104 posts
dude i write because i want to run away from my academic responsibilities okay? be friends with me tho hng °•°•°•°•°•°•°•°• my main blog is chuchaelin, so if y'all have messages or comments and that blog answered instead, don't worry that's just me.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hallelujahmeatgod · 2 years ago
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hallelujahmeatgod · 2 years ago
You gave your boyfriend a pointed look for the nth time today as he made another request while he sat all comfortable and relaxed on the couch.
"Jerk" You said under your breath, but complying to his request for snacks.
You rummaged through his pantry and picked out snacks and a drink for him. You returned to the living room where he's at and dropped everything beside him on the couch.
"Thank you my baby cakes" Rooster head grinned at you like a 5 year old.
You rolled your eyes at him, sitting down on the floor.
"What's with the attitude? Don't you wanna be with meeee??" He leaned forward and put his face next to yours, which you pushed away.
"You're enjoying this way too much aren't you? Making all kinds of requests." You scoffed, just making him chuckle. "You're completely mobile, you know?"
"Sure, but now I'm not?"
"You're just dramatic"
"I played a 5 set game and I could barely stand up, I'm not being dramatic babe. You should know how it is, Captain" He said overly dramatic. You rolled your eyes again at his stupidity. God knows how many times you've rolled your eyes at this guy today.
"Who's fault is that? Your stubborn ass didn't wanna get subbed out." You gave him a bored look. "And what was that? You could barely stand up? Bitch, is that why I saw you outrunning Lev over the last fucking banana?"
He just chuckled, scratching his head as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
"That's not me you saw, that's just your imagination. That's probably Akaashi you saw or something. I was with Kenma." He tried to make an excuse but you just gave him a disapproving look.
You flicked his forehead before snatching some of the snacks you brought him. "I can hear your stupid ass laugh from where I was. And with your rooster hair, I can recognize you anywhere. Plus, I'M with Kenma so how can you be with him? You suck at lying."
He opened his mouth but then just closed it again, not able to come up with another excuse.
"You just want to be babied, don't you?" You teased, shaking the shoulder he's resting his chin on.
"No I don't" He lifted his head from your shoulder, sitting back on the couch, avoiding your gaze. He crossed his arms on his chest with a pout on his lips. You really are dating a 5 year old huh?
You chuckled and sat down beside him on the couch. He scooted further to the end of the couch but you just moved closer to him.
"Uh-huh. Say's the guy who acted like he has wobbly knees so I'd have to hold him the whole time. Say's the guy who's using the excuse that he couldn't move a muscle because he played 5 sets so that he could make all sorts of requests including making me accompany him on a school night because he knows I'll comply with him." You said in a teasing tone, trying your best to hold in the laughter for now. Though giggles are already spilling from your lips.
"Y'know Kuroo, there's so many things you excel at, but let me tell you, acting ain't one of them. You look like a newborn giraffe earlier when you were on your wobbly knees agenda. I seriously don't know how you kept up with that stupid acting in public." You finally laughed out loud, hitting his arm lightly as you fell back on the couch, wiping happy tears from your eyes.
With that Kuroo himself wasn't able to hold it in as well, he lost his composure and laughed hard with you. "I HATE YOU" He managed to say in between his laughs.
"Can't move a muscle my ass. Bitch swore he's in a comma" You added, further making both of you laugh.
After laughing, crying, and snorting for a long time, you both finally calmed down, both of you with red tomato faces and tear stained cheeks.
"I understand you're tired, but seriously drop the baby giraffe agenda"
"Can you not call it that? We just calmed down, you're gonna make me laugh again" He said, lightly chuckling, wiping the remaining happy tears on his eyes with his shirt. "But my arms and legs do feel like they're gonna fall off." He pouted.
"I can imagine." You said, going back down on the floor, sitting in front of him. You then took off his shoes for him and started to lightly massage his sore legs. "Better?"
He hummed a response, looking at you with literal hearts in his eyes.
"You really do just want to be babied" You chuckled, shaking your head. "6 foot baby"
"Is it bad to want to be babied by my girlfriend?" He cocked his head to the side which is actually very cute. He looks like those cute kittens.
"Nah~ it's actually cute since you're the one always babying people, EHEM special mention Kenma EHEM. It's fine, just never act again"
"Shut up! Arghh-- I'm sore all over" He winced lightly when he moved a little too sudden.
"You had it coming for being a stupid ass. Seriously no subs? Not even once? You're mental."
You gave him a dumbfounded look, shaking your head. Of course this airhead and his airhead bestie bet on it.
Kuroo can already be stupid on his own, but adding Bo into the mix, that's just chaos.
"What's the bet?" Okay, let's hear the stupid ass bet.
"He said he'll adopt Lev if I don’t get subbed out”
“BITCH YOU’RE GIVING LEV AWAY?” You pinched his leg real hard which made him reach out and cradle it as he winced in pain. “You ass hat even tried making it sound better by saying adopt”
“Kid really can’t spike nor receive for shit” He said, looking anywhere but me.
“And you think he’ll learn shit from Bo? How could you give away MY son? And how dare Bo take part in this? I’m gonna beat up Bo and then I’ll beat you up later.” You said, standing up and grabbing your things, ready to grill Bokuto.
As you stormed through the corridor of his dorm Kuroo had caught up to you.
“Oh so now you’re perfectly fine?” You stopped on your tracks, turned to him, and kicked his shin lightly, making him yelp in pain as he rubbed it. “Nobody is getting MY baby Lev, mostly Bo!” You turned around and stormed off.
He stumbled, following you, walking limply. “I THOUGHT KENMA’S OUR SON?!”
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hallelujahmeatgod · 2 years ago
+pairing/s: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, Chifuyu
+warning/s: CURSING
+word count: 1282
I FREAKING LOVE JUJUTSU KAISEN AND I LOVE TOKYO REV SO WHY NOT MAKE A LIL' CROSS OVER. This is another fruit of my negligence to my academic responsibilities. stay in school kids.
His immature ass would think y'all having a ✨joke time✨
He'd go…."SAMEDT" 👉👈
Yep, he wouldn't take you seriously.
He'd be all Harry Potter on you, telling you to be the Draco to his Lucius Malfoy cause he blonde.
