#and i only distance myself bc i feel as if im annoying them
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punk-o-ween · 4 months ago
i wish i could keep friends, this is such a womp womp for me bro 😕😕
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pepprs · 2 years ago
it’s actually fucking stupid that journaling actually makes me worse now. like what the hell else am i supposed to do
#purrs#writing (or reading my writing) about bad things that have happened and trying to make sense of them and see how much distance ive gotten#from them now only makes me feel miserable because i was suffering horrors and was literally right about everything and also nothing has#changed or the same patterns are showing up or whatever. idk. it’s fucking annoying bc i only have myself now and i can’t even be there for#myself in the way iknow i need someone to be there for me. relatedly when im experiencing horrors beyond belief i just want to take whoever#im mad at into a giant field and scream at them where no bystander can hear us or intervene or get their feelings hurt. i want freedom and i#want energetic reciprocity. i want to express myself and be met with equal expression. the most helpful thing people can do when im#spiralling is to methodically destroy the spiral and not give up after just one chunk. stay there and don’t leave. like why is it so fucking#hard to… idk. that’s neither here nor there im getting in the weeds. my mental health was doing better for a few days bc i was pretending#none of the horrors happened but i tried to reflect on them tonight and now it’s 1:33 and im spiralling and i have to get thru the rest of t#week and probably be alone and i only have myself now.a nd i always only did i guess. so whatever. i don’t want to be miserable and surly at#work tomorrow but i probably will be and i don’t want to say it’s gonna be a bad day before it’s even started but it probably will be. augh.#delete later
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artdcnaldson · 3 months ago
since everyone is talking about them having their challengers moments, im gonna be annoying and tell my story because i felt like i was in a fanfic and i honestly could see art and patrick doing this. (feel free to ignore, i know you never asked for this)
on halloween this year, i took my younger brother trick or treating with his friends (highschoolers) to the rich neighborhoods so they could get big chocolate bars bc our neighborhood sucks.
anyways, there was a frat group of guys at this one huge house that one of them must have lived at bc they had candy for kids and a huge bonfire thing going, and my brothers friend kept shining a flash light on me and when i tell u the entire group of guys were looking at me, and at first i was like whatever, probably because there’s a fucking light in my face, plus, not trying to sound full of myself, just being honest, but i’m objectively very attractive so guys looking at me wasn’t that abnormal, but four of them in particular would not stop looking at me. (i was a cat and wasn’t even dressed THAT slutty, like it was a skirt, long sleeve shirt with cleavage and fishnets— enough to pass by ya know)
i was waiting for my brother and his friends at the end of the road and only one of my brothers friends stayed back with me, besides that i was alone standing there pretending i couldn’t literally hear the guys behind me talking. all i heard was words like “she” and “fine” being spewed behind me, and i eventually turned back to look at them because idk i was feeling brave.
they were a few feet away from a spotlight, so i could see them pretty well, and two of them were distanced from the rest of the guys and were huddled together conversing while looking at me, while another guy was behind them with his hands on their shoulders, and i could hear him say “yeah right“ start laughing, still while looking at me and then go “you wouldn’t know how to handle all of that.” to the two guys who were just openly checking me out.
one of them looked a lot like patrick and he had a cowboy hat on and was really tall and the other one was SUPER flustered and was blonde and HOT and wasn’t even dressed up he just had his university hoodie on.
i didn’t know what to do so i just pulled out my phone, told my brothers friend that i had to call someone and stepped back so i was closer to where they were. my ass was just trying to eavesdrop with my back to them and my heart was POUNDING because they were HOT and i had literally watched challengers for the first time like a few weeks before this.
i held my phone up to my ear like i was on the phone and just listened to them bickering behind me, and they were going back and forth saying ‘no, you’ and ‘why do i have to’ and ‘shut up’, but one of them; i’m assuming was the blonde, was like nervously giggling and i could tell that they were like shoving each other.
and then the brunette called one of their friends over and asked him something and all i heard was a new voice go ‘well, who had dibs? which one saw her first?’
and i heard brunette go ‘i did’ and the other one was like ‘no you fucking didn’t’ and heard the other person walk away, leaving the two of them there like 8 feet behind me at this point.
that was when i realized oh my god these two guys behind me are arguing over who gets to approach me first. some of my brothers friends came walking back, and before i started moving forwards again, i heard one of the guys behind me go ‘than let’s both try’
and like oh my god??? they were standing on a steep front yard and i heard the brunette push the blonde forwards towards me and could hear him stumble while the brunette goes ‘you first’.
blonde was like 6 feet behind me at this point and i can see my brother start to make his way towards me, and im blushing like crazy and scared to turn around. i could hear someone shout ‘talk to her!’ and then i heard him clear his throat behind me and idk what made me turn around but i did.
and he was like “hi” and waved at me awkwardly in his university hoodie and his messy blonde hair and i just said hi while looking back from him to my brother who was nearing me, because i didn’t know what the fuck to do he was like towering over me and clearly flustered and I DONT KNOW HOW TO FLIRT.
so he put two and two together that i was waiting for my brother and spoke up again and was like “i know you probably hear this all the time, but i just wanted to tell you that my friend and i think you’re really pretty.”
my brother was like back with his friends at this point and i was cursing having to play babysitter for them. i just said something like that’s really sweet thank you, i DONT KNOW I WAS SO NERVOUS AND BLUSHING AND i looked back and the brunette one was leaning against a tree watching and he shouted hi to me and i was just like hi. and then my COCKBLOCK OF A BROTHER WAS WAITING TO GO TO THE NEXT HOUSE AND WE HAD TO LEAVE </3
i told him i had to go and apologized and before i completely left their sight, i heard the brunette shout ‘IF YOU’RE EVER LOOKING FOR A BOYFRIEND, YOU SHOULD COME SEE US’
the way i wish this wasn’t true and that i was making this up because i still stay up thinking about this, wondering what would have happened if i didnt leave like… the loss of my life for real.
yall are playing in my face
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confessions-sm · 4 months ago
(this wasnt spurred on by anything specific btw i was just rotating things and remembered something)
i didnt realize that some people actually like dislike or hate susie? or they hate her bc shes mean to pump? like shes a preteen girl with deeply absent parents and is old enough to feel the rift / understand the situation far more than her younger brother, who she often is put in sole charge of because their only caregiver is elderly and unable to handle a energetic 8-year-old 24/7. Not only that, she's spur-of-the-moment put on babysitting duty for TWO kids with seeming frequency, two kids who probably need a responsible adult to keep them out of trouble rather than a girl who's very much a kid herself.
also, as a former preteen, preteens are just grumpy like that lol. i love my younger brother and stick to him like glue, but when i was a preteen i was always getting huffy and trying to distance myself from him even though i did genuinely care about him. its just how growing up works, especially when a sibling is a good few years younger than you. Also, if you were being made to fill the absence of your parents you'd probably also start to get annoyed at constantly having to be the watchman for your brother and having that task supersede the rest of your life
uh anyways shout out to susie im so ready for more of her
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meyhew · 6 days ago
i know you’ve stepped away from the fandom and so have i, so you probably wouldn’t care for this question too much but i still want to ask you this (at the risk of sounding parasocial) because you look at things Objectively. so i was checking the recent nouis interactions and most (all) of the recent ones were only one sided (louis’) and i got kinda off vibes from niall. i am starting to think niall is also kinda going the harry route but on a much more human scale lol. he seems to be distancing himself from 1d, in the media, at least and limits his interactions w the boys unless it’s harry. i could be very wrong here because i haven’t been here to see everything but something just gave me off vibes from niall towards louis… they were playing lollapalooza berlin together last year, most likely different dates, but there was nothing, no interaction, no mention that i saw or found which is weird to me
hello <3 how recent are we talking? bc i actually unfollowed all of them except zayn about a year before liam’s passing so im very out of the loop about specifics. but i rmbr niall interacting with some of louis’ posts about FITF (granted that was a couple of years ago now, but it’s also louis’ last musical endeavor). and i rmbr him mentioning louis in a few interviews but i also haven’t seen much press stuff as of late. he Could be putting some professional distance and i cant bring myself to be upset or annoyed if it’s true. he and liam and louis were really good abt their connection to 1d for a long time in a way that didn’t feel forced (i’d say harry’s felt natural too, but unforch he never rly got very personal about it. very much kept it limited to performing a song and occasionally saying the band was wonderful, which is fine and normal but markedly different from the others’ approach). after the first couple of years of the hiatus ppl started expecting niall to always talk about the band and other members, and im sure after a while that got old for him.
