such as this one. Matthew and I were studying at Leicester when so-called New Who debuted, so Christopher Eccleston was our first introduction to The Doctor.
When he regenerated into David Tennant, that was my first introduction to the Scottish actor. He instantly became someone we recognized in our household at an instant, even as he popped up in roles in other media we watched. It was never, "Oh, it's that guy!" It was always, "Oh, it's David Tennant."
With a single role, David Tennant became a household name for us. But, I feel like that's a known hazard of becoming, "The Doctor". I may be wrong, but listening to Doctor 12—Peter Capaldi—speak on how "Matt" and "David" prepped him on the particulars of the famous role leads me to believe this is not something into which an actor walks unknowingly.
No, there is a certain feverishness fanatacism associated with Whodom, and there are definitely expectations one should have for themselves walking in.
Privacy? Nope. Not going to happen. Everywhere you walk, folks will flood you for autographs. Social Media? Oh, run. You might as well run! You're never going to be able to simply scroll through your mates' latest shitposts and family photos without being assaulted by a million photos of yourself and others' opinions on every one.
In essence, by accepting a role that is a tremendous accomplishment, you have to also accept the weight of unrelenting, unforgiving fame. Every moment will be photographed or video-taped. If you take a step, it will be recorded, scrutinized, and analyzed at length. Fame is the robber of privacy and peace of mind.
And yet there are people who seek it. And, more power to them, I suppose. But, it's one thing to walk in knowingly. It's quite another to have it explode into place or, worse, creep in unexpectedly.
Let's first address the overwhelming surprise of sudden fame. In the 90's, my mother was the assistant makeup on a television show in our hometown. For her, it was a job that would help her support her two children. She was a single mom, after all, and one of the benefits of living in our city was that films and television shows actually shot there.
Much of the year, she took work wherever she could. Sometimes she was in Arizona. Sometimes in England. Sometimes we didn't know where she was. But, to land a series in-town was huge and meant we would see more of her, even with 18+ hour days and fraturday schedules.
During the filming of the first season, before the Pilot aired on television screens across the nation, Mom invited the four leads to our house for spaghetti dinner.
At one point, someone decided to turn on a computer and input each of their names to see what came up in search. For all but one of the actors, it was next-to-nothing. The fourth actor had come into fame as a child, so there was plenty there, and I can assure you they endured a fair amount of teasing that night for what the early internet unearthed.
Within a few months, they were all wildly famous. The internet was filled with their faces, magazines called for photo shoots, and all my friends at school were talking about that show.
Everything changed for them in an instant. Yes, the locals were still decent. I mean, in Wilmington, almost everyone worked in the industry at that point. Seeing a famous person in the grocery store was always met with, "Oh, neat", and then you moved on as if nothing happened. No autographs. No photos. Folks were in town to work and didn't need bothering.
But the tourists. Oh, the tourists! Suddenly, everything these actors did was monitored, broadcasted. "Who is sleeping with who?" rumors erupted. Discussion of acne. All the embarrassing things we hope nobody will notice about us became water cooler conversation for perfect strangers across the globe.
It's not that they didn't know it was a possibility. They're actors, after all, and that kind of fame can come. But it was still... surprising.
Now, I think they handled it as best as they could, truly. But it did change everything for them. Fame always does.
But the third type of fame is the one that I think must be the hardest—unexpected fame. The kind where someone is in no way seeking a public-facing job and somehow, somewhere along the way, they become famous without wanting it.
There are lots of people this can happen to—from scientists to authors to architects. Some people simply want to create something incredible that people connect and relate to, and find themselves thrown into the throes of fame without time to grapple with what it means.
Or, worse, after years of relative invisibility find themselves thrust into the constant churn of fame's unbearable machinations.
"Smile!" "Answer my question!" "Why are you ignoring me?" "You're a diva because you didn't answer my exact question the way I told you that I wanted you to answer it."
These people never sought fame. They sought survival. They sought satisfaction in their profession. They sought to do the job well. And, yet, fame found them. Oh, how difficult that must be.
So, to the fame-seekers, I ask you to think long and hard about it before you pursue it. Are you ready to lose your privacy? Are you ready to have every decision you make placed under scrutiny, down to which clothes you wear (or don't) and how you choose to style your hair?
And to those interacting with famous folks—give them a break. Yes, some of them sought it. Some of them accepted it. But that doesn't mean they are any less human and deserving of kindness, consideration, and courtesy.
Being famous has its perks, sure, but it also strips a lot away. It takes, and it takes, and it takes. So, remember to give famous folks some space, too. Let them be people, still, because that is what they are. At the core... still human.
Because their family and dearest friends won't remember them the same way a fan will. A fan will remember the performer and all the pieces that they gleaned from magazines and interviews. But their friends and family will remember the person, the individual, the heart and soul beneath it all with which they had a meaningful relationship.
They're still human. It's okay to let them be human. At least, that's my take on it.
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rottenbrainstuff · 1 year
Some of my favourite little moments from Across the Spiderverse: (spoilers, spoilers)
When Gwen comes back to say hi to Miles in his bedroom. She's so excited and she's been up to so many things since we last saw her, she's talking so fast and mentioning all these different people... but... at least me personally, I was instantly worried about her. Right away I got a sense of things being not quiiiiite right. Her longer hair is, I suppose, just a style choice and designed to show the passage of time, but me personally when I saw it, my immediate thought was that she wasn't keeping up with her hair. She's talking about crashing in other dimensions like a teenager that got kicked out of their parents' house. She's sneaking in a sus side mission. Her dynamic with Jess is different than it was at the start, more prickly, uncomfortable. She SOUNDS happy, but she SEEMS stressed and tightly-wound. My immediate reaction was that I was worried about her. Girl you are in over your head. I'm not sure if this was supposed to be the reaction, but since everything else in this movie was so carefully designed, I'm going to assume that it was.
I loved every single time the movie did the cut from a video of Miguel looking happy to his "I have been dead for five years" face. They overdid it, it's tropey as hell, and I don't care, I loved it every single time.
The absolutely venomous way Miguel growls "Peter" when Peter B shows up to cause trouble.
Miguel singing a little song of frustration when Peter B starts wasting everyone's time with Mayday
"Shocking" vs "ay coño”
Every time we get to see a new cityscape in a new spiderverse. Each one has a different style and are all so goddamned gorgeous. I was so excited every single time. RIP to everyone else sitting in the theatre having to listen to all the noises I was making as the pretty art was up on the screen. Gwen's universe was absolutely gorgeous, Pavitr's was giving me 60s Disney vibes.
All the upsidedown shots were creative, except I couldn't stop thinking about how all the blood would rush to their heads and they'd all pass out - maybe spider powers also help them regulate blood flow against the gravity, lol
The product placement soda billboard that simply said "this is a generic brand"
My FAVOURITE moment of all was the absolutely chilling beat where Miles at HQ looks around at the spider folks he thought were his friends and realizes what they're really here to do. Chills. Horrible. Stomach-dropping. It's one thing for a hero to be suddenly surrounded by baddies, something totally different and a million times worse to be surrounded by friends who want to do something bad "for your own good". Awful. Made my heart race.
Around about this exact moment, when the delicious chaos erupts and Miles is in containment, I was wondering why the FUCK a legit punk like Hobie would be ok in the slightest with any of this bullshit, and right on cue he reminds Miles to use his whole hand, then nopes the fuck out of there like a boss to deliver a bootleg watch to Gwen. Perfect.
And last but not least: Peter B putting all the little smooches on Mayday's little head.
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mercerislandbooks · 1 year
50 Years of Island Books: Elise Hooper
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A native New Englander, Elise Hooper spent several years writing for television and online news outlets before getting a MA and teaching high-school literature and history. Her debut novel The Other Alcott was a nominee for the 2017 Washington Book Award. Three more novels—Learning to See, Fast Girls, and Angels of the Pacific—followed, all centered on the lives of extraordinary but overlooked historical women. Elise now lives in Seattle with her husband and two teenage daughters. You can read a great interview she did with Kelleen back in 2020 for the release of Fast Girls here.
Miriam: I loved The Other Alcott and Fast Girls. We're big fans and happy to have you on the blog. Let's start with your first visit to Island Books. Where were you in your career then, and what stood out about the store?
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Elise: If I remember things correctly, I was on Mercer Island because my younger daughter had swim practice at the Mercerwood Shore Club. This must have been sometime in the winter of 2017 because it was already dark and rainy and my first book, The Other Alcott, had not yet been released. Usually when my daughter had these practices, I'd find a spot in the clubhouse and work on my second book, but I was feeling restless and had just heard about Island Books, so I decided to drop off the swim carpool kids and go on a little literary island adventure. Because, duh, why work when you can visit a bookstore? 
When I walked in the bookstore, I found the staff gathered around an opened bottle of champagne and they were celebrating, although I can't remember what the occasion was. The amazing part was that they poured me a glass and we started chatting. Instantly I felt at home. Books, bubbles, and smiling, welcoming faces on a dark and rainy night? Clearly the store was my kind of place. That evening marked the beginning of a great relationship.
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Miriam: Seriously, why work when you can visit a bookstore? I love that you jumped right into our party. One of the reasons I enjoy your books so much is they bring often-overlooked stories of female perseverance into the spotlight. Do you have a theory as to why those stories resonated so much with our Island Books customers?
Elise: People always seem to enjoy stories about ordinary people accomplishing extraordinary things. I think it's because we all hope we're capable of extraordinary things--and for the record, I firmly believe we are! We like to be inspired and what's more inspiring than a good underdog story? Let's face it, most of us, especially women, can relate to being underestimated. All my books are about women who are underestimated, but who then strike back to defeat the odds stacked against them, and sometimes we all need a nudge to remember that we too are capable of greatness. Does this mean we all need to run out and become Olympians, award-winning photographers, or survive a world war to be great? Nope, not at all. Each of us needs to figure out what greatness means for us. 