Then he'd make up fucking spells he said he wish he can use on other gangs.
Even if you tell him not the Harry Potter style, he'd be like "Oh-- Of course! You like Howl Pendragon more duhhhh"
Yes, he's just straight up stupid.
"Mikey, I'm being serious right now. I'm really a freaking sorcerer. Not like Harry Potter nor like Howl Pendragon. I'm a genuine one and I fight cursed spirits." You basically pleaded so it'd register properly to his dumb blonde head.
"You fight cursed spirits? Yet all you do is curse? Are you a curse?" He gave you a genuinely confused look, and there's nothing more that you want to do than whack him in the head right now.
"It's not like that-- why do you think I've never taken you to my place yet even though you always ask me?" You asked exasperated, trying your best to convince this asshole with all you've got.
Maybe this will work since he's always been curious about where you live, mostly now that y'all dating.
"You did told me once that there’s a fucking gang of dogs going about your streets.That’s scary as fuck, I ain’t dealing with no gang dogs."
"Your dumbass really believed-- IT’S BECAUSE I LIVE IN THE INSTITUTION!! Y'know, where other sorcerer's are at? I live in a dorm there, with LITERAL sorcerer's, Mikey. And it’s actually supposed to be a secret that’s why I couldn’t tell you back then." You emphasized your words as much as you could.
Whoever's up above do help--
"WAIT YOU LIVE IN A DORM? THAT'S SOOOO COOL. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? I'VE ALWAYS DREAMT OF LIVING IN A DORM" He jumped like a little kid on Christmas day, eyes twinkling as he spoke with full excitement.
Yes, you just wasted saliva on emphasizing the sorcerer part just for him to be excited over the fact that you live in a dorm.
Deceased. That’s what you are.
"And here I thought Yuji was stupid. Little did I know I’m also dating one."
He'd give you a dumbfounded look
100% think you've finally gone cuckoo in the head.
Would ask if you bumped your head somewhere.
"Did you perhaps bang your head somewhere when I wasn't around?"
Would start planning how to book an appointment for therapy.
"Ken, listen to me. I'm literally a sorcerer" You said, looking him straight in the eyes, holding him by the shoulder's.
He just looked back, looking more concerned by the second.
"What am I thinking right now then?"
"How the heck would I know?"
"You're a sorcerer, no?"
"A sorcerer, Ken. Not a fucking mind reader" You rolled your eyes at him.
"Same thing to me" He shrugged. "C'mon little one, I think you're a little too worked up today that you’re daydreaming right now." He said, dragging you with him.
"But Kennnnn" you whined.
"Which doctor do you even ask for help with shit like this? I didn't sign up for this" He said quietly to himself, but you still heard him so you gave him a good ol' yank on the hair.
"I hope you get cursed, Ken. I hope Jogo and his besties find you."
Straight up wheezing.
Will end up on the floor, snorting, tearing up, y'know the whole 9 yards of losing your mind.
When he sees that you're serious, WOULD LAUGH EVEN MORE CAUSE YOU LOOK STUPID TO HIM.
"This is what happens when you watch too much of that Levi-O-sa shit."
"Are you done?" You deadpan.
"Are YOU?" He returns the question to you, still hasn't fully calmed down.
Wonder how it feels like to be THAT happy.
"I'm really not kidding. I'm really a sorcerer. I fight cursed spirits."
"You? Fight? Don't seem like they should be in the same sentence" He mused, laughter starting to spill from his mouth again.
"Well, you're one to correct what's to be in the same sentence. Learn how to fucking write first, stupid" You pouted, looking away from him cause he's really getting on your nerves now.
If it only wouldn't put you in trouble to use your cursed energy on normal people, you would've knocked him out with it already.
"Why can't you just believe me? Don't I look like I can do that? " You asked, looking down, still pouting.
He went up to you and held your face. He looked at you warmly and when he did you were given hope that he's finally going to believe you, but that's until….
"You do look like you belong in that world, babe. You look like the fucking curse, like those dementor shit."
And that was it, you knocked him out with your cursed energy.
Being scolded by Sensei is at least worth it.
Baby would be confused
He'd go "huh"
Wouldn't know how to respond.
Should he congratulate you? Should he weep? Should he be happy?
He's got no damn clue.
He's just peacefully sewing away when you told him you're a sorcerer, so now he can’t find that peace anymore.
“Mitsuya? Hello~” You called out to him, flailing your hands in front of his face.
Boy looks like he malfunctioned.
“Say what?” He asked, looking like a lost puppy.
“I said, I’m a sorcerer. Not like those magician type shit, like a cooler version of it. I fight curses.” You said slowly and clearly.
“Are you possessed?” He asked, voice filled with concern.
“I-- just get back to sewing, before I sew you instead.” You gave up, walking away from him.
“I’LL MAKE YOU A COSTUME IF YOU LIKE” He calls out, which you ignored because you might just end up SPITTING CURSES if you continue on.
Another dumb bitch who’d tease you to no end.
Laughs his ass off.
Thinks you're dumb cute, so you don’t know if you should be happy or nah.
Believes you’re high as a kite.
“I told you to not even take a whiff of those things some of the guys are smoking. Now look at you.”
“A sorcerer huh? Hmmm you just want to be peculiar so bad because you nerd over those kids in Miss Peregrine's so bad” He teased very mischievously, still making fun of you.
Lord, I’m about to hit him so stop me if it’s not his time to join you yet.
You just rolled your eyes, not even wanting to continue the conversation anymore.
“Or are you like Dr. Strange cause that would be epic as fuck!” He said, imitating Dr. Strange’s hand gesture. “Can you also see into the future? Can you see whether I’ll have a whole ass zoo in the future?”
“It’s not like that, dumbass. I deal with curses. Cursed spirits.” You said with pride, putting your hands on your hips.
“Damn that makes sense.” He nodded in understanding.
“That your vocabulary is cursed. If you can’t talk properly like any human being can, you just straight up spurt curses. Shit, I’ve never met someone who can construct a whole sentence with just curses. That’s some talent”
“My point exactly” He shrugged, smirking at you. Enjoying how you’re turning redder and redder from annoyance.
