#and i know that it's ok if its difficult to get back to drawing after a break!!!
saturniere · 8 months
i think i genuinely forgot how to draw and that doesn't mentally destroy me in the slightest (i'm lying)
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lorillee · 1 year
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im really normal about them <- lie
#ace attorney#mia fey#diego armando#miego#lorillee.png#THATS RIGHT BABY. AFTER -um . hold on. *checks notes* - SIX MONTHS. LORILLEE IS BACK WITH PHOTOSHOP ART 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥#every now and again i like to put effort into something just to remind everybody that i can actually draw#well i say that but to be honest i put a lot of effort into those ms paint ''diego fey REAL'' doodles#but half of that is just because humans are a . something. to draw. and urban backgrounds are my worst nemesis#and also trying to work with ms paint to like slightly transform things is an incredible pain in the behind#anyways. yeagh 😎👍 behold the power of miego. getting me to actually finish something in photoshop for the first time in months#anyways. ive discovered the secret to getting me to draw stuff on photoshop. prepare yourselves accordingly#what i need to do is sketch & line something in ms paint. and then directly trace it over into photoshop#and then i can go ham#see because the reason i never did this before was because i would sketch things in ms paint#and try to line them in photoshop and it simply Wouldnt Work.#so i had assumed that if i wanted to draw in photoshop id have to sketch in it first. yknow. which i cannot do for some reason#something about the way the pen feels and the . its like the smoothing setting is on even when its on 0 percent. you know. anyways#but with this one i drew mia in ms paint as per usual . and i wanted to mess around with color & light#and i triedddd to do it in ms paint but unfortunately as you can probably imagine. doing stuff like this without layer filters#can get a little difficult. if you know what youre doing its obviously going to be easier but that being said i do not#when i pick colors i am literlaly just wildly guessing 😭🙏 which is fine for more straightforward coloring/shading#but not quite here. which is why i wanted to take a stab at it in the first place#so anyways i was like FINE WHATEVER and tried tracing the lineart in photoshop so i could take a stab at coloring in there#and i was . enlightened. (no pun intended). it WORKS#so anyways . you may actually be able to expect. some photoshop art from me#well ok thats a lie never expect art from me. but we can all dream together#anyways they really are the star-crossed doomed by the narrative romance ever. everything to me
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skrittkicking · 1 month
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charr body types for practice, rambling nonsense under the cut
ive been trying to get better at drawing more varied body types for a while now and i think ive still got a long way to go but im getting there. fat and muscle definition werent something i bothered to learn for a long time because all i wanted to draw was twinks and dragons ... but in the last year or so ive really been pushing myself to do better. i think learning to draw different body shapes is really important and improves your overall anatomy skill by a mile, its also just really fun for me to think about how fat is distributed across the body and affected by gravity and all that stuff. bodies in general are my favorite thing to draw and what i spend the most time sketching
ok enough word vomit lets talk about my ocs
iovitus is supposed to be built more like an athlete, but im not sure i got that across very well. they're still skinny and comparatively twinky next to their fellow cats, but still strong and in good shape. after they left the legions they didnt really bother that much with the upkeep of their figure, but since theyre focusing more on mercenary work again they've been better about it
most of iovitus' muscle is in their shoulder & back, as their weapons of choice -- longbow and throwing axes -- require a lot of strength in that area. theyre very triangular shaped & top-heavy, with a broad chest & shoulders, thin waist and narrow hips. skipped leg day :/
nero is supposed to have sort of a dad-bod type of build. i changed a bit about his design as ive been tinkering around with his lore recently. she was always supposed to have some tummy to her, but i dont think i drew it very well in the past. i think a dad bod is very fitting because she is one after all
i also wanted to make her blind eye more obvious because i kept forgetting about it whenever i drew her so umm sorry babe. still need to come up with an explanation as to why it happened! was considering having him just born with it for a while, but i love scars and scary traumatic events so... sorry nero
in spite of the good layer of fat he's got on his body though, nero is very strong and muscular underneath it all. his warband doesnt do a lot of combat stuff anymore but he's still working most of the time and takes good care of himself. juicy thighs btw
ruckus... i dont have much to say about. i love you babygirl
she's so much taller than everyone else.... its difficult to notice in the line-up as they are, but i wanted to see so i lined them up in front of one another and. well. ->
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look at her. and iovitus. why are you so small??
finally, lia! she's still small in comparison to most other blood legion charr, but she makes up for it in her strength. or, well, she might've in her younger years; at her current age she's definitely lost a lot of that muscle definition just by the nature of aging
thats not to say she's weak, though. she can and will definitely fuck you up if you try her
her burned arm is her main weak point. it was burned severely enough where the muscle and nerves were permanently damaged, resulting in a lot of stiffness, uncomfortability, and chronic pain. the movement in that arm is limited and she has to guard it closely if she's ever in a scuffle
i think in general a lot of muscle definition for charr is lost just cause they have fur to cover it up, evident by the fact you cant really see a lot of it on the in-game models. or at least thats my excuse for not knowing how to define muscle with lineart
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charkie-ee · 10 months
team bolas rojas gas masks designs??
in THIS day and age?????
it may be more likely than you think..
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this was my first time drawing a series of different gas masks, no idea if they’re accurate at all, but it was really fun!!
**notes & closeups under the cut :-D**
it’s a lot of notes so be prepared for an info dump.
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Philza: honestly, what more is there to say than “CROW MAN!!”? aside from his goggles being glow-in-the-dark, theres not much more to the mask design. however, i decided, “hey! this is purgatory! i can fuck up these characters!” so, he has a ripped ear(?)wing and messily cut back hair. (i didn’t pay too much attention to the hair in this design, i was mainly trying to get the gas masks down, but maybe i’ll go further into later.)
Cellbit: this is definitely one of my favorites, he looks pretty scary, i would NOT stop my car if i saw him on the side of the road. its based off of a cat mask(obviously) and a painted white streak goes through his mask, inspired by his hair. i didn’t include it, but circles in the goggles are supposed to retract with different emotions (kind of how cat’s eyes do, saucer and dagger pupils.) he’s also covered in blood because he’s going through it lore wise.
Slimecicle: ngl, it was my first time drawing code charlie(other than all the wips i have that i’ll never finish),but i think he’s pretty spooky. his mask is the worst quality, like it USED to work well until he wore it out. thus, there are broken air tubes that let the gas in. (he should probably get those replaced.) the holes for his horns are kind of like an airlock, so the gas can’t enter through them (phil helped him make it.) however, it makes it difficult to take off.
Baghera: baghera’s mask is kind of built like charlie’s, except in much better quality. aside from the loose air tubes, the mask almost goes all the way around her head, not letting even the slightest bit of gas in. theres also a plastic duck beak on top of the regular breathy-thing(i have no idea what i’m doing, so, no, i don’t know the technical term for that) to give it the “bird touch.”
