#and i kept making it stronger until i went 'dude calm the fuck down' so its.... still strong but its not too strong
thecherrygod · 2 years
... once im done with this final i hope i stop drinking coffee
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years
+warning/s: There’s really none, just cursing is all.
+word count: 2227
+note: The characters are very random because they’re the first ones I had an idea for. I want to write for the other ones too, so please do tell me what you guys think about this one. 
"What did you just say?" He asked, eyes wide from shock.
"I said, grab another straw if you want to take a sip of my drink. I don't want to share a straw." I said, as calmly as I can, immediately looking away from him. Because Lord knows I just want to laugh at his dumbfounded face right now.
He gave me a sarcastic laugh. A laugh that says "are you serious right now?"
I raised a brow at him acting like I don't have a clue as to why he's acting the way he is. 
And that was the last straw for him.
"So you literally shove your tongue down my throat and you wouldn't share a straw with me? What's that about?" He said angrily, looking at me with daggers in his eyes.
I laughed and instantly covered his mouth, looking around at the café. "Bitch, shut your mouth. I was just playing with you." I whisper-yelled, while trying to control my laughter.
He rolled his eyes and snatched away my drink. Muttering a "not funny" under his breath, as I continue laughing at him.
"Can I try yours?" Omi asked calmly.
I nodded, but before he could grab my drink I pulled it back a bit. "Oh-- can you not use my straw though?" I said as innocently as I can. 
He rolled his eyes at me then scoffed. I thought he's actually gonna get riled up, but that's until he said "Brave of you to assume that I'll share a straw with you."
I gave him a dumb look. What?
He raised his brows at me, a sly smirk making its way to his lips. "I'm literally afraid of all kinds of germs, and you are no exception." 
Did I really just forget that I'm in a relationship with a germaphobe?
"Whatever" I said, pouting.
I handed him a new straw but then he gave me a look of disgust. 
Can I be any more disgusting to this guy?
"Now you're trying to give me a plastic straw? You turtle murderer! Get that animosity away from me." He said, as he dramatically whipped a metal one from his bag. 
Just how many does he have in his bag?
"Now, repent from your sins and start using this babe." 
"WHAT?!" His dramatic ass yelled.
"Sit your ass down, right now!" I ordered like a mom.
I pulled him back beside me on the couch as he looked at me sadly.
"What do you mean we can't share a straw? We kiss all the time though and we share more saliva doing that than just sharing a straw." He pouted. 
Which is so cute that I had to stop myself from just pinching his cheeks and hugging him.
"I just don't want to share a straw today, okay? Just get another one. I have some in one of the drawers in the kitchen." I said, scrolling through my phone so that it'll seem like it's not a big deal.
I kept on scrolling, but then I realized after a while that he's still beside me.
 When I looked at him, I KID YOU NOT, there's tears welling on his eyes threatening to fall. His lips even quivering as he tried holding back the tears.
I instantly held his face and pulled him close. "Oh my, Bo, what's wrong?"
When asked he became more emotional and the tears finally fell. "You wouldn't share a straw with me." He said, sobbing. So I pulled him into a hug.
"Bo, stop crying. I was literally just joking, no need to cry you big baby." I said, chuckling lightly as I ruffled his hair.
He instantly pulled away, looking at me expectantly. "Huh? You're not for real? I can use your straw? You're not disgusted?" He asked and I nodded, giving him a warm smile.
He jumped at me and gave me a bear hug. "I don't like that joke though" He said, pulling away enough so he could look at me.
"I'm sorry, Bo. I won't do it again."
"YAYYYYYY!" He exclaimed, as snot trickled down from his nose. This kid.
"Let's wipe that snot away first though before you come close to my straw, yeah?"
(Now this is about to turn into a soap opera. Everyone knows this dude is the queen of all drama queens)
"Tooru, baby, use another straw." I said, not even sparing him a glance. Eyes focused on the anime we’re watching.
No reply. No reaction. No movements for a solid moment.
Eventually, he sighed then stood up. I heard him shuffling around so I thought he's actually gonna grab a straw for himself. Y'know, be compliant for once?
But since we're talking about a professional drama queen here, that obviously isn't happening. Duh.
"28th of August, in the year of the Lord. It's a warm afternoon, an afternoon filled with sunlight. Everything's bright, sunny, and happy. But just as everything is fitting into place, everything turned dark '' He monologues, standing at my balcony.
Oh Lord, save me.
"It is on that one afternoon, that Oikawa Tooru's heart has been shattered into million little pieces. It's shattered so good that no glue, not even E6000 glue, can put it back together." He continued, fake crying. Looking back at me once in a while to see if I'm looking at his drama. Then just exaggerating even more, putting his all into it.
I rolled my eyes at him, completely done with him.
"I thought there was love. I thought we felt the same way, that we're on the same page. But I was greatly mistaken! Nothing's fine. I'm torn. I'm all out of faith and this is how I feel. I'm cold and I'm ashamed, not lying naked on the floor-- but I'll think about it. Illusions never change into something real--"
And that's all that needs to be said. He darted towards me and easily drank half of my drink, cuddling next to me.
"Now is that hard? It isn't right?" He teased, which earned him a solid smack on the head.
"Grab another straw for you to use, Asahi" I called out to him as he stood up to get some more snacks after he announced that he wanted to try my drink.
"What did I do this time?" He asked quietly when he got back, dropping the snacks on the table.
"What do you mean? Did you do anything?" I asked him back.
He crouched down in front of me so we're at eye level. "You just told me to use another straw. So what did I do, woman?"
At this I immediately broke into a fit of laughter, which made him confused yet concerned. 
"You're scaring me right now babe."
"Ohhh~ Asahi, you really are too precious." 
"Are you being sarcastic right now? Is that you getting more angry at me for whatever reason? Wait! Are you actually angry at me? What did I do--"
"YO! Breathe." I clamped a hand on his mouth. "Who said I was angry?"
"Well you don't wanna share a straw so I'm assuming you hate me right now" He shrugged.
I ruffled his hair and lightly pinched his cheek. 
"I was just messing with you, so no need to be a panic mess." I reassured, caressing his face ever so softly.
His face instantly calmed as he leaned onto my hand. "Don't do that. You know I panic easily over the smallest things. I was about to have a heart attack." he pouted.
I kissed his cheek and offered him my drink, and he happily took a sip.
"Wait till Daichi hears this" I chuckled, earning a groan from him as he hid his face from me.
I'm getting so impatient. 
Impatient for Kageyama to ask for a sip of my drink so I can mess with him.
Why wouldn't he just ask? He kept on eyeing it yet still wouldn't ask for a sip.
"You know, eyeing my drink like that wouldn't make you taste it. If you want a sip, get another straw." I said as if I don't care, when in reality I'm watching his every move and expression.
His eyes then diverted from the drink to me, raising a brow. What's he raising his brow for?
"Bold of you to assume I'd like any of that." He said lazily.
Me=Jaw dislocated.
I looked at him not knowing what to say. What does he mean? 
"Huh?" Was all my dumbass could muster.
"As if I'd drink that '' He said, sticking out his tongue in disgust. He took a sip from his milk and smiled, completely satisfied. "I'm all good with my milk, it makes my bones stronger. You can close your mouth now." 
"B-but you kept on eyeing it"
"Yeah I did. Cause I was asking myself how someone can even consider that a drink."
"Can I please have a small sip of your drink? That seems like a new flavor I have yet to try. So if you don't mind." Ushijima asked beside me, looking straight into my eyes as he did so.
Does he really have to be this serious and proper asking for a sip? 
I'll never understand how his robotic self works, but I still love it though. I actually find it cute, so it took a lot from me to not break character.
"Sure thing. Just get yourself a new straw." I said, pushing my drink towards him.
I can see he's quite surprised by that since he didn't just do it right away. He gave me a look but then again didn't really say anything. He stood up from our booth and went to get a new straw.
I almost facepalmed when he did so, but then again what was I expecting? That he'd go crazy over it? That he'd have a big reaction? This is Ushijima we're talking about. The only time you'll see a big reaction from him is when that kid Hinata goes head to head with him or when he sees Oikawa CAUSE WHY THE HECK DIDN'T YOU ATTEND SHIRATORIZAWA, DUMMY!
Ushijima is very simple and calm, so he doesn't make a fuss about things easily.
When he got back he just silently put his straw in and took a sip. "That's quite good but not as good as the one you always get." He said honestly. Typical Ushijima.
We were silent for a little bit. Usually I'd be talking his ears off by now with all the gossip I've found out. But I'm still a tiny bit down because of his lack of reaction.
"You're weird today" He said out of the blue.
"What?" I asked, choking a bit from my drink.
Lost. That's what I am. He doesn't really blurt out things like that. I mean, yeah, if he finds something weird, mostly if you're asking him about it he'll say it's weird. But he doesn't really just blurt it out the way he just did. 
"You never had problems sharing with me. You don't mind me biting into your food, drinking from your bottle, making me eat the ice cream when you only want the cone, yet you made me get a new straw. It's just new, I guess. That's why it's kind of weird."
He said calmly and I can tell that he's genuinely calm. Like he isn't trying to be calm or he's mad deep down. He's simply sharing his thoughts.
"So you did notice." I pouted. He looked at me and nodded for me to continue talking. "I was actually just doing this thing I saw on YouTube, telling your boyfriend you don't wanna share a straw."
"Oh" He nodded in understanding. "No wonder you're weird today. You'd never do that." He actually said in a very humorous tone, with a small smile on his face.
I beamed and sat closer to him, resting my head on his arm. "Sorry for that."
He shook his head and gave me head pats. "It's fine. And of course I'd notice, I prefer it when you share with me, it makes me feel closer to you. And you've always been sweet to me even though I can't do it well, so I instantly caught on to it."
"You're sweet in your own unique way, more than you realize, Ushi" I said, smiling at him. He returned the smile with an even bigger one. My heart is about to burst, it's not everyday I see this guy grin like this. This smile might be a small one to others but for me this is a whole ass beam!
"Can we share properly now?" He asked, very VERY cutely. It almost brought tears to my eyes. And when I say cutely I mean him just looking at me seriously. In conclusion whatever this giant does I find cute, okay? I'm whipped and I'll even write it on my forehead if I have to.
"By all means" 
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Catch it (JJK x Reader)💜☁️👽
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💚 Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
💚 Genre: Alien!AU, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, smut
💚 Warnings: Mentions of war, Reader is homeless, Jungkook is kind of clumsy, he hurts her accidentally sometimes, it’s never intentional though, slavery (in a sense), sweet boy Jungkook, no smut yet sorry haha PLEASE DON'T LEAVE I PROMISE ITS GOOD
💚 Summary: The world is literally ending. In a last effort to save earth, the race of Alcor demands humanities planet to be given into their care, as humans have been slowly killing the planet for way too long. But it’s humanity we’re talking about; they never give up without a fight. Even if they should.
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Part of the Alien!Jungkook series!
Catch it | Hold it | Keep it | Save it | ???
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  The world had officially gone to shit.
Now, that was hard to overlook at this point; with almost every street in utter ruins, every corner looking like the worst slums at this point. Humanity had lost the war they had started; and the Alcorian people had by now begun to get rid of everything, building up things from scratch, and planting new trees and other plants.
They were healing the planet, as they called it.
You'd always despised the ways your own race handled things in the past, but this time you'd genuinely thought they would do the right thing. When you'd seen it on TV, the Alcorian government speech, you'd been surprised. You didn't really know what to think of aliens if you'd ever been asked in the past, Alcorian people already known to be existent by the time you'd been in school still. Now, years after finishing and living a life of a sole survivor on the streets, you'd never truly took time to think about what kind of appearance they may had. But now you knew- and it was nothing like you would've ever thought.
From what you've seen and heard they were tall- and had much more physical strength than a regular human. Their eyes had cat-like pupils designed for their naturally long nights on their homeplanet, giving them a distinctive look. The most common color seen had been green or a very dark brown- light brown, beige, or blue eyes were a rarity. The carried themselves with a certain kind of confidence that wasn't overbearing or too pushy. They simply knew they had the upper hand.
Humanity had been simply stupid.
Or narcisstic, as you liked to call it. The government had just been too scared to have power taken away like a toddler who'd throw a fit if it was time to let someone else play with a toy. But this wasn't kindergarden, and no one was playing around.
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"Do you need help?" He'd asked, and you kept your hood down low, careful not to show your face and reveal anything to the Alcorian standing close to you. He had a nice voice, you'd noticed, but the fear still crept into your bones from the very real possibility of him taken you away, just like everyone else at this point. The war had been over for a little over a month by now, and Humans were not seen that much anymore. Everyone kept themselves hidden, stories about humans getting snatched and sometimes even eaten keeping you up at night like a child afraid of the dark. "Hey- are you okay?" He asked again. Considering your very small height in comparison to him, he probably mistook you for an alcorian child, and wanted to take you somewhere safe. They were known to be protective of their family after all.
At his touch, you slowly backed away, as he grew more and more suspicious of you. His hand reached for your hood, and that was the exact moment you decided to absolutely book it, and run off.
Sadly, he wasn't at all dumbfounded by that, and you should've listened to that weird drunk guy some weeks ago telling you that Alcorian's were hunters- they loved to chase and run. And oh well, with legs like that, he totally had all odds in his favor. You're only chance of escaping was the backside of an old grocery store, old vending machines serving as a hiding spot for you every time you needed one. Your small body always fit right between the two large machines, giving you a sense of security. Not now however, as he almost ran past where you'd squeezed yourself in, hood now completely down as your face- and most importantly eyes- were exposed to be seen.
“You’re- Human!” He exclaims with wide eyes, cat like pupils contracting in shock as you squeeze yourself tighter against the wall behind you, vending machines providing a bit of distance between you and the Alcorian. He’s too broad, too tall to fit where you’re hiding, but his arm is long enough to reach you as he grabs your jacket, pulling on the fabric as if to force you out.
“No, leave me!” You demand, eyes squeezing shut as tears begin to gather. This was it; your chase was over, and this dude would be having you for dinner. Or not- you didn’t really know exactly what Alcorians did with humans after they captured them. All you knew was that you were already small for human standards- these beings were taller and stronger by nature already.
“Sto-Stop being so complicated-!” He gritted our, still pulling on your clothing to get you out of your hiding spot, grabbing a bit more for good measure. Why couldn’t he just leave you alone? Why did he have to be so fucking strong? The gravel and dirt underneath your shoes made scratching sounds as he slowly but surely pulled you out of your spot, not letting you go even for a second, even as you'd tried to pry his hand off, scratching his skin and making him hiss. "There we- go!" He exclaimed, having gotten you out of your spot, holding you tightly against his chest as he held your wrists tightly, leg thrown over yours to keep you from struggling. You felt your tears fall down your cheeks, as you began to pathetically breath heavier, faster, huffing as you kept your eyes closed tightly. As if you'd wake up.
"Please don't hurt me." You whispered over and over pathetically, a begging tune to your voice as he simply.. hushed you? And wait, was that hand on your head.. petting you?
"There there.." He consoled, as if you were a scared cat he had to calm down. "I'm not gonna do anything okay?" He hummed, letting you calm down for a moment, before he spoke again. "I'm gonna let go of your legs now, okay?" He said, and you nodded with hesitation as he did just as he told you, slowly moving his leg, and softening the grip on your wrists as well. You stayed completely stiff in his hold, not daring to move as he continued. "You're not claimed." He stated, and you nodded again, not trusting your voice as you agreed to his statement. It was rare by now to find an unclaimed human just like that. Something in his jacket buzzed, making him groan a bit, before he slowly stood up. "I wish I had more time to make you feel a bit more comfortable but-" He started, before he pulled out a black.. collar? You instantly struggled again. He may looked nice, but he was an alcorian at the end of the day- you never knew what he'd do. "No no no please-" He desperately tried, looking around in frenzy as he held your hands again. "Look- its nothing bad okay? I just want to help you!" He urged on, making you furrow your brows at him. "I promise you, I really do- I'll take care of you okay? Just- trust me for a bit. You can decide after we took off okay?" He said, and you became a bit less hesitant.
"Take off where?" You asked, and he genuinely smiled at the fact that you spoke to him, before explaining.
"I'm taking you home with me." He said, and you grew uneasy again. "No, don't- don't look at me like that!" He whined, before he squatted down as if to make him seem less dangerous to you. "They're collecting. I've seen you around these parts for a couple of days, and I'd like you to have a chance of deciding where you want to be." He said, and you looked at him in question. But- as soon as he would claim you, you were his property. "I'm just going to put this on you for the duration of the flight, okay? I promise you, you can decide afterwards where you want to go. But we need to move now!" He urged, and you nodded. There was nothing keeping you on this rotting earth anyways, even though you'd still hoped to stay. He beamed at you, smile reminding you of a bunny as he carefully placed the collar around your neck, before taking your hand.
You whined a bit at his tight grip as he looked back, eyes contracting again at the sight of your angrily red wrists. He looked apologetic as he seemed to think, before he simply decided to pick you up instead, carrying you to wherever he was going. "Sorry, for uh.. I didn't mean to." He said, and you simply didn't answer, letting your head rest on his shoulder as you watched the familiar grocery store grow smaller the further away you went.
This really was the end, wasn't it?
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"Little one?" A voice spoke, slowly awakening you from a nap you didn't even notice slipping into. You were still leaning against the body of that Alcorian guy who'd picked you up, warm body making you feel sleepy. You moved a bit to detach yourself, as you looked at him, for the first time in proper lighting.
He looked young but mature at the same time, with wide, brightly colored eyes. His dark hair was long and straight, while his face was slightly soft in its proportions. Lips pink and arched into a soft smile seemed to fit perfectly, just like the tiny beauty mark in the middle just underneath his lower lip. He was handsome.
"You can sleep in a second." He promised in a low voice, careful not to disturb other passengers as he looked out the window. "I just thought you.. might not want to miss this." He said carefully, unknowing if this would be a painful goodbye for you.
It wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.
You held onto his jacket a bit tighter as the shuttle roared to life, slowly gaining speed on the runway as it departed, earth and the city growing smaller, until clouds blocked the way. Jungkook watched you with a studying gaze, glad that he'd managed to get you onto the shuttle before departing. He'd found you a few weeks earlier, roaming the streets like a lost animal, as he studied you. You were nice and friendly towards other humans, and agile in escaping Alcorian police forces who searched the streets occasionally. Sharing food was never something you denied when asked, and he'd also watched with a hurting heart as your small amounts of belongings got stolen one night, leaving you with nothing behind.
He just.. had to do something.
Humans were always depicted as selfish creatures only knowing their own benefit, and he had to agree to a certain point; a lot of them were like that. It was understandable to a degree, but it also wasn't, considering that his race had only tried to help. They'd never intended to start a war.
"Whats your name?" You asked in a quiet voice, careful not to speak too loud, as he smiled at you.
"Jungkook." He replied. "Jeon Jungkook." He spoke as he tilted his head. "And yours?" He asked.
"Y/N." You answered, and he nodded.