“I’m fucking calling Mahito on you so he can rearrange your whole being, you bitch!”
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hallelujahmeatgod · 2 years ago
Did I Forget Anything?
Tokyo Revengers  
+pairing: mikey x reader 
+summary: Mikey turning emo because you forgot something. 
+word count: 2588 
+warning: there’s really nothing, just cursing is all. 
+note: this is literally my first time posting something that i wrote here so take it easy on me mwehehehe. This is the fruit of my negligence to my academic responsibilities.
“Hey Y/n”
The Toman guys hollered as I entered their hideout or base if you will. 
As usual, they give my daily dose of serotonin. Without the scowls and uniform, no one would think these wholesome bunch are in a literal gang. 
“Sup guys!” I hollered back with the same energy.
Dating the leader of Toman, Mikey, literally made me untouchable. Actually, even before I dated Mikey I’ve always been kind of an untouchable, since I’ve been best friends with the founding members for the longest time. It’s only in high school we really started dating. 
It’s kind of cool because It’s like I have my own bodyguards but sometimes they could go a little overboard. I can’t really blame these guys cause they only go by Mikey’s orders, so it’s Mikey who I always need to talk to. Sometimes even the slightest bumps with other people sets him off which is honestly unnecessary, which usually ends up to fights.
“Took you long enough” Baji’s words cleared my train of thoughts with his deep sarcastic voice.
I rolled my eyes, giving him a look. “Keep the attitude and I’ll pop you, stupid ass. I literally bought you the food you asked for and I got this treatment.” I said, lightly throwing him the paper bag I’m holding, which he effortlessly caught.
He smiled as he looked at the contents, showing his cute little fangs. 
I wish he and his personality were as cute as his fangs.
He walked up to me and gave me head pats. “Okaeri” he smiled. I rolled my eyes, giving him a playful jab, before smiling back. Saying a little “stupid” under my breath.
He gestured for us to walk further to meet with the rest and so we did. He asked how school was and from there I talked non stop as he ate the snack I bought him, nodding as I talked. 
Definitely not listening.
“Oh she’s here. Okaerinasai.” Draken instantly noticed my presence, as always. I ran up to him, clinging onto his arm. “Hey little one” he greeted, looking down at me.
I giggled, shoving him a bit but still holding onto his arm. “Hey hey Ken. I saw you actually attended a class earlier, are you okay?” I teased.
“Was bored” he shrugged lazily.
Someone cleared their throat and our heads instantly snapped to their direction. 
My eyes met with Mikey’s dark, yet warm ones. Well at least right now they look warm since he’s calm.
He leaned back on his chair on the long table, raising a brow as if giving me a signal for something and I know exactly what it was, a greeting.
“Hey Mikey!” I greeted gleefully, letting go of Draken’s arm. But before I could go to Mikey someone had called me again.
“Y/n! I’m almost done with the project!” And just with those words you instantly turned around, running towards the person. Mitsuya.
“No way! Already?! Let me see” I skipped over to where he is at the other end of the room.
He’s sitting in front of his sewing machine, scissors, needles, threads, and charms scattered on the table as he sews away.
When I got to where he is and saw the progress he’s made I couldn’t help myself but to gasp out loud.
“O-oh– Mitsuya~ it’s really pretty. It’s gorgeous.” I said in awe, looking at the jacket he’s making. How can he make something so breathtakingly good?
Mitsuya and I share a common interest in clothing. So we would always make projects together, wherein I draw our desired design and he sews it. I know very simple sewing but I want to be as good as him, so nowadays he’s been teaching me how to sew too with the machine, cause I can only do the general hand stitching.
“It’s not even done yet, Y/n” He shook his head, chuckling. He patted the chair beside him and I didn’t have to be told twice and sat down. “Here, help me out” He said, giving me the jacket and letting me do the easier parts. “Not bad” he complimented.
“Oh– Suya, I’ve got something for you!” I perked, as I remembered something I’ve been excited for for the whole day. 
I grabbed my bag from where I had dropped it at the table beside Baji. I went back to Mitsuya in a flash and started rummaging through my bag until I found what I’ve been meaning to give him.
“HERE!” I basically yelled out of excitement, pulling out the patch from my bag and putting it in front of his face.
He immediately beamed, stood up and hugged me which I obviously returned. Mitsuya and I also share a love for patches. We love putting patches on our clothes and bags. Which is why we like to give each other patches. And as I’m walking earlier I walked past this store and I saw they had patches, so I obviously checked it out. I saw a patch that I think Mitsuya would like so I got it.
“Thank you so much, Y/n! This is such a cool patch.”
“I know right? Right up your alley.” I exclaimed.
After that, everything happened in a flash. Us sewing, talking with the rest of the gang about their day, fooling around, sharing memes, having a meeting, eating all together, just having a fun time. 
But now it’s time to go home.
“Thank you again for this, Y/n. Let’s go to that shop another day, yeah? I’ll buy you any patch you like.” Mitsuya grinned, patting my head as I jumped at him nodding eagerly.
Everyone started saying their goodbyes, riding their bikes.
“See you guys tomorrow. Y/n don’t forget tomorrow!” Baji called out to me as I nodded at him, gesturing for him to text me tomorrow. I basically just need to tutor him because his smug ass is failing classes.
“You riding with me bean?” Draken appeared by my side as I gave him a glare for the nickname, which he returned with a chuckle. He doesn’t have to rub it in my face that he’s much taller than me.
“She’s with me tonight” Mikey answered even before I could.
On many occasions I ride home with Draken since our homes are in the same direction, while Mikey’s is at the opposite. And since they’re usually always tired after a long day of gang stuff activities *ehem fights ehem* Draken and I would insist that I just ride with him since we’re going the same direction anyway.
I gave Mikey a surprised look because I really thought he’d let me go with Draken today, since he’s now looking a little aggravated. 
“C’mon, Y/n.” Mikey said seriously, getting on his bike.
Draken and I shared confused looks, but then we just shrugged and said our goodbyes.
This is just another episode of moody Mikey, so it’s nothing new. 
This is usually the case with Mikey when tiredness starts creeping its way up his system.