Miriam: That's insightful, and when I think about it, some of the bestselling titles over the years at Island Books have been underdog stories, like the The Boys in the Boat and The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo. The survival of an independent bookstore in the age of Amazon is also an underdog story, so it's no wonder we like to champion those books. Perhaps a 50th anniversary is the nudge we all need to remember that we, too, are capable of greatness.
To our Island Books customers, we're getting dangerously close to the big 5-0 anniversary, so it's almost time to wrap up this series. For my next-to-last installment, I dragged the Island Books staff into a conference room and played detective. If we went to work with them in the store for a month, what would we learn about bookstore life? What are their biggest challenges? If they had a million dollars to improve the book industry or promote literacy, how would they spend it? All this and more will be revealed next time we meet.
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xdruby1234 · 1 year
The separation restart (AvA planet AU), Chapter 1: The explosion
Not all information is true (this is a made up story so don't expect a lot of information to be real.)
Uranus is Navy, thanks to someone who suggested me that :)
It was a normal day in the solar system, The sun (M.T) was sleeping, Mercury (purple) was just spinning around, not knowing what to do, Venus (yellow) was making stuff with asteroids, Earth (Victim) was also sleeping, both moon (TCO) and Bloodmoon (TDL) were in war (fighting), Mars (Red) was playing with the stars, making Animals, Jupiter (green) and saturn (TSC) were talking to each other, Uranus (Navy) doing absolutely nothing and Neptune (Blue) was just starting a storm in him.
In Jupiter (green) and saturn (TSC) conversation
Jupiter (green): anything to do? saturn (TSC): nope... Jupiter (green): dang ittttt- *he was fittling with the Asteroids* Uranus (Navy): yo- Jupiter (green): shut up Uranus (Navy): WHAT DID I- Sun (M.T): please shut... I'm try'na sleep... Uranus (Navy): WHY IS IT ALWAYS- Earth (Victim): SHUT UP!
Everyone went silent after that, not a single noise was heard. Even moon (TCO) and Bloodmoon (TDL) stopped their war.
Earth (Victim): sorry I was talking about these two assholes... Bloodmoon (TDL): hey!! I'm not a an asshole! Moon might be one but I ain't! Moon (TCO): WHAT DID YOU SAY!? Earth (Victim): OI! Jee-
Suddenly, sun (M.T) feels hotter then normal.
sun (M.T): I feel hot... Venus (yellow): your the sun- sun (M.T): I mean hotter! Uranus (Navy): I don't feel shit Venus (yellow): your literary the coldest one, shut up- Earth (Victim): I do not like this especially because I'm already suffering-
sun (M.T) then sees a supernova and starts to panic
sun (M.T): YALL THERES A SUPERNOVA!!! Neptune (Blue): WHAT!? Uranus (Navy): that didn't happen in 65 million years ago- Venus (yellow): SHUT UP WE ALL LEARN THAT IN HISTORY CLASS- sun (M.T): YEAH SHUT UP!! Uranus (Navy): WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME-
Everyone starts to panic as the Supernova goes closer to them like a rocket laucher. sun (M.T) goes in-between them causing a massive explosion that separated them all, again.
After a while, Jupiter (green) and saturn (TSC) wake up next to eachother, they were alone and they had to find their way back, Sun (M.T) was probably very injured but they dont know since they wake up alone... in the endless space of no where....
Earth (Victim) wakes up feeling extremely weak... mostly the planet being very cold since the sun wasn't around. He instantly looked around to find the moons, they were there but... sleeping? Still?? He just looked at them and sighed as he walks through the space trying to find some sort of light
Both Mars (Red) and Mercury (purple) wake up together extremely tired, they felt like they can't do anything at all! So then just stayed low until they were able to move.
And both Neptune (Blue) and Uranus (Navy) were waking up they both also felt weak but Uranus (Navy) was able to stand up but Neptune (Blue) couldn't.
And Sun (M.T)....? Well he's still unconscious. He was still badly injured and might or might not live...
This is so short I'm sorry-
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vocalsynth-songs · 1 year
pinned moment
hi my name is kiki! my main is @kafus which i communicate from. this is my blog for posting vocalsynth song recs... and occasionally other stuff that's in similar categories, but really mostly vocalsynth. i'm 23 years old and i've been into vocaloid since my 11 year old autistic ass clicked on hatsune miku in my youtube suggestions and it exploded my brain instantly. so i may post some really old shit sometimes. or something that came out last week. you never know! it's gacha! something may have a million views or like 5!!!
i have not been asked these questions because i just made this blog but i'm making a fake FAQ anyways just in case LOL read if ur interested and also before sending asks please
Q: why "vocalsynth"?
i know people commonly use vocaloid as an umbrella term to describe non-vocaloids as well but i'm adjusted to differentiating the two and i just prefer the word vocalsynth to be inclusive to every relevant software. also i'm a huge kafu fan and calling kafu a vocaloid feels really cursed
Q: can i submit songs?
A: yeah you can submit songs through my ask box, that doesn't mean i will post them as i'm trying to keep this blog personal to my own taste for funsies but i love hearing new songs. if i like it i might post it sometime
Q: can i ask you about other things/talk to you about vocalsynth?
yeah you might wanna do it on my main @kafus instead though LMAO BUT PLEASE DO this has been one of my two special interests for over a decade and counting
Q: how often do you post?
as of right now gonna put up two songs a day through queue however i might occasionally post something out of schedule because i'm excited about it or something. if i'm too strict about tumblr i nope out and abandon blogs so i may not be consistent foreverjdsfkfsd
Q: how do you tag?
i will always tag with both the vocalsynth(s) used, the producer name, and "song rec" except on posts that aren't song recs, where i use "asks" for asks and "kiki.txt" for personal posts
Q: can you tag (insert trigger here)?
you're free to ask but honestly if you're bothered by dark topics in music this might not be the place for you since i listen to a lot of sad or otherwise Mento Illness type music. i plan on tagging really fucked up subject matter like abuse when applicable or flashing lights in mvs but i am not perfect
Q: who is your favorite producer?
it was nekobolo for years but i have a really difficult time narrowing it down to just one these days. kanzaki iori, iyowa, harumaki gohan, guiano, mikito-p, and kairiki bear are some of my better known favorites that are still currently active, but i also love mawari, yugica, steaka, picdo, atols, the list goes on i could be here forever. as for nostalgic favorites or people who aren't active anymore, like i said there's nekobolo, but of course wowaka and siinamota (rest in peace) and yeah can you tell i have a lot of producers i like sdjfsd
Q: what's your favorite vocaloid/vocalsynth?
hime and mikoto are specifically my favorite vocaloids but if we're accounting for all of vocalsynth, kafu if it wasn't obvious lol
Q: what's your favorite vocalsynth song?
dude i have no clue. that's an impossible question. shoujo rei by mikito-p maybe?
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nancypullen · 1 year
Okay, it’s almost 9pm and I haven’t put a word on this blog yet!  I promised I’d be back today with product endorsements and a couple recipes - so I’ll try to make this fast.  I got a bit sidetracked because we went out to Adkins Arboretum today for Forest Music. The arboretum partnered with Chestertown’s National Music Festival and some wonderful young musicians set up at various spots along the walking trails and played their hearts out.  It was beautiful - walking through the forest in dappled sunlight, wind blowing through the tree tops, and hearing strains of Vivaldi and Mozart drifting throughout. Lovely! It was about 4 o’clock when we returned home and the mister had to get ready to run off to Bad Albert’s restaurant in Chestertown for a photo club meeting.  I was here sealing those rocks that I painted yesterday, then I made a little dinner, and while I ate dinner I watched a murder show...and one murder led to another...and now it’s almost nine!  Oops.  Anywayyyyy, two products I love. THIS, every morning.
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Hyaluronic acid from The Ordinary.  It’s eight dollars and change, you can find it at Sephora, Ulta, and I think even Amazon.  You can order straight from The Ordinary website too.  I started using this in early April and I’ve seen a big difference in my old lady face.  Do I look twenty?  Nope. Does it give me the best fifty-nine year old skin I can have? Pretty close. Here’s what The Ordinary says:
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                                              They ain’t lyin’. I apply this in the morning after washing my face, whether I’m wearing makeup that day or not.  It soaks in quickly, doesn’t leave residue, and those crinkly lines around my eyes are reduced.  They’re not gone, I mean, I’m almost sixty - but they’ve gone from looking like a zillion little lines to a few.  The hydration is locked in which keeps the skin plump and less crepey. I’m a fan. The second product I like is in the same category.  I’ve actually used this one for several months and I’m crazy about it.  I received a sample from Sephora, tried it, liked it, and bought it.  No regrets.  This one is more expensive, but my bottle is maybe ten months old and I still have about 1/8 of the bottle left. Definitely worth the $34.
Pardon my bathroom photo.
