#and i usually unfollow unless i actually know them
guinevereslancelot · 9 months
4071?! How do you do it?! 👀 I follow 562 blogs and I'm REALLY hesitant to follow more!
idk i just follow blogs that post content i like and i've been here for like ten years 😂 i actually hit follow limit a while back and had to go unfollow a bunch of inactive blogs. i do unfollow people from time to time i swear but i follow so many people it doesn't make a noticeable difference in the amount of content on my dash lol
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fellshish · 5 months
Have you ever been in a fandom where someone is really big and everyone follows them, but they've been really mean to you and even after you block them you still see their posts on your dash bc people you actually like follow them? I'm struggling with this and can't even enjoy the fandom anymore, I don't know what to do. (Not talking about GO btw)
Not really, because blocking people usually means you don’t have to see their posts anymore, i was fairly certain? At least that’s what happens when i block blogs. Unless once in a blue moon (like when you spontaneously scroll down someone else’s blog and they’ve reblogged them) the issue of having to see their posts on your dash should be mostly fixed by blocking them…
Sorry this happened to you and sorry that it’s taking away your enjoyment of fandom. Are you sure you’ve blocked them, not just unfollowed? Anyway, sorry. I think…. If it’s really ruining your enjoyment, perhaps look, I don’t know, maybe look for your fandom in another place (discord group, whatsapp group with a few trusted besties, or even errrr twitter if that’s your thing).
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not-goldy · 5 months
No seriously, I’m not trying to start anything or gaslight you! 😅😅
Maybe I misunderstood, sorry.
So if we think Jk was quick to clear any gf rumors and dropped the gay Tik Tok, and a ‘queer cleanse’ does not seem necessary.. then I guess I’m a having a hard time connecting the dots on what you’re saying here overall?
I think the whole ‘queer cleanse’ bit tripped me up.
(No lie, I actually did fail reading comp in school 😭)
Ah I see.
The point I was making is, queer cleansing of an Artist's image is a real thing. Hollywood does it, kpop does it. However it's done as a way to salvage an Artist's image to improve their commercial viability.
Think of it this way, if Jungkook who has a tattoo has to appear on certain channels in SK, he was to cover up his tattoos. That is a form of cleanse. He is clearing up his appearance in order to appear consumable to an audience.
If a song is explicit, certain lines would have to be muted to clean it up.
Similarly, if a someone is mired in queer rumors, he will out a straight relationship to prove he is not queer or to detach from that image.
Lil Nas faked a queer cleanse recently to promote his new music- of course we over here knew it was a ruse. But apparently people took him seriously 🙄
He pretended he had "repented" the gay and was back into the church and was promoting conservative Christian values etc only to disappoint them all with a sike🥲🥲🥲🥲
It's very common for people who are queer to cleanse their image, to break away from any associations with the queer community or their queer identity by entering into "straight" relationships or marriage, converting to Christianity or whatever other means as a dramatic exit from queerhood.
It's a denunciation of a sort if you will.
And usually it's done to mitigate whatever negative impact your queer image is having on you either socially or commerciallly
For queer artists they do this by either "accidentally" revealing a relationship, (sort of like celebrities calling Paparazi on themselves) or allowing straight rumors to fly about them to suggest they are straight and to rebut any queer rumors surrounding them only to later recant this- openly or privately. It's a keeping it low sort of thing or going under the radar when you find yourself in controversies that are overwhelmingly adversely impacting you or that's imminently going to impact you.
But it's not always done just to hide something. Sometimes it's done to expose something.
Tae did the same thing with Jennie when he followed and unfollowed her. We all knew he had started seeing someone but we weren't in the know as to who it was and we wouldn't have known had he not pulled that "accidental" stunt.
Sometimes, they choose to post and delete where they "accidentally" post a text message photo etc and delete it immediately to make it seem it was inadvertent.
Some idols will post a rant and delete it to set the record straight on things or for Tae, post a get out of your imagination and delete. It's a brief quick statement of their intentions done in a way as to placate themselves.
It's all very manipulative and PR rubbish. Quite effective. But not very slick
So what I'm saying is, I understand OPS original post as them saying JK will be queer cleansing soon. And I don't know their reasons for believing that, it's their blog their opinion however I disagree with them.
Im saying I don't think he will or need to unless he's done something outrageously gay to warrant such a cleanse or unless his public image is been stinky lately that it's affecting him commercially.
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valittlecorner · 9 months
(⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠) Shion could be an AT survivor?! (pls let me cook)
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- Hai!! Many people showed interest on my little theory about Shion being an AT victim instead of unfollowing me so that's cool. Today I'm here to talk about that okay😭 this theory came to me after watching the Revolution trailer + is also based around some of the Gklk content available, hope you enjoy it!!
๑ Inconsistent Trap Reactions
- On the Revolution trailer, we can see Shion having some bad trap reaction and Ryoga snapping him out of it. Apparently, Shion has been having them two nights in a row. Ryoga said that sounds dangerous but Shion brushed it off saying it happens sometimes, when he's not "his usual self". Ryoga says Shion IS his usual self right now but Shion doesn't respond. This feels REALLY out of character, as he's pretty laid back and doesn't seem to really care of anything, but he avoids the topic of his Trap Reactions and has them way more than he should. If you've been paying attention, you'll notice all the AT victims have some inconsistent effects when using their Phantommetals, like Ryuu not getting Trap Reactions and Rokuta getting amnesia. This was the first red flag for me. I didn't notice before, but in Op show Yuto also mentions Shion wasn't feeling well on the way back from the performance, so I guess that's for the usage of Phantommetals as well. I don't see any other reason to explain why he could have weird effects using his Phantommetal besides Alter Trigger?? He has a condition yes, but I don't think that really affects his Trap Reactions, so something else must be happening. Especially if he says the inconsistencies happen when he's "not his usual self" as if he can avoid them somehow unless he's not feeling well (thanks to his condition, I suppose being weaker affects the phantommetal somehow)
๑ Mysterious skin condition?
Before you read this, I wanna let you know this is 100% speculated and I have literally 0 proof, I'm aware I'm reaching but I still feel like sharing this LMAO
- Shion mentioned he was born with his rare skin condition, but even if Pararai is a made up universe with illusions and metal erosions, I feel like being naturally born with scale-like skin wouldn't be really possible. Shion calls his condition "rare" and no one seems to understand it nor know where this condition comes from. We know AT victims are attempts at making "super humans" using the influence of Phantommetals, but these super human traits always have a consequence. Itsuki has super memory, but barely feels emotions. Ryuu doesn't have trap reactions, but lost all his memories. And so on. So what if Shion was one of the first experiments of AT that didn't go as planned, so he didn't even get an ability, he just got the consequence: His condition. I believe him to be one of the first attempts considering he's definitely older than 1nm8 members and Ryuu (who I believe to be between 17 and 20). If you're wondering "ok but he said he was BORN with it" perhaps he was either created artificially (source: believe me) or kidnapped at such a young age he only remembers stuff AFTER he was experimented in (source: trust me). Shion doesn't seem to have any family, or at least he doesn't talk about it, so MAYBE this isn't that far fetched (it is extremely far fetched but I like treating gklk as my Ocs).
(⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠) Conclusion ?!?