"You can keep it, if you want to." He said, and you simply leaned into him, watching as you broke orbit, earth now far away. For some reason, you didn't know if you wanted to. There was no reason to keep it, if you were leaving your old life behind like that. He seemed nice, and friendly- a bit rough, but that was to be expected. For some odd reason, you didn't want to decide whether or not to stay with him or not. He'd claimed you, end of story. You didn't even notice that you had started crying until his hand began to run over your head again, shifting a bit to have you sit a bit more comfortably.
Maybe he wasn't so bad.
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"And there we are." He exclaimed, setting you down for the first time after the flight once you'd both entered his living space. It seemed- oddly like a regular apartment, with rounded windows and furniture that looked similar to what you knew. You stood still, until he gently tapped your back a bit. "You can go explore a bit- I have to make a call real quick." He said, and you nodded, taking off your shoes before walking inside further, watching as Jungkook left to go into a different room. Alcorians and Humans were similarly developed and shared a lot of technology. It was surprising however how much alike but different at the same time things were. You went closer to the largest window, watching as cars sped by- or, where those planes? It wasn't easy to tell.
"A friend of mine will stop by in a moment." He explained from behind you, as he kept a small distance from you, as if to preserve your personal space. "Just to give you a quick check up." He said, and you grew a bit uneasy, as he suddenly tried to retract his statement. "You know, nothing bad! Just, you know, to make sure you're okay and in good health-" He said, before you spoke again.
"What.. Why am I here?" You asked, and his eyes widened at the realization on what you hinted at. The tips of his pierced ears grew a bit pink at that, as he scratched the back of his head.
"Not for that- promise, I'm not like that!" He said, before he sat down on his couch. "Like I said, I wanted to, you know, get you somewhere safe." He explained. "I work with.. a few friends. We're trying to help humans find compatible people here, to live with." He said, and you nodded, rather sitting down on the carpeted floor a bit away from him. You noticed however, how he said 'people', instead of owners. It made you feel less like a pet.
"So.. you're a rescue organization for.. humans." You stated, and he nodded.
"If you want to call it that, yes." He answered, before someone knocked at the door. You sat up a bit straighter at that, growing uneasy at the visitor. "Please stay calm okay? I promise he's a good guy." He said, before he left to open the door, another tall young Alcorian walking through the door after greeting him. He wore glasses, and his hair was a light sandy brown color, while his eyes looked dark. He spotted you and you slowly began to scoot backwards. Nop, the bag in this guys hands was clearly containing medical equipment, and you were not here for it. "Y/N- No, come back!" He called after you as you ran off to the nearest room, closing the door in a hurry as you frantically searched for a place to hide, choosing the underside of his bed as the perfect place. You could fit right underneath.
"..-rmal for her to react like that. They're usually scared." An unfamiliar voice spoke through the door. "Did you tell her why I would be here?" He asked, and the other voice you clearly by now deciphered as Jungkooks answered with a whine.
"I did, and she was fine with that!" He explained, before the door opened, voices now clearer. "Well, she was a bit scared but I thought that was normal." He admitted, as the stranger sat down near the door, Jungkook next to him as if to block your only way out. Jungkook tried to reach for you only to be held back by the other guy, making him whine at him. "Namjoon, I have to get her out of there!" He said, and the other guy, Namjoon, still pulled him back to sit down.
"You can't force her out like that.!" He scolded, and it got quiet after that for a moment.
You carefully peeked out from underneath the bed, only to be met with Jungkooks smile, and the strangers gentle face. You slowly crawled out of your hiding spot, still staying a safe distance away as you watched both warily. "Hello Y/N. I'm Kim Namjoon, I'm a medical practician majorly focusing on human health." He said, and you scoffed, making Jungkook look at you surprised. You seemed absolutely different from just moments ago with him.
"So you're a vet for humans." You simply said, and Namjoon merely chuckled.
"Feisty. But yeah, you can call it that if you want to." He answered, as you still kept your scowl. "So can you cooperate with me now, or will I have to use force?" He asked, and you became even more hostile, Jungkook stepping in.
"Namjoon no- we won't be using anything like that" He tried, but Namjoon didn't seem to listen as he watched you with an amused expression on his face.
"I'm not a pet." You stated, and Namjoon grinned.
"You're certainly behaving like one." He answered, and you scoffed again.
"Then you won't be too shocked that I will bite you." You said, and the man shook his head.
"You wouldn't be the first one. Your kind loves to be difficult." He said, and your expression got even darker, as Jungkook desperately tried to find a way to diffuse the situation.
"Is that why you like to have us for dinner?" You asked, and both of them looked at you with questioning eyes. "Or is it more fun to fuck us first and then use us as slaves?" You bursted out, standing up as Namjoon looked genuinely caught off guard.
"Is that what they say on earth?" He asked, and you huffed out at that, moving into the furthest corner of the room, needing space. "It definetely does explain the hostility." He mumbled to himself, as Jungkook stood up, walking closer to you, but stopping when you yelled at him to.
"Okay, okay, I'll stay right here." He said, sitting down on the floor a few steps away from you as you hugged yourself in a pathetic way to comfort yourself. This was all getting too much. "If you don't want him here, I'm going to tell him to leave, okay? We don't have to do this now." He said, and you looked between him and Namjoon, uncertain. You may didn't have to face it now, but you had to eventually, right?
"We don't do any of that to humans, by the way." Namjoon suddenly chimed in, as you looked at him. "It's true that humans are being claimed, but they are not forced to do that. Most do it to ensure their safety, others do it out of romantic reasons, and some do it for the thrill, yes." He said. "But no, we don't keep them as slaves, no, we don't use them just for sex, and we certainly do not eat them." He said the last part with an almost humorous expression as you grew shy.
Well, this was awkward.
"Can you stop being difficult now, and let me do my job?" He asked with a more gentle tone now, before you nodded. You didn't walk over to him, however, still not trusting him as you decided to instead crawl onto Jungkooks lap, who happily took you into his arms as you looked over his shoulder at Namjoon, almost as if to say 'fuck you'. "You know, he won't always be there to-" He started, but Jungkook turned around as if offended.
"I will!" He said, holding you like a precious toy he'd just been gifted. "I mean- if she want's to." He mumbled, before Namjoon moved closer, shaking his head with a smile as he started to take your temperature first.
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It somehow felt as if he was belittling you. But for some reason, that was okay in some way, considering his bright smile every time he did it. It felt a bit weird at first, but now, after a few days, you felt almost at home with him. You didn't think about earth much, not wanting to spoil your mood while you were with him for that matter.
You were growing a bit more independent day by day however.
Still with his collar wrapped around your neck, since you wouldn't be allowed to roam the streets without one without getting stares left and right, you stopped at a grocery store.
Before leaving today, you had your first fight with the Alcorian.
"I'm not trying to keep you obedient Y/N, I'm trying to protect you!" He explained, trying not to get too riled up as he knew this could scare you.
"But you do! I can't do anything by myself, you're always hovering over me!" You said, and he looked at you in disbelief at that.
You felt so bad, still.
Now more than ever, as you were walking through isle after isle, every word more complicated than the next it seemed. You'd learned some words by now, but most were still a challenge- making it impossible for you to work things out by yourself without probably making a fool of yourself.
You left the grocery store after realizing you couldn't even pay for stuff since he was the one with the money, and it made you feel frustrated. You squatted down near the entrance, calling Jungkook pathetically.
"Little one? Are you okay?" He asked, as if you didn't just fight minutes ago. You sniffled, and he became even more concerned. "Are you still at the grocery store? I'm coming, just wait-" He said, as you chuckled a bit.
"I'm fine Jungkookie I just.. I'm sorry." You explained, as you heard a door close on the other side of the line. "I was horrible to you." You said, but he cut you off.
"Let's talk when I'm there, okay?" He said, and you agreed, waiting for him patiently, trying to ignore the stares and looks you got, some Alcorian kids even pointing at you before getting scolded by their parents.
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"I'm sorry." You said immediately as his figure approached you, already opening his arms to welcome you in his hug. "It was uncalled for, I was so mean, please don't hate me-" You said into his chest, as he chuckled.
"What're you doing little one?" He asked with a gentle smile as he looked down on you.
"Apologizing?" You said, and he smiled.
"I know, I'm familiar with that concept." He said, before continuing. "I mean, why? You were just stating your opinion on things." He said, and you felt even worse now.
"But I was mean, and rude to you! I shouldn't be so ungrateful, after all you've taken me in, you let me live with you, you provide me food and shelter, you keep me safe-" You began, as he chuckled again, ruffling your head.
"I do that because I want to. I'm responsible for you." He said, and you nodded.
"I'm sorry." You said again, and he continued smiling. "I managed to find some stuff like flour and Milk, but-" You started, as his eyes widened in wonder.
"You could read that?" He asked in disbelief, as you nodded.
"Yeah, but that's about it. I only picked up on a few words like caramel and stuff-" You explained, as he suddenly squeezed you into his arms, making you whince a bit at his strength. He immediately let go at the sound.
"Sorry sorry, it's just- whoah, my little human is so smart!" He said, genuinely excited over the mere fact that you could read a few words. "It took Taehyung Months to learn a couple of phrases, and here you are, already reading on your own!" He said, and you chuckled a bit at that. Taehyung was a human claimed by Namjoon and his partner Seokjin, who also had a second human by the name of Jimin. You'd met them for a bit prior, but hadn't had a true conversation with them yet. "Lets go then." He said, taking your hand into his as he walked into the store again with you.
Jungkook had slowly learned to hold your hand less tightly than he would usually do, his strength the reason for almost all of Namjoons visits to your now shared home. He didn't mean to hurt you, but it happened occasionally- and you always forgave him. He couldn't help it, and it was almost sweet to see him so upset over it straight after.
"Thats almond milk, right?" You asked, pointing at a carton with a label you thought said the words 'almond milk' on it. Jungkook beamed almost proudly.
"Yep!" He exclaimed, as he kept a hand on your back, a more comfortable gesture to show you he was by your side than holding hands. It was less likely for him to hurt you that way accidentally. "Let's get you something sweet too." He said with a smile, as you smiled back- for the first time, completely comfortable.
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"Jungkook?" You asked hesitantly, as you walked up behind the couch, making him turn around.
"Hm?" He wondered, turning the TV volume down lower. "What is it little one?" He asked, as you suddenly placed a couple of papers down onto the small table in front of him. He took them wordlessly, before he suddenly jumped up, head thrown towards you as his eyes were wide open, catlike pupils staring at you as they glazed over. "You-how-" He stuttered, as you swayed on the spot a bit shyly.
"I talked to Namjoon about it the other day. He helped me get all the paperwork stuff done since I can't read much still.." You said, and Jungkook walked over to you, picking you up as he twirled you both around, making you giggle.
The bold letters on the front page clearly reading;
'Official documents for legal human ownership.'
You wanted to be his.
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"Do alcorians kiss?" You randomly asked one day, laying on Jungkooks lap as he suddenly looked down towards you.
"We- uhm.. we do." He said, before swallowing the piece of sweets he was eating. "Why- why do you ask?" He wondered, and you simply shrugged.
"I kinda want to kiss you." You said.
And he almost choked.
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pwarkluv · 4 years
❝ let me adore you ❞ - hrj
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huang renjun x reader | fluff | 1.8k words
WARNINGS | lowercase is intended, slight angst if you look hard enough, college au, friends to lovers au, non-idol au, like one curse word (in the story and in the author’s note so does that make it two?), mutual pining lol, unbelievably fluffy, whipped!renjun, artist!renjun, oblivious!reader and lowkey oblivious!renjun because would it be a f2l without that?
SUMMARY | when you’re his perfect model and the girl he’s been crushing on for the past three years but we don’t talk about that.
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by “adore you” by harry styles. i thought this would fit for this idea hehe :P but don’t get me wrong, renjun would be a little shit as your best friend (even though he loves likes you) but there are moments where he absolutely adores you such as this.
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you were completely engrossed into the book you were reading, head laying on renjun’s lap as you two settled on his bed in his college dorm. one hand was softly caressing your head while the other held a pencil in his hand, sketching the finer details of the model he’s sketching.
his model.
his fingers rushed to capture each expression, nose scrunch, and gasp you took as the plot progressed, shocked at the turn of events in the storyline.
❝ i get so lost inside your eyes, would you believe it❞
the way your eyes scanned each line, the vibrant color it held, and the fire behind it as you approached the climax of the story. renjun was mesmerized. 
your eyes were one of the hardest things for renjun to draw accurately, for he never liked how it looked. he just always thought that it never looked right.
however whenever he shows you one of the (many) portraits he’s made of you, you’d always reassure him saying it was a literal copy of your face which somewhat eases his worries. 
renjun couldn’t tell when he first fell for his best friend.
ironic isn’t it?
the lonely art kid just so happens to fall for the only girl he’s ever been friends with, the only girl he’s ever felt so at home with. just one day he woke up and saw you only to realize you were his whole world.
it was a little scary to be honest. he has never felt anything like this for anybody before. yeah there was the love he felt for his handful of friends, the love he felt for his parents, the love he felt for art.
but his love for you? it was a much stronger and intense feeling than his love for all those things. in his heart, you were everything.
❝ you don’t have to say you love me, you don’t have to say nothing ❞
but he couldn’t tell if you liked him back, let alone love him.
he couldn’t tell if the way you held his hand in your sleep whenever he drives you two back home from the school library, was something platonic or was your way of showing your feelings towards him.
he couldn’t tell if the fond look he sometimes catches you give him whenever he laughs was because he was your best friend or because you genuinely loved his laugh.
he couldn’t tell if the reason you always act a little distant whenever you spot him talking to the girl he’s tutoring was because you were jealous or something else. 
and it killed him not knowing. it killed him having to act like some platonic close best friend when all he wants to do is kiss you.
❝ you don’t have to say you’re mine ❞
you’ve had a crush on renjun even before you two became friends.
you remember seeing him back at your high school, always in towards the back of his friend group. you remember how ethereal he looked whenever he was focused on one of his drawings, his tongue poking out a bit as he struggled to perfect a small detail.
you remember the day you became friends, how flustered both of you were. for him it was because he was talking to a girl and for you, it was because you were talking to the boy you’ve been staring at for the past eight months.
you weren’t watching where you were going and bumped into renjun, his hot coffee spilling all over your chest and lowkey leaving a small burn. his eyes widened in shock before becoming an apologizing mess. from then you guys hit it off. 
you two then graduated and surprisingly went to the same college where you were now as best friends. 
best friend
the two words sounded bitter in your mind and you hated knowing he wasn’t yours. you hated knowing he might fall for another girl and then he won’t be around you as much. you hated it.
but what you hated the most was not knowing how he felt. much like renjun (though you don’t know that), you could never tell if the sweet gestures were because he was your best friend or because he liked you. 
you tried being obvious. you always hold his hand whenever he sleeps over, you always make sure he sees you staring at his beautiful face at least once or twice a week (you’re not that bold), you always try to make it known how painfully jealous you were whenever you saw him and that girl talking in the halls.
does he buy your favorite snack every morning before you meet up to walk to school because you were that good of friends or because he felt something for you?
does he call you beautiful whenever he draws you as a friend or as a lover?
does he always cuddle with you during your annual friday movie nights as a platonic thing or because he liked the feeling of you being in his arms. you sure did. being in his embrace, all snuggled up was what made you feel at home. 
❝ honey, i’d walk through fire for you ❞
renjun then focused on your lips, his favorite thing about you as a person and his favorite thing to draw. whether it be portraits of you or just your lips in general, it always made an appearance in his sketchbook.
renjun dreams of them, wanting to know how they felt against his. wanting to know if they were really as soft as they looked, wanting to know what your cherry lip balm taste like. 
his heart quadrupled in size as he watched you pout, clearly reading the sad part of your book. renjun had to stop himself from chuckling a bit to not disturb you, to not disturb the beauty. his hand was still running through your hair and you hummed a bit, leaning into his touch to let him know it felt nice. 
renjun forced himself to look away, trying to not go red at how adorable you were. blinking rapidly, he focused his attention back to his drawing in an attempt to sketch out the layout of your mouth.
he was doing well until all of a sudden he heard a sniffle.
“y/n are you oka-”
you bursted out in tears, quickly sitting up from your position as renjun panicked.
he cupped your face in his hands, worry evident in his look as he saw the tears flowing down your cheeks.
“y/n, baby, are you okay? what happened?” renjun asked worryingly, his drawing long forgotten on the other side of his bed.
you shook your head and pushed it towards the crook of his neck, finding comfort in it. renjun forced his heart to beat normally as he focused his attention on you.
not knowing what to say he immediately wraps one arm around your waist and the other on your hair as he pushes you to sit on his lap, letting you cry out whatever the hell just happened. his hand soothingly stroked your hair, wanting you to calm down.
so you cried. you cried for a good five minutes on renjun’s lap, wanting nothing more than his warmth and loving embrace as your mind thought about the ending of that book.
after you let it out, you quickly felt embarrassed and turned red as you lifted your head from his neck, not wanting to look at the clearly worried boy you’re sitting on.
you pushed yourself out of his lap but his firm grip on your waist kept you in place. you already knew he was gonna demand some answers as you placed your hands on your face in an attempt to hide yourself.
“are you good? you had me very worried over there.” renjun’s free hand went to move your hands from your face as you fought back, chuckling a bit at how red you’ve gotten.
you whined a bit as an answer, wanting nothing more than to disappear off the face of the earth. you literally just had a mental breakdown over the ending of a book in front of the dude you’ve liked since your second year of high school.
“y/nnie that’s not an answer~” renjun teased, happy to see the tears no longer on your face.
though he didn’t show it, his heart broke at your sad expression and malfunctioned a bit, not knowing what to do. he only hugged you and stroked your hair because that’s what he saw in those soap dramas he and his grandmother used to watch as a kid. 
his hand went up to your face again, successfully removing your hands. “now tell me what’s wrong princess.”
renjun didn’t know where this sudden confidence came from, calling you two nicknames in the span of ten minutes. but seeing you flush in response all the more fueled it.
your heart sped up at the nickname but you cleared your throat as you whined a bit.
“but you’ll laugh at me junnie!” you pouted, poking back at him by calling him a nickname as well.
renjun’s eyes widened at the sudden jab but laughed it off because of your cute pout. your lips were all he could think about.
now’s not the time renjun, he mentally scolded himself as he reassured you he wouldn’t laugh.
your glossy eyes met his as you explained.
“he fucking died jun, he died!” you cried out, face going back to his neck as renjun stiffened in shock.
you were crying because a character died?
he couldn’t help but laugh as his arms came back to your waist to engulf you in a hug, laying you both down a bit as he laughed.
you could feel the vibrations of his laugh since you were on his chest which caused you to hit him on the arm in embarrassment. 
“you’re so mean to me.” you huffed, refusing to look at the boy you were on. you once again attempted to get off his lap but renjun was quick to tickle you as a defense.
“it’s cause you’re too cute y/n!” he chuckled as you squirmed on his bed, laugh talking and begging him to show mercy on you.