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Biossance Squalane Oil!  This stuff is the bomb diggity. I apply this at night, after washing my face and brushing my teeth. One pump, patted all over my face, down my neck and décolleté, and the remainder massaged into my hands has been a game-changer.  It’s lightweight, it’s fabulous, and I love it.  This is also available at Sephora and Ulta. Try it!  Remember, both places will take it back if you don’t like it, no questions asked.   Here’s what Biossance says about their squalane oil:
Formulation: Lightweight Oil Highlighted Ingredients: - Sugarcane-Derived Squalane 100%: Visibly reduces redness, hydrates, maintains hydration, and leaves skin feeling exceptionally soft. Ingredient Callouts: This product is vegan and cruelty-free. What Else You Need to Know: 100% Sugarcane Squalane Oil, the powerhouse ingredient at the heart of every Biossance formula, is bioidentical to the moisture found in human skin. Weightless, rapidly absorbed, and perfect for use all over the body, this oil is derived from sustainable sugarcane, yielding a purer, vegan, and more ethical and effective version than other forms of squalane. And since it reduces the need for similar moisture taken from the livers of sharks, it saves two million of these critical apex predators per year. Clinical Results: In a 28-day consumer study of 84 female subjects (ages 18 to 54), after twice daily use: Immediately: - 95% agreed skin felt instantly hydrated After 2 weeks: - 93% agreed skin was more nourished and hydrated In a 5-week clinical study of 35 subjects (ages 18 to 54), after twice daily use: - 100% showed an increase in cell-renewal rate
I have to admit, the fact that it saves sharks isn’t all that important to me.  If it was saving kittens I’d buy a bottle a month. What is important to me is that it works beautifully.  My skin is so picky, so sensitive, gets very dramatic over ingredients it doesn’t like (what’s more fun than a zit when you’re 59?), so I’m always thrilled to find pure formulas that do what they promise.  These two do that and I don’t even use them twice daily as recommended.  If I did I imagine that men would be pounding on my door and begging me to run away with them - so really, I’m doing the world a favor by not using each of them twice daily. I hope you read that with the same sarcasm I used while writing it.   Anyway, if you are in the market for something lovely to revive and retain the moisture in your skin, plump it up, and erase some of the mileage - give either or both of those a try.  Sephora is great about providing a sample upon request. They’ll pour or pump some into a little container and let you try a few days worth.  The Ordinary is an effective and very inexpensive line (I mean, less than nine bucks!!!) with lots of bang for your buck.  Biossance is a wonderful, clean line that is a bit pricier but again, great results.  That $34 bottle has lasted months and months and is less than a pizza dinner.  Invest in your skin. All the paint (makeup) in the world won’t matter if the canvas is a mess. Okay, the mister came home, talked and talked, and it’s now past ten o’clock...so those recipes will be posted tomorrow.  I doubt anyone was waiting with bated breath for my spin on fajitas or crockpot chicken teriyaki, so 24 hours won’t hurt. I’ll meet you back here on Friday! Until then stay safe, stay well, and treat yo’self! XOXO- Nancy
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eucalyprhodes · 2 years
I am THANKFUL for Spotify
I don’t think we realized how much of a treasure Spotify is. Maybe because opening Spotify is just second nature to us. When we drive, when we’re cleaning the house, when we study, you name it! That little app on your phone with millions (or probably billions?) of music from ANY time in the history. And for only $12.99 per month, you have access to literally every song ever made (I don’t know if this is 100% true, but to me, it feels that way!)
Sometime last year, my husband and I talked about how they don’t make music like they used to anymore. Sure, we don’t hate the music of today, but there’s just something about them that don’t make us feel things like music back then. I must’ve listened to Harry Styles “Grapejuice” and Niki’s “High School in Jakarta” probably close to a hundred times by now, but neither one of those make me feel anything, except for they’re catchy. My husband and I are 90′s babies and that conversation prompted me to look back at one of my old playlists. One that I haven’t listened to for a long time because for the 95% of the time, my playlist (just like most of us now) is filled with what’s popular right now on TikTok (not even radio ...), and social media. I mean, that’s how I figured out “First Class” by Jack Harlow (heard it on tiktok and wondered why on earth does Fergie sounds DIFFERENT). This particular playlist was filled with indie/rock/alternative from mid 2000 like Incubus, MGMT, The Strokes, and oh who can ever forget, Death Cab for Cutie, and I remember listening to this playlist very often during my junior and senior year of college. I began to listen to this playlist much more often since that conversation, being reminded of my life during junior/senior year and even though those years was quite hell-ish if I’m being completely honest, those songs still manage to get me in my feelings much more than when I listen to my current playlist from 2020-present day. I decided since then that I’m not gonna bother listening to any new music anymore. A friend of mine said something that really resonates with me. She doesn’t listen to new music because she already knows what she loves, why bother with the new one? 
So, earlier this year, I started re-organizing my spotify playlist. I created a 2000 indie/alternative, a 2000 pop and any new music is now in my 2015 and up playlist (haven’t listened to that playlist since the year started TBH). 
In making the first two playlists, I searched for top hits from each year. I started from the year that I actually remember listening to songs, which I believe was 1999 and as of today, I just finished adding top songs from 2005. Let me just say how genuinely amazing this process has been for my heart and my soul. I always heard people talk about something that can bring them back to a core memory. It can be food, music, a place, etc. I was never a sentimental person so quite honestly, i never understood that, until these past few days when I revisited some of my favorite songs from 1999-2005. I listened to How Soon is Now by t.A.T.u. and I am reminded of my first day of junior high orientation where I instantly had a crush on this guy who was in charge of my group. I remember him because all the other girls ALSO had a crush on him! He was in student government, super tall, handsome and so nice to us the underclassmen. I was confident that was the best day of my life and when I came home, I turned on the TV and behold! the music video for How Soon is Now was playing on MTV. I remember jamming to that song even though I have no idea what they’re singing and just feeling gleeful because orientation lasts the whole week and I’ll get to see him again for the whole week :) I listened to “Come on Over” by Christina Aguilera and almost BURST UP LAUGHING because that was the song that I had to choreograph a dance with 3 other girls in my 7th grade dance class. Nope, I don’t remember the dance but man, that was a particular memory because for the first time ever, my parents actually allowed me to come over to a classmate’s house. Probably because it was for school purposes but I also remember feeling so cool about it because the other 3 girls were the IT girls. I listened to “If You’re not the One” by Daniel Bedingfield and my memory shot up to a time of heartbreak in freakin 7th grade (teenage years man, it’s heartbreak after heartbreak, it’s brutal). I had liked this boy and I actually knew him even before he transferred to my school because we used to go to the same elementary school. I’d like to think “We go way back” (not really but oh well). I remember one day, after lunch, I saw him walk into our classroom holding hands with a girl and I just realized that I blew my chance of ever telling him I like him.  I came home and watch MTV and sure enough,  If You’re not the One was playing. I just remembered thinking this song sounds so sad and I AM SAD so this must be MY song. Then I listened to Avril Lavigne’s “Complicated” and my mind went to the time my aunt, Mama As, called me. I was still living in Indonesia at that time and she would often call us to catch up. I remember watching MTV (I really watched a lot of MTV back then )and my mom handed the phone. “Here, Mama As want to talk to you” “Hi Kezia, what are you doing?” “Hi Mama As, Kezia lagi nonton tv. Mtv nih, ada Avril Lavigne” “Who’s that” “Oh ini penyanyi favorit Kezia sekarang. Dia pop punk gitu deh Ma. Keren deh” “Oh wow. Ya mungkin nanti kalo kamu udah di sini, kamu bisa nonton konser nya dia ya” and I remember feeling so edgy because I listen to Avril Lavigne and my Aunt knows how cool my music taste is. 
And so on and so forth. With each song that I added to the playlist, it just kept bringing me back to many memories. The good ones, the bad ones, the cringy ones (I think at some point, I dedicated “Flying without Wings” in the school radio to the boy I liked, like HOW CRINGY IS THAT). It also made me realize, I’ve always had a thing for Menado and or Toraja boys because literally every boy I liked back in Indo were either Menado or Toraja (and I ended up married to a Menado man!) God already knew my heart even back then! LOL 
Needless to say, it just makes me appreciate spotify even more. Think about it, if spotify didn’t exist, how difficult it would be to get those songs from each year and organizing it into a playlist. Worse, would we have to take each song and burn it into CDs? I don’t know about you but I am so thankful to not have to burn anymore CDs these days :) Honestly, this wasn’t even going to be like a project for me. I intended to just save an existing playlist to my spotify but after seeing the list of songs, I realized I should just create a brand new one, and curate it in a specific order to my liking, which is why I decided to go year by year. 
I should also say, it’s cool that this project starts with music from 1999 and end at 2005 this week because  I believe those are my formative years in terms of music. i started watching MTV and get a lot of exposures to different types of music (Eminem’s “Without Me” and ALL of Linkin Park’s music video live rent free in my head), sneaking into my brother’s room to listen to his cassettes and later CDs, borrowing cassettes from friends and talking about music. There was a heated discussion about Avril Lavigne vs Michelle Branch one day in 6th grade during our lunch break (I was team Avril). In 5th grade, this girl lended her linkin park cassette to another girl and before you know it, that tape was passed around to the entire class, myself included. I don’t understand why we did what we did, but all I remember was that we collectively as a class felt very cultured after experiencing Linkin Park’s Hybrid Theory album. 
I can’t wait to complete my playlist, though I’m conflicted if I should end it at 2010 OR just end it at 2005. At what point do all music start to sound like trap music? I couldn’t pinpoint that. But either way, I’m glad I started this mini project. 
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years
Hickeys 101 -> dilf!jjk
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— synopsis: After Jungkook catches you messing around with another boy, he was determined to teach you a lesson you'll only learn from a father... well, step-father.
↳ pairing: dilf jungkook x f.reader
↳ genre: smut/angst
↳ rating: 18+
↳ word count: 8.6k
↳ warnings: step-dad jungkook, AGE GAP, all characters are in legal age, D/S, daddy kink, condescension, degradation, they’re both toxic and mean, mind manipulation, Jungkook puts OC in subspace, face fucking, spitting, usage of a belt, unprotected sex (ya’ll know the drill already!), little aftercare
A/N: this fic is not suitable for all audiences. If you are easily offended and are sensitive to the warnings stated above, this might not be for you. reminder that the events in this story are purely made up and fictional.
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Living with no one else other than your profoundly distant stepdad during lockdown – where you can’t escape, where you can’t go anywhere – is much harder than this zoom class you’re attending. 
“I'm so exhausted,” you mutter beneath your breath, rolling your eyes to the back of your head for your brain hurts from your Econ professor’s infuriating voice. 
Most of the time you are shuffling endlessly from how uncomfortable the wooden chair in this dining area is. With your laptop placed in front of you, the blue light surely ruining your eyes, you tirelessly listen to the lecture as much as your brain could wield. 