Jaiden: jaiden’s mask was FUN. like i kinda went overboard. i did these all on different days, and this was the night after the big egg battle day. i saw she had fnaf bonnie ears along with her bird gas mask, and said “ok cool. i’ll add that.” she has the same feather/beak thing i gave to baghera. also, hair-wise, she gets a hair bun and her brown roots showing through(we love messy haired cubitos ^^)
Foolish: foolish was interesting, not sure i like the final product, but i’m tired, so it’ll do. his mask is based off of a lemon shark. he gas glowing green eyes and golden splotches on the leather. the air tube foolish has is REALLY long. like unnaturally long. so he wraps it around his neck to get it out of the way. the other members are extremely concerned it’ll choke him one day, but foolish thinks it’s cool and will scare other teams away. kind of like a “yea, i’m crazy, i could choke and die at any minute, and i don’t care.” phil, being the protective father figure of the group, does not like this at all.
Carre: and finally, we have carre. ah, sweet, sweet carre.(he is my favorite.) his mask is based off of a snow leopard because i hc he’s half feline. carre has the lightest, and most simple mask, since it’s entirely plastic, and more so based off of skiing or snowboarding goggles.
ANYWAY, i hope these notes make sense, excuse my rambling about silly designs, i tend to doodle messily, and not really have a plan when i draw, lol.
thanks for reading, BYE!
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thelittleangel · 4 months
Stay with me
tags: Daryl Dixon x male reader, male reader, hurt/comfort, angst, immune reader
warnings: blood, graphic violence at one part, read at your own risk, zombies, heavy angst.
note: this was one of my more difficult ones to write, so I sincerely apologize if it is slow in some places.
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My heart pounded in my ears. I couldn’t really help it, scavenging in these gas stations and grocery stores. It always heightens my anxiety. I always over think of the ‘what ifs.’
What if there’s a group of walkers?
What if there’s other people and they’re hostile?
What if, what if, what if.
My eyes dart between the aisles, scanning for movement. I turn back to the shelf and resume stuffing my bag with whatever’s left of the canned goods. I listen out for myself, focusing on the cans.
I hear the scrape of the cans against the metal shelf. They clack as they join the other cans in the bag. I can hear the birds outside the store. I look out the window. The sun’s out, the light filtering through the trees.
A hand was suddenly on my shoulder. I jump, dropping the bag in my hands.
My hand goes to the knife in its hilt on my side. I draw, pointing it at whoever’s behind me.
A hand catches my wrist, blocking my attack. “Easy, tiger.”
It’s just Daryl.
His blue eyes meet mine. “Jus’ wanted to make sure you’re alrigh’.”
“I’m ok.” I bend down to pick up the bags of cans. Rummaging around to make sure none of them busted in their fall. All of them were good. He watches me as I bend down to pick them up. “Nice day, isn’t it?”
He looks out the glass doors. I watch as his face turns to that look he gets when he’s about to shoot something. I hear that all too familiar rasping growl behind us. I yank my backpack on, not even glancing behind me. My knife is out of its sheath once again.
We run toward the back hall, disappearing into an unlit corridor. I pull out a flashlight from the side pocket of my backpack. The light is weak, but it’s enough to see by.
From the front of the building, I hear glass breaking. The groans of nearby walkers get louder and louder. I hear Daryl swear under his breath.
We walk further down the hall, quickly locating the back exit. I reach for the doorknob, but he stops me.
“We don’t know what’s out there.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Jesus Christ, we do not have time for this.”
“You got a better plan?”
I don’t. He’s looking at me, waiting for an answer that I don't have. He presses his ear to the door. The growls are getting louder and louder.
“Anything?” I whisper to him.
He looks at me and then back at the door. It’s at this moment that my flashlight decided to die. I hear his feet shuffle as he stands up. I look up at him, but it’s no use. We can’t see each other.
I open the door, stepping out into the blinding sunlight. I can’t see anything for a moment, but my vision clears up seconds after that. But it was seconds too late. The next thing I knew I was on the ground, with a walker on top of me.
I squirmed and kicked. I landed one on its leg that got it to stumble back a little bit. I scrambled to get back on my feet, reaching for my knife. The worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life exploded in my shoulder.
Those snarls fill my ears, as it chews on my shoulder. I grab my knife, ready to stick it into this thing's brain, but an arrow beats me to it.
I shove the body off of me. Stumbling to my feet, I turn towards Daryl. He drops his crossbow. His eyes never leave my shoulder. Looking down, my shirt was stained red. I look back up at him, but he won’t stop looking at my shoulder.
“You have to.”
He finally looks away from me.
“There’s no other way. I’ve only got a little bit of time, and i’d like to spend it causing the least amount of pain possible.”
“The least amount of pain?! You say you want ta cause the least amount of pain when you ask me to-”
He takes a step toward me and I take a step back.
“Just give me-”
“A few minutes? That we don’t have?”
I breathe out a heavy sigh. I walk over to a curb and sit down. He looks over at me with so much sadness. I pat the curb beside me. He sits with me, and I rest my head on his shoulder. He looks down at me, but he doesn’t shrug me away.
“I’m so sorry.”
I look up at him. “For what?”
He looks down at my shoulder.
“It was bound to happen.”
He shakes his head.
“Hey Dar?”
“Tell me a story.”
We sat like that for a while. Swapping stories, laughing. I did my best to forget what was about to happen. I don’t know why, but this wasn’t like the other infections I've seen. They got nauseous, feverish, like a horrible case of the flu. This felt like I was just going to fall asleep.
I wrapped my hand around Daryl's arm and closed my eyes for what felt like the last time.
Daryl looked down at your body. You looked sweet, like you were just sleeping, instead of turning into a cannibalistic monster.
He gently reached over, brushing his fingers over your cheek. Your skin was cool, but not cold.
He began to maneuver your body, so you were laying on the ground. He sat back on the curb, watching you. Waiting for you to wake up, or move, or do something.
Minutes turn into hours.
Daryl had a horrible idea.
Reaching his hand over, he placed two fingers on your neck. Quiet, and too far apart, but there’s still a pulse. Your breathing is shallow.
He takes his hand back, his calloused fingers accidentally brushing your eyelashes.
He sat back onto the curb. His face in his hands, trying to pretend like he doesn’t care, like he’s not crying.
Another hour passed.
If you were breathing, he couldn’t tell. He stood up walking over to the dead walker. He yanked his arrow out of the thing's head with an ugly squelch. He spotted your knife laying near him and picked it up.
A small hunting knife. Not used for much, but in your hands it was a deadly tool. You always found a way to make use of something. To keep everything included in the big picture. Like you always found a way to include him.
Turning the knife in his hand, the light of the sun caught on the blade.
He threw it down, the metal clattering against the pavement.
He rolled the walker over, kicking it in the teeth. Kicking and punching the corpse repeatedly until he’s had his fill. Walking over and sitting on the curb.
Watching you lay on the ground. He sits, not inches from you, and he doesn’t know how to help.
Picking up the knife, he moves to sit beside you. His knuckles flexing around the grip. Almost no signs of life from you. Using his other hand, he gently strokes your cheek, his rough hands scratching your cheek.
“I Hope yer listenin’, because I’ll say this only once. I’m sorry I let this happen to you. You shouldn’t have to go this soon. You meant so much to all of us. To the group, and to me especially. You made me so happy. I was glad to call you my friend. I just wish…”
At this he pauses, looking up at the sunset. “I just wish I had just a little more time. So I could have had the chance to call you more than that. So I could have called you mine. I loved- I love you.”
He raised the knife, looking down at you.
“C’mon, baby. Open those pretty eyes of yours.”