moving forward tho i wouldn’t blame them if 1d becomes a blacklisted topic entirely. i saw headlines abt louis saying he can’t perform in 1d without liam. louis “throws cold water” on 1d reunion, it said, and yeah. if they never want to talk abt the band or each other publicly again it’d be fine by me. like take the whole zayn of it all—i’m sure louis isn’t the only one he’s reconnected with. that just happens to be what we saw because i think they knew we needed it. a distraction, something good to focus on amid the tragedy, and louis has always been good abt looking after the fan base. but i just know in my bones zayn has sat down with niall and harry somewhere we couldn’t see. and i don’t need to see it, not anymore. sometimes things are just done privately and it’s fine
the niall/harry mentions could also be bc (last i checked) they’re both signed to the same talent agency. could be an easy marketing tactic but i honestly have not paid attention to that stuff in forever so i can’t say it with much confidence
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littlest-bugz · 3 months ago
HELLO NONNY! Thank you for the ask <33 Especially for the game :D
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
OKOK,,, So I keep a list of the things I look for in a partner, just in case I really really really want to take dating seriously [or seriously consider a QPR]
Partner would be a CDD system! In my experience of dating openly as a system now, I really have to say I am not inclined to have a singlet partner. I just don't want to have to explain every part of my existence, or teach new things. That's just... really stressful for me???? There's nothing wrong with systems dating singlets, and I'm still kind of open to it, but a partner system would be so so nice....
Partner would be Trans!! Whether that be Nonbinary or binary trans folks! I've really only dated trans and nonbinary folk and I would love to keep it that way LOL t4t is the way to go
Partner would be interested in my ocverse and be like it's 2nd biggest fan [bc Im the first /silly/]. It's such a vulnerable part of me because I threw myself into that world to cope during my traumatic childhood. How I don't have a fuckton of introjects is beyond me... But I just want someone who will be like my hype master as I get my books published and put my projects onto the web.. I can get quite shy with sharing and I want to have one person that I will unapologetically spam ocverse stuff to.
Parnter would LIVE IN MY STATE PLZ FOR THE LOVE OF GODS ABOVE AND BELOW........ I do not mind LDRs- ive been in plenty of them, but Im really touch starved :( I want hugs and cuddles
Partner would see me as masc/a man regardless of my state in transition,,,, Rn I don't look masc at all but :( Hopefully one day, but now I just look like a straight up woman. I just don't want to be seen as a woman to my partner.
Partner would love me as I am in terms of appearance. I'm. very insecure. Especially when it comes to my physical appearance. I would say I'm not very attractive at all, but I would want my partner to think I am,,,, Is that a bare minimum? I think so, but I've been with people who only like my personality but think the outside is. not good.
Partner is preferably in my my preferred age range. Probs from like... 19 - 23 [which is two years younger and two years older than my current age, but once I age up it'll adjust]. I think I'd lean towards dating folks who are older than me, but I'd be OPEN to someone younger than me, even though it is not my favorite idea
Partner is REALLY into open communication. I NEED a partner who will communicate with me openly, whether it be positive stuff or negative [ie I accidently hurt them ESPECIALLY]. I can be mean on accident sometimes :( or ignorant. And I really don't mean to, so in the efforts of growth, I need someone who will be open if I mess up in any way.
Partner would be patient with me. I have a problem with distancing myself when I get closer to someone. It's something I'm working on, but Im not good at it yet. They'd be okay with my periods of quietness because I do always come back, ESPECIALLY if its my partner, ykno? I just need someone who won't get annoyed with that as I learn to not do that.
Building on the last two points, I need someone who will grow with me, if that makes sense? Someone who wants to see me do better, and someone I want to see do better. We would support each other, especially when things r rough.
Partner would validate me, but not be a "yes man". I want someone who will help point out the facts if I cant see them, but also someone who would validate my feelings especially. I don't usually see feelings as good [for myself] so I repress the fuck out of them- so when I do open up about how I feel, I want it to be validated. Does that make sense???
Some of these r negotiable because I actually want to date someone and not have my standards unbearably high, but my ideal partner would check off all of those markers :D
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whitehartlane · 9 months ago
Yap master sham will entertain you: im studying english studies 75% and proto and pre history 25% (basically archeology) and i am SO thinking about moving to ethnology from archeology but i LIKE that and now i went to a little counselor and i CANT do 125% (english 75% + archeology 25% + ethnology 25%) NOR 100% but i do english 50%!!! And I'm truly in a big rush to finish this bachelor quickly because EYEEEE want to do an ausbildung or more likely want to study art part time!! (Maybe distance?) And like... THAT SUCKS! because idk if i wanna change my minor from archeology to ethnology!!! And i think i might just do two ethnology courses for extracurricular ECTs .... But like arggggh!!!!! It's still annoying because everybody tells me to enjoy uni like as in go out and meet people and have fun but I'm truly just here to learn and get a farking bachelor and idk if i should feel bad but i like... I don't see myself having that much fun here 😭 like for me that comes after when I'm done .... Like rn i can pick what i do and where ill live but i feel like im more excited for my life AFTER uni!!??
hello master sham 🫡 now as for what to study i can’t tell you that, i quite like your idea about taking two extra ethnology courses if that’s something that really interests you!! what i do want to do is tell you to do whatever feels right for you. the university experience is different for everyone and highly depends on what you study; some people like the partying and clubbing and going out aspect of it and some people are purely there to learn.
as all things in life it’s good to find a balance. i understand wanting to be done with your bachelor’s as quickly as possible especially if you’ve got plans for after and if you don’t vibe with the people there but from personal experience something that i’ve had to learn the hard way is don’t postpone your joy. some phases of life are difficult or can kind of be nail-biting to get through but it’s rly important to not fall into that trap of ‘yeah after this i’ll probably be more excited/happy’ because that ‘this’ keeps changing and suddenly you realise you’ve put your life and your joy kind of on hold. i’m not saying that that’s what happening with you at all but reading through this i was reminded of that bc i felt just like this!
i think it’s rly important that you find your joy in your day to day life more than anything and that you chase that joy. you absolutely shouldn’t feel bad about having or wanting a different uni experience than others and if your perspective on it is that you’re here to learn first and foremost then that is a perspective that should be valued just like anything else and is 100% valid!! your balance can be found in other places, like doing art or going on walks, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the german culture of parties and meeting people if that’s not what you want to do.
university is mostly also just a time of figuring yourself out on a personal level. what you’re studying, what you want to do, that’s all important—but the person you’ll grow into and become over the course of your degree. for some people that’s really major like figuring out their sexuality but for some people it’s more minor like learning how to make a grilled cheese without setting the kitchen on fire. and in the end this is another phase of your life, everything works out in the end even if it seems like you’ve got no clue what you’re doing in the moment, i promise you that! i rly believe firmly that whatever happens in life is a redirection to something else, so maybe you decide you wanna do eng 50% and archeo/ethnology 25% each and that opens up a path, or you switch to ethnology and that opens up another path, or you stick w archeology and that opens another path. in the end you’ll get where you need to go. there are only doors, no right or wrong things, and the good thing about doors is that you can always go back through them. 🤍
(also small tip from me an der stelle: if you’re stuck between two choices that you feel you want equally then take a coin and decide that one is heads and one is tails. flip it and look at the result. if the first feeling you feel when you see the result is a feeling of dread in your stomach then it’s not the thing you want right now. doesn’t always work but it helps!)
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hikari-drkspc · 2 years ago
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↬ bakugou & todoroki with a yandere! s/o
characters: bakugou katsuki & todoroki shouto (separate) [boku no hero academia]
warning: yandere, poss3ssiv3 tendencies, toxic behaviours, attempted confin3m3nt ; MINORS/AGELESS BLOGS DNI, PUT YOUR AGE IN BIO/PINNED POST TO INTERACT
words: 478
a/n: this is a repost from my main blog (@/hikari-writes) so yes this writing is old + bad, i just moved them here w/o editing bc im lazy and wants to keep reminding myself how bad my writing used to be <3 twas a request from my main blog
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↬ Bakugou Katsuki
➳ You would be a very clingy yandere towards your boyfriend, and truthfully, Katsuki isn’t THAT bothered.