But your attention span isn't as great as most people.
Completely losing your focus on the class after two minutes, you turn your attention to your stepdad working his way to the kitchen.
“Can you put a goddamn shirt on?” you huff, a tinge of irritation in your voice.
He passes by you with a swift glance. 
“How are you doing?” Jungkook asks, utterly ignoring your complaint. 
“Since when did you care?” You place your chin on top of your palm, stopping your urges to not look at his exposed torso. His sleeve of tattoos was undeniably eye-catching, but you were too petty to go a have a normal conversation with him. 
Jungkook, on the other hand, was used to your sharp tongue. He knew you didn’t like him ever since he started to date your mom. But now that he was technically your parent, he has all the right to correct you and put you in your place. 
“You know I don’t like that tone, missy.” Jungkook stretches out his words, sounding stern. But you just sarcastically laugh him off. 
As your stepdad was making some food in the kitchen, the class grew longer and more monotonous than ever. You were never the type to pay attention in class, and neither did it help that the school decided to move to online learning. Now you’re truly failing school. 
“Jung—dad,” you sigh, realizing that his exposed back can almost be seen on your front camera’s screen, “can you scoot back a little? They can see you on-cam.” 
Jungkook chuckles at the way you grunt as he continues to make his avocado toast. 
“Oh come on—” Jungkook teasingly shows the rest of his behind to the camera, not caring at all that your professor and classmates can see. “Give them a little show.” 
“No!” immediately, you close your camera before swiftly turning your head to his direction, “Can you just stop? Okay? I’m trying to pay attention and you’re not helping!” You yell, banging your fist on the wooden table. 
“I’m so tired, dad. Can you just go away?!” 
He replies with his back still facing you, “Maybe if you asked a little nicer than that, little girl.” 
With a complete shock to the words he used, you found yourself blushing in red while your eyes slowly expand. Your body's reaction from that single sentence was intoxicating. Your class was now forgotten and your professor's voice became white noise. 
“W-What did you just call me?” You didn’t expect your tone to be as soft as it seemed. 
Jungkook finally flips around to face you. He scans you, taking a good look at you as he crosses his arms together. 
You couldn't dismiss that the way he looked at you made you feel something. Something that you’ve never experienced before. 
“I called you little girl. That’s what you are, right?” he sneers, “A little girl who thinks she can talk to her father so impolitely.” 
It was like a cat got your tongue. You flutter your eyes, trying to think of what to reply. 
Jungkook clicks his tongue, “Tsk. See, you're rubbish in talking, Y/n. Once I start to put you in your place, you can no longer put on that bratty act on me.” He suddenly starts to walk over to you, putting you in a frenzy. You sit up straight, pursing your lips as you can't seem to breathe normally. 
You cannot believe what was happening. Your mind starts to wander off from reality, trying to figure out what he is trying to tell you. Why did his voice change the way it did? As he walks closer, you can feel the warmth of his body enveloping yours. It was a situation that you wanted to run away from, but at the same time, you craved. 
With your back to him, he places his hands to rest on the table in front of you. He traps you in your place, not letting you escape. Your breath hitch unexpectedly as he leans his face closer to yours. 
“Jungkook… go away f-from me.” A trail of curses echoes in your mind, for you wanted to sound intimidating and not like a little kid. 
Jungkook chuckles and clicks his tongue, “Then push me away, little girl.” 
Everything in your system freezes. As if you just had been tasered, you feel electricity shooting throughout your body. Jungkook adores your reaction. He’s older than you, he knows more than you; and he knows just how to make a woman as you melt beneath his palms. 
“Silent now, aren’t we?” he teases with a velvety voice, inching his face even closer to the curve of your neck. Strands of his hair tickle your neck as hot breath blows against your skin, causing shivers down your spine. 
He hears a little whimper from you, making the grin on his face growing wider. “Be. A. Good. Girl. For. Me,” he says through an award-winning smirk.  
But – of course – you will not let yourself lose. 
“No?” he stares at you, baffled. 
“Never in a million years,” a bitter grin appears on your face.  
Jungkook leans back and away from you. He was a hundred percent sure that he’s got you under his spell, but your reply got his mouth dry. 
“Yeah?” So, he’s resulting in Plan B. 
A hands-on experience. 
Slowly and delicately, he lifts his tattooed-covered hand and wraps it around your neck. “Mhmm, there we go,” he coos after hearing another sudden whimper, “Remember who you're talking to, little girl, got it?” 
Your palms start to get sweaty as you try your hardest not to moan. Jungkook grips your jugular tighter, making you hitch a breath. You can hear him grunt under his breath, knowing for a fact that this was turning him on as well. 
“Who are you talking to, huh?” he starts to get aggressive as he presses his lips right against the shell of your ear. “Tell me, little girl. Remind yourself who’s in charge. C’mon, can’t speak now, baby?” 
Your eyes automatically close at that, feeling butterflies in your stomach. “Daddy.” 
“Mhm, good girl—”
“Daddy,” you whine, “Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, y-you’re in control.” 
‘Finally’, Jungkook thinks to himself with a large cocky grin on his face. He finally got you to submit. 
“Someone’s not as tough as they seem… I think I need to punish you for being such a fucking brat. What do you say?” 
The way he said those words right against your ear instantly made your panties wet. It was humiliating that you got turned on by your stepdad, but at the same time, it was hot. 
“Little girl… tsk, I need you to answer with your words and not with a desperate whimper.” 
He releases the grip he has on your throat and instead, elevates his hand so that his fingers can rub against your scalp. A tingling sensation runs through your backbone as he massages your scalp, feeling so overwhelmingly good that made you lean back against his hand, yearning for more. 
“Punish me,” you say in an almost audible whisper. “Do what you want, I don’t care. Please, please, please…” 
Jungkook takes a good look at you; your cheeks flushed, eyelids closed and your mouth slightly parted. It looks like you were enjoying this a lot – too much to be exact. 
The feeling was something else, something foreign that you honestly craved for such a long time. You and Jungkook had were never close, and you’ve never thought of him as a real father figure. After such a long time of not having a man to run the family, you didn’t know how to act around one. 
Within a second of realization that you were loving this too much, he removes his hand from you and walks away without saying anything else. You feel like you just got heartbroken.  
“W-What… why did you?” you stutter through a long exhale. Your eyes begged for him to come back, damn it – you were ready for him! 
As Jungkook walks away from the kitchen with his bare, muscular back facing you, he says a final time, “Take your studies seriously, Y/n. I don’t want you failing any subject.” 
You feel your shoulders slump down and your mouth purses into a straight line. You just got edged by your stepdad. 
Staying silent was, you thought, the right thing to do at the moment. You insatiably did not trust your voice, and there was nothing to say to him without embarrassing yourself. 
You glance at the clock on the wall just beside the refrigerator. As your classes were done for the day, and you have the rest of the afternoon all to yourself. Despite all of the unfinished homework that you currently have piled in your calendar, you still choose to watch a movie on Netflix and eat a tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. 
And, of course, all this just to distract yourself from the bizarre shit that happened between you and your step-dad, and to divert your attention on something else other than how sexy he is. 
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“Hey, hey, hey, where do you think you’re going this late?” Your dad stops you from stepping outside the door, grabbing you by the arm. You close your eyes for a brief moment, inhaling some air to let your senses calm down. The door was already opened, and all you had to do was to get out a little faster, and he wouldn’t have caught you. 
Perhaps trying to sneak out of the house was harder than you thought. 
Jungkook spins you around and makes you look at his dark eyes despite the dim lights of the entryway. He wears black checkered pajama pants and a white tank top, hair all messy as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep. 
“It’s ten o’clock, and you’re supposed to be in bed,” he warns you with a strict tone. 
Snatching your arm away from him, you reply with gritted teeth, “I’m going out with a friend.” 
“Friend?” he scoffs, “I wasn’t born last night, Y/n. Where is he?” 
“He?” You slowly back away, taking tiny little steps closer to the door, “What do you mean ‘he’? I’m not going out with any guy, dad.” 
Jungkook rests his hips on one leg and eyes you up and down. Based on what you were wearing and the makeup that you have on, you looked like you’re about to give some boy the time of his life. 
“I’m not going to do anything I’d regret, I promise,” you whisper as quiet as the night sky behind you. “I’ll be good, daddy.” 
That was all it took for Jungkook to stop his tracks. You knew what you just did to him. The way how we reacted, how he froze immediately at his place, was the same reaction you had earlier this day when he did all those dirty things to you. Now he was in your shoes. 
As Jungkook looked like a dear in headlights, that was the time where you rushed off into the middle of the streets where Yeonjun’s car is hesitantly parked. 
“Quick, quick, quick!” you half-whispered, half-shouted as you closed the passenger’s door. Yeonjun laughs loudly while setting the gear up, preparing the car for a long, speedy ride. 
You look back and see Jungkook standing outside the porch, watching in awe as the car drives away from him. There was nothing funnier than seeing his stunned expression, for he couldn't do anything about your mischief anymore. 
“Is he angry?” Yeonjun asks, still giggling in his seat. 
“Yeah, he didn’t want me to leave,” You swing the seatbelt across your torso, securing it in the buckle. 
Yeonjun passes you a drink he bought for you from McDonald’s in which you gladly receive with thanks. “What’s this?” you ask before taking a sip. 
“Iced coffee. We’re out here for a long, long night, Y/n. See, I have one for myself!” he exclaims as he points to his drink sitting on the cupholder.
Yeonjun pulls down the windows so that you two can get a feel of the cold, fresh air of the starry night. Strands of hair would so often get caught in between your lips, distracting you from the relaxing scenario. 
Lifting your elbow to rest on the window frame, you ask him, “Are you sure this drive-in cinema is open this late at night?” 