- Okay so. This is pretty much it. I convinced myself after actually writing this (it used to be just a concept floating around my brain) so I'd love to see what you think about it!! As always, thanks for reading and see you on the next one :33
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thebusylilbee · 5 months
I assumed "shadowbanning" wasn't real on here but... I've been getting more ghost notes than usual recently so I wanted to make sure someone who has me blocked wasn't stalking me or something and investigated a bit and... as it turns out the new map-of-reblogs feature SHOWS YOU who the ghost notes are !!! like you can just click on the dots to show each reblog on your post and find out who the mystery reblogger is !!
and turns out in my case it wasn't someone who has me blocked, it was actually a follower ive interacted with several times and who I used to see a lot in my notes, I assumed they had unfollowed but no, they were just fully shadowbanned :/ they reblog from me or like my posts regularly but I literally cannot see them anywhere unless I directly go to visit their blog...
this is a little sad tbh. I hope it's a bug and it's doing that for them just with me and not with everyone else otherwise they're probably not getting any type of interactions anymore and they probably don't know why...
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Could you explain further why you think that tom was the dumper?
I just want to see if our thinking matches
Oooof....So many things....so many things lol..... GIRL!😅
Get yourself some wine (or hot cocoa lol) and pull up a chair, cuz it's a LOT.....
Here are some of my reasons for why I suspect (I don't know for sure obviously) that Tom was the one to initiate the breakup:
Zendaya was still wearing Tom's shirt and watch around the FFH press tour/premiere time (if YOU were the dumper, why on earth would you rub salt in the wound and do that??)
She accidentally said "cuddling with my boyfriend" when talking about her "perfect day" on the red carpet (again...did you FORGET that YOU were the one who broke up with your bf?? OR.... lol😅 )
Z seemed blind-sided by the Tolivia pics, but at the same time she made it seem like she didn't want people thinking that Tom had cheated on her.
The fact that she got with JE AFTER Tom was spotted with Olivia (not beforehand 👀). If Z had dumped Tom, why didn't SHE get with someone else before him?? Usually you don't just wake up one day saying "Oh, I'm going to dump my bf of 2 years!" No..this stuff has been brewing... So if you were the initiator, it's cuz you've been thinking about it for a WHILE lol. But Tom got with someone else before she did. Then, she herself decided to move on and started dating JE. This is precisely why I don't think anything "funny" was going on btwn her and JE prior to the Tolivia pics hitting the internet. I think JE saw them and reached out to HER. If he had known she was single long time ago, he would have reached out long time ago right?? He would have dumped Cari long before August right?? 👀
Z had bought a keyhole neckchain for Tom and he started wearing it during the London FFH photocall thingy. Now, if YOU dumped a guy, why would you be gifting him jewelry?? Unless, you had already ordered it beforehand, and it was custom-made for him and you decided to give it to him anyway?
Then there was this tea from someone close to Z:
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Now, I'm not saying you cant' be "heartbroken" when you're the dumper in a broken relationship (you can be!), but the way this was worded, it made it seem like Z was heartbroken that things didn't work out btwn them....
Another thing is, Z didn't even dump Trevor who was cheating behind her back lol. You really think she dumped Tom who is the nicest, most upstanding guy she's ever been with?? For WHAT exactly?? LOL You've seen how MUSH she is with him.... We never saw it before cuz they kept it behind closed doors. But now that we see how "girlfriend Daya" is, and we know how sweet Tom is, you really think she said: "You know what.... I just think we need to breakup"? 😅
Then, there was THIS "tea" that an Anon spilled to me. I use the term "tea" VERY loosely here, because who knows if it's even true??? I just know that supposedly there were TWO versions of the "Audrey" tea that was being told around.... This version actually makes the most sense to me...
Another thing that always struck me as odd is the fact that I feel like Tom must have reached out to Z when those NYC/Jacdaya pics came out. Cuz they were still trying to be relatively "friendly" up until then on social media (trying to act like nothing was wrong/different lol), and then BAM! After that!??? Whew chiiiilllle..... Tom unfollowed Darnell and Deja.... Then from that point on, Z paid Tom DUST! 🤣 Tom is definitely the more impulsive one, so I feel like he probably also impulsively initiated the breakup also. I don't think that if Z were the one who broke up with TOM that he would have been hitting the fan so hard at those pics. He would have been like, "Well....she's moved on...she dumped me....". The fact that he was so bold in probably contacting her is because he deep down must have known that she still loved him. He knew he wasn't the initiator of the breakup in other words. Just my hunch.
Tom's "I broke my heart myself" comment seems very obvious that it wasn't HIM who was dumped.
Tom also initiated his breakups with Elle, Olivia, AND Nadia. 👀👀  
Tom's reaction to the Tolivia pics in the GQ interview was also very telling. If you were the one who was DUMPED, why are you worried if people caught you with another woman? Yea, sure okay....maybe it's the first time your little fans have seen you with a woman before lol...but still. He seemed disturbed. I think it's because he knew that once those pics got out, there was no turning back now on Zendaya's end. 🤣
Then even when he reached out to her for the Emmy nod, yet again I got the impression that he felt like HE needed to be the one to ammend things. I feel like if Z had been the dumper, SHE would have been the one trying to get on HIS good graces, not the other way around.
I know some Anons HATE It when I bring up the exes or post these post, but it's the best way I can consolidate what happened around that time, and I added all of the tea and receipts from around that era so that I didn't have to keep repeating myself lol. 🤣
Some other reading for your enjoyment if you want to get more backstory.....
TL;DR Version: We obviously don't know for sure, so all of this is just speculation. I just haven't seen strong enough evidence to lead me to the belief that Z was the one to initiate the breakup. And sad to say?? I actually think Tom had more reasons to initiate a breakup than Z did lol...
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mytragedyperson · 9 months
Thoughts I had while reading TCF/LCF chapter 16
Quick note before I begin – the reason I call it TCF and not LCF is because that’s technically what I’m reading. I’m currently reading it on EAP. If there’s an official English version I can read feel free to point me in the direction of it but, since TCF is what it’s called on the site I’m reading it on, that’s probably what I’ll refer to it as. If this is a problem, please feel free to unfollow or block my posts but I don’t really refer to the book’s name at all in the actual posts though I do use names like Beacrox and stuff. I’m hoping this isn’t a huge problem for anyone, but I just thought I’d put that out there. This applies to all posts I make about TCF so I won’t repeat myself. As far as I know, there is no official translation, and it feels slightly wrong to use LCF because that’s not what the version I’m reading is called. This probably won’t change unless there’s an official English version. Just wanted to put this out there for those who care about this. Without further ado, I present to you, my thoughts
That right there, Cale’s “who will go if I don’t” perfectly sums up this character and why he does the things he does. Why does he mess with the white star so much? Who will if he doesn’t? why does he loot so many places? Who will if he doesn’t? why does he save so many people? Who will if he doesn’t? that might actually be one of the most consistent parts of his character. He does these things because, if he doesn’t, who will? No one else is gonna save the Black Dragon, or Paseton. They might try, if they knew but they don’t. so who will if he doesn’t? no one. And that’s not acceptable to him. This isn’t to say he’s the only one who would or could help people, just that, in most situations, he’s the only one who can.
And Venion is officially present. Wish he wasn’t but he is.
The fact that this utter waste of oxygen is considered a typical, authoritative noble is really sad. No wonder their world is doomed if this is a typical noble.