➳ When you two first started out, you didn’t show much yandere tendencies towards him but as time slowly pass, you reveal your true colour because you believe he’ll still love you nevertheless.
➳ Katsuki would notice you cling to him more often and would even drag him away if he gives even the slightest of attention towards other people.
➳ At first, Katsuki would be quite annoyed with you. Your yandere tendencies sometimes honestly just….hinders his hero work.
➳ You know fully well that Katsuki is capable of protecting himself, but you would still be very overprotective of him. After all, you’re just worried! He might not show it, but Katsuki can be a very sensitive person after all!
➳ You wouldn’t let any of his friends to act rough with him, not even a friendly slap on the back.
➳ Katsuki once confronted you about this stuff, and you were on the verge of tears! You were just worried about him! You did it because you love him!
➳ You expressed how if you had not taken good care of him, he would for sure leave you!
➳ Katsuki was quite surprised to hear this. He was quite annoyed, but seeing you like that, he just couldn’t get too mad about this.
➳ He had thought that maybe you actually felt insecure of yourself and constantly thought he’d leave you.
➳ Oh, how wrong he is.
➳ Too bad he never knew, that, if he ever leaves you, he’s the one who’s gonna regret it.
➳ You might be a sweet person, but if you snapped, not even Katsuki will be spared from confronting your wrath.
↬ Todoroki Shouto
➳ Shouto is as dense as he could be. He has so many fangirls yet he never quite noticed it!
➳ That’s why you have to teach the fangirls a lesson yourself.
➳ Shouto never pressed for an answer if he had any questions either, so it’s perfect to hide from him about what you had done. After all, you’re not that confident if Shouto will still stick with you or not if you told him the truth.
➳ Shouto wouldn’t even realizes the fact that you keep distancing him from his friends! Goes to show how dense he could be. Or maybe he’s just so in love with you to realize that.
➳ Shouto would still notice whenever you’re upset because of jealousy however. And when you told him the reason he would comfort you and tell you that you really are the only one for him and he won’t ever leave you.
➳ If only he knew what exactly you were feeling.
➳ Of course you’d be happy with these! He finally reassures you that he’ll never leave you!
➳ Now, one problem left however.
➳ You wonder what you would do with all the leftover ropes and chains that you bought.
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normalestgirlblog · 7 months ago
I am running into a bit of an issue
as those who read my blog which is few know i have embarked upon a long distance situationship with a boy who i have had a thing for for quite some time. i am really happy, and he is really sweet, and i think that when we are no longer long distance it could be something good.
i am running into a bit of an issue regarding his past dalliances. he had an alcohol fueled one night stand with one of my best friends in the entire world. and this is no ordinary best friend. she is perhaps one of the most beautiful creatures to ever walk upon the earth and grace its presence. the first time i saw her, i was so taken by her beauty and smile and spirit i stg i fell in love at first sight and knew i had to make her mine in whatever capacity she allowed. we became instantaneous friends freshman year and have been by eachothers side ever since. i was by her side the night we both met him and she went home with him. i was also taken by him as was she, but i could see that they were the ones fucking that night. plus i was fucking wasteddddd as was she, and him. and honestly when im wasted fucking is the last thing on my mind so even if she werent there idk if i would have successfully put on the moves.
as he and i are beginning to know eachother better, i find myself at odds with my brain. we have already dicussed him and elizabeth, and i asked her well before i began talking to him if she cared or minded that i wanted to pursue something with him, to which she said she didnt. he also didnt have any qualms about it other than feeling bad that it was a one night stand and he didnt pursue her following.
i think it may also be worth it to mention that i have been in this situation before. my former situationship had sex with my cousin, which was ultimately the reason why we had sex, and my cousin is also one of the most beautiful people to walk this earth. i tried not to let it bother me when he and i began getting more serious, but i could not get out of my mind that he had sex with someone i both love and someone so incredibly breathtaking its annoying. i didnt like that he followed them, i didnt like that they mentioned how they hooked up. but i didnt let it affect me to the point that i broke up with him or stopped talking to them or anything bad. i just kinda suppressed it
i am surrounded by beauty and it is so amazing and yet fueling my deepest insecurities. i am no stranger to this, i have known all my life that my friends were more desirable than i. its not a bad thing, i think all my friends are beautiful and deserve all the appreciation in the world. at times though, i have found it can make me insecure.
anyways back to the boy. i have wanted to send him pictures where i look good, or just memories, but she is in them. and she is so stunning its nauseating. i cant bring myself to send them. what if he saw it, realized how beautiful she was, and used me to get back to her. or just ended it with me outright bc he couldnt be with me while im so close to her. idk why my mind goes to these places. i cant help it. its also 5 am and i havent been able to sleep.
also i feel weird talking to her abt it, but i love talking to her about boys. its one of my favorite hobbies. and yet i feel awkward esp rn considering out of the two of us currently she is the only one to have seen his penis.
maybe this is also because he met us both and had sex with her and doesnt even remember meeting me. maybe she is prettier than i am. i wouldnt doubt for a second she is more memorable than i am. i thought abt her for a whole week after we barely met. and now i dont even want to talk to either of them.
idk why i keep doing this to myself and hooking up with people that have hooked up with my friends. i try so hard to be secure and confident and i dont know if i can make it past this one. i am really scared but atp i def have feelings for him. im just gonna ball it out and hope for the best and repress these feelings until i am alone and can express them on here.
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angel-demiel · 11 months ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers <3
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HELLOOOOOOO thanks for the ask i was very surprised to see something in my inbox lol Hmmm hard to say honestly im not happy often but i think the things that are making me even a bit happier for now are 1. my friends obv, i dont know how id be if i couldnt talk or play with them semi-regularty and texting too 2. my cats, they are funny things, mother randomly brought another kitten and hes so different from the older one lol. i have a sideblog with them bc i wanted to have photos of them growing up (but sometimes i feel like im forcing myself to go take a pic for it idk lol) 3. green tea my beloved, i live on it, lately i love the soursop flavoring for it, i think it a great flavor to add to green tea, fully recommend if yall drink tea 4. dungeon synth music, im annoyed at music that has text lately so i found some dungeon synth while searching for instrumental only and now im a fan. i have a youtube playlist for backgroung music and its half dungeon synth now lol 5. and from more personal stuff, i like that with years (even tho im still 21 but you know, its not my mom having a call on my haircut etc anymore) i have more control over my appearance to make it less my agab and im glad that i have friends that are understanding of me trying to distance myself from my agab. honestly understanding being agender/genderqueer/etc etc i dont have a connection to a specific label (just neither male or female, and not something specific honestly my description of myself) is freeing a bit? even if i cant present typical genderlessness/androgynity people expext (not being skinny mostly :| and i cant afford all that clothes people like and all that, honestly i often look boring) and i probably wont ever but not being misgendered by my friends and having random people on the street sometimes second-guess is more pleasant then before. and choosing my own clothes still makes me have more of a personal style, how my friend calls it, time-traveller from dc who style lol. i think its a very inspirational style and it pairs well with gender stuff. wow i really said a lot on this topic Not going to sent the same ask to you back bc i saw you answered it from someone else but if you didnt id send lol ;^) thanks again its fun to interact with other tumblr users even if im anxious to
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cat3ch1sm · 3 years ago
🌲| okay im writing this based on some nsfw headcanons i saw on the jjk men trying to get your attention. however i CANT FIND THE AUTHOR stg the post disappeared into thin air so if you guys know who the author is pls tag them so i can give proper credit💔💔💔 enjoy reading this <333 i hope it isn't bad bc ive never written smut for gojo before😅😅😅
🌿| here are the fandoms and characters for which i write for!! also, the book the reader is reading here is titled "the beginning of everything!" it is a great read in my opinion, so i recommend it :3
🍃| also do you guys prefer "Y/N" or "[Name]?" y/n generally is a bitch in most stories, and ngl im not a fan of her myself, so i was wondering which you guys would rather me use:)) i would really appreciate your feedback so please let me know!!!