“Of course, they’re open 24/7.” Yeonjun takes a quick look at you before returning his focus on the road. He smirks slightly, “We’re gonna have so much fun, Y/n. You won’t regret it.” 
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You’ve already entered high-school when Jungkook met you. His first impressions of you were bashful and conservative, only showing your true nature around your friends. He thought you were such a warmhearted kid. He was only dating your mother at the time. 
But you’ve never really felt that he was a part of the family. His aura was never the nurturing ‘dad’ type, but rather, the ‘cool uncle’. He was never accustomed to kids, he’s the youngest of his siblings, so it was astounding that he’d ever married someone with a hormonal teen. 
Thus, as you’ve grown older, he’s slowly seeing your real side. Inch by inch, you're letting him see your colors and how you behave. A snappy and confident girl you are. You always have an opinion on things and you despise it when somebody gets in your way. 
That’s how your mother raised you. She taught you how to stand up for yourself and how to make yourself known, even though you sometimes overstep people’s boundaries.
Your mom was out of town for a trip with her office friends. She just landed a new job at the local government unit, and she was invited to their annual orientation. Which, if you were in her shoes, wouldn’t go to. But thankfully without her strict guidance, you can do whatever you want. 
Just say the magic words to your stepdad, and he’ll be putty in your hands. 
Consequently, Jungkook won't admit that he doesn’t like your attitude you put on him. He cares for you, he does. But if there’s ever a situation that you cross his limits, he wouldn’t hesitate to punish you and make it known that in the end, he’s older and you need to obey him.
Scared was a downright understatement. No matter how much you try to be brave and face whatever your stepdad might do to you as a penalty for ‘misbehaving’, you couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat. 
It was two in the morning, and your eyes are bloodshot red from almost having no sleep at all, besides the little nap you and Yeonjun took after watching a series of old movies in the drive-in cinema. You were wearing his sweater that he gave to you to keep you warm. 
“Thank you for tonight, Yeonjun,” you lean into the window frame, resting your arms on it. The yellow-haired boy smiles at you, his eyes wandering around your face as if memorizing every pattern of your features. He takes a final look at your bruised, swollen lips and hickey-covered neck before orienting his torso close to you. His face was an inch away from yours before he kisses you goodbye. 
“Try not to get caught,” he whispers against your lips with a cheeky grin. 
“You said that before, and I got caught,” you shrug while tilting your head to the side, “Say something else.” 
Yeonjun scrunches his nose. He uses his right hand to pinch your cheek endearingly, “Alright, then. How about… good luck with your stepdad.” 
Pursing your lips into a thin line, you release an exasperated sigh while closing your eyes. The two of you result in laughter, before giving him his goodbye.
Hurriedly, you rush around the house until you arrive at your bedroom window. Thanking your past self for slightly lifting the glass pane open beforehand, it was easy for you to sneak in without any faults.
The room was dim only because of the dawn lights outside. “Ah, finally,” you shut the window, hearing the loud ‘thud’ in contrast to the quiet atmosphere around you. 
“Did you enjoy yourself, hm?” 
‘Oh. My. God.’ 
It feels like you were in a horror movie. Jungkook’s cold voice sent shivers all over your body, running down your spine, arms, and legs. Frozen in your place, you gulp the ball that formed in your throat. 
Jungkook was sitting comfortably in your bed, one leg above another. “You know, little girl, I didn’t know how comfy this bed is. I might sleep in here with you sometimes.” 
“What?” you abruptly turn to look at him. He had a despicable smirk, knowing what he said has gotten on your nerves. “You will not sleep with me.” 
“Why not?” he doesn’t lose eye contact with you as he stands up, “You’re my baby girl.” 
Your breathing turned heavy as he slowly pushes you back into a concrete wall, not providing you any room to run away. “I-I’m…I’m what?” 
His eyes inspect your body up and down. You were praying to someone above that he wouldn’t see your hickeys, but it was all too late, and he knows you too much. 
Jungkook prods his tongue in his cheek once his menacing eyes stay on your neck. He looks straight into your eyes, before directing them back to those hickeys. 
“What is this—” your breathing snags from how rapid he was to press his body against you, wrapping his right hand around your jaw. He forcefully tilts your head to gain more access to your neck. Jungkook analyzes the deep red and purple marks on your skin, feeling oh-so disappointed in you. You turn squeamish from how tight he holds you, hearing how rugged the way his breath became, deep inhales and aggressive exhales. “What a fucking slut you are.” 
You feel your blood rushing out from your face, turning pale in a mere second of him saying that word to you. 
With a gruff, guttural voice, Jungkook doesn’t let you explain for he swiftly turns you around, pushing your frontside onto the cold wall. 
He holds the back of your neck and “I stayed up all fucking night waiting for you to come back home. Despite how fucking irritating and bratty you are, no matter how much you hate me, I care for you, Y/n. I fucking care for you, and I promised your mother that I’ll look after you.” 
You whimper when he tightens his grip once again, but you didn’t think about pushing away. 
“But here you are, not even cooperating with daddy.” 
“You’re not—”
Jungkook suddenly gives your clothed ass cheek a hard, loud spank. Your engrossed gasp captivated the room, and it sure did something to him. Jungkook, although he knows that you can’t see him, hides his growing smirk by biting his lower lip. He gives you a second spank, and a third spank, making your legs quiver and knees buckle from the pain. 
“P-Please stop…” you whine, your hands trying to reach behind you to grab his arms. 
“Stop?” he raises an eyebrow, “Wanna stop, little girl? You don’t like it when daddy spanks your ass?” 
However, you don’t answer. You don’t know what you want. The situation turned you on, and you know you’ll love the way your ass will burn afterward. Why stop now when you can enjoy it? 
Jungkook sees your mind was racing with thoughts, and he takes this as a perfect opportunity to drag you along with him to the bed. He sits on the edge of the mattress and swings you over his knee. 
“Stop!” you yell loudly this time, trying to pry away, but he was holding onto you tightly. 
“Shut up,” Jungkook growls, his voice immediately changes into a much deeper, hoarser tone. He, once again, grabs your jaw and forces you to tilt your head up, making you look directly into his eyes. “Shut the fuck up, little girl. You do nothing but run your mouth all over this goddamn house.” 
Jungkook was angry. The pads of his fingertips dig deeper into the skin of your jaw and lower cheeks, causing your lips to form a pout. 
He clicks his tongue, “Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. If you think that I’m going to let you go so easily, I’m afraid that you’re wrong, dear. I’ve finally gotten you between my teeth!” he exclaims sarcastically, although the sour tone of his voice makes you cringe. 
“You think you’re the shit, huh? Wanting attention so bad that you sneak out at midnight to fuck a disgusting pig. Am I right, Y/n?” 
“How fucking—” you shake and try to wiggle yourself out of his grip, offended by the words he said. You wanted to punch him yet cry at the same time. “How fucking dare you!” Facing him with tears slowly welling up in your eyes, “I-I do not— Yeonjun’s not… ugh!” You dig your nails into your palm from the raging frustration that was filling your mind and body. You kick your legs up and down, but Jungkook was not having it. He isn’t letting you go any time soon because he constricts your wrists together behind your back, tighter. 
“Shhh, shhh,” Jungkook smirks menacingly, “Relax, little girl, relax. You’re safe now in daddy’s arms. Perhaps that Yeonjun boy has gotten in your head a little too much, hm? Don’t worry, daddy will fix your attitude.” 
Without hesitating at all, Jungkook pulls your skirt down, revealing your lace panties all to his eyes. His warm hand rubs your soft flesh, squeezing it here and there. He knows that you like it. He knows that you’re only keeping this little act up to seem tough. But he sees the way your eyes dilate whenever he says a word that triggers you, that triggers you in a way that’ll make you surrender to him. 
Take the kitchen scenario, for example. With one word, with a specific act, you were melting for him. He knows that you absolutely can’t get enough of him, and he loves to play with your mind. 
He was completely aware that it wasn’t Yeonjun or anything else that makes you act like this; acting like a little monster. It was all because of him; he’s the one responsible. 
And he’s the one who will fix you.  
“Come on, baby,” Jungkook’s tone turns softer, more delicate. He hits your ass once, twice, before cooing you with shushes. 
You slowly get hazy, the spiteful and bratty part of your brain switches off. A shiver runs throughout your system when he wraps his hand around your neck. Flashes of the kitchen scenario fill your mind; how submissive you turned for him so swiftly. Your consciousness knows that you’re doing it for a second time. 
“Where’s my good baby girl, hm? Where’s that little girl that I love so, so fucking much?” He says through gritted teeth at the last sentence, spanking your butt again. 
His thumb rubs soothing repetitive circles on your skin, disregarding how firm he was choking you. You close your eyes, sniffing a little, somehow feeling tranquility in his grasp. 
You release a pain-filled mewl when he purposefully presses his thumb against the giant reddish-purple hickey on your neck. Jungkook’s cock hardens beneath his sweatpants, forming an obvious outline as each second passes. 
He was enthralled by you. The way you move and the way you behave for him was addictive to see. “Yeonjun, huh?” Jungkook grins, “What’s this hickey for? Little girl?” Jungkook laughs as he lands another critical spank, causing your body to slightly jolt forward. “Is this his way of ‘marking’ you, hm? Claiming you as his own?” he doesn’t stop giggling from his own words, mocking you with a bitter attitude. 
“How pathetic, don’t you think? You allow yourself to be ‘claimed’ by a random dude you just met. Are you proud of yourself? Oh, I bet you’re very delighted that you’ve finally found attention from a boy.” 
He chokes you harder, pressing his thumb firmer against the hickey. The pain shoots throughout your body, making you quiver and close your eyes. However, you don’t respond. It was too humiliating to admit that his words were surprisingly true.