On the way home, as usual I was talking Mikey’s ears off. I’d always do this and usually he’d have the same enthusiasm as me, but today he might be too tired? Because he’s not really replying. I just kept on speaking though since I thought it’d take his mind off of the stress he might be feeling.
When we reached my apartment I instantly dragged him inside. This is a perk of having guardians that are way too busy, you basically live alone, so you can just take someone with you whenever you like. I’m basically living by myself with free rent, no bills to pay, and free food. What a life right?
“Do you wanna eat anything? Snacks? I’ve got those candies you love, mostly those gummy worm ones. I’ll also grab us drinks too!” I announced, running to the kitchen, rummaging through my pantry for his candies and snacks. 
He better cheer up with this. I always hold back from eating these because I always wanna make sure I have sweets for him whenever he feels like dropping by or staying.
“Oh– Mikey, are you okay?” I asked, when I turned around and I saw him standing by the couch just watching me intently as I moved around the kitchen.
“You tell me.” He replied. Totally not smiling.
I looked at him in confusion, tilting my head to the side and brows furrowing.
Wait, are we not okay? 
But he gave me a ride though?
“Mikey, I’m afraid I’m not catching up to you babe.” I said, setting the snacks and drinks on the table and made my way to him. I pulled him by the waist and let my arms rest there.
I looked at him expectantly but his petty ass looked away from me, a pout forming in his cute face.
I don’t know what I did, but I do know I’m gonna have to comfort his cute little childish ass right now. Just Mikey things.
I whined, trying to make him look at me but he wouldn’t budge. “Mikey, you know I hate it when you don’t tell me what’s up.”
He finally looked at me but with a look that’s kind of saying ‘you’re one to talk’.
“And you know I hate it when you forget shit. Shit you’re not supposed to forget.” He retorted.
“Stupid”’ He pouted even more, rolling his eyes at me. “It’s none of those. And honestly by now you should’ve figured it out already, It’s too easy.”
I looked up, tightening my hold on his waist as I tried racking my brain of what I might’ve missed. 
Seriously, what the fuck did I miss? 
He caught on my still lost state and he groaned, just getting more annoyed. “Considering you’re this close to me, you really still don’t know?” He asked, clearly stressed out.
“Huh? Did I forget to look you straight in the eyes or something earlier? Wait– did I…..”
He looked at me expectantly, eyes started to have a glint, nodding for me to continue and finish my sentence.
“Did I forget to pat you on the head and tell you ‘Mikey, you’ve done well today. Keep up the good work.’ Is that it?” I said, looking as dumb as ever. I know that’s not the answer but it’s worth a shot.
“Are you kidding me right now?! You’re this close and you’re even holding me like this and you still really don’t know what you haven’t done with me? Dude.” He clicked his tongue, kind of wiggling from my hold but I didn’t let him move. I just tightened my hold on him, clenching the fabric of his uniform in my hand as if my life depends on it.
I joined them. ✅
I bought/brought things they asked me to bring. And he did also confirm that he didn’t ask anything from me, just the other guys. ✅
I saw him and looked him in the eyes.✅
I smiled at him when I saw him. ✅
I literally almost yelled his name when I greeted him. ✅
So what else did I miss? I did greet him.
Hmmmm. Oh– OH😳
I looked up at him again as he gave me a bored look. He was about to say something but before he could I crashed my lips on his.
Is this right? I mean it’s not one of the things on my brain checklist.
He was still for a moment so I also didn’t move because I’m scared I’m going to tick him off. But then he finally sighs, shoulders dropping in a comfortable manner, and he moves his lips in unison with mine. 
So it is a kiss.
Now that I’m thinking about it, DUH OF COURSE IT’S A KISS.
Mikey would always, and I mean ALWAYS, demand kisses when we see each other. He despises it when no kisses are given after we greet each other. After greeting each other he’d always pull me for a kiss or he’d be waiting for me to give him one when he’s being a lazy ass.
So obviously it’s a kiss. My dumb ass never felt dumber in my life 
No wonder he was looking at me a little too hopeful earlier when I arrived.
After a long ass time, we finally pulled apart, literally sucking each other’s breaths. 
He looked down at me as he also snaked his arms on my waist. “That took you way too long to figure out, are you sure you’ll be good at tutoring Baji?” He joked, pulling me closer, if it’s even possible.
I playfully glared at him. “Shut up. I’m sorry I got you all moody, my crybaby, Mikey awww” I cooed, which got him grimacing, making me laugh.
“I kinda still hate you for that. You didn’t talk much to me already, then you forgot to kiss me. You’re getting a little too famous with Toman, shall I ban you?” He joked, which earned him a pinch on his waist.
“Step down and make me leader instead, I’m sure everyone wouldn’t mind." 
"And what are you gonna do? Have a meme fight with other gangs? The gang with the best meme wins? If that’s the case, I actually think Toman will be able to conquer any gang existing. I’ve never seen someone have so many memes that you have to arrange them by category. I thought people only did that with porn” He mused, which got me wheezing. If he weren’t holding me I would’ve doubled on the ground right now.
“Who’s porn did you see? I hate you so much.” I said, still trying to catch my breath from laughing too hard.
“I missed you.” He said after I calmed down, burying his face on my neck, holding me flushed against him.
I held him as tight as he’s holding me, rubbing his back all the way up to his beautiful blonde locks.
It’s moments like this that makes me melt the most. When the oh so scary leader turns into a baby who needs all the love, care, and affection in the world. I swear he can make me cry when he acts like this.
“I missed you too, Manjiro” I said, taking his face in my hand so I could look at him. “C'mon let’s devour those candies and snacks, watch a movie, and cuddle.” I giddily took his hand in mine, guiding him to the couch.
“That’s it?” He teased, watching me drop all the candies and snacks beside him on the sofa.
“And unlimited kisses cause duh, I wouldn’t mind shoving my tongue down your throat all night long.” I said, making him laugh out loud.
My most favorite sound.
“Same” He said, pulling me down beside him, giving me a peck. “I love you”
“I love you bitch, Iaintevergonnastoplovingyou BITCH” I answered back, kissing him as he chuckled into the kiss.
“Let’s watch 28 dresses” He said, already devouring the candies.