The first thing I notice is the noise. The leaves rustling, and I hear someone talking.
“….wish I had a little more time. So I could have had the chance to call you more than that. So I could have called you mine. I loved- I love you.”
The voice is soft and sad. And I know that voice.
I can’t move. Why can’t I move?
My friend just told me he loves me and I can’t even move.
Move, dammit!
Why does my shoulder hurt?
I got bit?
I got bit?!
Is this what they all feel like?
That can’t be right.
I feel the pavement underneath me.
Why am I laying down?
I clench my fingers. Well, at least I can do that.
I open my eyes, but I can barely see. The light is so bright. I hear him scramble back.
I turn my face toward him. My throat feels raspy, and I take a deep breath in.
He looks both horrified and bereaved.
I slowly reach out my hand toward him, pain shooting through my shoulder and arm. He looks from my hand, to my shoulder, to my face.
He raises the knife in his hands, his muscles tense to strike. I raise my arms above my head, trying to block a potential blow.
He stops, his arm still poised above my head.
“You’re alive?”
I nod slowly, not really understanding for myself.
He drops the knife, bringing me in for a tight hug. I wrap my arms around him, holding onto him as if he were the last person on earth.
He’s warm against me. Holding him in my arms feels like a dream. I was so close to dying, and yet here I am. Holding my friend, who just told me he loves me.
“I heard what you said.”
His grip tightens around me.
I pull away so that I can see his face. He looks at me with love and concern.
I kiss him quick, holding him as tightly as I can.
“My shoulder.”
I see him glance at my shoulder, and then back to my eyes.
“What if we told Rick what happened?”
“What if they kill you?”
“We should tell Rick. He’ll see that I don’t have any symptoms. The worst that could happen is he locks me up for a few days.”
“Or they will kill you. I can’t let that happen.”
I kiss him again. Holding in my arms, I’ve never been so unsure. But I know that whatever happens, I’ll have him.
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forensicheart · 1 year
Billy Loomis x Reader
Summary: Billy wants you forever and he isn’t taking no for an answer
“Oh come on dear, don’t be so scared now” Twirling a knife in his hand he stood a few steps before you slowing moving closer as he spoke. “What happened to your excitement a few moments ago, you wanted this, didn’t you?” He laughed at he finished his sentence not allowing you to answer his question as he kept talking. “Well of course you do, or you wouldn’t have asked for it right?, You wouldn’t have begged me to put you in this situation, to have you at knife point” When he finished talking his knife was at your throat, the metal gently pushing into your skin but not yet drawing blood or causing pain. But it was definitely causing you fear, what you had agreed to but certainly not this, he was twisting your words, your ideas and your agreement.
“I never wanted this, I never wanted to be in this situation, this is not what we spoke about, this isn’t-“ You cut yourself off as he pushed the knife harder into your skin, this time a drop of blood began to slowly trail down your neck.
“Don’t be so shy Y/n, don’t pretend like you didn’t want this, like you didn’t want me” The knife made its way to your chin, the cold metal making you shiver in your place as your chin lifted with the knife.
“Billy. Please. Don’t do this” Finally hearing his name Billy took off the mask he had been wearing, the one that he had killed so many people while wearing, the one that he imagined wearing while he did unspeakable things to you.
“See, you know it’s just me under here dear, don’t you trust me? Don’t you want me? Don’t you love me?” Billy had put you in a difficult spot now, answer truthfully and get killed, lie and get caught get killed. Billy tilted his head to the side and mocked a frown.
“Aww don’t have an answer for me darling, well that’s ok, I have my answer either way” The fear in your eyes must have been more evident now as Billy took one look at you and smirked with a laugh.
“I love how scared you get Y/n, I love that panicked look in your eyes, the way they widen with horror, how tears roll down your cheeks as I inflict pain on you. It’s assuming my dear and something that just might save you. All you have to do is promise one simple thing, one one small thing, you think you can do that for me?” He was speaking to you like you were a child now but you ignored that only feeling the fear he had caused, the fear he wanted you to feel, the fear he relished in. You nodded in response to his question quickly though, you didn’t want to give him any more time to think, anymore time to change his mind, to kill you right now. After seeing you nod he took his free hand moving it to grip your jaw.
“You have to promise that you’ll never tell anyone about me, about who I am, you have to promise not to go running to the police or away from me. You have to promise that you will always love me and always be by my side” It was a lot to promise and you knew had underlining consequences if you failed to keep these promises to him. You thought for a moment, something you probably shouldn’t have done as your hesitance to comply seemed to anger Billy more as his grip became tighter on both you and the knife and so you quickly answered.
“I promise. I promise Billy” He smiled a sickly smile back at me.
“Good. That’s all I needed to hear darling, now you’re mine-“ Your eyes started to well with tears as Billy opened his arms and motioned you towards him wrapping you in a hug.
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the-carnival-of-time · 8 months
......all the lil dudes running around the moon kinda look like a child version of the Happy Mask Salesman, the only other model I find them similar to are the bombers.
And the moon is obviously heaven like who wouldn't want to go there when they die personally that tree makes me think "tree of life" but this is me blabbing
But with all that said and a theory I once heard about the Happy Mask Salesman being a deity (also considering he resides in a place unaffected by time and isn't tempted by an evil mask, the children of the moon also mention him) has me at a hmmmmm now.
Like the children are angels and the Mask Salesman is a moon deity. The moon is symbolic of healing, magic, and wisdom. The Mask Salesman is aware of Link's "terrible fate" of being turned into a Deku, and heals him through magic of song, and passes this along. Not only does he heal Link, the song gives the ability to turn broken souls into masks. He states it's magic and healing. The Mask Salesman knows every mask in Link's possession and its powers. He notes Link possesses "tremendous courage". He's able to tell by holding Majora's Mask that it's purified. He always knows how much time Link has, despite residing in a place unaffected by time. Why is it unaffected by time?? The moon is of water element. Water is fluid, moving, easily changeable in form. This is personified in just about every interaction with him. As a Cancer rising, the Mask Salesman is quite the erratic and emotional character.
Link, Skull Kid and the Mask Saleman are all from Hyrule. (Confirmed through in-game text) They all traveled into the Lost Woods and found a parallel world, but before Link followed Skull Kid to Termina, Skull Kid found the Saleman first. Every event in the game was due to Majora's curse, likely even to the point of it getting snatched off the Mask Salesman, causing him to follow Skull Kid and bump into the Hero of Time, following him to Termina.
The Mask Salesman had the mask because he knew its powers. What better person? He's wise and passionate. Majora's Mask misfortuned the Mask Salesman by pure karma of being a cursed object, drawing Skull Kid to cross his path, causing the Mask Salesman to seek out who he already knew just saved Hyrule, the same boy he sold masks to in the Hyrule market. But where was the Mask Salesman after Link went forward in time 7 years? No where to be found in Hyrule, yet...SKull Kid is still in Lost Woods blowing blow darts at adult Link. But
As I said, when the Happy Mask Salesman meets Link in Termina, he's already aware Link saved Hyrule. "Is this not a simple task? Why, to someone like you, it should by no means be a difficult task" And what a condescending tone a frustrated, but knowing, mother would use. (Sun=Father Moon=Mother) Zelda turned back time, but the Mask Salesman knows Link saves Hyrule. He also knows before Link takes his first step into Clock Town, Link has a 3 day time limit.