Without a warning, he hooks his index finger along the waistband of your panties and yanks it down. You sharply inhale through your nose, chewing down on your bottom lip as you feel two slender fingers play with your wet slit. Jungkook groans lowly from how wet you are, watching your pussy clench and unclench around nothing. 
“But you… oh you, Y/n—” he flips you back up and positions you to sit on his thighs, straddling him. Jungkook tilts his head and raises both of his brows, looking at you with disbelief. 
He exhales his words out, “You don’t know how to hide that skanky hickey of yours. Have you ever thought about covering up your hickey just as any other teen with a working brain, you slut?” 
Jungkook’s vicious, barbed words hit you like a truck. You look away from him, but he was quick to place a finger on your chin. He flicks his finger up, your head joining the gesture. 
As his tongue dances along with his plush bottom lip, he places his hands on your hips and squeezes thoroughly. His eyes rake your body up and down, your exposed cunt exposed to him. 
“Hickeys 101, Y/n. Conceal and disguise your hickeys if you don’t want to be caught,” he smirks, “but of course you wanted to be caught. You wanted all of this to happen.” 
“I don’t care.” You shake your head, trying your hardest to force a poker-face, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach. His hands were toying with your waist, tapping his fingertips on your dressed skin. Why does he have to mess with your mind like this?
Sensual. Your stepdad reeked sex appeal and you hate yourself for loving it so much. His senses stick to you like a shadow you can’t escape, his aura addicting, and you want more of it. 
He pulls you closer, hands on each side of your face. His nose was a millimeter away from your own, and you can feel his hot breath fanning your face. That awful smirk doesn’t wipe off of his face. He looks at your lips, then back to your eyes. As much as he was admiring your beauty, you were doing the same. 
Jungkook was undoubtedly handsome. Perfect, strong features that no man in your liking can ever compare. His luscious, long hair with wavy strands here and there frames his face, encompassing his flawless appearance. 
There’s no way you will ever say no to him. 
He kisses you. Pressing his lips against yours, he kisses you so gently that you forget that he’s supposed to punish you. The kiss was tender and soft, a kiss like he would give to a girl’s first time. 
‘You’re kissing your stepdad, idiot.’ A voice at the back of your mind says. However, easily disregarding that conflicting thought, Jungkook pulls away before you can even take the kiss to the next level. 
“Little girl, oh, baby,” he laughs, “I’m going to hurt you. I’m gonna fucking bruise you until I can see tears in your eyes.” 
He easily throws you on the bed and he starts to strip himself down to his boxers. There was an evident fear written across your face, hugging your knees to your chest as you watch his dick grow beneath his underwear. 
“Take your fucking shirt off,” he growls, “Take everything off. Now.” His natural dominating presence allowed you to obey him quite easily. You did as you were told, keeping eye contact the whole time just to tease him. Sucking your bottom lip, you hide your sly grin. 
Jungkook stands tall from the edge of the bed, his honeydew skin being a perfect contrast with his dark hair. He palms himself through his boxer briefs, not having any hesitation at all. His eyes never leave you as you take off every piece of clothing from your body. You felt a little insecure, yes, but you gulp that nervousness down your throat. 
However, as soon as you took your top off, Jungkook caught a glimpse of more hickeys scattered all over your chest. This sight causes him to tilt his head back with an exasperated sigh. 
“Crawl.” He motions with his index and middle finger a ‘come here’ motion, “Crawl to me, little girl.” 
You get down on all fours and do as your told. He smiles with a content look on his face, but was soon replaced with a seductive gaze, “Did you have sex with that boy?” 
“W-What? No, I didn’t!” you answer quickly, shaking your head. 
His throbbing cock was right in front of your face. Aside from it still being covered with his underwear, you can spot how it twitches then are there. He holds your head with both of his warm hands, “Tell me, little girl. What are you?”
Your mouth gapes open but no word comes out. With your mind filled with lust and desire, you couldn’t understand what he meant. 
Jungkook pulls his cock out, but he doesn’t let you see it at first. He holds your head up and won’t even tolerate you taking a glance. 
“You don’t know what you are, huh?” he scoffs bitterly, “I knew you wouldn’t. What’s a girl like you anyway, right?” 
Your heart pounds rapidly in your chest. 
“Repeat after me, Y/n. I am a whore.” 
You whimper, pouting your lips. 
“C’mon, don’t say it’s too degrading for you, whore. It’s the bare fucking minimum for me. Don’t you want me to be proud of you?” 
Oh, he knows what he’s doing to you. He knows and of your weaknesses and he’s been using those against you. But you – you were naïve enough to notice that. 
“I’m…” you blink rapidly, “I’m a whore.” 
He snarks whilst stroking your luscious hair, “Louder.” 
Jungkook ignores your whines and waits for you with a quirked eyebrow. His patience was wearing thin and you were walking on thin ice right now. 
“I’m a whore.” You repeat loudly this time, the words sinking deep into your soul.
He leans down and slants his head, “And what do whores get, hm?” 
“I-I don’t know.” 
Jungkook wraps a big hand around his thick cock, aligning the tip in front of your mouth. You gasp. “They get their bratty mouths stuffed with dick.”
There wasn’t even a warning as Jungkook shoves his dick down your throat, making you gag and choke harshly around his girth. Jungkook growls deeply, his eyes rolling back to his head. 
Your saliva starts to drip down to your chin as he face-fucks you, not giving you the time to breathe nor to adjust to his long length. With one hand, he creates a makeshift ponytail and pushes your head farther down his dick. 
The whimpers you made out of protest didn’t even work, because the vibrations it caused pleasured him even more. 
“Mhmm, that’s right, struggle for me,” he moans, watching your eyes filling up with tears. “This is where you belong, whore. Right at your stepdad’s mercy and submission. You don’t get to choose what you want because I owe you. I control you.” 
Jungkook further fucks you as his hips thrust back and forth with no remorse. Gagging sounds fill the entire room and it just turns him on increasingly. 
“Look at me. Look at me!” he grunts as he pulls his dick out. He watches a single tear fall down your cheek, making his mouth form another devilish grin.
He leans down to grab something from the floor, but you don’t notice. 
“You’re such a mess, little girl. Just what daddy wants you to be.”
Jungkook takes his shaft and abruptly slaps your cheek with his dick. He hits your flesh a couple of times, humming in delight. 
In a swift, quick second, you suddenly feel a hard and raging sting on your right ass cheek from an unexpected impact. You cry out loud, shutting your eyes from the pain you experienced without a notice. 
His belt. 
The harsh leather material instantly caused redness on your delicate, soft skin. Jungkook whips you again, triggering a downpour of tears. You release incoherent noises every time he spanks you, for every hit was harder and sharper from the last. 
“You’re a naughty, irresponsible little girl.” He declares alongside another hit. He makes sure that each cheek was covered in red belt marks. His cock stands tall before you, drenched in your saliva as it leaks precum. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it and he takes this into account. 
Another hit, he puts all his strength in, making you inhale a sharp breath. Jungkook takes this shot to plunge his dick deep back into your mouth, pushing past your gag reflex as you struggle for air once more. 
Your pussy was awfully drenched and you can feel your wetness drip down from your slit and onto your inner thighs. You’ve never been this wet before, and it was insane that it’s all because of your unquestionably hot step-dad. 
It was like you’re in a porn video. No matter how rough he was fucking your face, you enjoyed it and you were moaning as he obliterates your throat. 
Jungkook pushes his cock deeper, your entire body twitching from the foreign feeling. “Stay there, stay there,” he rasps, “Stay there and take my big fucking dick down your little throat. Yes, that’s right, ohh fuck.” 
Every muscle in his body flexes as he tries to keep you still. "This is all you're good for, slut. You deserve to be used for pleasure from a man. You're nothing but a cockwhore." His biceps harden as he puts your head in place, abs tight. He leans forward and encloses your poor head with his strong thighs, securing yourself to his dick. 
With another crack of his belt onto your ass, you cry. Jungkook admires the sight of chaos he’s created. Once he was satisfied with the look of you, he pulls out. 
This is what he likes; messy and all wet. A string of saliva connects from your lips and to the tip of his dick. You try to catch your breath, inhaling and exhaling so sharply. Looking up at him with red, pitiable eyes, you give him a sullen expression. 
“You see what you did there, little girl? Hm? Now tell me again, what are you?” 
This time, you don’t hesitate. 
“I’m a whore.” 
“Yes, you are. Yes, you are, baby. You’re daddy’s little whore.” 
Your mind turns fuzzy once again. It was clear that you were not yourself anymore. If you weren’t drunk in lust, you wouldn’t let this happen and you absolutely wouldn’t allow him to handle you this way. 
But then again, it was too difficult to not succumb to him. 
“Cute little thing,” he murmurs beneath his breath. “Bet your pussy taste fucking delicious. Go on, turn around for daddy and let him see.” 
Your cheeks blush once you’ve obeyed his order and your cunt was exposed all for his eyes. Feeling a hand run down your sore ass, you whine as his fingers trail down your inner thighs, purposely ignoring your needy pussy. 
Jungkook was biting his lip so hard that he can almost draw blood. Ever so slightly, the pad of his thumb glides across your wet slit, lightly pressing against it. “Jungkook,” you whisper, wiggling your butt for more. 
“Oww fuck!” you drop your face on the mattress when Jungkook slaps your pussy unanticipatedly. Legs quivering in need, you bite down on the sheets. 
“Surprised that you don’t know how to address me, Y/n.” In a quick motion, he pushes two fingers inside your sopping entrance. 
Already feeling full, your back painfully arches as you attempt to take his fingers that were thrusting in and out so boldly. Suave movements of his digits caused a chill down your back, feeling too much euphoria at once. 
“What’s my name again?” he inquires before using his thumb to rub on your throbbing clit. 
“Daddy,” you reply quickly, not wanting to be punished further. 
“Good girl,” he chuckles, “that’s what a good girl should do; follow instructions without having to tell twice. You just love taking orders, don’t you? Huh?” 