“Well, I fucking love you more." 
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
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“We’re not buying those. Put them back!”
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
you dozed off in class so you ask your bestie for notes HAIKYUU EDITION
Characters: Daichi, Kuroo, Oikawa, Ushijima, Bokuto.
Lots of cursing on this one since they are ur bestie anyway kekeke. OH HOW I WISH THEY'RE REAL PEOPLE AND I'M BESTIES WITH THEM😭
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
bonten taking care of their children
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notes ; it’s been a while , and i miss you guys🫶🏻 sorry for leaving you guys without any words from me :(
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
Manhwa: Full Volume / 마이크 없이도 들려
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Si usa alguna de estas imágenes, no olvide los créditos, ya que los Paneles que subo están limpios, lo que requiere mucho trabajo.
If you use any of these images, don't forget the credits, as the panels I upload are cleaned up which takes a lot of work.
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Founder of Diabolism)
Let's see a new version of saving by Wei Wuxian, shall we?
warning/s: there's really nothing considering that this is honestly just wuxian and wen chao's battle of pettiness keke.
+++ just a little imagine i came up with in my free time. i had so much fun making this. really believe im hilarious and funny because of this. u guys be the judge hahahaha.
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"Oh-- there you are, Y/n. I've been looking for you everywhere, ever since they said you've arrived." Wei Wuxian chirped, appearing at your side out of nowhere.
You gave him a lost look as he pulled you by the arm towards him.
"What are you doing?" You whispered.
He gave you a smile, hugging you to make it seem like you're greeting each other.
"I'm saving you. I can see how much you want to run away from him from across the room." Wuxian chuckled, patting your head when he pulled away.
The man in front of you cleared his throat, raising a brow at Wuxian and his actions.
"Wen Chao! Brother Wen, I didn't even notice you there. With that flashy ass robe and headpiece you'd think I'd notice you but I really didn't. How have you been?" Wuxian greeted Wen Chao who seemed to be very displeased by his presence.
"I've been fine, Wei Wuxian" Wen Chao answered with no enthusiasm whatsoever. "What are you doing here?" He cut through the chase, eyeing Wuxian's arm linked with yours.
"I may not be of their blood but I'm still from the Yunmeng Jiang clan, and this is a gathering for all clans so of course I can't miss out on this. Wen, you seem to be looking down on me. Brother, I'm quite hurt." Wuxian sighs dramatically.
"That's not what I was referring to. I'm asking why are you here interfering with my conversation with lady Y/n. Though you're very much right, I do look down on you." Wen Chao rolled his eyes.
Wuxian chuckled at the insult, pulling you even closer to him.
"Well~ Like I said I was looking for her, and now that I've found her obviously I'd greet her!" Wuxian answered as enthusiastically as ever, earning a raise of a brow from Wen Chao
"And why would you look for her? Plus how can you be so clingy to her? You might be making her uncomfortable, that's not proper etiquette for us men."
Wow he's one to talk about etiquette.
"Why wouldn't I?" Wuxian asked back, grinning widely when he saw Wen Chao's annoyed expression. "And I can be clingy to her as much as I want since we know each other personally. We're really great friends. Something you don't have." Wuxian smirked.
You swear you can almost see steam come out of Wen Chao's ears.
It is true that you're friends with Wuxian. You're great friends with his sister Yanli and you met him through her.
"Well, I'd like to inform you that you're interfering with our conversation. I'm having a wonderful conversation with the gorgeous lady Y/n. So leave. " Wen Chao said dismissively, giving Wuxian a pointed look.
Wen Chao then looked at you and you wanted nothing but to punch his stupid face.
What makes him think you'll fall for someone like him? You'd rather be alone for the rest of your life than end up with a smug, selfish, spoiled, good for nothing prick like him.
"Hmm from the looks of it, it seems like you're trying to make moves on her." Wuxian stated, surprising Wen Chao, who looks like he's just been caught.
You gave Wuxian a pointed look because you have no idea where he's trying to go from here.
He better not pull any stupid tricks if he's really trying to "save" you.
Wen Chao immediately redeemed himself, cleared his throat, and pushed his chin up, giving Wei a very proud look. "And what if I am?"
Wuxian whistled from the cockiness, chuckling a little. "That's cute, but that won't work you know~" he teased.
"And who are you to say that?"
"Well I'm her future brother-in-law, that's what I am!" Dumbass Wuxian chirped, shocking both you and Wen Chao.
Everything was escalating so quickly that you're unable to really comprehend what he just said, so all you could mutter is "Huh?" while Wuxian looked around, seeming to look for someone.
He lit up when he finally saw who he's looking for and immediately dragged the person to where you were.
"Here he is! My brother, Jiang Cheng. Not just the future leader of the Yunmeng Jiang Clan, but also the husband to lady Y/n." Wuxian declared, pushing his brother forward.
You almost forgot the fact that Yalin and Wuxian had another brother. In spite of meeting the two and being friends with them, you have never met Jiang Cheng in person.
This is the first time you've met and this is how it'll be. Nice, just nice.
"A-Xian, what's happening you dummy-" Cheng whispered to Wuxian, completely lost. But his brother didn't let him finish as he was pushed forward next to you instead.
You looked at each other only to look away instantly.
"My brother's already pursuing lady Y/n, Wen Chao" Wuxian announced, making Wen Chao's, yours and Cheng's eyes widen in shock.
So this was his great "saving" idea?😭
Wen Chao looked back and forth at Cheng, Wuxian and you. You immediately looked down not wanting to meet his eyes and have him see that you're shocked yourself.
Wen Chao kept on stuttering out an answer but was never able to actually say anything. Clearly flustered by the sudden announcement.
Heck, even you're shocked by Wuxian's made up story.
At this point you don't know if you should be thankful that he's "saving" you or you should give him a beating for making things worse.
But then again beggars can't be choosers, so you'd have to go with his stupid idea just to drive Wen Chao away.
It's not like you can't drive Wen Chao away, it's just that your way of doing so is definitely more violent than Wuxian's. Let's just say, a few droplets of blood will be spilled, they'll be bruised faces and some dislocated bones if you were to do it your way, because every God up above knows how much you despise the Wen's.