AND all the Sages in Twilight Princess have masks we just gonna act like that's a coincidence ok. What about every concept design of Midna having a mask and landing on the one that has the EXACT SAME EYE as Majora's. The Mask Salesman says himself that Majora's Mask comes from an ancient tribe.
I mean wtf is all this.
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daliasmay · 10 months
Honestly, Im so tired of how E // riels calls everyone who don't like E // riel as women haters. Especially I see a lot of charges to Eluciens. Does anyone in that fandom really understand the definitions of the words "hate" and «misogyny»?
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Today it’s getting more and more absurd. I think there is a handprint on my face already because of the facepalms.
I mean, ACOTAR is full of clearly unambiguous forms of misogyny... but can someone show me that in Elucien please? 🕵️‍♀️
I wouldn't lie, there are a lot of Lucien lovers on that board, but blame people in misogyny because theoretically most of them love Lucien, is beyond of my comprehension. Don't they prefer Azriel more than Elain too? Sorry, but I don't believe that people, who draw Elain as a warrior who is surrounded by atmosphere of violence or with the rose necklace that she returned and that was re-gifted really love Elain and her character. Or at least understand her.
It is easy and comfortable to prefer to ignore the second part of Azriel's bonus chapter, but yep, it is still a canon text and we can't read it selectively.
They says that Eluciens hate Elain and that they are a women-haters in general, but yes, its absolutely ok for so called pro-Elains to ship Elain with the man who only in the one tiny chapter:
♦ Called her in private conversation with his brother from another mother only like «she» and «the third sister». Was it difficult to call her by her name? No, but it possibly showed her place in his picture of the world.
♦ Called their kiss a «mistake»
♦ And RE-GIFTED her necklace that she returned to him to another woman and thought not about Elain feelings because of his mistake, about how she was after his words about their private moment, but about the feelings and smile of that one, who will receive his gift in the morning.
Wouldn’t it be more polite if he returned that necklace to the shop or burned it or threw away or keep it for the future? They were so many ways, you know? Sarah wrote what she wrote and she said that it was obvious and it is. The problem of this mass misunderstanding in someone's headcanons only. Sorry, but wouldn't it be better not to give Gwyn the gift at the end if he really loved Elain? How someone can fix this act of disrespectful behaviour? With enough respect to Elain? or maybe to Gwyn? I think and hope that Sarah will come back to that moment with Azriel and Elain and will fix it as a silly joke between two friends, but not between lovers.
By the way I think that being pro-Elain isn't about giving her a sword, dressing up her in black and making a warrior or a spy out of her. Elain isn't like Feyre or Nesta. Elain's power in her smile, Elain's power in her peacefulness, she loves sun and people, she loved her father and she doesn't like violence. Elain isn't about roses and bakery only. It seems that she loves tulips more, she wanted to travel and she was full of joy on the parties. Elain is a warrior but her butterfield is the society, the people, the balls. Elain isn't an introvert. But she is fighting with herself now, with her traumas and with her new life while no one in her family and IC can see her. Even her sisters. And especially they.
And I definitely don't think that it is polite enough to ship her with the man who even didn't think about her feelings in the end of the evening and call yourself as pro-Elain at the same time. It is something illogical and maybe a little bit strange.
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seiko-e · 2 months
Last and final
Part1(hoshina x y/n)
*still no NSFW
*lazily written, so pls don't make your expectations high
*still long and easy to read
Gen narumi x y/n park (backstory in part 1)
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Art by me(the girl is y/n or in other words, you)
After passing the test, you and y/n choi(hoshina fans) got separated, if only y/n choi also uses firearms instead of melee weapons, you two wouldn't have to be separated.
You were introduced by Eiji hasegawa, he led you to the captain's office, once you arrived you were surprised to see a room instead of an office, chips everywhere, stacks of manga, and a BED???
After a bit of nagging from vice captain eiji, you start to introduce yourself
"hello, im y/n park, im the new officer from korea, thank you for having me"
"stop the formalities, call me narumi, formalities don't really matter here in 1st division, what matters here is your abilities and skills"
fascinated and pressured, you salute and he bonks your head with his hands
"i told you to stop the formalities didn't I?????!?"
"now that you've finally met, I'll lead you to your room" Eiji Stated
"NOW NOW ,GO, GO, i just got a game over because of this"
As you and eiji were about to walk out, narumi halts the two of you
"wait, you said you're a defense force from korea correct?"
"no wonder why your combat power was high, also, the other one, i refuse to accept her, she reminds me of a certain bowl cut in the 3rd division"
"ah, i see.."
"and just so u know, i have 98.1 expectations from you since you're a defense force before, so its normal to expect something high, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOUR STRONGER THAN ME ALRIGHT, DON'T GET MY EXPECTATIONS STUCK IN YOUR HEAD, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, IMM STILL STRONGER GOT IT?!"
Happy from this news you exclaimed "I WON'T LET YOU DOWN CAPTAIN!" And you left.
The next day, your training in korea and here were no different, both were challenging.
Overall your days here were great and normal, nothing much different in korea. But if you compare the strategies and way of protecting, here and in korea, korea was more on the sky and here in Japan was more on land, in korea, each officer used personalized jets and planes, if a jet starts to malfunction or on the verge of crashing, it releases the officer as they start shooting mid air, while the melee weapon user officers went inside the kaijus and destroy their core from the inside
Planes do mostly the same thing, however, they immediately deploy officers once they reach the target and leave the scene once finished deploying.
One day, on a kaiju mission, you somehow ran out of bullets, and decided to retreat and go back to where the others are, and unfortunately, a kaiju was in front of you, now both your back and front have a kaiju moving towards you, the only way left is the building.
Without hesitation you went inside and ran towards the rooftop while both kaijus are after you
As soon as you reach the rooftop, you jump, landing on the ground while in the high ground wasn't difficult since you had a personalized jet before
To your dismay, as soon as you land on the ground, another pair of kaijus appears, at this point you're completely surrounded, kaijus above, back, front, and one on every side, there is no way out
*i decided to just draw it at this point cuz i have no idea how to keep the same hype with this
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Ok, i give up, want part 3? I seem to have a writer- block or idk what you call it, but i can't remember how to write🥹
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anal-queen-waifu · 1 year
I just finished waxing, put my bathrobe back on and joined you at the desk for some whiskey and hookah. You put one arm around me and I lean on your shoulder as you draw circles with your fingers on my back.
We sit like this for a while and then you start telling me a story. A story about all our sexual encounters, how I've been such a good girl for you even from the beginning. As you paint lewd pictures before our eyes, your hands start wandering and open my bathrobe to expose my soft breasts, nipples already hard, and start playing with them lazily while you still whisper that naughty story in my ear. My breath catches everytime you pinch my nipples a little too hard. I can feel my cunt start to drip, I need your fingers desperately but you keep playing with me like a cat with its prey. You tease me for a while as you watch me squirm and rub my thighs together, sometimes opening them like a desperate plea.