“I-I do,” your face heats up immensely, stomach churning. 
Jungkook hums approvingly as he spreads your ass cheeks apart with his hands. You can feel the heat radiating off of his face as he leans into your cunt. With a bold lick of his tongue, your body shivers as the strong muscle toys with your folds. 
“Oh, please,” you moan, “that feels so good.” 
“Really now?” Jungkook gathers a bunch of his saliva and spits it down on your cunt, making it wetter and lubricated than it already was. He takes your clit into his mouth and sucks profusely, licking and biting here and there. The sound of your moans fueled his hunger for your cum, but he was not letting you go so easily. 
His tongue flicks your clit without mercy before inserting two fingers inside your hole once more. He feels your walls flutter around his digits, signaling your upcoming orgasm. 
He pulls away completely. 
Jungkook ignores your cries and how you bucked your hips to him, wanting more. He instructs you to lay down on the bed with your back against the headboard. Grasping the belt in his hand, you swallow the formed ball down your throat as you watch him crawl to you – like a predator hunting for its prey. 
“Pretty,” he mumbles to himself, eyeing you up and down. He kneels before you and grabs your neck, pulling you to him. If it weren’t for his lewdness and obscure actions, then you would say that his smile was sweet. But you know for a fact that his mind was thinking of different ways on how to torture you. 
Your eyes widen as he wraps the black leather belt around your jugular, using it like it's a dog collar and leash. “What are you – ohh…” Jungkook tightens the belt not enough to suffocate you, but enough for you to feel that it’ there. 
“Gotta hide that hideous hickey of yours, little girl. The more I look at it, the more I remember how much of a slut you are for that boy. Tell me, can Yeonjun make you feel the way I make you feel?” 
"No," you meekly reply with a little shake of your head. Nothing will ever compare to what Jungkook makes you feel than any other.
He wraps the belt around his fist and tugs on it, causing you to jolt forward, face closer to him. His nose barely grazes against yours. "Tell daddy you're sorry."
He tilts his head in confusion, surely not expecting you to reply with anything else than a simple 'sorry.'
"But what?" he nags, slowly growing annoyed.
"I didn't mean to do it with Yeonju—". 
His hands collide with your right cheek, slapping your face with no remorse, making you release a loud whimper of pain. Jungkook growls and roughly holds your cheek, making you pout. Your eyes instantly tear up from the stinging pain, and Jungkook leans to your ear to whisper; "Say. Sorry." 
He releases his grip on your cheeks so you can answer properly, "I'm sorry...daddy."
"Good girl," he says simply before leaning in to give a tender, wet kiss on your lips. He smiles before you, eyes turning into little crescents with dark irises staring directly into yours, "Have you learned your lesson?" 
"Yes, I do." 
"Well, what've you learned, little girl?" he caresses your reddened cheek, "You promise to be good from now on and obey daddy?" 
"I promise." You reply in an almost inaudible whisper. Thankfully, it was enough for Jungkook. 
However, he wasn't done with you. He was yet to put his dick inside your pussy. Thanks to his strong build, Jungkook easily flips you around on your stomach, making you lay flat on the bed. He hovers on top of you with his dick in between your butt. 
Grabbing your wrists to secure them behind your back, he takes his shaft with his other hand and aligns his cock to your dripping pussy's entrance. 
"Want my cock?" Jungkook asks with a raspy voice, turned-on from the sight of your bruised butt with the combination of your sweet cunt, the folds all wet and ready for him. 
"Mhm, please put it in me..." you insist politely. 
Without hesitating, Jungkook pushes his tip inside your heat. "God, fuck," he chuckles, moaning right after, "you have such a tight pussy. So fucking tight and wet for my dick. Mhmm..."
Your pussy walls inevitably flutter around his girth once he had his whole tip in, and you can’t help yourself but twitch and squirm. Jungkook finds this endearing. 
“Daddy,” you mewl, “please put it all in me.” 
‘Well, if you said so.’ Jungkook thinks before shoving his whole length in. Ignoring how your back arched and the loud yelp you released, Jungkook thrusts his dick in and out of your pussy so good like he was a sex-god. 
His dick is covered in your juices as he rubs his precum all over your walls, getting you all nice and extra-lubricated for him. Your moans motivate him to continue, his primal instincts were ultimately getting the best of him. 
“F-Fuck,” he stutters, biting his bottom lip. It has been a while since he’s felt pussy wrapped around his cock, consequently, he ravishes on the sensation he missed so fucking much. “You’re being so good taking my dick, mhmm, you like it deep inside that young pussy?” he asks with a tint of mockery in his tone, “I bet you’re the type to prefer older men’s dick.” His thrusts were getting rougher and rougher, deeper, making you feel so full. His words were like honey, despite how lewd they are, the way how he spoke to you made you addicted. 
Jungkook holds your wrists tighter, nails digging down your skin. “I know your little boyfriends can’t satisfy you. That’s why you only want my cock, correct, little lady?” 
“M-Mhmm,” you respond as his balls clap against your ass. 
You’ve never felt more euphoric in your entire life. Only vulgar and lecherous sounds can be heard and you never want it to stop. His fervent, erotic moans sounded so hot made you milk his cock even harder. And it worked; Jungkook feels you tightening, clenching and unclenching. 
Pounding you like this from behind, all submissive for him was feeding onto his dark, domineering desires. Getting you all for himself was easier than he expected. 
“Do you want to cum?” he flips you around and starts fucking you in missionary, the new position makes you throw your head back as his cock hits your g-spot over and over again. 
You mouth the word ‘yes’, having no energy to form a coherent word. 
Jungkook chuckles, lifting both your legs up to his shoulders, creating more leeway for him to move deeper. 
“Ohh my god, just like that!” 
“Yeah?” He presses his body to yours, sweaty bodies pressed together. Without wiping away that smirk of his, he brings his mouth to yours to kiss you one again. 
You felt a sensory overload. With each hard, delicious thrust, you keep moaning into his mouth that you can’t even give him a proper kiss. “I-I’m gonna cum, daddy,” you sob, “I’m gonna cum!” 
“Hold it.” He snaps, “Hold your cum. Wait for my instructions.” 
His breathing was getting unsteady, you feel your room getting hotter and hotter with each second. All you can think of was his cock drilling inside your cunt. His long hair drapes from his face and the tips were slightly ticking your cheeks. The veins in his neck were protruding, making him look ten times hotter. 
His cock was making you dumb. You can almost forget that he was your stepdad – for he was just an older man you lusted for. 
“Be a good cockslut for me, m’kay baby? You’re already a good girl for letting daddy take control over you. I’m gonna let you cum as a reward.” 
“Mmnggg, please!” 
With his hand, he grabs your belt-clad throat and squeezes hard, making you see stars. Your toes curl up from this specific action. 
“Open your mouth.” He says in a hurry, teeth gritted together, “Open your slutty mouth.” 
After a second that you parted your lips, Jungkook spits in your mouth unexpectedly. This made you wild. You didn’t dare to close your mouth and swallow his already existing spit because you wanted more. “Ohh, I see what you want,” Jungkook snickers, “filthy little whore. Swallow and I’ll give you more.” 
Subsequently, he praises you with words that made you blush. He gives you another load of his spit, and you consume it immediately. If Jungkook was hard earlier, he was now rock-solid from your freaky behavior he didn’t know you comprised.
“Daddy, please! I can’t hold it in…” your body slightly quivers from the unforgiving impact of his cock, squeezing your walls so tightly to prevent yourself from spilling your cum onto him. 
Jungkook can’t wait any longer himself, “Cum. Cum on my cock, baby. Do it – oh shit – do it now.” 
Your mouth falls open and your eyes roll back to your head. You felt an overwhelming drive of euphoria rush through your system as you let yourself loose on his cock. “Jesus Christ, you’re so hot, little girl,” Jungkook groans, “There, there,” he pumps his cock faster to catch his orgasm.
"Daddy's gonna cum inside your mouth," Jungkook's cock twitches instantly from the thought, "Imma spill my seed deep inside your throat. You're not wasting any spills, little girl, you're lucky to even get a taste of my cum. For a slut like you don't deserve a single shit. A-Ahhh fuck, y-you’re lucky your so goddamn cute that I – mmngg – couldn’t resist giving you daddy’s cum."
Within a couple of deep, mind-blowing thrusts, he pulls out and crawls over to your face. Automatically opening your mouth to accept his cock, he pushes his length down and past your gag-reflex. “B-Baby, baby, fucking shit,” he grits his teeth, hands clawing at your hair, “Take my cum, c’mon, I know you can. I know you can take this sweet daddy cum. Mhmm that’s a good girl, that’s daddy’s good little girl.” 
Your throat contracts and gags as he fills you up, spilling his seed down your pipe. Tears started to fall down your woeful eyes, attempting to take everything that was given to you. 
You knew you were going to hell for this – for all of this. But at least you’ve enjoyed yourself and got what you’ve wanted. 
It was undeniably crazy how quick he got you into submission. Was it the way that he talks to you, the way he can technically read your mind and identify all of the things you desired, or was it just your daddy issues coming to play? 
Whatever it was, you didn’t regret a single bit of this to happen.
Who knows if this will occur to you again; if you’ll receive the same pleasure as this again? 
“Come ‘ere, let me wrap you in my arms,” Jungkook whispers after cleaning you up. Nodding, you scooch over to him to allow his warmth to resonate through your naked body. 
He is the perfect big spoon. He rests his chin on top of your head, humming a song to soothe you. 
Looking outside the window, you see that the sky is painted with variations of orange and red, signaling the arrival of dawn. Your eyes grow big as you examine the time on the wall clock; 4:00 A.M. You have three and a half hours left until classes start. 
Jungkook minds how your body tenses. He holds you a bit tighter and snuggles his face into the crook of your neck. Even though he can see those awful hickeys, he turns a blind eye to them. 