"What are you doing?" Cheng whispered-yelled at Wuxian as quietly as he could. His eyes are filled with panic as he looks back and forth at you and his brother.
Cheng then turns to you and bows his head ever so slightly. "I'm sorry about whatever my stupid brother is doing"
"I-I" You stuttered, because quite frankly you just don't know anymore. You're too flustered by everything.
"Just play along stupid" Wuxian cut you off, making sure that Wen Chao wouldn't catch up.
"Are you okay, Wen Chao?" Wuxian asked with fake concern. "With that being said, I think you should definitely stop flirting with her because she's clearly taken."
This just made Wen Chao's face redder. He ignored Wuxian and instead focused on Cheng.
"I refuse to believe it! He looks like he can't even stand next to her properly" Wen Chao huffed, crossing his arms on his chest.
"Well that's because they're still a new couple! Plus, if they do PDA it might give the elders a heart attack. They're keeping it professional!" Wuxian argued like a 5 year old.
"Just because they're keeping it professional doesn't necessarily mean they have to act like poles next to each other." Wen Chao argued with the same 5 year old heat.
"Well you say that because you got used to boobs constantly being pushed on your chest-- actually no, you're face! Womanizer!" Wuxian rebuts.
Wen Chao glared at Wuxian, literal daggers in his eyes. "Womanizer? It's not my fault women can't resist my charms! And can you blame me for saying they look like poles next to each other? Look how stiff they are!"
Are these boys seriously a future leader and the head of disciples? There's too much immature energy.
Wuxian was about to spit fire again, but then he caught a glimpse at you two and sure enough you were very awkward looking as you stood next to each other. There's like a damn wall between you.
He widened his eyes as a warning and mouthed "Are you statue's? I'm spitting all this venom on this guy, so you better act right or he'll win against me. Get closer!"
Wuxian was about to talk again but Wen Chao beat him to it. "And why must you talk for them? Are you their assistant?"
They continued bantering back and forth, catching the attention of some elders, while you and Cheng stood awkwardly watching them do so.
After a while you heard Cheng sigh beside you. He slightly turned to you and bowed his head, eyes not meeting yours.
"Please forgive me for this. I hope you won't feel offended." Was all he said before snaking his arm around your waist, pulling you flushed to his side.
To say your eyes are about to pop out of their sockets is an understatement.
Cheng cleared his throat. "Stop it you two"
The two immediately stopped. Wen Chao glaring at Cheng because of the arm on your waist, and Wuxian looking surprised as he eyed you two.
"Wen Chao, it is true that I'm pursuing lady Y/n. So if you would just be kind and leave her alone and not flirt with her anymore that would be really appreciated."
Wuxian and you looked at him like he just grew another head.
"Since when have you guys been together anyway?" Wen Chao quizzed, still not letting you live in peace.
"Last month"
"Last week"
You and Cheng answered at the same time. You looked at each other with horror as you said different answers. Wen Chao looked at you with a sly grin, as if he just caught you red handed.
"They're referring to the same date!" Wuxian interrupted.
"Oh yeah? Enlighten me then because I'm pretty sure they just gave me different answers."
"Wen Chao, we're just in the first week of the month right now, so last week IS last month" Wuxian saved, smiling at Wen Chao who again is back at glaring and scowling.
You and Cheng breathe out the breath that you have unconsciously held by panic that you messed up.
"With that said, we'll be expecting that you'll stop flirting with lady Y/n. Bye, brother Wen" Wuxian bid Wen Chao goodbye, dragging you and his brother away, not giving Wen Chao a chance to respond.
When you're far enough, Wuxian let out a chuckle of relief, grabs wine for you three and downs it as he makes fun of Wen Chao.
"The act is done now brother, you can definitely let go now. I mean, if you don't want to, I think that's also fine as long as y/n lets you." Teased Wei, pointing at his brother's arm that's still wrapped on your waist.
You both jumped away from each other, looking away.
"T-thank you f-for helping me out. You didn't have to, really" You bowed at them.
"No worries~" Wuxian said, patting your head. "By the way, isn't this your first time meeting Cheng?" He laughed, saying it's hilarious that you have to meet like this.
"Yeah. I'm Y/n from the Xie clan. Thank you as well for helping me." You bowed at Cheng.
Before he could properly introduce himself though, the three of you were called by your parents at the table they share with some other elders and leaders.
When the three of you got to where they were, Wuxian immediately situated himself next to Lan Zhan, straight up flirting with him like no one else was around. Classic Wei.
"Why are we only hearing this now?"
"You should have told us sooner"
"This is great news!"
Both your parents questioned and cheered with other elders.
"Y/n, why didn't you say anything, even to me?" Yanli asked with a big smile on her face.
You were confused. What now?
You looked at Cheng but he's just as confused as you are. You looked at Wuxian and he just shrugged his shoulders, also not knowing anything.
"We really had to find out from Wen Chao" Your mother chuckled, shaking her head.
"Huh?" Cheng and you said at the same time.
"No need to be shy, you two. Wen Chao just informed us of your relationship." Leader Jiang Fengmian said, pointing at Wen Chao across from him at the table, huffing and mumbling under his breath about his dismay.
Both your eyes widened as your families cheered. Elders congratulating both of you as well as your families, expressing their joy that your clans are about to be one.
Wuxian stood up from his seat, dragging Lan Zhan with him. He made his way to you two as he laughed his head off. He took a good look at your shocked expression before giving you both a hug. "I guess welcome to the family, Y/n!"
"What did you do, Wuxian?" Cheng sighs out of frustration.
"What? I didn't know Wen Chao's going to be so heartbroken that he'll broadcast it to everyone." Wuxian pulls away, shrugging his shoulders. "At this point they might even get married before we could" He turns to Lan Zhan, hitting Lan Zhan's arm playfully.
"Congratulations, you two. I hope you have told me though." Yanli appeared beside you, giving you the warmest smile. She gave you both a hug and said "But I swear I know you guys haven't met before"
"We literally met 5 minutes ago" You said under your breath, making Cheng sigh.
"SO WEDDING IDEAS EVERYONE? LET'S DO IT NEXT MONTH!" Wuxian chirps, catching the attention of everyone.