“renjunnie no no i’m sorry!” you laughed out as you wiggled on the foot of the bed, arms failing at protecting your middle from renjun’s evil fingers. 
the boy looked at you with an evil glint as he continued to tickle you, watching in amusement at your feeble attempts to stop him.
you suddenly pulled him down, causing him to land right in front of you, his arms keeping him stable from falling on your face. 
you two froze, lost in each other’s eyes. the close proximity between you the two of you both made your hearts race and in the spur of the moment renjun asked, “can i kiss you?”
❝ just let me adore you ❞
you nodded and leaned up a bit to meet him in the middle as renjun finally learned the answers to all his questions. 
for your information, yes your lips were as soft as he thought. 
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outerbankswriting · 4 years
Could it be? Chapter 4 (JJ x Reader)
JJ x Reader
CH.1 - CH.2 - CH.3
Description: She has a crush on JJ, but he has always seen her as another one of the “dudes”, or  at least that’s what she thinks so she just doesn’t even try anymore, until things start to shift between the two of them. (A/N: I’M NOT GOOD AT DESCRIPTIONS BUT THESE IS JUST WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO HAPPEN IN OUTER BANKS WITH JJ)
Warnings: swearing, violence??
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There he was, wearing a baby blue polo shirt and holding a bottle of champagne in one hand. You felt your mouth dry up followed by a wave of goosebumps forming all over your body. This was the last person you wanted to see.
“What are you doing here Rafe?”
He smiled at the sight of you. It was hard to believe he still had feelings for you since you never felt like he actually cared.
Your relationship with Rafe had been great at the beginning. You being Sarah’s friend just gave you the perfect excuse to see him every single day and spend all your time with him, but as time passed and you started hanging out with the Pogues more, things between you and Rafe changed.
He would often get jealous and angry, saying you shouldn’t be hanging out with “trashy people” which always ended up with the two of you getting into a loud and tiring fight. Rafe had always wanted to control you and you being the stubborn, independent person that you are, you never let him get his way.
The two of you dated for a little more than a year, but the last months of the relationship were very much like hell for you. You’d wanted to get out of the relationship 4 months before it finally ended, but your family has always been close friends with the Camerons which just made things harder for you and Rafe.
Your dad and his dad were closing a business deal and Rafe felt that dating you, meant his father was proud of him and he didn’t want to let him down, so he did the best to keep you next to him. Until you had enough.
Rafe had hurt you. Deeply. And you were holding what he had done to you deep in your heart and it was slowly killing you. The sight of him in front of you just brought back all the memories, making you want to run away.
“I just want to talk.” His voice was low and quiet, as if he feared you might run away at any second.
“There’s nothing to talk about Rafe,” you grabbed your purse a little tighter, “now please leave, I need to go.”
“I’m going to the party too.”
Of course he was.
“We can walk together.” He reached his free hand out to you.
“I can walk by myself, thank you.”
“Y/N come on,” he sighed, “you made a mistake by ending things with me.”
“No I didn’t. It was probably the best decision I’ve ever made.”
His jaw tightened at your words. You knew they had hurt him, which kind of made you scared of his reaction.
“We had a future planned together.” His voice was calm and he walked closer to you, making you back away from him.
“Rafe, I have to go.”
“I just want to talk, please.” He reached for your arm but you pulled away from him.
“Don’t touch me.”
“God Y/N, you’re so stubborn!” He walked even closer making your body press against the front door and leaving you no room to escape.
“I don’t want to talk Rafe, let me go!” You tried to push him away but it was impossible.
“Just let me talk to you, that’s all.” He grabbed your shoulders to make you stand still.
“Rafe let me go!” You closed your eyes as you desperately tried to kick him.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” You heard JJ’s voice and felt a wave of relief take all over your body.
The pressure of Rafe’s hands against your shoulders was suddenly gone after JJ grabbed him by the neck and pulled him away from you.
JJ was quick to punch him on the face before he could react.
“Of course your dirty Pogue is here.” Rafe laughed as he spit blood from his mouth.
He walked towards JJ and hit him back.
“Guys stop it!” You screamed but it was pointless.
The two of them were already throwing punches and kicks nonstop. You didn’t know what to do, they were both stronger than you and it’s not like you could just walk in the middle of them trying to kill each other.
Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest as you saw the two boys covered in blood and still hitting each other.
It wasn’t until JJ was on the floor and you saw Rafe reaching for the champagne bottle he had brought, that you decided to step between the two of them.  
“Stop it Rafe! That’s enough!” You screamed at him, your voice trembling at the sight of him almost throwing the champagne bottle at JJ.
His eyes were filled with anger and you were scared but also angry, and you were not going to let Rafe touch JJ.
JJ was struggling to get up from the ground so you helped him. He wiped the blood off his mouth and tried to pull you back from Rafe but you pushed him away, still standing in between the two of them to stop them from killing each other.
“That’s enough JJ!” You felt tears fall down your cheeks. They were probably tears of anger and fear.
You were breathless and the sight of you tearing up and shaking from trying to stop them, made the two of them just stand still.
Rafe and JJ were still giving each other death looks but the punches had stopped, which was enough for you at the time.
“Stay away from her.” JJ broke the silence.
Rafe’s jaw tightened at his words but he looked at you instead.
“Is he your new fuck now?”
“Excuse me?”
You held a hand out to JJ as to tell him you can handle this, since you saw him ready to jump back at Rafe.
“Are you fucking him or what?” Rafe’s eyes never left yours, “Why is he coming to your house in the night with a backpack?”
“Rafe you’re out of y-“
“Is he your boyfriend?” His voice trembled, but his eyes were filled with rage.
“He is not and that’s literally none of your business!”
“How low of you, sleeping around with a Pogue,” he spat out, “like the cheap slut you are.”
This time you were the one filled with anger and wanting to throw a punch at Rafe’s face, but his words had left you frozen, the anger inside of you consuming you.
You didn’t even notice how quick JJ was to jump back at him and punch him repeatedly on the face until you snapped out of your thoughts and saw your friend almost punch the life out of Rafe.
And as much as you knew Rafe deserved it, you weren’t going to let this go any further.
“JJ stop!” You pulled him away from Rafe.
JJ was shaking, he was breathless and his knuckles were covered in blood. You let him know it was okay and made him stay away from Rafe.
You stood in front of Rafe and looked down at him in disgust and hurt.
“Leave.” You spat out at him.
You watched him struggle to stand up and reached out your hand for him to take. Tears were falling down your eyes and Rafe took your hand to help himself stand up. You quickly let go of his hand once he was standing up.
He knew he had crossed the line. Guilt was written all over his face and he opened but quickly closed his mouth as he didn’t know what to say.
“Leave and don’t you ever talk to me again.”
You stared right into his eyes and you could’ve sworn his eyes were filled with tears too, but you didn’t care at all. He didn’t even think about taking his champagne bottle and left. Leaving you and JJ alone.
You stood still, emotionless and drained staring at the grass. You heard JJ’s footsteps get near you and after a few seconds you felt his hand softly grab your shoulder.
“Y/N?” He said softly, but you said nothing.
After minutes of silence went by, JJ couldn’t take it any longer and just took you right into his arms and hugged you tightly. His embrace made the crying you were holding inside instantly break out.
You started sobbing uncontrollably, you were trembling and choking on your tears as JJ kept holding you even tighter.
“Shhh, you’re okay Y/N,” he whispered against your ear, “you’re alright, I’m here.”
Once you calmed down, you let go of JJ’s embrace. He stared at you with soft eyes, worrying you might break down again.
You didn’t know what to say so you just opened the door to your house to let him in.
“Let’s go get your bags inside.” You said.
JJ raised an eyebrow at you but then nodded and walked inside your house, understanding you didn’t want to talk about this.
You immediately went to your bathroom and washed your face. You were a mess. Your eyes were puffy and your makeup was all smeared off. You grabbed your makeup bag and quickly redid your makeup, trying to cover the fact you’d been crying your eyes out.
“Hey, hey, hey,” JJ walked into the bathroom as soon as he saw you doing your makeup, “we don’t have to go to the party.”
“I could use a party right now.” You said as you continued doing your makeup.
“JJ, I want to go.” You looked at him angrily but softened up once you saw his face covered in blood. Remembering he had gotten into a fight because of you.
You grabbed a towel and cleaned his face as he just shook his head but allowed you to continue doing it.
You bit your lips trying to contain the tears again, you were so emotional tonight.
“I’m so sorry.” You whispered at him and he slowly took away the towel from your hands and wiped away the tears that were about to fall down your eyes with the clean side of the it.
“Don’t apologise for this,” he smiled at you, “I would do it all over again.”
You just stared at him and shook your head before smiling and softly placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Let’s go to the party.” You said and he nodded.
The two of you made sure neither Rafe nor his Kook friends were at the party after calling John B and asking him about their surroundings. You felt relieved once you got to the beach and saw no Kooks in sight.
“Thank you for letting me die.” Kie looked annoyingly at you and you quickly realised what she was talking about. You were supposed to have arrived like an hour ago to the party to help her set the recycling bins up.
“Kie I’m so sorry, I swear I was ab-“
“It was my fault,” JJ joined the conversation when he saw you struggling to make up an excuse, “I told her you told me you didn’t need her to get early so she could come with me to buy this exquisite bottle of champagne.”
You laughed at JJ as he held up Rafe’s expensive bottle of champagne, which was now yours.
“Whatever,” Kie rolled her eyes at the blonde boy, “let’s open this thing already.”
“What are we celebrating?” Pope smiled at the sight of the champagne.
“Life, brother.” JJ opened the bottle and the cork almost hit John B in the eye.
“I swear if you leave me blind JJ.” John B joked and Sarah giggled at her boyfriend.
The champagne bottle finished in less than half an hour and all of you were pretty tipsy already. You were dancing with Kie and Pope, letting go of all the anger and desperation you’d gone through a few hours ago. You wanted to get wasted tonight and have a good time with your friends.
You thought this party was going to be worry free but as you gulped down a beer you saw JJ flirting with a pretty, blonde, pale tourist and the alcohol inside of you was getting the best of your emotions.
You were used to JJ flirting and sleeping around with girls, but this time you were jealous. Very jealous. So you grabbed a shot of some cheap tequila and gulped it down.
“Woah there Y/N,” Sarah smiled at your actions, “what are we trying to forget tonight?”
“How shitty life can be.” You said.
“I thought we were celebrating life?” John B asked.
Kiara stared curiously at you as you poured yourself another shot of tequila. She knew you way too well to know something was wrong with you. You were not one to drink this much at a party after a blackout you once had that left you scarred.
You ignored your friend’s stares and gulped down the tequila shot, which was clearly not going to be your last one for the night.
And which would later end up making you make some big, embarrassing mistakes…
A/N: okay wow, did not expect many of you to actually like this series!! I’m so happy you guys are liking it. thank u so much for all your kind messages, they really motivate me to keep on writing this series. your thoughts and opinions are always welcome and remember this is a SLOW BURN fic!! take care! x
taglist: @babygirlizz​ - @atabigail - @poguesrforlife​ - @behappyitsemmalie​ - @jane-dough - @yeeedolan - @dontjinx-it - @sofiaconlaz - @fangirlwithme​ - @outermaybank - @hueycat2004 - @nope-thanks - @weasleyswizarding-wheezes - @haleswale - @hungoverhellhound - @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch - @asapkyndall - @hailiemarieeee - @emmasjulixn - @spideyyeet - @rosenbug - @cassidyiscool  - @harrysbbby - @thatshiscigar  - @kiarascarreras - @uhuh-listenboy - @normatural - @goldenariana - @heyyimlaynna - @lukvv - @irontoadllamaclam - @allisjustok - @saturno007 - @pluckypete - @pennepasta82 - @howdyherron - @perfektionsmakel - @dylanpain - @tulzu - @voidsxnsets - @shadesofbarryallen - @rimbougrine - @dolanfivsosxox - @allisjustok - @stell-rosie - @spoopysidemen​ - @optimisticherolightpanda - @dolansbeanies - @arsejungle - @missenchanted27
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koocycle · 4 years
if not forever | jk drabble
pairing. jungkook x reader
summary. “i wanted to be with you for a long time, if not forever. you ruined that. you ruined many things.”
wc. 1.6k
warnings. none
a/n. kinda messy post break up drabble. wrote this in one go and did not (!!) proof read nor edit ahaaa my sincere apologies if this is the worst thing u ever read
“what’s so funny?”
your voice comes out a little harsher than you had officially intended to and for some odd reason, you had hoped to throw him off guard with it. however, the same beautiful yet forced grin keeps its place on his face. the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes yet he makes no effort into erasing it, maintaining his gaze on the plates of seafood in front of him.
“i’m sorry, i don’t mean to laugh at you,” he speaks with his mouth still stuffed with the fried shrimps you ordered earlier, showing you he kept his old habits you always told him to get rid off. “but it’s kinda funny to me.”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you lie as you reposition yourself in your seat. he doesn’t need to see it, but he knows your fingers are nervously fumbling with the edge of the table cloth.
“you do, though.” the man in front of you places his chopsticks neatly back in place whilst speaking, still not making any eye contact.
“you don’t even like the dude. you’re making him look ridiculous sitting here.” he dares to state out loud, chewing on the last remains in his mouth.
the urge to roll your eyes at the man is getting stronger, and at first you decide to not give him the satisfaction of an answer. you have better things to do, you keep repeating to yourself. you don’t have time for such childish acts, you decide. that until he speaks up again.
“what even was that story about? dude keeps talking about his art galleries and shit. as if you could care less.” he snickers cockily into the warm air.
“drop it, jeongguk.”
“oh and don’t get me started on when he began to show off his paintings.” he huffs, “he was literally fishing for compliments. couldn’t be more obvious.” he continues on, taking another sip of his sparkly water. “he thinks he’s the shit because he owns a pair of designer shoes and a gucci bag.”
“excuse me, taehyung is a very fine man. thank you very much.” you snap at him, not taking his harsh words any longer.
“sure.” he holds his hands up in the air. “i’m just saying, he isn’t what you’re looking for.”
“and what am i looking for, jeongguk?” you ask almost immediately, fed up with his attitude and big ego. “since you know me so well, tell me everything about it.”
“i’m not trying to invade your life, since you decided i shouldn’t be a part of it any longer-”
you hold your finger up in the air, shushing him mid-sentence, “give me a minute to take notes, yeah?”
a beat of silence passes through the both of you, each of you way too stubborn to break the intense eye contact you are sharing. bubbles of laughter erupt on the tables beside yours, happy couples and families making the most out of their night, the tense atmosphere on the table next door going completely unnoticed by them.
and for the first time this night, you and jeongguk are actually, sincerely looking at each other. the previous hour before taehyung excused himself to the bathroom was filled with awkward small talk and tacky glances that didn’t last any longer than a second.
you didn’t plan to find your ex in this restaurant this exact night. fuck, you didn’t plan to see him ever again, you assured yourself it was better for your own mental health. and when your tinder date decided to meet up at his favorite restaurant? what would you do then? you’d go nonetheless. because what were the odds of seeing the one person you didn’t bet on seeing tonight? the chances were small, that for sure, but with your luck, you should’ve seen it coming.
and what would you do when your ex introduced himself to your new date as an old friend of yours? of course you’d sit down at his table. of course you would, because your prince charming for the night was a beautiful social butterfly. as talented as he is, as breathtaking as he looks, it wasn’t enough and he just had to be social enough to accompany this so called old friend on his table.
“i just don’t get how you can date him.” he sighs into the air, leaning back in his chair with a huff.
“he seems like a cool person to be around, whether or not he reaches your standards,” you say, slumping down your own seat now. “and we’re not dating.”
“you’re going on dates with him.” he corrects himself. “and you bring him to places i’ve been bringing you to the past three years?”
you hate the sharp edge to his tone. you hate the desperate search for answers which is evident in his voice. you hate it. you caused it, you’re aware. and the pang in your chest grows each second of taehyung’s absence.
“how could you throw us aside like that?”
his voice is booming loud and clear through your ears, and even though you had been expecting this question sooner or later tonight, you still hadn’t figured out a solid answer for him. you wish you had.
“did those three years mean nothing to you?” he has so many questions bottled up inside of him, so many questions he has collected over the past months, unable to form any solid answers himself - so now that you’re in front of him, he has to take his chances, no?
the sight of you not making any eye contact is irritating him, though. he doesn’t see, but he knows you’re staring at your fumbling fingers under the table, folding the edges of the napkin placed on your lap. your pretty lips are shut tight, the beautiful toothy smile he was once able to appear on your face, has disappeared. your silence is killing him.
“did they mean nothing to you?” he asks again, his voice slightly cracking halfway.
you feel his stare burning on your face, you hear the way he holds his breath for a few seconds. and it pains you. “they did. they still do.”
“then why did we stop? we were perfect together.” his voice lowers a few octaves, “we were perfect.”
“i planned to stay with you for a long time, if not forever.” he says, unable to keep his stares away from you. he hates how you’re able to stay so silent, proving all the assumptions that had been swerving in his mind to be right. he wants to yell at you for being so calm, he wants you to know how he’s been feeling the past couple of months. like total shit.
he loves you so much. he loves you so much that it hurts. he loves you so much that he wants you to go through the pain he’s been going through. he may know it’s selfish, but the way you’re sitting there, slumped onto your seat, giving him answers filled with silence - he doesn’t care no more. doesn’t want to care.
“don’t say stuff like that, guk. you don’t mean that.” you rub your temples in a tired manner. “we both know that wasn’t going to work with the way things were going between us.”
they way his name leaves your lips in such an unfamiliar manner makes his head spin.
“you thought it wasn’t going to work.” he snaps, and loudly so, making a few heads turn in your direction. “you thought so many things and you made a rashed decision that isn’t better for neither of us.”
he continues on, “i wanted to stay with you for forever. you ruined that - you ruined many things. you ruined the beautiful things we had.” he rambles, and you can feel your heart beat against your ribcage now. “i bet you didn’t even think twice about the break up. bet you just went up and left. probably for this guy too. you didn’t care - you don’t care about those years. you’re selfish.”
“you gotta stop it, guk.”
“i have to remind myself to not be sad when i go home to an empty house when i leave work.” he says, an accusing finger pointing your way. “i loved you and you didn’t give two shits. i have to wake up and go to bed with a shit feeling whilst your out here going on dates with guys you barely know?”
you catch your breath in your throat. you want him to know how much he meant to you - how much he still means to you. how you’re going through it as well. you’re not sure if he’d still believe you, considering the circumstances you were in.
“i’m going through it as well, jeongguk. i swear i am. just as much as you.” you reach for his hands resting on the table, needy for some contact.
he pulls himself away from you, though. so your hands fall on the wooden table in defeat. “this is as hard for me as it is for you. but i had to do this. what we had wasn’t healthy.”
he nods as if he understands you. he doesn’t. his lips purse and his glossed eyes are the last thing you see before he tears his gaze away and grabs his stuff on the chair next to him.
“you don’t understand.” he mumbles, right before he goes up and leaves.
you call out for him a couple more times, but he’s not listening, so you watch him from afar, just until you hear the heavy door of the restaurant go to a shut.
and you cry.