“Skip classes. Daddy won’t be mad,” he titters, “Although, your mom will be home anytime soon today.” 
You emit a gasp, “Wait, today?” 
“Yes,” he sneers, understanding the panic in your eyes, “Remember what I told you, Y/n. Hickeys 101, cover—”
“Cover it up.” 
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After you’ve slept through all your classes for today, you woke up in the afternoon exactly when your mother just arrived from her trip. 
Your whole body was sore. You can’t walk straight and your hair was in tangles. Before exiting your bedroom, you went to your bathroom, grabbed your makeup back, and covered your hickeys with concealer. 
‘Yeonjun… should I even see him again?’ 
The makeup did the bare minimum of covering your bruises. It wasn’t the best coverage ever, but it was enough. Parting your hair to the side to hide most of the skin of your neck, you finally went outside. 
“Y/n!” your mother exclaims, raising her head after she was scurrying deep inside her bag. “There you are. Are classes dismissed early?” 
Your step-dad chuckles behind her as he was carrying the rest of her luggage to the living room. Jungkook glances at you. 
“Yes.” You straight out lied. 
“I see. Oh! And did Jungkook treat you well?” 
You almost choked in your spit. 
“Was he good to you?” your mom raises her brows to Jungkook, “Or was Y/n a pain in the ass, babe?” 
Your face turns red in an instant. You wanted to laugh from the double-meaning of her words.  
“Y/n was a pain in the ass but don’t worry…” Jungkook smirks at you, his eyes hinting a sultry, teasing look, “She’s a good girl nevertheless.” 
The way Jungkook looks at you has to be a crime. There’s never a moment where you didn’t feel a single thing whenever he locks his handsome eyes with yours. It was an incredibly intense feeling – a feeling that you know you’ll crave.
“Mm. Okay. You look…” she scans your figure, head to toe. “tired. But anyway, come here and help me unpack. I have tons of stories and gossips to tell!” Your mom exclaims as she sits down on the couch. 
Before you can even approach her, Jungkook grabs your right arm and puts you in front of him. Afraid that he’ll do something you’ll regret, you pull away – but he shakes his head. 
Jungkook puts his index finger in front of his mouth, looking down at you while he whispers, “Shhh,” he leans forward and mouths the next words close to your ear, “Act like nothing happened, little girl.” 
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prettytoxicrevolver · 3 years
Acrylics | Headcanon
Requested? Nope
Warnings? None
CC's Included? Corpse Husband, Dream, Awesamdude, Wilbur Soot, Sapnap, BoomerNA, Punz, Quackity, Karl Jacobs
Word Count: 1,730
My first ever set of headcanons! Pls feel free to tell me if they suck or if you want more!! My requests are always open :)
-you’ve had earrings for years now and didn’t think acrylics would mess you up
-you were definitely wrong
-you suddenly became notorious for dropping earring backs, losing them in the carpet, and fumbling around for minutes at a time
-corpse had noticed you had started to take longer and longer getting ready
-he knew you loved changing your earrings, matching them to your outfit, and making a whole outfit out of it
-and yet one morning you two were actually headed out to get breakfast together
-when you were taking a while he decides to check on you and see if you’re okay
-he walks into the room, watching you pout in frustration as you tried again to put in your earrings
-he can’t help the small smile on his lips that occurs, watching as you tried over and over to put the jewelry in your ear
-he walks over, placing his hands on your shoulders until they fall down over your hands
-“let me help”
-he takes the earrings out of your hands, nudging you to turn in his grip
-he brushes your hair back before focusing intently on putting the earring in
-he’s scared about hurting you but you’re too busy focusing on the butterflies in your stomach to even notice
-he fastens the earrings with ease and without a second thought he presses a kiss to your forehead before telling you to turn and look in the mirror and see if it’s okay
-you’re practically glowing and that alone make corpse smile
-from now on he puts your earrings in for you
-the minute you got your nails done you realized what a struggle opening cans was going to be
-you loved Redbull and soda and pretty much anything that came into a can so you were definitely struggling
-dream watches as you leverage the can tab with a knife and pop it open that way, an adoring smile on his lips
-he watches you do this for a while, finding the action absolutely adorable for whatever reason
-one day you head to the fridge and grab a can of Redbull and Dream takes it out of your hands instantly
-he pops it open without a word and hands it back, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as he walks away
-you stand in the cold air of the fridge for minutes afterward, struck at how such a perfect boy could notice something so minute about you
-he always opens cans for you now
-having a difficult time typing never even occurred to you when you got your nails done
-you figured you’d either find a way around it or use text to speech if it got really difficult
-and it did get really difficult
-you had a 10-page essay due and the idea of ripping your extremely expensive nails off had crossed your mind more than once
-when you’re on your third page and can’t type one word without a mistake you let out a muted scream before dropping your head onto the desk
-Sam who had been sitting in the room the whole time offers a concerned look
-he makes his way over to you, rubbing your back slowly
-“what’s wrong baby?”
-“these stupid nails keep messing me up,” you whine leaning your head into his chest
-he picks your hand up, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand before nudging you out of the seat
-“what are you writing about?” he asks as you plop down onto the floor
-“what are you writing about? I can type it,”
-you swore you were about to get down on one knee and propose to him
-“uhm it’s about the similarities and differences of an older text and a newer text and why it’s fundamental to use both”
-“alright. tell me what I need to write next”
-you spent the next few hours telling Sam your plans and thoughts about the paper while he typed, your heart slamming appreciatively in your chest
-you had done pretty well with your hair after getting your nails done
-brushing it out, pulling it up, even twirling it around your fingers caused no issue and all ease
-however, when you see a TikTok tutorial of a girl pulling her hair up with butterfly clips this is when the trouble starts
-you sat in front of your bedroom mirror, twisting your hair and attempting to clip it in place, and proceeding to drop the clip over and over and over
-the frustration is unreal, and at one point you almost start crying in annoyance
-Wilbur walks into the room clueless and stops in his tracks immediately
-he kneels on the ground behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders
-you lean back into his touch and let it calm you as you drop the clips from your hands
-”what’s wrong my love?” he whispers calmly while pressing kisses to your head
-”I can’t get my hair right,” an unintentional whine coming out of your lips
-Wilbur reaches down to where the clips lay on the ground and gather them up
-”what do you want me to do?”
-you’re practically crying for a whole other reason now
-”i’m just trying to twist my hair up and pin it back” you explain
-wilbur watches you pull the hair back before opening the clip and securing it into place
-he smoothes down the hair as if he’s done it a million times and presses kisses to your head
-he’s the first person you call now when you need help with your hair
-okay you’ve never been great at opening sauce packets before
-but now that you got your nails done it’s downright impossible
-the first time you tried you swore it took you 30 minutes to even get it a little bit open
-so when you and Sap go to Chick fil A and sit down to eat you’re already groaning in annoyance as you pull out the chick fil a sauce packet
-Sap watches with amused eyes and a slight smirk as you struggle even getting the plastic between your fingers
-he grabs it from your hands without a word, tearing it open before placing it back in front of you
-every single time you go to a fast food place now he does it subconsciously whether you have acrylics on or not
-your heart aches a little every time he does it, nothing but love for the sweet boy before you
-alright so you’ve never been a huge gamer in life
-sure you played the occasional game when you were younger or when your older brother needed help beating a level but that was about it
-when you met Boomer you realized how little you knew about video games, specifically minecraft
-while you never played the game you listened to Boomer tell you all about it and explain
-however when he started playing Halo in his free time that’s when you became interested
-your dad used to play the game 24/7 when you were younger, beating it a multitude of times on the old PC in the computer room
-and when he saw your interest piqued, he knew he had to teach you how to play valorant
-similar shooting games, right?
-you sat on his lap, his hands on top of yours as you try to work around having the longest fingernails ever and learn a new game
-you swear instead of you actually playing Boomer was doing all of the work
-it made your heart happy anyway
-you joked with him that when the fingernails come off you’ll beat his ass in valorant
-”Whatever you say my love” he assures pressing a kiss to your shoulder
-okay but opening jars normally is hard
-how the fuck were you supposed to open them with long ass fingernails on??
-you did probably the most ridiculous tips and tricks from TikTok to try and loosen the top of the jar
-nothing worked
-punz watched you amused day in and day out whenever you tried to open any jars
-some days he even let the jar loosen before hiding it back again and watching as you cheer excitedly, opening it on the first try
-one day you’re having a particularly hard time opening a jar, going as far as cursing in frustration over the opening
-punz walks over to you, pulling the jar from your hand and popping it open with ease you watch admirably
-you lean up and press a kiss to his cheek and he flushes underneath your touch
-now every time you have a jar you can’t open you’re right by Punz’s side pouting and holding out the food
-obviously, Alex has always opened doors for you
-he’s even gone as far as smacking your hand away when you try to open a door for yourself
-and when you get your nails done? Forget about it
-he barely lets you lift a finger, not wanting for you to ruin your brand new manicure
-he’s seen you pull off quite a few nails by missing the door handle and hitting it a bit too hard
-there’s no way he’s gonna make you lose more
-”i’m going to work!” you yell out to Alex as you walk out the door
-he rushes in behind you unexpectedly and out towards your car
-he already has the door opened and is offering a big grin
-you lean up and press a kiss to his lips, your heart surging at the idea that you had gotten the best boyfriend in the world
Karl Jacobs
-kinda like typing, you never thought you’d have an issue writing stuff down with your nails on
-however, this time around you got your nails a little longer than usual and it was a struggle
-as you’re scribbling down a grocery list you mess up practically every other word in sloppy writing
-Karl tilts his head when he tries reading the list and smiles
-”baby let me write the list,” he whines the next time you go shopping
-you tell him everything you need and Karl writes it down in perfect hand writing, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he gets up
-you’ll never not be shocked when he does something so simple but precious
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