I feel like most villains are at least slightly smarter than Venion, honestly. Maybe not necessarily in this novel, idk about that, but villains in general. Most of them would know not to try and tame a dragon. I feel like that’s pretty basic common sense. You know what, yes, even the villains in this novel are probably slightly smarter at least. Even the bandits I was making fun of last chapter were smarter, though not by much. They had no way of knowing this carriage belonged to a noble travelling with a Choi Han and an assassin and a torture expert. Usually having the numbers game is an advantage. But my point is they didn’t know these things. Marquis Stan and Venion know this is a dragon, that’s the whole point. That makes them a lot dumber than the poor bandits who just chose the wrong carriage on the wrong day, imo.
One thing I do admire about Cale is his patience and ability to keep a calm ead even in front of something like Venion. I can’t call whatever he is a human, but calling him garbage or even human garbage is an insult to garbage and, considering OG Cale is supposed to be considered trash, that just feels more wrong. So Venion is a lot worse than living garbage, but calling him a monster feels like giving him more credit than he deserves and also is offensive to monsters so idk what he is. Also can we just think for a second about the fact that, in this novel, in this world, someone who drinks a lot and trashes places, has a worse reputation than the people torturing a baby dragon and watching it for amusement. Now, I know they’re not exactly adverting that fact but most people know he crippled (am I allowed to say that? Is there a better term? Idk, sorry) his older brother, and yet somehow more people hate or look down on OG Cale than Venion. Again showing that the typical nobles have some serious issue and skewed perspectives and priorities. You can do a horrible thing and everyone know you were responsible but, as long as you have status, power and appear like a normal noble, well, that’s just how it is. All this to say fuck Venion Stan, Marquis Stan and anyone who allies with him. Taylor is the only good person in that family and idc what anyone says about that.
Also I know the man was tortured but I don’t remember Choi Han punching him, and if Choi Han didn’t punch him, I think he should have, as a treat. He deserves it. Both of them do.
And nobles are supposed to have class and care for their people. I guess we’ve both been disappointed today. If someone has clearly fallen and you can see that, you stop. Get your head out of Venion’s ass. You can kiss it all you want, he’s still not going to respect you. sorry, I know he’s like a servant or something but that doesn’t make what he’s saying less asshole-ish. This is why we don’t associate with Venion. We become assholes if we do.
Also I know this isn’t the time but can we just take a second, before Venion or his lackey piss me off again, to admire this relationship, dare I say friendship, between Hans and Choi Han. The way he cares for him and doesn’t want him to get in trouble. I feel like Hans is definitely cheering him on on the inside and agrees with him but can’t say anything due to being a servant for the Henituse family. Hans and Choi Han friendship. I wish we saw more of this. I hope we do as the novel goes on, even if it's just a little. I want them to be besties. Idek why.
You know, I feel like it would be so easy for people to look at Hans and just see him as dumb or something but he’s not. It’s not his fault no one tells him anything. He actually has a decent amount of knowledge on things, like the noble families and what he says about the rock towers and stuff. He’s not dumb, he’s just working with the information he has.
So they were trying to get Choi Han in trouble, right? And it probably would’ve worked, except Cale saw everything and is a generally good person so agrees with Choi Han’s actions… except doesn’t this look worse for Venion? Like, another noble, and someone travelling with that noble, who is known for being trash, shows more care and compassion for this guy than Venion. It definitely reflects badly on the Tolz family, or at least it should, that a noble from another territory, who is known for being trash, is kinder and less intimidating and cares more about your people than you do. Like, I know this is unlikely but I feel like, if ever this bar/inn owner heard someone talk trash about Cale he’d be like idk he isn’t that bad. You know he actually stayed here once, one of his guards saved my life, and would kinda defend him a little, but he wouldn’t do that for Tolz. If a good way to tell what nobles are like is to look at how people in their territory act, then the fact this guy wouldn’t defend Venion or Tolz from criticism but arguably would defend Cale says more about Venion and Tolz than anything really. Especially after Cale becomes Young Master Silver Shield.
I may be wrong but this is the first time we see Cale actually mad/genuinely annoyed by someone right? For all he says Hans annoys him, he’s actually never seemed particularly annoyed at Hans. And everyone/everything else he’s been more surprised or scared than mad. He wasn’t even annoyed when he was brought to this world. On one hand I get it, I’m angry at Venion too. I just think it’s interesting to note.
Cale really thinks about everyone, even this old man.
Idk why but Something about Cale right now, the way he tells Choi Han to calm doen is so attractive to me. Maybe it’s how calm and level headed he is, maybe it’s how in control he seems. Idk. Also not important but in my head I don’t see red haired Cale Henituse, I see black haired KRS and idk why.
You know who I think of when I remember Venion? Years ago, when I first got Facebook I’d stumble across photos of like hunters posing with animals they’d just killed and looking so proud of themselves, and it always just filled me with anger and confusion. Like, I’m not a vegetarian or vegan but something about that just seemed so wrong to me. Venion reminds me of a worse version of those people. So pleased to see an innocent animal hurt and proud of themselves for having something to do with it.
When I tell you that reading this man’s torture/punishment scene will be so satisfying to me. He deserves so much worse than he got.
No he stole the carriage. He’s never even heard of Count Henituse. And those knights are paid actors. Why do people insist on asking obvious questions? To start conversation? There must be a better conversation starter than that. Honesetly how Cale hasn’t rolled his eyes at this amazes me. He doesn’t even think the sarcastic thing. I simply couldn’t do that.
I think Venion has bigger problems than being rude.
It makes sense that most people would just naturally be disgusted by him actually. Humans in general typically have fairly good instincts. We can kind of sense when others are terrible human beings. Obviously it isn’t perfect but it is there. The people who follow him probably either fear him or are just as terrible but if most people hate him, it’s probably not just because he’s rude. Venion would probably be too arrogant to pretend to be someone he’s not, so his bad traits would be fairly obvious and I think, when someone is this horrible, they can’t fully hide it anyway. He may not be advertising the Black Dragon thing but there is so much wrong with him and he has so many bad traits it would be impossible to hide them fully, if he even bothered to in the first place.
I don’t get how he’s convinced himself any version of Cale is somehow worse than him. The worst thing OG Cale did was probably what he said to Choi Han, that didn’t happen this time, so the worst he’s done is get drunk and trash some bars and shops. Meanwhile Venion has permanently injured and plans to murder his older brother, and is regularly entertained by a child, no, a toddler getting tortured. He needs to be smacked back down to, well, not earth, whatever their world is called.
Again, still don’t get how Venion would ever look like the better or superior one in this situation. His carriage nearly ran someone over, his lackey berated the person who saved the guy they nearly hit, and then he randomly tried to start shit with another noble and insulting him in public, when the other noble hadn’t actually said or done anything to anyone. No matter how you put it, Venion is the asshole in this situation, and everyone would see that so idk what superiority he thinks he’s showing here.
See Cale gets it. Why ask something you already know about? Oh so he can point out Cale is trash. pOk the trash is still like the least problematic person in this situation so really it just makes you look worse. Btw not saying Choi Han is problematic or anything, hopefully you get my point, it’s a rare occasion of Cale being the best behaved from the outside. Is behaved a word? If it wasn’t it is now.
Idk I think Cale’s doing pretty well at being a noble and this type of talk. If that was me I’d just be rolling my eyes every time Venion spoke.
Also fuck Marquis Stan. He’s just as responsible for Taylor and The Black Dragon and is a shit father and noble. He should’ve been tortured just as much as Venion. Idc.