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Alright....*cracks knuckles*.....I have things to SAY 
- Okay Din having the baby help him fix a part of the ship he can't reach? That's fitting honestly. He's tiny, he can crawl into the area Din needs to reach, but can't because they're still in space and he can't very well access the particular spot from outside (I'm assuming it's one of those areas only accessible via a hatch from the roof or something). - Also......OMG THE BABY HELPING DIN AND DIN BEING SO PATIENT HE'S SUCH A DAD - I have to wonder about the baby's pain threshold, he seemed only mildly inconvenienced from getting electrocuted (and for some reason I kept thinking about Tito from Oliver and Company fucking around with the wiring in the limo and getting shocked) - CHIN ACTION CHIN ACTION CHIN ACTION......(I truly do NOT understand the fuss over it being Pedro VS Brenden Wayne in the suit, does it really matter???? You're only seeing his chin, not his whole face, calm down) - Din honey broth/soup can only take you so far, TRUST ME, you can't make meals off of flavored liquid, you'll just be hungry again an hour later. It's NO WONDER that kid kept inhaling the eggs lol......BUT....at the same time it's only logical that Din's resources are stuff that's easily frozen/stored and can just be heated without any prep work.  The stuff the baby seems to crave tends to be things that would require a way to preserve/store large amounts of food and the Crest isn't built for that sort of thing (I'm thinking about making a slight analysis post about the ship at some point) - The fact that the old covert hideout is empty (save for black-market dealers) tells me that the Armorer is long gone and it's unlikely that anyone would know where she went (I noticed people bringing this up, that neither Cara/Greef checked on her), let's be real: They probably thought it wasn't their place to go poking around a Mandalorian covert just because they're friends with one of them, ESPECIALLY if the mutual friend isn't even around to vouch for their presence - Even though G*na has ruined any chance of me enjoying her as a person, I still appreciate her character as a separate thing. She continues to be badass, and I loved the fighting techniques she implemented in the sewers. - Yeah that crest is sputtering like an old beat-up pickup truck, just barely running - I really love that Karga spoke in such an affectionate manner to the baby. I know that Din tries to talk to him, but the way he does it is reminiscent of two adults talking. Karga actually talks to the baby like he's a child, no baby-talk but definitely with a higher pitch in his voice (the equivalent of the customer-service voice when you think about it) - SOMETHING FISHY ABOUT BEADY-EYED ALIEN DUDE. NO ME GUSTA - ONE OF THE SCHOOL CHILDREN REALLY DOES LOOK LIKE LITTLE REY - I felt like Din was experiencing separation-anxiety about leaving the baby, but I also feel like part of his hesitancy was an immediate reaction to the children whispering and laughing at the baby. I'm sure they weren't trying to appear cruel or anything, but it makes me wonder if he was having a minor flashback of having an experience like that and how it affected him - YODITO YOU PRECIOUS LITTLE SHIT YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE SOMEONE ELSES FOOD - I truly don't think that Karga/Cara see Din as anything less than a good friend, but I really wish they wouldn't treat him like his presence is only valid so long as he's helpful (LET THE MAN TAKE A BREAK) - WHY DOES THE IMPERIAL BASE LOOK LIKE THE PORT FOR A CABLE ON A CPU?? - I really don't like G*na's approach to acting where she thinks she has to sound as tough as possible in order to make her character more appealing/stronger - There are two separate comparison discussions you can take from the infiltration scenes: 1) It's a contrast to S1E6 where Din infiltrates a prison ship with the mercenaries and he's forced to follow their lead, OR 2) Din was awkwardly following the other Mandalorian's in the last episode, but with Karga/Cara he's confidant and even takes the lead - Imperial architecture be like: OSHA???? NEVER HEARD OF HER - I think it's important to note that, while Din is ready and willing to hunt down the Mythrol again if necessary without remorse, he still thought of him enough to keep him from falling down the lava shaft - Din's "I don't like this" had me in my feels a bit, usually he's so nonchalant in trying to act like nothing bothers him but he felt comfortable enough to express his unease in front of his friends - Okay the fact that they're vaguely referencing midi-chlorians, and it looks like this lab is a branch in Palpatine's cloning scheme, makes it seem like they're starting to tie into the movie franchise, but not outright.....it's a "just the tip" situation it seems. I'd honestly prefer they didn't delve to far into the movie canon, I feel the show will lose it's heart if they do. - Pershing mentioned "the volunteer", which has me curious about the kind of person that would allow themselves to be tested for what Gideon has planned. It's possible we're getting another major/unique character in the works.  Pershing could've just referenced test subjects in general, but he mentioned a specific one, so that has me wondering what other players are on the board. - That whole chase scene was nerve-wracking - DIN TO THE RESCUE DIN TO THE RESCUE - OMG THE BABY WAVING HIS ARMS LIKE HE'S ON A ROLLERCOASTER - DIN BABY YOU MAKE FLYING THE CREST LOOK SO SEXY - Din was all "Look what I did! Did you see that???" wanting to show off to the baby.....and then baby went BLEEEEEEGH.......AND THEN DIN WIPED IT WITH HIS CAPE???? He's such a DAD - The scene with Cara and officer talking about her losses was kind of emotional. G*na's acting is so wooden, it was honestly a combination of the music and the other actor's performance that seemed to get me, but more importantly its the fact that Cara is such a 3-dimensional character, that has so much potential, but she's being made superficial because of the portrayal - Also......she says she's not a "joiner", but she's eyeing that badge very closely, like she's contemplating a career switch. Perhaps there's a chance we may get revenge-driven Cara joining the New Republic in the future? - I'm glad they didn't actually show where the device is planted, it really adds to the suspense, I prefer a little mystery over having too much explained - Moff Gideon standing amongst the dark troopers like Saruman in the basement of Isengard where they bred the Uruk-hai army in LotR, this guy is pulling out all the stops to be ready to take on a singular Mandalorian and his friends. Does he think that Din will get Mandalorian reinforcements and therefore he needs the numbers? Are they stormtroopers or some form of droids, like the battle droids in S1? They're build kind of "human", and the attendees were using blasts of cold air like what would be used in a cryo-chamber, but what if they're not human? What if they are humanoids? Cyborgs? - It's interesting to think about what types of vessels/hosts Gideon would rely on for midi-chlorian testing. Obviously not just anyone can handle the transfusion, so would he require modifications to some extent to make the host more susceptible? Until next time!!!
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tarteausuga · 4 years
In which Mark is at a crossroads between the two loves of his life...
WC: 1676 words
CW: angst, a smidge of fluff, use of a few profane words. Band!NCT, lead singer!Mark x she/her oc
A/N: vaguely based off of Wonderless by Pierce the Veil
Meeting her was the best and worst thing to ever happen to Mark. He always told himself that the day he falls in love with someone is the day he would start to cut back on his work. He never anticipated that day to come so early in his career. It was a crush that got out of control and before things got too serious, he had to make a choice: his love or his dreams.
"I just want you to be happy, Mark." She said tearfully that night he made his decision. The image of her forced smile through her sad eyes is the most vivid memory he has.
"I'm sorry." He said to her but she quickly brushed it off.
"There's nothing to be sorry about. This is what you've been working for, you need to go chase it," she wiped her eyes, "I'll always be cheering you on so don't turn back, okay?" She held onto his hands so tightly until she finished that sentence. Her grip weakened and Mark's hands dropped to his sides.
He wanted to say something so bad. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, thank her for everything she's done for him but he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would tell her he's staying. Instead, she said it all, "I love you, Mark Lee. Do good."
Mark still regrets not watching her walk away after she left a kiss on his cheek and ran her fingers through his hair for the last time. He still regrets not doing enough to make stronger memories with her. She was always there for him during the long nights of writing and recording, sleeping on the tiny couch of the tiny recording studio he and his band rented. She was always by his side through it all but ultimately, he had to leave her behind.
"Hey Mark!" Johnny poked Mark with his drumsticks. "You done daydreaming?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."
The crowd was buzzing as their set time approached. This is what Mark loved so much about performing but there was still something missing. He knew exactly what it was.
Hanging his guitar over his shoulders, he downed his beer before meeting his band backstage.
She kept him grounded. She reminded him that outside of the recording studio, off the stage and beyond the interviews, he was just Mark Lee. But lately, the feeling was he didn't know who Mark Lee was anymore and it was starting to seep toxicity into every area of his life.
"Mark! Let go!" Johnny and Jaehyun jumped in to pull him off of their youngest band member and rhythm guitarist.
"Stay the fuck away from me!" Mark spat as the much larger Johnny restrained him while Jaehyun did the same to Haechan.
"What the hell is going on?" Taeyong, their lead guitarist and de facto leader stood between the two youngest as they both tried to break from their restraints.
"Ask him!" Haechan used his chin to motion at Mark.
"Me? He's been getting on my nerves since the start of this damn tour!" Mark roared.
"I don't care! I don't care what the fuck is going on between you two but you can't be going for each other's throats right before a show!" Taeyong yelled.
"Whatever." Haechan finally shook free from Jaehyun's arms. "Dude needs to get laid." He said under his breath but was still loud enough for Mark to hear.
Johnny, thinking the dust had settled, dropped his guard and gave Mark a chance to lunge at Haechan but Taeyong stepped in front of him before he could do anything else. "I don't know what's going on but you need to go cool off." Taeyong said quietly, but sternly.
"I'll play this show but only because we get a break from the tour after…" Mark chewed his words.
The show was noticeably tense. The usual friendly banter between them onstage was replaced by rehearsed lines to hopefully draw a laugh from the crowd. Their fans could easily tell there was something up with lead singer, Mark, so no one was surprised when he declined to sign autographs that night. Instead, Mark retreated to their tour bus, grabbed the bag he had packed before the show, and asked their manager to drive him straight to the airport. He was going home. For how long? He wasn't sure but he really didn't want to go back on tour. He wanted her.
With a tendency to act on impulse, he had no plans for what he was going to do when he landed. It had been just over two years since that night… did she really mean it? He wondered. She's always been one to keep her word so he trusted her and made his way back to the neighbourhood where he grew up.
As the taxi made its way into the deep suburbs, Mark felt a relief of comfort on top of nostalgia. This is where he fell in love with music. This is where he found love. Passing by his parents' house, he made a silent promise to visit them once he settled his business.
Walking up those steps and pressing the doorbell took him back to the first time he picked her up for a date. He didn't have his license at the time so his dad was on the driveway, idling while he nervously waited to see her. He held his breath like he did back then. Like he always did when he was waiting to see her.
"Oh hi Mrs.-" Mark began to greet her mom but he was instantly pulled into a hug.
"Honey! Come down!" Her dad yelled upstairs.
Mark's eyes widened as he focused on her descending towards him. Her mom peeled away, allowing him to scoop her up into his arms. His favourite person. The muse for all of his songs. His anchor.
They stood, wrapped in each other's arms for a long time before he finally spoke.
"I love you." He said just loud enough for her to hear.
"You really came to say that?" She giggled.
"Yeah, I did." He tightened his arms around her waist, determined to imprint the feeling into his brain along with her scent and the warmth of her cheek against his neck.
"I missed you." She confessed, finally pulling away to examine Mark.
"You didn't go out of town for university?" He smirked.
"I mean… Not for you… they had the program I wanted here but… yeah, maybe it was a little bit for you." She blushed.
He was relieved but he also felt guilty that she felt the need to stay for him, waiting for him. Maybe this could have worked if he was just a little bit more committed, he wouldn't have had to give her up for his band.
"So why did you really come back?" She asked him as they took a walk through the park, chasing the sparse lights, showing the path in the night.
"Why did you wait?" He answered.
"Answer me first." She pushed him lightly.
"I don't really know. I just felt like I had to, so I did." He shrugged.
"Typical Mark Lee, doing things without thinking first." She giggled.
"Is that bad?"
"Not when it's you. You act with your heart and that's what I've always loved about you." She eased his worries.
"So why did you wait?"
"I was worried. I knew that one day, you might need an escape from that world and I wanted to be here when you did." She went on but Mark got lost in her voice. He missed her voice so much. The way she would stumble on her words when she spoke too fast, the unique intonations she had for certain words. There was just something about her that made him feel normal.
There was a point in his past where he craved being on stage. The bright stage lights and roaring crowd were addictive. They sang every word he sang and they cheered after every song. But somewhere along the way, the lights were disorienting and the cheers were suffocating. The songs he wrote and sang were about and for her.
"Mark?" She poked him.
"Yeah?" He shook his head out of the clouds.
"You were off in your own world again." She laughed as she ran her fingers through his hair.
"Sorry." He laughed softly while rubbing the back of his neck.
"So when are you leaving?"
"I don't think I want to." He took a deep breath and appreciated that he wasn't trapped on a tour bus with a bunch of sweaty dudes.
"What? Mark, you can't stay here!" She gawked at him.
"Wait wait wait… you don't want me to stay?"
"Of course not! Mark you're so good at what you love, I would hate to be the reason why you give it all up." She said.
"Then why did you stay here?" He yelled at her for the second time in their relationship. His memories were modified to suit his needs. What truly happened was not as calm and perfect as he wanted it to be. He was begging her to go with him but she refused. She promised that she would always be there for him but she couldn't give up her life for him. "You're the one who said you couldn't give up your dreams and yet you're still here!"
"I… things change." She wanted to yell back but she couldn't.
"Then why can't I change my mind and choose you?"
"That would be the wrong choice… I stayed because when you left, I was afraid to leave too." She started to explain, "I was ready to go to university. Everything was packed but it didn't feel right. I wasn't ready. It's different, Mark. You know what you want and you're doing exactly what you want. I'm still trying to figure it out."
"What if I want you?" He said quietly.
"We can't have everything we want." She said.
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domesticblisss · 4 years
Näher | PT.07
Walter x Axel Dieter Jr x Fabian Aichner x Female Reader (Nicknamed ‘Hase’) Mob AU! Rating: Mature (Minors DNI) Word Count: 1848 Warnings: Very tiny bit of angst and a whole lot of smut. It’s a foursome my dudes, oral (female and male receiving), fingering, PiV, cum play. Summary: Walter has some secretive business and Hase is not happy. A/N: Well, blame this lmao. Pt.01 | Pt.02 | Pt.03 | Pt.04 | Pt.05 | Pt.06
Things with Walter has been going great after he came to Miami to be with us. The business is once again thriving and my counselling work with them was downgraded to a two day of the week thing. Walter says it is better for me to focus on the record store and that he worries about me after the whole Bobby Gunns incident, which, very reluctantly, I agree with him and decided to not argue about it.
The record store was going great, to my surprise. With the resurgence of vinyls and cassette tapes, the store became a hit with the locals and a must go to for the tourists. I am lucky to have built a trusty team to work with me and to have Shotzi as my manager, best friend and confident.
Today was another busy day at the store until Walter FaceTimed me.
“Hi, honey.” I greeted him, he smiled at me but had a serious face on. I knew something was happening. “Is everything ok? Why are you in your car?”
“Hi, love. Everything is fine, I’ve got some business to make and I need you to close the store.”
“Walter! The store is full,” I changed the camera for him to see, “I can’t just close it like this.”
“Yes you can. Ask Shotzi for help.”
“Walter, is this another Bobby thing?”
“Hase...” He sighed, running his free hand through his face, “No, I don’t think so. It’s just a precaution thing. Close the store, tell everyone to go home. Go home. Axel and Fabian are there. I love you.”
He turned the call off before I could even say goodbye.
I made some lame excuse about urgent family matters but Shotzi got right away what was happening, and helped me with the customers, who were understanding enough.
Getting home was nerve wrecking. I found Axel and Fabian arguing in german in the living room, about how stupid Walter was to go where he went alone. I couldn’t help myself and barged in on their conversation.
“What do you mean with Walter going alone? Where are Tim and Alex?”
“In the office.” Fabian blurted out getting a slap on the head from Axel and a “Dude”.
“Where did he go?”
“Who is he making business with?”
“Why did he make me close the store?”
“Fine, since you want to treat me like a child, I’ll just throw a tantrum like one until I get my answers.”
Three crystal vases, one guitar, a Matisse painting, Axel and Fabian shouting, asking me to stop as I made my way to Walter’s Farbegé eggs collection, and grabbed one. Raising my hand, I asked “Are you telling me where he is?”.
When they were about to open their mouths to answer, I felt a presence behind me, his hand softly engulfing mine, taking the egg away from me.
“Hase, was ist das?”
“Where were you?” I asked as I turned to face him.
“You need to calm down, Hase.” Walter said and gave me the look. The look he would always give me when he knew I wanted to hook up with Tim. “She needs to relax, boys.” with that, I felt Fabian’s and Axel’s presence circle behind me.
“Yeah, I need to relax.” I said smiling. See, Walter and I have talked about this several times before but never made a move to invite them over. I guess he was saving it for a special moment, i.e., when he fucked up like he just did.
Walter kissed me, and I felt a new pair of lips on my neck. Fabian’s. Just as soft as I always imagined it would be. Axel was getting eager behind me, squeezing my ass and nudging Fabian so he could get a little bit of me for himself. Laughing at his antics, I disentangled myself from Walter’s hold on me and turned around to meet the blonde man.
“Always so needy, huh Axel?”
“The only needy hure here is you, babe.” he got back at me as I took his lips in mine.
A few minutes later and Walter instructed us to take it to our bedroom, making a show of carrying me bride style as the boys followed behind. He helped me take off my sundress and took his shirt off, lying in bed and positioned me between his legs, making me use him as a pillow. Axel didn’t waste any time, took his clothes off and laid between my legs, eating me out. Fabian was shy, having only taken off his shirt and was fumbling with his belt.
“Come here, don’t be nervous.” I tried to calm him down.
“Are you sure it’s ok?” he asked, his hands holding my hair into a ponytail as I took his pants and underwear down in one swift move. His cock was beautiful. Average length, thick and girthy. I let him have his way with me. He was slow, too careful, as if I were some sort of porcelain doll that would break if not handled well. Walter noticed his hesitation and pushed my head forward. “She likes it rough, fuck her face.” I smiled as wide as I could with Fabian’s thick meat buried in my mouth. Walter’s words awakened something inside of him and his actions took a 180 turn. His hips started pistoning, fast and rough, hitting the back of my throat each time. Axel got faster too, sucking my clit and fingering me like there was no tomorrow. All of this combined with Walter’s big figure behind me, holding me, caressing my breasts, and kissing my neck while he sang his praises to me was enough to make me cum in no time. I had to push Fabian away so I wouldn’t choke on his dick as my orgasm took over my body.
“Are you ok?” Fabian asked worried.
“FUCK! Yeah, I’m good.” all I could do was nod and laugh, asking them to wait a little.
Walter noticed that Axel was grabbing a condom, and quickly intervened. “Axel, up here. Let Fabian do it.”
“But? Why? I want-“ Axel started to protest but Walter was fast to dismiss his complaints.
“This is about her, about what she wants, not you. You already made her cum once, let Fabian do it. Besides, Tim is not going to be happy if he finds out Fabian touched her, let him have this one, Ax, he probably won’t have another chance.” Fabian tensed and I laughed, murmuring “I’m sorry” to him.
“Fine” said a very reluctant Axel, throwing the closed condom to Fabian.