Suddenly you stop. "Enough for now. Go dress for me." I feel it difficult to get up, so drunk with pleasure, but I do it. I put on the leather thigh-highs and the black harness. With every move I make, my thighs graze my swollen cunt and I shiver with pleasure. I come back to you, already naked, teasing me with your hard cock and our eyes lock on eachother. The need to feel you inside me grows and I kneel before you, not breaking sight, like there's an unbreakable line from my eyes to yours, connecting our minds. Dominant and submissive, facing eachother. You put my collar on and then leash me, caress my cheek, put a finger under my chin and give me the most powerful kiss. "You are mine." This feels like a ritual.
"You may get up now, enjoy your drink." I look at you a bit disappointed and I gesture to get up, but you tug on my leash. I feel my cunt throb. "What is it, dearest darling?" I say nothing, too embarrassed to tell you what I need and surprised at my body's reaction. "What? You wanted something?" I raise my hand to grab your cock but you stop me. "Tut tut, such a needy girl! You may only use your mouth."
My eyes lock on your full length and I slowly start licking you from the balls to the tip, stopping from time to time to take either your balls or your tip in my mouth and sucking on them for a little while, building up your lust. As I reach the tip again you tug on the leash and I take you whole in my mouth stopping to feel how your cock down my throat tightens my collar, choking me. Then I slowly start moving up and down, increasing the pace gradually. At one point, you thrust hard going all the way in my throat while restricting my movement with the leash. I rapidly run out of air but I don't care, I have to resist until you think it's enough. You pull out and I gasp, looking at you with teary eyes and I start licking you again. This time, as I reach your balls, I go even lower while I rub your hard cock with my hand. You lean back your head in pleasure on the backrest of the chair as you let out a low sigh which makes me throb again.
After a while you tug on my leash again, lead me to the couch and tell me to wait for you on all fours. You come back with a big clear buttplug and tease my mouth with it while kissing my back. You push it in my mouth all the way in and I start gagging. "What's the matter, princess? You gag from 5 inches? I know for a fact you can take more than that. Keep it in your mouth! I'm going to give you what you need. I'm going to fuck your brains out but you're not going to cum. Not just yet. You're gonna have to tell me when you're close. You're going to have to hold it for me. Ok, babygirl?" I nod and can barely hum an "Uhum".
You just slide right in, indulging yourself in my drenched cunt and that first thrust almost sends me over the edge and I whimper loudly. You stop and I can tell you're smirking. Wait a few seconds and start moving again with powerful deep thrusts and I feel I'm going insane with pleasure as I'm doing my best not to let the crystal buttplug fall from my mouth. I get so close every few strokes, but you pull me away from my orgasm each time and I'm so needy I wish you could fuck my holes all at once. You pull the plug from my mouth and slowly insert it in my butt and start fucking me again. I feel so stuffed that it feels impossible to stop my orgasm as you start teasing my nipples. "No cumming, princess! Not yet!" I whimper. I have to obey. You pull the buttplug out and insert the Hush, controlling it from your phone. At this point I can't even think about anything else but my holes being used. Being the best fucktoy for you!
"You want to cum, darling?"
"Uhum! Please!"
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Can you repeat it for Daddy?"
"Please let me cum! Please!"
"You are so beautiful when you beg, babygirl. Get on your back, head off the couch!"
I do as I'm told and you thrust deep in my throat and start eating me out as you keep fucking my face. I cum almost instantly, spasming from the orgasm and lack of air. You finally let me breathe, but are relentless as you keep eating my twitching cunt. I am spent but you are not done, so you tell me to get up.
"Back on your hands and knees, dearest darling, I'm not done with your mouth. Open it and stick your tongue out!" You slap your cock on my tongue and tease my lips with your tip and then slowly put your cock in my mouth as you start fucking my face, tugging on the leash. I resist my gag reflex heroically and soon enough I feel your cock growing even harder and then your warm cum fills my mouth and my throat as you keep thrusting it in. I lick every drop and then you pull me up by my leash to kiss me.
"Turn around! I think your cunt got enough attention, don't you?"
You take the Hush out that has been vibrating in my butt all this time and admire the view.
"Such perfect holes for me! You are such a good girl, love!"
Bliss finds me again with your first thrust inside my butt. "God, you're so tight!" you say, as you start abusing my ass so hard I can barely maintain my position. Your fingers dig in my hips and you start pumping even harder as you reach the peaks of pleasure, spilling your warm cum inside me. Hearing your grunts and feeling your warm cum fill me up sends me into orgasm. I love cumming together with you. It's heaven.
You hug me from behind, kissing my back while your cock still throbs inside me. Only our rushed breaths can be heard in the middle of the night. You pull out, plug me and lie on the couch, calling me to you. As I approach, you take off the leash and gather me to your chest, caressing my hair, my shoulder and my back.
I'm home.
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tcwmatchmakingau · 1 year
The Long Way Home
Part 1 - It’s Ok To Want More
Summary: A hardworking creative discovers she can’t girlboss her way out of wanting more out of life and turns to Right to Love Matchmaking for assistance.
Pairing: Commander Thorn x fem!Reader (designer/seamstress) (no y/n, no physical descriptions)
Warnings: very mild suggestive thoughts
A/N: Y’all are the first to get to meet two of my OC’s! Blizzard, a former member of the 212th, and Daria Trace, matchmaker extraordinaire 💙💙 This is the set up, date to come in chapter 2
Rating: T Word Count: 1325
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Running an upscale boutique on Coruscant had its perks. Your clients ranged from bored debutants spending daddy’s cash to senators and their aids. The gossip was always top notch, and you frequently caught wind of scandals before any journalist was even close.
Despite your popularity, most of your clientele paid you little attention. This would have bothered most people, but you preferred it this way. You’d slip in one earbud and soundtrack their unintended exposes while you worked.
In between clients, you’d often spend time arranging your window displays. It was something you did for fun because the majority of your clients came to you based solely on word of mouth.
You were setting up an elaborate display for the coming holidays when you looked out to see a few couples here and there. No elaborate displays of public affection, just the gentle gestures of new love and old love alike.
Fingers laced together. Kisses pressed to temples. Soft smiles and knowing glances.
Your heart gave a pitiful twinge, and your turned back to your mannequins and fabrics.
You had stopped making time for love a long time ago. You weren’t willing to put your passion, your livelihood on the back burner for disappointment and mediocre sex. But you’d seen ads for that new matchmaking service everywhere you went lately, and the uptick in happy couples was impossible to miss.
It was hard to resist the fantasy of a comfortable love. The gentle brush of fingers over your face after a long day to welcome you home. Waking up to kisses and snuggles. Someone to make you miss your train because they had to have you one more time.
You shook your head and reigned in your thoughts. You had work to do, and lusting after a life the Maker hadn’t intended for you was distracting and painful. You didn’t have time for either one.
Yet day after day you found yourself taking the long way home. Your steps carrying you past Right To Love’s offices.
It was the blasted bridal show that did you in. Surrounded by fabrics in every color from brilliant white to darkest black, and exhilarated brides, your heart demanded your attention.
Your work-focused brain had been running things long enough, and your starving heart could not be silenced. Work was fulfilling, but it didn’t call you sweet names, draw a bath for you, or make you shake with pleasure in the dark.
It’s ok to want love. I can ask for more. You thought, taking a deep breath as you waltzed into Right to Love’s lobby.