Is the three other children including Taylor? Because if not 3 siblings and either none of them know or none of them care about the dragon being tortured. I’d like to give them the benefit of the doubt but idk if I can.
Ok so it doesn’t include Taylor.
And none of them care that the oldest brother was crippled by their other brother? Not one? Man, what is up with this family? Why do they all suck so much? Taylor deserves batter.
Imagine if KRS was transmigrated in the Stan family instead. He’d hate them so much but I feel like their downfall would come even quicker, and he’d still help Taylor and Cage because he doesn’t want to be the Marquis. He could even tell them about the black dragon to help Taylor take down his family. And he’d still be in the capital so be able to help with the plot. Can’t decide how he’d get the Shield, but idk, could be fun.
Kinda love how he refers to it as our family already. That’s cute.
Tbf I don’t think nobles not wanting to Take / associate with Deruth’s territory has much to do with it being greedy, because even if it would be greedy, what are the chances the other nobles would all care. It’s probably more to do with the Forest of darkness. Whoever’s responsible for Henituse territory is responsible for watching the Forest of Darkness and, let’s face it, most nobles won’t want that responsibility. Like looking greedy might be some nobles’ concern, but at least one noble family wouldn’t care about that.
This bitch really had the audacity to try and compare himself to Basen? Please those are two completely different relationships. Basen isn’t a complete psychopath/narcissist. And for that matter Cale isn’t Taylor. And did he really just try to call Taylor the trash eldest son and himself the pretty smart younger brother? God he’s delusional. It’s so much worse than I remembered. Delusional, arrogant, dumb, pathetic, horrible. There’s not a single good quality about this guy. Also claims he’s smart but doesn’t realise that Cale dislikes him, dare I say hate him, more than he hates Cale, but that could also be arrogance so idk.
If Venion didn’t like me and compared me to Taylor I’d take that as a huge compliment actually.
Hate to point this out again but he failed to appear as a proper noble when his carriage nearly ran someone over and his lackey blamed that person. Doesn’t seem very proper to me but what do I know? Maybe that is proper behaviour.
Also all these people just heard you call this man a waste of time and an obstacle. I know that some rich people do see poorer people like this but surely this is one of those things that, as a noble, you’re supposed to think but not say out loud? I know they’re not your people but it still seems wrong. Also wouldn’t it appear to most outsiders that he only told his lackey to stop because he realise another noble was there and he wanted to look good in front of him. Again, there’s no way Venion actually realistically comes out of this looking morally better or superior in any way to Cale.
You can practically hear the disgust in Cale’s thoughts. That’s truly impressive.
Don’t worry Venion. Cale did a very good job of teaching his people that distinction. Although his idea of people who have a right to walk this earth may differ from yours. Also again he just very publicly stated that this man, who hasn’t actually done anything wrong, doesn’t have the right to walk the earth or whatever… because he’s not a noble I guess?  Honestly, can you imagine a noble in our world saying this shit like in present time? I mean not much would happen lbr but everyone would at least be like we hate you, that’s a disgusting thing to say.
Also is now a good time to admit I have no idea how nobility actually works and therefore have no clue of the hierarchy?  Ok so google has informed me that Marquis is higher than Count and now I’m sad that a dragon torturer has a higher rank than Count Henitus, and say what you want about him, but at least he actually cares about his people to the best of his ability with the knowledge he has.
That’s offensive to dogs. At least sometimes when they yap it’s for a good reason, usually not but sometimes. (I’m not hating on dogs, I love dogs, I have two dogs, but they do tend to bark for no reason)
I don’t think there’s actually a word for how much I hate this man. Hate and despise come close but feel too weak a word. loathe maybe but every time I think of the word loathe or loathing I think of the song from Wicked, and that song could so easily go the complete opposite direction. Maybe abhor but again these words feel too weak. They don’t fully capture the anger, the disgust, the complete inability to find even one good thing about him.
What I’d give to see Choi Han punch him, just once.
The Tolz family also seem like idiots but they also seem too pathetic to actually hate? Like they just go along with keeping a dragon on their territory and letting the Marquis torture it there? Dumb, dumb as hell. I’d feel sorry for them but they brought it on themselves and so instead I look about them in about the same way I imagine most people look when they see Florida Man in the news, just a why would you do that? Confusion but still more angry than I probably would be at most Florida men or similarly stupid people in the news. A more confused version of the anger I feel when there’s a child abuse story in the news and one of them is like oh but I didn’t abuse them, when there is proof they knew it was happening and were fine with it/amused by it/encouraging it or just didn’t care. You know what I change my mind I do hate the Tolz family, just less than Marquis Stan and Venion. But yeah fuck the Tolz family too. Being pathetic and dumb is no excuse honestly.
Cale needs a reward  or something purely for not punching this man.
Also can we tak a second to discuss the difference in anger and how it’s expressed by Choi Han and Cale. The best way I can put it is Choi Han’s anger is like fire, right? It’s heated, passionate, comes on and spreads quickly and suddenly, is very destructive, hard to stop and contain, though it can be, and is harder to hide. Cale’s anger is like water, like the ocean. It’s cold, he looks very calm on the outside, so you don’t realise he’s angry, but under the surface he’s raging. I’ve always thought the ocean was beautiful and at the same time thought it was one of the most terrifying things there is, and not just because I can’t swim. With fire, the danger is there, it’s obvious, you know it’s dangerous, you know if you touch it you’re gonna get hurt, you’re gonna get burned, and that leaves a permanent mark. But the ocean isn’t like that, the danger isn’t as obvious, at least if you can swim, you could go in the ocean a million times and be just fine, and then one day you get stuck in the wrong tide, and you try to fight against it but you can’t. and there’s so much we don’t know about the ocean, so much mystery surrounding it, a lot of stories, some true, some not true. And the most dangerous thing about the ocean is how peaceful it looks, how calm, how it lures you in. even though I know I can’t swim, I still feel the urge, when I see the ocean, to just jump in, even though I know that would be a very bad idea. A lot of this applies to Cale, there are a lot of stories and rumours about him, he looks more calm than he is, he draws people in, a lot of those people survive and are just fine, but some get dragged away by the tide. The thing is fire and water, with all these differences, still have similarities: they both can hurt/kill you, and they can both be suffocating, and they’re both pretty to look at but can hurt you if you’re not careful. And that just feels so similar to Choi Han and Cale to me. Plus Cale managed to calm Choi Han down, a bit like water can douse a fire and put it out. Cale is water, Choi Han is fire, they’re both forces to be reckoned with and Venion pissed both of them off. He played with fire multiple times but he also earned the ocean’s fury, and an angry ocean… well, we all know how terrifying, how dangerous, that can be. This turned out more poetic than I intended so I’m gonna go ahead and move on.
Again he’s awfully judgy for someone who gets his kicks from torturing a 4 year old.
Cale subtly messing with Venion by purposefully using the hand he helped the old man with to shake Venion’s hand. Also the fact Cale is more disgusted to touch Venion and Venion doesn’t realise it.
also is the lackey a servant? I thought they were but idk. Oh well, not important
Cale’s ability to say these things without giving away that he’s lying is truly impressive.
Oh good, Venion’s gone. I apologise that this one is more angry/less positive. I just can’t stand Venion or people like him.