“Don’t be a piss baby, Axel. I’ll let you cum in my face.” I told him and got a very excited smiled in return.
Meanwhile, Fabian was lining himself in my entrance, slowly inserting his cock in my pussy, getting used to it.
“She’s really tight, isn’t she?” Walter asked behind me and Fabian eagerly nodded back.
His thrusts got faster quickly and his thumb never left my clit.
“Come ‘ere” I asked Axel, taking his cock into my mouth. Walter took it in his hands to help me, moving my head up and down Ax’s dick, the motion and sensations making him cum in record time. Following what I had promised him, he was quick enough to pull out and come on my face and tits. Fabian and I didn’t last much longer, the way he filled me up and how he thrust in me sent me into over drive, the second orgasm stronger than the first, my walls squeezing him so hard that he came too.
I was too weak to say anything and Walter knowing how I usually get, told the boys to leave us alone.
He kept holding me, shushing me and rubbing random shapes on my stomach until my breathing evened out.
“Are you ok?”
“Mhm” was all I could say, blissed out.
“Did you enjoy it?” he kissed my forehead.
“Yeah, I loved it. But there’s just one thing missing.”
“What is it?”
“Hase, you’re worn out. We can do it later.”
“No, now.” I whined. “I can feel how hard you are on my back.”
“Fine, get up.” I did as he told me, lying stomach down as soon as he was off the bed. Walter grabbed a pillow and put it under my stomach to make it more comfortable for the both of us.
As always, he started slow, kissing the whole expanse of my back, my ass and slapped it, kneading it as he made his way inside me. He was relentless, fast, and rough, making me cum even faster. He kept fucking me through my orgasm, the way my walls squeezed around him made him slow down a bit, the sensation so out of this world that a fourth wave came, bringing Walter to the edge with me this time.
His knees gave in and he fell on top me, laughing. We stayed like that for a few minutes, until he asked if I wanted him to run us a bath, to which I agreed to. He was gentle when he took me off the bed, helping me walk slowly to our suite’s bathroom. He made sure to clean my face of Axel’s remains before we got in on the tub, with him behind me once again.
“Are you happy?” he asked
“I am. Will be even more if you tell me where you went alone today that made me close the shop.” I pressed on. He sighed in defeat and answered me.
“I had a meeting with Malcolm Bivens.”
“You had a meeting with Malcolm Bivens?! Alone?! Walter, what the fuck?!” I shouted.
“Hase, calm down. It’s fine. I’m here in one piece, aren’t I?”
“Well, but you couldn’t be. You were worried enough to call me and asked me to close the store! What do you want with him anyway?”
“Did you know he’s like, this really tiny guy? I thought I was going to meet this huge man that was stronger than me but no, very tiny guy. Looks like a little ant.” “Walter...” I sighed “He’s still dangerous.”
“Yeah, but don’t worry. I found out him and Tim worked together before Tim went to Germany and they ended things in good terms. I offered him an alliance. That Karrion Kross guy is trying to expand his business and thinks he is a threat to us. With Malcolm’s support, we are bigger and stronger than ever, Kross will think twice before trying anything.”
I looked up at him, his eyes were closed and a relaxed smile on his face. I kissed him and laid my head back down on his chest.
“Next time just tell me where you’re going, ok?”
“Why? So you are worried about me?”
“I was worried today and you saw what happened. Next time, you will tell me, ok?”
“Yeah, ok.” he gave in.
“Good. I need to clean the mess I made in the living room.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll help you, liebe. Now relax.”
Hase, was ist das? - Hase, what is this?
Hure - Whore
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Info about them and their place in the galactic crisis au under the cut!!
Here’s my general hcs for them!
-Kirby’s about 6 or 7 in this ref (except the two with the yellow backgrounds, we’ll get to those...). A small child, but a good child (:
-Since they’re a child, they’re only about 4’ tall, and will definitely be taller than meta when they’re older
-Speaking of which! They get moth wings when they’re older. Also they have paws because all of my puff gijinkas have them! The knights just like to keep them hidden since they make holding swords really hard...
-They were raised mostly on their own until meta knight stepped up and started taking care of him. And then dedede. And then they became a family ((::
-Because of the brief period in their life where they didn’t have a parental figure, they become VERY attached to anyone who shows them kindness (which, to be fair is just about anyone), especially his parents. They love meta knight and dedede so very much, and sometimes gets really anxious when away from them.
-If either of them are possessed, Kirby gets really distressed. It brings them a vague, forgotten pain from their past.
-Kirby hates sleeping alone. Despite having their own room, they often sneak in to sleep with dedede and meta. Well “”sneak in””. They’re not as sneaky as they think.
-Kirby’s fine with any pronouns really. Out of respect, and encouragement to define themself, most people use they/them for Kirbs. Very chill little dude
-Kirby is such a happy little kid. Like, this kid can bring joy to even the most depraved soul. They just love to make people happy, since they’re always happy too!!
-Well, mostly. Even as a well behaved kid, Kirby has their moments for sure. They still have a lot to learn socially and manners wise, and usually they only have outbursts when they can’t eat something, can’t have something shiny, or is asked to calm down their incredibly energetic and expressive demeanor. They also get really fucking mad if someone hurts their friends or family and will not hesitate to obliterate them. Kirby can be..surprisingly ruthless sometimes. But only sometimes (:
-It’s very hard to tell them no. They have puppy eyes like nobody else. And will possibly offer to make you something depending on how badly they want it.
-Despite being really young, they’re way more emotionally intelligent than most of the cast of the series.
-Kirby trusts just about anyone, and believes in the good in every single person! Even someone like Magolor, they refuse to give up on. They just want to bring good into the world ;v;
-They love drawing and making art, even if they don’t have the greatest motor skills yet. Anybody who gets a certified Kirby piece is blessed.
-Kirby loves space!! It’s hard for them to float all the way up there so meta takes them up there as a treat (:
-Kirby has vague memories of their first 2 years of life, but it’s muddled and usually comes to them through confusing dreams about a certain pink clad knight.
And here’s where the story for the galactic crisis au picks up (:<
(If you’re confused you can start from Galacta Knight’s ref!)
-Kirby is Void Termina’s opposite..so basically if the user of the Jamba Heart had a pure, happy wish!
-And that’s exactly what happened! Galacta Knight was the first to get close to the Jamba Heart after its hurried completion and sealing..basically before it could get sealed, his wish for a peaceful, happy universe (and admittedly, his desires for a family) manifested as Kirby.
-Therefore, Galacta Knight is technically Kirby’s father (:
-The unfortunate thing about being so close to the Jamba Heart as a Non-Jambandran, though, was that Galacta became corrupted by the Jamba Heart. More specifically, he became corrupted by what would have been, and would later be, Void Termina. Kirby acted as a foil to this though, and often kept him sane; neither of them realized this, however. Especially since Kirby was essentially an infant at this point.
-War broke out with the sealing of the Jamba Heart, and Galacta went into hiding with his little family of Morpho and Kirby.
-The two raised Kirby in secret and on the run from the Jambandrans and Halcandrans. At this point, Galacta was a wanted man. The Halcandrans blamed him for the outbreak of the war, and the Jambandrans were still convinced he was a Halcandran “super weapon”.
-Side note, since Kirby was raised by two puffballs (Galacta and Morpho), they eventually took the form of one later in life.
-After about 2 years of this, things went horribly wrong, resulting in the loss of Morpho Knight, and the breaking of Galacta’s fragile calm.
-He revealed himself for reasons I’ll explain in Morpho’s ref, causing both sides to immediately go after him.
-Eventually, Halcandra takes Kirby away as Galacta got more and more reckless, and the further from Kirby he got, the stronger his possession.
-A side note about Galacta’s possession. As Kirby’s foil, it’s still based on his wish for a peaceful universe and having a happy family. His corruption twists and distorts this desire to protect into something incredibly malicious.
-Hence, the destruction of Halcandra, the rescue of Kirby, and Galacta’s prompt removal from time by the Jambandrans. As a sort of bleak poetry, he really did become the super weapon they feared, just not in the way they thought ):
-As for what happened to Kirby and how they got to dreamland, that will be where Morpho’s ref picks up (:<
Thank you all once again for tuning in!! I’m pretty proud of Kirby’s ref, and I’ll probably be drawing them more aside from the two pics I already have with them and Galacta. And yes, I hope this helps clear up what’s going on in those two images. Thanks for making it to the end, and look forward to Morpho’s ref to tie everything up (:
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
Your screams. Hand them over.
@grungekitty-77 ;)
Summary: What if Kai had gotten kidnapped first?
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, drugs and drugging, pet whump, dehumanization, brainwashing, intimate whumpers,  and just like… general uncomfy vibes associated with the aforementioned warnings. If that sounds like it would bother you, please don’t read!
4413 words
“Let go of me!” Cole screamed, struggling to the best of his ability. His head was  fuzzy, and his limbs felt heavier than usual, but he kept struggling. He wasn’t going down without a fight, especially not when he and his siblings had yet to find Kai. He couldn’t help if he was locked in a basement.
He didn’t know much about his kidnappers. He knew that the guy did most of the work and the woman really only stepped in when Cole was making progress in getting away. He knew that they purposefully avoided using names in front of him. And he knew that they were both absolutely psycho.
He’d hardly been here a couple of hours.
They chained Cole to the wall, even as the earth elemental screamed and thrashed and fought. Cole hated knowing that if he had just been a little quicker, a little stronger, he could have gotten away.
“Don’t you worry, pet,” the man said, kneeling down and smiling at him from just outside the range that the chain offered. “I’m not so cruel as to leave you down here alone. You’ll have a friend, and he’s going to help you learn how to behave.”
Cole’s heart was already broken for whatever poor soul he was referring to. Had they really managed to do this before? And get away with it? Oh God, what kind of mental state would this so-called “friend” be in?
The woman quietly slipped out.
Cole glared after her, thrashing once more against the chains.
“Shh, shh, you’re okay, my pet. I’ll take care of you, you don’t have to worry,” the man said, reaching out his hand. Cole jerked away.
“Let me go!” he demanded, trying his best to break the handcuffs with his super strength. Oh great, they’d taken his super strength. Fuck vengestone. 
His captor caught his hands, forcing them to stop attempting to pry the cuffs open. “You’ll hurt yourself, pet,” he said, gentle. “Settle down, now.”
Cole opened his mouth to tell this guy to go to hell, but before he could, the door opened back up. Cole tore his attention away from the man and onto the doorway, hoping he could figure out an escape.
He went still, taking in what he was looking at in horror.
The woman had come back with a friend all right. Cole’s friend. Cole’s brother.
Cole could only stare at him. That was Kai. It was actually, really Kai. He looked a little off, but it was without a doubt him. He looked small, and young, in a way. And he was smiling. He was smiling so brightly. His eyes were so bright. It was so, so wrong to be seeing him like this. But it was him. His brother. His friend. Kai.
“Say hello,” the woman quietly prompted.
Kai turned to the man, his smile unwavering. “Hi Teacher!”
Cole felt something ugly plant itself in his stomach. He hated the way Kai was talking. He hated the brightness of his eyes. He hated it all.
But if he knew Kai, then it had to be an act. There was no way that this was real. Kai was just trying to survive. Under the surface, he was surely terrified.
“Good boy! Oh, I love you so much, I’m going to miss you! You be good for Sir now, okay baby?” she asked, speaking to Kai like he was a toddler, or a dog. Cole wanted to vomit.
“I will, Mama!” Kai said.
“I know you will,” she said, hugging him tightly.
Cole watched the exchange in nothing short of horror, thanking the first master himself when the dark haired woman finally left.
“Kai,” Cole said, hoping that he would drop the act now that at least one of them was gone. “Kai, are you alright?”
Kai’s smile only grew. “Hi!” He exclaimed.
The man turned to Kai, looking unpleased. “Now now, Pup, surely you haven’t forgotten my rules? No talking without permission!”
Kai withered, his eyes trained on the floor. “I’m sorry, Sir,” he muttered.
The man sighed. “Well, I guess you’re more used to your Mama’s rules than mine, hmm? I’m gonna let it slide just this once, okay?” Kai nodded hurriedly. “What do we say now, pup?” he prompted.
“Thank you, Sir!”
Kai was a little too convincing with this.
Their captor turned back to Cole. “Now, my pet, you’re going to have to learn how to behave just as well as my little success here,” he spared an affectionate pat to Kai’s head. “He’s such a polite and respectful little one. He wasn’t to start with. Why, he was worse than you at first, but he learned eventually. He’s come so far and I’m so proud of him.”
Kai smiled so big, so happy, and if Cole didn’t know why he was smiling, he would have thought he’d just won the lottery. But no, he was smiling because of this sicko and his twisted praise.
What had they done to his brother?
“I’ll let the two of you talk when I’m not around but — as this little one knows — you are absolutely not to speak around me without explicit permission. Are we clear?” Their captor asked.
Cole opened his mouth to tell him off, but then glanced at Kai. If Cole could act like Kai was, then maybe… maybe their captor would leave them alone. It was a long shot, but it certainly seemed to be working for Kai.
So, swallowing his anger and his pride, he lowered his head, giving a small nod.
“Oh, you absolute darling!” His captor said, sounding absolutely delighted. “You see, pup? Just you being here is already helping so much!”
Cole fought the urge to scream, keeping his eyes trained on the floor. Please leave please leave please please please.
He just needed to get his captor out so he and Kai could get away. With nobody around, Kai would drop the act, they could plot their escape, and then they’d be home free. This guy may have managed to keep one ninja kidnapped for this long, but with two of them, he didn’t stand a chance.
Kai looked up at their captor imploringly.
“Yes, pup?” he asked, kneeling down so he was more even with Kai.
“Um, sir, do you think I can play with him?” Kai asked.
“Mm, not yet, little one,” their captor hummed. “He’s not trained yet, we wouldn’t want him lashing out and hurting you! I don’t think your mama would forgive me,” he chuckled. 
Kai nodded, though he looked sad about it.
Cole dug his nails into the palm of his hand, staring hard at the floor. He hated the way this bastard was talking to them. He was going to smash his face in the first chance he got.
“Now, I have to go take care of some things,” their captor said, standing up fully again. “You be good now,” he said, heading for the door.
Cole waited until the man’s footsteps receded before he did anything.
“Kai,” he said, moving as close to him as the chains would allow. “I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry, after you disappeared we haven’t stopped looking, I promise we haven’t, and we knew something horrible must have happened, but this… this is so much worse than anything we could have imagined, I’m so sorry.”
Kai cocked his head, saying nothing.
“But, but its all gonna be okay,” Cole said, probably assuring himself more than he was Kai. “I’m here now, and we’re going to come up with a plan, and we’re going to get out of this hellhole.”
Kai’s next words filled Cole with absolute dread. “Get… out? Why would I want to get out?” he asked, looking genuinely confused.
Cole’s words died in his throat. He stammered for a moment, then laughed uncomfortably. “Kai, come on dude, they’re gone, you can drop the act.”
“What act?”
“The — dude, stop acting like that!” Cole said, his body flashing hot with fear when Kai only looked more confused. “Seriously, we have to leave!”
“But if I leave, then how will my Mama know where to come get me?” Kai asked.
No. Kai was not actually acting like this, he was not actually convinced that that horrible woman was his mother, he was not really under the impression that this was okay. Cole was being messed with, or, or… or they were controlling Kai, somehow! They had done something to him, some sort of sick mind control that Cole would figure out how to break!
Cole breathed a quiet sigh of relief when Kai stood up. Thank goodness, he was probably going for the keys to get Cole unchained, or — Kai came back with a small ball.
“Do you wanna play?” Kai asked, excited. “Well, Sir says I can’t really play with you, but I think it’ll be okay if I don’t get too close! Do you wanna?”
“No!” Cole yelled. “Come on Kai, you’ve got to snap out of it!”
Kai’s smile faded, tears pricking his eyes. “Oh… okay…” he said.
Okay. Okay okay. Kai was obviously under some sort of mind control shit. He just had to figure out how to stop that. Cole could do that. Probably.
“You know what?” Cole asked, forcing himself to seem calm and nonthreatening and not like this was absolutely fucking terrible. “I’m sorry, that was very, um, mean of me. I do want to play a game! But, not a game like that.”
Kai brightened. “What kind of game? Will it be fun?”
“Uh… yeah… but to play it, I need you to help me out first,” Cole said, the words leaving a rotten taste in his mouth.
“Oh… well…” Kai scratched at his neck, fiddling with his collar. “I don’t know…”
Cole glanced at it. Kai had been messing with it this whole time. And sure, it was likely that it was just regular fidgeting, but Cole was more keen to believe that it was what was keeping his friend under. If he could get it off, maybe Kai would come to.
“No, no, see, I just need you to come a little closer,” he said, trying to make himself seem sincere. “I won’t hurt you or anything!”
“Well… okay…” he agreed, hesitant. He scooted over, just a little.
“Come on, Kai, please just a little closer,” Cole all but begged. 
“...you promise to be good?” Kai asked. “I don’t want Sir to get upset…”
“I promise,” Cole ground out.
“Okay!” He smiled, sitting right next to Cole. “How do you play?”
Cole opened his mouth, but footsteps from the other side of the door sent Kai all but flinging himself away.
While Kai passed the ball between his fingers rigidly, Cole steeled himself for another encounter with his captor.
The door swung open, and their captor walked in with an enthusiastic bounce in his step. “Good news, my pet!” He said, shutting the door behind him and gripping a small box in his hands. “It came in sooner than expected!”
Cole was scared to find out.
His captor continued on anyway, sitting down just out of Cole’s reach and delicately opening the box. He lifted the contents out carefully, a twisted smile on his face.
Cole stared at the dark black collar in horror, pressing himself back against the wall, as far away from his captor as he could get. 
No, no, absolutely not. 
If his theory was right, that collar was going to fuck him up just as bad as Kai. 
“Hold still, now,” he hummed, all but corralling Cole further into the corner. The only upside to this was that now he was actually close enough to attack.
Cole waited until his captor was just close enough, then kicked him as hard as he could. Even with the drugs running through his system, even with the vengestone, his captor still toppled to the floor.
Kai looked horrified.
Their captor very slowly rose, his eyes dark. “You little…” he took a deep breath, regaining his composure. “Come here, little stray. I need your help with this.”
Kai made his way over slowly, sparing occasional glances at Cole but quickly tearing his gaze away every time. Cole’s heart sank.
“Now stay. Still,” he hissed, directing Kai to hold Cole down.
Cole thrashed to the best of his ability, but he couldn’t hurt Kai. Not when he was so lost and confused and scared. This wasn’t him, not really. It was this bastard that had ruined his mind. 
But Cole would fix it. He just couldn’t allow the collar to be put on him, too.
But before he could even begin to gather the strength to get Kai off of him, the collar fastened around his neck.
Cole froze.
He didn’t feel any different (except for a new wave of disgust and horror), but the thick band around his neck was still anything but pleasant. There was a small bell jingling on it, the sound of which was already driving him over the edge. He needed to get this thing the hell off.
“Oh, you just look so gorgeous like this,” his captor crooned, waving Kai away and crouching down, reaching out a hand and threading it through Cole’s hair. “You are so, so pretty, my pet,” he hummed.