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ nsfw content ahead!! oral sex, fem!reader, degradation probably, language, gojo might be a little mean
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gojo x reader smut- gojo tries to get your attention
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You hadn't been so immersed in a book since you were still a child- you had been sitting on your couch for hours that only felt like minutes, taking in every word of the story. The fatalistic protagonist, Ezra Miller, never failed to interest you with his beliefs about tragedy following the fall of his former glory. His love interest, the fascinating but elusive Cassidy Thorpe, was constantly arousing questions in your mind that had you turning page after page. The other characters as well piqued your interest, and you found yourself wondering about them as well. So far, it was a wildly entertaining read, and you didn't really want the book to end.
So when your boyfriend Gojo Satoru, standing a distance away at the kitchen table, called your name, you didn't even hear him.
Finally, Gojo's voice cut through your thoughts, making you look up in surprise. Confused and just a little agitated, you gave him an aggravated "What is it" look, eager to return to your story.
"Damn. Anyone in there?" Gojo queried sarcastically, making a knocking motion in the air with his hand, his other arm propping his body up on the counter. "I had to call you three times to even get you to look at me."
"Yes, I'm aware. Do you need something?" you asked, tapping your foot impatiently and sneaking glances down at the pages.
Gojo pursed his lips and shrugged coolly, his piercing blue eyes glinting mischievously. "Nope- just wanted to bother you." He flashed a wide, goading grin in your direction, at which you simply rolled your eyes and angled your head lower to keep your distracting boyfriend out of your line of vision.
With a quiet sigh, you resumed reading your book, picking up right where you'd left off. You were closer to finishing the book than starting it, and you suspected a major twist would be revealing itself quite soon. Still, it was fun to speculate, and look for clues throughout the entire story.
Unfortunately, it wasn't long before Gojo began to act out again.
No response.
Louder this time. Still silence.
Still nothing.
Now you were really annoyed, slamming your open palms down on the splayed-out book pages. "Gojo, what?" you demanded, your glare beseeching.
Gojo seemed unfazed by your outburst, simply tossing his hands into the air in surrender. "You wanna go irritate Nanami with me? I feel like I've been cutting him too much slack."
"I would think you'd be exhausted irritating people, seeing as you have already successfully aggravated me." You turned your head to the ceiling, blowing out air in exasperation. "Congrats. Now please don't call me name unless you or somebody else is dying. Thank you." With a bitter smile, you promptly put the book in front of your face, obscuring everything behind it, including Gojo. You knew you were being sort of bitchy, but you hadn't had a moment of real peace in a while and wanted to make the most of this.
You tried to keep enjoying your book, holding it in front of your face firmly, but now you found yourself just waiting for Gojo to interrupt you again. But you couldn't let him know that, obviously, so you didn't budge, practically glaring at the words on the pages.
But suddenly, the words were gone- as were the pages. As a matter of fact, the whole book had vanished from your hands! Blinking in confusion, you turned left and right to scan the couch cushions before facing forward again to see a pair of long legs right in front of you.
Your eyes widened, and with a groan, your gaze wandered upward until it met the face of the smirking Gojo, one hand in his black jean pocket while the other dangled your book in the air between his index finger and thumb. His arm was stretched far above his head in order to prevent you from reaching it, and his teasing grin from earlier was about a hundred times wider.
"Got your book," Gojo announced tauntingly, leaning over your stiff figure on the sofa. He swung the book back and forth a few times before stopping to eye the cover dubiously. "The Beginning of Everything? Looks cheesy." Dismissively, Gojo tossed the novel over his shoulder, it landing on a coffee table a few feet behind him.
The book hit the wood with a hollow thud, and you snapped your head up to Gojo. "Are you serious? You can't possibly be this immature." Incensed, you stood up abruptly to go retrieve your book- now you'd have to find the page you'd left off of. But the second you got to your feet, you were lightly pushed back down by a pale hand to your chest.
Gojo chuckled self-assuredly, giving you a mockingly piteous look. "Now you have no choice but to pay attention to me."
You scoffed up at him, folding your arms stubbornly across your chest. "As if. Just because you've stolen my book doesn't mean I'm incapable of ignoring you." To make your point, you crossed one leg over the other defiantly and made a show of examining your nails, keeping your eyes averted from the man towering over you.
"Oh?" You could hear the teasing lilt in his voice, meaning he'd decided to treat this as if it was a challenge. You didn't reply, eyes narrowing. Gojo let out a short laugh before bending over so his face was in front of yours, both hands in his pockets. His eyes boring into you were almost impossible to ignore, but you managed, abandoning your nails to twirl a strand of hair around your finger.
"That's a challenge I'm willing to accept." You could feel Gojo's breath on your face, his voice low, and you stifled a strangled sound in your throat as he lowered his body to the ground, settling on his knees. Gently, he placed a hand on each one of your legs to pull them apart; he managed to do so despite your half-hearted resistance.
"Shame you decided to wear this cute little skirt today," Gojo cooed, sliding a hand up your thigh to hook a finger around the waistline of your panties; you couldn't hold back a tiny gasp. Eyes filled with lust, Gojo simply pulled your underwear down your legs and let it fall around your ankles. Before you knew it, both his hands were wrapped tightly around your upper thighs and he was kissing your exposed crotch, his wet lips sending ripples through your stomach. The end of his nose was concealed beneath your skirt, brushing against your slit as his kisses gradually moved upward until he had reached your folds, where he began to plant open-mouthed kisses on your clit.
You were barely able to choke back a whimper before it escaped your throat, throwing your head back to face the ceiling. Your thighs writhed uselessly- Gojo's grip was like steel. Knowing he was already close to breaking your resolve, his arctic eyes lifted towards you, flashing tauntingly. His tongue darted out from in between his lips and slowly licked you up and down before picking up the pace and flicking it rapidly over your clit.
Now you had no choice but to react. A soft moan left your lips, then another, and you could feel Gojo smile against your thigh. Wanting more friction, you started to gently rock your hips into Gojo's tongue, your breaths gradually becoming more ragged.
"Mm, shit, Gojo..." you whimpered under your breath, one of your hands traveling down to bury itself within your boyfriend's white hair, keeping him pressed against your sex. You could feel his warm breath on your inner thighs, sending a shiver up your spine. Meanwhile, Gojo's tongue painted wet circles around your clit, and when he closed his lips around it and began to suck softly, your grip in his hair tightened. "Oh- oh, fuck, Gojo-" Your eyes dropped to look down at him longingly, moving your hips gingerly up and down with your bottom lip in between your teeth.
"So you finally wanna look at me, pretty?" Gojo questioned, his gaze more piercing than ever. "Now that my mouth is in between your legs? Is that what I have to do to make you pay attention to me?" He paused upon hearing your whimpers, smirking at the pitiful sound and letting his tongue fall from his mouth briefly to taste you as you desperately rutted against him.
"You know, I should stop," Gojo mused, withdrawing his tongue and using two fingers to gently rub your aching clit. Feigning hurt, he dropped his eyes and wistfully stared at your dripping entrance, leaking all over the couch. "I really didn't like the way you snapped at me earlier..."
"I'm- I'm sorry, Gojo, I was just in a bad mood. Don't stop, please," you whimpered, thighs trembling. Gojo glanced up at you, sticking out his lower lip in a mocking pout.
"But do you mean it, Y/N?" Abruptly, he speared two fingers into you, pumping them back and forth at an agonizingly slow pace. A broken groan forced its way from your lips, your hips pushing into Gojo's fingers. "Or are you saying that 'cause you want me to make you cum all over your fucking skirt like a pathetic whore?"
Breathless, you gasped, "No, I'm- ah, I mean it- please. Gojo, I'm sorry."
Gojo bunched his lips together, pretending to think. "Well- since you asked so politely." He leaned back in, squeezing one of your thighs, and began to lick your soaking slit up and down, paying extra attention to your clit. At the same time, his fingers took on a vigorous pace, and you let out a cry as you felt your orgasm begin to build in your stomach.