Cale: lowkey rants about everything wrong with the interaction with Venion
 also Cale: I’m not that angry though
maybe not angry necessarily but he is very much disgusted. Even then he is a little angry, which is fair
again don’t get how exactly Cale would look bad in this situation, especially when compared with Venion
honestly Choi Han and Cale’s conversation here is actually great. Cale almost comforts Choi Han, and shows that he understands how Choi Han feels and where he’s coming from, and he agrees with him. He validates Choi Han so much but his plan to destroy Venion is different. Choi Han could and would beat Venion up, maybe even kill him, but Cale, Cale takes the things he and the Marquis care about the most, their status, their power, their image, their money. For people like Venion and the Marquis that’s much more devastating than a beatdown they could recover from and use as ammunition. And then he doesn’t even really ask or demand Choi Han helps him, he offers, gives him the chance to decide or agree to help on his own, and it’s such a subtle difference, but an important one nonetheless. Also don’t think either of them realise but they’re already besties at this point.
Choi Han is such a delight
Here’s the thing, Cale was already pissed at Venion before they even met and now he’s made him even angrier. i don’t think anyone can help him now. Like he was already beyond help but, now, it’s not just I’m going to punish you for what you did to Raon. It’s I’m going to do that and I’ll enjoy every second of tearing you apart and watching you be clueless I’m responsible until it’s too late. God I love that version of KRS Cale. Kinda want a dark Cale fic now. Not necessarily a villain but also kinda. Same Cale, just wants his people safe, but if anyone regardless of the side their on messes with his people they get the same treatment as his enemies, whether they’re a hero, villain, neutral. And where he enjoys bringing them down as well. Idk the idea of dark KRS Cale is so interesting to me. And slowly the characters around him become just as dark. Like he simply can’t lose anyone else so if anyone poses even the slightest threat to his people, they’re very quickly dealt with. Anyway not important
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orchideae · 6 months
salt meme *cracks knuckles*: ☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you? ☼ How long do you stay mad? ☢ What fads/trends are you so over (What is a fad)? ♨ Have you ever made a public call out post? ❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you? ❣ How salty are you feeling right now (Please give a comparison beginning of writing the answer to this and after you wrote it, for science purposes)?
— @delusionaid // Prompt: The salty AF meme
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❣ How salty are you feeling right now? (1) I can't believe Youtube is playing a song called 'Do or Die' as I'm typing this up. Youtube wants me to go hard, but I dunno how much I can live up to that. But currently, salt levels are around 7/10.
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you? Show a genuine lack of respect across the board. This plays into numerous elements of social interaction, but more so than anything, it plays into the element of taking away someone's autonomy to how they run their blog. See, this is actually also something that more so makes it that I'll never follow you in the first place, but I guess that'll also work as salt too, right? Right, autonomy, I hate that we live in 2024, and people have been all about "it's your blog, you have the freedom to do what you want!" Yeah, except, ding, ding, 'do what you want' doesn't quite mean what we all think it does. You know, that little thing called its official definition? Yeah, not a thing. Have your liberty, however, you can't write with this person or that muse because they're problematic (correction: this person 'feels' that they're problematic) or have done some questionably morally grey things in their lifetime, you can't write a character with any of these 375 faceclaims that you're supposed to keep track of and agree with, if you write a villain then you should obviously ignore all of these villainous traits that make them villains because why would you ever write a villain who does bad things? (Unless he's hot or said villain is a female character, of course), on that note, please ignore this and this bit of canon because it makes me (personally) very uncomfortable. And to expand on the last two in specific, obviously you can't ever write or acknowledge these (dark) things any way, because if you write a character who even did something less bad, like spoke rudely to anyone, you obviously do the same thing in life outside of Tumblr.com and so I will write a callout about you. But apart from all of that and more things that are coincidentally hidden behind a little 'etc.', you can do whatever you want! Have fun!!
❣ How salty are you feeling right now? (2) About... 9/10.
☼ How long do you stay mad? Unless it's something really trivial, I'll usually sleep and my brain will process it back into non-existence the next day or the one after. But I do however, hold a grudge like none other. Granted, getting to that point is rather difficult to do, but if you do genuinely wrong me in some capacity, then I will remember that. Now, I believe in second chances, but those can't apply everywhere, for I do firmly believe that there are lines that truly shouldn't ever be crossed. Overall however, I'm not an angry person and to anger me in the first place is quite difficult. And you know, you especially do like to say that even when I'm angry, I'm smiling and laughing and 'don't really sound any different', so how mad/angry am I really? I think I really am just the 'No talk me I angy' cat meme in the flesh.
☢ What fads/trends are you so over? I still hate the concept of 'censorship'. I'm sorry, but if I dislike a character, a culture, a character trait, a show, book, an adaptation, I have every right to say so and I can even talk about it on my blog for hours if I so choose to do so, just like others are allowed to do the exact opposite. It is a two-way street. I shouldn't have to adhere to some system of social politics of, well, you're allowed to complain or talk about how this and this is bad, but if you want to touch on that, well no, we can't quite let you do that one! That's not exactly fitting in the current social political climate. Because here's my thing with it in general, if anyone for example told me that they disliked Yelan, I think that it would be a shame, if someone told me that, for example, they disapprove of my take of her sleeping around (again: not done in promiscuity); that's perfectly fine, tell me why and we can have a friendly talk about it. Because last I checked, discussion is incredibly healthy for our mental development. I want to know why people think differently, and I love the challenge of even possibly changing their perspective on the matter. But if everything is censored from the get-go, then there's no discussion, no potential for growth or understanding. I'm sad that this mere concept is still as prevalent in all fandoms as it seems to be.
♨ Have you ever made a public call out post? Can salt posts like this entire ask response be considered as a public call out post of bad behavior across the board? Yes? Okay great, then yes, I absolutely have. I reblog a salt meme like this at least once every 2/3 months when my activity isn't entirely shot into the depths of hell itself
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you? Meh, I don't care much about FCs, at least not like I used to when I actively used them, nor did I ever really feel like any FC was ever 'ruined' for me. I just get very tired of people overusing specific characters or roles, but I'm very easily affected by overexposure or over-hype in general, so this isn't surprising.
❣ How salty are you feeling right now? (3). 6/10 or so, I'd say.
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anaalnathrakhs · 21 days
i've had to unfollow a couple of aro-positivity blogs bc they hammer how at the same time they complain about friendships being deemed lesser than romance, and also about romantic shipping somehow ruining every canon or fanon friendship/platonic/etc thing those characters had.
"Why do you ship those characters???? Do you hate platonic friendships????" Well you see, they're friends in canon, and various relationship settings are interesting to explore between characters who have a strong bond. The same way people write pre-dating pining/falling in love/backstory/just being friends stories for canon couples. Just like sometimes people decide those two were matched in a way that doesn't jive with them and break them up in their fanfic.
"Shipping a character who doesn't have a love interest in canon is arophobia!!!" Yeah and you can only have one OTP else the characters are cheating on each other. Each pairing can only be written with a dynamic as close to canon as possible, else you just don't understand the source material. Writing an interpretation of the source means that you think that's exactly what the original writer implied, and the only correct interpretation.
"Shipping an aro character is just like making a gay character straight!!!" Neither of which are actually inherently bad and poorly handled things. Excluding making a case for characters being romance-positive/demi/gray/in qprs/etc while incorporating canon/subtext/word-of-god aro elements, because ppl writing those posts are often (rightfully) cool with it, it's also just. yknow. fine. Case-by-case, if you will. Sometimes a character dynamic would be interesting because characters are more than their orientation and also NOT REAL PEOPLE with no internal lives, likes and dislikes, boundaries, etc. You can modify things about them. It can be done in a poor manner, and denote a misunderstanding of aro issues and identities, or straight up bigotry. It can also just be that it's interesting to write about. Like genderbends for example. Many of the same arguments can be used there.