He slapped Cole hard across the face.
Cole yelped in surprise and pain.
“So pretty,” he said again, looking almost regretful. “But so bad.”
Their captor sighed, standing up. “I do wish I could admire you some more, my pet, but Master still has some work to get to. I’m counting on you to help him, little one.”
And with that, they were left alone again. 
Cole immediately began to pull and tug at the collar, grunting in frustration when it wouldn’t come off. 
“Your collar is so pretty!” Kai chirped. “Why are you trying to take it off?”
If he didn’t get it off, it could kick in, and he would go just as crazy as Kai. Fuck, how long did he have? Was it a slow thing, or would it kick in all at once? How long until he submitted to this?
“Is the tear bothering you?” Kai asked.
“What?” Cole asked, his hands pausing over it.
“There’s a little tear in it! Maybe Sir didn’t notice, but if you tell him, I’m sure he’ll get you a new one! My Mama has so many pretty collars for me, but this is my favorite one. It’s red! Mama says that I look cutest in red!”
There was a tear in it. The collar was broken. And his captor hadn’t noticed.
And if it was broken, then that could be why he wasn’t being affected by whatever mind control properties it obviously had. Because there was no other way Kai would be talking like this. There was absolutely no other reason Kai would be happily babbling about his “mama”.
He needed to get Kai’s collar off of him.
“Do you still want to play a game?” Cole asked, cutting off Kai’s rambling.
“Sure!” Kai exclaimed. “How do you play?”
“Remember, you have to come over here to play it,” Cole said, forcing down an actual physical gag. He was so close, he could do this.
Kai scampered over — or, whatever you would call scampering when it was on all fours — settling easily beside Cole. “What’s the game?”
Cole’s mouth went dry. He only had one chance to do this. If he didn’t get it off, or at least break it, on the first try, and their captor heard… Cole had a feeling that a lot worse would be done to him then a slap.
Cole didn’t even notice he was staring at the stupid thing until Kai spoke up again. “Oh, do you like my collar? Isn’t it so pretty?”
Kai was fucking obsessed with that thing, wasn’t he? That only affirmed Cole’s suspicions further. He needed to get it off.
He nodded slowly, moving his arms up as subtly as he could. “Yeah…” he said distractedly. “It looks great…”
Cole latched his hands onto the collar. Kai only had a second to look confused before Cole focused all his strength into breaking it. Kai shrieked, trying to get away, but Cole was stronger.
The collar broke, falling open and to the floor.
Kai stared at him, probably in shock. He didn’t move.
It was probably all hitting him at once, and it was more than likely pretty overwhelming to clear whatever haze he’d been in, of course he’d still be processing —
Kai began to sob.
Shit, this had really affected him, hadn’t it? Kai must have been so distressed, he was totally freaking out. God, poor Kai. This whole thing must have been so traumatic.
He reached out with the intent to comfort him to the best of his ability, but Kai just flinched back, his body trembling with sobs.
Very loud sobs.
If he didn’t quiet down, their captor was going to hear them.
“Hey, hey, deep breaths,” Cole said, hoping Kai would at least make an attempt.
“You broke it,” Kai said between horrible cries. “You broke it!”
Was it just Cole, or did Kai sound upset about the fact that it had actually been broken, rather than the trauma from all the shit that had happened to him? It was probably just Cole, of course it was just Cole.
Or maybe it was taking its time to wear off. Cole had no idea how long Kai had been wearing it, maybe it got worse over time?
“You’ve got to quiet down, Kai, he’ll hear!” Cole begged.
Kai wailed, tears continuing to pour from his eyes.
A surge of panic overtook Cole. If their captor came down here before Kai helped Cole out of these restraints, they were done for.
Out of sheer panic, his arm lifted almost of its own accord, and suddenly — he hit Kai.
Oh fuck. He’d just hit Kai.
He’d only been trying to snap him out of it, why had he hit him, fuck fuck fuck.
Kai screamed.
Heavy footsteps sounded from somewhere above them.
No no no, fuck, this wasn’t happening.
Because if it wasn’t the collar that had made Kai act like this, then that meant that he had actually been reduced to this, and that meant that Cole could be broken down too.
Their captor was coming. He was going to be pissed.
The door swung open, and their captor rushed over to Kai, who was hugging his knees and sobbing violently.
“What happened, little one?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.
“He — he broke it,” Kai cried, “He broke my collar!” he sniffled, wiping his eyes, though it didn’t do much. “I’m sorry Sir, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have tried to play with him, you were right, I’m so sorry!” his breath hitched on another sob. “I’ve been bad, please punish me Sir, I’ve been so bad!”
To Cole’s surprise and disgust, their captor sighed, sitting down and gently pulling Kai into his lap. “There there, little one,” he hummed, carding his fingers through Kai’s hair. “This isn’t your fault. You’re just a pup, you didn’t know any better. I should have been more careful, I shouldn’t have left you alone with my pet when he wasn’t trained yet. I should have known this would happen, really. You don’t need to be punished for this.”
Kai just leaned into the touch.
“That’s right, you’re safe, I’m here,” he said, continuing the soothing motions. “You’re gonna be okay, Pup. And don’t you worry, I’ll talk to your Mama and we’re gonna get you a brand new collar that’s even prettier than this last one, okay?”
That actually seemed to work. Kai’s sobs began to quiet down. 
Cole swallowed down the bile rising in his throat. This was disgusting, this was so disgusting, how could someone like this man even exist? What was the goal? How had he gotten Kai to be like this if it wasn’t through mind control? And worse, how soon would Cole be just the same as Kai?
“That’s right, good boy,” he said, switching from Kai’s hair to rubbing his back lightly. “Good boy, yes.”
Cole didn’t know what else to do at this point. The collar hadn’t been the reason Kai had gone over the deep end. He really thought this was good.
“You’re — you’re crazy!” Cole yelled, prompting Kai to turn his head slightly from where it lay against their captor’s chest. “You’re out of your goddamn mind! How could you fucking do this?”
His captor gently nudged Kai out of his lap, then approached Cole angrily. “You are on thin. Ice. My pet,” he said, his voice low and angry. “One more peep from you and I may have to hang you from the pole all night.”
What the fuck did that mean what the fuck did that mean what the fuck did that mean.
Their captor stood to his full height. “Come little one, let’s get you some juice, okay?”
Kai brightened up even more than that, following their captor out of the room.
Cole was left alone.
First master, this was so bad. Kai was effectively totally brainwashed, Cole was locked in a psycho’s basement, and the others were probably losing their goddamn minds. If they hadn’t been able to find Kai in all this time, how would they be able to find Cole?
This was so bad.
A few minutes later, Kai was carried back in, and set on a little dog bed that Cole hadn’t had the time to notice until now.
This guy was nuts.
Their captor said something quietly to Kai, who nodded sleepily, and then their captor left again.
The next few minutes passed in silence, until Kai spoke up again.
“Why’d you have to do that?” Kai pouted, sounding genuinely upset. “You could have been good, but then you went and ruined the whole visit! If you don’t be good, we won’t get to play together! Don’t you want to play with me?”
Unless they were playing video games, safe and at home, hell no.
“Maybe we can play when you get better trained,” Kai muttered, his anger fading. He shifted on the dog bed. “You know, I kind of think I remember you,” he mumbled, his eyes only half open. “From before. And it’s almost kind of nice to remember, but I don’t want to think about it cause it makes me sad and it’s bad and there’s no reason to think about it.”
Cole, growing increasingly concerned at his brother’s sleepy ramblings, could only listen.
“Sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m happier now. Cause sometimes I think I remember being happy before, but I can’t think like that cause that’s bad. That’s how I get abandoned.”
What the fuck was Kai talking about? Why was he saying all this?
His words were slurring together and his voice was droopy and his eyes were even droopier.
Was he drugged?
No, no that was ridiculous. But it certainly seemed like he was. He was showing a little too many of the symptoms for Cole to be confident that he wasn’t. But why would he be drugged? What was the point?
Their captor wasn’t… he wasn’t going to kill Kai, was he? He wouldn’t do that, right? Surely he was going to keep Kai alive?
“But it’s time for my nap, now,” Kai said, letting out a quiet yawn. “Night night…”
No, wait, fuck, no, stop, Cole wasn’t letting Kai fall asleep. What if he never woke up?
“Kai, you’ve gotta stay awake, please,” Cole begged, his panic spiking.
“After my juice, it’s always nap time,” Kai insisted, his eyes closed and his voice barely a mumble. 
“Kai, stay awake!” Cole insisted.
Kai groaned quietly.
Shit shit shit. 
Okay, he had to think logically about this. What good reason would their captor have to kill Kai? Besides the fact that Cole had done nothing but fight back this entire time, not to mention sending Kai into that meltdown earlier.
Oh no, was this to teach Cole a lesson?
But surely their captor wasn’t crazy enough to kill Kai just to prove a point? Maybe there was a different goal in mind here. Maybe he was just going to hurt him. Maybe he wouldn’t hurt him at all. He’d said he wouldn’t, after all.
But that still begged the question, why was Kai drugged?
With all his worrying, Cole hadn’t even noticed that Kai was now fast asleep.
Okay. Okay okay. It was very likely that he wasn’t going to die. Cole could hear his breathing from across the room, so there was at least that. Kai was okay. Kai was fine. 
Well… as fine as one could be in this situation.
Frustrated, he pried at his collar again. Even if it wasn’t some evil mind control device, it was still humiliating and uncomfortable. And that stupid little bell wouldn’t stop ringing. It made him feel like a — well, like a dog.
He supposed that was the point.
Some time later, the door swung open once more. The woman from before came through, hurrying over to Kai. “Oh, my poor baby,” she fretted quietly, careful not to wake him. “Let’s get you home…”
She was taking Kai?
No, she couldn’t take Kai! That left Cole no chance to help him. That left Cole alone.
His panic must have shown on his face, because his captor, who’d followed in behind the woman, tsked. 
“This wouldn’t have happened if you’d just been good, pet,” he said, shaking his head sadly. “Maybe when you learn how to behave, you can see him again.”
The woman carefully picked Kai up. Even in his sleep, he sighed contentedly.
She was taking Kai.
And it was his fault.
He needed to do something.
He needed to fight, he needed to scream, he needed to break out of these chains and save his brother and get them both home.
But he couldn’t move. He was absolutely paralyzed, unable to so much as beg for them not to take him.
The woman was gone before he could find his voice.
All he was left with was this horrible man and a worse question.
If Kai could be reduced to that… what was going to happen to him?
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wintersweetbou · 4 years
Running on Empty
Fandom: FFXV/Kingsglaive. Rating: G? Its fluff. 
Summary: Luche Lazarus works himself too far trying to prevent further losses on the battlefield. Tredd Furia sees the crash coming. Now, a nice person would calmly voice their concerns. A Furia would drag them kicking and screaming back home. Is Tredd a nice person? In his eyes he is, until Luche fights it. They are both going to give their captain a headache at this rate.
Luche keeps tapping away at his keyboard despite the fact it was quitting time. Shadows hung under his eyes, blooming under sickly pale skin. Tredd leaned against the doorframe of the tiny office, watching in concern. Luche took to being a workaholic to deal with the stress of losing a battle, everyone was getting worried while he threw himself at his work. The redhead lightly knocked on the polished wood, looking expectantly. 
“Yes?” Luche groaned, rubbing his eyes. 
“Wanna hit Yama’s for some food? Heard they were toying with new recipes.” Tredd watched the slow roll and shudder of Luche’s shoulders as he stretched, and shook his head. 
“You ok?” 
“I’m fine.” 
“Don't sound fine to me. Don't look too good either. Lets get some food, and watch a movie at my place, hm?” 
“Sounds great- but go on without me” Luche sighed, rubbing at his temples, slouching in his seat. Frowning, Tredd stepped forward, putting his hands on his hips. 
"Dude, you are not ok. You're working yourself way too hard. I get it, you are working for us. But you need a full meal and nights sleep." 
Luche slumped a squidge in his seat, as if acknowledging his condition was shameful. 
"Your work will still be here in the morning. Burning yourself out won't solve anything."
"I'll get some rest tomorrow. Tonight I can get by with coffee…" 
"If I have to drag you out of this six-damned office I will. Luche- don't think I won't." 
The readhead barged over, grabbing Luche by the wrist and hefting him to his feet. The vice captain was tired enough that his mind and reflexes didn't catch up until Tredd almost had him out the door. Luche snarled, bracing against the door frame. 
"Enough! I don't have time for this!"
"You don't have time for me?"
"No! The war-" Luche wheezed as Tredd tackled him to the floor of the cramped office, struggling to pin his growling brother in arms. 
"Fuck the war. I'm taking you home, getting some food in you, and making sure you get some sleep!"
Luche struggled- Tredd was broader and stronger and the miniscule floorspace gave him no wiggle room. Tredd grinned, bearing his full weight down on the growling glaive, squishing him into the corner between the desk and wall. Luche viciously bucked, throwing Tredd enough for him to twist and regain his position, kneeling, bracing against the desk and forcing Tredd back in a wild grapple. 
Tredd locked with Luche, grinning maniacally. This was Tredd's forte- brute strength. Luche's muscles trembled under him, barely holding his idiot back. Tredd mustered and shoved forward, the other glaive shuddered but held, shaking violently with effort. Tredd shoved again, forcing Luche down against the desk, then on his back on the ground. 
"Get off, asshole!"
"Too tired to make me, Lazarus?"
Luche squirmed, but no longer had the energy to buck him off. Tredd sat on his legs, pinning his hands above his on either side of his head.
"Get your insubordinate dickish self off of me-" came a muffled growl.
"Take a night off." Tredd snickered, leaning further on the kicking legs under himself.
"I said get off!" Luche roared, struggling in vain to muster strength that just wasn't there.
The blonde managed to turn and bite the readhead on the wrist. Tredd glanced down, still holding tight, to see teeth marks- rapidly turning red- clearly visible. 
"The fucker bit me." Tredd sounded awed. Luche bit Tredd. He must be in far worse shape than they thought- calm, in control, cool Luche lay smirking and bedraggled after fighting and biting his best friend. Six.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You are going home one way or another. Gonna keep fighting?" This got a quiet curse in response.
"Hard it is." Came the muttered reply. 
Tredd adjusted his sleeves, pinning the others two hands in one of his, over his head, looking down at his prey. Luche lay exhausted but still defiant. His hair flopped down in his eyes, uniform a mess, shirt untucked under his coat. Tredd chuckled at the sight.
"Remember, all you need to do is take the night off …" 
 Luche growled in response, writhing in his grasp. 
Tredd leaned in, tugged his shirt up further, and dug his fingers into the skin above Luche's hip. “Tredd! Get off or I swear to Ramuh!” Luche squawked, bucking weakly.
Tredd tickled along the cut of his hips and lower belly, earning increasingly desperate threats. Tredd grinned, clawing into the muscle above the joint, deeply amused at the shaky curses. Based on the flush along Luche's face and how bad his stomach quivered in his grasp, the beleaguered glaive just needed a little push. 
“I’ll go home as soon as I’m done!” Luche squirmed, desperately struggling to reign himself in. 
“You are done for the day.” Tredd smirked, kneading. 
“Just a little more! I swear!” Came a pleading squeak. 
"You asked for it." Tredd snickered, leaning in. 
"No! Get the fuck off! Nonononoo!" Luche squealed, then broke into wild cackling at Tredd nibbling at the exposed skin of his hip. The blond managed to break his arms free, but his strength to do anything else withered under the crippling mirth. Tredd laughed into the quivering skin, holding tight onto the poor glaive frantically squirming in his arms.  
The vice captain bucked weakly, shaking his head amid aching guffaws. His lungs and muscles burned, adrenaline spent. Tredd chuckled, kneading into his quaking waist. Luche looked to be near admitting defeat, face bright red and hair askew. 
"Gonna get some rest?" Tredd glanced up, smiling at the giggling glaive.
Luche panted and told Tredd to go fuck himself in Gahladian. 
"Alrighty then..." 
Luche screeched as Tredd blew raspberry after raspberry onto his belly, clawing into the meat above his hips. The blonde was held tight as he thrashed and laughed helplessly. He couldn't stand it, couldn’t escape, his mind stuck in a spiraling loop of six, it tickles and I'm stuck. Tredd smirked, continuing mercilessly, not noticing the form of the captain in the doorway, taking a stealth pic of his poor second being tickled to death. 
"May I ask why you are tormenting Lazarus?" Drautos inquired over his second’s breathless shrieks of laughter, leaning casually on the door frame. Tredd froze, wide eyed. Then shook himself and smiled up at his captain.
 "Lazarus is burning himself out, sir. I am merely encouraging him to rest up." 
Drautos raised an eyebrow, observing the poor condition of his second. The blonde had been taking on more paperwork and training, desperate to prevent losses on the battlefield. This war had taken a terrible toll on his glaives, and some bore the stress better than others. While training and hard work was well and good, rest was also key. Drautos nodded, and turned back to the hallway.
"Can't fight or think on an empty tank. Go home, the lot of you. That's an order." 
Two yes sirs sounded behind him, one smug, and the other uncertain. 
Tredd ran his fingers through his hair, sighing. After forcing takeout down the blond’s gullet and settling in for a night of games, he had turned around to find him passed out cold on his couch. He really had no idea how Luche held it together for so long. Tredd himself dealt with stress by beating a weighted bag until his knuckles bled. Sometimes with fire dancing viciously between the bones protruding under taut skin. He went until his strength was spent and someone- usually Luche- would catch him. The others did the same, roughly. The “hero” and his squad drank their troubles away, leaning on each other through the hard nights. Axis sank into his family, letting their love wash his wounds clean. Sonitus sang and danced with the remnants of his clan, their songs steady, leading its participants into a cleansing, healing trance. It was easy to let eachother hold the stress for a bit. It was what kept them all going- sticking together. 
Tredd glanced down at a soft snort from Luche, watching the man snuggle deeper into his couch. Draping a blanket over him, the redhead turned to get ready for bed. Maybe Drautos would take it easy on them in training tomorrow.
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mariya-chan5 · 4 years
Hello borusara fans This is my first time to made a fanfic so if i make a mistake tell me please. And support me.
Title : Lovers or just a friends?
After years away from their hometown, the Uchiha family returns to Konoha. There, young Sarada, right on her first day, runs into her best childhood friend, Boruto Uzumaki, who is now a handsome seventeen-year-old boy with blond hair and blue eyes, much more beautiful than girl remembered.
The friendship between the two flows as before, with the same tone of zueira and rivalry that has always existed. But this time, there is something more connecting the two hearts. Something the Uchiha is still unaware of.
Accompanied by a mystery involved in the Uchiha family, the young woman will have to deal with the consequences that her return will bring to the lives of her old and new friends, while facing new feelings that will arise and leaving her tormented with a question: After all, she and Boruto, are they friends or something else?
Chapter 1 : I am back!!!
Dear diary, my name is Sarada Uchiha. After 7 years in Otoga, I am returning to my hometown, Konoha. Nostalgia invades me when I think about my old life there. The restaurants, the school, the people ... Everything that I left behind, will come up again.