“Hello, welcome to Right To Love. Are you here for an evaluation and profile submission?” A clone dressed in a smart, well-tailored outfit asked from behind a sleek white desk. His name tag identified him as Blizzard.
“I think so,” you cleared your throat. “Yes, yes I am.”
“It’s ok to be nervous.” Chilly name aside, Blizzard’s voice was warm and reassuring. “Most of my brothers are too. Here, just fill this out, and one of our matchmakers will be with you shortly.”
He handed you a datapad, and you accepted it with a lightly trembling hand.
You sat down and started filling out the form.
The questions ranged from the easy, ‘Occupation? Last long term relationship? Last short term relationship?’ to the difficult, ‘What are you looking for in a match? What brought you to Right to Love? What does love mean to you?’
One standard hour later, you were fanning yourself after handing the datapad back to the Blizzard, who gave you another encouraging smile, as he directed you to wait.
“There are drinks and snacks on that back table there,” he added, and you mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him.
Your eyes roamed the lobby, and you spotted a few other people here and there, lounging on the comfortable chairs. Some looked terrified, others looked relaxed. You counted yourself amongst the terrified, as you grabbed a bottle of meiloorun soda, and perched at the edge of a chair.
You sipped delicately at your soda, while you watched others exit looking elated or in a couple of cases utterly embarrassed. Your stomach twisted, and you eyed the front door. Had you made a mistake? You could still run for it. You rose from your seat, pretending to look at the art, as you scooted towards the exit.
You were a mere 10 steps away from freedom when a woman called your name, and invited you to follow her. She was short, but the way she held herself could fool anyone into believing she was as tall as any trooper. She had golden brown skin, a dyed lavender buzz cut, and a mischievous grin on her glossy lips.
“I’m Daria Trace, one of the matchmakers,” she said.
“How does one become a matchmaker?” You asked, curious.
“I majored in psychology and behavioral studies, and I ran a small matchmaking service for extra credits at university.”
“What’s your success rate?” You asked, matching her stride.
“Seventy percent of the couples I matched up at uni are still married,” she said with a grin, as she opened her office door, and gestured for you to enter and have a seat.
You took a deep breath and settled in at her desk. Instead of sitting behind the desk she sat next to you.
“Tell me who you are,” she said.
“Isn’t that what the profile’s for?” You asked with a raised brow.
“It gives me the basics, but I’ve been doing this long enough to know that people present themselves differently on paper. So tell me something real.”
You took a quick sip of your soda, hoping to ease the dryness in your mouth and throat.
“Um…I have my own business. I guess you could say I’m married to it. I like to keep busy,” You said, feeling the weight of her scrutinizing gaze.
“So why cheat on your job with a boyfriend?”
“I’m…my,” you feel that twinge in your chest again. “My heart wants more. Work is a sure thing. Always there for me. I just want more. I have a lot to offer, and just…”
“It’s ok, go ahead,” Daria presses, head inclined towards you.
Up close it feels like her dark brown eyes are looking through you. Like your mind was an open book, and she was flipping through the pages on the hunt for evidence that you were worthy of her time.
“I’m fine on my own, but I know I could be a great partner if I had the chance, if I took the chance.”
“And why haven’t you taken the chance?”
“I could never find someone supportive, who understood my need to create and find my own way. They wanted me to do well, just not as well as them.”
Daria sat back, and observed you a moment. Her eyes roaming your face with an unreadable expression. She stood up, and moved to sit behind her desk, tapping away on her datapad.
She grilled you a little more, asking about pets, marriage, children, foods, colors, and even scents.
“I think I have just the guy for you,” she said finally, her smooth voice carrying just a hint of self-satisfaction.
“Really?” You couldn’t hide your surprise.
“Mmhmm! According to the schedule you provided, you’re free tomorrow night?”
“No time like the present. Are you ready?”
You could tell wasn’t just asking about tomorrow night.
“I am,” you responded, nodding.
“Perfect! He’ll meet you at Dex’s Diner at 1800 hours,” she said sending a confirmation to your device.
“Wow,” you said pulling it out of your bag and staring at the message. “What’s his name?”
“Thorn,” she said with a bright smile. “I can’t wait to hear how it goes.”
“Thorn,” you said softly, enjoying the sound of his name.
“Have fun, ok?” Daria said. “Don’t hold back.”
“Alright. Thank you,” you said, as you left her office in a daze.
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eerna · 1 year
ok so its been a couple weeks how do u feel about totk zelink now
(context: here is part 1 of the ask, and also SPOILERS AHEAD!)
For reference, I am currently done with the dragon tears and sages questlines, but still haven't finished the Kogha one. Whatever happens after this point, I have no idea, I'm chilling and doing side quests and leveling up.
There is a difficult line to draw between "this is what the game is saying" and "this is what I am projecting onto it", but to me, this game is about how well Link knows Zelda. BotW was about trying to remember her and why she mattered, and TotK is about trying to figure out her plans and what she was trying to tell you, as she is no longer able to guide you the way she did in BotW. It's listening to what people are saying about her and deciding if it sounds like Zelda or not. It is beautiful, and shows how close the two of them are now! BUT. It would have worked even better if we saw traces of their relationship in the plot. This is a three-pronged feature: 1) In the main quest everyone calls Link "Zelda's swordsman" or "Zelda's chosen protector" and are surprised when they see him without her, but the NPCs STILL don't mention him. The way I almost screamed when I stumbled upon that Lurelin NPC who is like "oh yeah the princess would disguise herself and go on vacation and hike up to the Lover's Pond at sunset!" and I was READY to hear about the person accompanying her. But there was no one. Zelda was alone as far as this guy was concerned. Like pls. 2) Link should have revealed his thoughts on the mystery of Zelda's identity for this theme to work, at least by being the one to figure out the Zelda prancing around Hyrule is an impostor. In fact, the way they didn't try to incorporate the tears quest into the main storyline is pretty disappointing - sorry but Link would NOT just ignore knowing where Zelda is. They should have hidden the last few memories until you're done with the fifth temple to make sure he doesn't look like an idiot. 3) We are STILL in the "Link doesn't react properly to Zelda" era. I'm not even talking about animation, I would have settled for a "Don't look so concerned, we will figure it out!" or a "I know you wish to bring her back right away, but leave the research to me and focus on beating Ganon first!" from Impa at the end of the tears quest. Sure, I choose to interpret his mad dash through Hyrule Castle to get to the sanctum Ganon fight as him completely forgetting any caution or reason in his desperation to get to her, but is that really it? EVERYONE ELSE cares so so much about Zelda as a person instead of a princess, they are constantly talking about her, so Link could have gotten some moments of that too. I'm glad the game stated that Link's duty ended with the Calamity and he CHOSE to stay with Zelda, so it's not that he only cares because he has to, but I wish it was shown outside that one line in a secret diary.
In conclusion, I still stand by my previous claim: Skyward Sword did this same dynamic better, so if I hadn't played that game I might have been elated over this one, but alas. I am still hoping for an earth-shattering emotional moment towards the end of the game that is gonna render all my complaints wrong, I haven't lost hope, but wow my imagination is working overtime to keep me happy
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viktoriakomova · 1 year
What's wrong with the ballet footage? Gen question, I don't know much about ballet
ok i will separate this into 2 parts, glaring fundamental flaws and pedantic nitpicky shit (which, to be fair, should only be corrected once the former are dealt with. but it looks like neither are happening any time soon so...)