"Gonna cum for me now, baby? Didn't take much for your bad mood to go away, huh?" Gojo crooned, only gripping your thigh harder as he reduced you to a moaning mess, chest heaving.
It wasn't long after that that you met your release, throwing your head back and gripping the fabric of the couch cushions so roughly it was a surprise they didn't tear. Cum gushed from your hole, coating Gojo's fingers and spilling onto the bottom of your skirt, the sight of which made Gojo smile as he replaced his fingers with his tongue to eagerly lap up your fluids.
Gojo didn't let anything else go to waste on the couch, swallowing everything you gave him without hesistation. By the time you were done, his lips were shiny, and your thighs were sticky and still trembling as you tried to catch your breath.
Gojo only scoffed in amusement st your disheveled state, simply getting to his feet again and gazing down at you with a cocky smile on his lips.
"Don't ignore me again," Gojo advised nonchalantly, lifting two fingers to his mouth to casually suck the remnants of your orgasm off of his hand. "You know where to find the towels." Slipping his hands back into his pockets, Gojo strolled out of the room, leaving you half-naked and staring at the book still resting on the coffee table.
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🍵| now that i have finished I would like to say that this is trash. fuck.
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absentia-if · 3 years ago
hi, so can our mc just be distant when it comes to G?
pls dont immediately jump to assuming im asking to be mean to G bc it’s not what im asking. im just trying to put myself on the headspace of my mc and i cant see them becoming G’s bestie + matchmaker when they’re literally struggling and trying to cope and come to terms with everything for them to be wanting to be comforted by someone who’s a stranger to them and who’s dating their ex. like i dont mind that theyre with K and they provide comfort to them, however my mc wouldnt love to have a stranger checking up on them and pushing them to be more friendly/open when their kidnapper is still out there?
ngl, i’d have asked a few days back on the discord but i feel like you guys get a tad judgmental when people ask something about not immediately wanting to jump into being G’s bestie or when people ask if mc can have a bit of distance with a character, etc. so im not the most comfortable interacting over there since my views more than often don’t align with what you all accept as valid reactions/views as a group…
You don’t have to be friends with Gabby, no, which I believe I’ve mentioned in the past (I apologize if I haven’t).
Gabby won’t really initiate interactions with the MC— beyond maybe two in the whole book— which pretty much means that if the MC wants to get close with them it’s entirely your choice because Gabby won’t want to impose.
I only ever get annoyed when it comes to this situation is when people wish to have horrible things done to K/Gabby, believe that K is the anti-Christ pretty much, wish to be a completely horrible person to either of them, or a culmination. Again I’m more than aware that this is a complex situation but the MC isn’t the only key player within it. (I believe it’s the same for everyone else within the Discord too.)
You can be distant with a character but that doesn’t equate to some of the things that people wish to be able to do when having said distance. As the goal of Absentia is for everyone to end up working as a team because you need everyone… even if your relationships with them are just baseline.
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aphrorite · 3 years ago
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-ˏˋ sweetheart diaries ˊˎ- #8 !! 🥞💫🧸
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૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა ♡༘
⋆ ✧₊ june 14th 2022 🎻🍞🐻 ⊹ɞ
hewwo diary :3 today im din hav too ba day, or may bee im jus block out da bad parts >_< im slight vent buuuuut also a feel teensy 🤏 bit bwetter. <3
tw vent // vent regression
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so where do im start diary? 😮😮 oh ya ! :3 2day im woke up likeee 10 mins before my bus came so im din hav much time 2 get ready BUT BUT BUT ,,, im did wear deordoorrant which is gud ! cos usually when i wakes up lil lwates dese days , im forget deodorant n it make me very embarrassed bcos im stress sweat easily … n dont wanna bother peoples w bad smellys ))): so am proud dat im din forget this time!!! ^ω^ am wore a maroon varsity jacket dat matches my school colours <3 denim jean shorts n a white tubbie top along w my signature pearl necklace :33 im was feeling very pretty today 🙈😊
sooo todays im got on bus in time 🚌 ^o^ im din get time eat breakfast doe so im was hungry ))))): gurgurugyrle. maths class was really borinf n i din really understand it >_< n den art class was vry rypical but im had funny moment where im went to refill the paper towel n just as i refill it there dis guy who looked down at the papertowel like :0 then at me like :0 and we had a good laugh <3 (:
im kinda sad doe because recently my friend has been acting weird :I she wa skinda passive aggressive to me when i explained to her tht i was hanging out w my close friend for stranger tings s4 n was like “i understand u wanted to hangout w him but likeee im here you know” which mad eme feel kinda sad and obliged when i dont owe her any of my time as a friend . bcos if we were gonna aply this logic to her than id passively aggressive remark her everytime she hang out w her friends. and she has lots. but i dont. im dont even b mad or express it. ya it kinda lonely and a lil sad bc i wish i had lot friend like her doe honestly she just kinda poopy friend rn ): n even when she hangout w other friend i understand cos everyone have ofher fg and she do too and she not obliged to hangout w me but when she do its like im not even dere. u inv me and rhen trweat me badly. is meanie. and den after that day i tried hanging out w her or a few day later n then she really left me out n i just walk behind everyone and felt so alone and she din even say goodbye to me when i walked into my class so i felt so alone and left out and unwanted ): i wanted 2 cry ))): after dat day things habent felt the same and seein what she posts on her story makes me feel like it a slap in the face becos she always talking abt how she so stressed abt schoolwork but i see her hanging out w her friends every single day and den she complains abt it, n then complains abt people msging her n doesnt reply and it makes her sound rlly ungrateful ): ik she jusy very stressed bur if she is then she should let people know to take it easy on her but she dont n it really… urhhggg it make me ): angy. sad. bothered. annoyed. and its ok to feel day way cos its emorions and i am allowed to. *sigh* im jusy wish dings were diff cos i thought she were my rock doe for now i just distance :I
im gor driveb work n it was :IIIII,,, OH OMGGGG im went into winners and i found dese rlly cute stuffies n a playmat!! a lady looked ar me weird but im kiddo so is ok if i look at toys n placemats ):< even if i not kiddomo it still ok hmph )):<< but YA they were so cute uhggg im wants buy them so bad it was $40 OG but was going for $30 so only 10% off T^T hmph. dey were feel like pillows doe when i touch the playmat so now i reallllyyy want a playmat or a pink rug :0 for my room !!!!
so den i ate lunch n it was yummy 😋:3 but when i try deunk me water it had soap in it becaos im not priplery clean waterborfl yesterday!!!!! ): but fortunatel y im make myself custom order at starbuck n manage to get a deal ! im wanted fhe deagonfruit lemonade refresher but for a grande 470 ml it was 5.85, so im did custom lemonade w 2 pump raspberry, scoop of strawberry, dragonfruit infusiob and light ice in a venti 780 ml and got that for 5.35 so i got a deal for the same taste :DD 😋😁 i happy it mobile ordee roo soo im not have to spend time trying to tell ordwer cos im get anxious sometime ))): esp w starbuck. i am ok w ordering boba sometime bcos im know what i want but starbuck mot so mych ))):
work kinda made me sad ): im was on stock and the only ding i get as a gift for working at it for 4 ish month is a 75$ gift card dat would b like… abt 1-2 paycheck (basically one biweekly for a month) but i did internship for free for 4 month. ): i just wish i learnee more or had a more enjoyable experience because honestly my boss is very toxic and she completely didnt even inv me to the employee photo for an outfit op which make me feel excluded and alone, hearing them all pose and laugh outside on the sales floor while i worked on stock alone in the back ):
my rl mom told me that alone i stand out feom the crowd as a star and dont need people like them who seek external validation which sort of made me feel better but i just wish id feel not so alone even when in crowds ): im always feel like an alien or an outsider )):
im got home, pet my furbaby, n then fell asleepy when im not supposed to ): so i feel bad abt taking nap. im sleep for 3 hr wake up n is 8:30 . im did homework which was personal finance n was kinda hard so i couldnt get alot done :I my rl mom gav me food doe before bed n brought it up which was nice bc i was only thinkin of homeworks n not of dindin. so im ate bacon egg and some 🍜 😊😋 yum yum.