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
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— Hey, Haru.  I’m really glad I met you. Because you were there, Haru, I became a little stronger. When I close my eyes, I’m flooded with all the memories that are so precious to me.
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
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Picking up the two goobers from the airport!! 
(Seijoh4 4eva) (>.o)v
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
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Onigiri Miya
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Founder of Diabolism)
Let's see a new version of saving by Wei Wuxian, shall we?
warning/s: there's really nothing considering that this is honestly just wuxian and wen chao's battle of pettiness keke.
+++ just a little imagine i came up with in my free time. i had so much fun making this. really believe im hilarious and funny because of this. u guys be the judge hahahaha.
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"Oh-- there you are, Y/n. I've been looking for you everywhere, ever since they said you've arrived." Wei Wuxian chirped, appearing at your side out of nowhere.
You gave him a lost look as he pulled you by the arm towards him.
"What are you doing?" You whispered.
He gave you a smile, hugging you to make it seem like you're greeting each other.
"I'm saving you. I can see how much you want to run away from him from across the room." Wuxian chuckled, patting your head when he pulled away.
The man in front of you cleared his throat, raising a brow at Wuxian and his actions.
"Wen Chao! Brother Wen, I didn't even notice you there. With that flashy ass robe and headpiece you'd think I'd notice you but I really didn't. How have you been?" Wuxian greeted Wen Chao who seemed to be very displeased by his presence.
"I've been fine, Wei Wuxian" Wen Chao answered with no enthusiasm whatsoever. "What are you doing here?" He cut through the chase, eyeing Wuxian's arm linked with yours.
"I may not be of their blood but I'm still from the Yunmeng Jiang clan, and this is a gathering for all clans so of course I can't miss out on this. Wen, you seem to be looking down on me. Brother, I'm quite hurt." Wuxian sighs dramatically.
"That's not what I was referring to. I'm asking why are you here interfering with my conversation with lady Y/n. Though you're very much right, I do look down on you." Wen Chao rolled his eyes.
Wuxian chuckled at the insult, pulling you even closer to him.
"Well~ Like I said I was looking for her, and now that I've found her obviously I'd greet her!" Wuxian answered as enthusiastically as ever, earning a raise of a brow from Wen Chao
"And why would you look for her? Plus how can you be so clingy to her? You might be making her uncomfortable, that's not proper etiquette for us men."
Wow he's one to talk about etiquette.
"Why wouldn't I?" Wuxian asked back, grinning widely when he saw Wen Chao's annoyed expression. "And I can be clingy to her as much as I want since we know each other personally. We're really great friends. Something you don't have." Wuxian smirked.
You swear you can almost see steam come out of Wen Chao's ears.
It is true that you're friends with Wuxian. You're great friends with his sister Yanli and you met him through her.
"Well, I'd like to inform you that you're interfering with our conversation. I'm having a wonderful conversation with the gorgeous lady Y/n. So leave. " Wen Chao said dismissively, giving Wuxian a pointed look.
Wen Chao then looked at you and you wanted nothing but to punch his stupid face.
What makes him think you'll fall for someone like him? You'd rather be alone for the rest of your life than end up with a smug, selfish, spoiled, good for nothing prick like him.
"Hmm from the looks of it, it seems like you're trying to make moves on her." Wuxian stated, surprising Wen Chao, who looks like he's just been caught.
You gave Wuxian a pointed look because you have no idea where he's trying to go from here.
He better not pull any stupid tricks if he's really trying to "save" you.
Wen Chao immediately redeemed himself, cleared his throat, and pushed his chin up, giving Wei a very proud look. "And what if I am?"
Wuxian whistled from the cockiness, chuckling a little. "That's cute, but that won't work you know~" he teased.
"And who are you to say that?"
"Well I'm her future brother-in-law, that's what I am!" Dumbass Wuxian chirped, shocking both you and Wen Chao.
Everything was escalating so quickly that you're unable to really comprehend what he just said, so all you could mutter is "Huh?" while Wuxian looked around, seeming to look for someone.
He lit up when he finally saw who he's looking for and immediately dragged the person to where you were.
"Here he is! My brother, Jiang Cheng. Not just the future leader of the Yunmeng Jiang Clan, but also the husband to lady Y/n." Wuxian declared, pushing his brother forward.
You almost forgot the fact that Yalin and Wuxian had another brother. In spite of meeting the two and being friends with them, you have never met Jiang Cheng in person.
This is the first time you've met and this is how it'll be. Nice, just nice.
"A-Xian, what's happening you dummy-" Cheng whispered to Wuxian, completely lost. But his brother didn't let him finish as he was pushed forward next to you instead.
You looked at each other only to look away instantly.
"My brother's already pursuing lady Y/n, Wen Chao" Wuxian announced, making Wen Chao's, yours and Cheng's eyes widen in shock.
So this was his great "saving" idea?😭
Wen Chao looked back and forth at Cheng, Wuxian and you. You immediately looked down not wanting to meet his eyes and have him see that you're shocked yourself.
Wen Chao kept on stuttering out an answer but was never able to actually say anything. Clearly flustered by the sudden announcement.
Heck, even you're shocked by Wuxian's made up story.
At this point you don't know if you should be thankful that he's "saving" you or you should give him a beating for making things worse.
But then again beggars can't be choosers, so you'd have to go with his stupid idea just to drive Wen Chao away.
It's not like you can't drive Wen Chao away, it's just that your way of doing so is definitely more violent than Wuxian's. Let's just say, a few droplets of blood will be spilled, they'll be bruised faces and some dislocated bones if you were to do it your way, because every God up above knows how much you despise the Wen's.
"What are you doing?" Cheng whispered-yelled at Wuxian as quietly as he could. His eyes are filled with panic as he looks back and forth at you and his brother.
Cheng then turns to you and bows his head ever so slightly. "I'm sorry about whatever my stupid brother is doing"
"I-I" You stuttered, because quite frankly you just don't know anymore. You're too flustered by everything.
"Just play along stupid" Wuxian cut you off, making sure that Wen Chao wouldn't catch up.
"Are you okay, Wen Chao?" Wuxian asked with fake concern. "With that being said, I think you should definitely stop flirting with her because she's clearly taken."