Part 1: The Egregious
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Zero turnout happening. Usually i'd point to the hips and talk about if the rotation is coming from the hips (good) or the knees and/or feet (bad very bad and kinda dangerous esp in gymnastics). but they arent even doing that.
The arms. The elbows should be slightly bent to create a "curved" look. The arms should be held up and in front of you with your hands around the height of your belly button, supported from your upper back muscles. The girl in the back (nola???) actually has hers pretty good (ignoring the hands, see below) but i would say she should have them a little lower and it looks like her delts are doing the work to keep her arm lifted instead of her back muscles.
Alignment. its difficult to tell from this one screenshot (i refuse to put in the effort to watch these frames 100x to get a great one im sorry) both because the legs are straightening (after what is ostensibly a plié lol) and bc of the camera angle, but you should be able to draw a straight vertical line from the ball of the foot to the hips to the shoulders. again the girl in the back looks a lot better than jade or kayla here.
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More issues with turnout here that are more evident (bc theyre making an actual attempt to turn out here) they're starting to turn in passé here, i wont bother trying to articulate what the legs are supposed to look like bc miss betty okino here is doing it correctly xoxo.
i'll start with leanne. her supporting leg is actually quite nice and she's very high up on relevé, her ankle is straight/extended and right on top of the ball of her foot with her knee straight and quads engaged. however the leg she's bringing up to passé (pretty late, since shes turning, i should add) is basically totally turned in. the muscles in the hip that rotate the leg outward are doing nothing. the leg should be turned out from the hip the whole time you're bringing the foot up to the front of the knee.
now onto kayla. i circled the reflection because you can see the leg positions better, the video crops it out. she has the same issue with the hip turnout of the free leg, but her supporting leg is also turned in. look at the knee in the reflection. it's basically not turning out at all, but her supporting foot is like 45º turned out. considering that they're turning in this screenshot, thats bad news. turning out from the foot (ie rotating outward at the ankle) instead of the hip puts a lot of torque on your knee. its obviously not nearly as severe as the stress that twisting into the ground on a tumbling pass would put on it, just bc of the force being applied there, but its still not harmless.
Part 2: The Nitpicky
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The hands...... how are the fingers (jade's and kayla's) the body part doing the most work here 💀 broken wrists (but like. tense and intentional, inexplicably???), palms facing the floor. hyperextended fingers. thumbs rotated away/out from the palms. the wrist should be straight but not rigid, it should complete the "curve" mentioned above when i talked about the elbows. the thumbs should be in, but again not taut, just relaxed by the rest of your fingers. its hard to explain verbally how the fingers should be, but they shouldnt be taut and/or stuck together either (aka pancake hands or karate chop hands lol). the girl in the back, her hand would be decent if she put her thumb in and rotated her wrist 90º counter-clockwise
Forward head carriage. That's my only gripe about Girl In The Back's posture, and even that isnt really Bad, otherwise it's great. Kayla's would be fine too but her shoulders themselves are a little too forward. Jade's is.... not great, it looks like she carries a lot of tension in her neck. i typed this whole post hunched over in my bed tho so.... do as i say not as i do ;)
i didnt bother editing the picture to circle it lol but kayla's foot is sickled in the pic with okino
also the first pic is hard to look at alignment/posture bc none of them are on the same count kfjdkjfkdjfk so musicality is a big fat L there
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canmom · 6 months
brain operating notes
the thing with ADHD is that it's super paradoxical. I've spent the last 72 hours or so doing almost nothing but making minute tweaks to this fansub, stuff like hand tracking signs in perspective at 800% zoom. it's the 'hyperfocus', and it can feel like a superpower. only the thing is I have no control over when it kicks in and what it chooses to focus on.
I had work to be done on Friday, work I enjoy and is novel and interesting, but this fansub project just jumped into my brain and took over the wheel and said 'you will not do anything else until this is finished'.
this is why the notion of 'executive function' is useful. I think of it like a unifying thing required to both get myself to do a thing that is not particularly novel or engaging in this moment, and to stop myself doing a thing that engages the hyperfocus because I have to eat or whatever. this feels like a finite resource, that gradually replenishes over time.
of course we're all in metaphor here. I don't actually think there's a finite reserve of some substance that I can use to get me to do things that aren't immediately stimulating. but being equipped with this metaphor lets me think of it like... ok, I will let my brain just do its thing and ride the rollercoaster now, so that I can have the wherewithal to do (difficult but important thing) down the line. or, I've been really pushing myself to do stuff recently, I need to take some time to recover the reserves. how good is this model? i'm not sure. probably not great, but it is a model.
anyway things that trigger hyperfocus are a bit arbitrary but common features tend to be...
novel: a thing that I haven't done before is intrinsically exciting - as long as I have some idea of how to get going. in my previous job I'd find excuses to do stuff like 'animate in Blender' or 'hack the graph drawing tool' just to add a bit of spice to rote tasks. thankfully my current job is full of new exciting things.
a steady drip feed of small successes: a big, daunting task is hard to get started on. something that has a clear avenue for recognisable, steady progress is a lot more manageable. 'write the animation controller' is unclear. 'make another animation' feels like progress, and I know where I'm at with it, so I will tend to choose that one given the option.
urgent: if the deadline is imminent and there really is no other option but to crack on with it, the anxiety gives a force multiplier on executive function. which results in a lot of procrastination leading up to mad last minute crunch. it's a pattern that I hate, not least because it's hard to say how long anything will actually take, but is hard to shake.
social: if it is for the benefit of a friend, or I get to show off a bit, it is way easier to get going with it. is it because I am kinda lonely and any time someone wants to spend time with me it feels like I dare not refuse because who knows when they will again? is it because I love to be praised for doing an impressive thing? idk maybe. however this is double-edged because if I feel I'm making something unimpressive I will be motivated to try and make it bigger and more complex, dragging things out, which might lead to not finishing the thing at all.
you can probably kind of see how computer games are a bit of a cognitohazard. especially open-ended games that don't have a finite built-in endpoint. I've gotten better at managing that now.
there are degrees of hyperfocus. there is the maxed out 'I will not eat or sleep until I finish this' mode. there is also the 'I have a new obsession' mode, which is a bit less intense.
the other thing with hyperfocus is that it is time-limited. at some point you just burn out on it and after that it's really hard to jump back into a thing. the unfinished projects on my hard drive are in most cases things I went nuts over for a few weeks and then dropped like a hot stone. this sucks because making anything worthwhile requires sustained effort over a long period.
I've been trying meds but so far no luck. they've currently got me off the meds taking baseline measurements while they figure out what to try next. though apparently the dose of dexamfetamine they had me on is like... so low that it's not surprising I didn't feel it.
gonna have to ask them about it next time I see them. because right now this whole thing feels like a bit of a mean joke. I'm staying in London for the sake of meds that could help, because it would take upwards of a year to get into another clinic, but what's the point if they're not even giving the meds a real shot?
but if there is any chance I can get working meds, I've got to try for it, because I don't think I'll ever achieve much of anything within the limitations of adhd, at least not without finding some new mechanisms to keep me on track. (though 'if I don't do this I might lose my job/the game won't be as good as it could be' works a bit as an extrinsic motivator)
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thebeingofeverything · 8 months
Ok I’ll bite, I’m curious:
Mephisto/Amaimon - why ship it? (All 3 q’s)
Rin/Shiemi — why don’t you ship it? (I hope I’m asking this right)
I think we will probably have similar reasons but it never hurts to ask!