am was hesitant but im called my clwose friend cos recently him n i gots in situation dat really made me sad ): we had a heart-to-heart conversation dwoe and now have a better understanding and i am so relieved dat i checked on him bc i miss his voice n his lil laughs n stutters ))’: and he missed me too which made my heart warm ( ^ω^ ) am glad that im din cry too cos if i did then itd b difficults to speak but im was super super strong today !!! im still strong when im cry but today???? nah im was strong strong ! hehe
so ya im talk w him for like hour n den now i in bed. im gon fill out habit tracker, manifestation n shut my eye, dat p much da update diary. i am very very sad indivudal and im trying to get theough it befor i relapse relapse n dings go sour. i am jusr hoping that my stress will b taken away soon and dat i can finally have my wants and needs come to fruition. i love u diary. muwah muwah.
and im also want dino hoodie but cant find any one i likes :S hmmmph ):< but am will find one one day ! <3
╭┈─────── urs truly, ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ sweetheart xx
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a-libra-writes · 5 years ago
A Dragon’s Fire - Daenerys x Red Priestess!Reader
heyo! this was requested by an anon who originally wanted an assassin w fire magic, and i compromised w a red priestess who was an assassin but decided not to hurt dany (bc that seems neat!) but ive been in the shit this week so ... i wrote something fluffy instead. I know, im a big fail, lol. I hope yall enjoy it anyway
Summary: Dany has a big gay crush. That’s it, that’s the fic
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“Is she everything you hoped for?”
Y/N did not answer the man behind her. She focused on the flames in front of her, dancing in the brazier into familiar shapes. She had seen them for many years. It’s why she was chosen by the priests, and since the red comet fell from the sky, they whispered if she listened close. Here, in the dragon queen’s palace, she could hear the fire inside the dragons. 
The bear knight’s metal armor and annoyed tone was not enough to distract her. Y/N reached her hand into the fire, it shaped into a dragon that sat in her palm. She didn’t feel the fire, but her red silk sleeve was burning. 
Jorah disliked her silence, but he disliked many things about Y/N. When he first saw her fire tricks, he thought they were illusions, but the heat of them said otherwise. Then there was the first time she set upon Drogon…
He suppressed his shiver and set that memory aside. “The khaleesi wants to see you.”
Y/N closed her palm, and the dragon slivered out, flying back into the brazier. The flames glowed blue for just a fraction of a second. She waved her hand over them, and the fire smothered itself. Smoke rose out of the hot coals, but those too began to rapidly cool. 
She wondered if the knight was still unsettled by her magic. Even the khaleesi had moments of awe and uneasiness, although she was fond of watching. Y/N stood, her silk robes gently scraping the marble floor. Jorah was already walking away, and she made no effort to run to catch up to him. She knew where Daenerys was.
The chambers Daenerys set aside for her council was well-lit and had an impressive, engraved table at the center of it. Its legs used to be harpies made of carved marble and ivory, but she had them removed for dragons made of onyx and rubies. Y/N liked the change, and how they glittered in the light. Perhaps she was biased - her own ruby hung around her neck, although it was far larger and smoother than any gemstone Daenerys had seen before.
The girl’s purple eyes lit up as Y/N entered the room. Y/N couldn’t help but return the sentiment, giving her khaleesi a smile. She was pleased there was no one else in the council room. “You wished to see me, khaleesi?”
“Yes. Jorah, you may leave us.”
Jorah didn’t protest, but he did shoot Y/N a look before he left the room and closed the doors. Y/N noticed there were no Unsullied in the chambers, either.
“I talked to him about what he said the other day,” Daenerys said after a moment of silence. “Ser Barristan, as well. They don’t … In the Seven Kingdoms, your sort of magic is seen as a dream. Unreal.”
“As unreal as dragons?” Y/N tilted her head, and Daenerys tried not to focus on how her hair slid across her bare shoulders. When Y/N first entered her service, she wore modest robes that covered nearly every inch of her. Since then she had adopted a more elegant, free style, at Daenerys’ subtle suggestion. She was pleased with the result. 
Daenerys set her thoughts straight. “True. The reason I called you here was to locate Rhaegal. I haven’t seen him flying overhead in some time.”
“Nor have I.” Y/N touched the ruby that dangled by her collarbone. It was held with a simple gold chain, and anyone could have missed the way it seemed to flicker. It could have been a trick of the light, but Dany knew otherwise. “Would you like me to find him?”
Of course Y/N knew how to do that. She knew how to start and stop fire, how to dream about it, how to see into it. It was only logic that she could find it. She once told Daenerys that the dragons were beings of fire, swirling and living heat. She looked at them like …
… Well, not how others looked at them. It was hard to puzzle out Y/N’s expressions and thoughts. You could ask her something directly, and she’d have some sort of strange answer, or she’d just stay quiet. Daenerys could tell when Y/N was thinking something over, at least. Her pretty eyes would lower, and she’d touch that ruby - was it hot to the touch? It seemed like it - and she would be gone. Sometimes she stayed very still for hours, staring into fire, or staring into nothing.
But she’d always have an answer eventually.
Daenerys’ knights warned against Y/N’s counsel, telling her not to listen too closely to the words of a strange woman of a strange religion. Even Missandei had commented on the followers of Rhllor’s intent to convert King Robert and other places, and the strange magics they could possess. They warned her as if she did not know how to think for herself.
It upset her, but Y/N took such words in stride. She often seemed to know what others thought and said about her, and she did little to stop it. Missandei had warmed to her, Ser Barristan did not think she was any real threat, but Ser Jorah remained unconvinced and wary. Grey Worm did not like talk of magic or priests, but he had no real ill thought of Y/N, and Daario liked to ask her all sorts of ridiculous questions for his own amusement. 
“I have found him, khaleesi.”
Daenerys couldn’t believe her thoughts had drifted again. Y/N often had that effect on her. “Where? Can we ride to him?”
“We could. He is in no danger, he is simply occupied with…” A soft smile came to Y/N’s red lips. “Something he has not seen before. That’s why he’s been away.”
“What could possibly interest him for that long? He’s been gone for days.”
“Shall we find out, your grace?”
Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah would warm her against this, ask her to take one of them or the Unsullied on the trip. Grey Worm would ask to escort them, Missandei would worry and send guards after them anyway. Daario would want to come along. Daenerys looked to the open, blue sky. There was still plenty of sun left.
“Let’s be quick,” She said, already giddy even if they hadn’t stepped a foot outside of the palace yet. “Missandei will keep them busy. Do you want to share my horse?”
Y/N was not an adept rider, but she still said, “That is alright, khaleesi. I can ride my own.”
Daenerys tried not to feel disappointed.
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The danger outside the protective walls of Meereen was real, but Daenerys comforted herself with the fact that Drogon and Viserion often flew about these hills, and no one had seen them leave. Y/N said it would not take long, that they’d return toward the end of sunset.
Why do I keep believing her? Daenerys asked herself. She glanced aside, watching the woman reposition her reins. Her normally serene facade was broken everytime she rode a horse. She was not afraid of the creatures, but she had only recently learned to ride, and the beasts weren’t always fond of her.
“If you keep moving like that, you’ll make him nervous,” Daenerys said. “There’s no need to clutch the reins so tightly, either.”
Y/N nodded, and tried to relax her posture. Luckily, she picked an agreeable horse. Daenerys recalled the saddle sores and aches she received when she learned to ride. Her handmaidens gave her a balm to ease the pain. Maybe she could find that for Y/N.
I’ll ask someone to deliver it to her. I couldn’t give it to her myself - no, who says I can’t? But what would she think…
It was hard to tell exactly what Y/N was thinking, but sometimes she slipped, like now. Her brows were slightly furrowed as she righted her posture, and once she was satisfied with it, she kept glancing down at the ground, or at the horse’s ears. Y/N pet his soft neck, then slowly reached up to scratch between his ears. She jerked her hand back as her horse shook his head and made an annoyed sound.
“He didn’t like that,” Daenerys laughed, and it was adorable how Y/N gently laughed, too. She was usually so subdued, so quiet, so … what Daenerys used to be. 
“But his ears are so cute,” Y/N went back to petting his neck, which he much preferred. “Doesn’t it make you think of a cat.”
“No, not at all.” 