Anyway. Of course amatonormativity is real, and very present, and overwhelming, and exhausting. But the thing is that no fanfic interpretation REPLACES the original text or another interpretation. Friendships and other platonic relationships are not valued enough, given enough spotlight in media. But the answer to that isn't to chastize people for being creative and violating the integrity of a fictional character's identity. Encourage depictions and explorations of less normative relationships (not in the romantic sense of the word, all kinds of relationships), as well as the weight they hold. Educate people on aromanticism, amatonormativity, etc. I know you're already doing it, and it's not working, but trying to shame people for being creative is not gonna make it work faster.
Also re: in most cases, characters should not use therapy-speak to communicate or think, because that's not how people function in real life. Same thing applies. Just like internalize homophobia is a staple of many gay fanfics that wish to deal (however superficially and however in-depth as they'd like) with the topic, amatonormativity is going to be a feature of many fanfics about characters living in a world that, modeled after ours or not, was still created by people living in the same amatonormativity as we are. Usually, unless they actively work to insert non-amatonormative elements in their worldbuilding or specific story setting, writers will create a world through the prism of our society's amatonormativity, thus creating an amatonormative setting producing characters that think amatonormatively. It doesn't stop them experiencing things outside of the realm of that "normality", but it does influence the way they'll think and act about it.
There's few situations in which a long internal monologue about which modern queer lingo is appropriate for their feelings doesn't feel a bit shoehorned (and no hate if you want to write or read a feelgood piece instead of detailing internalized bigotry in all its complexity, to be clear, but that's a writing choice not a moral requirement to signify that This Author is Aro-Positive). Thus, characters will think about, act, narrate their story, etc, as they experience it, with the knowledge and vocabulary they have. Every action is only as romantic/platonic as the people doing it intend to make it, and every action you see on screen is up to your interpretation because characters don't have intentions.
I can write about two characters having sex, and not include a huge paragraph about how totally romanticism-less this whole thing is, because it would be completely out of character for them to apprehend these concepts in these words, and I don't want to tackle the WHOLE damn split-attraction model or every possible non-amatonormative way to conceptualize fuckbuddies arrangements, because I'm writing prose and not an educative guide. They fall for amatonormative ideas that are restrictive and don't encompass the full spectrum of human relationships. Hell, maybe the writer does too, even if they do challenge some other amatonormative ideas. But in any case, it does not erase any narrative of platonic feelings for those characters. The flavor-text reiterating amatonormative ideas ("this COULDN'T have been friendship" "relationships fixed them and they were so so sad and miserable before", etc) is annoying, but 1st of all educating is always better than chastizing, and 2nd of all sometimes prose is just hyperbolic like that, idk, there's notes of biphobia in how some stories highlight the character's first gay experience, but it's also just resonating and amplifying the feelings some people really do feel in these situations. That's a writing thing. Not universal to every style, but common.
yeah. non-amatonormative rep is good. less creative endeavors is bad.
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taleswritten · 9 months
This is the last time I'm going to say this. I don't care if people ditch me, block me, whatever. Cause if they were real friends, they wouldn't ditch me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
And honestly? I don't even block people I talk consistently with and am close friends with unless it's clear we have different views on fiction or w/e and I feel there's going to be a big deal made out of it. Cause I don't need someone who thinks terribly of me for the fiction I write.
Most of the time, I get blocked, which is just fine. I don't care!! I don't need people who will easily block me!! I very rarely even post about it!! And yes, I have been known to block without a word, but it's never really with people I feel super close to. I usually try to work it out with them. It is not my problem that someone gets upset over me blocking to the point they dnis or talk shit about me just for protecting my peace.
What I care about is people talking shit about me for a month and me being silent and then suddenly I'm even more of the bad guy for standing up for myself.
I have every right to block and unfollow who I see fit. If you get butthurt over that, that's on YOU pal. I always have my reasons and most of the time I will talk to friends before I do, unless I believe there's no point.
I'm not playing the victim cause I do not give a shit. At all. I stay in my own lane, I mind my own fucking business, and I don't give a shit if people block me. Like if we're close, it may sting a little, but I always move on to 'i don't care actually'. You can ask any of my long time friends honestly, they know. Yes, I cadmit I did get really upset and panic-y when I thought someone who was my friend blocked me but you know what? Now i'm at the 'fuck it' stage and really don't care anymore.
I'm not posting any anons about this (unlike some people) so I'm not trying to drag this or anything else out. This will be the last post I ever make on this.
Leave me alone because I'm not doing anything except writing. I'm not posting drama, I'm not talking shit, i'm not posting the anons I keep getting cause I don't care.
Leave me alone, it ain't that hard to move on. I'm not the one getting upset over someone blocking me to the point where I need a DNI and have to cry about it.
Also? I don't use people just to toss them to the side. I have friends I've had for literal years. If you are damaging to my peace and mental health, you're gone. It is as simple as that. I don't really care if that makes me the bad guy but it certainly doesn't make me toxic or manipulative, especially if all I do is block someone and don't even talk about it or cry on the dash about it.
I can and will block people as I see fit. People are always screaming about protecting their space and dash and when I do it, it's suddenly an issue??? I'm not the one sending anons to people talking shit or sending hate (which has been happening to me since this started but guess what? i don't post them! i block and move on!!)
You can ask my friends that I've had for a while, I'm not toxic and manipulative nor do I use and discard people lmao
And tbh? until recently I don't recall blocking people in literal years.
Anyway I'm only posting this as a PSA and to link it in my post in case someone ever has a problem with me blocking them.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 months
People that can only enjoy things through spite really baffle me.
For a while, I was following someone that ran a fanblog for something that I liked, but alongside reblogging fan art, every other original post they made was about how they would hate X, and that Y was better.
X and Y were any number of things relating to the subject of the blog, and the specifics of what they were aren't relevant to the discussion.
It wasn't that their criticisms were unfounded. They sometimes had legitimate gripes with a work, and I even agreed occasionally with some of the things they said. What bothered me is that conversely, they rarely talked about the things they did like unless it was in relation to the thing they didn't like.
It was never, "I like Y because ABC, and y'all should check it out too!" it was always, "X is horrible and bad, so I'm gonna consume Y instead!" or "At least Y is better than that trash X!"
It was just very tiring. I don't know what made them like that, but there was always a bitterness to their posts that always made me uncomfortable, especially in relation to what the blog was about. I would think a person running a blog like that would be more forward about positivity and love, but the impression I got was that they were purely motivated by spite.
But I tolerated it for a while because I liked seeing the reblogged posts and "X" was rarely something I was personally invested in. It was only recently that the "X" was actually something that I cared about that I finally decided to unfollow them. For the second time. I'd actually gotten sick and tired of this behavior long ago, but I decided to give them another shot, which they blew yet again.
I dunno. I know some people enjoy when others "spill the tea" or whatever (it seems like several of their followers enabled their behavior), and I'm not beyond hearing criticisms of a thing I like (I'm usually the first to make them). But I think I get the most enjoyment from people who also share the things they love because they love the thing, not because they hate something else.