This just made Wen Chao's face redder. He ignored Wuxian and instead focused on Cheng.
"I refuse to believe it! He looks like he can't even stand next to her properly" Wen Chao huffed, crossing his arms on his chest.
"Well that's because they're still a new couple! Plus, if they do PDA it might give the elders a heart attack. They're keeping it professional!" Wuxian argued like a 5 year old.
"Just because they're keeping it professional doesn't necessarily mean they have to act like poles next to each other." Wen Chao argued with the same 5 year old heat.
"Well you say that because you got used to boobs constantly being pushed on your chest-- actually no, you're face! Womanizer!" Wuxian rebuts.
Wen Chao glared at Wuxian, literal daggers in his eyes. "Womanizer? It's not my fault women can't resist my charms! And can you blame me for saying they look like poles next to each other? Look how stiff they are!"
Are these boys seriously a future leader and the head of disciples? There's too much immature energy.
Wuxian was about to spit fire again, but then he caught a glimpse at you two and sure enough you were very awkward looking as you stood next to each other. There's like a damn wall between you.
He widened his eyes as a warning and mouthed "Are you statue's? I'm spitting all this venom on this guy, so you better act right or he'll win against me. Get closer!"
Wuxian was about to talk again but Wen Chao beat him to it. "And why must you talk for them? Are you their assistant?"
They continued bantering back and forth, catching the attention of some elders, while you and Cheng stood awkwardly watching them do so.
After a while you heard Cheng sigh beside you. He slightly turned to you and bowed his head, eyes not meeting yours.
"Please forgive me for this. I hope you won't feel offended." Was all he said before snaking his arm around your waist, pulling you flushed to his side.
To say your eyes are about to pop out of their sockets is an understatement.
Cheng cleared his throat. "Stop it you two"
The two immediately stopped. Wen Chao glaring at Cheng because of the arm on your waist, and Wuxian looking surprised as he eyed you two.
"Wen Chao, it is true that I'm pursuing lady Y/n. So if you would just be kind and leave her alone and not flirt with her anymore that would be really appreciated."
Wuxian and you looked at him like he just grew another head.
"Since when have you guys been together anyway?" Wen Chao quizzed, still not letting you live in peace.
"Last month"
"Last week"
You and Cheng answered at the same time. You looked at each other with horror as you said different answers. Wen Chao looked at you with a sly grin, as if he just caught you red handed.
"They're referring to the same date!" Wuxian interrupted.
"Oh yeah? Enlighten me then because I'm pretty sure they just gave me different answers."
"Wen Chao, we're just in the first week of the month right now, so last week IS last month" Wuxian saved, smiling at Wen Chao who again is back at glaring and scowling.
You and Cheng breathe out the breath that you have unconsciously held by panic that you messed up.
"With that said, we'll be expecting that you'll stop flirting with lady Y/n. Bye, brother Wen" Wuxian bid Wen Chao goodbye, dragging you and his brother away, not giving Wen Chao a chance to respond.
When you're far enough, Wuxian let out a chuckle of relief, grabs wine for you three and downs it as he makes fun of Wen Chao.
"The act is done now brother, you can definitely let go now. I mean, if you don't want to, I think that's also fine as long as y/n lets you." Teased Wei, pointing at his brother's arm that's still wrapped on your waist.
You both jumped away from each other, looking away.
"T-thank you f-for helping me out. You didn't have to, really" You bowed at them.
"No worries~" Wuxian said, patting your head. "By the way, isn't this your first time meeting Cheng?" He laughed, saying it's hilarious that you have to meet like this.
"Yeah. I'm Y/n from the Xie clan. Thank you as well for helping me." You bowed at Cheng.
Before he could properly introduce himself though, the three of you were called by your parents at the table they share with some other elders and leaders.
When the three of you got to where they were, Wuxian immediately situated himself next to Lan Zhan, straight up flirting with him like no one else was around. Classic Wei.
"Why are we only hearing this now?"
"You should have told us sooner"
"This is great news!"
Both your parents questioned and cheered with other elders.
"Y/n, why didn't you say anything, even to me?" Yanli asked with a big smile on her face.
You were confused. What now?
You looked at Cheng but he's just as confused as you are. You looked at Wuxian and he just shrugged his shoulders, also not knowing anything.
"We really had to find out from Wen Chao" Your mother chuckled, shaking her head.
"Huh?" Cheng and you said at the same time.
"No need to be shy, you two. Wen Chao just informed us of your relationship." Leader Jiang Fengmian said, pointing at Wen Chao across from him at the table, huffing and mumbling under his breath about his dismay.
Both your eyes widened as your families cheered. Elders congratulating both of you as well as your families, expressing their joy that your clans are about to be one.
Wuxian stood up from his seat, dragging Lan Zhan with him. He made his way to you two as he laughed his head off. He took a good look at your shocked expression before giving you both a hug. "I guess welcome to the family, Y/n!"
"What did you do, Wuxian?" Cheng sighs out of frustration.
"What? I didn't know Wen Chao's going to be so heartbroken that he'll broadcast it to everyone." Wuxian pulls away, shrugging his shoulders. "At this point they might even get married before we could" He turns to Lan Zhan, hitting Lan Zhan's arm playfully.
"Congratulations, you two. I hope you have told me though." Yanli appeared beside you, giving you the warmest smile. She gave you both a hug and said "But I swear I know you guys haven't met before"
"We literally met 5 minutes ago" You said under your breath, making Cheng sigh.
"SO WEDDING IDEAS EVERYONE? LET'S DO IT NEXT MONTH!" Wuxian chirps, catching the attention of everyone.
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
Hi!! Hi!! Sorry it's me again! I was wondering if you are going to continue writing the Tokyo Revengers with a Jujutsu kaisen reader? Sorry to bother you and have a good day!!!!
Hello!!! Believe me I really want to, but I just couldn't find time to do it because of school. But I'll really try my best to write more for it cause I did enjoy writing for it too. You also have a good day! Stay safe! Thank you~
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
haikyuu au where everything is the same except that everybody plays like this:
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years ago
i did something with my sims tho its written in filo lmao 😭 it's alysim the gossip girl
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