“Not even a little? There were some strays I’d feed at the temple. Their ears would twitch when I came by. They could smell the food in my pockets.”
Sometimes Y/N would speak of the temple she grew up in, or the other Free Cities she had travelled to, the friends she had known. Perhaps if she showed this side to the others, they would trust her more, but Daenerys was happy to have it to herself. 
The grass thinned and made way for rocky hills and in the distance, orange and yellow canyons. The sun was beginning its descent, and soon the sky would match those oranges and yellows. Y/N stopped her horse. 
“We can walk from here. Do you hear him?”
Daenerys stopped her own horse and listened. There was the slightest breeze, some distant bird calling, the sound of her horse’s nicker and … 
She shook her head. “If he’s close, we would have heard him by now.”
Y/N dismounted with some inelegance, but she fixed her clothes and just smiled. “Maybe you will when we get closer.”
They tied the horses to one of the few trees in the dry area, and Daenerys followed Y/N’s lead. 
It could be a trap. She could have men waiting there, or there could have been someone following us …
The thought was fleeting, and Daenerys fell in beside her. They both changed to more practical clothing, but Y/N still had a shimmering red cloak tied around her shoulders. As they walked, Daenerys began to hear something strange. It was faint, but as they came closer…
“Water?” She looked at Y/N.
Y/N’s sweet lips curled upward. She often smelled of smoke and spice, and Daenerys wondered if she tasted that way, too. 
They came to the edge of a small canyon, which could be better described as a deep ravine. Water glistened at the bottom of it, and more importantly, the deep green scales of her dear Rhaegal. He lifted his wings high and water spilled on his back.
“What is he doing?” Daenerys asked, but she was answered just a moment later. Water spewed up from the ground in a huge geyser, all at once, and Rhaegal happily opened his mouth and snapped at it. The water fell in thick droplets all around the dragon, the ravine and the two of them.
Y/N pulled her red hood over her head. Daenerys wiped her brow. “You didn’t tell me to pack a hood.”
“Apologies, khaleesi.” Y/N giggled. She peered downward. “If we’re steady, we can walk down to him.”
Rhaegal’s long tail lazily swung back and forth in the water. He was resting, and it only submerged his arms and legs, but he was content. Daenerys noticed all the charred bones scattered around the ravine. She wondered how much was in the water. Her feet found stability, and she carefully followed a natural, steadying path downward. Y/N was just ahead, although she wasn’t as confident in her descent.
They came to a small landing and had to stop there. The rest of the way was simply too steep. Rhaegal seemed to just notice them then, and Daenerys’ heart swelled as her child lifted his head and gazed at her with his sharp eyes. They weren’t merely brown, but bronze, with all the steadiness and strength that metal held. She touched his nose and muzzle, marvelling at how much he had grown. 
His eyes quickly flashed toward Y/N, and Daenerys felt his growl vibrate underneath her hand. She frowned and quickly said, “No.”
She remembered Y/N’s first encounter with Drogon. That was also the day she had taken the strange, beautiful priestess into her court.
Just like with Drogon, Y/N showed no fear. She stepped forward, but she didn’t make an attempt to touch the dragon. She lowered her hood, and Rhaegal’s long, black pupil tightened.
Daenerys felt the heat of his breath as he snorted through his nose. She tensed, forcing herself to stay calm as she repeated her order. “No.”
The geyser blew again, and Daenerys didn’t flinch. Rhaegal watched it rise in the air, then pulled away from his mother to open his jaws at the water again. His black teeth glittered in the setting sun.
Daenerys looked to Y/N. The priestess was so calm and steady, so unaffected … except Dany caught how her shoulders sagged in relief.
“He isn’t like Drogon,” Daenerys said, remembering that day. “He wouldn’t have hurt you.”
Y/N replied simply. “Drogon did not hurt me.” 
Had you been any other woman, he would have killed you. Except ... 
It took days for the servants to remove the char marks on the marble, and some of the melted pillars were still being repaired. Daenerys was half tempted to leave them like that, as a warning to any potential enemies, but it was unsettling to think it may have been Y/N that was burned away.
Except, she didn’t. Her red robes and long hair did, but her necklace and body remained unharmed. Daenerys and her court watched as the fire arced around her, singing away everything but skin and metal, and that ruby she never removed. Y/N looked Drogon straight in the eyes, even as they were obscured by his fire. 
His temper always was the worst. She had done nothing but approach Daenerys too quickly. Jorah was the one who pulled her back behind one of the pillars, and Daenerys remembered how the heat licked her arms as it tried to reach around the marble. Daario had pulled Missandei to cover behind the other pillar. 
Drogon almost never came to the palace, he always wanted to be in the sky, yet he came down on that day. And when the fire cleared and the floor was charred black except for a small circle … He stood back, and Y/N still looked at him. She only trembled slightly. 
She isn’t any other woman.
The geyser blew again, and rained down upon them. The water’s heat didn’t bother her, but all the dust from the ride was stuck to her skin, and the water didn’t clean it off. She had dust in her hair, too, and probably some stray pieces of grass. 
She smiled. It had been some time since she was properly dirty after a ride, and she looked forward to a perfumed bath and brushing her hair when she got back. Daenerys glanced to Y/N, who was occupied with watching Rhaegal. She also had dirt on her cheeks and neck, and some in her hair, and maybe if she wanted a bath afterward, too…
Daenerys reached forward and tried to rub some of the dirt off her cheeks. It didn’t work, but Y/N’s pretty eyes went wide. She didn’t pull away. “Khaleesi?”
Daenerys stepped forward, gently moving her palm so she had Y/N’s whole cheek. Just as she thought - as she dreamed? - the priestess’ skin was flushed and warmer than anyone she’d touched before. 
“You can say my name,” Daenerys said. She tried to tease, but her beating heart and their closeness made her breath catch. She thought Y/N was wearing color on her lips, but perhaps they just always looked like that? 
“Daenerys.” Y/N tried it out, and the dragon queen felt like a girl again, feeling her heart soar at hearing her name on those lips. She leaned in, bringing Y/N closer to her. Their foreheads brushed, and the warmth between them turned to heat.
A piercing roar broke through the sky, and cut straight between them. Daenerys recognized the sound at once, and it distracted her as Y/N jumped away. The woman’s cheeks were as red as her cloak.
Above them, Viserion broke through the clouds and bellowed down at his brother. The first cry was for Daenerys, and the second was probably a command for Rhaegal to move aside. The green dragon made room for his brother, and the water reached the top of the ravine as Viserion splashed straight into it. Y/N pulled Daenerys back before the muddy water could splash all over them.
Daenerys was far too overheated and flustered, and the sight of her children amusing themselves only gave her a little relief. At least Rhaegal was alright. 
Y/N had pulled her hood back down, and it was a shame. At least her lips were still visible through the shadow, although looking wasn’t as good as tasting.
“We’ve been gone for a long time. Let’s ride back.” Daenerys led the way out of the ravine. Y/N said nothing until they were back to the horses, who were understandably spooked from the dragon that flew overhead not fifteen minutes ago. Y/N held her horse’s reins and tried to soothe it, and Daenerys helped, touching the priestess’ hands perhaps more than was needed. 
Y/N didn’t pull away, and that gave Daenerys the courage to kiss her cheek. The soft dyed linen brushed her own cheek, and she caught a whiff of perfume.
The priestess giggled, and it was a better relief than the breeze that was slowly blowing across the hills. “Please, Daenerys. I’m covered in dust.”
“I am, too. Let’s wash up when we ride back - together?”
She caught Y/N’s bright eyes under the hood, and they sparkled as she blushed and tugged the hood further down. “Yes, that would be lovely.”
So it was decided. By the time they reached the gates of Meereen and entered the Great Pyramid, Y/N had dropped her hood and her easy, serene face had returned. She disregarded the suspicious looks, she gave an easy nod to Missandei, who returned a tentative smile. As far as anyone knew, Y/N’s mind was wrapped in her usual visions and prayers.
Until Daenerys brushed her dirty hair aside and smiled at her, then Y/N’s cheeks blushed and her eyes widened in that adorable way. She let the khaleesi take her hand, entwine their fingers, and guide her to the great baths. Y/N’s red cloak fluttered behind her, drawing attention to them. Some Unsullied guards probably saw, and surely others, but Daenerys didn’t care. 