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Mefiama, why ship it:
1. Ok! So for the first, really my og aoex ship was amairin bc I'm a battle couple shipper first and foremost but mefiama was a close second and it's bc I'm a demon lover after everything lololol
Specifically, I've loved characters like mephisto and amaimon as long as I can remember, starting from my og fav yyh Yoko Kurama and Hiei (which in my head is a different ship than Hiei/Kurama). But, like that ship, I actually never really liked/like the ways fandom portrays them. Characters like Hiei and Amaimon both end up woobified and turned into stereotypical uke characters with the big sexy dom/seme mephisto/Kurama to seduce/play with them.
And to me that always pissed me off bc of how ooc it made them all out to be. I love Hiei and Amaimon bc they're little feral shitheads who have a massive independent streak to them and act/are totally inhuman. They both poke at each other and cause each other headaches and I live for it lololol
They're spicy as hell too and I love that in a ship. The second I saw Mephisto keeping Amaimon strung up on spears in the cuckoo prison that was it for me 😩👌🔥
2. The draw for these characters and the ship is that they're both inhuman creatures that only pretend at humanity, or in amaimons case, is forced to play nice by mephisto if he wants to be stomping around his territory.
What I really love about them, though, is that while Mephisto has the upper hand in the dynamic, Amaimon also knows his character and can see past his clown mask bullshit. He knows the demon Mephisto really is under all the sparkles and show boating. He's an observer and even when Mephisto is focusing on his goals and plots and shows, Amaimon is there on the sidelines keeping tabs and picking everything apart. I think Amaimon thinks Mephisto is interesting or has potentially interesting ideas. The thing about demons is they're constantly looking for something to keep them interested through their eternal existences and with Mephisto, Amaimon has a source of enrichment lol
I also like the fucked up premise of how Amaimon has an inherent trust in Mephisto that gets abused in canon. We saw him getting incredibly hurt by the shiemi reveal, as if Mephisto keeping that info from him meant Mephisto was treating him like one of his human pawns and not with respect as another demon king.
3. I'm not sure if there's an unpopular opinion I have for them, except that I tend to find most fandom treats them incredibly ooc and it makes it difficult for me to enjoy content of them from others. Mephisto as the over simplified seductive seme, doing typical melodramatic evil villain stuff and Amaimon being reduced to a uwu baby idiot who has never had sex despite being a who knows how old demon king. I've got a ton of bitching I've done over the years about it (and it's the same treatment Hiei always got back in the day so I'm used to the frustration) 😂
Rinshi, Don't Ship:
1. Man I feel really bad to say this but this is one of the most vanilla/boring ships in the fandom outside of bonrin. It's just so typical hot headed anime boy protag/girl next door love interest, even as much as they're both incredibly well developed characters, and as much as I love Rin.
It really just comes down to Rin being a, like, base ingredient for me as a ship. Like him being involved in a ship isn't on its own enough to make me enjoy/ship something. (Amaimon, on the other hand, immediately spices any ship up and I've even got a few rinamaishi fic aus out there lol). But I've never been interested in the sweet, hard-working character archetype. I can't help it, I'm into edgy bastard gremlin characters, the antagonists and anti heroes lololol (The exception to this in aoex is Yuri and that's bc she's got that little mischievous bad girl zing to her I love lololol). Shiemi just doesn't have that spice I need to really invest in a character.
2. What would have made me like it is just if Shiemi was a different character lololol like, she's just too sweet for me, like a marshmallow. Her in her string Independent woman era isn't really doing it for me either bc it feels like all her character development got cut out in that training arc she was just in. We missed a good opportunity to see her reconcile things with her grandma and her growth just to watch her toss an Amaimon copy and it feels like we got cheated out of her character arc.
If she just had that little spark that Yuri had it might work for me but I haven't seen it and until then it feels like every other typical anime main character/love interest ship, and it's just never been a dynamic I've never been into.
3. Positive things I have to say are that I think Kato has always done a phenomenal job making her characters feel realistic and not the usual anime shallow stereotypes. So when ppl tell me they enjoy the ship I'm like yeah, if ur into those kinds of characters and that ship dynamic, you've come to the right series to get a really well developed couple who feel fleshed out and who have had a developing relationship throughout the series. Totally understandable, just not for me.
I hope I actually answered these right 😂 thanks for the ask @philosophicalparadox 🩷
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
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Some self ship art of me x hanzo hasashi.
Self insert au.
Hanzo gets new wife,a 2nd chance and a new beginning. Because he fucking deserves it! And i said so. So suck it nrs and ed boob!
Anyways. This au is pretty simple. Hanzo takes me in and gives me sanctuary,i basically was found near the Shirai-Ryu village which I'm naming Hana village. (Hana meaning flower in Japanese). Now this doesn't take place in some "anciant long lost long ago japanese feudal type ninja shit. (Cuz this is waaaaay after hanzo got healing and is chill now. Character development wasnt forgotten,unlike nrs i give a shit. (Although the shirai-ryu are traditional,and old school af ninja and shinobi/kage,so some elements in the village remain but its rural Japan.) Nah this is modern Osaka,japan. Outside city limits of course and very hidden and protected. Only a few know the way. I would say the closest maybe to what i think hana village would look like is anami village(a real place) but smaller. And more hidden? Either way there is a a red bridge and a torii gate in the front pass to get to it. The other entrances and the southern pass thru a huge ass field. The east pass through dense forest. And the western pass. Which is thru a mountain. The most difficult pass to traverse,however....the safest. As the kage of the shirai-ryu tend only use that to help protect the village.
Anyways. Basically. I wake up in a ninja clan village. Have no idea why im there. Hanzo takes me in. Trains me a bit,tho i am skilled i am by no means a master. So he decided to help me. And things happened,very heated things *wink wink* . Pretty simple plot.
Oh yeah....and a few ninja from an unknown ninja clan tries to attack the village. But fails. But hanzo is sus. Who are these ninja? What do they want? Why did they attack. And why is quan chi back?! Oh shiiiit. The lin kuei give hanzo a clue. And they were rivals with the lin kuei at one point but the clan at the time was smaller and weaker but they got somehow stronger and more powerful, oof. And quan chi is helping them! This mysterious ninja clan is a problem,and perhaps a new threat? And only the masters of fire and ice,grandmaster kuai liang and hanzo hasashi,and hanzo's new wife can stop them!
Ooooo. *dramatic music!*
Ok but fr. I just also wanted an excuse to draw hanzo being protective. And write about my story idea.
(My mk verse(and all it's aus) is gonna be called mk:eternal (because it's truest essence is eternal in my heart. Nrs can't take that from me!) )
*artist note: oops i forgot their rings. Oh well pretend they put them away so they dont get lost or ruined while they whoop ass. 🤷‍♀️ oopsy*
Used a base
I hope y'all like it
My verse,mk:eternal. story,aus,ocs,etc is mine. Of course.
Unfortunately mortal kombat is not. Mk is (c) to nrs (unfortunately)
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