It doesn't have to be an unconditional love, it just has to be earnest. I say all the time that being critical of the things you love is basically an essential part of truly appreciating anything in this world. But beyond the spite and criticism, I want to know that the person has something that they truly adore without it being tied to primarily negative feelings.
I just never got that from this person. There was never a post where they could gush about something without bringing something else down with it. I never sensed an earnest love from them.
But, maybe some people are just like that. Maybe their joy stems from venting their frustrations, and I can understand that. But their joy, is not my joy, and I just have a limit to how much spite I can take from one person before I just can't have them in my purview anymore.
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master-k0hga · 4 months
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| K A D A N |
[ Category: Misc OCs ]
| So this is Kadan, he's like a young (like 17, turning 18 if I remember?? Idk..) lil lad who has a major crush on the neighbour's son who's like... Just turned 20 or something Idk I don't exactly remember, the kid's only young so he'll grow out of that weird phase... Unless it's actually full on obsession then no he might end up worse than that, he gets rather jealous easily and loves hanging out with the son (who I shall name another day when I make his ref cuz he actually used to be a sona of mine) so the possibility of him gettin' real obsessed and creepy seems very HIIiiigh...?
But oh well we'll see!! Other than that he's sweet, adorable and very active just in general! Loves playing and also being a menace to his own parents and street he lives at.... All the adults think it's adorable though so we'll see about that..
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Name: Kadan Species: Human General Personality: Jealous, caring, upbeat, silly, is a cry baby, creative, energetic Height: 4ft "3" Relationship Status: Single
Extra Info:
He's on very close terms with a lot of people in the neighbourhood, has loads of friends and overall; NOT popular, but just very tolerable and nice to call a friend
His obsession with the neighbour's kid was very unknown and very sudden, so even though his parents see it as just like innocent and adorable little fascination/idolization at the moment; It might start seeming weird if he were to still act like this in his adult years
Goes to a local cooking club with his friends and other locals where they would bake all kinds of sweet treats, pastries and so on; He tends to go for an hour or two after school unless he were to be sick; It's something he enjoys and thinks about opening up a bakery one day
He's very sensitive, so he will cry if someone raises their voice at him, it was only once in school but he got yelled at by a teacher for yelling too loud because of asshole older kids influencing him; Not to worry though, the kids got their fill after the teacher hears him out
Arts and crafts are his favourite, and the guy he likes also loves music; So he would enjoy working on covers and such to advertise one day. He only dreams in the meantime as the neighbour's son doesn't seem to wanna take it up as a profession yet
His nickname is literally "Kid", and that's what the son usually refers to him as when they hang out together; The relationship is like "super awesome babysitter" and "super clingy but adorable" kid. On the outer perspective anyways, not sure about what Kadan sees it as of course
Very much an attention seeker and loves getting all the attention from others, especially when it's from what he's made or baked by the other adults, even better when they either hang up the things he's crafted or tried AND enjoyed the baked goods he makes; Which is to be expected because A) His baking experience is not to be underestimated, and B) He takes massive pride in the things he does and manages to accomplish
Has quite the sweet tooth, so of course him enjoy baking will be something he does quite a lot
Doodles from time to time, mostly loves doodling and inking tattoo designs of what he would want to get one day. That is if his parents would allow him to of course is another question
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
And that's it for this little bundle of sunshine and madness, there'll obviously be plenty more to post and hopefully I'll actually either finish or get on with... So if you are not of that (to which no shit sherlock) then unfollow me, I would like to post more fan art at some point but ngl I don't have much for that sort of art right now... Or maybe never tbh, all my FCs will be put into their own thing once I get to them, the fan art or AUs and ideas and stuff I had are being scrapped from now on... And overall I have no reason to be a fandom artist when that doesn't get anything along with my personal and OC works..
So I don't know, nor do I really care anymore.. This will all probably be like a month or so since I've posted anything.. Not like I have a schedule or a "need" to keep posting all the time anyways...
. Kadan, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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dawn-the-rithmatist · 2 years
Common Tumblr Myths
I’m seeing some information go around rn that’s true in spirit, but not entirely correct and I want to make a few little reminders
“Likes don’t do anything, they’re just so you can find things again later in your liked posts.” This one is usually fired off as part of encouraging people to reblog instead of/in addition to liking things. It’s a good thing to encourage, because reblogs are the most EFFECTIVE way to show support and share posts, but they’re not the ONLY way. Likes do things!! They help posts be more visible outside of people’s dashes in search results, the “for you” page, and things like “in your orbit” and “based on your likes” (assuming you have those enabled- you can turn them off in settings).
“Tumblr doesn’t have an algorithm.” Also usually seen as part of the reblog-not-like posts. Tumblr does have an algorithm- it’s just not forced on you like it is everywhere else. Your dash (the main screen when you open the app or website) is curated on follows and reblogs, but the “for you” page, search results, and anything that shows up on your dash because of tags you follow and your/your friends’ activity, that’s tumblr’s algorithm! You can avoid it completely if you want, and sometimes it does some Weird Shit, but if you’re new here and struggling to find blogs to follow, browse some tags, reblog and like a ton of things, and then check out the for you page. It’s actually a pretty good way to find new people!
“It’s rude to block/unfollow people.” Full honesty, this is maybe not a universal opinion, but on a website where your experience is almost entirely defined by who and what you follow, you need to block and unfollow people. Sometimes your interest changes and you don’t want a fandom cluttering up your dash. The “toxic side” of a fandom can be nothing but a myth to you if you block liberally. No one can know if you’ve blocked them unless they specifically go to your blog, and even then it looks the same as a loading error. The strength of tumblr is the ability to control your own experience, so take advantage!
“There’s no way to know who sent an anon ask.” That is um. Not true. There are ways to figure it out. I will not detail them here because you can Google that and I don’t want to hand people that power, but just. If you are going to be shitty to someone on anon, please keep in mind that people can figure out who you are fairly easily, even if most folks don’t know how or won’t go to the effort of doing it. Also, anon asks can be a really lovely thing, so why,, use them to be a dick
This isn’t a myth but it is related to that last bit: you can answer asks privately! If you get an ask and you want to respond but don’t want it on your blog, answer it privately so only you and the asker can see it. It’s a good way to handle asks that are maliciously targeting someone or potentially trying to start drama. Highly recommend. Don’t be a cyberbully’s platform.
That’s all I’ve got right now (whoops got a bit off topic) but if I see more going around I might reblog this with some more for the new folks. Also! Hi new folks, glad you’re here :)
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hungry-skeleton · 9 months
Thanks, appreciate your doc and help a lot!!! I'm pretty dumb so etiquette guides are always helpful.
I realized the questions I have were...quite a load but I'm sending these to you if you wanna continue your doc. Feel free to answer only a few of them or not answer them now!
Dividing content by blogs: I got a few main interests, and some minor interests. When is it a good idea to start a sideblog?
Adding a lot in a reblog: I ended up writing a long essay in my reblog. My contribution adds to the discussion but IDK if it's inconsiderate to post a whole essay to someone's post. Is that OK, or should I instead put it in a new post, put some context and tag the person?
Avoiding the flames: I'm often afraid of posting something for the fear of backlash - whether or not deserved. The options I know so far: a) Don't post it, b) Post it and accept whatever happens, c) Scroll down for 30 minutes in a dashboard or through tags to find out whether my take would be considered problematic or inflammatory. What's your take?