She’s like fire, and I am a dragon - how could she bring any harm to me?
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hobidreams · 3 years ago
heyy rain .. just a tiny rant but feel free to ignore!! i really like this person and i know they like me back too but it’s like… i feel like i like them more and that just makes me feel clingy and overbearing and idk it’s not a very nice feeling :( im so confused cause im stuck between this “distance yourself so you’re not being clingy and annoying” but also i wanna talk to them !!!!! IDK i feel awful its a horrible feeling
hii baby!! im so sorry you feel that way! :( i know that feeling so well too. ik my words cant offer much comfort but... imo, if you both mutually like each other, i dont think there's anything to worry about if you're contacting them more? i say this as someone who literally spam texts my bf on the regular LOL. i'll tell him anything and everything even if he doesnt know about it or understand it (like a super cute moment in the drama im watching or some weirdo moment in a game). i just like staying in contact the whole day and that makes me feel loved, even if he just responds with "cool" or "lol" (bc what else is he realistically gonna say LMAO). it did in the past make me feel like i love him more, when we first started dating, but the truth of the matter is, he shows his love in a diff way. and he said he doesnt mind it when i asked him abt it. like it’s just a part of me that i want to tell him everything and talk a lot 🤣
TBH ive never been one to believe in the whole "play it super cool and detached so the person u like will be more interested" schtick. id rather tell/show people just how much i care about them outright. i'll double or triple text, idc haha. so honestly i think ur not being annoying at all <3 it makes me really happy when ppl wanna share stuff with me and show me things. it’s only natural to want to talk to the person you like! so please dont beat yourself up about it 🌹 we all do it!
bit of advice under the cut but if ur not looking for that and just wanna rant, feel free to ignore <3 this is a safe space!!!
if you are truly worried, then i would suggest maybe reaching out to them and asking if you're messaging them too much. if they'd prefer you do a daily call at the end of the day or something. i know that works for some couples and some people prefer it. but i think it’ll hurt more just worrying about it on your own! if this person cares for you, then i think they would be open to talking about your worries. they wouldnt want you to be upset over it, right? and you might find that they dont think ur being clingy at all :) i am an overthinker too so i really really understand. i would get myself into these huge “what ifs” with myself but when i talked to my bf about it, it wasnt actually how i thought he was feeling. so i truly believe communication can help ease our worries. 
best of luck, friend 💜 
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deathvsthemaiden · 4 years ago
Prince Harry, Prince William, Waver Velvet, Diluc Ragnvindr, Jeremy Fragrence, and Childe (Ajax)....uwa I spelled Diluc's name right on the first go!
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Yikes full stop. Yikes. || I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? || I Do Not Deserve How Could You Do This? Hmm? Et tu, Brutus? 😐
Ok listen being royalty esp modern royalty immediately cancels out any beauty god gave you in my eyes. All the poetry I wax about how there is something to appreciate in every face and body is null and void here. If we take the Some Guy approach and look at him objectively (impossible but I’ll humor you in the name of love and not being a spoilsport).... nothing I feel nothing. Maybe a whisper of contempt and a little voice in my head going “we should avoid him he’s not going to add to our life.” But that’s. IT.
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him. II I’m Far Too Sane And Pretty For This?
*by this point I am shaking and crying from psychic damage* see above 👆🏽😐
Waver Velvet:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But. I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty (I Suppose) Like If He Floats Your Boat Epic But I Might Not Attend The Wedding || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
his younger self awakens big sister instincts in me meaning he would be SO fun to tease and annoy + root for + naively hope he grows into a fine young man. At that young age he is not yet broken so there is no fixing to be done, but I certainly could help set him straight! Like a bonsai 💚 he’s more sinless and (unintentionally) funny and full of promise than his other selves.
His adult self however awakens the misandrist in me. I wanna come up to him unprovoked and tell him to smile or else bc that’s the only time he’s handsome imo.... also when he has vulnerable moments like being sad the shoes he bought with his first ever paycheck got ruined 🥺 or when he gets all triumphant and carefree ever so once in a while, like in the first ep of Case Files... what I mean is sometimes his prickly hard cranky veneer cracks and I catch a dazzling shimmer of handsome but... not often enough for my liking 😑 for my favored pixelated men I get a genuine kick out of their being disgruntled (sign of true love) but his grumbling just makes me want to file for divorce and we’re not even married 😐 like can you imagine road tripping with this man? I can’t I couldn’t I will not! And omg I don’t think you could make him say stuff like I love you without feeling like you’re pulling teeth... I don’t have the patience to reach that point with him. We’d be so bad for each other and not even in the fun way... his sharp way of dress and penchant for red and long hair and passion for certain subjects are just not enough to salvage him for me, if I want to be subjected to a short tempered man all day I have a father 😩 also he has the kind of sense of responsibility that would doom you if you married him I feel. Like admirable but also what the fuck dude. Taking on all of Kayneth’s debt w/o batting an eye? Mr Velvet what about your hypothetical wife and children.... like I can’t imagine him stopping to think about them in such a scenario... he’d have to marry someone like Melvin (or Melvin himself) who would get a kick out of that brash decision and support him and I’m the wrong dame! He feels like if he had a family and he grew into old age, he would end up one of those foreboding slightly frigid patriarchs w/ short fuses who have hearts of gold but you have to dig so long and hard that by the time you have reached it you’re youth has passed you by and your fingers are worn to the bone and you’re tired... so tired..... you should’ve listened to your mother and married that nice doctor within your ethnic group instead... he’s been a widower for a few years now, hasn’t he? Has a summer home in Vienna and a very nice curly beard? Last time you stalked his FB anyway....
Also his little friend Melvin is hilarious but I could never allow him into my home on the reg. I refuse. Reines is on thin ice and reminds me too much of my sister in some ways... Literally the only person he is oft surrounded by that I would not only be chill with but delighted to have over is Flatt Escardos. Love that wild little man, he’s a brilliant riot. But also a bit of a danger to himself and others I think? Idk I barely read FSF bc the niqabi character design pissed me off to hell and back and then some 😔💔
Diluc Ragnvindr:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him. II You Absolutely Deserve Him, Bestie 🥺🤲🏽 (heartfelt + sincere)
Oh he’s pretty enough.... like def not an ugly man! But as you yourself often correctly say he’s just Some Guy! When you tell me why you love him I absolutely understand how he captivated you 🥺 but I personally am too wild of heart to be ensnared by so sober (ahaha get it? Bc he owns a tave— whatever nvm v_v)/ and stable a man.
Jeremy Fragrance:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I Could See The Objective Appeal If He Never Opened His Mouth But I’m Too Smart To Be Taken In By Some Conventionally Pretty Features And Some Muscle™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
I scroll past his vids fairly fast the same way I often scroll past spider pics that make it on to my dash despite my best efforts.... when I decide to watch his videos I regret it so much and can barely finish. The way he talks and acts and the things he Just Says sans hesitation make me so uncomfy... so performative and out of touch in the unfun way and aggressive... why isn’t he an actor why couldn’t he be named Jeremy Drama... then I could lie to myself and go it’s okayyy Hiba it isn’t real I’m sure he’s sane behind closed doors 😖 anyway I couldn’t willingly stay in the same room with him for 5 min I COULDNT! I’m v confident our priorities and moral compasses are polar opposites and have you heard the way he talks about women? 🤨 I would honestly. Prefer Patrick Bateman. Not even kidding bc at least that man isn’t real and has successfully made me laugh and gets Big Mad over the dumbest stuff so I can mock him before he kills me. Also I think I could outsmart Bateman but... what does one do with JF other than... keep ur distance. Like I’d never trust either BUT. Yeah.
Childe (Ajax):
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
HES ERRATIC.... IM ERRATIC.... CAN I MAKE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUSSSS<3 no but rlly I love a lively straightforward man and he’s got red in his character design + is often pictured with whales? And his galactic themed suit of armor is nice 😳 he’d be fun to hang out with and divorce on grounds so outrageous and absurd we both find it hilarious ✅ like I don’t think I’ll ever love love him esp since all my knowledge of him is second hand but he sounds like a blast 💥
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