I'm at the airport waiting for our flight schedule. I confess that I'm a little impatient, I took this from my father hehe. Who is he? Sasuke Uchiha, a policeman who scares people, especially my colleagues. I say that because as a child, the other kids didn't mess with me because of him, except for a certain idiot ...
From my mother I took the temper. I can be - with a clear reason - a little warm. She, Sakura Uchiha, is a doctor and founder of the ‘Psychological Institution for Children’ in Konoha. Do you know a dedicated woman who always gives her all? She is my mother, and I love to be proud of that ”.
Narrator p.o.v
Sarada wrote in his new diary, which was given by a friend before his return to Konoha. While filling the first page of countless to come, wearing headphones, I listened to “Happier - Mashmello”, on Spotify.
- Sarada - Sakura called a second time, with blood in her eyes.
- She won't listen to you while wearing these headphones. - Sasuke warned in an ironic tone.
- Hehe ok ... Sarada! - the mother shouted, pulling the girl's headphones, who closed the diary at the same moment, frightened.
- Who was the ... Ah, hi mom! - the girl turned red as a tomato - note: she hates tomatoes - this when she realized that her mother caught everyone's attention around her. Ah ... mothers. - Hey, mom, you don't have to shout like that! You could have just called me.
- Hi????? - Sakura asked in horror at her daughter's wooden face. - Drop that diary and let's go! Then you go on with it, come on, come on !!
- Okay, Sakura, I understand, don't shout, onegai hehe ...
The girl kept the diary, and went with her parents for boarding.
- I'll stay at the window! - Sarada exclaimed.
- My Kami ... Looks like a seven year old child, do I deserve it? Sakura sighed, her hand on her face. - There's your daughter Sasuke.
- With this way of acting, I think we know who she actually looks like ...
- Dad, don't say such a thing ...
- Hey! What do you mean by that?
- I did not say anything! - the girl replied in a hard face.
Sakura turned away and smiled a satisfied smile. Your relationship with your daughter is like that, the best.
The conversation ended. The girl put the headphones back on and went back to writing in her diary.
“I am so happy to be back in Konoha! The main reason for this is that I’m going to see my friends. Sumire, Inojin, Shikadai, Lee, and Boruto, my favorite.
Since we don't keep in touch, I spend hours wondering if they still remember me, our madness ... Did Boruto grow up? Haha, I remember being bigger than him, which was a perfect reason to make fun of him. He was also irritating and stubborn. My father said that this was taken from Uncle Naruto.
I missed that idiot so much ... ”.
The plane started. Sarada kept the diary, and without realizing it, she fell asleep, shortly after imagining a thousand and one possibilities of what her reunion with her old friends would be like. With a smile and "See You Again" playing, the girl fell asleep.
- Sarada ... We arrived, wake up ... - Sasuke called calmly.
The girl opened her eyes slowly, and when her senses surfaced, she broke into a big smile.
- So we're done ...
- Let's go down, get your things.
- OK.
It was one in the afternoon when they arrived in Konoha. After solving some things, the family left the airport. Sarada breathed in and out of the old - and now new - home, when an idea popped into her head.
- Uh ... Will the taxi take long to arrive?
- I hope not, I'm exhausted. But why are you asking, huh? - the mother asked, suspicious.
- It's just ... I wanted to go for a walk, you know? I don't know ... Just to know the changes in the city ... - he said with a pidona face.
- I think you'll have enough time Sarada. Now we need to get some rest. Besides, we just arrived, you shouldn't go around alone. - Sasuke said.
- It's quick!
- Didn't you hear daughter? Not now. - Sakura declared.
- Ok ... Okay, - he replied.
- Stay calm, the taxi won't take long ... Ah! Look at him over there!
The car arrived.
- Hey, man, can you please help us with our bags? - Sasuke asked the taxi driver.
- Sarada put your things in ... - Sakura turned and sighed when she saw that her daughter was no longer there. - Oh God! Sasuke, where's Sarada?
- Take a walk, maybe? - He smiled discreetly.
- Ah, so stubborn ... He pulled his side of the family!
- She'll be fine, Sakura, don't worry so much ...
- If she gets lost, who will look for her, it will be you!
Somewhere in the City Center
- I think ... I'm lost ha ... ha ... My God, help me!
It was late afternoon. Sarada went around and around the city, and ended up getting lost, he didn't know how to get back to the taxi stand. He stopped in a square, sat on a bench and stayed there. He hates to admit it, but his parents were right, it would have been better to wait. Teens ... They are so stubborn, argh!
- Dude, what do I do now? My cell phone battery is over, I'm lost in this huge city, and hunger is starting to attack. Maybe it is better not to see my parents again, because my mother will want to kill me. Damn ... I'm such an idiot! - he said, throwing a crumpled pamphlet on the floor.
- Just because you're lost doesn't mean you're an idiot!
"Oh no ... There comes a man to fill me," Sarada thought.
- Don't worry, I'm not a fucking pervert or anything. I just want to help a girl who's looking like she's lost.
- I don't need your help. - Sarada didn't even look at the person. His eyes were on the floor.
- It's not what it looks like. Are you new around here?
- What if it is?
- So it's explained ... Look ... If you accept, I can show you the way to the train station, or the taxi rank.
“Shit Sarada, look at the situation you are in now,” she thought.
- Okay. To make things easier, I say my name, can it be?
- Hmm.
- But ... I only say it when you look at me.
"Loose face".
Sarada raised her head and then ...
- My name is Boruto Uzumaki! And who are you?
A shock. It was what the young woman felt when she met those unforgettable eyes. Blue as the ocean, and beautiful as the ... of an angel? Yes, that's how she described them since she was little.
- Bo ... - she whispered.
- It was bad, I didn't understand. Can repeat?
- Boruto ... Is it ... you?
- Ah yes. And you are... ?
- Do not you remember? - the girl asked with a stare, intimidating to the boy, who after some time sinking in that onyx, realized. - I am...
- Impossible ... She can't be here ...
A tear formed in the eyes of the Uchiha, who left for a hug in his friend, who soon could be sure that yes, that was his best childhood friend ... Sarada.
After a few seconds stuck together, they separated, shyly, and the girl started:
- I still can't believe I found you like this, Boruto. I ... I missed you so much ...
The boy couldn't take his eyes off her. He was delighted and made a point of making that clear.
- Sarada are you ...
- What? She asked, confident that her friend would have noticed her changes from a little girl to a woman.
- Too short! Hahahaha, what the fuck? Forgot to grow up?
- There! - the boy shouted when he felt his friend's punch, after a long time. - It's even stronger ...
- Ah ... It was bad hehe! I think I got excited ...
- Relax! I missed that ... Really.
The eyes met for a fraction of a second.
- Ah ... Tell me ... Did you come to visit? What a pity, because I really
- I'm here to stay. She interrupted. - I'm back to Konoha ... Boruto!
- B ... Welcome back ... I ...
- You do not need to say anything! We'll have all the time in the world! Just for us!
At that moment, the boy blushed on a level ...
- Yeah, yeah, you're right! Can I ... give you another hug?
- Idiot ... Why do you ask? - she said pulling the blonde. - I'll tell you everything!
- Then your father completed the task and you could return ...
- That ae! - Sarada replied, while eating ice cream that Uzumaki insisted on buying.
- Wow! I ... I thought you would never ... I thought I wouldn't see you anymore ... - he declared with a weak smile.
- I knew you couldn't take it anymore without me, baby boy!
- Hahahaha! This time, and only this time, I will not disagree. - he joked, and then decided to ask - Are you ... dating?
- Not! I'm really fine ... What about you, sir? Until you are dressed up, I would not be surprised if I said that I found someone to support you.
- Nobody is worthy!
- Hahahaha, I know! I'm sorry for the unfortunate future! - Sarada joked, pushing the blonde slightly.
And with that started a war.
- Hey! - Boruto grunted, pushing her harder.
The two stayed like that for a long time.
- It's great to have you here again! Sarada looked into the boy's eyes after the statement and his face flushed slightly.
- N-don't look at me like that, idiot!
- Because? Can't you resist that beautiful face of Uzumaki?
- Hahahaha! Silly!
They - or at least one of them - would never think about the possibility of the two together.
- Well, the sun is already setting. I'll take you to the station, and then you call your people to come and get you, can you?
- Yes, thank you!
- So let's go?
- Let's go!
Breaking time >>
After a few minutes walking around the city, and learning about it, Sarada and Boruto arrived at the station. Uchiha used his friend's phone to check on his parents, who were worried and furious.
After the call, the girl said goodbye to Boruto.
- Thank you ... Even after so long you were here when I needed it most
- That's what friends are for, isn't it? - he said with a smile, (and what a beautiful smile).
They embraced for a while. This time, a hug full of tenderness and longing, as if all words not said in years, were transmitted through this act.
Sarada looked over the blonde's shoulders and saw his punishment.
- My parents are getting there.
- So I think it's time to say goodbye ... Well, bye.
- Hahaha, bye! Until next time!
- That sentence ... See you!
The two smiled at each other and he was gone. Seconds later, the girl's parents arrived.
- Something to say, stubborn Uchirrazinha? - Sakura asked, arms crossed.
- Err ... I'm sorry. I didn't hear them both and ended up doing shit. Forgive me, please.
- Since when it doesn't happen again. We are not in a very “free and fired” moment to walk through this alone, understand? His mother replied, calmly - or at least, trying.
- Thank you mom ... - the girl looked at her father, who smiled a little, just to make her understand.
- Let's go home. - he said.
After meeting, the Uchiha family returned home - the old house, which is beautiful and perfectly preserved. - When he arrived, Sarada ran to his room, which still had some old things, such as toys and clothes. He sat on the bed, and picked up his diary.
“Dear diary ... I just saw my best childhood friend. This is so surreal and exciting. He's so ... tall and handsome, he doesn't even look like the annoying brat from a few years ago.
He saved me, that idiot ...
What did fate have in store for me? I'm looking forward to finding out! ”.
The girl smiled alone as she remembered the day with her friend. She closed the diary and looked around. The room was a mess, this is like a nightmare for a young Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha, so she took advantage of the disposition to give a touch Sarada Young there.
A few hours later, she fell asleep.
Hope you guys enjoy the story. I try my best to write perfect but if i made mistakes so please forgive me. Thanks for reading ❤❤❤❤
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alitaimagines · 5 years
“alpha rin okumura x omega, fem reader? maybe where they have to separate rin from the omega for safety reasons and he absolutely goes insane until he rescues her.” 
alpha! rin okumura x omega! fem reader
fandom: blue exorcist / ao no exorcist
note: requests open and I haven’t watched AoE in about two years so it might be fuzzy. please let me know how my first A.B.O fic went. 
You were trying to fend for yourself as you noticed demons coming from every which way. You knew the cram school did their best to have everyone prepared for situations like and you couldn’t lie, you were a lot stronger than you looked but one of the demons had grabbed when you weren’t paying attention and held you captive. 
“Rin, RIN!” You screamed as you tried get his attention. It was a call to Rin but you were trying to see if anyone was paying attention. “YUKIO! BON!” Once Yukio turned around, it was too late, you were too far gone for them to catch you. They needed assistance and fast. 
Rin was the last one to realize that you were taken but once he realized that his omega was taken, it was a sight that no one had seen before. His face contorted to anger, sadness, confusion, and every other heightened emotion. 
“Relax-” Yukio started to say as he noticed his brother turn to him like he was ready to pounce him. Yukio knew he just needed Shura to defeat the demons before it was too late and they found you dead somewhere. “I’ll contact Shura and I’m leaving it up to all of you to watch Rin while I’m gone.” 
Bon knew that it was really up to him and Nemu to try and calm Rin down. It was useless nonetheless because they knew that Rin was your alpha and you stuck to his side at all times. You were strong, no one doubted that, but they had never seen how angry an alpha got when separated from their omega.
You entered the cram school a two months after classes started. Yukio knew of you enrolling a few weeks ago but what got him up in arms was the fact that you were one of the only two omegas in the class. Konekomaru being the other. The rest of the class were betas and alphas so it wasn’t too much of a struggle until you came.
When your first day at the cram school came, it was nerve wracking to say the least. You felt the auras of the alphas in the class and you took a deep breath before you opened the door. 
All eyes immediately fell on you and while you were nervous, the alpha energy seemed to calm down a bit. It wasn’t threatening and if you were being honest, it was comforting in a way. 
“Everyone, this is ( your name ). She’s the new student in the cram school and while she did enroll a little late, welcome her warmly.” Yukio said as he ushered you to your seat. “I’ll have one of the students catch you up on work after class and yes it will be extra credit for whoever volunteers.” 
They all perked up at the news but the one that caught everyone off guard was Rin who immediately volunteered. “Dude, are you sure you’re even smart enough to give her lessons?” Shima taunted. Rin jumped which caused Yukio to smack his desk with a ruler. “Rin if you’re interested, I’ll look over your notes and go from there.” The class snickered as Yukio began his lesson. 
Rin couldn’t help but continue to look over at you. He felt attraction like this one time before this and it was with Shiemi. When he realized that she wasn’t interested, he gave up and now you showed up and flipped his alpha instincts upside down again. 
“Hey, I’m Rin.” He wrote down in a note. He slid it next to you and you quietly opened it. You smiled and wrote back. “I’m ( your name ), it’s nice to meet you Rin.”
Throughout the entire lecture, the both of you were passing notes. He would crack a joke every so often and he was glad that it was just passing notes. Rin knew that if he had to actually speak to you, he would be a flustered mess.
Once class finished for the lunch break, you grabbed your wallet from the book bag and walked out. Rin immediately ran after you and managed to grab your shoulder before you turned the corner. 
“Hey!” You said as he gave you a sheepish smile. “What’s up?” 
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together?” He held his breath as you nodded yes. Rin smiled as he took you to his favorite spot. 
From that day forward, Rin would be by your side and whenever someone from the non-cram school was around you, especially if they were an alpha, he would try to make them scram. It usually worked and Yukio knew this was another thing he had to worry about with Rin. 
It took Rin a few months to finally ask you out but once he did, he immediately scented you. He knew it was a huge step to take but he couldn’t take it anymore. The two of you didn’t have the same non-cram school classes and he didn’t know what was going when you weren’t around him. 
During your heats and Rin’s ruts, it was tough. You wanted nothing more than to welcome Rin into your nest but you were nervous so when the day finally came, Rin was happy beyond belief. He couldn’t believe you were finally letting him into your most intimate space. 
Rin watched as Shura and a few others walked into the scene and Yukio gave them the rundown. He was pacing back and forth but he couldn’t help but notice that they kept looking over at him. It looked like Shura was holding something and Rin wanted nothing more than to tell them to hurry the hell up and get the plan going. 
He noticed Shura give Yukio the thing she was holding. Once Yukio got closer to Rin, he tackled him to the ground. “YUKIO, WHAT THE FUCK, LET ME GO!” Yukio held him down as he handcuffed his own brother while Shura put a muzzle over him. 
“Rin, we need to save her quickly and safely. With your emotions at an all time high, we don’t need her coming back even more injured or you getting hurt during the process.” Rin screamed as Yukio tried bringing him to the truck that Shura provided but he couldn’t get too far as Rin was thrashing around and screaming so he could be released. It took Shura, Yukio, Bon, and even Shima to get him loaded into the truck and buckled into the belts. 
“It’s for the safety of everyone involved that you don’t come on this mission.” 
Yukio couldn’t help but feel for his twin brother. While he had never felt the connection between an alpha and an omega, he could feel the heartbreaking feeling from Rin. 
They had someone watch the truck as they went to retrieve you. Rin continued thrash around the truck and the person watching over Rin felt like he was going to explode at any second. Any alpha in a ten mile radius heard his scream. It was the scream that made any alpha feel for him. He was separated from his omega and that was a position no alpha wanted to be in. Any omega within the radius of your presence heard your whimpers and cries. 
Rin couldn’t even fathom to think what those sickening demons were doing to you. He need to be next to you and cover you in his scent. He was on the verge of releasing his flames and he knew that if he did that, Rin feared that he wouldn’t be able to come back from it. 
Even though people knew the connection between an alpha and an omega, they didn’t know the dangers that came from it. An alpha could go into a state of insanity if he didn’t have his omega and Rin was on the brink of getting there. 
Just as Rin was about to break from the chains, what felt like years later, the doors of the truck opened. Yukio looked at his brother and felt like crying right there. He never seen his own twin brother this lost in his life. Sweat, tears, and even spots of blood were running down his arms and face. 
“She’s safe.” Yukio managed to say as he noticed Rin finally break free from the chains and belts. He ran out of the truck and Yukio plus Bon and Shura tackled him down to the floor. “She needs to be evaluated before you can even think of seeing her.” 
Rin with all the power in his body broke through everyone and sprinted to where he thought he could find you. Yukio and Bon chased after him but by the time they tackled him to the ground again, Rin seen you. 
“RIN CALM DOWN!” Bon screamed as he felt like if he pulled Rin’s arms back anymore, he was going to actually break them. “Rin, you’ll see her in a few minutes. Calm the hell down before Shura gets the chance to sedate you and then you for sure won’t see her.” 
For the first time all day, Rin actually listened. Bon and Yukio continued to hold him to the ground as they waited for the people working on you to give them the cue to let Rin go. 
Again, it felt like Rin waited for hours to finally see you but when they screamed to Yukio that Rin was free to go, they didn’t even get the chance to finish the sentence before Rin ran towards you at full speed. He knew that he should’ve been more careful with you considering he didn’t know the full extent of your injuries but as soon as he got into arms reach, he tackled you into a hug. He immediately started scenting you as he noticed everyone leaving the small tent. 
“WHAT HAPPENED? DID THEY TOUCH YOU? WHERE? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY INJURED?” Rin didn’t even give you the chance to respond as he continued to scent you. “YOU’RE OKAY, YOU’RE WITH ME NOW.” 
You nodded as you let him continue to scent you. You knew it was a rough few hours with for the both of you and you just let him do whatever he needed to do as you silently wiped your tears from relief. 
“I’m glad you’re okay.” You whispered to Rin as you managed to get him to calm down for a second. “We’re both fine and we can try to get back to normal.” 
Rin nodded as he wiped the final tear that ran down your face. “Okay, as long as you’re okay, I’ll be fine.” The rest of the night was the both of you wrapped in a blanket and no one dared to disturb the both of you. They had seen Rin angry before but never like this and if everyone was being honest, they never wanted to see Rin like that again. 
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outerbankswriting · 4 years
Could it be? Chapter 11 (JJ x Reader)
JJ x Reader
CH.1 - CH.2 - CH.3 - CH.4 - CH.5 - CH.6 - CH.7 - CH.8 - CH.9 - CH.10
Description: She has a crush on JJ, but he has always seen her as another one of the “dudes”, or  at least that’s what she thinks so she just doesn’t even try anymore, until things start to shift between the two of them. (A/N: I’M NOT GOOD AT DESCRIPTIONS BUT THESE IS JUST WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO HAPPEN IN OUTER BANKS WITH JJ)
Warnings: mentions of sexual trauma
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You shot a glance at Sarah once she finished spilling all your business. You watched as she gave you an innocent smile after realising you didn’t want everyone to know about Rafe yet.