Attention: I heard it was OK to scroll down someone's blog but in one blog I seemed to have interacted with at least 30% of their posts, putting lots of comments along the way. Is that creepy or acceptable?
Anons: There's a few cool people I send a lot of anon asks to. Is it considered considerate or dumb if I eventually let them know that I've sent them a bunch of anons?
Followers, mutuals and the dashboard: I'm considering either visiting blogs individually or curating my dashboard. If I curate my dashboard and unfollow 200 people, that'll go against the "follow back" and "unfollow only if you dislike the person" viewpoints. Do people still have those mindset?
Edit: tumblr is such a functioning website sometimes the numbers on this post get broken lmao 😭😭😭😭
That's all up to you! Some people like to keep their blogs pristine and curated for certain things, others like to put all their stuff in one big pile of you (like me!) it all depends on how you want your blog to operate!
As long as it's relevant to the post it's absolutely okay to add a long addition, especially if you're teaching something! Most people love having some actual substance in their interactions so don't worry about that. But if you'd like to, you can add a "read more" divider so others don't have to scroll through your paragraphs if they don't want to :)
This is true for every place on the internet, it's honestly your call! Do whatever makes you comfortable, not much else I can say
Absolutely fine! We love interaction no matter the age of the post! Make sure you check their bio or pinned posts first though, most people are alright with "like spamming" but some aren't. Unless they say otherwise somewhere interact to your hearts content!
That's the beauty of anon, it's up to you how much you want to be known. Try not to pester people though, let bloggers get to your asks on their own time! If you'd like for them to know all your asks are from one person but without revealing they're from you, you can add an anon signature! It's a simple nickname to give yourself in the ask box to show that you're the same person. This could be as simple as saying "hey! It's me, (blank)anon again!" or a popular way of doing it is assigning your self an emoji to sign off your asks with! Example: "hope you're day is good! -💥anon"
Once again this is a "your call" situation. Curate your experience to your comfort. I will say though I'm following over 800 people and my dash is just fine lol. Tumblr users don't usually believe in the "follow for follow" system so don't feel bad for unfollowing someone for whatever reason
I hope that was helpful :)))
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villains4hire · 1 year
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you? / ☀ What’s your rp pet peeve? / ☁ Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn’t have?
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//Spicy Goopy Time
I think the following ways for an instant unfollow or block is that isn't in my rules:
1. Posting an opinion or supporting an opinion that ridicules criticism while also being critical yourself or supporting someone that does? It's super hypocritical, but I can get how people can get suckered into wanting to defend their content creators/idols, so at the same time I give a little bit of slack before a block. It just makes someone come off as really stupid or just someone that shouldn't be looking at opinions or 'actual criticism' who can't tell the difference between actual harassment on the internet, of all things. I think I see this happen with Vivziepop or her fans that defend her along with Vtubers the most in any rpc/content fandom at this point, but I usually have her tag/fandom tag muted and I only glance at twitter so yeah. They can have their opinions, Vivziepop/Vtubers too, but in the market place of free ideas? They just come off as really weak when coming at it from a dismissive angle rather than defend your points or actually engage if you decide to approach or just simply tell someone to fuck off if directly given to you, yeah. Mostly because if it isn't worth responding to? Then why even go as far to point people out is my thing? It's the paradox that you don't care but do care actually to the point of wanting to put things down rather than explain it, unless you have to, it comes off as insecure, but nuance I don't expect ppl to get it and it's fine, etc, it really depends as if you were dead on straight asked a question that was critical? I think it'd be fine to just say 'Yeah I don't care, this opinion/topic is worthless to me', then just move on lol, I would have INFINITE more respect for someone saying that and showing a bit of backbone rather than hiding behind any justification or their fans. I don't think I have anyone in my feed like that remaining to the point where I notice it on dash. As I have anyone like that get blocked as I can tell the difference between an opinion and then someone being just 'like that', and anyone who follows me for a while knows that I will just say what I feel like and know I'm rather neutral on the matter regarding for or against those I mentioned prior, I just have a deep annoyance for this mentality. This might just be a culture thing tho? My family and people I tend to gravitate toward ppl like us/different cultures, that are similar bc of it talk very directly and we see it as insulting/weird otherwise for us anyway.
2. Someone that is too 'soft' in how they react or too 'cold' or too 'cruel' in how they treat other people. I try to be balanced so I don't expect anyone to be perfect tho. I tend to just ignore these types but let them follow me, granted I will say that if I don't follow back it's not bc of that lol, I follow primarily on interest even if slight. I interact with all types of ppl regardless.
I suppose someone who doesn't pull their weight in an rp and just monologues. It takes two to tango and so long as someone's pushing it forward, or making even a slight effort to throw something new on the wall? I greatly appreciate it and I tend to favor those rpers the most. As it doesn't even need a defined direction, but passive rps are literally the bane of any rper to keep an rp going with someone and a common mistake.
I can't recall so probably no. I tend to close my walls when I've determined they've gone too far. And I've always been right in that assessment as I've been hurt a lot irl by ppl, so I know what to look for usually, even if the person in question isn't outright malicious whether intentionally or otherwise.
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wumblr · 2 years
i feel extraordinarily compelled to reveal all the secrets i've been keeping because at this point it presents more of a liability to leave them unknown and this is after all the rant journal that arbitrarily didn't get deleted when my leather fetish blog did (probably because both were a major draw for ad revenue for the site at one point) but like... those of you who would not judge me for charging $1000/hr for sex work WOULD judge me for putting some of it in bitcoin at exactly the right time because i thought i could see it coming. and those of you who would judge me for neither would want to know all my trade secrets. and at least one person i respect has said "if you engaged in financial speculation during the pandemic i hate you" which like. fair. the secret is if you're going into a ponzi scheme, you have to get out while it's up. nah i'm just kidding you have to target guys who consider themselves straight but secretly crave being dominated. it seems obvious, right? i shouldn't tell you this: they don't know what a normal rate is. and to be honest neither do i because they kept saying "sure that sounds fine" to the rate. insane. ok bye i'm deleting. unless any of you are buying...? but i don't have any of my gear right now because i left it at my ex-fiance's house because i thought. i really thought. didn't i. i thought i was getting out of the industry. I SAID IT WOULD BE FUNNY SOMEDAY do you even know how hard it was to keep this under wraps. i LOVE oversharing. that's what happened to the fiance i think if i had kept up the persona the whole time he would probably still like me but he was not paying so. he got the whole person. BIG mistake. still unclear whether it's over. if anybody can figure out some life advice to derive from this could you tell me what it is? because i'm literally. in indiana. GOD. IT'S SO FUCKING FUNNY. you can unfollow me for this. it's okay. did anybody else have a pandemic this weird or am i just living life at a 10 (standard deviations from norm)? and they didn't even print anything i said in that interview for the atlantic. i'm a $500 hoe on average because half the time i just do things for $0 because they sound interesting. i think the life advice is "do not do any of this" but how, on god, was i supposed to know that?? actually the trade secret is i kind of look like christian wilde. if he looked like shaggy rogers. if he was a phd candidate. and THAT is why i will never do a face reveal. somebody would be like "no you don't, your eyes are lopsided" and i would have to be like (ani difranco lyric from 2005 about having the kind of beauty that moves). not that it particularly matters for the sake of my clientele because they usually want the hood. anyway, this is why camp is homosexual. because it's inescapable. thank you for my tedtalk. sorry for fucking your man i guess i hope he's well
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