“Look, I can explain alright?” You sighed as you reached for a beer. It was going to be a long day.
“Please do.” Kie muttered, raising her eyebrow at you.
You looked at JJ who was staring straight into your eyes, you couldn’t tell if he was hurt or angry but either of those options made your stomach twist.
“He promised that if I faked it for a night, he would leave all of us alone which means th-”
“And you believed him?” Pope was quick to cut you off.
“Why would you even trust Rafe Cameron in the first place?” John B added.
“If you would all stop interrupting me, then maybe I would be able to clear your doubts.” You spat coldly at your friends.
“Go on then.” Kie nodded.
“It’s just for the night, so he can be on the clear with his father and have no problems whatsoever,” you bit your lip, “after that I’m completely done with him.”
The silence was broken by JJ’s sarcastic laugh, making you immediately stare at his movements.
“Well I think it’s bullshit,” he gulped down his beer before standing up, “and if you’re trusting Rafe Cameron, then you can’t be trusted either.”
His words hit you like a thousand knives on the chest.
He definitely felt betrayed by you but his anger was stronger than the pain he was feeling. He tossed the empty beer on the sand, ignoring Kie’s complaining and gave you a final glare before walking away from the group.
“JJ,” you sighed and rushed to walk towards him, ignoring whatever your friends were complaining about as well, “JJ wait!”
You tried to walk faster towards him but the sand wasn’t letting you catch up to his pace.
“JJ stop!” You yelled a little louder but he kept walking.
You decided to run towards him, ignoring how ridiculous you looked trying to run in the sand for trying to chase a guy.
“JJ let me talk to you.” You grabbed his arm making him turn to face you.
His eyes drifted to the sea, not bothering to look at yours.
He was stubborn and you knew him too well to know how whenever he gets angry, his mind becomes clouded with his own thoughts, not bothering to listen or try to understand anything.
“Do you honestly think I want to talk to you right now?” He spat out.
But he was not the only stubborn one here, you were not going to let him leave without first making him listen to you.
“I want you to listen.”
“I don’t want to listen.” His jaw clenched and he pulled his arm away from you.
You were starting to get annoyed but you couldn’t blame him for feeling this way.
“JJ stop walking away from me!”
“You listen to me!” He raised his voice at you as he walked closer to you, your eyes starting to water at his actions, “I cannot trust you if you keep lying to my face!”
“I never lied to you JJ!”
“You said you were not going back to him!”
“I’m not!”
“Then why the fuck are you going as his girlfriend to the stupid party?!”
His eyes were filled with anger and your face probably looked like the one of a scared puppy since JJ’s features softened at the realisation of how loud he was raising his voice at you and how he was projecting his anger.
“I just can’t believe how you can still trust him after everything he’s done.” He lowered his voice but the anger still hadn’t left him.
“Nothing’s going to happen between us JJ,” you slowly walked closer to him, afraid he was going to walk away at any second, “I’m not going to let it happen.”
JJ licked his lips while shaking his head in frustration, he tried to avoid eye contact with you but failed once you softly caressed his cheek, making him calm down a bit.
“If that asshole lays a finger on you, I promise I’m going to kill him.” He muttered as his breathing got slower.
“Sarah is going to be there,” you said and grabbed his hand, “and so will my parents JJ. It’s just one night and then Rafe will be out of our lives.”
His eyes softened as you kept caressing his cheek and holding his hand. You watched as he slightly nodded, knowing he was still not trusting Rafe.
“Let’s go home okay?” You whispered before giving him a light kiss.
The two of you went to your house, not really bothering on letting your friends know you weren’t going back to the beach. You were probably going to send a text later to Kie explaining her everything. Right now all you cared about was calming JJ down and letting him know things were going to be alright.
Once you were in the comfort of your bedroom you decided to grab some beers from the fridge to loosen up a bit and forget the tension that had built a few minutes ago.
You knew JJ was still upset and angry since he wasn’t really talking.
“Last to finish their beer has to cook dinner.” You playfully winked at him before taking a big gulp of your beer.
You noticed JJ take a sip of his beer, not really following your little game to cheer things up.
“JJ come on,” you sat down on the bed next to him, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you last night.”
“It’s not only that Y/N,” he said softly this time, “it’s the fact you always tell me your relationship with him was bad and I know there’s something about him you’ve been hiding from me.”
You didn’t know what to say so you just stared at your bed covers.
“Do you see?” JJ went on, “How can I trust you completely if you can’t even trust me?”
“I do trust you JJ,” you sighed, “I just,”
You took a deep breath, thinking about the right way to tell him.
“I have never talked about this to anyone because it scares me.”
His eyebrows furrowed as he moved closer to you.
“What do you mean Y/N?” He softly grabbed your hand.
“I just don’t know how to say it.” Your voice trembled and you felt your eyes start to tear up, JJ immediately cupping your face.
“Hey Y/N,” he whispered, “you can trust me, I’ll take care of you.”
You stared at his eyes while letting a few tears fall down your face. The two of you had already seen each other at your most vulnerable times and that’s what had made you feel so close to him.
You knew you had to tell JJ, you knew it was time to let it out, even if it scared you and even if you knew JJ would probably lose his shit.
You took a deep breath.
“I didn’t really want to do it with him,” your voice was low and soft and you noticed JJ’s jaw clench as he realised what you were talking about, “but I didn’t know how to tell him.”
You fought back the tears as you remembered the first time you had sex with Rafe and how you knew you weren’t ready but he somehow convinced you.
“It’s not like I told him I didn’t want to,” your voice trembled again, “I just let him do it because he was my boyfriend at the time even though I didn’t want to, and after the first time I didn’t want to do it again, but when I told him he got mad at me and he started hanging out with other girls so I just,”
You paused to stare at JJ, his eyes were once again filled with anger but there were also tears in them. His hand was still holding yours tightly, giving you the trust and confidence to keep going.
“I just did it again with him until I learnt to kind of enjoy it I guess? But there were more times I didn’t want to do it than times I did want to, and it just haunts me.”
You let the tears fall down as you felt a weight being lifted from your shoulders.
“JJ?” You asked once you noticed he remained silent, his eyes filled with tears and not leaving yours.
“That piece of shit.” He muttered as he trembled with rage.
“I’m going to kill him.” He spat out coldly.
“JJ I told you this because I trust you, please,” you cupped his face, “stay out of this.”
“Are you kidding me Y/N?” He raised his eyebrows at you, “My fist on his face is the least I could to him to make him pay for what he did.”
“He never forced me to do it.”
“But he manipulated you Y/N.”
“I know that now,” you sighed, “but I didn’t know that back then.”
He nodded and bit his lip but you grabbed his face and made him stare straight into your eyes.
“I’m a different person now JJ, I’ve learnt from it.”
Just when his tears were about to fall down his face, he wrapped his arms around you, making you let out all the tears you were fighting back and feeling safe in his embrace.
“I will never hurt you Y/N,” he sobbed against your neck, “I’ll always take care of you.”
You weren’t even able to let out the words you wanted to tell him, you wanted to tell him how much you loved him but the words just wouldn’t come out because of your loud sobbing.
“I’ll be there.” He whispered once he let go of the embrace and cupped your face.
“What are you talking about?” You asked while wiping away the last tears falling from his eyes.
“I’m going to the party and I’ll be watching over you and I don’t care if your parents hate me for that.”
You smiled with tears in your eyes before nodding and softly placing your lips against his.
A/N: I touched a pretty sensitive topic this chapter and I really want to talk about this. unwanted consensual sex (also known as gray zone sex) is a thing that happens to so many people and it’s not talked about enough. one of my closest friends experienced this and it has affected her sexual relationships deeply. if you’ve ever been through something like this please know that you’re not alone and you can always talk to me. you should never feel pressured to do sexual intercourse or any other sexual activities by anyone, not even your partner.
sorry for all the mess that’s been going on with my tumblr, I honestly don’t know what happened but tumblr support apparently already fixed it...
thank u so much if you’re still reading this story, means a lot!
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snowdice · 5 years
The Things We Never Mentioned (Part 2 of 3)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan/Patton
Characters: Logan, Patton, Remy
“Believe it or not, academia and relationships are not mutually exclusive.” That was likely true, Logan knew. It was also not the problem.
The problem was his ability to move things with his mind, a blue suit he kept in his bag, and the mountains of red files he kept hidden in his apartment. No one knew that Logan was Bluebird, the cities resident superhero. He hadn’t even told his parents and he wasn’t planning on doing so. Sharing such a secret with anyone was a danger to everyone involved. He refused to do so.
At the same time, he knew that starting a romantic relationship with anyone who didn’t know the truth, was unfair to that person. Inevitably they would find out and there would be a disastrous fallout, but beyond that, starting a relationship on a foundation of lies was a horribly cruel thing to do to another person.
These two conflicting rules Logan followed had never posed an issue for him before recently, but…
But he did like Patton.
This is a three-shot dealing with events set before my story Sometimes Labels Fail set about a month and a half after the mini fics A Coffee Shop Meet Cute and A Coffee Shop Incident Report.
Notes: Superhero AU, Surgery, Medical Procedures
Fair warning, I found while writing this that I actually have no idea how emergency surgery works and so had to boldly guess.
Things to not have be your last line of a chapter if you’re an Emergency Room surgeon  “I’ll, um, see you later. Probably not today, but later.”
Things to not have be your last line of a chapter if you’re a secret superhero  “Somebody kill me.”
Part 1
It was calm night at work. Which, Remy thought with a wince, was probably not a good thing to think when one worked in an ER. He’d definitely just jinxed it. If some vengeful god decided to crash a bus of innocent people because Remy dared to have the thought that it was a slow night, then that god was an asshole and Remy refused to feel guilty about it.
Remy had only been working in this ER for a few months, but he’d already gotten a feel for how things worked on most nights. It was only about 9pm, but Remy knew he had a long night ahead of him and there was a nice break in his duties, so he was gallivanting off to the break room to snag himself a cup of coffee (the break room coffee was horrible, but it was a necessity) when the city alarms went off.
Most places had televisions set up so people could see the drama unfolding when supervillains attacked the city, but the Emergency Room had one in just about every room that staff frequented which were linked with the alarms so they turned on automatically when the alarm sounded. The staff had to be prepared for the possible influx of patients after all. So, Remy got a first-row seat to the newest super powered fist fight.
The scene on the screen was a fight between two very well-known supers. The villain, Telemonger had been around for almost a decade at this point. She had telekinesis and had a tendency to show up to cities and rain down destruction. She was an A level B in Remy’s book.
The hero, Bluebird, had the same powers but was much newer. He’d only been on the scene for a little over two years, but he was pretty good and had a good standing in the city he protected. People loved him. Beyond the fact that statistically the body counts when he was the one fighting were the lowest in the country, he also just seemed like an okay dude to most people, Remy included. Superheroes weren’t always as heroic as people would wish and sometimes it seemed like they were more going out for notoriety than a desire to help people. Bluebird, on the other hand, didn’t seem to give a flying fuck about statues, keys to the city, hero turf wars, or publicity stunts. Remy could respect that.
So, someone might forgive the nurse if he felt a little nervous about the fight where for most matchups, he’d just be eating popcorn and hoping civilians didn’t die.
They were on the outskirts of the city near the six-lane highway coming into town, both hovering only slightly off the ground and facing each other. The cause of the conflict was clear. There was a passenger train hovering over Telemonger’s head. There wasn’t a train track anywhere near that location, so Remy imagined the people on that train were having quite the fucking day. Bluebird was clearly saying something to her, but this part of town wasn’t set up for this sort of drama and news casters were desperately trying to get the cameras and the long distant microphones working so Remy couldn’t understand what he was saying.
He did, however, very easily understand the response.
She tossed the train right toward the highway. It slowed in midair and stopped only a few feet from crashing on top of the turbine interchange. Remy winced in sympathy. He had never used telekinetic powers himself, but he knew enough theory. Bluebird was strong and had clear potential to get stronger, but he was relatively unpracticed and that had to be quite the strain. While he was distracted, Telemonger sent a piece of concrete directly at his unprotected stomach. He was bowled over by it. Remy could see the train shudder in the air, but somehow it remained there instead of crushing the cars beneath it. Telemonger waved her arm at his face and there was nothing the eye could see, but by the way Bluebird went careening backwards onto the ground, Remy could guess the strength of the hit. The train still didn’t fall though, and she landed to stalk forward toward him with focused intensity.
Oh, Remy realized with sudden clarity. She was here for Bluebird, wasn’t she? This was targeted. As Remy said, he had clear potential and a hero’s will. She was here to nip that in the bud. She didn’t give two shits about the civilians. They were tools for her to get to Bluebird because she knew they weren’t tools to him.
Bluebird suddenly shot straight up in the air flying fast enough that the cameras set to focus on him couldn’t track him. The train was jerked up suddenly and moved a good distance away from the highway over a field before being let down gently.
Telemonger chased after him, tossing ripped up concrete and other objects at him while he did his best to dodge. One he managed to catch as it zoomed by him and redirect in a circle to whip back at her. She just barely dodged. She appeared to grow frustrated with that and spread out her arms before clapping her hands hard in a move Remy recognized from news casts. A wave of force slammed into Bluebird, but Bluebird did something Remy and surely Telemonger had not been expecting. Instead of getting distracted cushioning his own fall, his own hand lashed out and, distracted, she went flying. Telemonger’s head slammed against one of the interstate ramps and she fell. She did not get up.
It had been a decision, clear as day. Remy could see it. She could have easily won that fight and when she did, she would have hurt people. Bluebird had seen an opportunity to take her out. He took it.
Bluebird hit the ground, probably not with as much impact as a person without powers would have, but with more force than someone who could fly should have. He also didn’t move after he hit.
It felt like the whole hospital, no, the whole city, went silent for a long moment.
Then, pandemonium.
People started rushing every which way, preparing for the inevitable conclusion of what was still happening on screen as first responders scrambled onto the scene. Remy hadn’t been here long enough to know what to do in this sort of situation and ended up just allowing himself to be pushed out of the way as things were prepped. Somehow all of that pushing managed to get him right smack dab in the middle of everything.
“You!” one of the higher ups said pointing to him. “In trauma room 2. They need a nurse. Now.” And Remy was definitely not going to argue right now. He scrambled to obey.
When he’d gotten in the correct outerwear and washed his hands, he entered the room. There were a couple of people already in the room that Remy vaguely recognized. There was an anesthesiologist and a surgical tech prepping the room as well as a surgeon. He’d met the surgeon once when he’d given Remy a cookie a couple months before. By reputation, Remy knew that, despite being pretty young, barely older than Remy himself, he was probably one of the best surgeons in the emergency room that night.
“Good,” Dr. Sanders said when he saw Remy come in. He did not look like the friendly, bubbly man who had offered Remy food and a smile. He looked serious, calm, and ready for whatever life could throw at him. “If he’s conscious at all when he gets here, get any information you can,” he told Remy and oh, oh shit. Was this what Remy thought this was?
Well, he couldn’t chicken out now.
He nodded at the doctor and the doctor nodded back before turning to the surgical tech and continuing to help prep everything right.
It was probably less than a minute later when the patient arrived. Bluebird was wheeled in by two other nurses and someone who seemed to be a first responder judging by the uniform.
“I’m with the mask,” the first responder said. She was an older lady with a serious face.
“Get washed up in there,” Dr. Sanders said pointing, “there’s scrubs and a window. Everyone else non-essential out.”
She nodded and rushed over to the indicated room. Being ‘with the mask’ meant she was one of the first people on the scene and was responsible for making sure the superhero wouldn’t be unmasked in medical procedures. It was called the masking courtesy and while all medical professionals were supposed to adhere to it, not everyone could be trusted to do so. She’d made the choice to take on the legal responsibility to protect Bluebird’s identity until such a time as he could make decisions himself or was dead.
Oh god. Remy really hoped not dead. The bitch had probably just saved the city from being razed down and eaten pavement for his efforts. Remy didn’t particularly want to watch him die after that.
He could feel the first responder’s eyes drilling into his back as he approached Bluebird, and he very carefully kept his hands far away from his face and in view of the window. Bluebird’s eyes flickered to him when Remy leaned over him a bit. He was still conscious, but it seemed just barely. “Hey buddy,” Remy said. “We’re going to let you sleep in a minute, but I need you to stay awake for me for just a bit. We don’t have any medical history for obvious reasons and I’m not going to ask you who you are, but is there anything we need to know? Allergies, blood conditions, stuff like that?”
Bluebird thought about it for a long moment and Remy wasn’t sure if he was going to get a response. “No,” he finally gritted out, his voice clearly pained.
“Okay that’s good. We’re going to take care of all of that okay. We’ll fix you up. You know what’s happening? We’re going to have to do some surgery”
“Yes,” he said. “You have my permission.”
“Okay, good, that’s good,” Remy said. Apparently, those words had taken a lot out of him because his eyes started to drift closed. “Hey, hey, come back for a sec. Do you know your blood type?”
There was a slow blink and his eyes didn’t focus, but he still said, “A positive.”
“Possible drugs in your system?”
No response. He was still awake, but he wasn’t fully aware.
“Hey buddy, stay with me.”
“A DNR?”
The first responder had gotten all washed up and was in scrubs. She came back over to them. Remy gave her a tight nod. “I think we’re good to go,” Remy said. At least as much as they could be.
“We’re going to get you started on some pain meds now,” the anesthesiologist told Bluebird. He made a sound in response to the new voice, but he seemed to not be quite all there anymore even before the drugs started to hit his system.
Dr. Sanders finished whatever prep he’d been doing and came back over to lean over and address the superhero. “Hello I-” but he was interrupted when Bluebird’s eyes managed to focus on his face
“Patton?” Bluebird slurred, eyebrows crinkling in confusion as he blinked up blearily. “Why are you a doctor?”
Dr. Sanders went still. Remy went still. Everyone in the room went still. He didn’t know, clearly, Remy thought. Whoever the man was behind the mask, Dr. Sanders knew him, but he didn’t know he knew him.
For a long moment, the only sound in the room was the heart monitor.
“This,” Dr. Sanders said softly, but there was something hard and deadly in his tone, “never leaves this room.” He looked up and met each of their eyes one by one. “If it does, I will personally make sure your life is ruined.” Remy believed him.
The anesthesiologist nodded, fear in her eyes and Remy followed suit along with the surgical tech. The first responder pressed her lips together and inclined her head. Dr. Sanders took a breath to steel himself. “Then we have a surgery to perform.”
 No one in that room ever said a word about that night to each other or anyone else (at least not for many, many years and even then it was only Remy and the surgeon with the superhero himself in the room). Yet, Remy found himself eating lunch with the surgical tech often over the years to come and always got a birthday card from the anesthesiologist once she’d moved away. They all showed up at the first responder’s retirement party a few years later and her funeral a few years after that. As for the man who was called “Patton” by a man in a mask that night, well, Remy would find, he ended up knowing him very well.
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AO3 Part 2 Part 3
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